BOOST YOUR 0 VOCABUL Y1 Chris Barker PENGUIN ENGLISH Contents Pages Unit Introduction 4-5 Saying hello a nd goodbye; Introducing yourself a nd other people; Personal details; Tlfles; Friends; British I American WOf"d list 2 5 - 8 Test yaurself 2 12-\7 family 9 10 18-23 Age ; Hair ~; Hoir colour; Eye ccOOur; Shades of colour; Height; Measurement of he ight; Measurement of weight; Build 24-29 House and home Description; Rooms I areas; My room ; Locat ion: prepositions 30-3\ I - 4 Test l1Qurself \ Test exercises 1 - 5 5 32-37 Days; Months; Years; Dates; Sea sons; Time prepositio ns; Time adverbials; Times 6 38-43 Ufeathome Before school; After school; Adverbs a nd phrases of frequency; Jobs ar ou nd the house; Pets; Meals at school and at home 7 _ School = :=... _ _ ....;;:;; 44 -49 Main school subjects in UK schools; People; Exams; Non-lesson time; Afte r-schoof act ivities and dubs; School rooms a nd places 8 5pprl ~h~ 11 Food and drink ~-~ 50 - 55 Sport / AdMty; Penon; Spom ....,ts; Winning a nd losing 70-75 Basic food; Drinks ; Fruit; Vegetobtes; Meet; Prepe-ed food 12 Cauntrles, nallanalltles and 76 - 8\ lanquQQes Some countries and nation alities: Europe ; Euro pe I Asio; Midd le East and Asia; North Americo; Central America; South America; Africa ; Australosta; The twelve most wKIe1y spoke n languages 9 -12 Test yourself 3 Time 58-63 CO&OUrs; Shades; Clothes and footwear; 1\:"" of clothes; Style Life stages; 's 4 Free lime Activities; Talking about post octMties; Music:; Muslcol instru ments Male and female ; Fomity members; 3 Describing people: age _ ....;;a"nd ", appearance 56-57 Test exercises 1 - 5 6-11 Meellng I!!!Qple Pag es Unit 82-83 Test exercises 1 - 5 Reference 84-87 The English a lpha bet; Heig ht a nd weight ; Numbe rs; Some basic spelling rule s; British and American Eng lish self assessment and proqress check Answer key (Centro l pcll-cct section) 88 A-H Meeting people Translate the words and phrases. Saying hello and goodbye Informal Hi. Hello. Bye! See you. See you lofer. See you soon. See you tomorrow. Formal Good morning. Good afternoon . Good evening. Goodnight. Goodbye. A: How are you? B: Fine, thanks. / I'm OK, thanks. And you? A: Mm, not too good. / Mm, nof great B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. A: How are things? B: Fine, thanks. / Not bod, thanks. Introducing yourself and other people Informal My nome's (John). Formal A: Let me introduce (Moria) . I'm (John). B: Pleased to meet you. This is (Mario) . C: Pleased to meet you, too . A: Nice to meet you. Welcome to {London). B: Nice to meet you, too . Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 1 Personaldetails Titles First name(s} Surname . . Mole / Female Address . . Street Town / City Postcode . .. . Dote of bi rth . Phone number Mobile phone number . . e-mail address . Mr Mrs Miss Ms Male Mr adult men Female Mrs married women Miss unmarried (single) women Ms married or unmarried women Friends She's my best friend. He's my penfriend. We're good friends. We're in the same class at school. We're classmates. We're neighbours. I know him / her welL I don't know him / her very well. I don't get on very well with him / her. We get on very / really well. We don't get on very well. What's your surname? Could you spell that, please? Could you repeat that, please? Yoo can callme Miss Tracy Bradshaw (,/) or Miss Bradshaw (,/ ) bat not Miss Tracy ~). You can canme Wayne Connolly (,/) or Wayne (,/) bat not Mr Wayne ~). Yoa can callmyDad Mr Connolly o: British American surname postcode mobile phone penfriend gel on last name zip code cellphone pen pol gel along Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 1 r7l Complete the conversations. Conversation 2 Conversation 1 A: H e I I o. Ij 0 ~ are B: Not g r __ t. A: I' m S tho t. 0 __ y y 0 ~ ? h ear A: B: A: Goo d m n i n g. W __ t's-your s nom e? e 's Ben Mar rio t t. M y n Mar rio t t. C 0 u I d you s p _ _ _ f hot, P 1_ _ s e? B: A: abel 2 Complete the clues to answer the question in the crossword. , They're very import ant! Who are they? Clues 1 2 We on really well. (3) 1 A: How ore you? B: I'm , thanks. (2) ....... .... ......... How are you? (5) 4 ...... ............ to meet you. (7) 4 My name is Anna . (5) 5 is Smith. (7) 6 My the same class. (2) 7 We're 8 A: How are you? B: I'm , thanks . (4) 9 How are ? (6) 10 It's latel I must go ! (9) 11 you tomorrow. (3) Good rnorninq. .everyone. Mmm, not great. c) d) e) Hello. Pleased to meet you. See you later. f) Goodnight. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 1 TI 3 I I 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 Who is speaking? Write the letters in the correct pictures. a) b) G E 2 3 3 Yes. M A double RIO double T. Net 0 m t you, Ben. 11 1­ 4 5 Draw lines to link the personal details. First name Bradshaw Surname Date of birth 12, Rose Street Street 0029583795 Town / City 13 April 1989 Posfcode Milton Keynes Phone number Tracy e-mail address MK39DG Put the words in the right order. Start with the word in the centre of each circle. !~!:~ .~~ . ~~:r. .~~!~ .~~~~. ~!:~' . 2 3 4 5 Read about Tracy's best friend. Then write about your best friend . .~~ .~~~ t~~f!:~'!.·~.~C!~~. !~. y'a.,!~~~ ?~~~~'..~~.f!:'~. !~f:.~~~':'; .W~. f1r.e4~ ft:!. !~.~ ..~q~~ . q!~~t .l?!J.~ ~~ .9~~ P.'! .r:~fl!l.Y. .~~/f. .. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 1 9 7 i Read about Alex. Then complete your personal details and introduce yourself. Hi! rm Alex Fraser. You can contact me ... at 14 Clifton Road. Bath. BA4 6LH or on 010 587 9998 or on 9012 564901 at FIRST NAME(S) Alex . ...... . SURNAME Fraser .... .. . ADDRESS 14 Clifton .. . ... . ... . . Road. . . . .... ... ~ ~ ~ ~~~! .~~ 1. ~~J:1. ..... PHONE NUMBER 010 5879998 MOBILE PHONE 9012 564901 NUMBER . E-tMIL ADDRESS ~!~/~~~'!~t :~?:~~.. FIRST NAME(S) SURNAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER MOBILE PHONE NUMBER E-tMIL ADDRESS rol Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 1 Sa Put the missing phrases in Conversation 1 or 2. Fine, thanks. I'm Rosa. Pleased to meet you, too. Hello, Mark. Hi. How are you? Conversation 1 Sarah Mark ~f?!!9.'.~~':'~· . Hello . Sarah . Let me introduce my neighbour, Laura Green. Laura Mark Hello. Pleased to meet you. Conversation 2 Kate Jack Kate Rosa Jack Hi. . This is my friend. Hello Hi, I'm Jock. . 8b Which conversation is between teenagers: 1 or 21 9 .. You are with Simon, your English penfriend. You meet one of your classmates in the street. Write the conversation. You Hi . Classmate You Simon C1cissmate Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words 1 Expressions 1 . 2 . 3 .. . .. 4 .. 5 6 7 .. .. .. 3 . 4 .. 8 9 .. . 5 . 2 10 . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 1 A Family Translate the words and phrases. Male and female boy girl man woman (plural : men) (plural : women) Family members Male / Female Male Female grandfather grandmother . grandparent grandson granddaughter . grandchild . .. (plural : grandchildren) father ...... .... ......... Dad ... ........... Mum stepfather ....... .... .. . . stepmother brother . .. ... .... . .... o.. sister stepbrother ........ ... ... stepsister holfbrother .......... .. .. . husband .............. wife son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . daughter uncle .. .. .. ........ . nephew ... .. ... . .. .. . . niece mother ....... ... ...... child ...... .... .... teenager .. . .... ....... adult ....... ... ..... guard ian halfsister aunt life stages baby parent Boosl Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 2 COUSin relation / relative .. IArt Department I 's Silvio is Tommaso's grandmother. Angelo = Silvio I oberto = Sabi na Anna Roberto is Tommaso's fat ner. Tommaso is Anno's brother. Hello. fly name'sShamina. Tve got a siste» and a baby brotbe« We five with 00f' parents in London. GarFamilyis qpite large. Tve got roar oonis. Faar ancles and sevencousins: . My parents are divorced. This is mymother _ ... and these af'e mygrandparents _. I haven't got any cants L_~~..6....i.._L__.:2::""_':::::::~sLE:..:...t::.:L .z::s;:::::::=~ or orcles. Oar ramily's apite small Have you got any brothers and sisters? I've got a brother and a sister. He's got on older sister and a younger brother. I'm an only child. My po rents ore separated. My parents are divorced. Our family's quite small. Our family's quite large. See page 86 for the British / American word list. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 2 13 Complete the twenty family words and circle them. Look for the words horizontally ( .. ) and vertically ( 'Y ). 1""h._ 1j-,R " A 3" ! I N LQ ~I ~- D c . E U, 6" I ., "" B C 7~ I I U R 5 T 0 I ,," - 10~ 1 I, U 11 ~M II ! I 0 I 'D' - G 0 T T ? 12 "1 "" F E 14~ I P [N I A ., 16~ G .... A 0 [fi 2 R A N E ? 9 ·W A ,. .,. R N F ... 13~ A D ? 15 ., T ""N D C . I r E P ? E ? E N D '1 19~ ? - ,. E R N "" 1 ., ... 5 D 1B~ 17 7 5 ., B IR: l' 5~ 4 N D ., A T H E ., Put the words in exercise 1 into groups. Male Female grandmother Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 2 Male / Female guardian 3 4 Who are Wayne's relations? 1 His father's mother's husband is 2 His father's brother is 3 His mother's sister's daughter is 4 His sister's daughter is 5 His sister's son is Choose five members of your family and write their names. ~r. X~~~!1.~:' .~':?!~~(~. ~~~. f~ .~.~!~~' . 1 2 3 4 5 5 Write details for you in the chart. Adam Peter Kellendria Trinade R1cldtt Roland Mum: Jill Dad: I've got a large • family: Mum, Dad : and one brother; aun ts , uncles and : : cousins. : Brothers: TI.m, Mark, Sam ( all older) No, not at the moment. Actor and singer 6 Singer •• ••• •• •• Use the chart in exercise 5 to write about Adam, Kelle and yourself. Adam ':'.i! .~~. (':'!~ ~.~'!1.~ J~ ~c;i.a.~. ~~!~:. ~i~.~i.t!. ..~Y. '!!':''!! :~ .,!q~~.i.~ .~~f! . q'} ~ !':'Y. r:'.c:~:s. . ,}I?~~. is Peter. !:'(~.9.o.! . Kelle You Boosl Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 2 rsl How good is your memory? You have one minute to read about Shamina and Jonathon on page 13. Now write sentences about Shamina and Jonathon. Don't look at page 13. Sho t1l '''O 1 (brothers and sisters?) . ?~~:~ .~'? t . c!. ~~~t~:. ~nd a baby brother. 2 (large or small fomily?) : ::: : : ::: : : : : : :: : : : . 3 (aunts? .. ) . 4 lunde5?) ::: : ::: ::: :: : :::: :. 5 cousins?) . ~ 1 2 3 4 5 (sister's nome?) (pa rents?) (grandparents?) (large or small family?) (aunts and uncles?) i7bl Now look at page 13 to check your answers. 8 I Write the word which describes each of these life stages. 1 ~~~r. . 2 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 2 . 3 . 4 . 9a Read the clues and identify the people. Write their names in the family tree. (@ ~ ~ .... .............. 'r - T ~ Ii~ .... ... ........ T ... . . ... . . ..... {fJj.. ~ ..... -cr . . . . . .. . . . . .. . Clues . ~ .)~ ~ .............. ' Luke's mum is David's daughter. ......... .. .. .. . luke is very young . l luke's uncle is called Paul. Sally is Paul's sister. . ..... ..., .... ~ Emma's got a younger sister called Diana. David and Mary are husband and wife. Diana's father is ca lled Neil. . ...... ....... . eli Are you good at writing puzzles? Write some clues for a puzzle about your own family. Ask a friend to complete it. Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Expressions Words 1 2 . . 1 .. 3 .. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 4 . 5 .. 6 7 8 9 10 .. .. .. .. .. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 2 17 Describing people: age and appearance Translate the words and phrases. Age middle-aged old young in her teens in his twenties Howald are you? I'm 14. / I'm 14 years old. He's in his twenties. She's in her thirties. Hair length Eye colour short medium length long blue brown grey green Hair colour Shades of colour brown black fair blonde red grey white dark light not very quite very He's not very old. She's quite old. Her heir's very long. What does he / she look like? What's her hair like? She's got dark brown hair. What colour hair has he got? He's got short, fair hair. What colour eyes has she got? She's got light blue eyes. They're a sort of greenish brown. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 3 Height Measurement of weight toll of medium height short kilo stone pound Measurement of height metre centimetre foot (plural: feet) inch (plural : inches) 1 metre = 3.28 feet 1 centimetre 1 foot = 0.39 inch = 12 inches See page 84 (or height and weight abbreviations. Build small big slim of medium build well-built muscular How He's He's He's He's See page 86 (or the British / American word list. toll is he? (quite) tall. of medium height. (quite) short. about 1 metre 75. How much do you weigh? I weigh about 50 kilos . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 3 (l91 1 I Describe the age group of these people. 1 She's about 43 or 44. She's in her forties. 2 He's 52. 3 She's 16. 4 He's about 27 or 28 . 5 She's 3. The words in the puzzle all describe the colour and shade of hair and eyes. Complete the words. 1 ..... 2~ IB 3 ..... 4~ 5~ I B A I 6 .... 10~ I R K I W 9 ..... G I I D 7 ..... 8~ 11~ D A L E I I I T I 3 Put the words from the puzzle in exercise 2 into the correct group. Some words can go in both groups. Eye colour / shade Hair colour / shade f/9!:ff Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 3 . .cfp.r:H . 4 How good is your moths? Use the information on page 19 to find the answers to the quiz. See page 84 for height and weighf abbreviations. a) in metres and centimetres? .....m... .cm bl in feet and inches? is beavier? D a) 10 kg o b] 20 Ib w ueh d JIll weigh? al in kilos? b) in pounds? .. .... ......... ..Ib cl in stones and pounds? 5 ieh Is laller? a]2 m bIB' .... st.... .Ib D D Use the words and phrases in the box to describe the height and build of these people. 2 very quite not very 4 muscular well-built of medium build 1 !,!t;:~. ~l!~t. ~!1.qf{'![~t;. ~.i9: 2 3 big small slim . 4 5 5 tall short of medium height . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 3 fill 6 I Write details about yourself in the chart. Then choose two members of your family or two friends end write in their details. 2 1 you age height weight build hair colour hair length eye colour 7 Use the information from the chart in exercise 6 to write a description of yourself and of one of the other people. (age and height) (build and weight) (hair length and colour) (eye colour) r~ .fC?fJ!'.tf?~f1. p.'!4. ff!1. .1. ~ .!P. .~qlr r~ . qC!ft~. 9/9: J.~~i!11J .lf9.oyf. ~!~-~~'(~ ~i!C?~: ry~ 9.'!t. ~o.'!9, .c!q.r~ .~ r: C? r-:'.l . ~~/( .::.~')~ .~r:C?r-:fJ.~Y.~· . . . . ~x. f:f~~ . :.~~. ~~. (;!.~~.e:!. 9.~~ .~~"~.!..~.?~ .~~!!" !"!.~:~ :: ' J-:I.~ . ~~!9.~~. ::'. !"!.~'~ fJ.~.~ :: 8 . Look at the Star Profile of Rachel Stevens and read about her below. Who is your favourite pop star or sports star at the moment? Write a star profile in the chart. Then write a full description. fill . . . lind ~ .~~'!f? 7. . . . . 11l11li 9tlt ~1!r:i1. ~97P . . ....111 ~'.~~ Ugh t .I?rp.l¥!'. ..•. H"" FuD • •, BUd/Spin Date"bll'lh . . .. Height .. !l lr EJn Qqrk ~r:q~" ..... his ·~y.. f~X9.~~~~~ p.,!? .~t~~. <?-t .~~.I?: .~,!!T}.I?:~.~ .i~ .~~~~.~? f:.~'!: .~ P~.~. t. !-!.I?:':. f.~~/. ~!!~~ .i~ .~~t:~.~! ·~t~~~~~; . ~~~:s:.if! .~~r: . ~~.'!t!~·..~~~:~. ~'. ~~. !t;J.'! . :?~~ .'~.9.~!. !~~!. ~.~'!~~ .~IJ ~ .~~r:~ ·~r:'!.~:! f~Y~: Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 3 . . . 9 Write five quiz questions about your favourite pop star or sports star to ask a friend. (o· ~~ ~~ ~· ~·~ ~· ~·r~~ ~· ;~·: ~ .·. ~ : ~.·. ~ : .·.·. ~ :·i ~; ~···· ('8 What's his I her date of birth? ~ ~ a) . b) Which sport does .: : play? ? ? a) b) c) ~ ? I . .••• •••••.c) .••••••••••••• •••...•••.•..• ? ? ? .' ·· .··· . ..t" A '.(.~ ~~~~.;.~. : ~ :...~~ ...~ ~ ... ~:... ~~ ....\ ·:: w .• ? : ·: . ? : ? • a) b) c) ·-'. . ? .: •• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••• , ••• • •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \ •••••••••••••••••••••• •• • ••• .('A v ·: ·:\. . (hair.7j :• ",: I. ..... . . . .... ...... . . . .... . . ... .... . . . . . . . . .... . . . . 7. :• . ? : a) ? .= ?,.: b) c) ..•......... ...........................••. ('A. . f:;I (eyes?) .: a) : b] ": ?. :• t c) . :• . ? : . ? : ? ,.: .........•...................•........•.. Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Wo rds Expressio ns 1 . 1 . 2 3 2 . 5 6 7 8 . . . . .. . . 3 . 4 . 9 . 5 . 10 . 4 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 3 fi3l House and home Translate the words and phrases. Description large small flat block (of flats) house Rooms / areas . ' ... 1 attic . 12 garage 2 bed room . 13 upstairs 3 spare room . 14 downstairs 4 bat hroom . 15 ground floor 5 land ing . 16 first floor 6 living room .. 7 dining room 8 9 . .. 17 stairs . . 18 balcony . study . 19 terrace . kitchen . 20 paf io . . 21 . 10 hall 11 toilet Boosl Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 . garden My room armchair bed blinds bookcase bookshelf (plural: bookshelves) Location: prepositions . . . . . on next to near . . corpet . opposite ceiling chair chest of drawers computer cupboard curta ins desk door duvet floor lamp mirror notice board photo picture poster radiator radio rug shelf sound system table telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . between in front of . . behind above . . on top of . under . TV . wall wardrobe washbasin wastepaper bin window . . . . . in the corner of .. at the front of in the middle of at the back of .. . . on the right of . on the left of . See page 86 for the British / American word list. I live in George Street. My Aat is above a shop . My house is near a small pork. It's got three bedrooms. It hasn't got a garden. My room is at the front of the flat. What's your room like? It's quite big. . I share my room with my sister. There's a desk ' under the window. There are some posters on the walls . There are some blinds at the window. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 25 1 Use the words in the circle to describe where you live. .~ .'!~~. !'!. '!.~~.u.~~: .~!:~ .v.e.'X.~~~!I: . ... . 2 Which parts of Wayne's house do these pictures show? ~ the kitchen 3 I Which of the rooms / areas in exercise 2 has your house or flat got? ~y' ~~'!~~ ! tf?~ .~~.~~.~ . 2~ 3 n sj 4 6 ~ !r~. ~!~~.!I?~ . ~ ~ 7a 8~ 9~ 10 Which other rooms / areas has it got? ~ Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 Which rooms / areas hasn't it got? ~.t. ~~~:~ 9.C?t . 4 5 Write the word next to the picture. Then tick (.I) the things you've got in your room. If you've got other things in your room, add them to the list . 11 .. ..... ... ..... ... .... 0 ........ .... ... .. ..... D 2 D 12 3 o 13 4 D 14 ..... ... ..... ........ . D 5 D 15 ....... .......... ... .. D 6 D 16 7 D 17 8 D 18 9 D 19 10 D 20 ~ - , ......... ...... .. ..... D Match the prepositions to the pictures. 1 near 2 behind 3 In 4 in the corner 5 above 6 between 7 under 8 on top of 9 in front of b 0) h) i) 6 ~ Your penfriend, William, has sent you a map and some pictures of where he lives. Complete the description. 111 if ;s wHere t live. back !<dchtn J'rlirJqn>Dm It'vinCj /7)O#If I1wtt and j)adi~ L.o--li . -­ bo.lfrnJol11 . , IL1J Slsflr5 MJroom o roow front I live in a large flat in It's opposite At the front of the flat, there's In the middle At the back Write a similar description of your house or flat to send to William. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 . . . . . Dear 8a William's next letter to you IS about his room. Write the missing words. 1 , It was really good to get your letter. Thanks. Here's a description of my room. I did it on the computer. I hope you can understand it! door .................... ill'. 2 My room's quite large. The window is opposite the 3 There are some ~ 1 at the window. Under the window, 4 there's a 5 ~ 3. my ~s. There's a 6 My ~ 4 is on the ~ • and so is ~ in front of the 6 7 a ~ 7 between the ~ and the 8 the 9 10 11 12 of the room, there's an 13 ..el. The ~ 8 is next to ~,on the right. On the left of the window, in the corner there's a @ a My ~ II IZ. 10 ~9. with a U Between the window and the fa " on it. Behind the ..I... there's m ~ is on top of it. That just leaves the big 14 ffll1 and there's ,4 where I put my clothes! Write soon. 81i Now draw the room. Write a description of your room for William. Use prepositions (in, next to, etc.) to say exactly where things are. Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words Expressions 1 2 . .. 1 . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . . . . .. . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 (29l Test yourself 1 (Units 1 to 4) Mymarlc _ _ How much can you remember? 60 1 I Write the words in the corred groups. Colours 6 .. 11 . 7 8 .. . 12 . 13 .. 14 15 . . .. 3 Furniture Height, weight and build Family members 1 2 short slim tall uncle white muscular nephew notice board parent red cupboard doughter desk green large bed block blue choir cousin 4 9 .. 5 10 .. 16 17 .p.e:'! . . .. 18 19 20 .. . (19 marks) 2 I Match the questions to the answers. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How oN. are you? How t.. are you? How much do you w What colour are your e What colour is your h What's your ph . . .. .. .. .. . .. What's your p ? What's your e- .... . . . . . . .. . .. . . 0) 00 44 765 45 36 37 b) c) light blue d) 10 st. e) 5'11" ~ black ? ? ? ? h) 14 ? i) Sl9 4PG (7 marks) 3 I Use the word in blue with one of the other words to make a sentence. o posters block bedroom balcony ;r::y~.9.".t.~'?IJ'!~.P~.s.t~r:~. !f).tJ1.Y..~~Pr:9?f1): . short house hall hair 2 lamp sister shelf son 3 blinds window wardrobe wall 4 qu ite toll teenager table 5 small green garden grey (5 marks) Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Test yourself I l4a Complete the phrases in box A using the words in box B. box A room ....... ............ 0 the living 1 a wastepaper ....... .......... . ................ 2 quite ................. 3 in front 4 a chest of ......... ..... ... 5 the ground ....... ....... ..... 5 Complete the dialogue. Sam Hi, Joe. box B Joe Hi, Sam. This is Gino. drawers room of aged bin old height floor flats system Sam Hello. N(<;~. tq.rr!?:~t .Y.C?'!..... 0 Gina Nice to meet you, too . Sam So, how Joe Fine,. . .. .. .. . .. . . And . ......... . . .. •... •.. ... ... ...... 2? Sam Mm, Joe Oh, I'm What's the matter? Sam I've got problems with my gi rlfriend. Joe Your girlfriend? Sam Yes, Rebecca Sharp. You don't know her. My grandfather is eighty-two, so he's Joe What does 9.U.~~~ .~~~ Sam She's quite tall and ...... ............ ............ ...... 6 a block of 7 medium 8 a sound 9 middle .... ... . . . ... .. .. ................. . (9 marks) 14b Use the phrases from exercise 4a to complete the description. 0 now. He's tall and slim. 1. She's also quite slim. She's of Joe z. Sam They live in 3 on is quite large. There's a TV and • ••.. ...••• .............. • e 4 5? Sam ... You see, there's a girl in my nice. She's got long blonde • ••••••• ••• ••••••• •• •• • 7 and blue eyes. We 8 really well. 4 ~ 3. closs, Mondy Palmer. She's very ...... ........... ............ ....... ............. · , • ••••• •••••••••• •• • • • • • 6 light brown hair and green eyes. She's in Mrs Price's class. My grandmother is fifty-two, so she's • I? in there. There's a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. The Joe small bedroom is where I sleep when I stay Sam ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • 7 the bed there's Gina I know Rebecca. I know her very • •. .. . . . .. .. • . • .• .. . .• • 9. In fad, she's my 10 friend. • •••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • 8 for my clothes. Sam Oh ... Joe • • • . • . • . .•• • •• •• • • ••••• 11 with them. There's a bed, and There's a desk with Q computer on it and ... ......... .......... .. ... .......9 lofer, Sam. (ll marks) (9 marks) Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Test yourself 1 Time Translate the words and phrases. Days Months Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January February March April May June July August September October November December Years 2002 Two thousand and two 1999 Nineteen ninety-nine Seasons Dates spring summer autumn winter We use ordinal numbers for dotes, e.g. 1". 