五邑大学外国语学院 2022 届毕业论文工作文件汇总 本学年我院普教英语专业共有 5 个班毕业生, 0 名第二专业为英语的同学需撰写毕业论文,0 名为延迟毕 业学生,共 138 人。 班级 180401 180402 180404 180405 180406 专业 英语(师范) 英语(翻译) 商务英语 商务英语 商务英语 第二专业 延迟毕业 共 人数 30 29 29 25 25 0 0 138 为了保证毕业论文工作的顺利进行,提高我院学生毕业论文的质量,在严格执行学校有关文件的基 础上,特制定以下文件,对我院的论文工作作出更具体的要求和安排。我院教师和学生须认真执行。 文件一:毕业论文工作日程简表 文件二:“论文选题申报表”的填写要求及参考意见 文件三:英文文献的引用方法与格式 -- APA 格式 文件四:中文文献的引用方法与格式 -- 《外语教学与研究》格式 文件五:论文提纲格式要求 文件六:论文打印格式 文件七:实例与评语 附件:五邑大学本科生毕业设计格式规范及教务处其他文件 ■ 毕业论文工作文件(一) 注:本安排中所提到的表格均可从“教务处主页-文件下载-毕业设计”中下载。 注:1.论文题目除第一个单词第一个字母大写外,其余都采用小写; 2.指导教师与学生的论文面授指导次数不得少于 12 次,学生必须将每次指导内容记录在《毕业设计 (论文)指导情况记录表》之中,以备检查 ■ 毕业论文工作文件(二) “论文选题申报表”的填写要求及参考意见 指导教师应根据论文的具体情况填写“论文选题申报表”。 具体要求与建议如下: 1、论文题目:按外语学院论文指导小组认可的论文题目填写。 2、学生专业:“英语”、“日语”或“商务英语” 3、任务及要求:可从内容、语言、参考文献、格式和写作态度等方面向学生提出你的要求。下面的“样本” 仅供参考。论文题目不同,“样本”本身也可能有不妥之处,指导老师须灵活处理。 3、题目来源:从表格下面的类别中选择一项填写。 2022 届毕业设计(论文)选题申报(审查)表 一、课题基本信息 学部(院) 课题依托企业 指导教师 职称 企业指导教师 职称 设计(论文)题目 学生所学专业 学号、姓名 题目任务 和要求 科研立项项目(纵向:○国家级;○省(部)级;○厅(局)级;○校级;○横向)); 题目来源 ○政府项目 ○企业项目 ○教师自拟; √○自拟项目。 与往年选 ○无重复;○重复度低;○重复度高。 题重复度 1.拟题根据(背景材料说明) 题目说明 2.选题如何体现教学与生产、科研、文化和经济相结合的原则(与实际项目的相似度)。 (需作出不 少于 200 字 的说明) 毕业设计 ○工程设计类 ○理论研究类 (论文)类 ○计算机软件研制类 ○综合类 型 ○法学类 ○艺术设计类 ○实验研究类 √○经管文类 二、课题与教学目标的支撑关系 课程目标 目 标 1 目 标 2 目 标 3 目 标 4 毕业设计(论文)任务及要求与课程目标的支撑关系 目 …… 标 … … …… 三、题目审查意见和结论 课程目标 1 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 课程目标 2 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 课程目标 3 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 课程目标 4 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 …… ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 ○同意选题 ○修改后,同意选题 专家组组长签名: 注:双面打印,一式一份。 ○不同意选题 年 月 日 (sample) 届毕业设计(论文)选题申报(审查)表 一、课题基本信息 学部(院) 外语 课题依托企业 设计(论文)题目 学生所学专业 题目任务 和要求 指导教师 韩永芳 企业指导教师 职称 副教授 职称 An analysis of English loanwords in modern Chinese from the cross-cultural perspective 从跨文化角度分析现代汉 语中的英语外来语 英语 学号、姓名 3215003046 潘晓娟 传媒手段的快速发展,语言信息交流的速度越来越快,语言之间的接触越来越便捷, 从而推动现代汉语词汇的不断丰富。做好本课题研究需按要求完成以下任务: 1. 根据学院毕业论文工作流程,合理划分写作进程安排并制定相应研究计划。 2. 根据阶段研究计划,利用多种调研渠道和手段,检索、收集、研读与课题背景相关 的文献资讯,包括书籍、期刊、论文等,了解课题研究现状和趋势,提出研究工作总体 方案,评估写作过程中可能出现的难点,拟定解决措施,形成规范的开题报告。 3. 在认真研读相关文献资料的基础上,分析理解 “从跨文化角度分析现代汉语中的英 语外来语”这一论题,了解英语外来词的借用方法、使用范围、语义功能、文化内涵等, 提出初步性的论证方案。 4. 开拓思路,综合运用专业理论知识,根据现有研究成果,恰当选用论证材料和论证 方法,分析现代汉语中的英语外来语特点及对汉语的影响,揭示语言与社会文化之间的 联系,以及语言与语言使用者的心理联系,提高对英汉两种语言的认识及使用能力,促进 文化的传播与互动。 5. 写作过程中体现创新意识,研究方法新颖,成果有一定的独创性,在工作过程中展 现自学能力,能主动查阅资料文献,针对问题进行自主学习。 6. 严格按照学院制定的论文写作规范,以诚实、严谨的求学态度,完成写作任务。论 文结构完整、论点明确、论证材料要丰富可靠、叙述要严谨、语言清晰无拼写错误、具 有完整、系统的文法概念,整体符合学院论文写作规范要求。 7. 使用 APA 格式对论文的论证材料加以引证。参考文献不少于 15 篇,以论文和专著为 主,英语学术期刊类文献不少于 8 篇。 8. 借助 PPT 对论文进行口头答辩,接受答辩小组质疑。答辩要求要点陈述、问题回答 清晰、有逻辑性,语音语调正确、语言表达流利。 9. 按要求定期与指导老师会面商讨研究进展。写作过程中碰到疑问及时与指导老师沟 通。 10. 遵守学术规范,杜绝抄袭、剽窃等违规行为。认真阅读《五邑大学学位(毕业)论 文作假行为处理实施细则》 。 题目来源 科研立项项目(纵向:○国家级;○省(部)级;○厅(局)级;○校级;○横向)); ○政府项目 ○企业项目 ○教师自拟; ○自拟项目。 与往年选 题重复度 ○无重复;○重复度低;○重复度高。 题目说明 (需作出不 少于 200 字 的说明) 1.拟题根据(背景材料说明) 2.选题如何体现教学与生产、科研、文化和经济相结合的原则(与实际项目的相似度)。 随着各种传媒手段的快速发展,语言信息交流的速度越来越快,语言之间的接触越 来越便捷,从而推动现代汉语不断丰富自己的词汇,而吸收外来词是丰富词汇的重要手 段之一。在语言方面,外来词语对人们认识国外的政治、经济、文化都有一定的帮助。 本论文应围绕从跨文化角度分析现代汉语中的英语外来语这一论题收集相关资料,认真 研读相关专著与学术论文,从英语外来词的借用方法、使用范围、社会文化背景、语义 功能、文化内涵等方面入手,分析现代汉语中的英语外来语特点及对汉语的影响,揭示 语言与社会文化之间的联系,以及语言与语言使用者的心理联系。 毕业设计 (论文)类 型 ○工程设计类 ○理论研究类 ○计算机软件研制类 ○综合类 ○法学类 ○艺术设计类 ○实验研究类 √○经管文类 二、课题与教学目标的支撑关系 课程目标 培养学生综合运用多学科 理论、知识和技能,批判性 目 标 1 分析专业领域的理论和实 践问题的能力,在已有研究 的基础上能提出并论证自 身理解的理据性和自圆其 说的解决方案。 培养学生针对课题任务选 目 标 2 择恰当的研究方法,运用现 代多媒体技术围绕课题进 行文献检索的研究与创新 能力。 毕业设计(论文)任务及要求与课程目标的支撑关系 3. 在认真研读相关文献资料的基础上,分析理解 “从跨文化角度 分析现代汉语中的英语外来语”这一论题,了解英语外来词的借用 方法、使用范围、语义功能、文化内涵等,提出初步性的论证方案。 4. 开拓思路,综合运用专业理论知识,根据现有研究成果,恰当 选用论证材料和论证方法,分析现代汉语中的英语外来语特点及对 汉语的影响,揭示语言与社会文化之间的联系,以及语言与语言使 用者的心理联系,提高对英汉两种语言的认识及使用能力,促进文 化的传播与互动。 5. 写作过程中体现创新意识,研究方法新颖,成果有一定的独创 性,在工作过程中展现自学能力,能主动查阅资料文献,针对问题 进行自主学习。 1. 根据学院毕业论文工作流程,合理划分写作进程安排并制定相 应研究计划。 2. 根据阶段研究计划,利用多种调研渠道和手段,检索、收集、 研读与课题背景相关的文献资讯,包括书籍、期刊、论文等,了解 课题研究现状和趋势,提出研究工作总体方案,评估写作过程中可 能出现的难点,拟定解决措施,形成规范的开题报告。 5. 写作过程中体现创新意识,研究方法新颖,成果有一定的独创 性,在工作过程中展现自学能力,能主动查阅资料文献,针对问题 进行自主学习。 8. 借助 PPT 对论文进行口头答辩,接受答辩小组质疑。答辩要求 要点陈述、问题回答清晰、有逻辑性,语音语调正确、语言表达流 利。 6. 严格按照学院制定的论文写作规范,以诚实、严谨的求学态度, 完成写作任务。论文结构完整、论点明确、论证材料要丰富可靠、 叙述要严谨、语言清晰无拼写错误、具有完整、系统的文法概念, 培养学生自主、严肃、规范 整体符合学院论文写作规范要求。 7. 使用 APA 格式对论文的论证材料加以引证。参考文献不少于 15 术交流的能力;严谨细致、 篇,以论文和专著为主,英语学术期刊类文献不少于 8 篇。 认真负责的工作作风和创 8. 借助 PPT 对论文进行口头答辩,接受答辩小组质疑。答辩要求 新意识;与时俱进、适应需 要点陈述、问题回答清晰、有逻辑性,语音语调正确、语言表达流 要、不断学习以提升专业素 利。 质的社会责任感。 9. 按要求定期与指导老师会面商讨研究进展。写作过程中碰到疑 问及时与指导老师沟通。 10. 遵守学术规范,杜绝抄袭、剽窃等违规行为。认真阅读《五邑 大学学位(毕业)论文作假行为处理实施细则》。 地写作文本、与他人进行技 目 标 3 三、题目审查意见和结论 课程目标 1 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 课程目标 2 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 课程目标 3 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 课程目标 4 与任务的匹配度 ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 …… ○合适; ○任务偏难;○任务偏易;○ 关联性不够 ○同意选题 ○修改后,同意选题 专家组组长签名: 注:双面打印,一式一份。 ○不同意选题 年 月 日 五邑大学 2022 届毕业设计(论文)工作流程 序号 时间 工作项目 工作内容 期 选题、确定题 1.填写《 2022 届毕业设计(论文)选题申报(审查)表 第 20 周周三前 目、确定教师 及工作计划表》 (截至 2021 年 7 指导学生名单 (2022 年 7 月 14 日前) 备注 2020-2021-2 学 1 月 14 日) 2021-2022-1 学 1.教师指导学生了解题目的目的、要求和任务、布置落实 期 毕业设计(论文)进度(教师约指导学生面谈,布置暑假 2 第2周 开题 论文写作任务) (2021. 9.13--9. 2.填写《毕业设计(论文)开题报告》 17 ) 2021-2022-1 学 期 3 第 3--20 周 (2021.9.20--20 课题研究及毕 业设计(论文) 撰写 1. 开题报告会(9 月 14 日) 2. 课题研究 3. 撰写、完成毕业设计(论文)初稿(2022 年 1 月 14 日 学部(院)根据实际情 况参考《五邑大学本 科生毕业论文撰写规 前完成初稿) 范(参考) 》制定细则 1.填写《毕业设计(论文)中期检查表》 学院(部)教学委员 2.检查毕业设计(论文)进度及质量 会组织、学校督查 22.1.14) 2021-2022-1 学 期 4 第 20 周 中期检查 (2022.1.10-1.1 4) 5 2021-2022-2 学 修改及定稿 1.根据检查反馈意见完成毕业设计(论文)的修改和定稿 指导教师严格把关 期 2.学生自行论文查重(学校免费给每个学生提供两次论文 第 1-11 周 查重机会) (第 12 周周五前定稿交至学院) 1.上报答辩委员会、答辩小组组成人员名单 2021-2022-2 学 毕业设计(论 2.上报答辩安排 期 文)评审、答 第 12 周 辩资格审查、 6 3.毕业设计(论文)评审、填写《毕业设计(论文)成绩 评定表》 (指导教师、评阅教师评语) 答辩准备 4.上报不能参加答辩学生名单 1.复阅论文 2021-2022-2 学 毕业设计(论 2.