NEW CHALLENGES TO HUMAN ADAPTATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE UCSP 11 MELCS 12 EXAMINE HUMAN RESPONSES TO EMERGING CHALLEGES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETIES LEARNING COMPETENCY DESCRIBE HOW HUMAN SOCIETIES ADAPT TO NEW CHALLENGES IN THE PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, AND CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT; DEVELOP A PLAN OF ACTION FOR COMMUNITY-BASED RESPONSE TO CHANGES NEW CHALLENGES TO HUMAN ADAPTATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE HUMANS ARE GENERALLY ADPATIVE CHANGES IN THE ENVIRONMENT MEANING TO SAY WE CAN ADJUST, NORMAL FOR US THAT WHATEVER CHANGES MIGHT COME TO US OR MAY HAPPEN TO OUR EXISTENCE WE COULD BE ABLE TO ADJUST IT MAY VARY BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DIFFICULT FOR THEM TO ADJUST ON THE PROCESS BUT EVERYBODY HAS THE POWER TO ADJUST THEMSELVES NEW CHALLENGES TO HUMAN ADAPTATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE IF PEOPLE PERCEIVE RELEVANT CHANGES IN THE ENVIRONMENT THEY ARE IN, THEY READILY ADAPT THEIR BEHAVIOUR TO MEET THESE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT EXAMPLE YOU’VE VISIT OTHER PLACES OR WORK IN ANOTHER COUNTRY AND BECAUSE YOU WANT TO SURVIVE YOU HAVE TO ADJUST YOURSELF ON THE PARTICULAR PROCESS TO MEET THIS CHALLENGES FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT IF IT IS NEEDED FOR YOU TO SURVIVE YOU WILL BE MOTIVATED TO DO SOMETHING FAST FOR ADAPTATION ON THAT PARTICULAR CHANGES NEW CHALLENGES TO HUMAN ADAPTATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE CHANGES ARE INEVITABLE MEANING TO SAY WE CANNOT CONTROL CHANGES WILL HAPPEN AND IT WILL CONTINEOUSLY CHANGE AND WE ADAPT ON IT IN OUR SOCIETY AND IN ANY ASPECTS OF OUR LIVES THEY BRING A HOST OF PROBLEMS, AND AS HUMANS, WE ARE CHALLENGED TO RESPOND TO THESE PROBLEMS NOT ONLY INDIVIDUALLY BUT COLLECTIVELY ADVOCACY, PROJECTS THAT IS BENEFICIAL FOR EVERYBODY Global warming and climate change Many researchers on global warming and climate change focus mostly on what it will bring to the future. Climate change serves as new challenge to humans today. The changing climatic conditions that we experience tell us that there is an existing environment problem that needs to be addressed immediately so that it will not give too much negative impact to human being in the future. Everyone must do something and act on global warming and climate change to ensure the survival of human species. Global warming and climate change Today, different programs are being implemented worldwide to prevent further global warming and avoid climate change. Despite of this, its effect will definitely last many years from now. Therefore, adaptation to the resulting changes in climate change is necessary The goal of adaptation to climate change is to increase the ability of our environmental social, and economic system to cope with the problem TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION AND OVERSEAS FILIPINO WORKER THESE ARE ALSO PARTS OF THE CHANGES OCCURRED RIGHT NOW IN OUR PRESENT GENERATION ASIDE FROM HUMAN ADAPTATION TO CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT, PEOPLE ON EARTH ARE ALSO FACING ADAPTATION CHALLENGES BORN BY THE NEED FOR MOBILITY; PEOPLE ARE CHANGING RESIDENCES RAPIDLY. EXAMPLE OF THIS ARE A LOT OF FILIPINOS WERE TRANSFERRING NOW FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AROUND THE GLOBE LIKE IN CANADA PERMANENTLY SETTLED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TRANSNATIONAL MIGRATION AND OVERSEAS FILIPINO WORKER MANY OF REASONS WHY THEY TRANSFERRED MAYBE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO EXPERIENCE NEW IN THAT PARTICULAR COUNTRY AND ALSO BECAUSE HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES MAYBE THEY’RE NOT SATISFIED WITH THE KIND OF WAGES OR SALARY THAT THEY COULD BE ABLE TO GET FROM THAT PARTICULAR JOB THESE ARE ONE OF THE THREATENING CHANGES THAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN OUR COUNTRY A LOT OF PROFESSIONALS HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES WERE ALREADY WORKING IN DIFFERENT PLACES ACROSS THE GLOBE MEANING TO SAY THEY FOUND ANOTHER PLACE TO SURVIVE AND THEY’RE NOT SATISFIED FOR THE KINDS OF COMPENSATION THAT THEY ARE ACCEPTING IN THIS PARTICULAR COUNTRY CONCEPT OF MIGRATION Migration is defined as the process of geographic mobility, or the change or residence of a person from one community to another with the intention of settling temporarily or permanently on that place 3 TYPES OF MIGRATION 1. International Migration The permanent transfer from one country to another 2. Internal Migration A change of residence within a country 3. Circular Migration Is a temporary movement of a person Transnational Migrants Persons who having migrated from one nation-state to another, live their lives across borders participating simultaneously in social relations that embed them in more than one nation-state Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) A person of Filipino origin who lives and works outside of the Philippines, they are working outside the Philippine jurisdiction This term applies to Filipinos who are abroad indefinitely as citizen or as permanent residents of a different country and to those Filipinos who are abroad for a limited, definite period as workers or as students. They are called bagong bayani ng bayan. The end!!