01 . 26. 2023 Hohl Fransis Rare Earths for America’s Future DANIEL OBERHAUS This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal noncommercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 25 10 31 Overview A cost transfer is a reallocation of costs after the initial transaction has occurred. Cost transfers occur in the regular course of business for two reasons: (1) to properly allocate multi-business unit expenses, and (2) to correct clerical or bookkeeping errors. Cost transfers are not appropriate for (1) 197 spending out an unused award budget, (2) covering cost overruns, (3) avoiding restrictions imposed by law or other agreements, or (4) other reasons of convenience. 26 198 Any correction of income and/or expense items between Chartfields should be within two (2) accounting periods (months) after the end of the accounting period in which the original transaction was posted. Every effort should be made to record corrections in the fiscal year in which the original entry occurred. Federal regulations stipulate that appropriate justification must be documented for all correcting entries (CE). Sufficient documentation includes the following: (1) justification as to why the transfer is necessary; (2) that the charge is allowable and allocable, directly benefits the award, and is within the period of availability; 168-0063 (3) that appropriate approvals are secured; and ) (4) in the case of error, how the error will be avoided in the future. According to the standard theory of argument structure, argument DPs merge directly with lexical items of categories V, N, etc. to form new syntactic objects of the same category. Bowers (2004, 2010a,b) proposes an alternative theory in which all argument DPs are merged in the specifiers of ‘light verb’ categories of different types. I argue in this paper that a theory of this kind is given 000208696 80 direct support by the existence of a range of non-event nominals in English whose morphosyntactic and semantic properties correspond precisely to those of the basic argument categories assumed by the theory. The proposed analysis, if correct, extends to derivational 000208962 1 morphology the claim of Distributed Morphology (DM) (Halle and Marantz, 1993) that word formation is syntactic, not lexical (Marantz, 1997; Embick, 2004; Harley, 2009), thereby making syntax the only generative component of the grammar. 000369472 80 000307337 1 000332100 1 000412222 40 (Segment cycle time alarm limit) Specification S4 is the segment cycle time alarm limit, expressed in the time units selected with S2. If cycle time exceeds this value, bit three of the module's second 000370157 40 status byte will be set. PID reset mode. 000380408 80 0 = normal 1 = external 91 This specification affects all 000232950 function code 18 and 19 blocks in the segment. When S5 equals one, the internal memory of all function code 18 and 19 blocks in the segment will follow the track input, regardless of the status of the track release flag. A change in input is modified by proportional and 000917468 2 deriv- ative action, and is added to the track signal. This combined signal is the output. Reset prevents controller windup. Reset windup may occur in batch systems where controllers may 000923827 91 be monitoring the con- trol variable but not performing any control action during the current step. In other words, the output of the PID block is not used in the current step. The controller receives the sig- nal, takes corrective action, sees no result, and takes correc- tive action again. As long as the 000303551 6 controller receives no results from its control action, it continues corrective action. When the controller is later called into services on some other step of the process, it is wound up so far beyond the value of the controlled variable that it cannot control it. The external reset option keeps the 43 000919103 controller aligned when it is not used for control functions. void g_file_new_tmp_async ( const char* tmpl, 000928785 120 000937770 40 000929720 1 000921854 int io_priority, GCancellable* cancellable, 000299274 GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data ) 000412031 1,622 20 1,040 000354249 40 000387209 40 000927054 4 000392432 40 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION CULTURE AND SOCIETY 41 and sells them on the public market, or directly to institutional investors. These securities are known as Assets Backed Securities (ABS). Usually ABS are assessed by credit rating agencies (e.g. Standard, Poor's, Moody's 2009). This raises the cost of capital, but nevertheless it is often used. The higher the rating, the lower the rate of return demanded by investors. Therefore, if the assets have good quality and/or the sufficient security is provided, the cost of funding is reduced (Kosinski 1997, p. 13). In the next stage of the securitization process, ABS-s are offered to investors. Money from the purchasers of the securities is transferred to SPV, which will then forward it to the arranger of the transaction. Committed capital and interests are returned to investors from the earnings related to accounts receivables. This phase is executed via the SPV. The maturity date of securities issued in the securitization should be related to the maturity of the assets pledged as security (Puterko, Puterko 2002, p. C4). Often there is also an appointed service agent (servicer) - usually the arranger, whose task it is to handle receipts from debtors. Those who wish to spice up offers apply additional safeguards related to the repayment of the securitized receivables (credit and liquidity enhancement). In the case of occurrence of events stored in the contract, such as delayed or non-payment of a specified proportion of claims, the guarantor provides the money to meet the investors claims (Kosinski 1997, p. 13). Chart 1. Securitization process One Two Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Three Four 1- debtors commitment e.g. mortgage 5 - MBS issue 2 - trade assets 3 - rating for the securities 4 - rating agency fee Source: Author 1 Change the mapping of000939149 the obsolete ISO 639 code mapping in Locale class to the current code. 000933642 20 Problem Historically, constructors in java.util.Locale class map three ISO 639 language codes, namely "he", 000929966 193 "ji", and "id" to their obsolete codes; "iw", "yi", and "in" for backward compatibility. Although this solution works well to accept both obsolete and current ISO 639 codes, constructed Locale object represents the obsolete 000912517 26 language code (i.e. Locale.getLanguage() and Locale.toString() returns obsolete language codes), which looks as if the current language codes were not supported. 000917383 67 000916881 5 000926453 42 Solution Flip the mapping from current->obsolete to obsolete->current. For example, mapping for Hebrew changes from "he" -> "iw" to "iw"->"he". To provide the backward compatible behavior, a new system 000924091will be introduced. If the value of the system property is1 true, then property java.locale.useOldISOCodes the Locale class behaves in a backward-compatible manner. java.util.ResourceBundle.Control#newBundle() is also modified to load both obsolete and current bundle 000923612 1 name resource if needed, honoring the requested name as a priority. Content overview The documentation on this site is organized into three main sections: 000915686 2 Platform introduction: an introduction to the GNOME platform. This describes the main platform 62 components, development tools000315691 and programming languages that can be used. 000317534 Guidelines: detailed development information, including programming and integration 2 000923995 guidelines. Tooling: useful tools for newcomer and experienced developers 1 Tutorials: shorter pages on common topics, with step-by-step instructions. 000933109 1 000304558 Specifications: formal description of formats, IPC interfaces, and other interoperable parts of the 245 distribution 000307207 62 001144153 215 000928341 1 000066982 10 Contributing If you want to contribute to the GNOME developer documentation, you can find it on first sponsors acquired, see Khronos Agreement • it finally happened! • grab a $ mail address contact Hohl Fransis – • XDC we missed a detail for XDC18 submit your talks earlier (we'll remind) • RFP process: • sponsor now very welcome Foundation • please become a member • everyone here qualifies • AppThoughts Blockchain is the next wave of the Internet Blockchain and crypto technologies has exploded in popularity as a once-in-a-generation technology platform and economic opportunity. These technologies have the potential to fundamentally change money, the financial system, and the Internet more broadly. A decentralized Internet ecosystem built on blockchain technologies, where economic value is delivered to the users of the products via tokens, is a monumental shift. What's valuable and celebrated within the industry is also the open-sourced nature of the underlying technology, which enables unparalleled security, access, and transparency. One of the early and leading indicators of this emerging technology is in software developer engagement - the more activity ("code commits") in the underlying software, the more vibrant the ecosystem. Due to the open-sourced nature of blockchain technology, it is possible to analyze developer activity by looking at the volume of code commits and derive important trends about the industry. That the U.S. is increasingly losing market share in blockchain software development mean both that the developer community is getting bigger and more global, but there is a real risk of losing the U.S.'s leadership position in finance, cryptography, and distributed systems technologies. This presents a set of real strategic and national security concerns for the United States. The U.S. must move quickly to preserve preeminence in financial markets and related technologies 1. Jobs & Financial Impact: U.S. preeminence in blockchain software development enables the U.S. to create jobs and fuel financial inclusion, as the broader blockchain ecosystem continues to grow. 2. Standards Influence: By designing new protocols, U.S. engineers define the standards for financial systems and data systems. These are the SWIFT and HTTP equivalents of the modern era. Losing market share means that other countries can have larger influence over global financial and data standards. 3. National Security: The U.S. must shape development of new technology and financial products to reflect American values and national security objectives. Based in Washington, DC and part of the Progressive Policy I NSTITUTE , THE THE ROLE OF I NNOVATION F RONTIER P ROJECT EXPLORES public policy in science, technology, and innovation. The future can be a better, more vibrant place, but we will need significant technological breakthroughs to get there. To solve climate change, cure diseases, prevent future pandemics, and improve living standards across the globe we need continued scientific advancement and technological improvements. The United States is particularly well-positioned to drive these advancements because we are on the frontier of knowledge ourselves. Even small changes to the way we govern and incentivize science and technology can have long-run consequences for the US and for the world. To achieve the progressive goals we have for the future we need to fundamentally evaluate how policy impacts the rate of progress. The Innovation Frontier Project commissions research from talented academics and regulatory experts around the world to bring new ideas INNOVATIONFRONTIER.ORG