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Construction Risk Assessment: Hospital Project

Unit IG2: Risk assessment
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.
Name of organisation*
Site location*
Number of workers
Banu Mukhtar Contracting (Pvt.).Ltd
Banu Mukhtar Contracting (Pvt) Ltd is a well-known organization for the construction Projects .it is
dealing national and multinational construction projects. It executes medium size to large size
construction projects in the country .It is a large construction industry and its business expand to
construct industrial ,commercial and Hospital buildings
The constructions of Hospital building projects consist of bidding, planning and execution.
General description of the organisation
Project does a lot of construction work .Major activities which is involved while construction is to
constructing of grey structure, bricks masonry works, plaster works, shifting material ,manual
handling, usage of ladders and scaffolding,. Grinding and welding machines and also finishing
work carried out in constructing areas.
The site worked carried out from 9:00 Am to 4:00 PM .All skilled and non-skilled workers have to
work for 7 days in a week
Description of the area to be included in the Risk assessment is based on constructing areas involving construction and finishing wok of the
risk assessment
Project Director (who reports directly Managing Director ) have sole responsibility to manage
Any other relevant information
Health and Safety
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have completed your risk assessment.
First of all, I focused to study different guidebooks which may support in risk evaluation of a
particular construction business. ILO , OSHA and HSE have a lot of resources associated with
construction safety, After carefully studying I found that OSHA codes and strategies about
working at height and usage of scaffolding safely at the construction site, and I gathered a lot of
useful material from the given websites about health and safety measurements and hazards and
concerns that can be created from them.
Outline how the risk assessment was
carried out this should include:
 sources of information consulted;
 who you spoke to; and
 how you identified:
- the hazards;
- what is already being done; and
- Any additional controls/actions
that may be required.
it was very useful while performing risk assessment
After gathering appropriate supportive information for risk assessment I visited the construction
place where construction projects were accomplished with the involvement of different activities. I
have communicated with the workers who were performing their tasks in construction areas
during the site visits. This method helped me to identify the hazard which was present in the
working zone and adopt control measures against those identified hazards. Discussion with the
workers gave me a detailed concept about risks and hazards which was not obvious with visual
assessment. For example, a lot of workers don’t know the usage of Barricade tapes and their
usage in the construction industry.
I also reviewed documentation interrelated with accidents and incidents that had occurred over
the last 2 years whether any accidents were recurring or any incident was leading to accidents. I
also inspected the reason behind the absence of workers due to illness.
After communicating with the workers , observation of the site, accident, incident record
assessment and source of information which I had reviewed prior to the study of particular areas
helped me to assess necessary actions that were needed to be done
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Part 2: Risk Assessment
Organisation name: Banu Mukhtar Contracting (Pvt.).Ltd
Date of assessment: 6 February 2022
Scope of risk assessment: Construction Activities and Finishing work at MUKHTAR A SHEIKH MEMORIAL WELFARE HOSPITAL Multan
Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
labour, Supervisors,
Visitor , and other
workers involved in the
Dust generated
while concrete
cutting and
Concrete Grinding
What are you already
Cutting of concrete and
grinding of concrete for
electrical installation or
for another adjustment is
very dusty job in the
construction. Dry cut of
these material release
dusts into working zone.
There is no specific
control measure for dust
controlling hence
workers is breathing in
dusty air so it will lead
lung cancer or short
term irritation or may be
long term illness
Learner number: 00656815
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Personal Protective
Equipment is
mandatory in these
dusty areas
First-aid kit available
with proper trained
1. Wet cutting should be practice 7 Days
for engineering control of dust to
eliminate from ever becoming air
born particle
2. Dust collector should be installed
1 Month
1 Month
1 Month
in working areas
3. Welfare facility such as eye
washer installed at workplace
4. Proper Barricading should be
installed in the working place
5. Unauthorized entry should be
3 days
6. Proper training of the staff
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
2 Days
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
Area Supervisor
,Scaffolder , Scaffolder
helper , and other
Double lane yard harness is
mandatory while working on
Periodic health monitoring of
workers while working at
height is practicable
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Work at Height
Erected Scaffolding
on 36 feet height for
masonry work of
Poor Housekeeping can
cause slip and fall to
workers and scaffolder
Workers can slip on the
object laying on the
unsafe Scaffolding can
collapse and dangerous
for those who are
climbing or working on
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
1. Scaffolding area should be
inspected and approved by
certified inspector which is
need to be deployed at the
site and proper
documentation is necessary
2. Proper Safety measurement
while erecting and
dismantling of scaffolding
3. PTW procedure should adopt
before execution of work
4. Protected edges ,Open are
should be covered ,Proper
Guard Railing system should
be strictly followed
5. Good House Keeping in
working place
6. Pieces of pipe and
scaffolding tool and other
material remove from the
1 Month
2 Days
Site Engineer
3 Days
2 Days
7 days
1 Day
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
All workers who are
involved in these
activities and worked
A noise assessment carried
out Six month ago when
masonry work was under
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Exposure of Noise
during different
activities without ear
Exposure of noise may
cause a everlasting
hearing loss
A study data shows that
more that 2 million
people are exposed to a
dangerous noise level.
