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English Vocabulary Test: Idioms & Expressions

80. We were so looking forward to stretching out on the beach in the sunshine, but it
____________ the whole time we were there.
A. poured with rain
B. rained dogs and cats
C. dropped in the bucket
D. made hay while the sun shined
81. No matter how busy I may be, I shall be there tonight come what_______.
A. may
B. might
C. can
D. could
82. Though she lost her job last month, she still wanted to save_____ so she said that she had
left it willingly.
A. mouth
B. fame
C. reputation
D. face
83. Jimmy always takes the ________ by the horns at every chance in order to become a famous
pop star, which is why he is so successful now.
A. bull
B. horse
C. cow
D. buffalo
84. Union leaders feel it is time Cabinet Ministers put their _________________ on the table
regarding their long-term plans.
A. feet
B. hands
C. cards
D. papers
85. He has been given work as a window cleaner even though he has no ____________ for
A. head
B. skill
C. ability
D. balance
86. The government has given the _____ light to our tree – planting project, so we can go ahead
and start organizing things.
A. blue
B. green
C. red
D. white
87. They had a global ______ hit with their album concept about “The dark side of the Moon”.
A. top
B. song
C. smash
D. popular
88. Experts say that another outbreak of flu epidemic is on the _____.
A. cards
B. boards
C. papers
D. days
89. Mr John is held in high ______ for his dedication to the school.
A. respect
B. esteem
C. homage
D. honor
89. An 18-year-old girl, of no fixed _____, was charged with robbery in connection with the
A. abode
B. accommodation
C. dwellings
D. lodgings
90. Several passengers received minor injuries when the train unexpectedly came to a ______.
A. delay
B. brake
C. halt
D. cease
91. He had been lied to and _________in the back by people that he thought were his friends.
A. knew
B. stabbed
C. gripped
D. tabbed
92. After graduating from university, I want to ______ my father's footsteps.
A. follow in
B. succeed in
C. go after
D. keep up
93. don't know what to say to break the _____ with someone I've just met at the party.
A. air
B. ice
C. leg
D. rule
94. To Hoa, her father is the greatest person in the world and he always sets a good _______
for her.
A. role
B. behavior
C. example
D. action
95. I won't buy that car because it has too much _____ on it.
A. ups and downs
B. odds and ends
C. wear and tear
D. white lie
96. One of the country's legendary tenor saxophone players, his name might not
____________for those who are not in tune with Jazz in India, but he deserves to be
A. hit it off
B. ring a bell
C. hand in his notice
D. fit the bill
97. I really have to _________ my brains to remember the answers to even the simplest
A. search
B. look
C. stretch
D. rack
98. I had no idea that you and he were on such intimate__________. I thought you were only
casual acquaintances.
A. spans
B. periods
C. terms
D. semesters
99. It’s said that the government has made no _______ in the fight against inflation; indeed,
the situation has worsened recently.
A. triumph
B. effect
C. avail
D. headway
100. Martin is called the teacher's pet by his classmates because he is taken under his teacher's
A. hands
B. arms
C. wings
D. legs
101. Alex dreams of going on tour – he’s just waiting for his big ______________ to get his
foot in the door of the music industry.
A. deal
B. break
C. cake
D. cheese
102. When someone is down on their __________, friends are not easy to find.
A. mood
B. luck
C. fortune
D. merit
103. Many others certainly don't see it that way and are adamant that the late politician was
largely to blame for having a(n) ______________for the vision but scant regard for the detail.
A. eye
B. ear
C. nose
D. tongue
104. People also need to ___________the same warnings in mind if they use mobile phones
and email.
A. take
B. put
C. bear
D. have
105. Winning the cup in 1998 was just a ___________ in the pan – they haven’t won the match
since then.
A. blaze
B. flame
C. light
D. flash
106. In recent years, China has ____________ the lead in global warming pollution, producing
about 28 percent of all CO2 emissions.
A. put
B. taken
C. given
D. done
107. The boy was punished for playing __________ from his physics lessons.
A. truant
B. runaway
C. absent
D. joyride
108. Don't trust him. He is just a wolf in sheep's __________.
A. clothing
B. clothes
C. cloth
D. skin
109. Finally, after 10 years in prison, Tom found himself as free as a(n) __________.
A. bee
B. ant
C. bird
D. eagle
110. When you are in the desert, you have to keep your eyes _______ for snakes that may be
hidden in the sand.
A. unblinking
B. wide
C. peeled
D. sharp