5/14/2021 CMPRF - Government of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund Government of Tamil Nadu - Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund த ழ் நா அர - தலைமச்சர் ெபா நிவாரண நி TRANSACTION HISTORY From Date* 14/05/2021 To Date* 14/05/2021 Transaction Status* Success Submit Close * Marked elds are mandatory # Payment Status(Click and Verify for Re-Veri cation Status) Displaying 1 to 1 of 1 Records S.No. Name 1 Donation Type Janani Online / S Individual TransactionDate TransactionID 14/05/2021 Ack.No CTA20210514100619001177 ACK2021JAN058640 https://ereceipt.tn.gov.in/Cmprf/Interface/CMPRF/CMPRF_VerifyAck Bank/PO Amount Date of Name (Rs.) State Bank of India Date of Payment Clearance Status# Print Ack. 2300.00 14/05/2021 14/05/2021 Success Single 1/1