^/^. \ : A SYNOPSIS ELEMENTAIIY RESULTS PUKE MATHEMATICS CONTAINTNO PROPOSTTTONS.'FORMUL^, AND METHODS OF ANALYSIS. WITH ABRIDGED DEMONSTRATIONS. ItY AN InDEX TO THE PaI'ERS ON Pi HE JIaTHEMATU S -WHUJI AKE TO FOVNn IN THE PHINCIPAL JoiBNALS AND TllANSACTlONS OF LEAUM I) Socill lEP, poTH English and Foreion, of the present centuky. SlTPLEMFNTFI) BE G. S. CARR, M.A. LONDON FRANCIS noi)(;soN, farkin(tDon street, e.c CAMBRIDGE: MACMILLAN & BOWES. 80 1886. (AU rights reserved ) : C3 neenng Librai:'^ LONDON PRINTED BY C. F. HODGSON AND GOUGH SQUARE, FLEET STREET. 76. 6j6 SON, N TVERSJT? PREFACE TO PART Tin: work, of which now part tlio I issued a is first instal- ment, has been compiled from notes made at various periods and of the last fourteen years, chiefly during* the engagements !Many of the abbreviated methods and mnemonic of teaching. rules are in the form in which I originally my wrote them for pupils. The general object the compilation of indicates, to present within a moderate is, as the title compass the funda- mental theorems, formulas, and processes in the chief branches of pure and applied mathematics. Tlie work is intended, in the supplement the use of arranged witli tlie tl,ic To to follow ordinary text-books, and view of assisting revision of book-w^ork. place, first this tlie end and it is student in the task of I have, in many cases, merely indicated the salient points of a demonstration, or merely referred to the theorems by which the proposition proved. I am convinced that it is more is beneficial to tlie student to recall demonstrations with such aids, than to read and re-read them. The Let them be read once, but recalled often. difference in the effect upon the mind between reading a mathematical demonstration, and originating cue wholly or PEEFACE. IV partly, is very great. It may be compared to tlic difference between the pleasure experienced, and interest aroused, when in the one case a traveller passively conducted through the is roads of a novel and unexplored country, and in the other case he discovers the roads for himself with the assistance of a map. In the second place, I venture to hope that the work, when completed, may prove an aide-memoire and book useful to advanced students as of reference. The boundary of mathematical science forms, year by year, an ever widening circle, and the advantage having at hand some condensed of statement of results becomes more and more evident. To the original investigator occupied with abstruse re- searches in some one of the many branches work which gathers together may not sitions in all, of mathematics, a synoptically the leading propo- therefore prove unacceptable. Abler hands than mine undoubtedly, might have undertaken the task of making such a digest be more ; but abler hands might usefully emj^loycd, less hesitation in is it suggestions or criticisms which it ! have their With have the may be regarded The degree of success which Ic: perhaps, effect The design somewhat comprehensive, and the present essay it also, this reflection I commencing the work myself. which I have indicated relation to — and with may meet may in as tentative. with, and the call forth, will doubt- on the subsequent portions of the work. respect to the abridgment of the demonstrations, I may remark, that while some diffuseness of explanation is not only allowable but very desirable in an initiatory treatise, conciseness is one of the chief reciuiremcnts in a work intended V PREFACE. and rcfiTeiico only. In order, liowever, not to sacrifice clearness to conciseness, much moro for tlio piii-i)OSos la])our has of the of revision been expended upon this part of the subject-matter book than will at first sip^ht be at all The only evident. ])alpal)le I'esult lK'in<^ a compression of the text, the result so far a neji^ative one. The amount is illustrated in of compression attained the last section of the present part, in which moro than the number treatises is of propositions usually given in on Geometrical Conies are contained, together with the figures and demonstrations, in the s})ace of twenty-foui* pages. The foregoing remarks have a general work as a whole. earlier sections tliat, With the view, however, more acceptable in those sections, been more application to the to beginners, making the of it will be found important principles have sometimes fully elucidated and more illustrated by exam})les, than the plan of the work would admit of in subsequent di\isions. A feature to which attention form system of reference adopted may be directed throughout all is the uni- the sections. AVithtlie object of facilitating such reference, the articles have been numbered progressively from the large Clarendon figures ; commencement in the breaks which will occasionally be found in these numbers having been purposely made, in order to leave room for the insertion of additional matter, be re(piired in a future edition, without distui-bing numbers and references. With the same if it should tlie oi'iginal object, demonstrations and examples have been made subordinate to enunciations and formidie, the former being [)rinted in small, the latter in bold rREFACE. Vi By type. more tliese aids, tlic reudily sliown, Ijetwecn theorems intordcpcndoncc of propositions and it becomes easy to trace the is connexion in different branches of mathematics, with- out the loss of time which would be incurred in turning to The advantage thus gained separate treatises on the subjects. will, however, become more apparent as the work proceeds. The Algebra section not quite correspond named the particulars was printed some years ago, and does mth the succeeding ones in some of above. Under the pressure of other occupations, this section moreover was not properly revised before f>'oing On to press. that account the table of errata will be found to apply almost exclusively to errors in that section ; but I trust that the hst Great pains is e:s.haustive. liave been taken to secure the accm^acy of the rest of the volume. I have Any now intimation of errors will be gladly received. to acknowledge some the present part has been compiled. of Equations, of the sources and Trigonometry sections, debted to Todhunter's well-known completeness of which it from which In the Algebra, Theory am I treatises, the would be superfluous largely in- accuracy and in me to dwell upon. In the section entitled Elementary Geometry, I have added to simpler propositions a selection of theorems send's Modern Geometiy and Salmon's Conic from Town- Sections. In Geometrical Conies, the line of demonstration followed agrees, in the main, with that adopted in Drew's treatise on the subject. I am author cannot be inclined to think that the much improved. It is method of that true that some im- portant properties of the ellipse, which are arrived at in Vll I'KKI'ACR. Drew's (\)nic tions, can be tlirou^^h ccitnin iiitcnncdialc jn'oposi- Si^ctioiis once from dcMliicod at not on that account be dispenscnl w ]\Ioreov(>r, tlie Ili(> hyperbola lias first itli, for they are of value in of projection applied to nietliod not so successful; because a is metliod of But the intcM-mediate propositions can- orthogonal projection. th(Mns('lv(\^. tlie circle ])y tlic to bo proved true in the case of which pi-oj)erty the equilateral hyperbola, might as will be proved at once for the general case. I have introduced the method of projection but spanngly, alwavs giving prefei'ence to a demonstration which admits of being n])])li(Ml in the identical form to the The remarkable analogy the hyperbola. the two curves same is The account and to ellipse subsisting between thus kept prominently before the reader. of the C. G. S. system of units given in the preliminary section, has been compiled from a valuable contribution on the subject by Professor Everett, published by the Physical Society of London.* and the tables of of Belfast, This abstract, physical constants, might perhaps have found a more appropriate place in an after part of the work. however, introduced them at of the great importance of the of measurement Avhich and from a belief is I have, the commencement, from a sense rcfonu in the selection of units embodied that the in the C G. S. system, student cannot be too early familiarized with the same. The Factor Table wliich folluAvs rei)rint of Burckluirdt's " Tnhlr.^ is, ilrs to its limited extent, a diviscurs,'' published in * "Illustrations of the Centimetrc-Grammc-Sccoiid System of Units." London : Taylor and Francis. 1875. riJEFACE. Vlll 1814-17, which give the least divisors of In a certain sense, to 3,036,000. it numbers from 1 be said that this is all may the only sort of purely mathematical table which is indispensable, because the information which gives cannot it be supplied by any process of direct calculation. rithm of Not arrived at through can only bo most deterrent kind a liigh integer. it is in continuation of Burckhardt's has and similar to of a recently been constructed for the fourth million Glaisher, F.R.S., who eighth, and ninth millions were and Rosenberg, and pubhshed The in is in com- factors for the seventh, calculated previously by Dase 1862-05, and the The said to exist in manuscript. formation of these tables by J.^Y. L. now engaged I believe is also pleting the fifth and sixth millions. is loga- the tentative process of successive divisions the subject of A table These prime factors. so its by the prime numbers, an operation million The a number, for instance, may be computed by a formula. when absolutely tenth history of the both instructive and interesting.* As, however, such tables are necessarily expensive to purchase, and not very accessible in any other of persons, way to the majority seemed to me that a small portion it would form a useful accompaniment I have, accordingly, introduced the first eleven ardt's tables, which integers nearly. give the least factors of Each double page * Sec " Factor Table for the Fourth London: Taylor and Francis. 1880. Pt. IV., and Nature, No. 542, p. 402. of them to the present volume. pages of Burckhtlie first 100,000 of the table here pi-iiUed is JifiJltoii." Also Camh. By James J'hil. Soc. Glaisher, F.R.S. Proc, Vol. TIL, an exact rcpi'otluctiuii, iu I)ai^n: It may tal)le ji l)e Hiii^^e ;i (|iiar(o work. noticed licro that Prof. Lebesquo constructed to a))out extent, on tliis of seven, n)ulti|)les ))y all l)iit tlie tyi'e, of of JJm-c'kluirdt's great and about one-sixtli.* tlius tlio re<lucins^^ ])lan tlie of omlttinj^ tlio of tlie tabic size ]3ut a small calculation re(|uired iu is using the table which counterbalances the advantage so gained. The values of the Gamma-Function, pages 30 and 31 have , been taken from Legendre's table in his ^'Excrciccs de Calcnl Tome Infnjral,'' Volume, but all I. it is The the numerical tables of In addition to treatises table belongs to Part II. of tlie Volume and Lefebure de Fourcy ; I. in the autliors already have been consulted Higher Algebra tliis placed here for the convenience of having same named, section. tlie Snowball's Trigonometry ; following —Algebras, by AYood, Bourdon, ; Salmon's the Geometrical Exercises in Potts's Euclid ; and Geometrical Conies by Taylor, Jackson, and Renshaw. Articles 2G0, 431, o69, are original. The latter and very nearly all the examples, have been framed with great care, in order that they might illustrate the propositions as completely as possible. G. S. C. Hadi.ry, ^Iiiii>i,i;.sKx ; AIu)/ 23, 18ba. * "Tables divcrscs pour premiers." la decomposition des nombrca en leura HietLurs Par V. A. Lebesque. Paris. b 18G-ii. EIUiATA. Art. 13, —— TABLE OF CONTEXTS. PAUT I. SECTION I.— MATHEMATICAL TABLES. The Introduction. C. G. S. Systkm of Units Notation and Definitions of Units... Physical Constants and Formulas Table I. II. III. Pap, — ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 2 — English Measures and Equivalents in C. G. Units — Pressure of Aqueous Vapour at different temperatures S. 4 4 — Wave lengths and Wave frequency for the principal' lines of the Spectrum ... ... ... ... ... CoeffiTheir Densities The Principal Metals Expancients of Elasticity, Rigidity, and Tenacity Specific Heat Conductivity Rato sion by Heat — lY. 4 ; ; ; ; Sound of conduction of Resistance The Planets V. ... ; Electro-magnetic Specific ... ... of Orbits ... — Powers and Logarithms of TT and e ... ... ... ... ... 5 ... ... ... G ... 6 Vll.^Square and Cube Roots of the Integers 1 to .30 Logarithms of VIII. — Common and Hyperbolic Prime numbers from 1 to 100... ... ... IX. — Factor Table Explanation of the The Least Factors X. Talilo .. ... numbers from Values OF THE Gamma-Function of all SECTION 5 ... — Their Dimensions, ^Masses, Densities, and Elements VI. ; ... G ... 7 to 00000... S ... 1 the 30 IT.— ALriEBRA. x.^of Ailiilo Factors ... ... ... ... ... Newton's Rule for expanding a Binniuial Multiplication and Division ... ... Indices ... Highest Common Factor ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... ... 12 ... ... ... 2S ... ... ... 20 30 CONTENTS. xii No. of Artu-lo 33 Lowest Common Multiple — Evolution Square Root and Culic Root ... Useful Transformations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... IN ONE Unknown Quantity.— Exam Maxima and Minima by 58 59 ... ••• ••• ••• Duplicate and Triplicate Ratios ... ... ... ... Compound Ratios /.• Variation ... ... ^^ 70 Theorem ... ^2 ... ... ... ... ... •• '^ ... ... ••• ••• •• ••• 7G Arithmetical Progrkssion ... Geometrical Progression ... Haumonical Progression Permutations AND Combinations Surds SO 54 rr,i:s a Quadi-atic lv[uation Simultaneous Equations and Exam it, i:a ... ... Ratio AND Proportion The 38 45 Quadratic Equations Theory OP Quadratic Expressions Equations 3.5 ... ... ... ... •-• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 83 87 94 108 ... Simplification of -/a + Simplification of Va-^ \/fe and Va-^\/h 121 124 V~h Binomial Theorem Multinomial Theorem 125 137 142 149 160 ... ••• Logarithms ... Exponential Theorem ... ... Continued Fractions and Convergents ... ... ... General Theory of same To convert a Series into a Continued Fraction ... A Continued Fraction with Recurring Quotients •.• ... ... ... Indeterminate Equations ... To reduce A Quadratic Surd to a Contini-kd Fkaction ... To form high Convergents rapidly ... ... ... ... General Theory ... ... ... ... 167 182 186 188 195 197 ... ... 199 Equations ... ... ... ... — Special cases in the Solution of Simultaneous Equations, .. 211 Method by Indeterminate Multipliers ^liscellancous Equations and Solutions ... ... ... 21.S ... ... ... "J On Symmetrical ... ... ... ... iM'.l ... ... ... ... 2"J;? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2:5;» ... ... ... ... 2li> Imaginahy Expressions E.xpressions ... ... ^IeT1K)D OF InDETEKMINATI; CoEl'FiiTlN Method OK Proof BY I NDiCTioN IS ... — F(tuR Cases Parfial FuACTiONS. CONVEHGENCY AND J')lVEK(iENCY OF SeKIES General Theorem of ^ (a:) ... 11 'I'.Vl 233 235 U CONTENTS. XI N... <.f Expansion of a FKAnmN -1-H ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Iiiia^Miiary Koots... ... ... ... 258 203 SlMMATIOX OF SkRIKS BY THE ^[Ernon OF DlFFIMiKNCE.S ... ... Interpolation of a term ... ... ... 2r,t ... ... 2t;7 DiRKCT Fact(M{ial Skrik.s Invkusk Factorial Serifs ... ... ... 2(58 270 272 271 Ui;cLKi:iN(i Skhiks -•'''I Tho General Term Case of Quailratic Fuctiir with Lagrann^e's Rule ... ... Su.MMATiON IJY ... Paktial Fractions CoMi'OsiTE Factorial Series Miscellaneous Series — ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• Sams of tho Powers of the Natural Numbers Suraof (i+(a + J)r+(a + 2(Z);-Hctc ... ... Sum of n'' — n (7i — l)''4-&c. ... ... ... POLYOONAL Nu.MI!ERS ... ... ... FuiURATE Numbers Hypergeometrical Series Proof that Interest c" is ... incommensurable ... ... •• -">7 27G 27'J ... ... 2H.5 287 289 21>1 ... ... ... ... 21*5 ••. ••• ••• ••• 2'JG ••• ••• •• '^^^2 Annuities PROr.AniLITIES... Inequalities ... ... ... Arithmetic ^Ican > Geometric 'Mean Arithmetic Mean of ?h*'' powers > m^^ power of A. ^l. ... ... -.. Scales OF Notation ... Theorem concerning Sam or Difference of Digits Theory OF NuMRERS Highest Power ^*^^ ... 330 332 ... 334 ••• •^•i2 ••• ... ... ... 3i7 3^9 ... ... 305 Format's Theorem ... ... ... .... ... ... 3r)9 Wilson's Theorem ... ... ... ... ... •• ... ... ... ... ... 371 374 of a Prime Number (livisil.lebv2» + l Divi.sors of a S, ji contained in \m^ 380 SECTION TIT.^THHOKY OF EQX'ATTON.S. ... ... Factors OF AN EyuATiox To compute /(a) numcricallv ... Di.scriminati(m of Roots ... ... -.. ••• ... •.. ... ... 4i»3 of/ (.}•) ... To remove an assigned term To transform an equation ... DEiiiVED Functions Ei^TAL Roots OF an Equation Pra-tical Rule ... ^O'J ... .. -.. •• ... ... ... ... ... ... .. •• 410 424 428 430 ... ... •• ••• 4.32 Descartes' Rule OF SicNs The '^'"^ •^^'' . CONTEXTS. XIV No. of Article. 448 Limits OF THE Roots Newton's Method Rolle'fi Tlieorem Newton's Method OF Divisors RECiPROC-\Ti ... ... ... ... ... Equations Binomial Equations = Solution of .^"±1 Cubic Equ.viions Cardan s bj Do Moivre's Tlicorcm ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Method Trigonometrical Method 452 454 459 4GG 472 480 483 484 489 — Biquadratic Equ.ations Descartes' Solution Ferrai'i's Solution ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 492 496 499 502 Euler's Solution Commensurable Roots Incommensurable Roots — Sturm's Theorem Fourier's Theoi-em ... ... ... ... ••• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 518 525 527 ... ... ... 528 Lagrange's Method of Approximation Newton's Method of 506 ... ... Approximation Fourier's Limitation to the same ... Newton's Rule for the Limits of the Roots 5.30 Theorem Horner's Method 532 Sylvester's .. ... ... ... — Symmetrical Functions of the Roots of an Equation ... ... ... ^ms of the Powei'S of the Roots ... ... Symmetrical Functions not Powers of the Roots... The Equation whose Roots are the Squares of the Differences of the Roots of a given Equation Sum of the m"' Powers of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation Approximation 534 538 545 Root of an Equation through the Sums of the Powers of the Roots E-KPANsioN of an Implicit Function of a; Determinants 533 to the 548 551 — Definitions 55-i ... Analysis of a Deterniinaut ... Synthesis of a Detcrminiuit 556 564 568 569 Product of two Determinants of the 7i"' Onlei Synimetrioal Determinants .. Reciprocal Determinants ... Partial and Ci>niplcnu'ntary DcierininnntH 570 574 575 576 General Tlieory To raise the Order of a Dotonninant CONTENTS. XV \u. Aril. Theorem of a Partial Ik-ciprocal Dclonuiiiunt ... ... Product of DiU'ercuce.s of /i Quantitius ... ... ... Product of Squares of UiiTereiices of samo ... ... Rational Algebraic Fraction expressed as a Ucleniiinant Eli.mi.n.mio.n — Solution of Linear Ecjuations Orthogonal Transformation Theorem of the ?i.—'2"' Power llu;iii:sT 578 579 5sl ... ... ... r»s2 ... ... ... ... r)Sl. of a Deteniiinant... ... r).s5 5SG Method ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 587 5H8 ... ... 5'J3 ^lethod by Symmetrical Function.^ Eliminatiox BY I.'. ... Bezout's Method of Elimination Sylvester's Dialytic ..f .')77 Cu.MMON Factou SECTION IV.— PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, Angular Measuremext ... ... ... ... ... Trigonometrical Ratios ... ... ... ... ... Formula) involving one Anglo ... ... ... Formula; invoMng two Angles and Multii)lc Angles Formula-" involving three Angles ... ... ... Ratios OF 45°, G0=, 15°, 18°, <fcc Properties of THE Triangle The s Formula) for sin ^^, &c. The Triangle and Circle Solution of Triangles ... ... ... ... ... ... G13 ... G27 ... G7-1 GOO 700 ... — ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Quadrilateral in a Circle Bi.sector of the Side of a 718 720 859 733 Triangle 738 Bisector of the Angle of a Triangle Perpendicular on the Base of a Triangle Regular Polygon AND Cikcle Subsidiary Angles 70-i 709 — Right-angled Triangles ... Scalene Triangles. Three cases Examples on the same ... COO GOG ... ... ... ... ... ... 71-2 711i 74G ... ... ... ... ... 749 Limits of Ratios 753 De 75G 758 Moivre's Theorem Expansion of cos ?i0, &c. in ])owcrs of sin and cosO ... Expansion of sinO and cos in jiowers of ... ... Expansion of cos" ami shi" U in cosines or sines of multiples of (^ ... ... ... ... ... Expansion of cos 7i0 and sin7j8 in powers of biuO Expansion of cosn9 and sin «0 in powers of cos Expansion of cos nO in descending powers of cos Sin a -f- c sin (a + /3) + <tc., and similar series 7G4 ... 772 ... 775 ... ... 779 780 783 CONTENTS. XVI No. of Artiol.;. Gregory's Scries for powers of tauO calculation of 71>1 ... .. ... 792 ... ... ... ... 795 + a.). — Series Sina; = Sum of sines or cosines of (a; for ... ... ... Angles in A. P. ... ... a; Exi^ansion of the sine and cosine in Factors and cosnf expanded in Factors in Factors involving (^ Sin(? and cos e' — 2cos6 + e"' expanded in Factors De Sin ... ... is sin ... TT tlio Proof that ?i .. iucomracnsural)lc Formulas for TT in 1/0 Moivre's Property of the Circle Cotes's Properties Additional Formulae ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Properties of a Right-angled Triangle ... ... ... Properties of any Triangle... ... ... ... ... Area ... ... ... ... of a Triangle ... ... between a Triangle and the Inscribed, Escribed, and Circumscribed Circles ... ... Other Relations between the Sides and Angles of a Triangle 790 800 807 808 815 817 819 821 823 832 835 838 Relations Examples of the Solution of Triangles ... ... ... 841 850 859 SECTION v.—SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Introductort Theorems — 870 871 Definitions Polar Triangle Right-angled Triangles Napier's Rules — 881 Oblique-angled Triangles. Formula) for cos a and cos A The (S Formula) for siniJ, sinJa, sin^ — sin JB sin a _ sin b cos 6 cos (7 = sin sin cot a sin Napier's Formula) 895 — Circumscril)cd Circles 898 900 — Spherical Excess of Sphei'ical Cagnoli's sin 89G 897 ... Inscribed and Escribed Circles Area 882 884 894 i— cot ^1 Gauss's Formulas Areas ... c Spherical Triangle and Circle Si'UERiCAL <tc. Polygon Theorem ... Theorem Lhuillior's ... 902 903 904 905 XV 11 CONTKNTS. N... o< ArtirUi. PoLTiiEnnoNs The ... ... ... ... ... ... ... RcgulaT Solids Tlio Aiii^'lo hot woiMiAdjiuvnt Faces Kadi i of Iii.siTil)L'd and Circiim.scriheil Spheres... i'06 1>07 five i'OO ... 'JlO SECTION VI.— ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Miscellaneous Propositions — ... ... ... 920 at Buccussive surfaces ... ... i.'2I Reflection of a point at a single surface do. do. Relations between the sides of a triangle, the segments of the base, and the line drawn from the vertex ... i'22 ... 923 024 Equilateral triangle Yli'C; P.'P + Pi>" + i'0" Sum of squares of sides of a quadrilateral ... Locus of a point whose distances from given points are in a given ratio To ... ... ... ... ... ... Locus of vertex ... ... divide a triangle in a given ratio Sides of triangle in given ratio. Harmonic division of base lines or ... ... ...' ... Triangle with Inscribed and Circum.scril}ud circles TuE TUE Tangencies Tangents and cliord of contact, fty To find any sub-multiple of a line ... PRor.LE.Ms OF Triangle and three concurrent lines Inscribed and inscribed circles =. u... Three cases ; — ... ... . ... 92(3 930 032 933 935 037 0-48 ... 950 ... 951 &c. ... ... 953 ... ... ... 954) CoNSTULCTiox OK Tkiano.les ... ... ... ... ... Locus of a point from which the tangents to two circles have a constant ratio .. ... ... ... ... CoLLiNEAR AND CoxcuKUENx Systems 900 Ni.N'E-PoixT Circle... ... ... ; /?, s ... t/, . 003 007 Triangle of constant species circum.scribcd or inscribed to a triangle Radical Axis — ... ... ... ... ... ... Of two Circles Of three Circles Inveksiox \)77 l*8i il'j7 — Inversion of a point loOU ... ... ... ... ... do. circle ... ... ... ... ... lii(,»0 do. right line ... ... ... ... ... Iiil2 ... ... \u\C, ... ... Iu21 Pole and Polar ... ... ... ... ... Coaxal Circles ... ... ... ... ... Centres and Axes of Similitude Homologous and Anti-homuldgons pi )ini.s — do. do. chord.s C ... ... Iu37 ... ... Iu38 CONTENTS. xvin No. of Article. 1U43 1045 1046 1049 1052 1058 1066 1075 1083 1087 1090 Constant product of anti-siniilitudc Circle of similitude Axes of similitude of three circles Gergonne's Theorem Anharmoxic Ratio and Pencil HoMOGUAi'Hic Systems of Points Involution ... Projection ... On Drawing Perspective ... Orthogonal Projection Projections of the Sphere — Additional Tueorems Squares of distances of circle P from equidistant points on a 1094 1095 ... Squares of perpendiculars on radii, etc. ... Polygon n-ith inscribed and circumscribed of perpendiculars on sides, &c.... circle Sum 1099 SECTION VII.— GEOMETRICAL CONICS. " — Sections of the Cone Defining property of Conic PS = ePM 1151 Fundamental Equation Projection from Circle and Rectangular Hyperbola Joint Properties of the Ellipse and Hypereola — Definitions ... CS:CA:CX F8 ±PS'=AA' CS" = AC ^ PC ^ QSP be a tangent PSZ is a right angle Tangent makes equal angles with focal distances SZ bisects If PZ Tangents of focal chord meet in directrix CN.CT =AC' as :PS =e NG NC =^ : PC' : 117;i QN = PC :AC P^- AN. NA' : = L'C- 1174 : JO'- 1 1 Cn.a = PC' sy.s'Y' PP = 1160 1162 1103 1164 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 AC Auxiliai-y Circle J'N: 1156 1158 = PC' 1178 1179 1180 A(! To draw two tangents Tangents subtend equal angles 7t; 1177 at the focus Ubl — TON TK NTS. No. of Asymptotic ok Titr PHOi'F.nTir.s RN^-IW = TTviM;i;itor,\ — 11^:^ IK" rn.p>=n(" n-i- ... ('!:= AC J'l> i-Mnillcl (o i.s Arti.l.'. ll-<' the 1I>^7 A.svni|.l..t.- Qh'=r- "^^ ' = n an.i (>v = <iV Qn.Qx= Plr= UV'--(iVArn.TK = cs' n^i^ rrj ll'-'l ••• Joint Propkrtiks of Ellipre and HYi-r.Kr.oLA rksi'mkh. jniATK DiAMETKKS ii-'"-i ^ Cox- — QV-.FV.VF'^CD'' :Cr^ 11^.'^ rF.cn = AC .no rF.ra = nc" ami ff-fo'^zAC nin. PG.FG' = ii Diameter bisects parallel cliord.s ... Supplemental chord.s Diameters arc mutually conjugate ... ... ... (72)^ l-"-5 OQ . Oq = ^1 dfc l--^0.-S ^F}r- = FC- \ i7 1-^-5 OQ' O'i . SR:QL = '2' 1 I'-^H 7>C''' = cn' FS.PS' 11'''^ 1201 CV.CT=r!F^ CN=dR, CB = pN CN^ ± CK' = A C\ FF- CP± ''•'» ll'-'7 Cr)' = CD- : 121t CF- 1-'1'» e ••• •• 1-'' Properties of Parabola deduced from the Ellipse ... 121'.» •.• 1'2"20 Director Circle ... ••• ... •• The PAHAnoLA Defining property I',S' = P.!/Latus Rectum = 4JN If FZ be a tangent, I'SZ is a right angle Tangent bisects Z ,ST.U ST=SF = 1 l--'^ focal fliord intersect at right anglos ... ... ... ... .•• in l'--*^ •• A^ = AT NG = 2AS FN"- = iAS.AN SA:SY:SF To draw two l--^27 l^^*^ l^^O 1-'^^ tanj^ents SQ:SO:SQ' Z OSQ = OSQ' DiAMF.TK.nS ... ... The diameter -•^3 l—'i fe';^ .If Sa Tangents of a directrix and ^'-^'^ •• l--^-^ and QOQ' = ... bi.sects itanilh'l { QSQ' ... chords 1 ^'-i- ... •• •• l-'^'^ ... ... ... I'-^^S XX CONTENTS. No. of Article. QP=4P.9.Pr 0(2.0q :0(/ : Oq 1239 1242 1244 1245 1252 1253 1254 1258 =rS iFS Pai-abola two-thirds of circnmscribing parallelogram Methods OF Drawing A Cuxic To find the axes and centre To construct a conic from the conjugate diameters Circle OP Curvature Chord of curvature = QV^ -^ PV ult CT)'' . 1 1 c , — bemi-cliords -— ot curvature, • , C-P OD'- CL^ rf^,=r, -77-r PJf In Parabola, Focal chord of curvature do. Common Kadius of curvature = 2SP"' -^ find the centre of curvature MiSCKLLAM;OUS TlIKOKLMS ... 12G0 ... ST chords of a circle and conies are equally clined to the axis To 1259 AC = 4SP 12G1 i 1263 1265 1267 . INDEX TO TROPOSITIONS OF EUCLID REFERRED TO Tho references to Euclid are made in IX THIS Koinan and ^Vrabic numerals BOOK I. 4. — Triaui^'los arc an<^le of I. 5. 1. 0. I. 8. ; e.g. (VI. 19). T. equal and similar if two sides and the included each are equal each to each. — The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal. — The converse of sides of — Triangles are equal and similar 5. if ecjual I. WORK. IT). eacli arc tlie tliroe each to each. — The exterior angle of a triangle is grojiter than the interior and opposite. I. 20. I. 26. — Two sides of a triangle are greater than the third. — Triangles are equal and similar two angles and if ponding side I. 27. — Two straight one corres- of each are equal each to each. lines are parallel if tlicy make equal alternate angles with a third line. I. 29. I. 32. — The converse of 27. — The exterior angle of a triangle is cqiial to tho two interior and opposite; and tlic three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles. C'riK. 1.— The interior angles of a ]-)olygon of n sides = («-2)7r. — The exterior angles = — Parallelograms or triangles upon C'oK. 2. I. 35 to 38. 27r. bases and between tho I. la.— The conq)lements of same tlie same or equal parallels are equal. the parallelograms about the diameter of a parallelogram are c([ual. T. M — Tlio square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle equal to the scpiares <m the other sides. I. 48. — The converse of 47. is — INDEX TO PTtOrOSITIOXS OF EUCLID XXll BOOK II. 4.— If II. arc the two parts of a riglit line, {a + a, h and If a right line be bisected, externally, into II. 5 and 6. iy = a" -\-1nh-\-h-. also divided, internally or two nnequal segments, then — The rectangle of the unequal segments on half the difference of the squares II. ; is line, eqnal to the and on the line between the points of section; or (a + i) (a-h) = a? — l/. The squares on the same unequal segments are together 9 and 10. double the squares on the other parts or — ; II. 11. — To divide of the a right line into two parts so that the rectangle whole line and one part may be equal to the square on the other part, II. 12 and 13. — The square on sum the base of a triangle on the two sides of the squares is equal to the or mimis (as the lolus under upon it vertical angle is obtuse or acute), twice the rectangle either of those sides, or a- and the projection = h- + c''-21jccosA (702). BOOK III. 3. — If III. 20. III. a diameter of a circle bisects a chord, it : of the other it is perpendicular to and conversely. — The angle at the centre of a circle is twice the angle at the circumference on the same arc. III. 21. III. 22. ITT. 31. 111. 32. — Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal. — The opposite angles of a quadrilateral inscribed in — — The angle betAveen a tangent and a chord contact 111. a circle are together equal to two right angles. The angle in a semicircle is a right angle. 33 and 34. is from the pcint of equal to the angle in the alternate segment. — To describe or to cut of ti segment of a circle which shall contain a given angle. III. 35 and 30.— The rectangle of the segments of any chord of a circle drawn through an inta'ual or external point is eiiual to the square of the semi-chord perpendicular to the diameter through the internal point, or to the square of the III. 37.— The converse tangent from the external point. tlic lino of 3G. If the rectangle be equal to the .scpiare, which meets the circle touches it. iJKKRI.'KKn T(i IN lUJUK IV. IV. IV. IV. IV. 1\'. WoKK IV. — To a a trian^k' of yivcii form — To describu same about a — To inscribe a circle in a triangle. — To describe a circle about a triangle. 10. — To construct two-iiftlis of a right angle. — To construct a regular pentagon. 2. in insoi-ilif 3. i-irclc circle. tlic 4. 5. 11. BOOK VI. THIS VI. — Triangles and parallelograms of proportional their bases. —A right parallel to the side of 1. the same altitude arc to VI. 2. line sides proportionally VI 3 and A. ; a triangle cuts the other and conversely. — The bisector of the interior or exterior vortical angle of a triangle divides the base into segments proportional to the sides. VI. 4. VI. 5. VI. 0. Eipiiangular triangles have their sides proportional honiologously. — Tlie converse of — Two triangles are equiangular -i. and the VI. sides about — Two triangles are equiangular 7. if they have two angles equal, them proportional. and the sides about two if they have two angles equal other angles proportional, provided that the third angles are both greater than, both less than, or both equal to a right angle. VI 6. — A right-angled triangle is divided by the perpendicular from the right angle upon the hypotenuse into triangles similar to itself. VI 11 and l.'i. — Equal lyaralldoijrams, or trianjlcs which have two angles equal, have the sides about those angles reciprocally jiroportional jiDi-tion, VI. ll*. — Similar ; and conversely, if the sides are in tliis i)ro- the figures are eciual. triangles are in the duplicate latio of their homo- logous sides. VI. 2". VI. 23. — Likewise similar — E(|uiangular parallelogi-auis are in jjiilyg'ons. the ratio compoundetl of the ratios of their sides. VI. B. — The rectangle of the sides of a (riangle is ccjual to the s(]uare of the bisector of the vertical angle i>lus the rectangle of the segments of the base. INDEX TO PROPOSITIONS OF EUCLID. XXIV VI. C. — The rectangle of the sides of a triangle is equal to tlie rectangle under the perpendicular from the vertex on the base and the diameter of the circumscribing circle. VI. D. — Ptolemy's Theorem. The rectangle quadrilateral inscribed in a circle of the diagonals of a is equal to both the rectangles under the opposite sides. BOOK XI. 4. —A XI. 5. — The converse of XI. right line perpendicular to two others at their point of intersection is perpendicular to their plane. If the first line is also perpendicular to a 4. fourth at the same point, that fourth line and the other two are in the same plane. XI. 6. XI. 8. XI. 20. perpendicular same plane are —Right perpendicular a plane, the — one of two other angle are — Any two three plane angles containing a greater than the than angle are together — The plane angles any lines parallel. to tlie parallel lines is If to is also. of solid third. XI. 21. of four r'nAit ano'les. solid less TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART II. SECTION VIIT.— DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. Introduction ... ... ... ••• • •• ... ... ... ... 1405 ... ... ... ... 1407 ... Successive differentiation Infinitesimals. Differentials No. of Article. 1400 Differentiation. 1411-21 Methods SoccEssivR Differentiation' — Leibnitz's theorem Derivatives of the ... ... ?ith ... order (see Index) ... ... ... ... 14(30 14G1-71 1480 1483 1488 Partial Differentiation ... ... ... Theory of Operations Distributive, Commutative, and Index — ... ... laws... ... Expansion of Explicit Functions Taylor's and Maclaurin's theorems ... ... ...1500,1507 Symbolic forms of the same ... ... ... ... f(x + h,y + k),&c Methods of expansion by indeterminate 1520-3 1512-4 coefficients. ••• ... ... ... •• Four rules... Method by Maclaurin's theorem ... ... Arbogast's method of expanding ^ (2) ... ... ... ... Bernoulli's numbers Stirling and Boole Expansions of ^ (j; + /0 — ^ (•'')• • Expansions of Lmplicit Functions 1527-31- 1524 15:3i> 1.">:'.".' . — 151G-7 Lagrange's, Laplace's, and Burmann's theorems, 1552, 1550-03 Cayley's series for --— Abel's series for if>{x-\-a) ... ... ... •• ... ... ... .•• ... ••• •• • ... ... ... ... ... 1-'"- 1580 Indeterminate Forms Jacodians 1555 ... ... Modulus of transformation 1^*^^ lOUt CONTENTS. XXVI No. of Article. 1620 QiAViics Euler's theorem ... .. ... ... ... 1621 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1626-30 1635-45 1642 1648-52 1653-5 ... ... ... ... 1700 ... ... ... ... 1725 ... ... ... 1737 ... ... ... 1760 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1794 1799 1813 1815 ... ... ... ... 1830 ... ... ... ... 1841 Three or more independent variables... .. ... ... ... Eliruinant, Discriminant, Iuvariant,Covariant, Hes.sian Theorems concerning discriminants Notation ^ = 6c-/, &c Invariants Cogredients and Emanents Implicit Functions — One independent Two variable independent variables ... w independent variables Change of the Independent Variable Linear transformation ... Orthogonal transformation Contragredient and Contravariant Notation z„=p,&:,c.jq,r^s,t... — Maxima and Minima One independent Two variable independent variables Discriminating cubic Method of ... ... ... ... undetermined multipliers Continuous maxima and minima 1852 1849 ... ... ... 1862 ... ... ... 1866 SECTION IX.— INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 1900 Introduction Multiple Integrals Methods of Integration By 1905 — Parts, Substitution, Division, Standard Integrals ... ... Various Indefinite Integrals Circular functions — ... Rationalization, ... ... ... 1908-19 ... ... ... ... 1921 ... ... ... ... ... ... Partial fractions. Infinite sei'ies Exponential and logarithmic functions Algebraic functions ... ... ... ... Integration by rationalization... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Integrals reducible to Elliptic integrals Elliptic integrals approximated to Successive Integration Hyperbolic Functions cosh Inverse relations ... ... a-, sinh-i;, ... Geometrical meaning of tanh tanh.r ... ... ... • <S ... ... ... ... ... ... Logarithm of an imaginary quantity 1954 1998 2007 2110 2121-47 2127 2148 2180 2210 2213 2214 CONTENTS. XXVll No. of Article. DkFINITK iNlKfiRALS Summation 'I'liroKKMS of series ... ... ... KESrECTINU LiMITS OF iMECiliATION Methops ok evaluating Definite Change in the method tliis ... ... ... iNTEiiBAi-s {Eiyitt rules) Differentiation under the sign of Integration Integration by ... ... order of integration ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2261 2262 ... ... 22'.'4 ... ... 2317 ... ... 2341 ... 23i>l ... 2451 Approximate Integration hy Beunoulm's Series The Integrals j;(Z,m) and r(») logr(l + M) in a converging series ... ... Numerical calculation of r (x) ... ... Integration of Algebraic Forms Integration of Logarithmic and Exponential Integration of Circular Forms 2'J3U 2233 2245 2253 2258 ... 2280 F(>i;.m.s ... ... Integration of Circular Logarithmic and Exponential Forms Miscellaneous Theorems Frullani's, Poisson'.'^, Abel's, Kummer's, and Cauchy's 2700-13 formula) Finite Variation of a Parameter Fourier's formula The Function \P{.c) Summation of 4/ (.«) 2571 — ... series 2714 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2726 2743 2757 ... 27»)<> by the function «/' (.t) as a definite integral independent of \p{l) Nu.merical Calculation of log r{x) 2771 Change of the Variables Multiple Integrals- 2774 in a Definite JMl'ltiple I.ntegral Expansions of Functions in Converging Seriks — Derivatives of the nth order ... ... ... ... Miscellaneous expansions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Legendre's function Expansion of Functions X„ in Trigonometrical Series Approximate Integration ^lethods by Simp.son, Cotes, and Gauss ... ... ... 2852 2911 2936 2955 2991 2992-7 SKCTION X.— CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. Functions of one Independent Variable Particular cases... ... ... maxima and minima Geometrical applications ... ... ... ... ... 3028 3033 3045 •• •• ... ... ... 3051 ... ... ... ... 3069 ... ... ... ... 3070 ... Other exceptional cases Functions of two Dependent Variables Relative ... CONTENTS. XXVlll No. of Article. Functions of two Independent Variables Geometrical applications Appendix — ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Oil the general object of the Calculus of Variations... Successive variation ... Immediate integrability SECTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... XL— DIFFERENTIAL ... ... .. Definitions and Rules... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... First Order Linear Equations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Integrating factor for il/dc+iVfZi/ Riccati's Equation ... = ... First Order Non-linear Equations Solution by factors ... Solution by difFei'entiation Higher Order Linear Equations Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients Higher Order Non-linear Equations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Depression of Order by Unity... Exact Differential Equations ... ... ... ... Miscellaneous Methods ... Approximate solution of Differential Equations by Taylor's theoi'em ... ... ... ... ... Singular Solutions OF Higher Order Equations Equations with more than two Variables... order P. D. Equations first Non-linear order P. D. Equations first Non-linear first of Reciprocity Symbolic Methods ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Solution OF Linear Differential Equations BY Series ... Solution by Definite Integrals ... ... ... ... more than two Independent Variables ... Differential Resolvents of Algebraic Eqlaitons P. D. Equations with 3236 3237 3238 3251 3262 3270 3276 3289 3320 3340 3380 3381 3399 order P. D. Equations with more than two independent variables Second Order P. D. Equations Law ... 3150 3158 3168 3184 3192 3214 3221 3222 3.301 Simultaneous Equations with one Independent Variable... Partial Differential Equations Linear 3084 3087 3090 EQUATIONS. Generation of Differential Equations Singular Solutions 3075 3078 3409 3420 3446 3470 3604 3617 3629 3631 XXIX CONTENTS. Xo. of Article. SECTION XII. — CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. '^7(^6 F0KMri,.K KOR FlKST AND uth UlKKKKKNCF.S li/.^O Expansion by factorials ... ... ... ••• Gcnemting functions ... The operations 1/, A, and ... ... ... •• 3732 ... ... ... ••• 373-5 ... ... ... ••• 3/.)7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... Herscbel's theorem A (/.r ... theorem conjugate to Machiuriu's Interpoi-ation Lagrange's interpolation formula MhXHANlCAL QUADRATURK Cotes's and Gauss's formula3 ... Laplace's formula 3759 37G2 370H ^^^72 3777 o/lH '^781 Summation of Series Approximate Summation 3820 SECTION XIII.— PLANE COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Systems of Coordinates — Cartesian, Polar, Trilinear, Areal, Tangential, and 4001-28 Intercept Coordinates ANALYTICAL CONICS IN CARTESIAN COORDINATES. ^032 4048 Lengths and Areas Transformation of Coordinates The Right Line Equations of two or more right 4(> lines General Methods Poles and Polars ^^^G 4U»1 The Circle Co-axal circles The Parabola The Ellipse and Hyperbola Right line and ellipse Polar equations of the conic Conjugate diameters The 4110 4114 4124 Determination of various angles Hyperrola referred to its Asymptotes The rectangular hyperbola '^^^^ 4250 4310 433t. 4o4b 4375 4387 439- . CONTENTS. XXX No. of Article. 4400 4402 4417 4430 4445 4464 4487 4498 4522 The General Equation The ellipse and hyperbola Invariants of the conic The parabola Method without transformation of the axes . . Rules for the analysis of the general equation Right line and conic with the general equation Intercept equation of a conic Similar Conics Circle of Curvature ... — 4527 Contact of Conics 4550 CoNKOCAL Conics ANALYTICAL CONICS IN TRILINEAR COORDINATES. 4601 The Right Line Equations of particular and coordinate lines ratios of particular points in the trigon Anharmonic Ratio The complete quadrilateral The General Equation of a Conic Director- Circle ... Particular Conics Conic circumscribing the trigon Inscribed conic of the trigon ... Inscribed circle of the trigon ... General equation of the circle... Nine-point circle Triplicate-ratio circle ... Seven-point circle Conic and Self-conjugate Triangle... On lines passing through imaginary points Carnot's, Pascal's, and Brianchon's The Conic referred Contact — Related conics ... Theorems to two Tangents and the Chord of ... Anharmonic Pencils of Conics Construction of Conics Newton's method of generating a conic Maclaurin's method of generating a conic The Method or Reciprocal Tangkntial Coordinates Abridged notation Polars... 4628 4648 4652 4656 4693 4697 4724 4739 4747 4751 4754 47546 4754e 4755 4761 4778-83 ... 4803 4809 4822 4829 4830 4844 4870 4907 XXXI CONTKNTS. No. of Article. On Tin: 1m kksection ok two Conics— Geonictricftl^mcanin^ of v/(- 1) The Methop ... 'I'-^l^' ... '^•'-l of Pkojection 41K5G Invariants anp Covakiants To find the foci of the general conic ... ... .. 5008 THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. Tangent and Normal Radius of Curvature and Evolute Inverse Problem and Intrinsic Equation Asymptotes Asymptotic curves Singularities of Curves ... Concavity and Convexity -''l^'*^ -"il-^^ 51G0 51G7 r.l72 — ... ... ... 5174' Points of inflexion, multiple points, &c. ... ... 5176-87 ... ... Contact of Curves Envelopes Integrals of Curves and Areas Inverse Curves Pedal Curves Roulettes ... ... ... ••• ... ... ... ... 5212 ... ... 5220 5229 5230-5 ... ... ••• 5239 ... ... ... ... ... ... ••• ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• Area, length, and radius of cui'vature... The envelope of a carried curve Instantaneous centre ... ... ... ... •• Holditch's theorem ... ... ... ... ••• ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• to the cycloid... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Epitrochoids and hypotrochoids ... ... ... Trajectories Curves of pursuit ••• Quetelet's theorem Transcendental and other Cuhves — Epicycloids and hypocycloids... Catenary 5247 5-49 5250 Prolate and curtate cycloids The The The The The The The o243 5244 ^24G 52-*8 Caustics The cycloid The companion 5188 5192 519G ... 5258 52G0 52G GG 5273 Tractrix 5279 Syntractrix 5282 Logarithmic Curve Equiangular Spiral 5284 5288 Spiral of Archimedes 5296 Hyperbolic or Reciprocal Spiral 5302 XXXn CONTENTS. No. of Article. The Involute of tlie Circle ... TheCissoid The Cassinian or Oval of Cassini The The The The The The The The ... ... ... ... ... 5313 5309 ... ... ... ... ... 6317 ... ... ... ... .. 5320 5327 Versiera (or Witch of Agnesi) ... ... ... Quadratrix... ... ... ... ... semi- cubical parabola ... ... ... ... 5359 folium of Descartes ... ... ... ... 5360 ... ... ... ... Lemniscate Conchoid Lima9on ... ... Cartesian Oval Linkages AND LiNKwoRK Kempe's ... five-bar linkage. Eight cases Reversor, Multiplicator, and Translator Peaucellier's linkage The The The The The A A six-bar invertor ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... eight-bar double invertor Quadruplane or Versor Invertor ... Pentograph or Proportionator ... ... Isoklinostat or Angle-divider ... ... ... ... linkage for drawing an Ellipse 5335 5338 5341 5400 5401-5417 5407 ... 5410 ... 5419 ... 5420 ... 5422 ... 5423 ... 5425 ... 5426 ... linkage for drawing a Lima9on, and also a bicir... ... ... 5427 for solving a cubic equation ... ... 5429 ... ... ... ... ... ... cular quartic A linkage On -5306 ... ... ... three-bar motion in a plane The Mechanical Integrator The Plauimeter ... 5430 5450 5452 SECTION XIV.— SOLID COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Systems of Coordinates The Right Line ... ... ... ... 5501 5507 5545 5574 ... ... ... ... ... 5582 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The Plane Transformation of Cooi;niNATES ... ... The Sphere The Radical Plane Poles of similitude Cymxdrical and Conical Surfaces Circular Sections ... ... ... ... ... 5585 5587 5590 ... ... ... ... 5596 ... ... ...5590-5621 Ellipsoid, HvriiRUOLOiD, and Paraboloid CONTENTS. N... of Article. Centrai, Qcapiuc Surfack— Tangent and diainotnil plaiu's... Eccentric values of the coordinates ... ... ... CoNKOCAL QuAi'urcs Reciprocal and Enveloping Cones Thk Genkral Equation of a Quadric ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5026 5038 •''^•^0 56G4 5073 Reciprocal Polars •'''"" Theory of Tortuous Curves The Helix General Theory of Surfaces •'"^^•Jl 575i; — ... ... 5780 ... ... 5783 ... ... ... 5806-9 ... -. ... ... General equation of a surface ... Tangent line and cone at a singular point The ^^795 Indicatrix Conic Eulei-'s !• and Meunier's theorems Curvature of a surface... ... Osculating plane of a line of curvatnri! 5826 5835 ... -.. ... .• Integrals for Volumes and Surfaces ... ... ... 5837-48 ^856 5871 ... ... •. 587i) Geodesics ... ... ... Invariants Guldin's rules ... ... ... 5884 5903 5925-40 Centre of Mas.s Moments and Products of Inertia Momcntal ellipsoid Momental ellipse Integrals for moments of inertia ... ... ... 5953 5978 Perimeters, Areas, Volumes, Centres of Mass, and Moments of Inertia of various Figures — Rectangular lamina and Right The Circle The Right Cone Frustum of Cylinder The Sphere The Parabola The Ellipse Solid... ... ... 6015 <'019 0043 ... ... Fagnani's, Grinitli's, and ... ... ... 0048 6050 G067 0083 li;uid)ert's tlu'orenis The Hyperbola The Paraboloid The Ellipsoid Prolate and Oblate Spheroiils ...0088-0114 ''llS Ol"'^<3 <>11-- 0152-05 ; rKKFACK TO VAUT ArOLOGlES for the noii-completioii of its must form the In the tliis voliniie due to friends and enquirers. earlier period are involved in Jl ;iii ;it The hd)our production, and the pressure of other duties, autlior's excuse. compilation of following works have been Sections made use VIII. of : to XIV., the — Treatises on theDifFerential and Integral Calculus, by liertratid, Hymer, Todhunter, Williamson, and Gregory's Examples on the same subjects; Salmon's Lessons on Higher Algebra. Treatises on the Calculus of Variations, by Jellett and Todhunter Boole's Differeutial Equations and Supplement ; Carmichtiers Calculus of Operations Boole's Calculus of ; Finite Differences, edited by Moulton. Salmon's Conic Sections; Ferrors's Trilinear Coordinates; Kompo on Linkages {Fruc. of Roij. Soc, Vol. 23) Frost aud Wolstenholme's Solid Geometry Salmon's Geometry ; ; of Three Dimensions. Wolstenholme's Problems. The Index which concludes the work, and which, hoped, will supply a o2 serial publications felt : five is want, deals with 890 volumes of of tliese publications, thirteen belong to Great Britain, one to four to France, it to Xew South Wales, two Germany, three to to America, Italy, two to Russia, and two to Sweden. As the volumes only date from the year 180(j, the XXXVl PREFACE. important contributions of Euler to the " Transactions of the Academy," Petersburg St. excluded. centur}^ last complete classified index to Euler's papers, ver^- and others as well as to those of David Bernoulli, Fuss, the same Transactions, already The of titles are unnecessary to include them, was, however, It because a the in exists. Index, and of the this in works of Euler therein referred to, are here appended, for the convenience of those Tableau who may wish general St. des to refer to the volumes. I'Academie de publications de Imperiale Pek'i-sbourg depuis sa fondation. 1872. [B.M.C.:* 11. Ii. 2050, e.] I. II. Commentarii Academias Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. 1726-1746; 14 vols. [B.M.C: 431,/.] 1747-75, 1750-77; 21 vols. Novi Commentarii A. S. I. P. [B. III. M. Acta A. C. : 431,/. 15-17, S. I. P. 1778-86; g. 1-16, h. \, 2.] [B.M.C: 12 vols. 431, /i.;3-8; or T.C. 8,a. 11.] IV. Nova Acta A. A. 9-15, S. I. P. LIS; 1787-1806; 15 vols. [B. M. C. V. Leonliardi Euler Opera minora coUecta, vel Commentationes meticte collectse ; 2 vols. 1849. [B. M. VI. Opera posthuma mathematica et pliysica 8534,/] VII. Opuscula analytica Analysis infinitorum. : 431, or T.G. 8, a.23.] ; 1783-5; 2 [B.M.C: vols. ; rj. : 853 2 vols. [B.M.C: J-, Aritli- ee.] 1862. [B.M.C: 50,/. 15.] 529,6.11.] G. S. C. Endslkigh Gakdkns, London, N.W., 1886. British Museum Ctitiilogui i [Correct tons nhich 1, •Art. mi important are marknl with an imtirink.) MATHEMATICAL TAJiLKS. INTRODUCTION. The Ccnthnctrv-Grammc-Second system of units. — The decimal measures of length are the kilometre, decimetre, centimetre, miUimetre. The same prefixes are used with the litre and gramme for measures of capacity aud v o lume; ^'^''f^ Also, 10' metres is deuouiinated a metre-><ei:en; 10"^ metres, a seventh-metre ; lO^f grammes, a gramme-fy'tcen ; and so on. o;rainme-imttwH is also called a megagramme ; and a milliontli-gramme, a microgramme ; and similarly "with other Notation. metre^ hectometre, decametre, A measures. — The C. G. S. system of units refers idl pliymeasurements to the Centimetre (cm.), tlie (Jramme (gm.), and the Second (sec.) as the units of length, mass, and time. Definitions. sical Tlie quadrant of a meridian is approximately a metre3-28U8Gyi feet 89-370-i-j2 More exactly, one metre = seven. = inches. The Gramme is the Unit of mass, and the weight of a gramme is the Uiiit qftveight, being approximately the wciglit of a cubic centimetre of water; more exactly, 1 gm. = 15-432:U1) grs. is The jL/f;v' is a cubic decimetre: but one cubic centimetre the C. G. S. Unit of volume. '22000(37 gallons. -035317 cubic feet 1 litre = The = the Unit of force, and is the force wliicli, in one second generates in a gramme of matter a velocity of one centimetre per second. The 7'i/v/ is the Unit of worlc and energg, and is the work done by a dyne in the distance of one centimetre. The absolute Unit (f atmospltcric pressure is one meg:ulyno })er square centimetre 71«'0G1 cm., or 2!>"."j14 in. of mercurial y8ri7 dynes. column at 0" at London, where ^ l)i/ne (dn.) is = = Volume = l\ is the pressure per upon a body divided by the cubic dilatation. Elasticitij of 15 unit area MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Rigidity = the shearing stress divided hj the angle n, is of the shear. Young's Modiihifi = M, is the longitudinal by the elongation produced, = 9nh -h (3/j + ??). stress divided Tenacity is the tensile strength of the substance in dynes per square centimetre. The Gramme-degree of water at or near the Unit of heat, and is the amount 1° C. the temperature of 1 gramme is of heat required to raise by 0°. Thermal capacifi/ of a body is the increment of heat When the incrcdivided by the increment of temperature. raonts are small, this is the thermal capacity at the given temperatu"e. Specific heat is the thermal capacity of unit at the given temperature. mass of the body The Electrostatic iinit is the quantity of electricity which repels an equal quantity at the distance of 1 centimetre mth the force of 1 dyne. 3 X 1 0^'' electroThe Electromagnetic unit of quantity = static units approximately. The Unit of potential is the potential of unit quantity at unit distance. The Ohm is the common electromagnetic unit of resistance, \(f G. G. S. units. and is approximately 10^ The Volt is the unit of electromotive force, and is C. G. S. units of potential. The Weber is the unit- of current, being the current due to an electromotive force of 1 Volt, with a resistance of 1 Ohm. It is -j^ C. G. S. unit. Resistance of aWiTe Specific resistance X Length -r- Section. = = = = Physical constants and Formulce. = 3:2-1908t' feet per second. = l>!^ri7 centimetres per second. In latitude X, at a liciglit h above the sea level, — -OOOOO:]/;) centimetres per second. cos g = (98O-0U56 — Seconds ])endaliim = (iJ9-85G2 — -2536 cos 2\ — -0000003 h) centimetres. THE 7';.17i"i7f.— Semi-polar axis, 20,854890 feet* = G-3;.4ll x lO^centims. 3782t x 10" 20,9_'G202 „ * = Mean semi-equatorial diameter, 39-377780 x 10' inches* = TOOOlOO x lO" metres. Quadrant meridian, In the lutitudc of London, cj 2-.'')028 2/\ oi" Volume, r08279 cubic centimetre-nines. JIass (with a density 5g) = Six gramme- twenty-sevens * These dimensions nro liikcn frjiu C'larko'a nearly. "Geodesy," 1880. MATIIEMA TICAL TA BLES. Velocity in orbit = 2033000 ccntims per = Ohii.iuity, -2:f 27' lo".» sec. 13713. -01079. I':cCentricity, e Prounession of Apse, U"-2.'). Precession, t>0"'20.* Centrifugal Ibrce of rotation at tlio equator, ;>-3'.)12 dynes per «^nunnio. Force of sun's attraction, -0839. Force of attraction upon moon, -2701. 2H0. Katio of (/ to centrilu^ral force of rotation, g rw* '.»'.* Aberrat i<.n, 20"-ll to 20"70.* Sun's horizontal parallax, h"7 to Aiii^ular vclucily of rotation 1 -=- = = : Semi-diameter at earth's mean Approximate mean Tropical year, Sidereal year, distance, 1»>' l"b2.* distance, 1>2,UUOUUO miles, or l"'i8 centimetre-tliirleens.t 3Go2422l6 days, or 31,550927 seconds. 305-250374 „ Anomalistic year, 305-259544 days. 31,558150 „ Sidereal day, 8010 !• seconds, = = 0-98 10^ granimes. Earth's ma.'^s X -011304 TJllJ M0UN.—Uas8 Horizontal parallax. From 53' 50" to 01' 24".* month, 29d. 12h. l-lin. 2878. Sidereal revolution, 27d. 7h. 43m. 1 l-40s. Lunar Greatest distance from the earth, 251700 miles, or 4U5 centinieire-tens. 225000 303 „ Annual regression of Nodes, 19° 20'. Hulk. {The yt'ar+l)-^19. The remainder is the Guhlen Number. The remainder is the Ejiact. {Tlie Uulih'ti Number— 1) X 11-^30. Least „ „ Inclination of Orbit, 5° 9'. — GRAVITATION.— Attraction between masses m, m' at a distanco / ) ~ mm clvues x l-54o x It/ The mass which at unit distance (1cm.) attracts an eijual mass with unit force (1 dn.) is = v/(l-543x 10^; gm. = 3iV28 gm. Tr.rr^/i!.— Density at 0°C., unity Volume at 4°, 1 ;-' 0000l3 (Kupffer). elasticity at 15°, 2-22 Compression Descamps). 1 for proportional to < sq. cm., to raise tlie temperature of a The heat required i° is ; X iV". megadyue per j + -00002/" + OiJ00003i* 4-51x10-* (Amaury and mass of water from 0° to (Regnault). = 1-4-273. for 1° C, -003065 Spccitic heat at constant pressure i.jAq G'yI-8'ii'iS'.— Expansion _ volume 0° with Bar. at 76 cm. = -0012932 gm. per Specific heat at constant Density of dry air at (Regnault). = At unit pres. (a megadyne) Density Density at press, p = jtx 1-2759 X 10"'. Density of saturated steam at t°, with j) taken) from Table 11., is approximately j SOUND. — Velocity Velocity in dry air at Velocity in water at LIGHT. — A'elocity = = U' = t° in cb. cm. -0012759. _ -7931 .0 9^;) (i -|- OUoOOO lO"* \/(elasticify of mediuvi -^ detusifij). 3o2 10 ^(1 -+--00300/) centimetres per second. 14;:U(J0 „ „ a medium of absolute refrangibility 3004 X lO"'-^^ (Coruu). /i = If I' be the pressure in dynes per sq. cm., and / the temperature, (Biot & Arago). ^i-l 29(K; X lU-''i'-4-(l-|--OO30i;/) = • These fliita iire from the "Nautical .Mmniiack" for 1S8:{. t Inuisil ol' Vuuus, IbTt, " Aalruin. S c. XuI.lcs,'' Vols. 37, '<i8. MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Table I. Various Measures and their Equivalents in C. G. S. units. Dimensions. 1 inch 1 foot 1 mile 1 nautical do. = 2-5400 = 30-4797 = 160933 = 185230 Pressure. cm. „ „ „ = 6'451G sq. cm, = 929-01 „ Pq. yard = 83G1-13 „ sq.mile = 2-59 X 10^°,, cb. inch = 16387 cb. cm. cb. foot = 28316 cb. yard = 761535 gallon = 4541 „ = 277-274 cb. in. 1 sq. 1 gm.persq.cm.= 981 dynes per sq. cm, per sq. in. 76 centimetres-) 1 lb. of mercury [ ) at 0° C. inch 1 sq. foot ] 1 1 1 1 1 ^^^^- P^^ gms. per „ „ „ „ 1 ounce 1 pound 1 ton 1 1 1 kilogramme pound Avoir pound Troy = -06479895 gra. = 28-3495 = 453-5926 „ = 1,016047 „ = 2-20462125 lbs. = 7000 grains = 5760 „ 479 68971 = 1,014,000 „ = 70-307 „ = cm. ^ -014223 1 cramme 1 grain 1 oz. = = dynes 981 6fi-^)Cj777 =2-7811x10* 1 1 kilogram-metre 1 foot-grain lbs. Mas^. grain sq. = = 4-4497 X 1 cwt, =4-9837x10' = 9-9674 X 10» 1 ton WorJc (^ = 981), gramme-centimetre = 981 or the voof water at 62° Fall., Bar. 30 in. 1 ^q- ^"- = Force of Gravity. upon ., lume of 10 pcrsci.foot 1 lb. 10-^ 1 lb. foot-pound 1 foot- ton 1 = = 1 'hor.se po-wer' p. sec. erofs. 981 X 10-"^ 1-937 xlO\, W 1-356x10" „ 3-04 X „ 7-46x10® ITeat. ^'cIoclfl/. 1 mile per hour 1 kilometre „ = 44704 cm. per sec. = 27'777 „ Table II. Pressure of Aqueous Vapour in dynes per scquare centim. Teinj). 1 gramme-degree 1 pound-degree pound-degree Fah. 1 C, = 42 X 10" ergs, =191x10- „ 106 x lU* „ = M. Magn. Specific Resistance C. 0= at Elect. I THEMA TFCA L TA BLES. MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Table BURCKTIARDT'S FACTOR TABLES. For all Explanation. number from 1 M.'.Mr.KKS FJiOM 1 to 9'JOOO. — Tlic tables give up to 99000 : the least divisor of cvciy but numbers divisible by 2, 3, All tlie digits of the number whoso or 6 are not printed. divisor is sought, excepting the units and tens, will be found in one of the three rows of larger figures. The two remaining digits will be found in the left-haiid column. The least divisor will then be found in the column of the first named digits, and in the row of the units and tens. If the number be prime, a cipher is printed in the place of its least divisor. in the first left-hand column are not conseThose are omitted which have 2, 3, or 5 for a divisor. Since 2"-. 3. 5"^ = 300, it follows that this column of numl)er3 will re-appear in the same order after each multiple of 300 is The numbers cutive. reached. — Mode of using TnE Tables. If the number whose prime factors are required is divisible by 2 or 5, the fact is evident The upon inspection, and the dinsion must be effected. quotient then becomes the number whose factors are required. If this number, being within the range of the tables, is yet not given, if is dirisihle by 3. Di\'iding by 3, we refer to the tables again for the new quotient and its least factor, and so on. — Required the prime factors of 3101-55. This number is within the range Dividinrr by 5, the quotient is G2031. of the tables. But it is not found printed. Therefore 3 is a divisor of it. Dividing by 3, the quotient is 20G77. The table gives 23 for the least factor Dividing by 23, the quotient is SW. of 2ftr)77. The table gives 2i» for tlie least factor of H'.tO. Dividing by 20, the quo3. Therefore 31015-3 tient is 31, a prime number. Again, roipiired tiie divisors of 02881. The table gives 203 for the least Referring to the tables lor 31 7, divisor. Dividing by it, the quotient is 317. Ex.\Mrr,ES. = a cipher is found in tbe place of the least divisor, and this signifies that 317 is a prime nundjer. Tlitrefore 02S81 203 X 317, the product of two primes. It may be remarked that, to have resolved 02881 into these factors without the aid of tiio tables by the method of Art. 3G0, would have iuvolved fifty-nine fruitless trial divisions by prime uumbei-a. = 1-9000 O r^ •o I- — 9000-18000 — n ^o<o— o-oo-i~ P50i^ <»)Ot-r--a> « ui c« ^lor^cro c^oooo CO 1 ::.^-^j:;- °-22;: °5°^i;i^ 18000-27000 O - 1- O C l~ 1- 1- O O 1- o o 2 U r;-„ -t^-(NCO — OCO — f 00 CO — - 27000 — 36000 -o« ..o^o^o Mj^2::°° ^ 36000 — 45000 - = ^ CO 45000 — 54000 Ol-O 0- — mi^t- ooot^oo ^ 54000 -ei^OOO rH 63000 — 72000 on- 0-CI--0 003JI-1-0 ^ 72000-81000 n w — a> — — — CO e^trc* _ 1 - en CO 05 j CJ - <M :r CO I- CO CO - Cl CO t- t^ - O O I- O - I- - I- O O 1^ M c m 000 -90000 o s (' C-- -gooo- 5 = 2 = °" 90000 — 99000 30 ALGEBRA. FACTORS. 1 a'-h'= (n-b) 2 3 <r-lr a'-\-i/' And 6 = — b" = a"-\-b" = 8 Gr+^O G^*+&) 4 (a—b) 5 a" {(i 9 10 11 12 (a-b) («+6). {(r-\-(tb-irb-). (a-\-b) {(r-ab-\-b'). generally, «"-.ft" ft = = + («"-^ b) {a"-' {a-\-b) (^<' + «"--/>+ + //-') — a"--b+...—b"-') ... («"-^-a»- -6+...+6"-') + = c) .^•^^+(^f + + /> + o)- = (r-\-'2(W-\-b-. {(i-b)- = ir-'lab-\-}r. + =: a'-^\\irb^?uib-^-b^ = {a-bf = a'-[\(rb-{-{\alr-lf' = / ' /\-' I .1 I (r^ / I 7' 6)'' (^/ iilwiiys. if n be even. if n be odd. r') .r-^ -\-(ihc. 'i-(bc-{-('a-\-(ih).i V I I ' / a'^b'-^i\ab . {a-\-b). d'-li'-Wab {a-b). Generally, {a±by=a'±7(i'b-]-2\(vb-±'^'m'b'-\-:irui'b'±2](tW-^^ Newton's Rule ior forming- the coefficients : Miiltiphj (inn index of the leading qnantifi/, and divide bij the number of terma to that place to obtain the coefficient of the term next following Tims 21xr)-^3 gives 35, the following See also (125). coefficient in the example given above. coefficient by the . To square a polynomial : twice the 2)roduct of that term Thus, = rt- Add to the square of each term that folloivs it. and every term {a-\-b-^r-]-f/y + 2rt(ft + r-+f/) + //-+2/>(r+^/)+r- + 2rr/+^/-. ' ALQEBUA. 34 = {a--^ah-\-h-) {ir-ab-\-¥). 13 a'-f a-6"+6' 14 a'+b' 15 („.+iy=,.Hi+2, (.+iy=.'+-L+3(,,.+i). = {a'+ab 16 {a-\-b-^cY 17 (a-^b + cf V2-\-I)') (a'-ab V2+6^). = (r-\-b--]-c'+2bc-\-2('a-\-2ab. = a'-\-b'-[-c'-\-',^ {b'c^bc--\-c'a-\-ca' ^a-b+a¥)-\-6abc. Observe that in an algebraical equation the sign of any changed throughout, and thus a new formula obtained, it being borne in mind that an even power of a negative quantity is positive. For example, by changing the sign of c in (16), we obtain letter may be {a-\-b-cf = a^ + + c'-2bc-2ca + 2ab. h' = = («+6+c) {a+b-c) 18 a'+b'-c'+2(ib 19 20 = a'-(b-cy = (a + b-c) {a-b-\-c). a'-\-b'-\-c'-^abc = {a-^b+c) {a'-\-b'-\-c'-bc-ca-ab). 21 bc'+b'c-\-ca'+chi+ab'-\-(rb-{-a'-\-b'-\-e' {a-^b)--c' ^y (1). (r-b'-r-\-2bc 25 = {a-^b+c^((r+b'-^r). bc'-\-b-c-\-c(r+c'a + ab''-^a-b + :\(ibc = {a-\-b-\-c){bc-}-ca-\-ah). bc'-\-b'c + m''-\-c'a-\-ab'+(rb + 2abr={b-{-c)(c-\-((){a-j-b) — h' — r b(r + b'c + cd' + c'n + ab- + (rb — 2a be — = {b^c-a) {c^(i-b) {(i^b-c). bc^-b^c + ca'-c^a-irab'-irb = (b-c) (c-a) (a-b). 26 2b'c'-\-2c'a'-Jr2a'b~-a*-b'-c' 27 .rH2.t%+2.r/ + // 22 23 24 ({' = {(i + b-]-c) ib-\-c-a) (c + a-b) (a-\-b-c). = (,,+//) + + /^). Generally for the division of see (545). C^-• {x + //)" .^// — {x" -\- //") by .r- + xi/ -\- y- . MULTIPLIOATIOS AXD J >I 35 VISION. MrLTirLTCATTON AXD DTVTSTOX, 15YTHE MKTIKil) OF DETACH HI) roKFFICI KNTS. 28 Ex. 1 (a*-SaV + 2ab' + b*) x (a'-2a6»-26'). 1+0-3+2+1 l+U-2-2 1+0-8+2+1 -2-0+6-4-2 -2-0+6-4-2 1+0-5+0+7+2-6-2 Result Ex. 2: a^-5aV- + 7a%* + 2o:'b'-Gab"-2b' (x^-bx' + 7x' + 2x'-6x-2)-r-(x*-Sx' + 2x + l). 1+0-5+0+7+2-6-2(1+0-2-2 -1-0+3-2-1 0-2-2+6+2-6 +2+0-6+4+2 -2+0+6-4-2 +2+0-6+4+2 1+0-3+2+1) Result a;»-2.i— 2. S(/ntlift}r Ex. 3: EmployiTig the -0 +3 -1 Re.sult ]a.st Dici.sinn example, the work stands thus, 1+0-5+0+7+2-6-2 0+0+0+0 +3+0-6-6 -2+0+4+4 -1+0+2+2 1+0-2-2 [See also (248). Note that, in all operations with detached coefficients, the result mn.st he written out in successive powers of the quantity which stood in its successive powers in the original cxpre.-^sion. ALGEBRA. 36 INDICES. 29 Multiplication: a' a}x c(^ = a}'^^ = a^, or ^^a^; EVOLUTIOS. 37 — C To form the H. F. of two or more 32 Otherwise. algebraical expressions Sfpanite the e.rprcHtiions into their simplcd fdctorx. The 11. C. F. will be the product of the factors co)nmoiL to all the exjyrGSsionSy taken in the loivest powers that orcur. : LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE. 33 The L. G. M. of two quantities hi/ the E. G. F. equal is to their product dicided — 34 Otherwise. To form the L. C. M. of two or more algebraical expressions Separate them into their simplest The L. G. M. will he the product of all the factors factors. that occur, taken in the highest powers that occur. : Example.— The H. and the L. C. M. is and aXh-xfc'e C. F. of a\h-xfchl a'{b — xY'c'de. is a=(6-.r)V EVOLUTION. To extract the Square Root of S\/a powers and reducing ., Arranging accoi'ding expression becomes 35 Detaching the 41a 3a \/a "'-—^ to of a, 2- , 16a2-24;a'-|-41a-24a5 16 coefficients, the work , , + 16-+'- is to one denominator, the +16 as follows :- 16-24 + 41 -2-4 + 10 (4-3 + 4 16 8-3 -3 -24 + 41 24- 9 8-6 + 4 ' D Result li. 32-24 + 16 -32 + 24-16 — — =a — ^v/a+l 4a — 3o* + 4 ' T / , 1 ALGEBRA. 38 To extract the Cube Root 37 Sx' of - 36a;'' ^ij + 66x'y - 63xhj ^y + 33,cy - 9^- ^y + y\ The terms here contain the successive powers of .r and \/y detaching the coefficients, the work will be as follows: — therefore, III. II. I. 6-3) -6) ; 8-36 + 66-63+33-9 + 1(2-3 + 1 12 -18+ 9^ EQUATIONS. = {^-f/Y = 42 (.r-//)-'+4r//. 0^'+.y)' 43 44 39 (.r+//)'-4f//. Examples. 2 y g^ - b' + ^6' - x' _ 3 y/g^ - + y/r- //- v/c^-o^ ^Z'^ y/c^-rf^ ,[38. 9(r-a;^) =4(r-tZ-), a^ To simplify a compound = y^c'+w fraction, as ' a^ — ab + h-.,+ 1 a- + ah + li- 1 1 a*— a6 + 6* a* + ab + b'' multiply the numerator and denominator by the L. C. M. of denominators. (a^ + ab + b') + (a'-ab + b')^a- + lr Result ab (a- + ab + b')-(a--ab \-b') all the smaller QUADKATIC EQUATIONS. '2(1 46 If «cr-+2^>( -fr an even number, .i' = (I that ; is, if = . Method of solution without 47 Divide by = U. = 0. x'— -—x+ 2.r— 7« + 3 Ex.: 2, the coefficient of 7 3 2 <j - the formula. ,r be — , 40 ALGEBRA. w n Complete ^1 the square, 7 2 x^ /7\- , x-\- { 2 Take square re— root, 4 \ — 4 49 3 25 = —- 16 2 16 = ±— 4 = ^^ = "4 3 or -2* Rule for "completing the square" of an expression 48 — 49 = / .r 33^ . fci' : Add The " the square of half the coefficient of solution of the foregoing equation, employing formula (45), = _fc±v/fe2_4^^ 2a 7±5 = 7^y49_24 4 = -^ = o ^ like x. is 1 "' 2- THEORY OF QUADRATIC EXPRESSIONS. If a, /3 50 be the roots of the equation ax--\-hx-\-c a.v'-]-kv-{-c 51 Sum 52 Product of roots = a+/8 of roots a/3 = 0, then a {a—a){.v-S). =— = -. a -. a Condition for the existence of equal roots b^—4<ac must vanish. 53 54 The solution of equations in one unknoAvn quantity may sometimes be simplified by changing the quantity sought. Ex.(l): 2.+ «»L-l+ Sx + 1 6.^- + 5.g-l ^ 3a; +l l^Lte + bx—l =14 (1). dx' + 1) ^ + bx — l 6(3j; 6ar -^^^^ j^ (^)- . EUi'ATloXS. thus - = i^- + y 41 y y having been dcUrininetl from this quadratic, x 55 Ex.2: a;H is = x-\ ij, (2). +X+-- =4. -, (..!)%(.. l) = Pat afterwards found from and solve the qnadi-atic c. in y. X 56 l'^>i- x' '^ + x+^^2x' + x + 2 2x- lx^ Put v2x*-\-x + 2 57 Ex.^: = y, = -iy +1 + X + S v/2.«* + x + 2 = 2, = 4. + x + 2 + 3y/2.x^ + x + 2 and solve the quadratic ^^"+3|v.= 'i '' 2 , + 3 ' ? ¥-' Iti = 3 2.1 A quadratic in y Tojind Md.vitnd 58 Q Ex.— Given to find what value (ind MininKt rahn'.s 1 1 (I hi/ menus of a (h'd t ic Ju/ uatiou. ;/ of x will =z x^ = make 3.r y a + G.c + 7, maximum or mitiimnm. Solve the quadratic equation 3.c' + 6a; + 7-y = 0. ^^ -3±y3y-12 Tl,>,s ,.45 o In order that .r may be a real quantity, we must have '^y not less than 12 therefore 4 is a minimum value of //, and the value of x which makes y a ; minimum is — 1. O ALGEBBA. 42 SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS. General solution unknotvn quantities. icith tu-o Given 59 (ti^v-\-b,ij = Cil ^^. — c,b, a.a-[-b,i/=eJ' — cA ^ ^ c,a,-c,a, h^a.—b^a^ a^h.—a,h^ ' General solution with three unknown quantities. 60 = (U\ chA^-{-b,y-^c,z Griven = dj + (h (brC,-b,e,) a..v-\-biy-^c.z oe _ d,(h,c,-hc.?i + d, {b,e,-b,Cs) niid — b.eyY ^ «i {b-2Cz—bsCo)-{-ao {hc^—b,Cs)-\-a3 {biC. symmetrical forms for y and z. Methods of solving simultaneous equations bettceen two unknown x and y. quantities — Find one unhioivn in terms of the I. By substitution. other from one of the tivo equations, and substitute this value Then solve the resulting equation. in the remaining equation. 61 Ex.: .r + 52/ 77/ From (2), y = 4-. Substitute in (1) .i- IL By 62 Ex.: Eliniinitc l)y + 20 the = (1)] {-I)]' thus ; .r=3. 23, method of Multipliers. + 5y = 36 2x-:hj= 5 '6x .» = 23 = 28 (1) \ (2)V multiplyincr oq. (1) by 2, and (2) by 3; thus 6x + l0y 6x— = 57, .'/= 3; I9y ,T = = 72, % = 15, 7, by subtraction, by substitution in Lt[. (2). . I'Uil'ATJONS. 63 Til. 4'.\ clKm^,in^: thr (/unnfitirs />// x-y= 2 + + = :iO Ek. 1: .r-2/- Let + .(• v/ a- = // (1)) (-1))' — = x ", .sou;iIif. i\ if Substitute tliese valiius in (1) and (2), uv +u = 30 n = = 10 x-\-i/ From which 64 ^* x 2 -Ltl Ex.2: =6 + X — 1J Substitute ;: for ^^^' in (1) x-y ; 10, and = // 9 (1) + 7>r = 0i (2) ; 2.-^1^ ,. = 2-^-92+10 From which =~ z or —!^ = 2 x-y From which Substitute in (2) ; or 65 Ex.3: '.iy .'/ = 2 ^ ~ 77? 3.j; Divide each (juantity by xy and a-y 3.vy x — »/. = 6, (1) ) (2))- ; ^ « =1 V and (I) by *' 3, (^)) f - + ^=3 2,- — 7 ^"'^ '*^~ ~^'^' = ^+ y Multiply (o) by 0. 2, or or + 5^= 2x + 7y 0; = I — x tlius -i. = 10 ^l^JL x+y z' ) • (I, I and by subtraction y i.s eliminated. ALGEBRA. 44 66 % IV. tfhen the equations are tx, in the terms tvhich contain + 7.ry = 52/^ ^x-^ = n h^x' + ltx' = 6fx' (1), bx-Stx and, from (2), = = a' and y. (1)7 (2)5" 52x^ Ex.1: From = y substituting homogeneous (3) j (4))' 17 6t\ 52 + 7t (3) gives substituted a quadratic equation from whicli t must be found, and its value in (4). tx. X is thus determined and then y from y = ; Ex.2: 67 From from 2x'' + xy + '3y' = 3y-2x= (1) | (2)3' 4 = tx, by putting y x'(2 + t + 5t') (1), a. (2), squaring, a;' = 16 (3)) (3^-2)= 4 (4)3 (9^^-12^ + 4) 9t'-12t + 4^ a quadratic equation for t l6 beino- found from . ' = 16 = 2 + + Sf, ; t t. tliis, equat'on (4) will determine x ; and finally y — tx. RATIO AND PROPORTION. 68 \i a\h v. e \ d\ then ad a-\-b __c-\-d d ~~b 69 a ^ ' = be, — b _ e—d b ~ d " T = 17 = 7 = '^" """ ' and —= — a-^b a—b ^ ' ; _ e-\-d c—d T - i+</+/+&c.- General theorem. 70 := kv. = k say, ^b = 4d = 4 J If . ^ ^ pa'' then + f/c"-]-re" + Szc. } I lpb"-\-qd"-\-rf"-^&G.)) where /), in (71). q, r, Sic. arc any quantities ^vhatever. Proved as 6 . AND ritOPOHTlON. 72/1770 45 — Rile. To verify any equation between such proportional quantities: Suhsfifufe for d, r, c, (Jv., their eqiiicalenta kh, Inly kj\ ^'c. respect Ivcl ij, in the given equation. 71 Ex. — If a '.h c '.: show that to d, : y/g — _ \/a ^c — d Fni kb for and kd a, for c — \/b Vc— -/d thus ; ^/a^> x/c-d ^/kb-b s/by/k-i s/b -^kd-d Vds/k-l ^d Va-K/ h ^ Vkh-Vb _ v/6 Vc-Vd ~VdWk-\) s/kd-Vd ( x/k-1) ^ v^ -/d' Identical results being obtained, the proposed equation 72 li a a then : di: \^a : a' : :: d I cr c The 73 c : : a Also b : : a^ : must be e &c., forming a continued proportion, '. fr, the duplicate ratio of a I b, b^, the triplicate ratio of a I b, ^^h is the subduplicate ratio of a : 6, is the sesquiplicate ratio oi a : h. h^ true. fraction -^ is made and so on. to approach nearer to unity in by adding the same quantity to the numerator and denominator. Thus value, -—!— 6 IS nearer to — than 1 — is. f) aj Def. The ratio the ratio ac Id. 74 is + compounded of the ratios a : b and c : d : 75 li a : b c :: ing ratios, aa : d and : , bl/ :: cc' : a' b' :: : c' : d' ; then, by compound- dd'. VARIATION. 76 77 • • rt If ^ Gc^ 7 ^ and 78 and If If oc c - [ coed) <t i.u , Ij a c, then ac cc^) ^ve then (a + b) cc LI and1 bd a and \/ab a c. — — '^ "' oc c may assume cc c d = hib, where m is some constant. r1 r . ALGEBEA. 46 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. General form of a series in A. P. a + 2f/, « + ;W, = first term, a d = common difference, = last of n terms, s = sum of n terms then 79 a, a-\-{n a-\-(I, — l)d. / ; 80 I =a-[-{n-l)d. 81 * = 82 s={2a-\-{n^l)d}^. Proof. —By (« + I /) writing (79) in reversed order, and adding both series together. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. General form of a series in G. P. 83 a, ar, a r I s 84 ar, «r" "^ ar^, = first term, = common ratio, = last of n terms, = sum of n terms = ar"-\ ; then l 85 s If r =a — r be less than 1, s= 86 Proof. series — (85) is or 1 and n be -i^, I— a — infinite, since r" = 0. obtained by multi]>lyiiig (83) by from the other. r, and siil)(racting one — PEIiMUTATlONS AND COMIHSATIOXS. 47 HARMONICAL PROGRESSION. 87 cf, i_ 1_ -, , a 1 — 1 -y, a r Or when a 88 : b a :: -b b : between any three consecutive term 89 «^'' 90 Approximate sum ft + rf' the reciprocals &G. are in Aritb. Prog., , b Harm. Prog, when &c. are in b, Cy d, a of the series + 2d' a-^Sd , = of —c rehition subsisting tlie is terras. r^ -. ; [87, 80. {n-l)a-{n-2) n terms of &c., wlien d the Harm. Prog. small compared with a, is _ {a-{-(l)"-a" Proof. — By takintr instead the G.P. 2 1 , + 7— —77-0 + 91 Arithmetic mean between a and h = —^^. 92 Geometric do. = \/ab. 93 Harmonic do. = — The ; r^TK + ••• • —r. <t-\-h three means are in continued proportion. PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. 94 Tlie nui'iber of permutations of v things taken all at a thne = n{u-\){n^'>) — ...\\.'lA = n\ or ;i"". ho true for n things. Proof hy IxnucriON. Assume the Now take ?i + l things. After eaeh of those the remaining n things may bo arranged in n ways, making in all nX n\ [that is (»t + l) !J permutations of See also (23."^) for the mode of proof by w + 1 things; therefore, &c. ! Induction. foniiiila to ALGEBRA. 4S 95 The number time is P {n, P {n, Proof. —By (94) P (n, therefore ; -i- 96 The number time is G tions; therefore G {n, is G {n, r) r) is greatest of n things ^ things taken r at a ...(n-r-j-l) _ = 7T n^^^ r = things admits of r ! permuta- P{ii, r) -^ r! when r = ^u or i{n + \), according even or odd. The number 98 ; — — r) = C {n, n r). For every combination of 97 7i 1.2.3. ..r r\ {n as n out of each pei-mutation (n, r). ^ ' n(^>. of factors. - n{n-l)in-2) ~ r) ^ number left = . of combinations of denoted by r r,, {n—r)l (w-r+l) ... («—r) things are for = nl r = the r) Observe that r). = n (w-1) {n-2) r) n things taken r at a of permutations of denoted by ^ ' * is of homogeneous products denoted by H(y, ^ When = 1.2...r r is > n, this • V\ reduces to (>-+l)(>'+2)...(/^ 99 of r dimensions r). + >— 1) (V-I)! — PrOOK. Jl{n, r) is equal to the number of terms in the pi-otluct of the expansions by the Bin. Th. of the n expressions (1— a.i')~\ (1 — Z/.j)"\ (1 — cr)"', &c. Pnt a=-h (1-a:)-". =c= (128, 129.) &c. = 1. The number will be the coenTicIeut of x'^ in ri'lUil UTA TIONS AND COM I'.LXA TIOXS. VJ The niimbor of perimitations of n tliin<j:s tjiken all towhen a of them are alike, h of them alike, c alike, &c. 100 gether, a For, if the a things were permutations where there all is ... &c. would form a! So of b, c, &c. different, they now but one. The number of combinations of n things any^ of them will always be found, is 101 in ^1 c! ! r at a time, which = C(n-p, r-p). For, if the p things be set on one side, we have to add to them r—j) things taken from the remaining n—2) things in every possible way. C(n-\, /— 1) + C(;t-1, Theorem: 102 Peoof by Induction or as follows ; : >•)• Put one out of n G{u — l,r) combinations of the reTo complete the total at a time. there are letters aside; = C{u, r) maining 71 — 1 letters r C(n, /•), we must place with the excluded letter all the combinations of the remaining n—l letters /*— 1 at a time. be one set of P things, another of Q things, the number of combinations things, and so on FQIl ... &;c., the formed by taking one out of each set is product of the numbers in the several sets. 103 If there another of ii ; = P things will form Q combinations with second of the P things will form Q more combinations and so on. In all, PQ combinations of two Similarly there will be PQE combinations of three things. This principle is very important. things; and so on. For one the Q, of the A things. ; 104 On the same principle, if p, 7, r, &c. things bo taken out of each set respectively, the number of combinations will be the ])roduct of the iiuniberR of the separate combinations ; that is, = C{rp) . ('{Qr/) . C{Rr) ... Sec. 60 ALGEBRA. The number of combinations of n things taken m at a when p of the n things are alike, q of them alike, r of them alike, &c., will be the sum of all the combinations of 105 time, each possible form of coefficient of (l^-.^' x'" in the m dimensions, and this expansion of is equal to the + ,T2+•••+.^'')(l+c^' + cT'-h...+a?'')(l^-T^-.^''+•.+.^'•)•••• The total number of possible combinations under the same circumstances, when the n things are taken in all ways, 106 1, 2, 3 at a time, ... 7i = (p+l){g+l){r+l)...-l. The number 107 m ! and the when they are taken m be equal to the product of in the expansion of of permutations ways at a time in all possible coefficient of x'" will &c. SURDS. 108 To reduce >/2808. Decompose the number into prime factors by (360) thus, ; = y2\ 3M3 = 6 Vl3, h' c' h c- = a' h" c = V28iJ8 ^a'" 109 6'" c^ = a'» To briug 5^3 110 To y^ z' c' Vh6' an entire surd. to = yi875, = a;- y^ z^" = V^z^. 5y;3 a;» fV' b'^" = vo'. 3 rationnllse fractions hnvinf:; .surds in their drnnminators. j_^ y?. 1 ^ ^49 ^ y4o its . SUIiVS. 111 61 .J3^o=^^r-'<"^^'^°'' since (9 ^^^ - ^80) l+2y8-v/2 (l ^ + ^80) = (9 (1 81 - 80, by ( 1) 11 + 4/3 + 2y3)'--J + 2/3+^2) (11-4/3) 73 1^3 Put „ 3*--i*" ?/3-v/2 3* = a-, 2' = — . thereiore ij, and take G the L.C.M. of the deriominafors 2 and 1 -= 3' 3, tlien + 3«2' + 352* + 3'2» + 3«2« + 2* z 3i-2* 3^-2' = 3 y9 + 3 y72 + 6 + 2 yG48 + 4 y3 + 4 v/2. 114. ^^^ if Here the . y3+/2 result will be the same as in the last exainplo the signs of the even terms be changed. [See 5. 115 A surd cannot bo partly rational that is, y/a cannot rrovcd by squaring. be equal to >^''h + c. ; 116 117 he product of two unlike squares 'J ^7 X y/'^ The sum or = is irrational; ^/2], an iri-atioual (piantity. difference produce a single surd; that of is, two unlike surds cannot \/a-\-x/h cannot be equal 15y S(jnaring. to \/c. 118 If " -\- \/m = J'i-^'^n; then a Theorems (115) 119 If = h and w = n. to (118) are i)roved indirectly. ^/a+ then By squaring and by (HH). W>= ^.c-\- s^ij, — 52 ALGEBRA. To express 120 in two terms \/7 + 2V6. Let + 2v/6= ^x+^tj; v/7 +y = then x and X-2J by squaring and by (118), 7 = ^7'-{2^6y = a/49-24 = = 6 and y = .•. 5, by (119) ; 1. ic ye+i. Result General formula for the same \/a±^b=\/i{a-{-x/a'-b)±\/i{a-x/a'-b). 121 Observe that no simplification perfect square. To 122 Vb \/a-\- Let c must be found by x = = x-{- and 3.t; is a perfect cube. = x+y7j. .-. ; y9v/a — 11n/2 9 v/3 a^—h c= ^49- 50= -1. x=\, y + = 7 Result Ex. 2: = a, effected unless is \^y. from the cubic equation V7 + 5^2 Ex.1: Cubing, a = cv'^—c. 7/ simplification 4.(;* is y/a^—b. trial 4cr^— SccV No —b v/a+ Vb. simplify Assume Then effected unless a' is - 11 v/2 = liy2 .-. .r = = a; v/.x' 9v/3 .-. = = ."{ 1 + v/2. v/-T+ v/y, two different surds. + 3.« y?/ + Sy ^x ^y^y, (.T + %)ya;-) (:3x- and + 2/)y2/) ?/ = 2. . ' .^^o^ ^ ^ lUSOMlAL THEOREM. 123 To simplify Assume v/(12 53 v/(12 + 4y3 + '4yr) + 2yi5). + 4v/3 + 4v/5 + 2yi5) = ^x^ ^y-\- ^z. Square, and equate corresponding surds. Result v/3+yi+-/5. To express \/A + B in the form of two surds, wliere A are one or both quadratic surds and n is odd. Take (/ such that q (A^—B-) may be a perfect n^^ power, say />", by 124 and B Take (361). s and the nearest integers to V'y t (^4 + /?)'' and Vq{A--B)\ then 2Vq Example: y89y8 + lU9y2. A =89^3, B = 109^/2, To reduce Here A''-B' = vq (A + By = 9+f l; .-. f \ p=l ^qiA-By=l-f\' Result and q = I. being a proper fraction ; .-.8=9,1=1. i(^9 + l + 2±v/9 + l-2) = y3+v/2. BINOMIAL THEOREM. (n+by 125 126 General or (/•4-l)^" = term, r! 127 or , a"-n/ ''[, , if If b n be a positive integer. be negative, the signs of the even terms will be changed. — , ALGEBRA. 54 If n be negative expansion reduces to tlie {a+br^ 128 = General term, 129 v\ Elder's proof.— Let the expansion of (1 +.'«)", as in (125), be called /(7i). Then it may be proved by Induction that the =f{m + n) f{'>n)Xf{n) equation (1) m and n are integers, and therefore universally true when because the form of an algebraical product is not altered true by changing the letters involved into fractional or negative is ; Hence quantities. /(m + ?i+j9 + &c.) =fim)Xf{n)Xf(p), Put = 71= = &c. 7n theorem to 2^ is Jc terms, each equal —, and the proved for a fractional index. —n for m in (1) thus, whatever n may be, Again, put ; f{-^i)Xf{n)=f{0) = l, for a negative index. which proves the theorem 130 &c. For the greatest term in the expansion of (a-^-by, take {n-l)b ^ c {n^-l)b or of -—f' ° a — of— a-{-b ... r = the mtegral part -, ^^ ^^ according as n is positive or negative. But if b be greater than o, and n negative or fractional, the terms increase without limit. Examples. Required the 40th term Hero By r (127), = 39 ilio _42! a ; term / y!3i)!\ _ = will 1 ; b ( 1 = - — '- ; n= 12. he 2..\-_ :W (.f _ ^-^ . iU-i^. (2.,-y« 1-2.3 \sl (^(3^ ^ ' lilNOMIM. TllbUiUKM. Roqniied the Slst term of (a — .r)"*. Here By r = 30 h=-x\ ^~^^ 7i ; (129), the term = — 4. is ^ 4.5.6...80.:U.:V2.:i1 " 1.2. 3... 30 ( ^_ 31 .82. 33 - 1.2.3 -a" «•'" ,>. -^^ IleqairoJ the greatest term ia the expansion of 131 — = Here n (l-|-.r)"'. = -6 a thert'foro a ^^ = h 1, _ 5x|> _ (n-l)fc = 231 — ''^ ^^ — when a x in the formula . 1-H- r = 23, by (130), and the greatest term 24 .25 .26 .27 lU^ ,.o3 5.6.7...27 /14\'»^ _ ~^ ^ 1.2.3... 23\17/ \17/' , 132 We fore Find r>Jt + l negative term in the expansion of (2a + 3&)'*'. tlie fir.st must take r the first integer = V +1 = 6| 14 8 17 11 which makes n — r-\-\ negative; there= 7. The term will be therefore r 5 8 2. 1"\ C , (2(7)-»(36/ by (126; 17. 14.11 85^2^ "1 J/_ . 7! 133 Required the ooeffioient of .?;" in the (2«)5' expansion of — i- -^ j . g±M=(2.3..V(2-a.r'=C^)'(i-^)-' the three terms last written being tliose which produce by the factor (l-|-3a;-|- Jx*) for we have .r'*' after niultiplyii ; 33(|)%3„.x3^(^;:-)%lx35(|)^' giving for the The coeflicit nt of J'" iu the result coefficient of j" will in like jnanjicr be Ibi /' i !] ". ALGEBRA. 56 134 To write the coeflBcient of The general term (2jt + l-r)!r! Equate 4n—4r + 2 in the expansion of (x- x^'"*^ ^) is to (2«+l-r)!r! x"- 3m+l, thus _4n — Sm + l . Substitute this value of r in the general term; the required coefficient becomes (2n+l)\ [i(4n + Sm + 3)]\ [i{4n-Sm + iy ae The value of r sho' shows that there is no term in x^'"*^ —— "^."^ unless An 135 l-\-7iXy 136 the is an ** integer. Ex. first approximate value of (1+a?)", when x is small, x^ and higher powers of x. is by (125), neglecting — An approximation to two or three terms (1000-1)* = \/y99 by Bin. Th. (125) is obtained from of the expansion of 10-1 . 1000-5 = 10- 3^^ = mi- nearly. MULTINOMIAL THEOREM. The general term expansion of (a-{-hx-\-cx--\-&G.y in the «(»-!) (»-2)...(p+l) ^^„ j,^,^^, j3, ql rl si where is ,^„«r..,.. ... + r + 5+&c. = j;-f-r/ n, and the number of terms p, q, r, &c. corresponds to the of terms in the given nndtinomial. ]> is integral, fractional, or negative, according as n is one or tlie other. number If 138 n be an integer, (137) may bo written ]' , pi a' h" , (/ . r\ (•• </, . . . .r''+2''+3., , .V I I neduccd fi-om Mio Tliii. Thoor. MUI/VISOMIA L TIIKOUEM. Kx. 1. — To write Hero put )/= 1(». ,. f = lie enofficient of a'fec" in tlieoxpanfiinii of {n +{> 1, i> = q=\, 'A, 10! Kesi.lt :^! Ex. 2. — To obtiiin 57 till' *- = = r., s = () -f in (IMS). 5 CDcflSc-icnt of .r* in tlio cxiciusion ol (l-2,« + 3.i'»-4a;')'. Here, compariiii,' with (l;{7), we q 1 liave + '2r ii + = ;is- \, h = = —2, c = 8, :i, </ = — 4, r + i/)" : ALGEBRA. 58 Employing formula (137), the remainder of the work stands as follows 2M-^})(-l)'"'^"^-*''(-'>"= iT(-i)(-|-)(-|)l-^^=(-4)'(-)»= Result 139 The number nomial {a-\-h-{-r--\- The greatest m terms)", Proof. notation n 15 22f of terms in the expansion of the multin terms)'' is the same as the number of to homogeneous products and (98). to " of n things of dimensions. expansion of coefficient in the being an integer, /' See (97) {a-{-J>-\-<^-{- is — By making the denoniiuator in (138) as small as possible. is The explained in (96). LOGAEITHMS. 142 log,, Def. — TJie ^^' = •^' signifies that a' = N, or logarithm of a nmiiber is the power base must he raised to produce that number. 143 144 = log MN = log—- = log.« = log:;/ j/ = log (3/)" l, log 1 to irliirJt tin = 0. log 3/4-log N. log .1/ — log N. «log3/. J- log J/. [li'^ ; EXPONENT! A L 145 '"f^"' — ^ Til IKlU EM. 59 n;;77/ In miij Imsr is niiml fo nuMibcr dlrulitl hi/ fhc /ni/(irifhiii of the hdur, the two last named logaritlnns being taken to any tlie Tliat (he is 'riir loijnvitJnn- same of a lixjiirilhiii of innnhrr flu' l^ase at ])leasui'e. Pi;(iOl'. — c Let, log,. u = a" = = .)' and h"; .'. \i)<y,.l,= i/\ a = b", ihvn a that = c-'', is, b = r". \o<r,^a = Eliiiiiiuitc y 146 l<>K/.<^ = ,—^- ,og,„.v 147 •'>'< '•=--" ii' <. -' y. e. d. (1 ^5)- = ;2gby(l4n). called the modulus of the common system of logarithms that is, the factor which will convert loi>arithms of nnml^ers calculated to the base e into the corros]~)ondino; loo-nrit1ims to See (154). the base 10. is EXPONENTIAL THEOREM. 149 where *' c = + r.r + '-^ + '^ + etc., 1 = {a-])-\ ('(-\Y + \ (n-\y-Scc. = fl + (a — l)j^ Ivxpand tliis Ijy JJinomial Thcoiviii, ami thus c is obtained. A.ssnme r.,, c„ Arc, as the coefficients of the succeeding poweis of ;r, and with this assumption write Form the product of the first two ont the expansions of a"", a", and a'"*". Therefore equate series, which product must be equivalent to the third. In the coefficient of .c in this product with that in the expansion of a'*". the identity so olitained, equate the coefficients of the successive powers of y to determine Cj, f,, &c. PiJOOF. n^ collect the coedicients of .c ; . ALGEBRA. 60 Let be that value of a which makes e 150 ''^^ = Proof. 152 = = a 154 \og,n a; 1 =1 \og{l-.v) 158 for and > 2/^ + lot,^ (// ^ ,t = c in (150), we = log^ a. obtain Therefore by (149) .,.-£- + :;^_±-+&c. = -.v~:^-^-'^-&c. ,r »» [154 4 + :^ + 4^+&c.^-. in (157); tluis, )^ +|(!^y'+i(^f+&c.( + (m-\-l Put ^ 159 is, c l..sl±£=2J,, = (2;»5). in (1-^0). — l..g», [See {a-l)-i(a-iy-hi(a-iy-&G. 156 Put then ^ that e"" ; l«g(l+.r)= .-. , + + ^ + ^ + ^^- in (149) 155 157 1 '2-718281828... — B}^ making x = By making = = i + .,.+ |l4.i_4.&c. ,.' 151 c for ,r in ,\\m-\-\' thus, (157); ^ 1 + !) -loi^M* ;)\m l' ) CUNTIS ri:i> FRA < "I'lOXS. <;i CONTINUED FRACTIONS AND CONVERGENT S. 160 ill tlu" 'l^> liii'l foiiV('rt<( Ml rule for 100000 99113 II. ('. F. ts to 3-M.i:)9 = ;n4ir,<> roceea hh d ALGEBBA. 62 The convergent /i"' is (lnqn-\-\rqn-l 7» The true value therefore of the continued fraction will be expressed by p^anPn-r-^Pn^.^ 163 (f„q»-i-\-qn-> in which fraction ct'^ is the complete quotient or value of the continued commencing with 164 a^. Pnqn-i—Pn-iqn = ±1 alternately, by (162). The convergents are alternately greater and less than the and are always in their lowest terms. original fraction, 165 The difference continued fraction between F^ and the true value of the is < > and qniqn+qn+i) quqn+i Pkoof.— By taking Also F witli a less tlie ^« difference, - Y"^'"^^" b'irst class of continued [ Second otlier fraction Fnfrfion.s. class of contimu fraction. fraction. 1/ _ ^1 <'i hi, itc. (163) - according as F„ F'^ Grucral Theory of Vontlnucd 167 increases. is nearer the true value than any denominator. 166 l'\iFn+\ is greater or less than greater or less than i^,,+i. ill, n this difference therefore diminishes as and — are taken as positive (piaiitities. ^'2 ^h ''•— ''.{ — &c. is CONTINI'JJJ) Fh'AcriONS. '. (ion. Sec. ''' , tlir It' IVactiou is tcfiiKMl (•(nii/ioiKii Is of the coiit iiiiicd ;ii"(' compoiicnt he s in iiitiiiilc iiiiiiihrr, the coiit _f'\ 1 lit' iiiiicil 1'-i . ^1 Pa . _ tloiiotod l)v ki ^^2 ^^i and . ; 168 IViK'- said lo bo iuliniU-. Let the successive conver<ients bo ^'i {]^ law of formation of the convergents For /', I'^or so oi is r, I Pn •/« = = f. P„ <f„ Un 1 - I + + '^, />« f'n .' 7« - -1 { Pn ( V" = — " ftn pn ^^< qn-l—f^H Hn-l 1 '>„ />« .' [Proved by Induction. The between the successive differences of the by (108), relation converg-ents is, l^_lK^ 169 7»+i Take the 171 — h„..U„U !K_1K^\ sign for \q. qn^\ Un 7'', and The odd convergents th(> for i^, + v.-i ^ov ^, Vi I '. ^'•\ decrease, and the oven convero-onts, '-, ^-, '/•' S:c., continually qi i^^'O increase. ovorv even confollowing convergents. (lGi>) Every odd convn'oHMit vergent &c., continually V.t is less, than all is — greater, and l^i.i'. If the diffei-onco between consecutive convergents diminishes without limit, the infinite contiiuied fraction if the same difference tends to a fixed is said to l)e dcjiiilfr. value greater than zero, the infinite continued fraction is hidrfinifr ; the odd convergents tending to ..nc value, and the 172 even converu'ents to another. ALGEBRA. 64 F is 173 Proof. 174 if the ratio of every (|uotioiit to greater than a fixed quantity. definite component is — Apply F tlie (1(39) successively. incommensurable when tlie romponents infinite in number. is next arc* all V are proper fractions and Proof. 175 all (/„ — Indirectly, and if a by (168). be never less than /> + l, the convero'ents of positive proper fractions, increasing in magnitude, Pn and also increasing with 7^. By (167; and (168). ill this case, V be infinite, it is also definite, being a always =h-\-\ while h is less than 1, (175); and being less than 1, if a is ever greater than h-{-\. By (ISO). 