"BLACK HAWK DOWN" Screenplay by Ken Nolan Based on the book by Mark Bowden Copyright © 2002 by Revolution Studios Revolution Studios; Scott Free Productions; Jerry Bruckheimer Films Shooting Script, 2001 FADE IN: SUPER: BASED ON AN ACTUAL EVENT SUPER: ALL OUR IGNORANCE BRINGS US NEARER TO DEATH. T.S. ELLIOT 1 EXT. DESERT - DAY 1 A Somalian man hunches over a body wrapped in a sheet and covers the dead man's face. SUPER: SOMALIA 1992 The images of a lonely truck driving through ravaged countryside, bodies everywhere. SUPER: YEARS OF WARFARE AMONG RIVAL CLANS CAUSES FAMINE ON A BIBLICAL SCALE. We now see that the truck is from the Red Cross as it moves through the ruins of a bombed and burned village. Past bodies -some dead, some alive. No sound but the wind. Nothing else moves across scorched earth. SUPER: 300,000 CIVILIANS DIE OF STARVATION. SUPER: MOHAMED FARRAH AIDID, THE MOST POWERFUL OF THE WARLORDS, RULES THE CAPITAL MOGADISHU. A body wrapped in a sheet is carried away. SUPER: HE SEIZES INTERNATIONAL FOOD SHIPMENTS AT THE PORTS. HUNGER IS HIS WEAPON. SUPER: THE WORLD RESPONDS. BEHIND A FORCE OF 20,000 U.S. MARINES, FOOD IS DELIVERED AND ORDER IS RESTORED. A U.N. Peacekeeper helps a wearied man drink. SUPER: APRIL 1993 SUPER: AIDID WAITS UNTIL THE MARINES WITHDRAW, AND THEN DECLARES WAR ON THE U.N. PEACEKEEPERS. The Peacekeeper walks past the bodies of dead children. SUPER IN JUNE, AIDID'S MILITIA AMBUSH AND SLAUGHTER 24 PAKISTANI SOLDIERS, AND BEGIN TARGETING AMERICAN PERSONNEL. Lifeless refugees are drawn to the aid station. SUPER: IN LATE AUGUST, A COMPANY OF AMERICA'S ELITE SOLDIERS, DELTA FORCE AND ARMY RANGERS, ARE SENT TO MOGADISHU TO REMOVE AIDID AND RESTORE ORDER. (CONTINUED) 2. 1 CONTINUED: 1 Looking out at the smoldering, wind-whipped village from inside a bomb-ravaged house. TITLE: BLACK HAWK DOWN 2 EXT. HIGH ABOVE MOGADISHU - DAY 2 The first rays of sunshine hit us -- and a BLACK HAWK HELICOPTER thunders over the arid Somali landscape. SUPER: SATURDAY - OCTOBER 2, 1993 3 INT. BLACK HAWK HELICOPTER - SAME 3 A handsome Ranger, SERGEANT MATT EVERSMANN, surveys the village below. 4 EXT. HIGH ABOVE MOGADISHU - SAME 4 A make-shift camp surrounding a bombed-out building on a hilltop bustles with energy. SUPER: RED CROSS FOOD DISTRIBUTION CENTER EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - CONT. Several "Technicals", old Toyota trucks with heavy machine gun bolted in back, ROAR through the village. Starving residents swarm a five-ton Red Cross transport truck loaded with food as the Black Hawk floats slowly past. The scene turns chaotic: villagers shake the truck; Somali soldiers beat them back with sticks; ten-pound sacks of wheat spill onto the ground; hordes of stick-thin villagers struggle to grab the sacks. A Somali GUNMAN OPENS FIRE on the mob. Blood splatters as a few get hit. Screams. Panic. People scatter. 5 INT. DURANT'S SUPER SIX FOUR BLACK HAWK - SAME MATT EVERSMANN jolts from the sight of the bloodbath. Whips inside to the other RANGERS in the Black Hawk's belly. EVERSMANN Oh shit, did you see that? (into headset) Chief, we got unarmed civilians getting shot down here at nine o'clock! (CONTINUED) 5 3. 5 CONTINUED: 5 Durant surveys the scene below, then calmly speaks into his headset. DURANT I got it Matt, I don't think we can touch this. Heavily armed Militiamen train weapons on the populace. One shouts into a megaphone: MILITIA MAN (in Somali, subtitled) This food is the property of Mohammed Farrah Aidid! Go back to your homes! Durant's Black Hawk circles the village. DURANT Command, Super Six Four we got militia shooting unarmed civilians down at the food distribution center. Request permission to engage. MATTHEWS (V.O.) Super Six Four, are you taking fire, over? Somali Militia men flee into the crowd as Delta sniper SGT. DAN BUSCH trains his AR-15 rifle on the gunmen below. DURANT Negative, Command. MATTHEWS (V.O.) U.N.'s jurisdiction, Six Four. We can't intervene. Return to base. Over. DURANT (frustrated) Roger. Six Four returning. Durant continues the chopper away from the village. ON EVERSMANN - staring down at the carnage-strewn streets below. He can't believe it. BELOW - The militia man aims his megaphone at the Black Hawk as though he's firing a gun at it. 6 EXT. HIGH OVER NORTH MOGADISHU - DAY SUPER: NORTH MOGADISHU BAKARA MARKET AIDID CONTROLLED TERRITORY 6 4. 7 EXT. MOGADISHU MARKET - DAY 7 The market bustles with activity. Militia men stroll the streets, automatic rifles strapped across their backs. HOOT slinks through the crowd, following a Somali DRIVER. 8 INT. MOGADISHU MARKET - CONTINUOUS 8 OSMAN ATTO, a wealthy Somali businessman, reads a USA Today as he eats. The driver approaches. DRIVER (subtitled) Ready, Mr. Atto. 9 EXT. MOGADISHU MARKET - MOMENTS LATER 9 The driver leads Atto to the waiting car. Hoot watches, speaks into a microphone in his collar. HOOT Leaving. Atto gets in his car and leaves. 10 EXT. HIGH OVER NORTH MOGADISHU - DAY 10 Atto's caravan speeds through the dusty streets. 11 EXT. HIGH OVER THE DESERT - LATER 11 Several Black Hawk Helicopters track the caravan out of town. 12 INT. ATTO'S CAR 12 Atto smokes a cigar in the back seat, talks on his cell phone. A Black Hawk Helicopter appears out the truck's window, flying beside them. DRIVER (subtitled) Sir! Atto looks out the window at the Black Hawk. ATTO (subtitled) Keep driving. (CONTINUED) 5. 12 CONTINUED: 12 A Ranger fires at the hood of Atto's car, spraying oil all over the windshield. An MH-6 Little Bird, a transport chopper with two outside benches, lands in front of the caravan, forcing them to stop. Rangers surround Atto's vehicle and tap on the glass. ATTO (calmly into phone, subtitled) I'm going to be late. Call you back. 13 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM 13 Silence. The room is dark, except for the dusty yellow streaks cast from the window. Atto sits at a table as GENERAL GARRISON enters and sets a cup opposite him. Garrison wears khaki shorts and T-shirt and dons sunglasses in the poorly lit room. He's laconic. Steady. Atto offers Garrison a cigar. GARRISON No, no thanks. I've got one. ATTO These are Cuban. Bolivar. Bellicoso. Garrison holds up his own cigar. GARRISON (unimpressed, simply) So's this. ATTO (laughs) Miami, my friend, is not Cuba... Garrison simply stares out the window. Atto lights his cigar, regards it for a moment. ATTO I see not catching Aidid is becoming a routine. GARRISON We weren't trying to catch Aidid, we were trying to catch you. ATTO Me? (laughs) But am I that important? I hardly think so. (CONTINUED) 6. 13 CONTINUED: 13 GARRISON You're just a business man. ATTO Trying to make a living. Garrison finally takes a seat opposite Atto. GARRISON Selling guns to Aidid's militia. ATTO (a beat, gravely) You've been here what, six weeks? Six weeks you are trying to catch the General. You put up your wanted posters. $25,000... what is this, gunfight at the K.O. corral? GARRISON (laughs) It's ah, it's the O.K. Corral. ATTO Do you think bringing me in will make him suddenly come to you? Make him more agreeable? Hmm? GARRISON (simply) You know where he sleeps. You pay for his beds, much less his militia. (the bottom line) We're not leaving Somalia until we find him. And we will find him. ATTO (immediately) Don't make the mistake of thinking because I grew up without running water I'm simple, General. I do know something about history. See all this? It's simply shaping tomorrow -a tomorrow without a lot of Arkansas white-boy's ideas in it. GARRISON Well, I wouldn't know about that, I'm from Texas. (CONTINUED) 7. 13 CONTINUED: (2) 13 ATTO Mr. Garrison, I think you shouldn't have come here. This is civil war. This is our war, not yours. GARRISON (finally rips off his sunglasses) 300,000 dead and counting. That's not a war, Mr. Atto, that's genocide. Now you enjoy that tea, you hear? Garrison exits swiftly past two U.S. Marine guards. 14 INT. HELICOPTER HANGAR - CONTINUOUS 14 Garrison strides through the hangar, past helicopters. GARRISON How'd he strike you? JOE CRIBBS, a tall, lean man a few years younger than Garrison, falls into step beside the General. CRIBBS Urbane, sophisticated. Cruel. GARRISON Yeah, he's a good catch. (they stop) It'll take some time, but Aidid'll feel the loss. CRIBBS I'm not sure time is something we've got in great supply. GARRISON This isn't Iraq, you know. It's more complicated than that. Garrison starts away. Cribbs trails him. CRIBBS Boss, most of Washington might disagree. I'm just saying, they've been calling for these dang situation reports every morning this week. GARRISON (slips the sunglasses back on) Well, tell 'em the situation is ah, fragile. (CONTINUED) 8. 14 CONTINUED: 14 And with that Garrison exits a door into BLINDING SUNLIGHT. 15 EXT. MOGADISHU AIPORT - DAY 15 SUPER: MOGADISHU AIRPORT U.S. ARMY HEADQUARTERS 16 INT. BLACK HAWK SUPER SIX ONE - DAY 16 Black Hawk pilot CLIFF "ELVIS" WOLCOTT addresses his Ranger passengers as he prepares for take-off. WOLCOTT Well ladies and gentlemen, my name is Cliff "Elvis" Wolcott. I'll be your pilot this afternoon. Federal regulations has designated this is a non-smoking Black Hawk helicopter. For those of you enrolled in our Mogadishu frequent flyer program, you'll be earning a hundred free credits this afternoon, and as always, the air sickness bags are located in the seat back in front of you. BRILEY Number one indications are good, Cliff. ELVIS You got it. BRILEY Clear on two. RANGER And you're still clear at one. The Black Hawk takes off into the blaring sun. INTERCUT BETWEEN BLACK HAWK SUPER SIX ONE AND DURANT'S BLACK HAWK as they skirt the coastline. DURANT Six One, this is Six Four. Go to UHF secure. I've got some bad news. WOLCOTT Limo's a word Durant, I don't want to hear about it. DURANT It is not a word, it's an abbreviation of a word. (CONTINUED) 9. 16 CONTINUED: 16 WOLCOTT Limo is a word in common usage. That is the key phrase in Scrabble, my good friend. Common usage. DURANT No! If it is not in the dictionary, it doesn't count. WOLCOTT It doesn't have to be in the dictionary! DURANT It does have to be in the dictionary! WOLCOTT They don't say limousine, they say limo! DURANT Listen, when we get back to the base, it's coming off the board. Durant and Elvis rubber-neck as they pass each other, flying opposite directions. WOLCOTT You touch my limo and I'll spank you, night stalker, you hear me? DURANT Yeah, promises. OTHIC That's a nice beach down there. How's the water? DURANT Yeah, it's nice and warm. It's loaded with sharks. 17 INT. OFFICE - DAY 17 The clean slap of computer keys. A cigarette smolders. Ranger clerk SGT. JOHN GRIMES types data into a computer. Standing opposite his desk is PFC TODD BLACKBURN. GRIMES Name? BLACKBURN Todd. (CONTINUED) 10. 17 CONTINUED: 17 GRIMES Last name? BLACKBURN Blackburn. GRIMES (Grimes enters the info) First name Todd. BLACKBURN So what's it like? GRIMES (without looking up) What's what like? BLACKBURN Mogadishu. The fighting. GRIMES Serial number? BLACKBURN 7-2-1-6-3-4-2-7. GRIMES (enters the info, then) Firstly, it's "The Mog," or simply: "Mog." No one calls it Mogadishu here. Secondly, I wouldn't know about the fighting, so don't ask. BLACKBURN Why not? GRIMES Didn't I just say "don't ask"? (takes a drag off cigarette) Look kid, you look like you're about twelve, so let me explain something to you. I have a rare and mysterious skill that precludes me from going on missions. BLACKBURN Typing? GRIMES (pauses typing) Can you type? BLACKBURN No. (CONTINUED) 11. 17 CONTINUED: (2) 17 GRIMES (immediately resumes typing) Date of birth? BLACKBURN 2-27-75. Like chiseling into a headstone, Grimes types into the "age" field - 18. Hands young Blackburn his I.D. BLACKBURN (affirmatively) Well I'm here to kick some ass. 18 EXT. DESERT COASTLINE - DAY 18 Hoot smokes a cigar on top of a sand dune as a Black Hawk passes over him. We see that he is holding his mountain bike. Wolcott lands the Black Hawk Super Six One on the beach, kicks up a storm of sand. Hoot shoulders his bike, hustles into the chopper. 19 INT. BLACK HAWK SUPER SIX ONE - SAME 19 HOOT (over the ROAR of the chopper blades) Nice man, very smooth! GORDON (impressed with himself) Single shot through the engine block! HOOT Shit, that's a shame man. That's a nice jeep. The Black Hawk lifts off and kicks up a cloud of sand as it flies away. 20 EXT. BEACH FIRING RANGE - DAY 20 A line of Rangers fire M-16s at targets. A military "Hummer" drives up to the range. Behind the firing line, Eversmann blows a WHISTLE. (CONTINUED) 12. 20 CONTINUED: 20 EVERSMANN Cease fire, cease fire! (the shooting stops) Check your weapons. Grimes and Blackburn approach from the Hummer. GRIMES Sergeant Eversmann! (as Eversmann turns) Sarge. BLACKBURN Private First Class Blackburn. EVERSMANN (blankly) Yeah? BLACKBURN Reporting for duty. EVERSMANN Not to me you're not. You're reporting to Lieutenant Beales. He should be around here somewhere. GRIMES Can I leave him with you? Grimes just wants to leave. He's got things to do. Eversmann smirks -- go head, go. EVERSMANN Yeah, go ahead. (to Blackburn) You brought your weapon? BLACKBURN Sergeant. Want me to shoot? I'm rested. EVERSMANN When'd you get in? BLACKBURN Just now, Sergeant. Blackburn looks so young and eager, and already sunburned down one side of his face from the chopper ride. 21 EXT. HIGH ABOVE MARSHY WETLANDS - DAY A herd of wild boars flees from the chopper. 21 13. 22 INT. SUPER SIX ONE - SAME 22 Upon sight of the boars Hoot cocks his rifle. HOOT Hey, who's hungry? The other Rangers smirk. 23 EXT. MESS HALL - EVENING 23 Hoot stands before a wild boar on a rotating BBQ spit. Men move along the chow line. CAPTAIN STEELE, Ranger ground commander, steps up behind Delta Sergeant SANDERSON in line. STEELE What is this, Sanderson? Another taxpayer funded Delta safari? SANDERSON Not if General Garrison's asking. STEELE No, I'm asking. SANDERSON Have a nice meal, Captain. IN THE LINE -- Hoot cuts in front of Blackburn, grabs food. BLACKBURN Hey man, there's a line. HOOT I know. BLACKBURN Well, this isn't the back of it. HOOT Man, I know. STEELE Sergeant, Sergeant? Hoot turns to see Steel staring at him. STEELE What's going on here? Sanderson watches them from down the chow line. (CONTINUED) 14. 23 CONTINUED: 23 HOOT Oh, just some aerial target practice sir, didn't want to leave it behind. STEELE I'm talking about your weapon. Delta or no Delta, that's a hot weapon. You know better than that. You're safety should be on at all times on base. HOOT (shows Steele his finger) Well this is my safety, sir. Hoot walks off with his plate of food. Sanderson stops Steele from going after Hoot. SANDERSON Let it go sir, the guy hasn't eaten in a couple of days. STEELE You D-boys are a bunch of undisciplined cowboys. Let me tell you something, soldier. When we get on the five yard line, you're gonna need my Rangers. Ya'll better learn to be team players. It's rough out there. Sanderson walks away as LT. COLONEL MCKNIGHT watches from his table. 24 INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT 24 The barracks is divided by the arrangement of the cots. Rangers here, Delta there, relaxing over Risk, Stratego, cribbage, cards, Gameboys. Ping-pong games in the corner. Pilots Durant and Wolcott are continuing their Scrabble game. PILLA stands before a group of young men as though he's on stage. He imitates Captain Steele, much to the amusement of the men. Pilla tries to hide his thick "Joyzee" accent: PILLA Speak up! (touches his forehead) You say this is your safety? Well this is my boot son, and it will fit up your ass with the proper amount of force. Off to the side Eversmann writes a letter. (CONTINUED) 15. 24 CONTINUED: 24 RANGER (O.S.) Is that a Jersey accent? RANGER 2 (O.S.) It's Georgia. PILLA (to another Ranger) You'se guys, I'm trying to do this. Give me a break. (back in character) Take those sunglasses off, Soldier. Delta wants to wear Oakleys, that's their business, I don't want to see them on you again, hooah? Other Rangers laughingly mock his "hooah." PILLA Hey, is that a hot weapon? DELTA SECTION - Gordon plops in a seat opposite Shughart as Shughart studies a critical move, finger on his bishop. GORDON Is that your move? SHUGHART My hand on the piece? GORDON I mate you in three whatever you do. SHUGHART I'd keep my eye on that queen before counseling with others. GORDON Well she's just lying in wait. NEARBY - WEX, the oldest Delta at 42, sketches on a pad. Busch leans over to see: a medieval knight dragging an enormous sword through a dense forest. Beautiful and scary. BUSCH Wex. It's good. You're improving. WEX (Wex shrugs, it's okay) Ah. BUSCH If I may make a suggestion, observation? (CONTINUED) 16. 24 CONTINUED: (2) 24 WEX Mmm hmm? BUSCH It's a children's book, right? WEX Right. BUSCH They are not supposed to scare the living shit out of children. WEX This is the part of the story where our knight, our warrior is about to slay the one-eyed dragon and that's scary. Besides, my daughter loves this stuff. BUSCH I thought you finished that last week. Hmm? WEX You done? I had to get a visual. Across the hangar, Pilla is still doing his impression of Steele for the group. PILLA Hey, we are at the ten yard line here men, you understand? Can you count? One, two, ten. Okay? Where are my running backs? Where are my running backs? The Rangers laugh and respond with emphatic "hooahs". Pilla doesn't notice as Steele enters. PILLA Hey, I didn't see you in church on Sunday soldier. Had something more important to do? Not on Sunday you don't. Not anymore. I will make you believe. You understand? Pilla turns and finds himself face-to-face with Steele himself. Goes ashen. Other Rangers watch to see what happens next. Steele, surprisingly, smiles good-naturedly. STEELE That's pretty funny, hooah? (CONTINUED) 17. 24 CONTINUED: (3) 24 The Rangers respond with a slight "hooah". STEELE See, it's a good impression. I recognize myself. All right, carry on. Even though Steele seems to be taking it well, Pilla isn't able to relax. STEELE A quick word, specials. Pilla turns around and Steele grabs him in a headlock. The Rangers laugh. Pilla flips the Rangers off behind his back. PILLA Yes, Sir? STEELE If I ever see you undermine you'll be cleaning latrines your tongue until you can't the difference between shit fries. Is that clear? me again, with taste and french PILLA Hooah, sir. STEELE All right. The Rangers applaud Pilla as he returns and plops on a couch between two guys. ANOTHER CORNER - KURTH, WADDELL, NELSON, and GOODALE talk around Eversmann, who busies himself with his letter. LT. BEALES is reading a book on Somalia. LT. Listen to this, another skinny, dead guy's clan hundred camels. BEALES if one skinny kills his clan owes the a hundred camels. A Waddell looks up from his book. WADDELL Camels. I wouldn't pay one camel. GOODALE Must be a lot of fucking camel debt. (carves on a piece of wood) Is that really true lieutenant? (CONTINUED) 18. 