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System Analysis & Design Documentation
System Request
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Project Name:
Online Services Website
Project Sponsor:
Mahmoud Mohie Talaat, ,
youssef Mohamed Osman, ,
Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan,
Hesham Mohamed Hadaad,
Mostafa yahya,
Amr Khaled farouk,
Ahmed hassan
Business Need:
The purpose of this system request is to create a website that offers
freelancing services for customers who need help in creating a website
from scratch until deploying it on the internet and of course make a profit
from these sold services. The need for such a website arises from the
growing demand for online presence and the increasing number of
businesses and individuals who require professional assistance in
developing and launching their websites. The website aims to provide an
easy-to-use interface for customers who have little knowledge of website
Business Requirements:
1. The website should allow users to create an account and log in to
access its services.
2. The website should offer various services, including website
design, development , hosting and maintenance. Customers should
be able to select the services they require and customize them
according to their needs
3. The website should provide tools for managing projects, including
timelines, milestones, and deliverables [management].
4. The website should allow customers to track their project prograss ,
communicate with their freelancer, and provide feedback on the
completed work by their Dashboard page. Dashboard also should
System Analysis & Design Documentation
System Request
contain personal info of customer(name, e-mail, ) [User
5. Design and develop the website according to the customer's
requirements. The freelancer should provide regular updates to the
customer throughout the development process [Development and
6. Once the website development is complete. The website should be
tested to ensure it meets the customer's requirements. The website
should also be deployed on the internet [Testing and Deployment].
7. A portfolio of previous work completed by the freelancers
8. Provide a search to allow customers to easily find the services they
require [Search].
9. The website should allow customers provide feedback on the
services and rate the quality of services [feedback]
10.Pricing options for various services offered and Secure payment
options for customers[payment]
11.The website will also provide resources for customers to learn
more about website development.it will be easy-to-understand
steps for the website creation and deployment process [blog or
Customer Guide].
12.The website should be responsive (Mobile and Desktop)
Business Value:
- Tangible (such as money that can be saved or that can be gained)
- Intangible (such as user satisfaction)
The website aims to provide professional experience for customers in
developing and launching their websites by offering high quality services
at competitive prices. We expect to achieve high income from our
services and a rapid increase in this income during the coming years due
to the increased demand for these services
Special Issues or Constraints:
1. The website must ensure the security of customer data and
prevent unauthorized access, loss, or theft. [Security]
2. The website must have fast page load times [Performance]
3. The website must be developed within a strict timeline.[timeline]
4. The website must have a simple and intuitive user interface that is
easy to navigate, and the services must be clearly defined.[user
System Analysis & Design Documentation
System Request
5. The budget for the development of the website is limited.[budget]
6. The website must be scalable to accommodate future growth and
changes in customer demand. [scalability]