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BYU Mental Health Resources: Help & Support for Students

Mental Health Help
Resources From
In Crisis?
Daytime Crisis
Walk-in: 8:00am to 4:30pm, 1500 WSC, BYU
After-hours Crisis
Call: 801.422.3035 to access a crisis counselor
Other Crisis Resources
National Hotlines: (800) 273-8255
Drug Counseling and Treatment
Call: 801-422-1942
No matter when or where you are struggling these resources are ALWAYS
available and the people there would love to talk to you or just listen,
whatever you need
 WellTrack
Online Help
 SilverCloud
 Biofeedback
 These
three resources are free to use for
BYU students and are all designed to be
helpful for those struggling with mental
 Feel
free to try all of them, find the one
that works best for you!
Individual, Group, or Couples
 Whichever
type of therapy you think
would work best to help you, go for it!
 The
variety is meant to best help all who
need it.
 Individual
 Group
 Couples