24 CONTINUED: (4) 24 LT. BEALES Ask Sergeant Eversmann. He likes the skinnies. Eversmann finally looks up. GOODALE Eversmann, you really like the skinnies? EVERSMANN It's not that I like them or I don't like them. I respect them. Kurth leans back in his chair and deals the cards. KURTH See, what you guys fail to realize is, Sergeant here is a bit of an idealist. Believes in this mission down to his very bones. Don't you, Sergeant? EVERSMANN Look these people, they have no jobs, no food, no education, no future. I just figure that, you know, I mean, we either, we have two things we can do, we can either help, or we can sit back and watch the country destroy itself on CNN. Right? KURTH I don't know about you guys, but I was trained to fight. Were you trained to fight, Sergeant? They wait for an answer. Lt. Beales watches him with bemused interest. Eversmann chooses his words carefully. EVERSMANN Well, I think I was trained to make a difference, Kurth. Kurth starts laughing. LT. BEALES Like the man said, he's an idealist. (he looks at the TV) Oh wait, this is my favorite part. ON SCREEN - A sniper fires at Steve Martin, who ducks for cover in the gas station. (CONTINUED) 19. 24 CONTINUED: (5) 24 Everyone cracks up, but no one as hard as Beales. Beales is literally falling off his chair. It takes a moment for the others to realize he isn't laughing; he's choking on his tongue, having a seizure. A Ranger hurries to his side, waves the others back. RANGER No-no-no! Stay back, stay back! Eversmann stands, moves closer for a better look. The Ranger cradles Beales. RANGER John, John, it's okay. John, John, John, it's okay. 25 EXT. MOSQUE - MOGADISHU - DAWN 25 A speaker high atop a mosque calls out a morning prayer. SUPER 5:45 AM - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 26 EXT. BEACH - DAWN 26 A young Somali wearing a baseball cap backwards is on his knees, praying on the deserted beach in front of the old city. Then shoulders his rifle and gathers his things to go. 27 EXT. INFIRMARY - MORNING 27 Eversmann waits outside the tent as Steele approaches. STEELE Well, he'll be fine, but not in this army. He's out of the game. He's epileptic, going home. (walks past Eversmann, turns back) I'm putting you in charge of his chalk. (off Eversmann's reaction) You got a problem with that? EVERSMANN No, sir. STEELE Now it's a big responsibility. Your men are going to look to you to make the right decisions. Their lives depend on it. (CONTINUED) 20. 27 CONTINUED: 27 That's great. That makes Eversmann feel more anxious about it. STEELE All right. EVERSMANN Rangers are the way, Sir. STEELE All the way. Good luck, son. Steele walks away. Eversmann turns back to the Infirmary tent, enters and waves to Beales, considering the enormity of the duty he's just been given. 28 EXT. BAKARA MARKET - DAY 28 SUPER: HALWADIG ROAD - BAKARA MARKET AIDID'S MILITIA STRONGHOLD Cacophony of noise and voices. The crowded outdoor Bakara Market is in the center of the city. The young baseball cap wearing Somali (TYE-DIE) we saw praying on the beach now stands before a merchant who wants to sell him a machine gun, demonstrating by firing into the air. No one even looks over. "Tie-Dye" appears to be more interested in a group of militiamen talking above the stall's belts of ammunition, up on the balcony. A door opens behind them and two of Aidid's Lieutenants emerge. The armed militiamen get up and escort the pair past Tie-Dye without a look or word of acknowledgement except the last of them, who gives the subtlest of gestures - an almost imperceptible nod. GARRISON (V.O.) A long-anticipated meeting of Aidid's senior cabinet may take place today at fifteen hundred hours. 29 INT. MESH TENT - DAY 29 Garrison briefs Delta, Black Hawk pilots, and four Ranger chalk leaders, including Eversmann. McKnight, Steele, Cribbs, Matthews and Harrell are in front, the rest behind. (CONTINUED) 21. 29 CONTINUED: 29 GARRISON And I say may, because we all know by now, with the intel we get on the street, nothing is certain. This is actual intel, confirmed by three sources. Two tier one personalities may be present. (points to two enlarged photos) Omar Salad, Aidid's top political advisor; and Abdi Hassan Awale, interior minister. These are the guys we're after. Delta let the photos burn into their retinas. Garrison looks at Captain Steele. GARRISON Today we go. Same mission template as before. Garrison's hand moves past an overhead map of Mogadishu, points to another map: the outline of a general "target building." Two building entrances are marked "D" for Delta. The men take notes as they listen. GARRISON 15:45, Assault Force Delta will infiltrate the target building and seize all suspects within. Security Force: Rangers. Four Ranger chalks under the command of Captain Steele will rope in at 15:46... (points to four corners on map) ...and hold a four-corner perimeter around the target building. No one gets in or out. (as McKnight looks on) Extraction Force: Lt. Colonel McKnight's Humvee column will drive into the city at 15:47 On Halwadig Road and hold just short of the Olympic Hotel, here -(points to the map) Wait for the green light. Now once Delta gives the word, McKnight's column will move to the target building and load the prisoners on flatbed trucks. Immediately after the prisoners are loaded, the four Ranger Chalks will collapse back to the target building, load up on Humvees, and the entire ground force will exfil the three miles back to base. Mission time from incursion to extraction: no longer than 30 minutes. (CONTINUED) 22. 29 CONTINUED: (2) 29 Garrison, still standing before them, lets this sink in. GARRISON Now, I had requested light armor and AC-130 Spectre Gunships, but Washington, in all it's wisdom, decided against this. Too highprofile. Black Hawks and Little Birds will provide the air cover with miniguns and 275 rockets. Colonel Harrell? Garrison sits as he glances over at COLONEL HARRELL. HARRELL In the C 2 Bird: Colonel Matthews will coordinate the air mission, and I will coordinate ground forces. Colonel Matthews? COLONEL MATTHEWS, early forties, speaks up. MATTHEWS Mission launch codeword is Irene. Questions? HOOT Which building is it, sir? GARRISON Exactly which building we're confirming right now. Somewhere around the Bakara Market. Garrison regards Hoot's reaction, then the others. GARRISON (primarily to Hoot) I don't choose the time or place of their meetings. HOOT I didn't say a word, Sir. There is an unspoken unease in the room. GARRISON We're going into the hornet's nest today. You give them time to react and they'll swarm. Make no mistake. Once you're in the Bakara Market, you're in an entirely hostile district. Don't underestimate their capabilities. (CONTINUED) 23. 29 CONTINUED: (3) 29 Eversmann swallows, checks the others' reactions. GARRISON Now we'll be going through friendly neighborhoods before we hit the market. So remember the "Rules of Engagement": no one fires unless fired upon. So let's go get this thing done. Good luck, gentlemen. 30 EXT. TENT - MOMENTS LATER 30 The group files out. McKnight, the most obviously concerned of them, lights a cigarette and slaps closed his Zippo lighter. Eversmann watches from inside the tent as Colonels Matthews and Harrell walk up to McKnight. MATTHEWS What's the matter, Danny, something you don't like? MCKNIGHT (as if it's nothing) No Spectre gunships, daylight instead of night, late afternoon when they're all fucked up on khat, only part of the city Aidid can mount a serious counter-attack on short notice, what's not to like? HARRELL Life's imperfect. MCKNIGHT Yeah, for you two, circling above it at 500 feet, it's imperfect. Down in the street, it's unforgiving. Eversmann continues to watch from inside the tent. He heard it all. 31 EXT. MOGADISHU - DAY 31 An alley. Tie-Dye rips lengths of black duct tape and presses them to the roof of his battered car in the shape of an X. 32 EXT. BASE - DAY 32 Smith plays basketball as Eversmann works at a desk. EVERSMANN What the fuck, Smith? (CONTINUED) 24. 32 CONTINUED: 32 SMITH Well? EVERSMANN Well, what? SMITH We going? EVERSMANN Why should I tell you that? SMITH Because I'm me. EVERSMANN Three o'clock. Downtown. Bakara market. SMITH Alright. EVERSMANN Listen, Smith. I need you to back me up out there today, all right? Keep sharp. SMITH Yes sir, Sergeant Eversmann. EVERSMANN All right. SMITH Ev? (hot-Dogs with the basketball) It's gonna be nothing man. Nothing. Smith runs off in to the hangar bouncing the basketball. 33 INT. BASE OFFICE - DAY 33 At a filing cabinet, Grimes carefully pushes the plunger down on the coffee grounds in the coffee pot. He speaks over his shoulder to the only other person in the cluttered office -Sizemore. GRIMES It's all in the grind, Sizemore. Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse. This my friend is a science. Turns, holding the coffee pot. (CONTINUED) 25. 33 CONTINUED: 33 GRIMES I mean - you're looking at the guy that believed the commercials, you know? About be all you can be. I made coffee through Desert Storm. I made coffee through Panama, while everyone else got to fight, got to be a Ranger. As Grimes blathers, Sizemore reaches for a letter opener, shoves it down his still-drying cast and scratches away. GRIMES Now it's Grimesy, black, one sugar. Or Grimesy, got a powdered anywhere? Adds just the right amount of sugars. Grimes finally turns and approaches Sizemore, sitting at a desk, trying to itch under the still-wet cast. Hands Sizemore the mug. GRIMES What happened to you? SIZEMORE Ping-pong accident. GRIMES What? SIZEMORE So guess what? Your wish has been granted. You're going out today. GRIMES You're fuckin' me. SIZEMORE You're taking my place assisting the sixty gunner. Sergeant Eversmann said to get your stuff and get ready. Now Grimes is speechless. Sizemore relishes the moment. SIZEMORE It's what you wanted, isn't it? GRIMES (gripping his coffee) Oh yeah. Hell, yeah. Grimes is apoplectic. His eyes glaze over with a thousandyard stare. It's exactly what he wanted, but now that it's come to him, he's not at all sure it's what he really wants. 26. 34 INT. HANGAR - DAY 34 Delta and Rangers, in their respective areas, prepare in their own ways, gathering equipment they think they'll need, leaving behind what they don't. Eversmann calls out to Grimes. EVERSMANN Grimsey! I want you to stick with Waddell and give him ammo when he needs it. Hooah? GRIMES (softly) Hooah. WADDELL I wouldn't worry 'bout that. Generally speaking, Somalis can't shoot for shit. GALENTINE Don't worry about it. Just watch out for the Sammies throwing the fucking rocks and you'll be fine. Might even be fun. The other guys snicker at this. KURTH You boys do their thing now. What we gotta do is cover them, choppers gonna cover us. And we'll be all right. EVERSMANN Look you guys, I know this is my first time as ah, Chalk leader... But ah, this is serious. We're Rangers, not some sorry ass J.R.O.T.C. We're elite. Let's act like it out there. Hooah? The guys all "hooah". EVERSMANN Any questions? We're gonna be okay. All right, grab your gear. Let's move out. A few guys "hooah" again, disperse. Eversmann exhales heavily. INTERCUT, Delta, methodical and precise, no talk: Hoot taping the pins of grenades. Grimes starts to fill a canteen. (CONTINUED) 27. 34 CONTINUED: 34 NELSON You're not going to need that, dude, we're not out there long enough. Grimes sets it back. Sees YUREK reach for a NOD - Night Observation Device - and reaches for one himself. TWOMBLY Hey, you're not going to need that either, we're back before dark. You might as well take dope and beer instead. Grimes just stares. Twombly, of course, is kidding. GRIMES What? TWOMBLY Ammo, dude. Take ammo. Yurek puts the NODs back. Grimes sees Joyce removing the rear panel of his Kevlar vest. Joyce notices Grimes watching. JOYCE Let me tell you something Grimes. You've got about fifty pounds of gear as it is, you don't need another twelve. I don't know about you but, I'm not planning on getting shot in the back running away. GRIMES Well I better keep mine in. EVERSMANN Hey, Grimes? The most important thing? Just remember when everybody else is shooting, shoot in the same direction. All right. INTERCUT: Eversmann considers Blackburn, who appears more fidgety than before. As Joyce's putting on his armor, he watches Wex across the hangar tearing off pieces of masking tape and writing something on them with a Sharpie. Sticks them to his boots. JOYCE Look at this guy, Lo. Taping his blood type to his boots. It's bad luck. RUIZ No it's smart. (CONTINUED) 28. 34 CONTINUED: (2) 34 SGT. LORENZO RUIZ pulls out an already addressed and sealed envelope, regards it. RUIZ All Delta do that. JOYCE (re: the letter) That's bad luck too, man. Come on, let's go. Ruiz holds the letter. Joyce gets up and walks past him. Ruiz turns to a glum Sizemore. RUIZ It's a good thing you're right handed, Adonis. (mimes like he's jacking off) If not, I don't know what you'd do. SIZEMORE You're a funny guy, man. Ruiz profers the letter to Sizemore. SIZEMORE I'm not taking no death letter. RUIZ (shoves it in his hand) We have a deal. SIZEMORE I'll give it back to you in an hour. 35 INT. BARRACKS - CONTINUED - DAY 35 EVERSMANN You okay? BLACKBURN Excited. In a good way. I've been training my whole life for this. EVERSMANN You ever shot at anybody before? BLACKBURN No, Sargent. (CONTINUED) 29. 35 CONTINUED: 35 EVERSMANN Me neither. Eversmann pats Blackburn on the shoulder. 36 EXT. MOGADISHU - DAY 36 SUPER 2:29 PM A Black Hawk hovers over TieDye's battered car. 37 INT. TIE-DYE'S CAR MOVING - DAY 37 Tie-Dye drives along the streets, deeper into the city than the U.N. ever goes. 38 EXT. HIGH ABOVE MOGADISHU - SAME 38 A Black Hawk hovers high above the car, following. 39 INT. JOC - SAME 39 SUPER: J.O.C. JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER Garrison and Cribbs watch the image from the C2 chopper, and HEAR the annoying music over the command net. CRIBBS Think he's reliable? GARRISON Well, we'll see. It's his first time out. 40 INT. TIE-DYE'S CAR MOVING - DAY 40 Local pop music jangles on the radio as Tie-Dye drives. He drips with sweat. 41 INT. JOC - SAME 41 GARRISON Tell him to turn his damn radio off. RADIOMAN (O.S.) Yes, sir. Tell him to turn his radio off. 42 INT. BLACK HAWK HELICOPTER - SAME HARRELL Abdu, you need to turn your radio off. 42 30. 43 INT. TIE-DYE'S CAR MOVING - DAY 43 Tie-Dye follows the order, switches the radio off. 44 INT. KITCHEN - U.S./TIME DIFFERENCE - DAY 44 The machine sitting on a counter next to a refrigerator covered with snapshots and reminder notes. A dog listens to the outgoing message: CHILD'S VOICE (V.O.) Hi, mommy and daddy aren't home. Leave me a message. SHUGHART (V.O.) Hey baby, it's me, you there? Pick up if you're there. 45 INT. THE HANGAR - DAY 45 Shughart is on a satellite phone, huddled against a wall. SHUGHART I'm just calling to check up on you and make sure everything's all right. I'll call in a couple of hours. You better not be sleeping. Gordon moves a chess piece, then passes Shughart still on the phone. GORDON You're move, Randy. 46 INT. KITCHEN - U.S./TIME DIFFERENCE - NIGHT 46 SHUGHART I'm missing you. I love you, baby. The call disconnects. SHUGHART'S WIFE Hello, hello? 47 EXT. BARRACKS BUILDING - DAY 47 Eversmann leans against a wall next to Hoot. Silence between them, Eversmann looks off. EVERSMANN You know, it's kinda funny. Beautiful beach, beautiful sun... it'd almost be a good place to visit. (CONTINUED) 31. 47 CONTINUED: 47 HOOT Almost. EVERSMANN (off Hoot's tone) You don't think we should be here. HOOT Know what I think? Don't really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head -- politics, and all that shit -- just goes right out the window. EVERSMANN I just wanna do it right today. HOOT Just watch your corner...get all your men back here alive. Eversmann turns to Hoot, grave. 48 EXT. MOGADISHU - DAY 48 Tie-Dye's car moves deeper into the city. 49 INT. JOC - SAME 49 An overhead image of Tie-Dye's car and surrounding streets. GARRISON Is this supposed to be the place or did his car just take a dump? OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (O.S.) Avi come in. 50 INT. OBSERVATION BIRD 50 OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT Avi, can you hear me? Is this the place? 51 INT. TIE-DYE'S CAR Tie-Dye sits and stares at the people in the street. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Avi, come in? Avi, can you hear me, is this the place? TIE-DYE To my right hand side, above the cafe. 51 32. 52 INT. JOC - SAME 52 MATTHEWS Sir, he says this is the building. CRIBBS He's certain? Garrison looks at the overhead images. 53 INT. OBSERVATION BIRD - CONTINUED 53 OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Avi, you need to be sure. Are you sure? 54 INT. TIE-DYE'S CAR - CONTINUED 54 TIE-DYE Well, it's down the road two blocks around my left. 55 INT./EXT. OBSERVATION BIRD - CONTINUED 55 OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Now he's saying the building's actually a couple blocks down, but if he's seen outside it he'll be shot. 56 INT. JOC - CONTINUED 56 GARRISON I'll fuckin' shoot him myself a couple of blocks down. Tell him I want his skinny ass parked in front of the damn building. He's not getting paid until he does exactly that. 57 EXT. BASE - DAY 57 McKnight addresses his men. MCKNIGHT It's three miles to the target area. We're never off the main roads. In the background, soldiers move and prepare MH-6 Little Birds. MCKNIGHT At the K-4 traffic circle we turn north, then east on National. We wait 'til Delta's finished, here. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 33. 57 CONTINUED: 57 MCKNIGHT (CONT'D) Then we roll up in force on Halwadig. We load the prisoners and then the assault and blocking forces, and bring 'em back. Home in an hour. Okay? McKnight looks at Pilla, Othic, other gunners. MCKNIGHT Now there will be some shooting. Bakara Market is the Wild West. But be careful what you shoot at because people do live there. Hooah. Several "hooah" in response as McKnight and the rest up and leave. 58 EXT. MOGADISHU - DAY 58 Tie-Dye's car moves through the streets. 59 INT. JOC - CONTINUED - DAY 59 The overhead image of Tie-Dye's car on a screen. GARRISON The last one of these guys shot himself in the head playing Russian Roulette in a bar. 60 EXT. HALWADIG ROAD - DAY 60 Tie-Dye's car rattles up to a three-story building. Stops. 