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English 10 First Quarterly Exam

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Name _____________________________________________
Grade Level/Section ______________________________
Score __________ Date ________________
Parent’s Signature ___________________
I. A. Easy: Knowledge (Remember/Recall & Understand)
A. Directions: A. Determine the source of information which is described or being referred to in the
following statements. Write A. for informative talk, B. for panel discussion, C. for Speech and D. for
news report.
_____1. It can be found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform readers of what is happening in the world
around them.
_____2. It is a formal address, delivered to an audience to convince or persuade the listeners, to inform, to inspire
or for any purpose.
_____3. It involves a group of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an audience, typically at scientific,
business, or academic conferences, fan conventions, and on television shows. Panels usually include a moderator
who guides the discussion and sometimes elicits audience questions, with the goal of being informative and
entertaining. (Source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki)
_____4. It uses descriptions, demonstrations, vivid detail, and definitions to explain a subject, person, or place the
audience wants to understand. It makes a complex topic easy to understand or offers a different point of view.
_____5. It intends to inform or educate the audience on a particular topic.
B. Read each statement and write the letter of the correct answer on the blanks. Choose from the
A. Relevance B. Currency C. Purpose D. Authority E. Accuracy
_____6. This is a criterion that checks whether a source is up to date.
_____7. This is a criterion that checks whether the sources of information are reliable.
_____8. This is a criterion that checks whether the source of information is too opinionated.
_____9. This is a criterion that checks for functional or broken links.
_____10. This is a criterion that checks whether a source of information is selling or informing.
_____11. This is a criterion that checks whether an author is qualified to write about a certain topic or issue.
C. Directions: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Write
only the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
____ 12. The characters in a work of fiction may be defined as
A. people who are always the narrator
C. people or animals involved in the action
B. real people pretending to be someone else
D. people who build the stage
____ 13. The setting of a work may best be defined as
A. the conflict or problem in the story
C. the time and location in a story
B. the point of view of a story
D. the series of events in the story
____ 14. The exposition is
A. the end of the action in the story
C. the high point of the story
B. the introduction of the characters, setting, & background
D. the resolution of the conflict
____ 15. It is the ability to speak easily and accurately, especially in a foreign language.
A. Fluency
B. Correctness
C. Tone
D. Cohesion
____ 16. It is the quality, feeling or attitude expressed by the words that someone uses in
Speaking. An example of this is anger shown in the speech of a driver interviewee who was victimized by a car
A. Fluency
B. Correctness
C. Tone
D. Cohesion
I. B. Easy: Knowledge (Understand)
Multiple Choice
A. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write on the blanks.
___17. How is the character's trait revealed?
Marcy sat in class, drumming her finger on her desk. Thinking back to that morning, she felt remorse over the
way she had talked to her mom.
A. Actions
B. thoughts
C. statements
D. interactions with other characters
___18. What type of character trait is shown in the example?
Jake walked around the lunchroom. For every new student he saw, he stopped and said hello and gave them a
fist bump.
A. talented
B. friendly
___19. What type of character trait is revealed?
C. adventurous
D. humorous
Sergeant Stone ran the tired boys around the wet field for the last lap. Even though the boys were exhausted, he
had them drop and do 100 push-ups.
A. responsible
B. bossy
C. stubborn
D. tough
___20. When an author tells a story or describes imaginary characters, places or events he or she is writing to __
A. persuade
B. entertain
C. sing
D. inform
___ 21. When you read a story and the author is trying to get you to buy something or convince you to do
something, what is the author's purpose?
A. persuade
B. entertain
C. sing
D. inform
B. Directions: Read each of the following statements. Choose the best resource from the following
choices for the information needed.
A. Dictionary
B. Encyclopedia
C. Library Catalog
D. Newspaper
___22. There is no electricity, and Mayor Benjamine Magalong needs to know what the weather is like in Baguio
today. What resource should he use?
