See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Guideline to Efficient Smart Home Design for Rapid AI Prototyping: A Case Study Conference Paper · June 2012 DOI: 10.1145/2413097.2413134 CITATIONS READS 37 1,401 3 authors: Kévin Bouchard Bruno Bouchard University of Québec in Chicoutimi University of Québec in Chicoutimi 136 PUBLICATIONS 1,204 CITATIONS 174 PUBLICATIONS 2,039 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Abdenour Bouzouane University of Québec in Chicoutimi 154 PUBLICATIONS 2,008 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Bruno Bouchard on 19 May 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Guidelines to Efficient Smart Home Design for Rapid AI Prototyping: A Case Study Kevin Bouchard, Bruno Bouchard and Abdenour Bouzouane LIARA Laboratory Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (UQAC) Chicoutimi, G7H 2B1, Canada {kevin.bouchard, bruno.bouchard, abdenour.bouzouane} ABSTRACT Advances in ubiquitous technology have moved us towards the dream of creating intelligent houses that can help human in their everyday life. The next step in the completion of this vision is to make major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. In fact, it is the key component for allowing sensors and effectors to give useful services when it is appropriate. In consequence, researchers need to conduct more experiments in realistic setting (e.g. smart home). In order to face this challenge, many research teams try to build new experimental infrastructures without any background experience, guidance or even a real idea of their research needs and issues. Our team is composed of specialists in AI for cognitive assistance and has worked with four major smart home infrastructures. From that experience, we propose, in this paper, a set of guidelines for designing and implementing an efficient smart home architecture on both hardware and software perspective. This paper aims to be a major step toward the AI development (rapid prototyping) and smart home research. Moreover, we share our recent experience with the construction of a new smart home and clinical trials conducted at our laboratory with real Alzheimer’s subjects. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.11 [Software Architectures]: Data abstraction, Domainspecific architectures, H.1.2 [User/Machine Systems], J.3 [Life and Medical Sciences]: Health. General Terms Algorithms, Design, Reliability, Experimentation, Human Factors, Standardization. Keywords Smart home design, cognitive assistance, architecture, guidelines, prototyping, hardware, software 1. INTRODUCTION Smart home has become a very active topic of research in ambient intelligence in the last decades primarily due to advance in engineering and technology [1]. Scientists and private corpo- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. PETRA'12, June 6 - 8, 2012, Crete Island, Greece. Copyright © 2012 ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-1300-1/12/06... $10.00 rations around the world are working on this paradigm either to make life easier for habitants or to provide services to a particular target audience such as Alzheimer patients. Many believe, such as our team at the LIARA laboratory, that smart home could be exploited to provide support services to vulnerable persons and those struck by cognitive impairment. However, smart homes that are implemented and used in real contexts are actually not that “smart”. To enable intelligence in smart homes, researches on Artificial Intelligence (AI) have first to tackle many challenges. In fact, we believe that the required technology, including sensors and effectors, to achieve the ultimate objective of technological assistance at home is currently available on the market. AI is the key component missing to turn that technology into useful services [2]. More precisely, we lack a brain to interpret raw data perceived from environmental sensors in order to target the assisting needs of the resident and to be able to select an adequate technology adapted to assist him considering his profile. To accomplish the objectives of AI, researchers will require to conduct larger experimentations inside real smart homes and to improve the collaboration of teams around the world in order to incrementally progress through the visionary goal. The design and implementation phase of smart home is quite complex. These very expensive projects are generally completely built from scratch and are often the first attempt of laboratories (lacking experience) resulting in repetition of design errors. Our team, composed primarily of AI specialists, has implemented projects through the years on four major smart environments infrastructure worldwide [3-5] including our own recently built full size smart home. From that experience, we propose, in this paper, a set of guidelines for designing and implementing an efficient smart home architecture, both hardware and software, specifically oriented for cognitive assistance our main application background. Our objective is to facilitate research by investigating these three points: 1. How to design hardware for rapid AI prototyping? 2. How to design software for rapid AI prototyping? 