61 INT. JOC - CONTINUED 61 The overhead image on a screen. RADIOMAN (O.S.) Sir, the vehicle stopped. GARRISON So this is the real deal now? He's sure this time? OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) He sounds scared shitless. GARRISON Good. That's always a good sign. 62 EXT. HALWADIG ROAD - CONTINUED Tie-Dye exits the car, opens the hood. Fans the steaming radiator fumes. 62 34. 63 INT. JOC - CONTINUED 63 The overhead image on a screen. GARRISON (turning to leave) Alright, all QRF out of the airspace. CRIBBS All QRF out of the airspace. 64 INT. MATTHEW'S C2 BLACK HAWK - DAY 64 Colonel Matthews speaks into his headset: MATTHEWS All units, Irene. I say again, Irene. INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - CONT. Wolcott and his copilot make sure things are in order. WOLCOTT (into his headset) Irene! 65 INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - DAY 65 Durant smiles, speaks into his headset. DURANT Fuckin' Irene! 66 EXT. TARMAC - DAY 66 Rangers deploy across the tarmac to their respective choppers. Garrison has come out to wish the men well, moving past the open doors of Eversmann's Black Hawk, shouting over the noise. GARRISON Good luck boys... be careful... no one gets left behind. He gives the thumbs up and leaves. Blackburn and Grimes notice Eversmann still looking after the general with some concern. BLACKBURN & GRIMES (almost together) What's wrong? (CONTINUED) 35. 66 CONTINUED: 66 EVERSMANN Nothing. He's just never done that before. GRIMES Ah, fuck! GETTING INTO A TRUCK - MCKNIGHT MCKNIGHT Let's go! McKnight's Humvee column rumbles away from the tarmac. IN SUPER SIX ONE - Elvis Wolcott flashes a satisfied grin at the sound of the code word. He lifts tip on the controls as - THE ARMADA ascends, deafening. Little Birds whirl skyward, Delta carried aloft outside the choppers, the ultimate thrill ride. Black Hawks rise from the earth in tight formation. 67 INT. PRISON ROOM - SAME TIME - DAY 67 The dark, barely-furnished room from before. Alone in it, Atto watches a glass rattle across the table from the thunder of the helicopters taking off outside. 68 EXT. SOMALIA COAST NEAR BASE - DAY 68 Just outside the base, against barren terrain near the coast, a kid wearing a BeeGees t-shirt and flip-flops tends a small fire. As the helicopters continue to rise, the boy finds a cell phone in his pants pocket and makes a call. 69 EXT. ROOFTOP/STREET - MOGADISHU - DAY Another kid with a cell phone hurries across a rooftop. He shouts down -SOMALI KID Mo'Alim! The kid drops the phone. It falls into a waiting pair of hands of an Aidid militia man. He carries the phone in to MO'ALIM, an Aidid lieutenant, sprawled out asleep on a bed. MILITIA MAN Mo'Alim! The Militia Man wakes Mo'Alim up with the phone. Mo'Alim puts the phone to his ear and hears a Doppler-thunder of helicopters -- 69 36. 70 EXT. SOMALIA COAST BY EAST - CONTINUED - DAY 70 The first boy is holding the phone up like a badge as the helicopters thunder over him. 71 INT. MARKET - DAY 71 Mo'Alim and his militia arm themselves. Men shout and pass off guns to more men. 72 INT./EXT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK / MOGADISHU - DAY 72 Black Hawks move low and fast, following the Humvee caravan along a road. Then parallel to the shore over the running breakers. INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - CONT. EVERSMANN Grimsey! Eversmann taps his helmet and throws a pen to Grimes. Grimes writes his name on his helmet. WOLCOTT Two minutes! Eversmann holds up two fingers. EVERSMANN Two minutes. 73 EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - DAY 73 Tie-Dye stands waiting outside his car. The militia barricade the streets and start burning tires. Mo'Alim rides forward on a convoy. INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - CONT. BELOW - black smoke from piles of burning tires rises into the sky as-GRIMES (shouts in Nelson's ear) Why are they burning tires? WADDELL Signals, to the militia! (CONTINUED) 37. 73 CONTINUED: 73 INT. JOC Garrison watches the overhead image. 74 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - CONTINUED 74 Briley holds up one finger and mouths one minute. WOLCOTT One minute. EVERSMANN One minute! Waddell dog-ears a page of his book. Eversmann's chalk prepares to go in. Blackburn sees Nelson putting in a football mouth guard. BLACKBURN What's that for? NELSON Last rope, I almost bit my tongue off! Nelson smiles back at him, black plastic over his teeth. 75 EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - DAY 75 The Humvee convoy rolls in as people run through the streets. 76 EXT./INT. CAR - HALWADIG ROAD - DAY Tie-Dye sits in his car and waits for the Black Hawks to land. Militia run through the streets, firing sporadically. SUPER 3:42 PM Little Birds land in the street. One of the Little Birds streaks in and lands on the roof of the building. Hoot's and the other two descend lower, onto the street, the rotors just missing the walls of the building. A dust cloud envelopes them all. Rangers deploy on the street and the Little Birds swiftly take off. Rangers move low and fast, storm into buildings in tactical formations. Fire and kill militiamen. Tie-Dye pulls away as a Black Hawk approaches the building through the smoke. Ropes drop from some helicopters. 76 38. 77 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - DAY 77 Through the cockpit, Eversmann sees nothing below but a massive swirling cloud of dust. Speaks into his headset mic: EVERSMANN Ropes! FAST ROPES are kicked out the chopper door, snaking down into the dust cloud as Eversmann's men prepare to go in. He SHOUTS: EVERSMANN GO! GO! GO! Kurth, Goodale, Doc Schmid all start roping down. Bullets are already PINGING off the belly of the Black Hawk. 78 INT. JOC - SAME 78 Garrison watches the overhead image. 79 INT./EXT. - TARGET BUILDING - DAY 79 Delta come through the dust and smoke of flashbangs like apparitions. Hoot, Wex and other Delta burst into a room, see ten Somalia trying to find another escape route. Better dressed than most Somalis, this group carries file folders, maps, charts, scattered on a table, and AK-47s. Bingo. HOOT Down, get down! DOWN! DOWN! DO IT NOW! NOW! NOW! Somalis hit the deck, foot in the back for their troubles if they don't do it fast enough. Surrendered weapons clatter to the floor. 80 ON THE STREET 80 McKnight, now out of his Humvee, peeks calmly around the corner of a building. 81 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - DAY 81 SPEAKS INTO HIS HEADSET MIC: EVERSMANN Let's go, let's go! The remaining men start roping down. Grimes swallows hard. He's next. Crew Chief DOWDY shouts to him: (CONTINUED) 39. 81 CONTINUED: 81 DOWDY No fear! GRIMES Oh yeah, right. With that, Grimes disappears; down the rope sliding into the dust and into the gunfire. 82 EXT. HALWADIG ROAD - DAY 82 McKnight's convoy reaches its waiting position just off Halwadig. Pilla, in his turret, hears shots, sees bullets spark off the side of the Humvee. PILLA Colonel, they're shooting at us! Colonel, they're shooting at us! MCKNIGHT Well shoot back! A hail of gunfire erupts and Pilla swings the fifty turret. Sights a technical racing toward him. He FIRES on it. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Super Six Five leaving, going in to holding pattern. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT Super Six Two, come in. Take up perimeter pattern OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT Roger that. IN THE CHOPPER - still in silence, Blackburn remains. EVERSMANN Go Blackburn, go! Go Blackburn! Just as he says this, Eversmann sees an RPG streaking up at them. EVERSMANN (to Pilot) RPG! (to Blackburn) Hold on! The Black Hawk ROCKS to avoid the rocket. (CONTINUED) 40. 82 CONTINUED: 82 --BLACKBURN reaches for the rope, sees it swing away and out of the grasp of his gloved hands, EVERSMANN stares as the kid FREE FALLS, disappearing into the swirling dust cloud. Horrified, Eversmann dives out after him, grabbing onto the rope. EVERSMANN No! 83 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER - SAME 83 Eversmann fast-ropes through the cloud for what seems to him forever. Finally, his feet touch down. He scrambles to Blackburn -- having fallen 40 feet to the dirt street. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT D-2, we got a man fallen. OPERATOR Six Four, you're a sitting duck there. Get out and take cover pattern. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT Roger that. Six one leaving. The Black Hawk starts away. 84 ON THE GROUND 84 Eversmann checks Blackburn who lies still. He and Blackburn are alone in the middle of the street. Over the sharp crackle of gunfire -EVERSMANN Doc! Doc Schmid! Schmid, the medic who benched Sizemore, suddenly appears with his kit from behind Eversmann, startling him. SCHMID Where's he hit? EVERSMANN He's not. He fell. SCHMID What? EVERSMANN He fell! 41. 85 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER - DAY 85 Grimes dives on his belly, bullets hissing through the air around him. Waddell is sighting with the SAW, but not firing at a group of fleeting figures down the block. GRIMES Why aren't you shooting? WADDELL We're not being shot at yet. GRIMES How can you tell? WADDELL A hiss means it's close. A snap... SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! WADDELL Now they're shooting at us! Waddell levels withering fire down the street. The fleeting figures scatter. Grimes sees figures with weapons firing at him a block away. He levels his gun and SHOOTS! He's shooting at the enemy! 86 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER - DAY 86 Eversmann, in the middle of it with Blackburn, yells across to his radio man, Galentine. Waves him over. EVERSMANN Galentine! Get me Captain Steele! Get me Captain Steele! GALENTINE Uniform Six Four, this is Uniform Two Five, come in, over. Uniform Six Five, this is Uniform Two Five Two. Schmid moves Blackburn's head -- blood seeping from his nose and ears. GALENTINE I can't get him! Galentine doesn't know why. Something wrong with the radio maybe. Eversmann unholsters his walkie-talkie, and as he shouts into it, he can SEE Delta spilling from the first building out into the street. (CONTINUED) 42. 86 CONTINUED: 86 EVERSMANN Juliet Six Four, this is Chalk Four. We got a man down! We gotta get him out of here. Over! EXT. INTERCUT - STEELE'S CHALK ONE - CONT. Steele's men are fanned cut, taking random gunfire. Steele sees the Delta, running down the block toward him and into a different building. Eversmann's voice squawks on the walkie. STEELE Six four, say again, two five, over! EVERSMANN (V.O.) He's hurt. He fell. Over. STEELE Take a breath Two Five and calm down! Over! EVERSMANN Man down! STEELE Missed your last response, again? 87 INT. JOC - SAME 87 Garrison sits down and watches the overhead image. He rubs his temples. 88 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER - SAME Schmid shouts out to anyone. SCHMID Get me a stretcher! Two men unfold a collapsible litter from a medic pack. They gingerly place Blackburn on it. EVERSMANN Go! SCHMID Okay, go! They run through a hail of gun fire. 88 43. 89 INT. TARGET BUILDING - DAY 89 Delta has moved the prisoners out on to the balcony. They kneel facing the wall. HOOT Secure. SANDERSON Let's move out! HOOT Let's go, let's go! 90 EXT. HALWADIG ROAD 90 Schmid and his team carry Blackburn on the stretcher. 91 INT. TARGET BUILDING - DAY 91 Delta has marched the prisoners into an inner courtyard. Everyone waiting. Hoot speaks into a walkie talkie -HOOT K.O. Six Four, green light. 92 INT. JOC - DAY 92 Garrison sits at the panel of screens. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Ready for extraction, over. GARRISON That's it. We're done. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Roger that Kilo One One, we'll relay. Uniform Six Four, ready for extraction. 93 EXT. HALWADIG ROAD/HUMVEE SQUAD - DAY 93 McKnight shouts as he leaps into the Humvee: MCKNIGHT Roger that. There's the call! Let's move out! Let's move out! STRUECKER Hold on! (CONTINUED) 44. 93 CONTINUED: 93 The Humvee squad rumbles around the corner, rolls down the line. McKnight leads them to a Humvee, starts passing Blackburn inside to a waiting Delta medic. EXT. HALWADIG ROAD - CONT. Gunfire from rooftops across the street force Delta to bring out prisoners in contained groups of three. Other Delta return fire, driving back snipers. As soon as one disappears, another sniper pops up. MCKNIGHT How much time do you need? SANDERSON Five minutes, Sir! MCKNIGHT What? SANDERSON Five minutes! MCKNIGHT You've only got five minutes! McKnight turns around and walks over to Schmid. MCKNIGHT What happened to him? SCHMID He fell, missed the rope. MCKNIGHT How'd he do that? (off Schmid's shrug) Put him in that op! Hoot comes back out of the target courtyard with Sanderson. They move the Somali prisoners out. HOOT Let's go, let's go. Come on, let's move! Blackburn is loaded in to a Humvee. GRIMES has been engrossed in watching them load prisoners. (CONTINUED) 45. 93 CONTINUED: (2) 93 When he turns around be sees Schmid, Smith and Waddell WAY THE HELL up the street, running back toward Chalk 4. He can see them taking fire as they run, moving from cover to cover. ON GRIMES - oh shit. He starts charging after them. Barely gets three feet when a rocket explodes near him, causing him to tumble. Turns and charges back to Chalk One and safety. 94 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER - DAY 94 Schmid, Smith and Waddell come charging up, take cover, out of breath from the long, dangerous run. The rest of the chalk are spread out, returning fire. Eversmann hears an approaching Little Bird and glances up. As it thunders over him, hot casings splash down like rain, burning him. EVERSMANN Oh, fuck! Eversmann pulls a casing out of his flack jacket. 95 INT. TARGET BUILDING - DAY 95 Hoot marches more prisoners out. Two Somali boys stare at them from the corner like they're a circus attraction. HOOT Let's go, right here! Come on! MCKNIGHT (calls out) Struecker! (grabs a radio) Formula C-4, I need to send out a three Humvee with a critical casualty, he looks real bad. I need to evac now! 96 INT. BLACK HAWK - SAME 96 HARRELL Roger that, Uniform Six Four. We'll shot a team of gunships to you, over. INT. TARGET BUILDING - CONT. MCKNIGHT Roger that. (CONTINUED) 46. 96 CONTINUED: 96 McKnight grabs Sanderson. MCKNIGHT I need extra security on these Humvees. Hoot motions for his team. Says to McKnight: HOOT I'll go! I'll take my team, make sure they get back okay. SANDERSON (nods) Sure. MCKNIGHT Struecker, you're lead Humvee! SERGEANT STRUECKER, Iowa farm boy, born-again Christian and model Ranger jumps up. STRUECKER Hooah! EXT. TARGET BUILDING - CONT. Strueker is behind the wheel of a Humvee, Blackburn in back, Medic tending to him. Hoot and his team jumps in the Humvees, Hoot riding shotgun next to Struecker. Struecker hits the gas. The three Humvees take off. 97 INT/EXT. THE STRUECKER/BLACKBURN CONVOY - DAY Snipers on the rooftops fire. A hail of shots hits the trucks like a cadence of drums. From the Humvees the turret men return fire. Pilla blasts away with his. 50, covering their asses. MCKNIGHT How're things going? Are things okay there, Struecker? STRUECKER I don't want to talk about it now, Colonel. MCKNIGHT Anyone hit? (CONTINUED) 97 47. 97 CONTINUED: 97 Struecker and Hoot see a roadblock. Turns onto another street to avoid it - two other Humvees following - and finds himself in a killing zone. Complete chaos. In the turret, Pilla continues to fire. On the street, a Militia Man spin out from behind a corner and shoots Pilla in the head. Suddenly the view swings straight up as he's hit in the head, flops down into the Humvee, onto a stunned Ranger - Thomas. Struecker turns in his seat, sees Pilla bleeding on Thomas, who is hysterical. THOMAS Christ, he's fucked up! HOOT He's dead. CUT BETWEEN CITY CENTER AND HUMVEE MCKNIGHT (into radio) Struecker, talk to me! STRUECKER (long pause, then) It's Sergeant Pilla. MCKNIGHT What's his status? What's his status? Hoot turns around in the Humvee, instantly assesses: HOOT He's dead. STRUECKER He's dead. He's dead. McKnight and Steele both look stunned. Someone dead? That just doesn't happen here. 98 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 98 OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT The casualties aren't gonna make it. 99 INT. JOC - SAME TIME Garrison glances down briefly, then back up, JOC silent. 99 48. 100 INT. STRUECKER'S HUMVEE - CONTINUED 100 A stunned hush -- static -- from the speaker. Then bullets hammer the outside of the truck -STRUECKER Someone get on that .50! Hoot is already climbing up into the turret. HOOT It's mine. OUTSIDE - Hoot sights a line of Somali gunmen up ahead and on building tops. Hoot lets loose with a cruel sweep of the .50 caliber. Huge slugs blast into the masonry -- dust and stone mixing with crimson splatters of blood. 101 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 101 Wolcott flies above the city. 102 EXT. MOGADISHU STREET - SAME TIME 102 Mo'Alim drives a technical in reverse down a tight street, keeping pace with Wolcott's circling Black Hawk. Mo'Alim SLAMS the brakes and three Somalia jump out with RPG tubes. Mo'Alim leaps off the vehicle. His men with the RPGs await his signal. As the chopper turns in the sky -103 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 103 Busch, Delta sniper, speaks into his headset -BUSCH I got three guys with RPGs coming up on your side now! 104 EXT. MOGADISHU STREET - SAME TIME 104 Mo'Alim shouts, his hand drops, and his men FIRE. WHOOOSH! 105 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME Before Wolcott can react an RPG BOOMS into the tail rotor. Busch's feet shoot out the cargo door. WOLCOTT All right, we got a hit! Stay with it! 105 49. 106 INT. JOC - SAME TIME 106 Garrison watches the drifting Black Hawk on a screen. RADIOMAN (V.O.) Going down, he's hit, he's hit! 107 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - CONTINUOUS 107 Wolcott and copilot Briley are the picture of calm as gauges go blank and the helicopter begins to spin. WOLCOTT Hey, Bull, you wanna pull those PCLs offline or what? Briley, already struggling to pull the levers, returns Wolcott's grin. BRILEY Roger, they're off, Elvis. WOLCOTT (remarkably calm) Six one going down... FROM EVERYONE'S POSITIONS ON THE GROUND: Eversmann, McKnight, Steele and others watch from their vantage points as Super Six One drifts away from their fields of view -108 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - CONTINUOUS 108 Bush grips a metal bar with one hand, chopper's spin INTENSIFYING. WOLCOTT Six One going down. Hold on! 109 EXT. CRASH SITE 1 - SAME TIME IMPACT! The Black Hawk explodes into an enormous concrete fountain, flips sideways, slams onto the road, nose burrowing into the dirt, control panel crumpling, glass shattering inward -- Wolcott and Briley killed instantly. Everything enveloped in dust. Somalis run away in every direction. 