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MLA 8th Edition Citation Styles Guide

Chapter 14: Citation
Styles - MLA 8th
First page
If you know they have a
doctorate, use Dr.
If you don’t know,
always use Professor
Your name
Lydia Noland
Professor’s Name (spelled correctly)
Dr. Johnson
Class (if you’re in a class with more
than one section, include the date
and time)
ENGL 5020
Date (Day Month Year)(no commas)
27 September 2021
Other MLA formatting details
Page numbers with last name in top right corner
12 pt Times New Roman font
1 inch margins
Properly formatted Works Cited Page
In-Text citations
Author named in a signal phrase
Author named in parentheses
Organization as author
Unknown author
Nonprint or electronic source
Author named in signal phrase
Ravitch chronicles how the focus in education reform has
shifted toward privatizing school management rather than
toward improving curriculum, teacher training, or funding
Author named in parentheses
Oil from shale in the western states, if it could be extracted,
would be equivalent to six hundred billion barrels, more than
all the crude so far produced in the world (McPhee 413).
Organization as Author
Many global economists assert that the term “developing
countries” is no longer a useful designation as it ignores such
countries’ rapid economic growth (Gates Foundation 112).
Unknown Author
Use the complete title of the work if it’s brief or a shortened
form if it’s lengthy
“Hype,” by one analysis, is “an artificially engendered
atmosphere of hysteria” (“Today’s Marketplace” 51).
Nonprint or Electronic Source
If the work isn’t numbered by page and includes numbered
paragraphs, include those numbers instead.
For paragraphs, abbreviate with par. or pars.
For sections, use sec.
For part, use pt.
Zora Neale Hurston is one of the great anthropologists of the
twentieth century, according to Kip Hinton (par. 2).
Works Cited Page
● Alphabetical listing of the sources you cite in your essay
● Appears on separate page with Works Cited centered an
inch from the top
Don’t italicize/bold/quote/parentheses the title of the page
● Double space between heading and first entry, and
double space entire list
● First line left aligned; subsequent lines indent one-half
inch or five spaces
Digital Sources
Name of author
Title of the work
Publication info
Volume, issue, date
List page or paragraph numbers only if they are included in the source!
**If there is no author, then the title is the first thing listed in the
Last name, first name. “Title of the Article.” Publisher, publication date, URL.
Purdue OWL
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