Old Hearing protective
equipment was replaced
.Suitable equipment issued to
those worker who are
working in noise exposure
Those workers working
in highly noise exposure
areas more than 80 dB
cause NIHL
Possible fault
 Portable
like grinder
 General
Any skilled person using
disorder equipment or
electric installation on
the site
The most harmful burn
,electric shock ,lost time
injury or even death
while working with
disorder equipment
Learner number: 00656815
The electrical installation is in
progress meanwhile
periodically inspection of
installed electrical facilities
after any changing in
execution plan
1. A suitable noise meter
should be installed
6 Months
2. Barriers or absorbing
material of noise in the
noisier areas
3 Months
3. Setting up health
surveillance program to
those workers who are
working in noisy areas
1 Month
4. Carry out Noise risk
assessment every month
1 month
5. Provide Adequate training to
the staff
6 Month
All risks are well-ordered in
professional way so no further action
Main circuit breaker is
installed in the accessible
area in case of emergency
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
for whole
Work Equipment
and Machinery
Manual handled
tools ,power tools
and machinery
All labours received training
how to respond any incident
related to electric shock
First aider is available in the
work place to handle minor
electric shocks
All person involved in
handling manually
,power tools, and
machine operators
Close to worker
facilitation centre
workers were performing
different activities with
manual handling tools
which is ot appropriate
place to perform tasks
Proper training related to
usage of work equipment is
provided to all workers
1. Replace manual handled
PPE to handle, manual,
power tool and machinery is
provided to workers
Manual operated tools
without proper
inspection and
maintaince can cause
entrapments which may
lead to ,cuts, abrasion,
and organ damage
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
equipment with portable
electric tools such as circular
wood cutter etc.
To ensure safe condition of
the equipment proper
inspection and maintenance
is required
Proper labelled instruction of
the equipment should be
delivered to the workers
Proper space and proper
place to handle the work
Only Authorised person
should allow to perform the
Proper warning signs should
be available while work in
14 Days
7 Days
3 Days
5 Days
7 Days
14 days
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Slips and trips
All workers and visitors
Health Surveillance of
1. Drainage system should
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Hazards due to
Curing plaster works
Concrete Slabs
without Proper
drainage System
water Spills on smooth
floor or in walking zone
Provision of PPE
Wet or muddy shoes
leads to slip and trip
Loose irregular surfaces
such as gravels
Paint work on grills
and on the Building
structure with
machine. It may
cause serious
problems of irritation
,eye damage and
may be a leading
cause of fire
Any kind of debris
accumulated in the
working zone
All the skilled labour and
helpers whose are
performing paint task
Fumes of paints can
pollute the air
Solvents vapours may
cause damage to eyes
and skin
3 Days
5. Proper indication and proper
3 days
1 Month
1 week
Area Barricade and
unauthorized persons are not
allowed into the working
1. Provision of Suitable PPE
Competent person used to
perform paint and spraying
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
7 Days
3 days
Site Engineer
2 Weeks
like gloves ,masks and
2. MSDS labelled equipment
installed effective exhaust for
organic content of paints
may cause allergic
reaction such as
irritation on skin
Learner number: 00656815
14 Days
develop for the water
2. Arrange the flowers to be
dried at least once a week
3. Develop walkways by yellow
4. Good Housekeeping
should use while perfoming
straight paint jobs
3. Appropriate safety training to
the skilled and non-skilled
4. Periodic method of tools
inspection should adopt
5. Spray gun and compressor
inspect before starting the
1 month
7 Days
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
Work related upperlimb disorder
Site supervisor ,skilled
labour, non-skilled
labour and management
Written and verbal
communication for safe
manual loading and unloading
to the workers
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Labours and helpers
who are carrying out
the heavy objet from
store to the working
place that can lead
to back injury in
case of holding
object or picking
object in wrong
posture or foot injury
in case of dropping
Hot work job activity
like grinding and
1. Provision of training for safe
Manually handling of
heavy and light material
from store to workplace
has a lot of risk like back
injury cause of heavy
load and foot injury in
case of dropping down
.Store keeper must know
how to handle the
picking up material and
provision of pallet trolley
to handle heavy object
workers, supervisor
,visitors and all other
Avoid manual handling for
hazard substance
Visible sign board for manual
Proper Provision of PPE
related to hot work jobs.