109 50. 110 INT. JOC - DAY 110 Garrison looks at the screen. Frantic voices on the command net echo in the room: VOICES (V.O.) We got a Black Hawk Down! We got a Black Hawk Down! We got a Black Hawk Down! 111 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 111 HARRELL Super Six one is down! We got a bird down in the city! 112 INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 112 Durant scans the horizon. VOICES (V.O.) We got a Black Hawk Down! We got a Black Hawk Down! FLASH - to Atto in his cell, sitting perfectly still, cigar smoke swirling around his head. It's as if he knows what's happened... 113 INT. JOC - DAY 113 ON SCREEN - the crash. GARRISON (into headset) Get an MH-6 on-site, check for survivors. Send in the SAR bird. I want ground forces to move and secure a new perimeter around that crash site. Can you guide the convoy in there? HARRELL (V.O.) Ah, Roger that. GARRISON Well, move quick. The whole damn city will be coming down on top of them. Harrell begins relaying the instructions down the chain to the pilots. 114 EXT. CHALK ONE, HALWADIG ROAD - LATER STEEL Two Five, this is Six Four, over? 114 51. 115 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER - SAME TIME 115 Eversmann trying to find out what they're supposed to do now. EVERSMANN This is Two Five, over. 116 EXT. CHALK ONE, HALWADIG ROAD - CONT. 116 STEELE Two Five, Chalk Four is closest to the crash site, over? 117 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER - CONT. 117 EVERSMANN Six Four. I can't see the crash site. Over. 118 EXT. CHALK ONE, HALWADIG ROAD - CONT. 118 Steele is trying to communicate with Eversmann on the radio. STEELE Two Five, it's too East of you. You won't find it. At least secure the area. Repeat, move your chalk on foot to crash. Check for survivors, secure the area. All other chalks will follow, over? (nothing but static) Two Five, you read me, over? 119 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER 119 Eversmann can't take it any longer. Signals to his men. EVERSMANN Goucher, Strick. Get Twombly! Hey, there's a Black Hawk down. Twombly Nelson, you're gonna stay here, you're gonna hold this corner, then exit with the Humvees. Galentine, Schmid, you're coming with me. All right? Let's go! Move out! NELSON How come I gotta stay back here? EVERSMANN Because you're dependable. All right, let's go. Go! (CONTINUED) 52. 119 CONTINUED: 119 Eversmann takes off with the rest of his Chalk: Galentine, Yurek, Goodale, Kurth, Smith, Doc Schmid, and Waddell. NELSON I hate being dependable, man. Steele looks down the block, sees a distant Eversmann and his Chalk leaving. He can't see Nelson and Twombly behind their cover. Steele thinks the message was received. 120 INT. JOC - LATER 120 GARRISON We just lost the initiative. Garrison stares at the downed Black Hawk on the screen. 121 EXT. STREETS - DAY 121 Militia and irregulars emerge from alleys and buildings around the Bakara Market. As they begin moving east toward the crash we RISE UP above the buildings, see some of them parallel to the route Eversmann's small group is taking, just one block over -EVERSMANN Let's go! As they become exposed around a corner, they take on heavy fire. An RPG explodes at their feet. They return fire, throw grenades. Little Birds provide cover from the sky, wipe out a Somali machine gunner, clearing the way for Eversmann's chalk. EVERSMANN Go! They run and fire. 122 EXT. TARGET BUILDING - DAY 122 Somali snipers are still firing from rooftops across the street. Wex ducks gunfire. SANDERSON BLASTS the rooftops. WEX We've still got guys inside. SANDERSON All right, all right, I'm going to go to the crash. (CONTINUED) 53. 122 CONTINUED: 122 WEX Okay. You take the rest of the team; I'll finish loading the prisoners. Steele shouts to be heard. STEELE Negative! We proceed to the crash site together! Secure the perimeter and wait for the Humvees! Roger, Sir! MCKNIGHT Roger that. STEELE I'll take the lead. Sanderson stares down the block, impatient. STEELE Sir, are you receiving me? SANDERSON I heard you. We should be leaving, sir. As if to punctuate his point, an RPG nicks the hood of a Humvee and explodes against the target building. Othic and Joyce duck, McKnight doesn't. Debris rains down on the Rangers of Chalk One and Delta men. MCKNIGHT All right, we need to move out now! I'll finish loading the prisoners, pick you up at the crash site. MEN (in unison) Roger! STEELE Let's move out! SANDERSON Come on, let's go! Chalk One and Delta element begin moving on foot toward the distant crash. McKnight loads up the prisoners. 123 EXT. STREET - DAY 123 Steele and his men are in the lead, Delta behind. In the rear, hugging the walls, is Grimes. Sanderson yells back -- (CONTINUED) 54. 123 CONTINUED: 123 SANDERSON Hey, hey! Stay away from the walls, whoever you are! But the walls seem safe to Grimes. He's not getting away from them even if his life depended on it, which it does. He chugs along behind the Delta to keep up as -- He hears a loud FWOOOSH!, turns to see -- AN RPG, streaking right at him. Grimes DUCKS behind a low wall as it ricochets and -BA-WHOOM! -- hits right above his head. Sanderson stops firing, looks back at Grimes who appears behind him. SANDERSON You okay? GRIMES Yeah! 124 EXT. TARGET BUILDING - DAY 124 McKnight and Maddox jump in the Humvee and take off with the Somali prisoners. MCKNIGHT Let's go, Maddox! Maddox, look at these little skinny bastards! You muther fuckers! Go, go, go, left, left, left, left! Maddox steers with his shoulders hunched in fear. 125 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER AND STREETS - LATE AFTERNOON Nelson and Twombly, left behind at Chalk 4, are crouched behind a burned-out technical, reloading. There are bodies of Somali gunmen around it. A Black Hawk flies overhead. NELSON Twombly? Twombly! TWOMBLY What? NELSON I think they've forgotten us! TWOMBLY What? (CONTINUED) 125 55. 125 CONTINUED: 125 NELSON It doesn't matter. 126 INT. JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER - SAME 126 Garrison watches the grainy images from P3 Orion as Somali militia run towards the downed Black Hawk. OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Indigenous personnel move to the crash. CRIBBS Say again, over? OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) A lot of people closing in. GARRISON How far is Chalk Four from the crash site? OPERATOR (O.S.) About six blocks, Sir. GARRISON (O.S.) Well they need to haul ass! 127 INT/EXT WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - DAY 127 Wolcott is dead. Dan Busch crawls out of the wreckage. He fires, trying to keep Somali gunmen from the downed chopper. Targets pop up. Everywhere. Busch hits every one, plugging rounds into the fleeting forms of armed Militia. 128 INT. JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER - SAME 128 Garrison watches gunfire on the screen around the crash site. EXT. CRASH SITE - CONT. Busch takes a bullet in the knee and nearly goes down. NEARBY - EVERSMANN'S GROUP The chalk splits, moves to opposite sides of the street. Gunfire erupts from the corner, Yurek, Kurth and Galentine running for a burned-out car. Galentine drops his weapon as he dives for cover. EVERSMANN Scotty! Scotty, are you okay? (CONTINUED) 56. 128 CONTINUED: 128 Across the street, Eversmann watches, then glances ahead and sees the tip of a rifle poke out from behind the edge of a building. Glancing back, he sees Galentine, obviously about to run back out to retrieve his weapon in the middle of the street. EVERSMANN No! Don't go! Galentine can't hear or can't understand and hurries out. To cover him, Eversmann has to step into the street, firing at the edge of the building. They continue moving. Then a Technical comes up behind them, bullets flying. Galentine looks at his hand, covered with blood. His thumb is hanging by a thread of skin. 129 EXT. STREETS - DAY 129 Eversmann and the others are firing nearly nonstop. It's chaos. YUREK Go, go, go! Eversmann crosses the street, ducks behind Yurek. Fires in that direction. Yurek signals the others to move. YUREK Go! Go! The rest of the group continues along the block as Yurek cover fires at the approaching mob. He turns to follow them as KRATAKRATAKRAK! AK-47 gunfire wails down at Yurek, he kicks in the tin door of the nearest structure he can find, diving into -130 INT. SCHOOLROOM - SAME TIME 130 -- a cramped schoolroom, cluttered with terrified kids huddling in a corner with their 16 year-old teacher. Bullets EXPLODE through the tin door. Bullets ZING! through the tin, explode around the room. Yurek puts his finger over his mouth to be quiet. (CONTINUED) 57. 130 CONTINUED: 130 The teacher stares at him, nods. She gets the message. Yurek sees a back door. Moves over to it. Turns to the kids, waves. One child waves back, smiles at him. Peeks out. Clear. Steps outside. 131 EXT. BEHIND THE CLASSROOM - DAY 131 Pokes his head out to check the Street. Looks both ways as -A SOMALI GUNMAN fires at him from one direction as -- The Somali's TEN YEAR OLD son, AK-47 too big for his little hands, FIRES from the other direction, poorly aimed bullets ricocheting off the crumbling alley wall, just missing Yurek, a bullet taking the heel of his boot off. Yurek pulls his head back just in time as -- The SOMALI MAN groans, hit by ricochet of his son's bullets. The man crumples to the dirt, dying. Yurek sees the kid run past him to his father, on his knees over his father, wailing, AK-47 forgotten. Yurek holds his gun on dying father and son. About to fire. Doesn't. Then runs. 132 EXT. HALWADIG ROAD - DAY 132 The McKnight Humvee convoy starts up Halwadig. A voice crackles through the radio: OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT (V.O.) Unit One, this is Six Four, you have to slow down. INSIDE MCKNIGHT'S HUMVEE MCKNIGHT Romeo, Six Four, I need to know before I get to the god damned street! 133 INT. MATTHEWS C2 BIRD - SAME 133 OBSERVATION BIRD PILOT You have to slow down, there's a delay from the time directions are relayed from P-3, to JOC, then to me. 134 INSIDE MCKNIGHT'S HUMVEE 134 McKnight yells back through the radio. (CONTINUED) 58. 134 CONTINUED: 134 MCKNIGHT We can't slow down! We're taking heavy enemy fire! We can't slow down! 135 EXT. BASE HANGAR - DAY 135 Sizemore is among thirty technicians, mechanics and cooks, all gathered around a big radio, listening with dawning horror at the drama out there. 136 INT. JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER - LATER 136 GENERAL GARRISON (standing, to Cribbs) What in the hell is the status of Struecker's Humvees? CRIBBS General Harrell, ETA to base, Strueker's column? 137 EXT./INT. STRUEKER'S COLUMN - DAY 137 The convoy rumbles down the road. Thomas holds a bloody Pilla. Hoot stands at the turret gun, no longer firing -- in a daze. 138 EXT. CRASH SITE - DAY 138 Busch leans against the chopper wall surrounded by a dozen dead Somali gunmen shot at close range. Busch's face is gray. Blood streams down his nose. 139 INT. JOC - SAME 139 SILENCE. Garrison watches the Orion plane's grainy image of Maier landing his Little Bird at the crash site. 140 EXT. CRASH SITE - DAY 140 A dust storm kicks up as Maier and his copilot Jones set the Little Bird down in front of Wolcott's crashed Black Hawk. 141 EXT. ADJACENT ALLEY TO BLACK HAWK CRASH - LATER Eversmann and his guys come around the corner. Through a massive city archway, they can see Wolcott's downed chopper, lying on its side. Little Bird whirling in front of it. Eversmann motions for his men to follow him. They charge through the enormous city gate, bullets slapping around them. 141 59. 142 EXT. CRASH SITE - DAY 142 Clark and Jones run toward the crash from their Little Bird. Finds Busch leaning against the Black Hawk, weapon aimed. Jones and Clark throw Busch's arm over their shoulders, and the three move to the chopper. Somali gunfire raining around them. 143 EXT. ADJACENT ALLEY TO BLACK HAWK CRASH - SAME EVERSMANN Galentine, you alright? (Galentine nods) Covering fire! Go! GALENTINE We'll cover! Eversmann and his team run in to the crash site. They are now in an enormous open area, four roads leading out -- four possible lanes of fire to worry about. Jones and Clarke get the limp Dan Busch into the Little Bird as Eversmann charges over, shouts: EVERSMANN Hey, how many are in there? JONES Two pilots are dead. Two crew chiefs are wounded. This guy's hurt bad. We gotta get out of here, now! EVERSMANN Okay. Jones helps Clarke inside, jumps in, Maier lifting off into the swirling dust as RPGs explode around the Little Bird. Eversmann crouches low, bullets pinging around him as he dashes to the downed chopper. Sees Wolcott's dead body. The Little Bird flies away. A Technical ROARS down the street. A Ranger shoots a rocket at it. It bursts into flames as Eversmann sprints from Wolcott's Black Hawk, joins Smith and Goodale in a mortar cavity carved into a wall. EVERSMANN (into radio) Two Six, Two Six, this is Two Five. (CONTINUED) 143 60. 143 CONTINUED: 143 EVERSMANN The guys are shooting up the technicals, over! EXT. CORNER NEAR WOLCOTT CRASH SITE - CONT. As Di Tomasso's Chalk 3 arrives at one of the cross streets, he answers Eversmann. DI TOMASSO Two Six, Two Six, roger that! EVERSMANN Di Tomasso! Take the Southeast border, we'll set up a perimeter, over? DI TOMASSO Delta two Six, Roger that. Moving my men out. Move out! Di Tomasso nods and waves his men to a structure on the Southeast corner. They move and take immediate heavy fire. EVERSMANN Captain Steele, Captain Steele, come in! 144 INTERCUT TO STEELE - 144 STEELE Go ahead Two Five, this is Six Four! EVERSMANN We got two wounded and we got both the pilots dead in the chopper. We need a medivac over here now! STEELE Two Five, they're telling me it's too hot to land the birds. You gotta secure the perimeter first, over. EVERSMANN Where are the Humvees? STEELE Advise Two Five the convoy will be there. They're encountering light resistance. Six Four out. Eversmann signals to Kurth. EVERSMANN Kurth! (CONTINUED) 61. 144 CONTINUED: 144 KURTH Let's go! They move out. 145 EXT. BASE HANGAR - DAY 145 STRUECKER'S THREE HUMVEES PULL IN to the Hangar area. Hundreds swarm toward them. RANGER Hey, we need a medic! Hey, we need a medic immediately to get this last load in! Bloody bodies are carried out of the Humvees on stretchers. Sizemore, cast on his arm, watches as Pilla is taken out, dead. Blackburn, broken. Half the others, bleeding. IN A HUMVEE -- Hoot's head peers in. There's already the buzzing of flies over the pools of blood and gristle. 146 INT/EXT. MCKNIGHT'S CONVOY - DAY 146 Light resistance? It's the fucking end of the world -- swarms of bullets raking the Humvee squad, RPGs streaking by with deadly whispers, exploding into walls. A .50 gunner slumps down in the turret, hit. MCKNIGHT Get the .50 up! God dammit! A Ranger tries, can't get through the bodies blocking the way. MCKNIGHT All I see is a roadblock. 147 INT. MATTHEWS C2 BIRD - SAME TIME 147 HARRELL Alright, I'm going to have to figure out another way. ON THE HUMVEE BEHIND - an RPG hits the back of the vehicle, flinging Alberto Rodriguez, Wex and another man into the street like unwanted toys during a child's tantrum. MCKNIGHT (leaping out, shouts) Give me a defensive perimeter so we can load the wounded! (CONTINUED) 62. 147 CONTINUED: 147 Joyce, Kowalewski and other Rangers leap out, firing at windows, doorways, rooftops. Othic nearly steps on a hand in the street, doesn't know whose it is. He'll figure it out later; puts it in his pocket. RANGER Fire your weapon, Othic! McKnight comes upon the writhing Wex. The Delta Operator has no lower half of his body. Wex is muttering something, somehow still alive, reaching up at McKnight, taking his hand and squeezing. WEX Tell my girls they'll be okay. McKnight watches him die. Then yells out. MCKNIGHT Othic! Othic runs low -- to McKnight's side. MCKNIGHT Medic! Othic and a medic carry Wex, put him inside the Humvee.. Joyce returns fire. Then takes a shot in the back where he removed the vest panel. Crumples to the street. Kowalewski and McKnight drag Joyce's limp body toward the trucks. 148 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - DAY 148 MCKNIGHT (V.O.) Get us off this fucking street! (into radio) Where's the crash site? Say again? HARRELL Keep going straight 200 meters. MCKNIGHT (V.O.) Okay. INT. MCKNIGHT'S HUMVEE - CONT. McKnight hops into the cab, bullets again exploding into the convoy, SHOUTS to Maddox - (CONTINUED) 63. 148 CONTINUED: 148 MCKNIGHT Let's go, let's go! 149 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER AND STREETS - SAME 149 Silence. Nelson and Twombly, left behind at Chalk 4, are crouched in their bunker, reloading. There are bodies of Somali gunmen around it. But now, there is nothing but sporadic gunfire on the corner. Nelson glances back down the block toward the target house. NELSON Hey, Twombles? TWOMBLY What? Twombly stands and moves over to Nelson. NELSON Come here! The Humvees ain't coming back, dude. TWOMBLY Really? Were we supposed to go to them? NELSON I thought they were supposed to come to us. TWOMBLY Shit, I think we were supposed to go to them. NELSON Shit! TWOMBLY Okay, let's go to the crash site. NELSON Okay. Just don't fire that thing so close to my head. I can barely hear as it is. TWOMBLY Okay, move out. Nelson goes first. He makes it half a block before bullets start ticking the walls around him. Twombly covers. Nelson dives behind another smoldering automobile carcass, turns and covers as Twombly dives in beside him. (CONTINUED) 64. 149 CONTINUED: 149 Suddenly an armed figure appears across the street; Twombly fires inches from Nelson's head. The gunman falls as the enormous boom of the SAW rings in Nelson's ears. He yells -NELSON WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU? I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU EVER... Another figure appears, and Twombly has to fire again. NELSON (in pain) AH! TWOMBLY You okay? You alright? NELSON (can't hear a thing shouting) What? 150 INT. BUILDING - DAY 150 Militia with RPGs strapped to their backs climb steps for a better angle on the hovering Six Eight Black Hawk. 151 INT. SIX EIGHT BLACK HAWK - DAY 151 The Black Hawk takes fire. SIX EIGHT PILOT Sunnavabitch. C2, this is Six Eight, we've been hit. 152 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - DAY 152 HARRELL (into radio) Super Six Eight, there is smoke coming from the top of your rotor. Advise you to come out now. SIX EIGHT PILOT Roger. 153 EXT. 4TH FLOOR BUILDING - SAME The Somalis set up to fire their RPGs at the Black Hawk. 153 65. 