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Brother Garaele devoted the first part of her long life to the worship of the deity Oghma. As a
member of the monastic order, he undertook service in one place for many decades. However, the
city of Skuld was different from the others. Garaele realized that he no longer wanted to travel,
because the wizards and priests living in the temple accepted him and loved him as a member of
their family. Archmage Eroan always looked after his well-being and comfort. However, one fateful
day, everything changed. The sky turned red and strange shadows covered the city from one
moment to the next. The attackers targeted the Ashen Verdict paladin order and the city's temples,
where most of the wizards were stationed. Oghma's temple held out to the last, but the powerful
wizards fell one after the other, and it seemed that the defense would not last much longer. The
remaining wizards and Sister Garaele headed for the catacombs opening from the temple treasury to
escape the city underground. However, before they reached the crevice leading underground, the
attackers burst into the room. Archmage Eroan looked desperately at Garaele and said: - Take this
and run away, they won't be looking for you. With that, he pressed a cube decorated with strange
runes into his hand. He could only read one sentence on the cube, which was written in the dragon
language: Aratriel's box. Before Garaele could say anything, he felt a huge kick on his chest that
pushed him down into the crevasse. Looking up from the depths, he saw a magical blockade at the
entrance to the rift. Eroan placed a barrier over the opening to prevent the attackers from following
him. He started running through the narrow corridors, while pressing his hands to his ears, but even
with this he could not silence the death screams of his former companions and friends... After
escaping, Garaele studied the cube obsessively for decades and managed to discover its secret 10
years ago. The cube is essentially a seemingly bottomless vault, a collection of forgotten spellbooks
and forbidden magic collected by the great elf wizard Aratriel. The notes found in the cube tell of a
powerful magic that might restore the city and bring the dead innocents back to the ranks of the
living... (Wish) Meta info: By gathering experience and learning, Garaele can open new hidden
compartments in the cube, which contain the descriptions necessary for learning new spells. As a
result of what happened in Oghma's temple, Garaele completely lost his faith in divinity. From a
young age, he was a member of the Ashen Verdict, a paladin order in Mulhorand, an ancient
kingdom in eastern Faerûn. He dedicated his whole life to this order, respecting its traditions and
their Gods and always trying to deliver justice. The order was actively present in this area, protecting
the innocent from everything, including supernatural/demonic threats. Eliminating these threats was
also Arthas' task, which had an increasingly negative effect on him over the years, and although he
respected the laws of the Ashen Verdict, in the last years of the order, he showed signs of darkness.
40 years ago Mulhorand was attacked. Arthas served a few miles from the nation's capital, Skuld. The
attack hit the area like a lightning strike, the sky turned blood red and all he could hear was the
screams of people from all directions. He hurried to a nearby temple of the order, but was greeted
only by the bloodied and bound remains of his comrades. The city of Skuld was in flames, and the
population was trying to escape towards the sea. Desperation, fear, and grief soon faded away, and
were replaced by a single feeling: revenge. Approaching the city, the screams became quieter, he
knew it was too late, the city had already fallen. That's when he met the local blacksmith and his
family, who got out of the city through the catacombs. With their help, they reached one of the
nearby bays, where the blacksmith hid his small ship. They put to sea and sailed away. In the years to
come, he traveled the world alone, almost completely abandoning the paladin life, looking only for
the possibility of revenge. Burn until he met a sorcerer (Adro) during an assignment.