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Reality transurfing. steps i-v pdf
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the internet, especially from sites external to Anna’s Archive.
For information about the various datasets that we have compiled, see the Datasets page. For information about this particular file, check out its JSON file. I'm over fifty.
Help out the community by reporting the quality of this file! A "file MD5" is a hash that gets computed from the file contents, and is reasonably unique based on that content.
All shadow libraries that we have indexed on here primarily use MD5s to identify files. A file might appear in multiple shadow libraries. For information about the various datasets that we have compiled, see the Datasets page. For information about this particular file, check out its JSON file. I'm over fifty. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union I was
engaged in research in the field of quantum physics, then computer technology, and now books. I live in Russia. My nationality is Russian, or more precisely, a quarter Estonian. The rest is irrelevant, as is all the above. Regarding my own success, all I can say is that Transurfing works perfectly. I don’t however want to advertise my personal life, as
then it would cease to be personal. Fame turns against you, if you give in to temptation and climb up on a pedestal for all to see. Among some people, the American Indians, for example ,there is a belief that if someone copies your portrait (photographs you), they steal part of your soul. Of course, this is just superstition, but there is no smoke without
fire. You can distribute a product of personal creativity ; but release your personality for mass circulation – never. To the question of intrigued readers: "Who are you, Vadim Zeland?", I usually just say: "Nobody". My biography can not and should not be a matter of interest, since I am not thecreator of Transurfing, only a "retranslator". It is essential
that we be nothing - an empty vessel, so that we do not impose our personal distortions onto this ancient Knowledge, that opens the door to a world, where the impossible becomes possible. Reality ceases to exist as something external and independent. and becomes manageable if you follow certain rules.
The secret itself that is hidden only in as much as it lies on the surface, is so great that the personality of its bearer ceases to be relevant. Perhaps the guardians who passed on this knowledge to me are of genuine interest but they too prefer to remain in the wings. Page 1 Reality Transurfing VOLUME I THE SPACE OF VARIATIONS First published by
O Books, 2008 O Books is an imprint of John Hunt Publish- ing Ltd., The Bothy, Deershot Lodge, Park Lane, Ropley, Hants, SO24 0BE, UK [email protected] www.o-books.net Distribution in: UK and Europe Orca Book Services [email protected] Tel: 01202 665432 Fax: 01202 666219 Int. code (44) USA and Canada NBN [email protected] Tel: 1 800 462
6420 Fax: 1 800 338 4550 Australia and New Zealand Brumby Books [email protected] Tel: 61 3 9761 5535 Fax: 61 3 9761 7095 Far East (offices in Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan) Pansing Distribution Pte Ltd [email protected] Tel: 65 6319 9939 Fax: 65 6462 5761 South Africa Alternative Books [email protected] Tel: 021 555 4027 Fax:
021 447 1430 © Вадим Зеланд, 2004 © Издание на русском языке. Издательская группа «Весь», Россия, 2004 4/463 © Vadim Zeland, 2004 © Russian edition. Ves Publishing Group, Russia, 2004 Design: Stuart Davies ISBN: 978 1 84694 122 1 All rights reserved. Except for brief quota- tions in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may
be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers. The rights of Vadim Zeland as author have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. 5/463 A CIP catalogue record for this book is avail- able from the British Library. This first volume translated by Gregory Blake First published
in Russian under the title Трансерфинг реальности Ступень I: Пространство вариантов by Ves Publish- ing, 197101, 6 Mira St. Petersburg, Russia Printed by Digital Book Print O Books operates a distinctive and ethical publishing philosophy in all areas of its business, from its global net- work of authors to production and worldwide distribution.
6/463 Reality Transurfing VOLUME I THE SPACE OF VARIATIONS Vadim Zeland Translated by Natasha Micharina Books in the series Reality Transurfing 1: The Space of Variations Reality Transurfing 2: A Rustle of Morning Stars Reality Transurfing 3: Forward to the Past Winchester, UK Washington, USA 8/463 FOREWORD Dear Reader! I have no
doubt, that like most people, you want to lead a comfortable and wealthy life that is free from diseases and traumas. However, it may often seem that your life de- cides otherwise and it is instead toying with you, as if you were a paper boat in stormy waters. In the pursuit of happiness, you have probably already tried many well-known methods.
