Uploaded by Charlene June Montealto

Computer System Servicing Lesson Plan: Application Software Installation

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
Sapang Dalaga National High School
Dave L. Montealto
Grade Level
Learning Area
Time & Date(s)
2:00-4:00 P.M. / June 20, 2023
A. Content
B. Performance
C. Learning
Competencies /
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Computer System Servicing
The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles in installing configuring
and computer systems
The learners shall be able to install and configure computer systems based on established
procedures and system requirements
LO 4. Install application software
4.2 Install Application Software based on software installation guides, end-user requirements and
software license agreement
4.2.1 Familiarizing the requirements for application software installation Determine the functions of necessary application software to be installed in a
computer. Identify the requirements in installing necessary application software. Prepare a customized software installer device. Appreciate the importance of using a reliable application software.
Requirements for Application Software Installation
K to 12 ICT – Computer Systems Servicing (NC II) Curriculum Guide
Laptop, LCD Projector, Desktop Computers, Software Installer Flash Drives
Internet Source:
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
(The teacher expects the students to
Introductory Activity Prayer and Greetings
“Before we start our lesson, May I ask one of you
(10 minutes)
to lead the prayer.”
(Teacher asks one student to lead the prayer)
(Students stand up and pray altogether)
“Good morning class!”
“Good morning Sir!”
Checking of Attendance
“You may now take your seats. I will call your
names individually and please raise your right
hand and say present when your name is called.”
(Teacher checks the attendance)
(Students raise their right hand and say
present as the teacher called their
Setting of Standards
“Okay class, this morning we will have a new
lesson for the Core Competencies of Computer
System Servicing NC II. When I ask you some
questions, please just raise your right hand and
try not to answer in chorus. During my
discussions, I will also give you time to ask
questions. So again, please don’t hesitate to raise
your right hand. Is that clear class?”
“Yes Sir!”
“Before we start our topic, we will have a short
activity. For this activity, I’m going to ask you a few
questions and we will have a short discussion
based on your own ideas. Is that clear class?
(Teacher will be asking a few questions)
“Yes Sir!”
(Students listens and responds to the
“Where are you now?”
“In a room Sir.”
“In the computer laboratory Sir.”
“What are the things you can see inside this “Computer Sir.”
“Tables and chairs Sir.”
“Electronic devices Sir.”
“Air-conditioner Sir.”
“Okay, very good!”
“Now I want you to close your eyes, and try to (Students follow the instruction)
imagine that this room is nothing but an empty
space without the tables, the chairs, the cabinet,
the computers, the air-conditioner, the fluorescent
bulbs and all devices in it. Just an empty room.”
“Now, open your eyes and tell me how did you
visualize the room without anything inside it.”
“I will ask three students to share their insights.”
(Teacher will be calling three students to share (The selected students respond to the
their ideas)
“Okay very good! Thank you for sharing your (Students clap their hands)
ideas. Please give a big hand to everyone.”
“So, based on that activity, do you think an empty
room would be useful enough for us in conducting
our classes?”
(Teacher call some students to share their ideas)
“No Sir!”
(The selected students share their own
“If we will compare this room to a computer which “No Sir!”
has nothing but an operating system, will it be
useful enough for you?”
Why do you think?
“Yes. Very good! Thank you for all of your ideas.
“So, as we all know, the main reason that we use
the computer is because it is a storage of files like
pictures, music, videos, documents and
“A computer is less useful without the
files like pictures, music, videos,
documents and applications that are
stored on it Sir.”
applications which we can view, play, edit or run
using it.”
(15 minutes)
Indicator 4
Indicator 6
Activity 1: “Give it a Try”
“Okay class, this time we will have a group activity
and I’m going to group you into 4 groups. You will
be sticking with these groupings for the entire
class so I will ask you to give a chance for every
member of your group to perform.”
