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Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 325: C90–C128, 2023.
First published May 8, 2023; doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00060.2023
The Extracellular Matrix and its Derived Effector Molecules in Aging
Strategic outline of interventions targeting extracellular matrix for promoting
healthy longevity
€ rk,3 Bradley W. English,4 Alexander Fedintsev,5 and
Ji Young Cecilia Park,1 Aaron King,2 Victor Bjo
Collin Y. Ewald
Laboratory of Extracellular Matrix Regeneration, Institute of Translational Medicine, Department of Health Sciences and
Technology, ETH Z€
urich, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland; 2Foresight Institute, San Francisco, California, United States; 3Heales
VZW, Brussels, Belgium; 4Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States;
and 5Radical Life Extension Group, Alicante, Spain
The extracellular matrix (ECM), composed of interlinked proteins outside of cells, is an important component of the human body
that helps maintain tissue architecture and cellular homeostasis. As people age, the ECM undergoes changes that can lead to
age-related morbidity and mortality. Despite its importance, ECM aging remains understudied in the field of geroscience. In this
review, we discuss the core concepts of ECM integrity, outline the age-related challenges and subsequent pathologies and diseases, summarize diagnostic methods detecting a faulty ECM, and provide strategies targeting ECM homeostasis. To conceptualize this, we built a technology research tree to hierarchically visualize possible research sequences for studying ECM aging. This
strategic framework will hopefully facilitate the development of future research on interventions to restore ECM integrity, which
could potentially lead to the development of new drugs or therapeutic interventions promoting health during aging.
aging; biomarkers; collagen; extracellular matrix; matreotype
To a large degree, the human body is composed of an
extracellular matrix (ECM), the “mortar between the bricks”
that maintains tissue architecture. During recent decades of
research, many advances have been made toward understanding the root causes of aging and how they give rise to the
pathologies apparent in elderly people. The Hallmarks of
Aging papers gained substantial attention in the field, dividing the currently known types of aging drivers into 12 separate
hallmarks providing a conceptual framework for scientists
studying aging (1, 2). Putatively, drugs that improve these
hallmarks would restore functionality in old age, and subsequently they have been used as a template for understanding
the origin of disease. The aging of the ECM that alters tissue
across the aging body has the potential to become a more
prominent feature of the hallmarks of aging (3). Emerging
evidence shows that ECM integrity plays a significant role
in age-related morbidity and mortality, such as contributing to cardiovascular disease and systemic fibrosis (4, 5).
The ECM’s biomechanical effects on aging span from stochastic nonenzymatic modification of collagens and other
ECM proteins, ECM protein homeostasis, to ECM-derived
signaling molecules (6). In model organisms, ECM homeostasis is required and sufficient for longevity (7). Today,
ECM aging remains relatively understudied, and a pharmaceutical pipeline to restore ECM integrity would be important for multiple age-related diseases. Currently, there are
27 clinical trials targeting eight ECM components or ECM
remodelers [connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), transforming growth factor-b (TGFb), FGF, lysyl oxidase-like 2
(LOXL2), lysyl oxidase (LOX), avb6-integrin, focal adhesion
kinase (FAK), nuclear factor kappa light chain-enhancer of
activated B cells (NF-κB)], mostly in the context of fibrosis
and cancer (8).
Given the importance of ECM in health, disease, and longevity (9), here we review the current stage of research on
ECM during aging to identify key gaps in our understanding.
To provide a framework and a vision for the aging research
field studying ECM, we leverage an approach used for strategy
games called the technology research tree (tech tree). A
tech tree is a hierarchical directed acyclic graphical representation of logical steps of technological innovations
needed to reach a goal (Fig. 1). We ordered the tech tree
based on Sydney Brenner’s prediction of the flow of science: “Progress depends on the interplay of techniques,
Correspondence: C. Y. Ewald (collin-ewald@ethz.ch).
Submitted 15 February 2023 / Revised 28 April 2023 / Accepted 28 April 2023
0363-6143/23 Copyright © 2023 the American Physiological Society.
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Figure 1. Extracellular matrix (ECM) technology research
tree. The technology tree is depicted as a hierarchical map
of key sequences displayed as a flow chart. Explanations
about each node and its interconnections are referred to
in the main text. AGE, advanced glycation end product;
AMD: age-related macular degeneration; COPD, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; DDR, discoidin domain receptor; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; LOXs: lysyl oxidase family of enzymes; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase;
TGase, transglutaminase; UV, ultraviolet.
discoveries, and ideas, probably in that order of decreasing
importance” (10). The ECM tech tree starts with methods
or “diagnostic” tools to quantify changes in the ECM to
detect “age-related changes” on “core matrisome” or ECM
proteins that have physiological consequences resulting in
“pathologies” and diseases (Fig. 1). To ameliorate these
age-related pathologies, we propose “future goals” or
interventions (Fig. 1). Although this hierarchical order
makes sense to follow as a tech tree, for comprehension
and providing the required knowledge we have changed
the order in the text describing individual steps. We start
with defining the relevant ECM components, then discuss
the damage occurring to the aging ECM and its pathological consequences. Since only things that can be quantified
can be managed, we then introduce methods and diagnostics, followed by potential interventions. The individual
sections are comprehensively written so that the reader
can jump around to different sections of interest. With this
buildup of knowledge, we hope to achieve the necessary
learning objectives and lower the barrier for many interested people entering the ECM and aging research field.
Thus, to generate a new class of medicines, we intend to
provide a framework defining the specific challenges.
Extracellular Matrix
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of biopolymers and structural proteins that supports and surrounds
cells within tissues and organs. The ECM plays a crucial role in
tissue architecture, cell adhesion, migration, differentiation,
and homeostasis (11–13). The ECM is composed of various
macromolecules, including proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, elastin, and collagen, which are secreted by cells
and assembled into a dynamic and hierarchical structure
(11–14). Whereas ECMs distant from cells are more static,
accumulate age-related damage, and are not remodeled,
ECM attached to cells can be continuously remodeled and
regulated by a range of enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors, during development,
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tissue repair, and aging (15, 16). During the aging process,
the ECM undergoes various changes, including altered
alignment of collagen due to changes in cross-linking, varied rate of synthesis, and altered composition. These
changes can lead to stiffer ECM causing tissue dysfunction
and diseases, such as cancer, fibrosis, and atherosclerosis
(3, 6, 17, 18). The ECM can also serve as a diagnostic tool and
biomarker for various diseases, as it reflects the biochemical and mechanical changes in tissues and organs (19, 20).
For instance, the measurement of ECM components such
as collagen and elastin can be used to diagnose and monitor
fibrosis and cardiovascular diseases (19, 21, 22). Modulating
the composition and structure of the ECM can also be utilized as a therapeutic target to improve tissue function and
repair (23–25).
Cellular Sources of ECM
The cellular origin of ECM is a critical determinant of tissue-specific ECM. ECM composition and structure play a
crucial role in creating a unique microenvironment for cells
in various tissue compartments, including stem cell niches
(26, 27). The components of ECM can regulate stem cell fate
and contribute to the development of malignancies in normal cells (26, 27). Researchers have extensively studied the
composition of ECM produced by different cell types, its assembly into a functional three-dimensional (3-D) structure,
and its role in cell differentiation, tissue morphogenesis, and
physiological tissue remodeling (15, 16, 28). However, understanding of the complex effects exerted by ECM produced by
specific cells remains limited, despite the widely accepted
role of ECM in regulating these processes (27).
Mesenchymal stem cells.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a population of stromal
cells that possess remarkable self-renewal capacity and multipotent differentiation potential (29). They are capable of generating diverse mature cell types, including adipocytes,
osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and fibroblasts (30). These cells
are found in the embryonic mesoderm and contribute to the
development of various tissues and organs (30). MSCs play an
essential role in ECM production and remodeling by synthesizing and secreting various ECM components, such as collagen, fibronectin, and laminin. They also produce proteases,
such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), that degrade ECM
components to facilitate tissue remodeling and repair (26).
The ECM is a dynamic and complex environment characterized by biophysical, mechanical, and biochemical properties
specific to each tissue and plays a crucial role in stem cell differentiation and tissue regeneration (26, 31, 32). As such,
MSCs, because of their capacity to provide ECM components
and proteases, are a vital source that significantly contributes
to tissue development, remodeling, and repair (27).
Given their potential for cell therapy and their crucial role in
maintaining in vivo homeostasis, MSCs have attracted significant scientific attention (33). However, their in vivo identity
and clinical utility remain poorly understood. This lack of
understanding is compounded by the limited knowledge of
the MSC niche and its impact on differentiation and homeostasis maintenance (33). To address this gap, researchers are beginning to explore the role of the ECM and its main regulators,
including the MMPs and their counteracting inhibitors [tissue
inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) and reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs], in stem cell differentiation (29, 32).
Fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are mesenchymal cells present
in different tissues that produce and modify ECM components such as fibronectin and collagen (34). Cardiac fibroblasts contribute ECM to the specific structures of the
heart during fetal development and neonatal growth (35).
Although fibroblasts lack tissue-specific functional hallmarks, they play a crucial role in generating ECM, actively
migrating, producing or degrading growth factors and
cytokines, and ensuring normal heartbeat (36).
Fibroblasts have been extensively studied in vitro because
they can be easily derived from different tissues (34, 37). In
specific pathophysiological contexts, including wound healing and fibrosis, activation of fibroblasts is a requisite process for their proliferation and migration (34, 36, 37). Tissue
stress following an injury event triggers physical changes,
including alterations in the composition of the ECM that
result in tissue stiffening. Such perturbations initiate cytoskeletal remodeling, leading to alterations in cellular forces
and mechanical properties (34, 36, 37). In circumstances
where injuries persist and cannot be fully resolved, the
wound-healing response gives way to the development of fibrosis (34, 36, 37).
Fibroblast-mediated fibrosis can occur in any tissue of the
body and is a common feature of chronic inflammatory diseases (36, 38). During this process, fibroblasts transform into
myofibroblasts, which significantly alters the tissue microenvironment (37). The transforming growth factor-b pathway
plays a significant role in the transformation of fibroblasts to
myofibroblasts, involving the production of a-sma (smooth
muscle actin) and a stress fiber-like appearance (37). This
process leads to the production of ECM components like collagen type 1, migration, and proliferation (37). Matrix stiffness further activates myofibroblasts. During dermal wound
healing, myofibroblasts can either enter a quiescent state or
continue to function normally, leading the tissue down a
fibrotic path (37).
The ECM plays a critical role in tissue-specific microenvironments, with its composition and structure intricately tied
to the cellular source (26, 27). Specific cells, such as MSCs
and fibroblasts, produce and regulate the ECM, making it a
potential therapeutic and regenerative target with implications for disease development and tissue remodeling (26, 27,
34, 36, 37). ECM regulators, including MMPs and their inhibitors, have been shown to play a significant role in stem cell
differentiation, tissue regeneration, and fibrosis development (26).
The ECM comprises a complex network of proteins that
provide structural support to tissues and regulate cellular
behavior (15, 16). Among the various components of the
ECM, the matrisome, which encompasses all extracellular
proteins, is crucial for maintaining tissue integrity and function (6, 39–41).
The matrisome is the compendium of all extracellular
proteins that make up the ECM. Changes in matrisome
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composition play a critical role in maintaining the structural integrity and functional properties of tissues and
organs (6, 39–41). The matrisome can be divided into the
core matrisome, which forms the actual ECM and includes
proteins such as collagens, laminins, and proteoglycans,
and the associated matrisome, which includes proteins
such as ECM remodelers or proteins that associate with the
matrix (6, 41, 42). ECM receptors, such as integrins, play a
crucial role in cell-ECM interactions and are involved in
cell adhesion, migration, and signaling (43, 44). ECM
remodelers, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), are
enzymes that modify the ECM by degrading or synthesizing ECM components (45–47). These proteins are important for ECM remodeling during tissue development,
repair, and remodeling processes. Given these ECM functions, not surprisingly there is evidence that changes in the
expression and activity of ECM proteins and ECM remodelers may contribute to age-related changes in tissue structure and function (6, 48–50).
It has been postulated that collagen is the most abundant
protein in mammals, accounting for approximately onethird of their total protein content (51). However, total collagen over total protein assessments in mice showed that
collagens make up 12–17% of total protein (52). The collagen family comprises 28 distinct members, all of which
possess a signature triple-helical domain structure (53),
and has been extensively reviewed by Ricard-Blum (53)
and others. Quantitative ECM-enriched proteomics of
entire mice revealed collagen type I as the most prevalent
form of collagen (52).
Collagen is a family of fibrous proteins that can form various structures, including long, thin fibers (as in collagen
type I) and networklike structures (as in collagen type VI)
among others. Collagen imparts tensile strength and elasticity to the ECM, enabling it to withstand mechanical forces
such as those generated by the movement and contraction of
surrounding cells and tissues. Different types of collagen
have specific roles in various tissues and organs. For example, collagen type I is a major component of the ECM of connective tissues, such as skin, tendons, and ligaments, where
collagen fibers are organized into complex, regular patterns
that give these tissues their characteristic mechanical properties. Collagen type II is the main structural component
of cartilage, providing cushioning and support for joints.
Collagen type III is found in the skin, blood vessels, and internal organs, often working in conjunction with collagen
type I to provide tensile strength to these tissues. Collagen
type IV is a major component of the basement membrane, a
thin layer of connective tissue that separates epithelial cells
from underlying tissues. Other types of collagen, such as
types V, VII, and XVIII, also have important structural and
functional roles in various tissues (53–55).
In addition to its structural role, collagen also plays a key
role in the signaling and regulation of ECM functions.
Collagen can interact with various molecules, such as growth
factors, enzymes, and other ECM components, to modulate
their activity and regulate their effects on surrounding cells
(15, 16).
Collagen receptors: integrin and DDR. Collagen receptors, including integrins and discoidin domain receptors
(DDRs), are transmembrane proteins that bind to collagen, a
major component of the ECM. Collagen receptors play important roles in cell adhesion, migration, and signaling and
are involved in the development and maintenance of tissues.
INTEGRINS. Integrins are composed of a- and b-subunits,
with a total of 18 different a-subunits and 8 different b-subunits, leading to the formation of 24 distinct integrin heterodimers each with unique ligand specificities and functions
(43, 56–59). Integrins are transmembrane proteins that bind
to ECM proteins, transmitting signals across the plasma
membrane to the cytoskeleton and regulating cell adhesion,
migration, and proliferation. In addition, they can bind to intracellular signaling proteins, modulating signaling pathways (43, 56–59).
The functional importance of integrins is highlighted by
their involvement in a wide range of diseases, including cancer, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease (59, 60).
Dysregulation of integrin expression and function has been
linked to aging-related disorders such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and fibrosis (61–63). For instance, decreased expression
of the a2-subunit of integrin has been linked to age-related
bone loss (64), whereas increased expression of the av-subunit has been associated with age-related fibrosis in the lung
(65). Furthermore, the a5-subunit has been shown to be upregulated in senescent cells, and targeting this subunit has
been demonstrated to improve age-related phenotypes in
mice (66–68).
Thus, integrins are critical transmembrane proteins that
mediate various cell functions through their interactions
with ECM proteins and intracellular signaling proteins.
