Psy 214: Human Behavior in Organization Course Learning Outcomes Gain and validate knowledge, specific information and theoretical models regarding human behavior at work Show self-awareness and ability to reflect on human relations issues vis-à-vis the organization Demonstrate research skills in determining problems/cases in the workplace for sound decisionmaking Express appreciation and respect for human dignity and the rights of the individual within an organization Manifest Paulinian core values in addressing relationshiprelated issues at work and the larger society. Course Requirements Class Standing - 20% Research output / Case Analysis -40% Written Exams - 40% Course Contents Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 What is HBO? It is the study of how human behavior affects an organization. Thus, the term Organizational Behavior. Organizational behavior aims to learn how an organization operates. If you can understand behaviors, you can better understand how an organization works. This area of study examines human behavior in a work environment and determines its impact on job structure, performance, communication, motivation, leadership, etc. Human Behavior Human behavior is the potential and expressed capacity (mentally, physically, and socially) of human individuals or groups to respond to internal and external stimuli throughout their life. Note: The behavior of the people in the organization speaks of the culture of the organization 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors (Live Science Staff, 2011; 2016) We lie We cling to bad habits We crave violence We steal We cheat We bully We nip, tuck, plump and tattoo our bodies We stress out We gamble We gossip Importance of HBO It helps us develop an understanding of the aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employees. gives insight on how employees behave and perform in the workplace. Human Behavior in Organization is concerned with the application of organizational behavioral principles, research methods and intervention strategies to practical problems of organizations and employees and workgroups. 1-10 The Field of Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior studies the influence that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organizations. Its chief goal is to apply that knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. ⚫ OB studies what people do in an organization and how that behavior affects the performance of the organization. Elements of OB People Structure Technology Social System Organizational Culture Environment Levels of OB The Individual The Group The Organization Focal Points of OB Jobs Work Absenteeism Employment Turnover Productivity Human Performance Management Top 5 Qualities/Skills that employers find very important when evaluating Job Candidates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Communication Skills Honesty/Integrity Interpersonal Skills Motivation/Initiative Strong Work Ethics Goals of OB ⚫ Explain, predict, and control human behavior. Describe how people behave under a variety of conditions. Understand Why people behave as they do. Probe for underlying explanations Predict Predict future employee behavior (tardiness, productive & unproductive, etc.) Provide preventive actions Control At least partially and develop some human activity at work. Managers need to remember that organizational behavior is a tool for human benefit. The field of OB seeks to replace intuitive explanations with systematic study. Fundamental Concepts of OB ▪ Nature of people Individual Nature differences vs. nurture Perception The unique way in which each person sees, organizes and interprets things. Selective A perception cause misinterpretation. whole person We employ the whole person not just their brains or skills Ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population. Fundamental Concepts of OB Motivated A behavior path towards increased need fulfillment is a better approach Desire for involvement Hunger for a change to share what they know and to learn from the experience. Organizations need to provide opportunities for meaningful involvement – employee empowerment Value of the person Worth meal they before the word before the message want to be treated differently from other factors of production Models of OB AOvVaw2tgkPglGG0R1py62FIcfsE&ust=1642744323862000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCID5hq3Sv_UCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD The organization is above all social. It is people.” Peter Drucker Remember: “… organizational excellence begins with the performance of people…” “…it is what people do or do not do that ultimately determines what the organization can or cannot become…” “…it is our job as an individual employee to develop and promote behavioral patterns that are consistent with the achievement of goals…” Dependent Variables Things which will be affected by OB Productivity What factors influence the effectiveness and efficiency of individuals Absenteeism Absenteeism is not all bad Having too high employee absent rate will affect productivity Turnover Not all