Uploaded by Tom Snow

UD Drums Install Guide

Welcome to Ultimate Drums and thank you for downloading,
please find below instructions on installing the packs within Logic
Pro and Ableton.
Apple loops Locate the 'Apple Loops' folder within the pack you have downloaded. This folder resides
within the 'UD name of pack Loops’. Simply drag and drop the folder ‘Ultimate Drums - name
of pack’ onto the loops browser within logic.
Ultrabeat Locate the 'UD name of pack Ultrabeat' folder. Drag and drop the .pst file onto the ‘Ultrabeat
Alias’ folder.
ESX24 Locate the 'UD name of pack EXS24'. To install the kits go to the ‘Sampler Instruments’ folder
and drag and drop the .exs file onto the ‘Sampler Instrument alias’ folder, and you are done.
Ableton Live Simply navigate to folder named 'UD name of pack drumracks' and open the live set called
'UD name of pack Kits.als. Should you want to save each kit to your library click on the small
disk icon on the top right of the drum rack and save to your chosen location.
Thursday, 22 November 12
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