Database, Docker, PHP, WordPress Exam Questions

Q1: What will be the output of the SELECT CASE WHEN NULL = NULL THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO'
a False
b None
c An Error will be generated
d None
e None
f True
Q2: How can a company deal with a monolithic codebase issue??
The correct Answer is: None
b By building a large Docker image containing the monolithic codebase and
deploying it as a single container to Kubernetes
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
f By transitioning from a monolithic codebase to a microservice design so that
different microservices can be classified as containers.
Q3: When is the switch statement used:?
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
d The switch statement is used to avoid long blocks of if..elseif..else code
e The switch statement is used when statements like if..elseif..else do not work.
f The switch statement is used to avoid long blocks of loops like do...while code.
Q4: What are Docker Images??
a Docker image is the source of Docker container.
b None
c Docker image is the source of Docker system.
d None
e Docker image is the source of Docker virtualization.
f None
Q5: How much character are allowed to create a database name??
a 75
b None
c None
d 70
e 64
f 40
Q6: Which command can be used to change file access permission bits??
a umask
b chperm
The correct Answer is: None
d chown
The correct Answer is: None
f chmod
Q7: tcpdump is a packet-sniffing Linux command that offers administrators the ability to
monitor what??
a None
b Server performance
c Network traffic and activity
d Application performance
e Files and directories
f None
Q8: Tick all the rules which need to be followed while developing a WordPress Plugin??
a Create a unique name.
b Create a sub-folder for PHP files, translations, and assets.
c Create and install script.
d Create the main plug-in file and fill up the header information.
e Create the folder of Plugin.
f None
Q9: PHP makes use of mail() function to send emails. Which of the mentioned ARE PART of
it's arguments?
a subject
b number of recepients
c headers
d to
e message
f parameters
Q10: Which attribute you’ll use with the TD tag to merge two cells horizontally??
a merge=row2
b colspan=2
c rowspan=2
d merge=colspan2
e None
f None
Q11: Following Docker command: docker exec -it container_id bash is used to:?
a None
b None
c Commit changes done in a Docker image
d Access a running container
e Activate default VM machine
f Build an image
Q12: What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable??
a None
b $count++;
c ++count
d None
e $count =+1
f count++;