176 = 1, If, if 177 V is incommensurable when it is components are all proper fractions and V (167), we have 180 If in the continued fraction always; then, by (168), 'p,^=^ hy-\-hih.2-\-h]^h.2,b-i-{- ... less than infinite in and q^z= to n terms, and the number. 1 , a„ = h„ -\- 1 p^^-{-\. 181 Ifj iu the continued fraction F, a,^ and h,i are constant and equal, say, to a and h respectively then ^,;„ and (/„ are respectively e(pml to the coefiicients of x!'"'^ in the expansions ; /. h - of 1 Proof. — p,i and — ax — 2 , q^ are the a-\-hv andT 1 J? w*'' tei-uis of — ^^c — .,. hxr' two recurring See (IGS) seiies. and (251). 182 /''> The is (I Scries info a dnitiuucil Fractiini. i + ^ + :!l + series to a continued fraction ('(jual poneiits v(»n'('i't ; second, and th(^ first, 1 ir,v u iii-{-i(.r ... +— 1^ 0^'^'^), with //-t-l"' coinj)on('iits u'i «,, ;/ -|- 1 com- being ,.r + "" -i<^' [Proved by Induction. COSTISUFA) FUACTIOXS. 183 Tlio scries -+ — + -^+...+ rr^r. is 05 o(|ual to ncnts, the ;i 1 r r rr, T coiitiimod fraction first, second, and // + !"' l\r J_ 'Hie sio-n of w in f'''\i'- ... ''» (1C»7), with components !JI_1±, may 184 ments .r" r'- ' be changed in // + coiiipo- 1 beini^- [Proved eitlicr of l)v In.lucfinn. the state- (182) or (18;3). 185 Also, if any of these series are convergent and iidinite, the continued fractions become infinite. find fhr rahir of a rnntinurd fraction with To 186 rrrnrrinii: qnitfirnf.s. Let tlie continued fraction be where ?/ = -- - Form the |/"' conso tliat there are m recurring quotients. 'Vhvu, by substituting the vergent for X, and tlie m^^' for //. complete quotients a„-\-i/ for a„, and a,,,.,,, -f-// for */„,,„ in (lC),s), two equations are obtaincMl of the from which, by (eliminating is obtained. terminimr //, a forms (iii;i(lr;it ic ;'' 1R7 i)i' !^^ Tf a colli iinicd I nii't ^h— ion, ;ni< El 7i' I^ (/" (miumI ion foi' (h-- ALGEBRA. 66 tlie correspoiKliiii^ by first (1<J8), ]iroduces tlie 1 convorgents vi '" "\ developed continued fraction hn (In then ; />„_! + (ln-l-\- (ln--2-\- + '" h, b. fh + «1 quotients being the same but in reversed order. tlie INDETERMINATE EQUATIONS. Given 188 = aa-\-hii c integral values of x and // wiiich satisfy the equation, the complete integral solution is given by from fractions, and free a, /3 .r= a — ht y where t is Example. Then X = fi+at any integer. — Given = 20, y = Src 4< = y= v.alues of x and y may be • .l. + r,M exhiliited as niuler: 2 .S -i 5 6 20 17 14 11 8 5 2-1 -1 -4 !) 11- 1!) 24 29 7/=-G For solutions tliat is, t must be I in positive integers 0, 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, or / 6, must If the equation be = solutions are given by ,v— lie 84 between \" 7 89 = 6j; and —t giving 7 positive integral solutions. (u—hjl tlie '2. = -2 -I x= 26 28 t 189 1 1 ; 20-:U\ x The = + -h/ are valnrs a-\-ht c ; — INDETEnMIXA TE EXAMPLK Here X = 4c -8// : = 10, // = ~ = 7+ ' ,/ The simultiinoous vahu'S -i -2 -9 ., ,j of ; fiinii.Nli :ill U und .r, /, -:i TIONS. li>. satisfy ilie equaticjii 7 t=-l) = -5 = -rA FA^J'A will he as follows // --2 -I 1- 7 10 3 7 1 solutions. tilt' * -5-1 : -J :; l:{ 10 I'.' 11 1.-) 19 1 positive integral solutions is infinite, ami the least positive integral values of x and ij are given by the limiting value of /, viz., The number of t>-\that mast be —1, is, t 0, 1, 2, 3, and t>-\-' or greater. 190 It" two values, a and /3, cannot readily be found inspection, as, for example, in tlie equation 17.t' dlridr In/ tions to t, f/ic an + 13// = huisf roi'ffirient, intc/jer; 14900, and equate 4a— 2 ; = l-.it. thus 4 Pat the re iiiaiiiliKj frac- thus *+'+ if ="«+!;, Repeat the process by 4 '" — ALGfEBBA. 68 Here the number integers ^ X. of solutions in positive integers 7 — , lymg between , and ~ Tq or 1137 -— - is equal to the number of ; ^^^ ^^Tf t^^t ; 67. is, — 191 Otherwise. Two values of x and y the following manner may be found in : Find the nearest converging fraction This is — By . (1G4) to 17 y^. 33 [By (160). we have 17x3-13x4 = -1. Multiply by 14900, and change the signs; 17 + 13 (-44700) which shews that we may ^ take = = , , ( /5 and the general solution may be = (59600) a ^^^ 59600 written = -44700 + 13/, y= 59600-17^. x 14900 -44700 This method has the disadvantage of producing high values of a and 192 The values of x and equation ax + bi/ satisfy the positive integers, which form two Arithmetic Pro- in //, = c, gressions, of which h and a are respectively the See examples (188) and (189). differences. 193 common Abbreviation of the method in (169). Example Put X 194 y8. : = 92, To ll.i;— 18;/ and divide by 9 ; = 63. then proceed as before. ohld'ni iiifriinil s(thitioN.s' nf (H-\-f)t/-\-rz = (I. Write the equation thus ax -{-III/ Put successive integers for ;:, = — (J cz. and solve for .r, // in encli cnse ItEDUGTION OF A QtlADJiATfC srUD. A QUA1>HATI(^ SLIHI) TO CONTINUED FRACTION. TO 195 GO Iv'KDlTCF] EXAMI'I-K : ^29= 5+v/29-r, = y29 + 5_ ^, v/29-:5^ '^^ 4 . ~ ^ 5 v/29 + " 2_ . , ~ 5 /29 + 3_ —4 - "^ 5 ^ 5 ^^29 + 2' v/29-3_ ^ 5 V ,29 + 5' "^^ ,'29 3' + v/29-5 , '^ 5-h 4 _ + "—4—- g ^ + 5 = 1U+ ^/29 A 29 -5 = 4 , ^V^29 + 2, :>' • ^ + 10 + v^29+.y v/29 + 5' Tlio (iiiotients 5, 2, 1, 1,2, 10 arc the gTcatest integers contained The quotients now tlie in the quantities in the first cohimu. recur, ami the surd \/29 is equivalent to continued fraction 1_ 1_ 1_ 5+ 2+1+1+ The convcrgents 5 T' 11 2' 1_ 1_ J 2+ 10+ 2+ 1+ 1+ to v/29, 27 10 3' 5' 1 1 formed as 70 727 13' 135' ] 2 in (IGO), will 1524 283' 2251 418' + c^c. be 3775 9801 701' 1820' Note that the last quotient 10 is the greatest antl twice the first, that the ><i'ron(l is the first of the recurring ones, and that the recurring quotients, excluding the last, consist of pairs of equal terms, <[iu)tients e(|ui-distant from the first and These properties are universal. (See 204 last being ecjual. 196 -210). To 197 Suppose for)) I m. the liiii'h ro)H'C)'i»'r)ifs rnpUllji. number of recurring (piotients, or any ALGEBRA. 70 multiple of that number, and let the m^^' convergent to \/Q be represented by F„,; then the 2??^"' convergent is given by the formula 198 i'or quotients. =i F„„ .Jf;,+ -^^- by (203) and (210). example, in approximating to \/29 above, there m 2x5 10 therefore, by = = Take i^,y = ^-— — the , ai-e five recurring ; convergent. 10^'^ 1820 Therefore F,, = {||^^ the 20^'' convergent to \/29 convergents is saved. ; 1820 ) )801 ) + 29x^ ^ and the labour 192119201 35675640^ of calculating the interveninf GENERAL THEORY. 199 'J'he may bo process of (174) = Tli(! Tl v/ (juotients tions on g '/,, rr,, a.^, tlie left. = f / iScc. , :- a. ^±^ = ..+ 200 exhibited as follows ''Q + r„,- 1 1 + a, -h a, 1 + a^-irScv. are the integral parts oF the fi'ac- A Ri'iDUCTios OF A 201 •'•I'intions coinicct 'I''"' r, r., Tlie r= (I. = ^/,. substitute for (/„ of : — All the (juantities 205 'I'Ik' 206 No 207 n 208 I'^or all >i /„ 'Hi'- The last The first (7o, 7-0, r., greatest or /• = 1, c is ^^''^^^t [By tliis r„ values of number (luotient becomes ^ ' ", Tndnctioii. wIh-ii of wliicli to (203) tlie following theorcius (/, r.,, r, and and c, r ai'e we <i„ ai'*^ positive integers. = a^. can be greater than then iii-c This gives '.)<)) 204 ii'S bo the complete quoticDt relations (1 tlie i^ it ^=:^ ^iiLZ!zL-_Lii!±l2_ v'^^ only the integral part. demonstrated (|ii;iiit — ,-.= ,r r()iivorn:(Mit to \/(? will ?/*'' The tnu> value 209 tlic rnniiiiiiii^- >:5 ^= By iii^- 71 h' srii'it. i>i:.\'r )'.,—( 202 is (,n' 2'/,. = a,. n groat(>r tlian 1, rt—r„ is < >•„. cannot be greater than 2a'l and after that the terms repeat. of (juotients is 2(i,, complete quoti(>nt that commence each is repeated is cycle of re}»eated terms. ^ \ '\ and ALGEBRA. 72 210 then be the last terms of the first cycle respcctivcly equal to rto, r.,, c-2', «,«-2j ''m-2j rp^ (187). are equal to a.^, r.^, r.^, and so on. I^et </,„, <*»n-ij '''m-ii c„,_2 r,„, r,„ Cm-\ ; ^^^'c EQUATIONS. Special Cases in the Snlntion of Simidtaneous Equations. 211 First, witli a^e-\-hyii If the = two unknown i\\ _ ^ denominators vanish, ^= «2 '\ quantities. _ cA—Co bi w^e and X ^1^2 — ^2 ^1 have = cc, ?/ = 00 ; b., unless at the same time the numerators vanish, for then a._h,_c,, 0. c./ ' a, ~h~ '^ ~ 0. ' and the equations are not Indepmdent, one being produced by multiplying the other by some constant. 212 Next, with three the ecpiations. If (l^, (L, (I,; unknown all vanisli, quantities. See (60) for divide each equation by two have three equations for finding the ratios -'- .v, and and we • , two only of which equations are necessary, any one being deducible from the otlier two if the three be consistent. 213 ^« solve simultaneous equulions bt/ huleterntnuitr Multipliers. Ex. — Take the equations + lip + 2// + + r,//+ 7,v+ bx + 8y-\- 10,v - 2/r 7x + 6y + + iw ,/' ;lv //• '5.'c 5,^ = = = = 27, -l-S, 05, 53. MISCELLANEOUS KQJWTIONS. 7:\ Multiply the first by A, the second by /?, the third l)y C, one C(inution nnnniltiplied and then add the results. leaviiiLi;- Thus ; + (2.l-h'")/>'4-8^' + (;)// + (;5J +7/>' + l()C'-f-5) .v-[-(4J + /;-26'^-4) w = 27-l + 18Zy + GoO + 5;]. (J+3//4-5r7-{-7)./' To determine either of the unknowns, for instance .f, equate the coefficients of the other three separately to zero, and from the three equations find A, B, G. Then * ^ 27J+48/y + G50 + o:] A + W-\-hG-\r7 ' MISCELLANEOUS EQUATIONS AND SOLUTIONS. ^''±1 214 Divide by x^, and throw into = 0. factors, by (2) or See also (o). (480). .r'-7d-i) 215 = i). = —1 is a root, by inspection; therefore ''+1 X Divide by x-\-l, and solve the resulting (quadratic. aH n; = 216 I' x*-\-lC).>- = + 2 •' .i;" Rrr-E. factors, — Divide if = l-j.'),/' is a factor. !'>''>. = -""^ (')<) X 7,/', 2' = 7. /i'' the absolute* terra (here possible, such that one of them, of the other, equals the coefficient of x. solution of a cubic equation. I. 455) into two minus the scpian* ^^ee (483) for i^cMicral ; 74 ALGEBRA, 217 = 145(>0, = «+v and .r*-i/ '*"t^^ .f Eliujiiiate c, and obtain a cubic 218 .i^-/ = 8. = z—v. .r-v 2/ in 2, = 3093, which solve as in (216). = 3. ci— 1/ Divide the first equation by the second, and subtract from result the fourth power of x—y. Eliminate {x^-\-if)j and obtain a quadratic in xij. tlie On forming Symmetrical 219 Expressions. Take, for example, the equation (y-c){z-h) 'Vo = aK form the remaining equations symmetrical with this, write the corresponding letters in vertical columns, obser\dng the circular order in which a is followed by h, h by c, and c by a. So with X, ;?/, and z. Thus the equations become 0/-rj {z-h) [z-a) Gr-e) {.v-h){y-a) To = a\ = b\ = c\ solve these equations, substitute x = h + c,-\-x\ y = c-\-a + y', and, ]nulti})lying out, and eliminating :: // =a and -{- ;:, b -\- ::' we obtain ^^ho{b + r)-a(lr-hr) hc niid tlicrefore, — ca — ab by symmetiy, the values of y and ;:, by the niK> just given. + + //- = ^r :^-^-.r-\-x.v = fr 'H/ + .*//-r^ 220 ••• // :5(//.r + .v.' + ,o/)-=r .^' :l/n--\-2r',r-\-2'rlr-a'-b'-c* (1), (2), (3); (4). — iMAniXAUY Now add (1), (2), and From (3), + // -|(4) and (5), (,r (o) are readily solved. and 221 and ;:) (2) Result by X" = «'^ (I), jr-z^=fr (2), z^-.n/=f- 05). (3./'//^ - Jf -if- X _ /A.2_ft^ Obtain o])tain obtained, and then (1), (2), and subtract (:>), X av(> is .,.-^^;/~ Mnltiply 75 i<jxi'i:j:ssi()xs. square of tlie ::'') (1). = h'<- -n\ y ^ (-V--/.* a'b''-r' by proportion as a fraction witli ^^^' ^ numerator = x^ — yz = a^. .v=n,-\-bz 222 ,^ z Eliminate a between (2) = = and (1), az^c.i (2), Lv-^(a/ (3). and substitute (3), tlie value of X from equation (1). — XieSUlC -r-" r^ '„ j: ;,- IMAGINARY EXPRESSIONS. 223 'Hic following are conventions : — equivalent to a^^{—li); that a y,/{ \) vanishes wlien a vanishes; that the symbol a, 1) is sub\'(— 1) is denoted ject to the ordinary rules of Algebra. That v/(-'f-) is y(— l)y /. ALOEBEA. 76 224 225 duct If a « = ?'/3 = and //3 7 a i^ -f- — /'fS then ; =y a and (i = B. are conjugate expressions ; tlieir pro- a- 4-/3-. The sum and 226 both + + real, 227 The modulus 228 If the 229 If two conjugate expressions are ])roduct of but their difference imaginary. is -\-x/a^+^^. is modulus vanishes, and a must vanish. /3 two imaginary expressions are equal, their moduli are etiual, by (224). sions of the product of two imaginary expresequal to the product of their moduli. The modulus 230 is Also the modulus quotient of their moduli. 231 of the quotient is equal to the METHOD OF INDETERMINATE COEFFICIENTS. + + + = + + .4' be an equa=. B'x -\- G'x' 232 If A Re a«tion which holds for all values of .^', the coefl&cients .1, B, &c. A', that is, B\ C G', &c. not involving ;r, then . . . = B= A— . -_. ; Proved by the coefficients of like powers of x must be equal. See (234) for putting X 0, and dividing by x alternately. = an example. METHOD OF PROOF BY INDUCTION. 233 Ex. — To prove that 5 Assume 1 +- + •» -\- ... +ir = - -"-. ; iwirriAL FiLurnoxs. = »(» + !) +6 (2n + l) 6 ^ (« + (n + 1)- ^ (m {n (2n + l) -l-G r«-H)} (5 lU» + 2)(2u + 3) _ n (n'+\){ 'l n+l) ' 6 G where + 1) ' n' is written for «+l o It is thns proved that i/ the formula he true for n But the formula true when n 4 true when >t is therefore it is therefore universally true. trial ; = = ; it is also true for n+ 1. 2 or 3, as may be shewn by actual therefore also when n 5, and so on = ; — 234 Ex. The same theorem proved by the method of Indetermiuate coefficients. Assume 1^2^ + 3-+.. .+n^ .-. 1 =A + Bn + 2- + 3-+. ..+»' + (« + !)- therefore, = .-l+5(/^ +Du^ +Cn^ +&c.; + l) + (7(« + l)- + D(n + l)'' + &c.; by subtraction, «H2n + l = B + C(2n + l) + D{3n' + Sn+l), which contain higher powers of n than the highest which occurs on the left-hand side, for the coefficients of such terms may be shewn to be separately equal to zero. Avriting no terms in this equation Now equate the coefficients of like powers of n 3jD= ; thus 1 1, , and ^ = 0; 2 ; ALGEBRA. 78 — 235 First. When there are no repeated factors in the denominator of the given fraction. Ex. —To resolve ^''^""^ 3a;—-— into partial fractions. "^ ^-2 "^ x-3 (a-l)(J"-2)(«-3) " ^:il = A(x-2)(!c-S)-\-B(x-S)(x-l) + C{x-l)(x-2). ' Sx-2 C do not contain then and Since A, B, of X, put x =l ; 3-2 = ^(1-2) Similarly, — :r—, {x—l){x—2){x—o) x, and this equation B = -4 .-. ; and, putting a; 3a; -2 Secondly. Ex. —Eesolve into These forms are necessary and 7x'-lOx' + 6x A \' 7 a;-2 2 (a;-3)' a repeated factor. fractions partial ^ lx^-\Ox'^^x (-^=i?(.:t^ . A^«"^« is = ^ 2(a!-l) —When there G .-. ^ __1 (a;-l) (a!-2) (a;-3) 236 values x be put if H ®°°® all A = ^. (1-3), from whicli = 2, we have 6-2 = i? (2-3) (2-1) = 3, 9-2 = 0(3-1) (3-2); true for is i- — B . j! -.,„' (a;— 1)^(33 + 2) - C ^ D = (^^» "^ (^::ir "^ ^^ "^ ^rr2sufficient. Multiplying up, we have = A ix-\-2) +B (x-1) ix + 2) + C (x-iy(x + 2) +D (x-iy (I). Makea; = l; Substitute this valne of 7x'-lOx' + 5x-2 Divide by a; —1 ; X = 1 = ^(1 + 2); A thus in (1) ; .-. ^ = 1. ^ B (x-].){.v i2) + C (x-iy(x + 2)+D (x-iy. thus 7x'-Sx + 2 Make 7-10 + 6 .'. = B(x + 2) + C(x-l)(x + 2)+D(x-iy 7 again, Substitute this value of B -3 + 2 = in (2), J? (1 + 2) ; .-. B= (2). 2. and we have = G (x-l) (x + 2) +D (x-iy. + 2 = G (x + 2)+D (x-l) time, 7 + 2= C (1+2); C = 3. 7a;*-5a;-2 Divide by .T-l, Put a; =1 a thiwl 7a; .-. (3). 79 I'AirriAL FRACTIONS. Ijastl}^ make a; = —2 in (3), -14 + 2 = X>(-2-l); 1 Result 7 z—j. (a— 1)' + TTT H 7 is roots not repeated. Ex.— Resolve ,t—tw^2-. i. 4 , «-l (a;-l) Thirdly.— When there 237 D= .-. 3 2 H a; 2 +rii" a quadratic factor of imaginary — into partial fractions. ix , Here we must assume Cx + D Ax-{-B + + l) (a5»+l)(j!» a;^ a! +l x' + x+l' x-i-l and X- + X + 1 have no real factors, and are therefore retained as denominators. The requisite form of the numerators is seen by adding too'ether ° Multij)l}iiig up, 1 we have = a;- Substitute this value of = +l = repeatedly in (1) x^ coefficients to zero ; thus = -Cx'-Dx = (G-D)x + C-l=0. = 1, thus ^ ; 1 XT ^^'"'^^ (..^ Fourthly. _ = —When there of imaginary roots. 40.^' Cx + C-Dx- ' + l)(x^ + * + l) Rv —"Resolve ; .r 1)= 238 thus ; {Cx + D) i-x) or Equate z. repeatedly + + l=0; x-=-x-l. ar Substitute this value of (1). .'. ; .-. = + l) = Ax' + Bx = -A + Bx Bx-A-l = 0. 5 = 0, ^ = -1. let 1 0; (x' x^ = —I. (Ax + B) X coefficients to zero Again, r~,- x+d + x + l) + {Cx + D) (x' x- in (1) or Equate x+b the equation (Ax + B) Let 1 ——- ^ fractions, such as two simple ^ 1. ''+1 .tHx + 1 is — 103 _. ^ a-Hl a repeated quadratic factor ^ i)artiiil fractions. — ; ALGEBRA. 80 Assume 40.7; (x + -103 _Cx±B _ Ax + B ^ iy {x'-4x + Sy (.r2_4x + 8y (.'?;--4a; (.r+l)- = a;--'-4^ +8 -^ + -^; + 4- 40.t;-103 Ex + F + 8)- l' a; {iAx + B) + {Cx + D)ix-—ix + 8) + iEx + F)(x--4:X + 8y} + {G + H(x + 1)} (x'-4x + Sy to determine A and B, equate rt;-— 4a; + 8 {x + l)(1). In the first place, to zero thus a;2=4a;-8. Substitute this value of x- repeatedly in (1), as in the previous example, until the first power of x alone remains. The resulting equation is 40a; Equating -103= coefficients, we (17.4 ; + 65) -48^ -75. a? obtain two equations 17^ + 65= 40 48^ + 75 = 103)' ) .. , f ^^«--^^«^^ A = 2 B= l. Next, to determine and D, substitute these values of A and 5 in (1) the equation will then be divisible by a;^— 4a; + 8. Divide, and the resulting equation is = 2x + l3+{Cx + B+(Ex + F)(x'-4x + 8)] (x + iy + {G + H(x + l)]{x'-4x + 8y (2). — 4a; + 8 again to zero, and proceed exactly as before, when Equate finding A and B. Next, to determine E and F, substitute the values of (7 and D, last found divide, and proceed as before. in equation (2) Lastly, G and are determined by equating a' + l to zero successively, a;'- ; as in Example H 2. CONVERGENCY AND DIVERGENCY OF SERIES. (7„, a„+^ auy two convergency may be applied. Tlie series will converge, if, after any fixed term (i.) The terms decrease and are alternately })0sitive and 239 Let ai-{-a.^-\-a;i-\-&c. consecutive terras. be a scries, The foUowino- and tests of negative. (ii.) Or if "(' n 1-1 greater tlian unity. is always (j renter than some (piantity SERIES. (iii.) Or if —— '''1 ill known a (iv.) Or tity greater (v.) Or + i.s never coiivei\u:ing series. if l-^—n) 241 The tjreafrr than some (juan- [% - than unit3^ if l^-^—ii — l]\og)i The conditions (i.) always is always is tl' i/rrdfcr and tlian unity. of divergency are obviously the converse to (v.). series converges, ai-^a.,x-\-a.iX^-{-&c. always less than some quantity p, and x loss than if ^^ 1 [By 239 242 To make (iiiantitv /s iii. ^ some quantity greater than of rules less tluui tlic corrcspoiidiii^ I'atio 1 V^'»j+i 240 81 the make ,v sum (ii.) of the last series less than an assigned less than , , I' hvincr the o^reatest co- efficient. Grnrral Tltcnron. 243 If ('") be positive for all positive intec^ral values of .r, and continually diminish as <> increases, and if )n be any positive integer, then the two series •/> <^(l) + (^(2) + (^GJ) + ^(l) + <li{l)-\-m(f>{m)-\-m-4>{m-)-\-m''(t>{m')-Y arc either both coiivern-ent 244 is Ajiplication of tliis oi* diverofent. theorem. diverjT^ent or convero-init when p 41 To asc<'rtain whotlier the is «^i-eater than unitv. ALGEBRA. 82 Taking m = 2, tte second series in (243) becomes 1.2,4,8,0 ^ ^ ^ 2'^ 8^ 4p a geometrical progression whicli converges 245 series of I'lie which --:- ^,- (log ny' convergent if j9 be greater than unity, not greater than unity. is therefore the ; the general term is ?i The 246 series of and divergent if p be [By (243), (244). which the general term is 1 n\{ii)X'{n) where \ (n) V{n){r^'(n)}^' signifies \ogn,X'^{n) signifies log {log ()i)}, and convergent if ^ be greater than unity, and divergent [By Induction, and by (243). be not greater than unity. so on, if j) 247 is The series ai + cu + SLC. ncu log (n) log2 {n) is convergent if log''(7i) {log,^i {n)y greater than unity always finite for a value of p here signifying log (log iz), and so on. is ; log'' (7;) [See Todhunter's Alr/ehra, or Boole's Finite Bijjcrences. EXPANSION OF A FRACTION. 248 A fractional expression such as :, —— \ 42.' —--'. 10a3 —-- bx-\-l\x^ — may Q>x, be expanded in ascending powers of x in three different ways. First, by dividing the niiraerator by the denominator in tlie ordinary way, or by Synthetic Division, as shewn in (28). Secondly, l)v the metliod of Indeterminate Coefficients (2:32). Thirdly, by Partial Fractions and the Binomial Theorem. — SERIES. To expand by Assume '^''^ method tlie proceed as follows 83 of Indeteriiiiii:ite CoefficiLiits : = ~\^'^' , . 4x-lUr = .1+ , -1 + ^'•'- + C.>- + J).c' + E.v' + & c. llx+ Cx--\- nx''+ Ex'+ I<\r''+... — OAx— GBx-— GC'u;*- Gi*./;'— OiiV'-... + ll.lj;-4-ll/^a;' Et|uate cocUicients of like powers of .1 C- JJ- 6A 6B + IIA x, = = + liac*+llA/'+... 6Bx*- G^.V-... G.-Lc'- thus U, = 4, .-. J! =-lO, .-. C= 0, .-. 1)= 40; U, .-. E=UO; 0, .-. i''=;30-i; D-6C+UB-GA= E—6D + IIC— OB = F-6E + 11D-6C= I ; li; The formation of the same coefficients by synthetic division exhibited, in order that the connexion between tlio two processes clearly seen. The division of 4a; lO.r l)y 1— ('..i'-f U.r-G,/' is as follows:— is now may be — + 4-10 + 24 + 84 + 240 + GGO 6 -44-154-440-1210 + 24+ 84+ 240 + GGo -11 + 6 ^l If wc> ;i04.j;''— stop 'JTO/^ :it sum the term llO.r', then the undivided remainder will and the complete result will be lie + CtiOi/, 4.r 249 + 4+14 + 40 + 110 + 304+ F n C D E + 14x- + 40..H110. + ^_^^^,fZ:^- Here the conchidiiig fraction may be regarded as the to inlinity after original expression is four terms of the series, just as the considered to be tlie sum to inlinity of the whole series. Tf the general term be reipiired, the method of exSee (257), pansion by partial fractions must be adopted. wliere tlie Lrcneral term of the foregoing series is oljtained. 250 . ALGEBRA. 84 RECURRING SERIES. &c. is a recurring series connected by the relation a^^-\-(ii.i'-]- Uod'- -\-ayv'^-\- efficients are 251 (In The = Ih «« + - 1 Scale of Relation 7>2 «« - 2 + + Pm • • . if the co- (in - m- is 1 -PI^V -JhO^ —... —lhn^V''\ 252 The sum [The 253 of n terms of the series first m is equal to terms — l terms + the last term) m— 2 terms + the last 2 terms) —IhJC^ (first m— 3 terms + the last 3 terms) —piV (first tn —p^x^ (first -~i>i«-i'^'""^ (first —p,nX"' (the last term + the last m — \ terms) m terms)] -^ [l—p^.v—pocV^— — />,„cr"']. ... If the series converges, and the sum to infinity quired, omit all " the last terms " from the formula. 254 255 Example. — Required term, and the apparent 4'c sum + 14r + 40,v^ + Observe that six arbitrary is re- the Scale of Relation, the general to infinity, of the series 110,ii'^ + 304^^-8o4/+ terms given are sufficient to ... determine a Scale form l—px — qx' — rx^, involving three constants p, q, r, by (251), we can write three equatious to determine these constants The solution gives 110= 40p4- 14(2+ 4r\ namely, of Relation of the for, ; 304 854 = llOp + 402 + 14r k = 304;j+110g + 40rJ Hence the Scale The sum Pi = ^, Pi of Relation is 1 p = P3 The =6, first — 6xthe -I- 1 l.r 7 = - 1 1, = 6. found from (254), by putting m = 3. th ree terms two terms X the first term first r — 6.« + ll.r — 6.r^. of the series without limit will be = — 11» G, = 4,c + 1 4.r + = —24^-— 84a;* = + 44a;' 40.i-'' 4«-10a:- RE CURBING SERIES. 4.r-10x' ^^ - G.i; 1 tlie meaning i)f powers of x, the 256 which is tliat, terms first six To obtain more terms tlius the + 1 Ix* -<;.(•»' fmction bo expiunluil in asuentling bo those given in the question. this if will of the series, we may use the Scale of Relation ; 7th term will be (6 X 854- 1 1 X 30i + 6 X 1 10) = a:^ 2440a;^ find the general term, S must be decomposed into fractions; thus, by the method of (2'35), To 257 l)artial _ 4.B-10a;- l-6.c + By the Binomial , 1 Theorem ^, Sx — r-=-r l—zx — 1 2 8 1— 2x 1-a; , l-Sx ll.j;'-(3a;-' (128), = l+3.c + 3-.r + = - +S''x'\ + 2=.c + 2^r + + 2" * =-3-3.c-3.r - -Sx". Hence the general term involving '.c", x" is + 2''»'-3)x''. (;3'> And by this formula we can write the " last terms" required in (2.")3), and Also, so obtain the sum of any finite number of terms of the given series. by the same formula we can calculate the successive terms at the beginning expeditious than In the present case this mode will be more of the series. that of employing the Scale of Relation. into partial fractions for the sake If 5 in decomposing of obtaining the general term, a quadratic factor ^vitli imaginary roots sliould occur as a denominator, tlie same method 258 -<S' must be pursued, for the imaginary quantities will disappear In this case, however, it is more conSup[)ose the fraction a general formula. in the final result. venient to employ which gives rise to the imaginary roots to be L-\-Mx <i+b,r p and + x"- _ ~ L-\-Mx {p—r){q-x)' q being the imaginary roots of ri-{-hx-{-x' Suppose j) q = = a—ij^y = 0. (i-\-i)^, where i =v —1. , ALGEBRA. 86 If, uow, the above fraction be resolved into two partial fractions in the ordinary way, and if these fractions be expanded separately by the Binomial Theorem, and that part of tlie general term furnislied by these two expansions written out, still retaining j) and r/, and if the imaginary values of p and q be then substituted, it will be found that the factor will disappear, and that the result may be enunciated as follows. The 259 coeflQcient of ^ a;" in the expansion of L + iU.r be will ^g^-^[Ha«-'^-C(«,3)a"-^HC(«,o)a»-^'-...l ^^"+^^ 260 +C(«-l,5)«"-«j8»-...}. With the aid of the known expansion of sin nO term may be reduced Trigonometry, this formula for the 6 in wliich If n = tan — <^ = ti^'* tan be not greater than 100, sin (viO in to ^ L + 3/a — ^) may be obtained from the tables correct to about six places of decimals, and accordingly the «*'' term of the expansion may be found with corresponding accuracy. As an example, the 100*'' term in the expansion of ^ , to be To 261 41824 — ^ ., is readily found by this method -^- x^. „9 (/cfrrniinc whether a may Scries i.s rernrri)i;ii- (tr not. terms only of the series be given, a scale be found which shall produce a recurring If certain tirst of relation i>;ii'cn BECUBRINQ 87 Sl^RII'JS. The method is whose first terms arc those given. The innnber of niikiiowii coefficients exemplified in ('255). must be j), </, r, &c. to be assumed for the scale of relation equal to half the number of the given terms of the series, if If tlie nund^er of given terras be odd, that number be even. it may he made even by })refixing zero for the first term of the series. series Since this method may, however, produce zero values one or more of the last coefiicients in the scale of relation, it may be advisable in practice to deteruiine a scale from the first two terms of the series, and if that scale does not jn-oduce the following terms, we may try a scale determined from the first four terms, and so on until the true scale is arrived at. If an indefinite nnmber of terms of the series be given, we may find whether it is recurring or not by a rule of Lagrange's. 262 for 263 Let the series be S= A + ]Jx + G.r -h Dx' -f- &c. Divide unity by S as far as two terms of the quotient, wliicli will be of the form p-\-qx, and write the remainder in the form /S'V, S' being another indefinite series of the same form as S. Next, divide S by S' as far as two terms of the quotient, and write the remainder in the form S"x-. Again, divide /S" by S'", and proceed as before, and repeat this process until there is no remainder after one of the The series will then be proved to be a recurring divisions. series, and the order of the series, that is, the degree of tlie scale of relation, will be the same as the number of divisions which have been effected in the process. — To determine whether the series recurring or not. Introducing x, we may write KxAMi'LK. 45, ... 1, o, (i, 10, 15, '21, 28, is S Then we = .shall l+3.r + 6.r+10.rH15.):' + 21,/' + 2,V' + :](u''+45..:\.. have ' = 1 — ;lf4-... 6x' TlH-iir..io S'= ^vith a + 8.r' + 15.1!* + 24.c'' 3 -f- rcniaimler obx'' + itc. + 8.j;+15.7;-4-2kr» + .'3.V + A-c., .s" ;; 9 . .'U), ALGEBBA. 88 with a remainder Therefore we may Lastly -^„ + 8a;H -^ (.r = take S" = 3— .13 ().)' 1 +8.1- + 10.x-'^ + &c. ...)• + 6.r + 10a* + &c. without any remainder. Consequently the series is a recurring series of the third order. It is, in the expansion of fact, SUMMATION OF SERIES BY THE METHOD OF DIFFERENCES. — 264 Rule. Form successive series of differences until a series Let a, b, c, d, &c. be the first of equal differences is obtained. terms of the several series then the 7^^'' term of the given ; series is 265 a+i.-m+ ("-^(r'^ e+ ("-^("-f-^ .l+ The sum of n terms =„« + !^M4 + ^iIi=ii§^<- + &c. 266 Proved by Induction. 5 + 15 + 35 + 70 + 126 + + 10 + 20 + 35 + 5G + a...l+ Example: h ...4 c ... ... 6 + 10 (Z...4+ e The lOOti' term of ... 1+ tlie first ^ The sum 1 + ... series 1.2 ^ 1.2.3 ^ of 100 terms ,,,.,^100.09 == + 15 + 21+... 5+ 6 + ... 100+ , .100. 99. 98«j^ 100. 99. 98.97 ,, ^^ -^^4+-^-2r3-^+ FAiToh'fAl, 267 ililTtTeiices. — Given log 71, Form SO /•;>'. interpolate a term bclwecn two terms of u series by '^'-^ the motliod of Ex. ^ ,s7';/.7 log 72, log 73, log 74, it is required to find log 71 6 ... r ... (Z ... log 72 l-8ol2".83 log 73 ('itJG), log 74 l-8573:i2') l-8G:i3229 -0060742 •00r)9904 -0059088 --0000838 —00000-22 - -0000816 a... 7"2o4. I<>g tbo scries of diBerences from the given logarithms, as in 1-8G02:U7 coii.sidered to vimish. Log 72'o4 mnst be regarded as an interpolated term, the number of its place being 2-54. Therelore put 2-.'')l. for n in formula (265). log 72-54 Result = 1-8605777. DIRECT FACTORIAL SERIES. 268 5.7.9 + 7.0.11 Ex.: d = m= n a >*'• 269 term To = = common number first find the .1:3.15 + .. of terms, factor of sum first term —d. + n + i</) (^/ + + //<;/ r/). I of u terms. the last term with the ne.rt hitjlirsf fnrtor take next loiiwst factor, and dlrlde Ixj {m + 1 ) '/. — By Induction. Thus the sum n + 11 miml)er of factors in each term, thefi'i\st ti'Dii ir'ilh flie Proof. <.i.n .1;] difference of factors, == (fi-\-n(/) {a Rule. — Fnnii -I- = 4, a = 3, of 4 terms of the above series will be, putting d ^, h = = 2, vi — 3, 11.13.1 5.17- ^j^^, Proved either by Induction, or by the ractliod of . Indeterminate Coefficicnt.s. ) ALGEBRA. 90 INVERSE FACTORIAL SERIES. Ex.: 270 Defining ;}tii + 7^9_ii + 9.11,13 + 11.13.15+--- 5^7^9 d, in, oi, a as before, the 1 = term + n-\-l(I) (n-]-ud) {a To 271 factor, its last — d. of 4 terms of the above series will be, putting d 272 13.15 5.7 = ^'" = ^^ = 2, m = 3, 1 1 Proof. example. — id) Rule. From the first of n terms. factor take the last term wanting its first and divide hy (m — 1) Thus the sum ^^ {a-^n-\-m sum find the term wanting ... (3-1)2 • — By Induction, or by decomposing the terms, as in the following To sum the same series by decomposing the terms into Take the general term in the simple form Ex.: fractions. partial (r-2)r(r + 2) Resolve this into the three fractions its Substitute 7, 9, 11, &c. successively for equivalent the three series Ij 1+ 8 1 5 2^ C _ + _ _ 9 9 of n 2 1 2« 7 is +5 + 1 _ 2 +3 _ 2_ ) 2n + 5) 2 2» + 3 13 + _i_ + _l_ +^1-1, 7)* 13 2»i +3 2u + 5 2» +_l_l=Jil 2n + 7) 4(5.7 1_ (2» + 5) (2« — •^ -t- (2n + seen, Jiy inspoction, to he taking -—a result ol)taiiicd at once by the rule in (271), ^ '^ term, and series has for +_1_| 2u 13 11 11 11 terms 1(1_1_ 8(5 2 +i 1 + 1 +1_+ j 8l and the sum 1 9 7 '7 8 I 1 2 1+ and the given r, .-- + 3)(2n + 5)(2n + 7) 5.7.9 for the »i"' or last term. + 7} ] ' 3 for the first G ; FACTOh'IAL SERIES. 273 Analogous and (270), or else shewn in (272). terms -J_+_i_+__7__+_10L.+ Ex.: 1.2.3 has for may be reduced to tlie types in (268) may be decomposed in the manner series tlie 91 its 2.3.4 3.4.5 5. -i. <; general term __1 3»-2 n(n + l)(n-\-2) and we may proceed as ,_5 n+1 ,i in (272) to 4_ n+2 ....... , '^ '^""^^>'' Hnd the sum of n terms. The metliod of (272) includes the method known as "Summation bySubtraction," but it has the advaut;igo uf being more general and easier of application to complex series. COMPOSITE FACTORIAL SERIES. 274 If the two series M N-5 i^r _l5.G .,^5.6.7 3^ ,^ /I ^-3 1,.. ,3.4 .. 3.4.5 3 , t , be multiplied together, and the coefficient of .f* in the product be equated to the coefficient of x*" in the expansion of (1 —x)'^^ we obtain as the result the sum of the composite series + 4.5.C).7x2.3 + :K4.5.6x3.4 + 2. 3. 4. 5X4. 5 + 1. 2. 3. 4X5. 275 Generally, if = ,. (r r,.= (?i— r) and the (^)^ sum of n —l 7! 4! the given series be Aa + Aa.+ --+A,. where 4! 2.11! + 1) + 2) (//-/• + 1) (/• ... .. (r ,(?„-! + v- 1), {n- ri-p-l) terms will bo />!7! (;,4-;, + r/-l)! (I), , ALGEBRA. 1)2 MISCELLANEOUS SERIES. Sum 276 of the powers of the terms of an Arithmetical Progression. 1+2+;)+...+// = +2»+y +...+«'= 1 H o.+y+ + „. = ... 5 ^^^j' "(" + 1) (2« + l)(3»-+3» -1) ^ [By the method A 1.2.3 of + ^, Indeterminate Coefficients (234). sum of way is general formula for tlie ... n, obtained iu the same >• =s. powers 7-"' tlie of ! wliere Ji, A.,, &g., are determined by i)uttiug successively in the equation j> = 1, 2, 3, &c. 1 2 0^ + 1)! ~(;?+2)!"^r(/>)!'^r(r-l)(i>-l)!^"'"r(r-l)...(r-7>+l) «"' 277 ^ (>, + !) Proof. 278 + + + ^,'" (^/ ^/)"' + + 2^/)"'+... + + V/+.S,(' (m, 2i —By Binomial Theorem and Summation of a //</)"' (^/ (^/ ,s^,,,^f'"- «'"-->/- (276). scries parthj Arithmetical and pa rill/ Geometrical. Ex.\m?lt;. terms. — To hud the sum of the series 1 +3,i' + 5.r + to n — Let s S.V .'. by = = l+;?.r + 5.r' + 7.i:» +... .i+3.r + oj;'+ ... + (2/1-1) + {2n-:i) x"-', j""' + (*Ju- 1) x", Kiiblractioii, 6- ( 1 -.,•) = + ±v + + + + 2.t" - (2« - 1 r""' = l+2a^^- —-^--(2H-l).r", 2.r^ 1 - 2./.» . ' . . ) x" 1 1 • 279 A X l_(2n-l).r" '- 1-x general formula for ^- 2x(l-.r''-') + tlio (I-../-- sum + \^' of n terms of 0-ry Obtained as in (278). Rule. — Mi(Itij)Ji/ Inj the and subtract ratio the resulting series. 280 281 r-'— Tj-^, = l+.r+.»"+.t'+...+cr"-'+-pi = l+2.r+;ja-+lr''+... , n-i , (n-{-\)r'*~)i.v"^' (l-cf)- 282 (^<-l).r+(/i-2).rH('<-.'i).''^'+... = 283 + -V-H'i'""' (^^-i);;-"^;+->"" . B,(253). i^,,^W//^--])^;/(»-])0/-2)_^^^.^.^^^,„^ Hv making 4^-=^ in (12r»). .etrrat*. ALGEBRA. 94 The 284 series (n-4)(n-5) »-,-j , ^~"T""^ ^ , ^y., ( = /S' S = S = >S^ = Proof.— By 285 The terms, and the or ^^ , 4! 0i-r-l)(n-r-2)...(n-2r-[-l) ^^~ consists of _ {n-6){n-r,){n-7) ^* ;5! — sum is if 71 be of the form 6m-\-S, if ?i be of the form if ?i be of the form 6m, n 6/?i + l, n — if 7i n be of the form 6m±_2. (545), putting;) series = x^-y,q = xy, 7i^-n («-!)'•+ n\, and applying (546). Hd^l^ {n-2y o ! ^n{n + l)\ takes the values 0, according as r <n, =n, or =)i + l. Proof. given by is —By expanding (e^ — 1)", in two ways: first, by tlie Exponential secondly, by the Bin. Th., and each term of the expansion by the Exponential. Equate the coeflicients of a;** in the two Theorem and Multinomial ; results. Other results are obtained by putting when divided by r\, The series (285), the coefiBicient of aj'" in the expansion of r = n-{-2, is, n-\-o, &c. in fact, equal to POLYGONAL NUMBERS. 286 By I'unctiou 05 exactly the same process we may detlucc from the f'*}" the result tliat tlie scries {t"*' — n'-n (N-'2y+ "^"~^^ (,,_.l.)'-_&c. = n; or 2'*.?^!, according as r is < n or takes the values being e<j[ual to the coefficient of x'' this scries, divided by r in the expansion of ! , f ^.3 yi ,-,.5 POLYGONAL NUMBERS. Tlie n^^' term of the r'^' order of polygonal numbers is equal to the sum of n terms of an Aritli. Prog. Avhose first term is unity and common difference r 2 ; that is 287 — =1 288 I'hc {2+{n-l)(r-2)] sum __ of It = n + ln terms uiu-^l) 2 u{u-l)(n-\-l)(r-2) "^ « By Order. {n-l){r-'2). resolving into two scries. . ALGEBRA. 96 —to form, for instance, the 6*'' order of polythe first three terms by the formula, and form the rest by the method of differences. la practice gonal numbers — write 16 Ex.: [r-2 = 4] 4 28 lo 13 9 5 4 i 66 45 17 4 120 91 25 21 4 29 4 ... ... ... FIGURATE NUMBERS. 289 The n"' term of any order is the sum of n terms of the preceding order. The n^^ term of the r*^' order is njn+l)_^in +r-2) (r-1) 290 The sum of n terms /j („ ,. ^ _j is n{n-\-l)...{n Order. = + r-l) _ H{n,r). ) [By 98. , 97 iiYi'h'iiCKoM irrincAi. si:riks. IIYPEUGEOMETKICAL SERIES. ,+^_^,,. + ^(^+lMim),,.= 1. -2.7(7+]) l.y 291 "^ if x convergent if .r is < 1 if x is > 1 = 1, ^^, ^, 1.2.;$.y(y+l)(7 + 2) and divergent is and a(a+1)(a + 2)/3(/3+1)(^ + 2) the series (-•5'* ''•) ; is convergent if divergent if and divergent if —a— —a— 7—a— -y /3 is positive, y /3 is negative, (239 iv.) /3 is zero. (239 v.) Let the liypergeometrical series (291) be denoted by F{a, ft, y) then, the series being convergent, it is shewn by ; induction that 292 ria,ft-^\,yjyi} ] concl.ulin- l-/r, I-/.-,. 1-c^c. ^vlH"^c /.',, I:,, Jr., Sec with . .-:,,,, are given ... ^vitl. , \-k,,z,.. l)y tlic foniiiilie + r-1)(y+)— 1-y8).r + 2>—2j(y + 2>— 1) _ ()8 + r)(y+r-a).r _ (a (y (y+2;-l)(y+2r) f'(a-f-r, /8 + r, yH-2r) Tlie continued fi-action may be conchuhMl at nny point When r is infinite, r/o^ 1 and tlic continurfl k-ir^Ur' = with fraction is infinite. o . ALGEBRA. 98 293 Let _!^ + +"l.y + 1-^ + '^^• 1.7 1.2.V v+1) 1.2.,{.v(v4-l 1.2.y(y+l) 2.;{.y /"^i 1,/(-/+2) '^' f{y) ::^ 1 _1_.>X ' ' the result of substituting /3 =:= « =X Tlien, . by /(y + 1) — for last, or _ Ay) in ic 1_^ p^_ P2_ 1+1+1 + In this result put y (291), and making independently by induction, with 294 (y+1) (7+2) . = ^ and 'Pj!]_ ... j),„ + I+&C. = — for -^ (y+m ,r, 1) (y+/>«] and we obtain by Exp. Th. (150), Or the continued fraction may be formed by ordinary division by the other. of one series 295 ('"' is the last and incommensurable, (17-1), m and by putting x = n being integers. From ' INTEREST. If r be the Interest on £1 for 1 year, 11 the inimber of years, /' the A the auiouut in I'l-incipal, 296 At Siiuple Interest 297 At Compound Interest n. A = A = years. Then P{l-^)n'). /*(t+r)". % (-^-i)- 1: . i\Ti:i:i:sr 298 If AM) if the payments of ") Interest be made 7 C times a year ) But A be an amount due in worth of -1. 99 .l\.\ ///'//vS. .„ A = I' h + -j ^ ^^ years' time, and 11 the ])resent /' Theu 299 At Simple 300 At Compound Interest Interest Discount 301 7* = /' = -j-^ . . , By (-200). By (297). = A- P. ANNUITIES. 302 The amount of an Annuity of £1 in n years, 1 [ ,,(,,_]) = nA~ = ,tA-hi{N-\)r >'• .^ ^y (82). at Simple Interest 303 304 1 'resent value Amount at of same Compound \ Interest Amount when the pay- ^ value of ( j 1 . , _!1 Y"' _ / \ = '* i 1 (/ V' ' 'b' iw ~ (-J^'*^*)- 1 _ ___7_ J same ,^-. '' ' 1 Present n^(09,j). ^ ' . of annum 1+r)" — — ~(l+r)-l Interest/ are made q times -|)er C ments ( — "(l+r)-l ) Present worth of same 305 _ '^yr ' 1 (2:is). ALGEBRA. 100 306 Amount wlicn the payof the Annuity times per are made meuts ) f m _ annum ( 1 ' -f >•)"— I i m [ J l-(l+ r )- ^ Present value of same ~ \{l-{-r)'-—l} m{(l-fr)i-l} 307 Amount when terest is the In- paid q times and the Annuity times per annum m ... "^ J V\ qi' Present vahie of same m (i+v)- PROBABILITIES. If ^11 tlie ways in which an event can happen be m number, all being equally likely to occur, and if in n of these m ways the event would happen under certain restrictive 309 in then the probability of the restricted event hapconditions pening is equal to n-^m. Thus, if the letters of the alphabet be chosen at random, any letter being equally likely to be taken, the probability of a vowel being selected is equal to -i^q. The number of unrestricted cases here is 26, and the number of restricted ; ones 5. m events are not equally probable, all the divided into grou{)s of ccpially probable cases. The probability of the restricted event happening in each group separately must be calculated, anel tlie siun of these probabilities will be the total })robability of the restricted event liappening at all. 310 they Ifj however, may be I'UOHAIIILiriHS. ExAMPLK. lol — Tlicro are three bags A, B, and G. A contains 2 white and B „ 3 „ C „ 4 „ black balls. .'} t 5 drawn from A bapf is taken at random and a hull bability of the ball being white. = Hero the probability of the bag A being chosen probability of a white ball being drawn l- Required the pro- it. = J, and the Therefore the [jrobability of a white ball being drawn from ~ 3 And 1' X 3 3 7 ~ drawn from J* 3 ^ 9 B l' 7 drawn from G the probability of a white ball being -1 ~ .1 15- 5 Similarly the probability of a white ball being ~ 8ub.sc([nonfc i ~ 27' Therefore the total probability of a white ball being drawn If a and J) 1 4 15 7 27 be the number of ways in tlie number of ^ .j2_ ways 401 945' an event can liappen, can fail, then the wliicli in wliieli it 311 rrobabilitv of the event lia])penin2r 312 l'rol)al)ihty of Thus the event failing Certainty = = r. = 1. If p, p' be the respective probabilities of two iudcpcndcnt events, then = 313 rrol)al)ility 314 )} of not /yo//i 315 )) of one happening and one faiHng 316 „ (^f both liappening pp'. happening == i—pp'. of l)o(h failing = (!—/>) (1 —/>'). - ALGEBlLi. 102 If the probability of an event happening in of its failing q, then one trial be j>, and the probability 317 Probability of the event happening r times in n trials = 318 C{n, r)2fff-\ Probability of the event failing r times in n trials = 319 n [By {n, r) ^j" "''(/''. induction. Probability of the event happening at lea><t r times in the sum of t\iQ fivHt n—r-[- 1 terms in the expansion trials of 0; C + = ry)". Probability of the event failing at least r times in n sum of the last n r-[-l terms in the same expansion. 320 trials = the — The number of trials in which the probability same event happening amounts to j/ 321 of the _ iog(i-;/) log (!-;>)' From the equation (1 — = j^)*" 1 —])' — 322 Dei'inition. AVhen a sum of money is to be received if a certain event happens, that sum multiplied into the probability of the event is termed the expectation. — Example. If three coins be taken at random from a bag containing one sovereign, four half-croAvns, and five shillings, the expectation will be the sum of the expectations founded upon each way of drawing three coins. But this is also equal that is, to the average value of three coins out of the ten -i^ths of 35 shillings, or 10s. Qd. ; The probability that, after r chance selections of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 7i, the sum of the numbers drawn will 323 be 6', is equal to the coefficient of .t'* in the expansion of , ri;i)r.M:iLiiii:s. 324 'I'lie lo: probability of the existence of a certain cause of an observed event out of several known causes, one of wliieli vi^ist liave produced the event, is proportional to tlie a jn-iarl probability of the cause existinu: multiplied by the probability of tlie event happening from it if it does exist. Thus, if the a priori probabilities of the causes be /',, /'. ... Sec. and the corresponding probabilities of tlie event happening from those causes (^),, (/_, ... itc, then the probal)ility of the ?•"' cause having produced the event is J X{1'Q) 325 If A'> P-i ••• &c. be the a jfrlori probabilities of a second event hap])ening from the same causes respectively, then, after the first event has happened, the probability of the second happening For this is the is sum t {PQ) POP' of such probabilities as (i \^''//, which is the probability of the r^'' cause existing multiplied by the probability of the second event happening from it. Ex. 1. — Suppose there are and A 4 vases containing each 5 wliite and (i l)l:ick 2 vases containing each ^ white and 5 black '2 white and 1 black 1 vaso containing white ball has been drawn, and the probability that of 2 vases is P, = ^ ]'.. Therefore, by ('S-l), the pn)l)ability 2. came Irani tiie group required. Here Ex. it ball.s, balls, ball. — After = 'f P, = ! i-c(iuii-fd is 4,:.^ 2.;^ L2 7.11 7.8 7.3 427 the white ball has been drawn and ro])laced. a ball of the ball being lilack. drawn again; required the probability 104 ALGEUltA. He-o The P; probability, = A, p; = |, p. = | by (325), will be 4. 5.6 7.11.11 4.5 7.11 2.3.5 1.2.1 7.8.8 7.3.3 2.3 1.2 7.8 773 I£ the probability of the second ball of P{P'.P'z. 58639 112728' being white is required, QiQ^Qi must be employed instead The probability of one event at least happening out of number of events whose respective probabilities are a, h, c, 326 a &G., P1-P2 + P3-P4+&C. is where P^ and so on. is the probability of 1 event happening, For, by (316), the probability l-(l-a) (l-h) (l-c) 327 The probability and no more out of 01 ... = is y.a-^ah + ^ahc-, ... of tlie occurrence of r assigned events events is where Q„. is the probability of the r assigned events ; Q.,.+i the l events including the r assigned events. probability of r + be the probabilities of the r events, and a, 1/, c ... the probabilities of the excluded events, the required probability will be For ii a, h, c ... = 328 ahc ... {l-a'){l-h'){l-c') ahc ... {l-1.a-{-'^aU-:ia'l/c'-\-...). ... Tlu^ probability of ani/ r events hapjiening Note.— If a = h = c = &c., tlien ^Q, = C (n, and no more r) Q,, cl'c. INEQUALITIES. 105 ii\i<:QLiALrrib;s. 330 ^^'+^^-+- •"^'^" '>-.>+ ••• +^'» />i + the fractions i^, ^, lies ... between the -Teatest uiul least of -^, the (leiiominators being all of the same sign. PuoOF. — Let k be the greatest of the fractions, and Substitute in this ar<kbr. way for each a. - Similarly any other; then if k be the least frapCtion. ^ 331 > V"0. «.+«.+ ...+»„ > y„,7^~^,; 332 71 Arithmetic mean or, > Geometric mean. — Proof. Substitute both for the greatest iind least factors their ArithRepeat tlie process metic mean. Tiie product is thus increased in value. indefinitely. The limiting value of the G. M. is the A. ]\I. of the quantities. q:^' 333 m excepting when „'" PlJOOK diere .» = " a 334 -'. + is ?,'" > {^l+!i)'\ a positive pi'opei' IVaet ion. =("t'')"'[(l+.r)'" + (l-..)"'}, Kinploy Hin. Tli +b ":'+""'+..+": excepting ^vhen /// is > ^'.+".+ +".. y\ a positive proper fraction. I" — ; Ahdi'JiiUA. 106 The ArUhmetic mean of the m"' poivers is Otherwise. greater than the m"' power of the Arithmetic mean, excepting is a positive proper fraction. when m Pkoof.— Similar left side, 336 If -'' and m, are positive, and x and then (l K 337 by Substitute for the greatest and least on the to (332). employing (333). ,1^ mx less than unity + ciO-'"> l-mx. (125, 240) m, and n are positive, and n greater than enough, we can make ra ; then, taking' x small For X maybe diminished is > (l-\-xy\ by last. 338 If ^ until be positive, If X be positive and > 1 If X be positive and < 1, 339 When n becomes , the first ... vanishes, log (l+.r) > <r- ^. ^ogj^^, > <'• .^^^^^ ' second and this (150) os. (155, 240) (^''^^^ two expressions o.-^.7...(2y^ 2. 4. 2yi -J > {l—mx)'^, and < infinite in the the product Ues between is log {l-\-x) 1.3.5... (27Z-1) 2.-4.(3 l^nx becomes + l) 6. ..2m infinite, and their 1. Sliewii by adding 1 to each factor (see 7o), and multiplying the result by the original fraction. 340 II' '" he > II, and ii > <(, — ; SrA LES OF NOT. TloX. I 341 If ", f> 1)0 |)ositiv(> SinulaHy a'' ( i7 quantities, is > !,'.'> {^' „V/' 1 ('i+I'f"'. f"*' + + ',' ' These and similar theorems may be proved hy takinf^ lou^arithms of each side, and employing the Expon. Th (loH), Sec. SCALES OF NOTATION. iVbe a whole number 342 It" of scale, tlie = ^<' JJ,,'" of h-{- and digits, I +I>u-xr"-^ +p„_,r"-'-+ ... /• the radix -^j>ir-\-p,,, where j^„, 2>„_i, ...2>„ 343 Similarly a radix-fraction will be exju'essed by where 2>i, p.,, cVe. ExAMi'LKS : are the digits. are the digits. o-12l! in the scale of 7 •104o in the same scale 344 Kx.— To == 3 = 7 7'' . + + •! ^., r . 7- + +-,- • 7 + 7'^ + (J '* . 7' transform :U2G8 from the scale of 5 to the scale of 11. JJii'ide sucrcssiiu-Jij hi/ tlw iinr radix. RuLK. 11 11 3426S 1348 -< 111-40-3 1 1—9 Result \[)'3t, in which t stands fm- Id. 1 ; ALGEBRA. 108 Ex.— To 345 of 7, e transform -tOcl from the scale of 12 to that standing for 11, and f for 10. Rule. —Multiply successively hy the neio radix. •tOel 7 5-i657 1 6-1931 7 1-0497 7 0-2971 346 Ex. — In what scale Result -5610 docs 2f7 represent the number 475 in the scale of ten ? Solve the equation 27-- + 10;- + 7 = Result >• = 475. [178 13. The sum of the digits of any number divided by — same remainder as the number itself divided by 347 ?' leaves the r— 1 ; being the radix of the r scale. (401) The difference between the sums of the digits in the even and odd places divided by r-\-l leaves the same remainder as the number itself when divided by r + 1. 348 THEORY OF NUMBERS. 349 If ft is prime to b, is , in its lowest terms. b Proof. — Let =— i, b a fiaction in lower terms. 1)^ Divide a by «,, by 6,, h and remaimler remainder n., (juotieiit 5,, h., quotient 7, the H. C. F. of a and a„ and of b and Let «„ and b„ be the highest eoninion factors thus determined. so on, as in liiidinii- i, (see 30). THEORY OF NUMBERS. —= Tlu'ii, hocaiise ' 6 and so on T hero any if thus ; and u ft )!(.' '' /' = - = ' '•'=', — Q\''\ "i = .-. , ^, • = ~ txc arc C(|uimnlti|)k's of a„ and b„ b 7 " It" prime to is Pkoof. and A, (I (t -^= a and p is 351 — Let - reduced now prime If '^^ is T II terms be ^ to its lowest and to 7, that ; by divisible (lb , prime to a c, prime to is 352 If and a 354 •• ' not ; to ;M-ft, , and, '> that ^ is Therefore, &c. it. then h must be. ah i)rime = c is by l> a multiple of be each of them prime to if h, c, &c. is divisible must p be prime by c. r, is to Therefore, if a" if j) be a prime If tower of Also, " is least of the all but one of the factors, that factor (:ir.l) is divi.sihle it prime to by ^^ must divide h, i> cannot be jirime to a. any power of <i is prime to any It. if prime to each otlier, the product prime to any other protluct of their a, 0, c, &c. are any of their powers powers. by a prime, one at by it. also be divisible j>. and 355 of Jind h is a =7; therefore, by last, b If abed... Or, } ; it is (.Hjual =— 1 folhiws, it ^- [By (351). divisible ; Then . r. factors a, '/ <^f c /', is, c is and //arc n' 1 Pi;nOl'.— Let 353 b />. neither greater nor less than to not prime to is then '.-; b '( a is, h ('(jiiiimiltiples of Hut • that ; (70; fraction exists in lower terms. 350 since 100 is ALGEBRA. 110 No 356 expression with integral coefficients, can represent primes only. A + B,e + Cx' -h — For Proof. . . . as siicli , by x divisible it is if ^1 = and ; if by A, not, it is divisible when x=: A. 357 '^^^G nnmber of primes is infinite. — Pkoof. Suppose if possible p to be the greatest prime. Then the product of all primes up to p, plus unity, is either a prime, in which case it would be a gieater prime than p, or it must be divisible by a prime but no prime up to p divides it, because there is a remainder 1 in each case. Therefore, if divisible at all, it must be by a prime greater than p. In ; either case, then, a prime greater 358 If (I Proof. h, — Assume ma — nb = ma — "" - b A 359 exists. h, and the quantities a, 2a, oa, the remainders will be different. be prime to (b—i) a be divided by thanp )ib, iii only. 360 To less than b, Then by m — in number can be resolved way and n being "~"' into prime factors resolve 6040 into the hij its (350). in [By Rule. — Divide ... one (353). prime factors. prime numbers snccessiveli/. 2x51 5040 2 504 1 21 252 126 7 63 2 1 1 3L9_ Thus 3 5040 = 361 Required the least multiplier of 4704 the product a perfect fourth power. By 4704 (19G), Then 2'. 3'. 7- the indices 5, 1,2 8, 4, x 4 being the = 2'. 3». 7- 2". 3'. 7- = 3584 is wliicli will make 2'. 3. 7-. = 2». 8'. 7' least multipli's i)f = I I'espcctively. Tlius 2'. 3-..5. 7. the multiplier reciuired. 84', which :ire not less than 2 UF TllEUliY 362 mmilHTS :uv All ..f one of Ill MJMUl'JIiS. tin- forms <.|- 2// 2//-f •2n(n'2n „ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, — 1 \ ',\n ov:\n±\ 1// or l//il ly/ or oi- I// +2 ly/±l or 4/<— r)/M)i- ."iz/il or r>//i- aiul so oil. AH 363 l'i;00K. all square numbers are of — By squarino; tlii" lonns tlie .">» o/t, ± form 1, I'tuzt-. or .u/ilwliii-h ciniiitrelieiHl numbers whatever. 364 All cube numbers are of the form And similarly for other powers. i)roduct III or 7^'dzl- m m m 1> F V factors in ' //^ ; ExAMi'LK. 3, <3, — The hitrliesfc will divides '., which The successive so on. b}' Heio the of 8 which will divide 29!. Their ntinilier is 27 can be divided by 'A. power 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, l», p which p ! and will divide a second time divisions are eejuivalent to dividing it factors in , ! For there are " = "Jn The highest power of a prime jh which is contained is the sum of the integral parts of 365 tlu> '" .w< I "'_ (the !> inte,t,M-al pai-t). 27 can be divided a second time. Till' factors = (the integral part). ;5 One 9-f it, factor, 27, 18, is divisil)le a third time. 3+ = 13; that 'I'hc [)roduct 366 1 is, 3" of is "7;^ = 1 Their nmnlx'r (intei^'ral i):irt). the highest power of 3 which will divide 29!. :mv /• consecutive integers is divisiljlc byr!. PkooK: «("-!) ••• is (»-'•+!) is necessarily an inteu'cr, by ('.'<;). ALCIEBEA. 112 If ^^ be a prime, every coefficient in the expansion of {a-\-hy\ except tlie first and last, is divisible by n. By last. 367 368 If " pansion of Proof.— By 369 p ; a prime, the coefficient of every term in the exexcept a", &", &c., is divisible by n. l)t> {(i-\-h-\-c ...)", Put (367). /3 for (6 + c+ ...). Frrmaf.s Theorem.— U p be a prime, and then Proof iV^"^ —1 W={l + : is \ divisible N prime to by p. + ...y = N^Mp. By (368). — 370 If V be any number, and if 1, r/, ^>, c, ... (p 1) be all and if n be their the numbers less than, and prime to p number, and x any one of them then ,if 1 is divisible by p. ; — ; Proof. —If x, ax, hx ... (p — l)x be divided by p, the remainders will be and prime to^ [as in (358)] therefore the remainders will be (p — l) therefore the product all different 1, a, b, c ; ... ; x"ahc... 371 l Wilson's + (^— 1) Put ! is —1 j) ip—l) = ahc ... {p — \)+Mp. Theorem.— If p be divisible for r by and n a prime, and only then, p. in (285), and apply Fermat's Theorem to each term. 372 hy If i' be a prime = 2y« + l,then {vlf + {-iy is divisible p. — By multiplying? together equi-di.'^tant factors of Proof. Wilson's Theorem, and putting 2n + l for /). 373 \,Qt N =(('' tegers, including Proof. — The Similiirly in //", 1 &c. — 1) ; , ! in the number of in'• in prime factors which are less than u and prime to it, is !>''(''' number /•'•, (j» of intogcrs Take the piimo to N contained ])r()duct of those. in ri" is n"- TUEORT OF NUMBERS. 113 tlio miinhcr of intcfjfors less tliaii mikI ])i-imo to ^fxScc.) is the ])roduct of the coiTcspoiuliiig miiuhcrs for X, ^[, &c. separately. Also (Xx The number 374 is = (y + l) (v 4-1) N, incliidiiif^ For it is equal of divisors of (/' + !) ...• 1 and to the ^V itself, number of terms in the product + ...+r7'')(l+/.-h...+^")(l+r+...+'")---<-'tc. (l+./ The number of ways of resolving number of its divisors (374). 375 N into two half the S(juare the as two two equal factors must, If the factors of 7, r, 377 The sum a-l Proof. If of the 379 in this case, be reckoned of the divisors of ^V is a^^-'-l Ex. is each pair are to be prime to each other, &c. each equal to one. 376 is factors number be a divisors. put j;, 378 If the c^-^'-l h'^^'-^ ' — Bj the product h-1 ' in (-374), c-1 '" and by (85). be a prime, then the j? — 1*** power of any number form mj^ or )fij)-\-l. By Fermat's Theorem (3(30). 7^ — The To 12"* power of any number is find all the divisors of a I. of the form number ; 13fM. or 12m-\-l. for instance, of 50-1. — — ALGEBRA. 114 The divisors of 504 are now formed from tlie numbers iu column placed to the right of that column in the following manner II., and : Place the divisor 1 to the right of column II., and follow this rule Multiply in order all the divisors which are written down by the next number in column II., which has not already been used as a multiplier : place the first netv divisor so obtained and all the folloiving products in order to the right of column 380 II. Proof sum tlie >^r numbers is +] 1, 2, is 3 ... r^^' is powers (x" + S2X-"-'- (« — 1) n natural - 2") ... . . . - »0 S,,.,x-' Multiply out, Thus, using (372), re- + (-iy([ny = M(2n + l). in succession for x, Sr (»' by 2w+l, by (36G). to be less than 2ji-|-l. of the form of tlio first 2}i-\-l. factors divisible x'"-S,x"'-' Put by x {x"- V) : constitutes 2» jecting X, which equations of the divisible and the solution of the (n— = M{2n + l). 1) THEORY OF EQUATIONS. FACTOKS OF AN EQUATION. iicncral form of a rational integral equation of the The left side will be designated /(,/•) w^'' degree. in the following summary. 401 If /(') By assuming 402 If « divided by « the 404 — rt, tbe remainder will be /(")• = P {x — a)-\-lL be a root of the equation /(.i;) To compute 403 and bt-' /(,(;) numerically; /(rt) = 0, tlien/(rt) divide f{.r) by x — a, [101 remainder will bef{a). Ex^^MPLE.— To = 0. + l2x'-x'' + 10 when x = 2. 4-3 + 12 +0 -1 +0 +10 8 + 10 + 4-i + 88 + 174 + 34.8 4 + o + 22 + + 87 + 174 + 358 Thus /(2) = 358. find the value of 4x''-2x' -lrl If a,h,c...h be the roots then, by (401) and 405 /Or) =7>o ( of the eciuation f {(r) = ; 1U2), (.t-^/) G^-'>) O'-O ... ('^-/O. multiplying out the last cijuation, and equating coefficients with :— cquatiou (100), cousidcriiig j'u 1, the following results lu-o obtained By = THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 116 406 X 1 ^ ( ^'" = _ ~ ~~i^ _ ~ —ih _ y /ir — of all tlie roots of /(a?). of the products of the roots taken two \ ( the sum ( the sum at a time. of the products of the roots taken three at a time. \ of the products of the roots taken time. rata "^ — l)"j?,j = product of The number 407 sum sum the the ( all of roots of the roots. /(.^') is equal to the degree of the equation. 408 Imaginary roots must occur in pairs of the form a The quadratic + /3v/^, a-i3\/^. factor corresponding to these roots will for it will be ; then have real coefficients x'-2ax + a-+ii\ If /('«) be of an of the opposite sign to 409 Thus 410 a;^ —1 = If /('O odd degree, it [405, 226 has at least one real root p,j. lias at least one positive root. ^Q of an even degi^oe, and jhi negative, there and one negative root. is at least one positive Thus 411 a;'*— 1 has +1 —I for roots. terms at the beginning of the equation are of If several one sign, and and the rest of another, there one, positive root. Thus 412 x^ all + 2x*-\-Sx^ + — 5x—4< = If all the x'^ is has only one positive root. terms are positive there is no positive root. If all the terms of an even order are of one sign, and the rest are of another sign, there is no negative root, 413 all one, and only 414 Thus **— a;" + «'—;« + 1 = has no negative root. 7 DISCRIMINATION OF ROOTS. 1 1 415 If :>11 tlio indices are even, aiul all tlie terms of the same there is no real root; and if all the indices are odd, and the terms of the same sign, there is no real root but zero. sijjfii, all = = has no real root, and x'^ + x^ + x + x^ + l has no real rout In this last equation there is no absolute term, because such a terra would involve the zero power o( x, which is even, and by hypothesis is wanting. Thus but x* zero. DESCARTES' RULE OF SIGNS. 416 In the following theorems every two adjacent terms in which have the same signs, count as one " continuation of sign"; and every two adjacent terms, with different signs, count as one chanw of siefu. /(.r), /(<')' multiplied by (/. — a), has an odd number of changes of sign thereby introduced, and one at least. 417 418 ./* cannot have more positive roots than changes of more negative roots than continuations of sign. (c) sign, or the roots of f{.r) are real, the number of equal to the number of changes of sign in and the number of negative roots is equal to the number f{.r) of changes of sign in/(— .r). Wlien 419 positive roots all is ; 420 Thus, it being known that the roots of the equation a;*-10.t'' + 3o.c2-50.c + 24 = number of positive roots will be equal to the number of changes of sign, which is four. Also f(—x) =x*+lOx'^ + 3bx- + 50x + 2i! 0, and since there is no change of sign, there is consequently, by the rule, no negative root. are all real ; the = If the degree of /(./•) exceeds the number of changes of sign in f{x) and /(—a;) together, by /t, there are at least 421 /j. imaginary roots. If, between two terms in /(,/) of the same sign, there be an odd number of consecutive terms wanting, then there must be at least one more than that number of imaginary roots ; and if the missing terms lie between terms of different 422 1 : TEEORY OF EQUATIONS. 118 sign, there is at least one less than the same number of imaginary roots. Thus, in the cubic equation x^ + 4x — 7 = 0, there must be two imaginary roots. And x°—l in the equation = there arc, for certain, four imaginary roots. 423 If an even number of consecutive terms be wanting in f{x), there is at least the same number of imaginary roots. Thus the equation x^ + 1 — has four terms absent and therefore four ; imaginary roots at least. THE DERIVED FUNCTIONS OF f{.v). Rule for forming the derived functions. 424 Multiply each term hy the index of x, and reduce the index by one; that ^s, differentiate the function with respect to X. Example. —Take («) = f (x) = f(x) = f(x) = f(x) = f (x) = / /' (*)j /' ('''')y <^c. x^+ 5x'+ a;*+ a;'- x'-x-l + dx"" - 2a; 20x' + 12x' + 6x-2 60a;2 + 24« +6 4x^ 120x+24. 120 are called the first, second, &c. derived functions of/ (a;). 425 To form the equation whose roots differ from those of f{x) by a quantity a. Put x y-\-a infix), and expand each term hy the Binomial TJieorem, arranging the results in vertical columns in the foU lowing manner = — /(a + 2/) = (« + 2/)'+(a + 2/)H(a + 7/)»-(a + y)=-(a + 7/)-l a" — ; TBANSFOJIMATION OF AN EQUATION. ('om paring this result with that seen in (421), 426 80 tliat tlie equation is generally of ?/'' in tlie transformed ^ ^ ' L± LI lA coefficient seen that =/(")+/'(")// /•("+.'/) \A it is 119 , r To form tlie equation most expeditiously when a has a a, and the miinerical value, diride f{,i') continuously hi/ x succcssli-e remainders ivlU furnish the coefficients. 427 — ExAiirLE. — To expand f(y + f(x) = 2) Z' when, as Divide repeatedly by x — 2, as follows 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + + -f 2 1 1 1 1 + -f 7 + +10 + 3 1 14 13 31 + + + : 1-1 - 2G +50 + 49=/(2) + 5 +17 + 47 + 119 = rC2) + 2 +14 + 02 + 7+31 + 109 = (i) 11 + 2 +18 + 9 + 2 + 11 1 - - I in (425), + x' + x'-x'-x-l. = +49 _/'(2) |3 I That these remainders are the required eoeflicients is seen by inspecting the form of the equation (420) for if that equation bo direpeatvided by x a II edly, these remainders aro — = 14 f(^\ obviously produced 2. a roots are each less by 2 than the 0. 49 ?/+ll?/' + 49(/"'+109//'+ 119// Thus the equation, whoso proposed equation, when = |5 is + i-oots of the = To make any assigned term vanish in the transformed equation, a must be so determined that the coeffieient of tliat term shall vanish. 428 Example. (420), — In order that there we musi have /*(a) may be no term involving if in equation = U. Find /'(a) as in (424); .-. a = -\. 120« + 24 = 0; The equation in (424) must now be divided repeatedly by a; + | after the manner of (427), and the resulting equation will be minus its seeoud term. thus THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 120 429 Note, = 0, y(-t') tliat tlic to remove the second term requisite value of a coefficient of the =— is of tlie equation ^ ^ ; the tliat is, second term, with the sign changed, divided hy and hy the numher expressing the coefficient of the first term, the degree of the equation. To transform /'(''') "^^o an equation in y so that // - <p {.<), (j)~'^{y), the inverse function of y. a given function of x, 2^ut x 430 Example. = — To obtain an equation whose roots are respectively three times — Gx + 1 = 0. ^ — -^ + 1 = Here the roots of the equation x^ and the equation becomes 431 To transform coefficient /(,v) of the first = 0, 2/ = 3a; ; therefore x ?/— 54^ + 27 or = —, = 0. into an equation in which the be unity, and the other term shall coefficients the least possible integers. Example. — Take the equation 288x^ + 24>0x''-176x- 21 Divide by the coeflacient of the equation becomes Substitute -^ for x^ x, + first 5 —• x^— and multiply by Next resolve the denominators 3 '^ 57^ = 0. term, and reduce the fractions —x — 11 h^ ; we 7 — KB ; the ^' get into their prime factors, life' , "^2.3^ _ 2.3'^^ yic" 2^3 ^Q The smallest value must now be assigned to h, which will suffice to make 12, each coefficient an integer. This is easily seen by inspection to be 2'-. 3 0, and the resulting equation is i/ + 10if — 88y l26 the roots of which are connected with the roots of the original equation by = — the relation y = I2x. EQUAL ROOTS OF AN By by + = EQUATIOli^. i^^ powers of ;• by (i05), ox})audiiin^ 7X''^ ^') and c(iiiating the coefficients of z in the (1'2()), and also two ex- EQUAL nOOTS. pansions, tVoiii all it is provctl wliicli result it uTUMiual, tliat appears ,*•. h, f{^v) then /(..) = t roots equal to when = iK{,'-ay {.v-hy {.v-i'Y ^ + + ;^;! (-ia^ <'f/((') &c. arc ind, ... + *..; and /'(,<) will bo {.v-(iy-' {.v-hy-' {.v-cY-\.. = a, /(..), = b, &c. .v, .v /'{,'), .•/'-'Oi') Lft / (.0 = A', X: a1 X\ Xl A', = product of A1= Xl= all . . . vanish. all Prdctiral mctlnnl offfiH/in^' the 445 b, r, &c., so that r, and the greatest common measure 444 When roots a, tliat, if tlie and /'(,») can liave no common measure however, there are r roots each equal t<^ /'(.*') volving If, s roots e(|ual to 433 121 (-([Udl nKits. where X;::, the ftictors like {x „ <^^, (.-«)». „ Find the greatest comraon measure of — {x-a)\ „ „ Similarly and /'(f) /(j-) = I'\ (.') say, = F,(x), F:(x) = F3(x), I'\(x)aud'F;Cv) F^(x) And Lastly, the greatest common measure Next perform the of F,„.i(x) and f(x) -i- F,(.r) F,(x)-^F,(') And, iinully, /''„,-i(*) = I'\,0') = 1- divisions 0, (.,') -4- <Pi{x) i''«.-.C'-)=V'..C'-) 1: = <p,(.r) .say, ='P,{.r), = = A',, A',,.. [T. 82. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 122 = = Xj 0, &c. will furnish all the 0, X, those which occur twice being found from X.^; those which occur three times each, from X^ and so on. The solution of the equations of/ (a;) roots ; ; 446 If /('^) lias all its coefficients commensurable, X^^X^^X^, &c. have likewise their coefficients commensurable. Hence, if only one root be repeated r times, that root must be commensurable. the following theorems, unless othermse stated, understood to have unity for the coefficient of its first 447 III all /(-/•) is term. LIMITS OF THE KOOTS. If the greatest negative coefficients in /(,/') 448 be j) and q respectively, thenp + 1 and the roots. 449 If and /( — aO x''-'' and x''-' —(^ + 1) and /( — are the highest negative terms in respectively, {l + <^') are limits of \/p) and —{l-\-^q) are /(<i') limits of the roots. 450 If then — /-^ be a superior hmit to the positive roots of /( will be an — j » inferior limit to the positive roots of /(-f)- If each negative coefficient be divided by the sum of all the preceding positive coefficients, the greatest of the fractions unity will be a superior Hmit to the positive so formed 451 + roots. Neivtons tnethod.—Viit x=h-\-i/ in /(./•) 452 Take then 453 // is fW yf'W ; then, by (420), ^^^ so that /•(/')' /(^O^ a superior limit to the positive roots. // ^11 positive; According as /{a) andf{b) have the same or different number of roots intermediate between a and b is signs, the even or odd. . 123 INTEGRAL BOOTS. real root of the eriuation f (r) every two adjacent real roots of /(./')• 455 ('OH. I.—/(•'•) cannot have more than one root gi-eatcr than the greatest root in /(./); or more than one less than llic least root in/'(,r). real roots, /'•(') has at least 456 CoR. 2.— If f(.r) has Rollrs Thcorrm.—Ono 454 lios iH'lwoeii m —/ III real roots. 457 f(u') lias /t imaginary roots, f{.r) umber is a, /3, y ... K be the roots of /(.<) of changes of si^-n in the series of terms CoK. -1.— If 458 11 3.— If CoH. has also at least. /i ; then the f{^), /W, /(«, /(7).-/(-^) number of roots oif{.c). equal to tlie NEWTON'S METHOD OF DIVISORS. discover the integral roots of an equation. To 459 ExAMTLE. — To ascertain if 5 5 be a i-oot of «*-6x» + 80x*-i;6.i- + 10-. If 5 be a root next will divide 105. it the quotient to the If 5 bo a root it will divide the next coefficient and so on. 105 — 1/b ^ —\55 ) —'Si -155. Add _86 the quotient to 5 ; If the ) 21 0. —155. Result, coefficient. Add = tried be a root, tlic divisions will be effectiblo the last quotient will bo -1, or —}>o, if/u he ) to the end, not unity. and 55 U number >- n —6 _e 2_Z_. -1 In employing this method, limits of the roots be found, and divisors chosen between those limits. 460 may first Also, to lessen the number of trial divisors, take any integer then any divisor a of the last term can be rejected if a m does not divide /(///). 461 — m ; -f-1 and — 1 any of the roots determiiK'd as above are repeated, divide f{x) by the factors correspijndiTig to them, and then applv tlie method of divisors to the resulting ecpiation. In practice take To /// find wliether = THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 124 Example. — Take the equation Putting X = 1, 1, The values of n —m 0, 3, (since 1, 2, rii —24. G, 4, 8, = l) 5, 3, numbers only 1, 9 are the only divisors of 144 Of these = we find/(l) 2, divisors of 144 are 12, IG, 24, 15, 23, &c. are therefore 7, 2, 3, last The 9, 11, 8, and 8 &c. will divide 24. wliich it is of use to try. and 3. roots of the equation will be found to be ± ±2 462 If /('^') Hence 2, 3, 4, and The only integral and F{X) have common roots, they are concommon measure of /(a:) and F{X). tained in the greatest 463 If /('') l^as for its roots a, then the equations /(.*) roots a and = (p {a), h, and/[(^(A')j (jt {b) = amongst others have the ; common h. But, if all the roots occur in pairs in this ^vay, these equations coincide. 464 For example, suppose that each pair of roots, a and b, satisfies the equation We may then assume a — b = 2z. Therefore/ (2 + r) = 0. This h = 2r. equation involves only even powers of z, and may be solved for z'. a+ 465 = Let a& Otherwise: — 2rx + z. Perform the form Px + Q, where P and Q =z x^ The equations from a + b = 2r, P = 0, Q = ab = — — then /(;«) is divisible by {x a){x l) division until a remainder is obtained of the ; only involve determine z. z, by (462) ; and a and I arc found z. EECIPROCAL EQUATIONS. A 466 a, — ; reciprocal equation has also the relation its roots in pairs of the form between the Pr =Vu-r^ OY else p, coefficients is = —Pn-r- A reciprocal equation of an even degree, with its last term jwsit ire, may be made to depend upon the solution of an equation of half the same degree. 467 ; BINOMIAL EQUATIONS. 468 is a KxAMiM.K 125 •l-,/''^-24,r''-f57r'-7o./-''-f :)7./--2-1../ : of rocii)rtic;il ('(lualioii cncii dcLi-i'd', with :iii its + = t last term positive. Any form may bo term l>e posit Ire (UkI, 1/ till' lust term he neijafirc, l>i/ diriduuj hi/ ,r— 1 or r' — ], so us to liriiiij thi' t'tjiiiition tn mi rm. tlrr/ree. Then proceed reciprocal equation w reduced to it diridiiuj hi/ hi/ is 7iot liicli -f ,/ I the //" of this la.sf < manner in tlie foHowinn' 469 First brin<^ toovther e(|nidistant ti'rins, and equation by ,/'"*; By ,v -\ })utting relation ,/'- a cubic in equation. ]"*ut ;) 470 j)„, for 471 P,u = =. 'I'he the ;ind //, by making- repeated use of tlie i,r -\ ) "~ -> ^^'<^' eipration is reduced to the degree being one-half that of the original .r -| , Tlie relation may be diviih' tlius -| ?/, : and p„, for x„^-\ . between the successive factors of the form by the e(juatioii exi)ressed equation for = p'-nip'" _L -+ f_i V ji,,,, \ in ,, ^" f»/ terms of '- p'" — >•— 1) ... ^>, is ... (in I>y — '2r-\-\) (^')i")), „,_..^, putting 7 = 1. BINOMIAL EQUATIONS. 472 If a where m 473 If " is be a root of .r" — 1 = 0, then a"* is likewise a root any positive or negative integer. be a root of ./" + 1 = 0, then a-'"^' is likewise a root. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 126 474 If ^''' ai^d be prime to each other, ^2- x'"' —l and x^—1 common root but unity. iim — qn = 1 for an indirect proof. have no Take 475 If n be a prime number, and the other roots are a, These are 476 may If a^, a^ ... if a be a root of ct;" — 1 = 0, a'\ by (472). Prove, by (474), that no two can be equal. all roots, be not a prime number, other roots besides these The successive powers, however, of some root ^i exist. will furnish all the rest. 477 If r*/'— 1 prime factors ; (l+a + a^+ = = has the index n m2)q; m, ]}, q being then the roots are the terms of the product +a-^)(H-/3 + /3'--[- ... +/3''-^) X(l + 7 + 7'+ ... where a is /3 7 but neither 478 n If a, /3, nor 7 = m^ = 1. x^-l, „ » »''-!' Proof as in (475). be a root of x""—! 7 then the roots of x''—l x^>^-a „ » (i ... +7'"')> and a (l+« + a^+ - a root of «'"— 1, = 0, = 0, r.--|3=0; = will be the terms of the product +„-^)(l+/3 + /3-^+...+r-^) X(l + 7 + 7^"+... +7""')- = a^" + 1 may be treated as a reciprocal equation, and depressed in degree after the manner of (468). 479 480 The complete solution of the equation .1 is obtained by The 71 - -1 = De Moi\Te's Theorem. different roots are given 0? = ± cos V (757) by the formula —1 sill n which r must have the successive values 71 in concluding with ^ , if n be even ; and with 0, 1, 2, 3, &c., -~ , if // be odd. — 7 CUBIC EQ UA TIONS. 481 1 2 Similarly the n roots of the ofiuatiuu .r" + 1 = are given by the formula n u r taking the successive values 0, 1, 2, 3, &c., up to ~^ ' , if ' n be even 482 is 7/ ; 'I'he and up to number if , )i be odd. of different values of the product equal to the least are integers. common multiple of m and n, when m and CUBIC EQUATIONS. 483 To solve the general cubic equation a;^ Remove the term j^at^ formed equation be 484 Cardan s of this equation + jj.r + qx -f = 0. /• by the method of (429). .v'^-\-q,r-\-r mcfhoiL — The = x = 0. complete theoretical solution by Cardan's method Put is Si/:: +q = 0; as follows .'. : (i.) i/-\-:i yH,v^ + (3v.v + 7)(y + ,v) Put Let the trans- ^ +r = 0. = - 3^ Substitute this value of //, and solve the resulting quadratic The roots are equal to 1/ and .r* respectively ; and we //^. have, by (i.), in 485 r {-iWf+j^r+i-^-vj+f;}' THEOBY OF EQUATIONS. 128 Tbe cubic must have one real root at least, Let »i be one of the three values of of the three values of 486 Let Then, since y^, Viu^ = my +1- if in X "^ and 9" (400). "*" \/ TT '^ ^' ( ^°^ " "°® ' [ =- ci' am-ta'-n, ii, 1- - L yZs. [472 the roots of the cubic will be I, m+ Now, \/ ^ j "^ be the three cube roots of unity, so that 1, n, a- a=-l 487 ^ j lij'- u'in-\-n)i. the expansion of ^V 2 I 4 ^ 273 by the Binomial Theorem, we put = the sum of the odd terms, and = the sum of the even terms and « = ^ — v; m= + m = + v/ — 1, and n = — y v— 1 fx V then we shall have or else /u according ^^ \/ 'T By ; y, /u. '^ fji §^ substituting these expressions for in and 488 (i-) If V" ^ + (ii.) If —/i + >'%/— 3, 97 ^^ negative, the roots "^ + If 4 t^ 27 = 489 is now '/^/'^' equal to when -p 4 + 77= 27 But <6' yv—o. will be /J -m; —:?/!, Trigonometrical method. solved in Assume — fi. .1'^ may be appears that the roots are 0, 2ot, m it 3 ,2 since in (487), — — vn/S. + y^S, —fx 2/1, (iii.) —fi — cj^ -r n ^® positive, the roots of the cubic will be 2/^, r- ; ^^ imaginaiy. i^ ^^^^ + r/.r following manner, by Trigonometry, negative. is = tlie — The equation +r = ?; cos Divide the equation by n^; thus a. cos'' a + - -? cos« a 4 -2- cos a cos a - ^ -\ = ^^ -^ = 4 0. By ((357) I TilQVADRATW EQUATIONS. Equato n coefficients in tlic must now be found two ^villl (M|n;itions the result ; the aid of 129 is Trigonometrical tlie tabh's. The 490 roots of the cubic will 491 tive. Observe l)e n cos (^tt— a). n cos (jTr+a), n cos a, that, according as .2 3 -- + ^- is positive or nega- Cardan's method or the Trigonometrical wall be practiIn the former case, there will be one real ami two cable. hnaginary roots ; in the latter case, three real roots. BIQUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 492 Descartes' Solution. .v' the term in Assume .r' — To solve the equation + qA' + r.v -\- s = (i.) having been removed by the method of (.t.-+(u'+/) {.i--i\v-\-^-) ('t29). = (ii.) Multiply out, and equate coefficients witli (i.) and t1ie lowing equations for determining /", g, and e are obtained ir+/='/ + ^'% 493 /=A .ir- ^.«4.2rye'+(r/-4v)e2-j- ; fol- Kf=''*' i'''') = (iv.) The cubic in t? is reducible by Cardans method, when the biquadratic a //5 and two real and two imaginary roots. For proof, take « y as Form the sum of eucb pair the roots of (i.), since their sum mu.st bo zero. for tlio values of e [see (ii.)]. and "PP'Y t^° ^^^^^^ ^" ('i88) to the cubic in e*. 1/ the biquadratic has all its roots real, or all imaginary, the cubic will liave all its roots real. iy for four imaginary roots of (i.), Take n //3 and and form the values of e as before. 494 ± 495 will he — ± ± hits If' «'> f^f y' ^e the roots of _i(„+/5 + y), —a ± tfie cubic in l(a+/3-y), 4(/9 e', tlie roots of + y-n), ^ (y tlie biquadratic + a-/3). THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 130 For sum proof, take w, x, y, z for the roots of the biquadratic; then, by (ii.), the Heuce, we have only to solve the of each pair must give a value of e. symmetrical equations 1/ +2 = Z -I- iC /3, w + ,7;=— a, = — /j, ?o + ?/ y, w-\-z a- = + = CI, Ferraris solution. 496 ;/ — To the = —y- left member of the equation = 0, x^+lKv^-\-qx^-\-ra:-\-s add the quantity + bx + —, ax^ and assume the result = (,.+|,+,„y. Expanding and equating coefficients, is obtained cubic equation for determining 497 the following m 8m^—4iqm^-\-{2j)r—8s)m-\-4!qs—2^^s Then x i). given by the two quadratics is ^ 498 —r = The cubic in 2 , + m is » 2 , '*' + 2(Lv-{-b = ± -TvTT , '*' reducible by Cardan'' s method ivhen the biquadratic Assume a, /3, y, B for the roots of the has two real and tioo imaginary roots. biquadratic then aft and yB are the respective products of roots of the two in terms of aftyS. quadratics above. From this find ; m Elders 499 solution. have 500 and .V'*' Assume x — Remove + the term in x^; then q.v"^ -\-r.v-\-s = i/-\-z-\-u, and it = we i). may be shewn that i/, z^^ u^ are the roots of the equation fA.±f-4-'^"'~^'t-^=0 ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 501 The six values of y, restricted by the relation Thus X = 10 //-!-;. + /< z^ yzii. (>i and //, thence obtained, are = will take four different values. COMMENSURABLE ROOTS. 131 COMMENSURABLE ROOTS. 502 '1'" t'""l commonsuraUlo roots tlio First transform tlic form liaving 503 and j>o by pultinjr it .r"+/>i.r"-'+;>.>.r"--+ = 1» iiii^l tlio •'' = of an ofiiiation. "^^^ 'ir = +/>„ ... ^^^^ equation of 0, remaining coefHcients integers. (l-Gl) This ecpiation cannot have a rational fractional root, roots may be found Ijy Newton's method of tlie inte<]:ral Divisors (451)). These roots, divided each by h, will furnish the surable roots of the original equation. 504 Example. — To find the comrnensurablo roots of 8 1 /' - 20 7x' - 9x» + 89.r + 2,r - 8 = Dividing bj 81, and proceeding as in (431), tion to bo a; The transformed equation commen- equation tlie 0. \vc find the requisite substitu- = -^. is ,/_23/-V + 801)/- + lG2//-5832 = 0. The roots all lie between 24 and —34, .by (451). The method of divisors gives the integral roots G, —4. and 3. Therefore, dividing each by 9, we find the commensurable and |. equation to be 3, — f roots of the original , 505 To the roots G, obtain the remaining roots —4, and 3, in diminish the transformed equation by manner (see 427) : -4 is therefore if - 18(/ - 81 = 0. which arc (1+ \/2) and 9 (1— v/2) incommensuiable roots of the proposed equation are The roots of — 1_23- 9 + 801 + 1G2- 5832 6— 102— GGG + 810 + 5832 1-17-111 + 135 + 972 - 4+ 84 + 108-972 -21- 27 + 243 3_ 54-243 1_18- 81 6 The depressed equation ; the following ; and, consequently, the V'l and 1— v/2. 1+ — — THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 132 INCOMMENSURABLE ROOTS. — 506 Sturm's Theorem. lff(x), freed from equal roots, bo divided by /('>')> and the last divisor by the last remainder, changing the sign of each remainder before dividing by it, until a remainder independent of x is obtained, or else a remainder which cannot change its sign; then /(a^), /'('<-')' ^^^ the successive remainders constitute Sturm's functions, and are denoted by f{a-) , / (<r) , f^ {.v) , The operation may be exhibited M^r) 507 Note. rejected, —Any = &c /« Gv) as follows • : q,f,{.v)-f,{.v), constant factor of a remainder may.be set down for the corres- and the quotient may be ponding function. An inspection of the foregoing equations shews That /„, (ft') cannot be zero; for, if it were, /'('^O ^^^ would /i (x) would have a common factor, and therefore /(<^') have equal roots, by (432). (2) Two consecutive functions, after the first, cannot vanish together for this would make/*„ (x) zero. (;3) AVhen any function, after the first, vanishes, the two adjacent ones have contrary signs. 508 (1) ; 509 If, as X increases, f(x) passes through the value zero, StnrrrC s Junctions lose one change of sign. For, before ./'(-O tf^kes the value zero, /(a-) and/, {x) have contrary signs, and afterwards tliey have the same sign; as may be shewn by making h small, and changing its sign in the expansion off{x + li), by (420). 510 If d-nij other of Sturm's functions vanishes, there is neither loss nor gain in the number of changes of sign. This will appear on inspecting the equations. 511 Ri:sui;r. equal to — The nnmhvr of roots the difference in Sturm's functions, when x off(,v) hrtu'cen a and h is number of cluoiges of sign in and when x = b. the =a — INCOMMENsuit ABLE ROOTS. 512 <'"";• — Tlio total iiiiin])ci- ui" mid h = then bo the same as that by taking will a = \VTien tho -\- cc number — cc 133 roots of /(,*) will he foiiiid tho aU^n of each fuiictioii ; of its first term. of functions exceeds the degree of f{x) by unity, the two following theorems hold : 513 If thr jir^t trrins hi all flii'fdnrtionii, aj'trr /losifirc ; all flu' roots off{j) arc real. t lie first ^ are 514 If the first terms are not all positive ; then, for every of si(j)i, there will be a pair of imaginart/ roots. For the proof put .r = + co and — oo, and examino the number of r/iiiiK/c changes of sign in each case, applying Descartes' rule. (-tl6). and if <p (x) (•'') ^^^ no factor in common with /(<>'), 0; then the rest of take the same sign when /(,<) Sturm's functions may be found from f{.f) and <p (</;), instead For the reasoning in (509) and (510) will ajjply to of /'(./). the new functions. 515 and If ^ = _/"(,/') If Sturm's functions be formed without first removing equal roots from /(,/'), the theorem aWII still give the number of distinct roots, without repetitions, between assigned limits. 516 if/(.r) and /, (x) be divided by their highest common factor (see 444), the quotients be used instead of /(./) and/, (.r) to form Sturm's functions then, by (olo), the theorem will ajjply to tho new set of functions, which will dilfer only from those formed froin/(,c) and/, (./.) by the absence of the same factor in every term of the series. For and if ; 517 Example. — To find the position of the roots of the equation x'-4x^ + x- + Gx + 2 Sturai's functions, formed according to the rule given above, are here calculated. The first terms of the functions are all positive ; therefore there is no imaginary root. The changes of in the funcas X passes integral through exhivalues, are sign tions, bited in the adjoin- ing table. There are two changes of sign lost while x passes from 1 to — and two more lost while X passes from 2 to 3. There 0, = 0. f(x)=x*—4a^+ x^+ Gx+ A(^') = 2 THEOEY OF EQUATIONS. 134 — and \ and two roots also between are therefore two roots lying between 2 and 3. These roots are all incommensurable, by (503). Fourier's Theorem. 518 lowing quantities f{x), ; —Fourier's f'{.v), functions are the fol- /"(cv). f'i^v) — As x increases, Properties of Fourier's functions. Fourier's functions lose one change of sign for each root of the equation /(.f) 0, through which x passes, and r changes of sign for r repeated roots. 519 = 520 of If any of the other functions vanish, changes of sign an even number is lost. — Results. The 7iumher of real roots of f{x) hetween a cannot he more than the difference hetween the numher a, and the of changes of sign in Fourier's functions when x numher of changes ivhen x j3. 521 and j3 = = 522 roots When that is odd, difference is and therefore one odd, the number of intermediate at least. 523 When the same difference is even, the number of intermediate roots is either even or zero. Descartes' rule of signs follows from the above for the are the signs of the signs of Fourier's functions, when x oo, Fourier's functions are all terms in /(«); and when a3 524 = = positive. 525 Lagrange's method of approA'wiating to mensiirahle roots of an equation. the incom- Let a be tlie greatest integer less than an incommenDiminish the roots of /(,r) by a. Take surable root oif{x). the reciprocal of the resulting equation. Let h be the greatest Diminish integer less than a positive root of this equation. the roots of this equation by h, and proceed as before. 526 Let a, h, e, &c. be the quantities thus determined an approximation to the incommensurable root oif{x) the continued fraction x = a + -— h-\- -,f-l- ; then, will be INCOMMENSURABLE ROOTS. 527 AV/c/o/<'.v a little less than = + mcfluK/ <tf(ii>pr(uinnfti<ni.- If r, hv a ((uaiitity 0, so one o£ the roots of the eciuatioii fU) 0; tlieu c^ is a first approximation to the = //) that /(r, value of tlie root. /(,-, and In Co, h is + but /,) ]3i Also because =/(,.,) sniall, + /,/{,-,) +^'/"(.-,) + &c (KG), a second approximation to the root will be tlie same way a third ap]:»roximation may be obtained from and so on. — To ensure Fourier's limitation of Newton s method. &c. shall successively increase up to the value for all values Ti + h without passing beyond it, it is necessary 528 that Ti, ^2, Cg, of X between c^ and Ci-\-h. Thatf{;ii) andf'{,v) should have contrary signs. Thatflx) and f" {x) should have the same sign. (i.) (ii.) Fia. Fia. L 2. A proof may be obtained from the figure. Draw the curve y=f(^x). Let OX be a root of the equation, and ON = Ci; draw the successive ordinates and tangents NPy PQ, QBy &c. Then OQ = c^, OS = Cg, and so on. Fig. (2) represents Tg > OX, and the subsequent ai)proximations decreasinof towards the root. the Roots.— hot the cobe respectively 'divided by the Binomial coefficients, and let ^o, (T,, a, ... o„ be the quotients, so that 530 Newton s Rule for Limits of ethcients of /(./) f{x) = ao-'j" + uai,/;"- + ''t^"'' + ... + » ",.-!»;+« — TUEOUY OF EQUATIONS. 13G Lot ^Ij, ^lo, ^Ig An be formed by tlic law A^ = a^— ri^_i(X^+i. Write the first series of quantities over the second, in the fol. loA\dng manner . . : «0, rti, ('2, ((3 (^n-l, ««, ylo, Ai, ^2, ylg .-l,,_i, A,,. "Whenever two adjacent terms in the first series have the sign, and the two corresponding terms below them in the second series also the same sign; let this be called a double 2Jermanence. AVhen two adjacent terms above have different signs, and the two below the same sign, let this be known as a variation-permanence. same — Rule. The number of double 'permanences in the associated series is a superior limit to the number of negative roots 531 The number of variation-permanences is a superior limit to number of positive roots. The number of imaginary roots cannot be less than the number of variations of sign in the second series.the 532 Sylvesters Theorem. — Let /(f + X) be expanded by (426) in powers of x, and let the two series be formed as in Newton's Rule (530). Let P (X) denote the number of double permanences. Then P (X) ~ P [fi) is either equal to the number of roots of /(ft'), or surpasses that number by an even integer. — The first series Note. then stand thus, /-^X), /«(X), The second series where 533 G, (X) [2/«-2(X), may On{^), may be multiplied by [n_, and will [l/"-^(^)-h/W- be reduced to r/„_,(x), r/„_,(x)...rr(x), = {/'• (X)}^ - '^y^^ f-' (A) f^' (X). — Horner's Method. To find the numerical values of the Take, for example, the ecpiation roots of an equation. x'-4t^ + x^-\-6x-\-2 and find limits of the roots = 0, by Sturm's Method or otherwise. INCOMMENSUnAIiLi: HOOTS. It has been shewn 137 — 138 THEORY OF EQUATIONS. ti'ying 5 instead of 4. This gives — Y? with a minus sign, thereby pi-oving the A., 24 and existence of a root between 2-5. The new coetficieuts are A.^, B.^, C.,, D.^. gives 1 for the next figure of the root. Affix ciphers as before, and diminish the roots coefficients as A^, B^, C^, D^. by 1, distinguishing the new Note that at every stage of the work A and B must preserve their signs unchanged. If a change of sign takes place it shews that too hirge a figure has been tried. — After a certain number of the calculation pi'ocecd thus have been obtained (in this example four), instead of adding ciphers cut ott" one digit from B^, two from C'^, and three from D^. This amounts to the same thing as adding the ciphers, and then dividing each number by 10000. To abridge : figures of the root Continue the work with the numbers so reduced, and cut off digits in like manner at each stage until the D and C columns have disappeared. Aj and Bj now alone remain, and six additional figures of the root are determined correctly by the division of A^ by By. To find the other root which lies between 2 and 3, we proceed as follows : This gives Jj After diminishing the roots by 2, try G for the next figure. negative; 7 does the same, but 8 makes J., positive. That is to say, f{2'7) is negative, and/ (2'8) positive. Therefore a root exists between 2*7 and 2-8, and its value may be approximated to, in the manner shewn. Throughout this Observe also that the each stagfe ^ of the A will preserve the negative sign. for the next figure of the root given at last calculation trial number process the formula by I y too great, as in the former case — f(c) , {, will in this /(c)' was always too small. ^ it case be always ^ SYMMETEICAL FUNCTIONS OF THE HOOTS OF AN EQUATION. Notation. /(••'•) = 0. Let .s,„ — Let denote a'" a, h, c + //" + ... . , . . bo the roots of tlic sum of tlie tlie equation powers of 7/^^'' the roots. Let .s,„,p denote a"'h^' + lr(iP-\-a'"<'''-{permutations of the roots, two at a time. ... througli all Similarly let .9,„,p denote (rh'\'''-\-a'"h^\V'-\- ... taking the permutations of the roots three at a time ; and so ou. ,, , the all SYM}n:rRICAL FUNCTTONS of TIIF 534 SUM>^ wliere m OF nil': /vmi7;a'.s' the degree is less tliau n, h'OOTS. of tuf 13!) norrrs. oiJ'{.i). Obtained by expanding by division each term in the vahio of/'(.i) given at (432), arranging tlie whole in powers of .r, and equating coeiricieiits in llie result and in the value ofy^^r), found by differentiation as in (1-21). 535 If "i ^0 greater than Obtained by multii)lying a, h, c, By //, /(./•) forimihi will be tlie = by .'""", substituting for .i; the roots &c. in succession, and adding the results. these formula? .<„ s.,, .«„ &c. may be calculated successively. To find the sum of the negative powers of the roots, put equal to n—1, 2, ?^ 3, &c. successively in (535), in order to obtain s_i, s_o, s_3, &c. 536 m )i To 537 Rule s,. i'i n ^'^"J calculate : =— independently. .'