毕业设计(论文)答辩 7 期 文)答辩、成 3.完成《毕业设计(论文)成绩评定表》 (等查重结果出来 第 13-14 周 学院(部)教学委员 会组织、学校督查 绩填写 后再在系统录入成绩) 2021-2022-2 学 1.第 16 周周五前提交毕业设计(论文)查重论文(电子 毕业设计(论 期 8 版) 文)查重、成 第 15-16 周 2.查重、反馈查重结果(教务处) 绩提交 3.毕业设计(论文)答辩成绩录入系统 2021-2022-2 学 1.《毕业设计(论文)选题申报(审查)及工作计划表》 2-4 项装订成册 期 毕业设计(论 2.《毕业设计(论文)成绩评定表》 9 资料装袋存学部(院) 第 17 周 文)资料归档 3.毕业设计(论文)正文 备查 4.《毕业设计(论文)答辩记录表》 2021-2022-2 学 1.上报学部(院)毕业设计(论文)工作情况总结 毕业设计(论 10 期第 18 周 3.学部(院)存毕业设计(论文)电子版 文)工作总结 4.上报简版优秀毕业论文电子版 ■ 毕业论文工作文件(三) 英文文献的引用方法与格式 -- APA 格式 所 谓 APA 格 式 是 指 美 国 心 理 学 会 (American Psychological Association) 所 出 版 的 出 版 手 册 (Publication Manual) 中,有关投稿该协会旗下所属二十九种期刊时必须遵守的规定而言。 学术界通称为 APA 格式。APA 引证格式由两部分组成:论文中的文献引用与论文后面的参考文献。必须注意的是,参 考文献部份与文献引用部份息息相关,引用过的文献必须出现在参考文献中,而且参考文献中的每一项文 献都被引用过,两者的作者姓氏以及发表年代也必须完全一致。 一、文献引用 (Citation in Text) 文献引用的目的,一方面是帮助读者进一步直接查阅有关文献的内容,另一方面是尊重与保障他人的 知识产权。文献引用的方式主要有两种,一种是在行文当中直接引用作者姓氏,如:Widdowson (1978) has claimed that native speakers can better understand ungrammatical utterances with accurate vocabulary than those with accurate grammar and inaccurate vocabulary. 另一种是直接引用研究的结果或论点,如: Communicative methods have the common goals of bringing language learners into closer contact with the target language (Stern, 1981). APA 文献引用的格式主要有下列几种,分述如下: (一) 作者为一个人时 例 1:Stahl (1983) has demonstrated that an improvement in reading comprehension can be attributed to an increase in vocabulary knowledge. [注:若行文中提到作者姓氏,用此例所示格式引用] 例 2: During the period of Grammar Translation methodology, bilingual dictionaries became common as reference tools (Kelly, 1969). [注:行文中未提到作者姓氏,用此例所示格式引用;句子本身的标点符号位于括号的 后面。] 例 3:…, the ability to use etymology was respected as “one way of discovering truth” (Kelly, 1969, p. 30). [注: 若行文中有直接引语,须标明引语在原文中的页码,圆括号位于句号之前。如果直接引语跨越两页(或 以上),需用“pp.”;如“(Kelly, 1969, pp. 30-31)”] 如果直接引语超过 40 个词,所引用的材料须单列一段,左右两边内缩三到五个字符,不用双引号;用来 标注引证的圆括号位于引证材料本身的标点符号后面。 例 4:It follows, then, that vocabulary, as a bearer of meaning, is considered by the Natural Approach to be very important to the language acquisition process: Acquisition depends crucially on the input being comprehensible. And comprehensibility is dependent directly on the ability to recognize the meaning of key elements in the utterance. Thus, acquisition will not take place without comprehension of vocabulary. (Krashen & Terrell, 1983, p.155) [注:此例的前两行是论文作者的叙述,其余是直接引语。因超过 40 个词,用此格式。] (二) 作者为两人或两人以上时 1. 作者为两人时,两人的姓氏全列。 例 5:Ulijin and Strother (1990) claim that “while a complete conceptual and lexical analysis may be necessary for reading comprehension, a thorough syntactic analysis is not” (p. 38). [注:页码标记在直接引语的后面。 请比 较此例与例 3 的不同。此次论文写作不采纳:Ulijin and Strother (1990, p. 38) claim that “while …” 的引证格 式。] 例 6:Readers tend to disregard information that seems unimportant, add information that ‘should’ be there, and focus their attention on what, in their opinion, is essential (Steffensen & Joag-Dev, 1984). [注:行文中两人的姓 氏用“and”连接(例 5),在圆括号内用“&” 连接(此例)。] 2. 作者为三至六人时,第一次所有作者均列出,第二次以后只写出第一位作者,并加“et al.”。 例 7:According to Ostny, Vandecasteele, Deville, and Kelly (1987), indispensable conditions for reading in L2 are understanding the text’s words and the knowledge of its subject matter. [注:行文中提到作 者,按此例引证。] 例 8:Indispensable conditions for reading in L2 are understanding the text’s words and the knowledge of its subject matter (Ostny, Vandecasteele, Deville, & Kelly, 1987). [注:行文中没有提到作者,按此例引证。] 例 9:According to Ostny et al. (1987), indispensable conditions for reading in L2 are understanding the text’s words and the knowledge of its subject matter. [注:第二次引证同一著作,按此例格式引证。] 3. 作者为六人以上时,仅列第一位作者并加“et al.”,但在参考文献中要列出所有姓名。 4. 如果两部著作的第一作者和出版年份都相同,那么就要写出第二作者。如果第二作者也相同,就要写 出第三作者,以此类推,直到可以将两个条目区分开来: (Vollrath, Foote et al.,1992)...(Vollrath, Smith et al.,1992). 而如果两部著作的出版年份不同,则仍然只写第一作者即可: (Vollrath, et al.,1992)... (Vollrath, et al.,1993). 5. 如果所引用的作者有两人或更多人同姓,那么即使出版年份不同也要用缩略首字母予以区分: R.Dawkins (1986) and M.S. Dawkins(1980) contributed to an understanding of consciousness in animals. (三) 作者为组织、团体、或单位时 1. 易产生混淆的单位、每次均用全名。 2. 在不产生误会的情况下,第二次以后可用缩写,但在参考文献中一律要写出全名。 例 10:Proficiency level is based on the ACTEF scale developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (1980). [注:此例中的“the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages”为一 团体。] (四) 未标明作者(如法令、报纸社论)时 1. 未标明作者的著作,正文中的圆括号内应将标题缩略写出。在正文中和在圆括号内,标题的所有实词 和四个字母以上的介词均首字母大写,这点与参考文献的格式不同。著作和期刊名用斜体,章节和文章用 双引号: 例 11: The National Endowment for the Humanities supports “theoretical and critical studies of the arts” but not work in the creative or performing arts(Guidelines, 1994, p.1). [注:在此例中,书名“Guidelines”作为引证标 注。] 例 12:Changes in the Medical College Admissions Test to begin in 1991 are expected to encourage more students to pursue general studies in the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences (“New Exam,” 1989). [注:在 此例中,章名“New Exams”作为作者用做引证标注。] 2. 既无标题也没有作者的用“Anonymous”一词代替作者名。 例 13:(Anonymous: 1925). [注:在此例中,用“Anonymous”后接作品年份用做引证标注。] 3. 私人电子邮件需标明邮件日期: 例 14:G.R. Bell elaborated his earlier comments...(personal communication by E-mail, May 19, 1995). (五) 间接引用 (secondary citation) 例 15:“Visionary urban planning will help solve the problems experienced by many large cities” (Trigar 1998, cited in Blutstein, 1999, p.22). [注:在此例中,论文作者引用了 Trigar 的观点,但材料来源是 Blutstein 的著 作。在这种情况下,参考文献中对应的条目应该是 Blutstein 的作品。] 二、参考文献 (References) 参考文献中的条目先英文后中文;英文部分按作者姓氏的英文字母顺序排列;中文部分按作者姓氏的拼音 顺序排列。参考文献中不要用“1、2、3 ...”一类的序号标记。下面是学术论文中各种常用的参考文献的撰 写格式。 (一)书籍 1.未标明作者或编者时 Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam Webster. [注:书名用斜 体,只有第一个词的首字母大写,其它(专有名词除外)均为小写;下同。“Springfield, MA”为出版地点, Merriam Webster 为出版商。] 2.作者为一人时 Baddeley, A. D. (1999). Essentials of human memory. Hove, England: Psychology Press. [注:作者的姓与名须 倒置,即:姓在前,名在后。] 