1. Emergency fire drill need to
Good Housekeeping
2. Fire Water system install and
During grinding and
welding any flammable
material can caught fire
to lead a serious
explosion ,cause
flammable material in
form of wood, plastic
and other related
material is present on
the working site
Learner number: 00656815
manual handling
Proper Supervision while
manual handling
Minimise manual handling by
usage of trolley or machinery
to move the heavy materials
Implement right angle rule
while lifting manually handled
load with straight arms and
right position
Good housekeeping
14 days
3 Days
7 Days
3 Days
1 Month
20 Days
7 Days
Site Engineer
3 Days
installation of Fire
system and mention all the
possible risk and their
4. Always use fire proof sheet
while hot work job
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
7 Days
be held periodically
3. introduce Permit to work
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
Person related to
welding or grinding may
harm due to contact with
5. Inspection of Fire
7 Days
6. inform supervisor if there is
3 Days
any fault in welding or
grinding electric cable
All grinding and
concrete mixture
machines activities
workers related to the
mixture ad grinding
Excessive use of
concrete mixture
machine and grinding
machine like disc cutter
lead to hand arm
vibration such as
vibration white finger
Area barricade while working
Anti-vibrations gloves are
Workers are trained to use
mixture machine and grinder
Vibration could cause
pain or permanent
Movement of People All workers on site
and Vehicles in
especially those who
load and unload the
material from the
Parking of the
vehicles in parking
Collision may cause
zone and losing of
serious injuries and
vehicle controls
fatigue of the victim
while moving in or
Learner number: 00656815
Proper Barricade around the
parking zone
1. Machinery related to
vibration should be used for
limited time
14 Days
2. Health surveillance program
should be active
1 Month
3. Adequate training to handle
vibrating machineries
7 Days
4. Proper risk assessment carry
5 Days
5. Proper inspection of all
vibrating equipment’s
1 month
No further action is required
Foot path are clearly marked
Only licensed holder drivers
are allowed to drive the
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
out in parking zone
Proper maintained record of
all vehicles
All vehicles are certified by
government vehicle safety
All sign board related to
usage of vehicle placed on
the bay of Parking
Load Handling
Mobile crane Operators,
Forklift truck operators
and other persons
Forklift Truck and
involved in these
Mobile crane is used working
to lift and shifting the accomplishments
material. Mobile
crane used for
Mobile crane used to
roofing material.
shift the roofing material
at height ,if it fails due to
Forklift truck was
mechanical fault then it
using to shift the
may lead to serious
material on the site
injury ,property loss
even fatigue
Forklift truck is used for
shifting the material,
Load was not secured
and according to safe
limit of prescribed MSDS
of forklift truck .This
Learner number: 00656815
Visual Inspection before
operating forklift truck and
mobile crane
Helpers and operators are 3rd
party certified
Provide safety Induction
before execution of work
Barricade areas where
operation of forklift truck and
mobile crane occurred
Separate footpath for
Authorized persons are
allowed to enter in these
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
1. Provision of Proper Personal
protective Equipment
2. Check all lifting gears and all
necessary element like
shekels, D shekels sling web
belt etc. before execution of
the work
3. Provide proper training to all
skilled labour
3 Days
1 Week
2 Week
4. Safe operations designed
before implementing
mechanical operations
5. Competency of forklift truck
and mobile crane operator
must check
6. Inspected all machines by 3
14 Days
5 Days
7 Days
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Hazard category
and hazard
Who might be harmed
and how?
What are you already
What further controls/actions are
Timescales for
further actions
to be
person’s job
(within …)
could lead to falling
down the material and in
this could occure injury
abrasion or death.
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions
Moral, general legal and financial
It is moral duty of Banu Mukhtar Contracting to provide safely environment for their workers. The
basic focus of Banu Mukhtar is safety of their worker. All workers should have a safe environment
to complete their assigned Job. Our skilled and non-skilled person came to earn their wages not to
face any accident and any incidents. As Banu Mukhtar know the moral importance towards safe
returning of their employees cause ill health may a major impact on employees live and their
families .An illness may affect workers health mentally physically . An illness doesn’t affect only the
victims but it also mentally affect other his colleagues.
