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GDU 104X: The GDU 104X has a 10.4-inch LCD display with 1024 x 768
resolution. The GDU 104X can be configured as either an MFD or PFD. The
MFD shows navigation information and engine/airframe instrumentation. The
PFD shows primary flight information, in place of traditional gyro systems. Both
GDU 104Xs link and display all functions of the G1000 system during flight.
The displays communicate with each other and the GIA 63(W) units through a
High-Speed Data Bus (HSDB) Ethernet connection. The displays also interface
to the GMC 710 and GCU 47X, through RS-232 digital interface. The GDU
1043 provides controls for the autopilot functions. An additional PFD can be
installed for co-pilot use in larger CJSAKJrbine aircraft, if desired.
GDU 124X: The GDU 124X has a 12-inch LCD display with 1024 x 768
resolution. The GDU 124X can be configured as either an MFD or PFD. The
MFD shows navigation information and engine/airframe instrumentation. The
PFD shows primary flight information, in place of traditional gyro systems. Both
GDU 124Xs link and display all functions of the G1000 system during flight.
The displays communicate with each other and the GIA 63(W) units through a
High-Speed Data Bus (HSDB) Ethernet connection. The displays also interface
to the GMC 710 and GCU 47X, through RS-232 digital interface. The GDU
1245 provides controls for the autopilot functions. An additional PFD can be
installed for co-pilot use in larger turbine aircraft, if desired.
GDU 1500: The GDU 1500 consists of a 15-inch LCD display
1024 x 768 resolution. The GDU 1500 is primarily used in a three-display
installation and is configured as a Multi Function Display or MFD. The MFD
shows navigation information and engine/airframe instrumentation. The GDU
1500 communicates with both MFD's and the GDL 69(A) through a High-Speed
Data Bus (HSDB) Ethernet connection. The GDU 1500 also communicates with
the GCU 47X, through RS-232 digital interface.
GMA 1347 (D): The GMA 1347(D) integrates NAV/COM digital audio,
intercom system and marker beacon controls. Manual display reversion is also
controlled by the GMA 1347(D). The GMA 1347(D) is normally installed
between the MFD and PFD. The GMA 1347(D) can also be installed in
dual-audio panel applications (usually paired with a dual-PFD setup). The GMA
1347(D) communicates with both GIA 63(W)s using RS-232 digital interface.
The GMA 1347D provides diversity functionality.
RS-232 digital interface.
GMC 710: The GMC 710 refers to the Garmin Automatic Flight Control
System (AFCS) Mode Controller that provides user interface to the GFC 700
AFCS. The GMC 710 interfaces with the GFC 700 through the PFDs via RS232 digital interface.
GCU 47X: The GCU 47X provides alphanumeric, softkey, and flight
planning function keys used to interface with the G1000. The GCU 47X
interfaces with the GDU via RS-232 digital interface.
displays through the GIA 63(W) to LRUs in the system.
GIA 63 (W): The GIA 63(W) is the central 'Integrated Avionics Unit' (IAU) to the
G1000 system. The GIA 63(W) functions as a main communications hub, linking
all LRUs with the PFD and MFD displays. The GIA 63(W) contains the GPS
receiver (GIA 63W's contain a WAAS GPS receiver), VHF COM/NAV receivers,
system integration microprocessors, as well as logic for the Garmin GFC 700
autopilot. The GIA 63(W) communicates directly with the GDU using a HSDB
Ethernet connection. Software and configuration settings are sent from the displays
through the GIA 63(W) to LRUs in the system.
GRS 77: The GRS 77 is an attitude, heading, and reference, or AHRS, unit that
provides aircraft attitude and flight characteristics information to the G1000 displays
and GIA 63(W)s. The unit contains advanced tilt sensors, accelerometers, and rate
sensors. In addition, the GRS 77 interfaces with both the GDC 74X Air Data computer
and the GMU 44 magnetometer. The GRS 77 also utilizes GPS signals sent from the
GIA 63(W). Actual attitude and heading information is sent using ARINC 429 digital
interface to both GDUs and GIA 63(W)s.
GMU 44: The GMU 44 magnetometer senses magnetic field information. Data is
sent to the GRS 77 ARHS for processing to determine aircraft magnetic heading.
This unit receives power directly from the GRS 77 and communicates with the
GRS 77 using RS-485 digital interface.
GDC 74X: The GDC 74X air data computer compiles information from the pitot/static
system and various outside air temperature (OAT) and angle of attack (AOA) sensors.
The GDC 74X is responsible to provide pressure altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, and
OAT information to the G1000 system. The GDC 74X communicates with the GIA
63(W), GDU, and GRS 77 using ARINC 429 digital interface.
GEA 71: The GEA 71 is a microprocessor-based LRU that is responsible for
receiving/processing signals from engine and airframe sensors. Sensor examples
include engine temperature and pressure sensors as well as fuel measurement and
pressure sensors. The GEA 71 communicates directly with both GIA 63(W)s
using RS-485 digital interface. The GEA 71 can serve aircraft from basic singleengine platforms to sophisticated turbine propulsion systems.
GTX 32: The GTX 32 is a solid-state Mode-C transponder. It provides both
Mode A and C functions. Control and operation is directed through the PFD. The
transponder communicates with both GIA 63(W)s through RS-232 digital
GTX 33/33D: Solid-state Mode-S transponder. Provides Modes A, C, and S
functions. Control and operation is directed through the PFD. The transponder
communicates with both GIA 63s through RS-232 digital interface.
GDL 69/69A: The GDL 69/69A is an XM Satellite Radio data link receiver that
receives broadcast weather data. The GDL 69A is identical to the GDL 69 with
the addition of XM Satellite Radio audio entertainment. Weather data and control
of audio channel and volume is displayed on the MFD, via a High-Speed Data Bus
(HSDB) Ethernet connection. The GDL 69A is also interfaced to the GMA
1347(D) Audio Panel for distribution of the audio signal.
GWX 68: The GWX 68 is a remote mounted weather avoidance radar
receiver/transmitter that outputs weather radar data to the MFD and GDL 69(A).
The GWX 68 communicates through a High-Speed Data Bus (HSDB) Ethernet
connection through the GDL 69A.
GSA 80/81 & GSM 85(A): The GSA 80/81 servo actuator is an
electromechanical LRU that provides automatic control of a single flight axis
(pitch, roll, or yaw), or their associated trims. The GSA 80/81 contains a motorcontrol and monitor circuit board, as well as a solenoid and a brushless DC motor.
The GSA 80/81 receives serial RS-485 data packets from the GIA 63(W)s.
The GSM 85(A) servo mount is mounted to the aircraft structure, via a custom
mounting bracket, and is responsible for transferring the output torque of the GSA
80/81 servo actuator to the mechanical flight-control surface linkage.
GTA 82: The Garmin GTA 82 Trim Adapter is a remote mounted device that is
used to allow the GFC 700 to drive a trim actuator provided by the airframe
manufacturer. In such cases, the trim adapter provides the required interface.