Queueing Theory Presented by Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics. Indian Institute of Technology Patna Patna, Bihar-801106 Contents I 1 Introduction 2 Queueing system 3 Elements of queueing system 4 Operating characteristics of queueing system Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 2 / 207 Introduction Introduction A flow of customers from infinite/finite population towards the service facility forms a queue (waiting line) on account of lack of capability to serve them all at a time. For example 1 Persons waiting at a doctor’s clinic. 2 Persons waiting at railway booking office. 3 Machines waiting to be repaired. 4 Ships in the harbour waiting to be unloaded. 5 Letters arriving at a typist’s desk. In the absence of a perfect balance between the service facilities and the customers, waiting is required either of the service facilities or for the customer’s arrival. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 3 / 207 Introduction Note. 1 By the term ’customer’ we mean the arriving unit that requires some service to be performed. The customer may be of persons, machines, vehicles, parts, etc. 2 Queues (waiting line) stands for a number of customers waiting to be serviced. The queue does not include the customer being serviced. 3 The process or system that performs the services to the customer is termed by service channel or service facility. 4 The subject of queueing is not directly concerned with optimization (maximization or minimization). Rather, it attempts to explore, understand, and compare various queueing situations and thus indirectly achieves optimization approximately. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 4 / 207 Queueing system Queueing system The mechanism of a queueing process is very simple. Customers arrive at a service counter and are attended to by one or more of the servers. As soon as a customer is served, it departs from the system. Thus a queueing system can be described as consisting of customers arriving for service, waiting for service if it is not immediate, and leaving the system after being served. The general framework of a queueing system is shown in following figure: Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 5 / 207 Queueing system Continued. Queueing system Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 6 / 207 Elements of queueing system Elements of queueing system The basic elements of a queueing system are as follows: 1. Input (or Arrival) Process This element of queueing system is concerned with the pattern in which the customers arrive for service. Input source can be described by following three factors: (a) Size of the queue. If the total number of potential customers requiring service are only few, then size of the input source is said to be finite. On the other hand, if potential customers requiring service are sufficiently large in number, then the input source is considered to be infinite. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 7 / 207 Elements of queueing system Continued. The customers may arrive at the service facility in batches of fixed size or of variable size or one by one. In the case when more than one arrival is allowed to enter the system simultaneously (entering the system does not necessarily mean entering into service), the input is said to occur in bulk or in batches. Ships discharging cargo at a dock, families visiting restaurants, etc. are the examples of bulk arrivals. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 8 / 207 Elements of queueing system (b) Pattern of arrivals. Customers may arrive in the system at known (regular or otherwise) times, or they may arrive in a random way. In case the arrival times are known with certainty, the queueing problems are categorized as deterministic models. If the time between successive arrivals (inter-arrival times) is uncertain, the arrival pattern is measured by either mean arrival rate or inter-arrival time. These are characterised by the probability distribution associated with this random process. The most common stochastic queueing models assume that arrival rate follow a Poisson distribution and/or the inter-arrival times follow an exponential distribution. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 9 / 207 Elements of queueing system (c) Customers’ behaviour. It is also necessary to know the reaction of a customer upon entering the system. A customer may decide to wait no matter how long the queue becomes (patient customer), or if the queue is too long to suit him, may decide not to enter it (impatient customer). For impatient customers, 1 If a customer decides not to enter the queue because of its length, he is said to have balked. 2 If a customers enters the queue, but after some time loses patience and decides to leave, then he is said to have reneged. If a customer moves from one queue to another (providing similar/different services) for his personal economic gains, then he is said to have jockeyed forQueueing position. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Theory September 2, 2023 10 / 207 3 Elements of queueing system The final factor to be considered regarding the input process is the manner in which the arrival pattern changes with time. The input process which does not change with time is called a stationary input process. If it is time dependent then the process is termed as transient. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 11 / 207 Elements of queueing system 2. Queue Discipline It is a rule according to which customers are selected for service when a queue has been formed. The most common queue discipline is the ”first come, first served” (FCFS), or the “first in, first out” (FIFO) rule under which the customers are serviced in the strict order of their arrivals. Other queue discipline include: “last in, first out” (LIFO) rule according to which the last arrival in the system is serviced first. Under priority discipline, the service is of two types: a Pre-emptive priority. Under this rule, the customers of high priority are given service over the low priority customers. That is, lower priority customer’s service is interrupted (pre-empted ) to start service for a priority customer. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 12 / 207 Elements of queueing system The interrupted service is resumed again as soon as the highest priority customer has been served. b Non pre-emptive priority: In this case the highest priority customer goes ahead in the queue, but his service is started only after the completion of the service of the currently being served customer. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 13 / 207 Elements of queueing system 3. Service Mechanism. The service mechanism is concerned with service time and service facilities. Service time is the time interval from the commencement of service to the completion of service. If there are infinite number of servers then all the customers are served instantaneously on arrival and there will be no queue. If the number of servers is finite, then the customers are served according to a specific order. Further, the customers may be served in batches of fixed size or of variable size rather than individually by the same server, such as a computer with parallel processing or people boarding a bus. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 14 / 207 Elements of queueing system Continued. In the case of parallel channels ”fastest server rule” (FSR) is adopted. For its discussion we suppose that the customers arrive before parallel service channels. If only one service channel is free, then incoming customer is assigned to free service channel. But it will be more efficient to assume that an incoming customer is to be assigned a server of largest service rate among the free ones. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 15 / 207 Elements of queueing system Service facilities can be of the following types: a Single queue-one server, i.e., one queue -one service channel, wherein the customer waits till the service point is ready to take him in for servicing. b Single queue-several servers wherein the customers wait in a single queue until one of the service channels is ready to take them in for servicing. c Several queues-one server wherein there are several queues and the customer may join any one of these but there is only one service channel. d Several servers. When there are several service channels available to provide service, much depends upon their arrangements. They may be arranged in parallel or in series or a more complex combination of both, depending on the design of the system’s service mechanism. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 16 / 207 Elements of queueing system Note i By parallel channels, we mean a number of channels providing identical service facilities. ii Further, customers may wait in a single queue until one of the service channels is ready to serve, as in a barber shop where many chairs are considered as different service channels; or customers may form separate queues in front of each service channel as in the case of super markets. iii For series channels, a customer must pass through all the service channels in sequence before service is completed. The situations may be seen in public offices where parts of the service are done at different service counters. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 17 / 207 Elements of queueing system 4. Capacity of the System The source from which customers are generated may be finite or infinite. A finite source limits the customers arriving for service. i.e., there is a finite limit to the maximum queue size. The queue can also be viewed as one with forced balking where a customer is forced to balk if he arrives at a time when queue size is at its limit. Alternatively, an infinite source is forever ”abundant” as in the case of telephone calls arriving at a telephone exchange. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 18 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Operating characteristics of queueing system Some of the operational characteristics of a queueing system, that are of general interest for the evaluation of the performance of an existing queueing system and to design a new system are as follows: 1 Expected number of customers in the system denoted by E (n) or L is the average number of customers in the system, both waiting and in service. Here, n stands for the number of customers in the queueing system. 2 Expected number of customers in the queue denoted by E (m) or Lq is the average number of customers waiting in the queue. Here m = n − 1, i.e., excluding the customer being served. 3 Expected waiting time in the system denoted by E (v ) or W is the average total time spent by a customer in the system. It is generally taken to be the waiting time plus servicing time. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 19 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Continued. 4 Expected waiting time in queue denoted by E (w ) or Wq is the average time spent by a customer in the queue before the commencement of his service. 5 The server utilization factor (or busy period) denoted by P(= µλ ) is the proportion of time that a server actually spends with the customers. Here, λ stands for the average number of customers arriving per unit of time and µ stands for the average number of customers completing service per unit of time. The server utilization factor is also known as traffic intensity or the clearing ratio. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 20 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system DETERMINISTIC QUEUEING SYSTEM A queueing system wherein the customers arrive at regular intervals and the service time for each customer is known and constant, is known as a deterministic queueing system. Let the customers come at the teller counter of a bank for withdrawl every 3 minutes. Thus the interval between the arrival of any two successive customers, that is the inter-arrival time, is exactly 3 minutes. Further, suppose that the incharge of that particular teller takes exactly 3 minutes to serve a customer. This implies that the arrival and service rates are both equal to 20 customers per hour. In this situation there shall never be a queue and the incharge of the teller shall always be busy with servicing of customers. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 21 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Now suppose instead, that the incharge of the teller can serve 30 customers per hour. i.e., he takes 2 minutes to serve a customer and then has to wait for one minute for the next customer to come for service. Here also, there would be no queue, but the teller is not always busy. Further, suppose that the incharge of the teller can serve only 15 customers per hour, i.e., he takes 4 minutes to serve a customer. Clearly, in this situation he would be always busy and the queue length will increase continuously without limit with the passage of time. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 22 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system This implies that when the service rate is less than the arrival rate, the service facility cannot cope with all the arrivals and eventually the system leads to an explosive situation. In such situations, the problem can be resolved by providing additional service facilities, like opening parallel counters. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 23 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system We can summarize the above as follows: Let the arrival rate be λ customers per unit time and the service rate be µ customers per unit time. Then, i if λ > µ the waiting line (queue) shall be formed and will increase indefinitely; the service facility would always be busy and the service system will eventually fail. ii (ii) if λ ≤ µ, there shall be no queue and hence no waiting time; the proportion of time the service facility would be idle is 1 − µλ . Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 24 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system However, it is easy to visualize that the condition of uniform arrival and uniform service rates has a very limited practicability. Generally, the arrivals and servicing time are both variable and uncertain. Thus, variable arrival rates and servicing times are the more realistic assumptions. The probabilistic queueing mode are based on these assumptions. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 25 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS IN QUEUEING SYSTEMS It is assumed that customers joining the queueing system arrive in a random manner and follow a Poisson distribution or equivalently the inter-arrival times obey exponential distribution. In most of the cases, service times are also assumed to be exponentially distributed. It implies that the probability of service completion in any short time period is constant and independent of the length of time t the service has been in progress. Now, the arrival and service distributions for Poisson queues are derived. The basic assumptions (axioms) governing this type of queues are stated below: Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 26 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Axiom 1. The number of arrivals in non-overlapping intervals are statistically independent, that is the process has independent increments. Axiom 2. The probability of more than one arrival between time t and time t + ∆t is o(∆t) ; that is, the probability of two or more arrivals during the small time interval ∆t is negligible. Thus P0 (∆t) + P1 (∆t) + o(∆t) = 1 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 27 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Axiom 3 The probability that an arrival occurs between time t and time t + ∆t is equal to λ∆t + o(∆t). Thus P1 (∆t) = λ∆t + o(∆t), where λ is a constant and is independent of the total number of arrivals upto time t, ∆t is an incremental element and o(∆t) represents the terms such that lim ∆t→0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay σ(∆t) ∆t = 0. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 28 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Distribution of Arrivals ( Pure Birth Process) The model in which only arrivals are counted and no departure takes place are called pure birth models. Stated in terms of queueing, birth-death processes usually arise when an additional customer increases the arrival (referred as birth) in the system and decreases by departure (referred as death) of a serviced customer from the system. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 29 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Let Pn (t) denote the probability of n arrivals in a time interval of length t (both waiting and in service) where n ≥ 0 is an integer. Then Pn (t + ∆t) being the probability of n arrivals in a time interval of length t + ∆t (making use of axiom 1) is as follows: Pn (t + ∆t) = P{n arrivals in time t and one arrival in time ∆t} + P{(n − 1) arrivals in time t and one arrival in time ∆t} + P{(n − 2) arrivals in time t and two arriva1s in time∆t} + . . . + P{ no arrival in time t and n arrivals in time ∆t} for n ≥ 1. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 30 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Making use of axiom 2 and axiom 3, this difference equation reduces to Pn (t + ∆t) = Pn (t)P0 (∆t) + Pn−1 (t)P1 (∆t)P1 (∆t) + o(∆t) Pn (t)[1 − λ∆t − o(∆t)] + Pn−1 (t){λ∆t + o(∆t)} + o(∆t) = where the last term, o(∆t), represents the terms Pn [(n − k) arrivals in time t and k arrivals in time ∆t ] Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 31 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Continued The above equation can be re-written as Pn (t + ∆t) − Pn (t) = −λ∆tPn (t) + λ∆t.Pn−1 (t) + o(∆t) Dividing it by ∆t on both sides and then taking the limit as ∆t → 0, the equation reduces to d Pn (t) = −λPn (t) + λPn−1 (t), n ≥ 1 dt (1) For the case when n = 0, P0 (t + ∆t) = P0 (t)P0 (∆t) = P0 (t)[1 − λt∆t − o(∆t)] Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 32 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Rearranging the terms and then dividing on both sides by ∆t, taking the limit as ∆t → 0, we have d Po (t) = −λP0 (t) dt (2) To solve the n + 1 differential-difference equations given in (1) and (2), we make use of the generating function ϕ(z, t) = ∞ X Pn (t)z n n=0 in the unit circle |z| ≤ 1. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 33 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Now multiplying the differential-difference equations given in (2) and (1) by z 0 , z 1 , z 2 , ..., z n respectively and taking summation 0 to ∞, we get ∞ X d dt n=0 Pn (t)z n = −λϕ(z, t) + λzϕ(z, t). This can also be written as d ϕ(z, t) = λ(z − 1)ϕ(z, t). dt Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 34 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system An obvious solution of this differential equation is ϕ(z, t) = Ce λ(z−1)t where C is an arbitrary constant. To determine the value of C, we use the initial condition that there is no arrival by time t=0 and this gives ϕ(z, 0) = P0 (0) + ∞ X Pn (0)z n = 1 n=1 Now put Pn (0) = 0 for n ≥ 1. therefore C = 1 Hence ϕ(z, t) = e λ(z−1)t Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory (3) September 2, 2023 35 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Now, d ϕ(z, t)|z=0 = P1 (t), dz d2 ϕ(z, t)|z=0 = 2!P2 (t) dz 2 .. . dn ϕ(z, t)|z=0 = n!Pn (t) dz n Using the value of ϕ(z, t) as given in equation (3), we get P0 (t) = e −λt P2 (t) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay P1 (t) = (λt)e −λt 1 −λt 2! (λt)e Pn (t) = Queueing Theory 1 n −λt n! (λt) e September 2, 2023 36 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The general formula, therefore, is Pn (t) = 1 (λt)n e −λt , n ≥ 0 n! which is the well-known Poisson probability law with mean λt. Thus, the random variable defined as the number of arrivals to a system in time t, has the Poisson distribution with a mean of λt arrivals, or a mean arrival rate of λ. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 37 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Example For a Poisson arrival process with a mean 2 per unit time, if an arrival occurred at time t = 30, what is the probability that an arrival will occur by t = 40? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 38 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 2 Distribution of Inter-arrival Times (Exponential Process) Inter-arrival times are defined as the time intervals between two successive arrivals. Here, we shall show that if the arrival process follows the Poisson distribution, an associated random variable defined as the time between successive arrivals (inter-arrival time) follows the exponential distribution f (t) = λe −λt and vice-versa. Let the random variable T be the time between successive arrivals, then P(T > t) = P(no arrival in time t) = P0 (t) = e −λt . Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 39 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The cumulative distribution function of T denoted by F (t) is given by F (t) = P(T ≤ t) = 1 − P(t > t) = 1 − P0 (t) = 1 − e −λt , t > 0. The density function f (t) for inter-arrival times, therefore is f (t) = d F (t) = λe −λt , t > 0. dt The expected (or mean) inter-arrival time is given by Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 40 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Z ∞ E (t) = Z ∞ t.f (t)dt = 0 0 λte −λt dt = 1 . λ where λ is the mean arrival rate. Thus, T has the exponential distribution with mean λ1 . We would intuitively expect that, if the mean arrival rate is λ, then the mean time between arrivals is λ1 . Conversely, we can also show that if the inter-arrival times are independent and have the same exponential distribution then the arrival rate follows the Poisson distribution. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 41 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 3 Distribution of Departures (Pure Death Process) The model in which only departures are counted and no other arrivals allowed are called pure death models. The queueing system starts with N customers at time t = 0, where N ≥ 1. Departures occur at the rate of µ customers per unit time. To develop the differential-difference equations for the probability of n customers remaining after ’t’ time units, Pn (t), we make use of similar assumptions as was done for arrivals. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 42 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Let the three axioms, given at the beginning of this section, be changed by using the word service instead of arrival and condition the probability statements by requiring the system to be non-empty. Let us define: µ∆t = probability that a customer in service at time t will complete service during time ∆t. For small time interval ∆t > 0, µ∆t gives probability of one departure during ∆t. Using the same arguments as in pure birth process case, the differential-difference equations for this can easily be obtained: Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 43 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Pn (t + ∆t) = Pn (t){1 − µ∆t + o(∆t)}+ Pn+1 (t).{µδt + o(∆t)}, 1 ≤ n ≤ N − 1 P0 (t + ∆t) = P0 (t) + P1 (t){µ∆t + o(∆t)}, n = 0 PN (t + ∆t) = PN (t).{1 − µ∆t + o(∆t)}, n = N Re-arranging the above equations, dividing them by ∆t on both sides and then taking the limits as ∆t → 0, we get d dt Pn (t) = −µPn (t) + µPn+1 (t); 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1, t > 0 d dt P0 (t) = µP1 (t); n = 0, t ≥ 0 d dt PN (t) = −µPn (t); n = N, t ≥ 0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 44 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The solution of these equations with initial condition: ( Pn (0) = 1; n = N ̸= 0; 0; n = ̸ N can easily be obtained as earlier. The general solution to the above equation so obtained is Pn (t) = N X (µt)N−n e −µt ; 1 ≤ n ≤ N and P0 (t) = 1 − Pn (t) (N − n)! i=1 which is known as a truncated Poisson law. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 45 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 4 Distribution of Service Times Making similar assumption as done above, for arrivals, one could utilize the same type of process to describe the service pattern. Let the three, axioms be changed by using the word service instead of arrival and condition the probability statement by requiring the system to be non-empty. Then we can easily show that, the time t to complete the service on a customer follows the exponential distribution: ( s(t) = µe −µt ; 0; t>0 t<0 where µ is the mean service rate for a particular service channel. This shows that service times follows exponential distribution with mean µ1 . Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 46 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The number, n, of potential services in time T will follow the Poisson distribution given by ϕ(n) = P[ n service in time T, if servicing is going on throughout ] = (µT )N −µT e n! Consequently, we can also show that P[ no service in ∆t] = 1 − µ∆t + o(∆t) and Dr. B.B. Upadhyay P [one service in ∆t] = µ∆t + o(∆t). Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 47 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system CLASSIFICATION OF QUEUEING MODELS Generally queueing model may be completely specified in the following symbolic form: (a/b/c) : (d/e). The first and second symbols denote the type of distributions of inter-arrival times and of inter-service times, respectively. Third symbol specifies the number of servers, whereas fourth symbol stands for the capacity of the system and the last symbol denotes the queue discipline. If we specify the following letters as: M = Poisson arrival or departure distribution, Ek = Erlangian or Gamma inter-arrival for service time distribution, GI = General input distribution, G = General service time distribution, Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 48 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system then (M/Ek /1) : (∞/FIFO) defines a queueing system in which arrivals follow Poisson distribution, service times are Erlangian, single server, infinite capacity and ”first in, first out” queue discipline. DEFINITION OF TRANSIENT AND STEADY STATES A queueing system is said to be in transient state when its operating characteristic (like input, output, mean queue length, etc.) are dependent upon time. If the characteristic of the queueing system becomes independent of time, then the steady-state condition is said to prevail. If Pn (t) denotes the probability that there are n customers in the system at time t, then in the steady-state case, we have lim Pn (t) = Pn (independent of t) t→∞ Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 49 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Due to practical viewpoint of the steady-state behaviour of the systems, the present chapter is amply focused on studying queueing systems under the existence of steady-state conditions. However, the differntial- difference equations which can be used for deriving transient solutions will be presented. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 50 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system POISSON QUEUEING SYSTEMS Queues that follow the Poisson arrivals (exponential inter-arrival time) and Poisson services (exponential service time) are called Poisson queues. In this section, we shall study a number of Poisson queues with different characteristics. Model I {(M/M/1) : (∞/FIFO)}. This model deals with a queueing system having single service channel. Poisson input, Exponential service and there is no limit on the system capacity while the customers are served on a ”first in, first out” basis. The solution procedure of this queueing model can be summarized in the following three steps: Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 51 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Step 1:- Construction of Differential-Difference Equations. Let Pn (t) be the probability that there are n customers in the system at time t. The probability that the system has n customers at time (t + ∆t) can be expressed as the sum of the joint probabilities of the four mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events as follows: Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 52 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Pn (t + ∆t) = Pn (t).P[no arrival in ∆t].P[no service completion in ∆t] +Pn (t).P[one arrival in ∆t].P[one service completed in ∆t] +Pn+1 (1).P[no arrival in ∆t].P[one service completed in ∆t] +Pn+1 (t).P[one arrival in ∆t].P[no service completion in ∆t] This is re-written as: Pn (t + ∆t) = Pn (t)[1 − λ∆t + o(∆t)][1 − µ∆t + o(∆t)] +Pn (t)[λ∆t][µ∆t] +Pn+1 (t)[1 − λ∆t + o(∆t)][µ∆t + o(∆t)] +Pn−1 (t)[λ∆t + o(∆t)][1 − µ∆t + o(∆t)] or Pn (t +∆t)−Pn (t) = −(λ+µ)∆tPn (t)+µ∆tPn+1 (t)+λ∆tPn−1 (t)+o(∆t) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 53 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Since ∆t is very small, terms involving (∆t)2 can be neglected. Dividing the above equation by ∆t on both sides and then taking limit as ∆t → 0, we get d Pn (t) = −(λ + µ)Pn (t) + µPn+1 (t) + λPn−1 (t); n ≥ 1 dt Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 54 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Similarly, if there is no customer in the system at time (t + ∆t), there will be no service. completion during ∆t. Thus for n = 0 and t ≥ 0, we have only two probabilities instead of four. The resulting equation is P0 (t+∆t) = P0 (t){1−λ∆t+o(∆t)}+P1 (t){µ∆t+o(t)}{1−λ∆t+o(∆t)} or P0 (t + ∆t) − P0 (t) = −λ∆tP0 (t) + µ∆tP1 (t) + o(∆t). Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 55 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Dividing both sides of this equation by ∆t and then taking limit as ∆t → 0, we get d P0 (t) = −λP0 (t) + µP1 (t); n = 0. dt Step 2 Deriving the Steady-State Difference Equations. In the steady-state, Pn (t) is independent, of time t and λ < µ when t → ∞. Thus Pn (t) → Pn and d Pn (t) → 0 as t → ∞. dt Consequently the differential-difference equations obtained in Step 1 reduce to 0 = −(λ + µ)Pn + µPn+1 + λPn−1 ; n ≥ 1 and 0 = −λPn + µP1 ; n = 0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 56 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system These constitute the steady-state difference equations. Step 3. Solution of the Steady-State Difference Equations. For the solution of the above difference equations there exist three methods, namely, the iterative method, use of generating functions and the use of linear operators. Out of these three the first one is the most straightforward and therefore the solution of the above equations will be obtained here by using the iterative method. Using iteratively, the difference-equations yield λ P1 = P0 , µ λ 2 λ+µ λ P2 = P1 − P0 = P0 µ µ µ λ 3 λ λ+µ P2 − P1 = P0 P3 = µ µ µ and in general λ n Pn = P0 . µ Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 57 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Now, λ n+1 λ + µ λ n λ λ n−1 P0 − P0 = P0 . µ µ µ µ µ Thus, by the principle of mathematical induction, the general formulae for Pn is valid for n ≥ 0. Pn+1 = To obtain the value of P0 , we make use of the boundary condition ∞ X Pn = 1 n=0 Therefore 1 = P∞ λ n P ∞ λ n P = P ; 0 0 n=0 µ n=0 µ = P0 1−1 λ , since Pn = since µ λ µ n λ µ P0 < 1, This gives P0 = 1 − Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λ µ Queueing Theory . September 2, 2023 58 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Hence, steady -state solution is Pn = λ 1− µ λ n µ = ρn (1 − ρ); ρ= λ µ < 1 and n ≥ 0. This expression gives us the probability distribution of queue length. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 59 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Characteristics of Model I 1 Probability of queue size being greater than or equal to k, the number of custmors is given by P(n ≥ k) = P∞ = P∞ k=n Pk k=n (1 − ρ)ρk = (1 − ρ)ρn = P∞ k=n ρk−n (1−ρ)ρn 1−ρ = ρn Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 60 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 2 Average number of customers in the system is given by P E (n) = ∞ n=0 nPn = P∞ n=0 n(1 − ρ)ρn = ρ(1 − ρ) P∞ = ρ(1 − ρ) P∞ n−1 n=0 nρ d = ρ(1 − ρ) dρ d n n=0 dρ ρ P∞ n n=0 ρ (since ρ < 1) 1 = ρ(1 − ρ) (1−ρ) 2 = = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay ρ 1−ρ λ µ−λ . Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 61 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 3 Average queue length is given by P E (m) = ∞ m=0 mPn , where m = n − 1 being the number of customers in the queue. excluding the customer which is in service. Therefore P E (m) = ∞ n=1 (n − 1)Pn Dr. B.B. Upadhyay − P∞ n=0 nPn − hP = P∞ = P∞ = ρ 1−ρ − {1 − (1 − ρ)} = ρ 1−ρ −ρ = ρ2 1−ρ = λ2 µ(µ−λ) . n=1 nPn Queueing Theory n=1 Pn ∞ n=0 Pn − P0 i September 2, 2023 62 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 4 Average length of non-empty queue is given by E (m|m > 0) = E (m) P(m>0) = λ2 µ(µ−λ) = µ µ−λ × 1 λ 2 ) (µ since P(m > 0) = P(n > 1) = ∞ X Pn − P0 − P1 = n=0 5 λ 2 µ The fluctuation (variance ) of queue length is given by V (n) = ∞ X [n − E (n)]2 Pn = n=0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay ∞ X n2 Pn − [E (n)]2 . n=0 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 63 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Using some algebraic transformation and the value of Pn , the result reduces to V (n) = (1 − ρ) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay h ρ i2 ρ + ρ2 ρ λµ = − = . 3 2 (1 − ρ) 1−ρ (1 − ρ) (µ − λ)2 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 64 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Waiting Time Distribution for Model I The waiting time of a customer in the system is, for the most part, a continuous random variable except that there is a non-zero probability that the delay will be zero, that is a customer entering service immediately upon arrival. Therefore, if we denote the time spent in the queue by w and if Ψw (t) denotes its cumulative probability distribution then from the complete randomness of the Poisson distribution, we have Ψw (0) = P(w = 0) (no customer in the system upon arrival) = P0 = (1 − ρ). It is now required to find Ψw (t) for t > 0. Let there be n customers in the system upon arrival, then in order for a customer to go into service at a time between 0 and t, all the n customers must have been served by time t. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 65 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Let s1 , s2 , . . . , sn denote service times of n customers respectively. Then w= n X si , (n ≥ 1) and w = 0 (n = 0). i=1 The distribution function of waiting time, w, for a customer who has to wait is given by P(w ≤ t) = P n hX i si ≤ t ; n ≥ 1 and t > 0. i=1 Since, the service time for each customer is independent and identically distributed, therefore its probability density function is given by µe −µt (t > 0), where µ is the mean service rate. Thus Ψn (t) = P∞ n=1 Pn × P(n − 1 custmer served at time t) ×P(1 custmor is servedin time ∆t) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay P∞ n=1 1− λ µ n λ µ (µt)n−1 e −µt (n−1)! .µ∆t. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 66 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The expression for Ψw (t), therefore, can be written as Ψw (t) = P(w ≤ t) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Rt n=1 Pn 0 = P∞ = P∞ n=1 (1 Ψn (t)dt − ρ)ρn = (1 − ρ)ρ Rt = (1 − ρ)ρ Rt 0 0 R t (µt)n−1 −µt .µdt 0 (n−1)! e µe −µt (µtρ)n−1 n=1 (n−1)! .dt P∞ µe −µt(1−ρ) dt. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 67 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Hence, the waiting time of a customer who has to wait is give by ψ(w ) = λ −(µ−λ)t d [Ψw (t)] = ρ(1 − ρ).µe −µt(1−ρ) = λ 1 − e . dt µ Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 68 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Characteristic of waiting Time Distribution Average waiting time of a customer (in the queue) is given by R E (w ) = 0∞ tΨ(w )dt = R∞ 0 =ρ Dr. B.B. Upadhyay t.ρµ(1 − ρ)e −µt(1−ρ) dt R ∞ xe −x 0 µ(1−ρ) dx , for µ(1 − ρ)t = x = ρ µ(1−ρ) = λ µ(µ−λ) . Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 69 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Average waiting time of an arrival who has to wait is given by n E (w |w > 0) = E (w ) = P(w > 0) λ µ(µ−λ) λ µ o = 1 . µ−λ [ Here P(w > 0) = 1 − P(w = 0) = 1 − (1 − ρ) = ρ.] Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 70 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system For the busy period distribution, let the random variable v denote the total time that a customer has to spend in the system including service. Then the probability density of its cumulative density function is given by Ψ(w |w > 0) = Ψ(w ) P(w >0) h = λ λ 1− µ e −(µ−λ)t i λ µ = (µ − λ)e −(µ−λ)t , t > 0. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 71 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Average waiting time that a customer spends in the system including service is given by R E (v ) = 0∞ t.Ψ(w |w > 0)dt Dr. B.B. Upadhyay = R∞ = 1 R∞ −x dx , µ−λ 0 xe = 1 µ−λ 0 t.(µ − λ)e −(µ−λ)t dt Queueing Theory for (µ − λ)t = x September 2, 2023 72 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Relationships among Operating Characteristics We have deriving the following important characteristics of an M/M/1 queueing system: E (n) = λ λ2 λ2 1 , E (m) = , e(W ) = and E (v ) = . µ−λ µ(µ − λ) µ(µ − λ) µ−λ Using these expressions, we observe some general relationships between the average system characteristics as follows: Expected number of customers in the system is equal to the expected number of customers in the queue plus a customer currently in service, i.e., λ E (n) = E (m) + µ Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 73 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Expected waiting time of a customer in the system is equal to the expected waiting time in the queue plus the expected service time of a customer in service, i.e., E (v ) = E (w ) + Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory 1 . µ September 2, 2023 74 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Expected number of customers in the system is equal to the average number of arrivals per unit of time multiplied by the average time spent by the customer in the system, i.e. E (n) = λE (v ). Expected number of customers in the queue is equal to the average number of arrivals per unit time multiplied by the average time spent by a customer in the queue, i.e., E (m) = λE (w ). Note. Relations between Average Queue Length and Average waiting Time are known as Little’s Formulae. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 75 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem A TV repairman finds that the time spent on his jobs has an Exponential distribution with mean 30 minutes. If he repairs sets in the order in which they come in, and if the arrival of sets is approximately Poisson with an average rate of 10 per 8-hour day, what is repairman’s expected idle time each day ? How many jobs are ahead of the average set just bought in ? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 76 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution We are given, λ = 10 = set per day µ = 16 sets per day Therefore, ρ= Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λ 10 = = 0.625 µ 16 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 77 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The probability for the repairman to be idle is P0 = 1 − ρ = 1 − 0.625 = 0.375 Expected idle time per day = 8 × 0.375 = 3 hours. Expected (or average) number of T.V. sets in the system E (n) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay ρ 1−ρ = 0.625 1−0.625 = 5 3 = 2(approx ) T.V. sets. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 78 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem In a railway marshalling yard, goods trains arrive at a rate of 30 trains per day. Assuming that the inter-arrival time follows an exponential distribution and the service time distribution is also exponential with an average 36 minutes. Calculate the following. 1 the mean queue size (line length ), and 2 the probability that the queue size exceeds 10. If the input of trains increases to an average 33 per day, what will be the change in (i ) and (ii )? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 79 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution Here, we have λ= 30 60×24 = 1 48 and µ = 1 36 trains per minute. Therefore, ρ= i E (m) = ρ 1−ρ = 0.75 1−0.75 36 λ = = 0.75 µ 48 = 3 trains. ii P(≥ 10) = ρ10 = (0.75)10 = 0.06. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 80 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system When the input increases to 33 trains per day, we have λ= 33 60×24 = 11 480 and µ = 1 36 trains per minute. Therefore, ρ= λ µ = 11 480 × 36 = 0.83 Then, we get i E (n) = ρ 0.83 = = 4.9 or 5 trains (approx .) 1−ρ 1 − 0.83 ii P(≥ 10) = ρ10 = (0.83)10 = 0.2 (approx ) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 81 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem The rate of arrival of customers at a public telephone booth follows Poisson distribution, with an average time of 10 minutes between one customer and the next. The duration of a phone call is assumed to follow exponential distribution, with mean time of 3 minutes. i What is the probability that a person arriving at the booth will have to wait? ii What is the average length of the non-empty queues that form from time to time ? iii The Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. will install a second booth, when it is convinced that the customers would expect waiting for at least 3 minutes /or their turn to make a call. By how much time should the flow of customers increase in order to justify a second booth? iv Estimate the fraction of a day that the phone will be in use. v What is the probability that it will take him more than 10 minutes altogether to wait for phone and complete his call ? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 82 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution Here, we are given: λ= i 1 10 × 60 or 6 per hours and µ = 1 3 Probability that a person arriving at the booth will have to wait P(w > 0) = 1 − P0 = 1 − 1 − ii λ 6 = or 0.3. µ 20 Average length of non-empty queues E (m|m > 0) = iii × 60 or 20 per hour. µ 20 = = 1.43. µ−λ 20 − 6 The installation of a second booth will be justified, if the arrival rate is greater than the waiting time. Now, if λ′ denotes the increased arrival rate, expected waiting time is: E (w ) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λ′ 3 λ′ =⇒ = or λ′ = 10. µ(µ − λ′ ) 60 20(20 − λ′ ) Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 83 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Hence the arrival rate should become 10 customers per hour to justify the second booth. 