2 nd , 3 rd , 41h . Dotes can be written and spoken in different ways. wri"en spoken 1sf May May 1sl the first of May May the first ,. Time adverbials Time prepositions on April 4th on Monday in 2002 in the morning in the afternoon in the evening in (the) summer at 7.30 at night at the weekend See page 84 for a list of ordinal numbers. , . ., Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 5 , , . . . . . . . . . . tomorrow yesterday tomorrow morning yesterday afternoon lost night next week next year last week last year Times one o'clock two o'clock f ive past two a quarter past two twenty past two half past two twenty-five to three a quarter to three ten to three three o'clock midday / noon midnight a.m . in the morning p.m . in the afternoon / evening / at night (Excuse me,) what time is it? It's half post two. What time does the film start? It storts at seven o'clock. What time do you get up? When were you born? When's your birthday? It's on August l S'". See page 86 for the British / American word list. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 5 33 Complete the days of the week. abc I:B ;2 0 1 Complete the ordinal numbers in the box. nan 12 b Write the words from exercise 20 next to the numbers. Then write the abbreviations, as dotes. Numbers Words Dates eleventh f if t e nth twent - -se - ond 1 2 3 4 . fo r t e nth twent - -fo - rth sen d th rd t h rteent fo r t twel th twent -f st fit - 5 11 . fi st twent -th rd . . . ~/~XE;f)t!t . . 14 15 21 . . . 22 . 23 . 24 . 11 Complete the months in the crossword. Then number them from 1 to 1 2 to show their order. N o V E u M B E R Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 5 . 12 13 L l~tl1... 4 Write these dates as you would say them. Monday, the first of January Thur 2 AUG 50 Complete the clues to find the mystery word. mystery word , - _ ----..­ ....---....... 1 W 1 There are seven days in it. 2 9 a .m . 2 = nine in . . . morn ing 3 I can't see you this week, but I can see you ... week . 3 4 7.00 = seven 4 0' .. . 5 Between afternoon and night 5 6 6 See you . . . Saturday. 7 7 It's in the middle of the week. 51) Make up your own clue for the mystery word. 6 1 2 3 4 5 How do you say these times? 2315 0910 1345 0130 1935 .~~·!R .~! .'!~~t ~ 9.~o/:t!!.r: posr ~!~.v.~fJ .~t.'.'!9~.~ . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 5 35 , , .~ z.j Write the answers as you would say them. .IJJ,. ~i" PITT, BRAD. Actor. (b. Dec 18th, 1963) -- I AI ' ./ ~ .J-!e. .~~. ~qr:~. ~~ !-?~.c.e.'!1.~~!". !.~*:. *:!9~.~e.*?~ .~~, . When was Brad Pitt born? .'!~~~t~.e.'! .~~>rtY:-.t.~r:~~: 2 When were you born? 3 At what time and in which part of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night) were you born? 4 What's tomorrow's date? 5 What was yesterday's date? 6 What is next year? . 8 ; Complete the questions and answers. %oitalio/I !~~.~. ._...._ .. Come to my 18th birthday party! Day Dale Time Place . f~J.~.~ __ _. . ~.~~..~'p_ _ .. .?: ~.QJ?:.~.: . ::. ~~.~.~ ! 9. ~~... The Beach Club Bring a friend! Love Karen -- - 1 Is Karen's party on Saturday? 2 Is it on 1st September? 3 Is it a special birthday? 4 5 ..";J~:. ~~'~. ~~ F.~~~e:t: Yes, . . .......... ................... ........ . . ... ..... .. ..... . .... ... ............. ...... ............. . ... .......... . ... ...... ? And Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 5 At 7.30. ? At midnight. 9a Write the names of the seasons. Then write the name of one month in each season. Season Month winter 91i Which is your favourite season? . Why? Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words 1 . Expressions 1 2 3 . . . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . .. .. . . . . 2 . 3 .. 4 . 5 . Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 5 37 Life at home Translate the words and phrases. Before scho!!!.. 1get up at (7 o'clock) . I have a shower / both. I have 0 wash . I brush my teeth. I get dressed. I lis1en to the radio. I pack my bog. I leave home at (8.30 a.m.). I wolk to school. I cycle to school. I get 0 lift to school. I get the bus to school . After school I get home. I do my homework. I watch Tv. take the dog for a walk. ploy football. ploy computer games. play the guitar. point. make things . read. phone my friends. check my e-mail. send e-mails. surf the net. go skateboarding. go out with friends. I go to bed . I stay up lote, Adverbsand phrasesof frequency never not very often every doy once/twice 0 week every week Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 6 sometimes . .. ,. often usually o lot most evenings more than once a week always . . . Jobs around the house tidy my room. clean the bathroom. do the vacuuming. do the washing-up. do the shopping . do odd jobs. make my bed. load the dishwasher. empty the dishwasher. put the pots away. put the rubbish out. loy the table . feed the cot. don't do anything. Pets Meals at school and 01 home cot , have breakfast. kitten I have a snack. dog I have lunch . puppy I have teo. parrot I have dinner. canary I have supper. rabbit hamster . . gumea pig goldfish See page 86 for the British / American word list. What time do you get up? What do you do to help around the house? How often do you listen to the radio? What do you like doing after school? I always have dinner at half post seven. I usually walk to school. I'm never late. I like taking the dog for a walk . I don't mind doing the washing-up. I hate tidying my room. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 6 39 I n the morning ... 1 1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box. I brush 1 2 3 4 pack get have leave I I !~9.v.~ ....... .. home. I ... ... ...... ' " up. I .... .......... . my teeth. I ............... breakfast. S 6 7 I .4' . . . . . . . ...... I r' . . . . . . . . .. . . . . I ... ..... ....... I .. ..... ...... .... dressed . my bag for school. a wash / a shower. 2 1Write the activities in exercise 1 in the order you usually do them. Say what time you do them. .~ Sift. '!P. ~~ .~ ..~?: . 5 6 3 . . 4 . 1 2 7 :3 0! Complete sentences 1 to 8 using the words in the boxes. Add times where necessary. breakfast listen to always pock a shower have never leave get up the bus a lift get dressed usually the train cycle sometimes watch walk ~ '" -= ~" 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 B at about a.m. before breakfast. in the kitchen. the radio in the morning . TY. my school bag after breakfast. home at o.m , to school. How well do you know your best friend? Write eight similar sentences about your best friend. Then ask him / her to check if you were right. .1-!~.~~~~. ~~.~~~/r. ~.~~~ .~I? ~t. '!?~~:? '!'.tJ.1; ................................................ . ...• Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 6 In the afternoon and evening ... 4 Tick the box which is correct for you. always 1 I watch TV 2 I listen to music. 3 I play computer games. 4 I send e-mails. 5 I go for a long walk. 6 I do my homework. 7 I make dinner. usually often sometimes never Read about Zoe's afternoons and evenings. Then write about what you do after school. 8 o'clock. Then I have dinner. After that, I watch TV or play computer games . I often phone my friends. I never go to bed before 9.30. I always read in bed. When I get home from school , I always have a snack. I sometimes go out and play volleyball with my friends. I usually do my homework from about 6 o'clock to 6 Find ten pets in the wordsearch. Then write them under the clues. r-o. E G a L D F I 5 H T U A F 0 L A R I 5 I G K X Y N P U P J Z P Y K 4 It's furry. It's got green eyes. The sound it makes is 'miaou'. B 5 5 It's the same as 4, but it's very young. 6 It's light brown and it likes running in the wheel in its cage. It's about 10 cm long. 7 It's usually friendly. The sound it makes is 'woof woof'. 8 It's the same as 7, but it's very young. 9 It lives in water and it's gold and yellow. E D G H L C I T T E N V P ........ G R A B B I N M T L It's black, wh ite and brown and it's small. fJ.~~~~. f?!!l 2 It's red, blue and yellow and it talks. A M E T a A c A N A R Y E L P A R R 0 T B R I 3 It's small and yellow and it sings. . 10 It's got long ears, and it likes lettuce. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 6 41 7 I Circle a, b, or c. G SURVEY How often do you ••• help around the house? a) most days b) once or twice a week c) never b) once a week c) never b) two or three evenings a week c) n01 very often b) not very often c) never b) every day c) never tidy your room? 0) more than once a week go out with friends? a) a lot stay up after midnight? 0) most nights play a sport? 0) two or three times a week paint, make something, play on instrument or do something creative? a) every doy b) sometimes c) never Write a profile of yourself using your answers to exercise 7. Add more information or a comment to every answer. !.~~!f. ?~?~'!~ . !~~. ~~~~~. ~~~.~ .?:' .~"'!.~~~.? .~::~~' .t~':'.r~ .~~ ~~:~.C:~~~~}. ! .~~P.!r..~~~ .~~.~~ ~~.~ ~.~ .~':.~. P.~~. T.~~. P.? .~~ .~~?Y.- . . I never tidy my'room. .... ..... .. ........ . ....... .... ... .. .... ..... . .... ..... ... .... ......... ............ ....... ..... ..... . . ......... ..... . ... ...... !~?'!!'!:.~?~~ .~. ~.~~~ .t.~~r.i.~~. ~y. .C?~ ~~ . 8b' Now find out what sort of person you are! Analysis 1 2 3 4 S 6 0)3 oj 3 0) 2 0)0 a) 2 0) 3 Score b) 3 c) 0 c) 0 c) 1 bJ 3 b) 3 cJ2 c) 0 b) 2 c) 0 bJ 2 b) 2 16 to 18 6 to 15 1 to 5 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 6 You're too good to be true! Relax! You're just right. You aren't perfect, but who wants to be perfect? You enjoy yourself and you're good with other people. Come onl You ca n't be untidy, lazy and unfriendly. Be more positive about yourself! Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . . . . . . . 10 .. Expressions 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 6 f43l 7 I Circle a, b, or c. G SURVEY How often do you ... help around the house? 0) most days b) once or twice a week c) never b) once a week c) never tidy your room? 0) mo re than once a week go out with friends? 0) a lot b) two or three evenings 0 week c) not very often stay up after midnight? 0) most nights b) not very often c) never b) every day c) never play a sport? 0) two or three times a week paint, make something, play an instrument or do something creative? 0) every day b) sometimes c) never Write a profile of yourself using your answers to exercise 7. Add more information or a comment to every answer. I...... help around..... the....... house once. ..... or........ twice....... a week. ............ . .... ........ . ... . .......... ... .. .... ...... .......... ...... ... . ........ (Extra .... information) I empty the dishwasher put ..the pots..away. ....... ........ .. ..... ..... ................ ... ... ......and ......... . ......... ... ... ....... ... ................. !:.'!~~~.~. !~~y' .~r. :.~?~: . (Comment) .I....... hate... tidying room! ................ ...... ......... ............ ........... . .................... ..... ..... ~~ ~ ~~ 1 8b~ Now find out what sort of person you are! Analysis 1 0) 3 0) 3 2 3 0)2 4 S 6 0) 0 0) 2 0) 3 Score b) b) b) b) b) b) 2 2 3 3 3 2 c) 0 c) 0 c) 1 c) 2 c) 0 c) 0 16 to 18 You're too good to be true! Relax! 6 to 15 You're just right. You aren't perfect, but who wants to be perfect? You enjoy yourself and you're good with other people. 1 to 5 Come on ! You can't be untidy, lazy and unfriendly. Be more positive about yourself! Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 6 Wr ite ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words 1 2 . . 3 . Expressions 1 . 2 .. 4 . 5 6 . . 3 . 7 . 4 . 8 . 9 . 5 . 10 . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 6 (43l School Translate the words and phrases. Exams Main school subjects in UK schools Art Art and Design Cit izenship Design and Technology (D & T) Dra ma Eng lish Language English Literature Geography Histo ry Home Economics Information Technology (IT) Maths Modern Languages (e.g. French, German, Spanish ) Mus ic Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE I Physical Education (PEJ Rel ig ious Studies (RSJ Science (Physics, Bio logy, Chemistry) . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . People teacher head teache r deputy head head of department secretary caretaker cleaner pupil student Boosl Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 7 . . . .. . . . . . end-of-term exams tests ma rks results Non-lesson time reg istra tio n assemb ly break lunchtime detentio n After-school activities and clubs In addition to subjects on the timetable, most secondary schools in Britain offer a variety of things to do after school. arts and crafts ba sketball chess cho ir dance drama film football ho mework IT jazz band orchestra photography pottery rugby self-defence swrrnrnrnq tennis volleyba ll . . . . School rooms and places classroom canteen computer room hall art room gym music room changing rooms laboratory football pitch lib ra ry playground cafeteria staff room Lessons are fifty minutes long. My favourite subject is English . I'm good at History. I'm no good at Art. I'm interested in photography. We have double Art on Wednesdays. I'm in the football team . I do pottery after school on Thursdays. I go to orchestra practice on Mondays. I stay late on Fridays because I do drama. See pages 86 - 87 for the British / American word list. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 7 45 Look at Jack's timetable and answer the questions. 1 What do these abbreviations stand for? .~.C!!~~.'!l.~~i~ Moths JACK MOSELY ---_....-..... _.......'.'_............... -..... -..--- Man Tues Wed Thurs Fri . PE Assembly 8.20 RS am D&T PSHE 8.40 2 Find words which describe the following times : am Registration ~~" ~ '" ~<v o "- ~<v ~,(, ~-s 0) when everybody in the school is in the school hall ~~~IJ!~!y. b) when the teacher checks thot all students are ot school . c) when the students stop work for twenty minutes d) when the students have 0 meal 9.45 am (,IU ' IU~ e,c) .~ ~ <v~0) pm (,IU 'IU~ () " 3 Which language does Jack study, in addition to English? 12.10 ~(' (,IU .qJ:l '?0 Break am am ~~ ~ ~" 10.45 11.05 ~(> 0(\ ~ C­ ;(" «t:.1l) ~e, ~ ~(> ~<v ~0 t' ~ ~qJl C­ ~ «,<oll) .~ ~ <v~0) '" o "- Write your school timetable in English. !J What are the differences between your timetable and Jack's? 1.10 Lunchtime 2.05 Registration pm We don't do (school subjects) But we do (other school ~ ubjects) pm We don't have (registration, assembly) 2.20 But we have Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 7 pm 0<:\ ~r::. .~ ~~" <v~0) ~ ~, #"' ~~" (j'~~ ~ Label the plan of Jack's school. The words you need are in the box, but the letters are jumbled. far orom abrolaytor ymg frempuco moor efrecetie granyploud sicum omor fatsf moro rarbily lolh 1 hall 6 2 7 3 4 9 5 Draw a plan of part of your school and label it. Add the names of the head teacher, the deputy head, the school secretary and the head of the English department. St Luke's School Mobl'rl.~o Head teacher Mrs Diane Deputy bead School secreta ry Head of English Mr James Richardson Miss Ann Bennett Ms Fiona Hartley 800st Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 7 47 Read the information about schools in England. Then make a chart for the subjects you study between the ages of five and sixteen. Describe the tests you have to toke. Subiects pupils have to study = c:=J PRIMARY SCHOOL SECONDARY SCHOOL Key Stage 1 Ages 5-7 Key Stage 3 Ages 11-14 Key Stage 2 Ages 7-11 Key Stage 4 Ages 14-16 English Mathematics Science Physical education Design and technology Information technology A modern foreign language History Geog raphy Music Art Citizenship .- Schools organize their own timetables, and can decide what other teach their pupils . National tests and examinations pupils have to take There are national tests for 7-, 11- and 14-year-olds in English and Mathematics. Pupils aged 11 and 14 also have tests in Science. Most 16-year-olds take the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exam in several subjects (usually between five and ten). Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 7 Put these after-school activities and clubs into groups. Tick (w") the ones you do and double tick (.I w") the ones you'd like to do. arts and crafts basketball chess club choir computer club football French film club jazz band orchestra photography club pottery salsa club Spanish club swrrnrnmq tennis volleyball sports and games music and dance basketball choir CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES practical and creative skills languages arts and crafts French film club Complete Joanne's account of her school. ----------------- I go to Chadworth School. It's a s ~ oS.2 ~ ~..E..!'..1 1 school with 950 students aged eleven to eighteen. It's a mixed school , but boys and girls have separate 1 z. The teachers say we get better exam r 3 that way. My favourite subjects are French and Spanish. I love I 4 . And rm really interested in the cinema, so I go to f 5 club every Thursday. Tm from a large family and we live in a small flat. It's difficult to concentrate on your work there. so I sometimes go to h 6 club after school. rm not very sporty, but we've got a great pool at the school so I go to s 7 club on Saturdays. Write ten words and five expressions yo u are going to memorize. Words Expressions 1 2 3 . . . 4 . 5 6 7 8 9 . . .. 10 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 .. . . . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 7 9 Sport Translate the words and phrases. Person Sport/Activity Play I play football football footballer American football footballer badminton badminton player baseball baseball player basketball basketball player cricket cricketer golf . golfer .. hockey player ice hockey . hockey playe r rugby . rugby player squash . squash player table tennis (ping pong) . table tenn is player tennis . tennis player field hockey Do I do gymnastics gymnastics gymnast athletics athlete aerobics 'I do aerobics' yoga '1do yoga' weightlifting weightlifter Go I go canoeing canoeing canoeist rock climbing rock climber motor racing racing driver Go I go riding or I ride riding rider cycling cyclist running runner sailing sailor Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 8 Sport/Activity Person (Go) skiing skier surfing surfer swrrnrrunq windsurfing swimmer windsurfer ice skating ice skater fishing 'I fish'l'l go fishing' I box boxing boxer diving diver scuba diving rowing scuba diver rower Sports events Winning and losing game gold medal match silver medal competition bronze medal championship cup tournament to come first / last the Olympics the World Cup to be the wi nner / loser the Cup Final to be the runner-up I'm quite a good swimmer. I'd like to go skiing. I'm quite sporty. I'd like to try windsurfing. I'm not very fit. Bring your swimming gear. I'm not very good 01 diving. Which football team do you support? I can swim but I can't dive. I'm an Arsenal fan. I'm not very keen on sport. They lost the match by fwo goals to one. I like watching motor racing. She won a gold medal. For sports clothes, see Fashion, page 64. See page 87 for the British / American word list. Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 8 rs'l Complete the words. c gna~ ing b a II fa s _r _lng f n is swim _ ing w _n _su _f ing Amer i __ n _ o __ ball sq _a s _ s _ub _ d _v _ng sa _ ling b s bas r_ 9 b_ ba l l tball cr i to kef Ie ten IS Put the words in exercise 1 into groups. sports which you play with a ball only watersports ~~!".~~!'!~ . sports which you play with a racket and a ball sports which you plar with a bat and a bal 3 1 Name the sports and say who does them. 9 7 10 8 4 1 2 3 Sport athletics Person athlete 4 5 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 8 Sport 6 7 8 9 10 Person 4 Answer the questions. F:rO"1N' spor-ty are yO"? Answer these questions to find out. o e e Can you swim? Can you run ten kilometres? .............. ..... · o Can you name three people who are well known in three sports? Can you dive? O, Can you ice skate? · e e A V o W hich sports do you like doing? e W hich sports do you watch on TV? . . ... . . . . .. .. . . . ... . ~ . . W hich sports do you think are really boring? W hich sports would you like to try? W hich sports do people in your family do? . .. ..... ........ .. .. .. ..... . . ·.................................................................................................................. Sa Read the interviews. Then cover them and answer the questions. Journalist Hannah Journalist Hannah Journalist Hannah Journalist David Journalist David Journalist David 1 2 3 4 Hannah, you're quite sporty, aren't you? Yes, I suppose I am . I go swimming twice a week. And I do a donee closs when I've got time. Do you ploy any boll games? Yes, I ploy football every Saturday. We won lost Saturday's game 3-0! Well donel Are there any sports you'd like to try? Yes, I'd like to try windsurfing. Are you sporty, David? Well , not really. I quite enjoy swimming, but that 's about all. Do you like watching sport? Yes, I like watch ing motor racing on TV. And I went to Monzo in Northern Italy lost year. It was really exciting. Are there any sports you'd like to try? I'd like to try scuba diving. Are Hannah and David both good at sports? What does David think of motor racing? What did Hannah do last Saturday? Which waters ports would Hannah and David like to try? .. .. .. .. Now write an interview between the journalist and you. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 8 (53l 6 i Answer the clues to complete the sports crossword. Across 1 7 8 11 12 ~ Who's your favourite tennis. .. ? (6) I'd like . . . try bungee jumping (2) It's a sport in which people fight each othe r. (6) She's . . . excellent athlete. (2) I usually go swimming . . . Tuesdays. (2) 13 You play it with a bot like this and a ba ll like this. (8) 14 There are two types of this sport. One type is played on ice. (6) Do you ... gymnastics at school? 17 <S) (2) 19 20 23 26 I don't like diving . The water gets up my .. . ! (4) Another name for ping pong : table .. . (6) and 24 You do this sport on frozen water. You don't need a stick. (3, 7) Surfing is more fun when the . . . is shining. (3) • 27 30 32 33 34 6 10 You can ploy this ball game on the beach . (1 0) 15 Let's .. .swimming! (2) Come with us. ... 're going fishing. (2) Manchester United and Chelsea are famous football .. . (5) You need a horse for this sport. (6) 16 Down' 2 3 4 5 8 9 Wh ich sports are you good .. . ? (2) Paul, can . . . dive? (3) You play it with a boll like this. (5) Sorry, William isn't here. He's . .. fishing . (4) I've got tickets for the Cup . . . (5) Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 8 I. You score baskets in this game. (1 0) The top Olympic medal. (4) Running, high jump, long jump, etc. (9) You need one of these for this sport. (8) Do you think rock climbing is difficult or . . . ?(4) 18 I'm not very keen ... sport. (2) 21 Fishing is a quiet activity; motor racing is ... (5) 22 You need a boat for this sport. (7) 24 It's white, and you need if for skiing . (4J 25 I can't go swimming. I haven't got my .. . (= swimming costume, towel, goggles) (4) 28 To swim well, you need strong arms and .. . (4) 29 Do you ... go cycling at weekends? (4) 31 We scored three goals and the other team scored two. We won by . . . goal. (3) 7 Read this profile of Dennis Bergkamp. Then write a profile of a sports star. Name Nickname Sport Team Did you know? Recent achievements Dennis Bergkamp 'The non-flying Dutchman' Football Arsenal He speaks four languages. He won't fly anywhere. That's why his nickname is 'The non-flying Dutchman'. He played in the Dutch team in Euro 2000. They reached the semi-finals. Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words Expressions 1 2 . . 1 ........... ................................................ ...............•.......... 3 4 5 . . . 2 . 3 . 6 . 7 . 4 . 8 . 9 10 . . 5 . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 8 S5 Test yourself 2 (Units 5 to 8) Mymark: _ _ How much can you remember? 60 1 I Complete the expressions with in, on or at. in .. t he mornmg . ..... night .. .. .. . the weekend .. .. .. . the summer O 1 2 3 4 Tuesday 5 2001 6 July 4th (6 marks) 2 1 In the correct order, write . 1 the paris of the day !T!~:~;!".2 2 the seasons ~p.".Zn!l . . 3 the dates of the first four days of a month f!r:~t .. (9 marks) 3 1 Write sentences for these pictures describing Amy's day. o 3 ~~~. ~~!~. ~P. r:.~ ~~'-:~':. ?:~~~~~" i i i i . 4 2 I :;::7,;-.... 5 (5 marks) Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Test yourself 2 4 Complete these sentences about life at home. Think of phrases to do with: • what you do before school • what you do after school • meals • jobs around the house I usually have ~. ~h'!IY.~r: . ~~ft?r:~. p.r:~!1~t; 1 I hove 2 I get 3 I go o . I sometimes do 5 I often make . . . . . 4 (10 marks: 2 marks for each sentence) 5 Write the names of three ... school subjects: ~~9r:~phy. . 2 school rooms or areas: !~~~r:~t!'.'Y. . 3 people who work at school: caretaker 4 non-lesson times: 5 detention . after-school activities: p.c?'t"t~!'Y. . . .. . ... . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . 6 meals: ~U.P.P!!.r: . 7 pets: .c.q'J~rY. . 8 sports people play: 9.0/~ . 9 activities people do: Y'O.9f!..... ... .... •... ... ... . . ........ .............. ... .. ... .. . .•. 10 people who do sports : ~ 9.o.~~~r: . (30 marks) Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Test yourself 2 57 Free time Translate the words and phrases. Activities ­ go shopping go rollerblading go skateboarding go clubbing go to a football match go to 0 friend's house go to a disco go to a concert go to a party go to the beach go 10 the cinemo go to the theatre go to the pork go to the (swimming) pool go to see a film go to see a bond go out with friends go out with a boyfriend / girlfriend go out for a meal go out dancing play on the computer play computer games ploy in the street play the piano have a party listen to music read magazines read a book coiled stomps / coins / phone cards relax stoy over at 0 friend's house surf the net wotch lV wotch 0 video See Sport on pages 50 - 51 for more odivitjes. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 9 Talking about post activities Whot did you do last weekend? I went to the cinema with my boyfriend. We sow Stor Wors. I played basketball with my friends. I went to a football motch. We hod a party. It was great. I didn't do anything. I stoyed ot home ond watched TV Music Musical instruments classical music dance music folk heavy metal hip hop cello clarinet double bass drums flute guitar keyboards organ plano recorder saxophone tambourine trumpet violin [ozz latin music pop music rap reggae R'n' B (rhythm and blues) rock salsa techno What kind of music do you like? It's got a good beat. It's good to dance to. It makes you feel good . It's very dramatic. It's relaxing. It's good to listen to when you're working. I don't know why I like their new single. I just do! What do you do in your free time? I sometimes go to the cinema. I enjoy going to the cinema. I don't do much after school. I love the internet and e-mail. I go to drama school on Saturdays. See page 38 for adverbs and phrases of frequency. See page 87 for the British / American word list. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 9 59 1 What do you do in your free time? Write sentences using the words and phrases below. 8 go go to listen to play go out read surf watch shopping soaps on 1V concerts a football match the guitar (piano, etc.) dancing 1 2 3 4 5 1. .s.'?1Jl.~t!1Jl.~ .9~. !~. ~C?'!~~r.~~'" . the net conce rts a friend's house parties . for a meal magazines . music with friends 6 7 8 9 10 . 2 1 Complete the sentences. Remember to use like + -ing. e... ... In my free time I really like ... 1 2 3 In my free time I quite like ... ~ \iJ ......@ ....... 1 2 3 In my free time I don't like ... 1 2 3 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 9 )1 3 You have just received a letter from a new penfriend. Complete the letter with Jess's free time activities. HI.'I :B You asked me what I do in my free time. Well, I thought I'd send you a puzzle, to see if you con work it out! . th e wee. ksome I t 'rmes Durlng 1 If I haven't got a lot of homework. I ~ ' or Some friends ond lore in a bond. I If Of course, if rm tired, I just ~ ~ ~1 00 ............ to the pool I aft er sc h00 I. Ja; tr H: . , I really enjoy · R ' I really like . or & "( 0·' S ·d I - . n atur ays, --: morning and then in the afternoon we sometimes ,:,: . I: . Wit ' · h'f' ds t h rren Sin t e l ~~~ !It~ 11 Oh, and I almost forgot! I Bye for now 4 Write a reply to Jess. Boost Your Voc.abulary 1 Unit 9 61 Write the names of the instruments in groups to help you remember them. ~ [2J~[lJ~ [2][I]~~~ piano . ~.rfl~r: 6 1 Write sentences about Julie and Andy's week using the past tense verbs in the box. watche d played had ~ ...... ~y story '1 Monday --­ ,,~,t" 6 --.N w" R <\J-1 ',\ S breo.d, lTIilk, 1 - ~L MAYO., OF THE VA}' N V vs RO.\fANIA. prn BBCI 7ENGL.... --. s-. % it Q' U1:a a ~ fALeT K~ oress cOffee, eggs, AndY' . I'st tOtnotoes, rice Here'S the shoPping tm I . Sorry, t can't help, pJl1)'if19 volleyball. -.J /...oveJvlie ____ ~ ........... ....... ..................... : I . Friday I Wednesday 0 OR ,,7 $"''''' .00I""7 .~ at 7..3°PIl1 000<S ope""" pgl1o""" Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 9 . ~lditJ and Anet9 Inlrite 90lf to ((partp $«hfl"f:i49 15th Jl, W1ut Circle ~ saw Thursday q'! .¥C?J:l~qy'~ .~~~Y. ~~~.~ 1'9..~~~. ~!f]~.l1)f7: Tuesday went . 7 Write five sentences about things you did last week. Say when you did them. The verbs in exercise 6 may help you . .:t..~~~~ .~~?:.~. ~~~:. t~. ~.I?~r:x: . .~~~ .~ i~~ t~ .~ ."'!?~~~~.~.~ .~~!~y: .9.~?~ P.~~~:'CJ!!l.rr:.~ .~~ . !Y . 8d Who are your top three composers / musicians / bands of all time? Composer / Musician / Band Type of music 1 2 3 8b What's your favourite single at the moment? Say why you like it. My favourite single at the moment is . I like it because . Read about Tamara. Then write a similar profile of yourself. On Saturdays. I get up at about ten o'clock, There isn't much to do where r live. because I go shopping with my mum. I see my friends in it' s very quiet . not in the city centre. Td like to the afternoon and in the evening I surf the net live in London. Td like to be r ight in the middle or just relax . I listen to a lot of Latin music. of th ings, with lots of things to do. I love salsa . I sometimes go to the cinema or go ice skating with my friends. __ ~ ... 10 _ Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Expressions Words 1 .. 1 2 3 . .. 2 4 .. 5 6 7 8 9 .. .. .. .. . 10 . 3 4 . 5 .. . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 9 f63l Fashion Translate the words and phrases. Colours black blue brown cream gold green grey orange pink purple red silver white yellow Shades light (blue) dark (blue) . . Clothes and footwear ~ fleece <) ~~ gl~~~~ " "" ' " : : \ ., ~ ~ baseball cap ~ ~~~.~~~ football shirt !iJ ie~.n~..... .. .. ... shorts fi$J socks ~ t~~~k~~i; ' ~.~~.t~. . . . .. . . .. .. scarf football boots .,. .­ ~ ~ top ~ ~ cardigan . II bra . . PI .... ... .. . .... ..... . . U ~ ~ Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 10 V T-shirt . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . \ ) vest hot lumper ~ . leggings leotard ~t sandals ~ , o dress boots . ~ i;~~;~;;.: :·::::: ~ blouse ~ tights . sweatshirt ~~ c o at skirt swimming trunks . . shirt .. ~ v-~ shoes !b'l swimming costume ~ trainers . . . . . . .. .. .... . . . . . knickers . ~ Parts of clothes ~ I[J I sleeve pocket ~ button ~ collar zip Style long short big small baggy tight cropped long-sleeved short-sleeved sleeveless knee-length ankle-length (Clothes) What size are you? (Shoesl What size do you take? Do you like this one? Do you like these? Can I try it on? Have you got it in another colour? How much is it? Does it suit me? If suits you . It looks good on you. You look nice. It's a pretty dress. It's too small. It doesn't fit. They're really fashionable at the moment. They're really in at the moment. I like that jacket. It's cool. What are you going to wear? I'm going to wear ... What did you wear? I wore ... See page 87 for the British / American word list. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 10 65 Complete the colours. Then think of an object to associate them with. blu e sil v er bloc go_d 1 2 3 4 5 6 .'!lY. .~~~~.j~~ . .q.sJl'f~.r. .rJr'9. oron e 7 pi_k 8 9 pu_ple 10 r d 11 w ite 12 yello . gre~n 9 re_ 2 1 There are eighteen items of clothing or footwear in the wordsearch. Some are more than one word. Circle them. 3 I I( B A S E B A L L C A p) S H V J L M L E G G I N G S B R A W I E U E 0 0 J E A N S K N I C K E R S M 0 S U H A T P C A R D I G A N T P T K S W I M M I N G C 0 S T U M E A I E B 0 0 T S T R 0 U S E R S R R R J A C K E T L T S H I R T B C D T Use the adjectives in the box to describe these articles of clothing. baggy lo ng knee-length long-sleeved sleeveless shorf-sleeved 1 5 2 3 6 7 4 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 10 short Group all the words in the wordsearch on page 66 under the headings in the chart and tick (..r) the correct columns. Use each word once only. women men ~/ sports clothing underwear clothes worn on the whole body worn on the head : I';' ./ ./ )f;;9.t.9.r:.c!..................... .... ............. ... ... ............... .................. . . ..... . . . . .... . ~ .. . ~ .o .o,. ", . .............. ... ....... .... ... .... . r 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .......................................................... . f:r baseball cap .................................... 1- ,~ t~ j'''~ clothes worn on the top half of the body ./ ~l I'I ' ~ ; .....1 .. • j. l: ~ .,..~ ~ J:'~\~:~. -itl ~\l' ./ ./ ./ ........... ..... .............. ............................ .................. ....................... ................. .... ............................. ......................... .............. ............................... ........... ... ....... ...... ............................ .... ..... ~ .~ ~ ~.~ ....................................................... .. ~. ~ .................................................. .................................... .... ~.~ . ~ .... ... ~.~ ~ ........................ ...... ........ ........ ... ......... ..... • r ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............................... .......................... -~-*7 clothes worn on the bottom half of the body and footwear .$.I$ir:.t.....,.........,......... --­ "T - - ~. '1 r ~ .- ./ ~..:.., ;~ r~, 1-­ ., "'" ........ . ..... ......................................... ~ ... ............ .......... ..... ............................. .... .............. ........... ........... .. .... . . ~ .......... .......... . ............... .... ~. •• •••••••••••• •• ••••••• • ••• •• •• • ~. ~ ••• ~ ~ ........ ....... ..... ............ r~ ••• ~ • •• •• • • • • • • ..................................... ................. ~ .................................................... .... Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 10 J67l 5 I Write the letters in the correct speech bubbles. I'd like to try this dress on ... d How is it? 9 ... it really suits you. b Do you like these boots? e And some purple boots. h They look fantastic . c How do I look, boys? f a By the way, whose party are yoo going foP .. ".~ _ -r­ Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 10 I'll take .. . What size are you? 6 Name two items of clothing which have the following parts. Try to put something different each time. 7 1 2 3 4 5 . ~J:! {r:t........... .. collar sleeve pocket Zip button •• ~ a ••••••••••••••• .... ..... .......... • •••• I ••• I ••••••••• .... .... .... ....... P'lp.~E; ............ ..... .... ......... . . ............... .. . . .................. ................ ... What are Tracy and Wayne going to wear tonight? You decide. Be as imaginative as you like! Write sentences to answer the fashion questionnaire. ]~5hiol1 ".~. .. Statclnel1t 1 2 What are you wearing now? What do you like wearing? 4 3 What looks cool at the momentfor boys? / for girls? Which colours are fashionable at the moment? 5 What would you wear to a party? Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. ~;> -- Words 1 2 . . . Expressions 1 . 2 . 3 4 .. 5 6 . . 3 . 7 8 . . 4 .. .. . 5 . 9 10 Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 10 69 Food and drink Basic food Fruit bread apple butter apricot cereal banana cheese cherry eggs coconut fish grape fruit grapefruit marganne kiwi meat lemon nuts melon oil orange pasta peach nee pear salt and pepper pineapple sugar plum vegetables raspberry vinegar strawberry yoghurt Drinks mineral water (still, sparkling) fruit juice (orange juice, apple juice) lemonade milk milkshake cola beer wine (white wine, red wine) tea coffee hat chocolate Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit I I Vegetables auberg ine bean broccoli" cabbage carrot cauli flowe r celery" courgette cucumber ga rlic· let1uce mushroom onion pea pepper (red pepper, green pepper) potato (plural : potatoes) . . . spinach" tomato (plural: tomatoes) . Meat bacon beef chicken duck hom lomb pork sausage turkey Auberg ines, peppers and tomatoes are types of fruit, but we use them ;n vegetable dishes. • These nouns do not have plurals. See page 87 for the British / American word list. Prepared food biscuit coke chips crrsps curry hamburger hot dog ice cream lam kebab omelette pancake pizzo salad sandw ich soup toast waffle I' m thirsty. I could do with a dr ink. Can I have an orange juice, please? I' ll have a lemonade. I'm hungry. I could do with someth ing to eat. What would you like? Do you fancy a sandwich? What's your favourite dish? What are the ingredients? What's for pudding? Boost Your Vocabulary' Unit I I 71 Solve the crossword. Across ~ ~4 s> ~ 6 ~ 7 2 5 4 3 E B E (4) (8) (4 ) 2 I'm hungry, Is there anything to .. , ? (3) 4 e~ (61 A late meal. (6) 5 ~(4) 11 (fjf; 7 (3) ~ 12 ~ ~~~ (5) 8 ~ 14 ~ 9 (5) 6 3 Have. , . fruit.