However, have you managed to achieve great success this way? This book talks about some very strange and unusual things. This may all be so shocking to you that you would not want to believe it. However, it will not be necessary for you to believe. You will receive all the tools you need to test the claims made in this book. Having done that, your
ordinary view of life will change completely. Transurfing is a powerful method that will allow you to do the most impossible things (impossible from a normal point of view) – namely, to manage your destiny just the way you like. There will not be any miracles. So- mething greater is awaiting you. You will be convinced that the unknown reality is much
more incredible than any magic. Many books teach people how to become rich and happy. It is all, of course, very tempting. I mean, who would not want to be rich and happy? But when you open the book there are exercises and meditations that re- quire hard effort. It is rather depressing, really. Life is practically a test in itself, and yet they suggest
you push and pull even harder, squeezing out whatever is left inside you. 10/463 They try to convince you that you are not perfect and therefore you must change.
Slow & external downloads All download options have the same file, and should be safe to use. That said, always be cautious when downloading files from the internet, especially from sites external to Anna’s Archive. For example, be sure to keep your devices updated. Help out the community by reporting the quality of this file! A "file MD5" is a hash
that gets computed from the file contents, and is reasonably unique based on that content. All shadow libraries that we have indexed on here primarily use MD5s to identify files. A file might appear in multiple shadow libraries.
A file might appear in multiple shadow libraries. For information about the various datasets that we have compiled, see the Datasets page. For information about this particular file, check out its JSON file. I'm over fifty.
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union I was engaged in research in the field of quantum physics, then computer technology, and now books. I live in Russia. My nationality is Russian, or more precisely, a quarter Estonian. The rest is irrelevant, as is all the above. Regarding my own success, all I can say is that Transurfing works perfectly. I don’t
however want to advertise my personal life, as then it would cease to be personal. Fame turns against you, if you give in to temptation and climb up on a pedestal for all to see. Among some people, the American Indians, for example ,there is a belief that if someone copies your portrait (photographs you), they steal part of your soul. Of course, this is
just superstition, but there is no smoke without fire. You can distribute a product of personal creativity ; but release your personality for mass circulation – never. To the question of intrigued readers: "Who are you, Vadim Zeland?", I usually just say: "Nobody". My biography can not and should not be a matter of interest, since I am not thecreator of
Transurfing, only a "retranslator". It is essential that we be nothing - an empty vessel, so that we do not impose our personal distortions onto this ancient Knowledge, that opens the door to a world, where the impossible becomes possible. Reality ceases to exist as something external and independent. and becomes manageable if you follow certain
rules. The secret itself that is hidden only in as much as it lies on the surface, is so great that the personality of its bearer ceases to be relevant. Perhaps the guardians who passed on this knowledge to me are of genuine interest but they too prefer to remain in the wings. Page 1 Reality Transurfing VOLUME I THE SPACE OF VARIATIONS First
published by O Books, 2008 O Books is an imprint of John Hunt Publish- ing Ltd., The Bothy, Deershot Lodge, Park Lane, Ropley, Hants, SO24 0BE, UK [email protected] www.o-books.net Distribution in: UK and Europe Orca Book Services [email protected] Tel: 01202 665432 Fax: 01202 666219 Int. code (44) USA and Canada NBN [email protected]
Tel: 1 800 462 6420 Fax: 1 800 338 4550 Australia and New Zealand Brumby Books [email protected] Tel: 61 3 9761 5535 Fax: 61 3 9761 7095 Far East (offices in Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan) Pansing Distribution Pte Ltd [email protected] Tel: 65 6319 9939 Fax: 65 6462 5761 South Africa Alternative Books [email protected] Tel: 021
555 4027 Fax: 021 447 1430 © Вадим Зеланд, 2004 © Издание на русском языке. Издательская группа «Весь», Россия, 2004 4/463 © Vadim Zeland, 2004 © Russian edition. Ves Publishing Group, Russia, 2004 Design: Stuart Davies ISBN: 978 1 84694 122 1 All rights reserved. Except for brief quota- tions in critical articles or reviews, no part of
this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers. The rights of Vadim Zeland as author have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. 5/463 A CIP catalogue record for this book is avail- able from the British Library. This first volume translated by Gregory Blake
First published in Russian under the title Трансерфинг реальности Ступень I: Пространство вариантов by Ves Publish- ing, 197101, 6 Mira St. Petersburg, Russia Printed by Digital Book Print O Books operates a distinctive and ethical publishing philosophy in all areas of its business, from its global net- work of authors to production and worldwide
distribution. 6/463 Reality Transurfing VOLUME I THE SPACE OF VARIATIONS Vadim Zeland Translated by Natasha Micharina Books in the series Reality Transurfing 1: The Space of Variations Reality Transurfing 2: A Rustle of Morning Stars Reality Transurfing 3: Forward to the Past Winchester, UK Washington, USA 8/463 FOREWORD Dear
Reader! I have no doubt, that like most people, you want to lead a comfortable and wealthy life that is free from diseases and traumas. However, it may often seem that your life de- cides otherwise and it is instead toying with you, as if you were a paper boat in stormy waters. In the pursuit of happiness, you have probably already tried many wellknown methods. However, have you managed to achieve great success this way? This book talks about some very strange and unusual things. This may all be so shocking to you that you would not want to believe it. However, it will not be necessary for you to believe. You will receive all the tools you need to test the claims made in this book. Having
done that, your ordinary view of life will change completely. Transurfing is a powerful method that will allow you to do the most impossible things (impossible from a normal point of view) – namely, to manage your destiny just the way you like. There will not be any miracles. So- mething greater is awaiting you.
