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Consumerism, Technology, and Identity Loss in 'Feed'

Teni Ashinwo
Mr. Bradshaw
English honors 10
May 8th 2023
How are Consumerism and Technology Related to Loss of Identity?
Consumerism and technology are related to loss of identity, technology has become a big
part of everyone’s lives and it also relates to the threats of corporate power and constant
consumerism in the real world. Feed is a young adult dystopian novel written by M.T. Anderson
about a group of teenagers with microchips in their brains called feeds that allow them to access
the internet in their heads. In this book technology aka the feed allows for consumerism because
it bombards its user with an endless stream of personalized ads, nudging them into a lifestyle of
constant consumption (Arn). Consumerism is the fixation of society on the acquisition of
consumer goods. Consumerism makes it easier for technology to replace human relationships
with technological ones. Consumerism and technology can cause identity loss by making it
easier for trends to become part of people’s identities.
Everyone in feed but violet were consumed by technology. Throughout the book, Violet
acts as the voice of reason in a sea of brainwashed consumers, pointing out when Titus and his
friends are viciously rude, immature, or spoiled. “Stop it! People are starving. We’re playing
games, and our skin is falling off.” She continues, shrieking, “You don’t have the feed! You are
feed! You’re feed! You’re being eaten!”(Anderson 197). The readers are shown multiple
examples of when people buy things out of habit, not need, and the females harming themselves
to fit the beauty standard because of a trend. M.T Anderson’s Feed is a novel that mocks how
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people globally are increasingly becoming dependent on technology and exposed to
consumerism (The Theme Of Consumerism In Feed By M. T. Anderson).
People in Feed lost their sense of identity and let the feed think for them. An example of
people losing their sense of identity in the book was with the lesions. When lesions were first
introduced in the novel, they were regarded as disgusting. However "The stars of Oh? Wow!
Thing! had started to get lesions, so then people started to think better of lesions." (Anderson 96).
Towards the end of the novel, girls are even getting fake ones. According to Titus, Quendy, "Had
lesions all over her. When she moved her head I could see a lesion on her neck open."(Anderson
221). At first, citizens are rightly disgusted by all the holes that are forming in their skin, but the
media manages to change their minds. By associating the stars of Oh? Wow! Thing! with these
lesions, they made them acceptable. Eventually, people began to see them as attractive and girls
began getting fake lesions. Quendy got hundreds by choice all over her body. Constant exposure
to the media and glamorization can cause people to believe that anything is attractive. Even
rotting flesh.
In Feed, consumerism and technology are killing people slowly even though they are
portrayed as the norm in society. In the book Feed technological advances have robbed the
characters of their individuality (Society Molds Human Identity In Feed By M. T. Anderson).
The feed has decreased people’s intelligence, stunted their emotional development, and made
them blind to the reality that corporate greed has led to widespread human suffering and
environmental destruction, even as its proof is written on their bodies in the form of raw, red
lesions caused by industrial pollution (Full feed Analysis).
The feed has because of a normal thing in their world they don’t care about the negative
aspects of it, only the positives. Differences are frowned upon in Titus' society. As a result, all
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the characters have become sheep and just follow the trend like social media in today world.
They alter themselves and their interests to follow society’s standards. The feed tells them who
they are and what they need to act like (The Importance of technology in feed). The characters do
not want to ignore the feed because they want to be the people that society wants them to be. The
feed gives them access to what was cool like outfits and cars. It tells them what clothes and
things to do were trending at the moment. Furthermore, they do not see the dangers of the feed,
they know that without the feed they would be outcasts and different and most of the characters
in the novel want to be liked (Society Molds Human Identity In Feed By M. T. Anderson). No
one in this book but Violet seemed to care about that when she was explaining the bad aspects of
the feed to Titus he didn’t really care he said“This is the kind of thing people talked about a lot
how Everything on the feed has its price, and okay, it may be true, but it’s also boring, so I was
like, ‘Yeah. Okay. That’s the feed. So what?’” (Anderon 111). The feed has prevented the
characters from making their own identities, but they don’t mind because it gives them
information on how to act and what to do.
If people allow technology to control their lives, the future world could turn out to be
what is depicted in Feed (Arn). Anderson wants the reader to understand the impact technology
has on our lives as well as how the media has the power to influence and control us. Therefore,
Anderson cautions the reader about the potential future our civilization may face if we don't
make a change soon. He worries that one day technology may exceed humans by producing a
society of idiots as in the novel Feed (Cartwright). There are scenarios of the world that we live
in. Humans are losing their sense of identity and intelligence as a result of the influence of
technology over the human race.
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Works Cited
Anderson, M.T. feed. Boston, ‎Candlewick press. 2012
Arn, Jackson. "Feed Themes: Corporations and Consumerism." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 13
Dec 2017.
Cartwright, Ayla. “'Feed' demonstrates how starved society is thanks to technology.” Tribune
Teen panel. Great falls tribune.com. February 21 2018.
“Consumerism in Feed” IPL IPL.org. N.d
“Full feed analysis” SparkNotes LLC. Spark notes.com, feb 22, 2023
Society Molds Human Identity In Feed By M. T. Anderson IPL IPL.org.December 25, 2017
“The importance of technology in feed.” Bartleby. Bartleby.com. January 15, 2018
“The Theme Of Consumerism In Feed By M. T. Anderson.” IPL IPL.org.December 13, 2017