(4) 8 (6) 7 9 8 10 12 11 N 13 T U (8) ~ (8) 15 An afternoon mea l. Also a drink. (3) 10 ~ ", (71 16 ~~ (6) 13 ~ (4) 17 ... cream. (3) 14 1:1 16 17 2 . Tick (v) A or B in th is quiz. Which do you prefe r ... 1 F Down' ~(4 ) ':il, , 4 1 with a meal? A cola or B water A pancakes B fruit B a banana 7 for lunch? A sausages 8 after school? A a kebab 9 at the cinema? A crisps or or or or or or or or 10 to give you energy? A sugar or z for pudding? 3 with fish? A chips 4 for a snack? A a hot dog 5 before bed? A coffee 6 A bacon and eggs for breakfast? '/laM IDa no). ;1KI0p /laM '$V uo'# B a salad B an apple B milk B some yoghurt B fish B a sandwich B nuts sa aJOW '1S!1 8 allj wOJJ POOJ aJOW j Da OJ :sg UOilI sy ;;JOW ,!sA.11U'f Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 11 3 Label the ingredients for these dishes. lamb 4 moussaka 3~ 4 8 7 5 4 What's your favourite dish called? What are the ingredients? Name of dish: Ingredients: Name Of~diS~b.~: ..;;;:;.,:~~~~ Fish and chips Ingredients: Fish Chips Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 11 fi1 5 I Answer the questions from the Food Fads survey in T2 Magazine. Look at the top five breakfasts according to a survey in T2 Magazine. Which do you think was the most popular? Put them in order using numbers 1 to 5 (number 1 = the most popular). Survey: the top five breakfasts bacon and eggs cereal fruit toast / croissants waffles 2 T2 Magazine asked British 7- to 16-year-olds about their favourite food . Put these four kinds of food (taken from the ten favourites) in order using numbers 1 to 4 (number 1 = the most popular). Survey: the top ten favourite kinds of food in Britain ?~7 pasta Chinese food curry ~ pizza 6 I If you asked 7- to 16-year-olds in your country for their top ten favourite dishes, what do you think the answers would be? Top ten favourite dishes in 1 2 3 4 5 Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 11 . 6 . 7 .. 8 . 9 . 10 . Write your answers to the questionnaire. Meals and meal times Nicholas breakfast What time do you have breakfast? I usually have breakfast at 8 o'clock. What do you have for breakfast? I have cereal, a yoghurt and apple juice. • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _ . lunch What time do you have lunch? 12.30 p.m. Where do you have lunch? I have lunch at school. . What. do you have .for····..lunch? · ·· · · ····.. · · · · ~~~ ;· · ~·~ ~ ~·k · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1" What time do you have a snack? 4.30 p.m. What do you eat? When I get home from school, I have a biscuit, or some bread. ...........................................................•.................... _ f\ I have sandwiches, crisps, some fruit and a dr ink. . . dinner What time do you have dinner? What do you have for dinner? [ We have dinner at about 6 o'clock. I sometimes have pasta 1 with chicken or a pizza. ­ ................................................................................_ favourites What are your favourite dishes? My favourite breakfast is scrambled ~9s on toast. My favourite lunch is a cheese sandwich and a yoghurt. ................................................................................_ My favourite dinner is spaghetti bolognese. _ . dislikes What food don't you like? I hate cabbage and spinach. Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words 1 2 Expressions 1 . . 3 . 4 . 5 6 . . 3 7 . 4 8 9 .. . 5 10 . . 2 Boost Your Vocabulorv 1 Unit 11 f7S1 Countries, nationalities and languages Translate the words and phrases. This unit only includes a selection of countries. Use on atlas and a dictionary to find some more countries and nationalities in each section, Some countries and nationalities Europe Belgium / Belgian .. Italy / Italian Denmark / Danish . Norway / Norwegian England / English " . France / French Poland / Polish Germany / German Portugal / Portuguese Greece / Greek Scotland / Scottish Holland / Dutch Spain / Spanish Hungary / Hungarian Sweden / Swedish Ireland / Irish Wales / Welsh Switzerland / Swiss The Netherlands The United Kingdom (The UK) Scandinavia Europe / Asia Turkey / Turkish Russia / Russian Middle East and Asia China / Chinese Indio / Indian .. . Malaysia / Malaysian Indonesia / Indones ian Pakistan / Pakistani Iran / Iranian Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabian Iraq / Iraqi Israel/Israeli Thailand / Thai Japan / Japanese North America Central America Canada / Canadian Mexico / Mexican The United States of America (The USA) / American Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 12 Nicaragua / Nicaraguan South America Argentina / Argentinian Peru / Peruvian Bolivia / Bolivian Uruguay / Uruguayan Brazil/Brazilian Venezuela / Venezuelan Chile / Chilean Columbia / Columbian Africa Algeria / Algerian . Nigeria / Nigerian Egypt / Egyptian . Ethiopia / Ethiopian . South Africa / South African Libya / Libyan Morocco / Moroccan Mozambique / Mozambican .. Sudan / Sudanese . Tunisia / Tunisian Zimbabwe / Zimbabwean Australasia Australia / Australian New Zealand / New Zealander The twelve most widely spoken languages Chinese English Spanish Hindi Russian Arabic Portuguese Japanese German French Italian Korean I'm American. I'm from Los Angeles . I speak English and Spanish. Which languages do you speak? I speak Spanish and a bit of French. She's fluent in Spanish and she can get by in French. I'd like to go to Peru. Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 12 n 1 I Write the names of the countries and the nationalities. b .'r ~ Nationality Country f'!9./~,!~ ffJ!1I!~h . . 1 2 3 . . 2 3 . . 4 5 . . 4 . 5 . 6 7 8 9 1o . . . . 6 . 7 8 9 10 . . . . 1 Boost Your Vocabulary I Unit 12 . Put the nationalities in exercise 1 into groups according to their spelling. -an / -ian Italian abc -ish ...... ~~~~~~~ -ese Other Portuguese . Welsh l2b Add the nationalities for these countries to exercise 2a. Argentina Denmark Poland 3 Canada Hungary Sweden Chino Mexico Switzerland Chile Japan Turkey Complete the languages. 1 J .a.P.Q!1~f;... . 2 I. ...... . . .. .. . 3 G 4 P..... ........ 5 S 6 E... . . . ....... 4 Brazil Holland Sudan is spoken is spoken is spoken is spoken is spoken is spoken in in in in in in Japan. Italy. Germany. Poland. Spain. New Zealand. Where are these languages spoken: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Arabic? Choose from the countries in the box. Australia Chile Iraq 1 2 3 4 5 English is spoken in ~'!~.t.r.c!~il! Portuguese is spoken in Spanish is spoken in French is spoken 'in Arabic is spoken in South Africa Brazil Saudi Arabia France Spain Argentino Canada Portugal Egypt , and and , and I and •• • • • • • • • • • • • . • •• • •• and .. . . . . Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 12 79 Read Ben's answers to the questionnaire, then write your own answers. • 1 In which country were you born? Ben: .f ng!l!'!.'! 5 Which countries have you visited? Ben•. ..Spain . .. . . . ..and . . .. France . . . . .. .... .. . . ... .. .. .. . . .. . . You: You: 2 In which country do you live now? 6 Which countries would you like to visit? Ben: . f,n.9!9!!cf. Ben: . . r~ H~~ .~l?g.o. .~~. the ~~~" """ " . You: You: 3 What nationality are you? 7 Which languages do you speak •., a) well? b) quite well? Ben: . ~'!9H~~ . a) You: 4 Have you got any relatives or friends whose nationality is different from yours? Say • who they are • where they live • what their nationality is • which languages they speak Ben: My grandmother lives in England. She's Spanish. She speaks Spanish and English. My cousins live in Spain. They're Spanish. They speak Spanish and a bit of English. My best friend at school is called Narain. He's English. His parents are from India. Narain speaks English and Hindi. You: Ben: . .~'}gJi~~ J'!f. .c.'!':'!'.~i!!r. . b) . Ben: ?panish . ...... ... ......... ....... ..... .. You'. . ........ .. . ..... .. . . ....... . . . . . . ... a In how many languages can you say hello? List the languages. and give the words tor hello. .....~p.'!'}f~~ . ... . !':!'!.'~ . ..... F.r:!!:f)Fh... .. ...•E!p.f)jP.l!r:! . 9 Which languages are these? They all mean thank you. Tesekkiir ede6m -­ ~ap~ -­ ~n6npO<l :1!pIi!6pqO I 0P1!.6!JqO 4Spt.ln.J. :W!Japa J!!lpIaSa.1 lIUJ!): f!)1.DldnXQ3 s.aaasuy Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Unit 12 . You: 6 Answer the quiz questions. ­ QUIZ ..... .' ru-l~ [~-~ ~----:-) ~T1IT--'-i"""-} r·'-~~""2 ....-;:r-.,-(G~~0'---=~{ ~J.. ... ~_""",J L.JI_~_1l...t-j 0 0 o _ ~_ J_,,- ~ .... _. ....-I~_'-l.: With which countries do you associate these foods: a) pasta and pizza? b) fish and chips? c) tacos and nachos? d) croissants? e) frankfurters? AEROFLOT Which African country is closest to Spain: Tunisia or Morocco? 0 In which country is the Parthenon: Greece or Egypt? In which country is the Taj Mahal: India or Indonesia? 1'-'~ ~-:--~Cr' :-\-'--r~ __ J'_". J._ .c ' . _ Which nationalities do you associate with these airlines? ALITAUA ...... BA .. .... .... .... ....... .......... ............ .. . ................ . -... ..... ....... ............ 0 e Which is the largest country in South America: Brazil or Chile? .......... ...... ... .. .... ....... ......... .... 0 I ;:-;-.~ ~1---. _-:_ .............-J, r-r:-~. ~ .:.J ~"-.:-..- '"t ....:.....l -... _ l...:, J ..... ...... ...... Greek ...... Russian ...... Italian IBERIA Polish OLYMPIC German KLM Spanish LUFTHANSA Dutch LOT British What is the name of the French­ speaking province in Eastern Canada: Queensland or Quebec? ...... .. ... ............... ...... .. ........ ... 0 In which country do people speak German, French and Italian: Switzerland or Sweden? s pUOpaZl!"'S )aqano l yS!IOd 101 :uowJaD osuoYij n1 :4:ll n a WT>1 :)(aa,£) :l!dw.olIO :yS!uodS o!Jaql :uo!ssn~ 10UOJ~V :YS!I!J8 V8 :uO!ID-lI 0!l0-l!/V 9 O!PUI S ~"aaJD \7 O:lJOJOW t I!ZOJ8 Z -<uOWJ~D (a 9JUOJ;j (p o,!xaw (:l )In a41 / U!01!J8 (q -<1011 (0 l SJaMSUV Write two quiz questions of your own. See if your friends can answer them. Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words Expressions 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .. . . .. .. . .. 9 10 . .. 1 . 2 . 3 .. 4 . 5 . Boost Your Vocabularv 1 Unit 12 fil Test yourself 3 (Units 9 to 12) Mymark.: _ _ How much can you remember? 60 1 I Solve the crossword. Down , 1 A musical instrument with strings, used by rock musicians. (6) 2 People in Saudi Arabia speak this language. (6) 3 A country in North Africa, where Cleopatra was queen. (5) 4 It's a long yellow fruit. (6) Across ~ 1 You make wine from them . (6) 4 Have some .. . and butter. (5) 7 Let's .. . out for a meal. (2) 8 If you want to eat good pasta and pizza, go to ... ! (5) 9 Can I have ... orange juice, please? (2) 5 England, Spain, Germany and France are all countries in ... (6) 6 My grandmother never wore trousers. She always wore a skirt or a ... (5) 9 They're really fashionable ... the moment. (2) 10 You make chips and crisps from them. (8) 11 It's good with curry. (4) 12 The USA: The United ... of America. (6) (14 marks) 2 1 Your penfriend is staying with you. List seven things you can do at the weekend. o We. f:.ql) gfJ. tp. !l. p'i~.c.'! . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (6 morks) Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Test yourself 3 3 Write the names of three more... 1 things you wear on a hot day 2 things you wear on a cold day 3 things you wear on your feet ~"Y~'!'.'r'.i':'9. .~r.l.f'}~ a fleece ............ .......... . . ~ sandals 4 drinks ~r.q'}g.f!; J.~i.c.~ 5 kinds of fruit ~P.r:~c:~t , . . 6 musical instruments violin 7 8 European languages ..German ...... ......... ........ .... ......... ........ ..... ........ countries in the Americas Venezuela (24 marks) 4 Put the words in the correct categories. carrot clarinet card igan coffee food and drink cauliflower cucumber coconut coat cello cheese clothes celery musical instruments carrot (10 marks) Complete the conversation. Fay suit. 0 me.? Ooes t his IS ilac ket .. Mum Yes, it does. It Fay 1 really good on you. 2? It's a bit tight. Do you think it's too Mum No, it's just right. Fay I don't think green suits me. Perhaps they've got it in another 3 Mum They've got it in blue. Why don't you • the blue one on? Fay No, blue's boring. Mum And there's a red one Fay you like that? No, not red! Mum The green one's fine, Fay. How Fay 5 6 is it? £150. Mum Mmm. Perhaps green doesn 't suit you after all. (6 marks) Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Test yourself 3 83 Reference TheEnglish _alphabet Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Nn 00 Pp Qq Rr Ff Ss Gg Hh Ii n Uu Vv Height and weight Jj Ww --- Kk Xx - LI Mm Yy Zz - . See Unit 3 Describing people: age and appearance for the use of height and weight abbreviations and symbols. S S Height Abbreviation Symbol Example metre centimetre m cm 60cm o foot o inch 1m 5ft / 5' ft in " 1m75 6in / 6" 1 metre = 3.2808 feet 1 ce ntimetre = 0 .3937 inch 1 foot = 12 inches Weight S kilo sto ne pound o o Abbreviation kg st Ib Example 3kg last 81b 64kg lkg = 2.20461b 141b = 1st In Britain both the metric S a nd imperia l 0 syste ms are used . In America the imperiol system is used. Numbers See Unit 5 Time for the use of ordinal numbers in dates. Cardinal numbers lone 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-e ight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred 101 a hundred and on e 200 two hundred 1,000 a thousand 1,000,000 a million Boosl Your Vocabulary 1 Reference Ordinal numbers 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21 st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth 25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 27th twenty-seventh 28th twenty-eighth 29th twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth Some basic spelling rules Nouns Nouns which end in os, -ss , -sh, -ch ond -x: add -es bus address brush sandwich box buses addresses brushes sandwiches boxes 2 Nouns which end in a consonant + 0: usually, add -es potato tomato potatoes tomatoes But if they are abbreviations, just add -s kilo (kilogra m) photo (photograph) piano (pia nofo rte) video (videocassette) kilos photos pianos videos 3 Nouns which end in a vowel + 0: add-s radio patio radios patios 4 Nouns which end in -y -r ==> City -ies cities countries balconies parties country balcony party But -y does not change after a vowel (0, e, i, 0, u) ==> -y boy day journey -ys boys days journeys 5 Nouns which end in -fee) ==> -fee) knife leaf wife -ves knives leaves wives 6 Irregular plurals children feet men women people child foot man woman person Verbs Verbs which end in -e: drop the -e before adding -ing come dance hope smile coming dancing hoping smiling -ie changes to -y before -ing -y -ie die lie ==> dying lying 2 Verbs which end in -ss, -sh, -ch and -x: add -es to make the third person singular of the present simple pass push watch relax posses pushes watches relaxes do and go also form the third person singular of the present tense with -es do go does goes 3 The third person singular of the present tense of have is irregular have has 4 Verbs which end in -y -y corry try tidy third person, present simple post simple -ies -ied ca rries tries tidies ==> carried tried tidied -y does not change after a vowel (a, e, i, 0, u) -y -ys -yed enjoy enjoys enjoyed play plays played buy buys (irregular: bought) ==> ==> 5 Verbs of one syllable which end in a single consonant: double the consonant before adding -;ng or -ed -;ng form past simple stop plan get stopping planning getting stop ped planned (irregular: got) When the vowel which comes before a final 6 consonant is stressed, double the consonant to make the -ing form and the past tense prefer preferring preferred When the vowel which comes before a final consonant is not stressed, do not double the consonant visit happen remember develop visiting happening remembering developing visited happened remembered developed See British / American spellings, 2, on page 87. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Reference f8Sl British and American English British American British Unit 1 Unit 6 (See page 6.) (See page 38 .) Unit 2 have a shower / bath have a wash I cycle get a lift get the bus teo (as a meal) canteen (See page 12.) Mum have got Mom have Unit 3 (See page 18.) fair (hair) stone (in weight) well-built light /blond (hair) has a good build Unit4 (See page 24.) flat block (of flats) toilet ground floor first floor (etc.) chest of drawers cupboard duvet notice board wardrobe washbasin wastepaper bin opposite live in .. . Street shop (noun) come round apartment apartment building bathroom / rest room (in publ ic places) first floor second floor (etc.) dresser / bureau closet bulletin board closet sink wastebasket / wastepaper basket across from live on .. . Street store come over UnitS (See page 32.) May 1st = May the first 1st May = the first of May a quarter past two ten to three autumn at the weekend Monday to friday May 1st = May first - a quarter after two ten of three fall on / over the weekend Monday through friday Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Reference phone someone tidy your room do the washing-up rubbish lay the table lake a shower / both wash I ride my bike gel a ride toke the bus lunch room / cafeteria call someone clean your room do / wash the dishes garbage / trash set the table Unlt7 (See page 44 .) citizenship Moths registration end-of-term exams term marks results football pitch stoff room head teacher deputy head caretaker cleaner pupil choir lessons double Art in the ... leam orchestra practice timetable CIVICS moth homeroom final exams / finals semester / quarter grades scores soccer field faculty room principal vice principal head custodian custodian / janitor student chorus / choir (for church) classes two periods of Art on the ... team orchestra (rehearsal) schedule school types mixed school state school public school nursery (up to 5) primary school (5 -12) cooed school public school private school pre-school (up to 5) kindergarten (4 - 5) elementary school (5 -12) British American British secondary school (11 - 16 / 18) college (16 -18) university (18+) junior high school (12 - 14 / 15) high school (15/16 ­ 18) college (18 - 22) Unit 10 (See page 64 .) trousers vest pants cardigan jumper Unit 8 (See page 50 .) football American football footballer ice hockey athletics motor racing racing cor match (football) swimming costume trainers zip What size are you? Does it suit me? Unit 11 Unit 9 (See page 70.) (See page 58.) British English and American English don't only have different words; they have different spellings, too. British English American English -our => or colour favourite -re aubergine courgette chips crisps milkshake (no ice cream) pudding yoghurt Do you fancy .. .? spare time go to the movies movie go out to eat free time go to the cinema film go out for a meal metre centre pants / slacks undershirt underwear sweater sweater / pullover sweater panties bathing trunks / swim trunks bathing suit / swimsuit sneakers zipper What size do you wear? Does it look good on me? knickers swimming trunks soccer football soccer player (ice) hockey trock and field auto racing race cor game (but boxing match) athletic interested in sporty keen on American 2 eggplant zucchini french fries / fries potato chips milkshake (has ice cream) dessert yogurt Do you wont ... ? In British English I is doubled even when the vowel before the consonant is not stressed. travel travelli ng trave lled In American English, I is not doubled. travel traveling traveling color favorite => -er meter center Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Reference ra1l Self assessment and progress check Self assessment Fill in the chart when you have completed each unit. Which How well did vocabulary you do in the sections were exercises? the most useful? very qu ite not (e.g. Friendship) so well You wrote down some words and expressions to memorize. How many of them can you remember? ~ I Tick the correct Words /10 part of the line. Expressions /5 --- 1 Meeting people 2 Family 3 Describing people: age and appearance 4 House and home Test score : / 60 5 Time ~ 6 Life at home ~ -, 7 School ~ 8 Spo rt Test score: /60 ~ -: 9 free time 10 fashion -' 11 Food a nd drink 12 Countries, languages and nationalities Test score: / 60 ~ Which vocabulary sections do you need to go over again before you do the test? I I I I I I I I I I I I Progress check How much of the vocabulary did you know before you worked through the units? How much do you feel you know after working through the units? Less tha n 25% Units 1 - 4 befo re after Units 5 - 8 ....1!.~f.2.r e after before a fte r ' Units 9 - 12 More than 60% About 50% .­ _.. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Self assessment and progress check 1 - ­'" Answer key 1 Meeting people Exercise 8b Exercise 1 Conversation 1 Conversation 2 A: Possible answers You Hi. Classmate Hi. You This is Simon, my English penfriend. Simon Nice to meet you . Classmate Nice 10 meet you, too. Exercise Hello. How are you? Not great. I'm sorry to hear that. B: A: Conversation 2 A: Good morning. What's your surname? MarrioN. My name's Ben MarrioN. Could you spell that, please? Yes . M A double RIO double T. N ice to meet you, Ben. B: A: B: A: , Exercise 2 They're very impor tant! Who are they? 1 G EIT 2 K 3 1H I FI L L 0 4 Ip IL IE A 5 E D o 8 F I N E 9 T H I N G 5 10 G 0 o D N I GIHIT I 11 SEE 3 5 6 a Exercise 4 First name Surname Date of birth Street Town / City Postcode Phone number e-mail address d f 5 Tracy Bradshaw 13 April 1989 12, Rose Street M ilton Keynes MK39DG 0029583795 Alice is my best friend. I'm sorry to hear that. We get on really well. I don't know him very well. Exercise A N • ....,l UItil e A U N D M 0 T ~f Tal 1((: 'R I•S ~O I 5 L E r-u MI,... II IA 'p., 0 m l ~' IAI I~ <i.. 80 T H -~ 1­ 0 I IH I Ie Irs U S I IN T E R husband uncle brother father dad son nephew grandfather lei Ilh A 1 e FI Dl TJ EJ 1"'"­ ~ r piFf" E "N ~ H . D F AT ""H L D) I '.... w) lei rEJ ]) I,,·, , ~ Female grandmother Male / Female guardian aunt sister mum wife daughter mother niece cousin parent grandchild Exercise 3 1 his grandfather 2 his uncle 3 his cousin Wi ~ II I BI !A I 10 1 A liN -; 'e- R R) IN I A lRJ E N ITl G R A N D Exercise 2 Male b Exercise 5 1 I get on very well with her. 2 3 4 ~ R 1(6 IIR 4 e Exercise 1 lTD A u G H rr E R) 7 I N 2 3 2 Family IR 5 F IRSITI 6 5 U R N A MIEI Exercise 1 c 9 4 his niece 5 his nephew Exercise 6 Adam (I've got) three older brothers, Tim, Mark and Sam. I haven't got a girlfriend at Ihe moment. I'm an actor and a singer. Kelle Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Mark How are you? Sarah Fine, thanks . Mark Pleased to meet you, too . Jack Hi. Rosa I'm Rosa . Hi! My full name is Kellendria Trinade Roland. I'Ye got a large family. There's Mum and Dod, and I've got one brother. I've also got aunts, uncles and cousins. I haven 't got a boyfriend at the moment. I'm a singer. Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key A Exercise 3 Exercise 70 Shamina Hair colour / shade Eye colour / shade 1 She's got a sister and a baby brother. 2 She's got a large family. 3 She's got four aunts. 4 She's got four uncles. 5 She's got seven cousins. dark blonde fair red block white brown light grey dark blue brown light green grey Jonathon 1 His sister's name is Tess. 2 His parents are divorced. 3 He's got two grandparents. 4 His fam ily is quite small. 5 He hasn't got any aunts or uncles. Exercise 4 (l and 2: students' own answers) 3 a) 10 kg Exercise 8 1 baby 2 child 3 teenager 4 adult 4 a) 2 m Exercise 90 .~ ~ ~ '/ {~ a'~ ,-~' '" :~~ David r- Exercise 5 Possib le answers 1 He's tall and quite big. 2 She's (very) tall and slim. 3 He's of medium height and we ll-bu ill / muscular. 4 She 's quile short / not very toll and of medium build. 5 He's small and (very) slim. t.~ I Mary @J> ~ ' WA A;<: ,~ Neil Paul Sa lly I Exercise 9 .• ~ ,. ~ Emma Diana Luke 2 3 4 5 3 Describing people: age and appearance Exercise 1 1 She's in her forties. 