For example, be sure to keep your devices updated. Help out the community by reporting the quality of this file! A "file MD5" is a hash that gets computed from the file contents, and is reasonably unique based on that content.
All shadow libraries that we have indexed on here primarily use MD5s to identify files. A file might appear in multiple shadow libraries. For information about the various datasets that we have compiled, see the Datasets page. For information about this particular file, check out its JSON file. I'm over fifty. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union I was
engaged in research in the field of quantum physics, then computer technology, and now books. I live in Russia. My nationality is Russian, or more precisely, a quarter Estonian. The rest is irrelevant, as is all the above.
Regarding my own success, all I can say is that Transurfing works perfectly. I don’t however want to advertise my personal life, as then it would cease to be personal. Fame turns against you, if you give in to temptation and climb up on a pedestal for all to see. Among some people, the American Indians, for example ,there is a belief that if someone
copies your portrait (photographs you), they steal part of your soul. Of course, this is just superstition, but there is no smoke without fire. You can distribute a product of personal creativity ; but release your personality for mass circulation – never.
To the question of intrigued readers: "Who are you, Vadim Zeland?", I usually just say: "Nobody". My biography can not and should not be a matter of interest, since I am not thecreator of Transurfing, only a "retranslator". It is essential that we be nothing - an empty vessel, so that we do not impose our personal distortions onto this ancient
Knowledge, that opens the door to a world, where the impossible becomes possible. Reality ceases to exist as something external and independent. and becomes manageable if you follow certain rules. The secret itself that is hidden only in as much as it lies on the surface, is so great that the personality of its bearer ceases to be relevant. Perhaps the
guardians who passed on this knowledge to me are of genuine interest but they too prefer to remain in the wings. Page 1 Reality Transurfing VOLUME I THE SPACE OF VARIATIONS First published by O Books, 2008 O Books is an imprint of John Hunt Publish- ing Ltd., The Bothy, Deershot Lodge, Park Lane, Ropley, Hants, SO24 0BE, UK
[email protected] www.o-books.net Distribution in: UK and Europe Orca Book Services [email protected] Tel: 01202 665432 Fax: 01202 666219 Int. code (44) USA and Canada NBN [email protected] Tel: 1 800 462 6420 Fax: 1 800 338 4550 Australia and New Zealand Brumby Books [email protected] Tel: 61 3 9761 5535 Fax: 61 3 9761 7095 Far East
(offices in Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan) Pansing Distribution Pte Ltd [email protected] Tel: 65 6319 9939 Fax: 65 6462 5761 South Africa Alternative Books [email protected] Tel: 021 555 4027 Fax: 021 447 1430 © Вадим Зеланд, 2004 © Издание на русском языке. Издательская группа «Весь», Россия, 2004 4/463 © Vadim Zeland,
2004 © Russian edition. Ves Publishing Group, Russia, 2004 Design: Stuart Davies ISBN: 978 1 84694 122 1 All rights reserved. Except for brief quota- tions in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers. The rights of Vadim Zeland as author have been
asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. 5/463 A CIP catalogue record for this book is avail- able from the British Library. This first volume translated by Gregory Blake First published in Russian under the title Трансерфинг реальности Ступень I: Пространство вариантов by Ves Publish- ing, 197101, 6 Mira St.
Petersburg, Russia Printed by Digital Book Print O Books operates a distinctive and ethical publishing philosophy in all areas of its business, from its global net- work of authors to production and worldwide distribution. 6/463 Reality Transurfing VOLUME I THE SPACE OF VARIATIONS Vadim Zeland Translated by Natasha Micharina Books in the
series Reality Transurfing 1: The Space of Variations Reality Transurfing 2: A Rustle of Morning Stars Reality Transurfing 3: Forward to the Past Winchester, UK Washington, USA 8/463 FOREWORD Dear Reader! I have no doubt, that like most people, you want to lead a comfortable and wealthy life that is free from diseases and traumas.