3.作者为两人时 Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [注:两个作者的姓与名都倒置,二个作者用“&”连接。书名中 冒号后的第一个词“Facts” 首字母大写,这是因为副标题的第一个词的首字母须大写。 如果条目跨行, 第一行顶格,第二行内缩三至五个字符,如此例所示。] 4.作者为一团体或组织 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (1991). Estimated resident population by age and sex in statistical local areas, New South Wales, June 1990 (No. 3209.1). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author. (二)文集 Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. [注:在文集编者姓名后加“(Eds.)”。] 文集中的文章 Massaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick Jr., P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [注;文章名为正体,文集名用斜体;在 “In” 后面,编 者姓与名不倒置;须标明文章在文集中的起止页码。] (三)百科全书或辞书 1.百科全书或词典 Sadie, S. (Eds.). (1980). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians (6th ed., Vols. 1-20). London: Macmillan. 2.百科全书中的文章 Bergman, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501- 508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. [注;文章名为正体,百科全书名用斜体,只有第一个词汇的首字母大写, 其它小写;“Britannica”是专有名词,所以仍然大写。注意 “In”的使用。] (四)期刊、杂志、新闻文献 1.作者为一人的期刊文章 Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924. [注;文章名为正体。期刊名为斜体,且所有词汇的首字母均为大写。须标明文章在期刊中的起 止页码。] 2.作者为两人的期刊文章 Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. 3.作者为两人以上的期刊文章 Saywitz, K. J., Mannarion, A. P., Berliner, L., & Cohen, J. A. (2000). Treatment for sexually abused children and adolescents. American Psychologist, 55, 1040-1049. 4.杂志上的文章 Kandel, E. R., & Squire, L. R. (2000, November 10). Neuroscience: Breaking down scientific barriers to the study of brain and mind. Science, 290, 1113-1120. 5.无标明作者的报刊上的文章 New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, p. A12. [注;文章名为正体;报刊名为斜体,且所有词汇的首字母均为大写(如果不是第一个词,冠词、介 词可小写)。“A12”中的“A”表示版别。] 6.作者为一人的报刊上的文章 Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4. (五)电子媒体资料 1.纸质期刊、杂志、新闻报刊上的文章的电子版本 VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates [Electronic version]. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123. [注意 “[Electronic version]”的使用。] 2.网页上的文章 Fredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2005, from http://journals.apa.org/prevention/volume3/pre0030001a.html [注意“Retrieved”的使用。] 3.在线百科全书上的文章 Bergman, P. G. & Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica Online. (1994-1999). Relativity. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved August 4, 1999, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online on the World Wide Web: http://search.eb.com/bol/topic?eu=117376&sctn=1 4.专业网站 American Psychological Association. (1999, June 1). Electronic preference formats recommended by the American Psychological Association. Retrieved July 18, 1999, from the World Wide Web: http://www.apa.org/journals/webref.html (六)视听媒体资料 1.电影 Scorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K. (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me [Motion Picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures. 2.电视节目 Crystal, L. (Executive Producer). (1993, October 11). The MacNeil/Lehrer news hour [Television broadcast]. New York and Washington, DC: Public Broadcasting Service. ■ 毕业论文工作文件(四) 中文文献的引用方法与格式 ──《外语教学与研究》格式 一、文献引用 (Citation in Text) 1、在用英文撰写的毕业论文中,对中文资料的引用可视具体情况套用 APA 格式。下列四种引证方法都是 正确的: (1)Yu (1988) did an experiment in China and found that there was no relationship between the improvement of speed reading ability and the students’ sexes or ages. [注:行文中提到作者姓,须用拼音。] (2)An experiment conducted in China shows that no relationship exists between the improvement of speed reading ability and the students’ sexes or ages (Yu, 1988). [注:圆括号内的作者姓可用拼音。] (3)An experiment conducted in China shows that no relationship exists between the improvement of speed reading ability and the students’ sexes or ages (喻, 1988). [注:圆括号内的作者姓可用中文。] (4)An experiment conducted in China shows that no relationship exists between the improvement of speed reading ability and the s students’ sexes or ages (喻爱菊, 1988). [注:圆括号内可用作者的中文全 名。] 以上四例的引证与参考文献中的倒二条对应。 2、在用中文撰写的开题报告中,下面的引证方法都是正确的。如有其它问题,可查阅《外语教学与研究》。 (1) 用 Halliday & Hasan (1989)的话说,这些句子不能粘合在一起。 (2) Leather(1983:204)认为“音段音位层面的迁移是受本身制约的,而超音音位层面的迁移具有 聚集性,因此更严重”。 (3) 研究表明,可控因素通常包括动机、观念和策略(Wen 1993;文秋芳、王海啸 1996)。 二、参考文献(References) 中文参考文献的撰写采用《外语教学与研究》所使用的格式。 刘辰诞,1999,《教学篇章语言学》[M]。上海:上海外语教育出版社。 [注:此例为一个作者的专著格式。“[M]”为专著标号。] 黄国文、赵蕊华,2019, 《什么是生态语言学》[M]。上海:上海外语教育出版社。 [注:此例为两个作者的专著格式。] 王初明(编著) ,1990, 《应用心理语言学——外语学习心理研究》[M]。长沙:湖南教育出版社。 [注:此例为文集格式。] 黄师哲,2013, 类型论、类型转换理论和汉语修饰结构之研究 [A]。载王志浩、陈东东(编), 《西方人文 社科前沿述评:语言学》[C]。北京:中国人民大学出版社。346-383。 [注:此例为论文集内文章的格式。“[C]”为专著标号;“[A]”为论文集内文章的标号。如果条目跨 行,第一行顶格,第二行内缩二个词,如此例所示。] 杨忠,2007,Transcategorization in grammatical metaphor and lexical metaphor [A]。载张克定、王振华、杨朝 军(编) , 《系统•功能•评价:第九届全国功能语言学研讨会论文集》[C]。北京:高等教育出版社。42-50。 [注:此例为论文集内英文文章的格式。“[C]”为专著标号;“[A]”为论文集内文章的标号。如果条 目跨行,第一行顶格,第二行内缩二个词,如此例所示。] 夏延等,1988, 《英汉信息技术综合词典》[Z]。北京:中国经济出版社。 [注:此例为多名作者编写的词典格式。] 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室(编) ,2001,《现代汉语词典》[Z]。上海:上海教育出版社。 [注:此例是词典编者为一集体的格式。] 亚里士多德, 《修辞学》[M],罗念生译。北京:三联书店。 [注:此例为翻译作品的格式。] 尹世超,1988,标题语言的语义特点[R],1998 现代汉语语法学国际学术会议论文。 [注:此例为学术会议论文的格式。] 林若望,2016,”的”字结构,模态与违实推理[J], 《中国语文》 (2) :131-151。 [注:此例为期刊论文的格式。] 黄国文,2016,外语教学与研究的生态化取向[J],《中国外语》(5):1,9-13。 [注:此例为期刊论文的格式。] 战琳琳,2017, 深刻理解以人民为中心思想的思想精髓[N],《光明日报》,2017-11-30(09 版)。 [注:此例为报纸文章的格式。] ■ 毕业论文工作文件(五) 论文提纲格式及要求 一、 提纲可以采用标题提纲(topic outline)或句子提纲(sentence outline) ,但一篇论文的提纲格式须一致。 标 题提纲 的写法 可查阅 http://www.oakton.edu/learn/outline.htm 等 网 站; 句子 提纲的 写法可 查阅 http://www.oakton.edu/learn/sentence.htm 等网站。 (提示:在 Google 网页输入 “outline + research paper” 或 “outline sample” 即可搜索到大量的信息。 ) 二、 主题陈述(thesis statement)必须是一个完整的句子,明确表达论文的论点;一般位于引言“introduction” 的最后一个部分,并在 “conclusion”部分再次强调。 三、 提纲中的每一行只有第一个字母大写(专有名词除外)。 四、 Outline Template(提纲模板)中的 “Body” 在论文中以标题的形式出现。 五、 每篇论文都有其独特的结构与层次,但标记体系须一致。本次论文写作我院统一采纳 “Outline Template”所示的体系。 六、 Sample Outline 仅供参考。 Outline Template (提纲模板) Title: ______________________________ Thesis Statement: ________________________________________________________________ Outline 1. Introduction 1.1 ______________________________ 1.2 ______________________________ 2. Body 2.1 ______________________________ 2.1.1 ______________________________ 2.1.2 ______________________________ 2.1.3 ______________________________ 2.1.4 ______________________________ 2.2 ______________________________ 2.2.1 ______________________________ 2.2.2 ______________________________ 2.2.3 ______________________________ 2.2.4 ______________________________ 2.3 ______________________________ 2.3.1 ______________________________ 2.3.2 ______________________________ 2.3.3 ______________________________ 2.3.4 ______________________________ 3. Conclusion 3.1 ______________________________ 3.2 ______________________________ Sample Outline An Exploration of Coherence in the English Compositions by Non-English-Major Graduate Students Thesis Statement: The analysis of the use of transitions and sentence ordering in the 23 English compositions reveals that the use of a limited number of simple transitional words, unnecessary repetitions, and ineffective paragraph development are three major factors that negatively affect the coherence of the compositions. (注:主题陈述句是一篇论文的高度浓缩,它既有主题,又有结论。下 面的句子就是一个句子不合格的主题陈述句,因为它只说明了论文的主题,却没有表达出论文的结论:This paper is to explore the coherence in the English compositions by non-English major graduate students.) Outline 1. Introduction 2. Coherence and cohesion 2.1 coherence 2.2 cohesion 3. Aspects of coherence 3.1 Coherence between sentences in a paragraph 3.1.1 Transitional words 3.1.2 Pronouns 3.1.3 Repetitions 3.1.4 Synonyms 3.2 Logical ordering of sentences in a paragraph 4. Coherence in the English compositions by non-English-major graduate students 4.1 The scope and method of analysis 4.2 The result of analysis 4.2.1 The transitional devices used 4.2.2 Sentence ordering 5. Conclusion 毕业论文工作文件(六) 论文打印格式 1、论文定稿打印格式: 字体:Times New Roman 字号:论文题目:小三号粗体 标题:小四号粗体 正文:小四号常规 行距:1.5 倍 外国语学院学生毕业论文按以下顺序统一装订: 1)封面 2)毕业论文任务书 3)毕业论文指导教师成绩评定表 4)毕业设计(论文)评阅教师成绩评定表 5)毕业设计(论文)答辩及总评成绩评定表 6)英文提纲 Outline 7) 毕业设计(论文)正文 8)参考文献 毕业设计(论文)由学生本人编排并打印在标准 A4 纸上;论文封面、前 6 页(任务书、评分表和承 诺书)和提纲实行单面打印;论文主体部分(正文、结论、参考文献等)实行双面打印。封面用黄色封皮 纸打印。 2、论文页面设置 页边距:上边距:30mm;下边距:25mm;左边距:25mm;右边距:25mm;行间距:1.5 倍行距; 页眉:五邑大学本科生毕业设计(论文) 所在章节一级标题内容 左对齐 右对齐 页眉顶端距离:15mm,页眉底端距离:15mm 页码:论文页码从正文部分开始,至参考文献,用阿拉伯数字连续编排,页码位于页脚右侧。封面、英文 提纲不编入论文页码。 3、论文第一稿打印格式: 用双倍行距打印,以便留出足够空间供教师批改。 附件:教务处有关文件: 毕业论文资料袋检查 1.毕业论文选题申报表 2.毕业论文任务书 3.毕业论文成绩评定表(指导教师、评阅教师和答辩成绩表) 4.毕业论文 5.毕业论文答辩记录表 2-4 项装订成册 毕业论文评语的基本要求 所有评语一律手写,不得打印,具体要求如下: 1、指导教师评语 基本内容应包括: 对学生开展科学技术研究的基本理论与实践能力的描述,学生科研能力的描述、工作态度与团队协 助能力的描述,选题完成情况,包括真实性的描述,所解决的主要问题,论文是否有创新点或设计是否有 技术突破,以及对实际应用价值如何?设计论文的书写规范情况等;最后请描述是否同意参加论文答辩, 并给出评定成绩。 2、评阅教师评语: 基本内容应包括: 对学生开展科学技术研究的基本理论与实践能力的描述,对选题内容的完成情况,是否有创新点、 技术突破或对实际应用的价值如何?设计(论文)的书写规范情况等,最后请描述是否达到本科专业毕业 设计(论文)的水平与要求,是否同意参加论文答辩,并给出评定成绩。 3、答辩成绩: 4、答辩委员会评语: 基本内容应包括: 对选题内容的完成情况,对设计(论文)的应用价值或学术价值的评价;对学生答辩过程的情况描 述:如学生对问题的描述是否正确、清晰,内容组织是否充分,对所提的科学问题的回答是否准确,以及 是否通过论文答辩,并给出评定成绩。 注意事项: 1、 评语简单、马虎的,不规范的一律重写; 2、 评语必须手写,不能打补丁(不要反复修改) ; 3、 严格杜绝“四同现象”(意见相同、等级相同、评语相同、字迹相同) 。 毕业论文工作文件(七) 实例与评语 此文件包括一篇压缩后的优秀论文和开题报告的部分章节。编者就论文写作中的常见问题和开题报告中的 引证方法写了简短的评语,供参考。 注:此文是由一篇 5000 多词的论文压缩而成。文本框内的文字是评语。 一、论文 Theories and Training Methods of Speed Reading Thesis Statement: The training methods of phrase reading, column reading, skimming, scanning and reading accelerator, developed for overcoming double abstraction, narrow eye span and some other bad reading habits, can effectively enhance readers’ reading speed without hurting their comprehension. 1、 此文的论点陈述句(thesis statement)并不是简单地说:“This paper is to explore the theories and training methods of speed reading”; 相反,它明确地表述了作者对论 文题目所示的论题进行探讨所得出的结论。高质量的论点陈述句都应具有这一特征。 2、 论点陈述句所表达的思想首先出现在“Introduction”的最后一段;在“Conclusion”部 分,这一思想又一次得到强调。可见,此文结构严谨。读者可仔细阅读这两部分, 1、 此 文 的 提 纲 风 格 是 “ 标 题 提 纲 ( topic Outline 验证一下情况是否如此。 1. Introduction: fast reading and its training Fast reading and its benefits outline)”,不含任何句子形式的条目。 2、 每一条目与论文中的标题严格对应。 Training and its feasibility 2. Theories of fast reading Double abstraction Span of recognition 3、 每一条目只有第一个词汇的首字母大写, 其它小写。 (在实际写作中,若需用专有名 词,则仍需大写。) Comprehension and reading speed Reading efficiency and flexibility 3. Some factors affecting reading efficiency Inefficient eye movement Extra body movement Previous knowledge Concentration 4、 论文的结构与层次全部用阿拉伯数字表 示。 4. Training methods for reading faster Reading by phrases Column reading Skimming Scanning Reading accelerator 5. Conclusion 1. Introduction: speed reading and its training 1.1 Speed reading and its benefits Reading, one of the four language skills, is the most important way to get knowledge. The strong reading ability is essential for people to go ahead in this information explosion age. Students have to read different materials in different subjects to meet graduation requirements; workers have to read books relevant to their crafts to improve their skills; businessmen have to read various reports to make better decisions. In daily life, people read newspapers, magazines, stories, etc. to improve the qualities of their lives. Consequently, they need to read and to do it fast as well. 请注意上一段的段落结构。第一句引入主题,第二句是“Topic Sentence”,其它都是 “supporting sentences”。严谨的结构表明作者清晰的思路。 