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How To Eliminate Low Energy And Brain Fog, So You Can Perform Better In Your Business

For High Performing Online Entrepreneurs Tired Of Cookie-Cutter Health &
Performance Protocols
Online Entrepreneurs: The Reason You Have Low Energy Or Brain
Fog Isn't Because You’re Not Taking The Right Supplements, Or
Because You Aren’t Doing Enough Cold Showers…
How To Eliminate Low Energy And Brain Fog,
So You Can Perform Better In Your Business
Using A Personalized Data-Driven System
Author: Manousos Varouxakis
If you haven’t already booked a call to see if we can set this system up for you, please do it
here: https://calendly.com/manoufitness/purefocus-health-assessment
The system that helped Jordan Platten optimize his sleep and get rid of brain fog.
The system that helped Nathan Nazareth optimize his energy and improve his focus.
The system that Marques Pizarro used to achieve peak performance and scale from
$30k to $60k / month with his agency.
The system that helped Cory Albert eliminate brain fog and achieve mental clarity.
The system that Hidde Vogt implemented in order to stop waking up feeling tired.
The system that many other online entrepreneurs implemented to eliminate fatigue, brain fog,
stop waking up feeling tired and start performing at their peak.
Is this for you?
It is for you if: You’re a high performing entrepreneur and you’re waking up feeling tired, having
inconsistent energy levels throughout the day and brain fog.
It is for you if: You don’t have enough time to waste researching and trying all the different
cookie-cutter protocols.
It is for you if: You want to achieve true optimal health
It is for you if: You want to prevent health related complications long-term
It is for you if: You want to feel and look better while making more money
It is for you if: You want to get more done in less time by being more efficient
It is for you if: You want to discover any underlying nutrient deficiencies / hormonal imbalances
and the best way to cover them naturally
It is for you if: You want to increase your testosterone naturally
It is for you if: You want to improve your athletic performance, as well as performance in your
So, If you find yourself in any of these points, please stick with me to the end because this is the
best time to start performing at your maximum potential.
The main mistake entrepreneurs make when they first want to improve their
focus and energy is that they try to implement generic information they see / read
online….. Without knowing if that’s what their body TRULY needs
The reason this is a problem, is because you’re spending valuable time, effort
and money, doing things you don’t even know if your body needs OR if they have
an actual ROI for your outputs.
Which usually leads to constantly trying out new things and wasting more time
and money..
Which ultimately causes nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances…
What does that mean in everyday language?
Bad sleep, waking up tired, brain fog, energy dips throughout the day.
Which will impact your ability to make decisions, think and perform on your
But how do you ACTUALLY get rid of brain fog, low energy and start performing
at your peak?
Here is the answer:
Instead of trying every different cookie-cutter protocol you see online or buying
generic courses without seeing any results..
Or making your life extremely complicated by following unsustainable routines
that are made for the average person..
You can simply identify what’s actually causing your symptoms and
customize a super-tailored approach specifically for your own body.
There are many different mindset / health protocols you can implement in your
For example: Journaling, Meditating, Ice baths, Affirmations, Red light therapy,
Visualizations, Fitness diets etc..
But doing things you don’t even understand if your body needs, or even how they
affect your biochemistry, won’t give you a significant ROI
Everyone can eat a high-protein diet, go to the gym every day, sleep for 8 hours
and meditate.
But is that going to fix your hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies or
circadian health?
Simple answer: No
Instead of depending on caffeine for energy, figure out the health of your
circadian biology and fix it.
Instead of taking every single biohacking supplement on the market, discover
your nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances.
Instead of eating “clean” or “healthy”, analyze your gut microbiome and
intolerances and assess them.
Instead of trying to “boost” your testosterone with cookie cutter advice, test your
hormones and apply tailored information.
The main reason you feel a lack of energy and brain fog is because your health
is poor.
And you might say to yourself “I work out, I eat clean and sleep well”
But do you know what are your nutrient deficiencies?
Do you know if you have any hormonal imbalances?
Do you know how your lifestyle affects your stress levels?
Do you know how much REM sleep you’re acquiring?
Do you know which foods irritate your gut microbiome?
If you answered “no” to any of the above, then how do you know if you’re
Now here’s the truth:
The 3 main reasons you have low energy and brain fog are because:
Your circadian health is poor
You have hormonal imbalances
You have nutrient deficiencies
But there’s a problem because:
1. You don’t know how to analyze your health data.
2. You don’t have a system to implement based on your health data.
3. You don’t have enough time to research and analyze the health data and
tailor a protocol based on the results.
So here’s how you can (actually) eliminate low energy, brain fog and finally
start performing at your peak in the business..
The first thing you need to do is gather as much data as you can.
1. Test your blood, hormones and gut microbiome.
Why should you do that?