4 The fraction of a day that the phone will be busy = traffic intensity ρ = µλ = 0.3. 5 Consider, P(w ≥ 0) = = R∞ 10 R∞ 10 λ 1− λ µ e −(µ−λ)t dt (0.30)(0.23)e −0.23t dt, where λ = 0.10 per minute, and µ = 0.33 per minute. Therefore, P(w ≥ 10) = (0.069) e −0.23t −0.23 ∞ 10 = 0.03. This shows that 3 per cent of the arrivals on an average will have to wait for 10 minutes or more before they can use the phone. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 84 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Exercise Problem A warehouse has only one loading dock manned by a three-person crew. Trucks arrive at the loading dock at an average rate of 4 trucks per tour and the arrival rate is Poisson distributed. The loading of a truck takes 10 minutes on an average and can be assumed to be exponentially distributed. The operating cost of a truck is Rs. 20 per hour and the members of the loading crew are paid Rs. 6 each per hour. Would you advise the truck owner to add another crew of three persons? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 85 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem At a certain petrol pump, customers arrive in a Poisson process with an average time of 5 minutes between arrivals. The time interval between servers at the petrol pump follows an exponential distribution and the mean time taken to service a unit is 2 minutes. Find the following: 1 Expected average queue length. 2 Average number of customers in the system. 3 Average time a customer has to wait in the queue. 4 Average time a customer has to spend in the system. 5 By how much time the flow of the customer be increased to justify the opening of another service point, where the customer has to wait for 5 minutes for the service? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 86 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem Delhi medical store has only one cashier who handles all the payments. On an average, the cashier can serve 5 customers per 15 minutes, who arrive at his counter randomly on an average rate of 18 per hour. The Management of the store noticed that the cashier was idle many times and some of the customers complained against long waits number of times. lt was, therefore, decided (by making suitable assumptions) to investigate the following: 1 What portion of the time the cashier is likely to be idle? 2 What is the average length of the waiting line to be expected under the existing servicing conditions ? 3 How many customers would be expected to be in the service area? 4 Suppose that the management of the store will employ another cashier if they are convinced that a Customer has to wait for at least five minutes for making payments. What arrival rate would justify the employment of second cashier? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 87 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model II {(M/M/1) : (∞/SIRO)} This model is essentially the same as Model I, except that the service discipline follows the SIRO-rule (service in random order) instead of FIFO-rule. As the derivation of Pn for Model I does not depend on any specific queue discipline, it may be concluded that for the SIRO-rule case, we must have Pn = (1 − ρ)ρn , n ≥ 0. Consequently, whether the queue discipline follows the SIRO-rule or FIFO-rule the average number of customers in the system E (n), will remain the same. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 88 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system In fact E (n) will remain the same for any queue discipline provided, of course, Pn remains unchanged. Thus, E (v ) = 1 E (n) λ under the SIRO-rule is the same as under the FIFO-rule. This result can be extended to any queue discipline as long as Pn remains unchanged. Specifically, the result applies to the three most common disciplines, namely, FIFO, LIFO and SIR0. The three queue disciplines differ only in the distribution of waiting time where the probabilities of long and short waiting times change depending upon the discipline used. Thus we can use the symbol GD (general discipline) to represent the disciplines FIFO, LIFO and SIRO, when the waiting time distribution is not required. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 89 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model III {(M/M/1) : (N/FIFO)} This model differs from that of Model 1 in the sense that the maximum number of customers in the system is limited to N. Therefore, the difference equations of Model 1 are valid for this model as long as n < N. The additional difference equation for n = N, is PN (t + ∆t) = PN (t)[1 − µ∆t] + PN−1 (t)[λ∆t][1 − µ∆t] + o(∆t). This gives, after simplification, the differential-difference equation d PN (t) = −µPN (t) + λPN−1 (t) dt from which the resultant steady-state difference equation is 0 = −µPN + λPN−1 . Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 90 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system This complete set of steady-state difference equation for this model, therefore, can be written as µP1 = λP0 µPn+1 = (λ + µ)Pn − λPN−1 , 1 ≤ n ≤ N − 1, µPN = λPN−1 . Using the iterative procedure (as in Model I), the first two difference equation gives λ n Pn = P0 , n ≤ N − 1 µ Also, we see that for this value of Pn , the third (last) difference equation holds for n = N. Therefore we have Pn = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λ n µ P0 = ρn P0 , n ≤ N and Queueing Theory λ µ =ρ September 2, 2023 91 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system For obtaining the value of P0 we make use of the boundary conditions, n=0 Pn = 1. Therefore, PN 1 = P0 N X n=0 Thus, n ρ = P 1−ρN+1 , P (N + 1), 0 (ρ = 1) 0 1−ρ 1−ρ , N+1 P0 = 1−ρ 1 , N+1 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory ρ ̸= 1 ρ ̸= 1 ρ = 1. September 2, 2023 92 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Hence, Pn = (1−ρ)ρn ; ρ ̸= 1; 0 ≤ n ≤ N 1 , N+1 (ρ = 1) 1−ρN+1 Remark. The steady-state solution exists even ρ ≥ 1. Intuitively this makes since the maximum limit prevents the process from “blowing up”. If N → ∞, then the steady-state solution is Pn = (1 − ρ)ρn ; n < ∞, This result is in complete agreement with that of Model I. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 93 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Characteristics of Model III 1 Average number of customers in the system is a given by E (n) = PN n=0 nPn = P0 PN n n=0 nρ = P0 ρ or d E (n) = P0 ρ dρ PN d n n=0 ρ P0 ρ dρ n PN h d n n=0 dρ ρ 1−ρN+1 1−ρ i N+1 ] +Nρ = P0 ρ[1−(N+1)ρ (1−ρ)2 = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay ρ[1−(N+1)ρN +NρN+1 ] (1−ρ)(1−ρN+1 ) since P0 = Queueing Theory 1−ρ ; 1−ρN+1 ρ ̸= 1 September 2, 2023 94 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 2 Average queue length is given by E (m) = PN n=1 (n = E (n) − − 1)Pn PN n=1 Pn = E (n) − (1 − P0 ) = E (n) − = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay ρ(1−ρn ) , 1−ρN+1 since P0 = 1−ρ ; 1−ρN+1 ρ ̸= 1 ρ2 [1−NρN−1 +(N−1)ρN ] (1−ρ)(1−ρN+1 ) Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 95 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 3 The average waiting time in the system can be obtained by using Little’s formulae, that is, E (v ) = E (n) , λ′ where λ′ is the mean rate of costumers entering the system and is equal to λ(1 − PN ). The average waiting time in the queue can be obtained by using the relations E (w ) = E (v ) − Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 1 E (m) or E (w ) = . µ λ′ Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 96 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem At a railway station, only one train is handled at a time. The railway yard is sufficient only for two trains to wait while other is given signal to leave the station. Trains arrive at the station at an average rate of 6 per hour and the railway station can handle them on an average of 12 per hour. Assuming Poisson arrivals and exponential service distribution, find the steady-state probabilities for the various number of trains in the system. Also find the average waiting time of a new, train coming into the yard. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 97 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution Here, λ = 6 and µ = 12 so that ρ= 6 = 0.5. 12 The maximum queue length is 2; i.e., the maximum number of trains in the system is 3 (= N). The probability that there is no train in the system (both waiting and in service ) is given by P0 = 1−ρ 1 − 0.5 = = 0.53 1 − ρN+1 1 − (0.5)3+1 Now since Pn = P0 ρn , Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 98 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system therefore P1 = (0.53)(0.5) = 0.27, P2 = (0.53)(0.5)2 = 0.13, P3 = (0.53)(0.5)3 = 0.07. Hence we get E (n) = 1(0.27) + 2(0.13) + 3(0.07) = 0.74. Thus the average number of trains in the system is 0.74 and each train 1 takes on an average 12 (= 0.08) hours for getting service. As the arrival of new train expects to find an average 0.74 trains in the system before it. E (w ) = (0.74)(0.08) hours = 0.0592 hours or 3.5 minute Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 99 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem Assume that the goods trains are coming in a yard at the rate of 30 trains per day and suppose that the inter-arrival times follow an exponential distribution. The service time for each train is assumed to he exponential with an average of 36 minutes. If the yard can admit 9 trains at a time (there being 10 lines, one of which is reserved for shunting purposes ), calculate the probability that the yard is empty and find the average queue length. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 100 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution We have, λ= 30 60×24 1 48 = and µ = 1 16 trains per minute. Therefore ρ= 36 λ = = 0.75. µ 48 The probability that the yard is empty is given by P0 = = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 1−ρ 1−ρN+1 0.25 0.90 = 1−0.75 , 1−(0.75)10 since N = 9 = 0.28. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 101 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Average queue length is given by E (m) = = ρ2 [1−NρN−1 +(N−1)ρN ] (1−ρ)(1−ρN+1 ) (0.75)2 [1−9(0.75)8 +8(0.75)9 ] 0.25[(0.75)10 ] (1−0.303) = (2.22) (1−0.005) = (2.22)(0.70) = 1.55. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 102 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Exercise Problem 1 Consider a single server queueing system with Poisson input, exponential service times. Suppose the mean arrival rate is 3 calling units per hour, the expected service time is 0.25 hours and the maximum permissible number of calling units in the system is two. Derive the steady-state probability distribution of the number of calling units in the system, and then calculate the expected number in the system. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 103 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem 2 Patients arrive at a clinic according to a Poisson distribution at a rate of 30 patients per hour. The waiting room dons not accommodate more than 14 patients. Examination time per patient is exponential with mean rate 20 per hour. i Find the effective arrival rate at the clinic. ii What is the probability that an arriving patient will not wait? iii What is the expected waiting time until a patient is discharged form the clinic? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 104 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model IV ( Generalized Model: Birth-Death Process ) This model deals with a queueing system having single service channel, Poisson input with no limit on the system capacity. Arrivals can be considered as birth to the system, whereas a departure can be looked upon as a death. Let n λn µn Pn = number of customers in the system, = arrival rate of customers given n customers in the system, = departure rate of customers given it customers in the system, = steady − state probability of n customers in the system. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 105 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The model determines the values of Pn in terms of λn and µn . Now from the Poisson process, we observe that an arrival during the small time interval ∆t is negligible. This implies that for n > 0, state n can change only to two possible states: State n-1 when a departure occurs at the rate µn and state n + 1 when an arrival occurs at rate λn . State 0 can only change to state 1 when an arrival occurs at the rate λ0 . Since no departure is possible when the system is empty, µ0 is undefined. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 106 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Under steady-state conditions, for n > 0, the rate of flow into and out of state n must be equal. Thus is illustrated in the transition-rate diagram given below: The balance equation is: λn−1 Pn−1 + µn+1 Pn+1 = λn Pn + µn Pn , n ≥ 1 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 107 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system and µ1 P1 = λ0 P0 , n = 0. Using the iterative procedure (as in Model 1), we have λ0 P0 , µ1 λ1 + µ 1 P2 = P1 − µ2 λ2 + µ 2 P2 − P3 = µ3 P1 = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λ0 λ1 λ0 P0 = P0 , µ2 µ 2 µ1 λ1 λ2 λ1 λ0 P1 = P0 . µ3 µ 3 µ2 µ 1 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 108 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system In general, we can write the following formula Pn = n−1 Y λi λn−1 λn−2 ...λ0 P0 , or Pn = P0 n ≥ 1. µn µn−1 ...