RICE ENGINEERING Custom Structural Glass Engineering Codes around the World USA -ASTM E1300 (Only real Code) -GANA (Glass Association of North America) -AAMA Structural Properties of Glass Canada -CAN/CGSB – 12.20 – M89 British -BS 6262 Australia -AS1288-1994 The Netherlands -NEN 2608 and 2608A Germany -DIN 18008 Standard Austrian -OORM 3716 Current References Structural Use of Glass in Buildings – Institute of Structural Engineers 1999 Structural Use of Glass – International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering 2008 Laminated Glazing Reference Manual – GANA 2009 GANA Glazing Manual 50th Anniversary Edition 2010 Fully Tempered Heavy Glass Door and Entrance Systems Design Guide – GANA 1999 Glass Properties Glass Properties – 60 Sec. Duration Period Note: Can multiply stress allowable by 1.21 to convert to 3 sec duration Mean Modulus of Rupture (50% Breakage) is twice 8:1000 Break Strength 8:1000 Stress used typically for standard insulated glass units 1:1000 Stress typically specified by Architects/EOR to provide more conservative results and are found in specifications Glass Properties Glass Properties – FEA Analysis Note: We use the max. of the ranges as specified above… Tempered = 6,000 psi max. Other Properties Weight = 158 lb/cu. Ft. Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 1.04 x 10^6 psi Modulus of Rigidity (Shear) = 4.3 x 10^6 psi Poisson’s Ratio = 0.22 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion = 4.6 x 10^-6 in/in F Glass Edge Bearing Stress Annealed Glass = 72 psi Heat-Strengthened Glass = 144 psi Tempered Glass = 216 psi Unique Design Values Surface Bearing = 3,000 psi Shear = 3,000 psi (Mohr’s Circle) Bearing Stress within Plane = Tempered 3,916 psi Heat-Strengthened 2,611 psi Annealed 1,305 psi Peterson’s Stress Concentration Factor = 2.0 Glass Deflection typical – L/120 max. Glass Floor Panels – L/500 max. Any member that supports glass – L/175 or ¾” max. with the lesser value governing per (IBC). Full Bearing shims are denoted as Shore A, +/- 85 Durometer (GANA)(AAMA) In-Plane Bearing Methods of Glass Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Risa-3D Analysis Submesh typically set to about an 1 sq in Monolithic panels used with properties Laminate (Interior) set as 90% composition Laminate (Exterior) set as 75% composition Results based upon max. Von Mises Results between Risa & Mepla typically comparable with Risa being conservative Methods of Glass Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SJ Mepla Analysis Submesh for panels typical set at min. the thickness of the panel similar to methods used in Algor analysis Coordinates for panels are to always be entered in a counter clock-wise direction Gravity must always be entered…rotate panel for application Base results on max. principal stresses Must select laminate temperature in order for the composition to act properly under design loads SJ Mepla allows you to vary temperature and realize its effects to the laminate composition Wind – Typically 3 sec duration Snow – Typically 1 month Live Load – Typically 1 day Methods of Glass Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WinGlass Design (ASTM E1300) Due to limited aspect ratios for glass it’s use is limited. Geared toward mainly insulated units with 4-Sided support and can analyze laminated panels Also has options for 2 & 3 sided support Does not allow for changing your Probability of Breakage. Software used primarily for insulated or monolythic glass panels loaded for Wind Load Only in window applications Methods of Glass Analysis 1. 2. 3. “Good Ole Statics” Always yields conservative results that can typically be trusted…. Templates can be used to throw out good conservative analysis to clients Allows you to refine your results via Risa-3D or SJ Mepla Glazing Bite Recommendations Glazing Bite Recommendations Glass Handrails Rules of Thumb 1. Structural Panel Glass Railing Typical ½” tempered panels are standard…per code ¼” thickness min. can be used Structural Glass Panel systems to be laminated panels (Tempered or Heat-Strengthened min.) or single monolithic panels (Tempered only) per IBC 2009 Code states that panels must be connected via handrail 3 or more spans, but gives you the option to use laminated panels with no handrail Max. Deflection limit on glass set to L/90 or 2L/90 for canti-lever application – (Differential deflection is to still be checked if panels are free) 1” max. limit set for guardrails for comfort under 200 lb Live Load 1 ½” max. limit allowed for Uniform Loading (Wind Load Deflection) Recommended that top edges of both systems are to be protected, though not required by code at this time. Typically analyzed statically or FEA with Risa-3D Glass Canopies Rules of Thumb Deflection held to L/120 max. Panels must be laminate for safety, though layers are not broken for redundancy as glass floors. (GANA) (IBC) Typically all canopy applications are to be laminated glass due to overhead condition unless protective screens are installed (IBC) Typically analyzed statically or FEA with Risa 3D or SJ Mepla…setting conditions usually determine program IBC Chapter 24 has extra load constraints that must be checked with Combined Load Criteria – (IBC typically governs) Code Recommendations IBC 2009 Typical Glass Walls Rules of Thumb Typically panels are single sheets monolithic but can be laminated panels if they are large enough…. IBC 2009 Section 2403 – Differential deflection no greater than the thickness of the panel when 50plf is applied up to 42” off finish floor Framing to be held to L/175 (3/4” max.) L/120 max. Deflection allowed Analysis should be performed in SJ Mepla for it has the most control over custom anchorage at panel edges, though RISA3D can be used as well. Point Supported Walls Rules of Thumb L/120 deflection criteria applies Fittings typically set no closer than 2 diameters min. from edge Analysis performed within SJ Mepla exclusively in order to accurately mimic the point fittings for application Glass Beams/Fins Rules of Thumb Beams supporting constant DL shall be laminated Fins for WL can be monolythic Interior 5 PSF fins are typically single sheets but you can expect laminate fin design for exterior applications Lateral Torsional Buckling checks incorporated in templates L/300 Deflection Criteria SF of 2.4 for Permanent DL Intermediate Restraints No Restraints Glass Panels (Axial Compression) Rules of Thumb Laminate design required for safety/redundancy Typically panels are 3-Ply laminate minimum Axial Buckling Check set in templates for analysis Analysis performed within SJ Mepla or Risa-3D Glass Floors Rules of Thumb L/500 deflection limitation used Laminated design required for safety Upper panel of composition to be removed for design (redundancy) ASTM E2751 Glass Floor Criteria Exists Glass Stairs Rules of Thumb L/500 deflection limitation used Laminate design required for safety Upper panel of composition to be removed for design (redundancy) Channel Glass Rules of Thumb Deflection held to L/100 max. System considered to act as Insulated Unit where you get multiple channels effective Structural silicone used typical to seal entire system Bendheim has been developing new aluminum extrusions to make their systems have more of a finished curtainwall look Channels are either annealed or tempered Typically analyzed statically with Risa-3D plate models if needed