___23. Miss Cherrie has a report on the different types of volcanoes to better understand Mt. Taal. What
resource should she use?
___24. Kim Chui needs to find the meaning of the longest word
“Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis”. What resource should she use?
C. Choose the letter of the correct answer that best describes the appropriate listening skill.
___25. When you are watching the news, listening to a lecture, or getting directions from someone, you are
listening to understand or listening to comprehend the message that is being sent. What type of listening skill is
involved on these activities?
A. Emphatic
B. Appreciative
C. Comprehensive
D. Analytical
___26. This listening skill involves evaluation of the content of the message. As a critical listener, you are listing
to all parts of the message, analyzing it, and evaluating what you have heard.
A. Emphatic
B. Appreciative
C. Comprehensive
D. Analytical
___27. When you listen to your favorite music and you enjoy singing along with it, you are listening for
enjoyment. Therefore, you are listening for _____
A. Emphatic
B. Appreciative
C. Comprehensive
D. Analytical
D. Choose the letter of the correct answer related to textual aids.
___28. After reading a story, Steph is asked to compare and contrast the traits of the characters in the story he
read, what best graphic organizer is best to use?
A. Sequence Chart
C. Timeline of Events
B. Vein diagram
D. Flow Chart
___ 29. Which of the following statements best described graphic organizers?
A. These allow the reader to know all the details about the text.
B. These give more information about the topic.
C. These help the reader to understand and remember the concept easily.
D. These help the reader to appreciate and enjoy more the text.
_____30. An advanced graphic organizer that tells about the order of information according to their rank or
hierarchical relationship is called _________?
A. Venn Diagram
C. Cutaway
B. Concept Map
D. Sequence Chart
II. Average: PROCESS (Application and Analysis)
A. Directions: Read and analyze the sources of the following information. Write A. for Primary
Source(P) and B. for secondary Source(S) of information.
_____ 31. A short story describing Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla's 'electrical' battle.
_____ 32. Anne Frank's diary describing her life during World War 2.
_____ 33. A cartoon showing how Pocahontas met John Smith.
_____ 34. A text book describing the civil rights movement.
B. Determine effect of textual aids below in understanding content and information. Choose the letter
of the best answer and write on the blanks.
_____ 35. A wind with a speed of 27 mph is a ____________.
A. hurricane
B. strong breeze
C. fresh gale
_____ 36. Which of these describes a wind with a scale number of 2?
A. Light breeze
B. Gentle breeze
C. Moderate gale
_____ 37. Winds with speeds OVER 72mph is considered as _______
A. moderate breezes B. breezes
C. gales
D. hurricane
D. storm
D. Hurricane
C. Directions: Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material viewed to achieve the
writer’s purpose. How do the following lines contribute to the plot of the story? Choose from the list of
answers inside the box. Write only the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
It begins the conflict/problem.
It concludes the story.
It creates suspense as part of the climax.
It develops a character in the exposition.
_____ 38. “Orpheus used the artistic talents given to him by his mother to compose sweet melodies, which he
played upon his lyre so beautifully that all nature seemed to draw near and listen.”
_____ 39. “One day, as Eurydice walked in the woods alone, she happened to step on a serpent that had been
hidden by the long grass; its fangs pierced her dainty foot, and its venom oozed into her body and mixed with her
_____40. “Orpheus had almost reached the surface above when a sudden fear struck him that Eurydice might
have stumbled or fallen victim to one of the dangers that lay along the way.