154 INT. SIX EIGHT BLACK HAWK - SAME 154 SIX EIGHT PILOT Art, I've got skinnies with RPG's at 12 o'clock, can you see them? Rangers slide down the ropes. RANGER 2 Go, go! SIX EIGHT GUNNER Got 'em. Give me 90 degrees left. 155 EXT. 4TH FLOOR BUILDING - SAME 155 They're about to fire as the Black Hawk banks. Relentless machine gun fire from the Black Hawk mows them down inside the building. 156 INT. SIX EIGHT BLACK HAWK - SAME 156 SIX EIGHT PILOT Six Eight, coming out. He banks the chopper away. HARRELL (V.O.) Super Six Eight is out. 157 EXT. CHALK 4 CORNER AND STREETS - SAME 157 Eversmann runs for cover behind upended trucks. EVERSMANN Galentine! What's the situation in there? 158 INSIDE WOLCOTT'S DOWNED BLACK HAWK - 158 GALENTINE Both pilots are dead. WILKINSON (into radio) Two Five, we can't move these guys now. We'll kill 'em just carrying 'em. (to other Medic) Stabilize in here? GALENTINE Roger! (CONTINUED) 66. 158 CONTINUED: 158 WILKINSON Stabilize in here. Repeat, stabilize in the bird, over. BACK TO EVERSMANN EVERSMANN Understood Wilky, we got you covered, over. 159 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - SAME 159 HARRELL (into radio) Super Six Four, come in and take Wolcott's position. 160 INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME 160 DURANT Roger. Six Four's inbound. He banks back toward the city center. Passes over rooftops. 161 EXT. MOGADISHU STREET - SAME 161 Militants with RPGs fire at Durant's chopper. An RPG missile streaks into Durant's chopper's tail. The Black Hawk rocks violently from the hit. The gauges blink but stay lit. Durant hears in his headset HARRELL (V.O.) Super Six Four, you all right? 162 INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 162 DURANT This is Super Six Four. We're good. 163 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 163 HARRELL You sure? You look like you got clipped pretty good. 164 INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 164 Durant and his copilot, Frank, check the gauges again. (CONTINUED) 67. 164 CONTINUED: 164 DURANT Instrument panels are okay. No, we're good. Got a slight vibration in the pedals. But we're good. 165 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 165 HARRELL All right. Put it down on the airfield, Super Six Four, have it checked out. Just to be safe. 166 INT./EXT DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 166 DURANT Roger. Durant banks away from the crash site, heads south toward base, grid of narrow streets and alleys rushing beneath him. OUTSIDE, the bent tail rotor is looser and rattling louder. DURANT Hey Ray, I'm getting a lot of movement in these pedals. Check the systems. 167 SUDDENLY - 167 THE ROTOR PIN PULLS FREE, slices through the gear box, and the entire tail assembly evaporates in a blur. Inside, there's a high whine as the airframe vibrates. Durant tries to correct the spin with the pedals; Frank kills the power with the ceiling levers. DURANT We lost the tail rudder! Six Four's going down. Six Four going down! 168 INT. JOC - SAME 168 SILENCE... Garrison watches the Orion plane's grainy image of Durant's Black Hawk crashing. Eyes locked on the monitor MONITOR - Durant's chopper hits the ground, crumpling, twists into the dirt like a whale on the beach, main rotor still chopping at the air like a gasp. After stunned silence in the JOC, Garrison finally speaks. (CONTINUED) 68. 168 CONTINUED: 168 GARRISON Get Struecker's column back up there. They need to get to Durant's crash site, fast. OPERATOR I'm on it. GARRISON All of them. HARRELL (V.O.) Super Six Four is down. 169 EXT. CRASH SITE - DAY 169 Militiamen and Rangers exchange gunfire. Eversmann glances over at Galentine, ghostly white, listening to his radio. EVERSMANN What? Then Eversmann's hip radio squawks, and he hears the voices on the command net: RADIO VOICES Bird down! Super Six Four is down. Eversmann, looks at the faces of his chalk. EVERSMANN They talking about another hawk? His men nod. 170 EXT. MOGADISHU CORNER/NEAR THE 4TH FLOOR BUILDING - DAY 170 Steele and his thirty some Rangers have entered a killing zone. Spread all over the road, his men are pinned down by gunfire from a fourth floor window in a building around the corner. They can't move forward down the street. DOWN THE STREET - Sanderson and his Delta (and Grimes) are pinned down, waiting to move. Sanderson shouts through the walkie talkie: SANDERSON Captain Steele, we gotta move or we're gonna get pinned down! 171 INTERCUT TO STEELE - 171 (CONTINUED) 69. 171 CONTINUED: 171 STEELE We're moving as fast as we can! You let me do my job and you do yours! Over! SANDERSON We're gonna get chewed up if we don't get off this street. 172 EXT. MOGADISHU CORNER/NEAR THE FLOOR BUILDING - DAY Ruiz fires when he's suddenly lifted and thrown against a wall, blood spraying out his back, bullet entering just under his vest. RUIZ Fuck! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, I fucking knew I was gonna get shot! Steele and his Rangers are still pinned down. Steele hovers over Ruiz. STEELE Medic! A Ranger MEDIC crouches along the street, gunfire blasting over his head. Starts working on Ruiz. DOWN THE BLOCK - as bullets whiz past he and his Delta team, SANDERSON mutters to himself -SANDERSON Fuck this. (into radio) Cap'n Steele, we'll take out the window, we'll rally point at the gray building. Coming through, Captain! ON STEELE - he looks back at Sanderson and Delta down the block behind him. STEELE Sergeant! SANDERSON All right, let's move, let's move! SANDERSON clicks off the radio. Gives Delta command by hand signals. The Delta team moves down the block. Grimes looks behind him. No one there. He takes a deep breath and hustles after Delta. ON STEELE - his position is under BLISTERING fire. (CONTINUED) 172 70. 172 CONTINUED: 172 Sanderson and Delta - pass Steele and his beleaguered Rangers without a second glance. Grimes keeps following Delta. KRATAKRATAKRAK! Bullets immediately track the Delta team from the fourth floor window. SANDERSON Move! Move! Move! As DELTA move in a crouch alongside a five foot high earthen mound. Bullets kick up plumes of dirt along the crest of the mound above Delta's heads as -SANDERSON pulls a grenade, yanks the pin and runs up the earthen mound, hurls the grenade four stories into the open window -- a perfect toss. A MOMENT LATER -- the room explodes, shredded Somali bodies hurtling outward. More bullets rain at them from every direction: SANDERSON Let's go! Let's move! Grimes runs along the earthen mound again. More bullets rip past him as he runs. Steele and his Rangers follow the Deltas. STEELE Move it! 173 EXT. STABLE - DAY 173 Bullets rain down on Delta from every conceivable direction as they sprint to the first cover they can find. Sanderson is behind them and dives into -174 INT. STABLE A STABLE - no living animals here. Carcasses, bones, piles of moldering hay, ratty couch in a corner. High stone courtyard walls protect them from Somali bullets. Grimes, covered in concrete powder, runs inside. SANDERSON Come on, come on! Let's go, let's go! Come on, bring 'em down! 174 71. 175 INT/EXT STEELE'S STABLE COURTYARD - DAY 175 As Steele and other Rangers spill into the filthy stable courtyard an RPG blasts the building. Rangers are helping wounded comrades through the doorway, while groups of others carry seriously wounded men. SANDERSON Grab him! Move him! Move him out of here! Go, go, go! Steele whirls on SANDERSON, furious. STEELE What the fuck are you doing out there? SANDERSON Doing my job! Look, we gotta get to that crash site! We gotta get on that street and we gotta move! Now you have got to keep up, Sir! Steele says under his breath so the others won't hear: STEELE (livid) We are combat ineffective. We've got too many dang wounded to move. SANDERSON Then give me some of your shooters and that'll get us closer to the bird! Steele nods. His eyes travel around the room. His Rangers are blood spattered, dazed, shell-shocked. Most are frankly terrified. His gaze falls on Grimes. STEELE Grimes! You're with Chalk Four! Grimes flinches. GRIMES Yes, Sir! Steele speaks to his Rangers, but he's looking right at Sanderson as he says: STEELE All right, who's going with Delta? Grimes joins with Sergeant Eversmann. Grimes' face falls. (CONTINUED) 72. 175 CONTINUED: 175 STEELE The rest of you men secure the position. Treat the wounded, and we'll wait for the convoy. Then we'll rally at the crash site. Roger! The other Rangers breathe a sigh of relief. Sanderson gives Grimes a once over. Shakes his head. This is who he gets? Finally he sighs, grabs his weapon. SANDERSON My guys, let's go! STEELE All right, let's cover him! A look from SANDERSON is all Delta needs to let them know they're moving out. They start filing back out into the dangerous streets. Grimes heads to the door, uncertain. With a last look back at Steele, Grimes readies himself. Then he runs after Delta. 176 EXT. STREET - DAY 176 Sanderson and Delta emerge from the stable, Grimes trailing. Delta are fluid, moving from cover to cover, fanning out on either side of the street. Grimes hustles after them. 177 EXT. CRASH SITE - LATE AFTERNOON 177 Silence. Strapped to the seat of his downed Black Hawk, Durant slowly comes to. 178 INT./EXT. GOFFENA'S BLACK HAWK - DAY 178 Circling, Goffena and his copilot Yacone can see Durant's downed Black Hawk below. In back, also looking down at it, are Delta snipers Shughart and Gordon. There's a crowd moving toward the crash from several blocks away. GOFFENA RADIOS GOFFENA Romeo; Six Two. I got two Delta snipers volunteering to go in to secure Crash Site 2, over. (CONTINUED) 73. 178 CONTINUED: 178 MATTHEWS (V.O.) No, Six Two, that is negative to the request. 179 INT. MATTHEW'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 179 MATTHEWS We don't see anything moving down there now. We don't even know if anyone's alive. A ground team is being organized to go in now. GOFFENA ETA of ground team, over? MATTHEWS Ah, unknown. Not long. Do what you can from the air. 180 EXT. CRASH SITE - LATE AFTERNOON 180 Still trapped to his seat, Durant sees through the shattered windshield the Black Hawk flying overhead. 181 ETX. BASE GARAGE - DAY 181 STRUECKER STANDS BEFORE THE BATTERED HUMVEES. STRUECKER All right, gather around! All right, Durant's Six Four is down. (Rangers mutter in anger) We're going back in to get 'em. Now there is a prolonged silence. Rangers look at him like he's nuts. Three Humvees behind him are bloody Swiss cheese. THOMAS That's crazy! Is there anyone alive on that? Thomas looks at other Rangers, some just as scared as he is. STRUECKER It doesn't matter. No one gets left behind. You know that. HOOT We're wasting time here. STRUECKER All right! Refit, max out ammo and grenades. You've got five. (CONTINUED) 74. 181 CONTINUED: 181 SIZEMORE is gearing up, wearing unlaced boots, swimming in an enormous extra flak vest. STRUECKER Sizemore, where the hell do you think you're going? SIZEMORE With you guys. STRUECKER Not with that cast on you're not. Sizemore pulls out his survival knife and goes to cut off his cast. STRUECKER All right, all right, all right. Go get your K-pak. Struecker moves off to get ammo and sees Thomas' worried face. STRUECKER Hey, talk to me. THOMAS I can't go back out there. STRUECKER Thomas, everyone feels the same way you do, all right? It's what you do right now that makes a difference. It's your call. Hooah! Struecker walks off. THOMAS Hooah. 182 INT. BASE GARAGE - LATER Hoot slaps in a magazine, already re -- supplied with grenades and ammo. He grabs a bunch of night vision goggles, slips them in a pack. Rangers stare at him. Struecker is grabbing ammo when Hoot pulls him aside. HOOT It'll probably help to wash the blood out of the Humvees. 182 75. 183 EXT. BASE GARAGE - DAY 183 Struecker's Humvees are slowly pulling out, everyone, from company cooks to mechanics running after it, geared up with borrowed armor, leaping on, wanting to join in the fight. Thomas watches Struecker's loaded Humvee. BASE RANGER (running alongside) Sergeant Struecker, wait! Sergeant Struecker! Can I go, Sir? STRUECKER You got some ammo? (the Ranger does) Hop in. Struecker looks back at Thomas. Thomas, taking a hit from his inhaler, finally summons the courage, runs to catch up. THOMAS Sergeant! Pulls the door open and jumps in. 184 EXT. DARKENED STREET CORNER - SUNSET 184 Nelson and Twombly, still looking for crash site one, charge to a corner. The random burst of gunfire keeps them on edge. TWOMBLY Which way? Twombly shrugs: which way? He motions down the street, left or right? Nelson looks down the street. NELSON (shouting) That way I think. TWOMBLY (whispering) Sshh! Don't talk so fucking loud! Twombly hears something, coming down the block, a strange sound. -- clop, clack, clop. Motions Nelson back. Sound growing louder, closer. (CONTINUED) 76. 184 CONTINUED: 184 Eyes wide, Twombly aims his SAW as --A DONKEY comes clopping past, pulling a cart without a driver. The animal briskly trots past Twombly, who nearly blew it head off. Twombly motions to Nelson. They RUN. DOWN THE BLOCK - on a different corner, YUREK is pressed against an alley wall, terrified, alone, eyes wide. Hears a ghostly, disturbing sound, coming closer -- clop, clop, clop. Yurek prepares himself, gun aimed. The same donkey comes clattering into the alley, walks right up to the stunned Yurek. YUREK Nice donkey. Yurek pats its head as he takes a look out into the wide intersection. Then he bolts -- RUNNING around a corner, down another block, around another corner. TWOMBLY AND NELSON level their weapons at him and start shooting. YUREK Rangers! NELSON Who? YUREK It's Yurek, you fucking assholes! TWOMBLY Fuck! No, we almost fucking killed you! Oh, come to us! Yurek, completely out of breath; tries to speak. YUREK Fuck You! Come to me! Twombly and Nelson run to Yurek. NELSON Sorry Sarge. TWOMBLY Okay, never mind. You brought the NOD, right? Yurek gives him a weary Look. Gasps out -- (CONTINUED) 77. 184 CONTINUED: (2) 184 YUREK No. No, I didn't bring it. And you want to know why? `Cause you said: You're not gonna need that, dude, we'll be back in a half hour. TWOMBLY Man, I wasn't saying it to you. YUREK (looks at Nelson) Nelson, cover this way. Nelson doesn't hear him. TWOMBLY Man, we're gonna need night vision. Yurek grabs Nelson. Nelson turns around. YUREK What's the matter with you? NELSON Huh? TWOMBLY Oh, he's deaf. It's my fault, I... We really need to get out of here. YUREK We can't be far from the crash. Which way? TWOMBLY I thought you might know. They take off down the street. 185 EXT. CRASH SITE - DAY 185 Eversmann's men are shooting constantly, trying to keep the growing crowd of Somalis from the downed chopper. EVERSMANN (To Galentine) Give me Nelson and Twombly now! Galentine nods and clicks the handset of his radio, shouting over the sounds of gunfire. (CONTINUED) 78. 185 CONTINUED: 185 GALENTINE Nelson... Twombly, come in! This is Galentine. Over. Nelson, Twombly, come in, this is Galentine! We need the position of the convoy, over? Galentine shouts in frustration: GALENTINE I can't raise them, Sergeant! I can't raise them! Eversmann swears under his breath as bullets EXPLODE over his head. EVERSMANN We gotta get the fuck out of here and evac! GOODALE No, we can't move `em. We're staying right here until the convoy gets here! Understood? (to all his men) We stay with the plan. Understood? EVERSMANN Let's get back to the stronghold! Come on! 186 INT. JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER - LATER Cribbs points to the map of Mogadishu. A big X represents Wolcott's crash, another, further away, Durant's crash. CRIBBS Ground forces have occupied several buildings along Marehan Road -they're all spread out. Eversmann's Chalk Four has set up a perimeter around Wolcott's crash site, here. (marks a spot) Id Tomasso is in the adjacent structure. (marks a more distant spot) Captain Steele and about forty men of Rangers are here, a couple blocks away. They're banged up pretty bad. He's set up a casualty collection point. I, I don't think they're gonna be able to move. Sergeant Sanderson and a small Delta team are moving from Steele's position to the crash site as we speak. 186 79. 187 EXT. STREET NEAR CRASH - SUNSET 187 Sanderson is behind wreckage made by a mortar blast. He sees Grimes near him, wonders briefly where he came from. SANDERSON When this guy stops firing, I'll have four seconds to get to their corner. Cover me. Go! Grimes nods as bullets SLAM into the wall above them. Grimes runs forward. The gunfire pauses. Before Sanderson can move, Grimes has leapt out of the crater. GRIMES I got it! GRIMES - charging the corner, seemingly taking forever to get there. He rounds the corner and comes face to face with -TWO SOMALI gunman, frantically trying to change magazines as they see Grimes sliding to a stop before them. They slap in the mags, raise their weapons, but -- Grimes waves a burst of gunfire over them. 188 GRIMES TURNS TO SANDERSON - 188 SANDERSON (shouting) RPG! An RPG slams into the wall behind Grimes, burying him in debris. This time he must be dead. Sanderson charges to the mound of rubble, tossing aside thirtypound chunks of mortar and concrete. Sanderson pulls Grimes out, dazed, hair blackened, helmet gone. SANDERSON (CONT'D) You all right? You okay, man? GRIMES Yeah! I can hear bells ringing. Sanderson gives Grimes a nod and a thumbs up. SANDERSON (laughs) Come on, come on! Let's go! (CONTINUED) 80. 188 CONTINUED: 188 Sanderson helps Grimes up. 189 INT./EXT. GOFFENA'S BLACK HAWK - LATE AFTERNOON 189 A crowd scatters from the low-flying Black Hawk but then reforms again, heading toward Durant's crashed chopper. Goffena sweeps around to make another pass. GOFFENA Romeo, Shughart and Gordon again request permission to secure until convoy arrives, over. 190 INT. JOC -SAME TIME 190 Garrison watches crowds of Somalis charge down the street on the screen. 191 INT. MATTHEWS C2 BIRD - SAME TIME 191 Matthews can barely hear Goffena over the frantic voices of the command net. He reaches out and SHUTS down all radio channels. Silence except for rotors. Speaks to Harrell: HARRELL General, crowd's in the hundreds now. From where they are, they can see it clearer than any of us. They know what they're asking. 192 INT. JOC - SAME TIME 192 Silence except for the static. finally -GARRISON Let me talk to them. 193 INT. GOFFENA'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 193 Shughart and Gordon hear over their headsets -GARRISON (V.O.) This is Garrison. I want to make sure that ya'll understand what you're asking for so say it out loud. GORDON We're asking to go in to set up a perimeter until ground support arrives. INTERCUT to Garrison - (CONTINUED) 81. 