?,. r — — X '^''•^''''ii'^''>t'J rorjjicieut I^OlV^^iS of the in x~'' e:q)amlo)i of .V. Proved by taking f(x) = {x~ a) (x-h)(x — c) ... dividing by expanding the logarithm of the right side of the equation by (loO). , SYMMETniCAL FUNCTIONS WTUGU NOT POWERS OF THE BOOTS. 538 of x", and AJ^E These are expressed in terms of the sums of ])o\vers of the roots as under, and thence, l)y (531), in terms of the routs explicitly, 539 'V„,,^,.,, The ."f, ; = .V,,,*,,*,/ last equation and expansions — .V„, + /, A-,, may be — *•„, + ,,*,, ]iroved — A', ,+ ,.?,„ +2.V„, + ^ + by mnlti})lying of other symmetiical functions ,. , .<„,.,, by may be obtained in a similar way. If ('•) be a rational integi'al function of ,r, then the symmetrical function of the roots of ./'('), denoted by 540 </> — • TEEOUT OF EQUATIONS. 140 + &c., is equal to ^ (a)-{-(j> (h) -{-<!> (() the remainder obtained by dividing coefficient of tlie <{> 0*') /'('') x''''^ in ^7 /('*') Proved by multiplying the equation (432) by yji, and by tlieorera (401). To find tlie equation wliose roots are tlie squares of differences of tlie roots of a given equation. 541 tlie Let F{^) be the given equation, and S,. the sum of the r*'' powers of its roots. Let/(/c) and s^ have the same meaning with regard to the required equation. The coefficients of the required equation can be calculated from those of the given one as follows : The coefficients of each equation may he connected tvith the sums of the ])oivers of its roots hy (534) and the sums of the ; poivers of the roots of the tivo equations are connected hy the formula 542 2^, = nS,,,-2rSA._,-\- ^''('^''-^) S,S,,_,- ... +«S,, — Rule. 2s,. is equal to the formal expansion of {S—Sf'' hy Binomial Theorem, with the first and last terms each mulAs the tiplied hy n, and the indices all changed to siffixes. equi-distant terms are equal we can divide by 2, and take half the series. the Demonstration. — Let Let a, h, c <l>(x) ... be tbe roots of i^(a;). = (x-ay-' + (x-hy+ (i-) right by the Bin. Theor., and add, substituting In the result change x into a, b, c ... successively, and add the n Si, S2, &c. equations to obtain the formula, observing tliat, by (i.), Expand each term on the (a) If r? be degree of tlic +0 (&) + 7^ (,*•), ... =2.v then 'k)i(ii — l) is of /(.'). 543 The where a, ft, y, term last of the equation 7" ('') = is the degree % (UG). equal to n^T{a)FmF{y)... that 544 ... are the roots of F' F'{a)F'{h) If -^(''O have imaginary ^^^s ... {•>'). Proved by shewing = n"F{a)F(ft) ... negative or imaginary roots, roots. f(.i) must SYMMETRICAL FUNCTIONS OF THE ROOTS. 545 The sum of tlic .*-— />.r+7 ratic ecjuation .v„, powers of v«"' = ;>'" — ,„ ni]>"' ., + , -(/ By 546 By 547 sum 'I'he is n if ni (537) ; m^^' <!>{.,•) sum — .v= where a, /3, y, -j .*») p ,„_t (|u:i(l- - (/-... (io") expaudiug the logarithm by (15G). powers of the roots of and zero if it be not. </y* —1 = )i, = a,-\-a,x-\-n,x- + &c of the selected ^-illbe = 0. — in {ni roots of the expanding the logarithm by (15G). If then the of tlie be a multiple of tlie 141 (i.): terms ;a"-"'<^(a.r)+y8"-"'<^()8./0+y"""'*(r'O &c. are the n^^' + ^^'C.} roots of unity. For proof, multiply (i.) by a""'", and change x into and add the resulting equations. a.v; so with /?, y, &c. To approximate to the root of an equation by means of the sums of the powers of the roots. 548 By taking m large enough, the fraction tuill ^vill approx- imate to the value of the numerically greatest root, unless there be a modulus of imaginary roots greater than any real root, in which case the fraction has no Umiting value. 549 Similarly tlie fraction •^''"•^'"^•-~'^'"":.' increases, to the grrnfr.^f product of api)roximates, as any pair m of roots, real or imnginary excepting in the case in which the product of tho pair of imaginary roots, though less tlian the product of tho two real roots, is greater than the scpiare of the least of tliem, for then the fraction has no limiting value. ; / THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 142 550 Similarly tlie ' fraction '" '"'^y '""^^ '"'^^ ^'m'^'m + 2 approximates, ^m + 1 m increases, to tlie sum of tlie two numerically greatest roots, or to the sum of the two imaginary roots with the as greatest modulus. EXPANSION OF AN IMPLICIT FUNCTION OF Let r{A,v''+)+!f{By-]-)^...-\-fiS.r^+) = .r. (1) be an equation arranged in descending powers of y, the coefficients being functions of x, the highest powers only of x in each coefficient being written. It is required to obtain y in a series of of descending powers X. First form the fractions a a —b — — Let a a a y8' —n — - t —c — y' a a —d —S n a —s —a ,c)\ be the greatest of these algebraicalh^, or and greater than the rest, let it be the Then, with tlie letters corresponding to these equal and greatest fractions, form the equation if several are equal last of such. -^Ku'^i) Au''-^ (3). Each value of in this equation corresponds commencing with ux^. to a value of ?/ Next select the greatest of the fractions /.• K _ — -—— K V /. Let v/, — — Ar» Ix—m K — /x — I'—s K— /jx v^V cr ^,, ' := t' be the last of the greatest ones. the corresponding equation Kh"-\- ...-\-Nh'' = (I • Form (5). Tlien each value of u in this equation gives a cori'cspondiiig value of y, commencing with »./. — EXPANSION OF AN Proceed is in tliis way IMI'LICIT Fi'M'TIDN. 143 until llie last tVactiun of tlio series (2) reached. To obtain the second term in the exjjansion of = ,/ .,.'(//+//,) Ill //, put 03), (1) and //, /" cmplojnng tlie dilTerent vahies of n, and again of and ti, &c. in succession; and in each case this substitution will produce an equation in // and x similar to the original /' equation in //. new ^vith the Eepeat the foregoing process observing the following additional rule eqnation in y, : Wien all the values of t, t\ t", ^c. have heeu ohtained, the negative ones only must be employed informing the equations (7). in n. obtain y in a series of ascending powers of /. (1) so that a, /3, y, &c. may be in asccndliKj order of magnitude, and a, h, c, &c. the lowest powers in the respective coefficients. of To 552 Arrange equation .t' Select f, the greatest of the flections in (2), and proceed exactly as before, with the one exception of substituting the vford jmsitive for negative in (7). 553 Example. {x^ It is 2/ 4.7; + 7x- + a;") >f - >/ = required to expand y in ascending powers of The The — Take the equation + x') + ( 3.^^ - hx^) + ( - The two being equal and Eqnation (3) and from is — and u = ^ — ^, 7/,), ij, tir.st arrange in ascending powers of ^^' ' ^' ^' ^"^^ ^' ' • / = 1. t' = ^. .tV, or a;*(-4^ + i/,). of tlieso values, in the originul equation, y, thus -4x* + (-rjx'-{-)y,+ (-4.c' + )yl The lowest power only ^ = 1. according to (G), cither a:(-i + J/,), the with t = 0, and —4*, with to sub.stitute for = x (1 + - —4ir—u'' ^(1 + y,), Tut y =1 is this have now — =i= \+3n- 4ir = 0, ?/ Equation (5) we have gi-catest, fractions (4) reduce to which gives "NVe - -'^. "qZo' ~ ^E fractions (2) are first 0. x. - 10x'y\ of x in each cocflicient is - bx'y\ - .c'y] here written. = 0. and — . THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 144 The now become fractions (2) 4-3 4-3 _4-5 4-5 0-1' 0-2' 0-3' 0-4' h 1, From /= tlieso 1, and equation (3) — 4— 5?t = Hence one of the values of y^ Therefore y Thus the first is, 5' -h -h -h becomes 0; .•. as in (G), = x {1 + (-f + 2/2)} «; =— = x (— f + = aJ-f'»'+ « 4.. yi 2/2)- ... two terms of one of the expansions have been obtained. DETERMINANTS. 554 Definitions. — The determinant is b, to a^h-i—dtbi-, a.^ b^ 63 Ci C.2 C; Another notation The called a determinant of the second order. the third order is ^Tifl is A determinant of = a^ b, equivalent hi letters rti {Ihc^ 63^2) + a. %c^ — b^c^) + a.^ {b,c., - b.,c^) 2 ± (lyh.^c^, or simply {a^h.yC-^. named constituents, and the terms are The determinant is composed of all the is are called elements. elements obtained by permutations of the suffixes 1, 2, 3. determinants of the next lower order, and are termed minors of the original Thus, the first determinant above is the minor determinant. of ^3 in the second determinant. It is denoted by C^. So the minor of % is denoted by vli, and so on. The 555 of the coefficients of the constituents are A determinant of the forms below b, b. 7^*^ order may be wintten in either ,. «,. ... «„ ... «„, .. 6, ... b. ... a.,. In the latter, or double suffix notation, the first suffix indicates The former notation the row, aud the second the column. will be adopted in these pages. — ^^ DETERMTXAXTS. A Compoiiift' ilotrrminant is one in which the ft a., «! h, h., b. Tuimber of cohimns exceeds the innnber of rows, and it is wntten as in the annexed example. Its vahie is the sum of all the determinants obtained \)\ takiiif^ a number of rows in every possible way. A Simple ih'tormlnnnt lias single terms for its constituents. A Compound drtrrmuinut has more than one term in somo See (')70) for an exam[)le. or all of its constituents. I For th(^ definitions of Si/mmetrical, Rcripronil, Parfial, and Complcmciitari/ determinants; see (574), (575), and (576). General Theory. The number of constituents is n^. Tlie number of elements in the complete determinant is 556 [?^^. Any The first or leading element is aih.,<\ ... /„. element may be derived from the first by permutation of the 557 suffixes. The sign of an element is + or — according as it has been obtained from the diagonal element by an even or odd number of permutations Hence the following of the suffixes. rule for determining the sign of an element. Take the suffixes in order, RuT.E. Let their places in the first element. of places passed over Ex. — To the find Move the ; then sign ( — 1)"* "'^7/ In all, tlio detei-minanfc «4 h ^s 'h '^i .suffix 1, tlircc pliiccs 1 4 3 ''> 2 three places 3, one phwje 1 2 2 4 3 ') 3 4 5 „ seven places; therefore (—1)' n give the sign required. of the element n^h^CrJ\c.^ of 2, „ and put them hach to he the whole number m = —1 1 gives the sign required. any element be transi)o.^ed, the sign changed. Half of the elements are plus, and half are minus. 558 two suffixes in of the element 559 is The elements are not altered ])y changing the rows into columns. If two rows or columns are transposed, the sign U of tho TUEOUY OF EQUATIONS. 146 determinant is clianged. Because each element changes its sign. If two rows or columns are determinant identical, the vanishes. 560 If all the constituents but one in a row or column vanish, the determinant becomes the product of that constituent and a determinant of the next lower order. — A \ successive cyclical interchange is effected by n 561 transpositions of adjacent rows or columns, until the top row has been brought to the bottom, or the left column to the right side. Hence A cyclical interchange changes the sign of a determinant of an even order only. The r*^ row may be brought to the top by r— 1 cyclical interchanges. 562 If each constituent in a row or column be multiplied factor, the determinant becomes multiphed by it. by the same If each constituent of a row or column is the sum of terms, the compound determinant becomes the sum of simple determinants of the same order. m m Also, if every constituent of the determinant consists of terms, the compound determinant is resolvable into the sum of m^ simple determinants. m 563 To express the minor of the a determinant of the n V^ order. r"' row and ¥^ column as — I*ut all the constituents in the r^^ row and /.-^^ column equal to 0, and then make r— 1 cyclical interchanges in the rows and L 1 in the columns, and multiply by (_iy'-+^)(«-i). — r._. 564 To express a determinant minant as a deter- of a higher order. Continue the diagonal with constituents of " ones," and fill up with zeros on one side, and with any quantities whatever (o, /3, y, &c.) on the other. _ f_Y\(r-\*k-\){n-l)^ 1 a 1 fi e V C h h r) {) a h - h /• <>' f c U7 vi:TEnMTy.iNTS. each constituent of a another given cohimn And the same is true if we read row' instead of is zero. * Thus, referring to the determinant in (555), cohimn.' Tlio sura of tbe products 565 column by tlio of corresponding minor in ' Taking For in /)''' tlie and r/^' cohimns, Taking tho a and r rows, each case we have a dotcnuinant with two columns identical. I" i^ny row^ or column tlie sum of the pnxhicts of each That is, constituent by its minor is the determinant itself. 566 Taking the The 567 Also, j)^^ hist equation if Or taking the cohimn, i'lpCq) c may be expressed by ^- p rp ' express the determinant a„ a row. = A. then represent the sum of all tlu^ determinants of the second order wdiich can be formed by taking any two columns out of the a and r rows. The minor of {dp, (\) may be wi'itten (Ap, Cy, and signifies the determinant obtained by suppressThus ing the two rows and two columns of Op and c,. or three when notation similar a And {Ap, S {dp, Cg) Cq). A ^ more rows and columns are selected. '2{apr,^) will = Analyji'is 568 Rule. — To of a determinant. resolve into its elements a determinant of thn Express it as the sum of n determinants of the n*^ order. (n—iy'' order by (5G0), and repeat the process with e ach oj the new determinants. EXAMl'LE «l «J «3 "i c, q r, c^ «/, (/j d^ ll^ Again, : = a, b, b, b, —— : TUEOUY OF EQUATIONS. 148 569 Si/nthesh of a determinant. The process rules. by making use of two evident Those constituents which belong to the row and column of a given constituent a, will be designated is facilitated *' a's conAlso, two pairs of constituents such as a^, c, and forming the corners of a rectangle, will be said to be stituents." dg, c^, *' conjugate" to each other. Rule Rule No I. with one of its constituent he loill found in the same term oion constituents. The conjugates of any two constituents a and and Us constituents. II. b will he cuinnion to a's Ex. — To write the following terms in the form of a determinant uhcd + Ifyl +fh^ + ledf+ cghp + 1 ahr + elpr —fhpr—ahlr—ach^ — Ifhg — bdf^ — efhl — cedp. The determinant will be of the fourth order and since every term must contain four constituents, the constituent 1 is supplied to make up the number in some of the terms. Select any term, as ahcd, for the leading ; diagonal. Kow a ia 1) is apply Rule I., not found with e,f,f, g,p,0...(l)not found with e, h, h,p,l,0 ..(2). c is not found with /,/, dis not found with I, r, 1, 0... (^). g, h,h,l,r,0...(-i). Each constituent has 2 (»— 1), that is, 6 constituents belonging to it, since n =?'4. Assuming, therefore, that the above letters are the constituents of a, b, c, and d, and that there are no more, we supply a sixth zero constituent in each case. Now apply Rule to II. and b are a and d g, to a — e, — The constituents common to a and — /; p to and d — c ; to b -/, h ; h, li, The determinant may now be formed. being abed,; place in the e, p, the eoiijugatus of and and c — d- 1, /, ; /•, 0. Tlie diagonal a and b, either as diagram or transposed. Then /and/, the conjugates and of a and the conjugates of b and c, 1 is one of y/s constituents, sini-e it is must therefore be in the second row. 1 to c ; 0, Similarly tlie places of y and 0, c, may be written. must be placed and of as indicated, becau.so found in any term with nt)b Z and r, /i, and are assigned. In the c-ase of b and d we have h, h, from wliieh to clioose the two conjugates, but, we see that is not one of them because that would assigu two zero constituents to b, whereas b has but one, which is already placed. By similar reasoning the ambiguity in selecting the conjugates I, r is removed. The foregoing method is rigid in the case of a complete determinant DETEKMJXAXTS. 1 to having different constituents. It becomes uncertain when the zero conKtituonts increase in number, and when several coustitueuts are identical. Ihit even then, in tlie majority of cases, it will soon afford a cluo to the required arrangement. I'RODUCr OF TWO DETERMINANTS OF 570 Tin: C) {Q) (I., ... a, h, h, ... h, </, L (lUDEU. „"• a, a> ... .U A, a„ /;, X, /.. L, L, X, Tlie values of A^, By ... L, in tUo first column of S arc annexed. For the second column write //s in the place of as. For the tliird columu write f's, and so on. . Ai = ... li J„ ii,, ... L, ay ai-\-(L,a.,-\- Ly r= aiXi4-^^X.+ . ... +(?,.X, For proof substitute the values of Ay, By, &c. in the determinant S, and then resolve ,b' into the sum of a number of determinants by (oC>2), and note the determinants which vanish through having identical columns. — Rule. To form the determinant S, which is the product of two determinants P and Q. First connect hij plus siijus the constituents in the ro2VS of both the determinants F and Q. and Nou) place the first row of F upon each row of Q in turn, let each two constituents as thnj touch become jn-oducts. column of S. same operation upon Q with the second rou- if P to obtain the second column of S ; and again with the third row of F to obtain the third column of S, and so on. Tliis is the first Perform the of columns, both in F and Q., be n, and rows r, and if n be > r, then the determinant S, found in tlie snme way from F and Q, is equal to the sum of the C{ii, r) products of prirs of determinants obtained by taking any r columns out of F, and the corresponding r columns out of Q. 571 the If the number But if number of n be <r the determinant For in that case, in every one of be two columns idcutical. th S vanishes. component determinants, there will THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 150 572 The product of tlie determinants P and Q may be in four ways by changing the rows into columns in formed either or both P and Q. Let the following system of n equations in XicV,.^ ... x^ be transformed by substituting the accompanying values of 573 the variables, The ehminant of the resulting equations in ^^ ^., ^» is the determinant S in (570), and is therefore equal to the product of the determinants P and Q. The determinant Q is then termed the modulus of transformation. • • • 574 A Symmetrical determinant is symmetrical about the leading diagonal. If the E's form the r^'' row, and the K's the k^^ row ; then B;, K^ throughout a symmetrical determinant. = The square of a determinant is a symmetrical determinant. ^ Reciprocal determinant has for its constituents the minors of the original determinant, and is equal to its ?i — l'^ power; that is, 575 fii'st A, ... Proof. A, h 576 ... 4 — ^Multiply both sides of the equation by the original determinant (o55j. The constituents on the left side all vanish excepting the diagonal of A's. Partial and Complementary determinants. rows and the same number of columns be selected fi'om a determinant, and if the rows be brouglit to the top, and the columns to the left side, without changing their order, then the elements common to the selected rows and columns form a Partial determinant of the order r, and the elements 7wt found in any of those rows and columns form the Complementary determinant, its order being n — r. If r DETERMINANTS. 151 Ex.— Let the selected rows from the dctcrmiiiaTit («,''3r,(/^^J be tlio Becond, third, and fifth and the selected columns bo the third, fourth, aud The orijjinal and the transformed determinants will be fifth. ; (J, THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 152 equal. by Therefore their product. it is And divisible equation are of the same degree 579 by ; on the left therefore seen to be unity, for both sides of the ^n {n 1). eacli of the factors the quotient is viz., — ' The product of the squares of the| same n quantities j ; ' _ ~ differences of the ... S,; — Proof. Square the determinant in (578), and write Sf for the sum of the r"' powers of the roots. 580 With the same meaning minant taken of an order r, less for s-^,s.2..., than the same deter- n, is equal to the sum of the products of the squares of the differences of r of the n quantities taken in every possible way ; that is, in C {n, r) ways. Ex.: ^1 — : ELIMINATION. 153 ELIMINATION. 582 Solution of 11 li)i('(ir rquntious in u rnriahlrs. The equations and the values of the varialjles are arranged below «,.r, + f/,.r,+ + r/„.r„ = ^„ ... where &c. are To A is .r,A = J^^, + /;, f,+ the determinant annexed, and J^, B^, minors. + ... ^„ /., «, ... /i ... a its first find the value of one of the unknowns x^. /. HuLE. Multiply the equations respectively by the minors of the r''' column, and add the results, x^ will he equal to the ?•'* fraction whose numerator is the determinant A, with its column replaced by Hj, ^2 ••• s„, and whose denominator is A itself. If SI, ^2 ••• ^« ^^''tl A all vanish, then x^, Xo ... x^ are in the ratios of the minors of any row of the determinant A. 583 For example, in the ratios The eliminant 584 C^: Cj : C^ ... : of the given equations is : €„. now A= 0. Orthoi^onal Transformation. If the two sets of variables in the n equations (5y2) be connected by the relation .»•, +4+ ... +.<•;= ?; + f: + ... + f;, (D. then the changing from one set of variables to the other, by substituting the values of the Ts in terms of the xs, in any function of the former, or rice versa, is called orthogonal transformation. When I. equation (1) The determinant is satisfied, A = ± 1. X two results follow. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 154 II. A Each of the constituents of else to minus that equal is to the corre- minor according as sponding minorj or A is or — Proof. Substitute the values of 4i, l^ ... 4„ in terras of x^, x^ ... a;„ in equation (1), and equate coefficients of the squares and products of the new We get the n^ equations variables. a\^-V + fliCj h^h^ + = + = 1 a.,ai a\ + + hjb^ + = hl + = 1 a- a-,an + hl + = 1 hA),, -f Form the square of the determinant A by the rule (570), and these equations show that the product is a determinant in which the only constituents that do not vanish constitute a diagonal A Also + of ' Therefore ones.' A'^ = aiA A = ±l. = ^i +^,04-/ls0+ = .4i a^\ = AS) + AS}-\-A^ +=^^3 and 1 Again, solving the first set of equations for ai (writing a, as a-^^a^, &c.), the second set for ao, the third for a.^, and so on, we have, by (582), the results annexed which, proves the second proposition. ; — &c. &c. — Theorem. The 7i 2*'' power of a determinant of the order multiphed by any constituent is equal to the corresponding minor of the reciprocal determinant. 585 n^^ — Let p be the reciprocal determinant of A, and /3,. the minor of i?^ "Write the transformed equations (582) for the xs in terms of the 1% and solve them for l^. Then equate the coefficient of x^ in the result with its coefficient in the original value of .^0. Proof. in p. Thusp^3= A 586 To (/3ia;i+...+ /3,.a;,. A/3, .-. = p&, = + ...), and i, A"-'&, by (575); = .-. + 6.r"'-' + ca?'^-' + ... aV+/>V-^+cV--'H-... If it is desired that the equation and y /3, ... = +Mr+ ••• ; A'-'^fc,. eliminate x from the two equations «.r'" in X &>i+ ; put — instead of following methods will still «, and = =0 (1), (2). should be homogeneous clear of fractions. be applicable. The 155 ELIMINATION. Bezant's Method. 1. — Suppose m > n. — Rule. Bring the (ujuatiom to the same degree by multiThen multiply (1) by a\ and (2) by a, and plying (2) by «"•-". subtract. Again, multiply by a\r-\-b\ (1) and by (2) {'i,r-\-b), and subtract. Again, multiply (1) by ax--\-b'x-\-c\ and (2) by {a£'-\-bx-\-c), and subtract, and so on until n equations have been obtained. Each null be of the degree m—l. Write under these the plying (2) successively by x. equations obtained by multim equations The eliminant of the required. is the result Ex.— Let m—n the equations be ( ( a ( a'x^ a;' a;"' + 6h + c + d ax' + ex +f = 0, =0. + h'x' + cx +d' re" ai' a;' fZ - five equations obtained by the method, and their eliminant, by (583), writing capital letters for the functions of a, b, c, d, e, f, The are, A,x* + B^a^+G^x^ + D,x + E, = A^* + B.^+C^' + D^ + Ej A^x' + B,x' + (7,a:^ + I)^^E, a x' a x^^-b' x^-\-c x^-d' Should the cqaations be of metrical determinant. II. Rule. and =0 + h' x^-\-c' x' + d' X 587 (2) A., Bn C, D, E, A, Z?3 G, A a' b' c d' = m— l times — To eliminate x from The m+n I'X- ->t qx 'px^-\-qx--'rrx a.i " + 6x' + c.r + = px + qx + r =0 \- r tZ + ra? + 6«' + car+c/.c =0 I I arc? = = = aa?-\-b3?-\-cx + d= oa;* be a sym- n — l times; and eliminate x from the m-\-n (1) successively by x, ; equations and their eliminant px^^-qx'^ will Silvester's Diahjtic Method. resulting equations. Ex. E, d' b' the same degree, the eliminant —Multiply equation and equation A^ B, C, D, E, ' = <» i> and p q r q r q r a a 2^ b c b c d d THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 156 588 Method of elimination by Symmetrical Functions. III Divide the two equations in (586) respectively by the terms, thus reducing them to the coefficients of their first /Gr) =.r- + /)i^^-^+ forms <l> Rule. (cv) —Let = a, b, c the equation <p{a) (p + .v'' ... (b) <{> </i cr'*"^ + ... . . . -\-p^= 0, + 7n = 0. Form represent the roots of f{x). This will contain sym0. (c) . . . = metrical functions only of the roots a,b,c.... and Express these functions in terms of the equation becomes the eliminant. pi, p2 "-by (538), ^'c, — Reason of the rule. The eliminant is the condition for a common root of (a), ^ (6) ... the two equations. That root must make one of the factors vanish, and therefore it makes their product vanish. 589 of The ehminant expressed in terms and the roots o, )3, y ... of ^ {x), /(,7'), (,,_«) (a-^) (a-y) ... of the roots a, b,c will (/.-«) (6-/3) ... be {h-y) ... &c., being the product of all possible differences between a root of one equation and a root of another. is a homogeneous function of the coequation, being of the n^^ degree in the coefficients of f{x), and of the m^^^ degree in the coefficients 590 The eliminant efficients of .^ either of (a'). 591 The sum of the suffixes of p and q in each term of the ran. Also, if p, q contain z ; if p.y, q., contain z' eliminant if 2?s, qs contain :^, and so on, the eliminant will contain z"'". = ; Proved by the the roots 592 may a, b, c fact that p^ is a ..., j^z •••i ^Iv Q2 ••• - Elimination by the Method of Highest Let two algebraical equations ^= of r dimensions of If the two equations involve x and y, the elimination be conducted with respect to x ; and y will be contained in the coefficients p^, 593 homogeneous function hy (40G). and i? = 0. in x Common Faetor. and y be represented by : : ELIMINATION. It required to eliminate is J 157 x. according to descending powers of .i\ Arrange and, having rejected any factor which is a function of // only, proceed to find the Highest Common Factor of J and B. and Ji The process may be c^A = +'"i^''i'l c B = (hR +ro7?.> _ T^ <^3^i — (l^^h -r r^li^ c^Bo = QiRs + (jxli ^ " -({ \ , ri j exhibited as follows Ci^ *'i a^6 the multipliers re^'2J ''i» quired at each stage in order to avoid and these must fractional quotients ^^ constants or functions of y only. q^^ q^^ q^^ q^ are the successive quo; tients. r^^Bi, r.jB^, rji^, r.^ are the successive remainders ; i\, rg, rg, i\ being functions of y only. as soon as a remainder is obtained a function of y only ; i\ is here supposed to be such The process terminates which is a remainder. Now, we the simi)lest factors having been taken for Ci, c-,, c^ see that The values which of x and v/, simultaequations the neously A {) and B Q, are those obtained by the four pairs of simultaneous equations satisfy = = following The final which gives values, equation in y, all admissible is 1^ I tlio th(> f it should happen that remainder i\ is zero, equasimultaneous THEORY OF EQUATIONS. 158 594 To find infinite values of x or y whicli satisfy the given equations. Put X = ~. z Clear of fractions, and make 2 = 0. the two resulting equations in y have any common oo, satisfy simultaneously the equations proposed. If roots, such roots, together with Similarly we may put y = .13 —. = . PLANE I^IMTJOXOMETRY. ANGULAR MKASrHK.MKXT 600 'I'Jx' the radius. is a liadiari, and is tlic which subtends an arc equal to Circular mcasui'o of ii'iit aiiulr at (lie centre of a circle Ileiiee measure = — 601 Cireulai- 602 Circular measure of two right angles of an anole ^^ radius 'I'he unit of Centesimal measure oni'-liundredth part of a right angle. 603 is a 604 is 'i'he unit of Sexagesimal measure the one-ninetieth part of a right angle. To change degrees vice vprni'i, employ ^"^ = H'T II . =7r. is the is into grades, or circular measure, or the ihrvQ equations included in OTie of 90~100""7r' Let OA revolving line round 0. be fixed, and OP Draw dicular to AA'. tions of OP, let the describe a circle FN always perpenThen, in all ])osi- PN = the sine of the angle AOI', ON z= the cosine of the angle PN = the tangent of the angle JO/'. - . a Degree, and THIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS - . Grade, and where D, G, and G are respectively the nundjers grades, and radians in the angle considered. 606 50 AOP, of degrees, TL'IG GNOME TBY. PLANE 160 607 608 If P If P be It" If y P AOP is positive. the line AA', sin ylOP is negative. be above the line helo2o AA\ sin AOP lies to the right of J5j5', cos lies to the BB\ cos ylOP of /t// is positive. is negative. Note, that by the angle AOP is meant the angle through whicli has revolved from OA, initial position and this angle of revolution may have any magnitude. If the revolution takes place in the oppos'te direction, the angle described is reckoned negative. 609 OP it-,.-; 610 The secant of or ; an angle cos 611 The cosecant of A is sec the reciprocal of = A an angle 612 The cotangent of an angle tan or A cot is 1. the reciprocal of is = siu^ cosec^ or = its sine, 1. the reciprocal of ^ its cosine, its tangent, 1. Relations hctirrcn the trii>onomet7'ical functions of the same un^le. 613 siuM+cosM 614 sec'^ 615 cosecM 616 tan If A ^ = [1.47 l. l+tmiM. = l+cotM. = ^i^. [606 . [606 cos^ " tail^ rrz h 617 sin A = s/(r-\-/r cosy4 /?io 618 • sin.1I = = tally! . , vlH-iair/l ('()Syl=: 1 -. x/1+taii-i ^,_ [617 , . TIUOOSOMETliICA L HATIOS. 619 620 621 622 The Coniploment Tlie Supplement of A is = = ^0^-A. 180'-yl. = (OSy|, taii(lM) -.l) = eot.l, sec (1)0 —^) = c'osec A. sill (18(r~^)= cos (180°-^) siiiyl, = -cos ^, = -tan .4. the figure Z QOX. = 1 80' y/, [607, 608 -•/. cos( The sine, — = ~sm^. — ^) = cos^. sin(— ^) 623 624 — .1 is sin(00 -y1) tan (180 -.4) Ill of IGl By Fig., and (607), (608). and cotangent of 180° — ^, and of secant, cosecant, will follow the same and tangent. rule as their reciprocals, the cosine, [610-612 To reduce any ratio of an angle greater than 90° to the ratio of an angle less than 90°. 625 — Rule. Determine the sign of the ratio by the rules (007), and then substitute for the given angle the acute angle formed by its two bounding lines, produced if necessary. Ex.— To find all the ratios of 600°. Measuring 300° {= 660°— 360°) round the circle from ./ to P, we find the acute angle AOP to be 60°, and F lies helow AA\ and to the rUjki of BB' Therefore sin 660° =r- sin cos 660° = 60' 2 cos 60° = and from the sine and cosine found by (610-616). Inverse Notation. by sin"' — The ' J all the remaining ratios angle whose sine ,/•. Y is mav l)e x isdenoted PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 162 All tlie angles which have a given sine, cosine, or tangent, are given by the formula 626 sin-^^= nir+^-iye cos-Vr =: 2mT±e U\\\\r= mr-\-6 (1), (2), (3). In these formula} 6 is any angle wliich has x for tangent respectively, and n is any integer. its sine, cosine, or Cosec"'.T, sec"' a;, cot"' a; have similar genei'al values, by (610-612). These formulae are verified by taking A, in Fig. 622, for 0, and making n an odd or even integer successively. FORMULAE INVOLVING TWO ANGLES, AND MULTIPLE ANGLES. = sin A cos 5 + cos ^ — sin A cos^— cos^ voii(A-\-B) = QosA cos ^— sin A coh{A — I}) = cos ^ cos J5 + sin A 627 628 629 630 Proof. sin {A-\-B) sill (A—B) — By (700) and (701), sin B, sin B, sin i^, sin B. we have = sin A cos B + cos A siu B, sin G = sin (A+B), by (622). sin and C {A — B) change the sign of B in (627), and employ (623), cos(^ + B) = sin {(00"-^)-^j, by (621). Expand by (628), and use (621), (628). (624). For cos (-1-5) change the To obtain .sin (624), sign of B in (629). 631 tan (.4+/?)^ ^^'"^+^^'"-;^ 632 tan (/!-/>') 633 cot(.l 634: 1-1 = + /i) = . MI'I/ni'LE AXOLES. 635 163 , PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 164 654 ^ /A-o X 655 ^ A\ — tan A 1— tau^ 1 [631, 632 = 3sm A—4< sinM, cos 3^ = 4 cosM — 3 cos ^ 3tan J— tanM tan 3^ = l-3tanM siu 656 657 658 3A By putting B = 24 in (627), (629), and (G31). = sin" 4 — sin" B = co^-B — cosM. cos (^ + IJ) cos (^ - i^) = cos^ ^ - siu^ B = cos"-B — sin" A. 659 (A + B) sin 660 sin {A — B) From sin 661 = ± v/l + Y+ — — cos — = ± \/l — c<^® -9"^ 662 sin sin 664 ^osA^-^ -- ^. [Proved by squaring. sinyl. 4 = 4 {\/l + sin^->/l-sin^}. 663 when sin (627), &c. { v/1 + sin ^ + yi - siu ^} between —45° and +45°. lies In the accompanying diagram the signs exhibited in each quadrant are the signs to be prefixed to the two surds in 665 the value of sin^y according to the quad- rant in which For cos - — lies. change the second sign. L Proof.— By examining ibe cbangosof sign in (UtH) and (662) by (607). — — — . . MULTIPLE ANGLES. 666 667 668 669 105 + /i) + sin (.1 2 cos^l sin /i = sin (A + 7^) - sin {A - li). 2 cos cos /i = cos (.1 + U) + cos (J - B). lAwA sin y^=z cos(.l-/;)-cos(.l + 7y). 2 sin A cos B= sin (A /?). .1 [G27-G30 670 sin .1 + sin B = l sin l-/y li+Z^ cos -i_ 671 sni yl — sni B = 2 cos —— 672 cos ^ + cos jK = 2 cos - 01 o cos B — cos A = 2 Obtained by cbaugiug It is thus 674 676 into —— .- , —-— sin — — cos - —— —— - and - sni B ~ into - , in (G66-669). advantageous to commit tbe foregoing fonnula; to memory, in words, = sin sum + sin difference, = sin sura — sin difference, = cos sum + cos difference, = cos difference — cos sum. sin first + sin second = 2 sin half sum cos half difference, — sin second = 2 cos half sum sin half difference, sin first cos first + cos second = 2 cos half sum cos half difference, cos second — cos first = 2 sin half sum sin half difference. 2 sin cos 2 cos sin 2 cos cos 2 sin sin sin + 6+ C) = sin A cos B cos C + sin B C cos A (J -\- 675 A sm ;^ sin cos C cos A B — sin A sin B cos sin C. + 7J+C) = cos A cos B cos C — cos A sin B sin C — cos B sin C sin A — cos C sin A sin B. Um{A + n-\-C) _ tan A + tan B -f tan C — tan A tan B tan C 1 — tan 7^ tan C — tan C tan A — tan ^ tan li' cos(.l Prouf.— Put B+C fur L' in (G27), (02l>), and (Gol). PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 166 If 677 A +B+C 180°, A + sill B + sill C = sm A + sill B — sill C =4 siii — sin — cos—. fos^ + cos7iH-cosC = 4 sill — sin — sill 678 = 4 cos— cos— cos—. ABC-+ £t 680 681 682 1. ^ + COS 1^ — COS C = 4 cos— cos— — — tan A + tan B + tan C = tan A tan ^ tan C\ cot 4 + cot I + cot ^ = cot 4 cot ^ cot ^. sin 2A + sin 2i? + sin 2C = 4 sin ^ sin B sin C. cos2^H-cos2ii + cos2C = — 4cos^ cos^ cosC— 1. cosyl 679 siii Jd siii 1. General formulae, including the foregoing, obtained by applying (666-673). and n be A + Bi-G = nC nB nA sm -^ 683 4 sm -rp sm -;j^ ^ If -rto TT, 4 . ' any integer, . Ji /»o>i 684 4^ COS nB nC — COS— cos-^ ^^A cos (!^-n^)+cos(^-.ii) liA-\-B + C 635 = 0, ^=^ ^= 4 sin '-^ sin '-^ sin 2i 686 4 cos ^^4 cos 2t + cos(^-..c) + cos^|r. sin uA - sin yi j5 - sin nC. 2i 2i cos 2i Rule.— 7/; informulce cos;iy/ + cos?iZ)'+cosyiO+l. 2t (683) ^o (686), two factors on the left be cliaiujed hy ivriting sin for cos, or cos for sin, then, on the right side, change the signs of those ter)ns n-hirJi <1o not run tain the angirs of the (dtpveit factors. — — COMMON JxSUlJ-h^. I<i7 Thus, from (083), wc obtain 687 = sill J - cos -— COS ^ z ^ _sm(^'^'^-„.l) + sm(^"2"-„y;) + sin('^''-«c) + siM". A Formula for the construction of Tables of sines, co- sines, &c. 688 sin where a 689 = (?i 10", uu = sin «rt— sin (ii—l)u —A- sin 7ia, = 2 (1 -cos a) = -0000000023504. + l)a — sin and A Formulae for verifying the tables sin,l + sin(72° + ^)-8in(72"-yl) = sin (3G^ + ^)-sin + yl) +COS (72^ + ^1) = cos (36^ + J) +cos sin (60° + ^) -sin (60°-^) = sin^. cos yl+cos (72° (36"-^!), (36^-^1), RATIOS OF CERTAIN ANGLES. 690 sin 45° = cos 45° = -i^, 691 sin 60^ = ^^, cos 60' tan 45° = Li 692 -15' = sml8^ ^, -1-^^ 694 r^- table By taking- tlie ^' 5 r sin54=^^^~-, i>-ives tlie = = \/^-^|^. \/5-|-l tan54^ 695 = ^'6. cosl8"=^'^ + 2'^^ ^ • tan 60° = 2-y3^ = 2 + v/'>3' = ^^, tan]8^ «/Nj , '-t tanl5° cotI5' 693 I = 1. 4'? cos 54 \/5 = vS— 2^2 = V'^^^- complements ratios ol ' ^Jn", of these ani^Hcs, llie 75', 72", and :'<> . same PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 168 696 Proofs.— sin 15° 697 sin 18'' 698 sin 54^ from sin is obtained from sin (45°-30°), expanded by (628). from the equation sin 2x 3.7; = 3 sin — cos -4 sin^r, a; 3.i-, = 18°. = 18°. where x where x the ratios of various angles may be obtained by taking the sum, difference, or some multiple of the angles in the table, and making use of 699 And known formulae. Thus 12^ = 30°-18°, 7^° = ^, &c., &c. PROPERTIES OF THE TRIANGLE. 700 701 702 c = aQOsB-{-bcosA. a sin «' c h A sin B = 6'+c'— 26c cos A. Proof.— By Euc. 11. 704 12 and 13, cos 703 If g C sin = ^H-6 + g ^ ^^^ a? = b' + c'-2c.AD. A = ^ denote the area 26c ABC, .u4=^^I^^i-^, ^o4 = ^^^. [641,042, 703.0, 10, A_J 7-V A tan 705 706 sin 707 A= 708 A =^V 1. — L\ (M — r {s-b){s-c) I{k' .V be (.y— a) .v(.y_„) (s—b) {s • — c). ^ sin A = Vs (s-a) (s-b) (.v-c), = 1 [635, 704 [707, 706 \^'2b-i'''-^2(-a--^'2irb--(i'-b'-r\ . rifOl'EUTlh'S nr riilASULKS. Thr Trianii/r tun I Let r = radius of inscribed circle, r^= radius of escril)ed circle touching tlie side a, B = radius of circuinscribiu' circle 709 l b roiii h i«^., A = . 710 ^ -1- n ^ . + -^ c r = cos [By 711 712 a = r cot It + r cot - > - . ('irrlt iC'.t A PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 170 SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES. Right-angled triangles are solved by the formula? e^=rt2+6-^; 718 la^e siu A 719 h, = \a z=: , ecos^, A h tau , &c. Scalene Triangles, Case 720 I. — The equation a sin h A siu [701 B determine any one of the four quantities A, B, a, h Avhen the remaining three are known. will 721 When, The Ambiguous Case. I., two and an acute angle opposite to one of them are given, we have, from in Case sides the figure, . sin ^= C e sin A -C arc Then C and 180 Also h because 722 'C . = = Wlicn an angle cvo» the values of ± v'a- — c- C and C, by siu- A (622). , A 1) + DC. 1> is to be determined from the equation ... .sill /; /, =: . . sin .1, a and \o '' is u small fracLiou a by putting sin (U^C) ; tlic i'or fiirular sin .1, measure of B may and using theorem be appi-oximatcd (rOC)). , . SOL UTIOX OF TU I A M 723 ./ TF. ('\^i' are known, — AVluMi two sides side a tlie tliird (r= when logarithms h- is 1 by priven tlic 7 1 inclndcMl aiigl(! formula + (--'2hrvosA, [702 are not used. Otlierwise, eni])loy tlie followin<r formula with lo-^^ai-ithms i^-c /j_f; 724 L ES. and the r />, i A , ^^»-^V-^-,TX7/*'^^> Obtained from ('~'' = ^!°^^---^'A^, (701). sm/Z + smG h-{-r and then applying (670) and (07 1). the above eiiuation, and havinir l)oen found from 2 —"trl i? being equal to 90'—-''-, and G having been determined, a can be found by Case 726 If the logarithms of b log{b—c) and $ we have = tan"'—, log(/> + c) may I. and c are known, the trouble of taking out be avoided by employing the subsidiary angle and the formula c 727 Or tan else the subsidiary angle tan i 728 If a = X(B-C) - tan (« = cos"' (B- G) = ''' , ^ ) cot [C55 ^ and the formula tan' ^ cot ^J be ri(|uirod without ealcuhit iug the aiiglis />' [04:3 mid / ', we may use the formula (^< 729 ** ~ + (jMii cos ^ [From ,1 the figure in drawing ^ ^^''^™ {u-c) ^ a 9(i0, by |)eijteiidiculnr '^ ^'^' pi'^'^i^^'ed- If a be required in terms of ?», c, and A alone, and in a form adapted to logarithmic eomputatiun, employ the subsidiary aiiglo 730 = and the f..i-muhi sin"' a = ( (/- ,' " .COS- + .) cus«. ' ), [702, G37 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 172 Case III.^ — AVhen the three sides are known, tlie angles may be found without employing logarithms, from the formula co^A=!^±StzlL\ 731 [703 '2oc 732 are to be used, take the formulae for If logarithms sin^, cos^, or tan—-; (704) and (705). QUADRILATERAL INSCRIBED IN A CIRCLE. ,o.li 733 = "'+'>'-/ -f 2{ab-\-cd) = a» + b''-2ab cos B = (702}, and i^ + D = 180°. From AC2cdcosB, by ^\nB 734 735 and c- ^ . + (P + = -^S_ ab-\-cd Q = = x/{s-a)(s^b){s-c){s-d) area of A BCD, =l{a-{-h + c-]-d). Area = lah sin B + ^cd sin B substitute sin B (ae+hd)i„,l+he) s ; 736 " AC^= ' from _ last. ^,,,_ ,33 {ab-\-cd) lladius of circumscribed circle = -L ^\ab-\-cd) {ac-^bd) {ad-\-bc). 737 4^) If AD bisect the side of the triangle tan 51)^ 733 739 740 743 4A = b'-c'' = 2cot^ + cotJ?. + c' + 2bc cos A) = hAb' + c'-ia'). cot7?^I> AD' = i (b' If ylD bisect the angle 742 ABC in D, tan of a triangle yl /;;>. 1 ABC, + c,__ ^^^- = ^^ tan = cot B^C^b 2 b- JD=^cos^ A [713, 734, 736 . isriisn>iAuy angles. If AD III- ]H>i{H'n.licular to hi' AD 744 BC sin A //'' 745 li' — G + c' sin r'^ sin Radius of circumscribing Radius of inscribed circle J}-tnnC tan 7) -h - cosec of = 748 TT n 2 Area CIRCLE. = —a cot — , r (/ r. of sides =^ n tan = R. = = a. = n. circle Side of polyo:on 746 7? tan REGULAR rOLYGUN AND Number 173 Polygon \na- cot — = ItilV sill ^^ — nr- tan — USE OF SUBSIDIARY ANGLES. To adapt a±_h 749 = Take 750 i^'or a-h to logarithmic computation. tan"' take ^ / then ; h = tan" a —h a^h = til a sec' 6. us av/2 cos (0 + 45°) COS0 To adapt 751 Take = a cos tan"' ^ ; C±h sin C to logarithmic computation. then b a cos C±6 sin = v/(a^ + i-) sin (9 ± C). For similar instauces of the use To solve a 752 of [By 617 a subsidiary angle, see (72G) to (730). quadratic equation by employing a subsidiary angle. If x-—22)X + i2 = l)e the equation, [ Hy lo . PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 174 Case I. — < ^r, If a be put ^= sin'' B then ; P = x Case II. — If q be >»", put X Case III. — If q 2pcos'^. and =p '^., = sec-0; (Izki tan be negative, put x = Vq cot 2^5 0), siV [639,640 f-. then [614 imaginary roots. ^= tan* and — y^ tan — 2 then ; [644, 645 2 LIMITS OF RATIOS. -g-=-r = 753 when ' 9 vanislies. For ultimately = ^=4i AP AP e . n sin— 755 (co^~) — Put [601,606 q = ^ when n 754 Proof. l- ( — 1 when l-siu"— ] ^, is infinite, n gy putting -- for in last. is infinite.. and expand the logarithm by (156). DE MOIVRE'S THEOREM. 756 a+/ (t'os where i sin a) cos /8+/ sinyS) = cos (a+)8+7+ = V — 1. ...) Proof. — By Induction, or « = cos by putting Expansion of cosnO, ^iu &c. ... (a+^+7+ •••). [Proved by Induction. (cos 6-\-i sin ^)" 757 + tj-c, a, n6+} /5, sin &c. each >i^. = in iwwcrs sinO 758 c'osM^ = cos"^-C^(/J, 2) cos"-'^^ sin-^ 759 sin n0 = n cos""' ^ sin 6—C{n, ^ in (756). and cosB. 4-C(»,4)cos"-^^sin^^-ctc. I'liOOF. parts. — Expand Ji) cos"'^ sin*^+&c. (757) by Bin. Th., and o<iuatc real and imaginary TliiaOXOM ETHICAL 760 170 ShJlilES. >Hang-(-(»,:i)lM.r-g+Ac. Unu,e= In series (758, 7.59), stop ut, aiul cwiliulc, n. Note, n is here an integer. all fmns willi indices grciiter than Let c^c. s^ = sum of the G{n, r) products of tana, tau/3, tany, to n terms. + ^+y+c^'C.) = cosa cosyS 762 i'Os(a-{-fi+y-\-Scc.) = cosa cos/S real and imaginary Pkooi'. — By 761 sill (a ... (.v,-.v, ... (1 + .v,-.^c.). -6',+.s-.U.). jiarts in (7o6j. e(|u:itinf; Exjmnsions of the sine and cosine in powers of the angle 764 (.OS^=l-^ + -[^+el'C. sill^=^--^+|:^-&C. Proof. — Put (9 - for 6 in (757) and n = eos^+f siii^. 766 e'<' 768 c''-\-r-'" = 2 cos of ^. av^(Z ro.s-" l sin,'' + »'tau(9 _ 6 midtiplcs of 2" 772 ' + C'(/',2) 773 ^\'lleu // cos"^ is 774 And and (755). By (150) ,^ in cosines or sines of ('(//,;{) cos (/< l9 -(I) ^ + .Vc. even, 2) cos wlicn (7'>ir) 0. cos n9-\-n cos(//-2; cos (;/-!) ^4- 2"-i (-1)*" + (;(//, = , = cos 6—i sin 0. t'''-e-" = 2/ sin ^. ^ Expansion x employing e'' itaii^-^— 770 = 7/ .sill" ^ =: cos n0-n (n—l) e-C{n, is ;{) cos (/<-2) ^ COS {u-(\)e-\-kQ., odd, 2" '(_1)"2 si,i«^ = siu«^— « ^^(///i) sin(//- l-)^~r' .sin (/I— 2)^ (;/,;{) sin (//-(I) ^ + ,<;.'c. — ! . PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 17(3 Observe that in these series the coefficients are those of the Binomial Theorem, with this exception If nbe even, the last term mud he divided by 2. The series are obtained by expanding (e" ± e'")" by the Binomial Theorem, collecting the equidistant terms in pairs, and employing (768) and (769). : Exjpansion of cosnO and sinnO in ijowers of sin AYheii n 775 cos = — —n'— sm- 6 n 1 116 o /J • 1 When n is ! ^>^\'' When n sin is nO ! even, r = n cos sm^ 0— Ll siu 6 ) ^ '-^ — / When ^mnv = Proof. n — By /^ siu 6-\' ^-^ ^ sin^ 0-\- &c. [ ) ! odd, — - "("-!) oy n sin^— ^ ^ siir6/ 5 in +— ^ -i o (>r-y) g ,i„, siii^ I ^ ^tc. we may assume, when n is an even integer, l+A^sin-6 + yl^siu*e+...+^^sin""^+..,. (758), cos«^ Put is 2'' j^2 —— ! 778 4 odd. b i . ^ «^-l i„.fl^(»^-l)(«-3^)=:.», "' sia'e = C08g n -!t^s\n'0 + y" cosng 777 — 2") sm* a n- (n^-— , -{ b 776 9. even, is — — and in cos nd cos ?j.c sin nO sin n.v substitute for cos nx and their values in powers of iix from (764). Each tei-m on the right is of the type ^^.^ (sin 6 cos a; cos ^ sin.t)"''. Make similar substitutions for cos.« and sina; in powers of x. Collect the two coeHicients of .r'^ in each term by the multinomial theorem (137) and equate tlium all to the coeUicient of .t" on the left. In this equation write cos"^ for 1 sin" 6^ everywhere, sind then equate the coefficients of sin'-''^ to obtain the relation between the successive quantities A.,^ and A.^^^^ foi" the series (775). To obtain the series (777) equate the coefficients of instead of those of .c''. When n is an odd integer, begin by assuming, by (7o9), d-\-x for 6, sinn.T; + — .i' sin »/y = /I, sin ^ + yl, sin^G + itc. 177 TniriOXOMhJIlilCAL SERIES. 779 The expansions of cos nO and sin nB in powers of cos are obtained by chanr^ing 6 into ivr— in (775) to (778). 780 Expansion of cos vO = 2 COS nO (2 cos ey- n drsrrvdlng poirrrs of cos in (2 cos ^)"- ^ B. + !!i^^ (2 cos $)" ,..(.-. -l)0^-r-2)...(.-2r+l)^.,_p,„ " '- ..._^ r\ up to the last positive power Pkoof. — By expanding each of 2 cos = log(l-z.r)+log(l-^) by (156), equating 783 _ ~ log{l-.-(.r + l-z)} and substituting from (768). coefficients of -", sin a-\-c sin {a-\-^)-^(r sin (a+2)3) + &c. to n terms sina-rsin(a-ff)-c "sin(a+/<y8)4-^"^'si» {a-\-n-l^} ^ l-2ccos;8+6-' be If c < 1 and n _ '°* 785 = B. term of the identity infinite, this sill g-c l-2ccos)8+c^ cos 787 when Similarly c is < * + &c. to n terms sin into cos in the numerator. a+c cos (a+^) + c- a similar result, changing 786 becomes sin (g—ffl cos (a4-2i8) 1 and n infinite. of summation. — Substitute for Method tlie sinrs or Sum the two resulting cosinrs their exponential valiirs (768). geometrical series, and substitute the sines or cosines again for the exponential values 788 (760). csin(a + iS) + ^sin(a-h2/8)+^sin(a4-.'^/3) = infinity 789 bij (' <•<)> ( a + /3) infinity Obtained by tlie — c'"'""^ sin (a+c sin /3) c' ^'"'^ cos (a-j- r 2 A sin ^) to — sin a. + ^ cos (a + 2y8) + ^ cos (a + rnle in (7J?7). + &c. — cos a. ;?)Sl + cVc. to PLANE THIGOXOMETRY. 178 790 If, in the series (783) to ( 789), /3 be changed into the alternate teims will thereby be changed. Expansion of 791 e The powers of tan 6 in (Gregon/s B > n, the signs of series). 1. — By expanding the logarithm of the valne of e"'* lor the calculation of the value of Formulje f = tan e-^j}^+ ^-^ -&c. series converges if tan 6 be not Proof. /> in (771) by (158). w by Gregory*s series. ^ = tau-^i + tau-^i - 4tan-^i-taii-^;i^ 792 [791 = 4taii^l-taii-^-iT 't^/U + 99 o Proof. — By employing the formula for tan (A±B), (631). 794 ^''^^^ To prove 795 that Convert the value of tan a continued may be ir is 6 in incommensurable. terms of from (764) and (765) into B -^ fraction, thas tanO = — 1— 3— -z5— 7— (EC. -77 . _ «! «: tany ~ 3— 5— 7— Put for 6, and ussumc that tt, = , VI may Hence p": and therefore - (tc. -, commensurable. is Let 4 2 4 or this result obtained by putting id for y in (294), and by (770). 6__ "" ; and n being integers. J we lien shall have i 7i = .— — — —-^ dn 5)i tn— &c. - , But unity cannot be The continued fraction is incommensurable, by (177). equal to an incommen.^niable quantity. Thcrelore t is not commensurable. 796 ^^ sin 797 ^ f ^''^" ^' j; ,1-7/. = + Proof. — % •where vx = nsin — " (a; *'^" + a), 2/' ^ iU = 7) sin — — '" sin .'/ 0+ - + -|j 2// sin 2a + -^ sin3a + tfec. sin 4?/— ^- sin 6^ + ic, . u 1 suhs'itnt'ing the ea-pmential values of the sine or tangent and (770), and 798 ('oeniciont of in a;" where a = r cos 6 and For proof, substitute Z< o = r cos^, h (769) then eliminating x. = = the cxi.ansion of c"-^ cos 6.1; = ^ cos n^, rsinO. for cos /^.r from (768); expand by (150); put and employ {1'>1). T h'n\6 in the coellicicnt of x", . rindoxoMirnnt -al W lion 799 '^^ where e is < 1 ,^^-^^ = I— e COB 6 , 1 + '2h ,s7;a7/';.s. + cos 1 cos 20 '2'r + 2// 71) cos :iO+... l> l+v/l_e* For proof, put feries of c = " ami 2 cos ^ ., = + .r - -, expiind the fraction in two powers of x by the mcbhoJ of (257), and substitute from (768). + sin(a+-i)8) + + siii;a+(;/-l)/3j sin(a+^^)si.4^ 800 siiia+siiMa4-/8) ... -^ sin 801 (•()sa + ('()s(a + + ('()s(a + 2^) + ...+C'()s;a + (/J-l,)^; /8) terms in tliese series liuve tlie signs alternately, change \i into /3-f-7r in tlie resnlts. 802 If the Proof. — Multiply the series by = — in 803 If 804 Generally, If /3 niulti[)lc of n, the , — apply (669) and {QQQ). /3 sum = ^'^, of tlie if and r^'' r if an integer not a r be powers of the sines or C(^sines he odd; and if /• he even it is — Dcnotinp^ the sniu of the scries 805 then ^ and and (800) and (801), each series vanishes. in (800) or (801) is zero General Theorem. 2 sin + c ccosa + c,eos^« + r,x + c,r + ...+ r,..." by + />j + ...+r„cos(a + H/3) F (.r) = ; ^ {e''F(c'')+e-*'F(>r"')], and 806 fsina + r,sin(«+/5) Proved bv substituting (7Gt"'), Ac. f ... +c-„sln(a for the sines \- n, I) = }-.{,'' F {e'')-c-'' Fie-'')] and cosines their exponential values . PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 180 Expansion of 807 = 'f ^" the sine — 2ci?" ?/" and cosine in factors. cos n ^ + y-"" 1^-- 2.r//cos^+/] \x'--2.vijQ0^{e^^-Vf o to n factors, adding — to the angle successively. j^ — Proof. By solving theqaadraticon the left, wegefcic=i/(cos?i^ + isinn0)". The n values of .r are found by (757) and (626), and thence the factors. For the factors of a'"±y" see (480). 808 sin ?i<^ = 2^^-^ sill <^ siu (^<^ + ^) sin (^^ + -^ j . . as far as n factors of sines. Pboof.— By putting x = ij =\ and ^ = in the last. 2</> be even, 809 If sin = 2""^ sini^ cos</»(sin'— — sin^<^j nij> 810 '^ If (^sin' —— sin-</)j &c. be odd, omit cos and make up n factors, reckoning for each pair of terms in brackets. From (808), by collecting equidistant factors in pairs, and ^^ (/> two factors — Proof. a pplying (659). 811 COS n<i> = 2"-' sin U + ^J sin U-Jr*^)... Proof.— Put 812 cos Also, n<l> 813 If = 'i if d) + to n factors. -^ for ^ in (808), zn n be odd, 2"-' cos <^ /siii'^ be even, omit cos — sin'c^j l*^^^^'^ ~ sin'c^j ... (^. PiiOOF.— As in (809). n 814 Proof. 815 = 2-^ sin^ —Divide (8o9) by sin (p, sin and make ^ vanish (^i=ll^. ; then apply (754). -^ = ''Sl-(-^)lS-(.01S>-(0 PnooF.-Put ^ intinite. sin^ sin '^... = ^ in (SOD) and (812) ; divide by (8M-) and make n , AJ'hITinXAL FOKMUL.r.. 817 181 e'-2cos^ + e'-' Proved bv making n sulistitutiiiu' intinitc, + -^-, ..•=! 1/ = 1- *^"^^ --f"' series of factors to 4 aud reducing one " De Moirrrs — Take ^ of the any point, and FOB = d any angle, JWC = COD = &c. = 819 '" ^"^ n ,T 821 Coles's properties. .r v«~r' .r^+r" 822 cot 824 c<)secLM+cot2J 829 &c. — If 6 ... &c. = —— = PB.PC.PD = Pa.Ph.Pc ... ... &c. &c. ADDITIONAL FORMUL/IJ. yl+tnii A = 2 eosot- 2 1 = sec A cosec A. 823 828 = a- - 2.n- cos 5 + r, = r, IV siiii|^ = PB.PC.PD H 827 factors. (807) and (702), since Pi?" 820 826 ; r. ; = Plf PC- PD- ...ion By jr = OB = — 2a "r" cos w^ 4- r-" OP J ^ Proprrfi/ 7' by putting hiu'^ z=0. Circle. ^ •" (^<J"). ''o'" co=*-^ iaii.l tan = = cot.4. sec 1+taii - taiirJ-V+^V +tMiiyi = tan tail B. + cot Ji cosec/1 = sec. 1-f cosec* ^1. .1 . 1 .1 cot .l sec"^ = — sill*-!-. cos'— + sec.l = J . ,, J taii^i. + PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 182 830 n ^+1^+6 = tan B tan 831 If 832 -|, C+tan C Urn ^4 H-tau A A-{-B-\-C = cot i^ cot C+ cot cot ^4 eos2Z^ 833 tani^ In any 838 ABG, G being ii+»^ =V(^6)- = i («+«»)• = 'i^cosiC. cosi(^-i?) = ^siniC. tan^^+tanj^ a'-b' ,. c UmiA-UmiB a-b' ^') = ^^ ^os ^ + ^" ^^^ ^ + "^ ^^^ ^• («' + ^' Area of triangle ABC = ^bc sin A siu^ + /i c' ' 2 sinS sinC i = _2abc_ ^^g i^ 840 = i {a+b-^cY tan i^ With the notation 843 the right angle, sini(^-J^) 839 842 = -J tan2B=-^. = g;. ^inA-B _ 1 841 + cot yl cot B = l. triangle, 835 837 l. tan-i- + tan-i T=|- In a right-angled triangle QQa ^^^ = Tr, «J»"y + ^i» 834 tan B r / ^^g iy^ sin ;o^ o ^.^^ tan 1 \B A sin iJ C\ tan ^C. of (709), = i{a + b + c) Um^A tan \n tan \C. A = v/rr,nr,. = i^/^»' ,''('''. . ^/cosl+^y cos/Z + r (M)sr:= l/»* sin.l sin/isinC. • ADDITIONAL FORMUL/E. 183 = = sum of per844 R-irr \ {a cot A-\-h cot li-\-p cot C) pendiculars ou the sides from centre of circumscribing circle. Tliis on R may shown by applyinf:^ Enc. VI. D. and the quadrilateral so formed. also bo as diainetcr 845 >*a n >\ = = <*os I A cos }yB cos 1 C. + ^ (r. r„) + v/(n. n)^_ 1=1 + - +—. taii.M==V— 846 r 847 v/(r, >• r..) >*6 >'a 849 fi^^t^ to the circle described *'6''c >'c be the centre of inscribed If 0^ = — circle, cos , A. I , a-\-o-{-c 850 rt (^> 851 'f 853 cos 854 cos If s 1 ^1 C—c QosB) = cos7i+c cos C /> 852 cos .1 -\-b cos 7i+c ¥—c'. = c cos {B-C). cos C = 2a sin 2^ sin C. + cos B + cos C sin /i '1(1 =l-\r = \{a + h + c), —COS" a — COS" h — COS" c-\-'l cos a cos h cos c = 4 sin.v sin {s — a) 855 sinC + 6+c a — h) sin — c). — 14-('Os-r/ + cos-/>4-<'os"^*+2 cosa cos 6 cose = 4 cos COS {s—a) cos {s—h) cos (.v— sin {s (-v c). A- 4 COS — COS — cos — 856 = COS .y 4- COS (.V . — + cos — + cos {s — c). (.v ^/) . 4 sni />) — sm —h sni — (I . . (• = — sin* + sin (*—«) + sin (*— 6)+sin (*--c). 858 .. Proof. = .(i+^+^ + ...).s(i-,.!^U + — Equate cocfScients of (81")) or of cos^ by (7t".'>) 0^ in and (SlG). the expansion of ' - ...). by ("Oi) and ; 184 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 859 Examples of the Solutions of Triangles. Cask II. (724).— Two sides 1 and the included angle 47° 25', to Ex. feet, of a triangle b, c, being 900 find tlie remaining angles. : tan ^^=^ 2 = — "^ b+c therefore log tan ^ therefore i tan^ (J5-0) (J5 cot and 700 cot 23° 42' 30" 4=1 8 2 — C) = log cot — —log 8 ; = i cot 23° 42' 30" -3 log 2, 10 being added to each side of the equation. .-. L cot 23° 42' 30" = 3 log 2 .-. itan|(B-(7) = = 10-3573942* / ^ .-. (5- 0) = j ( |(5 + C) and .-. Ex. 2: Case III. (732).— Given the sides = a, b, c to fiud the angles. A . _ /4.3 _ /2 -Vl2:5-Vl0' /( s-b)(s-c) . sis-a) Ltau^ = 1<^+^ (log 9 respectively, 7, 8, . *""-2=V therefore 15° 53' 19-55"* = 66° 17' 30" 5 = 82° 10' 49-55" 9-4543042 And, by subtraction, G = 50° 24' 10-45". -9030900 2-1) = 96505 15; 2 U= therefore \B found is in 24° 5' 41-43".* a similar manner, and = 180°— J.— ^. G — c = 6953 and nearly a right angle, it cannot be Ex. 3. In a rigbt-angled triangle, given the hypotenuse a side 6 = 3, to fiud the remaining angles. Here cos A = —^ . But, since A is 6953 determined accurately from log cos A. . A ll-cosA ''"^^V"""^ therefore L sin ^= therefore ^= _ /3475 -V6953' 10 + ^ (log 3475 -log 6953) ^=W therefore Therefore take 'o9' 89° 58' 31 04" and = 9-8493913; ro-o2"* i; = 0° 1' 28-96". * See Chambers's Mathematical Tables for a concise explanation of the of obtaining these figures. method SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. INTRODUCTORY THEOREMS. — Planes through the centre of a sphere Definitions. intersect the surface in ^yr^f circles; other planes intersect Unless otherwise stated, all arcs are it in small circh's. 870 measured on great circles. The poles of a great circle are the extremities of the diameter perpendicular to its plane. The sides a, 6, c of a spherical triangle are the arcs of great circles BG, CA, AB on a sphere of radius unity; and the angles .1, B, C are the angles between the tangents to the sides at the vertices, or the angles between the planes of the The centre of the sphere will be denoted by 0. great circles. The ])olar triangle of a spherical triangle ABC has for its angvdar points A\ B\ C\ the poles of the sides /?C, CA, AB of the primitive triangle in the directions of A, B, C respecThe sides of tively (since each great circle has two i)oles). A'B'C are denoted by a\ h\ c. The 871 sides and angles of the polai- triangle are respectively the supplements of the angles and of the sides that primitive triangle ; is, n'-\-A Ltt = EC C'A' in a, = //+/; r'-\-(' ^ n, pi'oduc-cd cut the sidi'S A'H', 11. therefore 1!II = 11 y. is tJif pole of Siniilarly C'li \, A'C\ = ^, therefore, by adilition, a -|- CJ[=ir and GII=.A\ because A' is the pole of BC. The polar diai.'r;im of a spherical i»nIytron is formed in the same way, and tlie same relations subsist between the sides and au'^les of the two Hy^ure.*'. 2 u SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 186 — Rule. Hence, any equation between the slides and angles of a spherical triangle jyroduces a siqjplementary equation by changing a into tt — A and A into tt— a, ^c. The centre of the inscribed circle, radius r, is also the centre of the circumscribed circle, radius R\ of the polar 872 triangle, and v-^ll' = ^tt. — Pkoof. In the last figure, let be the centre of the inscribed circle of ABC; tlun 01), the perpendicular on BC, passes through A\ the pole of BG. Also, OD r; therefore OA'=h'r—r. Similarly 0B'= 0G'=Itt—7-; therefore is the centre of the circumscribed circle of A'B'C, and r-\-B'= ^tt. = 873 The sine of the arc joining a point on the circumference of a small circle with the pole of a parallel great circle, is equal to the ratio of the circumferences or corresponding arcs of the two circles. For it is the sphere ; equal to the radius of the small circle divided by the radius of that is, by the radius of the great circle. 874 Two sides of a triangle are greater than the third. [By XI. 20. 875 The sides of a triangle are together less than the cir- cumference of a great 876 The angles [By XI. circle. of a triangle are together greater than 21. two right angles. For ir—A + TT — B + TT—C 877 if two is < 27r, If [By the geomctric;il proof two angles [By the polar triangle and (877). greater angle of a triangle has the greater side 'I'he opposite to PnooF. Z A lil> 880 it. — If = .1, J? be > ^, di-aw tie arc ItD mooting AC in P, and make therefore but + nG>BC, therefore AC>BC. BB = AD The greater opposite to in (89-i). of a triangle are equal, the opposite sides are equal. 879 triangle. sides of ajriangle are equal, the opposite angles are equal. 878 by (875) and the polar it. ; BD side of a triangle has the greater angle [By tho jx.lar triangle and (879). — OBL IQ i'E-A S UL ED Tit IA NO L ES. 187 RIGHT-ANGLED TlUAN(i LKS. — Napier s Rules. Tn the triangle J BO let C be ;i li^Hit r), (Jtt angle, then «, QTr ./), and//, are called 7?), Taking any part for middle part, the five circular jxn-/^. Napier's rules are jn-odiirt of faiKjfiifs ifaJjdcciif jvtrfs. I. sineofun'diUrjiarf product of cosines of opposite parts. II. sine of middle part In applying the rules we can take J, B, c instead of their complements, and change sine into cos, or vice vers/i, for those parts at once. Thus, taking b for the middle part, 881 — — (W — = = = tan a sin b Ten equations in all cot .7 = sin B sine. are given by the rules. — Proof. From any point P in OA, draw perpendicular to OC, and EQ to OB; therefore I'liQ is a right aiigle tlierefore OB is perpendicular to PR and Q1i\ and therefore to PQ. Then prove ai.y (oruiuhi by proportion from the triangles of the tetrahedron OPQR, which are all right-angled. Other\vise, prove by the formulas for oblique-angled triangles. PR ; OBLIQUE-ANGLED TRIANGLES. cos a 882 = cos b cos c-fsin h sin c cos .1. — Pkook. Draw tangents at A to the sides c, b to meet OH, OG Express VE'^ by in D and E. (7<i2) applied to each of tho triangles DAE and 1)0E, and subtiact. and. I'' are both > If .1/? J, them fo meet in ,1', the pole of A, and employ the Iriaugle A'BC. ]trodiicc If duce AB 7>.l The 883 alone be to > ^. pro- meet BC. sup})leineutary formula, by (871), <*<>^l =r —cos /; cos r-f sill />' is >in r <•<)>//. — — . ^ , 8PHEEICAL TRIG0XOMETR7. 188 A ^m^=yjt /sill 884 — (.s //) sill (.V b 8111 c 8ill = J ^"if-^i"(/-^^) cos4 885 ^ oo/? 886 A i ^ /sill (.V tan—-=\/ Proof. — A——— sill />) sill A- . r* (5——-L r) 1/ = i{a-{-h-\-c). / \ whevQ fi Substitute for cos /I from (872), and by (673). Sill ys — sin^— = \ (1 — cos^l). throw the nnmerator sill /> T ^ ^^ ^ 'I sill —c I I a) of the whole expression into factors Similarly for cos -. or The supplementary formulae are obtained rule in (871). They are in a similar way, by the cos4 = J<^<^^{s-'iU'<^HS-C) Y 887 ooo 888 sill ooft 889 I 890 sm B 2 . tan a 2 -n- t^ 2 /— COS = V^ .S • siu cos B /> • t*iu C (^' — sin /. C _ — — t'os 8 COS —— ^——- ^)'— = d^ — — Qos{S — B) cos(.S— C) where S = i (A-[-B+C). (^' / = \/siu.s* sin (* — sin (s — b) sin — c) Let = ^ \/l + ^ cos a cos 6 cos c— cos' a — cos- — cos' (T (a' //) /> Then the supplementary form, by 891 S = = 1^ 892 sin 8' cos I ^ — 2(r . . sin /> The following (884 to I. is [S—A) cos [S — B) cos (,N — C'j \/ 1—2 cos^ cosii cusC— cos — cos- Z^— cos-C. a/— cos — sinrt= sin c [By sin^ 893 (871), c. rules = will *^S H sm /> sm fi C . 2 sin fy cos • ^ • and (884, 885), &c. produce the ten formula^ 892)— Write sin before each factor In the s cahics o/sin— — — . OULIQUE-AKCLEI) TRIASCLES. cos \^ ^ tan , A, and A, sin , 707), Phinr /// cor I'cf^pouding fo chta'ni flif 189 Trii/->iioinetri/ (701— fannul tn in Spherical Trijo- iionirfri/. 11. To ohfain the svpplementarij forms of the five resultn^ transpose lanje and small letters everyivhere^ and transpose sin and cos everywhere hut in the denominators, and write minus before cos S. A _ sill n(\A sin sin a PuooF.— By cular to hy T. 47, B_ sin sin C sin c fj Otliei-wise, in the figure of 882, (8S-2). HOC, and NR, XS to UB, 00. PN = OP sin c and therefore Prove sin L' PRO = OP draw and PN perpendi- FSO sin ^ sin right angles (J. COS 6 cos (7 = cot a sin 6— cot A sin C 895 To remember tins formnla, take any four consecutive angles J), and, calling the first and fourth the extremes, and the second and third the middle parts, employ the following rule Rule. Product of cosines of middle parts cot extreme cot extreme angle X sin middle angle. side X sin middle side and sides (as a, C, h, : — = — Pkoof. cos c, — In and the formula for cos a (882) substitute a similar value for for sin c put sin 896 — C— - smA NAPIER'S FonmrL.E. tan i (A (1) -B) = ^-^-) sni-o-(r< /o\ (-^ i 1 ' < '""^^-' I + in ^^) i'O^l ((t -^ cot — + 6) — h) = .....i (»+/,) . 2 . *•"* C 2- (.3) (,.„i("-/')=jii^Tpqr7]y*""i7- / «\ A 1 / tan.U'' (4) + I /\ '') = — — <*os (A — li) r r|:i:p7j^t»»^. i- , Rule. /// ///c rahic of tan (A — 13) change sin to cos /o o&^«m tan^(A + B). To obtain (3) «?«(/ (-4)/rc)??t (1) and (2), transpose sides and angles, and change cot to tan. Proof. J- — In the values m sin b for sin ^ -^ m = sinj4±sinZ> sill a ± . — sill 6 of cos.l and cos 7^, by (883), put msina and and sin B, and add the two equations. Then put r /.>nA r»i-T.i\ and transform by (()70-d72). , , . i — 190 SrUERICAL TRiaOKOMETR Y. 897 GAUSS'S FORMULAE. + 7J) _ smi(.4 (1) (io^\{a-h) cos ^6^ (2) C0S-2C cos^C sin^c cosi(^ + i^) (3) _ cosi(rt+&) sin^C cosl^c cosi(^-/J) _sini((< + ^) sill ^ C sin ^c From any of these formulae the others may be obtained by the following rule — : Rule. — Change, the sign of the letter B {large or small) on one side of the equaJion, and ivrite sin for cos and cos for sin on the other Proof. side. —Take substitute the s sin-^- (^ + 7?) values by (88-i, = sin-^x4 cos }jB + coslA sin iZ>, 885), and reduce. SPHERICAL TRIANGLE AND CIRCLE. Let r be the radius of the inscribed circle of ABG ; r« the radius of the escribed circle touching the side a, and B, Ba the radii of the circumscribed 898 circles (1) ; then tan r = tan ^A sin (v— «) = sni a (3) SI (4) n^ 2 cos cusS+cos Pkook. — Tlio (^^ ^ . sin?r^l siiioTi siiioC ^A cos ^B cos I ^ — yl) + cos (S — B)-\-liic. first value is found from ri^lit-auglcd triangle OAF, in which The otliei- vahies I)y (881-892). tlie AF = s — a. spjiEuicAL 899 i;ni r„ (1) = 'nnASiii.i-: asi> ciikli:. tail ,\/l sin.v = 111 (.V ^ (3) -f'''[' sin sin A =T (>) M \A sini/i i.s IB cos — l'.»l </) \C cos sin ^(7 oV _(.os.S-c()s(N-.l) + c<)s(N-yi)+t'<>'^i''>'-^-') Proof.— From tlie right-angled triangle O'AF', in which AF'= s. NoiK.— The first two values of tan r„ may be obtained from those tan r by interchanging s and s—a. 900 tiiii« (1) tan = —cos S Tift S c()s(.S-.l) _ (3) of sill \<i sin _ A 2 sin cos yj cos ^c ^^< sin ^j sin ^c (4) .ill + sin (,v — (i) + sin (.v — A) + c^'C. — The fir.st value from the right-angled OBD, in which Z OTID = S — A. ^Tlie other Proof. triangle .v values by the formulie (887-892). 901 h.nR„ (1) 05) =.sin A (1.) = (5) = Proof.— From tan^n _oos(S— ^) = — cds.S Sin tU< sin lb sin U' 2 sin hn <*os ;in (.V ^b cos Ic — rO + sin the right-angled triangle (.v — + .^in — c) o7>7^ />) in (.v which z O'/;/^ = tt-.S. SPHERICAL TRiaONOMETBY. 192 SPHERICAL AREAS. ABC = (A-^B+C-tt) r- = Er E = ^+7i + C— the spherical excess. area of 902 wliere tt, Proof. — By adding the three lunes and observing that get ( ABF = A+]l+^] TT CDE, 27rr' = 27rr + 2ABC. IT I IT AREA OF SPHERICAL POLYGON, 903 n being the number Area The GAFB, BGEA, ABDG, = = = of sides, {interior Angles — (» — 2) {277— Exterior Angles} tt] r' r^ {27r— sides of Polar Diagram} r. last value holds for a curvilinear area in the limit. — Proof. By joining the vertices with an interior point, and adding the areas of the spherical triangles so formed. GagnolVs Theorem. 904 • sin 1 L^ c> tj _ — — u) \/ {si" ^ ^^^ { s -T 2 cos ^\n(s — h) r-j \ -^a sin(.y — r)y \ cos ^b cos ^c Proof. -Expand sin \_\{A + B)~},{Tr-G)'] by (628), and transform by Gauss's equations (897 i., iii.) and (669, 890). LlhulUier's Theorem. 905 UuiE = y [tan k — tan i (.s— ^0 ian I {.s^-h) tan i {s-c)}. Multiply numerator and denominator of the left side by Proof. {A+B) 2 cos 1 (A + B-G + n) and reduce by (6G7, 668), then eliminate i by Gau8.s'.s foniiulio (S!i7 i., iii.) Tnuisfonii by (()72, 673), and substitute from (886). ' roLYIIHIili-ONS. \\y.\ Vi)\M\VA)\{()NH. Let tlic and N, /•', />' ; tlu-n = //+.S 906 Pi;,),,i.-. number — Project |)olvhc(lron till' = its area = of sides", and s formed. Then polygons, and equate to angles, and cdircs, of any of fiiccs, solid iiuiiilx'i- hr |)(.lylicdr<.n sum [s E+'2. Let vi = Jin internal splicre. one of tlie spherieal poIy-,'on.s so .Sum this for all the r. by fOn.'i). upon of anj^les of — {»i — 2) tt] 4n-?-*. THE FIVE REGULAR SOLIDS. TiOt VI he the niimher of sides of ]ilane angles in each solid angle ))iF= nS 907 in ; = each face, ii the nninher therefore '2E. Fi-om these equations and (OOd), Hnd I\ S, and in I'J terms of ni ajid «, thus, 1 F ^w '2 / 1 V nt 1_ 1\ n 2 .1 / ' In order that F, S, and a rehition which admits ^ N E may » 2 ( V 1 1 ^_ n vi 1= _1\ 2 / ' E be positive, we must havi- 1 + m ^ h + _ 1 -1 > whole numbers, corresponding of five solutions in the five regular solids. The values of hi, », F, S, and solids are exhibited in the following table : — E to for the five regular . ; SPHEBIGAL TRIGONOMETB Y. 194 909 If I be the angle between two adjacent faces of a regular polyhedron, smi/ = cos •- sill n —m = a be the edi^e, and *S' Proof.— Let J*(^ the centre of a face, T the middle point of inscribed and circumcentre of the the PQ, scribed spheres, ABC the projection of PST upon a concentiic sphere. In this splierical triangle, = C (881, I. ii.), cos that PST. rii STO Also Now, by = B and n 2 A = sin B cos BG cos — = sui — sin ^1. m IS, n Q. e. d. If r, B be the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed spheres of a regular polyhedron, 910 r Proof. OS = 4 tan ^I cot — — In = PT cot 5in -'^ above the tan AG = J J. tan Also BG « = , figure, OS -^ tan = cot A = OP = r, OP = PT cosec cot }J cot ^I tan ^. B., PT = AG, and by (881, ; n therefc)re, &c. -[^ i.), ; and ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. MISCELLANEOUS PROPOSITIONS. 920 To find the point in a given line QY, the sum of whose distances from two fixed points <S', S' is a minimum. Draw SYB making QY in = r7i' at right angles to TS. Then P. P QY, Join BS\ cntting will be the required point. — Proof. For, if D be any other point PR. on the line, SD = Dli and SP But BD + US' is > BS'; therefore, (to. B is called the reflection of the point i9, and SP.S" is the path of a ray of light = reflected at the line QY. QY are not in the same plane, make SY, YB equal perpenlast in the plane of S' and QY. Similarly, the point Q in the given line, the diSerence of whose distances from the fixed points 8 and B' is a maximum, is found by a like construction. If ^, S' and diculars as before, but the The minimum sum (^7^ And the maximum of distances from 8, S' is given by + ^-7^)-= SS"'+4^SY.S'Y'. difference from S and R' is given by {SQ-R'QY= {SHy-4^SY.IVY'. Proved by VJ. D., since SBB'S' can be Hence, to find tlic shortest distance from P to Q en route of the hncs AB, BC, CD', in other words, the path of the ray reflected at the successive 921 surfaces AB, BG, CD. Find P, the reflection of P at surface; then Pj, the reflection of 2', at the second surface next Pj. the reflection of P, at the third surface and so on if , the first ; ; inscribed in a circle. — ; ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 196 Lastly, join there be more surfaces. CD in a. Join aPj, cutting BG in b. PcbaQ is the path required. Q with P,, the last reflection, cutting Join hP^, cutting AB in c. Join cP. The same construction will give the path when the surfaces are not, as in the case considered, all perpendicular to the same plane. 922 If the straight line d from the vertex of a triangle divide the base into segments _p, q, and if h be the distance from the point of section to the foot of the perpendicular from the vertex on the base, then [II. 12, 13. The following cases are important When p = q, (i.) b'+c' : = 2q'-^2d' the sum of the squares of tiuo sides of a triangle is equal to twice the square of half the base, together ivith tivice the square of the i.e., bisecting line (ii.) (iii.) drawn from the vertex. When p = 2q, 2b'-]-c' = 6q'+M\ When the triangle is isosceles, b'= 923 P c' (II. = 2)q + (P. be the centre of an equilateral triangle If any point in space. = 2PD' + 2BD\ = 60D" + SPO\ B0 = 20D; Proof.— PB' + PC PA' + 2PD' and ABC and Then FA'+PB'-^PC = Also 12 or 13) 3 {PO'-\-OA'). (922, (922, i.) ii.) therefore, &c. — Hence, if P be any point on the CoR. surface of a sphere, centre 0, the sum of the squares of And if r, the radius its distances from J, B, G is constant. of tlie sphere, be equal to OA, the sum of the same squares is equal to Or". MISCELLANEOUS PROPOSITIONS. The sum 924 of lo: squares of \\\c the sides of a (]uadrihitcral is equal to the sum of the squares of the diagonals plus four times the square of the line joiuinpr the middle points of the diagonals. (9-J2, i.) 925 Cor. —The sum of the squares of the sides of a parallelogram is sum equal to the 926 of the squares of the diagonals. In a given line from a point P AG, to find a point have a given ratio to its distance in a given direction from a line AB. shall Through P draw BPC parallel to the given direction. Produce AP, and make CE in the given ratio to CB. Draw PX parallel to EC, and two solutions when points. To 927 find whose distance to BC CB. There are AP cuts two in [Proof.— By (VI. 2). a point X in AC, XY from AB parallel XZ from BG AE Draw CE have a given ratio to shall distance XY to parallel to parallel to its AD. BC, and having AD BE AG to the given ratio. Join cutting \n X, the point required. [Proved by (VI. 2). To 928 X find a point on any curved, whose distances XY, XZ, in given directions from two given lines AP, AB, shall be in a given ratio. straight line, P Take or any point in the first line. Draw PB and PB BC parallel to the direction of XY, parallel to that of XZ, making have to cutting AB BC the in I). given ratio. Draw DE Join PC, parallel to CB. Then AE produced cuts tlie line in X, the point required, and is the locus of such points. [Proof. — By (VI. 2). X whose distance ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 198 XY through a given point P so that To draw a line the sogmeuts XP, FY, intercepted by a given circle, shall be in a given ratio. 929 Divide the radius of the circle in that ratio, and, with the parts for sides, construct a triangle upon PC as base. Produce GD to cut the PDC X circle in Draw XPY and GY. PD + DC = radius PD = DX Then therefore ; CY=CX; But thereforePDisparallelto(7r(I.5, 28) therefore &c., by (VI. 2). ; From 930 a given point which P draw a side of a triangle, to in the line PX shall divide the area of the tri- angle in a given ratio. EG Divide draw D in AX parallel to in PD. the given ratio, and will be the line PX required. ABD ADG = : API) = XPI) 931 To (I. the given ratio (VI. therefore, &c. 37) and ABG XY drawn in a given ratio by a line divide the triangle parallel to any given line AE. Make BD to BG in the given make PY a mean proportional to and draw YX parallel to EA. Proof. (VI. 1). 1), ; —AB divides ABG ratio. BE Then and BB, in the given ratio Now ABE XBY : :: BE :: ABE: ABD; or XBY = therefore : BD, (VI. 19) ABD. and exterior vertical angles at P of the be bisected by straight lines which cut the base in G and D, then the circle circumscribing GPD gives the locus of the vertices of all triangles on the base AB whose sides AT\ PP m-o in a constant ratio. 932 If the interior triangle APB — MISCELLANEOUS PROPOSITIONS. Proof. The Z 199 — CPD = i(APB + BPE) = a right angle ; therefore P lies on the circumference of Also the circle, diameter CD (III. 31). AP PB .S, AC GB :: : (VI. : and A.), a :: AD DB : fixed ratio. AD DB :: AG I GB divided harmonically in B and G i.e., one extreme part as the other extreme part is to the middle part. If we put n, b, c for tlie lengths AD, BD, OD, the proportion is expressed algebraically hy a h :: a c c b, which is equivalent to 933 AD is ; : ; or, the ivhole line is to — : — : '+! = a c 934 AP BP = 0A: OG = OG OB Also : : AP' and : BP' = OA : (VI. 19) OB, AP'-AO' GP" BP'-BC\ : (VI. : 3, <k B.) 935 If Q be the centre of the inscribed circle of the triangle ABG, and if AQ produced meet the circumscribed circle, radius E/\nF; and cular to BG then FOG if bo a diameter, and AD perpendi- ; FC=FQ = FB='lR^\n:^. ill) Z.FAI) = FAO=},{B-C), and /_CAG = \{B^C). (i.) Proof of (i.) Z.FQG= QGA-\-QAC. But QAG =z QAB = BGF {\\\. 2\) FG = FQ. FQG = FGQ; FB = FQ. Similarly Also Z GCF is a right angle, and FOG = FAG = \A; (III. 21) ; .-. .-. .-. 936 FC = 2Esin4. If -K, r be the radii of the circumscribed and inscribed circles of the triangle centres; then Proof. (see last figure), — Draw QH perpendicular to ^C triangle AOF, OQ' by similar triangles therefore AUG and 0, Q, the ()Q^=IV—2Hr. = li'-AQ.QF (922, ; then QII iii.), = AQ QII OF FG AQ.FC = OF.QU = 2 Rr, QFC, AQH, : :: r. By QF = FG and : ; the isosceles (935, i.), and — ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 200 The problems known as Given 937 in position any three the Tangencies. of the following nine data — three points, three straight lines, and three circles, it is required to describe a circle passing through the given points and touching the given lines or circles. The following five principal cases occur. viz., 938 I. Given two points A^ Analysis. GD touching circle, J9, and the straight CD. line — Let ABX be the required Therefore in X. GX'=^GA.GB. (III. 36) X can be found, and the Hence the point centre of the circle defined by the intersection of the perpendicular to (yD through and the perpendicular bisector of AB. There are two solutions. X Otherwise, by (926), making the ratio one of equality, and DO the given line. Cor. — The point X thus determined which the distance solution of (941) Q is the point in II- at is subtends the greatest angle. In the a similar point in the circumference GD. (III. 21, 939 GD AB Given one point A and two straight lines & I. 16) DG, DE. In the last figure draw AOG perpendicular to DO, the bisector of the angle D, and make OB OA, and this case is solved by Case I. = 940 line DE, and the AGF. — PEF Let be the required touching the given line in E and the Analysis. circle Given the point P, the straight III- circle circle in F. Through draw the centre of the given perpendicular to DE. be the centre of the other circle. Let Join 11K, passing through Z'', the point of contact. Join AF, EF, and AF, cutting Then the required circle in X. circle, K IF, AHGD ^DHF = LKF; UFA = KFE therefore angles) therefore ; and AF.AF A circle AF, FE Then, because straight line. :c= AG .AD (1.27) (the halves of equal are in the same AX.AP = AF.AE, by similar (III. 36) must then be described through P and X ^X can bo found. to touch the given line, triangles, therefore ; THE PROnLEMS OF THE TANOE^X'rES. 201 by Caso I. There are two solutions with exterior contact, as appears from Case 1. These are indicated in the diagram. There are two more in wliich the circle J C lies witliin the described analogous, C taking the place of A. IV. Given two points Ay 941 the circle B The circle. construction quite is and CD. Draw any circle through A, B, cutting tho and DC, Draw required circle in C, D. Draw FQ to touch anil lot them meet in F. Then, because the given circle. AB FC.FD = FA FB = FQ\ . (TIL 30) pass through A, B therefore a circle drawn through A, B, (^ must touch FQ. and therefore the circle CJ), in Q (III. 37), and it can be described by Caso There are two solutions corresponding to I. to the circle CD. the two tangents from and the required circle is to ; F 942 V. Given one point P, and two circles, centres A and — B. F Let FFO be tho required circle touching the given ones in Analysis. Join the centres QA, QB. Join FG, and produce it to cut tho 0. and //, and the lino of centres in 0. Then, by the isosceles circles in therefore AE, BG are triangles, the four angles at F, F, G, II are all equal is a Hit, and BO :: parallel, and so arc .1/'', BII\ therefore AO 211 IjK, and Again, Z IIJiK centre of similitude for tho two circles. IILK= IIGK (III. 21) there(HI. 20) therefore are similar; therefore OF OG fore the triangles OFN, OF OK. ON. Thus therefore, if OF cut the required circle in X, the point A' can be found, and tho problem is reduced to Case IV. to touch tho given circles. Two circles can be drawn througli F and One is the circle FFX. The centre of the other is at tlie ]K)int where EA and //. and JIB meet if produced, and this circle touches the given ones in and E ; AF : FAM = 2FNM : = FNM = ; ; OKG = OK OM . OX . . = X F 943 An analogous construction, employing the internal centre of similitude 0', determines the circle which passes through F, and touches one given See (1017-1)). circle externally and the other internally. The centres of similitude are tho two points which divide tho di.stanco between the centres in the ratio of the radii. 2d See (1037). _ ELEMENTAUY 202 C'EOMETRY. — to all circles which touch 944 Cor. The tangents from the given circles, either both externally or both internally, are equal. For the square of tbe tangent is always equal to OK. ON" or OL OM. . 945 The solutions for the cases of three given straight lines or three given points are to be found in Euc. IV., Props. 4, 5. In the remaining cases of the tangencies, straight lines By drawing a circle concentric with the required one through the centre of the least given circle, the problem can always be made to depend upon one of the preceding cases the centre of the least circle becoming one of the given points. 946 and circles alone are given. ; 947 Definition. —A cenb-e of similarity of firo jjlane curves line being drawn through it to cut the ciirccs, the segments of the line intercejited between the ]Joint and the curves are in a constant ratio. v\s any straight a point such that, 948 If AB, AG touch a any straight C, then circle at AEDF, line B and cutting the circle, is divided harmonically by the circumference and the chord of contact BG. Proof from AE AF = AB'. = BD.DG+AD\ BB.BC=EB. BE. (III. . AB' and 3G) (923) (III. 35) 949 If " /^j 7> in the same figure, be the perpendiculars to the sides of ABG from any point E on the circumference of the 5 = a". then /3y Draw the diameter BII=d right angle. Similarly EG^ = yd. But circle, Prooi'. 950 BG — EE If then EB'' = EB EC=ad ; . be drawn parallel to the base and of a triangle, if EB, FG intersect in 0, then AE AG : By VI. 2. Cou.— If :: EG OB : Since each ratio AC = n . FO = FE :: AE, then BE = (n-j-l)OE. : : OG. BG. ft(l, because BEH (Yl. D.), therefore is a etc. ; ; MISCELLANEOUS riiOrOSlTIOKS. 203 T1h> tliroc lines drawn from the ann^les of a tii;in<^^l(' to the niiihUe jioints of tlie opposite sides, intersect in tl»e same point, and divide each other in the ratio of two to one. 951 For, l>y tlio last theorem, any ono of these lines is divided by each of tho others in tho ratio of two to ono, measuring from tho same cxlrcniity, and nuist therefore bo intersected by them in tho same point. This point will bo referred to as the ccntruid of the triangle. The perpendiculars 952 frora the angles upon tho opposite same point. Bides of a triangle intersect in the Draw BE, CF perpendicular to the sides, and let Let AO meet IW in J>. Circles and BFEC, by (III. 31) will circumscribe them A intersect in O. AEOF therefore therefore ; (III. FAO = FEO = FCB Z BDA = BFC = a right angle Z ; 21) AO \h perpendicular to BC, and therefore the perpendicular from A on BC passes through 0. i.e., called the orthocentre of the triangle is ABC. — The perpendiculars on the sides bisect the angles is therefore the centre the point of the inscribed circle of that triangle. Proof. From (III. 21), and the circles circumscribing OEAF and OECD. CoTi. of the triangle DEF, and — ABC touches the D, E, F and if tlie^ escribed circle and if to the side a touches a and h, c produced in D', TJ', F' If the inscrilied circle of a triangle 953 sides a, h, c in the points ; ; then BF' and and = nD'= CD = s-c, = A F' = s AE' ; similarly with respect to the other segments. — Proof. The two tangents from any vertex tocithercirclfbeingoqual, r= half tho folif)\vs that ll) + perimeter ol' A Bt\ whicli is made up of three pairs of equal segments it ; CD = s — therefore c. Also AE'+ A F'= A r + Cl> + = therefore , 1 7? 2-- AE' AF' = s. + Bjy ELEMENTARY QEOMETBY. 204 The Nine-Point The Nine-point Circle. through E, F, the feet of the perpendiculars on the sides of the It also passes through the middle points of triangle ABG. the sides of ABG and the middle points of OA, OB, OG ; in all, through nine points. 954 circle is the circle described I), — Proof. Let the circle cut the sides of ABG again in G, H, K; and OA, OB, OG in L, /.EMF=EDF M, N. (III. 21) = 20DF Cor.); (952, therefore, since OB is the diameter of the circle cir- cumscribing OFBD (III. 31), ill is the centre of that circle (III. 20), and therefore bisects OB. Similarly OG and OA and L. are bisected at N Again, Z MGB = MED scribing OEGD. and Similarly (III. 22) Therefore H K bisect MG GA is = OGD, (HI. parallel to 21), by the circle circumOG, and therefore bisects BG. and AB. 955 The centre of the nine-point circle is the middle point of OQ, the line joining the orthocentre and the centre of the circumscribing circle of the triangle ABG. For the centre of the N. P. the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the chords DG, EH, FK, perpendiculars and these bisect OQ in the same point (VI. N, by 2). circle is 956 The centroid of the triangle jUiG also lies on the line 2BQ. so that OB = B Pkook.— The fore A centroid, = 2GQ and it triangles ; QUG, OAB tluM-eforo Oli = 2h'(2 OQ and are similar, and ; and Ali divides 0(2 as stated (051). = 2ii'c; divides AB =: 2nG ; therefore ; B it in thereis the CONSTIiUCTION OF "201 line joining the centres of the circumscribed Hence the 957 TillANGLES. and nine-point circles is divided harmonically in the I'atio of 1 by the centroid and the orthocentre of the ti-ian<^le. 2 These two points are therefore centres of similitude of the and any line drawn circiimscri])ed and nine-point circles through either of the points is divided by the circumferencca : ; in the^-atio of 2 : See (1037.) 1. FD intersect the sides of AJiC in 958 The the radical axis of the two circles. lines BE, EF, For, if EF meets BC in F, tlieu by the circle circumscribing FCEF, FE FF = FC FB therefore (III. 3G) the tangents from F to the circles . . ; are equal (985). The nine-point 959 circle touches the inscribed and escribed circles of the triangle. — be the orthocentre, and 7, Q Proof. Let the centres of the inscribed and circumscribed Produce AI to bisect the arc 1>G in T. circles. Bisect AG in L, and join GL, cutting AT in .S'. The N. P. circle passes through G, V, and L (9o-i), and !» is a right angle. Therefore QA GL is a diameter, and is therefore Therefore GL and QA are parallel. (957). QT, therefore But QA = R= = GS = GT = CT sin A ,A o., 2Ii sin. (935, i.) ST =2GS cos 6 GST = GTS). Also (e being the angle N being the centre of the N. P. circle, its ^R; and r being the radius of radius the inscribed circle, it is required to shew that = NG = NI = NG-r. NP = SN'-{-SP-2SN. SI cos 0. SN=IR-GS; SI = TI-ST = 21i sin 4 -2GS cos Now Substitute and GS = 2F lA, ; to prove the proposition. J be the centre of the escribed shewn in a similar way that NJ = If is sin'' (702) circle touching BC, and NG + r^. r„ its radius, it construct a triatif^lefrom certain data. 960 When amongst Wxg data we have the sum or difference of the two sides AB, AC; or the sum of the segments of the base made by Ad, the bisector of the exterior vertical angle; or the difference of the segments made by AF, the bisector of To ELEMENTA li Y GEOMETRY. 206 le interior vertical tlie ; tlie followinf]f construction will lead to the solution. Make AE = AD = AC. Draw DII parallel to AF, and suppose EK drawn parallel to AG to meet the base produced in K; and complete the figure. Then BE the sum, and IJD euce of the sides. is EK is the segments sum is the differ- of the exterior of the base, and Till is the difference of the interior seg- BDH = BEG = iA, ZADG = EAG =i(B+C), L DCB = \BFB = i (0-7)). ments. Z 961 When the base and the vertical angle are given the locus of the vertex is the circle ABC in figure (935) and the locus of the centre of the inscribed circle is tlie circle, centre and radius FB, When the ratio of the sides is given, se e (932). ; ; F To construct 962 Analysis. a triangle from a point of its vertices when its form and the distances A' are given. — Let ABG be the required triangle. Oa A'B make the triangle A'BG' similar to ABG, so that AB A'B :: GB G'B. The angles ABA', GBG' will BG :: AA' GC, which also be equal; therefore AB Hence gives GG', since the ratio AB BG is known. : : : : : the point G is found by constructing the triangle A'CG'. Thus BG is determined, and thence the trifrom the known angles. angle ABG To find the locus of a point P, the tangent from which to a given circle, centre A, has a constant ratio to its distance from a given 963 point B. AK Let be the radius of the circle, and jj q the given ratio. On A JJ take AC, a third propoitional to : AB and AK, and make AD:DB=]r With ccnti-e : .j\ D, aud a radius TANGEXTS TO TWO mean proportional betwcon bo the required locus. />/> Cfjunl to a Prook. A, J?, — Suppose and C, r 207 ClRCLEFi. and DC, describe a Join bo a point on the rcMpiirod locus. to It will circle. 7' witli 7>. Describe a circle about PBC cutting Al' in cutting P77 in (1, and join AH and UF. Tlien TK- = AF'-A = A'- J7^--7U AC Ai'.vF (II. '1) = and anotlicr about AliF l'\ (by constr.) = A V'-TA = (HI. . ur.rjj . AF (III. Z^\) :3G). Therefore, by h^'pothe.sis, 2>- = f/ : (VP Z Z)7V? therefore . rn DB 964 CoE. bisector of If BC, l'> as : T)B (by constr.) : = 22) PC// DF are simihir; therefore construction. two given is ; (III. 21). a mean pro- Hence the and DC. — = GP rn = A D 2) = PZ''7>' (III. (VL =q tlie locus becomes the pcrpciulicular shown in (1003). is otlicr\Ndse find the locus of a point P, the tangents To 965 to PP'^ DPP, BGP Therefore the triangles portional to : = PGA circles shall have a given from wliich (See also ratio. 10;3(3.) B be the centres, a, h the radii q the given ratio. Take c, so that c h p q, and describe a circle with va' — c'. Find the centre -1 and radius ^l.V locus of P by the last proposition, so that the tangent from P to this circle may have the given ratio to FB. It will be the required locus. Let A, (rt > fe), and p = : : : = — By hypothesis and construction Proof. q' Cor. FT- — Hence the point can which the tangents 966 to To ir'-o^ + BF' FT' + U' h- to two _ AF'-AX' BP" be found on any curve from have a given ratio. circles shall find the locus of the point two given ,^- from which the tangents circles are ecpial. Since, in (965). wo have simplifies to the following now p = q, and therefoi-e c = h, the construction : Take AN= y(a--6'-), find in ^IP take AB AN : : AC. The perpen- But, if the circles inter.sect, dicular bisector of PC is the required locus. then their common chord is at once the line required. See Radical Axis (985). ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 208 and Concurrent systems CoU'niear and nfj)oints lines. — 967 Definitions. Points lying in the same straight line are Straight lines passing through the same point are colUnear. concurrent^ and the point is called the focus of the pencil of lines. Theorem. — If the sides of the triangle ABG, or the sides produced, be cut bj any straight line in the points a, 6, o respectively, the line is called a transversal, and the segments of the sides are connected by the equation {Ah 968 Conversely, if hC) {Ca : aB) (Be : : cA) = 1. this relation holds, the points a, h, c will be collinear. — Througli Proof. Ab : = AD bG : A any vertex parallel to the opposite side transversal in D, then Ca and Be, draw BG, to cA = : AD meet the aB : AD (VI. 4), which proves the theorem. Note. In the formula the segments of the sides are estimated positive, independently of direction, the sequence of the letters being prepoint may be supposed to travel served the better to assist the memory. from A over the segments Ab, bC, &c. continuously, until it reaches A again. — A By 969 the aid of (701) the above relation may be put in the form (sin ABb : sin bBC) (sin C^a : sin aAB) (sin BCc : sin cCA) = l If be any focus in the plane of the triangle ABC, and AG, BO, CO meet the sides in a,b,c; then, as before, {Ab bC) {Ca aB) {Be :cA) = l. 970 if : Conversely, be concurrent. Proof. if — By the trans- Bb to the triangle AaG, we have (9G8) {Ab bG) {CB Ba) versal : : x{aO : 0.1) = 1. And, by the transversal Cc to the triangle AaB, (Bc:cA)(AO: Oa) x(aG: CB) = \. Multiply these equations together. : this relation holds, the lines Aa, Bh, Cc will ;;; COLLINEAR AND COX('rnili:XT 200 SYSTIJ^fS. Tf J>r, ca, ah, in tlic last figure, be produced to meet the sides of .l//Oin 1\ Q, R, then eac^h of the nine lines in the tiu-nro will be divided liannoiiically, and tlie points J\ (,', 971 R be collinear. ^vill — Proof. (i.) Take hP a transversal {Cr by tlu-rcforo, CP Be) (cP : (AB PC a 070), : pb) (bC : = ep Pb (.la : aO) (OG (Ap : pO) (OC Aa therefore all tlio lines 1 CA) = 1. CA) = 1 : : by (^08), : pb. AOc\ transversal to AOe, and b a focus to and Thus = uB. Pb) (bC : Be) (ep : cP Take therefore, hC) : for focus to Abe, therefore & : : (AB (iii.) ABC; (Ab a transversal to Abe, therefore But, by (070), taking (0G8 to cyl) : CP PB = Ca (1170), Take (ii.) PB) (Be : : Cc) (cB : Cc) (eB : = aO ylj) : : BA) : I?