Their dysregulation has been implicated in the development
of age-related disorders, which requires further attention.
receptors (DDRs) are a family of dimeric receptor tyrosine kinases that regulate various cellular processes, including
migration, adhesion, invasion, proliferation, differentiation,
and ECM remodeling (69–71). The DDRs demonstrate a proclivity for damaged or degraded collagens and can elicit the
upregulation and activation of matrix metalloproteinases
(MMPs). These proteases are known to participate not only
in the degradation of ECM constituents but also in crucial
processes such as the proteolytic cleavage of pro-collagen I,
which is necessary for the formation of collagen fibers, and
the activation of diverse substrates via proteolysis (72–75).
Dysregulation of the DDRs has been linked to various
human diseases, such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, fibrosis, and inflammatory conditions (76, 77). For example, overexpression of DDR1 and DDR2 has been observed in
multiple forms of cancer, suggesting that they play a role in
the proliferation and migration of tumor cells. Collagen, a
major component of the ECM, undergoes extensive remodeling during tumor progression, and DDRs may contribute
to this process by modulating MMP activity (78, 79).
Furthermore, Hebron et al. (77) observed increased expression of DDRs in the brains of individuals who have passed
away from Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Lentiviral small hairpin RNA (shRNA) was utilized to specifically reduce the expression of DDR1 and DDR2, which
led to decreased levels of a-synuclein, tau, and b-amyloid
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and protected against cell death in both in vivo and in vitro
settings. Additionally, inhibiting DDR1 and DDR2 appeared
to modulate the immune response in the brain and reduce
levels of Triggering Receptor Expressed in Myeloid Cells 2
(TREM-2) and microglia. Given these findings, targeting
DDR1 and DDR2 may provide a novel strategy to clear neurotoxic proteins and reduce inflammation in neurodegenerative conditions (77). Furthermore, machine learning
and subsequent in vitro assays identified DDR1 as a drug
target for ameliorating fibrosis (80).
Therefore, DDRs play a critical role in the aging process
and are involved in the development of many age-related
diseases, although the precise mechanisms are not yet fully
understood. Using mouse models with DDR deletion has
allowed us to gain more insights into their role in the progression of diseases. As a result, therapies that target DDRs,
such as RNA interference (RNAi)-based delivery, are being
developed to treat diseases with limited treatment options
Collagen remodelers: MMPs, lysyl oxidase family of
enzymes, and transglutaminase. Collagen remodelers
are enzymes that break down and rebuild collagen in the
body. These enzymes, known as collagenases and collagen
remodeling enzymes, play a key role in maintaining the
structural integrity of the ECM and in regulating the turnover of collagen. Dysregulation of collagen remodelers can
lead to a variety of health issues, including skin aging, cancer, and fibrosis (15, 81).
MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of enzymes that play a key role in
the breakdown of ECM proteins, such as collagen and elastin. MMP-mediated degradation of these structural proteins
is essential for a variety of physiological processes, including
tissue repair and inflammation (15, 82, 83). MMPs are also
involved in the turnover of ECM proteins during normal tissue homeostasis, and they play a role in the activation of
growth factors and other signaling molecules (15, 82–84).
MMPs have been implicated in the age-related changes
that occur in various tissues and organs and have been
shown to have both protective and detrimental effects on
disease development (82). For example, MMP-2 and MMP-9
have protective roles, whereas membrane type 1 (MT1)-MMP,
MT3-MMP, and MT5-MMP have been implicated in disease
progression. MT5-MMP, in particular, has been detected in
amyloid plaques of Alzheimer’s patients and appears to have
a synergistic role with c-secretase in disease progression. In
mice lacking Mmp24, a reduction in the amyloid beta peptide (Ab) and amyloid precursor protein (APP) levels in the
cortex and hippocampus was observed, as well as a decrease
in glial reactivity and interleukin-1b levels. MT5-MMP has
also been categorized as an g-secretase because of its ability
to cleave APP in vitro at a site consistent with the molecular
mass of g-secretase processing products. In addition, g-secretase processing of APP has been shown to inhibit neuronal
activity in the hippocampus, further highlighting the importance of this protease in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (82).
family of enzymes (LOXs) is responsible for the formation of
covalent bonds between the collagen fibers, which gives the
ECM its strength and stability. The lysyl oxidase family
of enzymes includes lysyl oxidase and lysyl oxidase-like
(LOXL) 1 to 4 (85, 86).
The dysregulation of lysyl oxidase and other members of
the lysyl oxidase family has been linked to a number of
health issues. For example, overexpression of LOXL1 has
been associated with the development of fibrosis in various
tissues, including the lungs and liver (87). Dysregulation of
lysyl oxidase has also been linked to the development of
aneurysms and hypertension (88). In addition, lysyl oxidase
has been shown to play a role in cancer progression, as it has
been observed to be upregulated in several types of cancer
and has been linked to increased invasion and metastasis
(89). Lysyl oxidase and the other members of the lysyl oxidase family are regulated by various factors, including hypoxia, oxidative stress, and inflammation (90). Therefore,
there are drugs being developed that target LOXs for the
treatment of various carcinomas and fibrosis, and there is
evidence that increased levels of LOXs may contribute to
neurodegeneration and metabolic dysfunction (91). This
makes LOXs and LOX-mediated cross-links a potential biomarker for a variety of diseases, and targeting these proteins
may lead to new treatments for these conditions (92, 93).
TRANSGLUTAMINASE. The transglutaminases (TGases)
are a family of enzymes that catalyze the formation of
covalent bonds between proteins through cross-linking.
These enzymes play critical roles in various biological
processes, including blood clotting, wound healing, and
tissue remodeling (94). Among the transglutaminase family members, Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) has been shown to
form cross-links between advanced glycation end products
(AGEs) and other proteins (95–97), contributing to the development of age-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and atherosclerosis (98, 99).
In addition to its potential role in aging, some studies
have suggested that inhibition of TG2 may negatively affect
cell survival, highlighting the need for further investigation
in this area (100). TG2 has also been linked to the development of tissue stiffness in obesity and metabolic syndrome
(99). The concept that a TG2-related pathway may be responsible for heart diastolic dysfunction is supported by the discovery of higher TG2 expression and activity in organs from
both a rat model of obesity/metabolic syndrome and a
mouse model of aging (99). Furthermore, the inhibition of
TG2 has been shown to delay early age-induced endothelial
dysfunction and microscopic aortic abnormalities, suggesting that TG2 may be a target for the development of new
antiaging and disease-modifying therapies (101–103).
ECM glycoproteins.
Glycoproteins, which are proteins with attached carbohydrate chains, play a vital role in the ECM by connecting
structural molecules to cells and each other, forming a cohesive molecular network (104, 105). By regulating migration,
differentiation, and proliferation, these glycoproteins enable
the ECM to maintain tissue integrity and function (104, 105).
The following ECM glycoproteins were chosen based on their
potential effects on aging, life span, and longevity.
Elastins. Present in many vertebrate tissues, elastin is a
fibrous ECM glycoprotein that facilitates the maintenance of
physiological functions by upholding structural integrity
and contributing to the mechanical strength of tissues and
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their elasticity (106, 107). With age, however, levels of elastin-degrading enzymes such as cathepsin and elastase
increase. These increases lead to the unavailability or disarray of elastin and accelerate elastic fiber fragmentations.
Such structural changes by genetic or environmental factors
have been associated with skin aging and cardiovascular diseases (108, 109).
Fibronectins. Found in almost all tissues, fibronectin, as
part of the glycoprotein family, is indispensable to ECM construction by binding to transmembrane proteins like the
integrins and other ECM components such as glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, collagen I and III, and heparan sulfate
proteoglycans (HSPGs) (110). Mechanical forces stretch and
unfold or relax and coil inward the cryptic binding domains
along the fibronectin protein, allowing these different ECM
proteins to bind (111). As a mediator of various ECM molecules
and also between ECM and cells, it plays a critical role in
cell differentiation, growth, adhesion, and migration (112).
Prevalent as it is, when altered fibronectin has been associated with fibrosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and various forms of
cancers (112–114). In particular, Alzheimer’s disease patients
exhibited heightened fibronectin expressions (115), and the
accumulation of fibronectin messenger RNA (mRNA) has
been attributed to in vitro cellular senescence (116). By contrast, downregulation was observed with collagen in hepatic
stellate cell senescence (117). These findings indicate fibronectin homeostasis as a critical component in health span.
Laminins. Laminin is part of the glycoprotein family
that is synthesized by various cell types and tissues,
including muscle, epithelial cells, bone marrow cells, and
neurons. Laminin is incorporated into the basal lamina,
which functions as a structural sheet of ECM that segregates muscle and epithelial cells from the connective tissues. Laminin also contains domains of cellular surface
interaction with integrins, influencing cellular behavior
such as migration, adhesion, and differentiation (118–120).
Mutations in laminins therefore often lead to pathological
conditions such as nephrotic syndrome and muscular dystrophy (121). Upregulation of laminins has been observed
in several aging tissues. Diabetic basement membranes, in
particular, exhibited a strong correlation of laminin upregulation with its loss of integrity through the age-dependent increase in thickness (122, 123).
Tenascins. The tenascin family, a highly enigmatic group
of proteins, are known to play a significant role in the intricacies of supporting the structural integrity of cells and tissues,
as well as regulating their growth and development in a
manner that is not fully understood (124). The tenascins are
subdivided into several different classes, including tenascinC, tenascin-R, and tenascin-X (124).
Tenascin-C is found in the ECM of tissues and plays a role
in the organization and development of cells and tissues
(125). In cancer, tenascin-C has been shown to play a role in
the growth, invasion, and metastasis of cancer cells, yet the
underlying mechanisms remain obscure. Tenascin-C has
also been found to promote angiogenesis, the process by
which new blood vessels form, which is essential for tumor
growth (125–129). In some cases, increased levels of tenascinC have been associated with poor prognosis in cancer
patients (130). Tenascin-R and tenascin-X, on the other
hand, are found in the central nervous system and are
involved in the development and function of the brain and
nervous system (131).
Both tenascin-C and tenascin-X have been shown to play a
role in the biological aging process (132–134). For instance, Mi
et al. (135) discovered that tenascin-C immunoreactivity manifested as substantial extracellular deposits of a diffuse nature
within the cortical gray matter, possessing diameters exceeding 100 lm. These tenascin-C plaques exhibited a complete
overlap and encirclement of cored Ab plaques (135). The
tenascin-C plaques were also found to be in close proximity to
reactive astrocytes, microglia, and dystrophic neurites comprised of phosphorylated tau, suggesting a key role for tenascin-C in the pathogenesis of Ab plaques and highlighting its
potential as a valuable biomarker and therapeutic target (135).
Meanwhile, subjects with low levels of tenascin-X may be protected from the typical onset of abnormal arterial stiffness
associated with aging and its associated impact of an anomalously swift round-trip travel time of the pressure wave (136).
Notably, Uiterwaal et al. (137) established that augmented
joint motility and skin resilience correspond with a reduction
in blood pressure and pulse pressure levels. As such, the absence of tenascin-X results in a perturbation of the standard
ECM within the blood vessel walls, and subjects with tenascin-X insufficiency may be susceptible to a greater expansion
of the internal elastic lamina, enabling larger atherosclerotic
plaques to accumulate and ultimately lead to a reduction in
the coronary lumen area (136).
Proteoglycans contribute to the construction of ECM by
hydrating cells and tissues with their heavily glycosylated
hydrophilic properties. Experiments using knockout mice
implicate proteoglycans as the stabilizer in the collagenelastin network (138, 139). Therefore, it is not surprising to
find that connective tissue diseases attributed to the disruption in proteoglycan formation are caused by genetic
mutations that affect the synthesis, structure, or degradation of proteoglycans. These mutations result in an abnormal composition of ECM, leading to a range of symptoms,
including skeletal and cardiovascular anomalies, joint
hypermobility, and skin fragility manifested in diseases
such as Marfan, Ehlers–Danlos, Hunter, Morquio, and
Sanfilippo syndromes (11, 140–145).
Aggrecans. Aggrecan, a major proteoglycan in the ECM,
combines with hyaluronan to create massive hydrated
complexes and is present in several tissues, including the
ascending aortic wall and cartilage (146). Its core protein is
associated with glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains, which
contribute to the formation of high-molecular-weight
aggregates (147, 148). In cartilaginous tissues, these aggregates form a densely packed, hydrated gel that provides a
significant portion of the equilibrium compressive modulus of cartilage through electrostatic repulsion forces
between negatively charged GAGs (147, 148).
Structural variations in aggrecan exist depending on age,
disease, and species, resulting in differences in GAG chain
length, sulfate ester substitution, and keratan sulfate and
chondroitin sulfate substitution (146, 149). High-resolution
atomic force microscopy (AFM) has enabled researchers to
study individual aggrecan molecules and predict molecular
interactions and macroscopic tissue behavior (149).
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Accumulation of aggrecan in the ascending aortic wall is
asymmetric, favoring the aorto-pulmonary septum, and this
could be a reflection of regional vascular wall adaptations to hemodynamic stresses (146). Reduced production or loss of aggrecan is observed in aging, which can contribute to increased
vessel stiffness and various cardiovascular diseases (146).
In cartilaginous tissues, aggrecan plays a crucial role in
maintaining structural integrity and elasticity as the primary
load-bearing molecule in the ECM (150, 151). Its loss or
reduced production with aging can impact the mechanical
properties of cartilage, affecting its function (150, 151).
Small leucine-rich proteoglycans. Small leucine-rich
proteoglycans (SLRPs) are important regulators of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell signaling, consisting of a protein core with leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) motifs linked to
glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chains (152, 153). SLRPs have
diverse compositions and can interact with various cell surface receptors, cytokines, growth factors, and other ECM
components, leading to the modulation of cellular functions
(152, 153). SLRPs can inhibit cancer progression by affecting
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), particularly MMP-14 activity (153). Lumican, a member of the SLRP family, has been
shown to possess antitumor activity by directly interacting
with the catalytic domain of MMP-14 and inhibiting its activity (153). Understanding the interactions between SLRPs and
MMPs, including lumican, may lead to the identification of
promising drug targets and new therapeutic strategies for
inflammatory, fibrotic, and malignant disorders (153).
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are a type of glycoprotein found on the
cell surface and in the ECM, which are adapted through the
addition of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains. The location of
the HSPGs in the plasma membrane works as a gatekeeper of
ECM-cell signaling, and on the cell surface HSPGs serve as a
docking point to matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) (154).
This strategic location allows HSPGs to act as a cell directory
through the ECM and promote invadopodia (155).
HSPG core proteins glypican and syndecan have been
observed in the developmental signaling mediation.
Syndecans modulate axon pathfinding activity of the SlitRobo pathway (156). In Drosophila melanogaster, glypicans
regulate embryonic development via Wingless/Integrated
(Wnt), Hedgehog (Hh), and Decapentaplegic (Dpp)/TGFb
pathways (157). In Caenorhabditis elegans, mutations in
HSPGs block longevity interventions, such as dietary restriction, reduced insulin/IGF-1 receptor signaling, and reduced
germ stem cell numbers (48, 158, 159). Additionally, HSPGs
have been shown to be involved in the clearance of amyloid
from the brain and the production of Ab (160).