Its legally obligated for Banu Mukhtar to Fulfill ILO Legal requirement to protect their worker
under the ILOs safety and Health Convention (C-155)
Its employer responsibilities to follow all national and international applicable legal frame work.
Adopting legal framework for both (employees and Employer) is compulsory .Clients and National
Legal enforcement agencies main focus on legal framework. If any parties fail to adopt the legal
requirements then they may face penalties or to stop organization from further work. Risk should be
reduced so that’s employee can work in a safe manner. Legal procedure in any case of death
organization owner may have sentenced to death and revoking of organization license .ILO
convention C-155 and it recommendation (R 165) article implies on all organization to provide a
safe working environment. All machinery should be suitable for suitable tasks. Minimize all risk by
Job risk assessment. Environment for all working activities should be in safe manner
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Financial impact of work place injury can be described in the four ways.
1. The first thing in financial impact is that an injured person cannot work in same capacity as
he was performing the job during his fitness time period. Work can leave couple of days
according to physical injury situation .It will loss the production rate and loss of income.
2. A minor injury can be treatable with first aid kit but a severe injury may lead to
hospitalization, loss of mobility ,or any other disabilities .Employer is legally bound to pay all
medical cost
3. Financial compensation for injured person like medical bills ,lost income and other
associated loss
4. Additional Expenses in form of indirect cost due to last time injury or due to absence of the
workers ,if this take a long time then to trained other persons .Fines due to violation of
Health and Safety Rules
Direct cost is insured but indirect cost is uninsured that cannot be clearly defined.
Justification for action 1
Purchasing and fixing dust collector system to remain safe from excessive inhalation of dust
particles which may have chronic effect on the workers.(Hazard Category. Hazardous substance
Specific legal arguments
OSHA standard (1926.57 C - Ventilation) narrated Design and operations for exhaust fans ,jets
,ducts ,hood and Separators .A dust Collector should be designed to maintain health safety
program active for the workers who are working in dusty areas .By installation of Dust collector
sufficient purified air will be available for the workers who are exposures to the dust. Dust collector
is used for safe disposal of dust and purifies the atmosphere area of working place. Its legal
responsibilities of employer to provide safe working environment
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
The likelihood of illness in working place is high because workers are working in the exposure of
dust particles .Workers are at risks without proper safety measurement The likelihood of risks
range from acute to high risks .The severity of this risk is totally dependent upon inhalation in dusty
polluted . It may be short term risk like skin irritation and visual disruption. It may be long term risk
like Asthma, lung cancer etc.
From prescription of risk the severity may be described in four stages due to dust as following :
When measuring the severity risk are categorized in 4 different phase
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Minimal : Any incident without any injury or damage
Minor : A limited injury which could be recoverable by First Aid treatment
Major : Hospitalization is mandatory or absence from the work due to illness
Fatal :Serious injury which result in death or collapse of Structure or complete damaged
of machinery
Recognition of severity is set on major phase.it probably required hospitalization treatment
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment;
 Whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
Installation of dust separator and provision of suitable ventilation will impact the worker capability to
perform their job task in given time as by this time workers are completely exposure with the dust
and risk associated with it.
I have given 1 month timeframe to complete the installation of Dust collector. I have given this time
frame cause procurement of dust collector equipment and installation of Dust collector will take 1
month approximately. Dust collector will control the risk effectively to collect the all kind of dust
which will be effective to remain safe working environment.
I hoped that Banu Mukhtar will follow thus recommendation for the prosperity of their firm and
safety of their employees
Justification for action 2
Safe working platform for working at height and third party inspection certificate by scaffolding
inspector ( Hazard Category work at Height)
Specific legal arguments
The international labour organization have a clear recommendation upon occupational safety and
health (R164) part of C-155.Part IV clearly mentioned that undertaking organization must
Provide and maintain workplace ,machinery and equipment ,which should be safe and
practicable for the assigned task
Meanwhile Banu Mukhtar also adopted country legislation where ILO recommendation are part of
national law enforcement agencies .At the moment Banu Mukhtar is following ILO recommendation
and country legislation.
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Consideration of likelihood AND severity
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment;
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
The likelihood of injuries due to working at height is too high .Scaffolding erection is done step by
step so workers went up on for erection of scaffolding next step without following any safety rules
.The severity of the risk occurring can be in serious condition.