193 CONTINUED: 193 GARRISON Now you understand I can not tell you when that might be. It could take quite a while. SHUGHART Roger that. GARRISON (V.O.) And you still want to go in? GORDON Yes, sir. 194 BACK IN THE JOC - 194 Garrison chews on this for a moment. Then: GARRISON Colonel Harrell. HARRELL (V.O.) Yes, General. GARRISON It's your call. HARRELL (V.O.) Roger that. Goffena? Put 'em in. 195 BACK IN GOFFENA'S BLACK HAWK - 195 Goffena turns and gives Shughart and Gordon the thumbs up. 196 INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - LATER 196 Visible through the windscreen, Durant looks up at the Delta snipers in the chopper above and sees Goffena's Black Hawk fly off. 197 EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - LATER 197 McKnight's convoy rolls through a hail of gun fire. INT. MCKNIGHT'S HUMVEE - CONT. McKnight shakes his head as casings rain down on him from the gun turret above. MCKNIGHT Mother fucker, mother fucker! The Humvee takes fire from all sides. (CONTINUED) 82. 197 CONTINUED: 197 INT. FIVE TON TRUCK - CONT. A shaft of light tears through the door and into Othic's shoulder. A round hits Othic in the knee. He screams and then sees an RPG coming straight at the driver's door. OTHIC RPG! The RPG comes crashing through the metal -- but doesn't explode. The convoy stops. McKnight walks to Alphabet's truck and yanks the door open. Dazed, Othic looks to Kowalewski: there's a foot long RPG missile embedded in his chest, fins sticking out his left side, arm severed off. Kowalewski is dead. OTHIC There's a fucking bomb in him, Sir. MCKNIGHT Othic, calm down, god dammit! That's live ammo! Now get out! Othic jumps out of the Humvee. McKnight gets Kowalewski out of the truck. MCKNIGHT Come on, let's move him. Son of a bitch! The men lift the dead Kowalewski to a Humvee. MCKNIGHT All right, lift him up, lift him up. Easy, easy, all right, get him in there. Good, good, easy, easy! Othic tries to climb into the Humvee as well as the men gingerly load Kowalewski in to the back. MCKNIGHT Get back in that truck and drive. OTHIC I'm shot, Colonel. MCKNIGHT Everybody's shot. We need the prisoners. Let's go! 83. 198 INT. MATTHEWS C2 BIRD - LATER 198 A voice crackles through the radio. RADIO VOICE (V.O.) C3 says to take Halwadig and take it straight. HARRELL McKnight, we need you to turn around and head back to Halwadig. INTERCUT to McKnight - radios back -MCKNIGHT You're shitting me. We just came through there. There's gotta be a better way! HARRELL That's the info I'm getting from JOC. You need to turn around and head back. McKnight looks at Maddox. Shakes his head. MCKNIGHT Roger that, roger that. I cannot believe this shit. (sighs) Turn us around, Maddox. MADDOX They're trying to get us fucking killed, aren't they, Sir? MCKNIGHT Just get it over with. Drive! MADDOX God damn! MCKNIGHT Just, just get us outta here, god dammit! Drive! Resigned, Maddox executes a K-turn. The column slowly turns around. Maddox hits the gas. They head right back into the fray. Hell begins anew. HUNDREDS of rounds RAKE the vehicles, punching holes through metal. The windshield SHATTERS, spraying glass into Maddox's face. (CONTINUED) 84. 198 CONTINUED: 198 MADDOX AHHH! I'm blind. (grabs the wheel) Keep your foot on the gas! A bullet PINGS into the doorframe next to McKnight, slices into his neck. Blood sprays the dashboard. MCKNIGHT Fuck! He presses a hand on his wound. Maddox's face is a mass of blood, hands to his eyes. But he keeps stepping on the pedal, McKnight steering, neck bleeding. 199 EXT. CRASH SITE - LATE AFTERNOON 199 Still strapped to his seat Durant sees the Black Hawk flying overhead. Hears Somali voices, yelling, coming closer. Tries to reach back for his rifle, grunts in agony, back damaged. Can't get to it. Sweating, reaching, swearing in pain as -- SOMALI FACES appear in his windscreen, raise their AKs at him. Durant raises one arm to protect himself as he fires -- the first Somali gunmen's chest EXPLODES. Gordon and Shughart land. GUNFIRE raging as they charge toward the chopper. DURANT - Somalis charge the Black Hawk. Durant fires away. He sees Shughart and Gordon rounding the corner, boots slapping earth. Appearing like angels. They fire at the approaching Somalis. Shughart bangs on the Black Hawk. SHUGHART Friendlies! Shughart checks Frank's pulse. DURANT God, it's good to see! GORDON Oh, it's good to see you. How bad? DURANT My leg's broken. My back feels kinda weird. (CONTINUED) 85. 199 CONTINUED: 199 GORDON We gotta get you outta here, buddy. I'm pulling him out. Cover! Gordon gently lifts Durant from the chopper and he screams in pain. Shughart covers. SHUGHART I'm gonna put you down. They prop him against a wall. GORDON Cross, we're at the Six Four crash sight, securing the perimeter. You all right? DURANT Yeah, I'm good. Shughart puts Durant's MP-5 in his hands. GORDON You're locked and loaded. If you see anyone come around these corners -you watch your back. Shughart and Gordon run back to the crash site. DURANT Hey! Where's the rescue squad? GORDON WHIRLS, SAYS: SHUGHART We're it! Durant is left alone, cradling his MP-5. 200 INT. STABLE - DAY 200 Steele talks to Harrell on the radio. STEELE C2, you keep talking about a convoy, I would dearly like to know where in sam hill that is, over? HARRELL (V.O.) Perimeter has to be tighter for the convoy. You're too far from the crash. They spread out like that, and you're all liable to be overrun. Over. (CONTINUED) 86. 200 CONTINUED: 200 STEELE C2, if I use two men for each wounded, I still got nobody left to shoot. Now, we're staying where we are, over? Ruiz sighs. 201 EXT. STREETS - DAY 201 In the lead Humvee of the Lost Convoy, Maddox mops at his bloodied face while McKnight, peering out the broken windshield, drives, his neck a mess of blood... McKnight finds himself in front of a familiar building -the target building. MCKNIGHT Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, Maddox, stop! INT. MCKNIGHT'S HUMVEE - CONT. Maddox face is a bloody mess. He slams on the brakes. MCKNIGHT (resigned, into radio) Son of a bitch! Romeo Six Four, we're right back where we started! I'm running low on ammo. I got many wounded, including me. Vehicles that are barely running. HARRELL (V.O.) Okay, Danny, I need a no b.s. assessment here. Can you get to the crash site? McKnight hears groans of the wounded in back, sounds of tire rims grinding on the road, bullets smacking into metal. MADDOX Colonel, I can't see shit. MCKNIGHT Negative. With the amount of wounded we have, we'd do more harm than good. We need to come back to base, rearm and regroup and then we can go back out. HARRELL Roger. 87. 202 INT. JOC - SAME TIME 202 Monitoring this, Garrison speaks into a headset. GARRISON C2...bring 'em back. Get 'em out of there! HARRELL Roger, return to base. INT. MCKNIGHT'S HUMVEE - CONT. McKnight shouts to the wounded men in back. MCKNIGHT We're going home. Let's go! Left! Go, go, go, go, god dammit! Run that mother fucker over! Go, go, go! Left, left, left, left, left! We're gonna be home in a second, we're gonna be home in a second. Hang on! God dammit, you guys hang on! 203 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - LATER 203 Galentine throws his radio headset down. EVERSMANN What's up? GALENTINE They're sending 'em back. The convoy's headed back to base camp. Some of the other men hear it and look over to Eversmann. What now? What does he suggest now? Oh, now We need and get its too WADDELL that makes sense, don't it? to exfil the wounded now, the hell outta here before late! SMITH If Colonel McKnight went back to base, then he had a damn good reason. It changes nothing. Right now, some of his men don't seem too convinced. (CONTINUED) 88. 203 CONTINUED: 203 EVERSMANN All right, listen up. We're gonna hold the perimeter. We're gonna hold the strongpoint. Hooah! Eversmann looks at each man, into the wide, scared eyes of Smith, Galentine, Kurth, Goodale, Waddell and Doc Schmid. MEN (in unison) Hooah! EVERSMANN Conserve your ammo. Only shoot at what you can hit. Hooah? MEN (in unison) Hooah! His men stare out into the city, gripping weapons. Fear turning to anger, confusion into focus. EVERSMANN The convoy's gonna come. We're gonna get home. 204 EXT. DURANT'S CRASH SITE - DUSK 204 Delta snipers GORDON AND SHUGHART are sprawled out under the ruined chopper tail, ammo magazines piled beside them. THEY FIRE at endless targets. Countless AK-47 muzzle flashes flare from every direction. A living nightmare. GORDON Loading. Gordon slaps in an ammo mag, Shughart covering them. GORDON'S POV - firing again, he hits EVERYTHING. Militia are nailed in the head, chest, some targets 100 yeards away. GORDON Randy, I need a pistol mag! Shughart throws Gordon the mag and he loads it. SHUGHART Loading. (CONTINUED) 89. 204 CONTINUED: 204 GORDON FIRES AT MILITIA. OVERHEAD - THOUSANDS OF SOMALIS edge closer to them -- an armed, furious mob that will stop at nothing. Shughart grabs a magazine. SHUGHART Loading. Gordon grabs a magazine. Pile of ammo getting smaller. ON THE PILE OF MAGAZINES - Gordon reaches for the last one. GORDON Randy, last mag! Crowd of Somalis now charging at them, making suicide runs. Too many of them. Gordon takes a bullet in the head. SHUGHART Gordy! Shughart runs in to Gordon. SHUGHART Fuck! 205 EXT. DURANT'S CRASH SITE - DUSK 205 Durant is firing his MP-5 at dozens of Somalis. Every time he fires they disappear behind walls. Shughart scrambles back to Durant, gives him a CAR-15 rifle. The weapon is covered in blood. Gordon's. Shughart touches Durant's shoulder. SHUGHART Good luck. Shughart again crawls under the chopper as -- SOMALIS peer around the corner. Durant fires at them. Two more gunmen poke their heads around. Durant fires again. 206 EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - MOMENTS LATER 206 Hundreds of Somalis race towards the crash site. 207 INT. JOC - LATER 207 Garrison speaks to Cribbs in the subdued JOC. (CONTINUED) 90. 207 CONTINUED: 207 GARRISON We need the 10th Mountain in there. Everything they got. Pakistanis, Malays, I want their tanks and APCs. On the monitors, Garrison can see roadblocks going up in the streets surrounding Wolcott's crash, boxing the Americans in. CRIBBS They still don't know we've gone in. GARRISON Look. We have stirred up the hornet's nest here. We're fighting the entire city. I want every vehicle possible. If it has four wheels and armor, get it! Get everything. Garrison and Cribbs consult a map of Mogadishu, hostile and safe areas outlined in red and green. GARRISON Now once they've assembled, we need to move our men out of the hostile area and back to The Pakistani stadium, the safe zone. Now let's go! CRIBBS (Cribbs nods -- sounds good) Roger that, boss. Cribbs leaves the room. INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - CONT. SOUNDS OF a FRANTIC FUSILLADE echoes from the other side of the chopper. Shughart's gun roaring. AK-47s firing back. The SOMALIS charge toward Shughart. Fires a quick burst. The Somalis fall dead as -- Shughart takes several bullets at close range. SOUNDS of the fusillade on the other side of the chopper continue. Then...the shooting stops. A strange lull....nothing... then hundreds of Somalis swarm from either side of the helicopter. EXT. DURANT'S CRASH SITE - CONT. A SOMALI pops his head around the corner. Durant fires, dropping him. Click! The weapon goes dry as Durant runs out of ammo. (CONTINUED) 91. 207 CONTINUED: (2) 207 The crowd drags the wounded crew from the chopper, tearing off clothes, boots. Durant has time to do one last thing: pulls a snapshot of his wife and infant child from his flight suit pocket. Somalis finally see him in the corner. They descend upon him. A rifle butt slams into Durant's face, breaking his nose and the orbital bone of his left eye. He's kicked, spit on, uniform ripped at, crowd trying to pull him apart. The photo of his family falls from his grasp. In a haze of pain, he crawls after the snapshot. A boot stomps on his hand, photo kicked away. KRATAKRATAT! Gunfire erupts over the crowd's head. Everything stops as MO'ALIM hops down from a technical skidding to a halt, .50 caliber smoking. A big Somali with him, FIRIMBI, shouts into a megaphone; FIRIMBI (in Somali, subtitled) Back up! Mohamed Farrah Aidid claims this prisoner alive. Durant opens his eyes, sees Mo'Alim's elaborate tattoos, his teeth stained orange and black from khat. As Firimbi again shouts into the megaphone, Mo'Alim fires his AK-47 over the crowd's head. Somalis retreat as Durant passes out again. 208 EXT. BASE - DUSK 208 McKnight's convoy arrives, battered and bloody. McKnight watches his men, many of them injured themselves, unload the wounded and dead. Wex is dead. Joyce. Several others. 209 EXT. STREETS - DUSK 209 Struecker's convoy keeps moving but is making little progress; roadblocks everywhere, constant volleys of gunfire. HARRELL (V.O.) See where those tires are burning? All that black smoke? (CONTINUED) 92. 209 CONTINUED: 209 STRUECKER Roger, I can see it, but I can't get there. Over. They can see the smoke in the sky, but all the streets leading there are strategically blocked. 210 INT. MATTHEWS C2 BIRD - SAME TIME 210 HARRELL Go a hundred meters past it, that's the crash. 211 INTERCUT TO STRUECKER - 211 STRUECKER Negative. You don't understand, it's roadblock after roadblock. You have to find us another route. Over. HARRELL (V.O.) There ain't one. The only other route is all the way around the city. STRUECKER Roger that, we'll take it. HOOT (grabs the radio handset) Kilo Six Four, this is Kilo One One, request permission to move to crash Site number 2 on foot. Over. As Hoot reloads and waits for an okay, Struecker regards him like he's nuts. To Struecker -HARRELL (V.O.) Green light, Kilo One. Green light. HOOT Stop the vehicle. Let me out. Struecker slows. Hoot jumps out. Raps on the side of the Humvee for a couple of other Delta to join him, including. Sizemore. The four run down a side street. 212 EXT. MOSQUE TOWER - SUNSET The voice comes from a loudspeaker mounted on the mosque. An unseen holy man intoning the evening prayer - 212 93. 213 INT. EVERSMANN'S GROUP - SUNSET 213 Eversmann hears the lone voice, too. Then other voices join in from mosque loudspeakers elsewhere in the city. 214 EXT. STEELE'S POSITION- SUNSET 214 Steele and his men listen to it in their stable. Wilkinson adjusts the drip on an IV bag. Fluids slowly drip into the crew chief's veins. Tries to relax the other dazed crew chief as he works: WILKINSON After I'm finished with this, I'll whip you boys up some margaritas. The usual, blended, no salt? 215 INT. EVERSMANN'S GROUP - SUNSET 215 Eversmann's group listens to the evening prayer. RADIO VOICE (V.O.) Somebody's always gotta ruin a party, huh? KURTH (in Somali) Meat pa pa. Smith throws Kurth his canteen. 216 EXT. OTHER STREET - SUNSET 216 As the voices echo, Sanderson and his group keep moving through narrow slum streets. He radios Eversmann -SANDERSON Eversmann, come in. Eversmann. INTERCUT - with Eversmann, his chalk in strategic positions outside his Alamo building. EVERSMANN Roger. Who is this? SANDERSON Sanderson. Do not, I say again, do not fire to the east. We are coming to you. EVERSMANN (into radio) Understood. (CONTINUED) 94. 216 CONTINUED: 216 EVERSMANN Di Tomasso and his men are on the southeast corner. We need you on the northeast building. SANDERSON Roger, we'll take it. EVERSMANN Hey, watch out for skinnies. They're all over the rooftops. Sanderson motions for his men to move forward. Eversmann turns to his men -EVERSMANN (quietly) Hold your fire to the east! Sanderson's men move towards the northeast building. Grimes bringing up the rear. SANDERSON Follow him! Go, go. 217 EXT. DOWN THE BLOCK - SUNSET 217 Twombly, Nelson and Yurek are sixty yards and across the street from Eversmann's position. They dash out, the hulking shape of Wolcott's Black Hawk visible in the intersection. YUREK Eversmann. It's Yurek, I got, I got Nelson and Twombly with me. We got the chopper in sight. Where are you? INTERCUT - with Eversmann. EVERSMANN We're on the Southwest corner. Where the hell have you been? Are you okay? Nelson takes ammo from a dead Somali lying at their feet. YUREK Yeah. Hold your fire. We're coming in. YUREK We gotta go. TWOMBLY (shouting) Shawn, Shawn, listen. Sergeant Yurek's gonna run first. (CONTINUED) 95. 217 CONTINUED: 217 TWOMBLY (Yurek's look says, I am?) Now when he gets across the street, he's gonna turn around and he's gonna cover you as you run. Listen closely when you get there, you're gonna turn around and you're gonna cover me. Okay? Nelson nods, but Twombly isn't really sure he understands. TWOMBLY Now you're not just gonna run to Eversmann's position, you're going to stop. You're gonna turn around and you are gonna cover me. It's important you understand that. Nelson nods again, but it's even less convincing this time. Twombly glances to Yurek. TWOMBLY Okay, you ready? YUREK Yeah, I guess. Yurek RUNS right through the center of the street. BACK ON NELSON - getting ready -TWOMBLY Hey, hey! Don't forget. NELSON (shouting) What? TWOMBLY Don't forget. Nelson can't hear him. Twombly shrugs, Oh, fuck it, go. Nelson runs. He makes it across the street, turns, sets and covers Twombly's run perfectly. ON EVERSMANN - he, Smith, Kurth, Goodale, Galentine and Waddell watch as Yurek hauls ass. GALENTINE I got them in my sights, Sarge. They're coming up on the west gate. I see 'em. EVERSMANN Let's move out. (CONTINUED) 96. 217 CONTINUED: (2) 217 YUREK You gonna cover us Sergeant? Eversmann radios back. EVERSMANN We got ya. Yurek makes it across to them, turns, sets to cover Nelson. TWOMBLY Nelson. PROVIDING COVER - as Nelson runs across. Eversmann sees Somali's aiming but it's too late to warn Twombly, who charges across the courtyard. EVERSMANN Fuck! WHUMP! a Somali bullet hits Twombly in the back, right on the bandolier of SAW bullets wrapped around him. Three SAW rounds explode, lighting Twombly up like a human firecracker. SMITH charges into the swarm of Somali gunfire, out into the street to get Twombly -SMITH Twombly! EVERSMANN Smith, no! Smith yanks Twombly to his feet and pulls him along, almost to Eversmann before -- bullets trace a path up the street, a round SMACKING into Smith's thigh, blood spraying the street. Smith goes down. SMITH Oh, God, I'm hit! Eversmann runs past the stumbling Twombly, ducks gunfire as he grabs Smith, drags him the rest of the way and -INT. - ALAMO HOUSE - CONT. Inside, where they carry him to a table. EVERSMANN One, two, three. You're all right, you're all right. You're all right. All right? (CONTINUED) 97. 