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Technology & Student Productivity: A Global Perspectives Report

Name: Wafiyah Awais
O’levels Global Perspectives Individual Research Report
Topic: Digital World
Has modern technology made students more productive?
Education is an essential part of life, especially in today’s competitive world. With the rapid advancement
of today’s world, technology is becoming more advanced and is getting incorporated into student’s learning. The
education system has largely transformed, and will continue to change with the development of different types of
devices such as phones, laptops and tablets, and the extensive access to the internet. Whether modern technology has
a positive or a negative effect on the productivity of students has become a topic of endless debate, just like Rod
Paige said, “Education is the only business still debating the usefulness of technology”.
This report explores the complex relationship between students and technology, and explains how the
corporation of digital tools in education has affected the learning and productivity of students. By analyzing both the
pros and cons of this advancement in classroom technology, this report aims to understand the factors concerned
with the incorporation of technology into learning, and provide different courses of action as to how teachers and
students can make use of technology to improve productivity and promote better academic results.
Pros of Introducing Technology in Education
Technology has enhanced the learning of students in many ways. The internet is an unlimited resource of
information. It is a very rare situation in case you don’t find something you are looking for on the internet. This is
simple because the internet is limitless, and has almost every type of information which is also very easily accessible.
Students can easily access relevant information at anytime and anywhere. From the simplest definition, to the most
complex lectures, everything is nowadays available on the internet.
Technology has increased the efficiency of both learning and teaching. One very good example of this is
the introduction of flipped classroom. Flipped classroom provides multiple benefits for both teachers and students.
New topics are introduced to the students individually via online videos and supporting content and classroom time
is utilized for practical discussions, problem solving and group work. This allows less time to be spent on
introductions of new topics and more time to be spent on live-problem solving during class time. Students develop a
deeper understanding of the topic through active learning. Moreover, as students learn the basics themselves, they
gradually learn to do things themselves, and therefore develop independent learning skills. Flipped classroom
approach also allows teachers to make the classroom time more interesting. When the class time is fun and engaging,
students learn more and remember is for a longer time period. Furthermore, students that get absent in class can still
catch on what they left pretty easily because the teacher had already provided the basic learning material. They can
even access more information if they need details on the topic.
Additionally, it provides them more exposure and helps them develop the ability to collaborate and
communicate. They can connect with their friends, people outside of their school, or even globally. This exposure
makes them more flexible and they can be able to adapt to changes very well. This makes them more aware on
different issues around the world, as sharing information and discussing makes them aware of the various
viewpoints about the same topics, and educates them on the diversity of different cultures, as they communicate with
different people around the world.
The online education system can be personalized to suit the students’ learning style. Some students are
visual learners, while some like to learn through audio. Some prefer to study in groups, while others are distracted
by it. Some can easily catch up on new topics, while others might be a little slow. Online learning helps students to
study in their own style, at their own pace. Another benefit is that students can attend classes from anywhere. They
are not restricted by geographical boundaries. Moreover, lectures can be recorded, saved and shared, which allows
students to access the same material if they need in the future.
Furthermore, it is also more affordable and more eco-friendly. There is a reduced use of paper and
photocopying, printing, etc. and travel cost is also less, as many students don’t necessarily need to physically attend
every class. Many resources are available online, free of cost.
Cons of Introducing Technology in Education
In this world of imperfections, nothing can be completely flawless. Everything that has benefits has
drawbacks too. Similarly, technology can have negative impacts on a student’s productivity. According to Statistica,
the number of smartphone users in the world nowadays is 6.92 billion, which means 85.88% of the world's
population has a smartphone. There’s no doubt that a large proportion of smartphone users are students. This easy
access that students have towards smartphones, social media, and online entertainment, can easily distract them from
their studies, as Dr. Anderson explains, “If you’re not getting an email, you’re getting a social media update, or
you’re checking a news feed, or you’re checking a sports score.” Students are also often tempted to multitask, which
leads to decreased focus and hence lessens their productivity.
Technology can also negatively affect students’ cognitive skills. Students may become too much dependant
on the internet rather than critically analyzing things themselves, as it is quicker and easier than the latter. This may
lead to decreased efficiency in tasks than actually require critical analysis. Relying too much on other tools such as
calculators can also hinder the development of fundamental skills and problem-solving skills. Students may not be
able to perform certain tasks manually, without digital aid. Spending too much time on the phone also greatly affects
the creativity and imagination of young students. The writing skills have also been greatly affected. Students who
spend most of their time online have grown used to grammar and spelling checkers; their grammar and spellings
tend to be wrong when they have to write themselves. Students who are used to typing also tend to have a really bad
handwriting, because they don’t usually write with a pen and a paper.
