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Chapter 21
➢ Male system - testes (sperm production), seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas
deferens, urethra, seminal vesicle, prostate, and bulbourethral gland
➢ Male system - hormonal regulation -GnRH stimulates release of LH and FSH which
stimulate testes to produce testosterone, sperm and inhibin (controlled by negative
➢ Female system – urethra, vagina, uterus, oviducts/fallopian tubes, and ovaries
➢ Oogenesis – primary oocyte (in prophase I at birth), Meiosis I at puberty, M II at
fertilization, role of follicle and corpus luteum in hormone production
➢ Female system – hormonal regulation – roles of GnRH, LH, FSH, estrogen and
progesterone; also understand the ovarian cycle and the uterine cycle and hormonal
Chapter 16
Know the organs/structures of the excretory system
Functions of the excretory system and its various parts
Kidney structure – veins, arteries and capillaries, cortex, medulla, nephron, and renal pelvis
Filtration, reabsorption, and secretion – what are they and how do they work?
Conservation of salt and water via reabsorption and osmosis.
What are diuretics and how do they cause their effect?
Disorders of the Kidney
Dialysis – via a dialysis machine (hemodialysis) vs. via Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal
Chapter 17
Nervous System Structure – Central and Peripheral Nervous System. PNS with Somatic and
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).
ANS with Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Neuron Structure/Function – Sensory, motor, and inter-neurons, with dendrites, cell body,
axon, and axon terminals; axons wrapped in Schwann cells to form myelin
Nerve propagation – resting potential (polarized) and action potential (depolarization) based
on movement of sodium and potassium ions
Synapse function via calcium and vesicles filled with neurotransmitters
Spinal cord, vertebrae, meninges with cerebrospinal fluid, ganglia, gray matter, white matter
Cerebrum as seat of consciousness with primary motor area and primary somatosensory area as
examples; Diencephalon and brainstem control involuntary processes
Somatic system; reflexes
Autonomic system with control via the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
Chapter 18
Types of Receptors: Chemo-, photo-, mechano-, and thermoSomatic sensing relies on proprioceptors, cutaneous, and pain receptors
Taste depends on chemoreceptors in taste buds which bind “taste” molecules and depolarize
nerve cells
Olfaction (sense of smell) utilizes ~1,000 different odor receptors which can discriminate
~10,000 different odors
Eye structure and vision; optic chiasma
Photoreceptors: types and location; vision disorders
Ear structure; hearing and equilibrium
How many senses do we have?
Chapter 20
Endocrine glands and Hormones (peptide vs. steroid); understand basic functions of
endocrine secretion and hormone action – including peptide vs. steroid mechanism of action
Examples of glands: Hypothalamus & Pituitary gland (posterior and anterior), Thyroid,
Thymus, Pineal, Adrenal, Testes and Ovaries, & Pancreas
Hypothalamus connection with posterior (ADH and oxytocin) and anterior pituitary (TSH,
ACTH, FSH, & LH; also PRL & hGH)
Thyroid gland and its hormones (thyroxin (T4), T3) and role; Thyroid imbalance
Thymus gland and its hormones (thymosins) and role
Pineal gland and its hormone (melatonin) and role
Adrenal Gland and its hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine; glucocorticoids and
mineralcorticoids) and roles
Pancreas and its hormones (glucagon and insulin) and roles; diabetes
Pancreas as an endocrine and exocrine gland
Chapter 22
Biological Development
Stages and structures –
cleavage (morula, blastula, blastocoel)
gastrulation (gastrula with endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm, and blastopore)
Human embryonic and fetal development
Fates of embryonic germ layers
Definitions: zygote, embryo, fetus
Fertilization to Implantation
Embryonic development across species: similarities Fetal development of organs and body
systems Features of Fetal Circulation
(foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus, umbilical vessels) Prenatal testing: Amniocentesis, Chorionic villus
Embryo Adoption
Reproductive biotechnology: IVF, PGD, egg and sperm donation, designer babies
Chapter 26
Biotechnology tools – restriction enzymes, ligase, plasmid DNA, recombinant DNA
Polymerase Chain Reaction – enabled by thermostable DNA polymerase; used to amplify
Electrophoresis to separate DNA fragments; DNA sequencing
Cloning: gene, therapeutic, reproductive
Stem cells
Ancestry Determination using AIMS, HapMaps; what is a haplotype?
Genetically Modified Organisms, Transgenic Organisms
Genetic Modification of Humans – therapy vs enhancement
somatic vs germ-line genetic engineering
Gene Therapy using Vectors – how they work & what can go wrong
Gene editing with CRISPR; editing somatic vs. germ-line cells