3. Promote collaboration and exchange for incremental advances. We think that not only these guidelines will prevent research teams from repeating certain design errors, but it will as well shorten the conception phase. In this paper, we also propose to study the case of our own intelligent house and to present the experiments that were conducted at the laboratory from the contextual point of view. To improve rapid prototyping of AI algorithms, we will describe the best architectural choice, the technological options and the software techniques we used. Our Legend – Installation Data complexity Videocamera Microphone Electromagnetic Contact IR Motion Sensors RFID Tags Pressure Mat Light sensors Flow Switch Temperature sensors Ultrasonic sensors Invasiveness To define guidelines for smart home design, we must first pinpoint what we mean by this term. Originally, a smart home was simply a house with automated environmental systems such as lightning and heating control features. Nowadays, almost any electrical house component can be included in the system [2]. Smart houses are used for several purposes. They can improve comfort at home, reduce energy consumption and enable automation of household chores. They can provide a better-quality entertainment while adapting to the preferences of residents. Many scientists believe, however, that the field of smart homes will reach its full potential by providing health assistance to impaired persons. This very interesting application would help residents to remain autonomous at their home for an extended time. It would reduce the workload of natural caregivers and ease the anxiety of families while not available to help. Such technology would not only help directly the resident but also produce reports for physician or allow instant monitoring. In this paper, we will mean by smart home an enhanced house designed to assist cognitively impaired persons and to help researchers in their work to address the two questions presented. Precision 2. SMART HOME Robustness Table 1: Comparison of most popular sensors Cost contribution is, therefore, not only theoretical but also practical and experimental. Finally, we will describe our open tools [6] project that serves to the promotion of international exchange and collaboration. B B A A B C B B A B B A A A B B B B A B B B A C C A B B B B E C A B B B A A A A B B B A D A C B C C E D A A B A A B A B A: Best to E: Worst In the next subsections, we delve into two important elements that are too often ignored by research teams at the step of final sensor’s types’ selection that we thought they deserved more than a line or two to talk about. 3.1.1 Energy efficiency To build a smart home, we have first to choose the kind of technology and hardware we will integrate in it. Of course, there are many ongoing intelligent house projects around the world such as MavHome [7], the eHome [8] and the House_n project [9] from which we could learn. The problem is that none clearly provides information about their creation process and their hardware choices. Furthermore, it is unrealistic to assume, as many teams do, that smart home will only be new house construction. In this section, we will focus the guidelines on the material aspects while keeping that criterion in mind. A thing that many researchers fail to recognize is the importance of energy management. There are many reasons why we should choose sensors and devices that minimize energy consumption. First, it matters a lot for the resident. Of course, if we want to spread smart home utilization in the consumer market, we will have to prove them as economically viable technology. That is because the electricity bill is important for the user, and, furthermore, he might also consider the environmental issue. We should then prioritize sensors that do not require too much electricity and certainly try to avoid those that use disposable batteries (no user like to buy and change batteries). Moreover, the latest are big trouble for assisting smart homes, since we expect the smart home to be completely independent and autonomous. 3.1 Choosing the Sensors 3.1.2 Perception of the resident on sensors 3. HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN In order to design better smart home, a very important phase is the selection of sensors and technology that will be exploited. To do so, we must first identify criterions that will be used for the selection. We have to consider two important things. We have to evaluate from the user point of view and from the system perspective. On the user side, we want to implement smart home at a reasonable price, so we need to prioritize low priced technology. On the other hand, the resident certainly does not want an unreliable system. Putting bottom-of-the-range residential home automation equipments is, therefore, not an option. We need to use rugged sensors that can withstand daily use. On the system side, we want to have easy-to-install sensors that we would be able to put in every house without much difficulty. This is important to be flexible since real smart homes will be often installed in old building. Finally, we must consider the precision of sensors and the complexity of the information which they transmit. It is evident why the first is important, but the reasons for the second are somewhat more obscure. Data complexity is important for two reasons. First, we must be able to get useful information from a sensor if we want to use it. If data is complex to model, we won’t be able to achieve rapid prototyping. Second, it is important for the smart home to act fast when the user needs its assistance. The table 1 lists the different