The ECM appears to be affected by a large number of
insults that degrade or stiffen it. However, only one of these
causes seems to be “native” to the ECM category itself; all
the others are a product of systemic issues upstream.
Calcification and Mineralization
Vascular calcification pathology is identified as abnormal
calcification of elastic arteries or muscular vessel walls. The
mechanism of vascular calcification is similar to bone metabolism. Although the exact mechanism remains elusive,
integrity maintenance of vascular ECM and calcification are
correlated (161). Age-related pathologies, such as type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and
increased risk of cardiovascular events are all attributed in
part to vascular calcification (162, 163). Vascular intima diffuse calcification is associated with matrix vesicles. As part
of the ECM component, matrix vesicles are derived from cell
budding, cartilage cell, osteoblast, and odontoblast. Matrix
vesicles also part from cells to initiate organelle self-governance. These ECM components provide adequate nucleation
for calcium crystal formation, and network scaffolding for
their calcium deposit is provided by elastins in its vascular
walls (164).
Furthermore, ECM elastin fibers participate in the calcification of arterial walls. Studies using histochemistry and
electron microscopy have divulged two distinct calcifications of elastic fiber in the plaques of human atherosclerosis.
Whereas structural changes were not detected in the type I
calcification, type II showed significant structural changes in
the elastin (165). Khavandgar et al. (166) demonstrated that
in matrix Gla protein (MGP)-deficient and elastin (ELN)-haploinsufficient (MGP/; ELN þ /) murine aorta, calcification
was found to be dependent upon the presence of elastin.
This led to a significant reduction in arterial calcium deposition in the case of elastin haploinsufficiency (166).
Inherent to many autoimmune diseases are chronically
inflamed tissues (167). Tissue damage triggers inflammation,
wherein proteases and cytokines break down the ECM and
engage with leukocytes, thereby impacting their functionality (168–170).
Upregulation of interferon-gamma (IFNc) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) occurs at the site of inflammation. These cytokines modify interstitial matrix synthesis and turnover, and
the cytokines also induce matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)
secretion and or activation (167). As zinc-dependent endopeptidases, MMPs site-specifically cleave ECM and other proteins
(171, 172). Hyaluronan fragmentation increases the activity of
MMP during inflammation (171, 173). MMPs increase because
of the inflammation release of fragments of tenascin and sulfated proteoglycans, ECM-derived damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) (174, 175), resulting in a vicious cycle
that fragments ECM. Tissue remodeling processes facilitated
by anomalous ECM fragments are able to modify immune
cells and their immune responses in chronically inflamed tissues (174).
Ultraviolet Damage
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is associated with vitamin D
production in humans and may assist in cardiovascular
health through nitric oxide synthesis (176). Whereas vitamin
D halts proinflammatory programs of TH1 cells (177, 178),
chronic UVR exposure can also increase the probability of
photocarcinogenesis by incurring damage to fibroblasts and
dermis and accelerating phenotypical aging (176, 179, 180).
The quantity of available COL1A1 collagen in the ECM has
been associated with melanoma behavior modifications
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(180, 181), and it has been shown that collagen-cleaving matrix
metalloprotein-1 (MMP1) expression is upregulated by UVRinduced fibroblast damage (182). However, the decreased deposition of collagen, specifically fibrillar collagens I and III,
basement membrane collagen IV, and the collagen-associated
proteoglycan decorin, can also induce malignant behavior
(183), suggesting that collagen has a role in carcinogenesis
beyond the scaffolding function normally associated with this
protein (180).
Even though premature skin aging has been attributed to
remodeling of the compositional architecture of the ECM
induced by prolonged UVR exposure, the exact pathway
requires further investigation (176). In particular, photodegrading downstream effects of fibronectin and fibrillin and
their induction on tissue homeostasis are less understood
Advanced Glycation End Products
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are nonenzymatically formed on proteins such as collagens and elastins.
Lysine and arginine residues frequently become glycated after prolonged exposure to sugars, causing age-dependent
modifications (184, 185). Matrix stiffening occurs as a result
of cross-linking of these AGEs and the steric hinders of enzymatic cleavages required for remodeling. This process is
enhanced under conditions of high glucose levels, accumulation of dicarbonyls, or low glyoxalase activity (186). As a
response, protease levels are increased, triggering yet another
cascade of further damage to the ECM (6) by causing unrestrained protease activity and collagen deposition (187).
N(6)-carboxymethyllysine (CML) is a common AGE and is
known to accumulate in human tissues in aging, diabetes,
atherosclerosis, and neurodegeneration (110, 186, 188–192),
but the buildup of AGEs and its relationship to aging and disease is still under debate (186). This lingering uncertainty
demands a global characterization of the targeted proteins
and pathways to understand the pathophysiological effects of
AGEs. Thus, to enhance our understanding, a proteomic
workflow based on selective enrichment of CML-modified
peptides coupled to mass spectrometry was developed by Di
Sanzo et al. (186) to identify and quantify specific sites of carboxymethylation on proteins, including CML and carboxymethylated protein NH2-termini. However, further development
of antibodies with higher specificity for CML-modified peptides is still needed to identify carboxymethylation sites that
occur at lower abundance (186).
Loss of Proteolysis
The breakdown of proteins (proteolysis) controls ECM assembly, modification, and endocytosis of superfluous ECM
materials, bioactive fragments, and growth factors (193, 194).
Proteolysis is also critical in ECM structure reassembly, tissue repair, pathological processes, morphogenesis, and cell
death (193, 194). Hence, any changes made by proteolysis to
the cell surface and ECM can have an immediate and irrevocable impact (194).
Maintaining a homeostatic balance of proteolysis is critical in maintaining health span as either overproduction or
deficiency can lead to disease progressions. The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and the closely related A Disintegrin
and Metalloproteinases (ADAMs) possess proteolytic properties and are critical contributing factors in various physiological processes and pathologies such as cancer progression
and inflammation (195). For example, the key component of
wound healing is the degradation of provisional ECM produced by the fibrin clot caused by the wound. Injury is
repaired by the keratinocyte migration that produces urokinase plasminogen activators (uPAs) and MMPs to close the
wound through interaction with dermal fibroblast. In mice
lacking the plasminogen gene, keratinocytes are unable to
migrate and the wound does not heal, indicating the importance of proteolysis homeostasis (196).
Additionally, Kuzuya et al. (197) suggest that the formation of glycation-induced cross-links in interstitial collagen
contributes to ECM stiffness in aging and diabetes. They
demonstrated this by showing that smooth muscle cells
grown on collagen fibrils activated pro-MMP-2, which was
accompanied by increased expression of MT1-MMP and suppressed production of TIMP-2. However, when the smooth
muscle cells were grown on glycated collagen fibrils, MMP-2
activation was inhibited and expression of MT1-MMP was
reduced without affecting TIMP-2 production. This suggests
that the suppression of MT1-MMP expression may be
involved in inhibiting MMP-2 activation on glycated collagen fibrils. The inclusion of aminoguanidine, a cross-linking
inhibitor, during collagen glycation restored MMP-2 activation, indicating that cross-links may play a role in the inhibition of MMP-2 activation (197). Crosslinking reduces the
flexibility and elasticity of collagen, making it more resistant
to proteolytic degradation (197–199), leading to the accumulation of senescent ECM, which can impair tissue function
and contribute to age-related diseases (198, 199). And
Col1a1r/r mice, with their type I collagen resistance to collagenase cleavage, exhibited accelerated aging, a host of agerelated pathologies, and a dramatic acceleration of senescent
cell accumulation (200). Furthermore, Mmp24-deficient
mice exhibit reduced levels of Ab and APP and decreased
glial reactivity and IL-1b levels, the pivotal function of MT5MMP (MMP-24) in Alzheimer’s disease progression, as evidenced by its capacity to cleave APP and regulate neuronal
activity in the hippocampus (82, 201), highlighting the crucial role of proteolysis in regulating various age-related
pathologies (82, 202). Therefore, maintaining a balance of
proteolysis is crucial for maintaining the health span of
tissues and preventing age-related diseases.
Damage to the ECM can result in a wide range of pathologies. The two major disease hubs are fibrosis and loss of
mechanotransduction. By focusing on these two areas, significant progress could be made in preventing age-related
According to estimates, fibrotic disorders are responsible
for 45% of deaths in the United States (203). Fibrosis refers
to the stiffening of tissue that ultimately leads to organ failure. Although universally occurring throughout the body
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with age, fibrosis is seen in accelerated forms both in fibrotic
diseases and after injury.
Many fibrotic disorders are caused by the loss of ECM homeostasis, which creates an imbalance in wound healing
and causes irreversible structural damage to biophysical
properties (25, 204). As more than a third of the developed
nations suffer from mortality due to fibrotic disorders (205),
understanding the mechanisms behind ECM maintenance is
vital in extending the health span globally.
There are currently no reliable biomarkers for diagnosing
fibrotic diseases, and the current noninvasive method for
discovering these diseases is unreliable and often leads to a
diagnosis too late, when the damage is already irreparable
(174). To improve the prognosis for individuals with fibrotic
diseases, it will be necessary to restore organ function and
reverse fibrotic scarring (174, 206).
Liver failure.
Chronic damage to the liver and ECM protein accumulation
result in liver fibrosis (207). When the symptoms of liver fibrosis become acute, it can result in cirrhosis leading to portal
hypertension and liver failure, which frequently necessitates
a liver transplant (208). In industrialized nations, liver fibrosis
is often caused by hepatitis C infection, alcohol, and fatty
liver, also known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
ECM dysregulation is often attributed as a characteristic
of fibrosis, with loss of homeostasis leading to impaired
wound healing. ECM dysregulation causes alteration in the
biomechanics and architecture of the lungs (25). Even
though the liver is renowned for its regenerative abilities,
persistent irritation can lead to fibrosis (204, 209). When the
injury is unabated, wound healing fails to function effectively, and fibrosis ensues. Fibrosis causes massive ECM deposition and scar formation, which leads to hepatic stellate
cell failure (210).
Many therapeutic strategies have been emerging to inhibit
fibrosis from developing. These include anti-inflammatory
liver protection, hepatic stellate cell inhibitors, suppressor of
ECM production, and/or targeting ECM degradation. Gene
therapy is also in the pipeline to target fibrosis (211).
Heart failure.
Cardiac fibrosis is a cardiac muscle scarring event, defined
by the production of myofibroblasts through activation and
differentiation of cardiac fibroblasts and increased deposition of collagen (212). These transitions in pathology usher in
increased matrix stiffness that leads to undesirable cardiac
function (213).
The ECM network provides structural integrity, promotes
force transmission, and relays crucial signal transduction to
vascular and interstitial tissues and cardiomyocytes. Any
changes in the cardiac ECM homeostasis are therefore critically felt and may cause reduced ejection fraction, heart
arrest, and/or myocardial matrix stiffening, disturbance in
electric conductance, and possibly death (213, 214).
Because the prognosis of cardiac fibrosis is often deleterious, exploiting matricellular proteins has been proposed as a
possible therapy to modify the events of adverse remodeling.
Although studies on thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1) and secreted
protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) showed promise
in protection against this detrimental remodeling (214–217),
formidable challenges lie ahead because of the overwhelming complexities of the matricellular proteins (218).
Cardiac regeneration through ECM manipulation has also
been proposed as a moon shot therapy goal, and an in vivo
study of neonatal mice implicates ECM composition impact
in myocardium regeneration activation (218). The more
attainable goal of engineering a bioartificial heart through
stem cell-induced cardiomyocyte proliferation by using cardiac matrixes as a scaffold is yet in its infancy (219, 220).
Lung failure.
The lung ECM comprises complex networks of glycoproteins, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, and fibrous proteins. Besides providing architectural support, the lung ECM
conditions cell behavior through changes in the stiffness and
composition of its proteins (221–223). The pathology of lung
fibrosis is then associated with the loss of ECM homeostasis
and the breakdown of its environment, creating a positive
feedback loop to enforce fibrogenesis (224, 225). It is, therefore, self-evident that any impairment due to lung fibrosis
requires interventions to recapture ECM homeostasis.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis (IPF) is the most common type of fibrosing interstitial pneumonia. IPF in the elderly has a prognosis of only
3–5 yr of survival (226, 227).
Key synthesizing agents of ECM are thought to be myofibroblasts in fibroblastic foci and activated fibroblasts (228),
and although the exact pathology is unknown, IPF can be
diagnosed based on disparate and cumulative subpleural fibrosis and fibrotic foci with an assembly of myofibroblasts
resisting apoptosis (228, 229). The study of active ECM synthesis and remodeling showed an increase in hyaluronan,
type I procollagen, tenascin-C, and versican expression and
decreased biglycan and decorin expression within fibroblastic foci (230). Estany et al. (230) found that tenascin-C and
versican, a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, are highly
expressed in the lungs with defects in wound healing ability,
leading ultimately to fibrosis.
The emergence of pirfenidone and nintedanib as two licensed therapeutics for IPF is a significant milestone in
the last decade (231). These drugs ameliorate symptoms,
improve survival, and slow down disease progression but
do not cure the disease. Pirfenidone has antifibrotic and
anti-inflammatory effects, whereas nintedanib is a tyrosine
kinase inhibitor that blocks downstream signaling. Both
drugs have common side effects, including nausea and rash
Since the advent of severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), it has become imperative to
understand better the mechanisms behind the maintenance or reverse engineering to induce ECM protein homeostasis (232). Although the prognosis for elderly
patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is typically
unfavorable, the use of licensed therapeutics such as pirfenidone and nintedanib has displayed encouraging outcomes in impeding the disease’s advancement and
enhancing survival. Looking ahead, potential drug targets for future development may include the active
agents accountable for ECM synthesis and remodeling in
fibroblastic foci, such as tenascin-C and versican.
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The World
Health Organization has ranked chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) third in the cause of mortality and morbidity, claiming 3.23 million deaths worldwide in 2019 (233).
COPD is caused by narrowed airways, limiting airflow in
and out of the lungs. These obstructions are caused by several processes, such as inflammations, swellings, mucus
buildups, and impairment of the airway lining (234).
Constant inflammation caused by smoking and air pollution
is thought to be a major contributor to COPD pathogenesis
(233, 235).
The ECM plays a critical role in the architecture of the airway structure. In COPD patients, however, major deviations
of the ECM components are observed in all of its lung
recesses (236). It is postulated that these deviations cannot
be overcome in COPD patients and contribute to the lack of
airflow into the lungs, further causing a deleterious impact
on the patient’s health (236). Past findings of COPD have
been characterized by the reduction of elastin and proteoglycan but an increase in collagen in the alveoli (237–239).
However, we currently lack an understanding of the precise
mechanism behind how ECM influences COPD. It is hoped
that the transplantation of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells
(MSCs) may play a role by inducing the regeneration and
reassembly of damaged lungs. Developing artificial scaffolds,
instructed with cues to uphold the microenvironment, and
fine-tuning biomechanics for optimal MSC curative properties may be the future direction of COPD treatment (240).
Kidney failure.
