This ISSA Nutritionist cheat sheet is provided for my students of PT Pioneer courtesy of They are the team that develops awesome study materials for certifications in the fitness industry. In addition to this awesome cheat sheet, they are providing an incredible $100 off discount on their MVP study materials for my students. My students that have used this package have a 99% pass rate on the ISSA final exam. They even provide an exam pass guarantee or your money back. Check their website to learn more about their ISSA study materials. Or check out my full review of them here. You can save $100 on their ISSA MVP study package by using my custom discount code PTPSUB or by clicking this link. Trainer Academy Cheat Sheet ISSA Nutritionist SMARTS goals S – Specific M – Measurable A – Action-oriented R – Realistic T – Timely S – Self-determined Essential Amino Acids - Leucine - Isoleucine - Valine - Lysine - Tryptophan - Threonine - Methionine - Phenylalanine - Histidine Effective nonverbal behavior - Body language and posture - Facial expression - Eye contact - Tone of voice - Rate and volume of speech BMI categories Underweight = <18.5 Normal = 18.5 – 24.9 Pre-obese = 25 – 29.9 Obese I = 30 34.9 Obese II = 35 – 39.9 Obese III = over 40 3 main Energy Systems ATP-PC Glycolysis Oxidative Stages of Change 1 – Precontemplation 2 – contemplation 3 – preparation 4 – Maintenance 5 – Relapse ATP Recovery Times 20 – 30 seconds – 50% 40 seconds = 75% 60 second = 85-90% 3 minutes = 100% ATP Production for Fuel Types: Glucose = 30 – 32 ATP Fatty Acids = 106 ATP Lactate = 30 – 32 ATP Ketones = 22 ATP Fluid Replacement Guidelines Prior to Exercise = 14 – 22 fluid ounces 2 hours before During exercise = 6 – 12 fluid ounces of water or sports drinks foreach 15 – 20 minutes After exercise = 16 – 24 fluid ounces of water or sports drinks for each pound of body mass lost Simple Carbs Monosaccharides Disaccharides Complex Carbs Oligosaccharides Polysaccharides Fiber Soluble Insoluble Normal BP = syst < 120, diast <80 Prehypertension = syst of 120139, diast. 80-89 Stage 1 hyper = syst 140-159, diast 90-99 Stage 2 hyper = syst > 160, Diast > 100 Factors that make the Glycemic Index of food Type of sugar Starch structure Processing Preparation Ripeness Types of questioning Close-ended Open-ended Probing Divergent Parts of an Amino Acid Amino group Carboxyl group Hydrogen atom R group Macronutrients: Protein has 4 kcals Carbs have 4 kcals Fat has 9 kcals Alcohol has 7 kcals Store fat from carbs 3.27 kcals Unique roles and properties of Protein Contractile Hormonal Structural Transporter Enzymes Receptors Energy expenditure components: RMR Thermic Effect of Food Physical Activity Growth Females: RMR = 248 x weight (0.4356) – (5.09 x age) Males: RMR = 293 x weight (0.4330) – (5.92 x age BCAAs Isoleucine Leucine Valine Hypohydration = low total body water Euhydration is adequate total body water Hyperhydration = excessive total body water Underhydration = hormones are active, but total body water is not reduced much, and thirst isn’t active Common nutrients lacking in diets Vitamin D Calcium Potassium Fiber Motivational interviewing steps: 1. Resist 2. Understand 3. Listen 4. Empower 5. Encourage Elements of Motivation Autonomy Mastery Purpose Strategies to help client resistance 1. Simple reflection 2. Amplified reflection 3. Double-sided reflection 4. Shifting focus 5. Agreement with a twist 6. Reframing 7. Siding with the negative Motivational interviewing strategies 1. Ask open ended questions 2. Listen reflectively 3. Summarize 4. Affirm and validate 5. Uncovering and addressing ambivalence Fat Soluble Vitamins are ADEK Major minerals are calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and sulfur. Physical Assessments: Weight, Height, Body composition, Circumference measurements, and skinfold measurements when possible.