-l) = = therefore, by 1, 1 i'O. are divided harmonically. = AQ QC the harmonic In the equation of (070) put Ab bC ratio, and similarly for each ratio, and the result proves that P, Q, R aro (iv.) : collinear, Cor. by (008). — Proof. same figure qr, rj), pq be joined, the three through P, (^, li respectively. If in the lines will pass — Take harmonic division 972 of : as a focus to the triangle abc, and employ (070) and the show that the transversal rq cuts be in P. of be to a transversal intersects the sides AB, lUl, CD, &c. in the points a, h, c, &c. in order, tlien If any polygon {Aa : aB) {Bb : bC) {Cc ; cD) {Dd : (IE) ... kc = 1. — Pkoof. Divide the polygon into triangles by lines drawn from one of the angles, and, applying (908) to each triangle, combine the results. Let any transversal cut the sides of a triangle and three intersectors AO, HO, CO (see figure of V70) in tbe points A', B', C, a, h' c respectively; then, as before, 973 tlieir , (J7/ : IjC) , {Ca : a B) {/)',' : c'A') = 1. forms a triangle with its intorsector and the transfour remaining linos in smvissioi for transversals to each trianMe, applying CJOS) symmctricallv, and ciMidiinr the twelve equations. 2 E Phoof.— Each Take the versal. .'^ide — ELEMEXTAllY GEOMETRY 210 974 If the lines joining corresponding vertices of two triangles ABC, abc are concurrent, the points of intersection of the pairs of corresponding sides are collinear, and conversely. — Let tho concurront lines Proof. Take be, Aa, Bh, Cc meet in 0. transversals respectively to ca, ah the triangles OBG, OCA, OAB, applying (9G8), and tlio product of the three equations shows that P, E, Q lie on a transversal to ABC. 975 Hence p follows that, if the lines joining each pair of corresponding vertices of any two rectilineal figures are concurrent, the pairs of corresponding sides intersect in points which are collinear. The figures in this case are said to be in pprspectlce^ or in, homology, with each other. The point of concuiTcnce and the hne of collinearity are called respectively the centre and axis of perspective or homology. See (1083). it — 976 Theorem. When three perpendiculars to the sides of a triangle ABC, intersecting them in the points a, b, c respectively, are concurrent, the following relation is satisfied ; and converse^, if the relation be satisfied, the perpendiculars are concurrent. Afr-bC'+C(r-aB--\-Bc'-cA'' — If the perpendiculars &c. 47). Examples. — By the application Proof. meet in = 0, then Ab'' 0. — bC-= AO'-—OC-, (I. of this theorem, the concurrence of the three perpendiculars is readily established in the following cases: (1) When the perpendiculars bisect the sides of the triangle (By employing I. 47.) (2) When they pass through the vertices. (3) The three i-adiioflhe esci-ibed circles of a triangle at the points of So also arc; the radius of the contact between the vertices are concui-rent. inscribed circle at the point of contact wilh one side, and the radii of tho two escribed circles of the remaining sides at tho points of contact beyond the included angle. In these cases employ the values of the segments criven in (953). (4) The pei'j>endiculars equidistant from the vertices with three concurrent perpendiculars are also concun-cnt. (5) When the three perpendiculars from the vertices of one triangle upon the sides of the other are concurrent, then tho perpendiculars from the vertices of the second triangle upon the sides of the tirst are also concurrent. Proof. — If A, B, G angles, join tiou witlj and A\ If, C are corresponding vertices of the triapply the theorem in conjuuc- AB\ AC\ BC, BA\ CA, CR, and (I. 47). TRiAXiiLES rinrvMscjiunxt} a rniAXi;rr:. of rnnstant species ptrctimsrribrd Trianii'lr.s' to a 211 trian<j;le. Let J//C' be any triano-l(^, and ^ any point; and lot AOli, BOO, C(K\. The circumferences will be the loci of the vertices of a triangle of constant form whose sides pass through the 977 circles circumscribe points ^1, //, C. PkOOF. — Draw any line hAr fi-oni circle meet in n. The angles AOD, CO A arc supplements of tlie angles c and b (III. 22) therefore BOC is the supplement of a (I. 32) thereAlso, the for© a lies on the circle OUC. to circle, and produce 1>C, cli to ; ; being constant, the angles angles at are constant. 978 Tlie triano-le ahe is a pendicular to OA, on, 00. a, b, c maximum wlien its sides are per- — PuooF. The triangle is greatest when its sides are greatest. But the sides vary as Oa, Ob, Oc, which are greatest when they are diameters of the circles; therefore &c., by (111.31). 979 To construct a triangle of given S])ccies and of given limited magnitude which shall liave its sides passing through three given points .1, B, 0. Determine by describing circles on the sides of ABC! to contain angles Construct equal to the supplements of the angles of the speciticd triangle. the figure nb'O independently from the known sides of ahe, and the now OBC\ &c. Thus the leJigths Oa, Ob, Oc 0A(\ OnC known angles ObC are found, and therefore the points a, b, o, on the circles, can bo determined. The demonstrations of the following propositions will now be obvious. = = Triant^les of constant species inscribed to a 980 Let ahr, in the last figure, trian<;^le. be a fixed triangle, and O any point. Take any point .1 on l>r, and h^t tlie circles circumscribing OAr, OAb cut the oilur sides in /?, O. Then .47:?(J will be a triangle of constant form, and its angles will have the values A =. Oha + Ora, &c. (III. -Ji.) 981 OA, The 01), triangle 00 are ABO will evidently be a drawn perpendicular minimum to the sides of wht^n ah''. 982 To construct a triangle of given form and of given limited magnitude having its vertices u})on three fixed lines 6r, ca, ah. ELEMENTARY OEOMETIiY. 212 Construct the fitjure ABCO ABG independently fi-om the known sides of and the angles at 0, which are equal to the sui)i)lenients of the given angles Thus the angles OAG, &c are found, and therefore the angles ObC, a, b, c. From these last angles the point &c., equal to them (III. 21), are known. can be determined, and the lengths OA, OB, 00 being known from the independent figure, the points A, B, C can be found. may be taken, the angles AOB, BOO Observe that, wherever the point COA are in all cases either the supplements of, or equal to, the angles respectively; while the angles aOb, bOc, cOa are in all cases equal to c, a, b C zh c, A±a, B±b. — Note. In general problems, like the foregoing, wliicli admit of different cases, it is advisable to clioose for reference a standard figure which has all its elements of the same affecIn adapting the figure to other cases, all that tion or sign. is necessary is to follow the same construction, letter for letter, observing the convention respecting positive and negative, which applies both to the lengths of lines and to 609). the magnitudes of angles, as explained in (607 983 — Radical Ad is. — 984 Definition. The radical axis of two circles is that perpendicular to the line of centres which divides tlie distance between the centres into segments, the difference of whose squares is equal to the difference of the squares of the radii. Thus, A, B being the centres, a, h the radii, and IP the the radical axis 985 It follows that, is their common chord if tlie ; and circles intersect, the radical axis that, if they do not intersect, the radical axis cuts the line of centres in a point the tangents from which to the circles are equal (I. 47). To draw the axis in this case, see (960). nADfCAL AXIS. Otliorwisc: let the two circles cut Tcsptctivcly. any I)i'sciil>c ciri-lo tlie line tliroii^Mi (' r' iind //, intersectiiif^ the former in IJ and will cut the central axis in the required \>o\ut — Proof. IC. ID = IE. 1F= IC. 11/ from I to the circles are equal. 986 T}ii-<n'inn. — The 21:^ P of centres in C, and /''. anrl and another /', Tlieir coniniou C, 7>' throii},di chord Ij F f. (111. 'M) ; therefore the tangents dift'orencc of the squares of tangents from any })oint /' to two circles is equal to twice the rectangle under the distance between their centres and the distance of the point from their radical axis, or Proof. by PK' -FT' = (Ar--Br-)-(a--V) = (AC/'-mr) - (AP-FP), 47) & (t»84). Bisect AB in C, and substitute for each ditference (I. of squares, by (II. 12). 987 Cor. 1.— If r be on the circle whose centre is 7?, then PK' = 2AB.PN. Coif. 2.— If two circles in A', A", Y, >" 988 7^X chords be drawn through ; tlien, by P to cut the (III. 30), PX- P Y. P Y =2AB. PN. . If Ji variable circle intersect two given eireU^s at constant angles a and ft, it will intersect tlieir radical axis at a constant angle and its radius will bear a constant ratio to Or the distance of its centre from the radical axis. 989 ; PN PX = : rt cos a — 6 cos fi : AB. ; ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 214 Proof. if — In the same PX=PY be its figure, if be therefore . (I : ft a constant ratio if the angles is centre of the variable circle, and tlie FX (XX'- YY') = 2An = 2a cos and YY' = PX PX = a cos a — & cos XX' But which P radius; then, by (088), (i, TN. 2h cos : ft ; AB, are constant. ft FX PN = the cosine of the angle at which the This angle is radius PX cuts the radical axis. 990 Also circle of : therefore constant. — 991 Cor, A circle which touches two fixed circles has its radius in a constant ratio to the distance of its centre from their radical axis. or Ott. This follows from the proposition by making a = ft = If 992 P be on the radical axis (i.) ; P The tangents from FK = or 993 (ii-) P through then (see Figs. to the two 1 and 2 of 984) circles are equal, FT. (986) The rectangles under the segments of chords FX are equal, or . FX' = FY . FY'. (988) Therefore the four points X, X', T, Y' are con994 cychc (III. 36); and, conversely, if they are concychc, the chords XX' J YY' intersect in the radical axis. (iii-) — 995 Definition. Points which a circle are termed coney die. 996 (iv.) If P lie be the centre, and of a circle intersecting the two on the circumference of if PX = PY be the radius circles in the figure at angles = Z> cos pJ a and /3; then, by (993), XX'=YY', or a cos a that is, The cosines of the angles of intersection are inversclj/ as the radii of the fixed circles. 997 The radical axes of three circles (Fig. 1046), taken two called their radical centre. and two together, intersect at a point PimOF. in — Letyl, B, (7 b/ t'lc which the radical axes cut centres, a, JJC, tion ('J84) for each pair of circles. A the radii, and X, Y, Z the points tlie equation of the definithe results, and apply {iUO). h, c CA, AB. Add Wrire circle whose centre is the radical centre of three other circles intersects them in angles whose cosines are inversely as their radii (996). 998 i.\\i:iiSit>.\'. Henco., thogonally, 999 if this fourtli circle cuts it cuts them all one of the others or- orthogonally. whicli intersects at angles 'I'he circle a, ft, whose centres are .1, li, C and radii a, centre at distances from the radical axes uf the circles, y three fixed A, r, has its iixed circles proportional to cos /> —C BO cos y ft C ' — (( COS a cos y CJi (/ COS ' —h AB a COS /3 And therefore the locus of its centre will be a straight line passing through the radical centre and inchned to the three radical axes at angles whose sines are projiortional to these fractions. Proof. for each — The result p-.iir is obtained immediately by writing out equation ('J89) of fixed circles. The Method of Inversion. Any two points F, V — 1000 Definitions. diameter of a fixed situated on a circle and radius is so that 01\0r'= /r, are called immerse itoints with respect to the circle, and either point is said to be the inverse whose centre A-, of the other. its The circle and centre are called the circle and centre of incersion, and. k the constant of inversion. 1001 If every point of a plane figure be inverted Avith respect to a circle, or every point of a figure in space witii respect to a sphere, the resulting figure is called the inverse or image of the original one. Since OB k 0B\ therefore : 1002 : OP : OP' = OP' : fr = A^ : 0P'\ 1003 Let D, jy, in the same figure, be a pair of inverse In the perpendicular bisector of points on the diameter 00'. VD\ take any point Q as the centre of a circle passing through 1), I)\ cutting the circle of inversion in R, and any straight Then, by (III. 3r.), line through in the points P, B. OB on OR- (1 000). Hence . OB = . OU = ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 216 1004 two (i-) i^i ^ '"ii'e inverse points; and, conversely, any on a circle. pairs of inverse points lie The circle cuts orthogonally the circle of inverand, conversely, every circle cutting anotlier orthogonally intersects each of its diameters in a pair of inverse points. 1005 (ii-) sion (III. 87) 1006 (iii-) from which ; The line IQ is to a given circle the locus of a point the tangent is equal to its distance fi^om a given point D. — 1007 Def. The line IQ, is called the axis of reflexion for the two inverse points D, D', because there is another circle of inversion, the reflexion of the former, to the right of 1(^, having also D, I)' for inverse points. 1008 The straight hnes drawn, from any point P, within or without a circle (Figs. 1 and 2), to the extremities of any passing through the inverse point Q, make equal chord angles with the diameter through FQ. Also, the four points QO QP. 0, A, B, P are concyclic, and QA QB AB . — = . In eitlicr figure OR OA OQ and OR OB OQ (1000), by similar triantrles, Z OR A = OAR and ORB = OR A in figure But OAB = OBA (I. 5), there(1) and the supplement of it in figure (2). Pkoof. : : : : therefore, fore, &c. Also, because Z OR A = OR A, the four points 0. A, B, and therefore (^.4 each case (III. 21), 1009 The inverse inversion is . QR = QO QR . P lie on a circle in (III. 35, 3G). of a circle is a circle, and the centre of See the centre of simihtude of the two figures. also (1087). — be the point where the common PnoOF. In the figure of (l<»lo), let tangent RT of the two circles, centres A and R, cuts the central axis, and let any other line through cut the circles in P, Q R\ Q'. Then, in the demonh\ a constant OQ OP stration of (942), it is sliown that 01' OQ,' quantity. Tliercfore either circle is the inverse of the other, k being the = j'adius of the circle of inversion. . = INVERSION. 1010 luaki' 'r"o circles. Rule. — Take the taiKjeiits 217 inversions of two tlio cii-clos o-iveii 0(iu:il the centre of inversion so that the squares of it to the given circles may he irroportioual to from their radii (965). PKOOK.-(Fig. 1013) Therefore OT^ : AT = AT Jc^ : : = OT = 07" P, since 07?, therefore L' A' remains constant 7?7i' lili, : : OT if OR. OT^ <x AT. /.: : : 1011 lleiiec three circles may be inverted into equal circles, for the reciuired centre of inversion is the intersection of two can be drawn by (965). circles that The 1012 inverse of a straight line is a circle passing through the centre of inversion. Proof. Q\ —Draw OQ perpendicular and take line, P any otlicr point F be the inverse points. OQ-OQ'; Then on to the Let it. OP 0F= . by similar triangles, is right angle and is tho constant, therefore the locus of circle whose diameter is OC^. Z OFQ' 1013 therefore, = OQr, a Example. ; OQ F —The inversion of a poly- gon produces a figui'e bounded by circular arcs which intersect in angles equal to tho corresponding angles of the polygon, the complete circles intersecting in the centre l//>' of inversion. 1014 If tlie extremities of a straight line V'Q' in the last figure are the inversions of the extremities of l'(,^, tlien pq pq = : v/(op oq) . : ^^{0P FQ FQ = OF OQ Proof.—By similar triangles, OF. Compound these ratios. : : . oq'). OQ' and FQ : F(2' = : 1015 From the above it follows that any homogeneous equation between the lengths of lines joining pairs of points PR .QT SfJ, the same in space, such as ]H} RS TU points appearing on both sides of the equation, will l)o true for the figure obtained by joining the corresponding pairs of inverse points. = . . . For the ratio of each side of the equation to the corresponding side of tho equation for the inverted points will bo the same, namely, y'iOF.OQ.OU ...) : ^/{()F .OQ'.Oh'- ...). . ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 218 Pole and Polar. — 1016 Defixitiox. The iMar of any point to a circle is the perpendicular to the diameter drawn through the inverse point P with respect OF (Fig. 1012) F 1017 It follows that the polar of a point exterior to the tangents fron the point; the hne joining their points of contact. circle is the cliord of contact of the that is, FQ Also, is the polar of F with respect to the circle, In other words, 0iy centre 0, and FQ is the polar of Q. point P hfhig on the polar of a point Q', has its oivn polar alivays passing through Q'. 1018 The line joining any two points P, p the point of intersection of their polars. 1019 Q', is the polar of — its Proof. The point Q' lies on both the lines P'Q', i^'Q'y and therefore has polar passing through the pole of each line, by the last theorem. 1020 The polars of any two points F,p, and the line joining the points form a self-reciprocal triangle witli respect to the circle, the three vertices being the poles of the opposite sides. The centre of the circle is evidently the orthocentre of the triangle (952). The circle and its centre are called the polar circle and j^olar centre of the triangle. If the radii of the polar and circumscribed circles of a triangle be r and P, then ABC = 4iIV cos A r^ — Proof. In Fig. (052), described round AB(\BOC, BOO and r^ is the supplement of vl = OA OD = OA OB . through B, and . cos B cos C the centre of the polar circle, and the circles COA, A0J3 are all equal; because the angle &c. Tlierofore 27i' OD OB 00 (VI. C) 00 -^ 2/i'. Also, OA 2Zi' cos.l by a diameter is ; . . = . = (III. 21). Coa.val Circles. — 1021 Definition. A system of circles having a counnon line of centres called the central axis, and a coninion railical axis, is termed a coaxal system. 1022 If be tlie variable centre of one of the circles, and COAXAL CinCLES. 07v its rjuliuP, the whole system is included in 210 tlie equation ()l--(>K-= ±8", where 1023 S is a 111 constant length. the first species (Fig. 1), OP-OK' = S\ and S is the length of the tangent from I to any circle of the system (985). Let a circle, centre I and radius B, cut the Central axis in D, D'. When is atZ) or //, tlie circle whose radius is OK vanishes. "When is at an infinite distance, the circle developes into the radical axis itself and into a line at infinity. The points D, D' are 1024 called tlie J In the second species (Fig. 2), on-- 01- = and imiting points. half the chord R]i 8-, common to all the circles of the system. Tliese circles vary between the circle with centre I and radius S, and the circle with its centre at infinity as described above. The points 7?, R' are the common points of all circles of this system. The two systems are therefore distinguished as the timiting jwints sjjccies and the common 2>oints sjxjcics of coaxal cii'cles. S is ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 220 1025 There is a conjugate system of circles having R, B! for limiting points, and D, 1)' for common points, and the circles of one species intersect all the circles of the conjugate system of the other species orthogonally (1005). Thus, in figures (1) and (2), Q is the centre of a circle of the opposite species intersecting the other circles orthogonally. 1026 In the first species of coaxal circles, the limiting points D, D' are inverse points for every circle of the system, the radical axis being the axis of reflexion for the system. Proof.— (Fig. OP-P = OB' = 1) 01) therefore . 0K\ OIP, (II. 13) therefore D, D' are inverse points (1000). 1027 Also, the points in which any circle of the system cuts the central axis are inverse points for the circle whose centre is I and radius S. [Proof.— Similar to the last. — 1028 Problem. Given two circles of a coaxal system, to describe a circle of the same system (i.) to pass through a given point; or (ii.) to touch a given circle ; or (iii.) to cut a given circle orthogonally. — 1029 I. If the system be of the common points species, then, since the required circle always passes through two known points, the first and second cases fall under the Tangencies. See (91-1). 1030 points, circle, To solve the third case, describe a circle through the given common and through the inverse of either of them with respect to the given which will then be cut orthogonally, by (1005). 1031 II. If the system be of the limiting points species, the problem is solved in each case by the aid of a circle of the conjugate system. Such a circle always passes through the known limiting points, and may be called a conjugate circle of the limiting points system. Thus, 1032 To — solve case (i.) Draw a conjugate circle through the given point, it at that point will be the radius of the required circle. and the tangent to — 1033 To solve case (ii.) Draw a conjugate circle through the inverse of either limiting point with respect to the given circle, which will thus be cut orthogonally, and the tangent to the cutting circle at either point of intersection will be the radius of the required circle. 1034 To solve case (iii.) — Draw a conjugate and the common tangent of the two 1035 cut circle to touch the given one, will be the radius of the required circle. Thus, according as we wish to make a circle of the system loncli, or the given circle, wo must draw a conjugate cii'cle to ctd <iii/in</(i)i(iUi/, orlhiHjvnalli/, ur iuuch it. CENTRES AND AXES OF SIMILITUDE. 1036 drawn 221 be coaxal, the squares of the tanp^cnts from a point on tlie tliii-d are in distances of the centre of the third circle from If three circles to any two of tlieni the ratio of tlie the centres of the other two. PuoOF. from — Let A, a point P bo tho centres of the circles PK, centre (,', to tho other two C I), on tho ; circle, dicular on the radical axis. PA"- ; By . PK' : PN the tanr^onta tho perpeu- (080), = 2AG PN thereforo FT and PT' PT' = AC : = 2nG . PN, BG. Centres and (Lies of similitude. — Let 00' be the centres of sirailitudo 1037 Definitions. (Def 1* 1-7) of the two circles in the figure below, and let any Then the cut the circles in r, Q, P\ Q. line tlirough OQ OQ' is called the ratio of constant ratio OP OP' similitude of the two figures ; and the constant product is called the i)roduct of anti-si inilitade. OQ OP .OQ' . : = . = : OF See (942), (1009), and (1043). or Q, Q' on the samo The corresponding points P, are termed liomoltxjoas, and P, (/ or straight line through Q, P are termed anti-homologous. V any other line Opqp'q be drawn through 0. any two points i', p on the one figure be joined, and if P', j/, homologous to P,}) on the other figure, be also joined, But if the points the lines so formed are termed liomolotjous. Avhich are joined on the second figure are anti-liomologous to those on the first, the two lines are termed anti-homulojous. Thus, Pq, l/p' are anti-homologous lines. 1038 Tlien, 1039 Lt^'t if 0, and wliose radius square root of the product of anti-similitude, Tlie circle Avhose centre is e(iual to the is is called the circle of anti-similitude. The four pairs of homologous chords Pp and Fp'y Qq and Q'q\ Pq and P'q, Qp and (/p of the two circles in the And in all similar and similarly situated figure are parallel. figures homologous lines are parallel. 1040 Proof.— By (VI. '2) aud the dciiuitiou (917). ;; ELEMENTA E Y GEOME TB Y 222 The four pairs of anti-liomologous cliords, Pj) and JPq ^^^ QP) Qp ^^^ ^^I'i of the two circles meet on their radical axis. Proof.— OP OQ' = Op Oq = ]c\ 1041 ^/'Z ' Q'l ^^^ Pp'i . . wliere k is the constant of inversion therefore P, -p, Q', q' are concyclic therefore Pp and Q'q' meet ou the radical axis. Similarly for any other pair of anti-homologous chords. ; — From this and the preceding proposition it 104:2 Cor. follows that the tangents at homologous points are parallel and that the tangents at anti-homologous points meet on the radical axis. For these tangents are the limiting positions of homologous or anti-homologous chords. (IIGO) 1043 two Let 0, D be the inverse points of ^^^th respect to A and JJ then the constant product of circles, centres ; anti-similitude OF OQ . or JH^ OQ OF = OA OD . . or OB . OC. CEXTHES Proof. AXES OF SlMU.lTfhi:. 223 — By similar right-angled triangles, OT OC and OB OH OD; OA OD = Oli OC 0.1 OG = OT = OP 0(J, OB OD = Olf' = or .OQ'; OA OB OC OD = OF OQ OL*' OQ', 0-1 therefore and AXJ) : : also (1), . . and : : . (III.:;.;) . . therefore . . . . . . therefore &c., by (1). 1044 The foregoing definitions and properties (10.S7 to have respect to the external centre of simihtudo 0, hold good for the internal centre of simihtiide 0\ with the usual convention of positive and negative for disitances measured from 0' upon lines passing through it. 1U4;5), wliicli 1045 Two circles will subtend equal angles at any point on the circumference of the circle whose diameter is 00\ where This circle is are the centres of simihtude (Fig. 1043). 0, also coaxal with the given circles, and has been called the O circle of shnllitude. — Proof. Let A, B be the centres, a, diameter 00'. Then, by (D3"2), b the radii, and K any point on the circle, KA KB = AO BO = : : by the definition (O-io) AO' BO' : = a : h, ; a therefore : KA = h : KTI ; that is, the sines of the halves of the angles in question are equal, which are iu the ctnstant pioves the first part. Also, because the tangents from ratio of the radii a, h, this circle is coaxal with the given ones, by (lUoG, 1)34). K 1046 The six centres of similitude circles lie three Qpr, Rpq, called axes of simUitude. Proof. — P,p, Q, and three on four straight Taking any three of the sets of points named, say P, q, r, they are shewn at once to be collinear by the transversal theorem (*JGs) applied to the triangle ABC. For the segments of its made by the points sides P, 'i, r are in the ratios of the radii of the circles. q, R, r of three lines I'ijli, I'qr, — — ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 224 From tlie investigation in (0 12), it appears that one touches two others in a pair of anti-homologous points, and that the following rule obtains 1047 circle : Rule. — The right line joining the points of contact imsses through the external or internal centre of similitude of the tivo circles according as the contacts are of the same or of different kinds. — 1048 Definition. Contact of curves is either internal or external accordiug as the curvatures at the point of contact are in the same or opposite directions. 1049 Gergo7ine''s method of descrihing the circles ichlch touch three given circles. Take Pqr, one of the four axes of similitude, and find its poles o, /3, y with respect to the given circles, centres A, B, G (lOlG). From 0, the radical centre, draw lines through a, /3, y, cutting the circles in a, a', b, b', Then a, b, c and a', b', c will be the points of contact of two of the c, c. requii'ed circles. PjiOOP. E, F a, b, P c, Analysis. touch the a', b', c. — Let the Let be, b'c circles G in meet in A, B, circles and ab, a'b' in r. Regarding E and F as touched by A, B, G in turn, Rule (1047) shews that Art', bb', cc' meet in 0, the centre of similitude of jE/ and F and (1041) shews that P, q, and r lie on the radical axis of E and F. Regarding B and G, or G and A, or A and B, as touched hy E and F in turn, Rule (1047) shews that P, q, r are the centres of similitude of ]> and G, G and A, A and B respectively; and (1041) shews that is on the radical axis of each pair, and is therefore the radical centre of A, B, and G. Again, becansc the tangents to E and F, at the anti-homologous points a, a', meet on Bqr, the radical axis of E and F (1042) therefore the point ; ca, c'a' in ci ; ; ; of meeting the pole of <(«,' with respect to the circle .1 (1017). Therefore through the pole of the line Pifr (1018). Similarly, bb' and cc' pass through the poles of the same line J'qr with respect to J> and G. Hence is aa' ])as.ses the construction. 1050 In the given configuration of the circles A, B, C, the shews that each of the three internal axes of (leinoiistration (,>rp, Jlju/ (Fig. 104()) is a radical axis and connnon chord of tAvo of the eight osculating circles which can be drawn. The external axis of similitude Vi^li is the similitude P(/r, AXirAIDlOXIC JiATIO. radical axis of the two remaining circles which touch J, and C eitlier all externally or all internally. 7/, of the three p^iven circles is also of similitude of the four paii-s of Therefore the central axis of each pair osculating circles. passes through 0, and is peri)endicular to the radical axis. passes thi-ough 0, and is })erpenThus, in the figure, 1051 Tlie radical centre common internal centre tlie EF dicular to Pqr. Anharmonic Ratio. 1052 Dkfixitiox. — Let a pencil of be cut four lines through a point by a transversal in the points A, B, (', D. The anharmonic ratio of the ])encil is any one of the three fractions A B CD AB.rn . or AD.BC The 1053 AC.BI) AC. liD between these three different relation ratios is obtained from the equation AB . CD-\^AD BC . Denoting the terms on the i-atios may be expressed by p The : by left side p :p + q, q, = AC and 2' q . BJ). the three anharmonic </, :p + q. are therefore mutually dependent. merely of the anharmonic ratio in any two sj'stems immaterial which of the three ratios is selected. ratios Hence, is if the identity to be established, it is 1054 In future, when the ratio of an anharmonic pencil {0, AHl^'D] is mentioned, the form All. CI) AD. I!C will be the on<? intended, wliatever the actual order of the points ,1, 7), <\ D may be. For, it should be observed that, by making tlie line 01> revolve about 0, the ratio takes in turn eacii of the forms given above. This ratio is shortly expressed by the notation {0,AI!('1J}, or simply {AUCD}. : 1055 (>D, the unity. to AB : If the transversal be drawn parallel to one of the lines, for instance two factors containing 7) become infinite, and their ratio becomes They may therefore bo omitted. The anharmonic ratio then reduces liC. Thus, when IJ is at infinity, {0, ^17)'rx} 1056 The anharmonic . we may .47? : write BC. ratio CD _ AD.BC An = sin Aon siuAOJ) 2g sinrO/> y^'niBifC • ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 226 and its value is therefore tlie same for all transversals of the pencil. Proof. —Draw cular from substitute A i> upon . 07? parallel to the transversal, and let p be the perpendiMultiply eacli foctor in the fraction by p. Then Oli. OA.OB sin AOB, &c. (707). AB = The anharmonic ratio (105(3) becomes harmonic when its value is See (933). The harmonic relation there defined may also be stated four points divide a line harmonically when the jjroclud of the extreme 1057 unity. thus : segments is equal to the proih(ct < if the ivhole line and the middle segment. Homograpliic Systems of Points. — If x, a, h, c be the distances of one 1058 Definition. variable point and three fixed points on a straight line from a on the same and if x, a\ b', c be the distances of point then the variable ; similar points on another Hne through points on the two hues will form two homographic si/stems when they are connected by the anharmonic relation ; mKQ J-WO» (cT'-r/) (h-c) _ (.i^-c) {(i-h) (x-a) {b'-c) {.v'-c) {a-b'y Expanding, and writing A, B, C, becomes D for the constant coeffi- cients, the equation 1060 From which A.t\v'-^B.v-\-av-\-D ^r>«^ C.r-\-D -, = 0. Bd-\-D ' — 1062 Theorem. Any four arbitrary points .i\, x.,, x^,a\on one of the lines will have four corresponding points x[, x.>, x'^, x^ on the other determined by the last equation, and the tiro sets of points ivlll have equal anliarmonic ratios. Pkoof. —This may be shown by actual substitution of the value of each x in terms of by a'', (1 00 1), in the harmonic ratio | ^vVV^t } 1063 If the distances of four points on a right line from a upon it, in order, are a, a, /3, /3', where a, li\ a\ (5' are point the respective roots of the two quadratic equations (Lv''-\-2lur+b = 0, the condition that the two aa--\-2h\v+b' ])airs of points roii'/iujtitc is 1064 = may be ; liarmonicalh/ , (ib-\-a'b = 2hh. IXVOLFTIOy. PiJOoK. — The liannonic relation, by (a -a') (rJ-l'/) 227 (\0o7), is = (a-ly) (<t'-/5). the sums and produrta of the roots of Multiply out, and substitute for quadratics above iu terms of their coefficients by 1065 (.Jl, tlio ."i'i). II, bo the quadratic expressions in (10G3) for two pairs of represent a third pair harmonically c<iMJiiirate with », and ii.,, then the pair of points it will also be hai-nionically conjugate with every pair jjfiven l)y the equation u^ + \ll^ 0, where A is any eonsiant. For the condition (10G4) applied to the last equation will be identically satisfied. jioiiits, If and »,. if h = Inrolufion. — 1066 Defixitioxs. Pairs of inverxi' points 77'', (.>(/, &c., on the simie right line, form a system in involution, and the relation between them, by (1000), is OP OF = OQ OQ = . . &e. F Q A ^1 I = k\ n Q' P, ^ I [ Tlie radius of the circle of inversion is k, i) is called the centre of the sijstein. and the centre Inverse points are also termed conjiujtite points. AVhen two inverse points coincide, the point is called a forns. = h^ shows that there are two foci from the centre, and on opposite sides of it, real or imaginary according as any two inverse points lie on the same side or on opposite sides of the centre. 1067 J , />' The equation OP- at the distance h 1068 If the two homogi^aphic systems of points in (1058) be on the same line, they will constitute a system in involutiun B = C. — Equation (lOCO) maj- now be written when PiiOOF. ^.r.c' a constant. Therefore —A - + 7/ (a- + «')+/? = is 0, the distance of the origin from the ccntro of inversion. Measuring from this centre, the equation becomes representing a system iu involution. l^' = A', 1069 Any four points whaferrr of a system in involution on a right line have their anharmouic ratio equal to that of their four conjugates. — . ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 228 Proof. — Let j/; q, i/; j:>, r; r, be the distances of the pairs of inverse s, s points from the centre. In the anharmonic ratio of any four of the points, for instance {]'q'i's}, Ic'-^q, &c., and the result is the anharmonic substitute 2^-=h^-^]j\ q = {p'qr's']. ratio Any two 1070 inverse points P, F are in harmonic relation with the foci A, B. Pkoof.— Let pp ^f = that p, p be ^h k\ therefore ' F B F A the distances of P, P' from the centre = —— Jc , + -—~ — = h+p k—p p —Ic h p' o ^, -thereiore -^ therefore p p) 0; then - - k ; |f = If' is, ^^^'^ If a system of points in involution he given, as in (1068), by the equation 1071 and a pair of Axic^E{x^-x)-\-B = conjugate points by the equation a:i?-\-2hc-\-h the necessary relation between 1072 Ah^Ba = ; — The roots of equation (2) therefore substitute in (1) Proof. (1) x+x 1073 Cor.— A system = (1); = a^ h, (2); and h is 2Hh. must be simultaneous values of and xx' a in involution =— x, x in (51) Li may be determined from two given pairs of corresponding points. Let the equations for these points be Then there and ax^ + 2]ix + h = two conditions (1072), Ab + Ba = 2Hh and are aV" + 2hx + h' xW + Ba = = 0. 2Uh', B can be found, A geometrical solution is given in (985). C, D C, B' ai'C, in that conin involution struction, pairs of inverse points, and I is the centre of a system Each circle intersects the defined by a series of coaxal circles (1U22). whose centre central axis in a pair of inverse points with respect to the circle from which A, II, ; is and radius 2. The relations which have been established for a system of coUincar of points may be transferred to a system of concurrent lines by the method (105G), in which the distance between two points corresponds to the sine of the angle between two lines passing through those points. 1074 oor) 'METHODS OF PnOJECTWX. The Method of Projection. 1075 DkI'INITIOXS. — Tlic pntjictioit of any j)(>iiil /' in Sj)aco point p in wliicli ;i ri^Hit line ()l\ drawn called the rcrfcr, intersects a fixed plane from a fixed point called the phnie of projection. If all the points of any fio-ure, ])lane or solid, he thus ])rojected, the figure obtained is called the ^injccfiou of the original fia'ure. (Fi_i>-. of 1()7'.>) is tlio — 1076 Projective Propertie.'i. The projection of a right line is a right hne. The projections of parallel lines are parallel. The projections of a curve, and of the tangent at any point of it aro another curve and the tangent at the corresponding point. , The anharmonic ratio of the segments of a right lino not altered by projection for the line and its projection are (105G) but two transversals of the same anharmonic pencil. 1077 is ; Also, any relation between the segments of a lino similar to that in (1015), in which each letter occurs in every term, is a projective propertij. [Proof as in (1056). 1078 1079 Tlieorem. — Any quadrilateral PQRS may be projected into a parallelogram. CONSTWrCTION. Produce PQ, SR to meet in A, and PS, Qlh to meet in B. Then, with any point project for vertex, upon lateral plane quadri- the j'xib any parallel to GAB. The projected figure jhps will be a parallelogram. — Proof. The OPQ, OPS in- planes tersect in OA, and they intersect the plane of projection which is parallel to 0-1 in the lines pq, r$. Therefore pq and rs are parallel to and therefore to OA, each Similorlj, j)"?, qr are parallel to OB. other. "' — ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 230 — 1080 The opposite sides of the parallelogram ji^/rs meet in two Cor. 1. and points at infinity, which are the projections of the points A, R itself, which is the third diagonal of the complete quadrilateral FQRS, is projected into a line at infinity. ; AB Hence, to project any figure so that a certain line in it may pass to Take the jilane of lirojcdion 'parallel to the plane which contains the given line and the vertex. 1081 infinity — 1082 it is Cor. 2. To only necessary to make the projection of the make AOB a right angle. On quadrilateral a rectangle, Perspective Draifing. 1083 Taking the parallelogram pqrs, in (1079), for the original figure, Suppose this the quadrilateral PQRS is its projection on the plane ABab. Let the planes OAB, pah, while plane to be the plane of the paper. remaining parallel to each other, be turned respectively about the fixed In evei'y position of the planes, the lines Oji, Oq, Or, parallel lines AB, ah. Os will intersect the dotted lines in the same points P, Q, R, S. When the planes coincide with that of the paper, pqrs becomes a ground pilan of the parallelogram, and FQRS is the representation of it in perspective. AB is then called the horizontal line, ah the picture line, and the plane of both the picture plane. To 1084 plan. Rule. to pb, to P, tJce find the projection of —Eraw pb to any point p in the ground any point b in the picture line, and draw OB parallel B Join Op, Bb, and they tvill intersect in meet the horizontal line in point required. In practice, ph is drawn perpendicular The point cular to AB. and the station point. B is to ah, then called the and jjoi;;/ OB therefore perpendiof sight, or centre of vision, 1085 To find the projection of a point in the grojind plan, not in the original plane, but at a perpendicular distance c above it. — Take a new picture line parallel to the former, and at a distance coseca, ivhere a is the angle hctween the original plane a)id the plane of p)rojccti(»i. For a plane through the given ptnnt, parallel to the original plane, will intersect the plane of projection in the \w\\ picture line so constructed. Thus, every point of a figure in the ground ^dan is transferred to the Rule. above it =c drawing. 1086 The whole theory of perspective drawing is virtually included in the fuicgoing propositions. The original plane is conmionly horizontal, aud 1, and the height of the plane of pnjiction vertical. In this case, cosee n iho. pidure line for any point is equal to the height of the jiuint itself above the original plane. The distance BO, when B is the point of sight, may be measured along A B, and bj) along ah, in the opposite direction} for the lino Bb will continue to intersect Oj^ in the point I'. = . Orth oii;on a I — In 1087 I* rojrct io n Di:riNiTioN. pi-ojection are parallel to eaeh other, oi-tli()^n)iial The vertex plane of iirojectiou. dered to he at infinity. in ])rojectioii and tlic linos of |)erj)en(licular to the this case may be consi- 1088 The projections of pai-allel lines are jjaiallel, and the piDJected segments are in a constant ratio to the oi-iginal seu'nients. 1089 Areas are in a constant ratio to their projections. For, lines parallel to the intersection of the original pinne and the plane of projection arc unaltered in length, and lines at right angles to the former This ratio is the ratio of the areas, and is are altered in a constant ratio. the cosine of the angle between the two planes. Projections of the Sphere. lu Strreograjyhic projection, the vertex is on the surface of the sphere, and the diameter through the vertex is ])erpendicular to the plane of projection which passes through the other extremity of the diameter. The projection is therefore the inversion of the surface of the sphere (lUl2),and the diameter is the constant /r. 1090 1091 Ii^ (Uohular projection, the vertex is taken at a distance from the sphere equal to the radius -i- \/2, and the diameter thi'ough the vertex is perpendicular to the plane of I)rojection. 1092 In Gnomon ic projection, which tion of sun-dials, the vertex is is used in the construc- at the centre of the sphere. Mercator's projection \\h\ch is employed in navigation, in maps of the world, is not a projection at ]\Ieridian circles of the sphere are all as defined in (1075). represented on a plane by parallel right lines at intervals Th(> pai'allels of latieqnal to the intervals on the equatoi-. tude are represented by right lines jierpendicular to the meridians, and at increasing intervals, so as to preserve the actual ratio between the increments of longitude and latitude 1093 , and sometimes at every point. With r for the radius of the sphere, the distance, on the chart, from the r log tau (40*^ + JX). is A, is equator of a point whose latitude = ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 232 Additional Theorems. 1094 The sum of the squares of the distances of any point r from n equidistant points on a circle whose centre is and = + OP'-) n (r'^ radius 7' Proof.— Sum the values of FB-, PG\ &c., given This theorem is . in (819), and apply (803). the generalization of (923). 1095 In the same figure, if P be on the circle, the sum of the squares of the perpendiculars from P on the radii OP, 0(7, &c., is equal to ^wr^. PuooF. Describe a circle upon the vaclius through P as diameter, and — apply the foregoing theorem to this 1096 tween — The circle. of the squares of the intercepts on the radii be(I. 47) the perpeudiculai's and the centre is also equal to -g-ur. Cor ]. sum — The sum of the squares of the perpendiculars from the Cor. 2. equidistant points on the circle to any right line passiug through the centre is also equal to \nr'^. Because the perpendiculars from two points on a circle to the diameters drawn through the points are equal. 1097 — The sum of the squares of the intercepts on the same Cor. 3. right line between the centre of the circle and the perpendiculars is also 1098 equal to (I- ^nr\ 47) If the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles of a regular polygon of n sides be r, R, and the centre 0; then, 1099 is e(]ual 1100 The sum I. to of the perpendiculars from any point P upon the sides 'iir. n. upon any right line, the sum from from the vertices upon the same line is equal to nj^. Ifj) be the perpendicular of the j)erpendical;irs P on the 1102 IV. The sum of the squares of the perpendiculars from the upon the right line is = n (p' + ^R'). vertices 1101 yides is III. Proof. r—Or of the squares of the perpendiculars from The sum = n{r-^-\OP-). — In cos theorem (0+ -^), I., the values of the perpendiculars are given by with successive integers for m. values, and apply (803). Similarly, to prove II. ; Add together the u take for the perpendiculars the values -'"" \ 7> /n 2>-Rcos[0+-—). I To prove III. and IV., take the same expressions for the perpendiculars; square each value; add the results, and apply (803, 804). For additional ])ro])ositions in the subjects of this section, see the section entitled rianc Coonlinaic Ucomctri/. a GEOMETRICAL CONICS. THE SECTIONS OF THE CONE. 1150 AP Definitions. —A Conic Section or Conic is the curve which any plane intersects the surface of a right cone. A right cone is the soHd generated by the revolution of one straight line about another which it intersects in a fixed in point at a constant angle. Let the axis of the cone, in Fif^. (1) or Fif^. (2), be in the plane of the paper, and let the cutting plane be perpendicular to the paper. {L'ead either the acce)ited or unaccented letters tJtrouijhout.) Let a sphere be inscribed and touching the cutting plane in in the cone, touching it in the circle interthe point S, and let the cutting plane and the plane of the circle sect in XM. The following theorem may be regarded as the dfifmbuj properfij of the curve of section. PMXN EQF EQF — 1151 Theorem. The distance of any point P on the conic from the point S, called the focus, is in a constant ratio to FM, its distance from the line XM, called the directrix, or FS : FM = FS' : PJ/' = AS AX = : e, the eccentricity. \_See next 1152 CoK. either focus just proved. page for the Proif.'] — The *S', conic may be generated in a plane from N', and either directrix XM, X'M' by the law , 1153 The conic is an EJIips^e, a Parabola, or an JFi/jjrrhoItt, according as e is less than, equal to, or greater th.-m unity. That is, according as the cutting plane emerges on both sides of the lower cone, or is parallel to a side of the cone, or intersects both the upper and lower cones. AH sections made by parallel planes are similar; for inclination of the cutting })lane determines the ratio 1154 tlie AI-] : 1155 circle AX. — The limiting forms of the curve are respectively when e vanishes, and two coincident right lines when becomes infinite. 2h e GEOMETRICAL CONIC S. 234 — Proif ok TiiEOKKM 1151. Join P, 8 and P, 0, cutting the ciicular s-ction and draw FM parallel to NX.. Because all tanjjcnts from the same or A, to either sphere are equal, therefore HE = I'Q = I'S and point Now, by (VI. 2), HE NX = AE AX and NX = PM; AS. therefore PS P^f = AS AX, a constant ratio denoted by e and called in Q, AE= : : : : the eccentric ill/ of the conic. Referring the letters either to the ellipse or the hyperbola in the any other point on subjoined figuie, let C be the middle point of A A' and Let Djy, h'li be the two circular sections of the cone whose planes pass it. the plane of the with the intersections through C and A^; PCP' and conic* In the elii|)si', J!<' is the common onlimitc of the ellipse and circle but, in the hyperbola, PC is to be taken equal to ihe langeut from C to the circle DD'. N PN ; 1156 The fundamental equation FN'' is Proof.— PiV^ = NP . : of the ellipse or hyperbola AN. NA' = BC~ AC. PC = CD CD' (III. : NR' and NR . = AN AC CD similar triangles (VI. :!, G), Multiply the last e(juatiuns together. : I and NE' 35, 36). : CD' Also, by = A'N : A'C. I . Cor. 1157 and ICLLirSE Tlir: 235 UYl'F.nV.OLA. 1.— P.Ylms values at two points e(|ui- distant from AA' e(|ii;il Hence tlie curve is sym- metrical witli respect to .-LI and inr. These two lines are called the Dinjor and luitwr a.rcs, otherwise the transverse and conjuijate axes of the conic. AVhen the axes are equal, or BC AG, the ellipse becomes a circle, and the hyperbola beor comes reef angular = ./ equilateral. 1158 Any elHpse or hyperbola is the orthogonal projection of a circle or rectangular hyperbola respectively. PiioOF. tlie — tliuorem NP, mcnsnrc NP' = AN NA' tliercfore by AC. Therefore a circle or rectangular hyperand having its plane inclined to that of the Aloiifr the ordinate PN : P'N = PC . ; : having AA' for one axis, PG-^AC, projects orthogonally into the conic at an angle whose cosine See Note to (1-JOl). ellipse or hyperbola in question, by (108'J). bola, = 1159 known TTence any projective j^roperfi/ (107G-78), which is to belong to the circle or rectangular hyperbola, will also be universally true for the ellipse and hyperbola respec- tively. THE ELLIPSE AND HYPERBOLA. J(Hnf propcrtirs of the Ellipse 1160 Dfi'INITIons. Dfi'initions. —The and Ili/pcrhola. to a curve at a point P adjacent iiu im^-Mij^n cm an cn4|<n.» Ulcl\>ll through drawn PQ, ^»', tanrjeuf (Fi right line nut; is the rigllU 110(3) IS point (?, / in its ultimate position when Q is made to coincide with P. The normal is the pori)endicular to the tangent through the point of contact. GEOMETRICAL CONICS. 236 In (Fig. 1171), referred to rectangular axes tlirougli the is called the length centre G (see Coordinate Geometry) the ordinate; PT the tangent; PG the northe abscissa; the sulnormal. S, 8' are the suhtangcnt ; and mal; the foci; XM, X'M'the directrices; PS, PS' the focal distances, and a double ordinate through S the Latus Rectum. The auxiliary circle (Fig. 1173) is described upon AA' as ; CN PN NG NT diameter. diameter parallel to the tangent at the extremity of another diameter is termed a conjugate diameter with respect to the other. The conjugate hyperhola has BG for its major, and AG for A its minor axis (1157). 1161 The following theorems (1162) property PS to (1181) are deduced from the obtained in (1151). The propositions and demonstrations are nearly identical for the ellipse and the hyperbola, any difference in the application being specified. 1162 TJf : PM = e CS : CA : CX, and the common ratio is e. THE ELLIPSE AND TIYPERBOLA. = AC'-nr^ CS- = AC--^BC~ CS- 1164 in tlio ellipse. [For nS ill = AC, the liyperbola. [Oy assuming JlC. BC'=:SL.AC. SL SX = OS CA, SL.AC=CS.SX=CS(CX^CS) = CA'^CS' by (11G3). Sco (117(1). 1165 Proof.— (Figs, .-. 1166 of 11G2) (1151, 1102) : : = 7?C^ (1104). P, Q, two points on the conic, If a right line tlirougli meets the directrix in Z, then (11G2) SZ bisects QSE. the angle .17/ PnooF.—By similar triangles, therefore by (VI. A.) 1167 If PZ ZP : Z(2 = MP NQ = SP SQ : : FSZ be a tangent at P, then (Uol), and FS'Z' are right angles. Pkoof. 1168 —Make Q coincide M'iih. P in tlic last theorem. The tangent makes equal angles with the focal dis- tances. Proof.— In (1100), PS PS' = PM P-V (1151) = PZ PZ'; therefore, when PQ becomes the tangent at P, Z SPZ = S'PZ\ by (1107) and (VI. 7). 1169 The tangents : : : at the extremities of a focal chord inter- sect in the directrix. ZR then, if Proof.— (Figs, of 1100). Join for nir>7) proves h'SZ to bo a right angle. PKOOF.-(Figs. 1171.) therefore ZP is a tangent, ZR is also, CN.CT=AC'. 1170 therefore ; -^^' TS'+TS = (VI. -pl _ NX'+NX 3, A.) = 2rT ^^^^- (1151) = ^, _ 2GX TS'-TS~ NX'-NX' ^ 2CS CN.CT- CS.CX = AC^. '2CN' (1102) GEOMETRICAL CONIC S. 238 1171 If ^'^-*' be the normal, GS: PS=^ Proof.— By (11 G8) and (VI. GS _GS' PS 1172 A^G PS' + PS j:)/ its Proof.— (Figs. 1171.) . . otp.i the tangent, ^, we obtain CN^CG _ (11G2) 2GA to viinus. NC = : PS'=e. A.), The subnormal and the the axes, or : _ GS'+GS _2CS F8' But, for the hyperbola, change 3, GS' abscissa are as the squares of BC : AC\ Exactly as in (1170), taking the normal instead CN GG = -~r, -— - CA^^aS^ ON ' GA' GN_GX_CA' 7^~ T^S'^ , . ^yT . or^=i^ NO AG^ ^^'^ ^<^' ....ry^ v-'--'-"-'/' (11G4). ^ 1173 The tangents at P and Q, the corresponding points on the elUpse and auxihary circle, meet the axis in the same point But in the hyperbola, the ordinate TQ of the circle being T. drawn, the tangent at Q cuts the axis in N. is = CQ"" (11 70) Then CN. CT Join TQ. ellipse right angi angle (VI. 8) tlicrclbre QT is a tangent. a rigut Proof. OF.— For the >,T fore C(J,T For the liyperbola : ; : Interchange N and T. ; thcre- THE ELLTPSE AXD IIYrEKJiOLA. 239 u PN QN = 1174 liC: AC. : PuooF.— (Figs. TluTefuro NLf : 1 1 NG NT = 73). NC = and CN NT = QN\ (VI. 8) by (1172). (115H), and sliows tliat an ellipse is tlio . I'N^ : QN-; is equivalent to projection of a circle equal to ^'oiJ- . tl.crcforo, This proposition nrt]io<,'onal 1175 I'N', — The area of the tiie auxiliary circle. ellipse is to that of tlie auxiliaiy iy^:. 10 (1089). circle as PN' AN.NA' = BC AC\ QN^ = AN. NA' (III. 35, 3G). 1176 : Proof.— By ( 1 : 174), since 1177 Cii ri:uoF. rt _ CT - — (Figs. PiV. Wf . ' • An The construction cnt proof of this theorem is given in (11-">G). tlie hyperbola in (llGl) is thus verified. indopendfor JJC iu = nc\ Ct 1173.) Cn.rt _ FN' CNTcT - CNTnT _PN' ai.Ct: Therefore, by (1170) and (117G), _ FN"- .„. _ ... ^~ AN NA' ^"^^ ^"' ACP = BC AG^. .... o. ~W^ '^^^• . : 1178 If SY, S'Y' are the perpendiculars on tlie tangent, then Y, Y' are points on the auxiliary circle, and SY,SY' = BC\ SY = TW in W. Then FS (11G8). Tliereforo (11G3). ALso, .Sr= YW, and ,S(' r.S". Therefore iS AC. Similarly CY" AC. Tlierefoie 1', 1" are on the circle. Hence ZY' is a diameter (III. 31), and tiu'refore SZ S'Y', by similar triiintrles therefore 6Y SZ SA SA' (111. 3."., '.W^ CS' ^ C.V (11. 5) IW- (llGi). Proof.— Let P.S meet = S']V=AA' = = W CY= = = . ; = 1179 Cuii.— If C'^ be drawn PE= then 1180 Tkoblem. — To = . i)arallel CY = t^) the tangent at J\ AC. draw tangents from any point to an elhpse or hyperbola. — Construction. (Figs, 1 181.) Describe two circles, one with centre O and radius OS, and another with centre S' and radius ..LI', intersecting in M, = GEOMETRICAL CONICS. 240 jr. Join MS', M'S'. These lines will intersect the curve in P, F', the For another method see (1204). points of contact. S'M by construction. ThereAA' Pkoof.— By (11G3), PS'±PS (1. 8), therefore OP is a tangent PM, therefore Z OPS fore PS = = = 0PM = by (1168). Similarly 1181 P'S = P'M\ and OP' is a tangent. The tangents OP, OP' subtend equal angles at either focus. Proof.— The by (I. 8), angles as above OS'M', and (I. 8). ; OSP, OSP' and these are respectively equal to OMP, OM'F, by the triangles OS'M, last angles arc equal, Similarly at the other focus. Asymptotic Projyerties of the Ilyperhola. The asymptotes of the hyperbola are the 1182 Defdiagonals of the rectangle formed by tangents at the vertices A, A, B, B'. from any point R on an 1183 If the ordinates RN, asymptote cut the hyperbola and its conjugate in P, P', P, P*, — EM li — ;; : iiYPERnoLA. t;//; 24.1 then either of ihe following pairs of equations will define both the branches of each curve RS--p\' = Proof. — r>r'= /*\--/?.v- (1), RM--DM'= Ar'= inP-H)P {'!). by By prove (1): Firstly, to ENC, OAC, wo have = -^.^- proportion from the similar triaugles -^ = ' cN'-XG' = CN'-AG\ ^~^A~f-- = 4^. By AN. NA' (llTiV), since Tberefuro EN'-FX' = thereforo (II. 6) ^J the theorem (G9) BL'-. Also, by (117G), applied to the conjugate hyperbola, the axe.s being " " reversed, ^^ ''°''^'''' now *"^"Sles Tn'' liC' jyN^-BC' P'N'-BC = EN' or P'N'-EN^ = BC\ therefore Secondly, to prove (2) By proportion from tlie triangles EMC, OBC, we I)}iP EiP _ Af^ _ ^""^^ CM' ~ BC ~ CM'-BC' by (11 rC), applied to the conjugate hyperbola, for in this case we should BM MB'' = C^P - BC\ have : . = -^S ^^^,J^ x»C BC Therefore Also, by (117C), since CM, D'J/ /-(ira -'r DM'- AC' I)'M'-AC- therefore = EM' EM'-BM' = AC\ tl^ereforo 5 are equal to the coordinates of D', = — = AC 7)7'' or -r C^P -,-r7j EM-' - — FR.Rr = nC1185 ^''">IJ- 2. —As tinually diminish. and ^ RN, If the same ordinates CoE. 1. other asymptote in r and /•', then 1184 ^y similar triangles ° B'M'-EM' = AC. I)R.Dr EM meet the = AC\ (II. o) conR recedes from C, /'/i' and Ilencc the curves continually ap})roach />>/? the asymptote. 1186 If ^E be Proof.— 1187 I^D : CE = is : EN : AC, CS and CS - CO. parallel to the asymptote. 7,'.V* Therefore the directrix, CE CO = CX CA = CA : US'- PS' BC' PA" = PIT : DM; .,,e^. therefore, r.V by (VI. , "2). (11G4) GEOMETBTCAL CONICS. 242 1188 The segments of any riglit line Proof, — and 1189 Con. 1190 Cor. QTi : Qr : between the curve and Qli = qr. the asymptote are equal, or QU = Qu = qB, : gZ/'") qr : qu ) Compound tlie and employ ' l.~PL = PI and QV = qV. 2.—CH = HL. Because PD is ratios, (1184). parallel to 10. (1187) 1191 QP . Vkoof.— Qli Qr and = PL' = RV'-QV'= Q V--R V. QU=PL: FE Compound theratios. Therefore, by (11 8i), Qu = El Pe QR Qr = PL.P1 = PL" (1180). Qr : : ) and . 4PH.PK= 1192 P]iGOF.— 3 : Pn PE = PK Pe = : : GO Go : On : Go) ") CS\ .-. PH. PK PE.Pe= CC = GS^ : : : Oo^ AEG''; tberefore, by (1184). Joint Properties of the Ellipse and Hi/perhola resumed. If PGP' be a diameter, and QV an ordinate parallel to the conjugate diameter CD (Figs. 1105 and 1188). 1193 QV: PV. VP = Tliis is tlic fuiidruncntal most important form of it. CD' : CP\ equation of tbc conic, equation (1170) being the : ; THE ELLirSE AND HYPERBOLA. 243 Otlierwisc In the QV: (P-iV = CD-.VPK ellipse, Tutliolivpcrbola, QV' and Q : F- : CV'-CP-= CIX C F-+ 67'- Proof. — = . CP^; CD' CP\ : — {EUlps^e. Fig. 1195.) By orthogonal projection from a circle. If G, r, P', D, Q, V are the projections of c, p, p, d, q, v on the circle The proportion is therefore trae in the case of id cdcp pv vp qv' Therefore &c., by (1088). the circle. = . (Ilijperhvla. CTP_ CF' Fig. 1188)— _ nv^ _ PL' _ nv'^pu ^ qf' ~ CV- ~ CP'~ CV'±CP' GV'-CP^ qt^ (1101) CV^+CF'' The parallelogram formed by tangents at the extremiconjngate diameters is of constant area, and therefore, being perpendicular to CD (Figs. 1195), 1194 ties of i'i' Proof. rF.CD = AC.BC. — (Ellipse.) —By orthogonal projection from the {ILiperhola. fore, Fig. 1 1 88.) = by (VI. 15), ALGl If 1195 PF intersects FF.PCm — GL.Cl = APU PK = OGo . CO . circle (1089). Co (1192) ; there- = AG.BG. the axes in = EC and and G\ FF.FG = AC\ t 1197 Con.— FG PG = CD = FT. Ft. . By (1194) GEOMETRICAL CONICS. 244 The diameter 1198 bisects all chords parallel to the tangent at its extremity. Proof. — {Ellipse. QV=VQ'. 1199 Fig. 1195.) {Hyperhola.) CoE. 1. By — By from the projection circle (1088) (1189.) — The tangents at the extremities of meet on the diameter which bisects any chord it. — Proof. The secants drawn through the extremities of two parallel chords meet on the diameter which bisects them (VI. 4), and the tangents are the limiting positions of the secants when the parallel chords coincide. the — the tangents from a point are diameter through the point must be a principal 1201 CoR. — The chords joining any point Q on the curve 1200 Cor. 2. equal, If axis. (I. 8) 3. with the extremities of a diameter PP' , are parallel to conjugate diameters, and are called supplemental chords. FQ For the diameter bisecting PQ is parallel to diameter bisecting P'Q is parallel to PQ. 1202 (VI. 2). Similarly the Diameters are mutually conjugate If CD be parallel CP will be parallel to the tangent at D. ; to the tangent at P, — — Observe Proof. (EUijJse. Fig. 1205.) —By projection from the circle (1088). with its ordinates and tangents be turned about the axis Tt through the angle cos"^ (PC -^ AC), it ordinates corresponding its with becomes the projection of the auxiliary circle ]SI"OTE. that, if the ellipse in the figure and tangents. (Hi/perbola. Fig. 1188.)— By (1187, 1189) the tangents at P, D meet the asymptotes in the same point L. Therefore they ai-e parallel to CD, CP (VI. 2.) If QT he the tangent at Q, and to the tangent at any other point P, the ordinate parallel CV.CT=CF'. 1203 Pkoof.— CP QV bisects PQ Therefore, by (VI. 2), (1199). Therefore CV CP = : CW : CE PT7 is = CP parallel to :CT. QP. N ELLIPSE AND nYFERBOLA. Tni'J 1204: (T — Hence, to draw two tangents from a point T, wo may find above equation, and draw QVl^ parallel to tho tangent at 1' to Cor. tVoni the 245 dL'tennine tho points of contact Q, (/. Let FN, I)N be the ordinates at the extremities of conjugate diameters, and PT the tangent at P. Let the ordinates and I\ in the clhpse, but at T and C in the hyperbohi, at meet the auxiUary circle in p and <l ; then N CN= 1205 en =:pN. (in, — Proof. (Ellipse.) Gp, Cd are parallel to the tangents at d and p (Note to Therefore pCd is a right angle. Therefore pNC, CRd are equal right-angled triangles with CN=^dli and CR pN. 1'20"2). = ON CT = AG' (Eijperbola.) . DR.CT= 2ACDT = 2CDP = AG BG (119-i) GN DR GR AG pN ...^,. = -FN= IN ^^^"^^"^ irR=JfG = FN (^^^^^' ,^:V and . CN • (1170), • ; . . . ., , . . , '"^"°^"^^- • • But ^=^^(VL8); 2)N 1 .-. GR = pN. Also Cp = Gd; GpN, dCR are equal and similar; therefore parallel to pN. angles 1206 Cuij.— Proof. — (Ellipse.) triangles, we have DR By (in : (117-1). = BC : and tri- dR is AC. (Hijperbola.) By the similar right-angled dR fN = GR TN = DR PN; : : : dR:DR= pN PN= AG BG therefore therefore tho CN = dR : : (1174). In the same figures, 1207 {Ellipse.) 1209 {Uiipcrhola.) Proof. = A (" /> A'-'+ PS' = BCK CN'-CR' = AC; DW-PX' = BC\ CX'-j- Cn' ; — Firstly, from the right-angled triangle CNp in which ^'^V = CR (li2<.:.). = BC- AC^, Secondly, In the ellipse, by (1174), PIi'- + PA'' dR' + pN' and dR- +pN'— A C, by ( 1 205) For the hyperbola, take difference of squares. : . : GEOMETRICAL COKICS. 246 1211 1212 {Ellip.^e.) CP'-^CD' {Ihjperhula.) CP'-CD' = AC'+BC\ = AC'-BC\ By (1205—1210) and Proof.— (Figs. 1205.) CNP, CRD. (1.47), applied to tlie triangles The product of the focal distances is equal to the square of the semi-conjugate diameter, or PS PS = CD\ 1213 . — Proof. =z4^AC'-2CS'-2CP' = (922,1) (Ryperhola.)— Similarly with 2PS PS' = Pg' + PS''-(PS'-PSy = . &c. of the segments of intersecting chords are in the ratio of the squares of the diameters them, or Q0(/, (}'0q parallel to OQ.Oq — OQ'.Oq : = CD" : CD\ By projection from the circle (1088) true for the circle, by (111. 35, 3C), Proof. is . The products 1214 tion 2P8 PS' = (PS + PSy - PS'- PS" 2(AC' + BC'-CP') (1104) = 2CI>-(1211). Fig. 1171.) (Ellipse. (Ellipse.) Let (Byperlola. Fig. 1188.) to Ee, meeting the asymptotes in parallel ; = QR.Qr OR.Or-OQ.Oci for the propor- Draw lOi be any point on Q^. then i I and ; = PV (11.5) (1191) (1). PI OR Or _ PL' _ CD' ,,.on .Or ^°^ OI = p¥'^^'^ 07=Pi' '-dTOi-pETPe-^C'^^^''^^OQ.Og _ CD' . OR.Or-PU CD' _, n^ ^, Therefore „ PL on , = ^iToTII^O^ ^ ''^' ' . ^^^' ^^ 0/. OZ-i^'C"^ " W Similarly for any other chord Q'O'/ drawn through 0. OQ.Oq: Therefore OQ' Oq . = CD' Cor.— The tangents from any 1215 CD''. I point to the curve are in the ratio of the diameters parallel to them. is without the curve and the chords become tangents, each For, when product of segments becomes the square of a tangent. FT drawn to any If from any point Q on a tangent conic (Fig. 1220), two perpendiculars (}R, QL be drawn to the respectively ; then focal distance PS and the directrix 1216 XM SIl Proof.— Since : QL = : — By applying Cor. of (1181) is obtained. by (VI. 2), : : therefore c. QU is parallel to ZS (1107), therefore, SE PS =QZ:PZ= QL PM; SR QL = PS PM = : e. the theorem to each of the tangents from Q, a proof 1217 '^'/"' iJii'crfur Cirrlr. — The mi'innioi.A. 17 locus of the point of iiitcris a circle two tangents always at right angles the Dlnrfor Circle. Btcrioii, called axd i:LLirsi: 777/; 7', of — Proof. Perpendiculars from S, S' to tlic tancfents meet them in points Therefore, by (II. 5, ('>) and y, Z, y, Z', which lie on the auxiliary circle. TC ~ AC = (III. 35, 3G), Note. TZ.TZ' W= Therefore —Theorems (1170), = SY . A(T ± BCT; (1177), and S'Y' = BC^. (1178) a constant value. (1203) may also be deduced at once for the ellipse by orthogonal projection from the circle; and, in all such cases, tlie anahigous projieity of the hyperbola may be obtained by a similar projection from the rectangular hyperbola if the property has already been demonstrated for the latter curve. n the points A, S (Fig. 1102) be fixed, while C is to an infinite distance, the conic becomes a parabola. Hence, any relation which has been established for parts of 1218 moved the curve which remain finite, when qrlJJ he a property of the j^arahoht. AC thus becomes infinite, relating to the elli])se may generally bo by eliminating the (juantities which become infinite, cmi)loying the ])rinciple thntjlulfe ililj'rreiirea may be neglected in consideriiKj the ratios of injhiite quantities. 1219 Theorems ada])ted to the parabola Example. in (1213) — In (1193), when P' FS' becomes = 2C'P. -pF=7t Therefore QV ; \rS .rV is at infinity, IT* becomes Thus the equations become ""' '•' = in the parabola. 2CP- 2CP: and GEOMETRTCAL CONICS. 248 THE PARABOLA. 8 be If on tlie pert ij and j^j P any point curve, the defining -pro- is PS = 1220 and e = PM \. (1153) Hence 1221 AX = 1222 AS. The Latus Rectum 1223 If PSZ = 2 AS. be a tangent at P, meeting the directrix in Z, a right angle. in (1167) The tangent Proof.— PZ /.PSZ = PMZ 1225 (1220) PZ is Proof.— As 1224: = 4^AS. SL = SX Pkoof.— then XM the focus, tlie directrix, is ; tbeorem (1166) applying equally at common P to the parabola. 8PM, 8ZM. PMZ PS = PM bisects the angles to the triangles PSZ, ; Cor.— ST = SP = SG. (1. 20, 1226 The tangents at the extremities of a focal chord intersect at right angles in the directrix. Proof. (ii.) — (i.) They and (122;J). They 6) PQ intersect in the directrix, as in (1160). SZM, SZM' bisect the angles (1224), and therefore include a right angle. 1227 The curve bisects the sub-tangent. ST = SP (1225) = PM = XN, and Proof.— The sub-normal Pkoof.— ST = SP = SG 1228 is AN = AT. ^IX half the latus rectum. and TX = ,S'.V (1227). = AS. KG = 2 AS. Subtract. PAUAnoLA. Tin: rN'= iAS.AN. 1229 = Puoor.—FN' Nd TX. The 1230 FT P and (1227) = •l-.l.'^ . AN (1228). See (1210). .-IC infinite. each bisect S}f, the latter right angles. Proof.— (i.) The tangent (ii.) making ; taii.cronts at .1 l)isi'eting it at = AN.2N(} (VI. 8) Otherwise, by (117(;) imd (11G5) /. 10 bisects SPY = MPY. SM by at A, (\fl. 2), since by at right angles, SA SY 1231 C.m.- 1232 To draw tangents from : (I. SP. : AX = 4), AS. since [By PS = PM and similar triangles. to the parabi^la. a point — CoNSTKUcnoM. Describe a circle, centre and radius OS, cutting the diiectrix in M'. Draw MQ, M'Q' parallel to the axis, meeting the parabola in (2, Q'. Then OQ, 0(/ will be tangents. M, = Proof.— OS, SQ OQ OQ' Oif, MQ (1220); OQS = OQ^f, therefore, by (I. 8), Z fore is a tangent there- Similarly (1221). a tangent. is Otherwise, by (1181). When S' moves to infinity, the circle MM' becomes the directrix. 1233 C.R. 1.— The triangles SQ Proof.— z : SQO, SOQ' are SO : SQ'O = and SQ'. SQO = MQO = SMM' = Similarly similar, SOQ'. (III. 20) SOQ. — 1234 Cor. 2. The tangents at two points subtend equal angles at the focus and they contain an angle equal to half the exterior angle between the focal distances of the points. ; Proof.— z QOQ' Also 1235 Def.— Any z OSQ = OSQ\ by (Cor. 1). = SOQ + SQO = n-OSQ = '^QSQ'. line parallel to the axis of a parabola is called a iViamctcr. The chord of contact QQ! of tangents from any point bisected by the diameter through O. 1236 O is Proof. — This proposition and the corollaries are included by the principle iu (1218). Au independent proof 2 K is in (1108-1200), aa follows. GEOMETRICAL CONIC S. 250 The construction being ZM = ZM' wo have ; as in (1232), therefore (^ _, QV^VQ' (VI. 2). 1237 liW Coi^ at P is 1. — The tangent ; and diameter RW. parallel to Q(2' OP = PV. Proof. — Draw QW= WP Q'R' = R'O. Similarly 1238 the therefore 2.— Hence, Cor. meter through If QR = RO QFbe (VI. 2). tlie dia- P bisects all chords parallel to the tangent at P. a semi-chord parallel to the tangent at P, QV' 1239 = 4^PS.PV. the fundamental equation of the parabola, equation (1229) being the most important form of it. This is — Let QO meet the axis in T. similar triangles (1231), Proof. By Z. SRP = SQR = STQ = FOR ; and ZSPJ^= OPB (1224). Therefore PB''= PS .PO = PS .PreindQV=2PR. Otherwise: See (1219), where th( equation is deduced from (1193) of the ellipse. — 1240 CoE. 1. If V he any other point, either within or without the cm-ve, on the chord QQ' and iw the corresponding , vQ diameter .vQ' = 4/>8 .jyv- (11. 5) — 1241 CoK. 2. The focal chord parallel to the diameter through P, and called the parameter of that diameter, is equal For PV \n this case is equal to PS. to 4>ST. The products of the segments of intersecting chords, Q'Oq', are in the ratio of the parameters of the diameters which bisect the chords ; or 1242 (lO<i, OQ.Oq Proof.—By : OQ'.Oq (1240), the ratio is = PS equal to Otherwise: In the ellipse (1214), the ratio PS when PS' PS. : 4PS .pO is = 4P'/S : CIP - „ . j^O. PS PS' = 1jy.,' 1 o ,,.', is at iutinity (1213) o L JJ and the carve becomes a parabola (1219). . >S" ON CONSTRUCTINO CONIC. Till: 251 — 1243 (^oiL The squares of tlie taiip^eiits to a parabola from any point are as the focal distances of the points of contact. Proof.— As ift (121o). The area 124:4 Otherwise, by (1233) and (VI. 19). of the parabola cut off by any chord Q(/ is two-tliirds of the circumscribed parallelogram, or of the tri- angle formed by the chord and the tangents at (j, (/. — PROor. Througla Q, q, q', &c., adjacent points on the curve, draw right lines parallel to tlio diameter and tangent at P. Let the secant Qq Then, when q coincides cut the diameter in 0. with Q, so that Qq becomes a tangent, we have =z PV (1237). Therefore the parallelogram = 'lUq, by (I. 43), applied to the parallelogram of which 0(^ is the diagonal. Similarly vq = 2iiq', OP 17y Therefore the sum of all the evanescent par&c. is equal to twice allelograms on one side of and the corresponding sum on the other side these sums are respectively equal to the areas PQ ; PQV, PQU.—(NE\\Wii, Sect. I., Lem. II.) Fracfical methods' ofcotisfntcrmg the Conic. To draw the Ellipse. 1245 Fix two pins at S, S' (Fig. 11G2). Place over them a loop of thread having a iierimeter SPS' = ,S',s" + .Lr. A pencil point moved so as to keep the thread stretched will describe the ellipse, by (llGo). 1246 axes in Othprir;,f>.—(Vig. 1173.) II, K. PK = AC and K Draw PR = EC PHK parallel to (1174). slide along the axes, P will moves so that the points II, 1247 To draw the Ilijperbola. QC, cutting the PHK if a ruler describe the ellipse. Hence, the pin S' (Fig. 11G2) serve as a pivot for one end of a bar of any convenient length. To the free end of the bar attach one end of a thread whose length is less than that of the bar by A A' and laslen the other end of the thread to the pin S. A pencil ])oinL moved so as to keep the thread stretched, and touching the bar, will describe the hyperbola, by (11G3). Make ; 1248 Otherwise: — Lay (Fig. 1188), starting and and negative directions. off any scale of equal parts along both asymptotes numbering the divisions from C, in both positive Join every pair of points L, I, the jimdiicf of whose distances from C is the same, and a series of tangents will be formed (irj2) which will detiue the hyperbola. See also (12b9). GEOMETRICAL CONICS. 252 To drcnv the Parahola. 1249 Pi'oceed as in (1247), with this difference: let the end of tlie bar, before attached to S', terminate in a " T-square," and be made to slide along the directrix (Fig. 1220), taking the string and bar of the same length. — 1250 Otherivise: Make the same construction as in (1248), and join every pair of points, the algebraic sum of whose distances from the zero point of division is the same. — Peoof. If the two equal tangents from any point T on the axis (Fig. 1239) be cut by a third tangent in the points Ji', r then EQ may be proved equal to rT, by (1233), proving the triangles SBQ, SrT equal in all respects. ; 1251 Cor. — The triangle SRr is always similar to the isosceles triangle SQT. To find tlte axes and centre of a given central conic. Draw a right line through the centres of two parallel chords. This 1252 (i.) by (1198) ; and two diameters so found will intersect in the centre of the conic. (ii.) Describe a circle having for its diameter any diameter PP' of the Then PQ, P'Q are parallel to conic, and let the circle cut the curve in Q. the axes, by (1201) and (III. 31). line is a diameter, Given two conjugate diameters, CP, CD, in and magnitude : to construct the conic. 1253 On CP take PZ = Glf'-^CP measuring in the ellipse, and towards C in the ; from C hyperbola (Fig. 1188). A circle described through the points C, Z, and having its centre on the tangent at P, will cut the tangent in the points where it is intersected by the axes. — Proof. Analysis: Let AC, BC cut the tangent at P in T, t. The circle whose diameter is Tt will pass through C (III. 31), and will make CP. P.^ = PT. Pi (III. 35, 3G) Hence the = CD' (11 97). construction. Circle and Radius of Curvature. — Tlie circle wliicli lias the same tangent Definitions. with a curve at (Fig. 1259), and which passes through another point Q on the curve, becomes the circle of curvature when Q ultimately coincides with F; and its radius becomes the radius of curvature. 1254 P CIRCLE OF cunvATirnE. 253 — 1255 Otherwise. The curie of rurratitre is the circle which passes through three coincident points on the curve at /'. Any chord PIT 1256 elionl oj' of the circle of curvature is called a niri'dfure at P. Tlirough Q draw PQ' parallel to Plf, meetinpr the tangent at P in P, and the circle in Q' and draw C^F parallel to pp. J?Q i& called a .subtense of the arc PQ. 1257 , 1258 Theorem. —Any chord of curvature PII is equal to PQ divided by the the nl ti unite' iml lie uf the square of the arc parallel to the chord : and this is also equal to subtense HQ Proof.— 7?Q' becomes PH; = RP-^RQ And when Q (III. 36). and RP, PQ, and QF become move.s up to P, RQ' equal because coincidoit Uuci^. 1259 In the ellipse or hyperbola, the semi-chords of curvature at P, measured along the diameter PC, the normal FF, and the focal distance PS, are respectively equal to err err CP' PF err, AC ' ' the second bcimr the radius of curvature at P. Pkoof.— (i.) By limit when T'P' PU = ^^ PI' = 2l'l'. vr (1258), becomes . cr>' CP' (ll'J3) UP PFC (III. 31), wc Lave PU.PF = CP PU = 2CD\ by (i.) (iii.) By the similar triangles PIU, PFE (I1G8), wo have PI.PE = PU.PF = 2C'D-, by (ii.) and PE = AC (1179). (ii.) By the similar triangles I'lfU, . ; tho — GEOMETRICAL CONTCS. 254 In tlie parabola, tlio chord of curvature at P (Fig. 1250) drawTi parallel to the axis, and the one drawn through the focus, are each equal to 4SF, the parameter of the dia- 1260 P meter at (1241). The cliord parallel to the axis =QV^-^PV= 4PS (1258). (1239) and the two ehoi'ds arc equal because they make equal angles with the diameter of the circle of curvature. Proof.— By ; 1261 Cor. (Fig. 1220) —The radius of curvature is equal to Proof.— (Fig. 1259.) 2SP'- of the parabola at P ^ SY. ^PU = ^PI sec IPU = 2SP BecPST (Fig. 1221). 1262 The products of the segments of intersecting chords are as the squares of the tangents parallel to them (1214-15), (1242-43). 1263 The common chords of a circle and conic (Fig. 12G4) are equally inclined to the axis and conversely, if two chords of a conic are equally inclined to the axis, their extremities are concyclic. ; Proof. —The products of the segments of the chords being equal (HI. them are equal (1262). Therefore, by (1200). 35, 36), the tangents parallel to 1264 The common chord of any conic and of the circle of curvature at a point P, has the same inclination to the axis as the tangent at P. Proof. —Draw any chord Qq parallel The circle circumto the tangent at P. Bcribing PQq always passes through the same pointy (1263), and does so, therefore, when Qq moves up circle becomes the 1265 to P, and the circle of curvature. PrvOBLEM. To find the centre of curvature at any given ^oint of a conic. — Draw a chord from the point making the (Fig. 1261.) First Method. same angle with the axis as the tangent. The perpendicular bisector of the chord will meet the normal in the centre of curvature, by (1264) and (III. 3). Second Method.— Draw the normal PG and a perpendicular to it meeting either of the focal distances in Q. Then a perpendicular to the focal distance drawn from Q will meet the normal in 0, the centre of 1266 from il, curvature. MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS. By Vroov.— (Ellipse or Hyperbola.) the radius of curvature at V = l^F For For (1259), = ^$ ^^ ^^^''^^ = TF^ ^^ = PG sec' S'PG = PO. AC = PE (by 1170). (Parabola.) 2SP = By (rJOl). 255 ^^^•'^•> The radius of curvafn = ^SP'^SY = 2SP sec -S'PG = PO. because SP = SG (11-25). PQ, Miscellaneous Theorems. 1267 lu the Parabola (Fig. 1239) QL^ tlien let QD be drawn perpendicular to = 4A.S.PV. PV, (1231,1239) 1268 Let liPIt be any third tangent meeting the tangents OQ, OQ' in SQO, SPR', SOQ,' are similar and similarly divided by SR, SP, SR' (1233-4). Ji', ii''; the triangles 1269 1270 With OR.On; Cor.— Also, the triangle PQQ; = RQ.R'Q'. = 20RR'. OQ: OQ'=^RQ.RP' r:Q'.PR. 1271 1272 1273 Also the angle 1274 In any conic (Figs. 1171), (1215,1243) : RSR' = f| Cor.— If bisects the angle = ^^ f = "^ the iangent (VI. 3). SP (69, PT (1181) IQSQ'. Hence, in the Parabola, the points 0, R, Proof— 1275 (12-il) the same construction and for any conic, \ S, AN AT. = |^ (1170) = j^ ST = 11G3) E are concyclic, by (1234), : meets the tangent at A in R, then SR PST 1276 In Figs. (1178), SY', S'Y both bisect the normal PO. 1277 The peipendicular from S to PG meets it in CY. 1278 If Ci) bo the radius conjugate to CP, the ptrpcndicular upMii CY is equal to PC. 1279 SY and CP intersect in the directrix. 1280 (09). PN from D If every ordinate of the conic (Figs. 1205) be turned round N, the plane of the figure, through the same angle PNP\ the locus of P' is also a conic;, by (ll'J3). The auxiliary circle then becomes an ellipse, of which AC and PC produced arc the equi-conjugatc diameters. If the entire figures be tlius deformed, the points on the axis AA' remain fixed while PN, IJR describe the same angle. Hence CP remains parallel to PT. CP, CD are therefore still conjugate to each other. in GEOMETRICAL CONICS. 256 Hence, tlic relations in (1205-G) universally, jugate radii. Thus 1281 1282 FN: GB = DB: CN then P meets If the tangent at FT. FT' is when CA, CB subsist still are any con- FN. CN = DB CB. or . any pair of conjugate diameters constant and equal to in T, T', CD\ — Proof. Let CA, CB (Figs. 1205) be the conjugate radii, the figures being deformed through any angle. By similar triangles, FT CN = CD : • ^'B ] ^^^refore ' FT. FT' Therefore 1283 PT. Pr' = FN. CN : = CD^ : DB . CB. Clf, by (1281). P meets any pair of parallel tangents in T, T, = CI)\ where CB is conjugate to CF. thou FT. Peoof. Let the parallel tangents touch in the points Q, Q'. Join PQ, PQ', CT, Cr. Then CT, CT' are conjugate diameters (1199, 1201). Therefore FT.FT' CB' (1282). If the tangent at FT — = 1284 Cor.— ar. Q'r = CB\ where CFf is the radius parallel to QT. 1285 To draw two conjugate diameters of a conic to include a given Proceed as in (1252 ii.), making FF' in this case the chord of the segment of a circle containing the given angle (III. 3B). angle. 1286 The focal distance of a point P on any conic is equal to the length QN intercepted ou the ordinate through P between the axis and the tangent at the extremity of the latus rectum. Proof.— (Fig. 1220). QN NX = LS SX = : e : and SF : NX = e. In the hyperbola (Fig. 1183). CO CA = e. (11G2, 1164). If a right Hue FKK' be drawn parallel to the asymptote CB, cutting the one directrix in and the other in K' then 1287 : XE SF = 1288 Proof.— From 1289 Cor. K ; PK = e. CN-AC; CB = e CN (1287) S'P = FK' and GE = e.CN+AG. = AC (1186). . — Hence the hyperbola may be drawn mechanically by the method of (1249) by merely tixing the cross-piece of the T-square at an angle with the bar equal to JJCO. 1290 1291 make Definition. — Confocal The tangents drawn conies are conies which have the same to any conic from a point T on a confocal foci. conic equal angles with the tangent at T. Proof. — (Fig. 1217.) Let T be the point on the confocal conic. SY SZ = S'Z' S'Y' (1178). Therefore ST and S'T make equal angles with the tangents TF, TQ and they also make equal angles with the tangent to the confocal at T (1168), : : ; therefore &c. 1292 In (ho construction of (1253), cui-vature at I' di-awn thi'ough the centre FZ C is equal to half the chord of (]25;»). DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. IXTRODUCTIOX. 1400 Ff()irfiou.<i. — A quantity log.v, n-^, a^-{-ax + wliicli depends for its value Thus, sin ,r, called afiinctiou of x' are all functions of x. upon another quantity x is y =/{,!') expresses generally that y is a particular function. is </'. The notation a function of ./. y = sin« called a confinuoiis function between assigned indefinitely small change in the value of x always produces an indefinitely small change in the value of 1401 /CO limits, is when an /OO- A is not purd^- algebraical, such as the exponential, logarithmic, and circular transcendental function functions If /(.c) If /(,,) a"", is one which &c. the function is called an even function. log.r, sin.'B, cos,/', =/( — a?), — — /( — ir), it is called an odd function. Thus, ./- and cos j- are even functions, while a;' and sin x are odd functions of x; the latter, but not the former, being altered in value l)y changing the sign of X. 1402 Diffrrcniinl Coefficient or Der'wnth'e.—Lct y be any function of x denoted by /(-r), such that any change in the value of X causes a definite change in the value of // ; then x is called the Independent variable, and // the depend mt rarialde. Let an indefinitely small change in x, denoted by dx, produce a corresponding small change '/// in//; then the ratio --• , in the limit when both dy and dx are vanishing, is called the derivatin', of y with respect dlffrre)itlal coefficient,' or to X. 2 L — ' mFFERENTTAL CALCULUS. 258 1403 of TiiEOEEM. — The and generally <?', ratio c/// dr : is definite for eacli valuo different for different values. — ON Pkoof. Let an abscissa (Defs. 1160) be measured from equal to .r, and a pcrpendicalar ordinate equal to y. Then, wliat- NP may ever he the form of the function y =f(x), as X varies, the locus of P will be some line PQTj. Let //' be values of x x', and 7/ near to the former values. Let the straight line QP meet the axis in T; and when Q coincides with P, MQ = OM = . let the final direction of QP cut the SP vanish, axis in T'. Then II they vanish in the definite ratio at Let 1404 when h = |^. ratio of PN And, ultimately, when or --^f^ : NT'. Therefore new and , a each point of the curve, but different at different points. NM, the increment of x, be denoted by ^ = /C^+ZQh -/(.Q ^ vanishes, iLv a QS = =— = tan PT'N, dx NT '-^ ^, »/ li ; then, .. \ /' function of. a', called also the first derived function. of finding its value is called differentiation. The process 1405 Successive differentiation. — If ^^ or/'(<6') be differ- dcC entiated with respect to x, the result is the second differential coefficient oif(a'), or the second derived function ; and so on to any number of differentiations. These successive functions may be represented in any of the three following systems of notation : (Ijl (Pjl cJ^ (l^ d.v da'' fAr^' dd'' /G^O, /"CO, y^^ /'"Ci"), Vtx, /^(.^O, i/s^; //la-, iV^ ^/> /"GO; //«...* The operations of differentiating a function of x once, twice, or n times, are also indicated by prefixing the symbols or, jL jH da?' d.i^' more d j!;;_ •" concisely, d.e^' "'^ d,, d.^, d,v' ... (dv W7' d„^. * See note to (1487). (dy \dr) ' TXTnoDrr'Tinx. 1406 nj'trr (liffoivutiatin^ It', zero in the result, tlio valiio following Avoys -j'~, : f'W^ function for x .r, may bo indicated by. v/.,.^ -7— //.ro> ([uantities dx^ thj are called and //, niado ^^.o- ? in ?/^, the . Infniteslmals and Differentials. 1407 ])e bo indicated in any of tho any other constant a be substituted for x If result to X ;i may 2't\} — eviinescent Tlio and, with respect <lr, (I'-y are the second iujinito^linah ; they are called diffcrentiah. and ij ; dx^, d^y tho third, and so on. differentials of x The successive 1408 ,ty differentials of by the equations =/' (.r) fhv d'\f/ =f"{.v) dv' of d >j are expressed in terms I' ; and &c., ; =/"(.r) d,v\ d'\,/ Since /"(<r) is the coefhcient of dx in tlie value of di/, it lias therefore been named the differential coefficient of y or /(.'0-* For similar reasons /' {x) is called the second, and /" {x) tho n^^ differential coefficient of f{x), &c. Two infinitesimals aro of the same order when their neither zero nor infinity. If dx, dij are infinitesimals of the same order, dx', dy^^, and dxdy will bo infinitesimals of the second order with respect to dx, dy; clx^, dx'dy, &c. ^vill be of the third order, and so on. 1409 ratio is dx, dx^, &c. are sometimes denoted by x, x, &c. — 1410 Lemma. In estimating the ratio of two quantities, any increment of cither which is infinitely small in eonji)arison with the quantities may be neglected. Hence the ratio of two infinitesimals of the same order is not affected by adding to or subtracting from either of them an infinitesimal of a higher order. Example. — , the ratio ^-[K dx by ^~ =^ = —dx -^, for dx is zero dx ax dx dx, Thus, in Fig. (1403), putting P*S = QR = FN _ Wl _(hi-hd^_ chi_ ultimately, (12.'')8), Jcdx^, .^^ NT' I'S QR dx is, A- is ^j^^ j.^^^.^^ ^^^ ^j^^ comparison with QS = d>j a constant. ; we have Therefore principle just enunciated; dx vanishes in eonqmrison with selves are iufinitehj small. that where in PS * The name is slightly misleading, as some sense a coefficient of /'(•'")• it or QS even loh-n those lives them- seems to imply that /'(•'') is in / . DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 260 DIFFERENTIATION. DIFFERENTIATION OF A SUM, PRODUCT, AND QUOTIENT. Let be functions of u, V x, then du dv d(uv) +w ^— = V -^ -T— ax d.v ax du _ _^\ / u \ _ ( tAtn 1412 , (/ 1413 Proof. — (i.) and, by (1410), = + du) (u 1 d (ill-) / u\ [ \ Hence, (ii by (1410) if = + dH + v + do) — (u + v) = (v + dv)—uv ; udv r— = vdu——dv)v u ; V {y + , vdv vanishiBg in comparison with u be a constant !iM=o4l dx 1414 du + dy. = vda+udv — diidv, in the ultimate ratio to dx. u + du v-{-dv / i; 2 _:_ dx J dx \ dudv disappears ,... . therefore &c., = d(n + v) d(Hv) (ii.) V / \ </ct' = c, ^l£) = -^^. dx dx \v and dx v^. L- DIFFERENTIATION OF A FUNCTION OF A FUNCTION. If 7/ be a function of z, and z a function of dy__dti_ dx dz 1415 x, dz_ dx ' — Proof. Since, in all cases, the change dx causes the change dz, and the change dz causes the change dj thcrefoi'e the change dx causes the change dy in the limit. Differentiating the above as a product, by (1412), the successive differ; ential coefBeients of y can be formed. the Rake of reference. Observe that 1416 1417 1418 1419 The (^j)j: first four are here subjoined for = l/a^x' = y.z^. = //..^:.H-//.^2... = + ;{//..-.c^...+//.-Uuu- = Uu^l + %..4;^.c + (»5^L + 7A //.., //:,. //:,,-:. //.. A^..-...) + U^-^^' : ' DIFFEBENTTATION. 2 CI DIFFERENTIATION OF A COMFOSITE FUNCTION. If n and v be explicit functions of ^^"^^ TT^T dx' dTv .i', so tluit a "^ = (^ and (./•) iLv (//' Here f77^ in tlic first term on tlio riglit is the cliangc in F{u,v) produced by da, the change in u; and dF in the second term is the change produced by dv, so that the total change dF{i(j v) may be dF, written as in (1408) + dF,= ^dii + ^du, do die DIFFERENTIATION OF TEE SIMPLE FUNCTIONS. Since -^ ^ /('^ + ^^)~/W ^hen dx h vanishes, we have tho lb following rule for finding its value — 1421 Rule. Expand f(x+h) hy some hiown theorem in dliido hi/ h; and ascending poivers of h; subtract f (x) tlic result imt h equal to zero. The differential coefficients which follow are obtained by the rule and the theorems indicated. m ; 1422 PKOOF.-IIero ^= ^i'"- "^^""'• = -^ • (12o) 1423 = y 1 1^ = nx"-^-]-C(n, 2) x"-'h+... = )ix"-\ Cou.- ^=k- i^=«(»-l)...(M-r+l),,--'. 1424 z/ PKOOP.-By J Expand ,.„^ 1425 wliou h vauishcs. 7^ = ,7k^- = l<'g..'-; (145). ^ " '"''-^- + ;-^-'"'^-' = It ^ X lug, at\ log. (l \ + {) X I -^ I } 7X the logarithm by (15-5). ,, U...- -^= il-,/ (-1)"-'1«-1 - a.'\oga"~ rat« = -lin(l.i23) andr = ,.-l. 262: 1426 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. — ; . sucCESSivr: inFVKRv.xriATjns. Sonio ilifTeivniiations nro rciulorcd For example, by cnsioi' 2r.:] lo^'arithm of liikinj,' tlio tlio function. 1445 y = ^/ J~l. 1 . P tlierctoro ,-- r thcrofore X, 1446 _ — —1 '''/ -2.« y. f?!/ (Zo! 1-x* = (si" 7 ^y log _ = 77-; ; . jT > -2.rr2-x'') r- :, (H-a;^)»(l-x-)* = » log sin x ?/ — = log sin a:+ -^ cos siu « thereforo i\-x-)-l log(l + x') 1x ^ theroforo log ; \ 3 .rr -2.>-(2-3'-) -/-=:?/ 2/ = tbcrcforo logy ; V* ; (1 il 5, '24, '28) a; • 1/ therefore 1/, = (sin Otherwise, by (1420), y, (log siu aj+a; cot x). a-)' = x (sin a-)'"' cos + (sin = (siu cot + log sin a; a;)' a; .r)"" (.7; log sin x (1420) a;) SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION. Leibnitz s Theorem. 1460 ... PnooF.— By Induction C («, '•) — If n be any integer, +C(«, »•)//(„_,),;:;,,+ ... 4-.V^«x. Differentiate the two consecutive terras (233). i/(,.-r)x2«+ C (?l, r + 1) 2/(,.-r-l)x^(r.I)x, and four terms are obtained, the second and third of which are = This C{n, r) ?/(,._„, «(r.nx+C(?i, r + l) .'/(,.-.) x ^/r.i)* [C{ih r)-^G{n, r+l)}y(,.-r)x2(r.i)-= C{n + l, r+l) ,m-7n ?/ x 2 ..1,,^ Similarly, the general term of the series with n increased by unity. all the terms the whole series is reproduced with n in- is by differentiating creased by unity. DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENTS OF TUE 1461 (s»W «'0«x 1462 (cos 1463 1464 (U')„,. = = «" siu {(LV-\-lmr). where, in the expansion be rephiced l)y //,..c. = l)y By a" cos {fLv-^UTr). {('"''),.. {ff\f/)„.. n"' 01^ DEE. = Indnotion ^"^'^ ^^•^-'^• (1^'^G) (i"t''-'' c-'-{a + (r,.y',/, the Binomial Theorem, d'^i/ is to (1100, '03) DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 264 1465 cos {e"" = r cos a wliere Proof. —By luduction. r"e'"' 71 is = rV'^ cos (6.r + w<^), and 6 = r siu (j). <^ we Differentiating once more, obtain — h sin (bx + n(p)} {a cos (bx-\-n(p) __ yn + igO'lcos^ cos (hx + n^) — Thus 6cr)„^ /''len'cos (tx — Bm<{> sin {hx + n<}>)} + n + l^). increased by one. 1466 log ^)n. i^'"'-' (tan-i 1468 = liLzJ. ^)nx={- 1)""' 1^-1 ^ == cot"^ where Proof. —By -^ siu** ^ sin n0, a.\ Differentiating again, Induction. (1-^60), (283) ^^'. we obtain (omitting the coefficient) (>i Since, cos 9 sin nd + n cos nd sin" 6) 6^ sin""' = w sin""^0 (sin«0 cos0 + cos?i0 sin0) ( — sin-0). = -(l + x')-' = -sin^O. = (—1)" l«_sin""' d sin (n + l) d, by (1437), 0, (tan-^ Therefore «),,..!) « n being increased by one. ^ 1469 ( 1470 (j^) \l-rct' ,, = ) (n + 1) 6- =(-l)"|;^sin'^^^^cos(>i + l)^. (-1)'^ I^sin'^^i ^ sill (1-^36, 1468) //jj; PuoOF.