However, it may often seem that your life de- cides otherwise and it is instead toying with you, as if you were a paper boat in stormy waters. In the pursuit of happiness, you have probably already tried many well-known methods. However, have you managed to achieve great success this way? This book talks about some very strange and unusual
things. This may all be so shocking to you that you would not want to believe it. However, it will not be necessary for you to believe. You will receive all the tools you need to test the claims made in this book. Having done that, your ordinary view of life will change completely.
Transurfing is a powerful method that will allow you to do the most impossible things (impossible from a normal point of view) – namely, to manage your destiny just the way you like. There will not be any miracles. So- mething greater is awaiting you. You will be convinced that the unknown reality is much more incredible than any magic. Many books
teach people how to become rich and happy. It is all, of course, very tempting. I mean, who would not want to be rich and happy? But when you open the book there are exercises and meditations that re- quire hard effort. It is rather depressing, really. Life is practically a test in itself, and yet they suggest you push and pull even harder, squeezing out
whatever is left inside you. 10/463 They try to convince you that you are not perfect and therefore you must change. Otherwise, do not count on anything good happening to you. Now, it may be the case that you are not quite satisfied with yourself. Yet, somewhere deep inside you feel that you do not really want to change.
And you are right. Do not believe anyone who says that you are not perfect. How can anybody know how you are supposed to be? You don’t have to change yourself. You are looking for the way out in all the wrong places.
We won’t be doing any exercises, medita- tions or soul digging. Transurfing is not a new self-improvement technique, but it is an entirely different way of thinking and acting so that you can get exactly what you want. Not to strive for things you want in your life but to get what you want.
And not by chan- ging yourself but by returning to yourself. 11/463 We all make many mistakes in life, and then we dream about how great it would be to be able to go back to our past and make everything right. I’m not promising you “a sweet ride back to your childhood”,1 but mis- takes can be fixed, almost as if you’ve been back to your past. Or
rather “ahead to the past”. The true meaning of these words will be unveiled towards the end of this book.
You couldn’t have heard or read anywhere else what I am about to tell you. Thus, be prepared for surprises that are as incredible as they are pleasant. 12/463 CHAPTER I THE MODEL OF VARIATIONS This chapter will introduce you to the theoretical background of Transurfing. The method of Transurfing is based on the Model of Variations, which
offers a new and fundamentally different view on how the world works. Humanity does not know that it is possible to simply get what he desires, instead of striving for it. So how is this possible? Dreams do not come true.
The Rustling of the Morning Stars The barking of my neighbor’s dog woke me up.
That vile creature is always waking me up. God, I hate the dog! Why do I have to wake up from the noises that ugly thing is making? I need to go for a walk, calm down a bit, and somehow try to suppress the intense desire to burn down my neighbor’s house. Like dog, like master.
There are always bas- tards breaking into my life and trying to get to me. I’m getting dressed, upset and angry. Great, my damn slippers have disappeared again. Where the hell are you, you slick suck- ers? Wait until I find you…I’ll throw you away! It’s wet and foggy outside. I was walking along the slippery trail, passing through the gloomy forest.
Most of the leaves have already fallen off, exposing the gray trunks of 14/463 the half-dead trees. Why do I live in the middle of this depressing swamp? I take out a cigarette. I don’t really want to smoke, but old habit is forcing me. Forcing me? Since when has a cigarette become a necessity for me?
Yeah, it’s rather disgusting, smoking on an empty stomach in the morning. Once upon a time, when I was at a party or among friends, I liked smoking and got pleasure from it. The cigarette was then a symbol of fashion, freedom and style. But parties end. Gray and rainy everyday life takes over, with puddles full of messy problems. And each time, I
smoke away these problems by light- ing up, telling myself – “OK, now I’ll have a little smoke, catch my breath, and plunge back into this hateful routine.” Smoke from the cigarette gets in my eyes and I cover them with my hands, like a hurt child. I am so sick and tired of all of this! And then, as if echoing my thoughts, a branch of a birch tree, bent in
a particularly 15/463 Page 1 Cover design by Anna Makarova Vadim Zeland Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. ISBN 978-5-9573-2880-3 Transurfing is a powerful technology of managing reality. Apply it – and life will begin to change under YOUR order. The goal during using Transurfing doesn’t reached, but implemented for the most part itself. It’s
impossible to believe , but only at first sight. The ideas presented in the book have already found practical confirmation. Those who tried to do the Transurfing, was surprised, bordering on delight. The surrounding world of Transurfer is inexplicably changing before our eyes. Subject: Esoteric / Esoteric teachings The verbal designation "Reality
Transurfing" is a registered trademark. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form without the written permission from the copyright owners. © OJSC Ves Publishing Group, 2012 Contents FOREWORD Chapter I. THE ALTERNATIVES MODEL The Rustle of the Morning Stars The Guardian’s Riddle SUMMARY
Chapter II. PENDULUMS Destructive pendulums The Battle of the Pendulums Puppet Strings You get what you do not want Defeating the Pendulum Stopping a Pendulum Simple Solutions to Complex Problems The Suspended State SUMMARY Chapter III. THE WAVE OF FORTUNE Antipode to the Pendulum The Boomerang Transmission Magic
Rituals SUMMARY Chapter IV. BALANCE Excess Potential Resentment and Judgement Dependent Relationships Idealization and Overvaluation Contempt and Vanity Superiority and Inferiority Love to Have, Love to Hate Guilt Money Perfection Importance From Battle to Balance SUMMARY Chapter V.
