UMI ATHIRAH by SITI NOORHAYATI Submission date: 30-Dec-2023 08:40PM (UTC+0300) Submission ID: 2265692136 File name: UMI_ATHIRAH_285499.docx (161.68K) Word count: 3071 Character count: 18573 21 4 1 2 1 1 15 2 4 3 3 9 4 25 3 5 5 4 4 13 13 4 18 19 14 14 20 24 15 12 8 11 6 22 16 7 10 17 23 UMI ATHIRAH ORIGINALITY REPORT 24 % SIMILARITY INDEX 14% INTERNET SOURCES 3% PUBLICATIONS 19% STUDENT PAPERS PRIMARY SOURCES Submitted to Federation University AustraliaMalaysia 4% Submitted to Universiti Teknologi MARA 3% Submitted to Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya 2% 4 2% 5 Submitted to Australian National University 2% 6 Submitted to UC, Boulder 1% 7 Submitted to Charles Sturt University 1% 8 Submitted to University of Malaya 1% 9 Submitted to University of Sydney 1 Student Paper 2 3 Student Paper Student Paper Internet Source Student Paper Student Paper Student Paper Student Paper Student Paper 1% Submitted to Huntington Beach Union High School District 1% 11 1% 12 Submitted to Kings College 1% Submitted to Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 1% 10 Student Paper 13 Internet Source Student Paper Student Paper 14 <1 % 15 <1 % Submitted to The Chicago School of Professional Psychology <1 % Submitted to Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation (UCTI) <1 % 18 <1 % 19 16 Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper 17 Student Paper Internet Source Internet Source <1 % 20 <1 % 21 <1 % 22 Submitted to Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane <1 % 23 <1 % 24 <1 % Iqthyer Zahed, Bert Jenkins. "The Politics of Rohingya Ethnicity: Understanding the Debates on Rohingya in Myanmar", Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2022 <1 % 25 Internet Source Internet Source Student Paper Internet Source Internet Source Publication Exclude quotes Off Exclude bibliography Off Exclude matches Off