Uploaded by Atharva Joshi

AGM - Roles and Responsibilities

1. Technical Team:
- Responsibilities:
- Set up and manage all technical equipment, including lighting, audio, and visual systems.
- Ensure that microphones, projectors, and screens are in working order.
- Coordinate with speakers and presenters to ensure their technical requirements are met.
- Troubleshoot and resolve any technical issues during the AGM.
- Manage live streaming or recording of the event, if applicable.
- Provide technical support for any virtual attendees, if there's an online component.
2. Escort & People Management Team:
- Responsibilities:
- Welcome and guide attendees to the registration/check-in area.
- Assist with registration and distribute event materials.
- Provide directions to various locations within the venue.
- Ensure a smooth flow of people to and from the AGM sessions.
- Address any special needs or requests from attendees.
- Coordinate with security personnel to maintain a safe environment.
- Explain the various initiatives displayed at the venue.
- Encourage attendees to purchase merchandise.
- Request attendees to make donations to the organization.
- Maintain decorum at the event and show support to speakers and awardees through
applause and cheers.
- Coordinate with Overall Event Coordinators to adhere to the event timeline.
- Deliver a personalized experience to each attendee.
- Make confirmation calls to all members and guests.
3. Backstage Team:
- Responsibilities:
- Support speakers and presenters with their backstage needs, including prepping them
before their presentations.
- Coordinate the schedule and keep presenters informed of timing.
- Manage the green room, ensuring that speakers have refreshments and a quiet space to
- Assist in the smooth transitions between different parts of the event.
- Handle any last-minute changes or emergencies that may arise during the AGM.
- Ensure the safe transportation of trophies and gifts to the stage.
- Notify awardees in advance of their turn to receive awards.
- Remind speakers and anchors to maintain event timelines and follow up on the same.
These refined roles and responsibilities will help each team carry out their tasks effectively,
ensuring a well-organized and professional AGM for Nashik Ploggers.