turnover is bad High turnover rate…in some degree affect productivity • Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) • No one will want to pick up the slack. • No one would want to walk extra miles to achieve the goals. • Job Satisfaction • Happy or Unhappy employees? Job Satisfaction Survey Prepare a paper and pen Are you happy with your Q1: Read through the list of job? factors that contribute to a What makes people happy with their job? (In Order of Importance) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. happy working environment. How many of these ten factors are applicable to you? Friendly co-workers/good atmosphere Enjoyable tasks Good management Good balance between your work life and personal life Variety of work Feeling that your work is worthwhile Feeling that your contribution truly makes a difference Being part of a successful team Recognition of your achievements Good pay What makes people unhappy with their job? (In Order of Importance) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Insufficient communication on the part of the management Wages too low Little or no recognition for achievements Poor management Not enough freedom for personal development No attention paid to new ideas Too few opportunities for high performers Lack of fringe benefits Work is no fun Feeling that your contribution doesn’t really matter Q2: Read through the list of factors that contribute to an unhappy working environment (see above). How many of these ten factors are not applicable to you? In a scale of 1-10 with 10 as the highest, rate yourself based on the following: Q3. The organization and function suits my personality. Q4. I can make optimum use of my talents. Q5. My values and goals are compatible with the vision and mission of the organization. Q6. I get along well with my co-workers. Q7. I have a lot of faith in my manager’s ability. Scoring Add up your scores for the seven questions and write down your total score Interpretation Onno Hamburger, Happiness at Work (2014) 54-70: A great result. The chances are high that your work brings out the best in you. If you have completed this test for a potential new job, then seize the opportunity with both hands. 41-53: If this is your current job, then it might be an idea to see what improvements can be made. If this is a potential new job, then it is worth taking the time to think everything through. Are there any alternative jobs that could give you greater satisfaction? Interpretation Onno Hamburger, Happiness at Work (2014) 26-40: If this is your current job, then it might be advisable to investigate whether any new opportunities are available to you on the job market. This score suggests that you are greatly in need of change. If this is a possible new job, then you should only take the job if you are in urgent need of work and there are no better opportunities on offer. 5-25: If this is your current job, then it is certainly time to look for new possibilities. If it is a potential new job that you can afford to turn down, then you should do exactly that. How happy are you in your current life? Organizational Citizenship Discretionary behavior Not part of an employee's formal job requirements Promotes the effective functioning of the organization Examples of Organizational Citizenship Helping Helping others on one's work team Volunteering Volunteering for extra job activities Avoiding Making Avoiding unnecessary conflicts Making constructive statements about one's work group and the overall organization Independent Variables ⚫ Individual Variables • • ⚫ Group Variables • ⚫ Age, gender, personality, emotion, values, attitude, ability Perception, individual decision-making, learning, and motivation Norm, communication, leadership, power, politics Organization System Variables • Organizational culture, HR practices Challenges and Opportunities for OB ⚫ Typical employee is getting older ⚫ More women and minorities in the workplace ⚫ Global competition is requiring employees to become more flexible ⚫ Historical loyalty-bonds that held many employees to their employers are being severed Managing Diversity Workforce Diversity - organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Diversity Implications ⚫ Managers must shift their philosophy from treating everyone alike to recognizing differences and responding to those differences in ways that ensure employee retention and greater productivity. OB Insights IMPROVING PEOPLE SKILLS IMPROVING CUSTOMER SERVICE EMPOWERING PEOPLE WORKING IN NETWORKED ORGANIZATIONS STIMULATING INNOVATION AND CHANGE OB Insights COPING WITH “TEMPORARINESS” HELPING EMPLOYEES BALANCE WORK/LIFE CONFLICTS DECLINING EMPLOYEE LOYALTY IMPROVING ETHICAL BEHAVIOR Influence of Culture Self-Esteem or Amor-Propio - sensitive to words or actions of others Embarrassment or Hiya - behaving in what is deemed to be an acceptable way Obligation or Utang na Loob - repaying favors Getting (Smooth Interpersonal Relations) that may lead to inefficiencies Reflection Identify one citizenship behavior in your organization and explain how this has influenced you. Write your answer in not more than 50 words.