(Teacher announces the group assignments and (Students form their groups)
asks the students to proceed to their respective
Indicator 1 (Within
Teaching Area)
(Teacher will introduce a newly formatted desktop (Students pay
computer with a newly installed Windows 10 presentation)
Operating System (64 bit), without any additional
application software installed and display its
output on the LCD Projector)
“For now, I will distribute a Flash Drive to each (Each group receives the flash drive
group and give each group a specific set of listen to the instructions)
“Group 1: Find the file “27 Healthy Tips” at the
Downloads folder of Group 1 Client PC and save
it on the flash drive.”
“Group 2: Find the file “Personal Hygiene” at the
Videos folder of Group 2 Client PC and save it on
the flash drive.”
“Group 3: Find the file “Quit Smoking Now” at the
Documents folder of Group 3 Client PC and save
it on the flash drive.”
“Group 4: Find the file “Causes of Malnutrition”
at the Pictures folder of Group 4 Client PC and
save it on the flash drive.”
“Before you start, is there any question?”
(Students respond to the question)
“Each group will be given 5 minutes to discuss (Students perform the activity)
among their members and perform their task.
Okay, you may now start performing your tasks.”
(Teacher will wait for each group to finish the first
set of instructions)
“Are all groups done?”
“Yes Sir!”
“Very good!”
“At this time, I will ask each group to save the file (Students listen to the instructions)
you copied in your Flash Drive at the Drive D of
the newly formatted computer and try to view or
open the file.”
“Are there any questions so far?”
(Students respond to the question)
“Each group will be given another 5 minutes to (Students
perform their task. You may now continue your activity)
“Everybody must observe what will happen every (Students are observing to the result of
time each group attempts to open a file in the each group’s output)
newly formatted computer.”
(10 minutes)
(When all groups are done performing, the
teacher will then ask a few questions and have
some learners share their own ideas)
Indicator 3 (HOTS)
“Were you successful in completing your task?”
“No Sir!”
“Yes Sir!”
“If yes, how? If not, what do you think is the “The file that we copied in our flash drive
failed to open in the newly formatted
computer Sir.”
“Do you think some things are missing in this “Yes Sir!”
“What is it and why?”
“I think an application software is missing
because it is required in order to open or
run a file in the computer.”
“Do you know some application software that are “Yes Sir!”
commonly used in the computer?”
“What is it and kindly give its function.”
“Microsoft Word Sir.” It is used to open
word documents Sir.”
“Microsoft PowerPoint Sir. It used to open
PowerPoint presentations Sir.”
“SMADAV Anti-Virus Sir. It protects our
computer against malwares and viruses
“Very good! Now, do you have any questions so (Students respond to the question)
far regarding the lesson?”
“As ICT students it is very important for you to
understand that the process of opening a specific
file format or conducting a specific task, requires
a certain application software which will read or
interpret its format and handle the operation.”
“This is the reason why you failed to open or run
the file in a newly formatted computer since this
computer doesn’t have any other software
installed other that its Operating System.”
Indicator 2 (Literacy)
(Teacher will then discuss to the learners the (Selected students responded by reading
possible causes of failure in opening a specific file the table while the entire class listen to
or conducting a certain computer operation by the discussion)
flashing a table in the projector screen while
having some learners read each error and its
possible cause)
Failed to open
a PDF File
Possible Cause
PDF viewer
application is not
Failed to open Video player which
an uncommon supports wide range
Video File
of video file formats
is not installed
Failed to open Word processing
a Word
application is not
Failed to open ZIP
or extract a
application is not
ZIP archive file installed
Slow Web
Advance Web
Browser application
is not installed
Unable to
A second layer Anticonduct
virus software is not
installed or
scan on a
“Okay, so those are the common errors and their
possible cause we usually experience we run or
open a file in a computer without its corresponding
application software.”
“Are there any questions so far?”
(25 minutes)
(Students respond to the question)
Stating the Lesson of the Day and Specific
Learning Objectives
“Okay class, our lesson for today is
Requirements for Application Software
(Teacher asks some students to read the
learning objectives and give a clearer overview
for each objective)
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. Determine the functions of necessary
application software to be installed in a
2. Identify the devices/equipment required in
installing necessary application software.
3. Prepare a customized software installer
4. Appreciate the importance of using a reliable
application software.
