Uploaded by C Boyle

Photosynthesis Virtual Lab Worksheet

Name: _______________________________________________
Photosynthesis Virtual Lab
Go to: http://amrita.olabs.edu.in/?sub=79&brch=16&sim=126&cnt=4
(or search for OLABS Photosynthesis simulator)
Introduction: During the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is released.
The release of oxygen can be visibly observed in aquatic plants as bubbles.
Counting the number of bubbles released over a period of time can serve as
a measurement of the rate of photosynthesis.
There are factors that can increase the rate of photosynthesis in plants. This
simulation will explore those factors.
Procedure: You will change the variables and record the number of bubbles released in a minute. Use the
clock and the start / stop buttons.
Experiment 1: How Does Changing the Light Intensity and Distance Affect Photosynthesis?
1. Make a prediction about what you think will happen: As you increase the light intensity, the number of
bubbles will _____
2. Start with the 40W power source and observe one minute. Leave the distance at 50 cm for each trial in this
section. Reset and switch to 100W. Record data in the Data table.
3. Reset the simulation and test how changing the distance from the light will affect the rate of photosynthesis.
4. Prediction: As you increase the distance of the light, the number of bubbles will _____
Light Intensity (at 50 cm)
Light Distance (100 W bulbs)
40 W (50cm)
50 cm
100 W (50cm)
100 cm
Number of Bubbles (1 Min)
5. Summarize the results and provide an explanation or reasoning for what was observed. How does light
intensity and distance affect the rate of photosynthesis? How do you know?
6. In this experiment, the independent (manipulated) variable is the _____
dependent (responding) variable the _____
a) light b) number of bubbles
a) light b) number of bubbles
Experiment 2: How Does the Color Of Light Affect Photosynthesis
7. Reset the simulation and run the tests for the different colors of light. Use 100W bulbs at a distance of 50
Number of Bubbles (1 Min)
The graph below shows how chlorophyll absorbs light. Examine the graph to help you understand the results
of your experiment.
8. Summarize the results and provide an explanation or reasoning for what was observed. How does light
color affect the rate of photosynthesis? Why does the color of light matter?