Because your biochemistry is the main variable that controls whether you feel
tired or energized, focused or foggy.
Deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and hormonal imbalances cause brain fog,
fatigue, elevated stress levels, anxiety, weight gain and mood swings.
You can then tailor your supplementation protocols and diet specifically for your
nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances.
That way you just focus on giving your body the nutrients it needs and as a result
you start having more energy and focus.
What are the main tests you should do?
Hormone Test (Thyroid, Testosterone, Free test, Total test, Albumin,
SHBG, Cortisol, Estrogen, Progesterone, ORM and CBG)
CBC (Complete blood count. It tests for your numbers of white blood cells,
red blood cells, the concentration of Hemoglobin, and your Hematocrit.
CMP (It provides an overall screenshot of your body's chemical balance
and metabolism, How your kidneys and liver are working, Blood sugar and
calcium levels, Electrolyte levels, Protein levels)
Gut microbiome (It provides you a screenshot of what foods you should
include and what foods you should avoid in order to improve your gut
health and digestion)
As an entrepreneur you NEED optimal Testosterone levels.
Testosterone is critical for cognition, energy levels and for high levels of drive in
your day-to-day life, but especially for doing hard tasks and taking risks.
Other reasons you should test for the markers mentioned above include:
Poor glucose regulation = Inconsistencies in energy levels
Low blood cell count = weak immune system, fatigue
Low electrolyte levels = brain fog
High estrogen = anxiety, depression
High cortisol = fatigue, burnout
Poor gut health = stress, low motivation
So start by gathering your health data from all the biomarkers above…
Then the next logical step would be to:
2. Start tracking your sleep quality, stress levels and
circadian rhythm.
Why is that important?
Your circadian rhythm is the main key behind your body’s ability to produce
hormones. It controls when you feel energized, when you feel sleepy and when
you feel stressed.
When your circadian rhythm is out of sync, you wake up feeling tired, you have
inconsistent energy levels throughout the day and you struggle to acquire good
quality sleep.
Then take the information you gather from the sleep / stress tracking and
manage your routines, training and light viewing behaviors in order to improve
the data (your sleep quality).
The main things you need to do in order to optimize your circadian rhythm are:
Optimize your morning routine
Optimize your light viewing behaviors
Optimize your evening routine
Optimize your meal times
Optimize your bedroom
Optimize your sleep schedule
Here are 2 full in-depth guides on:
How to optimize your morning routine
How to optimize your bedroom
Once you figure out how to improve your circadian rhythm and sleep quality,
there are a few things that will naturally happen:
You’ll start waking up feeling refreshed.
You’ll stop crashing in the afternoon.
You’ll be able to wind down in the evening.
You’ll be able to switch off when it’s time to sleep.
The next thing after we’ve collected health data, optimized sleep quality and
circadian rhythm is going to be:
3. Tailor your lifestyle according to your health data.
What exactly do you do here?
Pretty straight forward.
You take the results from the health test results from step 1 and you apply the
lifestyle changes according to your results.
For example:
Low HDL Cholesterol = Increase consumption of eggs, olive oil, cheese,
animal fats
High SHBG = Boron, Tongkat ali, Minimize alcohol consumption
High estrogen = Minimize alcohol consumption, get more rem sleep, lose
body fat
High Hba1c = More fasting, more exercise, lose body fat, improve sleep
Low Vitamin D = Double your sunlight exposure, Supplementation,
Increase bioavailability in sources
And the list goes on and on and on…
Why is that important?
Tailoring your lifestyle according to your health data (deficiencies, imbalances) is
EXTREMELY important. The reason why is because deficiencies and imbalances
are what's (mainly) causing symptoms of fatigue, stress or brain fog.
Instead of implementing every single protocol / method you see online, you can
save time and effort by simply focusing on JUST giving your body what it needs,
by implementing the changes the data indicate.
How do you tailor your lifestyle based on your health data?
Here’s the answer:
The first thing you want to tweak is:
Your sleep schedule
Take your sleep tracking data and pay attention to the following metrics:
This is simply a reflection of your circadian rhythm.
When your timing is anything less than 85-90, that means the main thing you
want to start implementing is consistent sleep and wake up times.
This will “sync” your circadian clock and it will make sure you’re waking up feeling
refreshed and as a result your body is capable at producing the right hormones
at the right times (cortisol - melatonin).
The next most important metric is:
Total Sleep Duration
Why isn’t sleep duration the no1 most important thing you might think to
Because what matters most when it comes to sleep is consistently getting the
same hours of sleep opposed to trying to get more a few days and a few other
days sleeping less.
There was a study that measured performance in OCHEM test scores in
students. And what they found was that the students who tried to get more and
more sleep every day (one day 6 hours, the other 8 etc etc) performed worse
than the students who consistently got 6-7 hours a day.
So when it comes to sleep, consistency is king.
