Uploaded by Garaad Bukhaari

Digital Logic Design: Sum of Products, BCD, Reflective Codes

1) explain standard sum of product?
In this form the function is the sum of numbers of product terms.
Where each product term contains all the variables of the function either in complemented form
or un-complemented form.
It is also called expanded sum of product form.
2) explain standard product of sum?
In this standard the function is a product of sums
Where each sum contains all variables in a complemented or un-complemented form It is also
called expanded product of sums.
In this case a variable appear in un-complemented if it a zero value in the combination And
complemented form if it has a value of one in the combination
The product of sums which contains all variables in either complemented or un-complemented
is called maxterm
Capital M is taken maxterm and the symbol is 𝜋𝑀
1) Explain BCD code with example?
is a binary representation of decimal numbers where each decimal digit is represented by a fixed
number of binary bits. In BCD, each decimal digit is encoded using a 4-bit binary code. BCD is often
used in digital systems to represent decimal numbers in a form that is easy to process and
Group the bits into four 0001 0000 0101
2) explain reflective codes with examples?
Reflective codes are a type of binary code in which the code assigned to a number is related to the
binary reflection of that number. The reflection of a binary number is obtained by reversing the order
of its bits.
A code is said to be reflective when code for 9 is complement for the code for 0, and so is for 8 and
1 codes, 7 and 2, 6 and 3, 5 and 4.
Examples: Codes 2421, 5211, and excess-3 are reflective.
whereas the 8421 code is not.
3) state characteristics of digital logic design?
Digital systems manipulate discrete elements of information.
Discrete elements are nothing but the digits such as 10 decimal digits or 26 letters of alphabets
and so on.
Digital systems use physical quantities called signals to represent discrete elements.
In digital systems, the signals have two discrete values and it is said to be binary.
A signal in digital system represents one binary digit called a bit.
The bit has a value either 0 or 1.
4) explain non weighted codes with example?
Non weighted codes are codes that are not positional weighted.
also known as unweighted codes, are binary codes in which the positional weights of the bits do not
follow the typical binary weighted sequence.
That is, each position within the binary number is not assigned a fixed value. Ex:
Excess-3 code
Excess-3 Code
Excess-3 is a non weighted code used to express decimal numbers.
The code derives its name from the fact that each binary code is the corresponding
8421 code plus 0011(3).
5 12
0101 1100