-By Then by (14G0), (i|^)„^= ^ (xi:.)^^" (r^O.-./ (1469). Jacohi's Formula. 1471 c/(.-a). (1-^r)"'^ Pkoof. —Let (^"- i)„. Expand )j = = (-1)'*"' 1 = l—x^; -(2h+1) eacli of these vahics • 3 ... 12/1-1) sin {n cos-\r) -h «. therefore (.r7/"-i)(„.„x. Also (//"-i),. by (1460) and eliminate = (.'///"-•O-.x. (y'"^),„-2}x, the^dcriva- (M7U true Now assume Call the result equation (1). Diilerentiate and substitute the result, and also (1471) on the right side of equation (I) to obtain a proof by Induction. tivc of lowest order. for the value n. OF OriJRATlOXS. TIinOPiY 1472 Tlii'orcm. — If y, are finictions of :: 2(15 .r, and ;/ a positive iiiri\u-('t', = (//^),.r-" PnooK. — By ~//«.r ('/^..•)(«-l).r+^' («» DilTcrontiato for Tiulnction. rip;ht its viiluo by tlio i^) (//^2.r)(«- formula 2) .r •••+(- 1 )" //--..r- substituting for a;, on z^y,,^ tlio itsolf. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION. '' =/X'^'» ?/) ^^"^ ^ function of two imloppiulinit varidifforcntiation of n with respect to x rrr/irlres tJuif ij should be considered constant in that operation, and rice versa. 1480 If ables, any Thus, -'— or be differentiated succes- Wjx signifies that n is to sively twice with respect to x^ y being considered constant. 1481 Tlie notation ^ ., or 7/2^3^* signifies that u is to bo successively twice for x, y being considered constant, and the result three times successively for y, .c being considered constant. differentiated 1482 'I'lio order of the differentiations does not -affect tho final result, or = 7/^,^ Vy,.. Froof.— Let u=f(xy); then "- = ,h>^ =• f (x + Ik -.ij 7/ ' 4- /.-) y^ =fJ^:±]i:^!lzdL(j^J!l in limit. — - /' (> •. 7/4. /,•)-/ f.r + /^ y)-^f(x,y) ' —hir^ . (1181) , . if Vy bad boon first formed, and then iiy^, tbe same result would been obtained. Tlio proof is easily extended. Let u^-=.v; and so on. v^y = v^,j i\^ then iivis Now, = = . '" •'"''*• liavo ; THEORY OF OPERATIONS. 1483 Let the symbols <^, ^, prefixed to a quantity, «lenoto operations upon it of the same class, such as nudtiplication or differentiation. Then the law of the operation is said to be distrUjutice, when <i>(.r+//) = -i>GO+^K//); * Sec note to (1487). 2 .M DIFFEnEXriAL CALCULUS. 266 that is, tlie operation raay be performed upon an undivided quantity, or it may be distributed by being performed upon parts of the quantity separately with the same result, 1484 The law that the order of operation is, is when said to be commutative upon ^x producing the same may be changed, ^ result as ^ operating operating upon <^x. m ^""^ denotes the repetition of the operation 4> times, operations. This definition equivalent to <t>* ... a? to involves the index law, 1485 and m is which merelv asserts, that to perform the operation n times in succession upon x, and afterwards m times in succession upon the result, is equivalent to performing it m-\-n times in succession upon X. 1486 The three laws of Distribution, Commutation, and the law of Indices apply to the operation of multiplication, and Therefore any also to that of differentiation (1411, '12). algebraic transformation which proceeds at every step by one or more of these laws only, has a valid result when for the operation 'of muUijjlication that of differentiation is sub- stituted. 1487 111 making use employed ferentiation of this principle, the or simply —r-, is respect to x is prefixed to the d^ d^ •^ dx^ rt.r repetition of the opera- d^ '-, -, differentiating with of The to be pei-formed. indicated by -7^, —r^, is dif- ux quantity upon which the operation tion r/,, symbol of ^ , &c., prefixed to the dx^dif An abbreviated notation is d^., d.y^^, d.^, (/o.,.,,^, &g. in the symbolic operation of multiplication, it will be requisite, in transferring the operation to differentiation, to change all such i)idiccs to suffixes when the abbreviated notation is being used. function. Since d^Xd^ Note. ever, the •writing, = dl —The notation 17,, y^, recommendations of and of space w^^a^, in printing. fourteen distinct types, while cZa^rSy, &c. is an innovation. It lias, howand economy of time in defiuiteness, simplicity, its The expression equivalent if;,^.;,^ .^ requires at least requires but seven. For THEOIiY OF OPEHATloXS. 2Ci7 I have introduced tho shorLur notation experimonUiUy in tliuse pages. „ All such abbreviated forms ofdiffbrential coefiicienta as y'y"y"'... or y // //..., thou<?h convenient in practice, are iucoaiplete expressions, because the independent variable is not specified. The operation (f^^iv^ n^d tho derived function »i^s^, would bo more accurately represented by (./;)J and ("l)], the index a.s usual indicatinj^ tho JJnt the former notation is simpler, and it has repetition of the operation. the advantage of separating more clearly the inilex of dillerentiation from tho such reusous , , index of involution. In the symbols index in each case: in tho ?/' and y^ji t'lo figure 2 is an shows the degree of involution in tho second, the onfrr of differentia- first, it ; The index tion. write )/ and is omitted when the degree or the order is unity, since wo //,. The sTilUx takes precedence of the superfix. yl means the square of y,. djc(,y*) would be written (//), in this notation. As a concise nomenclature for all fundamental opoi-ations is of great assistance in practice, the following "V /or *," as recommended is an abbreviation of the phrase, "the 71 with respect for, or forms y," j/ix, and so "xy, «ix3v, Similarly, to, .t." niay be read '' : J^ or may be read (/ 7S )2 -^, -j—, TTTl' y for two x," y, ditfereutial coefficient of ''ii °^ ^^^® shortened for xy," ^^u for two x, three forth. The distinction in meaning between the two forms y,,^ and y„ is obvious. The first (in which n is numerical and ahoays an inleijer) indicates n successive diflerentiations for x; the second indicates for the variables x and z. The symbols -^^ or y^, and - '{- two successive or y^^, may ditierentiations be read, for shortness, "y for X zero," "y for two x zero"; d.^^^^ (^ {xy) can be read "fZ for two x (xy)." three y of Although the notation r, is already employed in a tot.illy dilferent sense in the Calculus of Finite Ditferences, my own experience is that tho double signification of the symbol does not lead to any confusion: and this for the very reason that the two meanings are so entirely distinct. Whenever tho operation of differentiation is introduced along with the subject of Finite </> Differences, the notation ^ must of course alone be employed. Thus, in differentiation, wo liavo 1488 Tin: i.isTKir.iTivi: LAW (I_^(n-\-r) = (/_,i( 1489 The COMMUTATIVE L.\w i1^{d^u) — (l^{(l^u) d,,u = (ly.u. </>/:« =.(lT'u, ifm^d.^u = or 1490 that is, The iNi.KX LAW + (i.r. (f (,„+„). r^f- (Mil) (11^2) (l-^^^') DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 268 1491 Example. — {ch-d,y = (ch-d,) (d^-d,_,) = d^d^-dAly-d,d^ + d,d, = d,-2d,, + d,,. (U89) Here d^d^—dyd^ or d^y = d^^, by the commutative law. (l4i»U) (?A = f^2x by the index laio. = — = 'ld^yU + d^yU, by the distributive law. di^u Also {d.,-'ld^y-\-d.y) u 2d^yU + d2y^t. d.:,u Therefore, finally, {d^—d^Yu Similarly for more complex transformations. — 1492 Thus d^ may be treated aa quantitative, and operated upon as such by the hiws of Algebra d" being written d,,^, and factors snch as d^dy, in which the independent variables are different, being written d^^, &c. ; EXPANSION OF EXPLICIT FUNCTIONS. TAYLOR'S THEOREM.— EXPANSION OF f{x + h), 1500 where 9 is some quantity between zero and unity, and n any integer. Proof.— (i.) Assume f(x + ]i) = A + Bh+CP + &G. Differentiate both sides of this equation, equate coefficients in the two results. — is — first for x, and again for /;,— and — Lemma. Iff(x) vanishes when a; t:= a, and also f(x) and f'(x) are continuous functions between the same limits then f'(x) vanishes for some value of a; between a and h. For /'(') must change sign somewhere between the assigned limits (see proof of 1403), and, being continuous, it must vanish in passing from plus to 1501 (ii.) Cox when x—h, and s Proof. if ; minus. 1502 Now, the expression f(a + x)-^fia)-xf'(a)- - j^/" 00 -^'=[/(-+/0-/(«)-V''(«)— -|^/"(")} when x = and when x=h. Therefore the differential coefficient vanishes and h by the lemma. with respect to x vanishes for some value of x between Let dh be this value. Differentiate, and apply the lemma to the resulting and when .e = 06h. Perform the expression, which vanishes when x pame process n+l times successively, writing Oh for Odii, etc., since merely The ivsult shews that stands for some quantity less than unity. = /""('^+-^0-4^[/(" + /O-/(")-/'/OO---|-^/"('O| vanishes wheu x is proved. = Oh. Substituting Oh and equating to zero, the theorem EXl'ANSION OF The 1503 '/I L' XT LICIT Fi'XrTlUXS. 260 term in (1500) is called the reinaiii(h>r after obtained in either of the sii]>ji)ined forms, being due to Lagrangt*, terms. last may be It tlie first |_^(l-e/' or l^f-ir+0h) •/»(,, + «/,). Since the coelHcient ,— ^ diminishes at last without 1504 n increases (230, ii.), it follows that Taylor's scries conrergcnt if f " (x) remains finite for all values of n. limit as is 1505 If in any expansion of f{x-]-h) in powers of some then / (,c) ,/'(<«),/" (.v) &g. all become // index of h be neijatice, , infinite. // + 1; cients index of If tbe least fractional 1506 then /"^^ become Pkoof. and (.'•) all /(, coeffi- infinite. — To obtain the value of successively for between n and h lies the following differential and put /< = expansion /"(.'), (.lifTercntiato the 7i times in the result. MACLAURINS THEOREM. Put 07 = notation of in (loOO), and write d' for // ; 1507 fV) =/(0)+.rr(Oj+^/'(0)+... where 0, as before, lies between Putting y =f(,r), this 1508 1509 // then, with the ( 1-1-0 G), = //o+' 777- may and + ^/"(^^r), 1. also be wiitten + T^ 777^ + — 1 ,, .. T^ + ^^^• XuTE. If any function f(x) becomes infinite with a fuiite value of sec"' (1 +.'), then fix), /"(x), &c. all become infinite. Thus, if /(.r) Therefore /"(O), /'"(O), &c. are all (14o8). f'(x) is infinite when x infinite, and /(«) cannot be expanded by this theorem. X, = = ncrnonlli's Scries.— Vnt h 1510 /(O) =nr)-.rf{.r) = -.v in (1500); thus, + ^f'\,v)-j^f'\A') + &c. ; DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 270 1511 If 1> (// Proof.— Let + = y = /'•) tp-' and (x) therefore «' Therefore y + h =/(0) <p = f (x) +h = (//) = x; and , (j>(y let + + 7/ + k) = =/(.'c)-ac/"(a;) tlien /.- =/(.c + /0 ; 0. p^/'Ca^) -&c., by (1510); which proves the theorem. EXPANSION OP f{x + h, Let f{xfj) = u. y + h). Then, with the notation of (1405), 1512 /(c*'+/j, 7/+A-) = u+(hu,+ku,) + ^{hhi,,-\-2hku,,-^k'u,J The general term 1513 is given by , — {h(l^-\-kdy)"u, where, in the expansion by the Binomial Theorem, each index of d^ and dy is changed into a suffix; and the coefficients d^, d.^, &c. are joined to 21 as symbols of operation (1487) thus ul is to be changed into u^. Proof. thus, — First expand f(x + f(x + k, y + Jc) h, y + k) + hf, + =f(x, y ^c) as a function of (x (ic, y + k) + + h') ^^^ h%, (x, Next, expand each term of this series as a function of (y writing u for /(,<'//), f(x,y + k)= J>fr(x,y ,-^ f2. (.^, y + k)= + /'•) = rj by (1600); y + k) + &c. + k). u + ku, + r^k'n,, +|y^X hu, + hku,, + r^hJc'ii,,, +Xhk'u^,^+ ^^'^ir + 1^'ku.^,^ + j-^/^'A-».3.. + ,^ —— h-k-a.^^^ Thus, +n-^^X + + I |^/3.(.^-,y + /0=^/^V + r^/u(A2/ + ^)=^ A'«..+ i± Li The law by which the terms of the same dimension in h and are formed, is Feen on inspect ion. They lie in successive diagonals and when cleared of fractious the numerical coefficients are those of the Binomial Theorem. 1: ; EXrAXSTON OF EXPLICIT FUNCTIONS}. 271 The theorem may be extended inductively to a function of Thus, if u =/(.'', //, ;.'), we have three or more variabk'S. 1514 fU-\-h. //+A-, z + = u + (hn,,+h'n^-\-lu,) l) the general term being obtaincnl as before from the expression UL 1515 C'oR. — If 21 = f{xnz) be a function of several inde- pendent variables, the term {hn^-\-lcii,j-\-JuS) proves, in conjunction with (1410), that the total change in the value of ?/, caused bv simultaneous small changes in a', ?/, z^ is equal to the sum of the increments of u due to the increments of x, ij, z taken separately and supt'rposrd in any order. This is known as the principle of the siq)crpositi'on of small quantities. To expand f{x, ?/) or f{x, y, z, ...) in powers of x, //, put x, ?/, z each equal to zero after differentiating in (1512) or (1514), and write x, y, ... instead of h, k, &c. 1516 t^c., 1517 tlie last Observe that any term in these series may be made by writing x-{-dh for x, y + dh for?/, &c., as in (1500). sy:^ibolic The expansion /Gr+/0 1520 — PuooF. By the suffixes (1487), e'"^'/(') form of taylor's theorem. in (1500) is equivalent to the following = c-'ri^v). Exponential Theorem (150), writing the indices of J, as = (1 + /,J, + iW,,+ .,.)/(^) =f(x)+],f,(x) + lh%(.r)+..., by (U88). a /(.r) =fi^v+h)-f{.v) = (e"'''-l)/(.r), Cor.therefore A'^ (.r) and generally A"/ CO = = (f'"'' - 1 Yf(.v) , (c'"''-l)"f(.r), the index signifying that the operation is performed n times upon f{x). 1521 Froof. Similarly — /(./+ A, = j\.e + h,y + l:), //+/.•) = e'"''"'VC^^ by (150) and (1512). //)• DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 272 1522 And, generally, with any number Cor.— As of variables, in (1520), 1523 If u = f (/', //) = (r, 0) where x = r cos 0, then and if x = r cos (0 + ^), y' = r sin (0 + w) expanded in powers of w by the formula , </) ; Proof. a; and u, The (r, + 0,) = e'*"'^ ^ = e'^^VC^', (r, 0) y are functions of the single variable = w^«„ + ; therefore = u^ — r sin 0) +Uy (r cos 0) = xa^—yu^. My//9 ( d^ = ; is 2/). operation d, will be transformed by the same law (1492) f(x\y') = r sin Q f(x'y') /(.»',//) = «"""'-"'''/(..•,?/). — By (1520), r being constant, ^ Now // e"'(-^''v-2'^'x) j(,., y) = xdy — yd^; ; therefore therefore = l + w{xu,-yu^) + h''X^''ihy-^^y''h,j + f'h.) + &o. — 1524 Examples. The Binomial, Exponential, and Logarithmic series for {l-\-xT, a'', and log(l+,^), (125, 149, 155), as are obtained immediately by Maclaurin's Theorem (1507) also the series for sin « and cos a^ (764), and tan~^a3 (791). The mode of proceeding, which is the same in all cases, is shewn in the following example the test of convergency (1504) being applied when practicable. ; ; 1525 tail .V = +1 .V .v' «» +^ lO .v' + ^ a^ »)1.) Obtained by Maclaurin's theorem, as follows : + J$. .iH &c. J,r»t)«) — Let = « and z^ = 2yz = tan x = y 1 Therefore _ gp^jS^ = z y and being used for shortness. f = 2 sec^ X tan x = 2yz, f" {x) = 2 (.^, + ?/..) = 2 (.^ + 2/;;), + + V2) = Q{1yz- + yh), fix) = 2 f {x) = 8(2z^ + 8yV + Zyh'' + 2y*z) = 8 (2z' + Uy"-z"- + 2y'z), = 272yz'+ r'(x) = 8 (I2yz' + 22yz'+ r\x) = 272z*+...&c., f f (a;) 2/, ) ^^^ ; ;; (.b) (%;>;'' 4//2'' ..., ...) the terms omitted involving positive powers of zero, and which therefore need not be computed is required. higher than that containing .t;^ y, which vanish when x is term of the expansion if jig iJXPAXSioy OF Expjjcir Frxrrins<i. Hence, by making /(0)=0; Thus tlio aj = 1; /C<>) terms up 273 = 0, and tlioreforo y = and 2=1, wo obtain /'(0)=0; /"(())=2; r(0)=0; /''(0) = 10; r'(0)=0; r\0) = 27-Z. to x^ may bo written by substituting these valued in (1507). may In a similar inainicr, •^^'^••'-i 1526 Methods bo obtained + 4--'' + + in''' iff i\i pdii.shni Inf lnd('f( 7!^r'''"' + ^^' nuindir Cor/licicnt.s. = A-f Bx + Cx"4-&c. Rl'I'E 1.—Assume f (x) rntiate both sides of the eqiiatlou. 1527 known theorem^ and equate determine A, B, C, Obtained by Rule coefficients e.rpniid f'(x) in the Diffrrhi/ smne two results to ijv. ^.-K. Ex. 1528 Then ^^ + ]^^ + ]^< + &o. = .+ Assume I. Therefore, by (1-101), = A+Bx+Cx' + Dx'' + Ex' + F.c'+ (l-.«-)'^ = i? + 2Cu; + 3DxH4LV + 5F.«' + But, by Bin. Th. (1-..^/^ siu-'.r Equate &c. ^l = (1-28), coefficients By putting sin-'0 U. therefore ; x = 0, 7? wo = 1 + V+ 1^ .^*+ .j^ x«+ =1 seo ; D= C = 0; that .1 — 1 =/(0) ; E = 0; F= 13 ^^ always. - lo^y c 1530 Rl'I-T' I -t- ^' -1- pj I., ^ 1^ (^ -r it.— Assume the series, as before, with iinhiown Diffierentiate successireh/ until the function reThen equate coefficients in the two rquindcnt scries. coefficients. ap2)ears. K^- — To expand sin.^• in powers of x. = A + Bx+ Cx^-\-Dx^ + Ex*+ Fx^+ 4Ej'-i oFx*+ 2Cx+ co3.-e= B+ Differentiate twice, -sinx = 2C+3.2Dx + 4.3/;.cH5.4Z'V+ in the first two equations; tborcforo A — 0, B=l. Put x = Assume sin a; 31)..-} Equate ; = In a similar manner, by Rnle 1531 ^ In this case coefficients in the first and third series. 1 N -\- —— — ; DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 274 -S.2D -2G=A, ..G=^0; Thus = C, -4..dE Tlierefoi-0 , 1.2.3 &c. \, as in (7G4). 'S:c-> = x, tu r . ., F= .-. f (x) ta-icG Differentiate the equation y and combine the results so as to form an III. witJi respect -6AF=D, = 0; — = «- .—^ + o sin.-c Rule 1532 .•.E --D=-^; = B, equation in y,j^, and = A + Bx + Cx"^ + &c. assume y ^^^^-^ j^x- 'Differentiate tiuice, and substitute the three values of j, y^, y.^ Lastly, equate coefficients so obtained in the former equation. in the result — To expand 1533 Ex. of sin or cos These as follows determine in succession A, B, C, to siu mO and mO in ascending powers 9. Tliey series ai'e given in (775-779). may be obtained by Rule III. : Put a; Therefore = sinQ y^ = ?/2x = — sm (»i sm and (m cos y = smmd = • \ ' in"^ \ X) Let y Differentiate twice, (m siu"^a;). (^rtsin~^);), "tnx / , = A + A^x + A^x''+ (i.) --IN x) + cos {m sm — x(l — x") :, 1 Therefore, eliminating cos sin (1434) sin'' x) , . thus cos Si'c. :—^. — .r)2 yo,—xy^-\-in^y = (1 (ii.) + A„x"+ and pnt the values of y, y„ and ("i-) ?/2^ 0=:vr(A + A^x + A,x^ + Ay+...+A,X + -x{A, + 2A.,x + SA^x-+...+nA„x"-^+ in equation (ii.) ) ) + (\-.-){2A, + 2.SA,x+ + {u-l)nA,,x"-"- + n{n-\-l)A„,^x"-'+(n + l){)i + 2)A„^2-v"+...}. Equating the collected coefficients of x" to zei'o, "^'""' A.o= Now, when y^ = vi, by (i.) .v ; = 0, y = 0; therefore and therefore A^ = vi, ^1 by = 0, wc get the relation A by (iv.) And when (iii.). diftcTeiitiating (iii.). x = 0, The relation y,,^, as in in succession. Cos md 1534 is obtained in a similar way. Rule IV. Form the equation in y, y^, and Take the n"' derivative of this equation bij applying Leibnitz's formula (14G0) to the terms, and an equation in Jiulr J II. ExrAxsiox OF ExniniT functions. ''^ ohtn'nirtl. Piif y(n+2)x» y(n+i)x» ^'^^^ ynx i'mploij the rcsnltlinj formnln In riilnihttc y.uo» 4"''- 1535 ill this; and succession y 3x0) in Machiurins cximnsiou (loOZ). i^i ('""" 1^-x. =1+ ' (1 Differentiating n times, (1— a;') ?/,„*2)xo (<i* — ,/- + ^' .7.. ^ — .S-) yix—xy^—a-y is = 0. by (14G0), we get //(,.. 2) = + fi.r Writing y for the function, the relation found Obtained by Rule IV. Therefore = x r- C2>t+1) + w") y,wroi .«//(„. i;r — ('t- + n=) !/„x =.0. which produces the cocflisuccession when y^ and y-,r,) have been formula a cients in iMaclaurin's expansion in calculated. ARBOGAST'S METHOD OF EXPAIsDlNG 1536 T^-hcrc = + ^/ ;:: Let // = «/) + Y^j-*''+ When x = 0, y = {") + ^^.»' (::). j^,.*'' 4){z), by tlicreforc, ; i> (i.) ^^'C Maclaiirin's tlieorem (1508), = 1/ 4>{fl)+^^\'/.rn-{- jh^Z/-2.-o4- Hence, in the values of put y^, = 0. Now, when x=0, z=a; <f>"{a), &c. 1537 Here ; and 2;.ro» ^2xo» '^u-or y.,,, = ^, (/,= 2r, </, + &c., at (141()), + hx + c..r + = —, .l..:' 2/^ =— a , y..^, = GJ, = Therefore, substituting in ij,' r, H a(ii.), /; has to bo + &c.). 1 (a) <^"{i,) 1 = --^, we a , ^j^ f It It Therefore (ii.) ^*^'C therefore y., y.y., &c. become «|)'(^;, Hence &c. become a^, (h, rtg, &c. KxAMi'Li:.— To expand \os(a «, j-V[]//.vo = a ^ — .. <t H • « obtain as far as four terms, (a) = 2 ---. U) DIFFEREXTIAL CALCULUS. 276 1538 2.~To expand {a + aiX-\-a2x'^+ ...+a^x"y in powers of x. may be employed otherwise, we may proceed Assume (a^+a^x ^-o.^x^i- ... a„x"Y = Af, + A^x + A^x^+ Ex. Arbogast's metliod follows. Differentiate for and equate divide tbe equation by the result; clear of fractious, powers of u'. ; BERNOULLI'S NUMBERS. = l-|^+C.|-iJ.|+i?„|-&c., wliere B2, B^, &c. are known as Bernoulli's numbers. values, as far as B^^, are 7. _ ^'^^ -P ^^'^~273U' They tlie -^ _^G17 V ''~ ''~ 6' nB,,_,-\- tlie Tlieir _ 4.3867 ''~ Proof.— Lot 2/= formula = 0, B^, &c. being all zero. 7^3, 7^- Then, by (1508), = y^-^y^^x-^-y-iro ,r" ,— \A + r* 2/3x0 ,-7 + X* 2/4-0 ,-7 + &e. \± [1 Now 7/0 = 1 and y^ = -l, by (1587). by (14G0), differentiating n times, Here y,,^^{-\y'^B,,. ye' = y+x. 'J'lierofure, e^ {y.. Therefore Substitute 1>3, J/5, + '"y,.-r>. + G(n, 2) y^n-2).+ ... +ny, + y] = Also y,.,. G (n,2) y^„.o^M+ ...+ny^ + yo = 0. I)„.i, Bn.2, &c., and we get the formula required. It may be proved, &c. will all be found to vanish. ny^„.,^M\- J)j.. that this will be the case 1541 * 798 C (n, 2) n„_,+ C {n,V>) B^,_,+ ... ... + C{n,2)B,-in + l odd numbers y J. 510' are found in succession from 1540 as coefficients of like ^ 1539 .r ; : a j^riori, for e---T + l> -^7i:i- Therefore the series (1530) wanting its second term is the expansion of the (1401) expression on the right. But that expression is an even function of changing the sign of x does not alter its value. Therefore the series in question contains no add powers of x after the first. .i' ; 1542 The connexion between Bernoulli's numbers and the sums of the powers of the natural numbers in (27G) is seen by expanding (I— <?')"' in povvei-8 off', and each term afterwards by the Expoucntial Theorem (150). EXrAXSIOX OF EXrUCTT FUNCTIONS. 277 1543 " 1544 — — = —'—- Pkoof. ^ ——— = fi^d 111 1545 1 Proof. :^::: of -^ , — p (1540) —1 - , and by (1 539). —.2)1 ,, , 2;/ 2 ]^ -^ T ' 1 0271 = + o-i + :^ j-< + :^ 4-« + —In the expansion *> 1 T——: ^4. substitute 2i0 for a*, and it cot 6 (770). Obtain a second expansion by difFerExpand each in factors). entiatinj? the higarithm of equation (815, sin term of tlie result by the Binomial Theorem, and equate cocCQcicuts of like becomes the expansion powers of of in the t\vo expansions. STIRLING'S THEOREM. 1546 4>{.r^h)-4>{.v) wliere .4 ,„= = h<t>'{,v)^A,h (-])"/?,„ -h [2n_ {f (.r+//)-f and A.„^, = Or)} 0. — Proof. ^„ .^Ij, A^, &c. are determined by expanding each function of x + h by (1500), and then equating coeliicients of like powers of x. Thus To since = (.r) r', obtain the gencial relation between the coefficients: put Equation (LVIC) then J.^, &c. are independent of the form of (p. Jp —= prod u ces —j^ and, by (1539), we see A ,,. , . 1 — AJi — A.Ji^ — A J J' —&.C.; that, for valuL;s of?! greater than zero, = and A,,. = (- 1 )"7>\,. -^ [^. BOOLE'S TlIEORiaL 1547 t^(.r+/0 -</»(.') Proof. — in Stirling's A^, A.,. A^, Ac. arc Theorem. = AJi {4>' (.r4-//) +f (.r)! found by the same method as that employed DIFFEL'EXTIAL CALCULUS. 278 For the general relation between the and equation (1547) then produces coefficients, as before, -f~ = A,h+A,Jr + A,h' + &c. we and, by comparing this with (1544), A. = and ^,._i make ^ (.<.') = e', ; see that = ?^. (-l)»-'i?,„ EXPANSION OF IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS. — = constitutes y An equation f{x, y) function of x. If y be obtained in terms of c« by solving the equation, y becomes an explicit function of x. 1550 an Definition. itiq^licit Lemma. and 1551 variables x — If two independent y be a function of ,^, — By performing the differentiations, we obtain Proof. and F'(y)yryz + F(y)y,, which are evidently equal, by (1482). F'(y) y.jj, + F (y) y^,.., LAGRANGE'S THEOREM. 1552 Given powers of x is /(.'/) — Expand u as a function of n of (140G), 7/^ the expansion of z-\-cV(f){f/), is evidently y^ Therefore y,. = = <!> (, by (1507) = nQ + xu,o+ ,-^«2xo+ in </' ••• ; (y) (//) //, + •'f (//) ; = 'Jr and, since therefore also + ,— ?f«xo+&c. ?/> = z-\-a'(p y, = v^ =/'(//) y^ (j) and (y) for x and form wlicn Assume Therefore that it, z in turn, wc havo l+.r^j^' (//) y,. and », =j"(ij) y,, (y) x^ (i-) The following equation may now be proved by its thus, with the notation /(;.')• Differentiating the equation y being u=f{i/) =/(«)+.'''^W/W+-+j^,-£^[!'^W}"/W]+ Pjioof. Here = i/ induction, equation (i.) = 1. m,,^. = = «(,..i„ f?(„_i), [{/^ (i/)}" ("•) "J [{V (y)}"".] (1482) (15^1) ='/..[{V'0/)}"*'^'.], by d^.._,^,ih = ^.«-.).^.[{t(2/) }•'".] (i.) .. IML'LK'IT FUNCTIONS. EXPANSION OF 270 Thus, n becomes ?i-f-l. But equation (ii.) is true when n = 1 for then equation (i.) therefore it is universally true. Now, since in equations (i.) and (ii.) the differentiations on tlie rif^ht are etlected with respect to z, .r may be made zero 6»;/"';/v diirerLiitiatiii^' instead ; it is all ; when But, of after. tious and (i.) (ii.) = ».« 1553 '= Here x 1- l'^>^- >/—aij f(ij) a = u^ Therefore »„^= «....= '^-.)=C{9 +h = to : = \og>j; log J,._„, (.^''-^) cj> •' 1554 _,3 :: f(y) ^" '•^ *= rt is 2. now = ^' _._ ^ n(n + b) 1 y = z+,,j\ 1 (2u + l) z^\ ... (1552) becomes CS'-'Ho»-2)...(^" + l) 1.2 ^l+ 1.2 ...n : to tr" expand i>* a* i_ a*"^ , »('n powers of y" in we + 7)0> + 8) ct" h" -^ CI \ tt^ a — find J_ 1.2.3 nr» + 0)0> + 10)(»4-n) _^ J_ ' — powers of in and and, proceeding as in the last example, =^ r'^";?^"^ f 1 z, a a- = >/; (3,^-1) (3u-2) — Given the same equation y", 00}"/ CO]. ; = ,ogA + Jll+...+ Ex. therefore e<iua- (-'). expand logy (y) Therefore, substituting the values of x and log, ° =V (//) therefore, in Lagrange's formula, •^-; = —; a u,=j'{u) and ^ 9(-0/(--); + - z = 0, — Given >J = -; ./ give or uT a* a- CAYLEY'S SERIES FOR . ^.,. I a* ii" —-. 1555 ^=...-^r.^«,..+...+^lfi^[.[f;^)]"-a.+.... wliere ^l == -, ,-. cp (U) Proof.— ^= dz /'(r) Diflercntiato Lagrange's expansion (1552) L . x by Replace ^ l-.T<?.(i/) =— -, since/ ^. Put 9(^/) is an arbitrary function. /' (y) = for •' ^ z, ; V'(^) Then make noting that and therefore y = 0. . ; DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 280 LAPLACE'S THEOREM. To expand 1556 I^ULE. — Proceed F st'dntlii'j 1557 Ex. (zj 3. Here powers in /(//) as in Lagranrje's Theorem, merel)/ suh- for z in the formula. — To expand = /(^) In the value of e" = logz; (1552), f (z) m„^o f{F(z)} = e''"^'' = Thus the expansion becomes 1558 Ex. = g+ y sin y = f(y) = y; becomes + ... Fiz) = + a), sm-'z; <l>{F(z)} = ^ ij {:: (//) 7/ f^tZ(„_i), (sin log r)". = x sin (y + a) sin"^ (x sin y in (1552) (j>{z) z; sinlog2+ a; 4.— Given Here = log + x sin?/). = siu becomes f {F(z)} = siulogz; therefore f'(z) = 1. powers of x when in F{z) e"; /(z) becomes e" of x wlien expand y to : with <j> 2 = (y) sin (sin"' z sin (y = F (z) = sin-'z; therefore = ^sin(sin-'2 + a) (l — z-)~^ y Thus powers of x. + a). + a). f [F (z)} f(z) becomes in = 0. F' (z) = {l-z')-^. + lcK{sin'(sni-'z + a)(l-^r)-''\+ix%J,s{n'(ism-'z + a){l-z')-^\ + =0 with z put after differentiating. ^ = a; sin ti + 1-*^' The sin result is, as in (796), 2a + \x^ siu oa + &c. BURMANN'S THEOREM. To expand one function 1559 function ^ Rule. fore <^ 1560 Here —Put (y) = /(/y) 7/ /(//) in powers of another (ij) =z stituted for x = (y-z) xp (y) -^^^ (y) =/W+V'(//) in Lagrange's exjiansion, ; {f^/'(^) there- },..+••• signifies tliat after differentiating //. and therefore ;: is to be sub- EXrANSTOX OF TMriTCTT h— Since = ^(.y), = CoH. 1561 .' becomes, by \vritiiig ij since variable tlie // immaterial what letter factor of the oreneral term. <^'^i?. 2. — If ; therefore (15G0) f|^{(-^])>0/)}^^+... changed into is /'('/) z after differentiating, written for is it is 1562 xp-'{.r) 2^1 for ^(//), ./• /{,-u.o!=/«+... + But FUNCTTOX^^. he simply //, ;/ in the second the equation becomes '^-(..•)=~-+.-(:y),..+-+,T\|^{(-^y},.+ Cor. 1563 3. — If .-: = 0, so that )j = we obtain X(},{//), the expansion of an inverse function, 1564: formula Ex. 5. — The (1528) for sin"' scries Let sin"' ^ sin" X = = 'J, x therefore be obtained by this 1565 Ex. (3.-If y = theorem (1552), since y a; = sin y = in \p (>j), (loGS) ; therefore X = 2 v//, ,~—-^, = 1 .2 .3 Vsiu' 1 .2 Vsin^ ;//yo .sin7//,!/=o Put may aj thus, ; -^ r, =^ + ^J'. we ''\ ^^^ /// ayo tlien, by Lagrange's find thus ll^^}-::m'=r+,.r'+... + 'll^2^i'-+ \ 2 / r +r 1566 7i I Change the sign of ('±^^M)-=i_,„+...(-,).»i£^r± 1567 This last or odd, \ «, thu.s is series, continued to equal to the sum —+1 of the or two theorem. 2 o — -— terms, according as u scries, is even as appears by the Binomial . : BIFFEIiENTlAL CALCULUS. 282 Also, by Lagrange's Theorem, 1568 or, = iogf + (;^)'+^^.4g(f)% = 2 \/t, .ogi-^4i^ = <+...+lgr+ K'i/ by putting x 1569 1570 Ex. 7. — Given xy = logy The equation can be adapted = y to expand y therefore e'", in powers of xi/ = may Ex. 8. — To expand Here x 1571 = yi'\ f in e"" (jj) x. xe"". = = y\ x&\ from which, by putting z therefore y be expanded, and therefore y. Put xy y ; as follows powers of = y ~^ = = in (15.52), yi"-' e-^\ if we take z = 0. Therefore + «ye^^ + a(a-26)'^' + a(a-86)^^^+ e'"'=l ABEL'S THEOREM. 1572 be a function (developable in powers of If ^ (') + ^-(.,+,.i) 1573 Cor. + .w ... ) (i.) \ AJ-^ -^ A^e^'-' -\and multiply the results respectively by Then the theorem is proved by equation (i.). (^ — . (//) A,,^ A^(^' &c. in (1571), 3, A^^., A^e^, &c. ylfl, = then «("-'-^)'-' J. Proof.— Let Put 3/ = 0, 1, 2, e^\ If ({> (,*') = x", Abel's formula gives -\-C{n,r)a{a-rby-'{,r+rhy-'--^&c. INDETERMINATE FORMS. 1580 Forms A, if — X • Rule.— 7/' ^44 takes cither of these forms irhen ^„ . , i/- ^^ « fraction irhirh (x) x=:a: tJtoi the first determinate J raction obtained ^-i^ hij — ^,)l or differentiating . IXLETEinflXATK FOn}fS. 283 numerator and rJeuominafor simuIfdnpoiisJi/ and suhxt'ttnthig for X in the result. the Q. 1581 But at any stage of the process tlie fraction may be reduced to its simplest form before the next differentiation. See example (1589). — Proof. By (i.) Taylor's theorem (1-500), since + h) _ \P{u + l,) (p wlien ^ 4.{;) ^ (<i±Bh) <!>(a)-\-h<p + l4''(<i + 0li) = = (a) + Oh) _ xp\a + Uh) tj/Ja (f>' (a), v// (a) ^//"'(u)' vanishes. // ^^ ^ which (a is ^^ ^ ^ of the first form, _ f (a) _^ - {4.(a)Y ^(a) and therefore _ {0 (a)Y - (H-n' ..,,,. <t>'(a) ^^^'^^ (.) .;<^ ^ ,p{a)' xPia) ;^>) m, . ^^'"'"' 9(ny _ ^J^t) (a) <p ^OO " 4^\'-0' 1582 Vanishing fractions in Algebra are of the indeterminate form just considered, and may be evaluated by the rule, or by rejecting the vanishing factor common to the numerator and denominator. ^, ^ Ex. — When U'hen x = a, form — , Ox j"^^ x. {^) 1* Forms 0^ 1584 a-»-a« = a; Rule. ^^ (=^) —If = i" (^ X (x) (=') "^ ;// Tl For form Form 1586 log tee X oo - ^ = _3 a. li (x) takes this — ""^"'^^^ ^"^ ' takes form ^f ^^^^ any of . X — X. Rule.— If have e'''^"^-*^"^ <{>{x)~xf.{x) takes this form, = ^^^ = 77' ^^"^ ^f tlie ''*'' '-"^"^ ^^ required value c. Otherwise : ./,(a)-i^(a) = ./>(a) U - '^f^]-, L form Scr '2<i {<^(x)]*^'> expression he found to he c, hy (1580), ivill he the + a.r + <r) = -' ; (x-a){.c + a) Rule.— 7^ x", 1". case, is of the ^^I's (.r-a)(.r"^^ x = a, find irJicii expression. when x=a, = - the limit of the to(/arithm of the the loga r it tun r=: xp(ji") log (pi^n), irhlrh, in eaeh forms 1585 = .c--a' Form 1583 these x oo X (1583). (p{-d)) u-/i/c/i /s of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 284 1587 Ex. Also, with L—WitL a; X =0, y = -^ = 1 = ^ (^^^^^ = = 0, e'-l-xe' e'-e'-xe' -x 1 1- — JACOJiFANS. 28.' JACOBIANS. 1600 The I^^'t //, fi)ll(nviii^ II, Uy u, '•.r '^ '*.- r, ir be n functions of n vanables determinant notation is adopted (I •*V '^'p "^f- //» //<• //» a', ?/, The = 3). [unr) u\ w. first determinant is and is respect to bv {n </(.r//.t) (i(rtr) (/ u\^ ." : .r, //, ;:, called the Jacohlan of also denoted by ?r, J{iirir), r, ir with or simply J. 1601 Theokem.— (/{.n/x) d {nrir) of the two tletenniuants be formed by the rule in (57U), first changing the cohiuins into rows in the second determinant (669), the first column of the resulting determinant will be Proof.— If the product u^Xu + u^y„+v,z„ = u,,^ 110 = 010 1 1 DIFFEBENTIAL CALCULUS. 286 1604 If u, V, w, n functions transformed into functions of X= z = + c/T) + (',C ^^^^^^^ ^ M /= Uz ^ly ": _ ^^ (J (urir) J = MJ, or is the determinant where transformation (573). Pkoof. n variables x, ?/, z (n = ^), be by the linear substitutions K, v, I (/(unr) (hi-^(hr)-^a,l^ (\$ of (ai^h.,r.^) called the modal us of 287 QUANVfr^^ — Pkook. / is of tlie third degree, and therefore J,, .7^, J, are of the second Hence n, i\ w, degree, and they vanish because u, v, w vanish, by (1G07). 0. Jt, «7y, /, form six equations of the form (;r, //, i-)' = 1609 T^ " variables otlier variiibU'S I, »;, l^ a?, y, « (7?- = 3) are connected with n by as many equations d.y (hi fh (Jiiirn') J^ tq Tie iI^iyjQ . ?( = 0, = 0, = fl(Krii') tl dx dij dz li'd^T^ ' (({^rf/z t' 7(' ; , DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 288 The theorem may be extended to any quautic, the quanon the right remaining unaltered. Thus, in a ternary quantic u of the n^^' degree, tities 1624 1625 ^Tit^-\-yify-\-^if= {.r(h+i/d,-]-zd,Yu = = and generally »itf', n {n-l) ... {n-r-^l) u. Definitions. n quantics in n variables is the function of the coefficients obtained by putting all the quantics equal to zero and eliminating the variables (583, 586). The Elhninant 1626 of The Discriminant of a quantic is the eliminant of its derivatives with respect to each of the variables (Ex. 1627 first 1631). An Invariant is a function equation whose value is not altered of the equation, excepting that the the modulus of transformation (Ex. 1628 1629 of the coefficients of by an linear transformation function 1632). is multiplied by A Covariant is a quantic derived from another quautic, that, when both are subjected to the same linear transformation, the resulting quantics are connected by the same process of derivation (Ex. 1634). and such 1630 A Hessian is the Jacobian of the first derivatives of a function. Thus, the Hessian of a ternary quantic u, derivatives are li^, n. U,r. u. (I.,. U,„ whose first d{u^u„uj) d {wyz) 1631 Ex.— Take derivatives are u^ u,j the binary cubic u = = Sax^ Sbx^ + 6bxy + Scy' + 6cxy + ody'. = ax^ II.,, + Sbx^y + dcxy^ + dy\ Its first 3a 66 3c Therefore (1627) the discriminant of m is tlie annexed determinant, by (587). 1632 The determinant is also an invariant of u, by (1G38) that is, if u n'£-|-/3'»/; and, if a bo transfDrmed into v by putting x nl^fii) and // corresponding (h;terniinant be formed with tlie cocilicients of r, the new determinant will be equal to the original one multiplied by (u/3' a'/3)\ ; = = — — QUANTICS. 1633 Again, «2, = GtUJ + G&//, Wjy = Ccc 289 + O'/y, Therefore, by (1630), the Hessian of w is (ax + hii)(cx + dij) v.^n,^-nl^ = = = 6bx + 6ci/. - {h.c + r//)» {ac-lr) x-+(ad-bc) x 1634 u^,^ >/ + (h<J - r) if. for, if u bo transformed into v, as Anil this is also a corariant bftcut.', then the result of transforming the Ilessiiin bj the same equations i%. See (lL'io2). will be found to be equal to V2zCiy ; — 1635 If a quantic, 7( involving n variables the second degree in linear functions of the =/(.?•,//,:: ...), can be expressed as a function oF Xi, X., ... A",,.!, where the latter ai-e variables, the discriminant vanishes. — u = (f>X\ + \//X,A'j + x-^'A^s + «^c., PuooK. Let A', = a,a; + h^H + c^z + &c. where The derivatives u„ u^, &c. must contain one of the fjiotors XjX, ... X,,., in every term, and therefore must have, for common roots, the roots of the u-l equations being simultaneous equations X, = U, X.^ — 0, ... X,,., = required to determine the ratios of the n variables. Therefore the dis; criminant of a, whicli (lGl2") is the eliminaut of the equations Hr = 0, n^ = 0, &c., vanishes, by (oS8). 1636 <^^<"^- 1- — If '^ binary quantic contains a square factor, the discriminant vanishes ; and conversely. Thus, in E.xample (1G31), if u has a factor of the form {Ax + J)i,')'-, the deterniinaut there written vanishes. — 1637 Cor. 2. If any quadric the discriminant vanishes. An independent proof Let M = Xy be the is is resolvable into two factors, as follows: quadric, where X= {ax + by + cz+...), Y= (ax + h'y + c'z+...). derivatives u^, u^, u. are each of the form i>X-\-qY, and therefore have 0, F=0. for common roots the roots of the simultiineous equations U, u^ Therefore the eliminant of u^ 0, &c. vanishes (IG27). The X= = 1638 The discriminant = of a binary quantic is an invariant. — Pkoof. A square factor remains a square factor after linciir (ransformaHence, by (1G3G), if the discriminant vanishes, the discriminant of tion. the transformed equation vanishes, and must thenforo contain the former discriminant as a/«r/or (see 1G28). Thus the determinant in (1G31) is an invariant of the quantic ii. The discriminant 1639 u = of the ternary quadric aa^'-\-bf/'-{-rz'-]-'2fyz+2gz.r-^ 2 p 2hxy 290 is DIFFEIiENTIAL CALCULUS. the eliminant of the equations QUAXTICS. Proof. — Let the linear substitutiims (1(528) be x Solve for and I Find »?. d, The result = = y ai-\-l'>i, l^, £^, Vx, '/.,. = a'i + (i.) h'tj two equations ""f^ substitiitn in tlie = ' d.l^^d,,,,^; ,l, d.E, + d„„r. is = (/, 291 -d,= + h(-.J.)]^M; {aJ^ M = ah' — {a'dr, + h'(-dt)}^M (ii), modulus of ransformation. Etjuations (i.) and (ii.) are parallel, and show tiiat the operations d^ and —d^ can be transformed in (I, n), the same way as the (juanlilies x and // that is, if 9 (a;, ?/) becomes — Jf ) -f- J/", where 71 is the degree of the then f(d^, — (/,) becomes (</,, where a'h, tlie i v/* ; v/- , — is a function of the coefficients only of (.c, //) quantic 0. But ^ (d^, c7,) the quantic 0, since the order of differentiation of each term is the same as the degree of the term ; therefore the function is an invariant, by definition (1628). — 1649 first <p — ax*+bx^i/ + ex!i^+fy*. The quantic must = ax* + bx^y + cx-y^-\-exy'^+fy\ {c = 0) then Example. Let {x, y) be completed; thus, f (xy) (d^, = — ; + cc/2y2x— «^!,ax+/(?4x) 9 y) = a.2if-h.Ge + cAc-e.{Jb+f.2~ki = 4:(l-2af-dhe + c"). 12af-Sbe-\-c- is an invariant of ^, and = {\2AF-^BE + C^)-i-M*, -J,) f (x, y) (uti,, (a;, 5t?3j,z Therefore where A, B, C, E, F are the coefficients linear transformation. But if of any equation obtained from ^ by a the degree of the quantic be odd, these results vanish identically. 1650 Similarly, (p(,r,y), if {x, ^P ij) are two qualities of tho same degree, the functions and <t>{fI,,-(L.)rl^{.v,i/) rp{d,,-(l.,)<t>i.r,,,) are both invariants. 1651 Eyi.—Uc(> {ad..^ = ax' — 2bdr^ + cd.i^) A 1652 + 2bxy + cy' and + 2b'xy + c'y^) = (ax'' Hessian — is 4. = ax--^2b'xy + cy' then ; ac+ca'-2bb', an invariant. a covariant of the original quMitic. Proof. Let a ternary quantic u be transformed by the linear substituz) ^ (£, »j, ;). The Hessians ol tiio tions in (1604) so that u (p (x, y, = = ; two functions are ^11"^'>3) and d (xyz) d(n^u^u^) d{inO ^ ^^d{ n^ u^ u. ' d[-rj,) 'l^W'il d ) Kow (1^30). (i»/;') ^ djj^.n^ ^^ ' ^ ^^, djn, 11^ »,) ' c/(^<;0 '/'•'y^') The second transformation is .seen at once from the form of the determinant by merely transposing rows and ci)lumns; the first and third are by theorem (l()04j. Theret'ore, by definition (itJ2'J), the llessiau of tt is a covariant. — Variables are cogredient when they are Coij^rcdicnts. subjected to the same linear transformation thus, .r, ;/ are 1653 ; DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 292 cogredient witli = y — ,r wlicn x', y' a^^-hrj \ ('i <h ^ a' ^^^ + y = — — ai'-\-hr)' = 1654 Emancnts. If iu any quantic 2i X into x-\-px' and y into y-\-py', where x Tvith X, y; then, by (1512), , | + ^h ^'^ we change {x, ij), (p , _ y' are cogredient <l>(.r-\-p.v',y+py') = n-\-p (x'd,-[-y'dy) u-\-iy (.rV/,+//V/,)- m + &c., and the third, coefficients of p, p^, p^, emanents of u. are called the ... first, The emanents, of the typical form {x d^-[-y' dyY covariants of the quantic u. 1655 all second, ... u, are — (.r, y), we first make the substitutions wliich lead to the Proof. If, in emanent, and afterwards make the cogredient substitutions, we change X into And if x-\-px', and this into a$+ J»; + (a£'+ 6»?'). we change |0 the order of these operations be reversed, cc into al-^-hri, and this into ail-\-pt)+l> The two results are identical, and it follows by the same operations in reversed order, the {r)-\-prjf). {x, y) be transformed coefficients of the powers of p that, if ^ in the two expansions will be equal, since p is indeterminate. the definition (ltJ21>), each emanent is a covariant. Therefore, by loOO For definitions of contrngredieiits and cotitravariants, see (1813-4). Fur other theorems on invariants, see (179-i), and the Article on Invari- ants in Section XII. IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS. IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS OF ONE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. If y and z be functions of <t, the successive application of formula (1420) gives, for the first, second, and third derivatives of the function ^ (//, ::) with the notation of (1405), 1700 1701 4,A!iz) <t>: (!>^^ = = ^:,!i, + j>..z... 'k,,.vl+--i4'...'ir~.+<t>u^:+<t',ir,. + 't'.~u- IMPLWIT FUNCTIoXS. 1702 By finoiitly K d/^) = iii:ikiii<j^ •.',.= I, *.,//^+;?^..//;~.+'?</»...//x-;+<^:..4 = ;. ^i)'.) tlic in ,r ::.,^=0, or else last by tlifcc formnlji}, tlilTcrciitiating and (-(.nsc- independently, we obtain 1703 = <f>J.n,) 1704 <P:.r K 1705 (>,/) (,'//) = = <l>„,/,,. + cf>_,.. (^,,/y:.+2(^,„,//,.+(^,,.+(^,//,... (^,,//^+;?(^,,...//:.+i?<^,.,.//.+<^3x. 1706 In these formnlff! tlie notation <f>^ is used where the difforentiation while ^^(.r, y) is used to denote the complete derivative of (}>(x,y) with respect to x. Each successive partial derivative of the function ^((/, z) (1700) is itself treated as a function ol' ij and z, and differentiated as such by formula (14-20). Thus, the differentiation of the product cp^y^ in (170(1) produces is partial, The If it should not in fact function <p^ involves y and z by implication. contain z, lor instance, then the partial derivative 0„, vanishes. On the other hand, y^, y,^, &c. are independent of z; and z^, Zjj., &c. are independent of?/, DERIVED EQUATIONS. 1707 If ^ (•''7/) = 0, its successive derivatives are also zero, and the expansions (1708-5) are then called i\\Q firt^t, second^ and third derived equations of tlie primitive equation ^(.r//) = 0. In this case, those equations give, by eliminating //j., 1708 !hi = — i^', ^JJL= 2 j>..„ j>.,. (f)., — <!>:, <f>; — <^,y (t>i _ Similarly, by eliminating ij^ and >/.,,., equation (1705) give y^^ in terms of the partial derivatives of ^ (.^7/). See the note following (1732). 1710 SN'ould 1711 1712 Jf 4>{'n/) = ^ and Proof.— Bj (1708), values of t/o, and i) y^,. ^, niHl ^ = 0. i^=0; p{=:-hr. di dd' </)^ H,,4.-<I>:A.^ Therefore (1704) and (J70o) give these + BIFFEUENTIAL CALCULUS. 201 f^Tid (\>y botli vanisli, 7/.^ in (1708) is indeterminate. If In tins cape it has two values given by the second derived equation (170 I), which becomes a quadratic in y^. 1713 </'a- 1714 If and fl>.r,n <\>-i.ri also vanish, proceed to the third now becomes a cubic in y^, (poy derived equation (1705), which giving three values, and so on. Generally, when all the partial derivatives of a, y orders less than n vanish for certain values x have, by (1512), <}>{a, h) being zero, 1715 (j> = {a i> + h, h + =— Jc) + K)"'^ (A'i/).a,i+ (/<4 {,r, y) of = h, we terms of {x, y are higher orders which may be neglected in the limit, a,h after differentiation.) Now, with the notation here put = of 1406), H..a-\-Hv.b therefore = = -t^ = JL 0; ']!.; the values of which are therefore given by the equation 1716 ihcl 1717 If Vjc + kd,Y<l>{.r,y),^,,= becomes indeterminate through x and y vanish- — ^L ing, ° observe that -^ dx the latter fraction algebraic methods. and y If X equation of X, \p 0. may in this case, X often be = 0, y is and that the value of readily determined by [x, y) are connected by the thereby made an impHcit function in the function (x, y) more (j) and we have 1718 1719 M-,!/) K {>', Phoof.— (i.) (ii.) .'/) { '^^^!^^- i<i>,„t-'i'^M Differentiate both f and Differentiate also, If ?/,?/, z are 1720 = = for x, iK'i'-<i--^<i>.) r, by (1703), and eliminate by (1704), and eliminate functions of <t>r \p * (^y^) = x, ?/, and y^x- then, as in (1700), <^. »/.,.+(^,.v.,.+(^.r... y^. . 205 iMi-rjrrr functions. 1721 <t>.r ('///-) = <!>:,. + To 1722 obtain »/;+(^,,//;+<^,.4 Cf),, U.,, + <l>„ //,., + </). and f <p^{i'ir:) ^i r . iiiako j.^ (.''.V"-) , //=,/• in tlio abovo cMjnations, U= be a function of four variables conLet (p (.?', //, ;:, I) 0, so tliat one of 0, v 0, iv nected by three equations u tlie variables, ^, may be considered independent. 1723 X 1 1 ./ ,/f I - — . s I '^''' 'f ^'"'"'^ ^/ 1 ./ ' ^// (/{•n/i) (li Observe that V^ stands for tlie 'partial derivative of the function ^, where I ^ - — 715;^ ^VOA ^^'^^ = have, by differentiating for ^^^e . = = — J (Ufn'i(') _ ~ _ (.f..) r/ J . _1_ . ' ./ ' complete and </)f for the U Proof.— (i.) U^ is found by taking the eliminant of the four equntions, separating the determinant into two terms by means of the element f^—U^, and employing the notation in (IGOO). (ii.) tions, Xf, i/t, and z> are found by solving the last three of the same equa- by (582). IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS OF TWO INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. = alone be given, y may y, z) Since .r and z and be considered an imj)licit function of are independent, we may make z constant and differentiate for /'; thus, for a variation in x only, tlie ecjuations (1703-5) are produced again with ^ (Xyy,z) in the ])lace of <p (.'',//). 1725 If the equation <p {.v, .r. ;:. 1726 It" ' he made constant, z must replace x in those ecpiations as the independent variable. = :r, first for Again, by differentiating the equation <p{ryz) z constant, and the result for z, making x constant, making DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 296 vre obtain 1727 From (/>.,.,+ (^,,.//.-+(^,.-//.,.4-f>.//.//.+<^.//.,-. and the values tills 1728 = f/ and of y^ ~^ ^" ^'' "^ ^"' ^" ^'' ^"'' "^ ^ 0. by (1708), //,, ''" = ~^ ^' ^'" '' "^ ^_^^ be connected by the a function of two therefore make z ;?. independent variables x constant, and the values of f^ {.r, y, z) and «^2.r (^\ Ih ^') are identical with those in (1718, '19) if x, y, z be substituted for a?, y in each function. 1729 If relation 3S, i/- Ih tlie i^^ - By changing 1730 values of ^, (,2", function = 0, (,r, //, ::) // x into and y, z) <^(,f, //, 2) may be taken as A¥e may and ^o. the same formula give the ;: (-f, 7/, ,;•). On the same hypothesis, if the value of <^^ {x, y, ,?), in forming which z has been made constant, be now differentiated for z while x is made constant, each partial derivative ^j., xpy, &G. in (1718) must be differentiated as containing x, y, and z, of which three variables x is now constant and y is a function of z. 1731 The 1732 result is f.(.r,,v,=:) = {(<l>..,<!,-^...,4'M-{hA,-^:,A,HAl generally easier to apply such rules for to deduce the result in a functional form for the purpose of substituting in it the values of the partial In a particular instance is it example proposed, than differentiating directly to the derivatives. 1734 = Example. — Let <p (x, ?/, z) = Ix + ;»// +• and uz X and z being the independent variables <p^ (;<•, y, required. Differentiating 0, considering z constant, 1, ; 4>x = + m -•- = — m — dx (x, y, 2) l l ; since 02X a result which values is Z, ^P. (.r, y, -) y and , dx — xijr tr = x- + 7/ + z^ <p_^ (.c, = = -VI -^—^ = -m ^,— are ; y V'y + y, z) x"^ ; otherwise obtained from formula (1719) by substituting the = = 2x, <p^ , y, z) (.»•, z) -~ = — y , \p Again, to find </>y ^, = = '"> ^s 22/, >P. ^^. (x, y, z), =« = 2z; ; <p2x ,/.^ differcutiato for = = ^2: = = ^,, = = 2. ?»2j/ ; ;/.,, z, considering x constant iu the function -JL—l-m — ax y ; thus —-^ = dxdz +?» --j-= y — w-r-, y^ since —= dz = \p^ . y nn-i.K'iT FrxrrioxFf. 297 = U <p (;v, ?/, ^, ^, ij) be a function of five variables by three equations vt Oy w 0, v 0; so that two may be considered independent, ]^^aking of the variables ^, constant, the e([uations in (172:3), and llie values obtained 1735 T^ct = coiniectetl = = »? ?} for [/f, X(, //f, r^ff, hold p^ood in the ])resent case for the variations due to a variation in S, observing that <f>, a, i\ ir now stand for functions of rj as well as of ^. 1736 The corresponding values by changing ^ into of Z7,, .r^, y^, z^ arc obtained rj. IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS OF n INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. The same metliod 1737 is applicable to the general case of by r e(piations « 0, r 0, = a function of n variables connected w = 0...&c. = — The equations constitute cuiij n r of the variables wo : let these be ^,r),l.... The remaining r variables will be dependent: let these be u:,ij, ::...; and let the function be U=(l>{riy,z ... ^, tj, 2^ ...). For a variation in ^ onhj^ there will be the derivative of the function U, and r derived equations as under. please, indeprndcnf 1738 (^.,,r.+(^,;/.+f,-, + + U^Z^. -f + ^^.'A+i'.— + U^.V^-\-Uj,?/^ «'x.*'f f ... ... ... + ^. = + ;/,== + 7V = L^^, 0, 0, &c., involving the r implicit functions x^, v/^, of the r equations, as in (1724), gives (/(unr...) -\MOQ (ft' 1740 where The last value J= -ri 1 z^, (/(unc...) (/// f • Also -rp being found (wactly as The &c. — solution 1 n —g- -r- -r-^ in (172:3). in like manner the values of x^, i/^, ,v^, U^ and similarly with each of the independent variables in turn. With 1741 ^ re])laced ])y »j we have ; 1742 ^ ('j .'/, there If . . .) = 0, be n variables and but one equation there will be ?? — 1 independent and one depen- DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 208 dent variable. Let // be flependent. Then for a variation in X only of tlie remaining variables, the equations (1 703-5) standing for (^ {x,y,« ...). If x apply' to the present case, be replaced by each of the remaining independents in turn, there will be, in all, n—1 sets of derived equations. </> CHAXGE OF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. ic If II be any function of x, and if tlie independent variable be changed to i, and if t be afterwards put equal to y, the p = t/j,: following formulas of substitution are obtained, in whichi !k 1760 (Lv = = 2lL a\ l. .Vy we get differentiating these fractions, J' oV ^ ^^ = 1766 " -^ ^~ '* ^^ =Pir+inhr ^"^'''Z^''''' '^; j.^^: 1 Ex. — 7AQ ^ '^° = ^ _~ f/r If X r ^<^^ ^+^' <'o^ >', cos e-r sin ^ '^'I'roof.— Wiitiiig aJi« 2/29 ; 7jg Substituting t 1770 f/'V ' iu (17C0) = r^ cos — r sin = sin + r cos fl 7-^ tliese Viilues, = ; X2e ; yie= iLv' ; _ ~ then r-H-2>-^ {r, cos — ^- and (17G2), we have rr..^ ' >• .sin to tiud df ,)•„ y,, = ('\ »";« cos — 2i\ sin — r cos ''•« sin + 2/-^ cos 6 — r siu 0. from x employ the formtda {a-^hrr,/„, ; the above results are obtained. l^o cliange tlie variable "(r/'-^'/A/-) i^'' for ^ thus, Xg '", = r sin B cos 6 and y ^'^^ to / in ('/ + = h^{d,-7T^\) K->7=2) Which, multiplication by ^7^ />.') ... (^/ by the index law repetition of the operation d, (1102). '\v„.r> where -1)//.. signifies the — CnANGE OF <M('i + Pk(K)K.— Nuw hj', thcreforo </, L\ Thorefoi-e and = ( i ?/,. + r, Un ^'<^Ti. — = = h" (J, F £.-/•'('> Ijf^fc c(jnations tlic ?/ T,, = , . /. ('/. -n) -P.- by U,, f^,.. = ^ (,/,-!) //J-) .V, ((Z. (J, "^^^^ /^ ?;„., = 1. = = = hx^ii', -TT^) '^'"y^ix Z, (,/,_„_ -J) r„ 2, &c., ir,. . . . '»i'L' hij,. (<?, - 1) lu- transformed l)y tlio wliere x, u aro connected witli ^, ij It is reciuired to cliaiige the y to ^, rj in the functions F^. and F,,. //)> = 0, r = 0. independent variables — To ,d + - IT^) ('/+.'')".'/"..• by + t.r)""'/;//,„ + (a + ij;)".V(...i;r} this, and iluiioto (n + hj-)"i/„, or i, U Bamo fonuula by putting 1772 . 299 VAIUAlifJ:. J T, 13ut 1771 f/',. (</,-«-!) finally Thercfdi-o {n (" Substitute l>.r,. = = '/J')''y„,} = a+ T.) = « r' JSniWENDEyfT Tin: <r, Difforrntiate V, u, v, respect io x, considerinfj ^, tj functions of the independent variables x, y ; and form the (diminant of the residtiiKj 1773 cflc/i- Kn>K. find the value of F^ M"//7i equations; thus, I'i Siruilarly, to find Vy. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 300 1780 X, y, z; Given and ^,v,l known functions of V^ are expressed in terms of F,, Fj„ T", by V = f{x,y,z) \% F„ the formult^ dV _ dV^ ddVO ^j dV^ di^VQ .J '*' d[A'f/z) di d{,v,/z) ' ' dC dr) — Proof. Differentiate V as a function of ^ with respect to independent variables The annexed equations are the result. a', y, z. Solve these by (582) with the notation of (1600). f, d +V^y]^+ ^j [.vt/z) V^i^^ = V t], 1781 ^, ( T^s d{^V) rj, I Griven V = f{x, y, z), in three equations ?i wliere x, y, = 0, -y^O, z are involved witli w = 0, it is required to change the variables to ^, rj, ^ in F^j F'^,, and F,. Applying Rule (1773) to the case of three variables, n we have — CUANGE OF THE INDEPENDENT 1784 1 X «MrtK T 1 r Sin 1' • F.= 1786 1787 1788 1789 T; V, 1^# 1790 and f; = To + F, COS f n • , I' , sill — - F^ ^ COS VAUIMlLi:. </> r-^. COSA -,r , '\0\ F.cosO-IV"';;'. = F.siu cos </)+];.sin sin Y'+F cos 0. = V^ cos cos ^ + r cos sin — F, r sin 0. = - r sin sin + F^ r sin cos 0. )• F,, if> ^"x find V^ directly; solve the equations ii, v, thus, ; in (1783), for ?v, r, 0, the sulution in this case being practicable Find r„ larly, Fj, 0^, = from these, and substitute in F^ F^.i;,+ Fyy,+ F^v Also F,. ^^ and 1791 To Viiluu of I'j,, = F.. SimiF,)-^+ T',0^+ V^'P^. Similarly, F, and \\. obtain F^^, substitute the value of F^ in the place of F, in tho in (1785), and, in difi'erentiating Vr, F^, F^, consider each of these quantities a function of r, 0, and (p. To change the variables to r, 0, and (j>, in the equations (178;3) still subsisting. Result V2.-^V,,+ 1792 = V,,.-^l therefore, Also, since « T;,cosec^6'). >•" = p, r sin by (1770), V,, T;+-V(r>'ot6>+i;,+ r Proof.— Put V.^-\-Voy-{- ['^, 1'^+ = r cos and ]:,.+ so that F,, = Fv x + = p cos ^ i;+ ^> and jj = p sin 0, (i.)- -\ F,, sin 0, wo have, by the p = ]\= V,r+~V,+ \ F., >• same formula, (ii.)- ^.- J. Add together (i.) and (ii.), and eliminate F„ by (177(;), which gives T • fl , T COS0 r If r l)r a function of the single relation, 1793 ii vnrial.U'S d--\-tf-\-z'-\- »;,•+ 1'.,+ 1'..+^^- ./', ...= //, :: ... connected by >*'" = ''-+^ (!•)• »V. . . DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 302 — by differeutiating , (i.), r therefore V-,, = V„ - + \\ '-—^ = V,r ^- + F,, = F,. l^ Similarly F, „ , + F. (i- - -^ ) , &c. Thus, by addition, T2,+ F,, + &c. = +^(^7 -, T,. ^8 — j - F,,+ -^T,, LINEAR TRANSFORMATIOK 1794 If I^ = /('^» '^)5 i/j and the if equations u, v, w in (1781) take the forms y = a,i-\-b,7] + c,C by (582), of ^1, then , j being the determinant Srj = B,.v+B,,/-}- B,z, {(h^'2<^z)i and J^ the minor &c. 1795 the A [ The operations first set of d^, dy, d^ will equations below and ; now be transformed by d^, d^, d^ by the second set. d, d, = {AM,+B,d,+C.Ak) - A = {A,d,+B,d^+t\d,) - A^ = Proof. — By + J^C^ and + [ d^^^ c^^ values of s„ Xt, &c., d^ij^ V^ d^ = d^x^ + d^y^ + d,z^; = a,V^ + aJ\ + a,V,. and by substituting the value we obtain = h,d^^h,d,-^h,d^ = c,d^^c,d,+c,dj r/, d, . and the from the preceding equations. 1797 From^ (1705), again upon V^, we have Vi^, , of V^, Operating and similarh; with j'a,,, the formula^, 1798 V,, = b; V,^-\-l/; V,^-\-lK^ V,,-\-2bA]\,+2hA y..r^'2bA F,., [ . ) cnAxni'j OF THE iNDErENDr:xT vAj^fAnm. ORTHOGONAL 1799 and by (582, 584), A=l, J^^a^, etc.; wo liuvo (Mjuatioiis now become 1800 And 1802 TllAN.SFORMATION". If the traiisfoi-mntion is oi'tliOLr<)n:il (-^S-l), sinco, (1701) 803 ^r=a,^-^b,r}+r,C- equations (1705) become \(f;\ (i,=:a,d,^-h,(l,^^c,(l; 'aI; ., The double d^ V, dc = f/„ == h,d,-\-h.M„-^h,d, >. d- = (i\d ^-\-<i.d„-\-(i(1.^ (\ </, -h (', </, + r, d, J between x. ?/, z and ^, 7?, t, in the six equations of (1800-1), and the similar relations in (1802-8) between dj.dy(L and d^d^J^, are indicated by a single diagram relations in eacli case; thus, 1804 i tt' V I fh (fn (k : DIFFEUEXTIAL CALCULUS. 304 When Y=f{d\ y, 1810 n.+ Proof. T^2.+ z) orthogonally transformed, is F,,= V,,-\-V,,^V,,. —By adding together equations (1708), and by the rehations + Oi hi + = c'l 1, and (fee, aia„ + hih„ + c^Ci = 0, <fec., established in (584). If two functions u, v be subjected to the same orthogonal transformation, so that 1811 u = (t>{.v,f/,^) then Ex.— Let let (f7„ $ ((7^, But t'oj. = + + i' a' cZ^,, ax'' ^^ 2= 4/ +?^i',j, , 2/i'i)^^. Z/'ug^ (Z^, cZ^) = 2, c'; = r}^{.r,i/,-) = ^{tv^Q'^ {d^, d^, d^) .(;' Then and and v v = ^ {d^, d^, d^) v. = + hf + cz^ + 2fyz + 2gzx + 21ixij = ^ = aV -^h'n'-^ cC + 2/ v^ + Ig'Kl + lliiri = *, v = + / + = ;H»r + ^'= and ^. +ci-,, +2/^^, +2r/y,, +2/(V^y cZJ v = ar,^ + c'v^^ + 2/'t?^^+ 25r'v^j + v = a'v^^ + = 0, &c. Hence the theorem gives and (^ 1812 and = ^{^,y],0 v,,, in other words, a-\-h +c is a-\-'b-)rC an invariant. — AVhen the transformation is not 1813 Contrnfiredicnt. orthogonal, (1795) shows that d^. is not transformed by the same, but by a reciprocal substitution, in which %, &i, c^ are replaced by the corresponding minors A-^, B^, Oj. In this case d^, dy, dg are said to be contragredicnt to a', ^, z. — 1814 Contravariant. If, in (1G29), the quantics are subjected to a reciprocal transformation instead of the same, we obtain the definition of a contravariant. 1815 and 2/, AVhen is a function of two independent variables x the following notation is often used ;<; dz _ dz dp dif ^ (hi d.v ^ dz ^ d.vdij Lot (-/', ?/, z) = 0. pendent variables from (/) _ dp _(Px d.v- Ty-'^' Tv^^'' f!l^fll ^^ djf ' It is required to .r, y to z, y. =r da} = t, dif' change the inde- The formulas of trans- — — . DIFFEREXTIAL CALCULUS. 306 (x) is a maximum or minimum Rule II. Otherwise an odd number of consecutive derivatives of (x) vanish, and- the next is minus or plus respectively. 1833 <|> ivlien </> — (i.) The tangent to the curve in the last figure becomes parallel Pj^OOF. as x increases ; therefore, by (U03), to the X axis at the points A, B, C, B, tan 6, which is equal to /(.!•), vanishes at those points, while its sign changes in the manner described. (ii.) a; = a, Let E /"(,«) be the first derivative of n being even; therefore, by (1500), which does not vanish when /(.?') = f{a)+ /(a ±70 ^-^f'{a^Hh). The last term retains the sign of /"(a), when is small enontrh, whether h be positive or negative, since n is even. Therefore f {x) diiiiini.shes for any small variation of a; from the value a if /"(a) be negative, but increases if /"(a) be positive. Hence the rule. 7; — Before 1834 Note. maximum or minimum, applying the rule for discovering a Ave may evidently (iii.) any constant factor of the function ; raise it to any constant poioer, paying attention to sign; tahe its reciprocal ; maximum becoming minimum, and (iv.) vice versa ; tahe the logarithm of a positive function. (i.) (ii.) 1835 reject Ex. 1.— Let Also (j)"(x) {x) <p = — = x'-7x*-d5x + l, = 7 (x'-5) + 1) = V5 makes ^'(.v) T.^^- 28a;» - 35 f Oe) Therefore 7(6x^ l2x^). therefore = f"(x) positive; and therefore makes (p(x) (,r^ a; vanish, and a minimum. Here <i>(x) = (x-2y'(x-2y\ 1836 Ex. 2.— Let f (ao = u(,x-^y'(x-2y'+u(x-sy\x-2y'={x-sy\x-2y\2r>x-6i), and we know, by (444) or by (14G0), that, when x = and 13 is an odd number. derivatives of ^ (c) vanish ; either a maximum or minimum when S, the first Therefore thirteen (x) is = 3. « To determine which, examine the change of sign in (^'(x). Now (,r — 3)" changes from negative to positive as a: increases from a value a little less than 3 to a value a little greater, while the other factors of <p' (x) remain Therefore, by the rule, cp (a;) is a minimum when a- = 3. positive. Again, as x passes through the vakie 2, 0' (x) does not change sign, 10 [x). being even. Therefore x — 2 gives no maximum or mininuim value ot Lastly, as x passes through the value in <p'(x) from + 1837 ofy. change from (-) to — Ex. ; ( + )( — ) to and, consequently, f 3.— Let ^ (,r, y) = x* ( (a;) -*.- the signs of the three factors — )( + )( + ); is that is, (/.'(•«') changes a maximum. + 2x-y-i/ = 0. To find limiting values — Axn mimma. ^r.\xl^^.\ 307 Here y i.s <,nvon only as nn implicit fuiicLion of order to employ ronnulto (17uH, 1711), = + + Iry, 0, = 2.r - -uf f = = 0, wo got = makes 0^=0. Solviiif,' tins eiiuatioii with f = =fcl, = — 1 wlieu vauislu's. —- = 8, positive therefore, when = ±l, = — 0., = \l-\And then , 7/, a' •l-.c» 1 '2x- if-^ •!//, ; (.c, y has —1 2/ = making the independent vaiiaMe, >/ limitino- value of <^ condition tlie obtained from ^ equation tlic may be shewn it maxinmm and miniinum has both the .c , A 1838 a; ; a minimnni value. for subject to ^^ - Similarly, hy when i/) i/r // ij..^ is in niUi'ieutiiiLiiig, x. (.*', (,r, //) ^,i//,, = values ± that, v^G. //), = i) (i.), ^,^x//, (ii.) Simultaneous values of x and //, found by solving equations (i.) and (ii.), correspond to a ni ixiuium or minimum value of (p. — By (1718), Proof. <t>r(-v'j) = 1839 Ex.-Let Kipiation (ii.) Solving thi.s (j> being virtually a function of x only with and f{x,y)=X!, becomes (i.), // (:>//" we Hnd — //* .') = 4^ (x, =x (G-r" — 2x^ and y) ; and, by (1832), = 2x' -,•>, + y' = (i.) ?/). x' (I./-— y^). Therefore .i;=^\'"2, y=\l''\- are values con-esponding to a, viaxinnim That it is a uiaxiinum, anil nut a ii-iiiimum, is seen by inspecting value of (}). e(piation (i.) 1840 Most geometrical problems can bo treated in this way, and the alturuative of maximum or minimum decided by the nature of tho case. Otherwise the sign of <p,^{xii) maybe examined by formula (1710) for tho criterion, according to the rule. and Minima Ma.i'imn raJue.s of a function of two inilcpcndrnt variohlcs. 1841 Rl'LE irlirii (p^ find minus or from — .1 faacfioii (x, y) Is a maximum or minimnm hofh vanish and changr fhcir si(fns fnun jilns to minus to plus rrsjirrflrrh/, as x aud y nicrraxr. I. <p^. (j> ^o,. — 1842 Rri'E II. Other wise, 0, ami must ranish ; must ho positive, ami ^^x or ^^y ^'^''t*'^ '^'' negative for a ma.vimum and positive for a minimum value of <p. Pkoof. By (1512), writing A, B, C for i^^,, (p^^, fi,j, we have, for small (j>y </>., </)';y — changes h, Ic in the values of x f i-c+h, y + k)-(l> (x, y) and = y, %+ %+ ! (A}r + 2DUc + CIc') + terms which may be neglected, by (lilO). mFFEUEXTJAL CALCULUS. 308 Hence, as in the proof of (1833), in order that changinc^ the sign of/; or have the elYect of changing the sign of tlie right side of the equaThe tion, tlie first powers must disappear, tlierefore f^ and ^y must vanish. next terra may be written, by completing the square, in the form Tc shall not -— \ iA—-+B\ +AG—B- i and, to ensure this quantity retaining its ; AC—B^ must be positive. ^ will then sign for all values of the ratio h be a maximum or minimum according as A in the denominator is negative or positive. Hence It is clear that A and B might have been transposed in the proof. must have the same sign as A. /.-, : B A limiting 1843 value of from is ol)tainccl 1844 <#>A 1846 or, as tlie ^ y,z) (<r, = (i.), two equations = M, M. = <^A' (ii-). may be they y, £), <^ (.v, subject to the condition — 2j: written, xi' V'.r = 0"-); i-£ (iv.) V'. V*-/ Simultaneous values of ,t, y, ,?, found by solving equations correspond to a maximum or minimum value of (p. (i., ii., iii.), — By Proof.variables x and ^^C*', ?/, being considered a function of two independent and, by (1729, 1730), (184-1), z, 2) = gives and (ii.), maximum (p.^sc, minimum z) ij, = gives (iii.) (1842) may also be applied without eliminating y by employing the values of (j>2x and <p-,. in (1719, '30). The 1847 and criterion of Ex.— Let i^i.r,!/,::) Equations (ii.) r {.r, cp or //, ;:) = /- + + (iii.) = , licre 2fi,:: + 2r,xx-\-2hvi/-l = 0..(i.) become r 'i = (i.), From equations 1848 o,vi-/ni + — 1849 = Rx^ = By gx-^fy+cz = li::) or ^''"^ -" .'/' */*• we have hx-\-hij+/z r,:: = i, sav, (iv.) = .r + + = '. Therefore, by proportion (70) and by (iv.) :- //- = a:r + hr-^cz' + and in [ a li cj ]t I ; l-Ti // q t {R - a) {R - h) (R - r) + 2l]ih -{R-a)f-{R-h)</-{R-c) Ir f = 0, c-n = 0, or (see KUl) — — . MAXIMA AXn MIXIMA. mR is tlio climinaTit of the three equations in called the (h'srriiniinitiinj nihlr of the (juadric (i.), its roots are the I'eeiprocals of the niaxinia and niiniiiia Tliis cul)ic (T, 309 It is //,::. and values of -\- -^ ::'- if- To show 1850 are x- that the roots of the disciiminating cubic all real. Let be the roots of li, 7i'i, 1851 J^^ tlic ,/ M'T^ Ji'-r > and h R= and r, and h c \ > quadratic equation = {j^-b){K-c)-f = o (v.) /?.,. and tlic result is rerrative, bcinp^ minus a Thereh'.,, and the result is j)ositive. pqnare tiuantily, l)y (v.). ^lako 7i* fore the cubic has real roots between each pair of the consecutive values 4-00 liut since the roots are in order of that is, three real roots, Ji'p 7?.,. —00 magnitude, the first must be a maximum value of JJ, the third a minimum, and the intermediate root neither a maximum nor a minimum. Intake in it', cubic, tlio = , ; M(tA''nu(i (lud 1852 1>±r, I^t^t «/>2,/' </>2--. <{> Minima values of a fuuctiitn of three or more variables. Let he a function of three variables. bc dcuotcd bj a, h, r,f, g, h and let be the corresponding minors of the deter- {''!/-) </>,/--> </>.-.r, fr;, ; A, B, C, l\ (r, 11 minant A, as in (1G42). ^(x,y,z) is a maxiimnn or minimvm wlirn and change their signs from plus to minus or from minus to plus respccticehj, as x, y, and z inrreasc. Rule 1853 <^x) ^y> ^7. I. ^^^ vanish Other'^'ise — TJir first dcriraflrrs 1854 Ri'Ti: II. and cocfiirimt iu of (j> nnisf rani.di ; A reciprocal determinant of A nmst Iw u-ilt tie a maximum or minimum according ax jwsitire ; and Or, in the place of .1 and a, read Ji a is negatire or jiositice. its tin' «/> and b or Proof. C and the values of fix + l, c. —Punsning y .r, //, z. the method of (181-), let (lolt), + n, 2 + 0-9 = c>, t, »/• C be small changes in By ('. 2/' 2) + 19, 4 ^9. + i ("i' + W+ cr- + 1H + 2;/;^ + 11<in) + Ac. The quadric For constancy of sign on the right, 9^, 9. must vanish. may then be re-arranged as under by first completing the square of the term.s It in t. and then collecting the terms in C, V. ft»d completing the square. <p,j, thus becomes ] '2.1.1 K. (ai, + Jir} + g^) + ^—^^ Li ~^ ^ —-7,— L " — — DIFFE Z? ENTTA L CALrUL US. 310 Hence, for constancy of sign for all values of E, »?, i^, it is necessary that G and liC—F'^ should be positiVe. Tliis makes B also positive. By symmetry, AB-R- will all be positive. evident that A, B, G, BG—F", CA-G', sign of a in tlic first factor then determines, as in (1842), whether ^ is a maximum or a minimum. it is The 1855 The BG—F' = condition may be put Since otherwise. by (577), the condition that BG'—F"- must be positive is equivalent to the condition that a and A must have the same sign. Hence we have also the following rule a/^ : 1856 R-ULE III. (j>^, (^y, must vanish ; the second of the four determinants below must he positive, and the first and third must have the same sign : that sign being negative for a maximum and posltlnefor a mliilinnm value of (^ (x, y, z). (f>^ 1857 4>..: >!. f- <l>..;, <#>,,-- i ^f^XT^fA Tlie ilctcrniinant axd nil .vf.wv.t. tho elimiuiuit of «lio four r(iii!iiiotis, l)y ^•''.^3), nn<l A'-^ inothod i)f (1721, Proof, i.), to A'-A/<=0, or u ig is c<|uiv:.U-iit, l)V tl.o = A (Notation of'ir.lG). To dL'tennine whether this value of ii is a nmximtim or minimnrn, either of the conditions in (185 1, T.) may be npplicd and since, in this example, '2b, Ac, tho letters a, h, c, f, <j, h may be considered identical «2,= )la, Uiy ; — with those in the 1862 tion of rule. To determine (,r, //, a limiting: value of vai'iaMcs connected by n eijuations '^i 111 R^'j^E, — Axaiimn liquations: + X.,(u,\+ fv + Xi(ni), + X,(n,\-h ••• +X„(u„), ... +A„(ii„), //o = 0, X;;, Xi, — </)x-fXi(Ui)x a ftnic- ", ...), = 0, n inidetcrmlncd mnUiplu'rs m iciih the JoUoiriiKj </> ... ... ^n = 0, = 0, m m-\-n eqxdfions in + n quant if i(\'i, x,y, /, ... The valves of x, y, z, ..., found from these equations, correspond to a maximum or minimum value of (p. mal'ing and X,*, in all X., ... X„. — Pkoof. Differentiate f and ?/,. ii„_, ... «„ on the hypothesis that x, ?/, z,... Multiply the resulting are arbitrary functions of an independent variable /. equations, excepting the first, by A„ Aj, ... X„ in order, and add them to the value to zero, since the be equated now may The coefficients of x,, y„ z„ ... off,. functions of t are arbitrary, producing the equations in the rule. 1863 Ex. 1.— To conditions Here A.c^ m = 3, tions in the rule 2x ?!- find the limiting values of r^ =2 ; + 2AXx + nl =0 + fim = + 2C\z+ttn a;2 (2) =0 + y» + 2= + > . and we obtain (3)) (.'1.1-' + By' + Cz') result + —f— Ar' — is i X = 0, solve for ; a-, + nz — lx-\-vuj in The with the Multiply (1), (2)i (^) respectively by x, y, z, and add; thus ^ disappears, (1)-^ Substitute this in (1), (2), (3) 1864 z^ I become 2y + 2]i\y 2z = x* + y^ + and lv + my-\- nz = 0. and, choo.sing X and /u for the multipliers, the equa- + By- + Cz^ = therefore y, z, = -r\ their values 0. = — 1 + -^^ Lr — -"'--JJr' \ and substitute 0, a quadratic in r'. roots are the maximum and minimum values of the square of the 1 made by radius vector of a central section of the quadric A.v' + Hy'^A- Cz' nz 0. the plane Ix-\-my The = + 1865 Ex. 2.— To = find the subject to the condition maximum N= value of u a'b^c*. = (x + 1) (y + l) (^ + 1), ' BIFFFnEXTTAL CALCULUS. 312 This equivalent to fiuding a is maximum valua of + 1) +\og (y+l)+\og (z + 1), logN = x\oga + y log h + z\og c. log (x subject to the condition The equations in the rule JL+Xloga = become -L.+\\ogh = 0; -l--+k\ogc 0; = 0. eliminating X, these are seen to be equivalent to equations (\SW)). !Multip1yingnp and adding the equations, we find X, and thence x + \^ y + 1, z+l; the values of which, substituted in u, give, for its maximum value^ {log (Nahc) }«-=- 3 log a^ log b'' log c\ u By = Compare where (374), a, b, c and x, y, z are integers. Continuous Maainia and Minima. 1866 where If fr P and •/>-/' and Q may equation of X ai^^^ = {x, y) 4< For y. all "1 (18-i-)j liave a common also be functions of x factor, so tliat and 7/ ; tlien tlie determines a continuous series of values these values <p is constant, but, at the same time, it may be a maximum or a minimum ivith respect to any other contiguous values of cp, obtained by taking x and y so that xp (xy) shall not vanish. 1867 In this case, i>2^<p.2y — <t>% vanishes with Rule II. is not appUcable. ;/., so that the criterion in Proof. —Differentiating equation ^,„ = Q,^+(H, If from these values the expression. 1868 Ex. — Take z"- ^' = ) we have fv = QA + Q-hi — ^.y X ^„^, will appear as a factor of = cr-lP + 2by(.c' + y')-;,r-y' (i.), we form z (i.), as ^ ^2^0^^ (.nj) -(77^-1) in the -^y equation -= -^^ The common factor equated to zero gives xr Here a is a continuous niaxinmm value of -\- y" 2/( = b', and therefore 2 = ±a...(ii.) 3, and —a a continuous minimum. Equation (i.) represents, in Coordinate Geometry, the surface of an anchor its centre at a distance b from a having ring, the generating circle of radius Equations (ii.) give the loci of the highest and the axis of revolution Z. lowest points of the surface. For the application of the Differential Calculus to the Theory of Curves, see the Sections on Coordinate Geometry. INTECxRAL CALCULUS. INTRODUCTION. 1900 The operations of different laf ion mid integration are Let /'(/*•) be the dm-ivative of the converse of each other. </)(.7;); then «/>(./) is called the integral oif(x) with respect to x. These converse relations are expressed in the notations of the Differential and Integral Calculus, by !Mii =/(,,.) and by \f{,r) — ,/., =^ Theorem. Let the curve y =f(,r) be (1403), and any ordinates LI, Mm, and let OL <p(l>) <p{a). then the area LMuil 1901 = — — (.,). drawn as in = a, OM=b; PN OX Proof. Let be any value of x, and the corresponding value of y, and let the area ONPQ A then ^1 is sunie/iniction of x. Also, dA if NN'=(lx, the elemental area NN'FP = = ydx ; = in the limit ; therefore —ax = y. Thus A that function of x whose derivative for each (x) + C, value of X is y or f{x) therefore A where C is any constant. Consequently the area is ; = = (f> J\,W M — («). whatever C may be. The demonstration assumes that there is onl}' one function f (r) corresponding to a given derivative /(x). TliLs may bo formally proved. LM)nl <}) (i) v> If possible, let \l^(x) have the same derivative as <{>(-r); then, with tlio same coordinate axes, two curves may bo drawn so that the areas detined jw febove, Hke LMinl, shall be (j>{.r) and \p(.i-) respectively, each area vanishing with x. If these curves do not coiiieide, tiien, lor a given value of x, they have different ordinates, that is, f (x) and 4^' i-^) are different, contrary to the hypothesis. The curves must therefore coincide, that is, 9 (x) and ^ (x) aru idtutit'al. INTEOJiAL CALCULUS. 314 1902 Since <p(h) — (\>{a) is the sum of all the elemental areas NN'P'P included between LI and Mm, that is, the sum of like the elements ydx or a and h, /(.-r) d.v taken for all values of x between this result is ^Titten f/(.r)rf.. = .^(6)-.^(«). 1903 The expression on the left is termed a definite integral because the hmits a, h of the integration are assigned.* Wlien the limits are not assigned, the integral is called indefinite. 1904 By taking the constant (7=:0 in (1901), ONPQ = area Note. 4> (.r) = the (/(.r) dv. «/ —In practice, the result of we have the constant should always he added an integration u'hen no limits are assigned. to MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 1905 Let f{x, y, z) be a function of three variables ; then r«-2 f*v2 r*^2 the notation is j J.ri \ Jyi /(.r, \ *. ;/, z) d.v dy dz zx used to denote the following operations. = Integrate the function for z between the limits 2 ^i, z^z^, Then, considering the remaining variables x and y constant. whether the limits z^, z.^ are constants or functions of x and t/, Next, considerthe result will be a function of x and // only. ing X constant, integrate this function for y between the limits which may either be constants or functions of x. 7/i and 7/2» The result will now be a function of x only. Lastly, integrate this function for x between the limits x^ and x^_. Similarly for a function of any number of variables. The clearest view of the nature of a multiple integral afforded by the geometrical interpretation of a triple in- 1906 is tegral. * Tho integral niivy be read " Sxiin a to b, j (x) fix''; | signifying "sum." lUTj jXTnnriii'Tioy. Taking z = (,/', <i> //) cylindrical rectangular coordinate axes, let tlie surface by the (A'ro7)i in the figure) be drawn, intersected surface y —. xp {,r} (UMNiim), and by the ])lane = a\ (LSmI). The' volume of the solid OLMNohan bounded by these surfaces and the coordinate planes will be x », .. «. Proof. — Since tlie volume cnt off" c parallel to OYZ^ and at a must be smue J'nnct'ioti. of x. change in its value due to a I'Qqp X d.c, au element of the solid varies continuously with r, this volun:e, and let (/ T be the sniidl distance x iVom it, Let Fbe change dx in x. Then, in the limit, shown by dotted lines in the figure. ^=r(2'ii'=J^ «. (I by any plane JV= it Therefore ?>0^.'/)^///, by (1002), X being constant throughout the integration for y. Making x then vary from to x, function of a; only. volume, \Jl t(..-..v).'y|.'' = = The result will be a we have, for the whole .'-].'."(./.. J, !j,, [J„ With the notation e.vplained in z. since f (x, //) not required, and the integrals aro written as above. (l'.iO:)j, the brackets aro (.»', y), bounded by two surfaces z, = ?s = 0j («• !/)• \//,(.r), i/^ = \p.i(x), and two planes x = x^, «=;•'». //, = the volume will then be arrived at by taking the diffV-rence of two similar integrals at each integration, and will be expressed by the integral in (I'JUS). if any limit is a constant, the corresponding boundary of the solid becomes a plane. 1907 two Tf the solid is cylindrical surfaces (/), — ^ . INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 316 METHODS OF INTEGRATTOX. INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION. 1908 ( (^ Tlie formula is (.r) = (Lv ( cf> ^' {.v) some function wlicre z is equal to/(.T), tate the integration. dz, UZ »y «, cliosen so as to facili- Rule I. Put x in terms of z in the given function, and multiply the function also by x^; then integrate for z. a, If the limits of the proposed integral are given by x b, these mast be converted into limits ofz by the equation X = = ^ = t-'W- The following substitution, and Rule 1909 then Ex. ^ <t> 1.— To tbei-efore II. rule presents another view of the useful in practice. —//"^(x) can (.r) (Lv = = 1 -| ,_," — —^^'^ dx 2. J Here z x + x' be expressed in the (z) ——• Substitute = i? ^— r ] ; ^^ = '°«^ = l^i--±:^ dx J x'' + x-' = x-'-\- x-\ F (z) = - --, •go 1— -^^ d^ l+rx' y{i + ax'' + c'x*) dJx-'^ r —= '"^ f" x -- + + — ^/(.r + a") -, „ ^^''+'-'»- = - logov(x-' -r + x-'). y z,= ~ z =^ - (rxv-' + 2x--). 3'"'— c dx ]x-' + cx ^(c-x^ + x-'' + a) + r.r)dx 1 1 XK/(a-2c) , V{a-2c) ^^ _ — or Bj (1027) or (1026). of form F(z)Zj; = f ^ (^) d^- zA^' = ; \vw^> t " = Ex. V I integrate --- method is Here k o ^/(l + ax' + rx*) l+cx^ 1 / + ^ Vi2c-n) Vi2c-a) = x-'+cx cos —+ — _,«N/(2r-rr) ' ; 7, i cx' ; METHODS OF IXTECHATIoX. 31 In Examples (2) ami (3) the process is analytical, and leads to the diswifli respect to which tlie intejrrution is covery of the particular fiuietioii z be known, Ride 1. supplies the direct, thoujjh not always tho effected. ;:, U simplest, method of integrating the function. INTEGRATION 1910 T\v differentiating general formula The value of the second \ 7(V i(,r(Lv of the fii-st PARTS. \)Y with respect to = iir — integral \ is ./', we obtain tlio ur.d.v. thus determined if that known. is — Separate the quantity to he integrated into two Integrate one factor, and differentiate the other with If the integral of tlie resulting quantity is \'esprct to X. known, or more readily ascertained than that of the original one, the method by " Parts" is applicable. Rule. factor.^i. 1911 Note. — In subsequent examples, where integration by Parts ia which is to be integrated will be indicated. Thus, in "By Parts |6'"'(/.c" signifies that e" is to be integrated and directed, the factor example sin h.c (10-">1), differentiated afterwards in applying the foregoing rule. more frequently integrated than any The factor 1 other, and this step will be denoted is by \dx. INTEGRATION BY DIVISION. 1912 A formula is ^{a+hry d.v = a ({a + Lv"y-' + h f.r" (« + />.<•")"-' d.r : The expression to be integrated is thus divided into two terras, the index p in each being diminished by unity, a step which often facilitates integration. Similarly, = 1913 a (a + hx" + cx'"y-^ Ex.— To By Parts | By Divi.sion, dx j (a + bx" + ex'")'' + hx" (a + i.c" + cj;'")''-' + ex'" integrate J.r, | + cx''-y-\ \^(x' + n')dx. (.r' + cr) dx =x ^ v/(.r' + a') dx = y (a + hx" j I (.." + a') ^^^:^^^^ -| + -^f^^^y j v/(xHa')- Therefore, by addition, = ;iv'(i'+(i') + J.<Mog{.c+ v'(r + a')}, by (1900, Ei. 1). INTEGUAL CALCULUS. 318 INTEGRATION BY RATIONALIZATION. 1914 In tlie following example, 6 is tlie least common denominator of the fractional indices. Hence, by substituting Oz^, we have z x^, and therefore x^ = = '•-'- z^-l dx dz 1 \ dx. Each term of the result is directly integrable by (1922) and For other examples see (2110). (1923). INTEGRATION BY PARTIAL FRACTIONS. Rational fractions can always be integrated by first The theory of such resolving them into partial fractions. 1915 resolutions will 1916 <}>{x) now be given. If </>('^0 and F{x) are rational algebraic functions of x, being of lowest dimensions, and if F {x) contains the factor {x — a) once, so that F(a>)-(.r-«)t/,Gi') (1); «.n|« = _l_ + |gana^ = iM 1917 Proof. — Multiply equation (2) by (,, (I), thus = A4^ {x) + (x-a)x (x). Also, by differentiating (1), and (a) = A4^ (a). Therefore, putting x = a, (a) -^ F'((i). Therefore A = (a). putting x = a afterwards, F' (a) = (x) (j> (p <p \p 1918 Again, if F{x) contains the factor F{d^ that Assume = (x — a), n times, so (.{—«)"</» Or). = 7{,v~a)" ^V^ T:r-i + ---H hr, + d-a rT7~TF{.c} id—a)" Mulliplij (x — a)"; put A,,. determine A^, A^ 7 xli[.r) To X^a ... hi/ 1919 and, dijD'crentiate, alternately. If ^'(^0 =^ ^^^ ^ single pair of imaginary roots — .97'. a±li5; and the tlu'H, XD. /« I 31 D TSTIU! U.\ LS. applying (1017), lot partial fractions corres[)on(ling to these roots will A-ili For 1 A-^ili _'2\(,-a) + 2li§^ methods of resolving a fraction into which occur, see (235-238). practical different cases bo partial fractions in the INTEGRATION BY INFINITE SERIES. "When other methods are not applicable, an integral may sometimes be evahiated by expanding the function in a converging series and integrating the separate terms. Ex. j - dx = logx + ax + j-^^ + ^-^, + 3-2-3-^, + &c. (150) STANDARD INTEGRALS. 1921 Some elementary integrals are obtained at once from known derivatives of sim})le functions. Thus the deri- tlie vatives (1422-;)8) furnish corresponding integrals. lowing are in constant use The fol- : 1922 1926 j.vrf..=^. f_^ = }- = ''"'-' lc„s-^or-lsi,.-.^. [.SU..1 . TNTEGRAL CALCULUS. 320 - log {^v^V{^i'±a-)}. 1928 r 1929 ( 1930 (-yf^ = ±^^{a'±.v-). 1931 ^y [ \/(cr^ 1932 J . ,/^:'\_ ... — -^-4^^ = - v/(ci''- f v/(«'-ci-) /5' Jf V{(r—cV-) r 1935 d.v .,, T i«^ log = ^a' siu-^ ^" + } ±a'-)} . 1937 f^!^, = — cos X, 1 sin 1940 \ tana dr = — log cos 1942 \ seCcvrfcr = log tan (-4- -J. '2), [By ^^-;:^. = ^log'i±i-. 1938 .i\ substitute cos.c. in (1032) (^36) a a _^, = J- log r Partial fractions Do. [ \ cos .v dx = sin j cot a: dd' = log sin 1 a;. <r. coscCcvrAr^logtan (1941, • V'(«--cr^). [As in (1031) ict' - 1 cot"^ i- or « 1936 — (1940, v/(a'^ [As _^, = 1 tan-^ ± a -I' t?'*^ {.r+ = i«'- «m- ^a - i.r v/(«-.ro\ J .r--h« Meiiiou. (1434) ± a') ± i«' log U + V{.v^ ± «") i.i-N/Gf'±«^) -^ 1934 - cos-' — or Parts, Division, and difference of results, 7^^ = 1933 — and adding results (1913), we obtain Parts, Division, ± a-) dx = U By siu-^ (1009, Ex. 1) '3), substitute sin 1944 I «in"' <^' d.v = .V sin-^ .v + v^(l —d") 1945 \ cos"^ .r d.v = .r cos"^ .v — v/(l — .r") . .c. '-. (7/7? (• 'L A I Ji Fl 'XC TJONS. 321 1946 \iin\-' a- ill = .r - ] lo- 1947 \voi-' Jill = .r1j»ir'.r+ I l()-(l+.r-). 1948 (*soc-^ = .r 1949 \ .r (/.r 1 according as a is > +.»"). (1 - loir [r + v^^C' '- M .r to (1949), integrate log 1950 soc"' .v = jeosec'\r + log co.scc"^^^/.r ^Ieihod.— (104-i) tnir' .r = d.V < or .r by Parts, } • [.v-^ ^'\d--—l)\ . .?.c. J log X^.V. [By Parts, J Jx h. [Siil).s. tan o.i;, and integrate by (1035 or '37) VARIOUS INDEFINITE IXTF.GRALS. GENERALIZED CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS. 1954 f sill" (Lv. Method. COS" dr. \ —When n is » i\ For Phoof. •which is 1958 .r — cosec" i^.e, (772-4). tan''-^r see (2008). = tan"'-x sec* x , n — tan""". tlie first c, term of ; — i-^r^ — By n; = substituting , tan V-.-i . ^^ = in the place of cos-r, substitnte -if 1959 i = ^7^r--^;^Tr+^;^r-^^^- By Division; tan" .r integrable and so on. ^Method. pin tan"-'.r t^nl"-^r / n W«-"-^'- (Ia . integral, integrJite the expansions in Otherwise by successive rednction, see (2uG0). ^nrw 1957 coscc" \ « «. ] *^ d'l- cos w.r \ Jsin;/r d I U"-'' ^^" TT \/ ( '-'"'->'" ''- "XT ) ' Similarly with — t. . dd\ \ J cos n.f^ djr. \ J siii /m INTEGRAL CALOJJLUS. 322 Method.— By (809 & 812), when p and n arc integers, the first two functions can be resolved into partial fractions as under, p being < n in the The third and fourth integrals reduce to one \ in the second. first and < n or other of the former by substituting ^tt x. — — ^^^^ q63 1 •*-^"*^ visin.u «,(; ^.^^^ ^ with S—'C-l)'-'^^"'^'^""^''"^ ''"' cos fractions in (10G3) are integrated .f — cos rO by (1952) ; . ^ 2u cos.f-cos(2r-l)0 '"^ 2^- = -^sin (-1)-' sin(2r-l)Qcosn2r-1)0 2'-" n cos«.^ 1964 *-*^ * The =- = -^. 7i those in (19G4) by (1990). Fonmdce of Bednction. 1965 '^''^("-J)-^ {'^^^^civ= J 2f COS",l' r'-:?^^ rf.r 1967 l'^i^'./.= 2f ^^l^^^-^^'" ^aH-f J J cos'\f — In '-"^^"7-^''' rf.i- J COS''.!- = -2 f'^'".^"-!^''- rf.r+ ('£^(£llll£ 1966 Proof. rf..-r COS"-'.l- .' 2 (1965). cos (n— 1) '^"^"7^^'" ^/^i- cos'\r J cos'^-\v cos.i- .t? = rf... cos 72.^4-cos (?i— 2) .r, &c. Similarly in (1966-8). 1969 ^ \ siu^' __ sin^.reos7i.r 1970 I X — i sin^'.r si"".. sin«.r p-\-n 1972 cos _ _?>_ +« i> 1 cos (»-l) .r r/.r. cos'' cr sin »,r f/.r '- 1971 dx _j^ ^sm-^^ =— ^ sin n.v cos'' .r cos I eos^ \r sin (n — i) x a.r. 7i<r (/.r r ;,,,., ^, ^i^, („_i) ,. ,,,, ^' ?*.r (Lv »-' cos" ^I-5llii!i^ p-\-7i P + --ii+ /> ;/ iVos"J .r cos (;2-l) .r (Lv. — " j CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS. PiiOOF. By (lOtil*). rnrts, — sin ^ )/.»• In (/./. 323 tlio new change intcf^'ial — By sncci'ssivo reduction in sin >/./• sin .r. into cos (;< 1) .Similarly in (llTU-'i). tbis way tlio integral may be found. Otlierwise, expand t-in" x or cos''.e in mnlliplo angles by (772-4), and integrate the terms by the rollowing formulie. cos COS >/a; ./• .*• 1973-1975 r am 1 /sin (/J = . . . sin p.r \ J ua' (Ij -2 ' -^ and so with similar forms, by 1976 I cos n.v r i /i) .r\ . /* / ((jijG-i)). GOspx—&m]Kv cos + + (/> '-—^ lOLiud trom cos ud' J J sin ;> ^'^'^ ^111^^ \ J — ;0,r p—n \ 7 , _ -"-'^"^""^ '^'^ o f )ui + 1 J .-•" wlicn j) and u are integers, by equating real and imaginary parts after integTating the right side by (2023). — = = Multiplying numedz. z therefore izdx Proof. Put cos.r + i sin x rator and denominator of the fraction below by cosH.i; + i sin /laj, we get cos/ix + _ siny)j; i' "'" therefore ^'^ f sill wr way from Pi;ooF. cos + W.C ^ 1 ^^'^ • , ^ cos .7^ + I — - -•-. Hence, The real part ' . i + ^' = — 'J —-. numerator and denominator of • ,,,,1 r^iiiii^ = .c ^^.^ g^^j tan «x i (1-^/"), J"i'l therefore «.») by /, we have /cos.r-si ,Kr^^r J J>^^ 2-;/' coefficient of;' in the expansiou of the integral on are the values required. and the '2), ^•" 1 -t z'" sin?ix'. C-'Ccos^a-) J n r!!iy^:I^' are found in the same sin ;hr J mulli:»lyiiig r the right by (2021, sin _ = - 2/ f '^^-^. in (107<)), by multiplying "^(cos 2-7/" dx ?i.) a; J |-^:21^ Putting y = ^'" '— dx I'.r '— by co3«A' — I 1980 ydx ^ ^—r-' — As sin . + and f<:i^^P:!:^' J 1 cos nx J 1978 + i sin ( p + + cos 2?iU! + i sin ^.nx cos (p-\- » ) x j, " cos nx ; ' IXTEGBAL CALCULUS. 824 1982 "^^ o j a con' X + } a-^h tau X [ 19o3 , am- X b = 7— 1934 f J —^ 198d l-a^cus^« 1987 cos 1988 sin.-B a; \o^( a cos X -Y = = —- 3 ,,T a\'^(l tan"' (a cos li [Subs, tan a. I [Subs, tana; &\nx)-\-ax\. " [Substitute cot. [Substitute a cos a' . — —~. ^(1— a') [Subs, sin a; a' — a" sin" sin »•/(! J ^— a;) - tan — a-) — a-&m^x)dx = s^(\ \J a \ .c 5- Ty :; J \/{i-ih) tan- ^f^^+^^l -TT^r-Tl ^/{a -\-ab) cot v/a ".''," dx 1985 /^). -^/-IT^a^'' (tan,r —c~~r-> {h a--\-b' = a -\- b am- X = + —- sin'' (a sin a;). x') [Substitute a sin.o v/(l— o^sin-.r) ^- 1989 sin .T (1 = — |cos.? v/(l — a-sin^f) (Z.y — log a cos x j + V ( 1 — a" sin'-' x)\. = — ^cosa;(l — frsiu^a;)^ sina; v/(l — a" sin-.r) + 1(1 — — a'sin^a;)- tZaj. log bill .<;C't J + /; sin a; t"" 1991 (7 (a+ 6 •'' cos (tr a;) = ^•'' [ cosec x-\-h cot — b cos — b^) tan" |a;} a;)^ ^ sin ?>^ a; sin a; 1 - cos"' cos ,7' a; — b"^) {a + i (a''' cus .v) — 0~) x/f?) -. ; Vb V'(fc-a ) v/('t+i tau^'t) J { (<t [Subs, acosa? COS*) 1 By [Subs. COS -^992 Via + l^m'^x:) j^ [ sin J a cos « cZ.r a') 1^^^ [Subs." ^ ^^ ^^^_, a' ^/(h - «) ^hccx \/{a + b) a; — ^/a log { \/a cot a; ^/(a cosec'a^ + 6)}. + —By Division (1912), making tbe numerator rational, and integrating the two fractions by substituting cot a; and cos a; respectively. Method. 2993 wliere 1994 = 'li I" J a+ m= + cco.s2.i; ^\\j^—1c {a—c)\. /.'• f Method. -//cos.<; — Sul)stituto . c r« (. Then J 2ccos.t; + 6^/» '^-^ f J 2c cos * + ^ i- I v/i ^ j integrate by (1053). ^ = = x — u, _ d i' f r f , where tan ..^/f a = . ,^ . (i'«3) — EXrOXEXTIAL AND LOaAlUTlIMlC FUNCTIONS. 325 F(.\n.v..n.,),l. ^ J^ a cos ,r-\-b sin .v-\-c. 1995 F bring an integral algclmiic function of sin.r and cos — Subslituto = x — n as in (1991), and the resulting !MKTii(in. — A —= f /'(sinfl, t>nsfl)(/0 . ,, ,, takes the form --^ fi) iJd <h ] AcosO + B ,. + Ji cos J (cos [ f sin: 0»i/ + , ^,- rr—r, r, integral Tens ^0 tt, —Acosd n + : J since /contains only inteii:«"il j)o\vcrs of the sine and cosine, and may Ihercf .re be resoivod into the two terms as indicated. To lind the lirst intet,n:il on tlie ri^'ht, divide by the denominator and To tind the second integral, substitute tho integnite eaeli term se|)anitely. denominator. Avlicre F(co^,r)(rr r 1996 J (^^ F is Mrthod. + an _^ '>i — Resolve into (.r) <f> {a„-\-b,^ cosct')' ... — Let + lls\n.r + V a COS d-\-o </»(.}•)=« cos .1 Cvis x-t- JJ .sin .J -f- Each partial fractious. C Ac„..v J Method. COS.*) ((t2-\-t)., int(^gral function of cos x. 1997 Assume t-os.r) C = and <}>'{x), and equate the becomes a; + /^ sill sin j' integral be of the will ^^^, d-\-c +c + = —a sin.r + Z> cos ar. Substitute the values of .'. ; \<p(.r)+fx<ft'(j:) <;»'(.>•) t'. coefiicients to zero to determine A, /u, r. The integral and the ^' C I v- (•')?> last integral is °^^ ^ (-'J 3 ^^J 9{x) found by (1991-). EXPONENTIAL AND LOGAIITTILMIC FUNCTIONS. 1998 * ("^F(.r) (Lv can be found at once wlien expressed as the sum of dcrivatii't' tiro f (ructions, F (,r) one of ivhirh can in l)o tlic of the othrr, for j"'-!<^(.'-)+f(.'))'/..='-<;t(.'). 1999 * f"-" cos" La (Lv —— ^ a -\-no- and c^'^cos" <'"'' | bd.\- sin" Lr(l,v are respectively — -^- a-j-M :. 6- €'" I J = cos" -Oddu-. INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 326 and g &.r-»& cos sill fta> ^K^^-l)^^ ^,. ^j^„_, ^^, f..^. ,i^.-2 j^^^.^.v^ — In either case, integrate twice by Parts, j e"^dx. Otherwise, these integrals may be found in terms of multiple angles by expanding sin" x and cos" x by (772-4), and integrating each term by (iyol-2). Proof. 2000 I e-^siu'^ci'cos'^crdr found by expressing is sin^d' and cos"aj in terms of multiple angles. Ex. : J e^ sin^a: cos" 2''e^ sin* Then a; Put e'^ (2 cos ;7;)' x dx. (2i sin a;)"^ cos'* — e"" (sin 7x = z in (7G8), = (z-z-'y (z + z-y — '6 sin o.f + sin 3.1' + 5 sin a-). integrate by (1999). 2001 Theorem. ^Pdx = P^, fP J ^P,Q.dx = —Integrate successively by Parts, Theokem. 2002 iP^Jx = F,, , ^^ of x and ; '"'" J P dx, ... P ±^/\+i. of x successively by Parts, | r/Vi^/^ /i-i J — ^^^,„ — g ^'"^^'^• f.r--^(log.r)'W/.r :^ ^(/''-^/"-V^^i^^ Method.— By (2001). P, = and Qjr-^ 1 Examples. 2003 ; I\ (^^-1) {n-'l) (>*-lj (/.//-^ i\ (/<-i)(«-2)(vi-;5)g/»>"-^ Proof.— Integrate Then &c. — Let P, Q, as before, be functions - let = P,,&c. P,Q'-nP,Q-'-i-n {n-l) P,Q-'- (pQ"(lv Proof. —Let P, Q be functions •'""', i', = /''-.. .+(-1)'''^)-'", P, = """. '•tc ALGKVUAh' FrXCTfOXS. 327 2004 and cacli term of tliis result can be integrated 2005 l)y (200:^). fiP^. '*' \n-l^ {u '''' — l)[n-'2)'^ {u-i){u--2){n—l.i) +— Method.—By The last case, Avriting (2002). method / P.r j-", P, = wx-'"', P, not applicable is = when vrx"-\ n 1 .. • etc. = 1. In this for log.v, =— METnOD: = liwr , 1 Expaiul the numerator by . (1''0), and inte- X log X k)g X grate. See also (21G1-G) for similar developments of the exponential forms of the same functions. PARTICULAR ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS. n(v + ^)... X 2(11-1) ,^_ \-x « being even. 2008 f^^_,,^^,^^^ = -^ [Subs. 2009 J oniA f ^T"^r^V(TT7) " <?