THE INDUCED TRANSITION The Generation Shift The Pendulum Vortex Disaster War Unemployment Epidemic Panic Poverty SUMMARY Chapter VI. ТHE ALTERNATIVES FLOW The Information Field Knowledge Out of Nowhere The Needy, the Indignant and the Fighter Going With the Flow Guiding Signs Letting Go SUMMARY Chapter VII.
INTENTION Lucid Dreaming The Dream Space The Magical Power of Intention Outer Intention The Game Script The Game According to Your Rules The Purification of Intention SUMMARY Chapter VIII. SLIDES Illusion Distorting Reality Positive slides Widening Your Comfort Zone Visualising the Goal Visualising the Process Transfer Chains
SUMMARY Chapter IX. THE HEART AND MIND The Wind of Intention The Heart’s Sail The Wizard Within The Mirage Guardian Angels A Soul Box Fraile Unity of Heart and Mind Sound Bite Slides A Window onto the Alternatives Space The Frame SUMMARY Chapter X. GOALS AND DOORS How to Choose Your Own Things How to Become a
Trendsetter Other People’s Goals Breaking Through Stereotypes Your Goals Your Doors Intention Realisation Inspiration Reviving the Goal SUMMARY Chapter XI. ENERGY Energy levels Stress and relaxation Energy vampires The Protective Shield Increasing Your Energy Levels The Energy of Intention The Step of Intention Illness Pendulums
FRAILING Intention in Relationships The Flow of Relationships Attuning to Fraile Energy in Relationships Pardon Job Hunting SUMMARY Chapter XIII. COORDINATION The Insecurity Labyrinth Coordinating Importance The Battle with the Clay Golem Ending the Battle Release Coordinating Intention Apples Fall to the Sky SUMMARY Chapter XIV.
FORWARD TO THE PAST Transaction Shades in the Scenery Gliding SUMMARY Chapter XV. LETTERS FROM THE PAST A Run of Bad Luck The Game of Partners Charity Esoteric Knowledge How to Win Back the One You Love Intention Importance Potential Reality Inversion SUMMARY Chapter XVI. DANCES WITH SHADOWS The Origin of
Intention The Law of Bad Luck Everything Happens to Spite You The Pendulum Rule Stabilising the Structure The Indigo Arrivals Energy Lords Declaration of Intention SUMMARY Chapter XVII. THE DREAMS OF THE GODS The Two Sides to Reality The Waking Dream The Children of God The Dream Theatre SUMMARY Chapter XVIII. THE MIRROR
WORLD The Dual Mirror The Reality Amalgam Chasing Your Reflection The World Comes To You The Maker’s Intention The League of Mirror Makers SUMMARY Chapter XIX.
THE GATEKEEPER TO ETERNITY The Energy of Intention Correcting the Mirror The Reality Maker Coordinating the dream The Maker’s Verdict SUMMARY Afterword. A STRANGE REALITY The Intention of the Ancient Magicians GLOSSARY FOREWORD DEAR READER, Everyone wants their life to be comfortable, abundant, free of illness and
chaos, and yet we often find that life has its own plans, and can leave us feeling like a little paper boat spinning round on life’s turbulent waters. You may have tried all sorts of popular methods aimed at achieving happiness but I wonder how effective you found them if they conformed to the traditional worldview. This book introduces many strange
and wonderful things. It is all so mind- blowing you might not want to believe it. But you will not have to believe. The methods introduced here invite you to test everything out for yourself and when you do, your current worldview will crumble. Transurfing is a powerful technique aimed at giving you the power to create aspects of your life in a way
that would ordinarily seem impossible; In particular, Transurfing will give you the power to control your own destiny as you see fit. I promise no miracles and yet something greater than a miracle awaits you.