sensors that can be used and allows comparing them on the important criterions basis. Another point that is often minimized is the perception of the sensors and habitat by the resident. Various researches have shown through time that residents that feel observed and invaded in their private life have a lower quality of life [10]. In addition, if a resident suffers from a cognitive affliction, his state might worsen significantly as a consequence. That is directly in contradiction with the goal we try to achieve by assisting Alzheimer’s subjects with smart home technologies. Therefore, it is important to choose carefully the sensors and the effectors of the smart home in order to minimize the negative impact of invasiveness. We should also install sensors with effort to hide them from the view of the resident in the house. 3.2 Communication Technologies Another key element in smart home design is the choice of communicating technology [11]. Sadly, there is no standard nowadays and smart home builder need often to deal with compatibility problems. The most extended technologies in smart home networks are wired technology where X10 dominate as a Power Line Carrier (PLC) standard that uses home existing electric wiring to operate. The disadvantage is that not all components are compatible with the same PLC technology. Moreover, installing these technologies in older building is often complex and thus wireless technology should be prioritized when possible. Notably, many are familiar with Wifi, Bluetooth and RFID. There is also UWB the wireless version of USB [12] that should allow communication between our current USB objects at short distance (approximately 10 meters). Finally, one of the most promising wireless standards is certainly ZigBee [13] an open platform based on IEEE specification for personal networking. It takes its name from the message transmitted like bees fly (in zigzag), looking for the best path to the receiver. 3.2.1 Centralized or decentralized processing When designing a new smart home a choice comes from using classical centralized communication through a server or trying to decentralize the communication decentralize communication as in the vision of ubiquitous computing. In a centralized system, components are dumb; they transmit directly their input to a server. On the other hand, in a decentralize system, components communicate with each other trying to take decisions and collaborate on services. The major drawback of such a system is the design complexity. Therefore, our proposition is to put our effort in the creation of a working centralized solution and create a decentralized version when researches will be advanced enough. Furthermore, nothing prevents someone from conceiving multiagents software on centralized hardware architecture. 3.4 LIARA’S Smart Home Case Study The LIARA laboratory recently conceived and implemented a new cutting edge smart home infrastructure that is about 100 square meters and possesses around a hundred of different sensors and effectors. Among the sensors, there are infrared sensors, pressure mats, electromagnetic contacts, various temperature sensors, light sensors and eight RFID antennas. We also have many effectors, including an Apple© iPad, many IP speakers around the apartment, a flat screen HD television, a home cinema theater and many lights and LEDs hidden in a strategic position. The figure 1 shows a cluster of images from different parts and angles of our smart home. 3.3 Choosing the Right Effectors The collection of information on the resident is very important, but it would be for naught without methods to provide assistance. Smart home predominantly uses verbal prompts with little knowledge of their effectiveness [14]. To be effective, it is important to use prompts that are optimized with the profile of the resident and the characteristics of the tasks. That is why part of our team is investigating effectors' efficiency. We can identify four main categories of prompts: auditory (verbal, musical, sound), pictorial (photographic, textual), video (pictorial, modeling) and light. Experience has shown that each of these has contextual specialty. Therefore, we recommend including enough effectors in the smart home to be able to send all types of prompt everywhere it is relevant. That work was concluded with the creation of guidelines that could be used by smart home researchers toward assistance of cognitively impaired persons. It shows the effectiveness of each type of prompt according to significant individual profile and with tasks' characteristics. The table 2, presented below, is a reduced version of the real one in [14]. Table 2: Prompt efficiency according to the profile and tasks Figure 1: LIARA’s Smart home The main image is the kitchen. At the bottom from left to right you can see: a tagged cup (RFID tag), the dining room, an RFID antenna, the HD television. From top right to bottom can be seen: the server, the bathroom and the library. The server is a Dell© industrial blade computer and it is the one in command of processing the information. We also have an AMX© system to control multimedia hardware such as the DVD player, the television and the IP speaker. As shown on figure 1, the iPad is embedded in the refrigerator. It controls the habitat for the experiments and can be used to test the equipment or to assist the resident with the help of videos when he is located in the kitchen. Talking about assistance, the television can also be remotely controlled from computer (or AMX) for that same purpose. Our respective offices and a meeting room are built around the intelligent home. In addition, we can see inside the apartment with the windows mirror specially designed for our experiments. 