When measuring the severity risk are categorized in 4 different phase
5. Minimal : Any incident without No injury or damage
6. Minor : A partial injury which could be recoverable on the site or partial imbalance
7. Major : Any injury where hospitalization required or absence from the work due to illness
8. Fatal
:Death or collapse of Structure or complete damaged of machinery
I have set realisation of severity on major phase. It may require hospitalization for recovering from
Third party certified scaffolding inspector will be well trained to erect scaffolding in safe manner and
inspection of temporary platform during working on Height .Its obligatory to check the PPE’’s like
safety harness belt or safety net that can reduce the falling risks from height .Suitable Platform will
decrease the risk to minimal amount and provide mentally satisfaction to the workers while working
on height.
I have given 1 month time frame to complete this job. This time frame is enough for Human
resources department to advertise and hire a competent person for scaffolding erection and
The risk will be as low as reasonably practicable by recruiting a new incumbents cause his job
assignment will be supervision and erecting of scaffoldings
Justification for action 3
Fire fight equipment like fire extinguisher ,sand bucket and fire hydrant system installation required
and it should be accessible for any emergency and applying hot work permit system ( Hazard
Category -Fire)
Specific legal arguments
OSHA standard for Construction (29 CFR 1926) narrates fire protection and fire managing
regulation in the construction industry. Suitable fire control equipment shall be available in the
working zone and it should be maintained for immediate use. Country Fire department adopted
OSHA slandered as part of its legislation .Banu Mukhtar has legal responsibility to fulfil the
requirement of country fire department as well as OSHA slandered to continue their working
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Consideration of likelihood AND severity
During hot work if there is no fire fighting equipment available, it is more likely that spark of electric
cables or grinding can cause a explosive fire in working zone. The risk of fire always associated
with fire triangle. There is presence of fire triangle in all development projects. So there is suitable
precautions are mandatory by considering the severity factor
When measuring the severity risk are categorized in 4 different phase
Minimal : Any occurrence without any injury or damage
: A limited injury which could be recoverable by First Aid treatment
: Hospitalization is mandatory or absence from the work due to illness
of machinery
:Serious injury which result in death or collapse of Structure or complete damaged
I have set risk severity on major category which required hospitalization treatment for recovery from
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
 the intended impact of the action;
 justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment;
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
Fixing of Fire protecting equipment’s like (fire extinguisher, sand bucket and fire hydrant) must be
place at accessible point in working area that can highly reduce the likelihood of ignition of fire by
means of thoroughly inspection. Grinder cutter sparks cause of fire explosion due to poor
housekeeping in working zone. Availability of fire fighting equipment’s can minimize the
consequences or severity of fire in case of fire accident.
I have given 20 Days timescale for fixing of Fire Protection Equipment. I will discuss Project
Director and procurement department to purchase and install the Fire protecting equipment
.Procurement committee meeting discussions and implementation will take 20 days for this purpose
This action will maximum reduce the risk of fire after installing of the compulsory fire protecting
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with
It is company policy to review all risks every year .Therefore I set risk assessment review data not
later than 6 Feburary 2023. However risk assessments have no legal time scale when you can
review your risk assessment. It is totally dependent upon organization demand and hence it can be
reviewed on following bases:
1. Risk assessment review required If there is any new working Procedure adopted by the
2. Risk assessment review needed If there is any new legal procedure implemented by the
national enforcement agencies
3. Risk assessment is compulsory if there is any catastrophic event occurred organizations.
How the risk assessment findings will be
communicated AND who you need to tell
I will arrange a meeting with Project Director, HSE Manager, and Site Engineer to brief about risks
occurring on the sites and suggest actions about correction or minimizing the risk. I provided the
summary of all risks related to the construction sites to the Project Director .Meanwhile Agenda of
meetings, recommendations of meeting and conclusion points of the meeting will email to all
concerned person for record .Major risks should be conveyed to the all employees via tool box talk
or by posters. A summary of risk assessment and safe procedure of work place will be delivered
via social media page to all employees of firms
I will set a reminder of 15 days to remind the concerned department for implementation of
suggested recommendations for corrections. I will talk to the responsible authorities about the
status of procedure either they implemented or still the action is required .Meanwhile I will also
inquire if the actions is still pending, if the actions are still pending then I will try to know the reason
behind it .If there will be any problems to handle the situation ,I will discuss with project director
either there is any alternative solution of the actions .If these will be remain overdue for more than 3
month then an information will be conveyed to the Managing Director via Project director for
How you will follow up on the risk
assessment to check that the actions
have been carried out
Learner number: 00656815
Learner name: Abdul Jabbar
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