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Bab 2

Bab 2
This chapter discusses the Previous Study, Definition of here and now strategy,
Definition of writing, characteristic of good writing, paragraph.
A. Previous Research Findings
Several previous studies have been conducted related to this first is research by fitriani at
all (2019) entitled “Improving Students' Descriptive Text Writing by Using Writing in the Here
and Now Strategy at the Tenth Grade Students of Vocational High School” The purpose of this
study was to measure the success rate of using the here and now writing strategy in improving
students' ability to write descriptive texts in class X SMK Negeri 1 Mamuju. The research method
used is a quantitative method using pre-experimental research with a one-group pre-test, treatment
and post-test learning design. In this study, researchers took class X semester II with a population
of 323 people and 37 students as a sample. Judging from the results of the data analysis, the
alternative hypothesis in this study was accepted because the t-test value was more significant than
the t-table value (11.06 > 1.688).
Previous study is Ardiansyah (2019) entitled “he Use of Writing in the Here and Now
Strategy to Improve The Students’ Writing Ability at the Second Year Students of MA YMPI
Rappang” In order to answer the formulation of the problem from this research, the researcher
aims to use a quantitative pre-experimental method with a one group pre-test post-test design. The
population in this research is the second year students of MA YMPI Rappang for the 2018/2019
academic year which consists of three classes. The sample of this study was taken from one class
of the population, namely class XI IIS 1 using purposive sampling technique. The research used
an instrument in the form of a test to collect data from students. The test consists of pre-test and
posttest. The form of the test given is a written test. The results of the research that have been
carried out show that the use of the here and now writing strategy is very effective in significantly
improving students' writing skills in the second grade students of MA YMPI Rappang. This is
evidenced by the average value obtained by the post-test is 56 while the average value obtained by
the pre-test is 49. The results show that the value of the t-test (4.02) is greater than the t-table
(1.725). For a significance level of 0.05, the degree of freedom is 20. This means that the null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.
A study by Suci kurnia Mahardini (2020) “The Effectiveness Of Writing In the Here And
Now Strategy towards Students’ Writing Ability in Recount Text At the Second Semester of the
Eighth Grade of smp 1 Swadipha in the Academic Year 2019/2020” the purpose of this study was
to determine whether the use of the Writing in the Here and Now Strategy in Semester II Class
VIII SMP Swadhipa 1 Natar in the 2019/2020 academic year was effective or ineffective. In this
study, the methodology used by the researcher is a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and
post-test. There are two variables in this study, the independent variable is writing in the Here and
Now Strategy (X) and the dependent variable is the students' writing in the recount text (Y). The
population in this study were students of class VIII SMP Swadhipa 1 Natar. The samples of this
study were two classes consisting of 25 students for the experimental class and 27 students for the
control class. In the process of data collection, the instruments are pre-test and post-test. After
providing the research instrument, the researcher analyzed the data using SPSS. From the analysis
of computer data using SPSS, the value of Sig = 0.028 was obtained. This means that Ha is
accepted because Sig < 0.050. So, there is an Effectiveness of the Here and Now Writing Strategy
on Students' Writing Ability in Recount Texts in the Second Semester of Class VIII SMP Swadhipa
1 Natar Academic Year 2019/2020
Research by Octapriani, Dewi (2014) said that the purpose of this study is to describe the
planning, implementation, and learning outcomes of writing complex procedure texts using the
strategy of writing in the here and now. In this study, the researcher used the strategy of writing in
the here and now in an effort to improve students' writing skills in complex procedure texts. The
writing in the here and now strategy helps students to pour their experiences into a written form.
The research method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). This study aims
to describe objectively the problems of learning in the classroom concerning improvement,
improvement, and classroom management. The results showed that the planning, implementation,
and learning outcomes of writing complex procedural texts using the writing in the here and now
strategy had been running according to the predetermined plan by showing an increase in students'
ability to write complex procedure texts. The results obtained in the first cycle the average score
of students was 65.1 and in the second cycle the average score of students increased to 80.7. This
shows that most of the students are able to write complex procedure texts well.
The study by Selly Suci Safura at al, (2017) Improving Free Poem Writing Skill With
Appropriate Diction Through The Implementation Of Writing In The Here And Now Strategy
Help By Picture For VA Grader SDN Patrang 01 Jember Year 2016/ 2017. The purpose of this
research is to describe the implementation of the writing in the here and now strategy using the
help of image media to improve free poetry writing skills with the right choice of words after using
the writing in the here and now strategy using the image media. The subjects of this study were all
students of class VA at SDN Patrang 01 Jember, totaling 37 students. This type of research is
Classroom Action Research (CAR). Data collection techniques used in this study were
observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. The results obtained from data collection and
processing can be seen in the pre-cycle average of 66 (enough category), then there was an increase
in the first cycle to 76 (good category), and increased again in the second cycle to 89 (very good
category). From these results, it can be concluded that the application of the strategy of writing in
the here and now using the help of image media can improve the free poetry writing skills of
students of class VA SDN Patrang 01 Jember 2016/2017 academic year.
Based on several previous studies that the researcher found, what distinguishes the title of
this study from the five previous studies are: this research will examine creative writing in writing
a paragraph using the Here and Now strategy where this research can help educate students writing
activity and creativity because it is based on the results of experience, them how they feel now and
what they want in the future. This is what distinguishes it from previous research because previous
researchers have not researched this