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Algerian war

27.11.2023, 07:09
tags: #causes
Clip z serii The Cold War:
Documentary on the Algerian War:
First episode Episode 1: Road to Rebellion by Nicholas Marshall
Episode 2: A Question of Conscience by Nicholas Marshall:
Episode 3: I Understand You by Nicholas Marshall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Episode 4: To the Barricades by Nicholas Marshall: The Algerian War, 1954 -1962 - Episode
4 - To The Barricades - YouTube
Episode 5: The Suitcase or the Coffin by Nicholas Marshall The Algerian War, 1954 - 1962 Episode 5 - The Suitcase Or The Coffin - YouTube
27.11.2023, 07:09
Before the revolt
- 1947, on the wave of shock after the Setif massacre the French decided to give Algeria
"Statute organique" (1947) , another set of reforms supposedly to improve the situation.
It established democratically (sic!) elected local councils; made civil departments in
Saharan territories; and made Arabic as official language as well. The end of imperialism
but Algeria is France!
- Elections were fraud though, and also 10/90 ratio but 50/50 ratio in Assembly, and
muslims had to qualify to vote; 1951 elections - "Elections Algerienne"...
- UDMA (1947) The Union Democratique Pour le Manifeste Algerienne and Organisation
Speciale - militant organisation; Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties
- May 6, 1954 Dien Bien Phu
- July 1954, conspirators, among others Ahmed Ben Bella and Belkacem Krim, Mohamed
Boudiaf meeting in Cairo, decision was reached to start the revolt - "arm, train, and
prepare"; put pressure on Gamal Abdel Nasser to help
- 10 October 1954 Front de Liberation Nationale
00.01, Nov 1 1954.; first coordinated attacks - 70 police stations, army posts and
government buildings, radio station, telephone exchange
The Civil War - muslim community divided -- Harkis; pieds-noirs
The role of the French Army; at times opposing the government
Practices of the war
The French
Naval blockade
forced removals -- to separate civilians and commandos (2 mln)
quadrillage or ratissage
Morice Line (Andre Morice)
Air power -- helicopters
Torture in the Algerian War
27.11.2023, 07:09
bomb attacks
guerilla warfare
coersion of harkis
Political aspects of the war
The war was a crucial factor in French politics as it led to the resignation of six prime
ministers and the fall of the Fourth Republic; amidst that chaos the role of generals in
Algeria grew. 1958
Pieds-noirs created Commitee of Public Safety -- a coalition with the French generals,
their rebellion lead to the fall of the Fourth Republic.
New constitution 1958, elevating president. Charles de Gaulle accepted.
1958 -- The Constantine Plan to industrialize Algeria - failed.
Sep 1958 -- GPRA (gouverment provisoire de la republic algerienne) Provisional
Government of the Republic of Algeria
16 Sep 1959 -- De Gaulle's speech --"treason", as amidst the alternative solutions to the
conflict there was only negotiation, and no "Alegerie Française" anymore...
self-government in association with France
January 1960 -- Barricades week
April 1961 -- Unsuccessful coup (Raoul Salan, Maurice Challe, Edmond Jouhaud oraz
Andrè Zeller)
OAS 1961-62