Speed reading is beneficial. Miller and Steeber (1985) think the best answer to the question “why do we have to read fast?” should be to save time. A simple arithmetic calculation can illustrate the benefits of increased reading speed. Slow reader 1 week 1 month 1 year 10 years 3/4 book 3 books 36 books 360 books 5/4 books 5 and 1/2 66 books 660 books 90 books 900 books 150 w.p.m. Fair reader 250 w.p.m. Good reader books 7/4 books 350 w.p.m. 7 and 1/2 books (Fry, 1963, p. 3) 注意上一段落中的蓝色文字。第一处是文中提到作者的姓,但没有直接引语的引证方法。 在第二处,文中没有提到作者的姓,但引用了“Fry”的表格,其引证方法是不同的。此段 两个引证标注分别对应于“References”中的第四条和第一条。只有在论文中有引证标注 的作品才能在“References”中出现,这是论文写作中须严格遵守的一条规则。 In the chart, Fry (1963) assumes that the three kinds of readers read the same books with the same amount of time every day. A fair reader, with a speed of 250 w.p.m., finishes one and a quarter of a book in a week, while a good reader, with a speed of 350 w.p.m., goes through one and three quarters of books. Then, a fair reader reads two books less than the good reader in a month, 24 books in a year, and 240 books in 10 years. What a huge difference! The chart very clearly demonstrates the benefits of speed reading. 1.2 Training and its feasibility According to Fry (1963), one of the major methods for improving both speed and comprehension is to set the students to work through a series of timed reading passages followed by comprehension questions. He explains that when students are relaxing at home, they do not read as rapidly as they do in class under test conditions. In one of his experiments, whether the students are high school seniors or senior management executives, all of their reading speeds, after a ten-week course, can be increased by an average of 100%. That is to say, the class average roughly doubles. Secondly, the improvement of speed reading ability has nothing to do with ages or sex. If a student starts at between 160 and 280 w.p.m., he can end at between 340 and 500 w.p.m. Moreover, training in one type of reading material can help to improve reading of other types of material, and reading speed training in one language helps the students to improve their reading in another language. Yu (1988) did an experiment in China and found that there was no relationship between the improvement of speed reading ability and the students’ sex or ages. In her opinion, everybody can enhance their reading speed. 注意上一段落中的蓝色文字,它们表示了作者引用了参考文献第七条喻爱菊的著作。因 作者的姓出现在正文中,所以用汉语拼音。 As shown above, speed training is essential, beneficial, and feasible for everyone. Therefore, it is significant to explore its theories and training methods. The theories of double abstraction, span of recognition, the relationship between comprehension and reading speed, reading efficiency and flexibility explain why reading can be fast without hurting comprehension. And the methods developed on the basis of these theories, that is, phrase reading, column reading, skimming, scanning and reading accelerator, can help reader fulfill this purpose. Equipped with the theories and aided with the above training methods, everyone can increase their reading speed and achieve satisfactory comprehension. 上一段落,即“Introduction”的最后一段,所表达的思想与论点陈述句对应。 2. Theories of speed reading There are five aspects of the theories of speed reading. A full understanding of them will enable teachers to produce better training methods adjusting to students’ levels and needs. 2. 1 Double abstraction English is an alphabetic language. The letters of a word stand for a sound, and the sound in turn represents an idea. So there is an interesting aspect of reading: the “double abstraction”. Fry (1963) gives an example. The letters “dog” represents the sound a speaker makes when he pronounces the word loud. So when one makes the sound “dog”, he is using the sound as a complete abstraction. When the letter “dog” is printed on a page, another system of symbols is being used: the system of alphabet symbols. “Hence, a printed word is a group of visual symbols → which stand for a speech symbol → which stands for an idea” (Fry, 1963, p. 40). 此例为直接引语的引证方法。 In reading, the reader is dealing with two sets of abstractions. However, efficient readers are able to look at the printed symbols and get the idea directly without going through the sound stage. This way of reading highly enhances a reader’s reading efficiency. 2.2 Span of recognition When a good reader is reading, his eyes make a series of short jerky movements. Each time the eyes stop, a “fixation” is completed, and they see a certain span of material, which is called “the span of recognition” (Fry, 1963, p.17). Since the fixation-time is constant, the only other variable to increase reading speed is the amount of material a person sees during a fixation. According to Fry (1963), good readers actually see two or three words in a fixation, while poor readers see one word or less. 直接引语即使是一个单词或短语 —— 当然这一定是个关键词语 —— 也要标明页码。 When readers see two or three words as a group, they see them as a unit of meaning or a phrase. Therefore, a reader should look at the inter-relationship of words in such units as phrases, or even in sentences and paragraphs. Good readers perceive words as groups. As one experiment shows, readers can raise twice as much as their original reading speeds after taking the training in reading larger units of language (Fry, 1963). 