•'• V'l 1 log '"*= ,._ y(i-*'') gy2 4-v/(»'-l) (1018) ^('-^'^ INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 328 = 2011 ^sm-\/(-H:^^r^'^^), V{b<r-acc) 2012 2013 2014 2015 [ = -r^ -^ V{c + ex^) ^(-^^'^n-^^a ^""^-'r^ l^q^- = ;^[.o.^^^H6*^--iai~ c]^ f , /% ^ n/(1 + .(")= (2^^-11*-^._ 1l^o,(^ff^ _ 1 tan" .„ = a; f J s/2 in (2015 -f.) 1 ,, (2,r-lji [Substitute 2018 1 [--r^. a^:^Ai:..') =;^-'°-f^- [Substitute 2017 ^S,b3. ^ ;^,--^^^£^- i(a^5lfT^, = f log ° aobc (l-\-x'){^/{l n tau' + x')-x'^^ [Substitute —- a' = ,-(2.f2-l)* 1 . ,.'-1 INTEGUATION OF -i-— i-.r^ ^ — 2021 .r ,' = where 3 , n // r rnakiii*,^ be odd ?i i log(.,_l) + (zi)'log(.r+l) and Z denotes that the sum '^- n obtained by be taken. If 1 329 = 2, G ^i, ... )i —2 of all the terms successively, is to J Ji^' = llogGr-l) 2022 n\ >- n ' ti with = 2, 4, 6 r . . . /i — 8111 rp successively. 1 n be even. If 2023 ^^r^' +1 \ J .{'" = -LtvosrI/3\og(.v—2.rco.rfi+l) n < S sm - . • -4 //0 4- rlB tan — -1^ «*'—; eos>'/3 n with r = If n 1, 3, be 5 ... » — ^, sill >'p successively. 1 o(irf, f£^=. til^logGr+l) 2024 - i ^ cos W)81ogGi--2.i^cos ry8+ 1) +? S ^ n » — 2 successively. with r = 3, 5 sill W/8taii-^ l^^:i^l^^ sill rytJ /2 1 Proof. of (1917). ... , — (2021-4). We Resolve have -f-^^ 1' in) = -'^ into partial fractious - ^ = ?/<«""' — , since a" by the method = ^ 1. Tho diirorent = ± 7i ±1 = cos r/3 values of a are the roots of x" 0, and these are given by x (See 4-80, 481 2r and '_*>•+ t sin r/5, with odd or even integral values of r. The first two of those articles being in each case here represented by r.) the remaining terms on the right in (il021) arise from the factors .r 1 terms from quadratic factors of the type ; ± (y These — cos last rfi — i sin r/3) (a- — cos r/3 -t- ( sin r/3) = (.r — cos terms are integrated bv (10l^3) and (1935). cases (202-2-4). 2u ; rp)' + piir r/3. Similarly for the — INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 830 2025 in formulae (2021-4), If, added to the + —S - Q-tt sin 7-/3) W^ be term for the constant of integration, the term becomes last integral vanishes with x, and the last =F - reading + ^, ^ in (2023-4). f4^=i(«)^f^,,/. where az" 202^ = Then Ihif. ,,T+1 J where 71 and in (2021-2), 2026 or — ^ sin W/3 tan = T ^ "" ""^ *"" -TmTT' ' r = according as n is = tt-^v?, )3 — 2, integrate by (2023-4), and 1, 3, 5, ... successively up to n —1 even or odd. 2028 .1 £ 1 ^^^, ^ -^ Scos?«ry8.1og(.r--2.rcosr^+l), when n is {x^l)^n. with the same values of r; but (--1)'" 2 log additional term Proof.— Follow the method Similar forms are obtainable 2029 — ^ = — .^2 sin (h — where But m • as <p = Q-\- "^ and the iiiteo'i-al /oAorA (2025). if — of (2024, Proof). when the denominator is S /) r <^.log = 0, odd, supply the is x" — 1. 008 (»—/)</). tan (ci- 2, 4, ^ — —-X ; — 2.r cos <^+l), ... 2 (»-l) successively. to vanish with x, write tan"^—^'^ - 1— .rC0S(/) — Proof. By the method of ("2024). The given in (1^071, putting y equal to unit}-. faf'tors , of the denominator are . TNTEGRA TION OF 2030 ^^- r^-^^^T^' = (a ^' - =^ x'" J + 6^" ^"-^ ) 831 « (*''^+>-) I Xlog(a'-2.rcosr)8+l)--'si»(W)8+i//*7r)tair':^^^=^^ with the values of and /3 , (2021-4). /-in — Proof. Differentiate the equations (2021-4) lu times w ith respect to /, by (1427) and (1461-2). If m be negative, integrate m times witb respect to I, and tlie same formula is obtained by (21.!>5-0). In a similar manner, from (2027-8) and (2029), the general terms may be found for the integrals 2032 .•;.,,,.-.±(_lV,,.^.-.;(l.,^.,).^^^ J INTEGRATION OF — When 2035 Hulk % sh6s/ i7 Expand the binomial, 2036 But I. ^ .r-" — 2.t"cos/j^+l {cLV-\-b.v"y^ (Lr. .v'" "^"' .r'-(lopr..-)'V^ r ^^^^ .r'dtl J a positive integer, integrate /s n 1 ;/ / z /^?.v if = (a = 2038 But, the separate terms by (1922). the positive integer be n (ax-' + b)". 1, the integral is known = v — \. becomes ^ Expand and . II.— When I^+i r.uLE substitute z Th us "^ and integrate at sight, since ra then 2037 + bx") + J^- is a negative integer, q Thus integrate as before. if the negative integer be -1, it in the form tlie integral found immediately by writing /• "P p r V i—-(..«- + ^0^^'= _— nn{pJrq) is ; INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 332 Examples. 2039 To find J.c*(l + «*)*cb. Here Xy = 6?/" m = \, « = i, p = 2, g = 3, '-^ = 3, x^ )^ x = {tf — \f, y =. {\ Therefore, substituting (i/'— 1), and the integral becomes a positive integer. the value of which can be found immediately the separate terms. 2040 '^-^ [ = For '-^^^ (2036) 1 n of lx\ 2041 = "^ '^^ Z'"'^' cZ.r, is, or [ Vjy , expanding and integrating = ^1 (a + hx*)^. m + l= n, and the factor x^ (« + fe-0* that ; -\- ^^^ X-'- (l + x^f^ dx. Here is the derivative m = -l,n = ^,p = 2, I J^ =_ Therefore, substitute a negative integer. 2, q -6y^ (z/'-l)'"- Writing the integral in (i/'-l)"', a-y (a;-* l)% X y the form below, and then substituting the values, we have q 3, '''^^tJ: 4- n = = = + Sx-'(x-i + l)^x,dy which can be integrated 2042 f t; M , = -6^y'(y'-l)chj, at once. =[-'(" + ^-") -' Here 'ii±l dx. + ^=- 1 therefore, by (2038), the integral = .«-"-' I (ax~" + b)-' dx = -~ log(a.c-"-f?0- REDUCTION OF J .r'" (a+6cr")^ dr. neither of the conditions in (2035, 2037) are fulfilled, the integral may be reduced by any of the six following rules, so as to alter the indices m and p, those indices having any algebraic values. When 2043 I. To change m and p Integrate by Parts^ 2044 n. To change into m-fn and m and p into m—n Integrate hy Parts, Jx""' (a + bx")'nlx. 2045 ni. To change Addl to ^. Then integrate hy V<irfs, by Dii'isiov ^ p — 1. Jx'^dx. ajid crjunfp m into Ifir and p + 1. m + n. yrsii/ls. jx™dx; and al^o REDUCTION OF 2046 Add IV. '/'<' to 1 rhini>j<^ p, Parts, fx"'ilx; 2047 Add integral 2048 y- '/'-' to 1 bij ////.' + Lc")" dx. 333 111-n. and siihfnict n from ra. Thrri integrate by and also hi/ ])lrif<ion, and equate the results. rhaiKje p Into \)-\-\. p. rarfs, 7'Ar/i, iufojrnf,- (x''-^ (a+"bx")". VI. To change ^ into hg Division, Integrate J 111 j u:'" {a Inj Division, and I. II. the new Integral Mnemonic Table for the same Rules. III. IV. V. VI. 111 + 11, new p-1. and x"-^(a + bx")". 2049 the hij Parts, INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 334 Examples. 2056 To ^'^p'^^ find Apply Rule dx. I. Formula or I. ; thus f ^x-'(a'-x-)hlx 2057 To 2058 — find I ^x' = -lx-\a'-x'y- + l = Substituting sin fcosec"'^fW. or II. Formula II. thus ; = a^a'-x'r'-S ^ x' (a'-x'r^ dx (a'-x'yUx j" Apply Rule -dx. ^x'' (ar-or)-^ dx (1927). ^ siu-'»0 dx = Apply Rule HI. thus, increasing \x'"' dx, and again by Division ; { .«-'" by j^ (1934). the integral becomes a;, (1 -x-)-^- dx. 1 and integrating, first by Parts ; { = x-'-(l-^)idx '''"" [ .c-"' By results, —m {x-"'(l-x')-Ux- we obtain m according as is is Ja-m-z (i_a;2)^ dx. To have, first, (,r [ + Integrating the made is to |-=^-a-''')-'<i- depend finally upon [(1-xT^dx, or found in a similar manner by Rule IV. is The integral {l—x^)~' dx and the integral operated upon Otherwise apply Formula IV. See also (1954). ^x"' ; Apply Rule V. '^ find ,. ., J we {x'-'"(l-x"-)-idx. an odd or even integer (1927, "29). '\sm'"ddd to be evaluated 1, J j*-(i-«r'A. = fr^.(i--')'+ fES {x-'(l-x'y^dx 2061 {x'-"(l-x-)-^dx, 9/i repeating the process, the integral 2060 + -^^ 1— = il-x')hlx Equating the 2059 }^ -'^^- i J (y;--|- . p = — r, and increasing a') by Division, ((-)'-'• dx = new form by { ,r (..- + a')-" dx + a- j Parts, j x (x'^ (.r + «') + a")-'' dx, we Substituting this value in the previous equation, we -'' dx. next obtain have, finally, 2062 C d.r ^ .V , 2r-a i d,r is p by REDUCTION OF 335 cos" OdB. (sin"* Thus is This e(|uation is i/wvu at oiiro ])y Foriimla \'. clmncred into r-1, and by ropeatiii^r the process of ivduction, the original integral is ultimately made to depend upon (1935) for its value if r be an integer. /• Another formida 20^3 ^Tq:^. \ Prook.— Write times for The - To find last integral, f ,r j' (a" is '• 1.2... 0-1) W^'\, + .r )''%/./. (a-+/-)^'^-\lr = 1 .. («r + /-)''" - </..• a result given at once = -^ [ " 'i '•'';;+f"' 1 Division, we have we (a^^'^;*"- J obtain + ,-;:fi j"(«H..=)'"- rf.'-. by Formula VI. be an odd integer, reduction in this manner, at The - by Parts, becomes |(«=+..-^)'« 2066 By Apply Rule V[. Substituting this value in the previous equation, If n /• in ('JJ.")5). J 2065 /3 , iS and differentiate the eqniilion (10;!")), for a" in ft by the principle /> 2064 Un- this integral we \ by successive arrive, finally, (1031). {(i'^-\-,r)^ d^v integral j'sin'"0 cos^Oc/0 is reducible by the fore- going Rules I. to VI., if, in applying them, n he ahrays put equal to 2; if p be changed info p±2 iuiitead of p±l; nnd if Division he always effected by separating the factor l-sin^e. cos-e = Proof. n =2 Jsin" cosPOf/fl =J always, and the index i Thus, Kule I. (jJ x"'(l-a:')* "-' — 1) is (/.r, where increased by .>• )u-\- 1 )n-\-\ »' = sin fl. by adding 2 gives the formida of reduction 2067 .' 1 Thus to p. — INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 336 integral can be found by substitution in the fol- But the lowing cases If /• : be a positive integer, 2068 1 cos-''^^ct^siu''crf/cr = yl—zY^^dz, where z = sin X. 2069 I siir''^\r cos^'ct'^Ai' =— {\—z-Y^^fi^, where z \ = cosx. If m 2070 \ -{-}:) = -2r, = sin'"cr cos'\i'^/cr {l-\-z'y'''^"'(f^, \ where z^tarix. FUNCTIONS OF a + b.v±Cd'\ integrals are found either The seven following + bx + ex' = and substituting 2cx + 6 a + bx-cx" = 2072 and substituting 2cx — b. 2071 om'i a 2 O^ according as 2074 r -771 // ; {2cx > or ^^-^^ < + by + Uc -W\^ 4^c, or by writing {A.ac - ^-^' ( { by writing + b'-{2cx-bY] -r 4c, ^ - Tn '^" ^ _i 2c.r+6-v/(6^-4ac) 2rcr+6 —771 7n> 4ac (2071, 1935-6). - 1 log v/(6--+4..) + (2..r-6) (2072, 1937) 2075 2076 ^^r-J^ :r, = 4- ''^i"-' :7^rv (2071-2, 1928-9) — FFXCTIONS OF a + bx ± ex}. = .lr-5 j\/(<f+/>,r-r.r'-') dv = ^c"^ = 2cx + b. integral^ are given at (1931-3). f 2078 wliere y X The ^ 2079 _ I' \ O^.P-irn-^ [By 2080 (-2071), tlio f I 'In- ^/{lur-^/r-jr) fh/, 'IlL I' — h')" integral being reduced by (20G2-3). /^+'"j% {'2('A'+b)(Lr i ~ 2c J ,/(//H 1^/^—^^) J {ir-\-luc J {(i-{-Li+i\r)" {a+Lv+c.ry "^ C ( bl\ V''' 2c/ J {a-\-Ou'-\-c.r)"' <h' The value of the second integral is {a-\-hx-\-rx"y-'' l, when the value is log [a -^ bx -\- cx^) unless p third, see (2070). = Method. first 2rx 2081 I. by +b I J If that — is, into two fractions, hx the derivative of a + — ^^'^ '^ r/,r may be /r > 4>ur, 2082 If b' < 4rtr, put « and put ""- ^ III. If h' f : is ^ (1036) y S ^^(''') ^' = nr, and tho into ^^ ^, _ r (^ -j^^7- i* is ^^^^^ resolved into J .r-fi fa-;>>0^r+</m \ z±±jyi^z:^:!l^ for jS = n' and may be decomposed the value of Avhich 2083 numerator of the + cai\ integrated as follows U .t--a c{a-fi) integral tlic For tho (i-\-h.r--\-Cd'^ Partial Fractions, the integral II. making (1— p), -r- . — Decompose ; , 83 '{n-^hr-VcA^) (iv 2077 7 ^,, ^ found by (2080). = 4ar, ~ = —V-.+ \ .>n-|>JA). (2062) INTEGBAL CALCULUS. 338 2084 ^^^^ 2085 (—£JL}-—--—^ C 2a y-(Lr J ,+,,.-.+e..^ REDUCTION OF Note. iv"'(a /h\ _,/ , .v 2086 — 6mj9 is J a?'" (a + ?Ai''' + cx^'^' dx. I (7n-{-n,2) 2088 2c>j (;> -(m-2« + l) + l) j = f (m,i>) f i 2090 -{-2anp {m, j) = + l) J (m, — l) — cnp ^ j ^m + ;,y>+l) = />) (»j I f(m, (m+1, (m-»i,7?)...(3). 7>) + 2>j,;> — 1) 0», p) {m,p — l)-\-bnp (1). (m-2>i + l,;) + l) (m-2w,;)+l)-6/i(i)+l)J (m + 2;i/> + l) \ (m+2»,;> — 1) I = (m-» + l,7>+l) (m,7>) (m+//7; 2089 0^*+l,7>) — l) — 2cnp + !) h7i (;> + a«7) for the sake of clearness, denoted by (m,p), and the integral merely by j (w, p). (m^-l)Jo>^.7>) 2087 = {m-^l,p) {m-\-n, />) = (4). p — 1) (»*-;* (5). + !, />+!) ^ ^ 2092 ) —In the following Fnrmulce nf Iiedudiov, + hx" + cx'-"y 2091 1 ( -T-l7(2^)^"^ \-V2;i)-2;r+^-j /»'(/> + !) ('>) |'(m,/>)=-(m-;^ + l,/>+l) ^ (0- — -REDUCTION OF 2093 rN{p-\-\) -\-an(i>-]-\) \ \ f {m,p) .f'* (a = + ^f^-h wr')" im-'2n^\,l>-\-\) [)n-'2n,i>)-{in-^nj>-n 2094 an (/>+l) 2095 -V;/(/>+l) (m, p) \ ((/>», ^'^^ ^^'*''- + \) \i in-'2n, p-\-l) = -(m + 1, ;>+l) ;>)=-(//< + !, /> + l) ^ 2096 + !) «(»' f (>",/>) = (^>» (!<')» + l,7>+l) --b{n,-^)^p+)l-]-^)\(m-\-n,p)-c(m+'2np-^'2il^l)\{)n + '2n,p) ^ 2097 c{in + '2up-{-l) — b()u-\-)ip-)f^}) \ ^{m,p) = (m-2n-^l, — n,p)—(i{m — 2ii-\-l) iin (11). p-\-l) \ {)n — 2n,p) ' (1^). ^_ Proof. — By diftereutiatiun, we have 2098 Formulw indices and (3) are obtained from this equation by altering the so that each integral on the right, in turn, becomes j {))i,p). (1), (2), m and p, Again, by division, 2099 J('«.i') = a\l(in,p-l) + hj^(m + v,p-l)+cyni + 2n,p-l)...iA). And, by changing 2100 JO"-", i' m Formula! (1) to (12) (4), into hi — + l) = "3 )i, and j) intnp + may now bo found ((//I (6), by eliminating (7), by eliminating J 3 ('"+". iO p — 1) between (1) and (A); (1) and (A); (m-H, (ju + ^. as follows: +2m, p — 1) between by eliminating j(j» + n, (5), by eliminating l, (»i-«,iO + '\l"(»'.i') + », j)-hl) between (2) j>) and (B) between (2) and 0'); ; (.^)- ; ; INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 340 (8), from (4), (9), from (4), (10), from (5), (11), from (6), from (12), If and o a-\-bx" (G), by clianging by changing /3 + c\r" = 0, into rn — 2n, and p intop + 1 ?» into vi — n. are real roots of the quadratic then, by Partial Fractions, -"::;- 2101 in by changing p into p + 1 by clianging p into p + l; by changing on into yn + n; Jf «-f /At'"+ect-" .„. equation i^K4^_f£^{, ^ e{a—/3) — a J a'—p ) iJ cV" and the integrals are obtained by (2021-2). But, if the roots are imaginary, where cos?i0 = — -— -^^ — and r z = 2 Viae) 2103 f- ^^^^ is , f"'^^^'^ 2105 f 2106 f rrr (.i^ + /;)-i, ^^£-=^ ^r=c, =~J B= y(-44-%+Cy)'^"^'^^ h-2ch, C = a-hh+ch\ = --l-cos-'i±^=-i=cosh-I±$. ^^iL__= Method.— Substitute \a/ reduced to (2079-80) by (2097). J (.,^+/Ov(«V^'cr+e.t^) where y l—Y''x. (.i; l_sin-'l±^. + /0"\ [By (2181). as in (2101). Observe the cases in which A=l. '^^"' J (.r+/ov(«+^>''+^'0 ~ ^' V u+7i//+(y)' same values for A, B, C, and y as integral is reduced by (2097). with tlie 91 OR r ( ^'+»') '^'' in (2104). The INTEGRATION BY RATIONALIZATION. 341 = p tan (0 + y), and (lotcrrninc tlio :Mktiiod.— Substitute 1) liy puttint,' .> constant y by equating to x-cru the coenicicnt of sin 2« in the denominator. „,, .. ,. rcsu Iting mtcgi-al is of the (orm . The , f. f — cos « // . -f iV sin , tT"''"- ,, Separate this into two terms, and integrate by substituting sin in tlie first anil COS y in the second. C__±u)jrr 2109 wlicrc mid «/)(,'') F{,r) the former being of Method. — Resolve are either of the form of F(x) a- —o = 0, in this, and are tlie arc rational alo:('l)raic functions of lowest dimensions. '^ into partial fractions. ^, (2107), or oIfs of the type resulting integrals they arise from a pair of imaginary roots .-V^'-'l f and the integral (21U8) The .t, is // '^"l! 7 _l, n ' Substitute obtained. INTEGRATION BY RATIONALIZATION. F denotes a rational algebraic In the following articles, In each case, an integral involving an irrational function. function of x is, by substitution, made to take the form ]' This latter integral can always be found by the (z) d::. F method 2110 of Partial Fractions (1915). f;.'|„..,(_^:f,(5+|i;)Uc.( Substitute v = '', where nominator of the fractional indices h-fjz" the powers of 2111 z being dz~ now (b-fjz'y ' </..-. the least / is ; thus, common \f+gxl all integral. j>'^1..->(5^)M5$^)-.^^-('^'- Reduce to the form of (2110) ])y substituting .r\ de- INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 342 F{^(a + \/nLV-i-n)} ^ 2112 2114 f Writing ^{a-\-hv+c.v')} dx. tlie \ Ldx-\-\ J J F for a-\-hx-\-cx^, in , C-\-V\/ Q functions of rational takes Q ^, g = _ _^^. ± c.^ = ^ Iv, ^ + ^^^ form tlie z -\-c y(^x AncULereforc M\/Qdx, wHcli ^, 5, x. L-\-M form may always be reduced \/Q. D of are constants or wliicli two r . . — 2115 a Otherwise. (i.) by substituting — cz' dx 2cz-b' _ 2c When c (hz-cz^-a) (2cz-hy dz is integrals MQ —~z positive, tlie integral + j., + ,.,.)' y(^ ' ^ y, " ' dx, is wMch ^^ the form in (2075). rational to Eationalizing tliis fraction, it Thus the integral becomes first tlie 0, rational, wliile the second is equivalent to is of x=^-^. Substitute y/{hx±c.v~)\(lv. (V{.r, J 2113 Subs, ^{a-^^/mx-\-n). ilv. may be made + {B^ V2cz-h '' a, /3 let be the roots of the equation (ii.) When c is negative, a+l>x — M^=0, which are necessarily real (a, b, and c being now all — — a) (fi—x). The integral is now made cx' c (x positive), so that a + hx rational by substituting = In each case the result 2116 f ^' when IS is .r"'F is of the form j F(z) dz. lv\ Va-\-bA--{-c.r"} dv, an integer, is reduced to the form (2114) by substituting x^ 2117 f r [.r, y^{a^h,), , /(/+ -.r)} r/.r. Substitute r} = a + hx TNTEOUALS EEDUCIBLE TO ELLIPTIC INTECHiALS. 343 and, therefore, .r The form J = ., ' . 7^ [", ^(f/.r-//)] (/.v — — V{"-\-'>-^) , 77"'-'" /\» obtained, is Avlilch is compreliended iu (2114). ^^^ when an integer, is by substitnting 2119 \ d"' (fi ;: = /u-" is rednced to + \/{a + h'\c-"), + b.r") F '' (,r") iLr is form tlic 2120 1 rationahzed by snbstituting or "- +^ whether positive or negative. d^''-^ F [d''\ .r", {(i-^1hv")'^\ (Lr, positive or negative integer, (rt (v) (h: and therefore either (<i-\-Li:"Y or (ax-"-\-hY according as is integral, /•' J is when rationalized — is eitlicr a by substituting + ia,'")". INTEGEALS REDUCIBLE TO ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 2121 f F{.r, Writing A ^{a-{-b.v-\-Cd''+(Lv'-\-r.r^)\ fLr. fur the quartic, the rational always be brought to the form and this again, \.^ y function /' may , by rationalizing the denominator, to the form INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 344 M-\-N\/X, where P, of ^ X. Mdx (n^X(Lv = By P\ Q\ M, or f-^ civ substituting^ ° •^ Q, N are all rational functions has already been considered (1915). a^ = ?l±Vi/^ l + where f^^\ B B rational. and determining j; and q' so ;y that the odd powers of // in the denominator last integral is brought to the form sum is may vanish, the being a rational function of ?/, may be expressed as the an odd and an even function; thus the integral is of equivalent to the two The J first r_F^{!rUhi__ ?/F.(.v^)rfy (• 91 oq ^^'^'^ y(«+6r+<-/) "^ J V(''+*/+<-/)' integral can be found The second, by substituting depend upon three integrals 2124 f ,, by substituting /., f^ of the foi for 7/^ \/y. can be made to forms fv^lES^^ ^"; ,, ., . J {\-^nar)Vl—M'.\—lraj By substituting 2125 r «^ (/> '^^. = sin fx/l-A:^sm^^#, ,^, ,, — ^- sm"9 Vl •^ H (• J above become ^x, the (1 -{-n siir^) v^l— /r sin-<^ These are the transcendental functions known as Elliptic They are denoted respectively by Integrals. 2126 y{.K<i>), E{k,<t>), li («,/.-,</>). TNTEGT?ATS nEDUCIBLE TO ELLIPTIC INTEGIiALS. APPHOXIMATIONS TO AVIuMi E{Ji, 2127 loss is /• from the tp), = /'(A%<^) 2128 /<: (A-, F{1-, unity, lltiiii oriL;-in AND ^>) <s> = <>, </>-| t.+ llio in ^^^ . . . _ Valiums of converging /''(/.-,«/>) mid series, aro « = </>+ J ^1^-2^. ^'+ iTi:^^ -^''-••• 2.1.0.../* [vi .^ sill \6 sill 0(i (I sill siiw/(/> ;/ siii(;/ . IN SEKIES. (/•, ^,) ^^.-^445^''+ + (^^ ^ A' 345 i sill 2(f) n n , If/) , ., 2^^ '*'" '^^•' being an even integer. , 15sin2<i — 2) j —1 C (/?, > i^jl 2) sin (» n _^(;^;{)sin(»-G)<^ — i) </> —h _^(_^).„,^.(.^^^-,^,)^^ — In each case expand by the Binomial Theorem; substitute from Proof. (773) for the powers of siu^, and integrate the separate terms. The values ^ = 0, ^ = ^TT, of F(l',cp) and E{Jc,(}>), between the limits are therefore 2129 2130 But series Avhich converge more rapidly aro 2131 2 Y ) INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 346 2132 l-^/(l-A-) 0133 ^ r pressed in tlie substituting (-'^) ^^'^^ ^Yhen _, form (x ;)fi'^+-T)' can be ex- i^(.') ^^ integrated by x-^—. If h is negative, and i^(r(,) form U-\- of tlie ^ )/ (^'— ^j 5 substitute x x ^(•')"'- 2134 y(a+i»u'+cu-4-^At''+fu^'+6cr'+«a''')'" <r+ Substitute -^^ Hence x/cf' = "" I V2 V —= ^ — =t- 2 2 y ;H^ , ) ^Z^, ^ and the integral takes the form J ^ {«(:s^-;k)+Z' z, " 2v/^--4 Writing we see that the integral depends upon where P, Q cubic in (;s'-2)+c;^+^/} are rational functions of f_il±_ and z. 2135 Tlie integrals therefore fall ( for the f^|±^:, the radicals in which contain no higher power of fourth. Z z than the under (2121). ^^•^" F Expressing {x) as the sum of an odd and an even function, as in (2i23), the integral is divided into two; and, by substituting .r, the first of these is reduced to the form in (2121), and the second to the form in (2134) with a = 0. iNTEcnALS ni'DrrrniE to eluptjc iXTEaRMs. 2136 Put .v r iV = i/-\-a, i.v) fh' lliiallv of under falls ;:i/ //,»- -f nr + (/,(''= 0; for the duuomiiuitor. obtained will bo + r»>\/a + y8^V/- f(// wliicli a+ oheino-ii root of tliooquation niul, in tiie rcsulliiiu- iiitooral, siibstituto The form 317 (i!!:^), /'and Q ration,.! bein.^r functions ^. IMjLH r 2137 . tlie sum of an odd and an oven functwo integrals are obtained. By puttin.cr the denominator eciual to z in the first, and equal to .cz in the second, each is reducible to an integral of the form Expressinir F(.r) as tion, as in ('2123), which falls 2138 under (2121). j J_ ^ ,,^ =-^2^' (72' ^'''''""' V- ''^' ^"^'' = i/.-(-L,.^ f_^, 2 \\ l+.f' 2139 : cos'x PhOok.— Substitute in (21.38), iuul 'Jtau-'.r in 2140 i ill- i' according as Pkoof. // is > — Substitute Pkoof.— Substitute or < ,, ,, ,./ rill l-i. ,\ ri 2*/. aceurdiu^jly, x .r (l!l:'.0). = 'la siii^ = a-(a-6) 8in->, ^ or * being .v. = < b siu'^. a and >h. ' '' , k\ — INTEOBAL CALCULUS. 343 SUCCESSIVE INTEGRATIOX In conformity with the notation of (1487), let tlie operation of integrating a function v, once, twice, ... n times 2148 for X, be denoted either by \v, «, V, ...\ \ J 2.C X «. V, nx or by rf.^-, d_.2x, ••• (^-nx^ the notation d_^ indicating an operation which is the inverse Similarly, since y^., y..^, y^.r, &c. denote successive of 4. derivatives of y, so y_^, 7/_2«., y^x^ &c. may be taken to represent the successive integrals of y wdth respect to x. 2149 Since a constant is added to the result of each integration, every integral of the n*^' order of a function of a single variable 'x must be supplemented by the quantity ^ ?kl!_=+...+«,._.r+«,.= f 0, —l + n—2 Jnx \7i where a^, flg? (h \ ••• '^n are arbitrary constants. Examples. The six following integrals are obtained from (1922) and (1923). When p is any positive quantity, When p is any positive quantity not an integer, or positive integer gi^eater than oi, 2151 (-J)" f J- When 7) is f I a positive integer not greater than lowing cases occur 2152 2153 f f any — = ^"-"^T' log.r+f 0. i = tiili:(.,iog.r-uO + f J(y'+l).i-.*'' L/^~i J(p+l)x 0, n , the fol- — 310 SUCCESSIVE INTEGHATION. 2154 -i=^^'{f (• lor the integral (..i..,..)-^}+r ••• witliiu the brackets, see (21 GO). The following foriuula is analogous to (llGl-2) tt]"..=J.tl('"-^-)+j> 2155 SUCCESSIVE INTEGRATION OF A PRODUCT. Leibnitz's Theorem (14(;0) and its analogue in the Integral Calculus are briefly expressed by the two eipiations 2157 />«x(«0 = i>-«.r("'') (^/r+8,-)"''is = (^/., +8,)-" where D operates upon the product ur, d only upon only upon v. Expanding the binomials, we get 2159 J)Jifr)=:i(„,i' +«W(«.i),r, +" ^J~ ffr and u, ; S +&C. ^/ („-:) x^:. — The first equation is obtained in (14G0). The second follows Proof. from the first by the operative law (1488) or it may be proved by Induction, ; independently, as follows AVritiiig f ikc u = 1 it in the equivalent (uv) = uv-n f form f ».,+ 'iI;^ .a,.-&c (i.), f til ; (,/()= pry— nv^+\ nv.^ — &c (ii.), may be obtained directly by integrating; the left member sucNow integi-ate equation (i.) once more for .r, integrating cessively by Parts. each term on the right as a product by formula (ii.), and eiiuatiou (i.) will I) in the place of?;. be reproduced with ('i a result which + 2161 f e"''.v"'= c'''-(a-\-(i.)-\v'"-{-\ 0. Or, by expansion, 2162 a" ]nx If m L be au integer, a tiie 1.2 a* series tcrminuleb with ) l)*" (— ?i "" -i- a". ] nx — INTEOBAL CALCULUS. 350 Siniilarlj^, by cliangiug the sign of m, 2163 f e^ ]„x a;'» Proof. _ ~ e^ _1_ ( nm , n(n + l) in(m + l) — Putting u = e""", v , = x"' 7 ^^ ' 1.2 aV'-^ a" la;'»'^aa)""i'^ ') in (2158), tLe formula , f q ' J«x becomes J Ha: written before ^^ within the brackets, because ^ does not affects only the operaObserve, also, that the index tive symbols d^ and ^j., but it therefore affects the results of those operations. Thus, since d^e"^ produces ae"-^', the operation d^. is equivalent to aX, and is retained within the brackets, while the subject e""", being only now connected as a factor with each term in the expansion of (a + ^a,)"", may be placed on Here e"^ operate upon the is —n e"^. left. = 2164 P-."V/. Proof.— Make w = 2166 ^ f,.»-^,...->+!il^) ...»-.c.( l in (21G2) and (21G3). cr''(log.r)'" Jfnx = fn.ve^^-*-"^•^^•'^ [Sabs. log... «. Hence the integral of tlie logaritlimic function may be obtained from tliat of the equivalent exponential function (2161). For another method, see (2003-5). HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS. — The hyperbolic cosine, sine, and tanDE^INlTI0^•s. gent are written and defined as follows 2180 : = = 2181 cosh 2183 siub 2185 ianh.r^: .V .V = cos — = -/ «iu c-') I {v' }j {e'--\-c-') '—^ 6'' 4" <-' (/.r). (7G8) (/'.<). =.-iii\n{h). (770) TTYrElUJOLIC FUNCTIONS. "By equations the tlicsc 351 relations are readily followinu^ obtained. 2187 2191 2192 2193 0()>li 0=1; = siiili 0; cosli eosh-.r — sin]r.r= S'ii»l» ('^H-//) cosh (t -f//) = = 2194 tanh(,r4-//)- 2195 2196 2197 ^iii^^ -•^' x = siiih j: = r. . 1. siuh.i' eosh//4-cosli.r siiih//. ooshii' cosh ;/+siiihcf siiih//. fanh.rH-tnnh// l-ftaiihct' taiihy* cosh 2.1' cosh == cosh'.r+sinh'cr. = 2cosh'-.r-l = l + 2sinh-.r siiili .i\ '^' 2199 2200 siiih coshiU = o siuh .1+4 = 1 cosh\t -3 cosh 2201 tanh2.r = 2202 tanli.J,r= ar siiih'' .r. 2tanh.r 1+taulr.f — , 1 . 1 ., , • ' . , 4". J taiili.r — = y/cosh.r — 1 .?' 2203 siiih 2205 taidi— 2208 cosh .r. ry 1 ; 2 = Wvcosh.r+l +—r = .r = j .r cosh— — = \j/coshr+l = r-j smli.r -, — j-T. cosh.r+l 2 tanh Iv l+lanlr^r ^iuli I— taiilr l-lanlr.'„r .\.t'' INVERSE RELATIOXS. 2210 2211 2212 = cosh.r, r = sinh 7r = ianli,r, T.et u ,r, = cosl|-' = .r= sinlr^ r = = tanlr^c= /. .r /. .'. .r t( lo^r (,/_|_ h)g ^/„-i_l). (r+ \/rM- I)l+»c^ .lloirf _ )• INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 352 GEOMETRICAL INTERPRETATION OF tanh /S^. 2213 2V<(^ tangent of the angle which a radius from the centre is of a rectangular hyperbola snakes with the principal axis, equal to the hypcrholic tangent of the included area. Proof. — Let 6 be the angle, r the radius, isec20cW i> e^« = I±li^ Therefore — tan y 1 = ilogtan(i7r + 0). (1942) = ^^^-^ = tanh 8. tan therefore ; area, in the hyperbola and S tbe e (2185) -re VALUE OF THE LOGARITHM OF AN IMAGINARY QUANTITY. log {a+ib) 2214 a -\-%b ."t^",.,, , Proof.- = ilog {a-+b')-^iimi-^^^. log = log , 1+^a / J ^[ = / ^ i tan"^ A. By (771). DEFINITE INTEGRALS. SUMJklATION OP SERIES 2230 BY DEFINITE INTEGRALS. (/Gr)f/.t>= [/(.OV(«+^^^0+-.-+/(«+^*^/aO]^^^^^ where n increases and dx diminislics qidx = h—a 2231 Ex, 1. —To find the sum, when n + _1_. + JL n n is infinite, 1 + _.l. n+ 1 n n+2 Ex. wH 1' 2.— To »i' ^?a> l ^ + + 2* . find the + '' «"^ + 3- da: >i 2a sum, when n + + thus, J„ log2. x of the series Put « = ^, . ^l + (>a/.0=' then f^-« 'i' ^^'^^ , + (Jx)''^l + (2(?,ry^^ = -^; r— = is infinite, + —!L»-' of the series dx + -'- = ^--^ ^ Put + i£ + _^£_+ + a + 2dx a + dx a 2232 so tliat indefinitely, in the limit. = f ^''L 1^+'^' = 5.. 4 (1935) OF INTEQRA TION. R ESVECTING LIMITS TnEOn TIMS .'5 5 ;i THEOREMS RKSPECTIXa THE LIMITS OF INTEGRATION. "^ 2233 2234 or = fV (^'-'^O according as ::t'ro, and Ex.— = dx = </)(—.r), ,/,(,r) that is, if values of x between all ("" J -a <t> (') Ex.— „ ^/'^' cos .i'f/x = ~ cos .i;rfa! 0. a. ('"^ = T „cos a;(7j. " that is, if and a. = -( V W be an odd function </>(.r) *'*(''') ^^''' a^^^"^ <^'^' i •- * „ sin X d.r =—r «iii •«' '?•*' f^n^ "^ "^ *' i [<p{x)dx may bo ^'^'- ' ., Given ^/<c<^, and that x = value of = ~2 between ,/' */>(•*) 'f'' j J '^ "" J -a Ex.— and i = _^(_a>), <^(,,.) for all values of r aj be au even function <|.(.r) = JofVO*') '^' = T^J-a ^ J~2 2238 values of '^^^ ^^^' Jo (1401) for If = i '/'("—'*') '/>('') 2 [' *'o 2236 a-z. a. smxdx [ [Substitute '''»'• = 2fV(.r)r/. f>(,r)r/.r between If (hv (.,) I c ~ „ ^'" •'' -a '^'' = ^^- ~ ^^ > makes */>('•) investigated by infinite, putting /t the = 0, after integrating, in the formula 2240 \ V ('*) <^''' If the function rp{r) expression, when ^ the j>ri'»c/j>a/ is =r "^^^ ^-''^ ^^"''+ i *^ *^''^ ^''''' elianges sio-n on b.'ccnung iniinito, tliis an indelinitely small (puiutity, is called value of the integral. 2 z — , . INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 354 If, however, n be is the principal value. co sion takes the indeterminate form oo which — Given a < c 2241 < 6, value while n finite in — Let ^ the integral is less made to vanish, the expres- . I ' —3^' will always be than unity. {x) shall (2240) be taken so near to c in value that remain finite and of the same sign for all values of x coinpi-ised between Then the part of the integral in which the fraction becomes infinite, c iu. Ppoof. in \// ± and which is omitted in (2240), will be equal to a constant whose value which occur between 4' the last integral 2242 where \"f{^) 6 lies '^ . „, multiplied by (x) between the greatest and least values of and 4' (c + /")• By integration it appears that in value when « is < 1. lies {c is finite •. ' ;// — f^) d.v = {b-a)f{aJrO{h-a)}, a and between 1 in value. The equation expresses the fact that the area in (Fig. 1901), bounded by the curve y =f(x), the ordinates f (a), f{h), and the base h — a\s equal to the rectangle under I — a and some ordinate lying in value between the greatest and least which occur in passing from /(a) to f{h). If ^ (,T.) does not change sign while x varies from x 2243 f/G^') 2244 If ^(^j ^ W ~) d^^^ is =f{n + e(h-a)} fV Gr) PiJOOF. = — 2fV(,,.,i)l^. — Separiitc the integral into two parts by the formula = ,,,.,, and substitute — in..,,.-. the last integral. 1 to (Iv. ^ sj^mmetrical function of x and |->(,..,i)l^ =a Jo + Jo Ji , METHODS OF EVALUATING DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 2245 li/nii ts Rule I. fiiih^titute a new rariahle, and acljust the a ceo rding ly For examples, 250G, 2605, &c. see nvmhers 2201, 2808, 2;342, 231-5, 241G, 2425, 2457, ————— METHODS OF EVALUATISC, DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 355 22-16 Rl-hilU.—liilr./ralr //// rarl,i (lUlO), so as duce a kiLoivu dfjiniic inlfijiuil. For see ej:ai,i2>les, 2608-13, numbers 2J^:3, 21'J0, 21:30, 2-I-5:i, li> 2-4Go, intro- 2484-5, 2(32o, 2G25, &c. D ijjc rent III tc or integrate ivith respect to other than the carlable concerned; if a known integral is thus obtained, evaluate it, and then reverse the operation of differentiation or integration before performed with respect to the secondari/ variable. 224:7 i<onie Ivii.i: 111. tiiiantltif For examples, see nnmhers 2346-7, 2364, 2391, 2417, 2421-4, 242G, 2428, 2407-8, 2502-4, 2571, 2575-6, 2591, 2604, 2614, 2617-8, 2632, &c. Sntjstitute iniaginary values for constants, the expression into one capable of inte- IvULE IV. 2248 and thus transform gration. For examples, see numbers 2430, 2404, 2577, 2504, 2615, 2641-2. 25J8, 2603, 2606, 2249 'Rule V. Expand the function, if possible, in a finite or converging series, and integrate the separate terms. For examples, see numb'^rs 2395-7, 2402-3, 2418-9, 2479, 2506, 2571, 2593, 2598, 2614, 2620, 2625, 2629, 2630-2, 2639. — 2250 Rule YI. Decompose the integral into a numbrr of partial integrals, and change all these by some substitution Bij summing the into integrals having the sa)ne limits. resulting series^ a new integral is obtained which mag be a known one. For examples, 2251 see numbers 2341, 2356-61, 2572, 2638. Separate the function to be iitf<-grard Rule VII. and replace one of them by its value in the into two factors, taken between constant limits with The doutde integral so obtained may frequently be evaluated by changing the order of integration as explained in (22G1). form of a definite integral respect to some For examples, see variable. numbers 2507, 2510, 2573, 2619. Rule VIII. Mnltiply a known definite integral u-hich discontinuous between certain values of a constant which it 2252 is new INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 356 contains, hy some function of that constant, sucih that the integral of the j^t'oduct with respect to the constant is hnoiun. A new definite integral may thus he obtained. For exaviples, see ntnnhers 2518, 2522. Particular artifices uot included in the foregoing rules are employed in 2293, 23U5, 2310, 2314-5, 2317, 2367-9, 2404-15, 2422, 2429, 2456, 2495, 2514, 2518, 2585, 2000, 2626, 2635, 2637. Additional formulae for integration will be found at 2700, et seq. DIFFERENTIATION UNDER THE SIGN OF INTEGRATION. Let 11 = f(x) dx, where J of each other ; Proof. — Let Let u u of u, Phoof.— = 225V if and n„ = —<j>' (a) = —f(a). Then, when a and c) dx. f{x, are inde- h a c, = f {/(.r, c) ^= j } (Iv and \f{x,c + h) dx- ["/ (x, '^— dx --^ But = (j>(b)—f{a). rb = J pendent ^ = -/{") and % = 0' (&)=/(&) Therefore 2255 then ^=/W 2253 and f{x) are iudepeudent a, b, a (since h is n„, c) = f {/(.r dx I c) } „. d.v. ~h constant relatively to x) a and h also are functions of , = ^•''' ( dx. c, ^=j:irq£-)j<..+.m,.)f-/(«..)S. — Proof. The complete derivative of u with respect to c will now be u,+ a,b^ + u^a^. But =f{b, c) and u„ = —f (a, c), by (2253-4). III, ArvnoxuiATE ixTEauAriox. INTKCl 357 RATION BY DTFFKRKNTIATTNd UNDKll THE SIGN OF INTFCi RATION. 2258 by (Mr> i:x. I), 2259 The 1.- a and .r 2.— i:^- \y'>^'-^ir boiiif,' Ex. ^(c'-),,,,.h = j.,.^.-dr (2250) transposed. {x"c"-^\uh.rd.t last intet,M-al is 2260 = = il,Jc"ii{nh.rJx. given in (1999), putting n= 1. 3.- INTEGRATION UNDER THE SIGN OF INTEGRATION. When 2261 That are constant, the liiuits ("" ^"\nv, y) dvdj, = the order of integration is, But an exception of the integration, intesrrals above an T" r7(.r, may ij) fh/flr. be changed. to this rule occurs wlien, at infinite value is will not any stage The double produced. then have the same value. ArrrxOxiMATE integration. BERNOULLI'S SERIES. 2262 J/('0^/.^^= Proof. — Integrate /'(aj) into/(j;) 2263 in ^{/X^O-j^^/X^O + y-^^ successively by Parts, J (1510). -/.c, l.c/r, Ac. Or cliange — IXTEGRAL CALCULUS. 358 — Proof. Put/(a) for V)'(tt) iu the expansion of (19U2), by Taylor's theorem (1500) viz., tlic right side of equation ; \^f{x)dx = ^(h)-<^{a) = The following Let {h a nearer approximation is — a) = (6-a)^'(a)+fc|I%"(a)+&c. where nh, « is an integer : then ; |7W civ = h {lfib)-\-if{a)^f{a+h)+,..Jrf(h-h)} 2264 -7j!rw-r(«)}+&c. — Expand (<?" " — 1 ) -4- (e"-'' — 1) by ordinary division, and also and opciate upon J\x) with each result; thus, after multiplying we obtain, by (1520), Proof. by by -^ (15oi)), h, h{f(x)+f(x + h)+f(z + 2h) + which expression, by changing .-« ...+f(ix and x + n]i, into into a = d_-^{f(x + nh)—f{.c)} the above, since + l^^h)} / b, is equivalent to dx. (,7.) 2265 Proof. — Assume in the expansion of a; = —log " ce''^. f 1 ^ = ^+ — 2//C-- Then — ]. , 1:2+ and a upon \ the coefficient of to 1:273 , + 4V,V "^, 1:^:3:1. . •' .t, An- x. A more general result, obtained iu the i*a+nh 2266 \ — Tliug 3-//-r' - /Id it equal for c in this equation, and operate and therefore dj.e f (x + h) dx, employing (1520). Finally, write f(x) for f (x). Substitute d^ for with is a; /Or) same 7,9. (Lv wa^-, is = nhf{n-h)-^rn {n^-2)^f {a-2h) — 350 Tin: L\Ti:i!i:.\Ls h{l,i,i) asij V(,i). THE INTEGRALS B (/, AND m) EULER'S FIltST INTEGRAL h Till' tlirco ])fiiici|):il fornix; 2280 I. 2281 II. 2282 111. B{l,nt)= \r'-\\-.ry'-'(h'=Ti{m,l). [ny(2233) .'!''' lUl,m)=( Jo (l+.r) I aud m / [By substituting-^- f'^'- (/, w) in I. •' -L [By substituting!—^ in I. •* arc positive, and B / is au iutcgcr, = i|^. be the integer, iutercliangc / and integers, the forms are convertible. rti Proof. If Ijotli ui. / and — Integrate (2280) by parts, thus, f .r'-'(l-.^0"'"''^-^'= Jo Repeat " lUl,m)=\ -4^1-1— fAl-. 2283 If {!,,„). arc Jo (1+cl') "Wlieu m are \ r(w). —m f .^•'-'(l-a;)"•. Jo this step successively. EULER'S SECOND INTEGRAL T{n). n being a 2284 real y{n) and positive quant it v, = \\-\i--\Lv = \ '(logiy The second form being obtained by substituting 2288 2290 = r(l) 2286 I'(7' r (>* + l) = + l) = Proof.— By^ Parts, ' ! f Jo « r(2) l, >'!'(") , c =^n{u-\) ^vhen n Cx^'-'dx is ... \Lv. ' in = the first. l. (n-r) V{n-r). an integer. r^'x^lx. = ^1 + — f n Jo "e'Jo The fraction becomes zero at each limit, a~s appears by (1580), dilTerenfiiiiiug the numerator and denominator, each r times, and taking r>n. . INTEOBAL CALCULUS. 360 2291 =^ = f Ce-'V-'d., Jo ^'- (logi)""'rf.r. Jo A, \ tl / — Proof. Substitute l-x in tlie first integral, and so reduce it to the form (2284). In the second integral, substitute — log.t;, reducing it to the former. When n is an integer, C2291) may be obtained by differentiating n l — times for k the equation AYhcn in is an indefinitely great integer, r{u)= 2293 Proof. and — =— e~'''^dx I 1 log— /^^ ^ 1 = X then substitute y \;f /, . lim. (1— x*^) /u (1583). Give it this value in (2285), 1 = .f^ ; thup, in the limit, r(n) =/.«-' r(l-.rM)"-'cZx + = ^" ['>/-' (l-yy-'dy. Then, by (2283), 1 in the fraction. changing fi 2294 Let n he <1, ^ an indefinitely great integer, and finally into /i logr(l+?2) IN A CONVERGING SERIES. /Sf, = l+^ + J7+...-^, then log r (! + »). 2295 ={\ogii-S,)n+lS,n'-lS.y-\-iSy-iS,7i'-\-&c. 2296 = ilog^^^^ + (log/.-.SO n-iS,n^-iS-X-&c. HIT sill + |(l-S.) + |(l-S.) + 2298 log +i' + =i\og-^^-i 1—n ^aiunir '!tc. 1227813« I P.OOF.-By(2203), 1, ^ d + n) when /M = CO = ^^^^ . ^^;^;^^ ^^^ ^^^ , Whence +i iogr(i+H)=«/^.-Ki+n)-/(i+ ;^)-z(i+ ii-tfi ;;)-... -/(i+^j. — THE INTEGRALS B(/, AND m) <S>* + -i.V* + iV + i'V + &c. = 301 l{ii). Dovelopinf? the lopfarlthms by (155), the series (2295) series is deduced from thi.s by substituting is . obtained. The next hifr«7r-lo{,'sin«7r, = mc and expanding the logarithms a result obtained from (815) by putting by(15(;). The series (2207) is deduced from the preceding by adding the expression = -J- log J-"ti' ^n^—-^^\—n = B('.'") 2305 — Perform Puoor. tlic from (157). +«!^c., 5 3 M^. integrations in the double integral by formula (2201), and then for//, by (22^1), and the result is (i-\-m). Again perform the integi-ation, first for //, by (2201), and the result is r(/) T{m), by (2284). first for B (/, .r, m) r — Note. The double integral may be written by the following rule Write xy for x in r(0, 'i«t^ imdtiplij hij the factors of r(»i-|-l). : thus obtain [ which e-^^(.njy-'x-c-\rdxd>/, \ jo J I) equivalent to the integral in question. is 2306 m) B(/+m, B(/, = B(m, «) B(/** + «, = B(>j,/)B(;i + /,»0 n) /) =%SW- 2307 2308 If ('\v^-\a-.v)""'(U' Jo 2309 l+.t' Jo rr^. 2310 I V^ (f> = and i'<'/, if m = "^^ — — ^r-^ -7 siii>/<7r — 1-7^ 'Iqiiuxmn = (i.) In (2023) put / 2p + ], » = 2-/, and take the value of tho between the limits ±oo. The lirst term becomes log 1 = U llio Proof.— ; sec"ond gives tlie series 2q q L by (800). (ii.) = Jo l—ar'' [Substitute ^. "' ^^* ' f^^<-->- = a'^"'-'B{l, w). and q are positive integers, j; integral We The (2310) is deduced Iq 2q integral required iu is ) qsmniir one-half of this result, by (2237). a similar manner from (2021). 3 A . iNTEnnAL calculus. 362 Jo "wliere l+.r m lias fi_,/,.=^L-, = ^j^, ii:,/,,. 2311 Jo 1—0,' siiu/<7r and value between ainj Proof.— By substituting in ;r'^ (2309-10). taii/>i7r 1 ^p w = =^+—1 Also, since by , takino" the integers p and q large enough, the fraction may, in the limit, be made equal to any quantity whatever lying between and 1 in value. r(m) r(l-»0 2313 '^ = m , . being <1. siii/><7r Proof.— Put l+m = r thus, two values of in the 1 = r (l-»0 {in) f Jo 2314 CoE.- The following r(i) = y form the product of the last d by the equations = rs{nd\ ^^,^^^ = {r(i)}- ^^.^^ 4l \ Jo <lr s\n by two (1 2 e-'-'dij [ integrals, 009), cluch e-'" *'''dydz = 2 ; by (2311). iiiTT er'-dz. | and change the variables = 'l['^'-)-drdd = rdrJe. = 4[ \' e-'\drdd = to Hence tt; Jo Jo = i/ + ::\ tan0 = ^. r(l)r(l)r(|)...r(^l) = — Proof. Multiplv the apply (2313) thus . bui -^, and (2305) = v/'r. .'o r^ 2316 + (228-2) = —"—, being obtained from the limits for r and 2315 = e-'\c-^cU [ Now r, l w) (/, an independent proof: is r(l) '^x B TT n r(,,) left side . sm 27r - n by the same factors . (l!— ...sin r(,,-+i) n V^ (27r)"-^ in reversed order, -^^—, and by (814). TT 11 ... vL+'^ = v^i^^^'. THE INTEGRALS B (/, Pljoor. — Call r is niiy V(.c-\-r) = *f>{x) a*. =^ tlif J-"" V{x) (.(•-!-/•), tp cliaiifrt' — '//(.r). Icfl be. 3G3 T{n). (!liaiij^o (iaimiia fuiicti.'ii result aftor rcilucrtion The great r may 'l'{x) , AND x to by each (2'JHS). liowi'ver But, wlu'U x =: fore cxincssiuii on the mid iiifc^'tT, ?//) Tlii-relore is </>(.r) is ./• + r, ilic wlicro forinula II<-iico (/.(.r). iinlrjimdvul of There- takes the value in ciut-stiuu by ("iolo). (x) ulwa^-s lias that valui\ The formula may also be obtained by means of (220 NUMKiaCAL CALCULATION OF 2317 All values of r(,i') may he found I). r(.r). terms of values in lying hetween r(0) and r(^). in "When X is > J, foi-inula (2280) reduces which x is < 1 and wlien x lies between ; reduces the function to (2818) between and Values of made to r(.e) ^. T(,r), when and 1, can also be x lies between in which x lies between J and J-, depend upon values by the formuh\3, . rw = 2'-=VTT.!5^. 2318 Proof.— To obtain (2:U8), make n r(,.') = 2 — = I" in (2:11 T.). ^-c in v !(£) f^- To obtain (2310), (2318), and then (—7— J- Mcfhods of employing the forniuhe 2320 , ^^^^ put i»=:|(l+,r) in (-:31o), and change x into clinunatc to the vahie and ^^ formula the value in which x lies 1 (i.) When — x lies between | and 1, reduce r{x) to V{l-,v), by (2818). 2321 (ii.) When x lies between -J and I, reduce by (2:}K»), the limits on the right of which will then be I, and -J. (iii.) When x hes between (» and rr.hicc by (2818) r(^+.'') will then involve the limits .} and J, and will bo reducible by case (ii.) 2322 ' , ; If 2x is <i, reduce r(2./) by (2818), writing 2,r for ./•. If this gives 4,/'<^V, i-cduce again by the same formula, writing 4x for Xf and so on. INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 364 The 2323 figure exhibits tlie curve wliose equation in rectangular coordinates is ?/^r(,T), Let the unit abscissa be OA = AB=1. AD, BG Then the ordinates — 1 by are also each (2286-7). The minimum value of T(x) is approximatelyO'8556032, cor1 '461 6321. responding to a? The values of logr(a;) in the table at page 30 correspond to ordinates taken between V{2). T{\) and BG AI) = = = INTEGRATION OF ALGEBRAIC FORMS. f/Sw^^^'^' = 2341 ^(^'^'^)- Pr.oor.— Add together (2281) and (2282). tegi'al into 2342 + y 2343 2344 The , and substitute .r'-^(l-.r)'"-^ ^^'-^'-^y: — d. rV-Vl-.r")"'-'^Ai' Jo Separate the resulting in- in the last part. = Bilm) 4i\^ [Substitute ^-±i^ m\ = —B(L^ \n n [Substi tute x". J -Lz,(/,,0.tS"b.^;^3f^ f'^igi^^^,/,. = uo Jo \a.v-\-b{l—d')\ integral is ^ ^ also equivalent to (19, and siniilarlv in other casi (a sur Jo (M.siii-^+6cos-^)" (/.V 2345 [Substitute 'o {H-\-OA-y"^ nab" — ~. — , ' ., INTEORATIOX OF ATJlKBl^Air 2346 , — Substitute = .); 2348 where l+.r' m and "When n 2350 \ cosec-. Proof. -I x'" in r=— COWOC— ')ii Proof. in ^2350), — Se2)arate > and l = —m cot —n — + ' .« =— col—« >' 7)i and in (2351). 1 «.o-*-ct — (2311-2) ^^d substitute V and +l for smnin hes between + < ?«. ' *^ +cr into -^^ J" \''!^::;±^.i.,=^^. 1 and m 1 " ^< Hes between n^'t^ n /* in is r \ (2311-2) and change — Make n = 2 and write Jo 1—.* Jo 1—.*'^ n — Substitute —- —^ ^ = in - cot —-, z= ) Jo « (2311-2), and then substitute x". n Jovl— U" When m — and greater than unity, — =— — Substitute Proof. "^ positive is (2255) for a. a?i^ positive quantities, -T-, 1 2352 I ;i Jo l+.r" Pkoof. where = - c'osec n are 3G5 FDiniS. in (2311), aiul tlicn difreirntiato n times for a. aij — Change m into Proof. 2356 - -j- \ »',. . 1/1.. = -^^ -^/ PuooF.— Differentiato (234d) hi— 1 times Pkoof. . . m ^ «^ in (231-8-9). f'l!^ 1— d' Jo tan>/<7r 1. each into two integrals by the formula .f' in the last integral. I Otherwise, iu (2G01) substitute t'"^, aud change a Into Tra — jtt. . .^ INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 3G6 Pjjoof.— From (2354-5) by 2360 —In 2363 « — cosec — n = -cot _. ,/.,. same way, from (2348-9). / !_;> Proof.— In (2601) tute e = n _^^_^ tlie J (Lv l+.r" j Proof. method of (235G). — I Jo 2361 tlie substitute 2« e = ^. and put a In (2595) substi- — = and put a '^-|,^""l^- 71 /»00 (»-l) T -J 2364 j„ Proof. „ f x^ ' + a^ — By f-^ successive reduction by = — w— 1 2365 -, 2a f to times with respect ' « (2002), an iBteger. by differentiating or (2255) a^. _ 7reosoe»;7r ^^^'-^1^^ l^eing ^gubs. V^^ (2311) ^^{fL-^,. = lo,n. 2367 Proof. = 5t^ 2;^. — The value when a = 1 is is a, is Jo which, by substituting .<;" i--« The \ogn. dx — n ' — Jo '- difference, — when the value dx, i--'-;' in the second integral, is seen to be zero. F(x) being any integral polynomial, ^' 2368 1 At^^^ = ^'^^ ^vliere J is eciual to tlie constant J-:v/(l-.r-) term in the product of F^i) and the expansion of M / 1\-^ r, ) . Loa.\nmniir axd expoxenttal Pkoof. 1^07 fo7?vs'. — By successive redaction by (2053), we know that i^^ = *(')^<'-">-'[7(f^, wliere (r) is <p some inti'Sjral = inti'cral in question <•>• polynomial and A is a constant. Therefore the To detcrmino -1 write the last equation thus, Avr. f^(^-;;^)"'--'*«('-7)-'-'U.{'-'=) the integrations and equide of the two logarithmic terms in the result. Expand each binomial; perform F{.r) being an integral polynomial of a degree tlio coenirients less tliaii h, f;^,.,. = |^"i-{.(,.)lo.^:}. 2369 J,i But El£} = »- (.'•—</ I I fix, c) i--c (421), and therefore + ^--^, x—c d,,,.^^ , / (.r, = c) J <.'^' a \X — Cl f is of a dimension where 0. Hence the ) lower than n — l integral on the right INTEGRATION OF LOaARITHMIC AND EXPONENTIAL FORMS. 2391 f;,.''iog,../,,.=^,. Pkoof. integral j x" (Ix Jo — These are cases diflerentiate, =— Y /''-'• 2393 and of (2202). to obtain the with respect to ;< (2255 and j"'.,"(log,r)",/., = j;;^>iog(/<+i). to obtain the first Otherwise; Other second integrate, the equation 22<)1). (-i)»Il|+ll. — Otherwise, when » is either a positive or negative Sec (2202). Proof. integer, the value may bo obtained, as in (2:i01), by performing the diflerentiation or integration tliere described, n times successively, and employing formula) (21GG), and (21G8) in the case of integration. Jo log.r *!+*• = = INTEGEAL CALCULUS. 368 <'"•-''' 2395 Jo 1— cr Jo 1+.^' Proof. The = -^«„y = - 2'^"" by 'is ..0 >< summed l=Fa;, first ; ^rf.r. 1 e' and integrate by (2393) The in (1545). equal to the i— — c' Jo 2/t — Expand by dividing by first series is tiplied rf.,. difFerence of the two this gives the value of the +l ; thus series second mul- series. 2399 r^jiKii^ ri2££rf,. Jo l—t Jo -1-1 1 3- 2- ^v 1 Proof.— As in (2395-7), making n = l. The series (2399) may also be summed by equating the in (764) 2401 b coefficients of 6 -l-&c.=-^. = -l-l-i, fM£rf. « 1— tii)^ .1^^ Jo Proof. 2404 = -^. and (815). Proof.— The terms. &c. 4- integral —Expand The of those in (2399, 2400). r ^""^^"'^'^ (Lv = \ —x = u( i/; \ "^^'^ integral a being <t>{(i), < 1. <( Jo Substitute sum the logarithms by (155) and (157) and integrate the (2400-1) are reproduced. series in Let The second half the is therefore, writing = C ^''^ ].-al-2/ = r Z for log, ^^ "^y - l^-'J C'"^1L^ I 1-'/ by (2399), and the third by Parts, make the right side = _ .^l + Ja I (1 - a) - f"" ^-^—^ '?i/- Therefore LOQARlTUmO AND EXPONENTIAL FORMS. 2405 cf>(^a)-{-<i>[^i-a) Again, Put for - , 2406 .<: ^ (.0 2407 ••• =- ?. by (2 (-.»•) (l+ [ + (-x) = - ^= — x+1 1+ ^ !<? 03) and by (2405) tufi) ; = l(/y3r-; (//3)'^- + + |r -^ +'^c.) = 7^-?. (.c'j. = = 4{log(H-,r)}'tt (/'O 'l-^ + ~t v^^ 2 = /' say, = ^ {^ (l+/3)r, = l-/> and l + /3=~ [v /5-^ = 2 (//3)^ Itt' and 9(1-/5) jT'i^S^^ 2408 (i.) thus 05^)-'/' (/3) (1 -ft) = ... + |- +&C.) 2 |-9(l-/3)-9 (,5) = iii—^ Hiog(i+.r)}"^. " -^ (•«'+ fr and therefore x a;", by (2407), <p _a)- 'tt. i^y -^-^3) 9 (r) <^(;^j)+i'^(.'-0-^(.') Let or '/•'•, ^ I then ; 9(.r) Eliraiuate .-. \oira lo^- ^(-•'•)+^HrT:r') Also, Henco '-^^^^ = r ('•) V = 8G9 - = -j^ 7r=, (//5)=- j^. tt', that is, = (<«?^=-')' - W- 2409 2410 value is ^ („) Let a be > determinate. = 1, then 9 («) contains imaginary elements, but have We ilk:^) ,i.+ 1° Ul=s) ,,. = - I' 3 R ^ + [ " + '^-" . its . INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 370 —X =y Substitute ]± Hence, when a If a («)+</» = 2, ^ 2412 2413 Let X 4/ (a;) + ^ 2415 2416 Proof. 4/ l^^^] \l + x/ = T Jf, (l ^-^ \ 1 W +^ ([=f ) ^:^^ , - — + -~] 1— 2x l+.-B —x 1 , IX »"/ — -\- / '-, and therefore x = X T'l^gy^ 4?- -^^.„ dx, therefore = ilog.r- log l±f vanishes, by (2403) and (2401), putting x 1 a by employing (2405), cZ,^ Z = \ ^_^4 +,; ,og2. rf,, .V f C^) = ^ (i^), The constant 6 ^(a.)=£^logi±|(Z*. Therefore 2414 becomes y result becomes, Let therefore last integral = -^+^nog«+i(iog«)^ lo^(l-v) f Jo The (2214). > 1, is (^) tills it h y io <^ and in the last integral, y 2411 = ^i by l{-l) the integration by 2300, and v^2 —1 ; = 1. then, by (2414), = -* {logiy-'-i)}'- f'M+iiOrf,_-,„g2. Jo — Substitute o l-|-cl' ^ = tan"'.r ; then, by (2233), 2417 l^^y (liffereiitiating or intooTating tlie equations (234.1) to (2;]G3) with respect to the index w, the integrals of func- = LOGAlUTmilC AND I^Xl'oyhWTlAL involving logc are produced integrating for ))t between the limits tioiis 2418 f' /i'I'Vr"'" ''•' L'(WMS. thus, from ; ! and in, IWl by {'2-\o(')), we have = '<•& *"" ^- (''«> Otlierwisc, this vesult may be nrrived at by farming the expansion of the fraction in powcM-s of.c, and integrating the terms by (2o'J2) ; the reduction is then efFected by 815-G. ^^^ In a similar manner, we obtain the more general formula 2419 '^ ''' f ' '"S- (l+ci' j log.f Jo ^•fri";',". 2420 ii (f'V „,, ,, ] Jo (l+.r") logci' Proof. = m+*^p in-\-p n-\-'2j) - log tan —-. "^ 2n — Integrate (23G0) for m from 2« to m. ''^'' 2421 f' Jo ""-''"Y^'"7^'"^'' (log.r)" = (7.H-l)log(y>+l)-(i-+l)log(r+l) + (r-7>)|l + log(v+lj} Proof. — Integrate (2394) for between j) tlie limits and r (v-.-)..-+(>--/>) ..-+(;>-,) 2422 I" Jo .r- j). „. (log.rj- = log{(y,+ l)0^+')(7-.)(,^_^l)('/+i)('-i^)(,.4.1)(.+ n(/.-.)}. Pkoof. — Write (2421) symmetrically y and for the three equations, respectively, by ry, r, j>, r, ;; ; 7, /», and add, r. ^Multiply by redu<.-ing the result r '"^^^.^+"''%/.f=:^log(l+«i). 2423 — Proof. Differentiate for o, and resolve into two fractions. integration for x, and integrate finally with respect to n. T^ffect the 2424 Proof. and — In (2423) put a intei^rate for I between = 1, and substitute limits U and -, - = ij ; multijdy up by and intho result substitute b, 6y. JNTEGBAL CALCULUS. 372 fV*-\/A= 2425 2426 f %-'-\i'^" chv = «.. Proof. — Substitute 1^^ ^•^••:if;^~^^ Z for I: 2427 j 2428 f"'(^L^^^' _ (£=^)^')rf.. b b ?i = and a and c 1 in (2291), '^ y^. to obtain (2427) e-"' ch ; c = = --. Integ rate this for a and integrate that equation / .r for h = „_i+HogA. ® a a in (2428), — Integiating the first [£:!:n£:l']- The indeterminate = .-6+iog*;^. to obtain (2428). .r" Proof.— Make 2430 [ r('-i:^:=ir_(^£^*)^),,,, Jo \ Otherwise. A^" ^^—d.i=loga-\ogb. ^ Proof.— Making 2429 lix^. Otherwise, differentiate the preceding equation Avr. n times between limits between hmits [Substitute 1 ^ k Jo fraction is term by Parts, the whole reduces to + ,,p-'-^-",,. evaluated by (1580) and the integral by (2427). |--j£!:z^_(«-^V-_(«-y>-"V^,^. Jo ,v^ ( = Proof. — By ) \ {(r-^'^lr-4.ah-\-2lr{\oga-\ogh)]. two successive int(^grations by Parts, '\x''^dx, &c.. {'L^d. = '^'"'-[^-dr. Also Substitute these values, and make e = 0. by (1580), and the one resulting integral In a similar 2.V .r- maimer tlie The vanishing is fractions are found that in (2427). value of the subjoined integral may be found. . TNTEOnATION OF CIRCULAR FORMS. 373 2431 i~~? Jo 1.2.6- .r' 1.2.;t,r' S • INTEGRATION OF CIRCULAR FORMS. Notation. —Let signify the continued product of n a^"^ factors in arithmetical progression, the first of which the common difference of which is h, so that 2451 a^;^ = a{a + h){a + 2b) ... + 0^-1) {., is a, and /.} Similarly, let 2452 a':l = a{a-h){a-2h)... [a-in-l) These may be read, respectively, " a to n ence b"; "a to n factors, difference minus b." 2453 sin".r^Ar Proof.— By (2048) ; = sin".i;tfx = I .sin"-.r^Ar. \ \vc have, applying Rule VI., sin""^rtf«— sin" I b]. fartors, differ- by ili\ cos" "^i; ision, t/.r, I 1 Ti i and by Parts, 1 f •^ n-2 sin" ^x 7 coa-xdx = sin""'.)' — 71 J i'l' Tliereforc h'ui" ' .r con' x dx The If n he an n iiite<^vr, PnoOF. H first — l —I , 11 L,;„n vdx. sni } xdx. Jo equation produces the formulu. with the notation of (2I")1), 2"'> siir"^\rr/r= -^ m 1*"' i-i- and — By repeated application of formula Wall is' s Formula.— Ji 2456 1 . 1 ' ri' 2454 .V = If*".sm Jo substitution of this value in the cos sin^ .rf/.r " = -^ 7r ^ (•21:'>3). be any positive integer, we liavc INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 374 And siucc the ratio of these limits to each otlier constantly increases, the value of either of them approaclies unity as m when Ex. m is infinite is — With m = 4, -Jtt. ^v lies iu 2^4^^^8 Proof. — Put 2m = 2-A-.C,K7 , and then nrr fin sin"'^ xdx, Jo n, magnitude boUveen I Jo sm"xdx, and „_1 fl^r sin""'; »^ dx Jo are in descending order of magnitude ; the first and second because sinx < 1 tlie second and third by (•24-33) ; then substitute the factorial values (24.54-5). ; 2457 i.s by ^ TXTEanATTOX OF CIECULAB If both the indices 2465 ni-c ^i"'-''^'' Proof. — Ileduce hy the value of which 37'- cvon, then t'^*-"^-''' Parts as given at is FORiTS. •'•'/•'•= (2i:.i) Tn;rr7^ Tlic liinl intiLrnil Ix'forc. is siii-""'''a;'/j;, ("2 -too). 2466 Sliould eitlier of the indicos bo a nco^ative integer, the vaUie of the integral is infinite, as the foregoing reduction shows, for the factor zero vn\\ then occur somewhere in the denominator. 2467 * sin^j.r sin/).rr/<r = ••0 when n and ] cos iLV cos jhtdv = 0, * p are unequal integers. 2469 \ ^\nnr cos jhv (I, V »'o = n—p-^— -, or zero according as the difference of the integers n and j) is odd or [By (1973-5). cnm. 2470 when u is Proof. 2472 \ shi\vd,i = \ The following four 2474 2475 }i and }) cos2iix', ^ if 7^ = be even, and 2"-'hr-ir = Itt, and then \ integrate. {l—,v') ~ (h\ integrals (2473-9) all vanish for inexcepting in the cases here specified. (-l)"-'\;(^/>,'-^)-;^, and n are both odd, and But cos-na(Lv cos'\v(f.v= fJsin^r sin n.vd.v }) I Jo — E.xpress in term.s of tegral vahies of wlien = sin-/Mv/r 1 Jo an integer. u n is not greater than p. odd, the value is 7,-(p--2r'^ fr-{p—ly .:.i-^y'^^l — i 1 IKTEORAL CAWUIjUS. 376 ) 2476 .r Csi»" COS n,vd.v = ( when j; and n are hoth ecen, and 2477 But 1 i^"-^' , * be if j) ( otZri and n 2478 Jcos'' ecoi, the value C (/),!)(?>-:;) ;> .1' cos «.i J.i^ = i when 2^ and greater than 2479 is C(,., 2) (/,-<.) (;)— 1)--«- C (;>, ^') ^, are either both odd or hoth even, and 7i ^i not is j)- smnxdx, when rcos^is n\ . "^ (/)-2)--«- 2"-H/)'-H- ' 2^) ^,, not greater tlianj;. is '?i C (,,, " 1 j; ~ C(/),2) C(y>,l) 1 odd, takes the vakie is ?i ^., ? the last tonn Avithin the brackets being ^v~2~/ — /r— w^^®^ 5 P 71 Proof.— (For 2474 is ^^^^^ V ^^^^ ^' even, or '"2") ^^^^^^ i' is ^^"^^^ and n odd. s ^'" to 2470.)— Expand by (772-4), aud 11 being any integer, apjily (2467-2470) to the separate terms. CoROLLAEiES. 2480 i "t*os" '^^ cos nddv 2482 = ^, -- .'o \ cos" \ .f cos udd.v = •• sin-"ciCOs2/?crf/.r= ( -^^. ^ — 1)";^, JO m-"^\rsin(2w + l).rr/.r=(-l)".-^. Jo"" 2484 I Jo cos^.f cos >ia7/ci' —J= ^—^ jr-tr \ Jo cos"--.f cos nd(Li\ ? JXTKCIiWrioS OF I'lUCFLAR FOHMS. 377 2485 i*i' = cos'\rsiiUKr(/.r \ Jo Proof. x, by eos''~-cr(M)s»,rf/,r — ^lake p = u When k — 1) i' p—trr- in e<)S.j-(/.r j cos'' l\irts, = 0. "'a; sin fi siunrd.r—-, -,. p —n ; the an.l new iiiti-gral a- (/j;. cos" ^r sin j — , • . cos'^-.r ) Jo either fonuuhi) I5y Piirts, j Proof.— (For of highest dimensions in cos 2486) i> r /> '— /J.r^/.r = -—j. (2184-5). a positive integer, is Mir = co^n.vdv 2488 ) 2489 |%«os--^^r COS »u(Lv == cos'-'-^r 0, ^^^±^ ^::^. = — n 2, n — 4-, ... ?; — 2/.: successively in Proof.— The first, by putting ;) u + 2, 7i + 4, (2484) and employing (248t)). The second, by putting ^i ... n + 2k successively and employing (2481). When 2490 k is not an integer, "co.s'-'^r co.s )U(Lr ( = = 2' -""^^ sin /.-tt /i (/i -2/, + 1 , A). (270G) t;.kc /('0!= """'^ a"*^ transfurm by (7t'.t^). ^The covanishes by (22'jO), and the limits are changed by (22o7). P f;noF.— In efficient mt of 2491 \ I 2+^+^ + + - cos".rsin>M</,r=,^ Proof.— By ... successive reduction by making (1070), vi = n, . and tho integral definite. 2492 Wlien ;) and C^^ , Proof.- Reduce is rW 1 Jo (+, (_lV("+"*'M<''' I"— y').y J„ J) one odd and the other even, n iire integers, odd or even, , cos.rcosji.rcAc successively by (2 IS 1). <^ The with n odd, ""' with^) e\en. final integral, will be = cos'.J^Tr- = 1-n' (-l)*" - i-" |'4* or I Jo 3 C cosv.r , fix according as — = Rin?.)nr = (_l)i(-') '* » . TNTEilRAL CALCULUS. 378 2493 ) cos^\icos)hvcLv = ^-g-^\ I2 •.0 •- sm^\r cosP-".r(/cr, " p—n where n and p are any integers whatever such that is > 0. —"When p — n Proof. When jjj-n cos I is odd, each integral vanishes, is even, let bj (2478) and (2459). then, by (2488), (n + 2k)ii •dx «( =2k; it V" = (ji±^^ _ 'T (n + 2/,-)_, ''''' 2" 1, I2 IT IJ" (by 2405). [^\h,^>'xcos''xdx, Bat n + 2l-=]), and by (2234) the Umit may be doubled. Hence the result. 2494 = ^cos'^'^a^ mn)Li(Lv \ -—, 2"{n Jo — — =^. l) = Tn (2707), put /.•= 1 and /(.') Proof. Give e'"^ its value from a;""-. (76G). The iinaginai-j term in the result vanishes, and the limits are changed, by (2237). Finally, write x instead of 0. 2495 = l.ii /"(eoscr) »'m~'\rdd \ ... (2>? Jo Proof. — Let = ;: cos.-c. By (1471), — 1) f {cos Jo \ .v) cos rid (Lv. we have f7,^_,^,(l_,Y-^=(-l)""'l-3...-(2n-l)^'- (i.) n Also, by integrating n titnes by Parts, f f"{z)(\-r)"-Kh Then substitute z = = (-1)"!' n,)d„,(l-zy'-idz = -l.S... \-2. - i ) [' ^/(.) .7, (^) dz, by (i.) cos.i". = J„ + A^z + AS- + &c. = ^A^z", = ^p(l'-l) (r-n + l)A,z^-", Othcrw!s''.—LL't f(z) ••• f"i^) ... /(cos.r) cos7ixdx I = Jo = 2i96 C .(( — -• ^Ap — cos''.); Jo cos nxdx . [7"(cos.^) sin'"J,r, by (2403). }1.0... (-/I — 1) Jo = '\'', .. <r COS' .v-\-b- >^\n- ,v ^ lab (i'->''-) INTEGRATION OF CIUCULAR FORMS. p 2497 .'n *;""'/;^'. ' 2498 = . . i'Os-,r-\-fr Sin {(I- . = ~,. -, . I)ilT,n.n.iM(..rJ.l.:H;)fora. : la h I)- ^'"''^7^('^'. r -r^. -^70 [ DifftTontiato (2VM\) f..r h. [A.id iuLTctlicr d'-i-lir-S) ^^^^ Jo t'Os^r+/r («^ .siir ~ .r/ iJl^i^t «+^/ />^ + ah' "^ A'/' (2o00) and (2501) are obtaincil l)y rcpeidinp^ upon ('il'.*!*) the operations by which that integral was it>clf obtained from (2490). Jo Proof. .r v' (1— •") — Denote the - intej^ral by u. [by (2008) </" fii;il^,/,, 2503 Jo .r(l+.r-) Proof.— DinVrentiate then integrate for 2504 2 Jo(l+.«V)v/l-..^ for a. = v/(l+<r)' ^lo,«o+"). 2 Integrate for x by partial fractions, and a. J>-f-'T^ = ^'"''[('+^)\' + Proof. — From (2.j";{) Integrate for a between a' ("' 7:)'l- ol)t;iiii tiin-'.r i' Jo we / _ + •'•'/'" liniit.'^ j and x 'T loL^(l +'0 '-^ , and in the le.sult sub.stituto hx. INTEQBAL CALCULUS. 380 2505 tnn- «--tni.-'/M- 1 Pkoof. — Applying (2700), J since Ix X h_ 2 Hence the required value integral. J V 2506 A « =— evenj element of the in is dx ['' we have Also, by Parts, (0) liere vanishes. and therefore tan"' (hx) infinite is <p a ^^ ^,^. TT a 1 rT4^^''.'=T h + COS-.l' Jo l — (i.) Substitute Proof. thus shown to be z= TT — f^ sin?/ i— 2 ]^l + cus,-y tt — a*, = , dii -^ and the integral 1" /. (tan 2 _, ' is 1-1 cos tt— tan reproduced, and is =— ^4 A\ cosO) ^ ''^^ -, denominator, and integrate (ii.) Otherwise, expand xpand by dividing by the denomniator, Employing (247H) we obtain the series It by Parts. each term of the result i 6 f cos.r ncnrt the method ("^ filler / tt , V 2 ^d- Ju Proof.— By ij Jo , v^^' of (22.j1), putting 1 e-""" , ^x v/'tt dii, Jo the integral becomes — The second 2509 e-''^'cosa;(7.r(7^= [ [ integral \ is COS — Substitute f \ c-''^ co^xdridx obtained in a similar manner. Jo PitOOF. — >/, ?/- (lu = ^^-^ Z Z^ = \ siiw/Vv. Jo and (2507-8) arc produced. (2201) ' INTEGRATION OF CIRCULAR FORMS. "Wlien n 2510 and 881 are intcg^ers, j> r^rf,. r\\'-\--sm'.,.h,h: =-i^^-i integration for x in tlie double integral is given in (2608-9), and the original integral is thu3 reduced to tho integfral of a rational fraction. The Proof. — Bj the method of (2251), putting [By (2201). 2511 nc-in —-T- ) r^«^in\r ^^^ =- ^ f , -rXi =^ [By (2510). 2510) [Bv (25 tt f/::: 081). ^— 2513 PijooF. I (r + 'l) — By (2700). = '^ ^ (I' — 'l) !—(Li=hv^J-. Transforming the numerator by (G73), and putting ^'"s becomes ^'' = f!iliI^!-2illA.%/,..= 2514 p 2515 liog^J. oo.,.r-eos;M ,,,.^:.(^,_^) p,;ooF.— Integrate (2572) for r between the If u and p and q. are po.>itive quantities, /y l" ^"'"'''-"^^'''' ."^iiw/.r eosA.r r Jo 2516 according as a is > Pkoof.— Change by 2518 liniit.s or < _ =^ "" ,/ , rf.r .< f>. (GOO), and employ (2572). r shwusinA,,- ^,,^^^ Jo according as a or b orO, '*' is •^ „^ ^<_ ** the least of the two numbers. ; INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 382 — Troof. From (2515), exactly as in (2513). Otherwise, as an illustration of the method in (2252), as follows. noting the integral in (2516) by w, we have, (i.) when 6 is > a, that ^2 = r r ^^""^'""^^-^ dhdx = X is, f ^^R^pRJ^dx. x' JJo (ii.) When t is < {"ndh o, (22G1) Jo =C^db='^. '^ Jo Jo De- If a is a positive quantity, 2520 r!i^IJ2^\iv = ^{2-a) according as a is Proof. and the — or sin^a; cos is ax not less tlian = result then follows \ sin 4 {sin (1 and 4 J^*2ilL™rrf,, 2522 according as a > is or 2. + a) + sin (1— a) a;} a; from (2518), the value of the integral being in -^—^ = the two cases a; < — ^ (a — 1) = J^ 4 4 = \%,da= r is < (2- da + ; then, | \ Jo Jo when a is > 2, the To a) J — rnda nda = {"^(2-a)da='^^ (2 — o) da = ^ 2 2, a). | — a —4 (2 — 2. Proof. Denote the integral in (2520) by u present integral is equal to And, when or 0, 4 ^ INTEGRATION OF CIRCULAR LOGARITHMIC AND EXPONENTIAL FORMS. r£::!lf!nzi',A, 2571 Pkook. — Jo .f — tan-^. tl and integrate by (2584). Expaul since by (704), and integrate the terms by (2201). Difroroiitiato for Oihcni'iae. = Gregory's series (7'JIJ is r, the result. = CTBCULAn LOCAUlTllMir ASD — By making a = in ("2571). By the method of (22oU). imlepeudent of r, which may be proved Proof. is Jx Then ^J^d,. r sin .r X term = r f- , » C . = ^ by substituting. = (2.-1).-,; 1,1 1 Ctt-j/ 7r+// = I {^myUn^dy 1 Stt-i/ (2910) oTT -— =2 + . i t . +y + y, f.,. j„ "i ) ~. "^ e-^^-^ s^'ydy [ 7r ott—ij -^ Jo (22;j), putting (2,i-l) = \\m-^dy = - Jo Proof.— (i.) By either is by substituting x sin.,/, Jo iU + &c. X i'n , --^"'.'/'^.V in- = 1. X ]„ integer, the general r---!il--J.= r Jo obsorvinp that the by substituting rx, let r First, dx+l ilv+\ \ J„ Now, n being an r-'" = a; Jo ' 383 (i.) Olhencise. (ii.) ^^ mirMS. I. ('^•,/.,=^. 2572 tegral l'(i\ h'STlA i:.\ (2291), •' J I) the integral takes the form 2 [ I cos /.f e" " -^ "' ' ' y dx dy = (ii.) Olherxvise. „ By , , tlio = -[ e" j ""'y e ' "' -^ cos 7-.r dx c'"'' ^^^\^ *y' „ dy (2G14) ='";^''(2G04). . mutliod of (22o2), putting ?t = r* sinaj*cns/Ar Jo it J(/ , dx, * follows from (201 G) that ^ uc-^da = C Oc-" da + r Therefore 2575 = ^ t-*. c"dadx=\ «"'' •^ I c-^da Jo Jo « Jo i j, + ** dx, by (2583). r'T£^'''^=T^" 2576 r,7ff^"'=T(l-'-')- — Proof. For (257.'>) dillcrentiate, and (2573) with respect to r. for (257G) integrate equation INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 384 Proof.— By (2-201), =a+ and a Put /c ih, re-'-^x^-'dx = r cos 9, = r sin (A^) r~v-' "'" ^ COS ^ Proof.— Make = ^^ b' '/..• Sill /, N ,^ Tim) 2 ^ ^ n —. 1 '"'( cos\ ^). 2 / "" ^ ^. — Put real N A^^V- ./.r=— Proof. and equate in (2577). fl,= 2581 thus ; «^-isin»)^)^^ (cos Jo ' ^ side tor e"''-^ from (767), as in (2259). by (757). Substitute on the left and imaginary parts. Otherwise, *^*^ ^ 2579 = i rg-(a.ii)J-_^n-l^^_p = ^^. — »? in (2579), sill/ »/ir -^ cos\ 2 and employ Vnr{l-n) SUU^TT SlU?i»r 2583 e-''^ sill «».r(/cr 1 = -TTT-TJ. =1 Proof.— Make n Othcnoise. in c""" cos fearer \ a-\-b' Jo Jo (2577-8). — Directly from (1999), putting n = \v1ktc n is a Proof. — In positive integer > (2577), nut tan"'— a = >r"\c^-'^mb.c<hv = [ Multiply this equation by h in the integration for = h"'^<lh to oo will be , = 1, and —a for a. 1. i), thus, uriting ^-0'^^ "" Jo and integrate from = -:r^, «-+6- cos" 6^ sin p for »i, ?.f,'. a" tau"-'(i fccedd. by (2579). and }^w. Then the corresponding limits CTUCULAR LonMurinnc Axn i^xpoxenttal forms. 385 2587 r'-.-«:>^)''''=;:r,:(f),7^- Proof. — Put n=p — f .-'..- f^ 2589 Proof.— In .-. I {.V ^ (2700), let Um 6) (.»•) ,lv = cos -^* = r(») cos" e tan d) (.r _ ^*~ ian-^ A^=l, by (7G5), in (2585). l = ~Y^' &c. ; 172^3.4' Ai, Jj, &c. Therefore vanishing. e-'a;"-' cos (x fan 0) j 1 „e. ; tan* . "^^ _ <L(^}±y) taa> + " 1.2 ;; tan* - "4' tan" + ... = p ^^ i 1 j dx • e-'x'^-'^dx = i (1 + t tan 0)-" + i (1 -'"^f^" S)"". which by the series on the left Then change a into n. values (770) and (708) reduces to cos a^ cos"^ 0. Similarly, with sine in the place of cosine. The ^"^^~^"'% m6T(Ar = tan"^^ -tau"^-^. r Jo 2591 -Jc —Integrate (2583) Proof. 2592 where \ for e"^"^ a between a=:-a and a — (i. cosa.r sm"crr/cr, Jo n is any pcsitivc integer. See (2717-20) for the values of this integral. 2593 a \ cO L-ZJ__sin»M'f/.j — yrx f' —c .= irx 4 c"'-{-'lv()S(i-\-e '" being <7r. Proof. — The function expanded by divi.sion becomes (^" + e-")sinm.r (e-" + e-'" + c"" + &c.) The Multiply in an<l integrate by (2583). this series is also (2i:t53). Hence produced by is |(2»-1) \{2n-\)ir-aY-\-m^ But result 7r + a}' + m» dilTerciitiating the tiie result. ;i 1) logarithm of pqu.ition INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 386 2594 Proof. = —-r-; COS ))hV(Lv \ — Change m into p iO in (2503), thus (,,-»x^,-<xx)(,gx_^-ex) ^^^^ ^ sing e7rx_e-7ra! COS a j^^ Now change a into hm and write a instead of ^^^^ 2^' e--6>-- Jo Proof.— Make 2597 ?u = — — Expand sin'm« on the = — |i tan {ihn) 2S00 \ f " = in (2593). =— J-. = ±-^B.,. left side of by (770). Expand (2596) by (7G4). The right by (2917), and equate the this 2(c'" ^r- sin m.:p(Za? -T Jo ^--,,— -4e^'«+e-^' same powers of m. coefficients of the 2599 '1± —c e *.'o Proof, 6. in (2593). ^ 2598 _ + COS y Jo sm 7n.v (Iv Proof.— Make ri=7r side is and a in (-iSOi), \ : \ e-'"+2cos2«+6'-"' ei-'-+c-^^"-'^ 4^^±^ COS „M.d. — C""') sillrt = ,2^";+'-;) cos« — a—W successively for a in Proof. To obtain (2599), put a + ^ir and (2G00) is obtained equation (2593), and take the ditference of the rcsufts. in the same way from (2594). 2601 1 Proof.— Make 2602 f ''sin m= 4^1±^.fAi-=secw/. in (2600). (ri)-' f/.v = f ^M).M {crY (h = :/^y CIRCULAIt LOOARITnMIG PnooK.—•By Bv (2125) a= Put -c. AND EXl'ONENTIAL \\-"' c'"'' | Substitute on tho a»7 FOliMS. = ^^ d.c from (700), and equate luft and real imaginary parts. 2604 Jo Proof. Bubstitute fore u = i! — Denote — the resulting integral the integral by u. to prove that in Ce'-"^. AVhen a = 0, }j^/n (2-125). = ;A^c>--, a, and and there- -v/Zt Jo integrate by (2G0-i). Pkoof.— Substitute x ^n:, and J>-^''^'-^-":-K.'=+|)-^]'^r = + cos Pi;ooF.— In (2005) put equate real and imaginai-y parts. /.• r" = e-'^^ur"^\v(Lv / 2 siii\ 2 2608 equation for = — 2«, = C .-. re-("^-)%/.r 2605 (lie -- we get re-\lv=C, 2606 Diircrcntiate sine ; substitute from (700), and 2 f2;j + l) '"T >—+rr^ r) + 'V-)...('' +2« + l)(fr i\ 1 ."'^ - . Jo (^r ].2.l\...'2n n Jo (^r + 2-)(</- + l-) {(r-{-2n ... ) 2610 1'" (i(2n-\-\)2n a + //--U- (2/i 'ii <r '., ("" r + l)-"^(/r + -4- I .T., I ON + l)27i(2»-l)(2>t-2) o;^Y^a' + 2n-V){a--{-2n-'S') a(2» + / 2// + l'j(^r + 2;*-l') (7 _^ 2)( 4- 1 _^ (,r+-'» + l-) . (u'+l) ) INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 38S r* ^"""^ 2611 „ , cos-'* \ xdx a = . ., . , V' ^ (i2n{2n + r .. ^ . / — \) o-A 7> •> , ^'- aOn(2n-\)j2n~2)(2n- + 27i') (tr + 2m - :^) (a- + 2n-V} (a= -X ' , _"J , {a' ' ' + 2h) • , . . . (a- + 2'-) Proof of (2G08-11). —Reduce successively by (1999). The integral part after each reduction disappears between tbe limits in the cases (2608-9), See also (2721). but not in tbe cases (2t)10-l). 2612 {a--\-l){a-+&)...((r-\-2n-[-l J^in 2613 a i(r-\-2^){crJt4^)...{cr^2n) J_^. Proof. — By successive reduction by ^"''"' 2614 i (1999). cos 2hi(Lv ^ = Proof. '-h — Denote the integral by =- db [^-«^x'^ 2.. sin 2hx dx n, e~''\ 2a Jo then =- f^ J, J„ ^ e-^^' cos 2h.c = log C- ~ ; and b = gives G = ~^~ a Othenvise. = (-1)" Thus the general term ( — )'" 2a! dx. Therefore Tf-" . the terms of tho is which gives the required result by (150). i^p-^^ •'' cosli 2hj ,'o Pkoof.— Change , -<(> -'^^-'^ 2615 -^ (2-125). — Expand the cosine by (765), and integrate product by (2426). = a' ""•'" the second integration being effected by parts, j c" log u dx a' b into ih in (_2G14;. = ^ 2(1 <'('') . (2181) CIIiCULAR LOOARITmrW AND EXPONENTIAL FORMS. 8S9 f ^•-'^r 2617 a=l Proof.— To obtain (2617), put obtain (2018), dilVurentiate, in all, n Jo PitOOF. — By putting order of integration, the integral (2014), and times for b. ~ .- + '^ !/ = iog„. c'^ Jy and changing the (22'Jl), r (e'^^cosx-e-^"'"'') dy dx [ <*"^ •'+"') = ^^'^^ Proof. equal to, or less than, unity is greater than unity. is ^^' but ; is equal to when a log a, — By a=l. (i.) log 2 (1 (ii.) < a > a (iii.) (2035), since — cos x) = log 4 + 2 log sin 1. By integrating (2922) from 1. As in (2920), integrating .r. -J to if. from U to tt. y\og{l-nco^a)iI.v. 2622 ?i is less on those than unity, the values of See (2933). tliis integral depenil of (2620). according as a is less PnuOF.— Integrate or greater than unity. log (1— 2a cos ./r + a"') J^ by Parts, \dx, and apply f Jo (202U). 2625 /v. Jo when a When (lUreiviitiiiie for + ^'' H"?^ (!--" 2620 ('>'•''')• becomes r r (cos x-e-"'') e-'" dy dx = \1 ^^ J' (2261) Jo ''\ v in +1 r£2££^£r,/,, 2619 27r = l^'-'.r"^^ sin (2/Ar+ Inn) ,Lr 2618 To '^ = sin 'ILrdr \ cosr.i according as a log(l is — 2acoy.i+^/') (/.' less or greater than unity. r ' r INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 390 — Substitute the value of the logarithm obtained in (2922). Proof. integral of every term of the resulting expansion, excepting the one in vanishes by (24G7). u r, T which = T" siu ^r«/%M 2627 according as a Proof. sill r.r ^? mi''''^ r/,t' irfr'-'"^^^ i-2„cos,,^ = -2-' J^ °' or greater tlian unity. is less —Integrate (2625) by Parts, J cos rx f 2629 Proof. — The cos n TTCf VcVcIj? fraction Proof. = cos — Expand l-2a 1 2 + 1 + cosCcT+tt' "" . « l^emg «--.5 2a^ cos 2^3 ra? (1 2a. cos a; result follows as in (2G25). by (2919), and the Jo 1+.:^' dx. —— 2acosa7+aT— = 1— 1 \ Jo 1 -f-(l-ft2), —T-' + 2a' cos 3a; . < -, 1. + ...) 2(l-a-) l-ae"^' the second factor by (2919), and integrate the terms by (2573). r 2631 log' (l-2« cose.^+a^) Jo Proof. 1 r/.r ^ ^ ^^^. (i-^.e-Q. -|~ t^' — Expand the numerator by (2922), and integrate the terms by (2573). ^ (l^x%l-'la Jo Proof.— By Othenvise. 2633 Proof. and ^TT, cos c.r+«0 differentiating (2G31) for — Expand —^— « =1 fi^ = ]— — (cos 1 ('"'' / -k _i^ N9 c)- and take the integral between tlio limits and c; the result is between limits in (1951), then integrate for Jo c. by (2921), and integrate the terms by (2574). r^'^loiifri -l-rcos,r) , ^ (Iv \ — Put ~ 2 (<"-«)' b lo^d+ccos.) t^^'«^'' and the integral on the right is j^ ^ 2 r -1 Jo v/i-6- tan- Jl^ V 1+6 found by substituting cua~' b. db, CinCVLAU LOGABITHMIO AND EXPONENTIAL FORMS. 391 r log(l + 0COS£) 2634 — As Proof. — Proof. stitute ^-d.,- ^ ^ ,;„-, ^ tt for the limits of x. = ^ log i = f;75^ siniCtZ.tf= I and by taking in (2633), J""log sin 2635 ^,,. COScl? Jo Add (2233). cosa;cZ.r 2637 log siu ^^ ci f/.i^ = ^ log i. -^ Jo — = (tt— .«)Mogsina; Proof. i?' log sin a; c?^; Jo Jo difference of these integrals to zero. ^v t log siu^ xdcc xl sin^ xdx I result Proof. xl sin' x dx + being an integer. (tt + t/) Z sin" sin'^ is ydij = fZ?/+ ?/ \ . . + xl sin' x dx ... {(n — l)Tr + y\lshrydi/. + '0 by (2635) and (2037) 2 . J{)!-llir Jo integral reduces + y) (ir + y) I sin y dy ; for example, = ^tt i ls'mydy + 2\ ylsinydy = - 27r' log 2 - tt' log 2 = - 37r2 log 2. -{1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2?i-l)} rMog 2 = -«Vnog2. — Develope sin mx by (764) ; integrate the tei-ms by (2396), the scries by (1539). 2640 7i Jt a'Zsin'a;t?a;+ Jo sum + xl sin^ x dx Jo = The = — ;iV log 2, of (2250), = Jo (ir by (2233). Equate the (it;, Jo Proof.— Method Each these integrals and sub- applying (2234) to the result. 2,1', 2638 <?.'• r™rf,,= + Jo e^ 1 1 2)11 and —r INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 392 sin mx by (764) integi-ate the terms by (2398). The IT 1 ^ 2"-^°^^° "'^'^' ^J (2918), wliicli is equivalent to tbe o Proof.— Develope resulting series = is ; above by (769). ^ _ C cos(mlog.r)-cos(nlogcy) logcf 2641 ^ ^, ' Jo (m r^siu o^yio 2642 loo'cr) — — ^—log- ^^ 1 Jo = im Proof. Put p See (2214). and — (w loader) sill ^^ , d.v ^ j^^ l ° l + >>r + zi'-^' = tan -1 m— taii -1 n. ± i ^ ^ ci' = in q in (2394), and equate corresponding parts. 2643 log.v Jo w= Proof.— Put in (2641) ''l logci^ Jo + n- and (2042). MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS. FRULLANI'S FORMULA. r J>(«-^-)-<^(M 2700 /i Jo being Proof. = ,/^, 'V 00 J ^' find the last , ^ ^(0) log^+ rilM ^.r, — — In the integral term generally rAi2 —zA-J-dz '^' = 0. substitute z = arc and z Jo and equate the I results thus, ^ Jo ^ [^lOL^0:r:lI?i^:)^,_ J„ Then make h X inliiiite. Jo p 01^) J A a a! ,7, = Jo ^ (" J»_ 9lO) d, a; '^ = ^ (0) ' ^ log^. " a 6 For applications see (2513) and (2505). = h, } . MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS. 393 +<^(0)(iog|:-«+*)-(«-6)^+jt«<^. = CO with h Pkoop.- . rf„ { r ^ = ,;. I « £lHl cfa - »fi I (2i57)=r'S^<ix-f(0)Za-l('l>, Jo by making = 6 [' aand^tbus t^l^ d. . Jo and the Integrate for a between limits in the proof of (2700). 1 *-" fi tSM d. ^ Jo = j' tiill^ilM^.- J"J*i|Hlfe left is POISSON'S FORMULA. c being < 1 — Proof. By Taylor's theorem (1500), to the product of the two expansions 2 [/ («) +/'(«) and { divided by (1 + p^ /" (a) cos 2x + ^-^ /'" (a) cos 3x + 1 + 2c cos x + 2c^ cos 2a; + 26^ cos 3a; + . . . . | . . when Hence the (2471). fraction is equal cos X — c^). By vanishes, except and by (2919), the it (2468) the integral of every term of the product is of the form 2 cos^ nx, I and this is ^ tt, by ^^ result. 2703 r/(^^+e")+/(a+e-'-) Jo 1— 2c (i_, eos .r) d.v cos.i^+c- = rr {/(« + e)4-/(«)} • 2704 Jo 1 — 2ccoScr+c^ ^* Peoof.—As in (2702), adding unity to each side of (2919), and employing (2921, 2467, 2470). 3 E INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 394 ABEL'S FORMULA. Given that then " 2705 f Jo can be expanded in powers of e"", F{;v-[-a) P(-+MyVF (.-«,) 1+ ^ ^p( ,.^„), ^j, ''"' = A+A^e-"'-irA^e-'''' + A.,e-^'' + &c., F (x + iaf) + F (x — iat) = 2A + 2AiCos at + 2A^cos2at + &c, Pkoof.— Assume ^(« + a) :. Substitute and integrate by (1935) and (2573). Ex.— Let F (.r) =— then , f f, . ^, , ,. =^ /_^ • , KUMMER'S FORMULA. (\l-zY-'f{.vz) dz. 2706 J-i^f{^^ Qos0e'') e^'^'dO = sin kn Jo then + h = 2.r cos Oe'^ by (766). Substitute these Proof.— If h = {^^ .re-'(>, ,r values in the expansion of f (x + h) by (15U0) tegrate thus, after reducing by (760), ; multiply by e-'''^ and in- ; f'j(2.cos e»», ^'-<W Again, putting h we have tegrating, = sin A, |.^ - fif + = — xf I (pf''~^f(x ^ig^ - (1500), multiplying by in — x<f)d<p=^ f'^'^ Wlien 2707 f^ is I' and changing ^ into f\2.vQ^o^ee')e''''ede — Divide equation (2706) by by (1580), in- 1 — 2, the formula = 'L^^^{\\-zf-'f{a^z)dz. ^l Proof. I an integer, J-l^ fraction and the foregoing series within the Jo Equating the two values brackets. is obtained. For an application see (2490). df, fe. sin A-tt, .'o and evaluate the indeterminate differentiating with respect to k. For applications see (2490), (2494). 2708 If ^ ^e a function rV(*, and if of x so chosen that Z:) ./.' = G, f Xr(.r, 0) (i.), .7.. the series Af{-r,0)+AjX.,>, l)4-^1./(.>', 2) + &c. ... = .K-r) ... (ii.), MISCELLANEOUS TBEOBEMS. wliere ^ is a known function, then ^Co+J,C,+.4,a+&c. =-4^- ... \ Proof. 2709 —Multiply (ii.) sum If tlie 395 (iii.) Xf{,r,0)(lv by X, aud integrate from a to h, employing (i.) of tlie series be known, then — Jo - Parts, it we have follows that j C/, 'a X = e-^.i!^-i and f {x, k) = a;\ Then since, by e-^a;"*'^-'tic = a (a + 1) + h—1) e-''x"-'^dx, — = a (a + 1) (a + 1). Hence, conditions (i.) and Proof.— In (2708) let ... ... (ci (ii.) Z; being fulfilled, result (iii.) is established. For an application see (2589). Theokem.— Let + /(<« = P + iQ /?/) 2710 Then£f^rf,«?^= (i.) ("•) rrs"^''" {"^''^dady^-^'^'^dyda: 2711 JaJa Proof. J Ja (ly — Differentiating a. independently for x and (i.) y, = = •• (iii.) ll<-l Py+iQy, P., + iQ,, ifix^iy) f'(x + ii/) -P^. Qy-iPy, .-. P^ -Pa-f iQ^ Qy and Q^ = = = Hence by (2261) the equalities (ii.) and (iii.) are obtained. Ex.— Let f(x + iy) = e~'^-'>^' = e'^V (cos 2xy-isin 2xy). P = e-^V cos 2xy, Q = — e'^V sin 2xy, therefore, by (iii.), Here [\-^' (e^'cos Put a = ( Jn a = 0, e-^' (e^' 2/3 a; -e''' 6 = co; cos 2/3a; cos 2a x) dx = (^ e^ (e-^\in 2by — e-""' sm2ay) dy. therefore - 1) dx = 0, .-. e^' [ Jo e"^' cos 2p.r dx = e"^^ •'o f7.-». INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 396 CAUCHY'S FOFtMULA. Let 2712 x~''F{.v^) \ Proof.— In dx the integral f anditbecomes (.« - J-V" = P n being an integer, F {z") dz =: 2A.,,„ (,.+ -1) i^ is proved by substituting - (,^ - substitute -1)' | ^^ = C^,,, in the first integral. 2i;8in^ in the expansion of cos (2u = ;i;— — , where x = e'^ = x——^ (i.) 2«,„ then Therefore by addition I^--^0-[(^-^)'lf-^" Now, z [ ' Let the integral sought be flenotcd by This tlien 1 z-'' ' Jo A.^,,, + l) (776), put 2 cos -f^ and = ^+ — by (768-9), and multiply the equation by X _p j (ii.), /a3— — in? ] ' '-^, [ and integrate from x the required result 2713 is = to a; = oo . Then, by (i.) and obtained = e-"^ then r"e-"\L-. = ^-^ '^^^^V^ ^-^-'^-^V A..= \^^^.^-1. Ex.— Let F(x) 7r and A A=^. ^"^ Therefore FINITE VARIATION OF A PARAMETER. 2714 to the case of a value of a quantity under the sign of Theorem (2255) may be extended finite cluingc in tlic integration. . MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS. 397 Let a be independent of a and ?>, and let A be the difference caused by an increase of unity in the value of a, then CA(J>{.v, a) ilv 2715 re-'^dx=—, Ex.1. =A .-. ihatis — «(a^l) I? Also, flv. ^e—^cJx= A~-, [ (e-a-_l) Jx VCr, a) \ by repeating the operation, A"e-'^dx I = A"—, that is Jo r V-(e- -1)^^ 2716 d.V = Jo 2717 Ex. 2.— In (2583-4) put h for a and A sin (2a- m)xdx -'''' e-^'"" f i7/^^^^_^ V a(a+l) ... (a+zj) A cos (2a =A — m)xdx = A In (ii.) let m= then for h, ""~'"' ,., , (i.), r, (ii-)- , ^-r, A- J^ z^ + (2a-»0- an even integer, then 2jj, = cos (2a + 22j) a;-2p cos A'^cos (2a-2^) X (2a-m) (2a + 2jj-2) .r+ -f cos (2a — 2^) ... ... = cos 2ax [cos 2^x-2p COS (2j)-2) .c + (7 (2p, 2) cos . — sin 2ax [sin 2j.).« — 2jj sin (2^j — 2 ) o- . ... a;-... + cos 2j^.t] . + X (2p-4) . . —sin 2px^, in which equidistant terms are equal, xh. while the coefficient of sin 2a« vanishes becausQ (773) Therefore other. each the equidistant terms destroy (-1)^ 2"^^ cos 2a.7; sin=^^. A=^ cos (2a -'2p) a; — The coefficient of cos 2ax, (— l)^2-J'sin-^a; ; = Hence (ii.) becomes 2718 £e-^2719 COS 2a.r ^\n'^adx Again, in A-^^i sin + C(2p + 1, = sin \.-^ + (2a-27>)^ [sin ^ '[, 2)sin(2a + 2i)-3)a?-...- sin (2a-2p-l) a; s- (2p + l) cos (2j)-l)a!+ ...-cos (2^ + 1) a;] + sin {2j} + l) x]. (2j; + 1) a3-(2i) + 1) sin (2p-l)a;+ 2ax [cos (2p + l) + cos2aa; The ^'' m = 2p + an odd integer, then = sin (2a + 2p + l) a7-(2jj + l) sin (2a + 2jJ-l) x (i.) let (2a-2p-l) X = ^-^ coefficient of sin ... 2ax vanishes as before, while that of cos 2ax = (-l)''2-''^'sin2^*^r (774). is ' INTEGBAL CALCULUS. 398 Therefore equation becomes (i.) 2720 To compute tlie right member 2-^^-*-^ 2p Jc' A;-+(2a-2;>-l)^ we have of equation (2718), = ^ A^^ 2a-2;>-l = i^^^ A'^^' Ce-'^ cos 2a.r ^'m'^^Krdv Jo 7c ^ r C(2p,2) , + (2a +2p- 2f /r 1 + {2a + 2^-4)- A= -] + (2a - 2pf] Let a = 0, then the equidistant terms are equal, and we obtain in this case 07P1 (-l)n.2...2/).2^^ _ fe A^. Thus formula (2600) is proved. Similarly, by making a = in (2720) after expansion, formula (2G08) is obtained. Let p be any integer, and let q and in (2722), and <2j9 + l in (2723). a be arbitrary, but q<2p 2722 r cos2a^-sin^^..- z^^^ _ (-1)^ r ^,, ~ 'I'n^ (r/+l) Jo z'+ i2a-2py ^, , x^^' Jo 2723 '' ^^ Jo (-^y r^...: (2a-2;)-l)^^ = 2^^+^r(ry + l) where A Proof. lias tlie signification in z'-\-{2a-2zy Jo ^' (2714). — Employing the method of (2510), replace q being integral or fractional c_os^a.. sin^^« r ^^ ^'" ^ ; therefore 1 rr 2^,^ si^..,.,-.r^., J, j^^ in2 + i)]oJo Jo, , by changing the order of the integral containing in(k'])endeut of a. x, integration. Substitute the value in (2718) for z'' under the operator A, since it Avriting the factor is Similarly, with 2j7 +l in the place ofp, we substitute from (2720). MISCELLANEOUS THEOBmiB: It may be shown whenever tliat, p, formula (2722) > a 399 reduces to 2724 For a complete iuvestigation, see Caucliy's " technique," tome xvii. 2725 Ex.-Let a = 2,p = l,q r cos4aW^^^_^ = ^ h Memoire de I'Ecole Poly- = i, 1 A= (_2a-2)K srmsin^ 6 A2(2a-2)*= and + -2)*-2 (2a (2a)* + (2a -2)^ = r>-2.4* + 2i FOURIEE'S FORMULA. r~<^(.)./.. = 2726 Jo when (X= and CO -|<^(0), sill cl li £i not greater than is -^tt. — Pkoof. (i.) Let <^{x) be a continuoas, finite, positive creasing in value as x increases from zero to li. quantity, de- (i-), a — — a The terms are alter- nately positive and negative, as appears from the sign of sin ax. lowing investigation shows that the terms decrease in value. consecutive terms The folTake two being tbe greatest multiple of a contained in h. d' " r Inn sin ft Sm » .B ^ / X ^ ^ ^ r 7 J (n / ^ , a a Substituting sin aa; " + l)7r Sin X x— — -1f - in the second integral, it a — Sin ax becomes T \ , / r<ph+~]dx, , sin (x-\ a \ and since f decreases as x increases, the corresponding element of the an element of this integral first integral. is less than — — INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 400 we have N'ow, by substituting ax-=y, -. — f Or) = (ii^ (p[-]iii/ = --— <piO)\ fZ// . . . (11.), a n when is infinite, fl because then -] \a { (p ' Hence the sum = ^(0) and a sin of n terms of (i.) may = ^ a I y. be replaced by 0(0) ' ^^^cZv, Jo y takes the value </)(0) ^tt by (2572) while the sum of the remaining terms vanishes, because (the signs alternating) that sum is less than the ?t-|-l"' term, which itself vanishes when n is infinite. when n which, is infinite, ; (ii.) If ^(a;), while always decreasing, becomes negative, let (7 be a constant such tihat (7+0 (») remains always positive while x varies from to h. The theorem is true for G-\-(p (x), and also for a function constant and equal whatever its sign. to (7, and it is therefore true for the decreasing function If (j){x) is a function always increasing in value, —(f>{x) is a decreasing function. The theorem applies to the last function, and therefore also to {x). 2727 two CoE. —Hence limits lying tlie same integral taken between any between zero and -^tt, vanislies when a is infinite. C^^^^[a:)(lv sm <r 2728 Jo = 7r{i^(0)+^W+<^(27r)+...+<^r«-l)^ + ^(«7r)}, when a is an indefinitely great odd integer, and mr is the But when a is an indefigreatest multiple of ir less than h. nitely great even integer, the second and alternate terms of the series have the minus sign. sin ax P —. Peoof. I Jo sin / ^ (x) j dx — /""'^sin a.r ^ ^ — Jo„ a; sin x f / \ (.)) ['' dx+\ 7 sin , I J ax ^ -0 „ sin "f . , (.r) j dx ,. . (1.), .1; decompose the second integral into 2n others with the limits to ^tt, ^tt to tt, and in these integrnls put successively x = ?/, to |7r, ... (2;) — 1) gTT to UTT IT— TT + y, 2v — y, 2w-\-y, ... mr—y. The new limits will be to \ir, \tc to alternately, with the even terms negative, so that, by changing the signs of to ^tt. the even terms, the limits for each will be Also, if a is an odd inTT ; _;/, teger, — ; '- sm* is changed into — ; - by each substitution, so that (i.) &n\y + 0(— + 0(-+:/)+... + 0("— 2/)}./.'/ r"^^{0(y) ^^^y becomes !/) Jo c" + , But, when a is even, the substitution of sm ax --. J,,^ m =F ;/ / •. /• J ?'(.^)(Z.c for \ (ill.) sm.c smy MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS. whenever — {<!> In the The r is odd. (0') + limit of the first part of 2<p(w)+2cp last part of (iii.) (27r) put sin (iii.) is + ...+2^ (n-l)7r + (nir)}, by (2726). x = nw + y, and the integral becomes ,p ^JRm^(n^ + y)dy=^cf,(n7.), r Jo if /,-«,r is > '^ 1/ between If h—7iir lies the one with limits with limits ^tt to h and -Jtr 401 tt, -^, ^ by (2725). decompose the integral into two others ; towards ^tti^ («t), while the other — mr becomes, by putting y = Tr — z, to ^tt will converge the limit by (2727). Hence the last term of tuting these values, (2728) is obtained. is (iii.) iir(b (nir). 2729 Ex.— By (2614), [ e-^'^' cos 2hx dx = 2a n successively, and add, after multiplying Put & = 0, 1, 2 Substi- ' ... by tion i, the first equa- thus + cos 2ar + cos 4^ + (i -a2ar> . . . + cos 2n«) c7a; f, The = left side J [%-.'»' ^'° and, w = 00 if , (^." + ^) " <;., by (801), sma; Jo becomes JL jl + e-Tr2a2_^e-4^2aS_^e-9;r2a=^_,..}, Put Tra 2730 =a and —= a /J ; by (2728) _1 / _i ; -i therefore v'a{4+<'~°'+«"*'''+<'~'°'+-} = y/3{i+e-«'+e-«'+e-'^'+...}, with tlie condition a/3 Jo when a is Proof. an = tt. <r -<i infinite integer. —The integral may be put f^ sin ax '^•'^ ^^° - (.r) c^,., in the where J„ sin.T 3 F form ^(x)=^<t> (.r). INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 402 therefore, is by (272G), when h is Itt* (0), since in (272«) Hence the theorem and Ja .V J -a Jo .L — 2734 1 I ;<; AYhen = cp (0). = f^O)^ ' ^ cV 1, bj (2729). (0), ux du dcV = -r-(l>{0), when a = oo . Substitute (his in (2731). oos«.i;c?«. Jo and a f" Jo cos {.1} — X the value (Oj second integral. in the <j) ^IIL^ PiiOOF. >.^7r, But * =1° +j[=|*(0)+f*(0), (ii.)|' by substituting is are both positive, /3 f= f- PROOF.-(i.) and by (2728), if /t Cln), Ac. all vanish. Jtt, a> proved. is o Wlien > (ti), <i> 2735 are positive, the limit /3 is infinite of cos in COS UcvdudiV, <l>Lv) I I when a Jo Ja or of is ^7r0 (/), if / <^(,r) sill I 1 .0 ».'a lios between for any other vahie of Pr')OF. — When a = cc) and /3, :{;?(/) (/) if f = a, and xH'o t. we f rr,)oo,nxco.Mrclu = JaJfl a /« sin //,rf/wr/cr, have, by (668), and integrating with respect to «, :L f/^ sin Jo a (.-/) ^~^ ^ ^^.-^^^_^ , [^ J« lillWllti^ '•'"^^ ^ = xr'^i^c.+o,.+ir'^^^^Q:-,),, (,,) cZ.. (i.), by substituting z = x — t and 2 = .r + / in the two integrals respectively. "When a is infinite, the limit of eacli integral is known. When a and /3 are positive and Hies bt'i\vc(Mi tlieiu in value, the limit of (i.) is When value is V0(O, a ami zero, /3 by (2782 8) are positive and by (2732) (ii.) / does not lie between them, the (iii.) MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS. 403 = = ^ir<p (i) by (2731), and Hu (i.), the first integrnl becomes If a the second vanishes as before so that the value, in this case, is ^tt cp (t) ... (iv.) ; The same demonstration applies in the case of (2736), transforming by (6G9) instead of (GG8). Hence, by /100 2737 be always positive, (ii.), if t /-tec \ ] <t> cos fu cos ('t^) =— iLV (In d.v = /»0D /loo 1 \ <l){t) (l){.v) iiiu til sin u.vdiidcV. Jo Jo Ex.— Let 2739 <p (x) = e-'^^ = — e~"^ e~"^ cos tu cos ^lxdudx Jo Jo which is f^^^?^ du = ^ by (2584), Therefore-, ^ equivalent to (2574), with The expressions t = e""*, 1. in (2737-8) being even functions of ii, we have, supposing to be always positive, t I J -00 ^ (x) cos cos uxdu dx til = 7r(j)(t) = Jo \ J Replacing <p and by <p{~x), (x) <p -X (x) sin tu sin ux du dx ... (i.) J afterwards substituting —x, these equations become (p J _x From cos tu cos ux Whence, by (ii.), <j> i 2741 du dx =— and (i ) 2740 2742 (a-) J -x> ^ f* = tt^ ( — ^) f (() (x) sin tu sin uxdu dx by addition and subtraction, we get (x) COS tu COS (•'^) sin tu sin ^lxdudx = ux du dx = irlfp (t)+(l> ( tt [^ (J)—<f> — t)], (~0]' addition, \ f" 4> (ciO cos u {t-x) the original formula of Fourier's. dudx = 27r<l> (/), (ii.) INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 404 THE FUNCTION The function 2743 V,(.r) wlien /t is wlien = ]og^- is denominated (p{x). 1 differentiating the logarithm of (2293). = iog(>.-l-i.-i-...-^^, Cor. ^(l) /I 111 dj,\ogT(x) an indefinitely great integer. Peoof.— By 2744 t/i(a7). = CO , = -0-o77215,664901,532860,G0 ... (EuJcr). All other values of ^p{x), when a? is a commensurable quantity, may be made to depend upon the value of ;//(!). When 2745 X is less Proof. r 2746 (1 1, (x) -.^0 r (l-.r) TTcr. V' i-^) = sin™ TT -f- = nxjji^nd^^nlogn. —Differentiate the logarithm of equation (2316). '-To compute the value of ^(—) Find ^ when ( ^ is a ^proper ^ ^ fraction. 2748 (2313). .^(..•)+'A(.'-+i)+'^(^-+|)+...+V'(..-+^^) Proof. 2747 than = ^ cot —Differentiate the logarithm of the equation ^ - ) from the two equations t/»(l—^)-tA(^) '^ ^ = 7rcotii7r, (2745) ^ 2749 V'(l-i^)+t/,(-^) = 2]t/,(l)-log</4-cos?^log(2vers??) + cH>8^1og(2vors4^)+cos^log(2vors55) + ,^c.|. } , THE FUNCTION The 405 y\i{x). term within the brackets, when last , q is odd, is ^ '-^— log ( ^ cos (ild)j^lo,c.^2Yers(i::i5>); \ 9. and when is term q is even, the last + is log 2 according as _p even or odd. Proof. —Equation (2743) may be written . being an indefinitely great integer. 1 2 -D by x successively u Keplace 9. <1 teger; thus +1 fi • 1 — 1 ^ ^(i q/ 2 +1 g +2 -±+l,. V 2 >> / ;P(1) Now, if " — — , 3 + 2^ + i ' +7a_ 1 1 ... ; where is q any '*-3^^+'*32+: +ZA ? 22 +2 __1 32 + 2 (i-) 2-1 Fl^'"'' 22-1"^'^ 32-1 +12+ 11- =-1 6 be any one of the angles ^=^, — — , ... ilinllzr, we = cos 220 = cos ^q<p = &c 1 = cos = cos (2 + 1)0 = cos (22 + 1)0 = cos (32 + 1)0 by cos0 + cos20 + cos30 + ...+cos (2 — 1)0 + 1 = shall have (ii-), q(p COS0 By means of the relations cos0;p(— ] cos 20 1// in- 1 =- (ii.) COS0 2 and + (iii.), equations (iii.)> (803) (iv.) be written cos0Zf — 2_cos(2 + 2)0 + cos20Zf-, cos I cos(2-l)0^ may ^cos(2 + l)0+ cos 0^2 ^\=-^2 20 +cos20Z2 q ^^ X3 cos 30 + COS30Z2 Hi) (i.) &c q +^ q +o 2_ cos(2+3)0 + cos30Zf-, ^ (^— ) =--5jCos(2-l)0 + cos(2-l)0Z2 ^cos(22-l)0 + cos(2-l)0Z|-, = -! - + -. Zf + 12 h the coefficient of each logarithm vanishes, by (iv.) remaining terms on the right form a continuous series, and we have 4/(1) Upon adding the equations, The cos0;/^(— )+cos 20 ;//(-)+...