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Exogenic Processes: Weathering Types & Factors

• Weathering involves the physical breakdown
(decomposition) of rock at or near the Earth’s
• There are two types of weathering:
• Mechanical Weathering - is accomplished by
physical forces that break rock into smaller and
smaller pieces without changing the rock’s
mineral composition.
• Chemical Weathering - involves a chemical
transformation of rock into one or more new
• Mechanical weathering provides fresh surfaces
for attack by chemical processes, and chemical
weathering weakens the rock, making it more
susceptible to mechanical weathering.
• two very important products: the sedimentary
clasts and ions in solution that can eventually
become sedimentary rock, and the soil that is
necessary for our existence on Earth.
Mechanical Weathering
• disintegration of Earth materials (specifically,
rocks) makes detrital sediments
• Five types:
• Frost wedging
• Salt crystal growth
• Sheeting
• Abrasion
• Biological activity
Frost Wedging
• When water gets inside the joints, alternate
freezing and thawing episodes pry the rock apart.
• After water works its way into the cracks in rock,
the freezing water enlarges the cracks, and
angular fragments are eventually produced.
Salt Crystal Growth
• Force exerted by salt crystal that formed as water
evaporates from pore spaces or cracks in rocks
can cause the rock to fall apart.
• Infiltration of salty waters on rocks or soils from
groundwaters or salty seawater.
• Wearing away of rocks by constant collision of
loose particles
• Can be due to water, wind, or ice.
Biological Activity
• Plants and animals as agents of mechanical
• Wedges in rocks and soils forms through plant
growth (rooting) and motor activities of animals,
and even humans (like burrowing or shoveling).
Chemical Weathering
• decomposition of rocks and minerals by chemical
Types of Chemical Weathering
• Dissolution
• Oxidation
• Hydrolysis
• Spheroidal Weathering
• dissociation of molecules into ions; a common
example includes dissolution of calcite and salt
• reaction between minerals and oxygen dissolved
in water
• Oxygen from the atmosphere combines with the
iron to form iron oxide, the reaction being
expressed as 4Fe3 3O2 → 2Fe2O3
• Iron oxide formed in this way is a weathering
product of numerous minerals containing iron,
such as the ferromagnesian group (pyroxenes,
amphiboles, biotite, and olivine).
• The iron in the ferromagnesian silicate minerals
must first be separated from the silica in the
crystal structure before it can oxidize.
• The iron oxide (Fe2O3) formed is the mineral
hematite, which has a brick-red color when
• If water is present, as it usually is at Earth’s
surface, the iron oxide combines with water to
form limonite, which is the name for a group of
mostly amorphous, hydrated iron oxides (mineral
goethite), which are yellowish-brown when
• The general formula for this group is Fe2O3 ⋅
nH2O (the n - number to show a variable amount
of water).
• The brown, yellow, or red color of soil and
sedimentary rock is commonly the result of small
amounts of hematite and limonite released by the
weathering of iron-containing minerals
• change in the composition of minerals when they
react with water
Factors Affecting Weathering
There are 5 factors that affects weathering:
1. Climate – weathering can be slow down or get
faster with the change in temperature and
moisture of rocks.
2. Rock type – the minerals that constitute rocks
have different susceptibilities to weathering.
Those that are most stable to surface conditions
will be the most resistant to weathering.
3. Rock structure - rate of weathering is affected by
the presence of joints, folds, faults, bedding
planes through which agents of weathering enter
a rock mass.
4. Topography - weathering occurs more quickly on
a steep slope than on a gentle one
5. Time - length of exposure to agents of weather
determines the degree of weathering of a rock
Cold and dry = slow rate of chemical
High temperature and high rainfall = high
rate of chemical weathering
Rock Type:
Weathering rates roughly follow the inverse
of the order of crystallization of minerals in
the Bowen’s reaction series
Rock Structure:
The presence of cracks where agents of
weathering (water, plant roots, etc.) can
enter enhances weathering
Physical weathering occurs more quickly on
a steep slope than on a gentle one
Longer time of exposure to agents
weathering means higher rate of weathering.
How does it affect weathering?
If you go back to the chemical processes, most if not weathering all
are chemical reactions involving water. Hence, the presence of
water which is an important chemical weathering agent increases
the rate of weathering. High temperature enhances chemical
Recall that temperature is an important factor of mineral
formation/crystallization. Olivine crystalizes at high temperature
while quartz at the lowest temperature as compared to the other
minerals. Therefore, quartz is the most stable on surface conditions
(low temperature conditions), while the other minerals in the series
would be less stable. Olivine would be least stable. Limestone
however will have a high susceptibility to weathering even though it
is formed at surface temperature, because it can be easily dissolved
by water (cite Bohol chocolate hills for example).
These cracks/structures facilitate the entry of weathering agents.
Be careful on this because this is a very tricky factor. Physical
weathering occurs faster when the slope is steep due to the
higher slope’s susceptibility to mass wasting and the higher rate at
which new materials are exposed to agents of mass wasting
(rainwater can easily wash away weathered materials downslope).
However, in gentle slopes, the rate of chemical weathering may be
higher. This is due to the fact that water which is an agent of
weathering may stay longer in the gentle slopes.
Longer time of exposure to weathering agents could mean higher
degree of weathering processes have occurred. The rock has been
weakened, therefore easier to be break.