3.4.1 General architecture Legend: HI=highly ineffective; I=ineffective; M=moderate; E=effective; HE=highly effective The LIARA’s hardware architecture follows the proposed guidelines. It has been conceived sturdy enough to support real intensive daily use. For that purpose, we did installed industrial grade material. We want to avoid hazardous situation as most as possible. For example, some cheaper automation systems that control the house lighting provoke undesired results when a problem occurs. Imagine the situation where the resident cannot turn on the light due to a system fail. That is undoubtedly to be avoided. In our architecture, the various sensors and RFID antennas are connected to four independent fault-tolerant islands. If a block falls, only the sensors of that zone will be affected. An APAX5570 automata harvests information in real time and sent it on the central computer to a SQLServer database. Thereby, this transfer hides the heterogeneity of the information coming from sensors and resolves potential communication incompatibilities between various communication standards (which there are not in LIARA’s smart home). On the server of the habitat, an application reads this data every 100ms, and copies it to another identical database that is here for third-party applications. Thus, the database system is impervious to external users and cannot be damaged during the experiments. The application read RFID antennas each 500ms because it is the optimal refresh time for them. The figure 2 shows the hardware architecture of the laboratory. turn any Ethernet device in a wireless one at any time. Thus, it is realistic to consider that our systems will operate in old building. 3.4.3 RFID technology Since we work in assistive technology, we need to recognize the activities of daily living (ADLs) of the resident. To do that, we chose to use RFID technology to detect object’s location and movement. It is not an easy task to choose the right set of RFID and configure them for best performance. We chose to use passive RFID tags since we needed to put them on everyday life objects. These are small tags that are cheap to buy (often less than a dollar) and require no other power than a radio pulse from a nearby antenna. Of course, when comparing to active counterparts that use their own power to emit and that are always awake, passive tags have a reduced range and precision. Nevertheless, with proper adjustment, they give good results and they are robust (sometime even washables). To obtain a good precision, we must adjust antenna signal power (range). The lesser the range is; the better the precision is. We also need to limit as much as possible the quantity of visible tags. We can accomplish this by shielding the storage areas (such as cabinets) with aluminum foil. Finally, a good smart home should minimize the pollution from radio waves by turning off radio emission when not required. 4. SMART HOME SOFTWARE Figure 2: Hardware architecture 3.4.2 LIARA’s sensors and effectors In the design stage of our new smart home, we considered the various criterions enunciated in the previous sections to choose the technology to integrate in our infrastructure. First, we chose to integrate classical infrared motion sensors that provide simple to process binary information on the presence of activity in a zone or not. These sensors are not only little invasive (due to their physical appearance) but also cheap to buy. We also decided to use electromagnetic contacts that give binary information on the state of the two part of the sensor (touches, or not). Although they are wired, they can be completely hidden from the view of the user due to their very small size. We use them mostly on doors and panel. On few strategic locations, we decided to integrate pressure mats that also give a binary information (pressed, or not). The cost of this type of sensor is significantly higher, so we try not to rely on them too much. In addition, the installation requires the alteration of the environment (the floor) which may be unacceptable to some residents. Among other types of sensors, we use light detection, temperature and RFID technology but no video camera or look alike technology. That is because cameras are too much invasive and almost always rejected by people. That is true even when the residents are told that only the system will ever access the image. Moreover, computer vision is far from the capacity to obtain all the information from a complex video camera output in reasonable computational time [15]. In our new smart home, we have taken control over the complete light system by installing simple tri-way switches. The lightning system (including the LED) can be controlled thanks to the installed wires. For upgrade compatibility purpose, we decided that all the wired effectors (light system, speaker, television, etc.) and sensors would implement the Ethernet protocol that needs no more to be presented. Using that protocol ensures compatibility with a wide range of networking products. Plus, we can easily Building a smart home is more than choosing which technologies it should implement. In between the materials and the AI assistance, there is software implementation that provides an abstraction layer to work with the infrastructure and sometime useful service to enhance the control flexibility over the smart home. In this section, we will discuss the main dilemmas of smart home software such as the middleware issue, the calculation complexity and the method for fast prototyping. The second half of this section will be entirely devoted to review the case of our new smart home. As we will see, smart home software can be pushed a step further to provide useful services that will enhance the prototyping capability and speed. Finally, we will discuss our architectural and functional choice and their implication in our experiments. 