“As we proceed with our discussion, we will also
have another activity.”
(Selected students read the learning
(Teacher introduces the activity)
(Students listen while the teacher
introduces the activity)
Activity 2: “What’s My Name?”
“At this time, I want you to regroup with your (Students regroup with their
“Using the LCD Projector, I’m going to display (Students listen to the instruction)
images or logos which represents a specific
application software. Each group will take turns
and try to identify and give the name of the
application software within 10 seconds. If a group
fails in naming the application software after the
given time, other groups will steal their chance.”
“Okay, we will start with Group 1, which will then (All groups prepare for their turn to
be followed by Group 2 and the remaining answer)
(Teacher starts the activity and asks a member of (Students focus their attention on the
every group to read the function of the application projector screen and participated in the
software which they identified using its image or activity)
Name of Application
Adobe Reader
VLC Media Player
Microsoft Office
Mozilla Firefox
SMADAV Anti-Virus
(Teacher gives further discussion for every
application software)
(Students listen to the discussion while
taking important notes)
“Do you have any question about the
(Students respond to the question)
“As future technicians, it is very important for you
to identify the requirements and understand the
proper procedures in installing an Application
(Students listen to the discussion while
taking important notes)
(Teacher displays the requirements in installing
an Application Software and asks some students
to read it while providing clarifications to the
(Selected students read the
requirements while the entire class listen
to the discussion)
“We must familiarize the following requirements
in installing an Application Software:
1. Application Software Installer
 Used to install an application and must
be appropriate to the system type of the
Operating System of the computer
whether it is a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
operating system
2. Flash Drive or DVD RW
 Used as storage of a set of Application
Software Installer for easier installation
3. Functional USB Port or DVD Room
 Reads the data from the Flash Drive or
“Are there any questions so far?”
(Students respond to the question)
(Teacher will then demonstrate the basic steps of (Students listen to the discussion)
preparing a customized software installer using
the LCD projector)
“For us to have an easier way of installing an
Application Software, it is preferable to prepare
our own customized software installer. This time,
I will demonstrate to you the basic steps of
preparing a customized software installer device
using a USB Flash Drive. The steps are as
1. Insert your Flash Drive on a computer which
contains the copy of the Application Software
installers you want to include in your
customized installer device.
2. Copy the selected Application Software
installers in your Flash Drive.
3. Be sure that the customized installer device
contains the following types of Application
Software installers:
 PDF Viewer
 Video Player
 Word Processing Application
 ZIP Archiver/Extractor
 Web Browser
 Anti-Virus Software”
(Students respond to the question)
“So those were the basic steps in preparing a
customized installer device. Is there any question
before we proceed to our next activity?”
Activity 3: “Complete the Package”
(30 minutes)
“Okay class, this time I want you to stick with
your respective groups.”
(Students regroup with their
“I will assign each group with a USB flash drive.”
(Students listen to the instruction)
“Using your assigned computers that you used in
the previous activity, each group must create
their own customized software installer device
which contains a PDF Viewer, Video Player,
Word Processing Application, ZIP
Archiver/Extractor, Web Browser and Anti-Virus
“All software installers are stored in the Drive D /
Software Installer Package (W10 Selections) of
your assigned computers. You will be given 20
minutes to complete your task. You may now get
your flash drive here and proceed with your
“The rating of your activity is based on the
completeness of the required Application
Software installer in your customized software
installer device so be careful in choosing the type
of installer you want to copy. Once done, submit
to me your outputs.”
(Students perform the activity)
(Teacher will wait for all groups to complete the
(All groups submit their output)
Generalization with Integration to Earth and Life
(Teacher collects the output of each group)
(Teacher selects one of the groups’ output and
show it to the class using the LCD projector and
the newly formatted computer)
(Teacher will ask some students to identify the
application software installer stored in the
customized installer device and ask them to give
their function)
(Selected students respond to the
“This time I’m going to install some Application
Software that were missing during your first
activity “Give it a Try” namely, the Adobe
Reader, WinRAR and VLC Media Player.”