+ cos (2-1)0^ ('^^-)+^(l) = — 2 cos + 1 cos 20 + i cos 30 + in inf. = 12 log (2 -2 cos 0) by (2928) { (v.) INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 406 —= Let 3w 2w, ties — \p ( Then, by giving to w. (q ... — l)<*), ], yp [ -we obtain q — • ) '^ to their COS 2p(o sum equation (k — cos jJw cos + Ji(o cos 2j:)<i» To unknown solve these equations for quanti\// [~j multiply them respectively by q, C0SJ3W, and join linear equations in the )• ( being an integer less than p in equation (v.) its different values w, (p —1 . . . cos {q — \)pio, x= — (2746), after putting and n = q. ^ \ j in the result, cos 2/iw -|- . . . /.; being any integer less than q, is + cos (q — l)p(i) cos (g — l)ku)-rl. each tei'm by (6C8), we see by (iv.) that this coefficient vanishes excepting for the values k q—p and k p, in each of which Hence, dividing by ^q, we obtain cases it becomes ^q. By expanding = = = yp(9-:P\+^ (£.\ = 2xP (I) - 2lq + cos pio + cos2^wZ(2-2cos2w) + +cos (/? I (2 -2 COS co) — l)27wZ {2-2 cos(g-l) w}. the third term; the last but one term = cospwZ(2 — 2 cos w) cos 2^wZ(2 — 2cos 2a^ = the second term, and so on, forming pairs of equal terms. But, if q be even, there is the odd term The = last = cos iqpoj log (2 according as 2^ Examples. — 2 cos ^quj) = —By (2748-9) we obtain 2750 ^(f) = ^(l)-31og2+^, 4^ 2752 ^(l) = ^(i)-Hog3+^^, ^(i) (I) = ^ (I) -Slog 2- j-, = v/^(i)-fiog3-^, ;/.(i)=;/.(l)-21og(2). 2754 DEVELOPMEN'TS OF Wlien 2755 dh 2 log 2, even or odd. is ,1' is -/,(«+,.•) Proof. r = ^(«) + J- + -l,+-L.,+ ...+ — By (2289), putting n = a + x — (a t/»(rf+.r). any integer, + x) = (a + x-1) (a + x-2) l ... and r ^ — x—1, (a + 2)(a + l) a r(a). Differentiate the logarithm of this equation with respect to a. 2756 <l,(a+.v) = ^ia)+^-pf:zll + £ip^kl^ a 2a{a-\-l) .ia (« + !)(« 42) ,r{,v-l)(,r-2)(,r-i\) , THE FUNCTION If 407 \fj{a^. be a positive integer, the number of terms in tliis and the value of ^p{a-\-x) can be found from 33 series is finite, that of xp{a). Hence, by this or the preceding formula, in conjunction with (2747), the value of ^{N), when JV is any commensurable quantity, may be found in terms of ^(1). Proof.— Let (a + x) = A + Prx+Cx (x-l)+Dx (x-l) (x-2) Change a; into x + 1; then, \|/ A4^(a Ax = + x) = Aaj 1, ^lJ{a + x + l)-^l^(a+x) (x-l) — — 2x, Ax =:f?^{logr (a + x + + &c. l)-logV(a + x)} = ch\og (a + x) (2-288)=-^^, {x-Y) {x - 2) = ox — 1), &c. Therefore (.« ^-B^20x^'iJ)xix-V)^^Ex{x-V){x-2)\, a-\-x A —= 2(7+2.3jDj; + 3.4E«(a;-l) + , a-\-x A^^— = 2.3D+2.3.4.i;a- + , a-\-x - = 2.3. 4^ + A*— a-\-x Put = in each equation to determine thus A = 4^(a), B = -, 2G=a'^ . a; a' a = A^ — = 1 2.3D —1 A (a 2 3 1 2 a a(rt+l)(a + 2) 4^ = A'— = A the coefficients A, B, G, D, &c.; ^ a+ 1 ^ ^ a a(a + l) - 2 a{a+l){a + 2y + 1) — —^3 = —, and - a (a + l)(a + 2) (fl + 3)' SUMMATION OF SERIES BY THE FUNCTION t/»(cv). ^ + ^^ + ^^ + + ^^ 2757 Fonnulal. Proof. so on. ... — Let S„ denote the «. terras of the series to be summed. We have S„.,-8„ = f-^(^^+n+\)=^[^[-^ + n+2)-^[^ + n + l)']{2288) or >S«,i- — c Hence the 4/ (-^ + n \ c + 2] = S„I difference is independent of n, ^ c 4/ (^ + n + l). \ c and therefore I 1 INTEGRAL OALOALUS. 408 Ex. 2758 1 + 1 + - + 2;;^ = ^-^"^ (^^+-^^ '^"+^)- 1+ 2759 Formula IL ^ 7> + 3o = .lFT^-|:{*(4^')-*('^>HHf^-)-^(^-)}- — The Proof. series is equivalent to + r-^+,-V+...+ ,-A-- ^7^ + and the result follows by Formula Formula 2760 1 b 1 III. ., . I. — 1 • + "', , ininf. i+c^i+2c i !*(¥)-*(*-!?)! Proof. 2761 —Make n= Ex. 1.—In 00 in Formula (2760) h let = c=\, l-i + i-l + &c. = i + i For ^ (2) 2762 = 1+4/ (1), Ex. by (2755) ; The II. r|, last then \^ (2)-4/ (f) two terms become equal. = 2+ 4^ a)} = log 2. (l)-21og 2, by (2754-5). = 1, c = 2, then l-\+\-\+&c. = 1 + 14^ (i)-!-]' (I) = f- 2.— In (2760) 2763 V'(H-«) let & = Jor"-^rf.r+V(i)—1 .1' Proof. 4-(l + a) -^(l) + ^-^|xF^ + "%rl^.2!^^^"'^'^a(a-l) 1_(1_9;)« v|, (1 + a) = f 3 ^^^ ^-^ ^^) „ 1.2.0 1.2 a; therefore . a(a-l)(a-2) ^"(l--'^')" dx + v|/ (1). Jo Substitute 1 — 2764 a; in the integral. i^(l+.0-V'(l+M = r^!——4-%Ar. ,'0 .r [By (2768) THE F UNCTION Ex. — Put = —a; h 40 9 . then + a) _;/.(!_ a) = - +^(a)-4^(l-a) ;/.(! (.v) yj/ (2756) =- -TrcotTra 2765 --_i_- Therefore tZ» = - -tt cot Tra. AS A DEFINITE INTEGRAL INDEPENDENT OF i/j(a?) 2766 ^(,.) 1,1., x+ X —-with^ = ^-... - + -^ + ...+ But i/r(l). = -j;(j_L.+i^jrf«. v|/A^)=W«-— Proof. (2745). 0/ ex 1 ^^ 1 ^ X+fl — l , l-z J^ (2743). dz, , , oo ^X + fl.-l -1 by actual division and integration. iog^ Also Put 2 = i/'^ of (i.), by i/ (2367). in the first integi'al, therefore 1-'/ Jo Replace = p(^^-g)cZ. 1-2/'^ Jo and suppress the term common with the second integral z, and we get »//(«.) = | '-j^^ - fj-^ \ dz. J Put g'^ = and u, = oo But when ^ and w'^ = this 1. becomes the product /i(l Hence the — m^^) has — logtt result. 1 2767 Proof, for its limit (1584); ? da ^(^*^)=ri' r («) = e-^z'^-'^dz; j d^Y (x) But, by (2427), = e-'z'^-Hogzdz. j Jo Jo log2=[ ^~"~^~°% ^«, 3 G TNTEGUAL CALCULUS. 410 .•.d^r(x) = C' C^ /< - " /) - at dzda e-':f-'- i J n J = r[c-.[%----'&-rc-"+->-r'-'&] '^' -wLich establishes the formula since d,v{x) 2768 logro.) - = .z.iog r r(.o 0^) =^ (x). ^£[G.-i)c-^^-^-^!=£f]^' =:fT!jl£l!_,,.+ill?£. 2769 ^(„.)=j;[^-j^,/f 2770 — Proof. Integrate (2767) for x between the limits 1 and that logr(l) 0; thus Jo log(l ' Subtract from this the equation obtained from multiplying the result by x—\. We thus obtain log r (.) x, observing = [0.-1, + «) > by making it (1+,.)- ^^""^";"""^1 = i; Substitute ^ = log (! + «), and stitute z = (l+a)-\ Lastly, (2768) (2770) is is a ;c = 2, and s^- To obtain (2769), subthe result. the result of ditferentiating (2768) for X. NUMKRICAL CALCULATION OF \ogr{.v). 2771 The second member of (2768) can be divided into two parts, one of which appears under a finite I'onn, and the other vanishes with x. If we pnt r = (.-i-.1- 1-,)\ Iogr(,«)=^ then If '-i =r -,.w«,,_= ,-.£._,^, Q . iP+Qe-i>-)d^ bo developed in ascending powers of negative indices are -- + ^, = li .--a^-. I , l, (i.) the terms which contain — NUMEEIGAL CALCULATION OF Put F(x) = 411 log Fur). {P + Re-^^jdi { =i:[((-^)-i^)--(M)Hf = (Q-B)e-^-^-cU - (j^" j" 1) -^' f - ("^^ ^^^•)' and [^ .. (..) Then, by (i.), F (x) now can j^^ log T =i^(.0 + w(a;) (x) be calculated in a finite form, and ra- (iv.) (.f) will liave zero for its limit as x increases. First, to sbow that and, by substituting Again, 2;)utting' « F (^) w and be exactl}^ calculated. (|) cfin -g-^, =1 in we have (iii.), -«=i:(i^4-i)-^f . and, by substituting ^^'-'^ A^, (vii.) "0)=j;(^,-,\-i)-«f The diffex-ence of (vi.) and (vii.) gives -r(r^-^-^)-f Jo since 1 l Subtract (viii.) ^ from (1) = ^ Also, by (iv.), -F(i) i-'O^) By (ii.), may now ^-•>' ^ — e^i (v.), — = 1 -. — e--5 = ,- 1-e 1^>-« thus r(^:^^ _ ^) ^^ = I + w(^) =- /r(i) = i?7r, .-. be found by calculating Fi.r) F(.)-Fii) = _ l£^ Fil) — F{^) (2429). ilog (27r)-i...(ix.) =: as follows: |^[(.-i)e-f+ (1 + |) (e-^-e-i^J ^' ^ Jo Jo = i-a'+(^-i)loga: (2427-8), F(x) = ^\og{27r) + (x-l)\ogx-u:, by(ix.); (x), logrOi;) = 1 log (2;r) 4-(a;-i) logx-x + r(*) = e--^-a;-r-iv/(27r)e-('-) | ^ .-. .-. by (iv.) 2772 xjr •• (x.) ; (xi.) 412 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. When W X is very large, e^ differs but little from unity. For vt(x) diminishes without limit as x increases, by the value (iii.) Replacing xsr (x) in (x.) by its value (iii.)) and observing that log we log get r (.c + l) r (a; -I-]) =loga; + logr =-i-log (Stt) -|- (aj + |) log x (a:), —x ("^-^ +J„(n^^-T--2)^'^^ Now, by (1539), \l-e-f where ti is 21 i < 1 . 1.2 ^"'^' Jo So that equation 2773 k 1 ... 1 2;i ... 2« + 2' Also (xii.) log r (.r+ 1) , '^ Jo produces = i^^^ + (.r + i) log .v^a.^ ^2 ^i_ I ^J^in + 2 zr This series is divergent, the terms increasing indefinitely. The complementary term, which increases with n and is very great when n is very great, For instance, when is, however, very small for considerahle values of n. a 10, the values obtained for log r (11), by taking 3, 4, 5, or G terms of the series, are respectively, = 10-090820096, 16104415343, 16^104412565, 16-1041 12563. CHANGE OF THE VARIABLES IN A DEFINITE MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. 2774 Let ,7', ?/, ^ be connected with ^, v, I by three equations Then, when tlie limits of the integral containing the variables can be assigned independently, we have new TRANSFORMATION OF A MULTIPLE INTEGRAL. where of ^, what F becomes when the vakies of x, y, z, in terms obtained by solving the equations u, v, w, are sub- is <l> 7), 413 I, stituted. F (x, y, Proof. cluhj dz z) = f 1^ (^^ n, III To ti, w for 4', entiate for We r/. J ^^^ ^^ <^^- aud ^ constant, and differentiate the three equations To find y^, consider and x constant, and differTo find Z/-, consider x and y constant, and differentiate for ^. find Xt, consider V, ff rj as in (1723). i^ thus obtain d (ttvw) d (uvw) d inzj) d (46O d (uvw) d {uvw) d (uviv) d {xyz) d {yzS) d {zkn) d (itviv) dxdych^_ d {kyz) dE, dt] dZ observing' that two interchanges of value or sign (559). columns ^_ d (uvtv) d (tnQ d. (uvtv) ' d {xyz) in a determinant do not alter its Similarly in the case of any number of independent variables. When, however, the limits in the transformed integral have to be discovered from the given equations, the process is not so simple. In the first place, we shall show how to change the order of integration merely. 2*7*75 Taking a double integral cb r4> in its most general form, we rp r* (.1-) shall have t F(x,y)dydx F(x,y)dxdy=^\ (i.) right member will generally consist of more than one integral, and S denotes their sum. The limits of the integration for x may be, one or both, ^ is the inverse of the function \p, constants, or, one or both, functions of y. i//(.x'), so that x ^(^). Simiand is obtained by solving the equation y larly with regard to (p and 4>. The = = examination of the solid figure described in (1907), whose volume make the matter clearer. The integration, the order of which has to be changed, extends over an area which is the projection of the solid upon the plane of xy, and which is bounded by the two (.^')> straight lines x = a, x = h, and the two curves y V = 'p(x)The summation of the elements PQ.qp extends from a to h, and includes in the one integral on the left of equation (i.) the whole of the solid in An this integral represents, will = '4^ question. But, on the right, the different integrals represent the summation of a, y elements like PQ^^rj), but all pai^allel to OX, between planes y fi, &c. drawn through points where the limits of x change their character on account cp (x) of the boundaries y not being straight lines parallel \p{x), y = = to OX. = = ; INTEGRAL OALCULUS. 414 — 2776 Example. Lot the figure represent the projected area on the xy plane, boanded by the curves b. a, x (b (x), and the straiglit lines x y \p (x), y c. cp (x) have a ruaxinium value when x Let y The values of y at this point will be ^(c), and at the points where the straight lines meet the curves the = = = = = = values will be (p(a), <P\h), (a), i// v/'(fc). According to the drawing, the right member of equation (i.) will now stand as follows, U being written for F{x,y), C't' {a) rb [<!> (b) Cb (a) J* Vdydx+\ Udyd,, Uia)]a Udydx J* (2/) The four integrals represent the four areas into which the by the dotted lines drawn parallel to the X axis. In the last and ^iiy) are the two values of .r corresponding to one of y the curve y = f (x) which is cut twice by any x coordinate. To change 2777 from z, part of the order of integration in a triple integral, we shall have an equation of the form y, x to y, x, z, F {x, y, z) dx dy dz ixii^i{x)}4>i(x,y) is divided = F (x, y, z) dz dx dy I.\ \ J 2^1 J ^1 U) J *i (c, a-) (ii.) Here the most general form for the integrals whose sum is indicated b}^ 2 that in which thf limits of y are functions of z and x, the limits of a; func- Referring to the figure in (lOOG), tions of z, and the limits of z constant. Every element the total value of the integral is equivalent to the following. multiplied by F(xyz), a function in is dxdydz of the solid described (1907) of the coordinates of the element, and the sum of the products is taken. This process is indicated by one triple integral on the left of equation (ii ) the limits of the integration for z being two unrestricted curved surfaces the limits for ?/, two cylindrical surfaces y 4^i{x), (x, y), z 2 02 (x, y) <^i x x.^. a'j, ^^d the limits for x, two planes x y \p2 (^) = = = = ; = ; = But, with the changed order of integration, several integrals may be The most general form which any of them can take is that shown required. Solving the equation z on the right of equation (ii.) 0, (.'', y), let <t., (z. x) be two resulting values of y then the integra<l>j (z, x), ?/,, ?/, tion for y may be efiected between these limits over all parts of the solid (x, y) is cut twice by the same y coordinate. where tlie surface z (pi The next integration is with respect to a;, and is limited by the cylindrical fi{x, y). surface, whose generating lines, parallel to OY, touch the surface z At the ])oints of contact, x will have a maximum or minimum value for each = = = ; = = = 0. Eliminating y between this equation (z) for the limits of x = 4', (z), x = value of z therefore J^^j (a;, ;/) .t. "ir^ and that of the surface, we get Lastly, th.e result of the previous summations is integrated for z between z,, z Zj, drawn so as to include all that portion of two parallel planes « the solid over which the limits for x and y, already dotermiued, remain the Bame. ; = = 415 TBANSFOBMATION OF A MULTTPLE INTEGRAL. = z^ and similar The reiuaiiiiiig integrations will take place between z successive parallel planes and, according to tbe portion of the solid which any two of these planes intercept, the limits of x for that integral will be one or or other of the bounding surfaces, curved or plane, the limits of y, one other of the curved surfaces. ; to change the variables in a multiple and determine the limits from the given equations, The general problem integral,' may now be solved. First, in the case of a double integral, 2778 /•.r2 /-MS (j) F{x,y)(Udy (m)., to change from q^, y to S, v, having given the equations u v 0, involving the four variables. = 0, = To change y and dy = /^ {x, for ?/) F(x, eliminate ^ between these equations thus y =f(-v, v) Substituting these values, we shall have rj, ; dt]. = F{xJ(x, 7) }/„(»•, v) dn = = = y) dy F, (x, n) dn. corresponds to i/^, the equations y^ ^^ (f) and Similarly V2 ^2 C^)4'i (^')?7i Hence the integral (iii.) may now be written Also, give if T)^ = F, (x, v) dx fZ^ = 2 F, (X, y^ r,) dr, =/(«, Vi) dx will (iv.), JliJ^iC,,) J.riJ>/'i(.r) the form on the right being obtained by changing tJie order of integration, as explained in (2775). 0, v Next, to change x for £, eliminate y between the equations « Substituting as before, we shall have g{t,, v) and dx — thus, x g^ (^, >?) dt,. = = ; = = F,(x,rj)dx Also, ^1 duce ^1 cori'esponding to = m^ (»?), and F^{t,-n)dl = "^^ = m.^ (n)- the equations x^ x^, in the same way F{x,y)dxdy = ^3 (jj) and «i Hence, F,{^, ^) :z\ dii = f7 (^d ^) W°' finally, di (v.) In the last transformation from x to ^, the most general form of tho integrals which may be included under S has been chosen. When any of the limits of* are constants, the process is simplified. 2779 Again, to change the variables from x,y,z to ^, r?,^, in the triple integral, F{x,y,z)dxclych (vi.), rJ>^iU-)Jxi(.r,2/) having given the equations u six variables x, y, z, ^, »?, t- = 0, = 0, 'y iv = between the INTEGBAL CALCULUS. 416 First, to cliange from z to C, eliminate ^ and n between equations, and let the resulting equation be z =/(*, y, 0dz f^(x, y, 4) dZ] therefore three the From this = F(x, »i y, z) dz = F{x, y,f(x, y, if V, d'C = F,{x, ^1 = = F,(..,y,0fZ.^%c?^ J 0}/^ (^. corresponds to the limit z^, the equations Similarly C^ ^3(2?, =/('^ 2/' ^1) give Ci <^i (.e, 2/)The integral (vi.) may therefore be written Also, .vi J = M£) Ui(^-,y) z^ y, dl = Xi ("> !/) ^^*^ ?/). F,(x,y,OdCdxdy 2 J^i J*i(^) J*i(^,j-) (vii.), the last form being the result of changing the order of integration, as exwe therefore have now to change from y to plained in (2777). eliminate z and ^ from the equations u, v, w, obtaining an equation of the form y =/(f, x, j;), and proceed exactly as before. The result, as respects the general foi'm of integral in (vii.), will be We >) ; (vm.) F,(x,v,Od^dxdr, The order of x and t) has now to be changed by (2775). Since C is a constant with respect to integrations for x and ?j, '^x(0' ^".(O "will also be constants, while \^(ii,x), XjC'T, «) will be functions of the single variable x. A^{i;,r]). Similarly, x A^{!i,ri) maybe Suppose r] \{ii,x) gives x the other limit. At the point where x '^i(i^) and ri \(^,x), we shall obtain by A,, ( :c) eliminating «, say, v Similarly, from x='^i(Q and »? l^i(0suppose, we get r) fA2(i^) for the next limit; then a general form for the = transformed = = = = integi'al will = = = (T, be r^2 f/^2(^) rA2(^,r,) F,(x,r,,Odi:dr,dx (ix.) J^Jmi(6")JAi(^,7,) Eliminating y and z It now remains to change from the variable x to ^. between the equations u, v, iv, we have a result of the form x-=f {l, v, 0Substituting for x and dx as before, we arrive finally at the form F,{^,V,0<-Udr,d^ = (x.) = Ao(C, v), in (i^-), are It should be noticed that the limits x A^ii', »;), x not necessarily different curves. They may, in some of tlie partial integrals, be different portions of the same curve. This was exemplified in the last integral of (2770). MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. The following theorems, (2825) to (2830), which are given for three variables only, liold good for any number. Let X, y, z be quantities which can take any positive values MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. pfi--ri-^-^ «o«r I "^^"^"^ JoJo Here x+ij + z = n n 7 r(/+m+« + l) then for y by (2308) function by (2305). for z gamma T(l)T{m)r{n) J ^ the hmiting equation. is I ( — ) -}-(^) finally for x ; ; +( — Proof.— Substitute x not greater tlian is j =r = l—Y, y = ^"V ^f^ the hmiting equation. is 1 by (2280), ^^^ fflV>y-4--V/^/,r/^^^^g^^ 2826 when to the 1 -^ Proof.— Integrate and change m 1 Jo sum tliat their subject to tlie condition unity; then 417 (^-jY, 2827 When the hmiting equation the value of the last integral becomes z= is (—)'', and apply (2825). simply ^ + + ^ = A, r) r{l)T(m)T{n) \ .z^.n^n r(/+m+n + l)' 2828 The value limits h and h-\-dh of the of the same sum .^..«.n-i r(/) Proof.— Let u be the value value required is which reduces to the above, in integral, taken between the of the variables, is T(m) T(n) „ (2827) ; then, by Taylor's theorem, the by (2288). 2829 j]p-^r-'^'^'y('^'+^+-) - T{l 3 H f^'^'^^f^- + m-\-n) X^ ^ ' INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 418 = to c. In otlier words, the h and 11 varies from variables must take all positive values allowed by tlio condition that their sum is not greater than c. if x-\-}/-\-z Proof.— For each value by (2828), fih) — of 7t the integration with respect to x, // » y, z gives, r(l)r(rn)r(n) the variations of .r, y, z not affecting h. tegrated as a function of h from to c. This expression has then to be in- fij>->v»-'f-/[(l)''+(iy+(-^)''( didridC 2830 'dh, rl 1"P' itli ' the hmiting equation Proof.— From (2820) by 2831 If X, y, z ( — ) " I = J« \ +(-^) substituting x +() =^- f-^~ Y, &c. he n variables, taking subject to the restriction CCC '" 1 cX'- + + r+ ?/- ... _ (lv(h/(h.&c. all >1 ; positive values then 7r'("+^) But, if negative values of the variables are permitted, omit the factor 2" in the denominator. Proof.— In (2830) put l=im = &c. = l; f(^'^ ^^~7r\ )T' '' The integral is = Hence the result. But — I; a ^'^^ t^iG expression 17 (in, \) (2280) = = &c.=l; j3 ];i = q = &c. = 2; on the right becomes r(i»)r(i) _ t\ = jy ' U; Iil(«+i)} (2305 5). . negative values of the variables are allowed under the same restriction, .i"+ij^ + ~-+ ... :^ 1, each element of the integral -will occur 2" times for once under the first hypdtliesis. Theivt'ore the former result must bo multiplied by 2". if . MULTIPLE INTEGRALS. 2832 If condition <f) n positive variables, a;'^-|-?/"-^ ( + 2;'^-f-&c.> 1, ,r, y, z, &c,, are limited then ax -\-hy-\-cz-\-kQ.) dx dy d.% PI _i(w-l) i(w-i) 2'-^r{i(«+i)}Jo^' F= wliere a^ + K^ + c' + &c. — Proof. Change the variables to £, rj, ^ by the oi'thogonal transformation (171*9), so that a^ + h^ + c^ + S^c. = k\ The intearral cp and ax + hy + cz + &o. then takes the form (JcO di ch] cU ,.. with k^ = H. ' + >f + T" + &c. > 1 &c., considering ^ con Now, integrate for by adapting formula (282G). The limiting >/, stant, equation is <r, 419 by tbe INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 420 Here I = f (h) = m = &c. = 1 p = q = &c.= 2; _ c = 1 and the reductions are a ; : ; = = ft &c. = 7(1-^) ; similar to those in (2832). 2834 If in (2832-3) negative values of tlie variables are admitted (since the limiting equation is satisfied by such), each element of the integral with respect to »?, t, &c. will then occur 2''"^ times, and therefore the result in each case must be multiplied by 2''"^, and the limits of the integration for ^ and 1. will be —1 and 1 instead of EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS IN CONVERGING SERIES. The expansion of a function by Maclaurin's theorem (1507) can be at once effected if the n}^^ derivative of the function is known, or if merely the value of the same, when the independent variable vanishes, is known. Some ?z*^^ derivatives of different functions, in addition to those given at (1461-71), When the general value would are therefore here collected. be too complicated, the value for the origin zero alone is given. DERIVATIVES OF THE /i*'^ ORDER. a general formula for calculating the n^^ derivative of a function of a function. The following If be a function of 7/ w^iere r term is = 1, 2, 3, of the ... 7?. z, and z a function of x, =zm each successively, and a is put after differentiation. expanded binomial, Proof.— Assume ?/„^ = A,y:+ ~2/2z+ rf 2/3-- + ••• + ryf 2/'«- form r equations from this by making nmltiply these r equations respectively by l)'*^'?;-'", and add the results. All the yz-\ —C(r, 2) z-\ G(r, 3) z-\ ... ( This is shown by differentiating the coefficients excepting A^ disappear. To determine any y = z, 2^ equation z^, ... z'' coefficient A,., in succession : — (1 -x)'" = 1-rx + G (r, 2) z'-C (r, 3) ;»»+... d= x*- 421 EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS- successively for with a put = z, x, and making x zero after after each diflfereutiation. expanding and differentiating the Thus, finally, binonaial. — Examples. The formula may be applied to verify equations (1416-19). Jacobi's formula (1471) may also be obtained by it. 2853 (hrv+Dx siu-' .V 2854 __ "" n_y U 1.3... (2/1-1) 2''{l-.if(l-j:y^ l.3C{n,2) ^, 2/1-1. 2/i-3 '^n-1 I Z = i=^. l-3-5C(^^,3) Z-^+..,±Z"L wliere V 2/1-1. 2/i-3. 2/1-5 ^ ^ (sin-^ cb)(„,i), = Proof. Expand the right 2855 </„;r member by tan-^t-. The following is \{l-x)-^- {l + x)-^n. l-\-x (1434). (1460). This derivative is obtained in (1468). another method, which also includes the result in (1469). tan" ••• by (1425) = d„^ ic — = tan- . 1 , o , — t ( c, I 1 1 l«-l(-l)«f 1 1 ) ^^^^ - ^—y„ j (cos ± sin 0), which • 1^ I x±i= z y(H-a;'') cote, therefore a; substituted in (1) convert the equation, by (767), into Put (tan-^ x}„^ 2856 = (-1)"-' rf„;,{e^'°'^cos(c«'siua)} \n-l sin" .(1). values sin nO. = e^«°^«cos(.^sina+n«). Proof. — By Induction. LAGRANGE'S METHOD. 2857 Lemma.— The ?^"' derivative of a function u=f(x) % times the coefficient of h"" in the expansion of fix-\-h) in powers of h by any known method. will, by Taylor's theorem (1500), be equal to 1.2 ... 2 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 422 = = and therefore ?/^ i + 2c,c; tlien equal to either of the following series, with the notation of (2451-2). Let u a-\-hx-\-Ciir, d^_^{a-\-hx-\-cx^Y is i(H,,n-.,,.[nS U^ U 1 (r) I 1 2858 ^005 2859 or, Pkoop. putting this trinomial. {(ic . • (2858) = | lr /i in ?t", it becomes ,^o,, ]. + •••]' (f, (7t + «^7i + c7(.')". r times the coefficient of h^ in tlie Tlien, expansion of it may be obtained by expanding and collecting the coefficients of A'' from the is found by taking the result, and is as a binomial, subsequent expansions. expanding, l(r,)l[r-Z,) 7?i will be + ttj.h) + ch^}" •• j^2 — Cbangitig x into x + by (2857), drxU" n^:r'c^n- n^^r'cu + l(r-l) + + 2?i = and Aac — = The value (2869) and multiplying by collecting coefficients of h^, 1.2... r, as before. Ex.— To 2860 u = a^ + x^, (a' ti^ find d„^(a' = 2x, q= + x'r = 2a, r (2n)'."; I L + x-)". = X-+ f^;'~^], aV-^ 2)1 (2ii — l) 1 2861 with Applying fornuila (2859), we have Therefore n. . 2 .2?i rf«.t-'= e-'[a«(2.r)«+... 7- = ... {2n~ 3) ) + :^«-'-(2.r)''-^''+&<).|, &c. in succession. 1, 2, 3, = Proof.— By the method of (2857). Putting e<^(^*A)' e"^ e'"^* e"''\ expnnd the factors containing h by (150), and Irom the product of the two series collect the coefficients of h". ciocn 1 siu <, /o \„sin/ ., •••+1(Tt(^^^) , mr\ , eo^V + — j"^ EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS. Proof.— i„^ putting i"-'" = (cos ^^.iin-r^l^ and then equate 2864 A'- = = +i sill ic") '"-''''", e' by since, and imaginary real fh.r-^^ = Expand the (7„,,e''-^-'. = (760), i^"" (iiZ^I + \s^+ eos 423 sin * [a'H ^sin right ~= i. by (2861), Also put ^^^^" | , parts. i-^r [^"'+ {n+l-2'^} c^"-'^^ + {(7(^^ + 1, 2)-2«(« + l) + 3"[e^»-''^ + \C(n + l, 3)-2«(7(H + l,2) + 3''(» + l)-4"}e'"-^>^ + &c.] Proof. — Let u be the function. To determine the A's being constants. + l)"'^S and also (e^ (e- + l)«-i = From e("'^ By differentiating u it is seen that expand u their values, = (e^ + 1)"*, by the Binomial theorem; thus •)-+(«.+ 1) e'- + a(n + l,2) e^'^'^'^+C (n + 1, 3)e(«-^)^+&c. the product of the two expansions the coefficients A^, A^-x, &c. may be selected. '-1 2865 dr,,,iim-\v according as n is = (-1) Proof.— By Rale IV. (ISo-i)- The (see Example 1535) are, in this case, (l + x')y,^ + 2xy, = (i.) or zero, first last differential equations and + ^ («+ 1) 2/»xo = (ii.) ; = = ^.osin-^t^ according as n Proof. \n-l 2/(». 2)0.0 ; 0with y^ 1 and f/2xo Otherwise.— B J (1468), putting x 2867 -^ odd or even. is ocZtZ = 0. = 1.3^o\.. {ii-2y or or eveii. ^ero, —By differentiating (1528). Othenvise.—As in (2865) where equations case (l-a!^)i/2^ 2869 ^4.0 according as Proof. in (2867). — As = {sm-\vy ^i- is (i.) a:?/^ = (i.) and 2/(„.2)xo 2.2\4?.6' ... = (ii.) will become in this ^^^2/»^o ... ..-(ii-) {n-2r or zero, even or odd. in (2865) ; equations (i.) and (ii.) being identical with those INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 424 d„,,i-o^(mHm-\i') 2871 = or zero (-l)f m2(wr-2-)(m---4-) according as n ; 2873 is sin f^?„ ,0 (r>i ; according as n is odd or f4^o eos 2875 2876 and > if even. siu \r) = (_1)"-T m(m2-l)(m2-3^) or zero [/>i--(7i-2)-], ... even or odd ... ei-e?^ rm COS [m--(n-2)-], and >1 if odd. \v) or mir according as n 2877 — and > is 0(7(? «/„,o 1, or even and siu (»i cos-^r) (_l)fm2(m'— 2-)(?n^— 4-) 2879 or ( n is Observe that, cos~^ ... [m^—in—2f] siu JmTr, ... [m--{n — 2f] cos-imTr, ^^^ = — l)^'m(m2-l)(m2-3-) according as = ^i >0. odd and > 1. in (2871-3), sin-^0 = 0, and in (2S75-9), ei'^'^^ and > 0, or are the only values admitted. As Pp^oof.— For (2871-9). in each case in (2865) ; equations (i.) and Cii.) now bo- coming (i-) (!-»') 2/2x-a32/x+»'V = Otherwise.— By the method of (1533). 2/(«.2);ro= («'-«i')2/r,xo (ii.) = x cot then wcos^i^ = ?/oSiu — ir+...+//,^o^(^',>*)sin—2" '^+ 2880 Let y ,r, 7r ...+//(n-l):rO>iSill^, with integral values of r, from to n— l inclusive. — EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS. 425 y„-,Q shortly by ?/„, we find, by making &G. successively in the formula, Thus, denoting 2881 n= 1, 2, 3, _ _ 2 _ _8_ _ 32 128 — = Proof. Take the nth derivative of the equation a; cos a; y sinx by 0. (14G0), reducing the coefficients by (1461-2), and putting x finally 2882 The derivatives of an odd order independently, as follows Let y ^ (x), then <p (x) all vanish. = may be shown This : = is an even function of x (1401) 9"-'(x) ... = ^2„U(0)=:_^^-'(0); ... d„,,{{l+.v-y siu(mtau-^.r)} 2883 according as n odd or is (l,,,{{\-\-a)')'' according as n Proof.— As (2885), are Formula (ii.) ; 2887 Equations 2/2^-2 2/(«t2)a'0 in (2888) = 0. = (-1)"'^ m^^l or zero, = (-1) n-2 cos(mtan-i.:i?)} (2865). now (l+«') and f-^^(0) ' m^^^l (i.) and (ii.), both for (2883) and m (m-1) y = {m — n — 1) y^^ xy^ + (m-1) = — {m — n) gives the factors in succession, starting with y^ 1, y^=0 in (2885). y, (i.), (ii.) = = and with f/.xo{(l+'?")~^cos(mtan-^a7)} according as n or zero, even or odd. is in thei-efore eve7i. ni 2885 ; -f"^'(~x); is eveii = — l)'m^'^^ ( 0, y^ =m or zero, or odd. — Change the sign of m in (2885). — In formulaa (2883-7) zero the only admitted value of tan"' Pkoof. Note. is 2889 according as 2891 7? is When |> — Put y (-1)' "'^'^ ^^ '''^' even or odd; by (1539). is a positive integer, or zero, according as n Peoof. = '^"-(^l) is = e"^ cos hx > and < j;. = x^ in (1460), or z 3 I employing (1465). 0. 2 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 426 MISCELLANEOUS EXPANSIONS. Tlic following series are placed here for the sake of reference, many of tliem being of use in evaluating definite Otlier series and methods of integrals by Rule V. (2249). expansion will be found in Articles (125-129), (149-159), (248-295), (756-817), (1471-1472), (1460), (1500-1573). tests of convergency, see (239-247). For Numerous expansions may be obtained by differentiating These and or integrating known series or their logarithms. other methods are exemplified below. 2911 cot.i = l--i— x + -l---^-iUtt — TT+ci" ,v IT a: + _i ^ 27r+.r Proof. 2912 ^—+-L ^ 'dir^.v — By differentiating the logarithm of equation ^cot7r.t=i--h--i-:+ 0? cV ^ —i — By changing x into 2913 taD.r = ^-i irx in (815). ^ a'-\-l .r— 1 Proof. &c. aTT+A- , 1 + 1 +&e. (2911). 1__|_.^ &c. iTT+.r- Proof. — By changing x into ^t — x in 2914 cosec .r =— V ' Proof. into 53!. — By fTT— .r Itt+cI.^ (2011). ' TT— .r 27r+.t' 77+ .J' t\7r—.r 27r— .r tin-^-.v 47r— .r adding together equations (2911, 2913), and changing x EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS IN SERIES. =lm + -i— m -^ + -.J!— smmiT 2915 wi 1 1 1,1 3— m 2—m —By putting x = Proof. cot. 2916 m-n- 2-^m 1 3+m ^ in (2914), = i_?^_^-^'-&c. [o_ cV For proof 427 L4_ |_2_ see (1545). The reference in that article (first edition) should be to (1541) not (1540). 2917 2918 = i--f^i^pi^A.r coseCci^ Peoof. IA \Jl \JL — By (2916) and the relations tan x=. cot » — 2 cot 2x, cosec a; = cot 4a; — cot «. 2919 -kz^ 1— 2acoStr4-a -, = l+2acos.r+2a'-cos2^^+2a'cos3<i^+&c. cos cr ^^^^ — = 1— a- i-2acos.tM-a^ i-_i-^(coScr+acos2cr4-a^cos3cr+«^cos4i'+&c...) 1—a^^ 2921 —_sinf 1— 2a cosji+a Proof. ^ _ sin^-j-a sm2.v-^a' sin3ci —By (784-6) making a=l3 = x and When a is less tlian c + a^sm4i + &c. = a. unity and either positive or negative, . INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 428 2922 1 --^log(l — cosSci— &c. — cos2.:r+ a^ + 2acos.iH-«^) = ttcoscr— a^ —= tan-i_l+«coSci' 2923 1 Proof. — Putting log (1 + 2) = — sin2a7+--T-sin3ci'— &c. asino? 2 z = a (cos x + sin i ti we have a;), + a cos 4- m sin a;) = |log(l + 2acosa^ + a'') + aan-' log (1 a; ''"'"•'' 1 and log(l also + 2) = Z^ z o "^" gS jgl "q t- + a cos (2214), .« + &c. Substitute the value of z and equate real and imaginary parts. 2924 Otherwise.— Ho obtain (2922), log (1 Expanding by 2925 Otherwise. changing a and 2926 + 2a cos X + a?) = log (1 + ae'') + log (154), the series is at once obtained /3 When (1 + ae"*^) by (768). —Integrate the equation in (786) with respect to into x, a is and c into a, after — a. greater than unity, put = loga^-fiog (l+2«~^ coscr+w"^), term can be expanded in a converging series by log(l-l-2acos.r+«^) and the last (2922). 2927 = log 2 cosher cosc^-— ^cos2cr+icos3^'— Jcos4r-|-&c, 2928 log 2 sin ^x 2929 2930 i 2'*' (it— .r) = —cos .r— ^cos 2jg—^ cos 3.r— ^ cos4r— &c. = sin cv—\ sin 2x-\-\ sin 3.i'— J sin 4i -f &c. = sin .v-^l sin 2x-\-\ sin 3cr+i sin 4r+&c. Proof.— (2927-30) Make a =^ 2931 4^ = 77= 2932 sin cV+i ±1 sin in (2922-3). 3<r+i sin 2y2(l+i"i-|4-i+-A— &c.). Proof.— Add together (2029-30), and put "When 2933 71 OcV+&c. is less than unity, and log(l-f w coSct) = (/, ,r = .|t. = 1 + \/(l + ^r'), Iog(lH-2acosjr+a-)— log(l-h«'), EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS IN SERIES. and equal to twice the series in (2922), minus if a be greater than unity, expand, as in is tlierefore log (!-]-«-). 429 But (2926), by 2934 log(l + ;icos.iO = log (l+2a~^ cos.^+a"-)+loga^— log (1+a^). 2935 (l+2« = ^ + ^1 coScr+^2 cos2.v-\-A^ cos3.v-\-&g., coscr)" where A = l + C(n,2)2a'+... + C(n, 2p) C (2p, p) 0"^+ ..., = 2a\n+C(n,S)Sa'-{-... + C(n, 2p + l) C (2p + l, p) A, - A and a-P+ ...}, ^r-^(n-r-]-l)a-rA, (n+r+l)« be a positive integer, the series terminates with the term, and the values of A and ^j are also finite. If n n-\-V^' Proof. — Differentiate and equate coefficients the logarithm of the first equation of sin ra; after transforming by {GG6) ; ; multiply up thus ^^^1 is obtained. To find A and the powers of cos A^, a; expand (l + 2a cos re)" by the Binomial Theorem, and afterwards by (772). LEGENDRE'S FUNCTION" X^. 2936 (l-2«.r+«^)-^= x„ with l+X,«+AVr+...+XX+ = -J— 4^ {^' - )^ 1 — Proof. Expand by the Binomial Theorem, and in the numerical part of each coefficient of a" express 1.3.5 ... 2/i — 1 as 2/< -^ 2" /i j . | Consecutive functions are connected by the relation 2937 d^x,^^ = (2;i+i) x,+^,Z„_,. — Proof. Difierentiate the factor once under the sign of difierentiation in the values of X„^.i and X„_i given by the formula for X„ in (2936). A 2938 differential equation for X„ is (1-^-) d^Jin-'^xd^X^^n (w + 1) X, = 0. 1 INTEGRAL CALOFLUS. 430 2939 When jp is any positive integer, 1^+2^+3"+... + (/i-l)P 5ji^ _ ~'^? + l Bm^-^ n^ 2 p |/9 concluding, according as n _ (_1) = is or 1 ^^ B,n^-' B,n^-^ +|2 \p-l 4 \p-3'^\ii |7i-5 even or odd, with (1) i„_i|2^ Expcand the left side by division, and 1 X e^ each term subsequently by (150). Again, expand the first factor of the right side by (150), and the second by (1539), and equate the coefficients of x" in the two results. See (276) for the values of the series when p is 1, 2, 3, or 4. But the general forraula there is incorrectly printed. Pkoop. . e-^— — . Let the series (2940-4) be denoted by S^,,, under, n being any positive integer ; then S,,= 2941 S^^^l-±+l--±+&c. s,„ Proof. — = (i.) (ii.) (iii.) l ... = ^^ S^n is -'-"B,... obtained in (1545) 8,,-s:,, 8,,-s:, s,„ = 22l^^^ (_4 + J^ +^"-) = ^^^- ^^'' '^'^^ ^•"•• = ^(s,„-]-s:„) ^..^l+.p + y;: + ^+&c-==- 2944 4...1-5i.+^-,-i.+&c.= — sL+i5 as + ± + l, + l:+&o....= ^^^'-"B,,. 2943 iT So,,, l+±+^, + ^,+&c.... = ^^"B^- 2940 2942 S'.,,, ' i;,.|2„-l lf^ ird.,,,,. cot TTj; Proof. By differentiating equation (2912) successively, and putting in the result. To compute d„x cot ttx, see (1625). =J ' EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS IN SERIES. The following values 2945 431 been calculated by formulaa liave (2940-4). 77" TT o( ^' ""12' ' ~ ' 720' ' ~ 945' ' 9450' ^30240' ' 1209600 tt' TT "^"900' -4-j^^, g, TT 3946 ' _ 161280' ' 57r^ "n" GItt' ' T^^-(^-5)[^-(^][^-(^^ (47r-a)-J L L 0Q4.7 ^y^< tt' TT o. '~"90' 0' cosa; T o;^! l L (TT-aj^J L + cosa + cosa ^ (7r (37r L (47r £!_"! H + a)^J L + a)'dL + aj-J ^] (3T-a)^J (57r-aj=J ^osa^-^o^^ = sin |(a + g)sini(a-a;) Expand the sines by Proof, sin^ |-a 1— cosa The two n + V^ factors of the numerator divided by the corresponding (815) ones of the denominator reduce to . / 2ax + cc^ \ / 2ax—x'' \ \ 2nn-a/ 2u.n \ (2n7r-a)V \ + al (2»7r + a)2 Similarly with (2947) employing (816). 2948 cos. + tan|siu.= (1+-I-J (l--|-J (l+jl^J x(l-.^)(l + ^)(l-r^)...&., 2949 c„s.-c„t|sin.= (1-1) (1 + ^^J (1-^J Wl+ 2^)(l_ 2^)(l+^ Proof, and reduce. — = SSlil^L-^. Expand the cosines by (816), sin x a; + tan cos ^a 2 Similarly with (2949), employing 815. cos INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 432 2950 ^=4^-('^)'][^+(^:r][^+(3^)'j- 2951 ^'= Proof.— Change [i+(;01[i+(if)1[i+(s)]6 into ix in (815) and (81 G). e>-2e.s.+ . 2952 fe^ Oft CO 2953 2 (1 — cos a) +2 cnsa + e"'^ 2(1+ COS a) Mi^S] M^S] Ms7r:n = Proof.— Change M^n •- x into ix in (29'lG-7). FORMULJE FOR THE EXPANSION OF FUNCTIONS IN TRIGONOMETRICAL SERIES. When 2955 X has any value between I and —I, *W = ij>W'^''+|C:J>('')eos'iI^rf«...(i.), where n must have from 1 upwards But, Proof. x=l if all or —I, the left side becomes Z^ —Bj (2919) we have, when h l—h^ l Put — Z l — 'J.koosd + lv d positive integral values in succession = ''^^ to I; then —— make n J-^ ; h < is ^ which lie /(/>( — /). 1, The left (v), and integrate for v side becomes, by substitutiing z jl-lr) f (z + z) dz _[•'-" 0-h')<t,(v)dv l-2^cos^^''~''^ <p + /r from = v — z, ^ J-^-a-(l-/0H4/isiu^g =1 When + + 2/iCO3 + 2;i-cos29 + 2;i'cos3^ + &c.... multiply each side by = 1. (/) each element of the integral vanishes, excepting for values of v near to x. Therefore the only appreciable value of the integral arises from such elements, and in these z will have values near to zero, both Let these 1. positive and negative, since x has a fixed value between I and /3 to a. Then between these small limits we shall values of z range from — — , have sin' irz ____ ttV = _, , and / ip{a: N + z) , ^ = <p{x), , X 433 EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS IN SFPdES. and the integral takes the form when is 7; made equal to vmity, which establishes the formula. In the case, however, in which x = is, when z = from -/5 to and when and 0, also 2 I, siu" = — 2Z. We vanishes at both limits, that ^^- to integrate for a have therefore from -21 to —2l + n, and a /3 being any sra^all = The U. The first integration gives Icp (I) as above, putting a quantities. 2l, produces a sin\ilar form with z second integration, by substituting y (x) giving lij> ( 1) when to a, and with f (ji;-2l) in the place of limits Thus the total value of the integral is Jf (l) + i<!' ( 0- The result l. x = + — (j> — = =— l. the same when x That the right side of equation (i.) forms a converging series appears by integrating the general terms by Parts; thus is ^ (.) eos —j—^ dv = -- ) ^ (.) s:n _^— ^ _^ (v) which vanishes when n is infinite, provided f (v) is sm ^ ^- dv, not infinite. Hence the multiplication of such terms by h" when )b is infinite produces no finite result when h is made = 1, although 1" is a factor of indeterminate value. function of the form ({>(:x) cosnx, with % infinitely '' a fluctuating function,'' for the reason that between any two finite limits of the variable x, the function changes sign infinitely often, oscillating between the 2955« A great, has been called The preceding demonstration shows values (^(03) and —<l>(x). that the sum of all these values, as x varies continuously between the assis^ned limits, is zero. By similar reasoning, the two obtained. 2956 If 3> ^^las any value between .^(,,.,)= 1 = 0, -^ (0) on if If X has any value between 2957 = 1 and write the left; and and are Z, j'V(.)rf.+isrfV(,Oeos!^^:ipr^rf. But a; following equations if ... x=l, (2). write ?, fV(„)rf.+ l2r[V(.)cos^!:^i^)rf«...(3). 3 K INTEGRAL CALCULUS. 434 But im 2958 if ,i'=0, write = 4 fV ^ (.<) This formuk both inclusive. But if X be left, where %nl ('•) rf"+ and left; if x = l, write 1 sr cosi^ (".OS ^>(/-) rfr true for any vahie of x between is > on the ^(}>(0) and /, write (^ (,/' ~ 2ml) instead of <^{x) on the that even multiple of I which is nearest to x /, is in value. be changed on the right, the left side of If the sign of the equation remains unaltered in every case, ,/' 2959 H^v) = |2rsm^fsm^>(r)<fo (5). This formula holds for any value of x between and I exclusive of those values. If X be > I, write ±(\>{x~ 2ml) instead of (p{x) on the left, or < 2nil, the even multiple of I which is nearest to x in value. But if X be or /, or any multiple of /, the left side of this equation vanishes. If the sign of x be changed on the right, the left side is numerically the same in every case, but of opposite sign. + or — according as x > is — Proof. For (2958-9). To obtain (4) take the sum, and to obtain (5) take the difference, of cquatJDns (2) and (o). To determine the values of 2ml =b '/, so that x' is < Z. the series when x is > /, put ,e = Examples. For ftrt/>/\ 2960 all values of '^'= PiiOOF. 4 TT ^ from x, ^ 7 f^ inclusive, tt cos elr = (x) <j) rvsinJiv L y =x , h n , and on/^i 2961 lQI values of 4 { x, . from — -^tt siiiJlr = I co?,nv~\'" • to Jo Pkoof.— Change ,* into Itt—x in (29G1). o , then 2 "T n °^ is reproduced. ^tt inclusive. siiio.r *•= —Unuv-—^j:r--}-—^, , tt, =~ ' ^r- W according as n is odd or even. Similarly, by foi-mula (5), equation (2929) For cos 5.r ^ ? cos.r+—;^^ + -^^:^+&c.^. — In formula (4) put V cos nv dv to , ^ ^j ) ^C.K n EXPANSIONS OF FUNCTIONS IN SEBIES. 435 ^':l^^ = ?^-l^ + ^l^-&c. — rr ir ir-\-z^ 2962 2 Pkoof. c e'^ "^ — In formula a + -\-l (5) put 6 (.c) = ^<'-v_(,-ax j^,^(| i — „ -^ then = be not a continuous function between x to x a, and the function be <p {x) from x to c^=/; then, in formulse (4) and (5), we from ;//(<iO shall have (pio') or (.c) respectively on the left side, according and a, or betvveen a and I. to the situation of x betAveen But, if x a, we must write i (</>(«) +^(«)} foi' the left 2963 and r/' If = /, i>(^') = let c'K = = rt. i// = member. — Proof. In ascertaining tlic valae of the integral in the demonstration of (2955), we are only cjiicerned witli the form of the function cl ise to the Hence the result is not affected by the di.^continuity value of aj in question. with (p (x) /3 to unless x=a. In this case the integration for z is from for the function, and from to a with 4' G^) for the function, producing ^<p(a) l^ (a). — + 2964 Hence an expression involving x series of sines of consecutive multiples of --^ in an may infinite be found, such that, when x lies between any of the assigned limits (0 and a, a and h, b and c, ... h and I), the serie3 sh dl be equal respectively to the corresponding assigned functions provided that the integrals \\m^^)M.) ds, can all j'sm'^,/; W dr., ... j'.i.i(«f )/„(.) d. be determined. The same is true, reading cosim for slii' throughout, with the additional proviso [as appears from formuLi (4)] that the integrals 2965 [fMdx, Jo ^f.^dx,... U\„{,e)dx J a Jk can also be determined. 2966 — Ex. 1. To hud in the form of a series of cosines of multiples of X a function of « which shall be equal to the constants a, (i, or y, according as X lies between and a, a and b, or h and vr. 3 , 436 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. Formula 2 2 H = (4) produces, putting — cos nx Tr, x 1 » = « cos < ».i; (/./! + /3 cos ax vi.f + y cos Jx /(.c > + Z.(/3-y) + -y} {« (a-/3) 1 = l —2 S"^^^-y jz + = X 1 cos?;x- {(ct — ft) shi7ia+(fl—y)iimnh + y sin jitt}, — 2967 Ex. 2. To find a function of x having the value c, when x between and a, and the value zero when x lies between a and L By formula (4), we shall have f '"r*^ J -— cos \ z' 7 ax (v) [" = c Jo since <p (v) = c from P rpi —- ^"^^' cos = — sin '^^ 7 ctv / , Ihereiore ^ N (.f) to a, ft =— + and zero from a to — + 2c , - TTX ira C . j sin - • ^'"" Jo cos lies — nir(Z ^ Z. 1 -sm . 27r(i '2.TZX cos - - oira 1 o~X 7 + -3-sm-pcos-^+&e.J. . = When may n = x a, the vaUie is |^c, by the rule in (2963). [0 (a) + 0] be verified by putting a ] in (2923). =— 2968 X , Ex. 3. between By formula — To and lies </) find a function of |/, and equal —r- tZy = ^ Jo This reduces to ^/' f2 TT^II- \ is, liv or is f (v) cos =_ (Zi-'+ ^ —2 -cos not, of the dv = cos '"' — i') {l =- 4?/i + i'^'^\ ^ —- + — IF txiJ. or 0, Also (l-v) du = Ji/' r COS ''^^ - TT-ltr 2. rl -^ cos ^ / dv + k Jo -]1-2-^ A' Ji/ viTr- 1) form nil {' V Jc Jo (,() cos Jo rl (p which becomes equal to Jcx when when x lies between II and /. — x) (4), {v) cos according as n .r to k (l This l.n '4- ^ ; -— + — '"^ cos -— ^h & "T- ^^^T" "^ Fu^ 2 APPROXIMATE INTEGRATION. 2991 Let /(.?') ^?.c be tlie integral, and let tlie curve I By sunirainp^ the areas of tlie trapezoids, 7/ =_/'(.') be drawn. eipiidistant ordiuates Avliose parallel sides are the )i-{-l . . AVl'BOXniATE INTEGRATION. 2/oj ?/i5 Vm we •• find, for a first 437 approximation, f/W ilv = tzIL (,y,^+2y,+2^,+ ...+2//,._,+//») (i.) SIMPSON'S METHOD. ordinate intermediate between and y,=f[h), then, approximately, 2992 If V\ be tlie — f {a) = *r;^0A+4//,+;y,) f/(.r)rf,c (ii.) ^ * a — y^, = write y.^ for y^, and suppose two ?j in formula (i.) Proof. Take n The area thus obtained is equal to intermediate ordinates each equal to //j. what it would be if the bounding curve were a parabola having for ordinates Otherwise by Cotes's formula (2995). axis. //]' Vi parallel to its ; ?/o' A closer approximation, in terms of distant ordinates, is given by Simpson's formula, 2993 Proof. 2/^ +1 equi- — We have \ f(x)dx= \y(,v)clc+\'\f(x)dx+... ^ — + Jo Jo Apply formula (ii.) to eacli integral value of y corresponding to x and add f(x)Jx. { J '-^ denoting by tlie results, y,. the ^— 2994 When the limits are a and b, the integral can be and 1, by subchanged into another having the limits stituting X = a-\-{h — a) n equidistant Let abscissge, II COTES'S METHOD. ordinates, and Vo, Vi, y-i--. Vn-i, 2995 A formula for ]f{d^) cLv wli( = 1 and Vn 0, -, corresponding the be —2 n—1 . . . -^, 1. approximation mil then be A,y,+A,y,-\-... + A,i/,,+ + A,?j, ... (iv.), r' (<«•)'_",' -1> .= (_i)»" \^^!^^,U: — (-2460) r I n —r Jo nj; r INTECmAL CALCULUS. 438 Proof. — The method consists in substituting for the / (.'^) integral function = Wlieu x to « inclusive. r taking all integral values from \P(^r)=yr; so that \l (x) has n+l values in conimou with approximate value of the integral tis is therefore (x) dx, and we have The /(a;). nui}^ be written •''* in (iv.) By \p r, 1—x, substituting it appears that («) joOiX —r ]^)HX and therefore A^ = A„_,.. Consequently half the number of coefficients in (iv.) 2996 The line 11. 11 = 1: number has been ; is only necessary to calculate corresponding to the values of 7/ from 1 to 10 ai'e carefully verified, and two mis]>rints in namely, 2089 for 2'J89 in line 8, and 89500 tor 89600 in coefficients Every as follows. Berti-and corrected it — {)l — r) APPBOXIMATE INTEGnATION. 2851. ^^ 8DGUU- _ . in _ . ^ _ _ , 10067 _ 4 ^ 12i">9 A A = ,,,= 1^, ^ . . 5r>75 b'JGUO _ 439 A,^ = A,= , , ^ ^, 224U' 2S89 26575 , 1H175 _ TTSO? .i_^__4825 GAUSS'S METHOD. When f{x) is an integral algebraic function of degree 2n, or lower, Gauss's formula of approximation is 2997 = Cfi.v) wliere ^'o ... c^?^ J,/(.r„) A^= r Jo and are the ... cr,^ rPi.v) + ...+^./W + ...+^«/GrJ (v.), roots of the equation 7?-f-l = d,,,,,.^U-+^{.r-ir-'}=0 (vi.), 0.-.r).. G.-.v_OGr-.v,O...G.-.g (.tv— ^t'o) . . . (ctv— cr,._i) (.r,— civ+i) . . . ^^^^, i'-Vr—^r,,) _ _ _ ^^->^ evidently applicable to a function of any form which can be expanded in a converging algebraic series not having a fractional index in the first 2)i terms. The result will be the approximate value of those terms. The formula Proof. — Let and let where /(«) is is '•P = ('-') (.i' — .-Co)(x—a\) = f (x) Q-sly(x) ... (.» — a-,,), +B (viii.), — B of the n"\ since \p{x) of the -211^^ degree, Q of the n V'\ and of the 71+ I"' degree. Then the method consists in choosing a function v^ (;)!) of the ?i + 1"' degree, is Q 4^ so that (x) dx shall vanish shall coincide with/(.7;) (i.) writing when To ensure that N for i// {x), x and a function ; is B of the n^^ degree, which any one of the n + 1 roots of Qi/{x)dx = (). and with the notation We i// {x) = 0. have, by Parts, successively, of (2148), \xm=x^^\N-,l(^x^-^\N) = x^ = = X'' Now [ N-pxP-' [ N-px''-' Q\P (x) is made to n 1 inclusive. — [ N+p (p-l){ [ l^x^'-' f -v) &c. &c. N+p (p-1) X''-' { N-...zk\ji\ ^^^N (ix.) of terms like x^ 4> (x) with integral values of jj from Hence, if the value (vi.) be assumed for ^(x), wo up TXTEGnAL CALCULUS. 440 see, by X = (ix.), —1 that (2\p (x) dx will vanish at both limits, because the factors appear in every term. Then, when (ii.) Let It be the function on the right of ef|nation (v.) 1, and that the other coefficients all vanish. Xr, "we see, by (vii.)* that Ay X and .X will = Hence R becomes /(.r) whenever x is a root of xp Oc) =0. The values of the constants corresponding to the first six values of n, according to Bertrand, are as follows. The abscissas values, only, have been recalculated by the author. 0: 1: X, as w = 2: a-„ x^ X., 71 = 3: a;.^ X, =4 = •2113-2487, = -7880751;]. Jc Ai = '5, = •11270167, = '5 = •88729833, Ao = A, = A, = f, = •06943184, = -33000948, ^o A, = — -^?^, log •6989700 log = 9-44:36975 log = ; ; X, = ar, = -93056816. X, =-04691008, •66999052 ; ^» A., = = 9-6478175. '1739274, log ^3260726, log = 9-2403G81 = 9^5133143 ; CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. FUNCTIONS OF ONE INDEPENDENT VAEIABLE. 3028 Let ?/ and rr /(.?]), and a certain number F be let a known of tlie derivatives t/.^, chief object of the Calculus of Variations is of the function /(a;) which will function of x, ij, &c. The to find the form 7/2^, 7/3^, make Vd^ (i.) maximum See (3084). or minimum. Denote ?/o.r, ^3^,., &c. by j;, q, r, &c. For a maximum or minimum value of U, ^U must vanish. To find S?7, let Bij be the change in y caused by a change in the form of the function y =f(x), and let dj^, dq^ &c. be the a //.,., consequent changes in &c- j^, q, Now, = 2^ Therefore the value of p, the form of the function y, is therefore Sp Similarly, Sq = = (S//)., y,^. when new that ; a change takes place in is, g {jA = '^^. {^p)ri ^r={Sq)^, &c Now m=rWdx (1488). (ii.) Expand by Taylor's theorem, .ro rejecting the squares of ^y, Bj), Sq, &c., and we find m = r iVJy-^VJp+V,^^...) or, denoting F„, F,„ F„ ... by N, P, Q, ..., BU= r {my + PSpi-Q^q-^ ...) J .To 3 h dx, dx. (iii.) CALCULUS OF VABIATIOXS. 442 Integrate eacli term after the (ii.) \^2^dx = Nhjdx ^F^pdx 3029 by Parts, observing that by Thus integrals involve hjdx. j" first &c., and repeat the process until the final Sij, Q^pdx is unaltered, = ny-^PJydx, = Q^p-QJy + \Q,Jydx, Hence, collecting the coefficients of BU= ^'\N-P,+ Q,,-Rs^„+ ^p, S^, &c., 8//, ...) ^i/clx + Sg,(il-~8, + T,,-...X-Sr/o(il-^^. + T,.-...)o+&c. (iv.) must have x by the suffixes 1 and x^ and x^ respectively after differentiation. Observe that P^., Q^, &c. are here complete derivatives; Vi P» ^'j ^'5 &c., which they involve, being fvmctions of x. Equation (iv.) is written in the abbreviated form, The terms made equal to affected 3030 ZU ={Khij8.v-\-Ih-H, The condition mum value of U, for the vanishing of S?7, that iV-P.+Q,.~P3.+ &c. and Proof, —For, is, for mini- is K= 3031 3032 (v.) if not, = K), (vii.) //i-//o= we must have r KSydx=:E,-n, that is, the integral of an arbitrary function (since 1/ is arbitrary in form) can be expressed in terms of the limits of ^ and its derivatives which is imposfor, if the integral could vanish Tlierefore II,— H^ Also bible. 0. ; = K K= witliout vanishing, the/or>Ji of the fuaction inadmissible. ; ^1/ would be restricted, which is FUNCTIONS OF ONE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. 443 K is twice that of the highest derivative contained in V. Let The order of n be the order of K, then there will be 2n constants in the solution of equaFor tion (vi.) and the same niimber of equations for determining them. If any of there are 2)i terms in equation (vii.) involving o?/i, Bij^, dp^, &c. these quantities are arbitrary, their coefficients must vanish in order that equation (vii.) may hold; and if any are not arbitrary, they will be fixed in their values by given equations which, together with the equations furnished coefficients which have to be equated to zero, will make up, in all, 2?i by the equations. PARTICULAR CASES. 3033 I- —When V does not involve x explicitly, a first can always be found. Thus, integral of the equation if, for example, a first K= integral will be + QP.-Q.P The order by one than that of this equation is less Proof.— We have of (vi.) V^=Np-\-Pq+ Qr + Bs. Substitute the value of iV from (vi.), and it will be found that each pair of terms involving P, Q, E, &c. is an exact differential. — 3034 II- When V does not involve y, a first integral can be found at once, for then 0, and 0, and therefore = 0; — P—Q^.-\-Roj. &g. = A. we have -P«— Q2.c+^3a:~~<-^c. and therefore 3035 K= N= III- —When V involves only y and p, V=Fp-i-A, 3036 IV. —When V involves only i? by Case and q, V = Qq+Ap+B. Proof. K = —P^+Q2x = Also Integrating again, 0, giving, I. See also (3046). by integration, P= Q^ + A. = Pq+Qr = Aq+ Q,q + Qr. find V = Qq + Ap + B, V, we a reduction from the fourth to the second order of differential equations. — CALCULUS OF VABTATIONS. 444 3037 Ex. —To find the bracliistoclirono, or curve of quickest descent, taken as origin to a point from a point wards.* Velocity at a depth = y —-=i- I V = J^-±^ = Here By measuring the axis of y down- v^gij. = Therefore time of descent x^ij^, dx. -^(-~- +A, by Case HI. = —^ = 2a, an arbitrary constant. = tan 6, y = 2a cos^ 9, the defining property reduction, y (l+j?^) That is, since p having its vertex downwards and a cusp at the origin H,-n, reduces to -~^_^{(ph\- (p^yX) of a cycloid = 0. If the extreme points are fixed, Sy^ and hj^ both vanish. The values Suppose its x^, «!, t/i, at the lower point, determine a. but not — ^ = l^y(l+p^)^i C ) lower point 3038 (i.) (ii.) is y^, Then fixed. is (P— Qa!+&c.)i must coefficient in (3) therefore 0, horizontal, «, = 0, and the curve arbitrary ; therefore that is, (Vp)^ 0, or h/^ is = vanish; which means that the tangent at the is therefoi'e a complete half cycloid. Tn the example of the brachistochrone, it is useful to notice that extreme points are fixed, ^//„, cy^ both vanish. If the tangents at the extreme points have fixed directions, fj\„ ^Pi If the hoth vanish. If the curvature at each extremity (iii.) fixed in value, ^p^, cq^, ^pi, cq^ is all vanish. If the abscissfB x^, x-^ only have fixed values, hjf„ hji are then and their coefficients in II^ I1^, must vanish. (iv.) — arbitrary, 3039 Win Wlien the limits x^, x^ are variable, V^dx,-VJx,. (3029) PkoOF. add to the value of — The partial increment of U, due to changes in dx, = ^dx,+ 4^ dx, V,dx-Y,<U,. a\ and a-^, By is (2253). dx-^ 3040 Wlicn equations, EuLE. r/^1 and y^ 7/i, =^ and o\ {,,\) , t/o i/o J^^c =x connected by given {''o)- —Put 2.^1= W(^i'i)—Pi} fJr, and 8//,= IxM-^Po] ^^-^'o' * The Calculus of Variations originated with this problem, proposed by John Bcrn.ulli in 16i)6. FU^X'TIONS OF OXE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. and afterwards equate to zero the coefficients of dxi 445 and dx^^, because the values of the hitter are arbitrary. Proof. — iji + %, being a function of d., iVi + hi) (2/1 + hi) + therefore cij^+j^dx^ Ex.— In = \p' d^-^h (x^) dx^, = ^ x^, (•*. + ^•^•1) = ^ («i) + "P' (-^i) '^^i 5 neglecting Sjulx^. the brachistochrone problem (3037), the result thus arrived at each of the given curves at its signifies that the cycloid is at right angles to extremities. 3041 If V involves the limits x^, x^, y^, jh, Ih, Ih^ &c., the terms to be added to 8?7 in (3029), on account of the variation of any of these quantities, are dx^\ [V..+ VyjH+V,/2,+ ...\dx JXo + r {^oSyo+T;,g//x+T;>o+T;,gpi+&c.} dx. In the last integral, g//o, ^j/i, ^Jh, &c. may be placed outside the symbol of integration since, they are not functions of x. Hence, when F involves the limits x^, x^, y^, y^, i?q, Px, &c., and those limits are variable, the complete expression for gifjis 3042 8t7= p{iV-^.+ Q2.-^3a+&c.] J Xo %J Xq hyclv - . CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. 446 3043 Also, if = xp{x,) y, and = x{^\) y, be equations re- stricting the limits, put ^y, = {i.'{x,)-2h] dx^ and = 8//0 (3040) dx,, [x'(«'o)-B} The relation 7^= is unaltered, and, by means of it, the additional integrals which appear in the value of H^—B^ become definite functions of x. — Ex. To find the curve of quickest descent of a particle from some ^ {x^). point on the curve ?/o xC^'o) ^o the curve y^ 3044 p, and T/o- = = Equation (3042) now reduces to ^U = r(N-P^) ^ydx + V,dx,-{V,-\Vy,podx} dx, + P,cy,-{Po-\ E=0 Now gives N-F^ = /"i^' f therefore .1 \ Vl/-?/o - 7^' wTTT^ + A = ^^ F=l±/^; Hence = = A becomes 2a (2). = ^k) = -7, = -^ = -P. ^JyA^ = ^""^^ = therefore this , y(.-.!ici+/;i F,„ Substituting the values (2), (3), (4), in (1), (by By^ and By^ the values in the condition (3040) ; and 0), H.-Uo = produces 0. thus the equation becomes being arbitrary, their coefficients must vanish p^^P'(x,)=-l i:= ^^^• {l+P,^'(^i)]d.r-{l+p,xi'^-o)}dx, dx^, dx^ (^>- ^^ (l+2^\)dx,-{l+Po2h)dxo+PiCy^-p,cyo Next, put for (3035) ^^ (2/-2/o)(l+r) ^= (I). v/(!/-2/o)(i+i') Clearing of fractions, and putting ^^^° V = Pp + A 0; therefore -77 Vy,dx]cy, i'lX'C'^o) ; = (5); therefore =-!• the tangents of the given curves \p and x ^^ ^^e points x^yo and x^i/i point a-,?/,. are both perpendicular to the tangent of the brachistochrone at the Equation (2) shews that the brachistochrone is a cycloid with a cusp at 00 t/q, and thorclbro jjj the startiug-poiut, since there y That is, = = FUNCTIONS OF ONE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE. OTHER EXCEPTIONAL 447 CASES. (Continued from 303G.) 3045 V.--Denoting and T;, F,_, T; //, ... y,, yo. T;^ ••. Vn. "by y,Pi,2h --.Pn; by N, P„ P, ... P,,; let the first m Then ir= fZ,„.P,„-fV+i).P,„+i+... (-ir-"cZ„,P. of the quantities y,lh,p-i, &c. be wanting in the function F; so that which equation, being integrated m times, = 0, becomes p„-4P,«+i+^z2.p.+2-...(-ir-'"^?(.-.).-p. = + Ci.i'4-...+c,„_iaj"'-^ (i.), Co a differential equation of the order 2n 3046 VI. —Let X also — m. be wanting in F, so that y = f{Vm,Pm^l -Pn); K= the same as before, and produces the same From that equation take the value differential equation (i.) of P,„, and substitute it in then is V^ = P,nPm+l + Pm+lPm+2+--- + Pn Pn+1' Each pair of terms, such as Pm+2P>m+3~ <^2gPm+2Pm+ij exact differential ; and we thus find is an F=C + P„, + iJ^,„4.1+(P«. + 2B« + 2-4^», + 2iWl)+... + (PnPn-d.PnPn-l + d,,P,p,.,) + ^ {co-\-CiX+ +c,^_-,x'''-^) p)„,+idx. . . . (" l)^^-'"-^^(.-.-l) .PnP>n^l ... The m+ resulting equation will be of the order 1 degrees lower than the original equation. 2n—m — l, — or 3047 ^n. If V. be a linear function of p^, that being the highest derivative it contains, P,, will not then contain p^. Therefore d^^P^ will be, at most, of the order 2n l. Incannot be of an order deed, in this case, the equation (Jelletf, p. 44.) higher than 2?i— 2. — ^= CALCULUS OF VARTAT TONS. 448 — 3048 VIII. Let 2^,„ be the lowest derivative whicli V involves; tlien, if P,^ =f[x), and if only the limiting values of X and of derivatives higher than the 7?^*'' be given, the problem cannot generally be solved. (Jelletf, p. 49.) 3049 — N= IX. Let 0, and then the equation ; be given let the limiting values of x alone K= becomes or, by integration, P—Qj, + B.,,,—&c. = c, and the two conditions furnished by equating to zero the coefficients of Sv/i, %o) ^iz-, {P-Q, + &G.\ = (P-Q. + &c.)o 0, = 0, = are equivalent to the single equation c 0, and therefore supplies but 2n l equations instead of 2n, and Hi Hq the problem is indeterminate. — = — 3050 Let F= F{x, U=rVdx-\-V', where 7/, j9, q ...) and V =f{x,, x,, y„ '!h,p„Pu &c.) U arising for a maximum or minimum value of and the terms to from a variation in y, is, as before, ; be added to H^ Hq are The condition K= — r;r/.To+i';;s.'/o+F;„^i^o+ If the order of V be n, ... +F;d^+F;%i+&c. and the number of increments cIxq, S//o, &c. be greater than n-{-l, the number of independent increments will exceed the number of arbitrary constants in K, and no maximum or minimum can be found. Generally, U does not in this case admit of a maximum contains either of the limiting or minimum if either V or values of a derivative of an order or > than that of the highest derivative found in V. (JcUetf, p. 72.) V = FUNCTIONS OF TWO DEPENDENT VARIABLES. 3051 and Let F be a function of two dc})eudent variables their derivatives with I'cspcct to ,r; that V=f{A,y,iy,q,..z,p\q ij, z, is, let ,..) (1), FUNCTIONS OF TWO DEPENDENT VARIABLES. 449 where p, q, ... as before, are tlie successive derivatives of ^, and p', q, ... those of z. Then, if the forms of the functions y, z vary, the condition ^ for a maximum W= or minimum r{KSf/-\-K'B:^) value of ?7 or P' . Vdx is dj+H,^H,-^H;-H^=0 ... (2). z, }'>'> ?'» •••5 precisely as K, jff involve the values of the latter being given in (3029). Here K', H' involve y, p, q, ... ; 3052 First, if y and ^z are independent, equation (2) necessitates the following conditions : ^ = 0, H,-H,+H,'-H,'=0 ^'=0, K = 0, (3). = K' give y and z in terms of a;, and the constants which appear in the solution must be determined by equating to zero the coefficients of the arbitrary The equations quantities ^y^, which are found %i, ^p^, Sp^ Szq, S^i, ^j)^, Sjh't ... ... » in the equation H,-H, + H,'-H,'= 3053 The number number of constants to be determined. Proof.— Let of equations so obtained is equal to the V = f{x, y, y„ y^ K is of order 2/t in y, K' is of order 2w in z, and and (4). ... i/„^, z, z^, z^ (p (a;, ?/, y^... 1/2,,^, «, Zj, ... .-. of form .'. of form ^ (a*, y,yt ... 2^^), y{m*H)xi m + n times, Differentiating (i.) 2m times, and (ii.) obtained, between which, if we eliminate equation in ?/, of order 2{m-^n), 2(m + n) arbitrary constants. The 2 {w,-\-7i) in number, viz., 2rt in H^ ... ^t «(«+„)x) ^x ••• ^jibx) ••• ••• (i-)i (ii-) 3wH-n+2 equations are z, jJj. ... 2(3,„+„)a., we get a resulting whose solution will therefore contain equations for finding these are also — Hf^ and 'Im in H[ — H'q. — 3054 Note. The numberof equations for determining the constants is not generally affected by any auxiliary equations introduced by restricting the limits. For every such equation either removes a terra from (4) by annulling some variation (cy, ^p, &c.), or it makes two terms into one in each case diminishing by one the number of equations, and adding one equation, ; namely 3055 itself. Secondly, let y and be connected by z 3 II egjiie equation — CALCULUS OF VABLiTTOXS. 450 (j, (^xy:c) ously = 0. tlie (j) y and equations {a\ Proof — (p forms of y and by (2). 3056 y,z) are z = (x, y, z) tlieii found by solving simultane- K and = 0, and therefore vary. Therefore Hence the proportion. z Thirdly, let tlie (p^^y <}> : (x, + cpJz = <l>y y = K' + ^y, z + : <^^. Sz) (1514), Also equation connecting 7j = 0, wten the K^y + K'h = 0, and z be of tlie more general form 4>{^^>y>p>q By differentiation, we ... ^,p',q' ...) = (5). obtain If (wliich rarely happens) this equation can be integrated so as to furnish a value of ^z in terms of %, then dj)', dq\ &c. may be obtained, by simple differentiation, in terms of Sz/, ^_p. Generally, we proceed as follows : ^V=my+P^p-hQh + ...+N'h + F^P+Q'^q' + Multiply (6) by X, ,„ and add it (7). to (7), thus + {N'-^\<t>,)^z + {P'+Xi>,)^jy + (8). for SZ7 will therefore be the same as in (2), by P X<^^, &c., thus replace iV by iV+Xe^^, The expression we 3057 P if + BU=:^\{{N+\<l>,)-(P+\ct>X-\-...}Si/ + [{N'-\-\<l>,)-{P'^\<t>,)^+...} + {P+X(^,-(Q+X(^,).+ ...},8^, + {g+X(^,-(i?4-X<^,.).,+ Bz](Lv -{P+X(^,-(g+X<^J,+ ...}«8i/o ...},87>, -;g+X(^,-(/{+X(/>,),+ + 3058 To render similar terms in W ...}o87>o &c. &c. P, Q ... p\ q ... &c. ...(0). independent of the variation h, we must FUNCTIONS OF TWO DEPENDENT VARIABLES. tlien equate to zero integration; tlius under the sign of of Sz tlie coefficient 451 N'+\<l>,-iP'']-H,).+ {Q'+H,)2.-&G. = (10), the equation for determining X. 3059 F= Fix, Ex. (i.)— Given z='\vdx Tlie equation f is 0i/ <p, now z—^vdx = = 0, 9p '"j/. = 7j,p, v = or ... —1, where 2), v—Zj.= 'Pa= ^3'= '"p^ (j>p,= q = F(x,y,p, q ...). and :^f^ 0, ^1' ^^-^ 0, the rest vanishing. we obtain Substituting these values in (9), SU= r[{N+Xv,-{P + Xv,),+ (Q + Xv,),^- ...} ^y + {N'+X,\8:]dx J J-u + \P+\v^-(Q + Xv,)^ + ...\Jij,-{P + \v^-(Q + \v,), + ...],Si/, Tor the complete variation DU add V^dx^—VQdxQ. To reduce the above so Let j N'dx. as to remove Sz, we must put N' + 0, and therefore \ \ = M be the solution, u being a function of a;, y,p,q ... »• Substituting this =— K= expression for Ex. v—Zjjj, (ii.) Here the value of — Similarly, = 0; 3061 A, and, to if z in cU becomes Q'=0; and P, ; N' = the equations = 0, P; = 0, Solving these equations, y^ = ?n ; vanish, x/l f we must put A ^z. (2148), (p becomes = —y^^N'. + yl + zldx —=^==^ P= ; = j^^'" the last example be make N'+\^ Ex. (iii.)— Let Z7= N= independent of K—0, K'—O ; (1). P' = Q=0; J---==; become or we z-^ get = n; or y = mx-\-A ; z = nx + B. 3082 First, if x„ y„ z^, x^, y^, z^ be given, there are four equations to determine m, n, A, and B. This solves the problem, to find a line of minimum length on a given curved surface between two fixed points on the surface. 3063 Secondly, if the limits {P\ = 0, are only equivalent to the two undetermined. .Tj, x^ only are given, then the equations = 0, (P')o=0, equations m = 0, n — 0, and A (P)o=0, (P')i and B remain — CALCULUS OF VABL-ITIOXS. 452 3064: "We Thirdly, shall have Substitute <}>^^ let + ^^, jh + (^^.^ = the limits be connected by the equatlous m^cpj.^, (1 <Pz, 2'i) ''•^'i ((>2^=: 7i^<p^^, + <Pi^, ^V i + 2h=^'>^h '•I'^-i = p'\ + m???i + MHj) (ZXi + Wj ^i/i + 7(i ^'-i '>i ^Zj = ^• thus ', = 0. Eliminate dx^ by this equation from and equate to zero the coeflBcients of m^V^ Replacing we find Fj, = (P)i(l + ??z?i2j and ^i/i + 7mi) Sz^ = ?ijT^i ; ; then (P')i(l+mm-i + nn^). Pj by their values, and solving these equations for m = m^, n = Vi- = we m = m^, Similarly from the equation \p (.?•„, t/^, Eliminating between these equationp, and y^ x^, y^, z^, = mx^+A; a^^, i/^, z^ = (--^i, 2/i, z^ vx^ «i) + B', = ; four equations remain for determining On determining 3065 Denoting and for tlie j;, q,r ... y^ y\> = mxQ-\-A; O^o, vi, n, derive 2/o, 2o) = and n n, = n^. z^=nx^-]rB; ; A, and B. the constants in the solution o/ (8056). by l^uP^jPs ••• j "^6 liave limiting equation, <l>{^^\I/,Pl,Pl, ."Pn,^,P'l,P2, ".p'm) V is of the order n in y ^ of the order oi in y is z^) m m and 7?i in and m' in =0. z. ^. m', and n r?7/it'r > or < n, the order of the final differential equation will he the greater of the two quantities 2(mH-n'), 2(m' n); and there will be a sufficient number of subordinate equations to determine the arbitrary constants. 3066 Rule I. If Z^c > + — 3067 Rule II. 7/'in be < m', and n < n', the order of the final equation ic ill generally be 2(m'+n'); and its solution may contain any number of constants not greater than the least of the two quantities 2(m' For the investigation, see — m), Jelleff, pp. 2 (n' 118 — n). — 127. 3068 If V docs not involve x cxplicitl}^, a single integral of order 2{nii-n) — l maybe found. The value of V is that given in (303:^), with corresponding terms derived from z. FUNCTIONS OF TWO DEPENDENT VARIABLES. dV = Proof.— Ndij + P,dp, + ... 453 +P„d2}„ + N'dz + P\dp\+ ...+P'^dp^. ^ K= Substitute for and iV' from the equations and integrate for V, 0, K' = as in (3033), 0, RELATIVE MAXIMA AND MINIMA. 3069 In tliis maximum class of problems, a value of an integral, Ui = Vich, condition that another integral, U.^ = V.^^dx, J same or minimum required, subject to the is involving the Xq variables, has a constant value. — Find the maximum or minimum value of the func+ aV.;,, and afterwards Ui + alJg; that is, take determine the constant a hy equating Ug to its given value. For examples, see (3074), (3082). Rule. V^Yi tion GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS. 3070 Proposition F [x, y) ds I. — To maximum a find a curve s minimum, or which will make F being a given function of the coordinates x, y. The equation (5), in (3056), here becomes = = Xg, p' y^, x and y being the dependent variables, and dependent variable. In (3057), we have now, writing u for F(x, y), where p N = u^, N' = the rest zero. The equations Multiplying by Xg, ^ -M^— cZs(X.Cs) My, fp = 2p, fp, = s the in- 2p'; of condition are therefore = and yg respectively, adding \ Uy — dg{\yj) = (1). and integrating, the result is = u, the constant being zero.* Substituting this value in equations (1), differentiating putting Wj = u^Xg + u^yg, we get Vsiu^Vs-UyXg) Xg(u^Xg—U:,yg) = uxog = uyog * Bee Todhunter's "History," p. 406. tta;^ and uyg, and (2), (3). — CALCULUS OF VABLATIONS. 454 Multiplying (2) by y , and (3) by x„ and subtracting, we obtain « — «» (2/» a'2» = 2/2«) «x 2/» finally or ^h ^s, «_^dud^_dud. 3071 *^"* dy ds (Lv p (4)^ ds p being the radius of curvature. To integrate this equation, the form of u must bo known, and, by assigning different forms, various geometrical theorems are obtained. 3072 II.— To Proposition which find the curve make will \F{x,y)ds^-\f{x,y)dx a maximum or minimum, the functions form. F{x, Let Equation = 7/) Tberefore = v. now bave V=u + vp; and for (p, p'^+p^ = 1, = 2p-, P = Vp = v; N = u^ +pu^ as in (3070). </)j, ; N' = u,^+pv^ of given \{u-\-vx^ ds. (1) is equivalent to In (3057) we F and / being and /(x, y) n (1) = (pp' ; 2i> the rest zero. ; Therefore, equating to zero the coefficients of ^x and cy, the result is the two ^x + P^x — (v + ^p)s = 0, n^+pvy—{\p)s = 0; equations d, (Xx,) or +v, = Ux + ^>>'^x, =n^ + x^v^. dsl^y,) we Multiplying by a;,, y, respectively, adding, and integrating, «, and ultimately, (3070), X obtain, as in = 1 1_ -~ Qn»7Q dU/d /du_(ly_du. d^ dy w \d.v ds p ds ^ dv\ dyl' — To find a curve s of given length, such that the volume of the which it generates about a given line may be a maximum. Here \{ifx,—a})ds must be a maximum, by (3069), a? being the arbitrary The problem is a case of (3072), constant. 3074 Ex. solid of revolution u = a\ u^ = 0, v; Hence equation (3073) becomes Givinrr D its value, - ^^ "^^^"-'^ PP,, — =' ' : =0, 1 —= f where V p = V -2ij v^ y\ = 2y. • "i = from which -f^], dxy x and integrating, the = — y-- \ „ —^— . result — FUNCTIONS OF TWO INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. 455 FUNCTIONS OF TWO INDEPENDENT YAEIABLES. V = f(:x,y,z,p,q,r,s,t), Let 3075 in whicli x, y are tlie independent variables, and p, q, r, 5, t stand for z^, Zy, z.2^, z^y, z-^y respectively (1815), z being an indeterminate function of x and y. U=\ Let \ Vdojdy, and let tlie equation connecting x and y at the limits be ^ {x. y) = 0. The complete variation of Z7, arising solely from an infinitesimal change in the form of the function z, is as follows : Let F„ Fp, &c. be denoted by Z, P, Q, B, S, T. ^ = {P-B,-\8y) ^z-^\8^+mp, ^ = (Q-Ty-^S,)^z+^S^p + nq, Let X={Z-Pr-Qy + R2. + S,y + T,y) h. The 3076 variation in question 81/ Proof.— is tlien =£(v.,=, -V',=..+<^,=,.g -^'-'S) Ydxdy=\ ^ J Xo hVdxdy }xo]ya J yo J Xo J 2/0 as appears by differentiating the values of ^ and Jj,„ d.^ by (2257), and Hence ''" -^ cZa; ^' Jj,^ T"!^ '^^ ^ "' »//. But ^^ dx -^ dx '/'iz-^'i-^y-V the result. 3077 U are, The conditions for a maximum or minimum value of by similar reasoning to that employed in (3032), </» = 0, ^ = 0, X = ^- CALCULUS OF VAmATTONS. 456 GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS. 3078 I.— To Proposition make [I F{x., y, z) dS maximum a function of the coordinates Here, putting F (x, y, z) \i^. and V„ Vg, Vt are dx i^ will being a given [Jelhtt, p. 276. z. = «, V=u^l +/ + 2'; "^ Q=-y^J^ F • (du V \ ^ ^ dzl (du du\ q v/l+/ + 2' dy du ^ ^i^f^(^^\dx dQ^ (1 x, y, minimum, or which S, all zero. dP_ The equation find the surface, x= or dz d'j ^ Z-P^-Q, = + r/^) r-2pqs+ (1 +r) (l+/ + 22)i a + q') r-pq.^ ^ ' (i-|-^/ ^^ + 22)S (l-\-p')t-pqs (H-/ + 2^)t I gives 1 t ^^ ( du^ du_du\Q^ dy u^/i+p' + q:'^ dx dzl W be the principal radii of curvature, and Z, m, n If E, the direction cosines of the normal, this equation may be written 3079 i + i.+l(.|^ + .J + n3 = 0, function u and according to the nature geometrical theorems 3080 of the different may be deduced. Proposition II.— To find the surface S which will make \\F{x,y,^S)dS+\\f{x,y,z)dxdy a maximum or the coordinates Let (3078), F (a;, y, z) we have minimum a3, = F and / being ; given functions of y^ z. lo and / (x, y, z) = Proceeding throughout as in v. V = u^/Y^^fT^+v, Z= s/l+p^ + q*U, + V„ and the remaining equations the same reBultiiig ditloroutial equation the term as in that article if — V, * u on the left wo add to the ; APPENDIX. may then be put This equation R where I, R u\ 457 form in the dy cLv dz dz m, n are the direction cosines of the / normal to the surface. — 3082 by Ex. To find a surface of given area such that the volume contained be a maximum. it shall By (z-a-yT+pT^) dxdy (3069), the integral | | must take a maximum or minimum We u-=—a, have and the v = m^. z, value. = 0, 14^ differential equation of the surface 3083 The problem = 0, t/^ is = 0, a case of (3080). «^ =1 (3081) reduces to \^^,-\. or APPENDIX. ON THE GENERAL OBJECT OF THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. 3084 Definitions. called determinate^ —A function whose form is invariable is and one whose form is variable, indeter- minate. Let du be the increment of a function u due to a change magnitude of the independent variable, hi that due to a change in the form of the function, Du the total increment from both causes then in the ; Dv = du-^hL. Thus, in (3042), the terms iavolving dx^ and dx^ constitute du, the whole variation being Du. 8// and the remaining terms hi 3085 is ; called the variation of the function u. A primitive indeterminate function, u, of any number of variables is a function constant form ; in other whose variation words, ^hi 3 N = 0. is of arbitrary but CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. 458 — 3086 Let V =^ F.u be a derived function, tliat is, a funcdenoting tion derived by some process from the function u ; a relation between the forms, but not between the magnitudes, of u and v. The general object of the Calculus of Variations is to determine the change in a derived function v, caused by a change in the form of its primitive ?l The particular derived functions considered are those whose symbols are d and entiation and , F denoting operations of differ- integi^ation respectively. SUCCESSIVE VARIATION. Let the variation of the variation, or second variation due to a change in the form of the involved function, y =f(x), be denoted by S (§F) or ^'F; the third variation by B^V, and so on. By definition (3085), y being a primitive indeterminate function, and ^?/ its variation, ^-y = (1). 3087 of V 3088 zero, • The second i.e., ^"^p, ^^q, Proof.- P(y„,) variation of any derivative of y &c. all vanish. = B (c^,,,) = = 3089 If V f{x, y, 2^, indeterminate function of {S (hj)},^ &c. then q, r, x, = ...), (chj)„, = where by ?/ is is also (1). a primitive where, in the formal expansion by the multinomial theorem, hj, ^j), &c. follow the law of involution, but the indices of r/^, dp, &c. indicate repetition of the operation dy, d^, &c. upon F. Proof.—First, ^V=(^yd^ + dp dp + ^d^+...) In finding PV, each product, such as hj dyV, is V. differentiated again as a function of i/, f, q, &c. but, since the variations of ^?/, cp, &c. vanish by (2), it is the same in effect as tlioiigh ey, ^j), &c. were not operated upon at all. They accordingly rank as algebraic quantities merely, and therefore ; PV= (^yd, + Spdp + ^qd,+ ...yV. Similarly for a third differentiation ; and so on. IMMEDIATE INTEGRABILITY OP THE FUNCTION F. Def.— When the function F (3028) is intcgrable 3090 without assigning the value of y in terms of x, and therefore APPENDIX. 459 integrable whatever tlie form of the function y may be, said to be immediately integrahle, or integrable per se. 3091 The integrable Peoof. — is requisite Vclx V to be immediately be identically true. condition for K= ^ that it is shall must be expressible in tlie form where (p is independent of the form of y. Hence, a change in the form which leaves the values at the limits unaltered, will leave 'Vdx = ; that is, i ^K^y of y, = 0. I But the last equation necessitates 7v = 0, since cy is arbitrary. And must be identically true, otherwise it would determine y as a function K=0 of x. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. GENERATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 3050 By differentiating ordinary algebraic equations, and eliminating constants or functions, differential equations are produced. Some methods are illustrated in tlie following examples. 3051 From an equation between two variables arbitrary constants, to eliminate the constants. n and — + Rule. Differentiate r times (r<n), and from the r 1 equations any r constants may he eliminated, and thus C (n, r) different equations of the r*^ order (3060) obtained, involving — Only &c. -3-^, -r ^, dx'" dx''"^ r-|-l, however, of these equations will he By independent. differentiating n times and eliminating the constants, a single final differential equation of the n*^ order free from constants may he obtained. 3052 Ex. — To eliminate the constants a and y Differentiating, we - find Eliminating a and b in turn, a. we 4^ +hx differentiating (iii.) from the equation (i.) (ii.) get = 2y, a:^ = ax- + y ax and eliminating h produces the dx Now, "^ h = ax^ + hx = 2ax + h (iii., final iv.) equation of the second order, ^^ The same equation To 3053 where z? is (v.) obtained by differentiating (iv.) and eliminating a. eliminate tbe function a function of x and //. ^v Therefore is || -2x^ +2y = r V / '^. i <p from tbe equation have We z = (p (r), GENERATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 3054 To eliminate tions of X, y, from </> 'ii = (p {v), where ti and 461 v are func- z. Consider x and y the independent variables, and differ- entiate for each separately, thus ^*x Uy and, by division, 3055 To a^, a^, ... Rule. ^^z y, {I'x ^^:c , <}>'{v) (v) is eliminated. eliminate F {x, where <{>' = 1>'{v) + ^z ^x) + {Vy+V,Z^), + U,Zy = (p^, <p2, ... z, «^i(ai), a^ are <pn from the equation faW, known ... i>nM] functions of = 0, x, y, z. —Differentiate for x and y as independent variahles, — 1)*^ of each order up to the (2n Fj^,; Fg^., F.^^, F^, F; Sfc. that is, ; possible ivay in every ¥y; There will be 2n^ unhnoivn functions, consisting of (pi, (p^, ... ^« and their derivatives, and 2n'^ + n equations for eliminating forming the derivatives of ¥ ^ them. 3056 To eliminate ^, <^i(g, (p.,{^), ... <p,,{l) between the equations F [x,y,z,l, .p,{^), U^) ... <PM] = ^^ f{x,y,z,K,i>,(^),<p,i^.)...<p^{'.)\=0. — Consider z a,nd ^ functions of the independent Rule. variables x, y, and form the derivatives of F and f up to the 2n 1*^ order in the manner described, in (3055). There ivill 2n equations for eliminating be 4n^+n functions, and 4n^ — + them. 3057 To ehminate ^ from the equation F{x,y,z,w,<p{a,^)} where a, Rule. j3 are known — Consider functions of x, y, z = x, y, z, 0, u\ Difthe independent variables. between the four <p, (p„_, (p^ ferentiate for each, and eliminate equations. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 462 DEFINITIONS AND RULES. 3058 Ordinary differential equations involve the derivatives independent variable. of a single 3059 Partial differential equations involve partial deriva- tives, and therefore two or more independent variables are concerned. 3060 The order of a differential equation highest derivative which it contains. 3061 The degree of a differential equation which the highest derivative is raised. 3062 A Linear differential equation derivatives are all involved in the is the order of the is is the power to one in which the degree. first 3063 The complete primitive of a differential equation is that equation between the primitive variables from which the differential equation may be obtained by the process of differentiation. 3064 The general solution is the name given to the complete when it has been obtained by solving the given primitive differential equation. Thus, reverting to the example in (3051), equation (i.) is the complete which is obtained from (i.) by diilerentiation and elimination. The differential equation (v.) being given, the process is reversed. Equations (iii.) and (iv.) are called the first integrals of (v.), and equation priviifive of (v.) (i.) the final integral or general sohifion. 3065 ^ particular solution, differential equation is obtained or particular integral^ of a by giving particular values to the arbitrary constants in the general solution. For the definition of a singular solution, see (3068). 3036 To oi'dor have a — when two differential common primitive. find equations of the first Rule. ViffrrentiatG each rguatioii, and eliminate its The tivo results will agree if there is a arbitrary constant. common primitive jivhichy in thai case, will be found by eliminating y, between the given equations. Ex, —Apply the rule to equations (iii.) and (iv.) in (3052). — . SINGULAR SOLUTIONS. To 3067 find each, involving when two 463 solutions of a differential equation, an arbitrary constant, are equivalent. — Rule. Eliminate 07ie of the variables. The other will also disappear, and a relation betiveen the arbitrary constants ivill remain. = Fand v c he the two solutions Otherwise, if V=G, v being functions of the variables, and G and c constants ; then : dV dv__dV is dy dy cLv du_ d.v the required condition. Proof. and Fj,= — V must be a function of — Ex. tan"' tions of 2xyy^ equation then eliminate 'pv'^'y't is h v. Let + 7/) +tan"' {x — y) = a and Eliminating y, x^ + y^ + ^' (aj = tan a. V= (p(v); therefore Fj = ^^v^ <p„. = x^-\-2hxare both solu2/^ + 1 x disappears, and the resulting =1 SINGULAR SOLUTIONS. — "A singular solution of a differential 3068 Definition. equation is a relation between x and y which satisfies the equation by means of the values which it gives to the differential coefficients t/.^, y.^j., &c., but is not included in the comSee examples (3132-3). plete primitive." 3069 To ^{x,y,c) find a singular solution from the complete primitive = 0. Rule I. From the complete primitive determine c as a 0, or else by solving function ofx, by solving the equation j^ The 0, and substitute this value of c in the ptrimitive. Xc result is a singular solution, unless it can also be obtained by giving to c a constant value in the primitive. = = 3070 If the singular solution hivolves j only, the equation from Xc tions Xc jc=0 = only. = 0, yc = only, If it and involves give the it results from x only, it results both x and y, the two equa- if it involves rame result, OF TKB TTNI^ERSITT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 464 integral function, ye = is a rational WJien the primitive equation (p (xyc) or '^(^1/ ^^ used instead o/ Xg ^c 3071 = 0. Proof. — Let Then, if c <p (x, y, c) = = be expressed in the form y and, if c When = = fChc) (1). yx=fx be constant, (2); yx=fx+fcCx varies, (3)- constant, the differential equation of which (1) is the primitive is But it will also be satisfied b}' the same satisfied by the vahie of ?/^ in (2). co and in or /^ value of y^ when c is variable, provided that either fc either case a solution is obtained which is not the result of giving to c a constant value in the complete primitive; that is, it is a singular solution. (Xi , and therefore oo makes y^ is equivalent to y^ But 0, and /j. c is = = X = f^ = constant. = = , = GEOMETRICAL MEANING OP A SINGULAR SOLUTION. 3072 Since tlie process in Rule I. is identical with that employed in finding the envelope of the series of curves obtained by varying the parameter c in the equation the singular solution so obtained is the equa(x, y, c) -— ; tion of the envelope itself. An exception occurs when the envelope coincides with one of the curves of the system. (j) 3073 w Ex. — Let the complete primitive be = ca;+ v^l— c", therefore yc =x ; yc=^^ gives c = —P = vl + x"^, a singular solution. Substituting this in the primitive gives y the equation of the envelope of all the lines that are obtained by varying the parameter c in the primitive; for it is the equation of a circle, and the See also pinmitive, by varying c, represents all lines which touch the circle. (3132-3). is 3074 "The determination of c as a function of aj by the solution of the equation y^ 0, is equivalent to determining what particular primitive has contact with the envelop at that point of the latter which cori-esponds to a given value of x. "The elimination of c between a primitive y=f(x,c) and the derived equation y^ 0, docs not necessarily lead to a singular solution in the sense above explained. " Por it is possible that the derived equation ?/p may neither, on the one hand, enable us to determine c as a function of x, so leading to a singular solution nor, on the other hand, as an absolute constant, so leading to a = = = ; particular primitive. — — SINGULAR SOLUTIONS. " Thus the = 0, particular pi-imitive y = 465 e" being given, the condition yc= — oo if « be positive. +co if a; be negative, and The resulting solution a dependent constant. gives e"^ whence c is = does not then It is J/ represent an envelope of the curves of particular primitives, nor strictly one It repi^esents a curve formed of branches from two of them. of those curves. It is most fitly chai^acterised as a particular primitive marked by a singularity in the mode of its derivation from the complete primitive." Differential Eqiiations,'^ Supplement, p. 13. l^Booles ''' DETERMINATION OF A SINGULAR SOLUTION FROM THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. 3075 Rule Any II, relation a singular solution luhich, is ivhile it satisfies the differential equation, either involves makes Py iifinite, or involves x 3076 aiid makes ( — \ j and infinite. " One negative feature marks all the cases in which a solution ao It is, that the solution, while involving y satisfies the condition p^ expressed by a single equation, is not connected with the complete primitive by a single and absolutely constant value of c. " The relation which makes p,, infinite satisfies the differential equation 0, and this implies a connexion only because it satisfies the condition ?/c between c and x, which is the ground of a real, though it may be unimportant, = . = singularity in the solution itself. " In the first, or, as it might be termed, the envelope species of singular solutions, c receives an infinite number of different values connected with the value of a; by a law. In the second, it receives a finite nnmber of values also connected with the values of x by a law. In the third species, it receives a finite number of values, determinate, but not connected with the values of x." Hence the general inclusive definition "^ singular solution of a differential equation of the 3077 first order is a solution the connexion of which tuith the complete primitive does not consist in giving to c a single constant value absolutely independent of the value of x." [Boole's " Differ ential Equations," p. 163, and Supplement, p. 19. RULES FOR DISCRIMINATING A SINGULAR SOLUTION OF THE ENVELOPE SPECIES. 3078 Rule equating ^' may 3079 III. to zero — ]Y]icn py or ( — is j made a factor having a negative index, infinite hy the solution be considered to belong to the envelope species'' "In other cases, the solution 3 is deducible from the — DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 466 as a constant of multiple complete primitive by regarding value, its particular values being eitlier, 1st, dependent in some way on the value of x, or, 2ndly, independent of x, but still sucli as to render the property a singular one." t; — \_Boole's " Bifferential A Equations," p. 164. ivliile it makes py infinite equation of the first order, does not satisfy all the higher differential equations obtained from it, is a singular solution of the envelope species. Rule IV. 3080 and solution which, satisfies the differential Ex. : i/x = my m-\ '" lias the singular solution y = when m is >1. The solution m -r Now and, 2/ra; when thei-efore, ?• > is by the rule of the envelope 3081 Rule V. u let = 0, and X = "i O'i— 1) = ••• m, the value y O't— r + 1) y '" makes y^-x infinite. , —" The proposed solution heing represented hy the differential equation, transformed hy = 0. the variables, be u^-l-f (x, u) f^ dn as a function of -^- tcgral Jo U is, species. x and making u Determine the in- u, in ivhlch U is either equal to f (x, u) or to f (x, u) deprived of any factor ivhlch 0. neither vanishes nor becomes infinite when u If that integral tends to zero ivlth u, the solution is singular" and of the envelope species. [Boole, Sttjyplement, p. 30. = 3082 Ex. — To determine whether ^ Here w = ^y, and I J As = y^ =z y (log ticular integral of — 2/ •' ^., , (log a singular solution or par- is ?/)^. =— yy , . log'^ this tends to zero with y, the solution is singular. —The Verification. c will assigned to complete primitive is produce the result y =: 0. ?/ = c"--', and no constant value 3083 Professor De Morgan has shown that any relation oo involving both x and y, which satisfies the conditions j>y p^=: OD , will satisfy the differential equation when it does not make 7/2.r> as derived from it, infinite that it may satisfy it even if it makes y^.^ infinite and that, if it does not satisfy the differential equation, the curve it represents is a locus of points of infinite curvature, usually cusps, in the curves of = , ; ; complete primitives. [Boole, Sxpiilcmmf, p. 35. — FIEST ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS. 4G7 FIRST ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS. M+N-^ = 0, 3084 or Md.v-\-Ndi/ = 0, M and N being either functions of x and. y or constants. SOLUTION BY SEPARATION OF THE VARIABLES. This method of solution, when practicable, and is frequently involved in other methods. 3085 is the simplest, xy(l + x')dy=z(l + ,/) Ex. therefore /, l and each member can be ' ., + y^ dx, = x(l —rr-+—x^) jr, at once integrated. HOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS. Here if and N, in (3084), are homogeneous functions 3086 of X and y, and the solution is affected as follows Rule. Put y = vx, and therefore dy = vdx + xdv, and For an example see (3108). then separate the variables. : — , EXACT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 3087 Mdx-\-Ndy = is an exact M, and the solution is differential then obtained by the formula SMd.v-\-^{N-d,{^Mda^)] Proof. — F=0 If therefore V^y = My = with respect to 3088 Here C. = x. N = V^ = dyj Mdx + Ex. = ij) <}> 3Iy dij = M, Vy N; be the primitive, we must have Vj. Also V ==\ Mdx + (y), (p (y) being a constant JV^,. Therefore therefore when = N,, (t/) (p' (y), = ^ {N-dyJMdx} dy+G. (x'-Sx'y)dx + Of-x')dy = —Sx^ = N^. = Therefore the solution C=.^-xhj + ^[f-o:^-dy (I 0. is -a) dy I — DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 468 3089 Observe that, if M(Jx-{-Ndij can be separated into two parts, so that one of them is an exact differential, the other part must also be an exact differential in order that the whole may be such. 3090 Also, if a function of x and y can be expressed as the product of two factors, one of which is a function of the integral of the other, the original function is an exact differential. ijnyi JiiX. — — cos Here — — dx ,- cos r y y = cos — - dy y the integral of the second factor. is . y ; — r ^ = 0. Hence the solution is y sin -^ = G. y INTEGRATINa FACTOR FOR Mdx-\-Ndij When which = 0. is not an exact differential, a factor such can be found in the following cases. this equation will make it — When one only of the functions Mx Ny or vanishes identically, the reciprocal of the other is an integrating factor. 3092 I. 3093 n. Mx — Ny is at the + If, ivhen Mx + Ny = identically, the equation same time homogeneous, then x~^°"^^^ is also an in- tegrating factor. 3094 III.