Now regarding sleep duration, this is a significantly important metric to look at.
And let me explain why:
If we have a look at the way sleep is structured, we see that you get the majority
of your REM sleep towards the last half of your normal 8 hour window.
Knowing that to be true, if your sleep is anything less than 8 hours, you’re limiting
your REM sleep.
Talking about REM sleep:
REM Sleep
The Pure Focus Program™:
REM sleep is the part of sleep where dreams take place. It’s responsible for
Testosterone production, memory and emotional balance,
As an entrepreneur, REM sleep is your brain’s jet fuel. And it’s also one of the
parts of sleep that’s particularly tricky to acquire. (for most people)
Your REM sleep should make up for the 25-30% of your total sleep duration.
There are a few things that will happen once you start getting enough REM sleep
every night:
You won’t have high stress levels
You will be more sharp and quick
You will have better performance in the gym
You will have more confidence
You will have more drive - motivation
Then after we cover REM sleep, the next most important metric in the list is:
Deep Sleep
Now deep sleep, similar to REM sleep, has a very specific responsibility..
It’s responsible for removing toxins out of your brain, it’s responsible for physical
recovery and the reduction of excess cortisol (stress hormone)
Deep sleep happens in the first 3-4 hours of your normal 8-hour sleeping window.
Is sleeping 8 hours enough?
While sleeping 8 hours is important, it’s nowhere near as enough to ensure
you’re getting enough REM and deep sleep.
Why? Because the main factor that controls your body’s ability to get into those
states of sleep is your circadian clock (see timing)
So even if you sleep for 8-9 hours a day, if your consistency regarding your sleep
and wake up times is poor, then your body will not be able to easily switch into
those particular sleep cycles, which means you will rarely be able to acquire
enough REM and deep sleep.
The next lifestyle tweak you need to make according to your health data is:
Your nutrition
Starting with the most important variable (which I briefly talked about above)
Tailoring Your Diet
You take your health test results and pay attention to all of the markers that are
not within the optimal ranges of reference.
You then apply nutritional restrictions or add different nutrient sources in order to
make up for your deficiencies and imbalances.
How do you create your ideal diet plan?
Think about your daily caloric needs as your diet’s frame / skeleton.
We first need to have the frame, which is simply how much you should eat and
then we move onto the flesh, which is simply what you should include in your
How do you figure out the “frame” of your diet?
Go here and calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) ->
The number you’ll end up with, based on the activity level you’ll choose, is the
number of calories you need to eat per day to maintain your current weight.
Now you need to figure out how much of those calories should come from fats,
proteins or carbs…
Protein = 2 - 2,5gr of protein per kg of bodyweight
Regarding fats and carbs, I don’t focus on specific numbers…
Just focus on having a 60/40% to 70/30% split with carbs and fats, depending on
your hormone levels and activity levels. The more active you are with exercise,
generally the more carbs your body will need for optimal performance.
Focus on supplementing with vitamins ONLY when your blood markers indicate
you to.
Supplements anyone could benefit from include:
Minerals like magnesium / boron
Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha or rhodiola
Nootropic mushrooms like cordyceps or reishi
Organic compounds like creatine
Amino acids like L-Glutamine or Glycine
The key steps you need to follow in order to eliminate low energy and brain fog:
1. Test your blood, hormones and gut microbiome.
2. Start tracking your sleep quality, stress levels and circadian rhythm.
3. Tailor your lifestyle according to your health data.
Pretty straightforward stuff…. Right?
Here’s the truth:
Even with all the information I just gave you above there’s still a problem
1. It’ll be expensive to do it on your own because you’re taking away time
from your work to research and implement all the different protocols.
2. You don’t have a clear understanding on how to interpret the health data
and customize a specific solution based on the results.
3. You’ll use Google for your results which will provide you with average
references and 100 different generic solutions.
4. You’ll risk not seeing results and having to go through all it over and over
What’s the alternative?
You can let me and my team build this system for you. And here’s why you
should consider that:
We’ll send you the right tools and health tests.
We’ll personalize your system specifically for your own health-test results.
We don’t use cookie-cutter protocols or just give you generic advice.
You’ll just follow things that work and you’ll spend the extra time on doing
the things that make you more money, while feeling better.
5. If you don’t see results, you won’t pay us anything.
That’s why I introduce you to:
The Pure Focus Program™
The Pure Focus Program helps high performing entrepreneurs eliminate brain
fog and low energy, using a data-driven system based on personalized health
data, so that they start performing better in their business.
You will have a tailored system, based on what your body really needs and what
causes your symptoms of low energy and brain fog, so you can start performing
at your peak.
My name is Manousos Varouxakis.
And throughout my career as a performance coach for entrepreneurs, I’ve helped
a few of the biggest names in the online business space improve their energy
levels and their focus, so that they can perform better.