(Students listen to the discussion)
(The teacher installs a set of Application
Software to the newly formatted computer)
“Now, for us to ensure that the installation of an
Application Software is successful, we must test
it by opening or running a file which is supported
by this Application Software.”
Indicator 1 (Across
Teaching Area)
Earth and Life
2nd Quarter
Week 5
nutrition: getting
food to cells; salt
and water balance
and waste removal;
the immune system:
“May I ask one student to open the PDF file “27
Healthy Tips” in this computer.”
(A selected student opens the file)
“Very good! May I ask another student to open
the Archive file “Causes of Malnutrition” in this
(A selected student opens the file)
“Very good! Now, may I ask one more student to
open the Video file “Personal Hygiene” in this
computer and take note that a video file might
crash while playing so we must view the entire
(A selected student opens the file and
the entire class watches the short video)
defense from
S11/12LT-IIIaj- 22
(25 minutes)
video for us to ensure the success of the
“Very good!” Thank for your cooperation and let
us give a big hand to everyone!”
(Students clap their hands)
“Do you have any questions before we proceed
with our assessment?”
(Students respond to the question)
Written Test (5 pts.)
“Okay class, the first part of our assessment is a
short quiz. I want you to use one-fourth lengthwise as your answer sheet. Test instructions and
questions will be displayed in the screen. Please
read the instructions very carefully. Please do
not hesitate to ask me if you have any question
regarding the quiz. You may now start. Please
pass your paper when your done answering.”
(Teacher displays the quiz instructions and (Students listen to the quiz instructions,
questions on the screen)
answer it and submit their papers after
Short Quiz
Identify the terms being described in the
1. A free and portable media player
developed by the VideoLAN project
which supports many audio and video
compression methods and file formats.
2. It is used to open PDF (Portable
Document Format) documents which
can be a wide variety of files, such as
images, text documents, forms, books,
or any combination of these.
3. A Web browser which gives users a
cleaner interface and faster browsing
and download speeds compared to the
Internet Explorer.
4. An additional protection (second layer)
antivirus, and specialize in protecting
USB Flash-disk to avoid virus infection.
5. A file archiver utility for Windows, which
can create and view archives in RAR or
ZIP file formats, and unpack numerous
archive file formats.
Performance Test (15 pts.)
“The second part of our assessment is a
performance test which will be started today and
to be continued on the next meeting. Each one of
you will perform the proper procedures in
creating a customized software installer device.
Please focus on the projector screen as I discuss
to you the instructions”
(Teacher displays the performance test
instructions on the screen)
Creating a Customized Software Installer Device
1. Each student will be given 1 USB Flash
(Students listens to the instructions)
2. A student must use only the computer
assigned to him/her.
3. Within 20 minutes, you must produce a
customized installer device which contains
installers for Adobe Reader, VLC Media
Player, Microsoft Office, WinRAR, Mozilla
Firefox and SMADAV Anti-virus.
4. I will be observing you while performing the
5. Your rating will be based on the
completeness of the required Application
Software installer in your customized
software installer device.
“I will call the first seven students who will
perform. Those who will be called, please get
your Flash Drives here.”
(Teacher calls 7 students and assign them to a
desktop computer while)
(The first 7 seven students proceed to
their assigned desktop computers)
“You may now start your tasks.”
(The seven students perform the activity)
(The Teacher checks the students output and
calls the remaining batches)
(The remaining students performed the
“For your assignment, name your favorite application (Student listen to the instruction while
taking important notes)
(5 minutes)
“Support your answer by giving its features and
“In preparation for the next topic, conduct a research
on the proper procedures in installing an Application
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher II
Approved by:
Master Teacher I
Assistant School Principal II
Very Satisfactory
The customized software
installer contains additional
useful application software
The customized software
installer does not contain
any unnecessary
The task was completed
ahead of time
The customized software
installer contains all
necessary application
The customized software
installer contains 1
unnecessary application
Needs Improvement
The customized software
installer contains some of the
necessary application software
The task was completed on
The task was completed but
not on time
The customized software
installer contains 2 or more
unnecessary applications