Kidney fibrosis, identified by the superfluous pathological
aggregation and deposition of the ECM (241), is the last stage
of chronic kidney disease manifestation and affects 12% of
the global population with increased mortality (242, 243).
Kidney ECM contains glycoprotein, proteoglycan, elastin,
and collagen network and forges basal and interstitial
matrixes (244). Calcification of ECM in soft tissues, as in
blood vessels, is one of the observable traits in chronic kidney disease patients (245).
Currently, kidney fibrosis is diagnosed by invasive biopsies. However, employing the highly regulatory nature of
ECM homeostasis, it can be utilized to measure the ECM
remodeling rate, which could then be used to indicate disease progression (16, 246). Developing new protein fingerprints for identifying ECM neoepitopes created by proteases
or other posttranslational modifications could potentially
serve as a noninvasive biomarker (247, 248). Such biomarkers could be detected in bodily fluids like blood or
urine, as seen in studies related to renal interstitial fibrosis
(IF) (249), or via sweat sensors that measure metabolites
(250). Additionally, microRNAs have been suggested as
potential biomarkers for chronic kidney disease (251).
Age-related macular degeneration.
It is striking that in genome-wide association studies, many
ECM and matrisome genes (such as VEGFA, TIMP3, MMP9,
COL4A3, COL8A1, VTN, HTRA1) are associated with agerelated macular degeneration (AMD) (252). These polymorphisms might alter ECM integrity in the eye. For instance,
polymorphisms found in the promoter region of HTRA1,
a secreted serine protease, lead to its overexpression.
Transgenic mice overexpressing HTRA1 in retinal pigment
epithelial cells resulted in the degradation of fibronectin,
fibulin 5, and tropoelastin, thereby fragmenting the ECM
(Bruch’s basement membrane) (253). Neovascular agerelated macular degeneration (nAMD) is a type of age-related
macular degeneration and a major cause of blindness caused
by the growth of new blood vessels in the choroid, which can
eventually turn into a fibrous plaque or scar (254). The subretinal fibrosis in nAMD shares molecular processes similar to
fibrosis found in other organs such as the lung, liver, kidney,
heart, and skin (255).
Although there are no fibroblasts in the retina tissue, the
initiation of neovascularization can result in the recruitment
of additional inflammatory cells, the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of retinal pigment epithelial cells,
or macrophage-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation, which
serve as a direct or indirect source of myofibroblasts (256).
These cells produce ECM, proliferate, and migrate over the
basal layers to repair and regenerate damaged tissue.
However, in cases of repeated injury or chronic inflammation, fibrotic scarring persists (257).
Loss of Mechanotransduction
Mechanotransduction is a crucial process of translating
physical forces into biochemical signals. When this process
fails, it can have significant negative consequences for cellular adaptation and homeostasis (6). Impaired mechanotransduction can lead to a range of problems, including disrupted
tissue development and function, tissue degeneration, and,
in some cases, the development of diseases such as fibrosis
or cancer (258). Understanding the role of mechanotransduction in the ECM and how it can be disrupted is an important
area of research with potential implications for the treatment of a variety of conditions.
Damages to ECM can be read out by changes in forces
sensed by integrins as cell-surface ECM receptors. Integrins
transduce these physical forces either through cytoskeleton
remodeling linked to the nucleus or changing kinase cascade
signaling into the nucleus to reprogram gene expression
(258). A moderate reduction of integrin-linked kinase (ILK)
caused favorable function in increasing life span in C. elegans and D. melanogaster (259, 260). In particular, C. elegans showed an increased life span while preserving
cytoskeletal integrity (259). Further investigation through
RNAi screening found pat-4/ILK and pat-6/Parvin depletion to be responsible for its increase (259, 261). In
Drosophila, mortality and behavioral aging delay was
observed in the loss-of-function myospheroid gene mutations that encode for b1-integrin, the binding partner
of the ILK (262). Coronin-7 (Coro7), necessary for proper
cytoskeletal functions, has been associated with prolonged
life span in mice (261, 263). Also, cytoskeleton remodeling
has been known to be closely correlated to ECM remodeling, and ECM remodeling has a critical role in mechanotransduction and improved health span (6, 7, 264).
Cancer and the loss of cellular identity.
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled
proliferation of abnormal cell growth. In 2020 alone, cancer
affected 18.1 million people globally (265). The ECM plays a
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crucial role in the formation of the cancer microenvironment (266). Increased ECM deposits and cross-links have
been linked to tumorigenesis and metastasis by providing
the chemical and physical signals that are necessary for tumor development and invasion (267, 268). Moreover, tumor
cells have been found to influence the deposition of fibronectin, collagen, and tenascin-C (269, 270), and a growing
body of evidence suggests that ECM deposition promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis by helping cancer cells to proliferate and survive (271).
The loss of cellular identity is a phenomenon that occurs
when cells lose their characteristic features and become
more similar to each other (272). This can happen during the
development of cancer when cells undergo a process known
as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) (273). During
EMT, cells lose their epithelial characteristics and acquire
mesenchymal traits, such as increased motility and invasiveness. This allows them to break away from the primary tumor and migrate to other parts of the body, where they can
form secondary tumors or metastases (274). The ECM plays a
crucial role in the loss of cellular identity during EMT (275).
In the context of cancer, the ECM can provide the physical
and chemical cues that are necessary for EMT to occur (276).
For example, certain ECM molecules, such as fibronectin,
can promote EMT by activating signaling pathways that
drive the loss of epithelial characteristics and the acquisition
of mesenchymal traits (277). Additionally, the ECM can provide mechanical cues that can drive EMT by stretching and
deforming the cells, which can activate signaling pathways
that promote the loss of cellular identity (278). However,
more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms
by which tumor cells produce ECM and its role in remodeling the microenvironment in order to develop targeted cancer treatments (279).
As people age, the dermis also undergoes remodeling of
the ECM and impaired cellularity (280, 281). However, it is
unclear whether these changes are due to changes in
fibroblasts. Salzer et al. (282) studied whether different
diets affected dermal fibroblasts in mice and their impact
on life span. They found that as time passed the definition
of old fibroblasts became blurred, and even when present
on the youthful dermis fibroblasts were still indistinguishable. Old fibroblasts also showed decreased expression of
genes involved in ECM formation (282). Paradoxically,
these old fibroblasts gained adipogenic traits similar to
those in the neonatal state. When placed on a caloric
restriction, these negative effects were either reversed or
reduced. By contrast, a high-fat diet exacerbated the negative effects of aging. These results suggest that loss of cell
identity may be one of the underlying mechanisms of
aging (282–284).
Stiffened ECM can also drive the pathogenic expression of
matricellular proteins by fibroblasts, leading to the conversion of muscle stem cells into fibrogenic cells. This process,
known as a fibrogenic conversion, can contribute to sarcopenia, which is the age-related loss of muscle mass and
strength. This occurs through the activation of the Yes-associated protein 1/Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (YAP/TAZ) signaling pathway, which is triggered
by the stiffened ECM. Overall, the ECM plays a key role in
the loss of cellular identity during EMT, which is an essential
step in the development of cancer and its metastasis, as well
as in the development of sarcopenia (18).
Aging is accompanied by a decline in skeletal muscle mass
and function, a condition known as sarcopenia, which
results from multiple cellular and molecular changes
(285–289). One of the major factors contributing to sarcopenia is the impairment of skeletal muscle regeneration
due to the decline in the function and number of muscle
stem cells (MuSCs) (285–289). The microenvironment surrounding MuSCs plays a critical role in their function and
maintenance, but little is known about this niche (290–
292). Below, we discuss recent studies that have shed light
on the role of the MuSC niche in the aging process and its
implications for muscle regeneration.
The role of the MuSC niche in aging. It has been suggested that the changes in the systemic environment that
occur during aging could be the cause of MuSC dysfunction
(293). However, it is unclear whether these changes act
directly on the stem cells or indirectly affect MuSC function
by altering the niche (294–299). Lukjanenko et al. (300)
found that the loss of fibronectin (FN) from the aged stem
cell niche affects the regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle
in mice. FN is a preferred adhesion substrate for MuSCs and
regulates the p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase
(ERK) MAPK aging pathways (294–299). Restoration of
attachment to FN in the aged niche can reactivate FAK signaling in MuSCs, thereby restoring the regenerative capacity
of old skeletal muscle (300).
Another study by Lukjanenko and her team investigated
the impact of aging on regulatory cells in the MuSC niche and
found that fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs) indirectly
affect the myogenic potential of MuSCs (301). Using transcriptomic profiling, the study identified WISP1, a FAP-derived
matricellular signal, as a critical factor in efficient muscle
regeneration. The study also found that aged FAPs lose
WISP1, leading to MuSC dysfunction (301). Transplantation of
young FAPs or systemic treatment with WISP1 restored the
myogenic capacity of MuSCs in aged mice and rescued skeletal muscle regeneration. The study establishes that loss of
WISP1 from FAPs contributes to MuSC dysfunction in aged
skeletal muscles and that targeting this mechanism could
rejuvenate myogenesis (301).
Therapeutic targets for muscle pathological conditions. Skeletal muscle regeneration is critical for maintaining muscle mass and function, particularly in aging and
pathological conditions (291, 302, 303). Rozo et al. (291)
demonstrated that b1-integrin was a critical molecule in the
stem cell (SC) niche, supporting their homeostasis, expansion, and self-renewal during regeneration. The researchers
also revealed that b1-integrin collaborated with fibroblast
growth factor 2 (Fgf2) to activate common downstream
effectors, including the mitogen-activated protein kinase
Erk and protein kinase B (Akt) (291). The study further highlighted the altered b1-integrin activity in aged SCs, which
displayed Fgf2 insensitivity. Treatment with a monoclonal
antibody to boost b1-integrin activity restored Fgf2 sensitivity and improved muscle regeneration after experimentally
induced injury. The same treatment also enhanced regeneration and function in dystrophic muscles in mdx mice, a
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model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (291). Their findings suggest that b1-integrin could be a promising therapeutic target for muscle pathological conditions in which the
SC niche is compromised, such as sarcopenia and muscular
dystrophy (291).
Stem cell exhaustion.
Stem cell exhaustion is a major contributor to age-related
decline in tissue regeneration (1, 304). In vivo stem cell
induction has been shown to restore the age-related decline
in mice (305–307), highlighting the important role that tissue
stem cells play in maintaining homeostasis and tissue regeneration (304, 307, 308).
The ECM is critical in regulating stem cell pluripotency,
differentiation, tissue repair, and regeneration (26, 309).
Tenascin-C, specifically, is expressed by bone marrow
niche cells, which promote the regeneration of hematopoietic stem cells (310). However, chronic mechanical stress
can cause the ECM to stiffen, impairs mechanotransduction,
and leads to stem cell exhaustion through ECM remodeling
(26). In this process, enzymes like matrix metalloproteinases
(MMPs) can break down ECM molecules and cause the ECM
to stiffen, impairing stem cells’ ability to respond to mechanical signals and maintain their proper functions (82).
These findings suggest that stem cell rejuvenation could
potentially be enhanced for novel therapies by manipulating
the mechanisms of the ECM (308, 311).
Cell death.
Cell death is a critical process in the development of the
body and in maintaining homeostasis to prevent the onset of
disease (312). This process can be classified into two categories: nonprogrammed cell death (non-PCD), also known as
necrosis, which is the result of the irreversible cell damage
caused by extreme physical or chemical environments (313),
and programmed cell death (PCD), which can be further subclassified into lytic and nonlytic cell death (314).
Lytic cell death includes necroptosis and pyroptosis (315),
whereas nonlytic cell death, such as apoptosis, is essential
for maintaining tissue organization and ensuring the appropriate number of cells (316). The ability of the ECM to
remodel is crucial for regulating cell behavior (16), and apoptosis has been found to be involved in several diseases,
including those affecting the kidneys (317, 318). Unlike necrosis, apoptosis does not elicit an inflammatory response,
and phagocytes are responsible for removing the resulting
apoptotic bodies (312, 319). A study of rat kidneys found that
glomerular cell apoptosis was associated with glomerular
cell loss and accumulation of ECM, leading to glomerulosclerosis (320). Additionally, it was found that mesangial cells
were protected from apoptosis by the basement membrane
matrix, which induced their survival. However, when the
expression of b1-integrin was suppressed with antisense oligonucleotides, apoptosis of mesangial cells was increased
(316). These findings suggest that the regulation of mesangial
cells is dependent on the ECM surrounding them via
Given the close relationship between mesangial cell proliferation and apoptosis, there is potential for developing novel
therapeutic strategies for renal diseases that involve manipulating apoptosis (316).
Loss of mitochondrial homeostasis.
Mitochondria are multifunctional organelles that play
essential roles in various cellular processes, including apoptosis, cell metabolism, proliferation, modulation of intracellular calcium homeostasis, and ATP production (321–
323). Because of the diverse functions of mitochondria,
any dysfunction in these organelles can have a significant
impact on human health.
There is a bidirectional relationship between the ECM and
mitochondria. Cell-ECM interactions can directly or indirectly modulate mitochondria through the actin cytoskeleton (324). This interaction is particularly relevant in the
context of metastasis, where mitochondria serve as the primary energy source for cell migration (321). In turn, mitochondrial depolarization and oxidative phosphorylation can
influence the ECM through cell-ECM adhesion and MMP-dependent ECM degradation (325). Mitochondrial homeostasis
and adaptation (mitohormesis) are interlinked with ECMintegrin cytoskeleton remodeling in human stem cells and
C. elegans important for life span extension (326–329).
Cellular senescence as a consequence of ECM damage.
Cellular senescence, characterized by alterations in the
expression of ECM components and secretion of ECM
remodeling enzymes, is a form of cell cycle arrest brought on
by various stressors (206, 330, 331). Although temporary
induction of senescence is crucial for suppressing tumors
and facilitating tissue repair, the long-term presence of senescent cells in tissues can contribute to tissue damage and
aging (206, 332).
Recently, a hypothesis has been proposed linking ECM
alterations to aging and senescent cell accumulation, suggesting that this accumulation may be due to an altered
antifibrotic program (4). In another study, the use of decellularized ECM from young cells increased the life span of
senescent human fibroblasts by 39% (333). Another piece of
evidence comes from an in vivo study: mice with a mutation
that makes type I collagen resistant to collagenase cleavage
(which mimics the effect of cross-links on the susceptibility
to collagenase-mediated ECM degradation) have accelerated
aging with weight loss, reduced adiposity, kyphosis, osteoporosis, hypertension, and dramatically accelerated accumulation of senescent cells (200).
The senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)
contributes to tissue regeneration failure and a proinflammatory environment that further advances the progression
of diseases such as cancer, fibrosis, and cardiovascular disease (334). An altered ECM has been shown to cause an
imbalance of homeostasis and increase MMP activity (335).
In the context of cardiac remodeling, high levels of MMP1
have been linked to decreased collagen expression, which
results in decreased contractility and the development of
cardiomyopathy (336, 337). In idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
(IPF), increased MMP expression and activity is a key feature
of the SASP and plays a crucial role in fibrosis (338).
Other ECM-Related Pathologies
Williams–Beuren syndrome.
