FOSP Tutorial - 1 Yash Jadhav - 2020400012 Durga Warrier - 2020400069 Topic : Derivation for DIT-FFT Flowgraph for N = 4. We divide the DFT equation into two parts based on n where the first part is for even and second is for odd. Forming the equation of X[k] as a combination of the odd and even sequences. Substituting x(2r) = a(r) and x(2r+1) = b(r) Two blocks of N/2 point DFT - One for even and One for odd. Replace the 2 pt. DFT blocks by FFT Flowgraph for N=2 Finally we get the flowgraph to find DFT of x[n] i.e X[k] using DIT-FFT Flowgraph for N = 4. Solved Example: Let x[n] = {1,2,3,4} To find: X[k] i.e DFT of x[n] using the FFT Flowgraph method. Solution: X[k] = {10, -2+2j, -2, -2-2j } Thus we find the DFT of a signal using the DIT-FFT Flowgraph for N=4.