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Population Education: Family Planning & Sustainability

Population education is an educational program that aims to raise awareness and knowledge about
population-related issues, including population growth, family planning, reproductive health, gender equality,
and environmental sustainability. The objective of population education is to enable individuals to make
informed choices and decisions related to their reproductive health and well-being, as well as to promote
sustainable development and social justice.
Population education is often included in school curricula at different levels, including primary, secondary,
and tertiary education. It is delivered through a range of teaching methods, including lectures, discussions,
group activities, games, and multimedia tools. The program also emphasizes the importance of values such as
respect for human rights, gender equality, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship.
The key topics covered in population education include family planning and reproductive health, adolescent
health, gender roles and relationships, HIV/AIDS prevention, environmental sustainability, and population
policies and programs. By raising awareness about these issues, population education aims to empower
individuals to make informed choices and decisions about their lives, as well as to contribute to the well-being
of their communities and the world at large.
Overall, population education is an essential component of education for sustainable development, and it is
crucial in promoting social and economic development, health and well-being, and environmental
Population education
• It is a factual knowledge about population dynamic.
• Population education is an educational process, which helps
individual to learn about population and particularly the effect of
population dynamic and the related problem on the individuals,
family, community, nation and the world.
• “Population education is an exploration of knowledge and attitude
about population and the family . It includes population awareness,
family living, reproduction education and basic values.”
Importance of population education
• Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens.
• They must know the population and its consequences.
• It can have an especially important impact on women in a society.
• It enables us to look into the future.
• It provides information and creates awareness about the harms of
Needs of population education
• Controlling population
• Ensuring better quality of life.
• Optimum uses of natural resource's.
• Better health.
• Solving food problems.
• Well around system of education.
• Increasing National wealth.
• Value orientation.
Population education functions and
• Explaining the importance and necessity of family planning to masses.
• Using various techniques of teaching and communication to
propagate the message of family planning to common man.
• Motivating the eligible couple to use contraceptives and educating
them about its uses.
• Motivating people for family planning operation or permanent
Roles and responsibilities of family, Masjid and
community population education
• To promote awareness about population problems and the effects of
rapid population growth on development.
• To educate all young people on population matters, sexual
relationships, fertility regulation and family planning so that they can
make responsible decisions once they become able to marry and have
• In Islam, mosques are not just “places of prayers.” Mosques are in
modern terminology are community centers.
• The communities' role is to act as a watchdog and ensure that
education serves people, industrial organizations, and the planet.
Family planning
• Family planning means planning by individuals or couples to have
only the children they want, when they want them.
• This is responsible parenthood.
• Family welfare includes not only planning of births ,but they
welfare of whole family by means of total family health care.
• The family welfare programme has high priority in Pakistan,
because its success depends upon the quality
of life of all citizen.
Steps towards population planning and
• Broadcasting Programs on Family Planning
• Family Welfare Programs
• Medical Termination of Pregnancy
• Awareness and use of family planning
• Maternal and Child Health Programme
• Method and source of family planning
Add a Broadcasting Programs on Family
• Two Children Norm
• Spacing Methods
• Use of Contraceptives
• Raising of Marriage Age
• Terminal Methods of Family Planning
• Women’s Education
Family Welfare Programs
• Family welfare services are offered through the total health-care
delivery system.
• Maternal and child health-care and expanded programme of
immunisation are also a part of the family welfare programme.
Maternal and Child Health Programme
• The Maternity and Child Health Programmes (MCH) are directed
towards effective prenatal care.
• ensuring safe and aseptic delivery
• appropriate post-natal care
• initiation and maintenance of breast-feeding
• timely immunization against common infectious
• attention to growth and provision of basic medical care.
• Population education helps to improve the well-being of their families
and communities.
• Family planning is one of the most effective life saving interventions
we have to reduce maternal and child morality.
• Increased use of family planning can significantly reduce abortion
• It enables us to look into the future.
• It provides information and creates awareness about the harms of
over population .