4.1 Tips for Software Conception Software side of a smart home has the important role of creating uniformity in the various heterogenic technologies of the house. Traditionally, this problem has been addressed by the development of middleware that was given input of various sources and changed them into uniform output [16]. We believe, however, that middleware is not useful for every situation. In our case, the database plays the role of providing a uniform access method to data. While it is true that a database requires slow writing and reading access to hard drives, it is no very significant since the volume of data is generally not very high in comparison with the amount of calculations to compute them and for AI execution. Furthermore, we can synchronize the reading and writing of all sensors reducing the complexity to a constant time O(1). The choice of using middleware or not is even more important for the future software development. Despite the uniformity of data provided from middleware, the lack of concrete files to access them might limit the choice of language to use in development. On the other hand, database allows using multiple programming languages and development platforms. 4.1.1 Calculation complexity We already covered the complexity of data in the hardware section. However, from the software point of view, it is rather more important. In particular, the artificial intelligence of a smart hhome must be responsive r and very fast to be respected by th he residents and to be regarded ass intelligent. A slow system will w result in delayed interaction with h the resident. Leet just imagine th he ccase where we haave an Alzheimeer’s patient and the t system always pprompt him long g after he has alrready committed d a mistake due to hhis impairment. It will certainlly not help him m and might eveen cconfuse him even n more. It is to avoid a such situattions that we neeed too evaluate the co omputational loaad in the design and maximize th he uusage of non greeedy technologies for reduction n. In fact, a smaart hhome AI should d be able to pro ocess all the in nformation almo ost innstantaneously on o a human timee scale. It is eveen more importaant inn the context off assisting techno ology. Of coursee, one could argu ue thhat it is not sign nificant since computer power iss relatively cheaap, bbut if calculatio on complexity is greater than quadratic, addin ng m more processing power might no ot be enough. Moreover, M we waant too minimize thee space required d for computer systems at hom me ssince it might be limited in som me existing buillding. To achiev ve thhat, memory space can be reaso onably sacrificeed. Memory is not n aan issue on mod dern personal co omputers in norm mal programmin ng ssituations, and th hus it is realistic. 4.2 L LIARA Softtware Archiitecture We alreeady aborted thee subject of our hardware architeecture at the LIARA A’s smart homee laboratory. L Last time we sstopped the descripption at the databbase level wheree the software taakes over. A softwarre was designedd on the smart hhome to enhancce flexibility and robbustness. This ssoftware read the database in reeal time and copies the data on a second iddentical databasse for the commuunication with AI (AIDB). T This is importaant since it protect s the real data ffrom being modiified from third party users. Neverthheless, the reasoon we implementted this was mosstly to allow easy reerouting of thee data source. IIn consequencee, we could changee the source withhout third party aapplications everr noticing. It would also work as thhe contrary: routte the main dataa to another Besides, that muulti layered architecture allows uus to add AI place. B modulee that can proviide services to ttransform raw ddata in high level innformation. The software architeecture can be seen on figure 4. Moree details will be given in the folllowing sections. 