Williams–Beuren syndrome (WBS), also known as Williams
syndrome, is characterized by a multisystem developmental
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disorder that affects 1 in 7,500–18,000 people (339). Often,
WBS patients have skeletal, renal, and cardiovascular malformation, cognitive impairments, and distinctive facial features and personalities (340–342).
WBS is caused by the loss of the Williams–Beuren syndrome critical region (WBSCR) in chromosome 7. In particular, a major component of ECM, elastin (ELN) hemizygosity
is associated with arteriopathy in WBS patients (343).
Reduced elastin in those with WBS would therefore cause
the ability of elastic properties necessary for the normal
function of arteries to impaired (344–346).
Recent studies have shed light on the potential role of specific genes, such as BAZ1B, FZD9, STX1A, and WBSCR22, in
the neurodevelopment and physical growth of individuals
with WBS (347). These findings suggest that targeted gene
therapies could be developed to restore or enhance the function of these genes in WBS patients. However, further research
is needed to understand the molecular-phenotype relationship in patients with atypical deletions of WBS and to validate
the safety and efficacy of such therapies in animal models.
Arterial stiffening.
Arterial stiffness is associated with the increased probability
of major cardiovascular events by engendering pulse pressure increase and isolated systolic hypertension (348).
Loss of ECM protein homeostasis is at the root of arterial
stiffening (349). Collagen and elastin support the architecture of arterial biomechanics. These proteins constitute the
majority of arterial wall structural makeup, and deterioration in either or both of these proteins can create havoc in arterial health (350, 351). Therefore, any alteration in quantity
or quality is a determinant factor in diseases often associated
with aging, namely, diabetes, chronic renal failure, and
hypertension (350, 352).
Cardiovascular and renal drugs currently available in the
market have yet to capture the elusive mechanisms underlying the structural components of the disease. The FIDELIODKD and FIGARO-DKD studies investigated cardiovascular
and kidney outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and
chronic kidney disease (353). In a pooled analysis of individual patient-level data, finerenone was found to reduce the
risk of cardiovascular events and kidney failure outcomes
compared with a placebo across a broad range of CKD stages.
Notably, the reduction in risk was observed in patients with
albuminuria but with estimated glomerular filtration rate >
60 mL/min/1.73 m2. The results suggest that finerenone may
be a valuable addition to renin-angiotensin system inhibition in reducing the burden of cardiovascular and kidney
disease in at-risk patients with type 2 diabetes (353).
Cognitive impairment.
Blood vessels become stiffer with advancing age due to elastin loss and accumulation of cross-links in the ECM of a vessel wall. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), a measure of arterial
stiffness, is significantly associated with cognitive status
(354). PWV appears significantly higher in subjects with vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease than in those without
cognitive impairment. Moreover, PWV was higher in subjects
with mild cognitive impairment than in those without cognitive impairment. The causality of this relationship was confirmed in a mouse study in which vascular stiffness was
induced by the topical application of calcium chloride on
the adventitial region of the carotid artery (355), which
resulted in an increase in the production of cerebral superoxide anion and neurodegeneration.
Integrating all findings, Iulita et al. (356) draw the hypothesis that increased arterial stiffness and the subsequent excessive pulsatility, through mechanisms involving oxidative
stress and inflammation, affect the brain microcirculation
and lead to blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption. With compromised cerebral perfusion, the delivery of nutrients and
the clearance of toxic products is disrupted, leading to neurodegeneration and cognitive dysfunction (356).
In addition, Baidoe-Ansah et al. (357) examined the
expression levels of genes related to the neural ECM in the
brains of young, aged, and very aged mice and found that
ECM gene expression was downregulated with age, despite the accumulation of ECM proteoglycans. The most
significantly downregulated gene was carbohydrate sulfotransferase 3 (Chst3), which is responsible for modifying
proteoglycans. Baidoe-Ansah et al. (357) also found that
changes in ECM-related gene expression were associated
with a decline in cognitive performance. At the individual
level, they found a negative correlation between Chst3
expression and cognitive performance in very aged mice. A
trade-off between positive gene effects on certain cognitive
tasks and negative effects on others was also observed.
Despite an increase in CHST3 protein expression in glial
cells, there was no change in the absolute level of chondroitin 6-sulfation (C6S) modification and a decrease in C6S in
certain areas of the ECM (357).
The ECM plays a crucial role in the maintenance and regulation of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) (358). It provides a
structural scaffold for endothelial cells and astrocytes and
modulates the signaling pathways that regulate BBB permeability (358). BBB dysfunction has been linked to cognitive
decline and neurodegeneration in aging and dementia; the
underlying mechanisms are complex and involve the accumulation of harmful substances such as neurotoxins, inflammatory molecules, Ab, and neurofibrillary tangles of p-tau in
Alzheimer’s disease (359). Therefore, targeting specific molecules like RepSox (360) and secreted protein acidic and rich
in cysteine (SPARC) may hold potential for preventing or
treating BBB breakdown in neurodegenerative diseases such
as Alzheimer’s disease (359).
Constitutional or compositional changes occur in the bone
with the progression of age. Osteoporosis, an ailment of the
bone, impacts largely the elderly female population, leaving
the bone porous and thereby elevating the risk of bone
Osteoclasts and osteoblasts concert tightly with the bone
ECM in regulating and regenerating bone formation. In the
bone ECM, collagen constitutes the majority of its makeup,
and with the progression of time, collagen undergoes a
decline in quality due to AGEs and causes abnormalities in
bone remodeling (361). Although higher levels of AGEs were
observed in patients who had had fractures, correlation does
not necessitate causation (362).
Previous findings suggest that noncollagenous proteins
(NCPs) may consort with collagen in the structural and
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mechanical properties of the bone matrix. It is thought that
through crystal nucleation and orientation, NCPs contribute
to bone health by functioning as a scaffold to collagen fibrils
and thereby increasing bone strength (363).
Osteoporosis has several possible treatment options, with
antiresorptive drugs like bisphosphonates being the current
mainstay (364, 365). However, their use can interfere with
bone remodeling and reduce bone flexibility (364, 365). The
Wnt signaling pathway is also a promising target for new
drug development, and studies on animal models have laid
the groundwork for new drugs that can regulate this pathway
(366, 367). Specifically, researchers are focusing on the canonical Wnt pathway and exploring ways to manipulate the
activity of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3b), axis inhibition protein 2 (Axin-2), and activated protein C (APC) to
promote bone formation. To overcome some of the drawbacks of newly developed agents, delivery systems using
peptides or chemicals with high affinity to bone are being
explored (366, 367).
Another promising approach is bispecific Wnt mimetics
that target both Frizzled (FZD) and lipoprotein receptorrelated protein (LRP), which have demonstrated rapid and
robust effects on bone building and correction of bone mass
deficiency (368). However, more studies are needed before
the preclinical and clinical trials of these agents. Cell/gene
therapy and nanocarrier-based therapies that interact with
the Wnt pathway are also being investigated as novel therapies for osteoporosis (369).
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent degenerative joint
disease, with an estimated prevalence of >50% in individuals over the age of 65 yr (370, 371). OA is characterized by
abnormal bone remodeling and degeneration of the articular
cartilage, leading to pain and physical and financial impairments in the elderly population (372–375).
Although aging is considered a major risk factor for the development of OA, the exact mechanisms of its pathogenesis
remain poorly understood (376). Aging has been shown to disrupt the homeostasis of the ECM, resulting in loss of integrity
and deterioration of its architecture. These changes are
thought to contribute to the development of OA, with its associated increased inflammatory expression, loss of tissue regenerative capacity, and cellular senescence. Chondrocytes,
which are quiescent cells responsible for cartilage formation,
are believed to play a central role in the initiation and progression of OA (371). During the progression of the disease, chondrocytes have been observed to promote ECM malformation,
forming clusters (377). As aging progresses, chondrocytes also
affect proteoglycan synthesis and disrupt their composition
(378), leading to biomechanical modifications of the ECM and
further disrupting its homeostasis.
The current clinical trials primarily focus on addressing
regeneration/repair of cartilage and bone defects, as well as
targeting proinflammatory mediators and pain through the
antagonization of nerve growth factor (NGF) activity.
However, although these therapies target metabolic disorders and senescence/aging-related pathologies, they do not
specifically address osteoarthritis (OA). Furthermore, it is
important to note that none of these therapies has been
proven to significantly modify disease progression or
successfully prevent the need for joint replacement in the
advanced disease stage (379).
There is also evidence suggesting sex differences in the
pathogenesis of OA. Women have a higher prevalence of OA
than men, particularly after menopause (380, 381). Hormonal
changes that occur during menopause, such as reduced levels
of estrogen, may play a role in the increased susceptibility of
women to OA (382, 383). Additionally, women may have differences in their ECM composition and structure compared
with men, which may contribute to their increased susceptibility to OA (384). For example, studies have shown that
women have lower levels of collagen and proteoglycans in
their articular cartilage compared with men (385). These differences in ECM composition and structure may make
women more susceptible to the development of OA and its
associated ECM changes (386). Further research is needed to
fully understand the underlying mechanisms behind these
sex differences in the pathogenesis of OA.
Skin aging.
As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and firmness because
of a decline in the activity of fibroblasts, the cells responsible
for producing collagen and other components of the ECM.
This loss of ECM leads to systemic inflammaging, which is
characterized by increased levels of inflammatory cytokines
such as IL-1 and TNF-a. Studies have shown that even using
hydrating lotions can help to mitigate this effect by reducing
the levels of these inflammatory cytokines in elderly individuals (387).
A key driver of skin aging is the reduced activity of fibroblasts and their loss of adherence to the ECM. In younger
skin, fibroblasts are anchored to the ECM, but this
becomes increasingly disorganized with age (187). This can
lead to a decline in collagen production and a loss of skin
firmness and elasticity. To address this, dermatologists often prescribe medications such as all-trans retinoic acid
(tretinoin), which has been shown to increase collagen
production by up to 80% in the dermis, resulting in a
rejuvenated appearance of the skin (388). Treatment of
C. elegans with tretinoin promotes collagen homeostasis that
is normally lost during aging and is sufficient to increase life
span (50). Additionally, other products have been shown to
stimulate the production of ECM proteins in skin tissue. For
example, glucosamine has been shown to improve hyaluronic acid protection [Gueniche and Castiel-Higounenc
(389)], and heparan sulfate can be used to enhance glycosaminoglycan levels in the skin (390). Both glucosamine and
hyaluronic acid supplementation are sufficient to promote
collagen homeostasis and longevity in C. elegans (50, 391).
Another factor that contributes to skin aging is the increased
activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which degrade
collagen. This is a result of fragmentation that occurs with the
fibrils and dysregulated MMP activity that exacerbates the dysfunction of fibroblasts (392). Ultraviolet (UV) damage accelerates skin aging in part because of increased MMP activity from
the damage response; the abnormal MMP activity also occurs
with intrinsic aging.
Rapamycin, a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approved drug targeting the mechanistic target of rapamycin
(mTOR) complex (393), has been demonstrated to have antiaging properties on the human epidermis in a clinical trial
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(394). The trial recruited participants older than 40 yr of age
who exhibited age-related photodamage and dermal atrophy. The results of the study revealed a statistically significant decrease in the levels of the p16INK4A protein, which is
indicative of cellular senescence, and an increase in type VII
collagen, a crucial component for the basement membrane’s
structural integrity. Additionally, the study observed an
improvement in the clinical appearance of the skin, as well
as an improvement in the histological appearance of the skin
tissue. These findings suggest that rapamycin may be a
promising antiaging therapy that has been validated for efficacy in human subjects (394).
The future of treatments against skin aging may hinge on
the development of effective and stable messenger RNA
(mRNA) delivery systems. A recent study by You and colleagues (395) found that extracellular vesicles (EVs) produced from human dermal fibroblasts and encapsulating
mRNA encoding for ECM a1 type I collagen (COL1A1)
induced the formation of collagen-protein grafts and
reduced wrinkle formation in the skin of mice with photoaged skin. Additionally, the study found that intradermal
delivery of the mRNA-loaded EVs via a microneedle array
led to the prolonged and more uniform synthesis and
replacement of collagen in the animals’ skin. These findings
suggest that intradermal delivery of EV-based COL1A1
mRNA may be an effective protein-replacement therapy for
the treatment of photoaged skin (395).
Matreotype: ECM Composition Changes
The matreotype is a way to analyze and understand
changes in the matrisome proteins or ECM composition that
occur with aging and disease (6). The matreotype is defined
as the molecular and structural snapshot of an ECM composition associated with or caused by a phenotype or cellular
status (6) and can be measured with techniques such as
mass spectrometry or immunohistochemistry (396–398).
The ECM is a dynamic network of molecules that surrounds
and supports cells in tissues and organs, and the matreotype
concept recognizes it as a modular, heterogeneous system
rather than a static entity. By measuring the levels of different ECM molecules and their spatial distribution, a “fingerprint” of the ECM can be generated to track changes over
time (6).
The matreotype concept has several potential advantages,
including being able to comprehensively characterize the
ECM, detecting subtle changes and applying it to a wide range
of tissues and organs (6). Moreover, recent studies have highlighted the critical role of the matrisome in the pathogenesis
of age-related diseases (399, 400). The dysregulation of the
matrisome and the consequent alterations in the biomechanical properties of the ECM contribute to the development and progression of these diseases (3). Thus, the
matreotype approach not only provides a comprehensive
characterization of the ECM during aging but also has important implications for understanding the underlying
mechanisms of age-related diseases and developing new
therapeutic strategies (6).
In kidney disease, the matrisome undergoes compositional turnover and structural remodeling (400). The kidney
matrisome can be characterized by using the matreotype
concept to identify changes that occur during aging and disease (400). The matreotype can be used to identify changes
in the ECM that contribute to kidney disease progression
and identify potential therapeutic targets (400).
Research on the role of the matreotype in cancer, specifically ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma, suggests that
understanding the matreotype may help in developing more
effective cancer treatments (400, 401). Further research is
needed to fully realize the potential of the matreotype to develop reliable measurement methods.
ECM-enriched proteomics.
ECM-enriched proteomics involves the isolation and purification of ECM proteins, followed by the identification and
quantification of these proteins using mass spectrometrybased techniques (40, 396). This allows researchers to systematically analyze the ECM proteome and understand the
specific proteins that are present and their relative abundance (40, 396). Examples of different approaches to tackle
these problems are described below.
Naba et al. (40) used a combination of computational and
experimental techniques to define and characterize the ECM
proteome in normal and tumor tissues. They used in silico
(computational) methods to identify and predict the ECM
proteome and then validated their predictions with in vivo
(experimental) techniques such as mass spectrometry. The
authors found that the ECM proteome is highly dynamic and
can vary significantly between different tissues and under
different physiological conditions. They also identified several ECM proteins that are differentially expressed in normal
and tumor tissues and identified several ECM proteins that
may be potential therapeutic targets for cancer. Overall, the
study highlights the importance of the ECM in normal and
pathological processes and the potential for ECM-targeted
therapies to improve human health (40).
