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Grade 2 English Lesson Plan: Verbs - Action Words

Detailed Lesson Plan
I. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the 45-minute period, the Grade 2 pupils should be able to:
1. define and identify what is verb;
2. understand the use of verb; and
3. create an outcome that depicts their knowldge about verbs (e.g. role play, jingle, or
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Verb - The action word
Reference: English For You and Me: Reading Language 2 by: Benita N. Miranda
Materials: power point presentation, speaker, worksheets
Value Focus: Cooperation
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
Student’s Activity
“Good morning Class."
“Good morning Teacher”
“Let us pray.”
(One student will lead the prayer)
(Checking of Attendance)
– Say Present –
(Raise their hand and say present as the teacher
call their name)
“Pick up the pieces of paper under your chair”
(The students will pick up the pieces of papers)
“Align your chairs”
(The students will align their chairs)
B. Review of Past Lesson
“Before we move on to our next lesson, what did
we discussed yesterday?”
“Very Good”
"Who can give me the definition of noun?"
"Noun is a name of person, place, animal, thing or
"Very Good"
C. Motivation
"I need three groups with three members; we are
going to have a simple game."
(call 6 pupils)
(raise their hands)
"I have here a set of words for each group. I need
each member to arrange the words and form a
(form two groups)
"I will give each group 3 minutes to arrange the
words and paste it on the board."
(listen attentively)
"Do you have any question?"
"Okay, let's start the game."
(pick the words and arrange it to form three
different sentences.)
Page 1
1. My dog jumps over the fence.
2. Erick reads a book.
3. Hannah is pretty.
D. Lesson Proper
"Now that we have arranged the words, let us
read it."
(listen attentively)
"My dog jumps over the fence."
(read after the teacher)
"What is the noun in this sentence?"
"Very good!"
"Erick reads a book."
"How about the noun in this sentence?"
"Hannah is pretty."
"And the noun in the last sentence?"
"Again, noun is a name of a person, animal, thing,
place, or event."
"Now, take a look at our sentences."
(look attentively)
"Is our noun performing something or are they
doing something?"
(raise their hands)
Yes _______!
(call a pupil)
"Yes teacher."
"Very Good! The nouns in the sentences are doing
"Do you have any idea what word do we use to
describe an action or being?"
(raise their hands)
Yes ______!
(call a pupil)
"It is called verb."
"Good job, verb is a word that shows action or
"Again, what is a verb?"
"It is a word that shows action or being."
"Using the sentences, we are going to identify the
"My dog jumps over the fence"
(read after the teacher)
"What action did the dog perform?"
(raise their hands)
Yes _________!
(call a pupil)
"The dog jumps."
Page 2
"Okay, very good! The dog jumps."
"What is the action word or verb in the
(raise their hands)
Yes _________!
(call a pupil)
"Erick reads a book."
"How about the second sentence? What does
Erick do?"
(raise their hands)
Yes ______!
(call a pupil)
"Erick reads."
"Very good! Erick reads."
"What is the action word or verb in the
(raise their hands)
Yes _________!
(call a pupil)
"Now, look at our last sentence. Is there a verb?"
"None teacher."
"Before we answer that, let us first read a story
that will answer my question."
"The title of our story is To root, to toot, to
parachute: What is a verb? by Brian P. Cleary,
illustrated by Jenya Prosmitsky."
(listen attentively)
"Observe the words that are colorful and try to
remember the verbs that will be used in the story.
Write also the words that are not familiar to you
and we will define them. Okay?"
"Yes teacher!"
"Whether you scale a wall or a fish, make a design
on a cup or dish, take out the garbage or sharpen
your knife, verbs are part of our everyday life!"
"What are the verbs mentioned?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
(raise their hands)
"Great jod! Let us continue."
"Scale, make, design, take and sharpen."
"What are part of our everyday life?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
(raise their hands)
"To root, to toot, to parachute, to play the
flutophone or a flute, to dare, defend, descend,
disturb, if it's an action, it's a verb!"
"What are the verbs we have encountered?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
(raise their hands)
"Okay, great job!"
"root, too, parachute, play, dare, defend, descend,
Page 3
"If it's an action, its a _____?"
"Verbs are word like sing and dance, pray or
practice, preach or prance, toss and tumble, jump
and jam, whine and whisper, sleep and slam!"
"What are some of the verbs we have read?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
(raise their hands)
"Sing, dance, pray, practice, preach, prance, toss,
tumble, jump, jam, whine, whisper, sleep, slam."
"So take a present, send your thanks, pull a tooth
or pull some pranks, blow a bubble, sew a sleeve,
you'll use a verb for each of these!"
"Who can name the verbs we have just read?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
(raise their hands)
"A verb can take a form of be, like you are tall and
I am free. That is fun, it's been great, were you the
one who was so late?"
"Take, send, pull, blow and sew."
"Look at the verbs mentioned here, can someone
tell me what you have observed?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
(raise their hands)
"Please take note of the verbs mentioned in this
part because we will use this on our third
"Is was mentioned."
"So whether it is dangerous, dull or superb, each
sentence, you see, simply must have a verb!"
"So what verb so you know?"
*the words that the pupils had written will be
define with the help of the gifted student.
*the student with learning disabilties and autism
will be given a copy of the story for them to review
at home.
"Before we answer that question lets go back to
my question before the story."
"In the sentence, Hannah is pretty, Is there a
"Very good, what is the verb in the sentence?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
"Now that you know what is a verb. Who can give
me an example of an action word?"
(raise their hands)
Page 4
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
"Very good. Another one?"
(raise their hands)
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
"Excellent! I think you are familiar will verbs. Lets
proceed on an activity."
(raise their hands)
"I have here five sentences, I want you to identify
first the noun and then tell me which is the verb."
Ken wants a house.
It was a tiny plant.
The car moves so fast.
Karen plays guitar.
Piano creates music.
(Read the sentence and ask a student to identify
the noun and verb.)
(pupils will answer the sentences one by one)
"Again, who can tell me what is a verb?"
Yes ________!
(call a pupil)
"Now, that we know the verb let us have another
(raise their hands)
"Verb is a word that shows an action or being."
"I will group you into three and each group will be
doing different activity."
(divides the class into three)
"Each group will create a presentation that shows
your understanding of our lesson. First group will
do a simple act or drama, second group will do a
poster and explain their work, and lastly the third
group will create a jinggle or cheer. I'm giving you
ten minutes to finish the activity. Start now.
(creates three groups)
(pupils will procede on the activity)
IV. Evaluation
Name: ______________________________________________
Date: _______________
Direction: Read the sentences below and encircle the noun and underline the verb.
1. The wind blew across the yard.
2. Mark drew a picture on the board.
3. Mrs. Clark wrote a letter.
Page 5
4. Our car stopped at the parking lot.
5. Do you eat ice cream?
Student with Learning Disability - the student will be allowed to do the evaluation as long as he is
focused on the work. If not finished during the period, it will be given as an assignment.
Student with Autism - After the worksheet has beeb assigned, the teacher will give the child specific
directions to follow. She will provide an example for the child to follow.
Gifted student - Instead of completing the worksheet as an evaluation, the child will be assigned to write
5 sentences containing both noun and verb.
V. Agreement
Think of an action words that you do every day and use these to form at least 3 sentences.
Write it on your notebook.
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