µ1 µ i=0 i+1 Now, Pn+1 = n Y λn−1 λi λ n + µn Pn − Pn−1 = P0 µn+1 µn+1 µ i=0 i+1 Thus, by mathematical induction the general value of Pn holds for all n. To obtain the value of P0 , we use the boundary condition ∞ X Pn = 1 or P0 + n=0 ∞ X Pn = 1, n=1 to get P0 = 1 + ∞ n−1 X Y λi −1 n=1 i=1 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory µi+1 September 2, 2023 109 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Remark. P0 = 0 if R.H.S is divergent series. In case R.H.S is convergent, the value of P0 will depend on λ′i s and µ′i s. Special Cases Case 1)When λn = λ for n ≥ 0 ; and µn = µ for n > 1 " P0 = 1 + # ∞ n −1 X λ n=1 µ = 1 − ρ. In this case, therefore Pn = ρn (1 − ρ), for n ≥ 0. This result is exactly the same as that of Model 1. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 110 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Case 2)When λn = λ n+1 for n ≥ 0 and µn = µ for n > 1. h P0 = 1 + h λn n=1 n!µn P∞ = 1+ρ+ 1 2 2! ρ i−1 + ... + 1 n n! ρ i−1 + ... = e −ρ ∴ Pn = 1 n −p λ ρ e for n ≥ 0 and ρ = . n! µ which is Poisson distribution with mean E (n) = ρ. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 111 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Case 3)- When λn = λ for n ≥ 0 and µn = nµ for n > 1, " P0 = 1 + ∞ X λn n=1 h = 1+ρ+ #−1 n!µn i−1 1 2 1 ρ + . . . + ρn + . . . 2! n! = e −ρ . Therefore, ∴ Pn = λ 1 n −p ρ e , for n ≥ 0 and ρ = . n! µ which is again a Poisson with mean E (n) = ρ and E (m) = 0, E (w ) = 0. In this case the service rate increases with increase in queue length and hence is known as a queueing problem with infinite number of channels, i.e., (M/M/∞) : (∞/FIFO). This model is known as a Self-service Model. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 112 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem Problems arrive at a computing centre in Poisson fashion at an average rate of five per day. The rules of the computing centre are that any man waiting to get his problem solved must aid the man whose problem is being solved. If the time to solve a problem with one man has an exponential distribution with mean time of 31 a day, and if the average solving time is inversely proportional to the number of people working on the problem, approximate the expected time in the centre for a person entering the line. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 113 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution Here λ = 5 problems per day, and µ = 3 problem per day. It is given that the service rate increases with increase in the number of persons. Therefore, ∴ µn = nµ when there are n problems and Pn = E (n) = ∞ X n=0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay nPn = ∞ X n=0 n 1 n −p n! ρ e 1 n −ρ 5 ρ e = e −ρ .ρ.e ρ = ρ = or 1.67 n! 3 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 114 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Now the average solving time, which is inversely proportional to the number of people working on the problem, is given by 15 day per problem. ∴ Expected time for a person entering the line is given by 1 1 5 1 E (n) = × days = day or 8 hours. 5 5 3 3 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 115 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Exercise Problem A shipping company has a single unloading berth with ships arriving in a Poisson fashion at an average rate of three per day. The unloading time distribution for a ship with n unloading crews is found to be exponential with average unloading time n2 days. The company has a large labor supply without regular working hours, and to avoid long waiting line the company has a policy of using as many unloading crews on a ship as there are ships getting in line or being unloaded. a Under these conditions what will be the average number of unloading crews working at any time? b What is the probability that more than 4 crews will be needed? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 116 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem An international airport operates with three check-out counters. The sign by the check-out area advises the customers that an additional counter will be opened any time the number of customers in the queue exceeds three. This means that for fewer than four customers, only one counter will be in operation. For four to six customers, two counters will be open. For more than six customers, all three counters will be open. The customers arrive at the counters area according to a Poisson distribution with a mean of 10 customers per hour. The average check-out time per customer is exponential with mean 12 minutes. Determine the following: a Steady-state probability Pn of n customers in the check-out area. b Average number of busy counters. c Average number of idle counters. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 117 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem For a General queue system (discuss in Model IV), find the steady-state probability when a ( λn = λ for n = 0, 1, . . . , C − 1 0 for n = C , C + 1, . . . and µn = nµ for n = 1, . . . , C . b ( λn = C − nλ 0 for n = 0, 1, . . . , k for n = k + 1, k + 2, . . . and µn = nµ for n > 1. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 118 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model V {(M/M/C ) : (∞/FIFO)} This model is a special case of Model IV in the sense that here we consider C parallel service channels. The arrival rate is λ and the service rate is µ. The effect of using C parallel service channels is a proportionate increase in the service rate of the faculty to nµ if n ≤ C and C µ if n > C . Thus, in term of generalized model (Model IV), λn and µn are defined as λn = λ, n ≥ 0 and µn = nµ if 1 ≤ n ≤ C Dr. B.B. Upadhyay and Cµ , if n ≥ C . Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 119 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Utilizing the value of λn and µn , the steady-state probabilities of Model IV becomes Pn = λn P 0 nµ(n−1)µ...(1)µ ; 1 ≤ n ≤ C, λn P 0 (C µ)(C µ)...(C µ)(C −1)µ(C −2)µ...(1)µ ; n>C That is Pn = 1 n 1 λn n! µn P0 = n! ρ P0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λn P0 C n−C C !µn = 1 ρ n P0 C n−C C ! Queueing Theory if 1 ≤ n ≤ C if n > C . September 2, 2023 120 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system To find the value of P0 , we use the boundary condition Thus, we have C −1 X ∞ X Pn + n=0 P∞ n=1 Pn = 1. =1 n=C or ∞ −1 h CX 1 n X ρ + n! n=0 n=C 1 i C n−C C ! ρn P0 = 1 0r P0 = hP = hP Dr. B.B. Upadhyay C −1 1 n n=0 n! ρ C −1 1 n=0 n! + ρC n λ µ + P∞ 1 n=C C ! 1 C! C Queueing Theory λ µ n−C i−1 ρ C µ . C Cµ−λ i−1 September 2, 2023 121 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Remark 1 The result obtain above is valid only if Cλµ < 1 ; that is, the mean arrival rate must be less than the mean maximum potential service rate of the system. 2 If C = 1, then the value of P0 is in complete agreement with the value of P0 for Model I. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 122 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Characteristics of Model V 1 P(n ≥ C ) = Probability that an arrival has to wait ∞ X = n=C 2 Pn = ∞ X n=C C λ n 1 C !C n−C µ P0 = λ µ Cµ C !(C µ − λ) P0 Probability that an arrival enters the service without wait C = 1 − P(n ≥ C ) or 1 − Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory C λ µ C !(C − µλ ) P0 . September 2, 2023 123 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 3 Average queue length is given by E (m) = P∞ = P∞ = P∞ n=C (n − C )Pn for x = n − C x =0 xPx +C 1 x =0 x . C !C x C +x λ µ P0 or E (m) = 1 C C ! (λ/µ) = 1 C! = 1 C! C λ µ C λ µ = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λ µ x =0 x .(λ/C µ) P0 xP 0 P∞ d x .y , where y = Cλµ x =0 dy y d P0 y dy C λµ P∞ 1 1−y P0 (C −1)!(C µ−λ)2 . Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 124 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 4 Average number of customers in the system is given by E (n) = E (m) + λµ = 5 λ µ C λ µ P0 (C − 1)!(C µ − λ)2 + λ . µ Average waiting time of an arrival is given by E (w ) = 1 E (m) λ µ = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay C λ µ P0 (C − 1)!(C µ − λ)2 Queueing Theory . September 2, 2023 125 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 7 Average waiting time an arrival spends in the system is given by 1 µ E (v ) = E (w ) + µ = C λ µ P0 (C − 1)!(C µ − λ)2 + 1 µ or E (n) . λ Average number of idle servers is equal to E (v ) = 8 C − Average number of customers served. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 126 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem A supermarket has two girls serving at the counters. The customers arrive in a Poisson fashion at the rate of 12 per hour. The service time for each customer is exponential with the mean 6 minute. Find 1 the probability that an arriving customer has to wait for service, 2 the average number of customers in the system, and 3 the average time spent by a customer in the super-market. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 127 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution We are give λ = 12 customers per hour, µ = 10 per hour, and C = 2 girls. 1 ∴ P0 = hP n = hP = 1 4 C −1 1 n=0 n! 2−1 1 n=0 n! λ µ 12 10 n + 1 C! + 1 2! C λ µ 12 10 µ . C Cµ−λ 2 2×10 20−12 i−1 i−1 (or 0.25). Probability of having to wait for service P(w > 0) = = 1 C! 1 2 C λ µ 12 10 2 Cµ C µ−λ P0 20 20−12 × 1 4 = 0.45. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 128 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 2 Average queue length is C λµ ∴ E (m) = λ µ P0 (C −1)!(C µ−λ)2 = 12×10×(1.2)2 ×0.25 (2−1)!(20−12)2 = 27 40 Average number of customers in the system E (n) = E (m) + 3 λ 27 12 = + = 1.87 (or 2 customers) approx . µ 40 10 Average time spent by customer in super market E (v ) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay E (n) 1.87 = = 0.156 hours or 9.3 minutes. λ 12 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 129 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem A company currently has two tools cribs, each having a single clerk, in its manufacturing area. One tool cribs handles only the tools for the heavy machinery, while the second one handles all others tools. It is observed that for each tool crib the arrival follows a Poisson distribution with a mean of 20 per hour and the service time distribution is negative exponential with mean of 2 minute. The tool manager feels that, if tool cribs are combined such a way that either clerk can handle any kind of tool as demands arises, would be more efficient and the waiting problem could be reduced to some extent. It is believed that the mean arrival rate at the two cribs will be 40 per hours; while the service time will remain unchanged. Compare in status of queue and the proposal with respect to the total expected number of mechanics at the tool crib(s), the expected waiting time including service time for each mechanics and the probability that he has to wait more than five minute. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 130 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution For each tool crib, we have λ = 20 machine per hour, and µ = 30 machine per hour. 20 λ = = 2 mechanics ∴ E (n) = µ−λ 30 − 20 and E (m) = λ2 (20)2 4 = = or 1.33 µ(µ − λ) 30 × (30 − 20) 3 Expected waiting time in the system is given by E (v ) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 1 1 1 = = hour or 6 minutes. µ−λ 30 − 20 10 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 131 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system For the proposed system (when both the tool cribs are combined ), we have λ = 40 mechanics per hour, µ = 30 mechanics per hour, C = 2. ∴ P0 = hP n = hP n C −1 1 n=0 n! 2−1 1 n=0 n! h 40 30 1 5 or 0.2 = 1+ = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay + λ µ λ µ 1 2! + 1 C! + 1 2! 40 30 2 Queueing Theory C λ µ 2 × λ µ µ . C Cµ−λ 2µ . 2µ−λ 2×30 2×30−40 i−1 i−1 i−1 September 2, 2023 132 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system C λµ E (n) = λ µ 2 λµ = P0 (C −1)!(C µ−λ)2 λ µ + P0 (2−1)!(2µ−λ)2 + λ µ λ µ = 2.4 E (v ) = = E (n) λ 2.4 40 = 0.06 or 3.6 minutes. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 133 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system From above, it is clear that combining the two tool cribs and asking both servers to attend the customers leads to a more efficient handling of the demand. This is not surprising result. By separating the functions, certain advantages occurs but by combining the two, the net waiting time is reduced because in the former system it is possible that one tool crib is idle, whereas the second tool crib may have a long queue. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 134 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Exercise Problem 1 A petrol pump station has two pumps. The service time follows the exponential distribution with a mean of 4 minutes and cars arrive for the service in a Poisson process at the rate of 10 cars per hour. Find the probability that the customer has to wait for service. What proportion of the time the pump remain idle? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 135 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem 2 Given an average arrival rate of 20 per hour, is it better for a customer to get service at a single channel with mean service rate of 22 customer or at one of the two channels in parallel, with mean service rate of 11 customers for each of the two channels? Assume both queues are of M/M/S type. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 136 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem 3 A telephone company is planning to install telephone booths in a new airport. It has established the policy that a person should not have to wait more than 10 per cent of the times he tries to use a phone. The demand for use is estimated to be Poisson with an average of 30 per hour. The average phone call has an exponential distribution with the mean time of 5 minutes. How many phones booth should be installed? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 137 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model VI {(M/M/C ) : (N/FIFO)} This model is essentially the same as Model V except that the maximum number in the system is limited to N where N ≥ C . Therefore, utilizing the steady-state probabilities of Model IV, with λn = λ if 0 ≤ n ≤ N; and 0 otherwise µn = nµ if 0 ≤ n < C ; and Cµ if C ≤ n ≤ N We get 1 λ n P ; 0 Pn = n! 1µ λ n n−C P0 ; C C! µ 0≤n<C C ≤n≤N where Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 138 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system P0 = −1 n CX 1 λ n n=0 = n! µ + N X n=C λ n o−1 C n−C C ! µ 1 h C N−C +1 i−1 PC −1 1 λ n Cµ 1 λ λ + {1 − + } ; n=0 n! µ C! µ Cµ C µ−λ λ Cµ ̸= 1 hP n C i−1 C −1 1 λ 1 λ + (N − C + 1) ; n=0 n! µ C! µ λ Cµ = 1. Remark If we take N → ∞ and consider Cλµ < 1, then the result corresponds to that of Model V. Also, if we take C = 1 then the result reduced corresponds to that of Model 1. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 139 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Characteristics of Model VI 1 Average queue length is given by E (m) = PN = PN = P 1 λ C P0 .ρ N−C x =0 C! µ = (C ρ)C ρP0 C! = (C ρ)C ρP0 d 1−ρN−C +1 . dρ C! 1−ρ = P0 (C ρ)C ρ [1 C !(1−ρ)2 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay n=C (n n=C (n − C )Pn λ µ n − C ) C !C n−C P0 x .ρx −1 , for ρ = λ Cµ PN−C d x x =0 dρ ρ h i − ρN−C +1 − (1 − ρ)(N − C + 1)ρN−C ]. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 140 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 2 Now since, E (m) = N X N X (n − C )Pn = n=C nPn − C n=C N X Pn n=C therefore, he average number of customers in the system is given by E (n) = PN n=0 nPn = PC −1 nPn + = PC −1 nPn + E (m) + C n=0 n=0 = E (m) + C PN n=C hP N n=0 Pn = E (m) + C − P0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay nPn − PN Pn PC −1 Pn + n=C n=0 i PC −1 (C −n)(ρC )n n=0 Queueing Theory n! PC −1 n=0 nPn . September 2, 2023 141 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 3 Average waiting time in the system can be obtained by using Little’s formula, that is E (n) E (v ) = λ′ where λ′ = λ(1 − PN ) is effective arrival rate. Average waiting time in the queue can be obtained by using E (w ) = E (v ) − or E (w ) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 1 µ [E (m)] . λ′ Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 142 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem A car servicing station has 3 stall where service can be offered simultaneously. The cars wait in such a way that when a stall becomes vacant, the car at the head of the line pulls up to it. The station can accommodate at most four cars-waiting (seven in the system) at one time. The arrival pattern is Poisson with the mean of one car per minute during the peak hours. The service time is exponential with mean 6 minutes. Find the average number of cars in the service station during the peak hours, the average waiting time and the average number of cars per hours that cannot enter the station because of full capacity. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 143 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution Here λ = 1 car per minute, µ = ρ = µλ = 6 and P0 = h 3−1 X 1 n=0 1 n! 1 6 car per minute, C = 3, N = 7 and n (6) + 7 X 1 × 6n i n=3 3n−3 3! = 1 . 1141 Expected number of cars in the queue is E (m) = = P0 (C ρ)C ρ [1 C !(1−ρ)2 − ρN−C +1 − (1 − ρ)(N − C + 1)ρN−C ] (3×6)3 ×6 1 . (1 3!×(−5)2 1141 − (6)5 − (−5)(5)(6)4 ) = 3.09 cars. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 144 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 2 Expected number of cars in the service station E (n) = 3.09 + 3 − P0 2 X (3 − n) n=0 3 n! (6)n = 6.06 cars. Expected waiting time a car spends in the system E (v ) = Since, Pn = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 0.06 6.06 = 7 (6) 1(1 − P7 ) 1 − 3!34 × 1 C !C n−C n λ µ 1 1141 = 12.3 minutes P0 , for c ≤ n ≤ N. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 145 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 4 Expected number of cars per hour that cannot enter the station is 60λPN = 60 × 1 × P7 (6)7 1 × 4 3!3 1141 = 30.3 cars per hour . = 60 × Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 146 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Exercise Problem 1 A barber shop has two barber and three chair for waiting customers. Assume that customers arrive in a Poisson fashion at the rate of 5 per hour that each barber services according to an exponential distribution with the mean of 15 minute. Further, if a customer arrives and there are no empty chairs in the shop he will leave. Find the steady-state probabilities. What is the probability that the shop is empty ? What is the expected number of customers in the shop? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 147 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem 2 A car servicing station has two bays where service can be offered simultaneously. Due to space limitation, only four cars are accepted for servicing. The arrival pattern is Poisson with 12 cars per day. The service time in both the bays is exponentially distributed with µ = 8 cars per day per bay. Find the average number of cars waiting to be serviced and the average time a car spends in the system. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 148 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model VII {(M/M/C ) : (C /FIFO)} This model is essentially the same as Model VI except that here N = C . Therefore, we consider the situation where no waiting queue is allowed to form. This gives rise to a stationary distribution known as Erlang’s first formula and can be easily obtained by using result of Model VI with N=C. Thus, we have n 1 λ P 0 if 0 ≤ n ≤ C Pn = n! µ 0 otherwise where P0 = C hX 1 λ n i−1 n=0 n! µ The resultant formulae for P0 is itself called Erlang’s Loss Formula. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 149 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model VIII {(M/M/R) : (K /GDK > R)} This model describes a queuing system in which there are R service channels and the maximum limit imposed on incoming customers, say K, is fixed. A practical situation corresponding to this model is that of machine servicing where the calling population is that of machines and an arrival corresponds to a machine breakdown. The repairmen, of course, are the servers. Whereas a machine breaks down, it will result in loss in production until it is repaired. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 150 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Consequently, a broken machine cannot generate new calls while in service. The model is generally known as ”Machine-Repairman” model. Let there be R servers and the service times be identical exponential random variable with mean µ1 . Using the balance equations for the generalized model (Model IV) with ( (K − n)λ, if 0 ≤ n ≤ K λn = 0, if n ≥ K . µn = nµ, Rµ, 0, Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 0≤n<R R≤n≤K n>K Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 151 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system we have Pn = K λ.(K −1)λ...(K −n+1)λ P0 , µ.2µ...nµ = K! n (K −n)! λ P0 , n! µ = K λ.(K −1)λ...(K −n+1)λ (Rµ).(Rµ)...(Rµ)(R−1)µ.(R−2)µ...(1) µ, K! (K −n)! R n−R R! n λ µ P0 0≤n<R R≤n≤K if 0 ≤ n < R; if R ≤ n ≤ K ! K λ n P0 µ n if 0 ≤ n < R ! n K n! λ P0 n−R n R R! µ if R ≤ n ≤ K . Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 152 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system To obtain the value of P0 , we use the boundary condition K X Pn = 1. n=0 Therefore, P0 = h R−1 X K n=0 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay n ! λ n µ + K X n=R K n Queueing Theory ! n! λ n i−1 R n−R R! µ . September 2, 2023 153 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Characteristics of Model VIII 1 Average number of customers in the system is given by E (n) = = PK n=0 nPn PR−1 = P0 2 nPn + n=0 PK hP R−1 n=0 n n=R K n ! Pn λ n µ + 1 R! K n=R n. n ! PK n! R n−R λ n µ i Average queue length is given by E (m) = PK = PK n=R (n n=R nPn − R. = E (n) − Dr. B.B. Upadhyay − R)Pn PR−1 n=0 PR n=K Pn nPn − R 1 − PR−1 = E (n) −Queueing R + Theory n=0 (R − n). PR−1 n=0 K ! Pn λ n September µ 2, 2023 154 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 3 = E (n) − R + PR−1 = E (n) − R + PR−1 n=0 (R − n)Pn K n=0 (R − n). n ! λ n µ . To find the average waiting, we first of all find out the mean rate of arrival into the system. Now, let there be n units in the system, which mean arrival rate λ. Therefore, the mean arrival rate to the system in (K − n)λ. Thus by taking summation over all n and after weighting each term by its probability Pn , we find that λeff = X (K − n)λPn = λK X Pn − X λnPn = λ[K − E (n)]. Hence by using Little’s formulae, E (n) [E (n)] = E (v ) = λeff λ[K − E (n)] and E (m) E (m) E (w ) = = . λeff λ[K − E (n)] September 2, 2023 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory 155 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem We have 5 machine, each of which when running, suffers breakdown at an average rate of 2 per hour. There are 2 servicemen and only one man can work on machine at a time. If n machines are out off order when n > 2 then (n − 2) of them wait untill serviceman is free. Once a serviceman starts work on a machine the time to complete the repair has an exponential distribution with mean 5 minutes. Find the distribution of the number of machines out of action at a given time. Find also the average time an out-of-action has to spend waiting for the repairs to start. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 156 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution We are given K = total number of machines in the system =5 R = number of serviceman =2, λ = 2, µ = 60 5 . Let n = number of machines out of order, Then Pn ! 5 2 n P0 60 n 5 ! = n n! 2 5 n−2 n 2 2! 605 P0 if 0 ≤ n < 2, if 2 ≤ n ≤ 5. and P0 = hP 2−1 n=0 ! n P 5 5 + 5n=2 Pn 602 n n 5 ! n! 2n−2 2! Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theoryis given by ∴ Average time of machine out of action 2 n i−1 60 5 September 2, 2023 157 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system = P3 + 2P4 + 3P5 = 165 1493 = 0.110 hours. Average time an out-of-action machine has to spend waiting for the repairs start is, E (w ) = But λ′ = P5 n=0 (5 E (m) . λ′ − n)Pn = λ[5P0 + 4P1 + 3P2 + 2P3 + P4 ] = λ + 0.434 × 9.189 = 8 machines (approx ) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 158 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem 1 Two repairman are attending five machine in workshop. Each machine breaks down according to a Poisson distribution with mean 3 per hour. The repair time per machine is exponential with mean 15 minutes. a b 2 Find the probability that the two repairman are idle, that one repairman is idle. What is the expected number of idle machine not being serviced ? A machine services four machines. For each machine, the mean time between service requirement is 10 hours and is assumed to follow exponential distribution. The repair time tends to follow the same distribution with mean of two hours. When a machine is down for repairs, the time lost has a value of Rs. 20 per hour. The mechanics costs Rs. 50 per day. a b c What is the expected number of machine in operation? What is the expected down-time cost per day? Would it be desirable to provide two mechanics each to service only two machines? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 159 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem 1 A group of engineer has two terminals available to aid in their calculation. The average computing job requires 20 minutes of terminal time, each engineer requires some computation about once every 0.5 hours, i.e., the mean time between a call for service is 0.5 hours. Assume these are distributed according to an exponential distribution. If there are six engineers in the group, find: a b 2 The expected number of engineers waiting to use one of the terminals. The total lost time per day. A repairman is to be hired to repair machines which break down at an average rate of 6 per hour. The breakdown follows a Poisson distribution. The non-production time of machine is considered to cost Rs. 20 per hour. Two repairmen, Mr. X and Mr. Y, have been interviewed for this purpose. Mr. X charges Rs. 10 per hour and he services breakdown machines at the rate of 8 per hour. Mr. Y demands Rs. 14 per hour and he services at an average rate of 12 per hour. Which repairman should be hired ? (Assume 8-hours shift per day.) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 160 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model IX (Power Supply model) This model describes a situation where an electric circuit supplies power of ’a’ consumer. The requirement of consumers are assumed to follow Poisson distribution with parameter λ, and the supply schedule also follows Poisson distribution with parameter µ. Using the balance equation for the generalized model (Model IV) with λn = (a − n)λ, 0 ≤ n ≤ a and µn = nµ. We have, Pn = 1 n! a(a − 1)...(a − n + 1) a! λ a a! µ P0 . P condition ∞ n=0 Pn λ n µ P0 Pa = Using the boundary h P0 1 + Dr. B.B. Upadhyay = 1, we get i λ a(a − 1) + (λ/µ) + ... + (λ/µ)a = 1 µ 2! Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 161 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system i.e., P0 [1 + λ/µ]a or P0 = µ a µ+λ Therefore, Pn = = 1 n! a(a − 1)...(a − n + 1))(λ/µ)n µ a! n µ+λ (a−n)!n! (λ/µ) µ µ+λ a a ! = a λ n µ a−n λ+µ λ+µ n which is a binomial distribution. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 162 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Non-Poisson Queueing System Queues in which arrival and/or departure may not follow the Poisson axiom, are called non-Poisson queue. The development of these queuing system is more complicated, mainly because the Poisson axioms no longer hold good. Following are the techniques which are usually employed in studying the non-Poisson queues: a Phase technique, b The technique of Imbibed Markov Chain c The supplementary Variable technique The phase technique is used when an arrival demands phases of services, say k in number. The technique by which non-Markovian queues are reduced to Markovian is termed as Imbedded Markov Chain Technique. When one or more random variables are added to convert a non-Markovian process into the Markovian one, the technique involved in this conversion Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 163 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 1 GI/G/C 2 M/G/I 3 GI/M/S 4 GI/Ek /1 5 D/Ek /1. The study of these non-Poisson queues in not presented here initially. However, we shall introduce the queuing system M/Ek /1 and the steady-state result of M/G/1. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 164 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Erlangian Service Time Distribution with k-phases When one unit has to pass through k stages for its service, then these k stages of servicing are called k-phases. The distribution of servicing time in each of these phases will be an independent variable and the distribution of the total servicing time of a unit in the system will be some combined distribution of time in all these phases. In the previous section we have assumed that the servicing time of a unit follows the exponential distribution given by µe −µt with µ1 as the average servicing time. Since the exponential distribution involves only one parameter (the parameter µ ), it is known as one parameter distribution. A two-parameter generalization of the exponential distribution is called Erlangian (Gamma ) service time distribution. The p.d.f. of this Erlangian service time distribution is defined by Dr. B.B. Upadhyay −kµt g(t; µ; k) = CkQueueing t k−1 eTheory , k = 1, 2, ... September 2, 2023 165 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The value of constant Ck is given by Z ∞ Z ∞ g(t; µ; k)dt or 0 or Thus Ck = 0 Ck (k − µ)k (kµ)k (k−1)! Z ∞ Ck t k−1 e −kµt dt = 1 y k−1 e −y dy = 1 for kµt = y 0 and therefore g(t, µ, k) = (kµ)k t k−1 e −kµt ; (k−1)! o ≤ t < ∞. where, µ = expected number of customers completing service per unit of time, and k = a positive constant. The expected value of the total service time and variance of Erlang distribution are k(1/kµ), i.e., 1/µ and k(1/kµ)2 ,i.e., 1/kµ2 respectively. The following figure shows how the shape of the Erlang distribution changes for various values of k. When k = 1, it reduces to the exponential Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Theory to a constant September 2, 2023 166 / 207 distribution, and for 1 < k < ∞,Queueing it reduces distribution for Operating characteristics of queueing system Erlang Distribution Model I {(M/Ek /1) : (∞/FIFO)} This model consist of a single service channel queuing system in which there are n phases in the system (waiting or in service ). It has been assumed that a new arrival creates k − phase of service and departure of one customer reduces k − phases of service. Let n = number of customers in the system, λn = λ, constant arrival rate per unit time, µn = kµ, k phases of service pet unit time. when Pn denotes the steady-state probability of n phases in the system, the transition-rate diagram of theQueueing model under consideration is: Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Theory September 2, 2023 167 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The balance equation, therefore, are: λPn−k + kµPn+1 = λPn + kµPn kµP1 = λP0 n≥1 n=0 Letting (λ/kµ) = ρ, these equations are: (1 + ρ)Pn = ρPn−k + Pn+1 P1 = ρP0 n≥1 n=0 The solution of these difference equation is beyond the scope of this book. However, we discuss the characteristics of this model using these difference equations. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 168 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Characteristics of Model I 1 Average number of phases in the system E (np ) is obtained as follows: Multiplying by n2 on both the side and then taking summation, the above difference equation gives (1 + ρ) P∞ n=1 n 2P n =ρ P∞ =ρ P∞ n=k n2 Pn−k + x =0 (x P∞ n=1 n + k)2 Px + 2P n+1 P∞ y =2 (y − 1)2 Py (where n − k = x and n + 1 = y ) =ρ P∞ y =0 (x since Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 2 + 2xk + k 2 )Px + P∞ y =2 (y Queueing Theory − 1)2 Py = P∞ P∞ y =1 (y y =1 (y 2 − 2y + 1 − 1)2 Py September 2, 2023 169 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system or (1 − ρ) ∞ X n2 Pn = (1 + ρ) n=1 ∞ X n 2 Pn + ρ n=1 ∞ X (2nk + k 2 )Pn + n=0 ∞ X (−2n + 1)Pn n=1 or h 0 = ρ 2k ∞ X nPn + k n=0 2 ∞ X i Pn + n=0 ∞ X Pn − 2 n=1 ∞ X nPn n=1 or 2(1−kρ) ∞ X nPn = ρk 2 −P0 +1 since n=0 ∴ E (np ) = ∞ X Pn = 1 and n=0 ∞ X nPn = n=1 ∞ X nPn . n=0 k(k + 1)ρ ρk 2 + 1 − 1(1 − kρ) = where P0 = (1 − kρ) 2(1 − kρ) 2(1 − kρ) i.e., E (np ) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay k(k + 1) λ/kµ k +1 λ . = 2 1 − kλ/kµ 2 µ−λ Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 170 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 2 Average waiting time of the phase in the system is given by E (wp ) = 3 E (np ) k +1 λ = . µ 2µ µ − λ Average waiting time of an arrival is given by E (w ) = E (wp ) k +1 λ = . k 2k µ(µ − λ) 4 Average time an arrival spends in the system is given by 1 k +1 λ 1 E (v ) = E (w ) + = + . µ 2k µ(µ − λ) µ 5 Average number of units in the system is given by k +1 λ2 λ + . 2k µ(µ − λ) µ E (n) = λE (v ) = 6 Average queue length is given by E (m) = E (n) − Dr. B.B. Upadhyay λ k +1 λ2 = . µ 2k µ(µ − λ) Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 171 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model II {(M/Ek /1) : (1/FIFO)} This model differs from Model I in the sense that in this case the capacity of the system is unity, i.e., there is no queue and the system contains only one customer. Let the customer be in nth phase of service, where 1¡n¡k. Like Model, it can be easily seen that the following set of steady-state difference equations govern this model: kµ = kµPn , 1≤n<k λP0 = kµPk n=k kµP1 = λP0 , n = 0 These equation reduce to Pn = λ kµ P0 ; This gives us Dr. B.B. Upadhyay n = 1, 2, ..., k and Pn+1 = Pn ; n = 1, 2, ..., k − 1. Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 172 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Now, since Pk j=0 Pj = 1, we have P0 + Pk j=1 Pj = 1 or P0 + =⇒ P0 = 1 + Hence Pn = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Pk λ j=1 kµ P0 =1 k 1 −1 λX λ −1 = 1+ µ j=1 k µ 1 λ . ; n = 1, 2, ..., k k λ+µ Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 173 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem A hospital clinic has doctor examining every patient brought in for a general check-up. The doctor spends 4 minute on each phase of the check-up although the distribution of time spent on each phase is approximately exponential. If each patient goes through four phases in the check-up and if the arrival of the patients to the doctor’s office are approximately Poisson at the average rate of three per hour, what is the average time spent by a patient waiting in the doctor’s office ? What is the average time spent in the check-up ? What is the most probable time spent in the check-up? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 174 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution We are given k = 4 and Mean arrival rate = 3 patients per hour, i.e., λ = 3 per hour. Service time per phase =1/4µ = 4 minute . ∴µ= E (w ) = 1 1 = patient per minue 4×4 16 4+1 4×4 3 15 4 15 4 −3 = 40 minutes. Average time spent in the examination 1/µ = 16 minutes. Most probable time spent in the examination = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay k −1 4−1 3 = = = 12 minutes. 1 kµ 1/4 4 × 16 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 175 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Problem At a certain airport it takes exactly 5 minutes to land an aeroplane, once it is given the signal to land. Although incoming planes have scheduled arrival times wide variability in arrival time produces an effect which makes the incoming planes appear to arrive in a Poisson fashion at an average rate of 6 hour. This produces occasional stockups at the airport which can be dangerous and costly. Under these circumstances, how much time will a pilot expect to spend circuling the field waiting to land? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 176 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution From the data of the problem, we have λ = 6 per hour pr 1/10 per minute; µ = 1/5 per minute k = ∞, as servicing time is constant. Hence, the average time which a pilot expects to spend circling the field waiting to land is given by k+1 λ k→∞ 2k µ(µ−λ) E (w ) = lim 1 k→∞ 2 = lim 1+ = 21 (1 + 0) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 1 k λ µ(µ−λ) 1/10 1 5 Queueing Theory 1 1 − 10 5 September 2, 2023 177 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Exercise 1 A barber with one-man takes exactly 25 minutes to complete one haircut. If customers arrive in a Poisson fashion at an average rate of one every 40 minutes, how long on the average must a customer wait for service? Also find the average time a customer spends in the barber shop. 2 A tailoring shop with one man takes exactly one day to stitch a suit. Customer’s arrival follows Poisson pattern with mean rate of arrival one in every two day. How long, on an average, a customer is expected to wait in such a situation? 3 A barber runs his own saloon. It takes him exactly 25 minutes to complete one haircut. Customers arrive in Poisson fashion at an average rate of one every 35 minutes. a b For what percent of time would the barber be idle? What is the average time of customers spent in the shop? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 178 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Model III {(M/G/1) : (∞/GD)}. This model consists of single server, Poisson arrivals and general service time distribution. In this case, the probability that a customers leaves the system in (t, t + ∆t) is quantity dependent on when the service of that particular customer begins, i.e., they would involve not merely t, but also another time variable, say t ′ measured from the beginning of the current service. Let q0 denote the queue length when the service of customer n terminates, and q1 be the queue length when the service of customer (n + 1) terminates. Further, let k(k = 1, 0, 2, ..) denotes the number of customers who arrive during the service of the customer (n + 1). Then we can have the following relation between q0 , q1 and k: k; q1 = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay if q0 = 0 , i.e., the queue length is zero after serviing customer Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 179 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The expected value of the above relation is obtained as, E (q1 ) = E (q0 ) − E (δ) + E (k) Since E (q1 ) = E (q0 ) in the steady state, it follows that E (δ) = E (k). Further, q12 = (q0 − δ + k)2 = (q02 + δ 2 k 2 + 2kq0 − 2kδ − 2δq0 ). But by definition, δ 2 = δ and δq0 = q0 ∴ q12 = q02 + k 2 + 2kq0 + δ − 2kδ − 2δq0 or E (q12 ) = E (q02 ) + E (k 2 ) + 2E (kq0 ) + E (δ) − 2E (kδ) − 2E (q0 ) Again, since E (q12 ) = E (q02 ) in the steady-state, it follows that 2E (q0 ) − 2E (kq0 ) = E (k 2 ) + E (δ) − 2E (kδ) Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 180 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system E (q0 ) = or + E (k) − 2E 2 (k) 2{1 − E (k)} E (k 2 ) since E (kδ) = E (k)E (δ), E (δ) = E (k) and q0 , k and δ are independent. If λ is the mean arrival rate, the number of arrivals in a service time of length t has a Poisson distribution with mean λt. The probability of k arrivals in time t, therefore, is given by (λt)k e −λt , k ≥ 1, k! and the probability of k arrivals during the service time of a customer is Z ∞ (λt)k e −λt 0 k! p(t)dt, where p(t) is the probability density function of service time. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 181 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The mean number of arrivals in the service time of a customer is given by E (k) = λE (t) = λ(1/µ); where µ is the mean service rate. The variance of arrival in the service time of a customer is E (k 2 ) = λE (t) + λ2 E (t 2 ) = λ × [mean service time] + λ2 × [variance of service time + squar mean service time] = (λ/µ) + [λ2 (σ 2 + 1/µ2 )] = ρ + λ2 σ 2 + ρ2 . Substituting the value of E (k) and E (k 2 ) in the relation for E (q0 ) obtained above, we get 2 2 Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 2 2 (ρ+λ σ +ρ )+ρ−2ρ E (q0 ) =Queueing 2(1−ρ) Theory September 2, 2023 182 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Further, if the customer (n+1) has to wait for time ω before being taken into service, the length of the queue must be q1 during the time ω + t. ∴ E (q1 ) = λE (ω + r ) = λE (ω) + λE (r ) i.e., λE (ω) = Average waiting time = E (q1 ) − (λ/µ), where E (r ) = 1/µ, or E (ω) = 1h λ ρ+ λ2 σ 2 i + ρ2 λ2 σ 2 + ρ2 −ρ = , 2(1 − ρ) 2λ(1 − ρ) Since E (q1 ) = E (q0 ) in the steady-state. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 183 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system We now summarize the various formulae for (M/G/1) : (∞/GD) as follows: 1 Average number of customers in the system = λ2 σ 2 + ρ2 + ρ, 2(1 − ρ) 2 Average queue length = h λ2 σ 2 + ρ2 2(1 − ρ) 3 i +ρ −ρ= λ2 σ 2 + ρ2 , 2(1 − ρ) Average waiting time of a customer in the queue= λ2 σ 2 + ρ2 . 2λ(1 − ρ) 4 Average waiting time that a customer spends in the system = λ2 σ 2 + ρ2 1 + . 2λ(1 − ρ) µ Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 184 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Remark. The formulae for the average queue length and the average number of customers in the system are known as Pollaczek − Khintchine (or P − K ) formulae. Problem In a heavy machine shop, the overhead crane is 75 per cent utilized. Time study observation gave the average slinging time as 10.5 minute with a standard deviation of 8.8 minutes. What is the average calling rate for the services of the crane, and what is the average delay in getting service? If the average service time is cut to 8.0 minutes, with standard deviation of 6.0 minutes, how much reduction will occur, on average, in the delay of getting served? Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 185 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Solution This is a (M/G/1) : (∞/FCFS) process. The average delay in getting service is given by E (w ) = ρ(1 + µ2 σ 2 ) 2µ(1 − ρ) Initial solution: ρ = 0.75. µ= 60 10.5 = 5.71 per hour, λ = ρ × µ = 0.75 × 5.71 = 4.29 per hour. ∴ E (w ) = = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 0.75 2(1−0.75) 0.75 0.5 h 1 + (5.71)2 × 1.70 × 8.8 2 60 i × 60 5.71 60 5.71 Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 186 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system If service time is cut to 8 minute, then µ= 60 4.29 = 7.5 per hour , and ρ = = 0.571 8 7.5 or utilisation of the crane reduced to 57.1 present. Then E (w ) = = 0.571 2(1−0.571) 0.571 2×0.429 h 1 + (7.5)2 × 6.0 2 60 i × 60 7.5 × 1.562 × 8 = 8.3 minutes, a reduction of 18.5 minutes or approximately 70 per cent. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 187 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Exercise 1 Consider a queuing system where arrivals are according to Poisson distribution with mean 5. Find expected waiting time in the system if the service time distribution is i ii 2 Uniform from t=5 to t=15 min, Normal with mean 3 min. and variance 4 min2 . At certain health-care center, patients arrive at a mean rate of 4 per hour and they are checked by doctor at a mean rate of 5 per hour. The center feels that service time have some unspecified positive skewed unimodel two-tailed distribution with a standard deviation of 0.05 hours. i ii Determine the queuing characteristics for the health care center. How much the assumption of exponential service time would distort these values. Discuss. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 188 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system COST MODELS IN QUEUING The service level in a queuing facility is a function of the service rate µ, that balances the following two conflicting costs: 1 Cost of offering the service, and 2 Cost incurred due to delay in offering the service (customer waiting time ). The two types of costs conflict because an increase in the existing service facility would reduce the customer’s waiting time (i.e., cost of waiting). On the other hand, a decrease in the level of service would increase the cost of waiting. Following figure illustrate both the type of costs as a function of level of service. The optimum service level is one that minimizes the sum of two costs. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 189 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system The cost model can be expressed as T = K µ + CE (n), where K=cost of service rate per unit time, C=cost of waiting customers per unit time, and E(n)=average number of customers in the system. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 190 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Optimum service rate. The procedure for determining the optimum service rate, µ, is based on Model I of Poisson Queuing system. Now, in the case of an (M/M/1) : (∞/FIFO) model, E (n) = Cλ λ ; and therefore T = K µ + . µ−µ µ−λ Since the service rate µ is continuous, its optimum value can be obtained using the technique of maxima and minima. Thus, we get d Cλ d2 2λC (T ) = K − and (T ) = > 0. 2 2 dt (µ − λ) dµ (µ − λ)3 Hence, the optimum value of µ is µ0 = λ + p λC /K . This result shows that the optimum value of µ is not only dependent on K and C, but on the arrival rate λ also. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 191 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Remark In the case of (M/M/1) : (N/FIFO), the above cost model may be modified to reflect that the larger the value of N, the smaller will be the number of lost customers. This modified cost function is: T = K µ + CE (n) + D1 N + λPN D2 Where D1 = cost of servicing each additional customers per unit time, D2 = cost per lost customer, and λPN = number of lost customers per unit time. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 192 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Optimum number of Servers For determining the optimum number of service channel, we consider the operational characteristics of queuing model (M/M/S) : (∞/FIFO). In this case the cost function can be written as: T = KS + CE (n) where K = cost per service unit time, C = cost of waiting per customers per unit time, E (n) = average number of customers in the system when there are S servers. As the number of servers S can be measured in discrete units only, differentiation is not applicable to this case. Instead, one can apply the method of finite difference. The function T will have a local minimum at Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 193 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system ∆T (S0 − 1) < 0, i.e., T (S0 ) − T (S0 − 1) < 0, We have [K × S0 + C × L(S0 )] < K (S0 − 1) + C × L(S0 − 1) or L(S0 − 1) − L(S0 ) > K /C . Similarly, considering ∆T (S0 ) > 0, we get L(S0 ) − L(S0 + 1) < K /C . Both these results together yield L(S0 ) − L(S0 + 1) < K < L(S0 − 1) − L(S0 ). C The value K/C indicates where the search for optimum S should start. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 194 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Other Queuing Models We have discussed the model that are rather simple to analysis. However, it is easy to conceive several other models by changing the queue discipline or by considering different pattern of arrival and service rate other than Poisson and exponential. We may have finite or infinite queues, circular queues, queues in series, queue with balking and reneging. We list some of them: 1 Queues in series where input of a queue is derived from the output of the another queue. 2 Circular queue where a customer after being served joins the queue again, 3 Multi-channel queues with different service rate at each channel, 4 Queues with priority or pre-emptive priority, etc. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 195 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Queuing Control The origin of Queuing Theory dates back to attempts of determining the, now, well- known queuing characteristics, such as, mean queue length, variance, etc. During the past 30 year and so, there has been a rapidly interest in the study of designing and controlling of the queuing system behavior (prescriptive model as opposed to descriptive models that make up the majority of queuing literature to date). Prescriptive models were viewed as statics optimization models. The statics optimization models are those in which we set up steady-state conditions for the system and determine some long-run average criterion such as cost and/or profit. In statics models, the system configuration is set once for all. When the queuing system are allowed to depend upon time and are controlled, then these system are known as dynamic control systems. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 196 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system A lot of work has been done in dynamic control of queuing systems. Following are the objective of dynamics control: Arrival Process Control a b c d e To accept or reject control. To adjust mean arrival rate. Customer exercised control. Self versus social optimization. Projection times. Service Control System 1 Varying a number of servers. 2 Varying the service time. Apart from the two aspect, namely, Statics (design) and Dynamics (control) Optimization, there is one more aspect of optimization, known as ”Control of Queue Discipline”-Priority Models, Scheduling Models and Dr. B.B. of Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 197 / 207 allocation customers to multi-servers fall in this category. Operating characteristics of queueing system Queuing Theory And Inventory Control We now give example suggesting a queuing theory approach to an inventory problem. In inventory technique we have commodity input, its storage and finally the sales demands. We can imagine the queue to be consisting of demand orders waiting to be satisfied, but the real queue is often that of waiting for replenishment. Consider the manufacturer of a very expensive item who uses the following inventory control procedure: Let the manufacturer keep a buffer stock of Q units on hand. The customer demand us described by Poisson distribution with mean λ. Whenever a demand for a unit comes (the customer arrive ) the manufacturers places an order on the factory to manufacture another unit. Let the amount of time required to manufacture a unit be exponential Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 198 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Further, let C1 be the carrying cost for inventory storage cost per unit time. Whenever, the buffer stock depletes to zero, Let C2 be the shortage cost per unit time. It is also assumed that in the case of shortage, the customer will wait until the stock is replenished by order due. To look at it from another view point, we may consider the shortage cost C2 as the discount allowed to the waiting customers for his not moving to some other firm. The problem now is that of determining the optimum value of Q so as to minimize the total expected cost TEC (Q) = C1 Q X r =1 rp(r ) + C2 λ 0 X p(r ), r =−∞ where r is on-hand inventory level. The positive range for r corresponds to the items in stock whereas the negative range for r corresponds to items in back Dr. order ; and p(r) is its pointQueueing probability function. September 2, 2023 B.B. Upadhyay Theory 199 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system We observe that Q X p(r ) r =1 is the average value of the safety stock and λ 0 X p(r ) r =−∞ is the expected number of breakdown per unit time. This is so because 0 X p(r ) r =−∞ is the percentage of time during which there is no-stock safety stock and λ is the average demand rate. If one is able to determine p(r ), TEC (Q) could easily be optimized with respect to Q. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 200 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Review Question 1 List the components of queueing system. 2 What is queueing theory? In what types of problem situations it can be applied successfully? Discuss giving examples. 3 What are the limitations of Queueing Theory? What information can be obtained by analysing a queueing system? 4 What do you understand by queue discipline and service process? 5 Briefly explain the important characteristics of queueing system. 6 In what kind of situations is queueing analysis most appropriate? 7 If the number of arrivals in some time interval follows a Poisson distribution, obtain the distribution of the time interval between two consecutive arrivals. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 201 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 9 With respect to the queue system, explain; the following: i ii iii iv v Input process, Queue discipline, Reneging, Jockeying, and Balking 10 Explain the single channel and multi-channel queueing models. 11 What do you understand by: a b i ii iii i ii queue length traffic intensity the service channels steady and transient state utilization factor 12 What is service discipline? Describe some forms of common service discipline and illustrate with examples. 13 For a single server, Poisson arrival and Exponential service time queuing system, obtain the steady state equations satisfied by the Dr. B.B. UpadhyayPn of n customers Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 Pn . 202 / 207 probability in the system and hence obtain Operating characteristics of queueing system 14 What are the operating characteristic s of a single channel waiting line with Poisson arrivals and exponential service times? 15 Show that for a single service station with Poisson arrival and exponential service time, the probability that exactly n calling units are in the queue system is Pn = (1 − ρ)ρn , n ≥ 0. where ρ is the traffic intensity. Also, find the expected number of units in the system. 16 Show that for {(M/M/1) : (∞/FCFS)}, the distribution of waiting time in the queue is ( P(w ) = Dr. B.B. Upadhyay 1−ρ µρ(1 − ρ)e −(µ−λ)w , w > 0 and ρ = µλ . Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 203 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 17 For {(M/M/1) : (∞/FIFO)} queueing model in the steady-state case, show that: 1 The expected number of units in the system and in the queue are given by λ2 λ and E (m) = E (n) = µ−λ µ(µ − λ) 2 Expected waiting time the customer spends in the system (including 1 service) is µ−λ . 18 Explain (M/M/1) : (N/FCFS) system and solve it under steady-state conditions. 19 For {(M/M/1) : (N/FIFO)} queueing model: i ii 20 find the expression for E (n). derive the formula for Pn and E (n), where ρ = 1. State and explain the condition for the existence of steady state in case of MIMIC queueing system. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 204 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 21 For {(M/M/C : (∞/FIFO)} queueing model, obtain in a steady state, an expression for i ii 22 the probability that there are k(≤ C ) customers in the system, proportion of times the counter remains idle. For a {(M/M/C ) : (∞/FCFS)} queueing model, derive the expressions for: i ii iii the steady state equation. probability that a customer will not have to wait. expected number of customers in the queue. 23 Obtain the steady-state solution for the model {(M/M/C ) : (GD/N/∞)}. 24 Obtain the steady-state solution for the model {(M/M/C ) : (GD/∞/∞)}. 25 Explain Erlangian service time distribution and show when it can be approximately assumed in a queueing problem. Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 205 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system 27 Define an M/G/l queueing system and explain briefly the various characteristics of an M/G/1 queueing system. 28 Basic problem in queueing theory is to determine an optimal service level.” Elucidate this statement. 29 Queueing Theory can be used effectively in determining optimal service level. Elucidate this statement with the help of an example. 30 Discuss the costs associated with queueing system. Also explain the concepts of optimum servicing rate and optimum cost. 31 Why do waiting lines form even though a service system is underloaded? In a multiple-channel system, what is the ration ale for having customers wait in a single line, as is now being done in many banks and post offices, rather than multiple lines? 32 What are the components of total relevant cost in case of single channel queueing model? Queueing Theory Dr. B.B. Upadhyay September 2, 2023 206 / 207 Operating characteristics of queueing system Thank You! Dr. B.B. Upadhyay Queueing Theory September 2, 2023 207 / 207