You will discover that the hidden quality of reality is more extraordinary than any mystic tradition. There are many books available now on how to become successful, rich and happy. It is a tempting prospect, for who would not want these things? The problem is that when you start reading these self-help books you discover that in order for the
technique to work you have to do certain exercises, embark on some serious soul searching, meditate, and straight away, your enthusiasm wanes. For most people life is busy and stressful enough without having to add to the workload by giving yourself any more to do. The books will tell you that you are imperfect and that change will have to start
with yourself otherwise there is no point in hoping for anything more.
You might not be entirely satisfied with yourself but deep down you know that you do not really want to change and neither should you have to. Be careful of anyone who tells you that you are less than perfect, for how could anyone else possibly know how you are meant to be? If you are told that you must change yourself in order to achieve the things
you want in life the solution is not where you were looking for it. The main idea of Transurfing is based on the existence of the alternatives space which stores the scripts of all possible events. The number of alternatives is infinite just like the number of possible points on a coordinate graph is infinite. In the alternatives space is written everything that
was, is, or ever will be. Under certain conditions, a person’s thought energy can materialise a given sector of the alternatives space. A potential alternative is embodied in physical reality like a reflection in the mirror of alternatives. The individual is capable of shaping their own reality as long as they observe certain rules. The mind tries
unsuccessfully to influence the reflection. Instead you have to change the image that is being reflected. In this book we are not going to do exercises, meditate or obsess with the self. Transurfing is not so much a new method of self-improvement as a fundamentally different way of thinking and behaving in order to get what you desire out of life. It
implies exactly this–to get what you desire from life, rather than having to fight for it. The method of Transurfing is not aimed at changing the self. It offers a way of returning to self. We all make mistakes in life and then think how wonderful it would be if we could turn back the clock and put everything right. I am not promising you a “train ticket
back to your childhood”, but mistakes can be put right and doing so is a bit like returning to the past, or even stepping ‘forward into the past’. The meaning of these words will become clearer towards the end of the book. You will not have heard or read anywhere else the things I am going to tell you here, so be prepared for the unexpected as
enjoyable as it is surprising. Chapter I. THE ALTERNATIVES MODEL Dreams Don’t Come True The Rustle of the Morning Stars I was woken by the neighbour’s dog barking. The nasty animal was always waking me up.
How I hated it! Why should I have to be woken up by the noise of someone else’s pet? I decided to go out for a walk, calm down and distract myself from the intense desire to set fire to my neighbour’s house. They say dogs are like their owners.
This one was. There always seemed to be some idiot in my life trying to get me down. Feeling stressed I started to get dressed. My slippers had disappeared again. Where are you, you sneaky little buggers? When I find you I will chuck you out! It was foggy and damp outside. I walked along the slippery path through the gloomy forest. Almost all the
leaves had fallen, exposing the grey trunks of half- dead trees. Why do I live in the middle of this depressing bog?
I reached for a cigarette. I didn’t really want one, but old habits told me I needed one. Need? At what point had I become addicted to cigarettes? It’s not very pleasant smoking in the morning on an empty stomach. I used to be a social smoker. It had been fashionable, a symbol of freedom and style. But the party ends and the grey, drizzle of everyday
life sets in, bringing with it problems in patches like slimy puddles. You smoke each problem away several times as if saying to yourself: “I’ll just have this quick smoke, catch my breath and then launch myself back into the dreaded routine.” The smoke got in my eyes making them sting, so I placed my hands over them for a minute like an upset child.
I was so fed up of everything. As if reading my thoughts, a birch branch bent spitefully and hit me hard on the forehead. Bastard! In my outrage I broke the branch in half and threw it to one side. The branch got caught in a tree and bounced from side to side and sprang up and down like a jack in a box as if mocking my inability to change any aspect
of my world. Feeling very low I pushed on. Every time I tried to battle with the world it would at first yield, giving me false hope, only then to come back at me with a hard slap. It’s only in films that the hero sets off towards his goal casting aside anything and everything that stands in the way. In reality, things are a bit different.
Life is like a game of roulette. You win once, twice, even three times. You imagine yourself the prize- winner with the world at your feet but always end up with less than you started. You are just the turkey fattened up to be roasted and devoured to the sounds of happy music and laughter. You were fooling yourself. It’s not your lucky day. You made a
mistake… Wallowing in dark thoughts I arrived at the beach. Sharp waves were biting viciously at the sandy shore.
The cold, damp sea breeze blew at me bitterly. Fat sea gulls wandered the shoreline, lazily pecking at rotten waste. Their eyes carried a cold, black empty look as if reflecting the cold and antagonism of the world around me. A tramp was collecting empty bottles on the beach. I wished he would disappear. I wanted to be alone but he was walking
towards me, probably wanting to scrounge something. I decided to go home. Was there no peace anywhere? I was so tired. I realised that the feeling of tiredness never left me, even when I was relaxing. At some point I had started killing time as if sitting out a prison sentence.