44.1.2 Designing for the reesident O One of the mostt important thing gs in designing good smart hom me ssoftware is the effects e on its ressident and the peerception it givees. C Cognitively impaired persons need n to be challeenged in order to sstimulate their brain b activity an nd slow down th he degradation of thheir states. Thee smart home should s encourag ge its resident to pperform tasks by y himself rather than t automating g them (that wou uld bbe often easier to o realize). For instance, if a win ndow needs to be b cclosed because it has begun raaining outside, the house shou uld innfluence the resiident to go aroun nd the window and a to close it. W We must also co onsider the charaacteristics of residents targeted by b oour habitat in th he design processs. For examplee, a person profiile m may require a hig gher audio volum me. For elderly, control interfacces sshould be intuitiv ve, simple and th he graphical useer interface shou uld bbe conceived with w big button ns, a legible ty ypeface and hig gh ccontrast colors. Moreover, we could facilitatee task for eldeers (w without automaating them): butttons to close the windows, voice ccontrol for the execution e of task ks, etc. Another point that shou uld bbe considered when w conceiving g smart home applications a is th he nnotion of controll. It is importantt that the residen nt feel empowereed bby the smart ho ome in his activ vities but that th he utmost contrrol remains in his haands. It must no ot feel like the decisions d are takeen bby the smart hom me and all rem mains for him is to execute them m. M Moreover, on lon ng term, an algo orithm that makees suggestions caan ddegrade gracefullly but an algoritthm that takes deecisions will mo ost pprobably end being overlooked as a dumb [9]. 44.1.3 Energyy managementt W We already talk ked about the importance of choosing energ gy eefficient hardwarre. For the resideent, it might be a crucial issue an nd aan important argument to convin nce him of adoptting a smart hom me innfrastructure. Therefore, T we should s go on a step further by b inncorporating adv vanced conceptss of energy man nagement. A smaart hhome should alsso possess an AI A that tries to save energy [9] in eeveryday activity y. For example,, the AI of a sm mart home shou uld ppredict the weath her and optimize A/C or heaterr activation. If th he resident is sleep ping, AI could let l cold air enteer to get the beest teemperature as possible p during the day. Similaarly, the AI cou uld oopen automaticallly the store to warm w naturally th he house while th he resident is away y. Again, the point here is that it might be b mportant to preepare the groun nd for AI rapid d prototyping by b im ddesigning softwaare that allows abstraction of the t complexity of ccontrolling differrent devices. Figuree 4: Software Architecture 4.2.1 Smart Homee Visualizatioon Tool In ordder to facilitatee testing, we developed a ssmart home visualizzation software. A screen shot oof this software showing the overall smart home ccan be seen onn figure 5. Thhe graphical interfacce of this softw ware allows us too see different parts of the smart hhome or the oveerall picture. In eeach of these innterfaces, we can seee the state of m many sensors succh as infrared seensors, light sensorss, etc. We alsoo can see an appproximate locaation of the objectss in the smart hhome (rounded rectangle, onlyy appears if RFID antennas are acctivated) and thhe current posiition of the residennt (in front of thee kitchen counteer on the right part of figure 5). Theese functionalitiees are very usefful when conduccting experiments since we can aanalyze what w went wrong by reproducing sensorss' activation andd double checkking if the matterial works properlly. In addition, iit allows manuaal testing of effeectors of the smart hhome, includingg the televisionn, the oven andd the audio system . 4.2.2 Scenarios reecording The moost important appplication of our system is unequuivocally the scenariio recording fuunctionality enaabled by the m multilayered architeccture of our dataabase. In fact, inn the visualizatioon software, we cann create life scennarios from a sinngle button (seee the bottom right coorner of figure 5). When recording is activatedd, the smart home central applicattion copies thee data gatheredd to a third databasse layer that is iddentical to the m main one. It does not stop the Figure 5: The smart home visualization software redirection to the AI database. As a result, third-party software (the AI, the visualization tool, etc.) can continue their proper execution. Once recorded, scenarios can be replayed from the visualization tool. To do so, user needs only to select his scenario’s name and the central application will retrieve the record and redirect the flux of data from the scenario DB to the AI DB (see figure 4). In other words, from the third party perspective, there is no difference while being in playback mode compared with normal activity. This functionality is especially useful to compare different algorithms since we can test them on exactly the same execution sequence. 4.2.3 Clinical trials at the laboratory Perhaps the use of the scenario feature is not so obvious. We believe that it would be important to mention the recent clinical trials conducted at the LIARA. The objective was to pass a neurological test called the Naturalistic Action Test (NAT)[17] to several peoples in order to evaluate their cognitive impairment, to identify common mistakes they do in their everyday life and to evaluate the effect of different types of prompt [14]. This test, consisting of three activities of daily living, was held in the laboratory and all participants were required to travel to the scene. We needed both normal subjects and patients with Alzheimer's disease from mild to moderate state of the disease. Thus, to implement the whole process, we had to fill out forms and pass the ethics committee which is responsible for ensuring that the experiments comply with human rights and pose no danger to the well-being of individuals. Preparing and conducting such experiments is tedious and requires considerable time as you can imagine. We were able to reuse the results of these experiments in other