2.3 Comprehension and reading speed According to Smith (1982), comprehension is relating visual information to nonvisual information. The former means the printed information before eyes, and the latter the knowledge we have stored in the brain to make sense of the visual information. That is to say, to comprehend, readers have to find the interrelationship between the former knowledge in their brain and the information in front of the eyes. However, the former knowledge is stored in our “long-term memory” and it is not “constantly accessible” (Smith, 1982, p.48). We have to tap one of the interrelationships to find that out. Moreover, the previous knowledge is stored in units of meaning in our brain. So visual information received by the brain in meaningful units helps it to tap the interrelationship in mind. In the opinion of Fry (1963), to speed up reading is to read in bigger units of language, like phrases. Coincidently, it is the way how knowledge is stored in mind. So, when a reader reads in bigger units, he can easily relate that visual information to his nonvisual information. In other words, he comprehends more easily. So, reading faster by taking in bigger units of information will help the brain to comprehend more easily. Thus, to achieve better comprehension, “reading must be fast” (Smith, 1982, p.38). 文章涉及到阅读理论的方方面面,但作者始终围绕“reading speed”。可见,这篇论文主 题明确、重点突出。 2.4 Reading efficiency and flexibility A rough measure of reading efficiency might be done by multiplying speed by a comprehension rate (Fry, 1963). If a reader reads 200 w.p.m. and gets 100% comprehension, his reading is 200 w.p.m. efficient. If we compare the 70% comprehension with higher comprehension, we can see the relationship between comprehension and efficiency. For example, a reader who reads 200 w.p.m. with 100% comprehension gets 200 w.p.m. efficiency. But a reader who reads 400 w.p.m. with 70% comprehension gets 280 w.p.m. efficiency. We can see that the latter has a higher reading efficiency. According to McWhorter (1987), “the ability to adjust your reading rate and methods to suit the type of material you are reading and your purpose for reading is called reading flexibility” (p.5). In our real life, 100% comprehension is rarely demanded. For most reading, we read for ideas, not for specific words written on the page, and 70% comprehension is acceptable (Fry, 1963). We usually do not need to get a full comprehension of a story by reading it word by word unless we want to make a critical comment. Study technique, which students need to master, is to read the material once rapidly and then go back over it to pick up more necessary details. In other words, the best reading efficiency is not always the highest; it depends on the reader’s purpose and practical needs. Fry (1963) comments that poor readers read everything in the same slow speed. They are not flexible in reading. 3. Some factors affecting reading efficiency 3.1 Inefficient eye movement Most people erroneously believe that they should read word by word. However, this would cause “tunnel vision” (Mackworth, 1965, P. 67), which is very similar to seeing the world through a narrow paper tube. The more attention we pay to a single word, the more difficult for us to observe the main idea of the whole material. In addition, inefficient readers make a lot of regressions. A regression is a backward movement along a line of print (Fry, 1963). All readers make some regressions, but good readers make very few, while weak readers make a large number. Sometimes a regression means the reader has come across a new word or phrase which he does not quite understand and wishes to review. Making a regression for this purpose is justifiable. But poor readers have a habit of making much more regressions than they really need. It is possible that this habit was started by the reading material beyond the reader’s comprehension ability. 3.2 Extra body movement According to Fry (1963), the muscles of the eye should take the only external movement in efficient reading. And the extra body movements, such as pointing with the finger, moving the head, or the lips, often slow down reading speed. First, head movement is a common fault. This often occurs when students are nervous. When they are reading, they aim their noses at the words they are reading. However, in fact, eye muscles are quite capable of shifting the eyes from word to word, and they need no help from neck muscles. Second, vocalization is also common in inefficient readers. When vocalizing, readers pronounce aloud each word or whispering softly to themselves. In this situation, their reading speeds are equal to their speaking speeds. However, silent reading is nearly twice as fast as the speaking speed (Fry, 1963). So, vocalization can slow down reading. Besides the obvious movement of lips, tongue or vocal cords, there is a subvocalization that cannot be observed easily. In subvocalization, the lips, tongue or vocal cords do not move at all. But an “inner speech” (Fry, 1963, p.14) is persisting: inside the reader’s mind, he is saying each word to himself, clearly pronouncing each word and then listening to himself. The extra body movements discussed above are harmful to speed reading and comprehension. 3.3 Previous knowledge To comprehend, readers have to find the interrelationship between the former knowledge in their brains and the information in front of the eyes (Smith, 1982). Previous knowledge includes every aspects of information helping to make sense of the printed visual information, such as vocabulary, syntax, and background knowledge, etc. The more previous knowledge is stored in brain, the easier for readers to predict and comprehend. That’s why when readers meet some material beyond their knowledge scope, they cannot read fast. 3.4 Concentration If a reader’s mind always wanders about and cannot focus on his reading, he can never read successfully. In fact, it is not the eyes but the brain that does the reading (Smith, 1982). It takes concentration to find the interrelated information in mind. Therefore, concentration is important in reading. In this part, we have seen some factors affecting reading efficiency. Getting aware of these bad habits, readers tend to get rid of them and be more efficient in reading. 