SWATH (Sequential Window Acquisition of All Theoretical
Fragment Ion) mass spectrometry is a mass spectrometrybased technique that may be used for the quantitative profiling of the matrisome (402, 403). In SWATH mass spectrometry, samples are first digested into peptides with proteases,
and the resulting peptides are then analyzed by mass spectrometry. During the analysis, the mass spectrometer sequentially scans through a range of m/z (mass-to-charge ratio)
values, acquiring fragment ion spectra for each m/z value.
This allows the acquisition of data from a wide range of peptides in a single experiment (404). One of the key advantages
of SWATH mass spectrometry is its ability to provide highly
sensitive and reproducible quantitation of large numbers of
proteins, making it an ideal tool for the quantitative profiling
of the matreotype (404). Additionally, the technique does not
require the use of stable isotope-labeled standards, which can
be expensive and time-consuming to produce (404, 405).
Overall, SWATH mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for the
quantitation of the matrisome and can provide valuable
insights into the composition and function of the ECM in normal and pathological conditions (404). OpenSWATH is a
highly advanced analytical pipeline designed to unravel the
complex interplay between the liver proteome, molecular
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variations, and metabolic traits. By harnessing the power of
mass spectrometry, this pipeline generated an extensive inventory of quantified proteomic data from 662 mice to determine the connections between diet, aging, and gene
expression. A major signature of aging was the matrisome
Hiebert et al. (407) investigated the effect of nuclear factor
erythroid 2–related factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling pathway activation on cellular senescence and the reprogramming of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are members of the connective tissue
family, known for producing extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. The results indicated a complex interplay of factors,
which were mediated by targeted modifications of the matrisome. They also found that this process is mediated by the
targeted modification of the matreotype, specifically through
the downregulation of ECM proteins such as collagens and
the upregulation of ECM-degrading enzymes such as MMPs
(407). Their study demonstrated the potential for targeting
matrisome as a therapeutic strategy for diseases associated
with fibroblast dysfunction (407).
Tissue engineering is a field of medicine that seeks to
repair or replace damaged or diseased tissues with a variety
of approaches, including the use of scaffolds to support the
growth of new cells (408, 409). Scaffolds are three-dimensional structures that provide physical support for cells to
grow and differentiate (408, 409). Hill et al. (409) quantified
the levels of ECM proteins in a rat lung scaffold and used
this information to provide a molecular readout for tissue
engineering by using mass spectrometry to quantify the levels of ECM proteins. They found that the scaffold contained
a variety of ECM proteins, including collagens, laminins,
and proteoglycans. They also found that the levels of these
proteins varied depending on the stage of scaffold development, suggesting that the quantification of ECM proteins
may be useful as a molecular readout for tissue engineering
applications (409).
Li et al. used a combination of spatial quantitative proteomics, decellularization, laser capture microdissection, and
mass spectrometry to construct a hierarchical map of the
proteome in human skin tissue. They analyzed the specific
functions of different structures of normal skin tissue and
tissue with dermatologic disease. They then identified the
ECM glycoprotein transforming growth factor-beta (TGFb)induced protein (TGFBI) ig-h3 in the basement membrane
(BM), a thin layer at the top of the dermis, which plays a role
in the growth and function of epidermal stem cells (EpSCs)
and promotes wound healing. These findings provide
insights into the way in which ECM proteins contribute to
the function of EpSCs in the BM and may have potential clinical applications in the treatment of skin ulcers or diseases
with refractory lesions that involve epidermal cell dysfunction and impaired reepithelialization (364).
ECM-enriched proteomics is a powerful tool for studying
the ECM and its role in various biological processes, including tissue development, maintenance, and repair (40, 396,
410). It is also useful for studying the ECM in the context of
diseases, as the ECM is often altered in the context of various
diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases
(40, 411–413). Understanding these changes may provide
insights into the underlying pathological mechanisms and
identify potential therapeutic targets.
Herovici staining.
Herovici staining is a histological staining method that is
used to visualize the immature and mature collagen of tissues. It is based on the reaction of the ECM with a solution of
toluidine blue, which results in the formation of a blue dye
that can be seen under a microscope. Herovici staining can
be used to visualize collagen type I and III in various tissues,
including skin, heart, and lung, and it can provide valuable
information about the structure and composition of the
ECM (414–417).
Herovici staining can potentially be used as a biomarker
of aging, as the ECM undergoes changes in its composition
and structure with aging. These changes can affect the mechanical properties and functions of the ECM, and they can
contribute to various age-related diseases, such as diabetes
and cardiovascular disease. To use Herovici staining as a biomarker of aging, tissue samples can be obtained from a range
of ages and processed for histological staining with the
Herovici method. The stained samples can then be examined under a microscope, and the changes in the ECM can be
quantified and compared between different ages (417). This
can provide a measure of the changes in the ECM that occur
with aging, and it can be used as an indicator of the agerelated changes in the ECM. This method can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of ECM aging and can
potentially be used to develop interventions that can slow or
reverse these changes.
ECM labeling.
ECM labeling is a technique used to visualize and quantitatively analyze the ECM in biological tissues. This can be
achieved through the use of various fluorescent dyes or antibodies that specifically bind to ECM components, such as
collagens and glycosaminoglycans (418, 419). Alterations in
the ECM composition can provide insight into the disease
state, which may be utilized as a diagnostic tool for various
pathologies, including cancer and fibrosis.
Imaging probes green fluorescent protein topaz (GFPtpz)
and mCherry-tagged collagen fusion constructs were developed by Lu and his team (420) for the live imaging of type I
collagen assembly by replacing the a2(I)-procollagen NH2terminal propeptide with GFPtpz or mCherry. These imaging
probes were transfected into cells and were used to examine
the dynamics of type I collagen assembly and its relationship
to fibronectin. The fusion proteins were found to coprecipitate with a1(I)-collagen, remaining intracellular without
ascorbate but forming a1(I) collagen-containing extracellular
fibrils in the presence of ascorbate. The study demonstrates
the utility of these imaging probes in providing new insights
into the mechanisms of extracellular collagen assembly and
its dependence on cell motion and fibronectin assembly, a
critical step in understanding the complexities of ECM formation (420).
Fischer et al. (421) employed a multifaceted approach to
investigate the intricacies of the wound-healing process in
internal organs. The ECM was labeled in different organs,
specifically the mouse peritoneum, liver, and cecum, to
reveal the transfer of preexisting matrix across organs in various injury models. The tissue of origin for the transferred
matrix was found to dictate the outcome of the healing process, whether it resulted in scarring or regeneration. The
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transfer of matrix was found to be mediated by neutrophils,
in a manner dependent on the heat shock factor (HSF)-integrin AM/B2-kindlin3 cascade, suggesting that pharmacological inhibition of this cascade could prevent the formation of
peritoneal adhesions. These may provide a therapeutic window to mitigate scarring across a range of conditions, highlighting ECM labeling as a potential diagnostic tool in
wound healing and regenerative medicine (421).
ECM biomarkers.
Collagen fragments, specifically those derived from the
ECM, have been investigated as potential biomarkers in various pathological conditions. The degradation of ECM collagen has been shown to be indicative of matrix remodeling,
which is a hallmark of several pathological states, including
cancer and fibrosis. The following are examples of such
Centenarians. Based on the assumption that centenarians possess a unique protein signature that is passed down to
their offspring, Sebastiani et al., using samples from the New
England Centenarian Study (NECS), aimed to characterize the
serum proteome of 77 centenarians, 82 centenarians’ offspring, and 65 age-matched control subjects for the offspring
(mean ages: 105, 80, and 79 yr) (422). Out of the top 30 differentially expressed proteins between centenarians, offspring,
and control subjects, they identified 17 ECM and matrisome
proteins (COL6A3, COL28A1, CHRDL1, CST3, SRFP1, PTN,
SMOC1, SPON1, RSPO4, WISP2) (422), implicating a strong
association between matreotype changes and human longevity. These proteins may play a crucial role in the biomechanical properties of the ECM and cellular homeostasis, which
have been identified as drivers of aging (3). The discovery of
these proteins may pave the way for the development of novel
diagnostic tools or therapies for age-associated disorders such
as Alzheimer’s disease, which is linked to the aggregation of
Ab protein in the ECM (423). Furthermore, centenarians have
been extensively studied for genetic factors that contribute to
exceptional longevity, and the identification of genetic signatures linked to longevity could provide insights for future
research into age-related diseases (422).
Collagen marker for skin integrity. Defects in the
expression and/or structure of type VII collagen are associated with a spectrum of skin disorders, including dystrophic
epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) and recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), characterized by skin fragility
and blistering (424–427). Recent investigations by Nystro
et al. have revealed that the integrity of type VII collagen is
essential for the proper organization of laminin-332 at the
dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ), thereby facilitating the
maintenance of the mechanical link between the epidermis
and dermis, as well as for the maintenance of the laminin332/a6b4-integrin signaling axis, which guides keratinocyte
migration and reepithelialization during wound healing
(424). Furthermore, type VII collagen has been found to support dermal fibroblast migration and regulate cytokine production in the granulation tissue, thereby playing a critical
role in physiological wound healing (424). These findings
collectively highlight the importance of type VII collagen in
the maintenance of the skin’s integrity and provide valuable
insights into the development of therapeutic strategies.
Collagen fragments in urine: urinary peptidomic
profile. Collagen fragments in urine have been found to be
potential biomarkers of various pathologies, including aging,
cardiovascular disease, and cancer (428–432). The presence
of these fragments can indicate the breakdown of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the body and may be useful in early
diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. For example, renal biopsy has long been considered the standard for
assessing renal interstitial fibrosis (IF) in chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, renal biopsy is not without its limitations, including the potential for sample error and observer
variability (433). As a result, noninvasive alternatives such
as urinary biomarkers that reflect fibrogenesis are being
explored as potential alternatives (247, 428).
Hijmans et al. (429) aimed to investigate the diagnostic
value of urinary collagen degradation products as markers
for renal fibrogenesis in a rat model of progressive kidney
disease. Proteinuria was induced in rats with Adriamycin
injection, and the rats were then treated with or without
an antifibrotic S1P-receptor modulator called FTY720. The
researchers collected urine and blood samples and performed renal biopsies at various time points. They measured collagen type I and III degradation fragments in the
samples and also looked at various inflammatory and
fibrotic markers in the kidneys. The results showed that
urinary collagen breakdown products were sensitive
markers of interstitial fibrosis, preceding histological
changes, and correlated well with fibrotic changes. The
antifibrotic treatment reduced some fibrotic markers but
did not affect collagen type III metabolism. These data
suggest that noninvasive assessment of urinary collagen
breakdown products could potentially replace invasive renal biopsy as a way to assess fibrosis (429).
Similarly, Martens et al. (431) aimed to identify and validate a urinary peptidomic profile (UPP) capable of differentiating healthy from unhealthy aging within the general
population through the examination of data collected from
the Flemish Study on Environment, Genes, and Health
Outcomes (FLEMENGHO) study. Further UPP validation
proceeded in independent patient cohorts, including individuals with diabetes, COVID-19, or CKD, by utilizing a multidimensional UPP signature, reflective of aging, generated
from the derivation dataset and validated in both timeshifted and synchronous internal validation datasets. With
correction for multiple testing and multivariable adjustment, chronological age was found to be associated with 210
sequenced peptides, primarily showing the downregulation
of collagen fragments. The UPP-age prediction model was
found to be significantly associated with various risk
markers related to cardiovascular, metabolic, and renal disease, inflammation, and medication use (431).
In conclusion, specific shifts in the urinary peptidomic
profile (UPP) have been shown to be associated with aging
and are primarily reflective of fibrosis (431, 432, 434). UPP
profiling is minimally invasive and only requires a small
urine sample, making it useful in identifying and preventing
chronic age-related diseases (431, 432, 434). Additionally,
UPP profiling can be used as an intermediary trial end point
in drug discovery, potentially shortening the duration of and
reducing the cost of clinical trials in chronic kidney disease
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Blood collagen fragments. Blood fragment biomarkers,
such as MMP-mediated type I collagen degradation (C1M)
and carboxy-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type 1 collagen (CTX-1), have been used to evaluate the association
between extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover and all-cause
mortality in postmenopausal women in Denmark. Dragsbæk
et al. (435) found that C1M was an independent risk factor for
all-cause mortality, whereas there was no association
between CTX-1 and all-cause mortality. This suggests that
specifically MMP-mediated tissue degradation of type I collagen is associated with mortality and the measurement of this
biomarker in blood samples can provide insight into the
state of ECM homeostasis (435). Furthermore, these biomarkers can be used to monitor the effectiveness of interventions targeting ECM homeostasis.
Similarly, the measurement of other collagen fragments,
such as serum C-reactive protein metabolite (CRPM), may be
useful in identifying an inflammatory endotype associated
with progression in osteoarthritis (OA) patients. Bay-Jensen
et al. (436) found that CRPM levels were able to separate OA
from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with high accuracy, indicating
a strong correlation between CRPM levels and inflammatory
conditions. Additionally, a significant subset of OA patients
may have an inflammatory signature, as determined by their
CRPM levels, which can be used for better subgrouping of OA
patients for targeted drug development and delivery (436).
Furthermore, biomarkers such as the COOH-terminal end
of the telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX-1) and osteocalcin
have been identified as biomarkers of bone turnover and
have been shown to have a U-shaped association with allcause mortality in postmenopausal women. Similarly, the
formation of type VI collagen (PRO-C6), MMP-degraded type
IV collagen (C4M), formation of type III collagen (PRO-C3),
and MMP-degraded type I collagen (C1M) have been identified as biomarkers of soft tissue turnover and have been
shown to have a J-shaped or linear association with all-cause
mortality (437).
The measurement of these biomarkers in blood samples
can provide insight into the state of ECM homeostasis, which
is crucial for understanding the pathogenesis of various
chronic diseases. These biomarkers have the potential to be
useful in identifying individuals at high risk of mortality and
in monitoring the effectiveness of interventions targeting
various life-threatening pathologies (437).
ECM Posttranslation Changes
Posttranslational modifications of the ECM serve a vital
role in regulating cellular behavior and maintaining tissue
homeostasis, which may alter the physical and biological
properties of the ECM and modulate interactions with cells
and other ECM components (16).
Chemical changes.
As the ECM undergoes constant remodeling, various chemical changes occur that can affect its mechanical properties
and functions. Among these changes, posttranslational modifications, such as nonenzymatic glycation, autofluorescence, and tail tendon break time (TTBT), have been studied
as potential biomarkers of ECM aging and as targets for therapeutic interventions to mitigate age-related diseases.
Nonenzymatic glycation. Nonenzymatic glycation, also
known as the Maillard reaction, is a chemical process in
which reducing sugars or a-dicarbonyl metabolites bind to
amino or thiol groups of proteins, lipids, and nucleotides
(438). This reaction leads to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which have been implicated in the
development of various age-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and neurodegenerative
diseases (439–441). However, it remains challenging to analyze glycation-related products, such as reactive carbonyl
species, Schiff bases, Amadori compounds, and AGEs,
because of their high heterogeneity (442).
To measure the levels of AGEs in tissues, scientists have
developed various techniques, such as fluorescence-based
assays, which can detect the accumulation of AGEs in proteins and other biomolecules. Other methods include
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which measure the accumulation of specific AGEs. Autophagy, an
evolutionarily conserved cellular process that maintains
cellular homeostasis through the degradation and recycling of intracellular components, has been shown to be
activated by AGEs (443, 444). This observation has led to
the postulation that targeting autophagic pathways may
represent a novel therapeutic strategy for the mitigation of
AGE-induced morbidity and mortality (445).
