Basic Intermediate Advanced Capstone 1 Lesson Plan Business/Materials Flashcards of various normal action (climb, run, go, walk, play, like, look, talk, listen,skip, jump) White board YouTube videos: Walking walking, Action song Worksheet, games Student’s book Lesson Objectives Students can understand what is the action/verb Students can remember and can practice with each action which the teacher teaches Students will be able to use these action(climb, run, walk, play, study, look, talk, listen, skip, jump) Students will use the question sentence "what are you doing?" to answer and practice in groups. At the end of the lesson the students can make some sentences with these verb which they have leant in class. Warm-up and Objective Discussion (10 min.) Warm up Ask some questions about the verb/action: Do you understand the action word? What is a verb? What is a verb example? Open Youtube videos about the verb/action to introduce the new lesson Introduce new vocabulary: climb, run, walk, play, study, look, talk, listen, skip, jump. Play a minigame to perform the actions that the teacher does and then the students follow, and after understanding the rules of the game, the students will play the game’s name “Say what I say but do not do what I do” Review objectives for the lesson. Discuss how students will be assessed, then ask for questions. Instruct and Model R W L Show pictures of different action and have students categorize them. Explain about the activity Teacher shows a photo of each action and let students guess who is she/he doing. Teacher usessentence structures and vocabulary about action theme to ask and answer. The teacher explains what action is, why we need action in English. Why is action so important when speaking or writing any sentence.Then students have to practice in groups with their own photos. S Guided Practice R W L S Guided practice Explain the difference between these actions if students are not clear. Ask logic questions to make clearly why some actions that humans are capable of performing but animals are not. Scaffold and support as necessary. Key words: action, do Teacher checks students’ understanding by asking “Look at your friend and tell me what is your friend doing?or what are you doing right now?’ With all-class participation, write 5 sentences down student’s notebook with action/verb what they have learnt in class (climb, run, walk, play, study, look, talk, listen, skip, jump) Ask students to raise their hands if they think ‘skip’ and ‘jump’ verbs are the same. Provide scaffolding as necessary. R W L S Independent Practice Teacher lets students draw a picture about actions and copy the words about actions. Let students make sentences with the subjects she/he/it and guide them to write in the present simple tense and practice exchanging and grading papers with their group members. Teacher asks and checks students while they are working. After finishing writing, students will be given a simple reading passage with a short paragraph and ask them to use a pen to highlight the verbs in the reading passage and then answer the questions attached to the paragraph. Next, students will be asked to translate the plagiarism into their mother language. R W L S Assessment Teacher can check students’ understanding by providing feedbacks For homework: Give students some worksheet about writing and reading then ask them submit on time. Send them some Youtube videos and game actions link to review and finish by themselves at home.