prototype tests because we had recorded them on video camera. However, we were unable to test our latest algorithms directly on the actions of real subjects; it was always via an extrapolation of the records that we were able to proceed. Of course, it is unrealistic to hope for bringing patients at the laboratory to validate each of our prototypes. Now that our new home incorporates features for recording, we could repeat infinitely the action sequence of subjects who came at the LIARA in order to benchmark the various prototypes. That is why we say that this feature is inestimable and that any research team should consider its integration in the construction process of an intelligent home. 4.3 Supplementary AI As we discussed earlier (see Figure 4), it is possible to add artificial intelligence modules on the server to process a transformation on raw data into useful high level knowledge. That functionality is due to the choice of implementing a multilayered database instead of middleware. On the current system, we have two additional modules that provide general services to third-party applications. The first deals with the raw information from RFID tags in order to alter them into useful data. For example, it associates the unique identifier of the tag to a meaningful name (cup_X) and gives the approximate position of the associated physical object in the home. For its part, the second module is a small inference engine that intercepts information from motion sensors to infer the approximate position of the resident in the home. The advantage of these services is twofold. On the one hand, the prototypes can be developed and tested more quickly or chose to implement from the raw data. In addition, it allows more flexibility since the algorithms on the server can be easily modified without affecting the service provided and, therefore, without affecting third-party applications that use it. 4.3.1 Locating the resident One of the most active problematic of smart home is the location of the patient in the house. To begin with, many use wearable devices for this purpose [15]. We believe it is unrealistic to expect the resident to always wear them, especially if he is afflicted by cognitive impairment. To create a positioning system, we must first define our needs in matter of precision. For most smart home applications, approximate position is enough (at the scale of large part of room). This is why we separated our system into logical zones that we can directly interrogate to know if there is a presence or not. Our system is primarily based on motion sensors. The consequence is that we cannot always locate the resident with a hundred percent certainty. However, it is not necessary. We improve the certainty when there is detected activity in the smart home by considering every sensor’s activation in the house. There is also the issue of multiple presences. If the resident receives a visitor, the system should just decrease its assistance since it will be less required. It can easily notice there is one more person so it should adjust its intelligence to consider that fact. The smart home does not need to differentiate between the two persons; it might assist either one that needs it. 5. PROMOTING COLLABORATION IN SMART HOME RESEARCH At the beginning of this paper, we stated that one of our objectives was to promote collaboration and exchange for incremental advances in smart home researches. Many research teams are working in agreement with that goal. For example, Cook & al. [18] from the Washington State University share the data set from their smart home and Giroux & al. [4] share their real case scenarios. On our side, to achieve this goal, we are pursuing a project of collaborative tools in synergy with our researches that we want to distribute freely to help researchers in their works. Moreover, these tools would not only increase the collaboration between researchers but also help them to speed the prototyping process and the validation of theories. recorded in the same way our real smart homes do it. SIMACT will save the sensors firing into a database accessible from thirdparty applications. The consequence is that communication with a real smart home is simple to realize. SIMACT could put information from scenario to the smart home database or read information from it and show what happen in the 3D frame. The scenarios are special since they are built from simple to use XML language. The software works as an interpreter and recognize the different tags of a scenario. If a scenario is grammatically correct, many actions can be performed automatically in the 3D environment such as object movement or rotation. In addition, like a multimedia player, the scenario execution can be played, paused, stopped and even rewound. The figure 7 shows a scenario editor we are working on. 5.1 SIMACT Recently, we created a smart home simulator in Java programming language that was named SIMACT. This simulator was based on a recent 3D engine and was designed to easily conceptualize a smart home in 3D. To do so, the user only needs to upload his 3D drawing to the software via an editor. To simplify the life of the user, SIMACT comes with a smart home kitchen that was built from the free objects' library of modeling software named Sketchup from Google. SIMACT can be seen on figure 6. Figure 7: SIMACT Scenario Editor 5.2 Open database Figure 6: SIMACT in action SIMACT [6] was