Autofluorescence. Autofluorescence is a phenomenon in
which cells or tissues emit fluorescence without the need for
external staining or labeling (446). This occurs because certain molecules within cells, such as proteins, nucleic acids,
and lipids, naturally fluoresce when excited by light of a specific wavelength. Autofluorescence can be used as a biomarker for various cellular processes, including aging, and it
can be measured with fluorescence microscopy or spectroscopy (447).
One possible method to use autofluorescence as an ECM
aging clock is to measure the autofluorescence of ECM molecules such as collagen and elastin. These molecules are the
major structural components of the ECM, and they play a
key role in maintaining the mechanical properties and functions of the ECM. As cells and tissues age, the ECM undergoes changes in its composition and structure, which can
affect its mechanical properties and functions (446, 448).
For example, aging can cause the ECM to stiffen, which can
impair mechanotransduction and lead to stem cell exhaustion (449). The C. elegans cuticle, which is mainly composed
of collagens, becomes autofluorescent and stiffens with
aging, and longevity interventions are able to slow or prevent
this age-related stiffening of the ECM in vivo (48, 450, 451).
To measure the autofluorescence of ECM molecules as an
aging clock, tissue samples can be obtained from a range of
ages and processed for fluorescence microscopy or spectroscopy. The samples can be excited with light of a specific
wavelength, and the emitted fluorescence can be measured
and compared between different ages. This can provide a
quantitative measure of the changes in autofluorescence
that occur with aging, and it can be used as an indicator of
the age-related changes in the ECM. This method can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of ECM aging
and can potentially be used to develop interventions that
can slow or reverse these changes (446, 452).
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Tail tendon break time. The tail tendon break time
(TTBT) assay is a technique that is used to measure the mechanical properties of the ECM in tissues, such as stiffness
and tensile strength (453–456), and may be used as a diagnostic tool of aging (453–456). A tail tendon of a rodent, such
as a mouse or a rat, consists mainly of collagen and is isolated and attached to a weight and then emersed in a urea
water bath. The time it takes for the tendon to rupture
because of the attached weight correlates with the crosslinking of the collagen in the tendon, which increases with age
TTBT has been used to study a wide range of conditions
that affect tendon health, including aging, diabetes, and various forms of arthritis. It has also been used to evaluate the
effectiveness of potential therapeutic interventions, such as
exercise and various drugs (453–456), and has been found to
be a reliable and valid method for measuring tendon mechanical properties in rodent models. However, it is important to note that the results of the assay may not directly
translate to humans, as the anatomy and physiology of tendons in rodents are not exactly the same as in humans.
Additionally, the assay is destructive, so it cannot be used to
test the same tendon multiple times (454, 455).
Functional changes.
Posttranslational modifications of the ECM can affect its mechanical properties and its ability to maintain its functions.
One such modification is elasticity, which is a sensitive measure of ECM aging and can potentially serve as a biomarker
for age-related diseases such as cancer. Another modification is glycosylation, which plays a key role in various physiological and pathological conditions, including T-cell
immunity and age-related diseases. Understanding the role
of these modifications in ECM aging and age-related diseases
can provide valuable insights into the development of interventions to slow or reverse these changes.
Elasticity. Elasticity is a mechanical property of materials that describes their ability to stretch and deform without
breaking. In the context of the ECM, elasticity is a crucial
property that affects the mechanical properties and functions of the ECM (26, 457, 458). As the ECM ages, it undergoes changes in its composition and structure, which can
affect its elasticity and its ability to maintain its proper functions (26, 457).
Elasticity can be used as a potential biomarker of ECM
aging, as it is a sensitive and specific measure of the changes
that occur in the ECM with aging (448, 459, 460). To measure elasticity as a diagnostic tool, tissue samples can be
obtained from a range of ages and processed for mechanical
testing. For instance, by probing the surface of cancer tissue
biopsies with indentation-type atomic force microscopy, the
stiffer tumor tissue can be detected (461). The stiffness of a
tumor can serve as a significant factor in predicting a poor
prognosis (462–464). Although tumor stiffness is not the
only measure of cancer prognosis, research has demonstrated a strong correlation between the presence of tumor
stiffness and worse outcomes in terms of cancer-specific
overall survival (OS) and recurrence-free survival (RFS), with
both univariate [P < 0.001; hazard ratio 2.821; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.643–4.842] and multivariate (P = 0.005;
hazard ratio 2.208; 95% CI 1.272–3.833) analysis supporting
this association (462–465). Furthermore, samples can be
subjected to mechanical stress, and the resulting deformations can be measured by various methods, such as laser diffraction or atomic force microscopy (460). This can provide
a quantitative measure of the changes in elasticity that occur
with aging, and it can be used as an indicator of age-related
changes in the ECM. This method can provide valuable
insights into the mechanisms of ECM aging and can potentially be used to develop interventions that can slow or
reverse these changes.
Glycosylation. Glycosylation, the process of adding sugars to proteins or lipids to form glycans, is a fundamental aspect of cellular function and plays a key role in various
physiological and pathological conditions (466–469). In particular, N-glycosylation, covalently attaches N-glycans to
proteins at asparagine (Asn) residues (470). N-glycan levels
in the blood can be measured with techniques such as mass
spectrometry or lectin-based assays, and changes in these
levels over time may provide insight into the aging process
and the risk of age-related diseases (468, 469, 471). Zaytseva
et al. (469) observed the relationship between changes in the
N-glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and 12 different
diseases, including autoimmune, inflammatory, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular diseases, and some types of cancer,
by utilizing Mendelian randomization to examine the causal
relationship between IgG N-glycosylation and disease risks.
It was found that there is indeed a positive causal effect of
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) on the abundance of
certain N-glycans in the total IgG N-glycome. These findings
suggest that this particular IgG glycosylation trait could
potentially be used as a biomarker for SLE (469).
Aging is also associated with impaired T-cell immunity,
which can increase the risk of mortality from infectious
diseases such as influenza, Salmonella, and COVID-19
(471). Studies have shown that the branching of asparagine-linked glycans increases with age in females more
than males, in naive T cells more than memory T cells, and
in CD4 þ T cells more than CD8 þ T cells. Interleukin-7 (IL7) signaling increased in old female mice and triggered
increased branching, which was also increased by the ratelimiting metabolite N-acetylglucosamine. Reversing elevated branching can rejuvenate T-cell function and reduce
the severity of Salmonella infection in old female mice.
These findings suggest that IL-7 initially benefits immunity through naive T-cell maintenance but inhibits naive
T-cell function through increased branching in combination with age-dependent increases in N-acetylglucosamine
(471, 472). These studies and others highlight the importance of understanding the role of glycosylation in aging
and age-related diseases, as well as the potential for using
N-glycosylation as a biomarker and developing interventions to improve T-cell immunity in aging individuals.
Collagen crosslinking. Collagen crosslinking refers to
the covalent bonding between collagen molecules that
results in the strengthening and stabilization of the ECM.
This process is mediated by the enzymatic activity of lysyl
oxidase, which catalyzes the formation of inter- and intramolecular cross-links between lysine and hydroxylysine residues in collagen (473).
The quantification of collagen cross-links, such as hydroxylysylpyridinoline (HP) and lysylpyridinoline (LP), provides
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valuable insights into the structural integrity of the ECM, as
well as the rate of ECM turnover, which can serve as a noninvasive diagnostic marker for osteoarthritis and as a therapeutic target for the development of disease-modifying
osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) (473).
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a widely
used assay for the quantification of collagen cross-links such
as HP and LP. ELISA is known for its high sensitivity and
specificity, making it an ideal assay for the detection of lowconcentration cross-links. However, ELISA has certain limitations, such as the need for highly purified samples, which
can be difficult to obtain, and the potential for interferences
from other components in the sample matrix (473, 474).
High-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) is an alternative assay that has
been used for the quantification of collagen cross-links.
HPLC-FLD is known for its high resolution and sensitivity,
and it is capable of separating and quantifying multiple
cross-links in a single run. However, HPLC-FLD requires a
high level of expertise and sophisticated instrumentation
(473, 475).
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is a
highly sensitive and selective assay that is capable of quantifying collagen cross-links at very low concentrations. LC-MS
has the advantage of being able to detect multiple crosslinks, and it can also be used to identify unknown crosslinks. However, LC-MS is complex and also requires a high
level of expertise and sophisticated instrumentation, as well
as time-consuming and labor-intensive sample preparation
(473, 476).
Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is an assay that is commonly used to
assess the size and integrity of collagen molecules. SDSPAGE can also be used to detect cross-links in collagen,
and it is relatively simple and inexpensive. However, SDSPAGE is less sensitive than other assays, and it can be difficult to quantitatively differentiate between different
cross-links (473, 477).
Quantification of collagen cross-links via different assays
has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they can provide valuable insight into different pathologies, such as cartilage health and the development of osteoarthritis. It is
therefore important to consider the specific needs of a study
and the resources available.
significant morbidity and mortality. Methods for detecting a
pathological ECM are discussed below.
Amorphous collagen deposition.
Pathological ECM Deposition
Amorphous collagen deposition, also known as diffuse collagenous fibrosis, is a pathological condition characterized
by the disorganized accumulation of collagen within ECM in
the absence of a defined fibrotic lesion (415, 473).
Masson’s trichrome staining. Masson’s trichrome
staining is a technique used to differentiate and analyze collagen in various types of tissue, including muscle, heart, liver,
and kidney tissue, as well as tumors in these organs (478,
479). It works by using a red acidic stain to label acidophilic
components such as collagen fibers and then treating the tissue with phosphotungstic acid. The less permeable components, including collagen fibers, will retain the red stain,
while the more permeable components will lose the red stain
and be replaced with a light green dye (418, 478). The distinctive ability of this technique to differentiate collagen fibers
has been widely utilized in numerous studies to investigate
changes in collagen fibers that occur during development,
aging, and disease, pathologies such as muscular dystrophy,
infarct, cirrhosis, and glomerular fibrosis (480–483).
Electron microscopy. Amorphous collagen deposition
appears as electron-dense aggregates or granules in the
extracellular space, often adjacent to collagen fibrils (484).
The high-resolution capabilities of electron microscopy (EM)
render it a crucial technique for investigating the molecular
mechanisms underlying the phenomenon of amorphous collagen deposition. Its capacity to identify and characterize
the aforementioned deposition positions further underscores the importance of EM in advancing our understanding of this complex process (485–490). The use of anionic
polypeptides has been studied in the context of collagen
mineralization in vitro (486). Additionally, the use of highresolution EM techniques, such as cryogenic transmission
electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), allows the identification of
the specific nature of the collagen deposits (491). This is particularly relevant in the context of biomimetic collagen mineralization and bone tissue engineering (489, 492, 493). As
such, full atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of a
high-resolution high-molecular-weight polyacrylic acid
(HPAA)-collagen structure has also been conducted to
investigate the effect of the presence of large polyelectrolyte molecules along the surface of collagen fibril on the
movement and infiltration of ions (489).
Pathological ECM deposition is a process in which excessive quantities of ECM components, such as collagen, are deposited in a tissue, causing fibrosis and malfunction. This
process is mediated by the activation and proliferation of
fibroblasts, which create and deposit ECM proteins. The
underlying causes of pathological ECM deposition are complicated and multifaceted, involving signaling pathway dysregulation and aberrant activation of inflammatory and
immune cells. Furthermore, genetic and epigenetic variables
play an important role in the regulation of pathogenic ECM
deposition. This degenerative process is a characteristic of
many chronic illnesses, including fibrotic disorders, cancer,
and cardiovascular disease, and it leads to the gradual loss of
organ function as well as the development of clinically
Second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging is a nonlinear
optical technique that utilizes the intrinsic noncentrosymmetry of certain biomolecules to generate light at twice the
frequency of the incident light (418, 494, 495). This process
is efficient at high light intensities, such as those produced
by a pulsed laser, and is selective with respect to the focal
plane in a manner analogous to two-photon fluorescence excitation (494). Collagen, a highly organized and crystalline
structural protein that is abundant in mammals, is the most
potent source of SHG in animal tissue (418, 494, 495).
Therefore, SHG imaging can be utilized as a powerful tool for
visualizing collagen distribution in various biological samples, including cirrhotic liver, normal and carious teeth, and
surgically repaired tendons (494). One notable advantage of
Second harmonic generation imaging of collagens.
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SHG imaging is that it does not result in any energy loss,
leading to the long-term stability of the generated SHG signal. Additionally, the shorter wavelength of the SHG signal
allows for easy separation from multiple fluorescent probes,
making it a valuable technique for multichannel imaging
applications (418, 494).
Van Gulick et al. (495) used polarized Raman spectroscopy
and SHG to examine age-related changes in the molecular
organization of type I collagen in rat tail tendons. The
results showed that certain bands related to proline and
hydroxyproline were sensitive to polarization and agerelated changes, while others were not. The anisotropy
degree of the Raman bands increased from adult to old collagen, indicating a higher alignment of collagen fibers
with the fascicle backbone axis in old tendons and a higher
straightness of collagen fibers (495). These findings were
confirmed with SHG, which showed a more homogeneous
spatial distribution of collagen fiber alignment in old tendons (495). These results demonstrate the usefulness of
SHG in studying age-related changes in collagen structure
and the impact of these changes on the mechanical and
physiological properties of organs (495).
Hydroxyproline. Hydroxyproline is an amino acid
derived from the posttranslational modification of collagen
via prolyl-4-hydroxylase in the endoplasmic reticulum (496,
497). The hydroxyproline at the third position of the characteristic (glycine–another amino acid–hydroxyproline) repeats
is essential for stabilizing the collagen triple helix (53).
Ehrlich’s reagent is a chemical reagent made with pdimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB) mixed with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Primarily used to detect the presence of indoles such as tryptamines and serotonin (498,
499), Ehrlich’s reagent can also detect hydroxyproline in
biological matrixes such as tissue and bodily fluids, with
the intensity of the color produced directly proportional to
the amount of hydroxyproline present in the sample. The
reaction between Ehrlich’s reagent and hydroxyproline
can be quantified by measuring the absorbance of the colored product with a spectrophotometer at a specific wavelength between 540 and 570 nm (500). The absorbance can
be then used to calculate the concentration of hydroxyproline in the sample by using a standard curve, which may
serve as an accurate predictor of normal tissue or pathological fibrosis and an indicator of collagen metabolism
(52, 500).
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an
analytical technique that utilizes a stationary phase packed
in a column through which a sample is passed and separated
based on the differential interactions of its components with
the stationary phase. It is frequently employed to quantitatively assess the concentration of hydroxyproline in biological matrixes such as tissues and bodily fluids (501). This
technique is also commonly used to evaluate collagen synthesis (502) and degradation in a variety of tissues, including
skin, bone, and cartilage (503).