217 CONTINUED: (3) 217 Doc Schmid immediately gets to work. Smith moans in pain. SCHMID I need pressure on this wound. Pressure, okay? We're gonna need more Curlex gauze. I need more men in here. EVERSMANN Twombly! Nelson. SMITH Oh man, that really, that really hurts! SCHMID I need that chair, that chair! Pressure, get that pressure on it. Okay, let me have a look, let me have a look. All right, all right. Let me get a look at that. Rips Smith's pant leg, is spurted with arterial spray. Blinks through it to get his kit open. Stuffs Curlex gauze into Smith's gaping wound. SMITH Oh, oh, what the fuck is that? Eversmann presses it into the wound but it's like trying to cover a fire hose with a mattress. Schmid shoves more Curlex at Eversmann as he readies an IV. SCHMID Hold that down. I need a medivac now. EVERSMANN Galentine! Galentine, get me Captain Steele! 218 INT. STABLE - STEELE'S POSITION - LATER 218 Steele kneels down to check on Ruiz. STEELE Sergeant, sergeant Ruiz, how're you doing? Ruiz is spitting up blood. RUIZ They're not gonna come and get us. They're not gonna come for us. (CONTINUED) 98. 218 CONTINUED: 218 STEELE I need you to suck it up Sergeant. I need you to focus for me. All right, can you do that? Now, can you hold your weapon? RUIZ Yes sir. STEELE If anybody comes through that door, you give `em two in the chest and one in the head. Steele hands Ruiz his weapon. STEELE You understand? RUIZ I'm still willing to fight, Sir. STEELE'S RADIO CRACKLES: EVERSMANN (V.O.) Captain Steele, Captain Steele, INTERCUT - with Eversmann. EVERSMANN I need a medivac in here now. Corporal Smith's been hit. STEELE Hold on Two Five. RUIZ Still willing to fight. EVERSMANN Captain Steele, he's hurt pretty bad. STEELE (V.O.) Ah, Two Five, we got wounded too. You're just gonna have to maintain your situation, over? Smith yells in agony. SCHMID If he doesn't get to a hospital in a half-hour, he's in trouble. (CONTINUED) 99. 218 CONTINUED: (2) 218 STEELE (V.O.) C-2, this is Six Four. I'm requesting an immediate medical medivac for a critically wounded at Chalk Four's location, over. 219 INT. JOC - SAME TIME 219 HARRELL (V.O.) Command Chalk Four is requesting medivac. GARRISON We can't risk it. It's still too hot. HARRELL (V.O.) Captain, we can not send in medivac at this time. Sit tight, over. 220 INT STABLE - STEELE'S POSITION DAY - SAME TIME 220 STEELE'S RESIGNED VOICE: STEELE Two Five, this is Six Four. It's a negative on the medivac. It's not possible. JOC can not risk another bird. You're just gonna have to hold on. Six One out. Long silence. Eversmann puts the radio back as Smith writhes in pain. SCHMID Put pressure on the wound. EVERSMANN Yeah. It's gonna be all right, it's gonna be okay. 221 EXT. SLUM ALLEYS - NIGHT Hoot, Sizemore and the Delta men move almost silently, wearing NODS through the narrow alleyways. Up ahead they see Durant's downed Black Hawk, figures swarming over it, dragging off equipment. Hoot comes charging up, firing over their heads: HOOT (in Somali, subtitled) I think this is mine! The crowd bolts out of the Black Hawk and down the street. 221 100. 222 INT. DURANT'S BLACK HAWK - LATER 222 No crew inside. Everything that can be ripped from the control panel is gone. Hoot sees Gordon's plastic pro-tech helmet, neat hole in the forehead. Hoot picks it up and holds it for a moment, then sets it on the console. Stares up at the men, eyes speaking volumes. They run from the wreckage and trigger a thermite charge in the Black Hawk. As they run away, Super Six-Four EXPLODES, thermite charge lighting up the sky. 223 INT. JOC - SAME TIME 223 The explosion flares on a screen. Garrison and others know what it means. Their heads aren't bowed, but the atmosphere in the room is like a funereal. A soldier hands Garrison a radio. GARRISON Cribbs? INTERCUT TO EXT. OLYMPIC STADIUM - SAME TIME SUPER: SAFE ZONE - PAKISTANI STADIUM 10TH MOUNTAIN AND U.N. BASE CRIBBS Sir, they're still debating the route. GARRISON (V.O.) How long? CRIBBS At least a couple of hours. GARRISON We haven't got that long, Joe. The rescue convoy is assembling within an enormous soccer stadium. Pakistani tanks pass Cribbs, who is on the phone as his Little Bird flies over behind him. CRIBBS Pakistani General said since we didn't deem to inform him of the raid, he's gonna take as much time as he wants. (CONTINUED) 101. 223 CONTINUED: 223 GARRISON (rubs his forehead) Well you tell the General this: I understand. But it is my duty to remind him that my men are surrounded by thousands of armed Somali militia. It is imperative that we move them out of the hostile area and into the safe zone. I need his help, now. CRIBBS Yes sir. 224 INT. HOUSE - NIGHT 224 Durant comes to in a room, lying on a paper-thin mattress, back propped against the wall. Sees Firimbi, the man from the crash site with the megaphone, stepping forward. He holds Durant's dog tags. FIRIMBI Durant. Michael Durant. DURANT Yes. FIRIMBI You are the Ranger who kills my people? Durant shakes his head no. DURANT I'm not a Ranger. I'm a pilot. Firimbi offers Durant a cigarette. Durant shakes his head. FIRIMBI Huh. That's right. None of you Americans smoke anymore. You all live long, dull, uninteresting lives. Durant tries to move, winces in pain. DURANT What do you want with me? FIRIMBI You have taken hostages. We have you. DURAN My government will never negotiate for me. (CONTINUED) 102. 224 CONTINUED: 224 FIRIMBI (smiles) Then perhaps, you and I can negotiate. Huh? Soldier to soldier...hmm? Firimbi offers Durant a drink. Durant shakes his head no. DURANT I'm not in charge. FIRIMBI Course not, you have the power to kill, but not negotiate. In Somalia, killing is negotiation. Do you really think if you get General Aidid, we will simply put down our weapons and adopt American Democracy? That the killing will stop? We know this: without victory there can be no peace. There will always be killing, you see? This is how things are in our world. Firimbi tosses Durant his tags and walks out. 225 INT. MOGADISHU - NIGHT 225 A Black Hawk flies over the city. 226 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT 226 Eversmann watches Schmid work on Smith. SCHMID You gotta take over for me. Both hands. Schmid pulls Eversmann aside. SCHMID It's the femora artery. I can't see it. Which means that it's retracted up into the pelvis. Which means that I have to find it and clamp it. It's the only way to stop the bleeding... I got no more IV's. So, I'm gonna need you to assist. Okay? EVERSMANN Yeah, yeah. 227 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - MOMENTS LATER CLOSE - on a pair of medical clamps. Eversmann holds the clamps, he and Doc Schmid kneeling beside Smith. (CONTINUED) 227 103. 227 CONTINUED: 227 SCHMID Now listen Jamie, I've gotta do something, it's going to hurt. Okay? I gotta cause you more pain, but I have to do it to help you. All right? You understand? SMITH Give me some morphine. SCHMID I can't. It'll lower your heart rate too far. I'm sorry. Here Twombly, why don't you take his hands there. He's already hooked up to two IV bags, needles in both arms. SCHMID I need you to hold the wound open, keep pressure on the top of the leg. Yurek, you're gonna take the feet and the flashlight. On my count. All right, Jamie. All right man. Schmid looks at Eversmann to ask, ready? Eversmann nods. SCHMID One, two, three. Schmid pulls out the Curlex, releasing the blood flow, then sticks both hands into the wound and probes for the artery. Smith wails. Schmid probes around until -SCHMID Wait, wait, wait. Okay. I feel it. I feel the pulse. EVERSMANN Yeah? SCHMID I got it, I got it, I got it, yeah, I got it. I got it, I got it. EVERSMANN You got it? You need these? SCHMID Yeah, yeah. Clamp. EVERSMANN Yeah, I got it clamped, I got it clamped. (CONTINUED) 104. 227 CONTINUED: (2) 227 SCHMID You got it? You got it? Hold it. EVERSMANN Here, grab it. It's tearing. Schmid pulls the slippery artery into the open. Eversmann holds the clamp out, but the artery slithers away with a snap. SCHMID Fuck! EVERSMANN It's going back in, it's going back in, it's tearing! SCHMID Hold it! Fuck, okay get out, get out! EVERSMANN Okay. SCHMID Hold the wound. EVERSMANN Okay, okay, I'm holding. SCHMID Fuck! SCHMID Move your hand. EVERSMANN Yeah. Schmid's hands disappear into the wound again. Gets the clamp ready, but Schmid can't locate the artery, he shaking his head in frustration. EVERSMANN What? Smith is passing out. Schmid has to give up the search before he kills him. His bloody hands come out without the artery. Angry at himself, he stuffs new Curlex into the wound. Smith's eyes slit open as he weakly manages: SMITH You fix it? (CONTINUED) 105. 227 CONTINUED: (3) 227 The unused clamp is still in Eversmann's hand. EVERSMANN Yeah, man. We got it. Smith nods, eyes closing, passing out. 228 INT. ROOM - SANDERSON'S BUILDING - NIGHT 228 Grimes is grinding coffee beans. SANDERSON What the hell are you doing? GRIMES It's all in the grind, Sarge. Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse. Grimsey, you are squared away. Grimes pours a cup of coffee. 229 EXT. DOWN THE STREET - NIGHT 229 Mo'Alim watches his men. 230 INT. ROOM - SANDERSON'S BUILDING - NIGHT 230 Grimes limps over to Sanderson who is sitting on a ratty couch. GRIMES Sarge, how'd you like a nice hot cup of Joe? Gold coast blend. SANDERSON Sit down. Let me take a look at that foot. GRIMES Oh no, it's not a problem. SANDERSON Come on, come on, come on. But Sanderson is already kneeling in front of him, cutting off the laces Grimes's right boot. Sanderson finishes cutting, slips the boot off to reveal -a golfball-sized piece of shrapnel sticking out of his foot. SANDERSON Oh. (CONTINUED) 106. 230 CONTINUED: 230 GRIMES Oh my God. I don't even feel that. SANDERSON It cauterized on impact. (wraps gauze around it) If this thing starts to smart, you let me know, all right? Where the hell'd they find you? GRIMES Behind a desk. Sanderson laughs. GRIMES No, really. You think I'm kidding? BA-WHOOM! A blast shakes the house, walls rocking. SANDERSON Anybody hit? 231 EXT. DOWN THE STREET - NIGHT 231 Mo'Alim shouts at a militia man, who adjusts the angle and drops another missile in -- PHWOMP it shoots skyward. 232 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT 232 Everyone hits the deck as the round whistles in. This time the house is rocked nearly off its foundation. Part of a wall collapses. Doc Schmid covers Smith with his body. EVERSMANN You all right? Is everybody all right? Schmid nods his head yes. 233 EXT. DOWN THE STREET - NIGHT 233 BEYOND THE MASSIVE CITY ARCHWAY, Mo'Alim is wearing Russianmade Night Vision goggles. He directs two technicals with mortars on back, instructing his men to change angles and fire again. 234 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT The walls shake as another round comes in. Eversmann runs forward. EVERSMANN Incoming! 234 107. 235 EXT. DOWN THE STREET - NIGHT 235 Mo'Alim fires an automatic weapon. MO'ALIM (in Somali, subtitled) Keep firing....faster! 236 EXT. DARKENED STREETS - NIGHT 236 Hoot, Sizemore and one other Delta man move slowly, silently through the night, NODS on their heads. The sound of staccato gunfire grows louder as they near Crash Site One. A RUMBLE - and Hoot motions with hand signals. They creep forward down the block, guns raised, NODs over their eyes. They fire again -- and commandeer an RPG gun. Mo'Alim looks around, as -- CRACK!CRACK! Two more militia drop to the ground. He sees Hoot load a mortar and fire it directly at him. Mo'Alim's head rocks backwards. He is dead. Hoot, Sizemore and two Deltas run forward down the street. 237 EXT. OUTSIDE EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT 237 HOOT Ranger here. This is Kilo One One. 238 INTERCUT TO GALENTINE - 238 GALENTINE RADIOS BACK: GALENTINE This is Chalk Four, we're at the Southeast corner of crash site. Who is this over? HOOT We're coming in with three friendlies. I need some covering fire, over. GALENTINE - passes the word along, trying not to shout: GALENTINE Roger that Kilo One One. Hold your fire! Deltas coming in. SOLDIERS (in unison) Hold your fire! (CONTINUED) 108. 238 CONTINUED: 238 ON HOOT - down the block, Sizemore and Delta behind, the group moving in a rapid crouch, blending with shadows. Rapid footsteps. Then the Rangers and the Delta Operators appearing in the night. 239 INT. JOC - LATER 239 Garrison looks at the screens. Says to a man behind him: GARRISON Ground personnel will have to mark target positions with infrared strobes. Get Little Birds on strafing runs and keep `em going all night long. (stares at the monitors) If we don't hold back this city, we'll have a hundred caskets to fill by morning. OPERATOR Yes sir. Colonel Harrell, ground personnel at Crash Site One will have to mark the target with infrared strobes in preparation for air strike. 240 EXT. OLYMPIC STADIUM - NIGHT 240 As the complex logistics of organizing the vehicle Rescue Convoy continues -McKnight, Struecker, Othic, and a group of Delta Operators arrive in jeeps. All are blood spattered or wounded from the ride through hell in the Humvee convoys. Cribbs approaches as they climb out of the jeeps. Even Thomas, who didn't want to go before, is with them. CRIBBS McKnight! Between the tenth Mountain and U.N., we got enough personnel, okay! Danny, you guys do not have to go back out again. McKnight looks at Cribbs. CRIBBS All right, come on. 241 EXT. OLYMPIC STADIUM - LATER 241 The Rescue Convoy, finally, is about to leave. Humvees, trucks, tanks, and APCs. (CONTINUED) 109. 241 CONTINUED: 241 The tank treads grind and begin moving out, followed by the rest of the trucks. SUPER 11:23 PM 242 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT 242 It's been some time now. SMITH I can't die here man. EVERSMANN You're not gonna die, all right? You're not gonna die. Eversmann is kneeling next to Doc Schmid and Smith. Eversmann is watching Smith, pale white, eyes glazed. HE SAYS QUIETLY TO EVERSMANN: SMITH I'm sorry. EVERSMANN You don't have anything to be sorry for. You saved Twombly. You did perfect. SMITH (eyes move to Twombly) You okay, Twombs? Twombly has wandered over, stares down at Smith. Doesn't know what to say. Eversmann looks from Twombly to Smith. TWOMBLY Yeah, I'm okay, Jamie. Now the whole room is watching as Smith begins hyperventilating, a sickening wheezing sound echoing off the stone walls. Smith's eyes start to dart around the room. EVERSMANN You did what you were trained to do. You should be proud of that. Be proud of that. Smith nods, teeth chattering. SMITH Ev? (CONTINUED) 110. 242 CONTINUED: 242 EVERSMANN Yeah? SMITH Do me a favor. EVERSMANN Yeah? SMITH You tell my parents, that I fought well today. That I... that I... that I fought hard. EVERSMANN You're gonna tell `em yourself, okay? You hear me? Smith is shaking uncontrollably. EVERSMANN All right? SMITH Are the Humvees here? EVERSMANN They're coming, Jamie. SMITH They're coming. EVERSMANN You just gotta hang in there a little bit. You gotta hold out for just a little bit, you can do that. SMITH I can. (gasping for breath) I can do it. This is nothin'. EVERSMANN This is nothin'. It's nothin'. SMITH This is nothin'. EVERSMANN It's nothin'. SMITH Okay. Nothin'. (CONTINUED) 111. 242 CONTINUED: (2) 242 Smith grips Eversmann's bloodstained hand. Eversmann nods. EVERSMANN This is nothin'... Smith's eyes begin to change... a certainty comes into them. Now he stares somewhere beyond the ceiling Schmid runs forward. SCHMID Oh shit! Hold the wound! The Alamo house is silent, everyone watching as Schmid administers CPR. Compresses Smith's chest again and again. After a long time, Eversmann reaches out, stops Schmid. Doc sits back, covered in blood. Stares down at Smith, resigned. EVERSMANN Oh, God. 243 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION -- LATER 243 Slumped against a crumbling wall in the silent house, Eversmann stares at Smith's body, covered by a tattered blanket in the center of the room. Hoot moves to the body, finds Smith's CAR-15 on the ground, blood-spattered. Hoot picks it up, takes out the magazine. EVERSMANN What are you doing? Hoot doesn't look up as he clicks the rounds out one by one. HOOT We need the ammo. Eversmann watches the Delta soldier pick up the extra rounds. HOOT You did all you could here. Eversmann's gaze again falls to Smith's form under the blanket. EVERSMANN They should've sent a medivac. (CONTINUED) 112. 243 CONTINUED: 243 HOOT Well, right now we'd be out there defending another crashed chopper. More men would get torn up. EVERSMANN Maybe... Hoot walks over to the wall next to Eversmann. HOOT So you're thinking. Don't. (beat) Cause Sergeant, you can't control who gets hit, or who doesn't. Who falls out of a chopper, or why. It ain't up to you. It's just war. EVERSMANN (nods, he knows, but) Smith is still dead. If Blackburn wouldn't fallen none of this woulda happened -HOOT (stares at him) Listen -- should have or could have -it don't matter; You'll get plenty of time to think about all that later. Believe me. Hoot looks at Eversmann. HOOT Sergeant. You got your men this far. You did it right today... (Eversmann glances up at him) You need to start thinking about getting these men out of here. Hoot looks up. HOOT Well, shall we? 244 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - LATER Gunfire erupts around them. The men rush out to defend their position. EVERSMANN I need four guns on this corner, now! 244 113. 245 INT. /EXT. WOOD'S LITTLE BIRD / CHASE SITE -- NIGHT 245 As Wood brings the Little Bird in low, there are suddenly countless dots of light surrounding the entire perimeter of the area, from the streets and rooftops ringing the court yard -- all firing at him. He sees THOUSANDS of glowing Somali bodies, ghostly, innumerable on his infra -- red monitor. ADJOINING ROOFTOPS - more than two-hundred beat signatures of Somali bodies charge across rooftops, coming toward the chalks in a great wave, leaping from roof to roof. OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET - three hundred Somalis move to get in position to fire down at the chalks. Somalis climb up staircases, ladders, appearing on rooftops like angry insects. WOOD Jesus Christ! Look at that. Wood pilots a nimble Little Bird over the crash site. Sees nothing but dark forms around buildings and a blur of wrecked metal below as he shrieks past. 246 INTERCUT TO EVERSMANN - 246 EVERSMANN This is Two Five. I can see you, you're right above me. WOOD Eversmann, I can't tell who's who down there. Too much activity. INT. JOINT OPERATIONS CENTER - CONT. ON A MONITOR - infrared figures of Rangers hiding in buildings around the crash site illuminate the video screens: white blobs, like something out of a low -- tech video game. 247 INTERCUT TO EVERSMANN - 247 EVERSMANN I'll mark the target with a strobe, over? WOOD Roger that. 248 EXT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT Eversmann throws a strobe. It does not fire. 248 114. 