2 He's middle-oqed . / He's in his fifties. 3 She's in he r teens. 4 He's in his twenties. 5 She's young. Exercise 2 2~ I L 0 ~ 5~ I B 8 ~ G ~ u tz. L R IE N D Exercise 2 1 the kitchen 2 the garage 3 the bathroom 4 the dining room 5 the living room f 4~ R C I( I B R E I E I DI 7 ..­ 0 w NI H U 10~ E N 6 the bedroom 7 the study 8 the garden 9 the toilet 10 the hall A A b .... u. 9 ..­ 11~ 4 House and home 1 "- B Which pop group is in? / Which sport does play? What's his / her date of birth? How toll is he / she? What colour hair has he / she gal? Who' colour eyes hos he / she got? L I T G I HIT Y '--­ Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key I Exercise 4 1 wastepaper bin 2 TV / television 3 lamp 4 bookcase 5 chest of drawers 6 notice board 7 cupboard 8 mirror 9 photo 10 cha ir 11 poster 12 13 14 15 bed rodio computer sound system Exercise 5 1 b 2 e 4 5 h f 7 8 g 3 6 c 9 d a I Exercise 6 I live in a large flot in Meadow Lone. It's opposite the tennis courts. At the front of the flat, there's my room and my sister's room. In the middle, there's Mum and Dad's room and the bathroom. At the back there's the kitchen, the dining room and the living room . Exercise 8 1 door 2 blinds 3 desk 4 computer 5 lamp 6 choir 7 rug 8 bed 9 armchair 10 chest of drawers 11 12 13 14 mirror bookcase sound system cupboard Test yourself 1 (Units 1 - 4) Exercise 1 NB The order within the columns is not important. Family Height, weight and members build 1 cousin 2 daughter 3 nephew 4 parent 5 uncle 6 large 7 muscular 8 short 9 slim 10 toll Colours Furniture 11 block 12 blue 13 green 14 red 15 white 16 bed 17 chair 18 cupboard 19 desk 20 notice board Exercise 2 o How old are you? 1 How toll are you? 2 How much do you weigh? 3 What colour are your eyes? 4 What colour is your hair? 5 What's your phone number? 6 Whor's your postcode? 7 What's your e-mail address? h) 14 e) 5'11 " d) 10 sf. c) light blue f) black 0) 0044 765 45 36 37 i) SL9 4PG b) Exercise 3 Possible answers o Tve got some posters in my bedroom . 1 I've got short hair. 2 There's a lamp on the shelf. 3 There are some blinds at the window. 4 I'm quite toll. 5 We've gar a small garden. Exercise 40 the living room 1 a wastepaper bin 2 quite old 3 in front of 4 a chest of drawers 5 the ground floor 6 a block of flats 7 medium height 8 a sound system 9 middle-aged o Exercise 5 Nice to meet you 1 are you? 2 thanks . ... how are you? 3 not too good / not great 4 sorry to hear rhot o Exercise 4b quite old 1 middle-aged 2 medium heig ht 3 a block of flats 4 the ground floor 5 The living room 6 a sound system 7 in front of 8 a chest of drawers 9 a wastepaper bin o 5 6 she look like? she's got 7 hair 8 get on 9 well 10 best 11 See you 5 Time Exercise 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Soturdcry Sunday Exercise 20 eleventh fifteenth twenty-second first fourteenth twenty-fourth second third thirteenth fourth twelfth twenty-first fifth twenty-third Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key C Exercise 2b 1 first second 2 3 third 4 fourth 5 fifth 11 eleventh 12 twelfth 13 thirteenth 14 fourteenth fifteenth 15 21 twenty-first 22 twenty-second 23 twenty-third 24 twenty-fourth Exercise 6 1 11.15 at night 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 2 9.10 in the morning 3 1.45 in the afternoon 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 2 10'0 ciT ~ f-- E M I-- 11 J U A I-- I-- I-- E G R R 71 J u L Y I-­ '--­ S 9 S E 5 3 M AIR c HI E A I-- N U A R Y A B D R 8 ~ 6 .-J uE r-U 4 A P R r-- I II L I N Elp T E M B E R Exercise 4 Wednesday the fourth of April Thursday Ihe second of August Saturday the first of December 50 Exercise ,.... 1 W 3 Exercise 90 Possible answers winter Dece m be r / January / February autumn Seplember / October / November summer June / July / August spring March / April/May Answers will vary according to where the students live. 6 Life at home Exercise 1 1 leave 2 get 3 brush 4 have 5 get 6 pack 7 have Exercise 6 L D F I G M P P y s P U E lxlT E K A C A N p A R R 0 T T E N G R A B B E D Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key H A N N S 0 N a I U EI 5 E V E 7 1W 7.35 in the evening H 41c l t, a c 6 5 G 0 mystery word , 2 1T 1.30 in Ihe morning I-- B E R 0 V I-- 12 .--­ .--­ F 4 Exercise 8 1 No, it's on Friday. 2 No, it' s on 2nd September. 3 Yes, it's her eighteenth. 4 What time does the party start? 5 (And) whot time does it finish / end? Exercise 3 11 .--N a quarter past eleven at night ten past nine in the morning a quarter 10 two in the afternoon half past one in Ihe morning twenty-five to eight in Ihe evening K I T A R y E T R I T 1 guinea pig 2 canary 3 parrot 4 col 5 kitten 6 hamster 7 dog 8 puppy 9 goldfish 10 rabbit 7 School sports which you play with a racket and a ball Exercise 1 1 Mathematics Physical Education Religious Studies Design and Technology Personal, Social and Health Education c) break a) assembly 2 b) registration d) lunchtime 3 French Exercise 4 6 art room 1 hall 2 gym 7 music room 3 staff room 8 computer room 4 library 9 laboratory 5 playg round 10 cafeteria tennis squash sports which you play with a ball only football American football basketball rugby sports which you play with a bat and a ball baseball cricket table tennis Exercise 3 1 Exercise 7 2 sports and games 3 4 basketball chess club football swimming tennis volleyball 5 6 7 8 practical and creative skills arts and craf ts computer club photography club pottery choir jazz bond orchestra salsa club 1 P 2 L 3 A 7 T Y • E R 0 G U IS T film 6 7 homework swimming B 0 1. X I 15 A 16 N N E B A L K , L A A E I'~'" E 1fi\J T 0 0 23 C watersports C canoeing surfing swimming windsurfing scuba diving sailing s u 0 S T Y S I N 27 .~ V 3~ 3 b 0 3 K A ,. WE N E A E B 2. E rr 20 F' M G ~ T I S ~ y 17 N II. B E 5 ~ I. S 2' - G E A 0 N I -. V G 1. D N N L L t ­ :j 0 L L 9 0 A S K E y I N 12 C H F 11 A 5 I6 'G a U 10 Spanish club Exercises 1 & 2 athlete cyclist ride r ra cing driver runne r skier (ice) hockey player footballer (ice) skater boxer Exercise 6 languages French film club 8 Sport Person athletics cycling riding motor ra cing running skiing ice hockey foo tball ice skating boxing Exercise 50 1 No, they aren't. Ha nnah's sporty. but Dav id isn't. 2 He likes watching it on Tv. 3 She played football. 4 Hannah would like to try windsurfing and Dav id would like to try scuba d iving. music and dance Exercise 8 1 secondary 2 le sso ns 3 results 4 languages 9 10 Sport ~ . IA L R L I N I D I N G Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key E Test yourself 2 (Units 5 to 8) Exercise 1 in the morning 1 at night 2 at the weekend 3 in the summer 4 on Tuesday 5 in 2001 6 on July 4th o 8 golf, tennis, football, baseball, basketball, squash 9 yoga, aerobics, athletics, gymnastics, weight lifting 10 golfer, baseball player, athlete, racing driver, footballer Exercise 2 1 morning, afternoon, evening, night 2 spring, summer, autumn, winter 3 first , second, third, fourth (American: autumn 7 canary, go ldfish, dog, cot, rabbit, hamster; guinea pig = fall) Exercise 3 She gets up at seven o'clock. 1 She leaves home at eight o'clock. 2 She gets to school at twenty past eight. 3 She has lunch at one o'clock. 4 She gets home at half past four. S She goes to bed a t ten o'clock. o Exercise 4 Possible answers 1 I have breakfast / lunch / tea / supper / dinner at a .m. / p.m . 2 I get up / dressed / the bus to school / home at ... .. c .m, / p.m. 3 I go skateboarding / out with my friends / to bed at p.m . 4 I sometimes do the washing-up / vacuuming / the shopping. S I often make things / my bed . Exercise 5 Possible answers 1 Geography, Histo ry, English Language, Maths, Science, Art, Rel igious Studies 2 laboratory, staff room , playg round, library, ha ll, canteen, gym, computer room 3 caretaker, head teacher, deputy head, teacher, head of department, secretary, cleaner 4 detention, registration, assembly, lunchtime, break 5 pottery, photography, IT, d rama, orchestra, jazz club, homework, football 6 supper, breakfast, lunch, lea, dinner Boosl Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key 9 Free time Exercise 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 go to the pool go skateboarding play computer games go to a friend 's house play the guitar playing in a band relax listen to music listening to music go shopping go to 0 football match collect phone cards Exercise 5 Possible answers (keyboa rd instruments) piano organ (wind instruments) clarinet recorder saxophone trumpet (percussion instruments) drums tambourine (stringed instruments) guitar violin Exercise 6 On Monday, they went to the cinema. On Tuesday, they watched Match of the Day / television. On Wednesday, they went to the theatre / they saw Hamlet. On Thursday, Julie played volleyball and Andy went shopping. On Friday, they had a party. Exercise 6 Possible answers 1 collar shirt 2 sleeve jacket 3 pocket coot zip fleece 4 5 burton skirt 10 Fashion Exercise 1 1 blue 2 silver 3 black 4 gold 5 6 7 8 9 green grey oronge pink purple 10 red 11 white 12 yellow Exercise 2 11 Food and drink "­ p S H (vi I L M ~ "­ W I E U E 0 I C K E R Is M 0 S 0 I G "­ N- K a "­ S E B A L L C L E G G I N G S B o I( J E "­ N S ) :: N U I(H "­ T p I(c A R S W I M M I N G C 0 S T E B 0 0 T s) T ~ 0 u S E 1(1 "­ C K E r) L S H I ~ T pi r U M E l- I R S ~ ~ ~ T B C 0 T Il T . 5 a long-sleeved shirt a short-sleeved blouse a knee-length coot 6 7 rz:.. unclerweor I I~··- ,lolt.-. _ _ _ It.­ _ _swj mming co s1ume I - _rt' I-.non ck>rhlng _ .....d bra - cardigon jocke: A v~ _ _ i.~_m pe r --­ -, ..", ~ ~ 0 U M A ~ ~ 9 U U D P P T E E 0 E 5 H T p E E R ~F I A R 10 P 0 P T IIp A E T E R 13 A 5 T A A N A L C 15 C T 0 I 16 H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H E E 5 E A K E ~ ~ ./ ./ ~ ~ ./ ./ ~ ~ ./ ./ ./ ~ ~ . ~ skirt ~- - i ~ ~ ­ boots _ -_ ­ ___ ./ ./ ~ ~ C E 5 6 7 8 ga rlic yoghurt cheese tomatoes salt pepper I ./ iea n. - ­ - knicker. - ­ Exercise 3 mo ussa ka 1 lom b 2 auberg ine 3 potatoes 4 on ions salad 1 lettuce 4 2 cucumber 5 3 oil and vinegar ~ - I 5 ./ __ _01.... onlt.­ _ tE.q !J_~e ~ 0 CB E W - ~=-I!!I~g. T 5 17 ~ - - T-mirt - -b!ou-;;­ ------- ­ sweete ----­ - A 14 lot> hoi! 01"'" bod, h-;rt" - E 6 _ _ _ _ It.­ baseball cap_ 3 2 A I ~ P N men _men -­ 1 •5 Exercise 4 ~ Exercise 1 7 Exercise 3 1 a long dress 2 baggy trousers 3 a very short skirt 4 a sleeveless top ~ blouse sweater tracksuit trousers cardigan ~ ~ ~ I Exercise 5 1 1 cereal 2 toast / croissants 3 fruit 4 bacon and eggs 5 waffles 2 1 pizzo 2 pasta 3 curry 4 Chinese food Exercise 5 a, i, d, c, g. e. b. h, f Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key fl 12 Countries, nationalities and languages Exercise 1 Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . Exercise 1 Nationality England Scotland Wales Ireland France Germany Italy Spain Portugal Greece 1 English 2 Scottish 3 Welsh 4 Irish 5 French 6 Germon 7 Italian 8 Spanish 9 Portuguese 10 Greek Exercises 20 an d 2b -anI -ian -ish Italian German Argentinian Brazilian Canadian Hungarian Chilean Mexican Test yourself 3 -(9 - 12) English Scottish Irish Spanish Danish Polish Swedish Turkish Exercise 2 -ese Other Portuguese Sudanese Japanese Chinese Welsh French Greek Dutch Swiss Exercise 3 1 2 3 Japanese Italian German 4 Polish 5 Spanish 6 English Exercise 4 1 2 3 4 5 Australia, Canada and South Africa Portugal and Brazil Spain, Chile and Argenfina France and Canada Ira q , Egypt and Saudi Arabia Possible answers We can go I to a disco . to a concert. to the theatre. to see a band . to the pool. fa the beach. shopping. skateboarding. Exercise 3 Poss ible answers shorts, a T-shirt, a hat a jumper, a coat, a jacket shoes, boots, trainers coffee, tea, wafer orange, apple, banana guitar, piano, drums English, Spanish, French Peru, Brazil, Chile Exercise 4 Exercise 6 food and drink clothes 1 carrot cauliflower coconut celery coffee cucumber cheese card igan cello clarinet coat 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a) Italy d) France b) Britain / The UK e) Germany c) Mexico Brazil Morocco Greece Indio Alitalia Italian British BA Aeroflot Russian Spanish Iberia Greek Olympic KLM Dutch Lufthansa German LOT Polish Quebec Switzerland Boost Your Vocabulary 1 Answer key Exercise 5 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 suit looks small colour try Do much musical instruments