Modified Sircol collagen assay. Since collagen is a
prominent metabolic indicator, accurate determination of
its content is essential for the creation of reproducible scaffolds and the investigation of tissue pathologies (504). There
are numerous ways to determine collagen concentration,
including radiolabeling, chromatography, and calorimetry,
but none of them has proved optimal (505). The Sircol collagen assay (SCA) is based on the amino acid binding characteristic of Sirius Red (SR F3B; CI 35782), an anionic dye
having sulfonated acid side chain groups that react with the
side chain groups of basic amino acids (506, 507), and is frequently employed as a selective histochemical stain for collagen in normal and diseased tissue (508–510). The SCA has
almost exclusively been adopted as the quickest and most
straightforward colorimetric method for determining collagen concentration in complex protein solutions (52, 505).
Despite its prevalence, the SCA also dramatically overestimated collagen content by a factor anywhere from 3- to 24fold, particularly grievous results arising in cell culture systems and tissue hydrates because of noncollagenous protein
interference (505, 511). However, a purification technique
including a pepsin digestion and column ultrafiltration step
to accurately determine collagen content in various samples
that eliminates these interfering proteins has been added to
the current SCA approach to resolve this problem (505). The
modified Sircol collagen assay can therefore offer insight
into the aging process and the efficacy of therapies through
an accurate evaluation of collagen levels.
De novo synthesis of collagens.
De novo collagen synthesis refers to the process by which
cells produce collagen from scratch rather than simply
remodeling or repairing existing collagen fibers (512–516). De
novo collagen synthesis is important for tissue development
and repair, and it is regulated by various signaling pathways
and transcription factors (512–517).
SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture) is a mass spectrometry-based technique that uses labeled amino acids to distinguish newly synthesized proteins
from preexisting ones, providing insights into protein synthesis, turnover, and degradation processes (518). The in vivo
pulsed SILAC labeling methodology was used to quantify
new protein incorporation into various tissues in mice (519)
and C. elegans (48, 520, 521), uncovering age-related molecular changes and identifying potential pathways implicated in
disease. This approach provides dynamic protein data at a
tissue level, enabling a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved in the regulation of protein synthesis (518).
Dendra is a photoconvertible fluorescent protein that enables visualization of de novo-synthesized collagen in living
cells by being incorporated as a tag in collagen molecules,
fluorescing when newly synthesized and permitting realtime tracking of collagen fiber formation and distribution
(522, 523). A study in C. elegans revealed a thickening of the
basement membrane via the addition of newly synthesized
EMB-9 collagen to old collagens, offering insight into mechanisms of collagen synthesis and the role it plays in various
biological processes (48).
Also, Oostendorp et al. developed a novel method for
detecting and localizing newly synthesized collagen in ECM
tissues by employing the use of an antibody called GD3A12,
which specifically binds to dermatan sulfate, a component of
proteoglycans that are associated with collagen (524, 525).
Critically, this method is universal, meaning it can be utilized to detect collagen produced by cells from any species
and can be applied to any source of collagenous biomaterials
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(525). It is designed to address the challenge of identifying
collagen that has been produced de novo by cells in the
presence of purified collagenous biomaterials, which is a
common obstacle in the evaluation of tissue-engineered
constructs and in the study of tumor dissemination (525,
526). The method has potential applications in regenerative medicine and cancer biology, including the investigation of tumor cell migration in collagen gels (525). It is
worth noting that dermatan sulfate may be associated
with other structures, such as elastin- and fibrillin-containing microfibrils, but it does not seem to be associated
with elastic fibers in the tissues studied (525, 527).
Utilization of this method can potentially be an efficient,
cost-effective, and straightforward technique for evaluating the presence and orientation of de novo-synthesized
collagen fibrils in collagen-based biomaterials (525).
Abnormalities in collagen synthesis and metabolism can
lead to various diseases and conditions, such as fibrosis,
scarring, and cancer. Understanding the mechanisms and
regulation of de novo collagen synthesis is an active and
exciting area of research in many fields, including developmental biology, tissue engineering, and medicine.
It is important to understand the dreams and goals of the
people working directly on ECM interventions. There seems
to be a mix of moon shot goals and practical small steps
being worked on to combat the age-related decline of the
Control ECM Turnover throughout the Body—Moon
The ECM is a dynamic and essential component of the
human body, responsible for providing structural support
and regulating cellular behavior. However, the turnover of
the ECM that is not attached to cells is a relatively slow
process, and the accumulation of modified cross-links
with age can result in a decline in the overall quality and
quantity of the ECM. To mitigate this decline and preserve
the youthful integrity of the ECM, strategies aimed at
increasing the rate of ECM turnover and reducing the formation of age-related modifications may prove beneficial.
These strategies may include the modulation of specific
enzymes involved in ECM turnover as well as the implementation of lifestyle factors known to promote overall
cellular health and vitality. Ultimately, the successful
implementation of such strategies may hold significant
implications for the maintenance of tissue integrity and
the prevention of age-related pathologies.
Produce Young ECM—Moon Shot
The Yamanaka factors, also referred to as OSKM (Oct4,
Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc), have the potential to significantly
impact our understanding of aging and the possibilities of
regenerative medicine. These transcription factors have
been shown to reprogram adult cells into a pluripotent
state, similar to that of embryonic stem cells (528). Recent
studies have demonstrated the ability of partial chemical
reprogramming to improve key drivers of aging, such as
genomic instability and epigenetic alterations (529–532).
Additionally, a study by Yang et al. (532) has shown that
aging can be driven in both directions by manipulating
the epigenome using three of the four Yamanaka factors.
Although the mechanisms by which the Yamanaka factors induce the production of ECM proteins are not yet
fully understood, it is believed that they may modulate
the expression of genes involved in ECM production,
such as collagens, fibronectin, and laminin (516, 533–
535). If this reprogramming process can be verified in a
living organism, it will be a major breakthrough in the
field of regenerative medicine and could redefine the
concept of aging.
ECM Aging Clock
The field of aging research has undergone significant
advancements in recent years, as evidenced by the accessible descriptions and measurements of aging (1, 536). These
advancements have led to the proliferation of statistical and
machine-learning models, which have been employed to
track age-related changes at the omic and phenotypic levels
One key application of these models is the use of the socalled “aging clock” to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at extending life span, rather than waiting for
the entire lifetime of study subjects (543, 544). Additionally,
the availability of online services for DNA methylation analysis, such as DNA methylation age and the epigenetic clock
(545) and ClockBase (546), has further facilitated the use of
aging clocks in research. Furthermore, consumer services
have also started to offer age predictions based on these
aging clocks.
However, despite these advances, there currently exists no
aging clock that directly tracks changes within the ECM.
This is particularly noteworthy given that a recent causal
investigation of DNA methylation clocks has revealed
changes in the ECM to be a major contributor to age-related
adaptations (547). To evaluate interventions targeting the
ECM, researchers must instead rely on individually tailored
markers (548) or surrogate markers, such as differential
expression of collagen genes (549) or methylomics of ECM
organization promoters (550).
Recent efforts have been made to index ECM aging,
including the use of modern computational methods. For
example, Lehallier et al. (551) used levels of ECM-associated
proteins in blood plasma to predict age with relative accuracy. McCabe et al. (448) compiled changes in skin ECM
composition during aging and photoaging using quantitative
and global proteomics, single harmonic generation, and twophoton autofluorescence imaging. Li et al. (552) used tandem
mass spectrometry alongside bioinformatic analysis to produce skin proteome profiles and matrisome features at different ages.
Given the unique influences of ECM aging on important
medical practices such as transplantation (553), the development of a standardized ECM aging clock would have a profound impact on medicine. However, until such a model is
developed numerous interesting scientific questions remain
unanswered, including which features of the ECM would be
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most represented, whether they would be tissue specific, and
how closely they would correlate, precede, or follow other
clock changes. Additionally, it remains to be seen whether
these features could be slowed or reversed.
Glycation Crosslinking Breakers—Direct Treatment
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are a group of
compounds that contribute to the loss of tissue integrity due
to crosslinking with age. The most abundant cross-links in
this group are glucosepane and pentosidine (554, 555).
Although it has yet to be clinically proven, it is hypothesized
that the accumulation of these cross-links may be a causal
factor in the development of various age-related pathologies.
It is believed that their selective breakdown could potentially
improve a wide range of ECM-related aging pathologies,
including skin atrophy, arterial stiffening, and systemic fibrosis. However, other AGEs may matter more if it turns out
that disturbed cell-ECM interactions [e.g., an AGE binding to
a receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE)-receptor] are a major driving force behind clinical pathologies
within current life spans (556).
Despite the potential importance of glucosepane and
pentosidine as AGE cross-links, it remains to be fully elucidated whether they are major causes of aging. This is
because no experiments have been conducted in humans
to demonstrate the selective removal of these cross-links.
Glucosepane is by far the most abundant cross-link
observed in aged human tissue and is >100 times more
abundant than any other cross-link; subsequently, it is of
interest to biotech companies. The formation of glucosepane is a well-known chemical reaction, the Amadori reaction, where the amino acid lysine reacts with D-glucose,
forming an Amadori product that degrades and gets bound
to arginine, forming the final product (555, 557, 558).
Several biotech companies have been founded on the
assumption that cross-links can be broken down and that
such an approach would also restore elasticity as well as the
functionality of tissue. One such technology is a glucosepane-breaking enzyme for multiple age-related indications.
Conditions where an effect from removing glucosepane
could be anticipated to be observed would include elasticity
of blood vessels and, subsequently, hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis, and the gradual decrease in the respiratory
capacity that occurs with age. It would also be important for
skin and cartilage aging, as well as presbyopia, which is secondary to the stiffening of the eye lens that occurs almost
universally with age (559).
Specific challenges for clinical translation into humans
include finding an enzyme or small molecule that can break
down these cross-links without damaging other vital molecules in the ECM. An enzymatic approach has been pursued
so far since enzymes are better at catalyzing the breakdown
of substances. However, extracellular enzymes must also be
able to penetrate well into the ECM and have a sufficient
energy source (such as enough ATP to perform their actions)
to effectively break down glucosepane and pentosidine. The
need for further research in this area is evident, as the selective removal of AGEs such as glucosepane and pentosidine
could potentially lead to the development of novel therapeutic interventions for age-related pathologies.
Small Molecules for ECM Homeostasis—Direct
Small molecules have been found to be a potential solution for treating diseases and aging by controlling the activity of proteases and the formation of bonds within the ECM.
Proteases, such as MMPs, play a crucial role in ECM remodeling and are connected to various illnesses, including cancer
and chronic inflammation (560). The regulation of protease
activity and bond formation within the ECM through small
molecules can be achieved by either stimulating or suppressing protease activity or promoting ECM bond formation
(561). This approach has the potential to target a wide range
of diseases and aging-related conditions, including angiogenesis, tissue regeneration, and epidermal aging.
There is growing evidence that MMPs significantly influence angiogenesis beyond ECM remodeling. MMPs have
been found to release ECM-bound angiogenic factors, detach
pericytes from blood vessels, and degrade endothelial cellcell adhesions (562, 563). For example, a study on mice
infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) showed that
treatment with Marimastat increased the number of blood
vessels covered by pericytes while the total blood vessel
number remained unchanged. Inhibiting MMP activity
resulted in an increase in pericyte-covered blood vessel
numbers and seemed to stabilize the integrity of the infected
lung tissue. Additionally, increased delivery and/or retention of Marimastat was observed in treated mice, leading to
improved drug efficacy (564).
Natural compounds, such as flavonoids and polyphenols,
have also been found to control ECM homeostasis and longevity through different mechanisms (3). These compounds
include melatonin, tea polyphenols, grape seed polyphenols,
honokiol (Magnolia sp.), quercetin, sulforaphane, apocynin,
aloe vera, turmeric (curcumin), silymarin (milk thistle), ginseng (Panax ginseng), algae, propolis, and others (565).
Notably, Ramachandran et al. (566) observed that both honokiol and modified citrus pectin induced dose-dependent
antioxidant activity in a synergistic manner, inhibiting NFκB and TNF-a. Together, these mechanisms work to maintain the structural integrity of the ECM, promoting tissue
regeneration and preventing epidermal aging (565).
Control Downstream Signaling
YAP1 (Yes-associated protein 1) is a transcriptional coactivator that plays a key role in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival, as well as responding to
age-related stiffening of the ECM (567–571). In humans, the
stiffening of the ECM with age can lead to dysregulation of
YAP1 and cellular senescence (572, 573). This can cause hindrance in the conversion of mechanical stimuli into cellular
responses and alter stem cell differentiation (574). However,
YAP1 activation has also been shown to promote tissue
regeneration, but its hyperactivation has been observed in
human cancers (575), indicating a need for careful regulation
in regenerative medicine (576).
The decline in YAP/TAZ activity during physiological
aging in stromal cells has been linked to accelerated aging,
whereas preserving YAP function has been seen to rejuvenate old cells and suppress senescence-associated inflammation (577). The GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS)-stimulator of
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interferon genes (STING) pathway, a crucial component of
innate immunity, is regulated by YAP/TAZ (transcriptional
coactivator with PDZ-binding motif) through the preservation of nuclear envelope integrity and regulation of lamin B1
and Actin-related protein 2. Maintaining YAP/TAZ mechanosignaling and inhibiting STING could be potential strategies for promoting healthy aging, as the control of cGASSTING signaling by YAP/TAZ drives aging (577). In C. elegans, the yap-1 gene is essential for longevity and maintains
collagen homeostasis (48).
In summary, the ECM, a labyrinthine network of interwoven proteins that exist exterior to cells, serves as a quintessential element of the human body, imbued with the
responsibility of maintaining the structural integrity and
equilibrium of tissues. However, as the sands of time inevitably flow, the ECM undergoes a series of metamorphoses that
can result in an array of age-related maladies and eventual
mortality. Despite its paramount significance, the aging of
the ECM remains a relatively uncharted territory within the
realm of geroscience. This review has delved into the fundamental concepts of ECM integrity and the intricacies of the
challenges and pathologies that arise with increasing age,
expounding upon the diagnostic techniques employed to
detect ECM dysfunction and proposing various approaches
to preserve the homeostasis of the ECM. Furthermore, the
ECM tech tree has been formulated as a means of visually
organizing and conceptualizing potential research sequences, in the hope of fostering the advancement of interventions to rejuvenate the ECM, potentially yielding novel
pharmaceuticals and therapeutics to enhance health during
the aging process.
We thank the Ewald Lab for critical reading and comments.
This work was supported by funding from the Swiss National
Science Foundation Funding from the Swiss National Science
Foundation SNF P3 Project 190072 to C.Y.E.
C.Y.E. is a cofounder and shareholder of Avea Life AG and is
on the Scientific Advisory Board of Maximon AG and Galyan Bio,
Inc. A.K. was the Research Director for the Foresight Institute at
the time of writing. None of the other authors has any conflicts of
interest, financial or otherwise, to disclose.
J.Y.C.P. and C.Y.E. conceived and designed research; A.K. prepared figures; J.Y.C.P., A.K., V.B., B.W.E., A.F., and C.Y.E. drafted
manuscript; J.Y.C.P., V.B., B.W.E., A.F., and C.Y.E. edited and revised manuscript; J.Y.C.P., A.K., V.B., B.W.E., A.F., and C.Y.E.
approved final version of manuscript.
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