249 INT. WOOD'S LITTLE BIRD - SAME TIME 249 Wood looks for the strobe to flash. EVERSMANN (V.O.) See it? WOOD Nah, I can't see shit. 250 INTERCUT TO EVERSMANN - 250 Eversmann is at the radio, Galentine shaking his bead, no. EVERSMANN I'm puttin' it on the roof. Eversmann begins gathering the IR strobes. Hoot says: HOOT You're gonna need some help. EVERSMANN Cover me. HOOT Okay guys, we're gonna lay down some cover fire for him on three. Ready? One, two, three, go! His chalk finishes reloading and sets to cover him. He looks at them. Ready? Is he? Yes. Whup-whup-whup -- Wood's Little Bird howls overhead. Somalis FIRING as -251 EXT. CRASH SITE -- NIGHT 251 -- Eversmann sprints from the Somali building into the shooting range of the street, bullets tracking him -- a hellstorm, Eversmann right in the middle of it. Eversmann tosses the strobe on the roof. 252 INT. WOOD'S LITTLE BIRD 252 Wood sees the strobe flash through his NOD. WOOD I got your position, I got the target. We're inbound and hot. RPG explode outside the bird, lighting up the sky and rocking the craft. Wood hits the trigger on the flight stick. (CONTINUED) 115. 252 CONTINUED: 252 His miniguns blaze strobelight-death across the rooftops. Somali heat signatures scatter under the withering fire of the swift chopper's deadly arsenal. EVERSMANN - Finished, prepares for the final run back to the Alamo building. The street echoes with the roar of weapons as Eversmann leaps inside to safety. Figures fire their weapons down the block toward the crash site. The Little Birds turn to make another pass. WOOD Ya'll keep your heads down. We're coming back around. 253 INT. JOC - SAME TIME 253 Garrison watches the screen. Steele's voice comes in through the radio. 254 INT. STEELE'S STABLE COURTYARD - NIGHT 254 255 STEELE RADIOS IN - 255 STEELE Six Two, this is Six Four. Where the hell's the convoy? Over. HARRELL (V.O.) Half a block from your location, hang in there. 256 EXT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT An RPG slams into the wall, rocking the building. EVERSMANN Shit! The Little Bird again shrieks past his building, miniguns rumbling. Bullets ZING over their heads, blasting walls inside the house. Somali fire increases, web tightening. Chalk Four returns fire, guns raging through the night. Thousands of muzzle flashes rain from rooftops, windows and doorways of the buildings across the street. Somali bullets SMACK! and CRACK! all around them. 256 116. 257 INT. JOC - SAME TIME 257 Wood's voice comes over the command net. WOOD (V.O.) C2, miniguns dry. Returning to base. COLONEL MATTHEWS (V.O.) Roger that. Second team inbound. Your station. On your location, four minutes. ON SCREEN - as the chopper passes, smoke rises from the crash site. 258 INT. STEELE'S POSITION - LATER 258 THE RESCUE CONVOY - rumbling down the block. .50 cals roaring from atop Humvees. Somalis are blown back into buildings by the dozen. The massive convoy reduces Somali positions into dust, entire buildings crumbling like saltine crackers. Dark figures continue to fall. Somali muzzle flashes dissipate... Captain Steele steps from the stable doorway and shakes hands with Colonel McKnight. CAPTAIN STEELE Captain Steele here, Colonel! MCKNIGHT Get your men loaded up Captain. We're gettin' the hell outta here. CAPTAIN STEELE Yes, sir! All right, let's go. Be careful with the wounded. STEELE GRABS THE RADIO: STEELE Two Five, this is Six Four, the rescue column has arrived and will be at your location in about ten minutes. Prepare your men for exfil Sergeant. 259 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - NIGHT 259 Eversmann closes his eyes and nods. STEELE (V.O.) Six Four out. (CONTINUED) 117. 259 CONTINUED: 259 EVERSMANN Yeah, Roger that, sir. Roger that! STEELE (V.O.) All right, let's move it! EVERSMANN Ten minutes! The convoy's gonna be here in ten minutes! His Rangers breathe a collective sigh of relief. 260 INT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION - LATER 260 Kurth, Waddell, and Galentine are covering their position, weapons aimed out the doorway and firing into the night. KURTH Eversmann, I'm out! EVERSMANN This is my last one! SUPER 02:05 AM Eversmann goes to the door and stares at the incredible sight of the convoy, so long he can't see the end of it. He shouts over his shoulder: EVERSMANN The convoy's here! Random gunfire that comes from Somali houses are met with the full wrath of the U.S. Mountain Division as -Eversmann sees McKnight striding alongside the lead Humvee, ignoring random Somali gunfire as if it doesn't exist. MCKNIGHT Sergeant Eversmann? EVERSMANN Yes, sir! McKnight sees him in the darkness. Walks toward him, hand outstretched. MCKNIGHT Heard you guys needed a lift. EVERSMANN (can't help smiling) Yes, sir. (CONTINUED) 118. 260 CONTINUED: 260 And he shakes the Colonel's outstretched hand. MCKNIGHT Bring you wounded right over there! 261 INT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - DAWN 261 A Ranger takes a saw and cuts through the metal of Wolcott's Black Hawk. 262 EXT. SANDERSON'S POSITION - NIGHT 262 Sanderson watches Grimes hobble to the doorway and goes to assist. SANDERSON Hey, I got ya! Grimes smiles through the pain, hobbling on his bad foot toward the waiting APC. GRIMES It's okay. I wanna walk. SANDERSON (lets Grimes go) You sure? Go! Sanderson watches Grimes run into the APC under his own power. 263 EXT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - NIGHT 263 The saws are still at work. 264 EXT. EVERSMANN'S POSITION NIGHT 264 Eversmann and Doc Schmid carry Smith's body, covered with a sheet, out into the night. Load it into an APC. Hoot covers them, watching the rooftops, windows. Ever vigilant. 265 EXT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - NIGHT 265 RANGER I got him. One, two, three. Wilkinson and Fales are helped by dozens of Rangers as they carefully pass the wounded Warren and Dowdy out of the ruined helicopter. 266 INT. LEAD APC - NIGHT 266 Cribbs speaks to the Pakistani drivers. (CONTINUED) 119. 266 CONTINUED: 266 CRIBBS Get the pilots' bodies out, then we go to the stadium. Behind Cribbs, soldiers load the many wounded and dead into vehicles. Groaning men are piled onto one another in the cramped APCs. Humvees are packed full. NEAR THE FOUNTAIN: Cribbs walks up to McKnight, Steele, Eversmann, Hoot and SANDERSON. CRIBBS We're running out of room already. MCKNIGHT We're just gonna have to cram 'em in to every possible space. CRIBBS Okay. Tenth Mountain will provide security for armor, walks us out of the hot zone -STEELE (disdain on his face) Tenth Mountain? No, Sir, with respect, my Rangers can provide rear security. We'll walk you out of the hot zone, and then we'll jump on the last few vehicles. Cribbs looks at the battle weary faces before him. CRIBBS Okay, let's get out of here. STEELE Let's go! 267 INT. APC - DAWN Inside the coffin-like APC, Grimes pounds on the driver's partition as bullets PING off the metal hull. GRIMES Come on! These things are fucking bullet magnets! Come on, let's go! PAKISTANI DRIVER We go when I'm ordered to, soldier. 267 120. 268 EXT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - DAWN 268 They start on Wolcott. RANGER Easy, go easy. Easy. Go easy. A Ranger shines a light on Wolcott's buried legs. It's hopeless. 269 INT. JOC - DAY 269 He stares at the screen. Garrison can see Somalis again massing around three streets, choking off the convoy's exits. GARRISON Colonel, what is going on down there? INTERCUT to McKnight on radio -MCKNIGHT They're dismantling the entire cockpit around the body. GARRISON (V.O.) Well how long's it gonna take? I need an honest, no shit assessment. There's a pause as McKnight relays the question. Then -MCKNIGHT They can't say. 270 INTERCUT TO GARRISON. HE ENDURES AS LONG AS HE CAN THE FLARES ON THE SCREEN HE KNOWS ARE RPGS. EVENTUALLY, INTO HIS MIC GARRISON Danny, no one gets left behind. INTERCUT to McKnight -GARRISON (V.O.) You understand me, son? INTERCUT to McKnight. No response. GARRISON Danny? INTERCUT to Garrison. Finally -- (CONTINUED) 270 121. 270 CONTINUED: 270 MCKNIGHT (V.O.) Yes, General. GARRISON You do what you have to do. MCKNIGHT Roger. 271 EXT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - MORNING 271 Briley's body is carried away from the Black Hawk SUPER 5:45 A.M. - Monday, October 4 Gunfire rains down on the men. MCKNIGHT Let's go! Let's move out! The convoy starts to roll out. Rangers follow on foot. 272 EXT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - SAME TIME 272 Hoot sets explosives in the now-deserted cockpit. Runs to the leaving convoy as the charges are detonated. 273 EXT. CHASE SITE - DAWN 273 The convoy is picking up speed, the Mountain soldiers scrambling to get aboard Humvees and APCs as Eversmann, Sanderson, and the other Rangers and Delta cover them. 274 EXT. CRASH SITE - DAWN 274 After the last of the APCs pass, Eversmann and the other Rangers and Delta try to get aboard. EVERY VEHICLE is crammed full, some men hanging out open doors, some lying on hoods. No one stops for them. Steele runs alongside the APC, pounding on the metal -STEELE Open up the hatch! We got men back here! PAKISTANI DRIVER No room here, go on the roof. SANDERSON What's going on? (CONTINUED) 122. 274 CONTINUED: 274 STEELE The roof? TWOMBLY I'm not getting on the fucking roof! SANDERSON No, no, no, it's full! The Pakistani driver shouts. Steele shuts the door. There are no more vehicles to chase after. SANDERSON Let's just go, let's just go! The convoy pulls out and the men follow on foot. 275 EXT. BACK AT THE SOMALI BUILDING - DAWN 275 The city is bathed in orange light. Eversmann, Hoot, Steele, Sanderson, Twombly, Sizemore, Nelson, Yurek, Kurth, Waddell, Galentine and Doc Schmid are running down the streets after the convoy, unable to catch up with the vehicles. They watch helplessly as the convoy disappears down the block. Their tired, rubbery legs carry them away from the crash site, into the dense, dangerous streets of surrounding neighborhoods. 276 EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - MORNING 276 The group of soldiers are now running along the same streets they battled over the day before. The men are exhausted, gasping for air as they charge down the crooked, dirty roads. Legs like lead weights. KRATAKRATAKRAT! Machine-gun fire rakes the road ahead. The group runs for cover, trying not to get pinned in. 277 EXT. K-4 CIRCLE - MORNING 277 The Rescue Convoy rumbles, stretching back a quarter mile. The sound of the vehicles shakes the very earth. An older Somali man carries a dead child and crosses in front of the convoy. 278 EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - MORNING 278 The group runs down the street. Gasping. They can see the convoy disappearing around a corner. (CONTINUED) 123. 278 CONTINUED: 278 Sanderson and Hoot FIRE down the intersection, killing three Somali snipers. Steele, Eversmann and others charge across. On the other side, the Rangers cover Delta Hoot and Sanderson. The Delta Operators charge across to safety. They use this tactic at every intersection. Somali gunfire getting more intense. The men see the APCs, distant blocks ahead, rounding a corner. 279 EXT. THE CORNER - MORNING 279 Sanderson charges up from behind, bullets following him. THEY RUN out into the street as -- A WOMAN with a child in her arms dashes out in front of them, hurrying across the street. Waddell almost fires on instinct. WADDELL Get down, get outta here! The woman runs to the other side of the street. Sanderson runs over to Eversmann. EVERSMANN I'm out of ammo! Sanderson, I'm out of ammo! Sanderson continues to fire. Another woman runs forward, Kurth raises his weapon to fire. YUREK What are you doing? KURTH I'm doing it. The woman RAISES A HANDGUN -- Kurth fires and she falls dead. 280 EXT. MOGADISHU STREETS - MORNING The group runs down the street, bullets whizzing past. The men charge down the block on wobbly legs, running through the smoke. People line the streets, cheering them on. They run into the safety of THE SOCCER STADIUM. 280 124. 281 INT. OLYMPIC STADIUM 281 The entrance is in sight. Doctors are inside, white tables and sheets and water and safety and food and shelter and Eversmann makes it. Hoot, Sanderson, Steele, and the others charge in after him. They stare at the makeshift medical tents that have been set up. Watching a Medic directing the seriously wounded to one area, dead to another as UN workers bring them glasses of water. Nelson and Twombly embrace. Eversmann staggers forward. 282 EXT. STADIUM - MORNING 282 BEHIND THEM - Colonel McKnight gets his neck wound looked at. MCKNIGHT Ah, shit. MEDIC The bullet missed your jugular by about three millimeters. Don't move! MCKNIGHT All right, all right. Hurry up, hurry up! BEHIND HIM - Grimes, covered in white dust, rests on a litter. Sanderson walks over to him and hands him a cup. GRIMES Little short on coffee, but I got you some tea. How you doing soldier? RANGER I can't feel a thing. 283 INT. THE MEDICAL WARD - OPERATING ROOM - DAY Garrison, standing by the door, has come into the chaos that is the medical tent, watching. Somebody shouts,"... mop..." And we see doctors and medics working over a man, the man bleeding profusely, the doctors and the medics literally slipping in his blood on the floor... And Garrison seeing a mop nearby takes it up, and doing his duty, mops the bloody floor... And as Garrison mops the bloody floor the doctors and the medics are trying to save his men's lives... 283 125. 284 INT. THE MEDICAL WARD - LATER 284 Steele moves through the tent... men in various conditions... none of it good... He comes to Ruiz. The medic shakes his head no. STEELE Hey son, hey. Ruiz opens his eyes. RUIZ Captain. STEELE Lorenzo? How're you doing? RUIZ I went in and out. Medic says I should be okay in a couple of days. STEELE That's great news. RUIZ Are we going after them? STEELE You bet your ass we will. We gotta regroup. RUIZ Don't go out there without me. Don't go back out there without me. I can still do my job. Steele puts his hand on Ruiz' face. STEELE Now you get some rest now. 285 EXT. STADIUM - MORNING 285 Eversmann comes over to Hoot, who is picking through supplies... resupplying himself. Hoot goes about his business... taping grenade pins one after another after another... Calmly, efficiently... EVERSMANN (incredibly) You're going back in? (CONTINUED) 126. 285 CONTINUED: 285 HOOT (nods, matter of fact) There's still men out there... God damn! He stops resupplying and picks up a plate and eats. HOOT When I go home... and people ask me, hey Hoot? Why do you do it man? Why? You some kind of war junkie? I won't say a god damned word. Why? Because they won't understand... They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand, it's about the men next to you... and that's it... that's all it is. Eversmann does know... and starts to resupply himself. Hoot shakes his head no. HOOT Hey. Don't even think about it, all right? I'm better on my own. And fully resupplied Hoot simply starts off... Eversmann watches Hoot walk away... And Hoot suddenly slows, realizing... shouting back... HOOT (congratulations) Hey! We started a whole new week... it's Monday. And as he moves off... just another soldier, one of the dog's of war... 286 EXT. WOLCOTT'S BLACK HAWK - DAY Kids play on the downed helicopter. EVERSMANN (V.O.) I was talking to Blackburn the other day, and he asked me, "You know what changed? Why are we going home?" And I said, "Nothing..." But that's not true, you know? I think everything's changed. I know I've changed... 286 127. 287 INT. A STORAGE ROOM - LATE DAY Fluorescent lights... too bright.. too constant... a cooler's humming... it kicks off and then on again...and we see EVERSMANN... And he's clean... just some nicks and cuts, band-aid pieces over some small wounds... but there are other wounds, the kind you can't see at first glance...a soldier who's been in combat... a look in a young man's eyes... a look that makes you stop and take a deeper look... into his soul... and that's just what we do... looking at his face... into his eyes...into the window of his soul... as he's talking to someone... easy, conversational... nothing out of the ordinary... EVERSMANN You know, a friend of mine asked me before I got here, it was when we were all shipping out. He asked me... "Why are you going to fight somebody else's war? What do ya'll think, you're heros...?" He laughs at the idea... EVERSMANN I didn't know what to say at the time, but... if he asks me again...I'd say...No. I'd say there's no way in hell...nobody asks to be a hero...it just sometimes turns out that way... And for the first time we see he's been talking to a familiar man, lying motionless on a stretcher... And Eversmann, needing to make a final connection touches Smith's chest... a hero's heart... another somebody who didn't ask to be a hero.. EVERSMANN (simply) I'm gonna talk to your ma and pa when I get home, okay? And we see there are other men on stretchers, other young men who left a piece of their hearts behind.. And he turns and leaves...the lights forever on...the cooler humming... the boys going home men... 287 128. 288 INT. AIRPLANE CARGO BAY - LATE IN THE DAY 288 The cargo bay door closes on the empty cargo bay. FADE TO BLACK... LEGEND #1: During the raid over 1000 Somalis died and 19 American soldiers lost their lives. CWO Donovan Briley Staff Sgt. Daniel Busch Spec. James Cavaco Staff Sgt. William Cleveland Staff Sgt. Thomas Field Sgt. First Class Earl Fillmore CWO Raymond Frank Master Sgt. Gary Gordon Sgt. Cornell Houston Sgt. Casey Joyce Pfc. Richard Kowalewski Pfc. James Martin Master Sgt. Tim `Griz' Martin Sgt. Dominick Pilla Sgt. First Class Matt Rierson Sgt. Lorenzo Ruiz Sgt. First Class Randy Shughart Cpl. Jamie Smith CWO Cliff `Elvis' Wolcott RUIZ (V.O.) My love, you're strong and you'll do well in life. I love you and my children deeply. Today and tomorrow, with each day, grow and grow. Keep smiling and never give up, even when things get you down. So in closing my love, tonight, tuck my children in bed warmly. Tell them I love them. Then, hug them for me and, give them both a kiss good night for Daddy. Legend #2: Delta Sgts. Gary Gordon and Randy Shughart were the first soldiers to receive the medal of honor posthumously since the Vietnam War. Michael Durant was released after 11 days of captivity. Two weeks later, President Clinton withdrew Delta Force and The Rangers from Somalia. Legend #3 Major General William F. Garrison accepted full responsibility for the outcome of the raid. On August 2, 1996, Warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid was killed in Mogadishu. The following day, General Garrison retired.