primarily made to successfully experiment without requiring a real smart home infrastructure. We had this idea because many researchers work in small university or simply do not have the financial support to build a full-sized home. However, it was built in the goal of providing high flexibility, and it could certainly be used with little modification for smart home sensors' visualization. Researchers can do whatever they want with the code except commercialize it. 5.1.1 SIMACT architecture SIMACT was designed in such a way as to separate code from every dynamic aspect of the software. Basically, everything is configurable in the software. It works a little bit like a multimedia player. When the 3D environment is loaded (done automatically at the startup), it allows to load scenarios that will then be played by the simulator. These scenarios are normal ADLs or ADLs with mistakes that will simulate exactly the action as it would do in a real smart home; by firing sensors. The difference here is that the sensors are virtual conception. However, the information is With SIMACT, we had the idea of building an open database for ADLs scenarios. We already built few scenarios that are distributed with SIMACT, and we are working to create few more. We want to provide real case scenarios from Alzheimer experiments in order to have a fundamental basis for experiments and results comparison of activity recognition algorithms and assisting algorithm. The experiments we conducted at the laboratory were conducted with this second goal in mind. We recorded every bit of information to build realistic scenario and share the date with the community. Similarly, we hope that teams will also contribute to this open knowledge by sharing their own experiments. A second part of this project will be the sharing of our experimental data. Of course, it is already done via scientific publication, but due to limited space it is often reduced and lacking details. 5.3 Prompting tool We worked to create a prompting tool for the experimentation with real subjects. This tool is a simple software that enhances the evaluation methodology. It allows an assistant to send from a distant computer a prompt if required (e.g., if the participant uses the wrong utensil). With a simple click on a button, a chosen form of prompt (i.e., verbal, modeling video without sound or modeling video with sound) can be sent for a specific step of the task through a computer screen and speakers placed in front of the participant. Besides, the software allows the evaluator to comment the results, the erroneous steps and the type of problem (e.g., omission, inaction, substitution) through a simple dynamic text area box. It is also possible to get a percentage of the task completed. Moreover, it allows us to save each session separately, the type of prompt sent, the completion time of the task and other notes that are relevant. From these sessions, it generates a simple text report for further analysis. 6. CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a set of guidelines for the conception of smart home for cognitive assistance on both hardware and software perspective. The main idea was to provide basics information about how to efficiently design and implement a smart home infrastructure for faster AI prototyping. We presented our own architectural and design choices that were focused toward that goal. The paper was aimed directly at researchers that plan to conceive new smart home infrastructure. In that way, we hope that it will be a foundation to the establishment of an incremental process toward smart home implementation. A secondary goal of this paper was to promote the collaboration and exchange between research teams. We hope to have convinced the reader of the importance of sharing knowledge to advance farther in the field with the Open Tools project of the LIARA and the examples we gave. We think that by achieving those two points, faster/easier experimentation and collaboration between laboratories, smart home assistance will evolve as a real applicable solution in the consumers market someday. In future works, we invite other researchers to improve these guidelines with their own experience such as construction of smart home, use of a specific technology, etc. Another aspect that needs to be covered is the comparison technique of smart home algorithms. In activity recognition for example, there are several algorithms that are developed each year and thus is it hard to compare the performance of each of them. We believe that it would be useful to work on standardization of metrics, and test protocols for better evaluation. 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank our main financial sponsors: the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Quebec Research Fund on Nature and Technologies, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. We would like to thank our health regional center for providing us the Alzheimer participants. Finally, special thanks to our neuropsychologist partner and her graduate students who indirectly worked on this project by supervising the clinical trials with patients. 8. REFERENCES [1] Ramos, C., Augusto, J. C. and Shapiro, D. "Ambient Intelligence: the Next Step for Artificial Intelligence", IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23, pp. 15-18, 2008. [2] Robles, R. J. and Kim, T.-h. 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