I’ve worked with people like:
Jordan Platten, founder Affluent.co
Nathan Nazareth, e-commerce & YouTube entrepreneur
Marques Pizarro, founder PK Media
Cory Albert, Real Estate entrepreneur
Hidde Vogt, founder FSMB masterclass
Roy Lammers, founder 10x revenue framework
Hessel Broekstra, YouTube entrepreneur
Mathias Petersen, founder Marketingly
Agustin Casorzo, founder BlastMarketing
Jonas Skalbo, founder SNIPPETSEO
Cosmin Botosanu, founder cosworld agency
(I don’t want to give you 50 pages of social proof, but you get the point...)
The main thing we do at The Pure Focus Program™ is we help online
entrepreneurs eliminate brain fog and low energy using a data-driven system to
optimize their health.
How does it work?
Here are the 4 main steps we follow in order to achieve consistent energy levels
and high focus:
Step 1 - Onboarding Phase:
The very first thing we do here is we plan and order the health tools & tests.
We send all the essential health tests to test for:
Hormonal imbalances
Nutrient or vitamin deficiencies
Gut microbiome
Sleep quality
Stress levels
This is the main factor which will determine how we will structure your system.
But as we’re waiting for the tools to arrive, what we do is we establish a baseline
for better energy and focus.
So the thing that happens here is we analyze all the lowest hanging fruits
regarding lifestyle and behaviors, diet, supplements, training, sleep schedule and
we fix them.
So depending on what you’re doing wrong right now with your nutrition,
supplementation, morning routine and overall lifestyle behaviors, we give you an
initial system based on how your lifestyle should look for optimal performance.
And the only reason we do this is so that we start fixing your main symptoms of
low energy / brain fog, even before we get any tests done.
Step 2 - Health Testing Phase:
At this point, you’ll have received your health tests and your sleep / stress
tracking device.
So what we do here is pretty straightforward..
We first of all take the tests to analyze your hormonal imbalances, nutrient
deficiencies and gut microbiome to discover the real cause of your lack of energy
and brain fog.
And we also start analyzing your sleep patterns, circadian rhythm and stress
levels, so that we understand how your lifestyle affects your sleep / stress levels.
Step 3 - Lifestyle Optimization + Accountability:
This is arguably the most foundational phase of the whole 4-step process..
Because here we analyze the health test results we received from the previous
step and we personalize your diet, supplementation protocols, training, routines
and sleep schedule, based on the results.
By doing so, you will be focusing on the few high ROI things that your body
needs and as a result you will maximize your energy levels and achieve optimal
In order for you to be able to implement this system based on your lifestyle, work
schedule and according to how busy you are / how frequently you travel, we
provide you with daily 1-1 personalized accountability.
The daily 1-1 accountability (via chat) is something meant to keep you
accountable to the process, depending on where you are in the steps but to also
make sure you don’t slip to bad behaviors..
On top of the daily 1-1 accountability, we have weekly 1-1 private performance
assessment calls.
And they are for 1 specific reason.
To make improvements regarding your progress and weak points each week.
Step 4 - Diet Automation:
By this point there are a few things that will have happened..
You’ll be more focused on your tasks
You’ll have more consistent energy through the day
You won’t crash mid-day
You won’t be waking up feeling tired
But there are a few issues that come when you’re more focused, more efficient
and scaling the business…..
You end up not having enough time to prep or cook the proper meals and as a
result you order quick food just because it’s convenient…
So what we do here to prevent this from happening is we automate your diet..
We take the results of the tests we received in the previous step and we integrate
them with a meal prep company.
That way, not only will you be saving valuable time, but you’ll also be eating your
tailored meals on autopilot, without wasting time on cooking or prepping.
So what’s the next step for you?
You have 2 main options really..
Option 1:
You keep trying generic protocols and spend your time on low roi things without
understanding if you even need to follow them… (Stuck on the same loop of
trying new stuff - not seeing very good results - spending more time - repeat)
Option 2:
You get on a call with me or my team and we give you your personalized system,
specifically based on your health data and what your body needs, so you can
actually focus on the things that matter and start performing at your peak in the
Ιf you still haven’t booked a call, here’s the link to book one:
And remember…..
You’re not the first entrepreneur who’s done this.
This has worked for dozens and dozens of other entrepreneurs:
You can listen to what they all have to say here:
So if you’re interested in applying this personalized system in your life in order to
perform better in your business, eliminate low energy and brain fog then here’s
what’ll happen:
We’ll jump on a qualifying call and see if we’re the right fit, as well as answer
more of your questions about the whole process + price.
After that we’ll take care of the investment and onboarding and we’ll get started
right away with step 1 (The onboarding phase)
And after that point on…. It’ll be time to start feeling and performing at your peak
Other than that, looking forward to seeing you on a call…
And… I’ll hopefully see you on the inside…