B. Analyze the information below and answer the questions that follow.
The DepEd did not announce that there will be a Grade 13 and Briones did not say the quote attributed to
her. The supposed screenshot of a news report has a watermark that says "breakyournews.com." The website is
a meme generator that allows users to customize a news report template by changing the headline, ticker,
and image. A reverse image search returns meme with the same format or images of Briones on other news
reports. The reports don't mention an announcement of Grade 13. There are no official reports on the possibility
of an additional year to the government's K to 12 basic education program. There are no official reports or
recordings of Briones saying the quote that was attributed to her. – Vernise L Tantuco/Rappler.com
Source: Rappler at https://bit.ly/3iPnoy3
_____41. Which among the following did the fake information violate the most?
A. Currency. B. Authority
C. Accuracy
D. Relevance
_____42. What is the main purpose of the article?
A. To spread fake news.
C. To inform the people on the additional grade level.
B. To clarify misleading information.
D. To persuade the people to enroll on the new grade level.
C. Read the following excerpts and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the blanks.
Women: The Bigger Victims
(1)There is now solid evidence that the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have fallen more heavily
on women. (2)There are at least four ways that the adverse impacts of the pandemic and the resulting recession
are lopsided against women worldwide.
(3) First, the medical and economic frontliners, who have been most exposed to the virus, are predominantly
women. (4) Data from the European Institute for Gender Equality indicate that of the 49 million health care workers
in the EU, around 76 percent are women, thereby outnumbering men three to one.
(5) Second, women also dominate the jobs in the economy that are hardest hit by the pandemic recession.
(6) These jobs are in restaurants, hotels, and tourism establishments; retail establishments, personal services like
hair and beauty salons, and in schools.
(7) Third, the brunt of housework and child care responsibilities—including mentoring children on their
online classes — has fallen on women, especially where women work from home while their husbands don’t. (8)A
study by McKinsey found mothers to be more than three times as likely to meet the majority of the demands for
housework and caregiving during the pandemic, compared with fathers.
(9) Fourth, women have suffered from increased domestic violence that the pandemic has brought about
in many places. (10)As early as April 2020, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres noted a “horrifying
global surge in domestic violence” since the start of the COVID-19 lockdowns. (11) Researchers have attributed it
to stress due to increased social isolation. (12) As we plan our way out of the pandemic crisis, we clearly need to
pay due attention to the welfare of women, who, through no fault of their own, have been its bigger victims.
Philippine Daily Inquirer/ July 30, 2021
_____43. Based on the given text, what is the structure of persuasive writing?
I. Make a stand or state you position.
II. State an issue.
III. End with a strong argument or an urgent call for action.
IV. Support your argument with reasons and evidence.
A. I, II, III, IV c. III, II, I, IV
B. II, I, IV, III d. IV, III, II, I
_____44. Which part of the essay states the writer’s stand about the issue?
A. Sentence 1
C. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 2
D. Sentence 6
_____45. What did the writer use to support his argument?
A. opinions of experts or authorities
C. a verifiable evidence or fact
B. testimony of reliable witnesses
D. a valid appeal to logic
III. Difficult: Evaluate/Create
Directions: Write a persuasive essay on the title “Cellular Phones Should be Banned in School.” Be sure to observe
the following: Thesis Statement, Main Ideas and Evidences, and Concluding Statement. Your written output shall
be evaluated using a set of criteria as follows: 1% Focus/Content; 1% Clarity of Ideas; 2% Development and
Organization and 1% Mechanical Neatness.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher III
School Head
Table of Specification (One-Way Grid)
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
No. Of Hours/Day
No. of items
Item Placement
Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with
outside sources of information in terms of accessibility and
5. Employ analytical listening in problem solving
6. Evaluate and make judgments about a range of
Evaluate spoken texts using given criteria, e.g. fluency, tone,
cohesion, correctness
1. Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks,
panel discussions, etc., in everyday conversations and exchanges
2. Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles,
non-linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text EN10RCIb-2.15.2
3. Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material
viewed to achieve the writer’s purpose
texts using a set of
criteria, eg. Comparing on the same topic, critiquing a short story
Key to Corrections
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. E
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. D
20. B
21. A
22. D
23. B
24. A
25. C
26. D
27. B
28. B
29. C
30. D
31. B
32. A
33. B
34. B
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. D
39. A
40. B
41. C
42. A
43. B
44. A
45. C