4. Training methods for reading faster Base on the theories of fast reading, some training methods can be developed. And since computers can play some peculiar functions which printed materials cannot, it is necessary to use computer programs to train speed reading skills. 4.1 Reading by phrases As it is stated before, good readers are able to get the ideas directly from visual information without going through the sound abstraction stage. And since they read in larger units of information, their spans of recognition are winder than slow readers’. Thus, in order to speed up the students’ reading, teachers have to train their students to drop their sound abstraction and expand their span of recognition. In this way, phrase reading can help, which requires readers to get a phrases rather than a single word in one fixation. First, the teacher can begin training by rewriting a text in the format of cards. Each of them contains only one phrase, and then the teacher flashes them in front of the students one by one. While cards are being flashed, students are required to speak out its meaning, not its pronunciation, as quickly as possible. At first, the speed at which the teacher flashes the cards can be slow, but in later rounds, the speed should be raised. In this way, students have less and less time to read them, forcing them to drop the sound abstraction and go directly to the meanings. Second, after the students get used to the speed of the shorter phrases, teachers should increase the length of phrases. Similarly, the speed of flashing should be increasingly quicker for each round of displaying. In this way, students are able to get used to bigger units of language. Consequently, their spans of recognition are expanded. In the end, the students will be surprised to find that they can finish a line in much shorter time. However, there are disadvantages with this method. It takes a huge amount of time to make so many cards, and the teacher will be very tired after flashing the cards; moreover, it is not easy to control the speed of flashing accurately, and the students depend largely on the teacher. In this case, a computer can do a great help. The Foreign Language Department of Wuyi University (2003) (abbreviated as “FLD” below) designs two modes of reading by phrases, realized with the aid of a computer. In Mode 1, one phrase after another of a text shows up and disappears exactly in accordance with the reading speed the user has chosen. In Mode 2, one phrase of a text is marked by changing its printing color to attract the reader’s focus, and then it is erased according to the chosen speed. Both the modes force the reader to get a phrase in one fixation at a set speed. 此例是作者为一集体的引证方法。 We can see that a computer-aided training method is more efficient in training the reader’s eye span than the human-made cards. It can meet the needs of readers with different reading competence, and the displaying is very accurate. 4.2 Column Reading Column reading is also a method for training the eye spanning. This mode of reading is, in real reading situations, applicable for reading newspapers and magazines. It requires readers to have their eyes focus on the center of a column and use peripheral vision to get the information on both sides of each line. Thus, if a reader gets the skill, his eyes can float down the page to get speedily the information he needs. Of course, this mode of reading is efficient only for browsing the general information contained in newspapers and magazines. The computer program designed by FLD (2003) turns the theory into practical training method. Texts on the computer screen are purposefully made as narrow as a newspaper column, and an arrow moves down the page in accordance with the chosen speed. The arrow, the focusing point, leads the reader’s eye to float down the column, so that the reader would have to read by a short line in order to keep a certain speed. This reading mode assist the reader to use the peripheral vision to speed up reading by expanding the eye spanning. 作者对快速阅读方法的讨论始终紧扣前文阐述的理论。这从另一角度说明此文主题明 确、重点突出。 4.3 Skimming Skimming is done “when you do not have much time and when you wish to cover material at the fastest possible rate” (Zhang, 1999, p.161). “Skimming means a reader reads selectively to get a general idea of what an article is about” (McWhorter, 1987, p. 55). Generally, to get the main idea, a reader can read the title, subtitle or introductory byline, introductory paragraph, headings, the first sentence of each paragraph, the key words like names, numbers, capitalized or italicized words etc. Reading different types of materials, readers should apply different ways to find the location of main ideas. Take narrative and exposition for example. The former kind of writing is mostly written in chronological order, so a reader has to roughly go through the context and find the relevant details like place, time, characters, etc. But to read expositions, which follow some well-defined structures, readers can use the knowledge of its organizing pattern to locate the thesis statement and topic sentences without much difficulty. According to Fry (1963), the entire skimming exercise should be done “against the clock” (p.56) and 50% comprehension is acceptable. The easy reading materials which the students have done before will be helpful in training the technique. As long as the students have some familiarity, they can begin practicing this reading skill. In his course, students begin at 200 w.p.m. and reach 400 w.p.m. after skimming training, and they are expected to reaches 800 w.p.m. or better. 