Uploaded by Sara Piermarini

Self-care Checklist

Self-care Checklist
Get glowing
Get my nails done
Get myself a compliment
Build own workout routine
Get my hair done
Wear something I love
Spontaneous dance session
At home facial
Get a massage
Eat a rainbow of fresh foods
Drink 8 glasses of water daily
Learn a new beauty technique
Yoga session
Dry brush or exfoliate
Give myself a compliment
Go for a walk
Apply a hair mask
Deep streching session
Apply body lotion
Cook with whole veggies
Be consistent with skincare
HIIT workout
Practice a soft lifestyles
Get rich
Add to Big Goal Savings
Setup an automatic investing
Add to Retirement Savings
Learn about tax deduction
Sell an item I’m not using
Teach myself a high income skill
Create an item to sell
Look into passive income options
Setup an auto deposit
Build a solid case for a raise
Look for coupons
Research a points program
Re-evaluate the value of time
Cancel a service I’m not using