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Advanced Computer Networks Course Syllabus

Course Title
Course Code
Course Type
MCA 2nd
Discipline Centric Elective
04 Credits (L-T-P=3:1:0)
Course Objectives:
 To get a grounding of basic network components and architecture.
 To learn the way protocols are used in networks.
 To understand the basic taxonomy and terminology of the computer
networking area.
 To understand the Internet and Intranet, Protocols at different layers and their
services, Network Applications like web, HTTP, FTP and Electronic Mail in the
Internet, Domain Name System, and Transport-Layer Services.
Course Outcomes:
 Understand the main abstract concepts related to the layered communication
 Analyze and implement some of the most advanced routing and congestion
control algorithms.
 Understand basics and principles of new generation of computer networks
(VPN, wireless networks, and mobile networks).
Network Layer and Protocols
OSI and TCP/IP Models overview. IP Addressing- Notations, Class full Addressing,
Classless Addressing, and Network Address Translation. Internet Protocol (IP),
Datagram Format and Fragmentation. ICMP messages, Debugging Tools, ICMP
Checksum. Mobile IP, Addressing, Agents, Three Phases, Inefficiency in Mobile IP. VPN
Next Generation IP
IPv6 Introduction, Addressing, Representation, Address Space Allocation, Autoconfiguration, Renumbering. Transition from IPv4 to IPv6, Dual Stack, Tunneling,
Header Translation. IPv6 packet Format, Extension Header.
Unicast and Multicast Routing Protocols
Inter-Domain and Intra Domain Routing. Routing Algorithms (Distance Vector routing,
Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Link State Algorithm, Path Vector Routing). Unicast Routing
Protocols: Internet Structure, Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Source
Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Introduction to Unicast,
Multicast and Broadcast. Multicast Protocols: Distance Vector Multicast Routing
(DVMRP), Multicast Link State (MOSPF), Independent Multicast (PIM).
Transport Layer and Application Layer Protocols
User Datagram Protocol, Services and applications. Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP), Congestion Control, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).
World Wide Web and HTTP. FTP and TFTP, SMTP, POP, SNMP. Domain Name System
(DNS), DHCP- Static and Dynamic Allocation.
Suggested Readings:
1. Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan, TataMcGraw Hill.
2. Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall.
3. Advanced Computer Networks, B M Harwani, DT Editorial Services, Dreamtech.
4. Advance Computer Network, By Dayanand Ambawade, Dr. Deven shah, Prof.
Mahendra Mehra, Wiley India.
5. The Internet and Its Protocols, A. Farrel, Elsevier.
6. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Comer Douglas, Prentice Hall.
7. TCP/IP Illustrated, G. Wright and W. Stevens, Addison-Wesley.