Cases of academic dishonesty have been reported to have increased since the last few decades. Many of
these incidents are of students who have access to online tools or the students who study through an online system.
Students who struggle with essays use ChatGPT to write those. There is also more cheating in online exams because
there are very low changes of getting caught.
Online classes have become increasingly popular after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, they can be
annoying due to connectivity issues. Especially in small towns, it is very hard to get a consistent connection with a
decent speed. These are technical issues and can hardly be prevented.
There are also many health issues concerned with the use of technology. Screens emit light, which makes
headaches more common. Obesity has also increased. Students can get carried away and sit around for hours playing
video games, watching movies and videos, and eating junk food because it requires sitting still and only minimal
hand movement. This may result in an increase in weight, which worsens conditions including heart disease and
high blood pressure. Students' poor posture is also brought on by how they sit and how their necks are curved.
Because of this posture, neck and spinal issues have also become more common. Mental health issues have also
become more common due to excessive screen time, cyber-bullying and social-media related stress.
Steps To Prevent the Abuse of Technology
Technology is a useful tool if used correctly. Several paths can be taken to ensure that technology is not
being abused. Schools and teachers can establish clear policies and guidelines for the use of technology in the
classroom. This includes specifying when and how devices should be used, and when they should be put away.
Digital detox periods should be incorporated during the school day, where students are encouraged to put away their
devices and engage in non-screen activities. It should be ensured that educators are well-trained in using technology
effectively in the classroom. They should be equipped to guide students in the responsible use of technology and be
aware of potential pitfalls. Parents should be encouraged to be involved in their children's technology use. Schools
can provide resources and information to help parents understand the role of technology in education and how to set
appropriate boundaries at home. Filtering and monitoring tools should be implemented to restrict access to
inappropriate content and track students' online activity in school settings to make sure they don’t get too distracted.
However, students' privacy shall also be respected while doing so. Students who may be experiencing mental health
issues due to excessive screen time, cyber-bullying and social-media related stress should be provided support and
counseling. Activities that don't involve screens, such as reading physical books, conducting experiments, and
engaging in hands-on projects should be promoted, so that the creativity and cognitive skills of students are not
affected. It is also important to realize that the impact of technology can vary among students. Some may benefit
more from a technology-rich environment, while others may need more traditional teaching methods. The use of
technology should be, hence, personalized to suit individual learning needs.
Education Technology in Pakistan
Just like the rest of the world, education technology is also being widely used in Pakistan. Significant
efforts have been made by Pakistan in recent years to increase access to digital education and enhance learning. Elearn Punjab is introduced by the Punjab government. It is provides engaging learning material such as video
lectures, quizzes, assessments, etc. which is especially useful for online learning. The Higher Education Commission
(HEC) is a program in Pakistan which promotes higher education. One of its most prominent steps is the founding of
the National Digital Library of Pakistan (NDLP), which gives students free access to resources such as e-books,
journals, research papers, etc. Pakistan’s first online university, Virtual University of Pakistan (VUP), was
established in 2002 to promote distance learning. It provides high-quality education to students throughout the
country, along with providing resources such as video lectures, quizzes, and assessments.
Implementing digital education in Pakistan can be a challenge due to many factors. The access to
technology and infrastructure is very limited. Many areas of Pakistan have either very slow internet connection or no
connection at all. Even if resources are available, digital literacy is not very common among students and teachers.
Another huge challenge is that traditionalist groups and teachers are very resistant to change. Such people consider
digital education as a threat to traditional teaching methods, so they refuse to adopt these. There is also a lack of
funds which is a huge issue, since new infrastructure cannot be established without proper funds.
I personally think that technology has more of a positive than negative impact on students’ productivity and
learning. I have myself experienced that I learn better since I got my own laptop. I have joined multiple online
learning sites and have gained access to many online resources such as lectures, notes and past papers which I
previously did not have easy access to. I have also noticed that it used to be great distraction at first, until I learned
how to establish boundaries to keep myself from being distracted. From my research, I have also learned that it is
important for me not to be sitting in front of my laptop all day long and I will definitely start taking regular breaks
from now on.
Technology is an efficient way of learning if used correctly. It has enhanced the productivity of students in many
ways, such as by providing easy access to learning material, promoting collaborative learning, and allowing students
to learn at their own pace and style. However, if not used correctly, it can prove to be a major distraction, can affect
the creativity of students, can cause them to become too dependent and make cheating easier, along with increasing
different health issues. Whether technology has negatively or positively impacted student learning depends on how
the student is using it. Teachers, parents and students should be made aware about how they can combat the
problems of technology, so that it can be used in a healthy way.
Word Count: 1996