I was always waiting for things to change, for a new stage in my life to begin where I would be different and able to enjoy life, but that stage was always somewhere in the future. In the meantime it was the same old drudgery. I kept waiting but the better future remained as elusive as ever. I would return home and do the same thing I always did; eat
a boring breakfast and then leave for my dull job, forcing myself to produce results which mattered to someone else but not to me. It would be just another day of the same tiresome, meaningless life. I was woken by the rustle of the morning stars. What a sad dream.
It was as if I had returned to a period in my past. Thank goodness it was only a dream. I stretched with relief just like my cat does.
There he was lying lazily sprawled out–only his ears giving any sign that he was aware of my presence. Get up you whiskered thing. Are you coming with me for a walk? I had placed an order for a sunny day and so set off towards the sea.
The path led through the forest and the rustle of the morning stars gradually faded, giving way to the multi-voiced choir of the bird nation. Someone in the bushes was trying especially hard “Food! Food!” There he was the little wretch.
However can such a little ball of fluff squawk so loudly? Only now did it occur to me that although every bird had a different voice, none were ever out of tune with the rest of the choir. They always managed to produce such a graceful symphony; no orchestra, however sophisticated could be favourably compared. The sun stretched its rays between
the trees, creating a magical backlighting that highlighted the voluminous depth and richness of the colours of the forest and transforming it into one miraculous hologram. The path led me diligently towards the sea. The emerald waves exchanged whisperings with the warm sea breeze.
The shore seemed endless and empty but I felt comfortable and at peace as if the overpopulated world had created a secluded corner just for me. Some people believe the world is an illusion created by the mind but I could not imagine having such a high opinion of myself that I could think all this beauty was the product of my own consciousness. Still
feeling the effect of my oppressive dream I began to reminisce about my former life, which had actually been as dull and gloomy as my dream. Like a lot of people, I had often demanded that the world give me all I felt it owed me but in response it had turned its back on me in indifference. I was advised by others wiser and more experienced than
myself not to give up because the world doesn’t give up that easily either. “You have to fight for what you want”. So I tried battling with the world but I didn’t get anywhere and ended up exhausted. My advisers had a ready answer for this too. “You are the problem. Change yourself before you start demanding things of life”. So, I battled with myself
but this turned out to be even harder than battling with the world. Then one day, I dreamed that I was in a nature reserve. In the dream I was surrounded by indescribable beauty.
I was walking through the reserve and admiring the full wonder of it all when I came across an angry old man with a grey beard who, as far as I could make out, was the Guardian of the Reserve. He watched me in silence. I walked up to him but as soon as I opened my mouth to speak he cut across me. In a cold tone he said that he didn’t want to hear
a word; he was tired of noisy and capricious visitors who were constantly displeased, always making demands and left mountains of rubbish after themselves. I nodded in sympathy and walked on. I was amazed by the unique beauty of the reserve and wondered why I hadn’t visited it before. Enchanted, I continued to wander around taking in the
magnificence on all sides. No words could fully describe the perfection of the landscape. My mind went blank in stunned admiration. Soon the Guardian appeared before me again.
The austere look on his face had softened and he beckoned for me to follow. We climbed to the top of a green hill and from there the spectacular view of a picturesque valley opened before us. I could make out some kind of village with toy houses decorated with plants and flowers like an illustration in a book of fairy-tales.
Had the scene before me appeared more real I could have stood regarding it with delight for some time. As it was, I started to suspect that such fabulous beauty was the stuff of dreams and not real life. I turned to the Guardian with a questioning look but he just sneered into his beard as if to say: “We’re only just getting started!” As we descended
into the valley below it began to dawn on me that I could not remember how I had arrived at the reserve. I was hoping the old man could give me an explanation. Then I must have made some clumsy remark about how it must feel pretty damn good to be one of the lucky ones who could afford to live in such a beautiful place, to which, openly
displaying his irritation, the Guardian replied: “Who is stopping you from joining them?” I started to go on about how not everyone was born rich and we don’t choose our fate. The Guardian ignored my words and said: “That’s the point. Everyone is free to choose any destiny they wish. The only freedom we truly have is the freedom of choice. You can
choose anything you want.” His statement did not at all fit with my philosophy of life and I made to argue with him, but the Guardian would not listen: “Fool!” he said. “You have the right to choose, but you don’t exercise it. You do not even understand what ‘to choose’ really means.” This is ridiculous, I thought. What does he mean by, “I can choose
whatever I want”? Anyone would think that you could just conjure up anything you wanted. At that moment I suddenly realised that I was dreaming. The situation threw me and I did not know how to behave. As far as I can recollect I hinted to the old man that he could chose to speak rubbish whether in a dream or in waking but there ended the extent
of his freedom.