4.4 Scanning “Scanning in reading is a technique for quickly looking through reading matter to locate a particular piece of information —— a fact, a date, a name, a statistic” (McWhorter, 1987, p. 84). McWhorter (1987) suggests some steps to scan. First, a reader must be clear what specific information he is looking for; second, he should check the organization of the material, because different materials require different approaches of scanning; and third, use a systematic pattern to find the specific information. For instance, in columnar material, like plane schedules, TV listings, dictionaries, etc., all sorts of information are represented in lists, tables, columns, schedules or charts; a reader can move his eyes straight down the middle. However, in prose material, like newspaper, magazine articles, textbooks, etc., the information is presented in the paragraph form; his eyes may go in the “Z” pattern on the page. Finally, a reader may identify the likely location with the help of the clue words and confirm the answer. For example, when you are looking for population, you should find clues, like numbers or word like “million”. Once a reader finds the specific information, he finishes the task of scanning. And if a reader gets the point, the comprehension should reach 100% (Zhang, 1999). 如果所引证的条目是中文的,且在行文中没有提到作者,可按次例处理,也可用“(张玲, 1999)”。 4. 5 Reading accelerator According to Fry (1963), when a student first increases his reading speed, his comprehension often drops to some degree. When this occurs, the teacher should ask him to keep the reading speed and at the same time try to bring comprehension up to normal. When the student succeeds, he should be encouraged to reader faster. This pattern of training is labeled as “Speeding up → leveling off → speeding up again” (Fry, 1963, p.35). This method can be realized in a computer. In a well-designed computer program by FLD (2003), a text will be erased line by line in accordance with the reading speed the user has chosen, forcing the user to finish a text at a certain speed. When the fast reading mode comes to an end, comprehension questions turn up, followed by evaluation and comments on the user’s performance. Since the program offers a large number of speeds, it can meet various needs. The Fry’s training mode is thus realized in a computer. In this part, five training methods of speed reading are discussed, and all of them are greatly helpful in overcoming the bad habits of reading. Moreover, there are many fast reading training websites on the internet, but most of them are charged. Students can consider them according to their financial conditions. Moreover, when a student is facing a computer alone, there is no supervision. Will he reject the attraction of games? And some people prefer print media to multimedia, because they feel very tired in front of the screen. So people have to make a choice most suitable for them. 5. Conclusion This project explores the theories and training methods of speed reading. Speeding up without hurting comprehension is theoretically valid and methodically feasible. When the time of every fixation is fixed, the only way to speed up reading is expanding the span of recognition so that bigger units of information can be taken in for each fixation. Consequently, the visual information received by the eyes can be effectively handled by the previous knowledge stored in the brain and made sensible, or comprehended. Various well-designed computer-aided training methods, including phrase reading, column reading, reading accelerator, can help reader get the skills. skimming and scanning are also efficient in many a reading situation. 上一段所表达的思想与论点陈述句的意思相同。论文的中心思想在“Introduction”和 “Conclusion”两部分都提到,前呼后应,给读者一种“完整”的感觉。 Although the theories and training methods of speed reading is emphasized in this thesis, students’ diligence should not be ignored. Without patience and diligence, no one can reach their maximum potential in reading. The good training methods discussed above have paved the way for us to accelerate our reading speeds with satisfactory comprehension. With persistence and diligence, we will be fast readers. References: Fry, E. (1963). Teaching faster reading. London: Cambridge University Press. Mackworth, N. H. (1965). Visual noise causes tunnel vision. Psychonomic science, 3, 67-68. McWhorter, K. T. (1987). Efficient and flexible reading. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Miller, W. M., & Steeber, S. (1985). Reading faster and understanding more, Book 1. Canada: Little, Brown and Company. Smith, F. (1982). Understanding reading (2nd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 五邑大学外国语学院,2003,大学英语快速阅读 [CD-ROM]。 上海:上海外语教育出版社。 喻爱菊,1988,英语快速阅读试验报告[J],《外语教学与研究》第 3 期。 张玲,1999, 《英语阅读 10 技能》[M]。北京:宇航出版社。 1、 参考文献共有九条,符合学校要求。 2、 参考文献中的所有条目与正文中的引证标注一一对应。 3、 各类文献的写法符合我系的各种格式规定。请注意:书名与期刊名写法不同;书名 与文章名用的字体不同。 1.你是否觉得这篇论文没有新意?它为什么能得“优”呢? 答:是的,没有多少新意。但此文作者比较准确、全面地总结和概述了快速阅读的理论与 方法,并且对各种方法进行了比较,得出了结论,在内容、表述、格式等方面都符合指导 老师在任务书中提出的要求。所以,可以被评为“优秀”。 2.你是否觉得这篇论文引用了太多的别人的思想与观点?这样的论文为何能得“优”呢? 答:所谓“论文”,就是用别人的科研成果来论证自己某个观点的文章。所以,对论证材料 加以引证只能加强论证的可信度和力度。有多少人会相信一个本科生能有“great ideas”? 此文作者非常诚实地标出了所有的引用的材料,这说明她已掌握了论文写作的基本方法, 附件:五邑大学本科生毕业设计格式规范 她的论文内容可靠,也表明她尊重知识产权,有诚实的科学态度。 1. 关于表格、插图、照片、注释等的格式规范,详见《五邑大学本科生毕业设计格式规范》第 7-8 页的说 明。 2. 本学院各专业毕业论文不需要中英文摘要、目录、致谢、附录等。