My comment did not seem to bother the Guardian at all; in fact he laughed in response.
Aware of how ridiculous the situation was (what was the point of getting into a debate with a figure from my own dream?) I was considering whether it would be better to wake myself up. As if reading my mind the old man said: “That’s enough. We don’t have much time. I hadn’t expected them to send me a moron like you, but I must carry on with my
mission nonetheless.” I was going to ask him what his ‘mission’ was, and who ‘they’ were but he ignored me, instead giving me a riddle, which at the time seemed quite absurd: “Everyone can have the freedom to choose whatever they want; but here’s a riddle for you: how do you acquire that freedom? When you guess the answer correctly your
apples will fall to the sky.” What apples? I was beginning to loose patience and said that I had no intention of solving any riddles. Miracles only happened in dreams and fairy-tales. In reality, apples generally fall to the ground, to which he replied: “That’s enough! Let’s go. There is something I must show you.” Regrettably, when I woke up I could not
remember the end of the dream. However, I did have the distinct feeling that although I was unable to express it consciously, the Guardian had imparted some kind of information to me.
Just one word seeped through into my mind but I had no idea what it meant: Transurfing. The thought I found going round my mind was that I did not have to totally furnish my world myself; that everything that was to be mine had been created long ago without my participation but for my own well-being. There was absolutely no point in battling
with the world for a place under the sun, and no- one was stopping me from simply choosing the life I wanted to have. At first the idea seemed absurd. I would probably have forgotten all about it if I had not to my amazement soon afterwards started having very clear recollections of what the Guardian meant by the word ‘choose’, and how to actually
make a choice. The answer to the Guardian’s riddle came to me of its own accord; as knowledge does sometimes seem to come from nowhere. Every day I learned something new and each time I felt huge surprise, sometimes bordering on fear. I can give no rational explanation of how this knowledge came to me but of one thing I am certain. I could
never have made it up myself. Ever since I discovered Transurfing (or rather, since I was given it to discover) my life has been filled with joyful meaning. Anyone who has ever been involved in some kind of creative work will know the happiness and fulfilment that comes with creating something with your own hands. Imagine then the feeling of
creating your own destiny.
Even the expression ‘to create your own destiny’ as it is interpreted in its usual sense, fails to describe what I mean here. Transurfing is a method that frees you to choose your own destiny, literally like you would choose something in a supermarket. I want to share this with you so that you can understand why ‘apples fall to the sky’, why the ‘morning
stars rustle’, and many other curious things. The Guardian’s Riddle There are different interpretations of the nature of fate. One interpretation is that fate is your lot in life, something predetermined and which however hard you try, you can never escape. This definition is rather limiting as it suggests that if a rough lot has befallen you in life there is
no hope of anything ever getting any better. Despite this, there will always be those who willingly accept this definition of fate because it is convenient. They would rather life be reliable and the future more or less predictable than live with the fear of uncertainty. Nonetheless, the total inevitability implied by this interpretation of fate leaves one
feeling dissatisfied and even a little resentful. People who are deprived of good luck lament their fate and naturally question why life is so unfair. Why is it that some people have more than they could ever desire, while others never seem to have enough? Why is it that things come easily to some, while others never achieve results however hard they
try? Some people are endowed with natural beauty, intellect and strength, while others seem to have an inferior goods label stuck to their forehead for their entire life as if paying for some kind of previously committed sin. Why does such inequality exist? Why does life in its endless diversity place limits on certain groups of people and where exactly
did those less lucky go wrong? People often feel hurt and indignant when they realize they are less fortunate than others and they search for an explanation for their circumstances. This is when many people turn to teachings that support ideas such as karma and retribution for sins committed in previous lives. One would think that all the Lord our
God had to do with his time was discipline his naughty children and that despite his omnipotence he evidently struggles with the parenting side of things, putting off the punishment of retribution until a later date. One wonders what the point could be of punishing a person for something they do not actually remember doing. Another popular
explanation for inequality spreads the false hope that those who suffer and live their lives in need will later receive generous compensation, although it is not clear whether good fortune awaits them in heaven or in a future life.
Whatever the arrangement, explanations like these can never leave one fully satisfied. Whether past and future lives exist or not is also of little significance. You can only be aware of the life you are living now and so in this sense, it is