— If neither cally, then, when Mx + Ny nor Mx-Ny vanishes identic — 1^ is an the equation is homogeneous, integrating factor ; and ivhen form <f>{xy)xdy-\-x{xj)jdK the equation = 0, - can be put in the ^*« ^.^^_-^ an integrating factor. Proof.— I. and IH. M dx + Ndy = — From the identity i f (Mx + Nij) d log x>j + (Mx - Ny) d log - | , — FIRST OBDEB LINEAB EQUATIONS. 469 assuming the integrating factor in each case, and deducing the required forms for 31 and N, employing (3090), 11, —Put 3095 M= v= -^, N= a?"^ (v), x'"\p (v), and cly = zdv + vdx in and 3Ix + Ny. Mdx + N(hj The form general Mdx+Ndy = an for integrating factor of is wliere v is some chosen function of x and y ; and the condition for the existence of an integrating factor under that hypothesis is that M— —N 3096 XT-^ TT— Nv^—MVy a function of v. be 'iniist — = Proof. The condition for an exact differential of M/jdx + NfJtdy is Assume f^ (v), and differentiate out; we thus (Mii)y-= (Nn) (3087), = J. 2— obtam The following = <!> —-f- —-^ , are cases of importance. — 3097 !• If an integrating factor is required which is a that is, v x; and the function of x only, we put <p {x), necessary condition becomes i^i —^^— — M —N - must = = he a function of x only. IIIf the integrating factor is to be a function of xy, v, the condition becomes, by putting xy 3098 = - Ny—Mx 3099 III- — miist be a fmiction of wy If the integrating factor is to only. be a function of -^, the condition is x —i^——-^ Mx+Ny If must he a -^function of -^. -^ Mx-\-Ny vanishes, (3092) must be resorted X to. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 470 In this and similar cases, the expression found will be a function of v = -^ takes the form if it F (v) when y is re- X placed by 3100 vx. of the n^^ — Theorem. — The condition that the equation a homogeneous function of x and y degree for an integrating factor, is IV. Mdx-\-Ndy = may have ^^K,.-M,)+nKv^j,^^^ 3101 = x^xpiu) tlie differentiations, from Nvj.—Mv,j' and, by reduction, we get Mx + Ny >pIu) right member by integration. The = i^. in (3097), thus V Perform t. factor will then be obtained The integrating Proof.— Put fx—v where must be a function of u in order that 4> (u) may — 3102 Ex. To ascertain whether an integrating factor, which geneous function of x and y, exists for the equation 0. (y'^ + axy^) dy — ay^dx + (x + y)(x(ly—ydx) is be found a homo- = M = -(ay^ + xy + Here N= y-), Substituting in the formula of (3100), the fraction reduces to ^^V-^^^ , (y^' we + ax/' + xy + x-). fiud that, and, by putting y by choosing n = ux, it becomes = -3, -"": a function of u. fi = x-'e ^^ -^=y-'e the integrating factor required. It is homogeneous, and of the degree in X and y, as is seen by expanding the second factor by (150). 3103 If ^ ^' y by means = of the integrating factor V=G ^it -3 the equation for its complete found to have primitive, tl'ien the form for all other integrating factors will be /"/(^)j wlicre/ is any arbitrary function. fLMd.e^l^Ndy is 471 FIRST ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS. Proof. — The equation becomes fiMf (V) Applying the dx+fxNf(V) chj = we have 0. test of integrability (3087), {i^^ifiy)}, Differentiate out, and the equality = {i^Nf{v)u. remembering that is established. — Ascertain by the determmcdion of an integrating factor that an equation is solvaUe, and then seeh to effect the solution in some more direct waij. General Rule. 3104 SOME PARTICULAR EQUATIONS. (acr+%+c) d.v-]-{a\v+b'y+c') dij = 3105 This equation I. — may be X Substitute 0. solved in three ways. = ^ — a, y = — ^, r] and determine a and j3 so that the constant terms in the new equation in E and n may vanish. 11. —Or substitute ax-\-hy-{-c = ^, a'x + b'y -{-c =v. =h:b\ the methods I. and II. faiL The written as a function of ax-\-hy. adx, and afterdz ax -{-by, and substitute hdy Put z wards separate the variables x and z. 3106 But equation 3107 if a:a' may then be III. — —A third method consists in assuming (Ayi and equating + C) d^-h{A'^ + G') ch = coefficients 0, with the original equation after sub- ^=zx-\-7n-^y, stituting m^^, = = V = ^-\- m.2y. ?% are the roots of the quadratic anv' The + ih + a)m + h'=0. solution then takes the form {(ami— a')(.r+m,?/) + cw*i—c' }"'"'""' { (am2 — a'){.v-\-m.2i/)-\-cnh—c' } «'«^-«' — . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 472 3108 (1, 2/ = — >? thus (3, (Sj,-?^) c^+(7v-3^i,) dn with equations for a and therefore (i.) 7a —3/3 + 7 /3, = = (i.), 3a — 7(3 ; +3 = (ii.) /3 r] Putting I, = x—\ and n={y y, by as in (2080), with log (ii.) (»/ — ^) = ; iV—7 c, The second member is integrated, reduction, we find 5 log (»j + ^) + 2 3109 0; = — 1, = = v^, and therefore drj = vd^ + ^do (3086) (7v'-7)Uii-\-(7v-3)^ulv = 0, or ^+pfldv = 0. a being homogeneous, put .-. = 0. (Sij-7x + 7)dx + (7ij-Sx + S)chj Ex. = ^— X PiTfc & = 0, and, after G. the complete solution is + x-Yf{y-x + \y=G. When P and Q are functions of x only, the solution of the equation ^+Py = by merely separating the 3110 y=Ce-^'^ is (i.) variables. Secondly, the solution of %^-Py = This result imrameters. y is (i = c-^"'' { c+Jeci"%/..} obtained by the method of variation of is EuLE. Assume equation (i.) to he the form of the solution^ considering the parameter C a function of x. Differentiate (i.) on this hypothesis, and put the value of j^ so obtained in the proposed equation to determine C. Thus, differentiating therefore Then Q ^= CxG (i.), we get J''"", ?/j. = therefore substitute this expression for C J (7j.e C= in equation Otherwise, writing the equation in the form integrating factor 3111 is J '^ may ' —Fy, [ qJ'^"" dx + C. (i.). (ry—Q)dx + dy = 0, the be found by (3097). y^J^Py=Qf reduced to the last case by dividing by ^ —y • //" and substitutiug FIEST OEBEB LINEAR EQUATIONS. P,(Lv+P,d^+Q *3212 {^itIi/-^/(lv) Pj, P3 being liomogeneoiis fimctions of degree, and Q homogeneous and of the 473 = 0. and ,*; q^^"- of the 1/ degree, is |/'' solved by assuming = Put y ox, and change the variables to may be reduced which is ,»j and v. The result to form with (3211), and may be solved identical in accordingly. 3213 To + Brr + G,y)(xdy-ydx)-(A, + B,x + G,y)dy -(iA, + B,:c^G,y)dx equation, put x = + a, y = v+ (A, solve this t, and determine a and /3 and the form of (3212) = 0. ft, so that the coefficients will be obtained. may become homogeneous, RICCATI'S EQUATION. 3214 U, + bu' = (A). C.V^'^ = Substitute // ilv, and this equation is reduced to the It is 1. Jii 2 and a form of the following one, with n or a positive —4t, t being solvable whenever (2^+1) = + = m = integer. 3215 I. y d'i/,-ai/-]-bt/ — This equation = vjf, dividing by is solvable, x-"", thus obtain = c.e (B). when n = 2a, by and separating the substituting variables. We r— = af~'^dx. — ov :, c Integrating by (1937) or (1935), according as h and c in equation (B) have the same or different signs, and eliminating 1; by vsf, we obtain the solution y = 3216 , = ^|,,.C£^^ (1). * The preceding articles of this section are wrongly numhered. Each number and reference to it, up to this point, should be increased by 100. The sheets were printed off before the error was discovered. 3 p — . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 474 3217 01- 3218 II- n —— 2a =r Rule. = ^[- -^),..«tan C- -iVtzM I ,/ — Equation •-• , (2), I • may (B) be solved whenever also . a positive integer. f — Write m the second z term, for j in equation (B), and nt+a for a and transpose b and c if t he odd. Thus, we shall have xz^— xz^^ {nt -{- -{-hz' a) z —{nt-Y a) z + cz^ = (when = haf (when c-x" t is even) t is odd) (4) Either of these equations can be solved as in case 11 = 2 {nt-\-a), that is, when —- ' -- t. .^' (3), (I.), when having been de- termined by such a solution, the complete primitive of (B) will be the continued fraction y = --^ + —^— +...+ where h stands for b or c — Equation 3219 III71 2a —= a — according as (B) +— j: t ...ioj, odd or even. is can also be solved whenever -\~ t 271 positive inte2:er. ° ^ The method and result mil be the same as in Case II., if the sign of sl he changed throughout and the first fraction omitted from the value ofj. Thus = y — 2n — a —— a h— r— + -+^(t—l)n a + -— ^v 71 , , , , T Proof. — Case — In equation (B), substitute y a the absolute term to zero. This gives ^ or 0. , II. = A+ — - first value, the transformed equation and equate ^' = Taking the , (6). becomes x^-(n + a)y, + cy\=lx''. dx Next, put equation )/, = n+a (3) or (4) is r ^—, and so obtained with ,;; on. In this written for the way the ^"' /"' transformed substituted variable yt- FIB ST OEBEB NON-LINE AB EQUATIONS. 475 — Taking the second value, ^ = 0, the first transformed equafrom the above only in the sign of a and consequently the same The series of subsequent transformations arises, with —a in the place of a. successive substitutions produce (5) and (6) in the respective cases for the Case III. tion differs values of 3220 ; y. u, + Ex. Putting ^ -ii = -^, a =1, -r-— dx X and the equation 5 = 1, 7^ = cx-^. i<.' is = 1, and ^-^±^=2, Case changing the sign of a Solving as in Case x^ xy^—y^if reduced to for I., Case III., we put z (3214) > 2 = cxi of the III. By form (B). Here the rule in (3218), equation (3) becomes = vx^, &c. ; employing formula (1) or, directly, , = ye.* ^^^^ ; and then, by (6), y -^ = 3c - , + the final solution. FIRST ORDER NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS. 3221 Type where the and y. coefficients P^Pzi ... Pn i^ay be functions of x SOLUTION BY FACTORS. 3222 and if If (1) can be resolved into n equations, the complete primitives of these are V, = c„ V, = c,, ... n= c„ (3), then the complete primitive of the original equation will be (V-c)iV-e) ... (F,-c) = (4). —— . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 476 Proof. eliminate — Taking The c. n = assume 3, Differentiate equation. last tlie and result is (r,-r,y- (v-v,y {v-v,rdv,dr,dv, = (5). = Sub&c., where ft, is an integrating factor. (2), dV^ f<i {ij^—i\)dx, stitute these values in (5), rejecting the factors which do not contain differ- By ential coefficients, which is and the result is the differential equation (1). 3223 Ex.— Given + yl The component equations are ^/, + 2 = 0. + l = and ^>j,, 7/, +2 = 0, giving for the complete primitive (y 3224 + ,r-c)(y+2x-c)=0. SOLUTION WITHOUT RESOLVING INTO FACTORS. (.r, jy) = 0. Class I.—Type <l> When only is involved with jj, and it is easier to solve the equation for x than fov ji, proceed as follows. aj = Differentiate and eliminate dx f (p). Obtain x liuLE. pdx. Integrate and eliminate p hy means hy means of dy of the original equation. Similarly, when y =f(p), eliminate dy, &c. = 3225 x = = adp-\- 2hp dp, Ex.— Given dx ay., !/ jfj between = this equation (ax + 6hy - hcf 3226 Class i.e., dy therefore therefore Eliminating + hy'i, = o ^ —^ and (6a7/ = ap + hf = p dx = apdp + 2hp-dp, x r ^ (1), • (l),the result - 4i'" - ac) is (a' the complete primitive + -ihx) 11.-%;. <<^ (;>)+.# 0^) = x(/>)- EuLE. Biff'erentiate and eliminate y if necessary. grate and eliminate p by means of the original equation. If the equation be simphfied into 3227 first divided by ^{p), Inte- the form is //-.*<^(/>)+x(/>)- and an equation is obtained of the form »r^,+ P.r = Q, wliere P and Q are functions of p. This may be solved by (3210), and j) afterwards eliminated. Differentiate, FIEST ORDER NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS. 477 Otherwise, a differential equation may be formed jj>, instead of between (c and |7. 3228 between y and Or, more generally, a differential equation 3229 may be formed between x or y and t, any proposed function of ^, after which t must be eliminated to obtain the complete primitive. 3230 Glairaufs equation, which belongs to this class, the form Rule. — and two equations are obtained Differentiate, Rr = 0, (1) and is of =pc€+f{p). i/ .-. p = e; s^+f(p) (2) — = 0. Eliminate -p from the original equation hy means of (I), and again hy means o/(2). The first elimination gives y cx-f-f (c), the complete primitive. The second gives a singular solution. = —For, Proof. if we have x+f{c) Rule = 0; I. = (3169) be applied to the primitive y ex +f (c), c between these equations is the and to eliminate elimination directed above, c being merely written for 3231 This is in the two equations. y=px + x^/T+f. Ex.1. of the form entiating, p = ?/ i>'(p (p), and therefore xdp + dx\^l+p^-\ we obtain ''' ^'^ falls ^ ^ = under (3227). Differ- 0, \/(1+F) since dy ^=^ pO.x; thus (70^) + !^?)'''"+^"=''' in which the variables are separated. Integrating by (1928), and eliminating p^ we primitive x^+y'^ 3232 This is Ex. = find for the complete Cx. 2. y =px+V¥^'p\ Clairant's form (3230). ^ I.. dx The complete primitive is L y we have DiflTerentiating, ^— \/{lr 1 = 0. d-p-) = cx+ \/(h^— ctV) ; and the elimination of p by the other equation gives for the singular solution a^y' — b'x" = a-F', an hyperbola and the envelope of the lines obtained by varying c in the complete primitive, which is the equation of a tangent. 3233 — Ex. 3. To find a curve having the tangent intercepted between the coordinate axes of constant length. — . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 478 The differential equation which expresses this property is = 42/=i-+-7= (!)• «./• -/dx crives Differentiating " ^ p between Eliminating 1st, (1) the primitive ;»; j H L 7 [ =0 (2). (l+/)t3 and (2) gives, ij = —V (3); cx-\ 2nd, the singular solution x^ + y^ 1 +c = a? (4) the equation of a straight line (4) is the envelope of the lines obtained by varying the parameter c in equation (3). (3) is ; 3234 Homogeneous Class III. Type in x and j. a^^<l>(^^,p^=.Q. — = Solve for p, and vx, and divide by x". Rule. Put j vx ; or solve for v, and eliminate p by differentiating y = eliminate v by putting y = ^; and in either case separate the variables. 3235 y=px + xyi+p\ Ex. and therefore p = v + xv^. This gives u = p + -/_! +i^*. Eliminate p between the last two equations, and then separate the variables. Substitute y , , The result = vx, 2vdv (IX . is X from which a; The same equation C^'H^) is = h T~r~^^ v 1 + (7 or _ — a;- r. '^' + r = Cc solved in (3131) in another way. SOLUTION BY DIFFERENTIATION. 3236 To — solve an equation of the form respectively to arbiRule. Equate the functions (p and Differentiate each equation, and trary constants a andh. elimindte the CDiislanfs. If the results aqrce, there is a common 1// EIGEEB OBDEB LINEAB EQUATIONS. 479 primitive (8166), which may he found by eliminating j^ hetiueen b, and siibser[iiently eliminating one a, ^ the equations ^ 0. of the constants hy means of the relation F (a, b) = = = ^-yy.+f{f-fyl) Ex. = Here the two equations x—yjj^. on applying the test, are found eHminating y^, we obtain Hence the solution to a+ h by the given equation, Also, a, = ^> have a common primitive. Therefore, = 0. f {y^ — {x + hf} = is = ^' f (y^—y^yl;) h. HIGHER ORDER LINEAR EQUATIONS. 3237 Type where Pi ... P„ and Q are — Lemma. which of X, case ^\-ill be g+p/J3 + ...+P„..,,.-^+/',,; = Q, If y^, ?/2, ... either functions of x or constants. y,, satisfy (3237), = t/ — Substitute C^i/, be n different values of y in terms when Q + C.2ij.,-{- = 0, + . . . the solution in that C„?/,,. Multiply in turn in the given equation. the resulting equations by arbitrary constants, G^, C^, ... C« respectively; original in the add, and equate coefficients of F^, P^, ... Pn ""-ith those equation. Pkoof. y^, y^, ... ?/„ LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS. 3238 3239 The ;A.v+«i?/(«-i):f+...+«(«-i)«/..+««3/= Casel.—mien (i)- roots of the auxiliary equation m*^+aim"-i+...+«.-im+«. being ruj, hlj, ... m,„ the complete equation will be 3240 Q Q = 0. p = (2) primitive of the differential Cie-^-^-+C,e--+... If the auxiliary equation (2) = + C\e-«-^- (3). has a pair of imaginary roots . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 480 (a^ih), terms tliere will 3241 be in tlie value of y the coiTespondiug Ae"'' cos kv-\-B(f'' If any real root m' of equation corresponding part of the value of 3242 A (2) is // (4) repeated if and /• times, the will be {A,+A,.v+A,a;'-^...+A,_,.v^-') And for s'mkv e^>'\ a pair of imaginary roots occurs r times, substitute in (3241) similar polynomials of the r V^^ degree — B in X. — = Pkoof. (i.) Substituting y Ce'"^' iu (1) as a particular solution, and dividing by Ge'"^, the auxiliary equation is produced, the roots of whicli furnish n particular solutions, y Cje"'"^', y C'oe'"^^, &c., and therefore, by the preceding lemma, the general solution will be equation (2). = = ± (ii.) The imaginary roots a ib give rise to the terms which, by the Exp. values (766), reduce to (G+C) e"^ cos hx + i{G- C) e"^ sin (iii.) two equal roots m<^ = m^, put at ae""'""'-^- become e'"-^' (C^i + G/'-O- If there are two terms (7ie"''^+ and put G^-\-G.j = A, CJi By = Ce"^''''^-'''+ C'e"^''''^, fe.c. first ???., = Expand = = 1n^-\-^l. e*^ The by (150), = B in the limit when k 0, G-^ cc, G^ —oo. repeating this process, in the case of r equal roots, we arrive at the form (A, + A,x and similarly 3243 + A,x' + ...+A,.,x'-')e"'^^; in the case of repeated pairs of imaginary roots. Case Il.—When Q First method. Putting in (3238) —By variation Q = 0, as in Case is a function of x. of parameters. I., let the complete primitive be y = Aa-]-B(3 -h Cy + &c. to n terms (6), The values of y being functions of x of the form c"'-\ the parameters A, B, G, .,., when Q has its proper value assigned, are determined by the equations a, j3, ;/- 3244 = +B,.(3 +to n terms yl,«, +J9",i3,,. 4- „ -0, ^%v +y|,i3,,, + „ = A^a 0, 0, B,., &c. being found from these equations, their integrals must be substituted in (6) to form the complete primitive. A^, EIGEEB OBBEB LINEAR EQUATIONS. Proof.— Differentiate tions of X ; 481 Gy&a. are func- (6) on the hypothesis that A, B, thus ;y,= (^a, + i?/3,+ ...) + (^.a + B,/3+...). — 1 relations may be assumed between in addition to equation (1), n Equate then the last term in brackets to zero, the n arbitrary parameters. and differentiate y, in all, n 1 times, equating to zero the second part of Now, — each differentiation ; we thus y^ =Aa^ +BI3^ y,^ =Aa,^ +B(3,^ obtain = 0, = 0, +&C. +&C. and Aj,a +B^l3 -j-&c. and A^a^ +B,ft^ +&c. y{n-l)x= ^«(«-ljx + -BA«-I)x+&C. and ^x"(»-2)x + -5x/3(H-2)a;+&C. = 0. — 1 equations on &c. are now determined by the n For, differentiating the value of ^(,j.i)xj we have the right and equation (1). The n quantities y,^ and if = A^., B^., {Aa„^ + B(3„^ + &C.} these values of ^^, y>x, ... y,ix ^x«(»-l)x for the other part vanishes + {^^a(,_i)x + -B,.A»-lia-+&C. = ... y^, it reduces to Q, by the hypothetical equation ynx+(hyin-i)x+---+ci>iy since the values of in this equation. + 5^/3(„_i).. + &c.}, be substituted in (1), and the y(H-i)x, first = o, part of y^x: are the true values — Second ifef/iot?.— Differentiate and eliminate 11. resulting equation can be solved as in Case I. Being of a higher order, there will be additional constants which may be ehminated by substituting the result in the given 3245 Case The Q. equation. 3246 y,,-7y. + V2y Ex.— Given 1st Method.— Pxxiimg x therefore m=3 and 4. = 0, Hence y is The corrected values of A and =:^ x (1). the auxiliary equation is m^—7m + 12 the complete primitive o{tju—7y^+12y = B = 0; = Ae'''+Be"' (2). for the primitive of equation (1) are found from A,e"+ 5,6*^=0") SA,e''+4iB,e'' .-. A,^-xe-'^- and A= B,= and B = xy Substituting these values of ^ and y tive 3247 2nd Method. B xe-'^ in (2), we =-^^ e-'^'+h. find for its complete primi- = ae\+le + -J^y,,-7y.+ 12y = x S Q ^i^g-^^+a. (1). ; DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 482 Differentiating to eliminate the term on the The we get m = 4, = therefore = Ae'^' + Be'^+Cx + D = 4>Ae"' + dBe''+G', y,. = 16^e^ + 95e^ 7 1 values in (1) thus C = —; D = y— aux. equation Therefore I'iglit, m'^—7m^ + l2m^ is ; 3, 0, 0, (2) y 7/, Substitute these ; r ; therefore, substituting in (2), y = Ae'^ + Be^+ ^ + ^44^^ before. When may a particular integral of the linear equation in the form ij =f{x), the complete primitive be obtained by adding to y that value which it would take if 3248 (3238) known is Q were zero. Thus, in Ex. (3247), the complementary part = Ae^'^ + ?i^ iZ + 7 TT7 144; Be^'' is ^^ a particular integral of (1) when the value of y the dexter ; and is zero. of the linear equation (3238) may always if a particular integral of the same The order 3249 2/ be depressed by unity equation, Thus, and ii y of (1). when Q = 0, =z be known. Q y-i.+Piy-2.+P2y..+P3y= if be a particular solution when Q = ; (!)> let y = vz be the Therefore, substituting in (1), (z^, + P^z,, + P,z, + P,z)v + &c. = Q, the unwritten terms containing i\, v^x, and v^,-. The coefficient of v vanishes, by hypothesis therefore, we have an equation of the second order for determining w. ; V 3250 solution The if we put it v^ = u, being found, = yudx-\-G. linear equation where A,B^ ... L are constants, and Q is a function of x, is solved by substituting a-\-hx = e\ changing the variable by formula (1770), and in the complete primitive putting t = log {a + hv) Otherwise, (lA-bd- = X^, . reduce to the form in and solve as in that article. (3446) by putting HIGEEB OBBEB NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS. 488 HIGHEE ORDER NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS. Ty,e 3251 K-....g.^.-g)-0SPECIAL FORMS. 3252 F{.v, ?/,,., ?/(,.+a).^. ... ?/„,.) = 0. When tlie dependent variable y is absent, and 7/,.,. is the derivative of lowest order present, the equation may be deIf the equation z. pressed to the order n—r by putting 7/,,,. in z can be solved, the complete primitive will then be = y 3253 = F{i/, 2 f + (2149). f ?/,,, 7/(,^i), ... I/,,) = 0. be absent instead of y, change the independent variable from Q3 to y, and proceed as before. Otherwise, change the independent variable to y, and make j^ (= y^) the dependent variable. If X For example, let the equation be of the form 3254 (i.) F(y, This may 7/„ y,^, 2/3.) = (1). be changed into the form F(y, av, x,„ x,,) = by (1761, and the order may then be depressed to the 2nd by (3252). '63, and The '66) solution will thus give x in terms of y. 3255 (ii.) may be changed Otherwise, equation (1) F (y, p, py, p,^) = 0, the form at once into one of by (1764 and '61), the order being here depressed from the 3rd to the 2nd. If the solution of get, for the comthis equation be ^ (?/, c^, c.^), then, since dy —pdx, we = x=\ plete primitive of (1), J ^-^ {y, +C3. Ci, ^2) fc=i^W. 3256 Integrate n times successively, thus jnx — DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 484 ?hv=F{yy 3257 Multiply by KchJ 2ij^^ and integrate, ^^^' ^-^^ J 3258 ?/«x. tlius ^^{2 F{y)dy + c,] = i^{!/(«-i)x}, an equation between two successive derivatives. Put y(n-i)x = ^j tben z^. = F{z), from which «• Hm+_^ If, after that z = integrating, this equation can be solved for we have (l>{x, c), V(«_i)a- =^ (a?, ^)5 which falls z so under (3256). But 3259 follows cannot be expressed in terms of if z x^ proceed as : _ 2/(n-3).-j^ dz ^ „ Fmally, T^. j, = f J r dz j^^; <i;2 f ^^ j f _... (^2; dz _.; J the number of integrations and arbitrary constants introduced being n—1. 3260 ?/«. ^(«_2)^ = ^; = ^{y(«-2)4= i^(/), which is (3257), the then 2^2^. Put solution giving x in terms of z and two constants. If z can be found from this in terms of x and the two constants, we get Z or 2/(„_2).^. ==<^(^',^l, ^2)5 which may be solved by (3256). 3261 But if z cannot be expressed in terms of in (3259). DEPRESSION OF ORDER BY UNITY. 3262 is When F {.V, ;/, 7/,, ;/,,, ) . . . = rendered homogeneous by considering a\ y, ?/,., ?/2,., ?/3,,., &c. x, proceed as — , ; HIGHER OBBEB NON-LINEAB EQUATIONS. to be of the respective dimensions 1, 1, 0, = e\ ,v y = ze\ —1, —2, 485 &c. ; The transformed equation will contain the same power of every term, and will reduce to the form F{z,ze, the order of which is z.,,, put &c. e in = 0, ...) depressed by unity by putting = u. Zq 3263 When the original equation is of the 2nd order, the transformed equation in u and z may be obtained at once by into 1, z, if+^j u-\-uUg, respectively. changing a\ y, y.,^ The solution is then completed, as in example (3264). ?/.,., Peoof. —We have y^= e, = e* ; + z,) ; a? + z; y^^^ e"" (zo, y =. ys^ ze^ = e"-" (^39— «») ; and so en. The dimensions of x, ij, y^, &c. with respect to e^ are 1, 1, 0, —1, —2, &c. Therefore the same power of e' will occur in every term of the liomogeneous equation. 3264 x'y,,= {y-xy,)\ Ex.: Making the above substitutions for ^20 Put Zg =: 71^ ii; —uuz, t?ar^u=a—z therefore dd 1/2^., the equation becomes thus + u = — «« = therefore and x, y, y^, + ^9 = — ^e- = cot (a— z) But therefore 6 therefore = log X and —), or ^ = —dz, = « = tan (a— 2), = — log & sin (a — 2) (1941). z = -^, therefore (1935), dz, + 1 = — «r, tt^ z^ X therefore by = cosec la = sec bx f c +— | altering the arbitrary constant. 3265 is bx When F {.V, y, ?/,, ij,,, ) . . . made homogeneous by considering the respective dimensions x = 1, ?i, e^, When y, y^, n— 1, w— 2, 2/ and depress the order by putting 3266 = cV, = Zq y^^i, &c. ; &c. to be of put ze'"'^ = u, the original equation is of as in (3262). the 2nd order, the DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 486 final equation between u and may be z obtained at once by changing .r, ;/,?/.,, ?/2.r iiito u+nz, m«^+(2n— 1) u+n{n — l)zy 1, z, respectively. 3267 Ex.: y2,y. = (l)- ^y With the view of applying (3265), the assumed dimensions member of this equation, being equated, give n—2 + n—l = Thus x=:e'; Substituting in tion is y = (1), e y^ ze''', disappears e'' {z, + 4^z); y,,= and by putting ; n therefore l-\-n, = = 4. e'' {z,, = u, z, of each + z., '?z, + l'lz). = uu„ the equa- reduced to 0tH4«z)cZtt+(7ttH40H2 + 482--2) dz which is linear and of the 1st order. This equation is by the rule in (3266). 3268 When F(cl^ ?y, y,:,, ?/.,, = 0, also obtained at once = ...) \n(lx (tec, put y — e' homogeneous with respect to ?/, y,^, and remove e as before by division. The equation between u and X will have its order less by unity than the order of F. • 1 j_ is y.^,-,, 3269 Ex.: P and Q being Here 2/2.+P2/x+Q2/ functions of ?/ = = (1), x. eJ ; y^ Substituting, the equation becomes If the solution gives 1st order. , = uy; ?t^ u — {u^ + + «^ + P«+Q = = y.^^ (p(x,c), then ti ) y. 0, | ^ an equation of the (re, c) J.« = log ?/ is the complete primitive of (1). EXACT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 3270 Let dU=<l> {x, y, y„ y,,, . . . ?/,,,) dx = be an exact differential equation of the n*'' order. derivative involved will be of the 1st degree. — The highest Rule for the Solution {Sarrus). Integrate the term y,,^ nnt]b resjyect to J(n-i)x only, and call the result Ui. Find dUi, considering both x and y as variables. dU — dUi I*'' order. ivill be an exact differential of the n — 3271 Inculcing MISCELLANEOUS METHODS. 487 Integrate this with respect to J{n-2)x only, calling the U2, The first integral of the proposed equation 3272 Ex. : Here .'. TJ.i = —xy„ the ivill dU = he = 0. {y' + (2x7j-l) yl + xy2. + ^y3x} = x%^, dU^= (2xyi^ + x'ys^ dx dU-dU^ = {7/+ (2xy — l) y^-xyo^) dx = 0; dU2 = —{y;^+xy2x)dx, dU—dUi—dU2—(y^ + 2xyy^T.)dx', = xy^, and JJ = xSjix — xy^ + xr/ = C Let d.v U^ tlierefore is resiilt so on. a?i(i ; JJs first integral. Denoting equation (3270) by clJJ — Vdx, the series of and amount to the single condi- 3273 steps in Rule (3171) involve tion that the equation N-P,-{-Q,,-R,,-\-&G.= 0, with the notation in (3028), shall be identically true. This then is the condition that V shall be an exact 1st differential. 3274 V shall Similarly, the condition that be an exact 2nd differential is P-2Q,+3i?,,-483,+&c. The condition that 3275 and so be an exact 3rd differential ^ s^-^-j^ g-3i?,+ is V shall on. = 0. = 0, T3.+&C. [Euler, Comm. Petrop., Vol. viii. MISCELLANEOUS METHODS. 3276 where ih.-\-Pi/.+ P The Proof. and Q are functions solution — Put '^y:r+Qzijl^O. e^ Put y "' = zy, R (1), = ^e'^'''-' {2^Qe~'^'^''\b^-hIx. z, and multiply (1) by .-.im^-Qz--, .-. = u-\ = 3277 where Q and is Qtjl=0 of x only. z/2.+ Qz/i+^ are functions of y only. 2; 71 then, since = z^ = Pz, V(2 ^ Qz-dx), &c. (1), DIFFEBENTIAL EQUATIONS. 488 The solution Proof. —Put = lJ'"(2\Be'^'""dy)-hl:,. x is = " e^ and multiply (1) by 2, 3278 ih^'+Pi/..-+Ql/'^ = ^> where P, Q involve x only. = z, and the form (3211) Put is y^., 3279 z. y-2.+P!/l-{-Qi/: arrived at. = 0- This reduces to the last case by changing the variable from x to 7/ by (1763). 3280 For a few cases in which the equation y.+Py' + Qy+B De Morgan's " can be integrated, see = Differential and Integral Calculus," p. 690. 3281 2/2. Put ax + hy = t = t, = ci.v+hij. Eesult U, (1762-3). = Solve by (3239) bt. or (3257). (1 -^^') ih-^^'y.+q'y and obtain y-zt + c/y = 3282 Put sin~^rtf Solution, y Put (l ,'' I + —^= «ct-'0 t, i^{l+ax') 3284 0. = A cos {q sin~^ x) + B sin (q sin~^ x). 3283 '*' = 0. = 0. y.H±fv = ^ yz,-\-axy,±Ti) and obtain LlouviUo's equation, ^^ above. yi.v-\-f{x)y^-\-F(y)yl = {). Suppress the last term. Obtain a first integral by (3209), and The complete primitive is vary the parameter. 3285 Jacohrs thcuron. equation ?/.., =/0r, y) — If is one of the ?/., = first <^ (.r, integrals of the y, c) (i., ii.). — — APPROXIMATE SOLUTION. tlie 489 complete primitive will be — Differentiating obtain <p:,-\-<p<p,j =/(«, !/), and differenBut, by (3i87), this is the condition shall be an exact differential therefore fc (i>,<pdx ^^ an integrating factor for equation (ii.), l/z—f (j^, V, c) Proof. tiating this for c, for ensuring that is f:,c + (t>c<py (p,d}j — (ii.), + (p<p,,c = we = 0. ; = Equations involving the arc 3286 3287 -\-yl = a-^-hy^,.. Find 3288 y^^ = ci'2, Change from or or 1+7/2 ^" to s <« = \/l-{-yl. s^ = cLv-\-btj. s Here \/l having given s, = (M + chf ds' by (1763) = —i a. /. ; . from the quadratic equation. ^. — ^r ^ 2ax-\-c' s'^s.^^. = a, .'. 1 /( s~^ = 2ax-\-Ci l)clx+i ]\\2ax-\-c ) APPROXIMATE SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY TAYLOR'S THEOREM. 3289 The following example Given GeneraUj, y,, will illustrate the = xy,-]ry, = A,,y^,+Bjj .'. let y,,. y-s., ; method : = {x'-]-2) y^,+xy. = A,^,y^,-\rB,,+,y. //(„+i)., But, by differentiation, + {A,,+B:,) y, = A,, + B'^. A,= x' + 2, B, = x; B, = x' + S, &c. y(H+i).«= {A,,x-{-A',,+B,,) y^ .' But . ^,,+1 = A,,x-\- yi; + B,, A,= x, B,= l, = x'-{-bx, = x a, let y = b A, Now, when .'. and ^„+i and y^ = ir, then, by Taylor's theorem (1500), y = a-}-p {x-a) + (A,2Ji-BJj) (l^ + iA,p+B,h)^-^^^ + &C., which converges when x—a is small. 3 R [De Morgan, p. 692. ; DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. SINGULAR SOLUTIONS OF HIGHER ORDER EQUATIONS. DERIVATION FROM THE COMPLETE PRIMITIVE. Let 3301 v/,,, = • <i>{'>',y,y.;y2. be the differential equation, and ^7=/(»''«j^'^ 0) ^(^-dJ complete primitive be let its (^)' ^) ••• containing n arbitrary constants. 3302 Rule. eliminate abc y =U — Tu find ... the general singular between the equations s jx = and fx> is fax • • • y(n-i) J tax Ia2x ••• t;i(n-l)x tlj Ibx tb2x ••• lb Is The result = y-ix til ls2x Isx ••• (11-1 (11-1) X - suliitloii of (1), = f (n-l)x VV = Is(n-l): a differential equation of the n the integral of it, containing sing^Uar solution. (4). n—1 — V^' — Proof. Differentiate (2), cousidering the parameters thus y^ fx+fa 't.r + •• +/,Sx. Therefore, as in (3171), = and a, b ... s variable, • 2/2X = />. fax a. +fi,x b.v +...J\xS. if and so on up to y„^ = f„x- Eliminating on the right, the detei-minaut equation columns interchanged. 3303 order, arhitrarij constants, is the Ex. a^, h^, (4) is = 0, 6\ y-^y^ + ^^y^^-yl- (y^-Xy,^' : The complete primitive is y = From which -j- +h,c + c(r + h'^ y^.=:ax + h and the determinant equation pn2a, X +2Z/, as well between the n equations produced with the rows and ... = .(2). .(3), is x\ 1 I ^ or + 2Z^.v (4). ; SINGULAR SOLUTIONS OF HIGEEB OUDBB EQUATIONS. 491 Eliminating a and from b and (2), (3), M!, + (2x + f)cU the integral of -whicli, (4), we get the differential equation ^ ^ , and the singular solution ^/(iey + 4^x' + x') = a;v/(l ^ of (1), is + rc*)+log{^+ y(l + x')} + G. [Boole, Sup., p. 49. 3304 Either of the two * first integrals' (3064) of a second order differential equation leads to the same singular solution of that equation. The complete primitive of a singular first integral of a differential equation of the second order is itself a singular solution of that equation but a singular solution of a singular first integral is not generally a solution of the original equa- 3305 ; tion. Thus the singular is integral (5) of equation (1) in the first example has the singular solution last not a solution of equation 16y-\-4<x^-{-x'^ = 0i which (1). DERIVATION OF THE SINGULAR SOLUTION FROM THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. — 3306 Rule. Assuming the same form (3173), a singular solution of the first order of a differential ecptation of the n^^ LYnx; order will make d second order and infinite ; a singular solution of the (y(n-l)x) mahe ivill ^-^"^^ ^ , ^•^"'^-^ , , ^ , , d(y ,,_,),)' d(y („.,),) so on. 3307 Ex. infinite -^ [Boole, Sup., p. 51. — Taking the differential equation (3303) again, y-^y^+i^%z-yl- (y^-xy.^y and hoth differentiating for y^ {^x' + 2x The condition and ?/2j, = (y.-xy.J-2y.J d(y,;)-{x + 2(y^-xy^)} d(y,) ,; / =^ ^x' (1), only, = 0. requires + 2x {y..-xy,,)-2y,, = 0. Substituting the value of yo^^ obtained from this in equation (1), and rejecting the factor (;^- + l), the same singular integral as before is produced (3303, equation 5). DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 493 EQUATIONS WITH MORE THAN TWO VARIABLES. Pd.v+Qdii-^Rdz 3320 = (1). {S P, Q, B being here functions of x, y, 2, the condition that this equation may be an exact differential of a single complete primitive is P (Q-R.) + Q {R-P^R (P-Q.) = 0. 3321 — = Then 0. Proof. Let f^ be an integrating factor of Pdx + Qcly + Bdz —fiPcIx ijQdi/ + fiIlc1z, and, by (3187), for an exact differential, we must Write this symmetrically for P, Q, and B, differentiate have (i^Q)~ (At-R)v out, and add the three equations after multiplying them respectively by P, Q, and B. = To 3322 = find the single complete primitive of equation (1), Rule. — Consider one of the variables z constant, and Integrate, and add (z) for the constant of = 0. therefore dz integration. (j> Then and differentiate for x, y, z, and compare with the given equation (1). If a primitive exists, ^(z) will be determined in terms of z only by means of preceding equations. The complete system primitive so obtained of surfaces, all of the same is the equation of a species, varying in position according to the value assigned to the arbitrary constant. 3323 is satisfied ; M,, now for .t, (x-Sy- z) Hence the dx + (2 = — 3 = iV„ ^x"' Difierentiating // - and 3.1') (z) (l> with { f (,v) - x f'(z)=z, (1), single complete primitive x' = 0. z, dx +(2y- Sx) dy + coefficients dy (1). we have and integration gives - Sxy—zx + y- + y, = 0, = 0. therefore, putting dz (x -Sy-z) Applying (3187), Equating = (x-Sy-z)dx + (2y-dx)dy + (z-x)dz Ex.: Condition (3321) } dz = 0. therefore (f>(z) = ^z-+C. is + 2y^ + z- — 6xy — 2zx = C, the equation of a system of surfaces obtained by varying the constant G. 3324 When the equation Pdx-\-Qdy-\-Rdz geneous, put x = of dz vanishes, is 3325 = vz. y of the form 2iz, The Mdu-\-Ndv result, = i), = when the is homo- coefficient : EQUATIONS WITH MORE THAN TWO VARIABLES. solvable by (3184). Otherwise it is 493 form of the ~ = Mdu-{-Ndv, 3336 z and the right be an exact differential will if a complete primi- tive exists. 3327 Ex.: y%ilx^-zxdij-^',mjih=^^ Condition (3321) X = is satisfied. y %{jZ, = vz, (1) becomes z and the solution When = tidz-\--4 du, + f^ + f = 0, dx ^Zf = = vdz + z dv, dy 6v oil log {zu'v^) is (1). Patting G or xyz = G. the equation Pdxi-Qdy + B(h = (1) has no single primitive 3328 and Rule. —Asswne differentiate ; (p{x, y,z) = (2) thus (^,dxH-<^ydy + .^,dz==:0 (3). The form of <p being given, eliminate z and dz from The result, being of the form (2) and (3). Mdx + Ndy = (1) hy 0, can be integrated, and the solution taken lolth (2) co7istitutes a solution of equation (1), and represents a system of lines {by varying the constant of integration) drawn on the surface ^ (x, y, z) 3329 = 0. Ex.: {l + 2m)xdx+(l-x)ydy-\-zdz = 0. = condition (3321) not being satisfied, assume «- + t/^ + z^ r^ as the function <p, therefore xdx + ydy + zdz 0; and by eliminating z and dz, 4imx =. G, a cylindrical ^mdx ydy 0, the integration of which gives y^ surface intersecting the spherical surface in a system of curves (by varying G), whose projections on the plane of xy are parabolas. Tiie = — = — The condition that 3330 where X, Y, Z, Xd.v-{- T Ydi/+Zdz+rdt are functions of x^ y, = 0, z, t, may be an exact , niFFJEIiENTIAL EQUATIONS. 494 differential, may be sliewn, in a manner similar to to be expressed by any three tliat of (3321) of the equations Y{Z,-T,)+Z{T,-Y,) + T{Y,-Z^)=0, 3331 = o, T {X,- r,) +x(r, - r, ) + y{t,, -x,) X(Y,-Z,) + Y{Z,,,-X,)+Z{X^-Y,.) = 0, the fourth being always deducible from the other equations. If this condition is fulfilled, the solution of equation (3330) is analogous to (3322). if z and t were constant, and therefore dz and adding for the constant of integration ^ {z, t). hy Differentiate next for all the variables, and determine comparison with the original equation. Integrate as (It zero, (jt 3332 If a single primitive does not exist, the solution must be expressed by simultaneous equations in a manner similar to that of (3328). SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS WITH ONE INDEPENDENT YARIABLE. GENERAL THEORY. 3340 Let the first of n equations between n + 1 variables be Pdd+P.du+P.ih-]- ...+P,,dw = Pi ... P« may bo functions of all the variables. (1), where P, Let X be the independent variable. The solution depends upon a single differential equation of the n^^^ order between two variables. Solving the n equations for the ratios dv dy dz &c., let : : dx . " dy dx dz d.ii _Q^ Q dz_ ' dx _ ~ (/?/' Q2. Q' ^_ Differentiate the first of these equations ii from the others the values of r;,. ... tutino: : dx — Oil Q' \ times, substi- ii\,, and the result SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS. is u 33, ?/, equatioDS in 2 ... ,f/^,, t/^.i- ••• 495 and the primitive variables 1J,lv> W. Eliminate all the variables but x and y, and let the differ- ential equation obtained be F{x,y,y_,..,y,,) == 0. of this, each of the form substitute in them the values of ••• ill terms of x, y, z ... w, found by solving the n 2/.1-) ?/2.rj i/».i-5 Thus a system of n primitives equations last mentioned. G. is obtained, each of the form F{x,, y,z ... lu) the n Find F{x, y, ?/,. ... first y(n-i)x) integrals = G, and = The same in the case of three variables. Here n = 2. Let the given equations be 3341 P.,(Lv-\-Q,di/+R,dz Therefore 3342 From these let Therefore q^^/^^q^^^ ?/^, = (|) t/o., = B,pf-P.,B, = P^-F^^^ {x, y, z), = «^., + = 0. z,, y,, <l>, + = 1>z ^p {x, y,c). -.v Substitute the value of ^.,, and eliminate - by means of An equation of the 2nd order in x, //.„ y^, <p (x, y, z). is the result. Let the complete primitive of this be = = = Then we also have (p (x, y, ^) y X ('«j (h ^)These two equations form the complete solution. FIRST //o,,. _?/, (/.,x {>''> «? ^^)- ORDER LINEAR SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS. 3343 In equations of this class, the coefficients of the dependent variables are constants, but any function of the independent variable may exist in a separate term. Such equations may be solved by the method of (o34U), but more practically by indeterminate multipliers. 3344 Ex. (1): I +7.-2/ = Multiply the second equation by m JL+2x+5y = 0, and add. ;^>a.) +(„„ + ,) (..+ The result 0. may be |1=-1,|=0 written (.). . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 496 To mako 5*y;-l the whole expression an exact diftercntial, put :^-—-= ^, gives and the solution (^ "^ now becomes (1) = ce- is This ^n'==J^ (2); = + ^»?/) + (2m + 7)ix + my) x + my = ^»- -'"^'''^ 0, = x + vi'y and c'e--'"'*"'-. Solving these equations, and substituting the values (2), e-'''\{c-c')cost-i(c + c) sin^j, iy =zce-^'''^^-c'e'^'''^^ ^. = = .--|(^ + ^^^)cos^+f^-^^)sinfl, 1 or 7/ " 2 \ 3345 Ex. 2 a-, : + 5.7; + / 2 ' rre-^'CC^cosi-C^'sinf), = 2/ Multiply the second equation by e*, vi, cl(x±my)_^^._^^^^ "*" Put 2^ + 5 (5 —m _ „i) ]vfoTE. of 2 ( ^y ^ + Sy - a; cost + _^_^ l±3m (0-0') sin t}. = e". and add to the | first ^ ^.^^^^^.._ = thus determining two values of vi, and 2 = + «ie-^ This is of the form (3210) iji, put x-\-m.y =z; thus e' — The equations of example, written in the symmetrical form this _ dx (3342), would be e^ 3346 V = le-'mC+C) •'« — hx — y dy e-* + x — ^y _ dt. General solution hy indeterminate dx Let __ dy_ _ rnultijjliers. dz be given with = ^2 Assume a third variable dt T The last wc have r/, / t a.,x-^h.y-^c.^z^d.2. and indeterminate multipliers Idx + mdy+ndz _ _ "" ZPi fraction is + (/.,(;;+((..( /t + mP.^ + rtPs an exact = A/, + n = Xin, + + m + Cj = X», Ci dil + ditn + d^n = A?-, b^ I b.^ I c'a III. h-^ Jt dift'ereiitial, : J, m, )i suc'h that + ndz ~\{lv-\- my + nz + r) Jdx-\-m dy (/j —A ^1 and, ia determine a. a^ b,-K b. (1). \, /, )/?, «, r, . . SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS. 497 The detei'minant is the eliminant of the first three equations in I, m, n. The roots of this cubic in \ furnish three sets of values of I, in, n, r, which, being substituted in the integral of (1), give rise to three equations involving three arbitrary constants thus, ; c^t Eliminating t, we arbitrary constants. similar solution A variables. 3347 To Assume ji {l^x + m^y -f n^z + r^) ^s. may be when obtained more than three there are ^^^ -\- by + c, = P^ = ai,-\-h] + cZ, ^j aj^ = Pi the solution of which is these equations become = a^c + &iy + = —= and take P-2 known by Substitute ^ ydi: + (dy ^ cU_ P2 P' i, = xi^, n = y^, and —=— = p.-yp Dividing numerators and denominators by solution &c., (2), Pi p,-xjp &c Ci , Ci<^, xd^ + ^dx and therefore its + tj?? + = &e. ...(1), —P (3346). '— duced, and therefore of (2) into x^ and y^. two equations involving two = solve P == ax where = find for the solution ]J first equation in (1) is proobtained by changing ^, rj in the solution is C, the Certain simultaneous equations in which the coefficients are not constants may be solved by the method of multiphers. Thus, 3348 Ex. Xt-^P{ax + ly) (1): P, Q, B being functions of as in (3344), determine m ^ + my t. = Q, y^ + P (ax + h'y) = E, Multiply the second equation by The solution is obtained from = e-'""""'^''|a+f e^'^""''''-(^''(Q in, + .;iE) dt\, add, and (3210) with two values of m. 334:9 Ex.(2): x,+ ^{x-y) = y,+ 1, ] (x + 5y) = t are equations solvable in a similar mannei*, and the results ai-e [Boole, p. 307. 3 s ——— — ' DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 498 REDUCTION OF ORDER IN SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS. 3350 TiiEOKEM. n simultaneous equations of any orders between n dependent variables and 1 independent variable are reducible to a system of equations of the first order by sub- new stituting a highest. variable every derivative except the for 3351 The number of equations and dependent variables in the transformed system will be equal to the sum of the indices of order of the highest derivatives. This will, therefore, in general be the number of constants introduced in integrating those equations. If, after integrating, all the new variables be eliminated, there will remain n equations in the original variables and the above-named constants. These equations form the complete solution. In practice, such reduction is unnecessary. The following are methods frequently adopted. : Rule I. Differentiate until by elimination of a variand its derivatives an equation of a higher order in one 3352 able dependent variable only 3353 Rule 3354 Ex. (1): By Rule I., is obtained. Employ indeterminate II. Xit = ax + by, differentiating twice for ^'4i:~ (^ + &') *2!;+ which may be solved by (3239). Otherwise by Rule II., exactly as y2t= a'x + b'y. t and eliminating y and {ah' — ah) x = 0, in (3344), am" + (a — h')m—h and = we y.,t, we obtain find 0, for the exact differential = (a + ma) (x-\-viy), (_x-\-iny).^t the solution of which, by (3239), X in duplicate with the 3355 Ex. (2): Diilerentiate, + my = is Cye two values ^'^^ solve by (3239). y, y^, y^t + C^e " ^^^ ^ '"«'' * (2a:- y2t + 2a.Vt + hy = 0. thus ', + h)x2t+b-x = 0, Otherwise assume ;<;=:£ cos at + V sin at, and the given equations reduce to ^,, = -{a' + h)l, which »'«'' * of m. x.i-2ayt-\-hx=i0, and eliminate Xu + 2 and multipliers. are solved in (3257). y '= i) (^^s at — l sin at, ^„,= _(aH?')r;, [Boole, p. 311. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. — 3356 = 499 = be three equations in x, y, z, t, Ex. (3). Let u 0, V =z 0, iv involving derivatives of t up to x^t, ijco ^uTo obtain an equation between x and t. Differentiate each equation. 6+7 13 times, producing 3 + 13 X 3 42 equations involving derivatives Between these 42 equations eliminate ?/, ?/<, ... 3/19^, of t up to aJie;, 2/i9i, Zos,f order in x and t 2!, 2!^, ... 020^5 in all 41 quantities, and an equation of the 16th [De Morgan. is the result. = = 3357 If a &c., x.if, may be iff, number y5t, i/sf, of equations involve the quantities x, X2t, &c., all in the first degree, these quantities eliminated by assuming X = L ^mpt, y = M cos, pt. If there be n linear homogeneous equations in n variables x,y,z, ... and their derivatives of the 2nd order only, 3358 the equations cV 3359 may be = L sin Ex. Putting : solved by putting y j)t, = Msiii^^, z = N smpt, = ax + hy, y.^ — gx +fy. = L sin y = Msinpt, (a+p') L + hM=01 .1 a+p\ b _ 9L+(f+p')M = 0y --Ig, fi-f\ Xot X 2yt, I p and the ratios L : Suppose X then and Jc and t &c. q ' M are thus found. L = —Ich and M = l-(p^-\-a), = —Jcb sin pt, y = ]c(p^ + a) sinj^iJ, are arbitrary constants. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 3380 An equation is termed a general primitive or a complete primitive of a partial differential equation, according as the latter is obtained from it by eliminating arbitrary functions or arbitrary constants, as illustrated in (3150-7). LINEAR FIRST ORDER 3381 u-= <\> To form (?'), the P. P. D. EQUATIONS. D. equation from the primitive where u and v are functions of x, y, z. ; DIFFER EN TIAL EQUATIONS. 500 — Rule. Differentiate for x and j in turn^ and eliminate See (3054). b; thus a, v Otherwise. Differentiate the equations u ^'(v). — = -^ Therefore = -^ = ^, = = 0, = 0. Uidx-hUydy+Ugdz Vj^dx+Vydy+v^dz P where = ^x. ^|'^Jj^, Tlien the P. D. equation loill he Proof. — Since = kQ, dz = dij 3382 Ex. / point (a, . —The general V 7 , 0, 2 is a function of x and kB, therefore IPz^ + lQzy + Zydy = dz. z^dx y, = hB. But dx = hP, equation of a conical surface drawn through the II . '^ c) IS x —h —a = ^ (t> — c\ / z , \x—al the form of ^ being arbitrary. Considering z as a function of two independent variables x and y, differentiate for X and y in turn, and eliminate <p' as in (3154). The result is the partial differential equation {x—a) To 3383 B + (y—b)Zj,-]-z—c = Pzj.-\-Qzy — Solve is, to solve = E, being either functions of Rule. 0. obtain the complete primitive; that the P. D. equation, P, Q, z^ x, //, z or constants. the equations dx "P _ dy _ dz ~ Q ~U' u Let the two integrals obtained he u then =z <l> = a, v =b (i^) ivill he the comiilete jprimitive. Propositions (3381) and (3383) extended to any number of variables. To form 3384 the partial diiferential equation from the primitive where ables ?6, a.', ^ v, ... i/i ... z w are («, i?, ... iv) = n given functions and one dependent t. (1), of n independent vari- — PARTIAL VIFFEBENTIAL EQUATIONS. 501 Differentiate for all the variables thus, KuLE. <^,du + (/),dv+ ... = +<p,A^ is arbitrary, du,dv...dw Therefore, since vanish, giving rise to the n equations (2). must separately (f) du dv = u^dx + Uy dy 4= Vx dx + Vy dy + dw = Wjdx + Wydy + . . . . . . . . . + Ut dt = 0, + Vt dt = 0, + Wtdt = Solving these for the ratios, by (583), ^_4L- 0. tve get il^ii (3), Q ... R, S being functions of the variables or else constants. Noiv, t being a function of all the rest, P, t^dx therefore, required by (3) + tydy+...+tzdz = dt and (4), the partial (4), differential equation is Pt,-^Q%-^...^-Rt, 3385 = S, 3386 If ^^ V ...whQ n functions of n variables, x, y ... t, the condition of interdependence of the functions or existence of some relation expressed by equation (1) is J{u, v ... w) (see 1606) ; that is, the eliminant of equations (2) must vanish. = Conversely, to integrate the partial differential equa- 3387 p^,+g^,+ ...+iiL= s tion Rule. — Solve (1). the system of ordinary equations | = |=.c. = J = | and then let = m, = w=k b, ... v a, the integrals obtained &e u tvill be the complete primitive. ... w) ^ (u, V, ; = the I/" P, Q ... R, S are linear functions of the variables, integrals of equations (2) can always be found by the method of (3346). : , DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 502 — Suppose, in equation (1), tliat any coefficients P, Q Note. 0, dij 0, and therefore the corvanish; then, by (2), dx The complete primih. a, y responding integrals are x tive thus becomes 0. (\>{x, y, u, V ... w) = = = = = 3389 When only one independent variable occurs in the derivatives of the partial differential equation, the equation may be integrated as though the others were constant, adding functions of the remaining variables for the constants of integration. ~~ — ^ 3390 (^^- 1) stant, the complete primitive • dx ^y^ — x^ 2 Integrating for x as though y were con- is = ?/sin-^— +0(2/). y Some equations are reducible to the above class by a transformation. Thus 3391 Ex. (2): therefore ii„ K,, = x^ + z or j ?4 x^'y (p (^) > \P = c-z. (:x-a)z^+(y-h)z_„ Ex. (3): -^ = "^ = x-a y—h Solving by (3283), ^ ^ ^' •' The z, = «, = ^^ = + i^/* + Put therefore = ^x'^y + ^xy'^ + (x) dx + (y) z = \ (a;V + xy"") +x(^) + 'P(y)' therefore 3392 = x' + y\ if, —— z c integrals are log(2/-Z>)-log(a;-a) \og(z — therefore = loga ) lLl± ^^, x—a c)—\og(x—a)=logC'j ^~ = x—a ^~'^ o ( ) \x—a/ For the converse process is in respect of the x(j) (x, ^^^=C', x—a same equation, see (3382). Ex. (4). To find the surface which cuts spheres whose equations (varying a) are Let ' the complete primitive. — 3393 = c, + y' + ^'-2ax = y,z) =() be the surface. all the (1). Then (.f-a)0^ + //f„+~0,- by the condition of normals at right angles. (1), and divide by 0-; thus, {x^-y''-z'')z, orthogonally =O Substitute the value of a from + 1xyz^ = 2zx. — PARTIAL BWFEEENTIAL EQUATIONS. _ dx By (3383), ^ = —X ^=c z = gives y Substituting y _ dy 603 dz_ for one integral. cz, we then have _ dx dz x'-{c' + l)z'~2zx which, being a homogeneous equation in x and = vx z plete primitive 3394: Ex. is (5). ^ "^^ — To ~'"~' =^ ^ dx+(x7f-2x') dy = (1). z for (xf-2x')z,+ (2f-xhj)z, of ordinary equations (3283) dx xy^—2x^ The first _ ~~ dy 2y^—xhj of these equations is _ ~ -y -f ydx + xdy Al=o ^^'° xy'-2xSj + 2xy'-xSj which reduces to ^ 1 x -f = (Nz)^ (3087) pro- = 9(x^-y-^)z (2). is identical —^ Its integral is always occurs). Hence the com- J that factor, the condition (Mz), duces the P. D. equation The system G. an integrating factor of the equation (a;hj-2y*) Assuming be solved by putting = and the equation of the surface sought. f find may z, ' '^ Tlie resulting integral is (3186). dz 9 {x^—y^) z with = ^ —= (1) (and such an agreement c. dz 9 (a^-y') z' ; z y and thus the second integral is x^y^z = c. Hence the complete primitive and integrating factor is Any linear P. D. equation may be written as a homogeneous equation with one additional variable; thus, equation (3387) may be written l\. + Quy + 3395 . • • + R^^'. = ^^h- SIMULTANEOUS LINEAR FIRST ORDER 3396 to Pkoi'. I. P. 13. EQUATIONS. The solution of sneU equations may he made depend upon a sijstem of ordinary 1st order differential — ; DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. S04 equations having a nnviber of variahles exceediiir/ hij niore than one the number of equations. Let there be n equations reduced to the homogeneous form (3395) involving one dependent variable P and n-\-ni independent. Select n of the latter, x,y ... ^, and let the remaining From the n equations find P,,, Py ... P^ in ??t be ^,r]...l. terms of P^, P,, ... P^, and arrange the results as under : P.. + ci,P, + h,P^...+hP, = 0' Py + a2P^ + h,P^...-j-h,P^ = 0[ P. + c''nF,-\-h.P^...+KP^ = o, Multiply these equations by A^, X25 ... X,^ (1). respectively, and add thus, A1P.. + X2P, +X.P. + 2 ... (Xa) P, + S {U) P„ ... +2 (XZ-) P, = (2). From this, as in (3387), we have the auxiliary system dx___ dy_ _ dl _ dz_ _ d^ _ dn Y^~ \ "'~ K ~2(Xa)~2(X6) "'~^{U) and, by eliminating X^, X2 ... /on ^^^' X,„ — a^dx — a-idy ...—andz = — Jj^dz = 01 dn — h-^dx — h^dy d^ r,^\ ... Then, if u dl - 1\ dx - h,dy = a, will be values of ... - /.•„ = &c. be the integrals of (4), they v I), satisfying the equivalent system (1), and P the integral of that system will be 3397 Prop. II. P. D, equations. ad^^-\-hdy AP = represents a so that tion of the 1st order. Rule. F(u, v, ...) = 0. To integrate a system of linear 1st order A= Let = 0. d^. — ^'Reduce ... -\-kd,, homogeneous the equations to the linear P. D. equa- homogeneous form (1); express the result symholically hy AiP = 0, A.P = 0, ...A,P = 0, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 505 and examine ichether the condition is identically satisfied for every pair of equations of the system. the ec[iiations of the auxiliary system {Prop. I.) will he reducible to the form of exact differential efiuations, and c, ..., the complete b, a, v their integrals being ii If it he so, = w= = of P will he F (u, v, w, ...)j l^^^ farni of F being arbitrary. " If the condition be not identically satisfied, its ap2)lication will give rise to one or more new partial differential equations. Gonibine any one of these with the previous reduced system, and again reduce in the same toay. " With the neio reduced system proceed as before, and continue this method of reduction and derivation until either a system of P. D. equations arises, hetiveen every two of lohich the above condition is identically satisfied, or, wliicli is the only possible value = = In the 0, ... appears. 0, Py case, the system of ordinary equations corresponding to the final system of P. D. equations, will admit of reduction to alternative, the system P^ former the exact form, and the general value of P ivill emerge from In the latter case, the given system their integrals as above. can only be satisfied by supposing P a constant.'' 3398 "Ex.: P,+ (/+.-v/ + a-r)P,+ + .— 3,OP, = + -.r//) P, + (./ -y) Ft = 0. P,+ (7/ (a^„-; 0, // 0, A.P = 0, it will be found that Representing these in the form A^P 0, becomes, after rejecting an algebraic factor, xP^ + Pt (AiAj — zi,.,Ai)P and the three equations prepared in the manner explained in the Rule will be found to be = = = P, + (3.r + OP. No one = 0, P, + yP, = 0, P, + .7;P„, We other equations are derivable from these. = 0. conclude that there is but final integral. " To obtain it, eliminate P^, P^, P^ fi'oixi the above system combined with Pjx + P,jdy + P,dz + Ptdt=0, and equate to zero the coeflBcient of P, in the result. dz—{t + 3x-) dx -ydy-xdt the integral of which " An is % — xt — x^ — lif = arbitrary function of the first value of P." For Jacobi's researches in the member We find = 0, c. of this equation is the general [Boole, Sup., Ch. xxv. same subject, 3 T see Crelles Jonrnal, Vol. Ix. — , , DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 606 NON-LINEAR FIRST ORDER PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 3399 F{x,j,z,z.,y^,) Tupe Chaepits's assume ilic Solutioj^. — Writing = ^ (!)• p, q instead of z^ and A^^dy = -Al- = -4Bthese by integration, Find a value of p from ponding value of q from the given equation, the equation dz and integrate Proof. = q^. z,., ecjnations (2). and the corresand substitute in = p(U-\-qdi/ by (3322) to obtain tJic ( 3) final integral. — Since dz=pclx + qdy, we have, by the coudition of integrabihty, of x, y Express p„ and q^^ on the hypothesis that z is a function a function of x, y,z q a function of a;, y, z,p considering x constant when finding j5,/, and y as constant when finding q^. Equating the values of p^ and the result is the equation (/,, so obtained, j/y jj Ap, + Bpy + Cp, in ; ; ; = I), which A, B, C. D stand for —q^,, 1, q—pqi„ q^+pq-. Hence, to solve this equation, we have, by (3387), the system of ordinary equations 3400 (2). — More than one value of p obtained from equations (2) give rise to more than one complete primitive. The first two of equations (2) taken together involve equation (3). Note. may DERIVATION OF THE GENERAL PRIMITIVE AND SINGULAR SOLUTION FROM THE COMPLETE PRIMITIVE. EuLE. Let the complete primitive of a F. D. equation of the \st order be z 3401 ^i^^t-G the general prunitlre z bet'lveen = f {x, form of (p being 3402 ^-I'lie h between = f(x,y,a,b) y, a, «^ is (a) } (1). obtained and f., hy = clluiliiating ;i (2) specified at pleasure. singular solution is the coinplete 'primitive t-0, obtained by eUtninating a and and the equations f,. = (3). PABTIAL DIFFEBENTIAL EQUATIONS. —By varying a and Proof. p h in (1), = f^+faa^+f,h, Therefore, reasoning as in (3171), nating fa, = 0, /,, = 0, = f,+faa,+f,Ar and f,,a,,+f,h,, = (3), leading to the singular solution «.. ft,, q we must have faa^+fiK^O therefore either /„ 507 ^y ; or, elimi- - a,J h, = 0, and therefore, by (3167), h = (p(a). spectively, and add, thus fada+fi,db in (1), and the equations "(2) are the Multiply equations (3) by dx, dy re(a) in this and Substitute l = 0. = (j> result. SINGULAR SOLUTION DERIVED FROM THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION. Rule. 3403 —Eliminate p and q from means of tion by the differential equa- the equations Zp = 0, z,j = 0. the D. E. be z =/(«, y,p, q), and the C. P. 2 = Fix, y, and q being implicit functions of a and h, we have, from the Proof.— Let Now p equation, Hence the conditions z, = 0, = z^pa + z^ qa, = z„ = 0, z^ z,, z,, = z^po + ^a a, h). first ?Zi. in (3) involve, and are equivalent to, = 0. z, 3404 All possible solutions of a P. D. equation of tlie 1st order are represented by the complete primitive, tbe general and primitive, tlie To connect any given 3405 [Boole, p. 343. singular solution. solution witli tlie complete primitive. Let ^ r= ^ (^x, z = F{x, y) y, «, h) some other be the complete primitive, Determine the values of a and equations F= and solution. F^. (}>, = (^^., h which F^ = satisfy the three (p^. If these values are constant, the solution is a particular case of the complete primitive; if they are variable so that a function of the other, the solution is a particular case if they are variable and unconnected, the solution is a singular solution. one is of the general primitive 3406 CoE. —Any ; two solutions springing from complete primitives are equivalent. different ; DIFFEBENTIAL EQUATIONS. 508 3407 Ex.: By (3299), z=px + qy+pq ^= 1 — ^— px = z— andT we have q He.ce i^ .-. dp becomes (2) = 0, p =a ; .'. q=: (3322), making z + — xy z 7-^- n? (p+yy = ., = ,-MiL, = f ,. Substituting in dz +y ; = pdx + qdy, = (idx+^'^ dy (3). a+y -^ + -^ = constant, — log (2 — oaj)+log (a + therefore (2). . '-. a (1). = |. = .| A = —q„ = ; p+y dz By .7.^ ^z) 0, = (^)- (^) Differentiate for x,y,z, and equate with (3), thus (p'{z)={), therefore ax by al), the C. P. constant (say —log 6); therefore, by (4), z <p {z) = = + + of (1). 3408 To between z^^ find a singular solution by (3402), we and y that is, x + h 2;,, ; = = 0, = therefore is the singular sokition. To z h 0, = —xy—xy + xy = —xy general primitive by (3401), eliminate a between the two find the equations z must eliminate a and +a = = ax + (y + a) <p (a) and x + {y + a) ^' (a) + (a) = 0. P. D. EQUATIONS WITH MORE THAN TWO INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. NON-LINEAR FIRST ORDER 3409 Pkoi'. —To find the complete primitive of tlie differ- ential equation F{d\,a^, 3410 Rule. ''• —Form I Vdx, "^ ^^- ... the linear P. D. equation in dz ) dpr the summation extending auxiliary system (3387) n ^l = «l, = a\„z,j)„pi ...p,) dpr Vdx, from —1 ^2 = r =l ... $ denoted by ^ ^' to r = n. integrals rt2, (1), ^„-i = an-i From the SECOND OBDEB EQUATIONS. P. D. 509 onay he obtained. From these equations, together with {l),find ^''^ terms of Xi, x,, ... x,,, substitute the values in Pi P2 ••• Pn J = pidxi + padxg dz +PnClXn, ... the integral of this last equation will furnish the solution re([uired in the form. and f (xi, X2 . x„, z, ai, aa . . . = 0. a^) . . [Boole, Biff. Eq., Ch. xiv., and Snp., Ch. xxvii. SECOND OEDEE 3420 Type P. D. EQUATIONS. = 0. F{.v,i/,z,z,,.,^„z,,,z,,„z.,,) The are briefly denoted by derivatives 2.,., respectively. z being a function of tlie two independent variables x and y, the following values are of freqnent use z^, z^^, z^y, z.,y _p, q, r, s, t dz 3421 If = pcU-\-qdy dp ; = rdx-\-sdij ; = sdd?-\-tdi/. dq u be any function of x, y, and z, the complete derivau are indicated by brackets, thus tives of M= 3422 A linear (Uy) := Uy 2nd order P. D. equation is + qu,. of the type Rr-^Ss+Tt= V 3423 in u, +pu,, which _B, Fare S, T, functions of x, (1), //, z,p, q. — Any P. D. equation of the 2nd order which Pkoposition. first integral of the form u =f{v), where u and v involve y, 2, p, q, is of the form has a 'C, Rr+Ss + Tt+U{rt-s') = V 3424 where B, S, T, U, Fare x, ij, z,p, (2), q, and U=u,,v,'-u,Vp 3425 Proof. functions of — Differentiate u = / p, q all involved in n with the values and v, (v) for x and y separately, considering x, and eliminate f'{v). The result is equation (3). y, z, (2), niFFEBENTIAL EQUATIONS. 510 3426 = n^ {Vy) - (Uy) Vp, f^l^ ^iT = v^ (u,) - {v,) u,^, with the notation (3422), ^ being an undetermined constant. 3427 Cor. equation (1) — The condition to be fulfilled in order that a first integral of the form n =f{r) is may have SOLUTION BY MONGE'S METHOD OF Rr-^Ss+Tt=V. 3428 Rule. — Wri'tr the tiro equations Rihf-S(iidij^-r(ii^ =o = (1), Rdp(Ii/-Vclvdi/-\-Tdqclv Besolve (1) into its (2). factors, producing the tnv equations dy — m^ dx = dy — mgdx and = , = m^dx and equation (2) combined, if necessary, = pdx + qdy, find two 1st integrals u = a, v = b; then u = f (v) will he one 1st integral of the given equation. Similarly from dy = modx fnd another 1st integral. From dy with dz 3429 The final 2nd integral may he found from one of the method (3383). 1st integrals hy Lagrange's 3430 Otherwise, determine p and q in terms of x, y, z from the two 1st integrals; substitute in dz =pdx-\-qdy, and then integrate by (3322) to obtain the final integral. If equation (1) is a perfect square, there will be only one 1st integral, and Lagrange's method only is applicable. 3431 = mvp and Proof. — By (3427) we may put n^ = = pdx + qdy (3321) in the complete derivatives (du) = u,,dx + u,idy + %(,ulz-\-Updp + u^dq = 0, (dr) = &:c. = 0; dx + dy + u, (dp + m dq) = | .-.by (3422) (v,)dx+(v,)dy + v,(dp + mdq) = 0^ mi(,^„ v,^ ; also dz (71,) (?/.„) Solving these equations for the ratios dx dx _ dif ir~ with the values of J?, S, T, + mdx _ s V in : dy : _ ~ T ~ mdij (342G). dp + nuhj, we dj> -f hi V dq ,3. obtain at once /,>. ^^' SECOND OEDEB EQUATIONS. P. D. 511 Equations (1) and (2) are the result of eliminating »i from (4). These two equations with dz = pdx + qdy suffice to determine a first integral of (3428) when it exists in the form « =/(i), 3432 q{l+q)r-{p + q-^2pq)s^p{l-]-p)t Ex.(i.): 2nlx + qdy = dz First, Monge's equation (2) = —qdii, which, by pdx Hence a first 2 (l is integral + (l + q) (1+2^) dx or 0, = x>dx-\-qdy = + s) dpdy+jp (l+p) = --^ — is '- = p = qD now , dx = — T-. ^ dy ^ (x + y + z) dz = -TT' 0' •"• = - p is = — For the .-. 3433 Ex. ——L—B. x + y + z = C. = pdq, and by integration, = qyp {x+y + z). z^~\pz,, = 0, by (3383) dx —-^ + dy + dz — and dx = + z) .-. 0; i.e., All A, ; . l-xP{x + y d(x + y + z) Hence the second 0, reduces to qdj) therefore the other first integral final integral integrate j; ^^' ; = (6). = (5), equation (2) dqdx (p{z) = by (5). i) A. and, integrating, ; Next, taking the second equation of (5) with dx + dy + dz 0, dz p dx + q dy, Also, = dij = z .•. 0, gives -^£- = 0. we hud Solving the quadratic equation (1), ^j,(,,^^,) C ^-^^ ^ + ^ ]l-^(x + y + z) integral is ;«— /(;^' + + ~) =^ F {:). j,>. 2/ (ii.) = 0. ^,,.-a'^,, : E= = 0, T=-a\ F=0; therefore (1) dpdy — ahJqdx = 0. dij^—a^dx- = 0, and (2) become and converting (2) into From (1) dy + adx = 0, giving y + ax = therefore a first integral is dp + adq = 0, which gives p+aq = c (3). p + aq = f(y + ax) gives rise to another first integral Similarly, from (1), dy — adx = — aq = yp(y — ax) (4). find and q by means of (3) and (4) from dz = pdx + qdy, Eliminating dz = (2a)-' (y + ax)(dy + adx)-xl^(y-ax)(dy-adx)}, — therefore, by integrating, z = ^ (y + ax) +^ (i.) Here, in (3428), 1, S c, ; 2) j>» {(/. (i/ «'*-')• For the symbolic solution of the same equation, see SOLUTION OF THE 3435 EQUATION. Ri'^Ss-^rt+U{rf-s')= V 3434 Let P. D. (3-5G6). iii^, iiiz be the roots of the qLiaclratic 7rr-Sm-\-RT-\-UV=0 (1). equation (2). ; . : BIFFEBENTIAL EQUATIONS. 512 Let »! = a, L\ = = a', and two systems b, the solutions of the equations. Vdp Udq 3436 th Then the ^i., = riuthj- Tih ^ = mJx-Bdi/ = dx + q = be respectively b' ordinary differential ITdp Udq (3), dij ) jj d:i = = — m,dij-Tdx m,dx j; dx ^ -Edy [ + ) q dy (4). integrals of (1) will be first To obtain r.y of a second integral —When m^, m.^^ are unequal, assign any particular forms to /i and /,, then substitute the values of p and q, found from these equations in terms of x and y, in dz = pdx-\-qdy, which integrate. Otherwise, assign the form of one only of the functions f\, f.i, involving an arbitrary constant C, solve for jj and q, and integrate dz =pdx-\-qdy, adding an arbitrary 3437 1st. function of 3438 C 2nclly. for the constant of integration. — When ')%, S-' Equations reduce to (o) m.2, are equal, and therefore, by = 4.{BT^-JJV) and (4) coincide, and, since m = ^S, mp=iSdy-Tdx 3439 Udq dz Here py = (2), (5). (6), = iSdx-Bdy = p dx-\- qdy (7), (8) and therefore the last equation is integrable if the values oi p and q, obtained by integrating (6) and (7), be substituted in it. Let n = a, v = b be the integrals of (6) and (7) ; and 7.,., let z = (}> {x, //, a, b, r) (0) be the integral obtained from (8). The general integral is found by making the parameters F (a) b f{a), c (/, b, c vary subject to tAVO conditions that is, by differentiating z <l>{x,y,a,f{<i), F(n)} = = = for (i, 3440 and oHmhiatino' ti. The general integral therefore represents the envelope whose equation is (l>). uf the surface SECOND ORDER — (Boole, P. D. EQUATIONS. 513 Assuming a Isfc integral of the form from equations (o426) by multiplying (i.) by (H,J?f^, (ii.) by («„)«,„ (iv.) by (».r)0'v/)> (/Ob'^^'vz, andadding. Again, eliminate /x and v by multiplying (i.) by («.,,)"> (ii-) by («v)^ (iii.) by (Ux)(Sh)i The two resulting equations are (v.) by (^iij.) 7ip + (Uy) Uq, and adding. Proof. u =f(v), eliminate Sup., p. 147.) /j, and v = u, - U (u,) («,,) + Vu,, E,(n,y+soQM + TOhy+v{(n,r) »,+k)«j = B (u,) H, + T («,) n,^ I o) Multiply the 2nd of these by m, divide by V, and add to the 1st equation the result is expressible in two factors either as (11) or (12), {BOtd + ^^hM + V<h,}{'>^hM+TOh,) + Vu,^} {B(u.)+vi,(u,) + J%}{m,M + TM + ru,} = = ; (11), (12), being the roots of the quadratic (2). By equating to zero one factor of (11) and one of (12), we have four systems of two linear 1st order P. D. equations. Taking each system in turn with the equations m,, vi., (ti^)+stip + tUq = 0, B and eliminating (uj), (u^), u^, u,^, we have the determinant annexed for the case in which the 1st factor of (11) and the 2nd of (12) are equated to In this case, and also when the 2nd factor zero. of (11) and the 1st of (12) are chosen, transposing mj, Wj in the determinant, the eliminant is equivalent V{Br+Ss + Tt^U{rt-s')-V} = 0, to ; DIFFEltENTIAL EQUATIONS. 514 POISSON'S EQUATION. P = {rf-srQ, 3441 P a function of p, q, r, s, f, and homogeneous in r, k, t ; Qis a function of a3, v/, 2;, and derivatives of ?:, which does not become infinite when rt s^ vanishes, and n is positive. where is — Rule. — Assume q = ^ and r; rt thuSi tion 0/ p, q, — and s"^ and express s and t in terms ofq^ and the left side becomes a func- (p) vanishes, qp. Solve for a Isf integral in terms o/p and and integrate q, again for the final solution. Proof.— therefore rt s = 5, = q^p^ = — s- = Also 0. P (/,, r ; f = of the is Hence the equation takes the form = q, q.rpy form (1, g^, ql)'"' = qlr\ = (r, s, f)'" = r"' (1, q^,, cj],)'". 0. LAPLACE'S REDUCTION OF THE EQUATION. Rr+Ss+Tt+Pp + Qq+Zz= U 3442 (1), where B, S, T, P, Q, Z, U are functions of x and // only. Let two integrals of Monge's equation (3428) Edy'-Sdxdy + Tdir be (p {x, u) Assume ^ = 3443 To change we have r t = = ;:,,. Z,^ ^ = a, {>', [/), ^ (;>j, v = //) 4^ {^v, 2;v^,^,7,., is of the ; form ilf, N, V are functions of ^ and written in the form {d, -r,V,y (2), >;. This equation + M){d^ + L), + {N-LM-L^::=V N-LM-L^==i) If with (J„ + L).v = (3). (4), have (d.-^M )::'=¥ j?, (1701) r,.„,, Nx=V where L, shall y). = %e + + ^,^r,H;:^L, + = Z2^ti + 2^^^t,^V, + ^2A+-A!j + ,,^^Lz, + ]\P, + we h. the variables in equation (1) to i and The transformed equation may be = = c', LA W OF BEGIPBOGITY. and the solution by a double application from By symmetry, equation 515 of (3210) is obtained (1) is also solvable, if y-LM-M^ = But in if neither of these conditions terms of z' from (3). . = ^4 + 7?.' + may be similar to (4) or (5), 3444 CoK. (1), if of the equation 3445 LAW wbeu viii., p. ^,p, q) cV and -^ (*, ij) z, see [Booh, ch. xy. be = (1). ]), ^(p, q,px-\-qy-z,x,y) == = contain also differential equation of the 1st order Let the result of interchanging changing z into 2hi-\-qy—z, be z V L, M, 159. OF RECIPROCITY. <l>{^v,ij, ii the fulfilled, + hz^ + ahz = V For the solution of equation (2), Prof. Tanner, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc, Vol. then, not is satisfied. — The solution Let a for this equa- if fulfilled and, in z repeated imtil one of the equations, z^,-\-az^ 3446 z ^', Substitute this for of the form v. of integrability, tion, will lead to a solution of transformation found to hold, find form is It will be of the where A, B, G contain ^ and (c/, + i) z = z', and the result is The same conditions (5). y and 0... ^, and of (2); be the solution of either (1) or (2), the DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 516 solution of the other will be obtained by eliminating and ^ »? between the equations a; = 3447 d^xfi {^, f}), Ex.— Let ij = (l^xlf zz=pq z= iv-^rji/-^ {$, {^, rj), (1), 2^^^ + r2y-z = xy rj). (2), be tbe two reciprocal equations. The i,, T) integral of (2) is z = xy+xf {^^\ .-.»// = bi + t>i ( y ) (bj) • have now to be eliminated between »^=v-|/'(|)+/(|), !/ = Each form assigned to/ gives a particular integral the equations (3) become x=^rj-\-l, and the elimination produces z (x = y '-f" £+/'(!). If of (1). = ^ + a, — a). z = / ^ ( ) (3). = y+ '^ Z^, tn, — l)')(y 3448 In an equation of the 2nd order, the reciprocal equaformed by making the changes in (3446), and, in addition, changing tion is r into — — rt—s -, s into ^„ t into rf—s- rt—s" then, if the 2nd integral of either equation he of the other will be found by the same rule. z = \p (.r, //), 3449 The above transformation makes any equation form <^ Q), q) r+^ {p, q) .v+x ilh q)t = dependent for solution upon one of the form X (^% «/) »'-^ G*'^ 1/)^+^ (^^ y) t = 0. 3450 is And, in the same way, an equation of the dependent for solution upon one of the form Rr^-Ss+Tt= V. See Be Morgan, Camb. Phil. Trans., Vol. VIII. SYMBOLIC METHODS. FUNDAMENTAL FORMULA. Q denoting 3470 a function of {do-m)-'Q 0, = e"''j6'-'"^ Qd0. form that of the 8 YMBOLIG METHODS. 517 — — — = Q by = Q (see = dx. Hence The right is the value of 1/ in fcbe solution of d,y my Proof. (3210). But this equation is expressed symbolically by (dg ra) y (cZ^— 7?i.)'^Q. 1492), therefore y = Let X (3470) = may therefore e\ d^ = xd^ and xdQ be written 3471 {.v(h-m)-^ 3472 Cor.— 3473 or Q = cr"^ {de-m)-^0 Ja-»^-i Q(Lv. = Ce"'\ (.vd.,-m)-'0= av'\ Let F(m) denote a rational integral function of m; then, since dee"^' = one"'\ = mV"^ &c., the operation is mX Hence, in all cases, F{de)e"'' = e'"'F(m). F(de) e''"Q = e'>''F(de+m) Q. f^o, e'"' f/, always replaced by the operation 3474 3475 Formula (2161) is 3476 e^''F(de) . a particular case of this theorem. Q = F {de-m) e'»^ Q. e'«^ Q. Also, by (3474-6), 3477 3478 3479 To = e-'«^F(fye'"^ F (f/,+m) Q = e-'F {d,) F (de) Q = e-"''F{de-m) F(m) &''' Q. the last six formulce correspond = x"^F{iii). F{a:d,) .v"'Q = .v"'F{M,-\-m) Q. Q= F - m) a^'^Q. F ixd^ 3480 .r"^ 3481 3482 ^v'^'F (ctY/,) 3483 F (m) = .v-"'F (erf/,) 3484 F{a^d^-]-m) Q = .v-"'F{a'd,) .v"'Q. F i^d,) Q = x-"'F {.vd,-m) .r'"Q. 3485 If 3486 {.vd,, .v'". U=a-{-hx-\-cx^ + &c., then, by (3480), F{.vd,) U= F(0) a+F(l) bjv-{-F{2) c.r+&c. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 518 U= F-'{0) a-\-F-'{l) Kv-\-F-\2) cx^^kc. 3487 F-'(.vd,) 3488 F(.v(]_,,7/(Iy, 3489 or, ... Otherwise Proof. — As in (1770). and remembering that Note. D for {D-n-\-l)n a-^ or either .r'y«^.. U, D'"in — l) (2452). (.?y/,-/< ... + 1) /^ Otherwise, by Induction, differentiating again, = x. —In the symbolic solution we may {(h-tl+l) ... ...) dg, =: .vd^{.rd,, ,r"«,„,. = F{m., n,p <r'"ifz\.. succinctly, writing D{n-l) 3490 ...) = (h{cU-\) {do-2) ^v^'Un,. more z(L, of differential equations, employ the operator operator d^ after substituting e^ for x. (3474-9) will be required accordingly. 3491 xd,, directly, or the Formulae (3480-5) or {(^(/))e'-^j"g = ct>{D) ^{D-r) (t>{D-2r) <l>{D-(n-l) r\ — By repeated of (3475) or (3476). ... Proof. e"'-'Q. apjilication For ready reference, formulas (1520, '21) are reprinted here. 3492 /(.*' 3493 + /0 = fi'V+h, 7/+ Let cIq + «! X A-) = e^'"^-f{.r). e'"'..--H./(.r, ;y). CLuCr ...-{- cr„ -\- r/;" = /' {,r) , then, denoting d^ by D, = 3494 /( D) in- where means that / (D) uf{D) v^uof (D) r+ D is ^/" (i>) r + &c., to be written for x after differ- entiating f{x). — Proof. Expand uv, D.nv, I)- .uv ... B'^.uv by Leibnitz's theorem (1400); multiply the equations respectively by a^, a,, a^ ... a„, and add the results. 3495 uf(D) r ^f{D) uv-f" (D) u,v+ ^f" D.u,^ i—&c. . . SYMBOLIC METHODS. Proof. — Expand uv^, uv-i^i uv-m ••• 519 by theorem (1472), and proceed as ''f''^'-.!) in the last. ^^" Fid,) 3496 m.v A more general theorem 3497 F (7r^)(7.,„+ »,_„„) = F(-m') ^"^ m.v. is =z/^ (->H^)(»,,^^+ «_,,), where ii and tt have the meanings assigned beloAV (3499), and i = \/ — 1 Theorem. and //, it — 3498 ^ 3499 and If ^ denote any algebraic functions of x (3474) and (3475), that x^ may be shown, by Let {(!.+!/) more u, or, H^r) = <!> definitely, a homogeneous function of the and ables, {(h^^v) n,^ n^^^ xl^Qf). = (x, y, z, ...)", represent degree in severable vari- let = ^4+K+-^.~ + &c. ^ 3500 Then, by (3480), 3501 TTW = nu, 3502 = 7ru, TT^H F {'n)u = Hence REDUCTION OF irhi = nhi, &c. F{n)u. F{Tr,) TO /{it). Let u be any implicit function of the variables, and TT.,, where tt^ operates only upon x as contained in TTi u, and TTg only upon x as contained in ttil, &c. after repetitions of the operation tt. Then 3503 let TT = + 3504 = '"'i" <« = 3506 {rr Proof. — since tt^ — r-\-l) = (^r — tt^u =^ (tt— l)7r?/, ... tt,,) (tt— 2)(7r— 1) nn. u = ttk, has here no subject to operate upon. TTj (( for, Ttu '^[ft '^ti, = (tt next step, Cor. tt^ and 2 — n-.J TTH = (tt— 1) 7r«, and 1 are equivalent are equivalent, and so on. being of the 1st degree, —"When u is tTo as operators. a homogeneous function, we In the have, by , DIFFEEENTIAL EQUATIONS. 520 = n^'ii, therefore ir and n are equivalent operators Hence (3506) may be written (3501), upon TT^'a u. 3507 = 7T[i( (»->• + !) = {n-2){n-l)nu ... n^:lu, which is Euler's theorem of homogeneous functions (1G25), since in that theorem the operator is confined to v. 3508 As an then = Trjit + ydy) u = = {tt^ + Tr^mi = (xd^ + ydy) (xd^ + ydy) u, ttu illustration, let + 2xy cl^y + y'doy) (.t;^ J-j.^ Here = (xd^ ir^u u, ttjM, ttu tt.,) = tTj u + ir, ttu. the operation being confined to x and y in the second factor (.3503), and therefore producing {xd^-\-ydy)i(, merely. Hence li tt^m = {x'd.,:r-^'lxyd^,i-\-y'^do,j-\-xd^-\-ydy) v, which proves (3505). U = Uo-{-Ui-{-U2-\- ..., of dimensions 0, 1, 2, ..., F {n)U= F (0) 3509 a series of homogeneous functions then, by (3502), u,-\-F{l) u,+F(2) u,-^..., 3510 F-'(7r)U= F-'{0) u,+F-'{l)u,-^F-\2)u,+ ... 3511 3512 Ex. 1 a-''U Ex. 2 : = + + ahi^ + = u^ + a-^u,-{-a~hL2-\-... a" Z7 : ^i^.ti ^(o . . . u have the meaning in (3499), Ji 3513 and simikrly for the inverse operation F~^ Proof. — By __ 3514 where j)-\-q-\-r-\- Proof. — (tt). (8502) applied to the expansion of the subject by (150). Equate (l ^ .... _______ = m, coefficients of pi and a"' in the = 1.2 u,^, ... i). expansion of + rt)'^f7=(l + a)'''"-^(Ua)^"''(l + a)--"'... tr, reducing by (3490). 3515 F{de)a The = Q general symbolic solution of the equation is u = F-' ((/,) Q-^F-' ((/J 0, by (1488-90). - SYMBOLIC METHODS. 3516 The solution of the equation 521 (:^)238), viz., is a function of x, is most readily obtained by the symbolic method. Thus 7%, 7iu, ... m,, being the roots of the the numerators auxiliary equation in (3239), and A,B,G .,. of the partial fractions into which (7;i"-|-fti^)i"~^+ ••• +««)~^ can be resolved, the complete primitive will be where Q N 3517 = (4-''0~'Q where (3470) e""-je-'"'^-QcZa-, and the whole operation upon zero produces, by (3472), for the complementary term, 3518 Proof. — Equation (1) may be written (4-w^i) (d^—ini) or .-. by (3515), y = is If r of the roots m^, m,, {A + — By {dx-mn) y are each =.of the form ... term 54 + Cch. • • • -h Rd,,) (A + Bd,+ or Ex. (1) e'"' I J e-™^e»'^ 6-"^'^' [ Q. 7n^—vi" {m-3)(m + lf y L-"" Qdx — om- 3 = ^ 1 . -^R'(d,-m)-'\ Q, Q= (d^-ni)-'e'"^^e-"'^ Qd^ | dx y^^-y.^-5y^-3 : Here therefore e-'- those roots give ni, Cd,,... +Bd,.,?)id.-m)-'-Q. (d^-vi)-' But, by (3470), = 3521 Q, (1918), the r roots equal to in will produce \A\d,-my + B'{d,-vi)-'-\.. 3520 = id,-m,)\-' (Q+0), ... converted into the formula above. rise in (3517) to a single 3519 ... \(d,-ind(d,-m,) whicb, by partial fractions, Proof. +C,e'v. (7,e'""'-+a,e'"^''-... = = e'"4 e"'"^ Qdx, and so on. Q. {m — '3)(m + iy, 1 1 16(Hi-3) 16(w + l) L_^ 4(m + l)-^' = yV (d.~S)-'Q~^\ (4 + 1)"' Q-i O^. + l)"' Q = i^e'^ J Qf?"-— tV'^^ J eie-'j^e" QdxK e-^'- ^ 3 X Qr/,.' (3520) — DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 59.2 3522 Ex. (2): = /' Here + cr)-^ = (vi^ = u therefore = u,,,.Jrfrf( thei-efore ('/.., (2m) (2ia)'^ {(dj. -' + «-) Q, '(^. -/a) -'-(m + wt)"'}, {()» — ia)'^ Q — (Jj.4-m)~' Q\ = (2ia)-' {e'"^ Je-'"^ Qdx-e-'"=' je'"^ Qdx} (3470) = a" sin cw j cos o,f Q — a cos j siu ux Q dx, " (?.« ' a.e ' by the exponential values (766-7). 3523 CoE. 1.— The u 3524 Cor. Change a 2. solution of =A iu,-^a^u cos ax-\-B sin — The solution of jf^,.— rt^jt into ia in the fifth line of (3522), = is = is ac«. and put Q = 0. 3525 When Q is a function whose derivatives of the 7i^^ and higher orders vanish, proceed as in the following example. + a'^u = (1+x)-, + xy + (d.,, + a^) " (a-'-a-%, + a-%,-&c.)(l + 2x + x') + (d,,-\-aY^0 a'^ (l + xy—2a'^ + A coaax + B sina.i", Ex. (3): Uo,: n therefore = = = (d., + a") "' (1 ' the last two terms by (3523). Exceptional Cat<e of the Inverse Process. + «"« = cos JW, 1 (d,, + a^)'' + = I (e'"^ + e-''")(-w- + (r)'' + ^cosaa; + 2?sinaa; = coswa; (a''— «^)"^ + &c. 3526 Ex. (4) = (d,, + aY' .-. 'II Now, if as follows Put n = a. n M2.r : = a, (cosux + 0) the = (e'"-'- term becomes first infinite. e-'"-'' + 0) by (3474) and (3523) In such cases proceed : A = A'-(a'-n')-\ and find the value pf ^"^ ".r-cosa;?; ^^^^ By (1580) it is = iL^Mf Thus the solution is ^ . u = —a X sin ax , + 1)ti sina.t;. • ,, \-A cos ax , 2 The same result is obtained by making For another example, see (355'.'). Q = cos aa; in the solution of (3522), ! SYMBOLIC METHODS. 3527 Ex. (5) therefore + {(ih-4)((l-5)}-' = e''-{((l-l'){cl.-2)}-'x' + Ae'^- + Be'\ (3475, y {(d,-4^)(cL-5)}-' x'e'"^ C^^ 3,.-mHence the solution y 3528 Ex. (6) 3529 e'"- = ^"" i+ { { f 4 + H:^ + &c- Ex. (7): (d, y = (' ^' + ^6*' + ^^' = e--\ {d^-aYu e^'^' } +^^''+-^^''- Y +T+T1 : there fore ^/3m^y^^^ becomes = = {d^-ay'e"- = therefore n 3517, 3472) = \ (l-^J^)'' 0,^^-3m + 2)- Now = .^V% y,,-9>u + 20y : = 523 = e^^^^ + (d,)-^ (3476) + ayy = K + «) " " sin sin »ia) o). f (2149) mx, + (fZ^ + a) ' ^ [by (3478) with ^ = 0] = (4-a)' ('k-«')"' sin ma; + e-"^' = (-vr-a^)-- (d,—ay sinonx + e-'"' (Ax + B) (by 3496) (Ax-\-B). = (ui' + a")"- ( — VI' smmx — 2amcos7nx + a^ sin ma;) + (c/,.)'' e'"''^ REDUCTION OF AN INTEGRAL OP THE 3530 ^ Q= ;^3Y] { ^"'' J Q^^^^'- (« + C {n, 2) .r"-« where n — l\ = 1.2 ... Proof.— Bj^ (3489) d,M d.,M therefore '^-1- = = j - 1) ^^"~' V''^/^'' ORDER. w"' . . . J Q^^'^' ± \Qd''-' cLv, n. = e-'"(d-n + l)(d,-n + 2) {{d~n+l){d,-n + 2) ... ...d,Q (1), d,]-'e^''Q +C'(«,2)(t7,-« + 3)-^-&c.}e"^(3 (3517) -J_{e(»-i)VJ,)-ie'-(7i-l)e("--'^(cZ,)-ie=" + &c.}Q. w— 1 Then replace e' by a*. The equation 3531 «<y..+6ct^'^//..,+ &c. = ^+J5.v+ at'^+&c. = q . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 524 may, by (3480), be transformed into U' W,-)'';' The solution + !j = 3532 y = F-' Q + ^-' (.''4) ij = Q. 0. (j^'l,) of the 1st part is given in (3487). = F{m) 3533 If a, i3, y, &c. are the roots of part gives rise to the arbitrary terms 3534 F{xd,) or (2 then obtained from is The vahie + &c.} (.v/...)^'; ^> 0, the second the corresponding If a root a is repeated r times, terms are .1- t\ (log aY-'-\- C, (log .r)'-^+ { — . . . + C,} can be resolved, as Proof. The partial fractions into which F'^{xd:,) Bnt (jc) being a root of 0. ony^ 0, in (3517), are of the type G (a-d^ (xd^.—m)"^ Gx"^ (3473), G being an arbitrary constant. For a root in repeated r times, the typical fraction is C (xd^.—m)''^, p — F m = = being less than. Now r. (xAl-my Gx>" (log.r)^'-' --= {de-my Ge'"' iP'' = (xd,.-m)-P therefore = Gx'" (log e"" (d,y CT^"' (3475) = 0, xy-\ The equation 3535 ai/,,e-{-bi/ne+&G. =f{e% siu 6, cos 6) reducible to the form of (3531) by x from (768), it may be written is Fide)y = and the solution will take the 3536 = ^ (1 ) ; or, substituting :^{A„,e'"% %A,,,e-'F-'{m)-^F-^{(h) 0, term of which the forms substituted with .v changed to e\ Ex. e^ form for the last 3537 = a;V : in (3533-4) are to be = ax'" + hx" = ax"'+hx", xd^ (xd^-l)(xd^-2) y .-. u = = {xd, (xd,-l)(xd,.-2)}-' ^ m {m-l) (7U-2) by (3180) and (3533). A (ax"' + h.r") + {xd, ^ + 71 (xd,,-l)(xd,-2)}-'0 + .1 + Ih + Gx; (7i- l)(ji-2) result evident by direct integration. : , (tjni-- SYMBOLIC METHOb'S^c:. By (3490) x%, + 3xy,, + y= {l-x)-\ + 3xd^ + 1 = (-^4 + 1 )' y = 1 + 2.^ + 3a;2 + &c. 2/=GiY7, + l)-^(l + 2,« + 3cuH) = (0+l)-^ + 2(l + l)-^a) + 3(2 + l)-V + 3538 Ex. (2) { .-. 525 , xd^ (xd^ - 1 ) } !/ =l+|.+^+&c.+ ^-^^^ + -^ (3480) o <i 3539 Ex. (3) Let = TT cZ, = The 3540 a; ,y,^+(4.7J-l) 2/^+(4aj'^-2.i;4-2) : + 2a". Then = 7r(7r-l)^ Let (7r-l)-^0 =-llog(l-..) + &c. .'(' a' 0, 7/ = 0. be Avxntten = {7r(7r-])}-'0= (7r-l)->0-tr->0. — 1)?< = 0, ov u,+ {2x — l)ii — « = i4e^'-^ .-. (tt .-. ?s may the equation 7/ (}, .-. solution of a P. D. equation of the type 7/1, u.,, &c. are homogeneous functions of the 1st, 2nd xd^,-\-yd,j (3503), is analogous to degrees, &c. in x, y, and Tr^ (3531), and is obtained from that solution by substituting Gx"-, an 7ti, U2, &c. for Bx, Gx?, &c. ; and, for such terms as arbitrary homogeneous function of x and y of the same degree, where = 3541 Solution of where F(7r) F{tt)u = 7r" Q=- and = Q, + ^i7r"~^H-yl.27r""-+^„, u^^-{-Ui-\-Uo-\-kc., a series of homogeneous functions of tive dimensions 0, 1, 2, &c. u Here general value F {711) of the respec- = F-'{7r) Q + F-\7r)0. of the 1st of =m = ; C{w-m)-PO=C{a{\og.vy-'+v{\og.vy-\..-^w}, 3543 where ... term is given in (3510). For the the last term (see Proof of 3533), let then have r roots The value 3542 x, y, z, u, v, ... w are arbitrary functions of the variables all of the degree m. 3544 that is, degree (7r-m)-i CoE.— a sing^le m = (cr, 1/, ... )'«, homogeneous function (1620). of the variables of the 5 3545 Ex. x-zox : + 2xyzj.,, + y'eo,,—a {xz^ + tjz^^ + az = u„ being homogeneous functions of the m^^ and may be or, . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 526 u,„, , written (tt- by (3505), therefore z — OTTj-f a) z = (7r-rt)(7r-l) = = {(7r-a)(7r-l)}-' (u,, !!i» {m — a)(m—l) \ (n z /t"' n.,„ + «„, degrees. The equation ";« + = «,„ + «,„ '?'« + n„) + {(7r-a)(7r-l)}-' ^*»_ — a)(n — l) + cr„-i-[7i. The first two terms by formula (3502) the last two terms are arbitrary functions of the degrees a and 1 I'espectively, and result from formula (3543) 1 and a and 1. by taking ^ ; = m= To reduce a P. D. equation, wlien possible, to the symbolic form 3546 {WJ^A,n"-^+A,W^-\..~\-A,)n= Q n = Md^ + Nd^ + &c where (1), . and Q, M, N, &c. are any functions of the independent variables. Consider the case of two independent variables, = {Md,-\-Nd,Y u ]\Pu,, + 2MNu,y + N'u,, + {MM, + NM,) 71, + {MN, + Ny^ n n^, . . . (2) obtainable from the right by considering the terms involving the highest derivatives only, for these terms are algebraically equivalent to (Md^-^Ndy)'^. The reduction being effected, and the equation being brought to the form of (1) then, if the auxiliary equation Here the form of is ; 3547 have w''+A,m''-'-^A,in''--...-{-A, its of the roots a, h, ... all = (3) unequal, the solution of (1) will be form 3548 u = {n-ay Q,+ {u-h)-U}+&c (4). The terms on first the right involve the solution of a series of linear order P. D. equations, the first of which is Mn, + Nil,, J^ ...-au 3549 and the rest involve Q, &c. imaginary roots occur in the auxiliary equation, proceed as in the following example. If equal or we may h, c, = SYMBOLIC METHODS. 3550 (l 527 Ex.: + xyz,^-^xy (l+x') z,.,,-\-4.x'i/%, + 2x (1 +x') z^ + 2y Here IT = (1 + x") Let the variables since n (4) cl^. n = (4) (l + .r) to so that 11 t], ^, = ia.-2,r^£, = -^ = -^ 1+a-2xy Therefore, by (3383), (x'-l) and the equation becomes now changed y be x, = 1, — 2xijd„, + a'z = + a') z = z, (11^ = d^. 0. 0. Therefore, 1. J£, from which, by separating the variables and integrating, we obtain and, by (1430), Also, since 11 (?/) = 7/^ = + x"') (l 0, -^, = Therefore l the solution of which .y- = tan~^ X ^ solution, + by (3523), z (2). ^^ = -2xy = 0. -^, 0' Thus and now is (1), t]^—2xyn,, equation (1). is The transformed equation and the x'y + y = A = tan-^x + B ^ (_d2^ rj = x'-y + a-) z = + y. 0, is = <p(r]) cos ak + sin a£, \p (ji) arbitrary functions of the variable, which is not explicitly involved, being Therefore finally, substituted for the constants (3389). z = (x-y <l> + y) cos (a ta,n' x) ^ + \p (x-y + y) sin (a tan' ^ a'). MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 3551 Put «2.v d2y + d.2z is = a'. ii Thus = <p + W2.+ M2.-=0. tt-.^ (y, z) + a^u = 0, the solution cosax + (y, z) sina.i;, of which, by (3523)} tp arbitrary functions of y and a being put for the constants A and B, Expand the sine and cosine by (764-5) replace a^ by its operative equivalent, and, in the expansion of sin ax, put a\p (y, z) x (y, ") thus ; = u = f (y, z)- 1^ 0?,, + fU o cp (y, z) ; + 1^ (cZ,, + c?,,) o ; ^ (y, z)-&c. ; [See (3626) for another solution. 3552 u, Here a = {d.,-d_,, = + + = ti^ ?/_, ciT/^-. + d, + d,)~' (xyz -f 0) {d, + d,) + d.,, id, + d,y-...]{xyz + 0). (rZ, Operating upon xyz, we get u = ix'^yz—^x^ + + Ta^*, (2 2/) DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 528 For symmetry, take the rest vanishing. expressions thus of the ^rcl sum of three such ; Operating upon zero, we have, in the instead of a constant, therefore The {1-x result (d„ d_j.Q first place, = xf (yz), d.^.^O = <p (yz) &c. is + d,)+hy (d. + d.y- ...}<!> (yz) = e-^^"^^"--'cp = 6 (y-x, (yz) z-x) (3493) the complementary term. 3553 = 5), we have, by (3478), (d, + ^)-'xyz = e-^-^d.,e^-^xyz = e--*-3^cZ.,{.. (y + x) (z + x)], = e-^^{Wyz + :Lx'(y + z)+}x^} Otherwise, putting =^ ^x' cZ^ Substitute x=. which is a^, tZ^ (y-x)(z-x)+ix' which agrees with the former 3554 + « Ux + bUy = z y hri, -\- cu^ = c(, = cvyz. and the equation becomes The same methods fm^nish the ttu,. 3556 .^'5!.,+/p, -\-bUy'\- cu. Put TT^ = a cos f . .'. TTi", solution of = x'"y''z^\ = 2ajij\/a^-z\ z z^ .-. TTV a sin = y, .". 2,13?/, z-=.as\n(xy-{-c). aa;u^-{-hyUy-\- czu.^nu 3557 Put X .-. ^H^ + The y]i(^ = i,", + ^u^—nu = 7/ 0, = .-. T]'', z =C = 0. ; by (3544) u = (x" , y'', z'' )". solution of any P. D. equation of the type F{.vd,, is, + z-2x)+^x\ solved in (3552). 3555 3558 (y solution. ijdy, zd„ ...)« = XA.v"y^'' ••• by (3488) and (3557), W = ^ 177 "^ T + 777—1 7 -, 7 <'• (3493) SYMBOLIC METHODS. 3559 Ex. xu^^-^yUy : — au = 529 Q,,^, where Q,,= {x,yy^ (1620). Here ti terminate. = = m, (ni—a)'^Q„^+ TJa- When a In that case, as in (3526), assume m—a Differentiate for a, = u becomes inde- m—a by (1580), putting Q„ thus this solution iQ,„ (log X first in the form + log y) + F,„. Similarly, the solution of 3560 xu^.-\-yUy-\-xu-—mu n is = ^Q,„ (log X 3561 The ct solution, = 2 by putting (3476), ot^j, z (d^-ad^)-'0 = c. or + Fo- {d,—adyyz (fZ.,-a(^^)-' (y) e"^"y = 0. (3472) and ^ (y) for C. The second operation produces, by e"''"v{x<p(y) + ^P(y)}=x<p(y + ax) + ^P(y + ax). (3492) = ^v%^, —if^-iy + 'J'%- —y^u = 0. {;xd^ — yd,J) 3 = m = in (3544), — ^ = («, i/)"+ (xd^ + yd^) This reduces to tt = = Q,^ for m, 3563 Here w,+i/i*^+5:w^ by (3560), is u = ic (log x + \ogy + log 2) ^2x—^a^xy+tt%y 3562 — + log y + log ^) + V,„. = xd^^+yd^, therefore and ( i^', j 0. , = y', and so converting the second term being obtained by substituting y'^ The above may also be written the second factor into (xd^ + y'd^,). F and/ being integral algebi'aic 3564 Putting y functions. x,,,-a%y-\-2aM,-{-2a%!:^y = at], = 0. this equation is equivalent to (d,-d., + -2ah) (d^ 3 Y + dr,) z = ; DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 530 putting X = log and .7/ = loy- ?; by this gives, ;;', = (354-i), e-'^"'-F(,j + ax)+f{y-ax), the functions being algebraic and integral. 3565 .-. u = U2^—ahi.2y = = {cl,,-a'ch,)-' {2ad,Y' { I j y) e"^"v fe""^";' e"^";/ Here 3566 If *2 = = 0, H = xj/^ For the solution ^; (a^, (', J0 (3470) ] (3492). 9/-«,r) (Z.t; + + «.') fZ.i' + x (!/)• 2/ dx c7//, j- (a;, 1/ ./. (x, y) v/. (?/), the solution therefore becomes 0^', //) «/> ^., (,r, =| y) (3470) (x, y) } y — ax) = + ax) (a-, ?/) *, (x, y) (', y). (x, y) dx-e-"-'"'.' (e"^"«' (^ *i {x, y + ax) — since (.V, <!> (3515) (,l-ad„)-'-{(l + ad,)-' [ = (2ad^)-^ = (2a)"' {x, [-BooZe, ch. 16. 0/4-«^?')H~Xi (Z/~"'0 by Monge's method, see in this case (3433). %^^.—aZy 3567 z= (d^— ady) -^e"'^ cos ny — = e"^".'/ [ cos e""' e ' '"'"i' e'"' tii/. cos ny dx (3470) = [e'«^cosn (y-ax) dx (3492), and this by Parts, or by (1999), is _ f^axiiy^mx pQg — aa?) — awsinn (y — ax) (Hr4-«V)"' + (y) — = 2 m cosny an sinvy (m- + a'ii')'^ + (y + ax), by (3492). e«^''i/ ^^ (?/ j^^ e"^''.v0 ] I .-. e'"-'^ \ (]> z-a::,,= 3568 , = (J,_ar/,,) -^ = e'""^'-^</> i). (0), ^ («) taking the place of the constant G. Therefore s (a!) + ai^2.-l-iaV^4^ + &c. = Otherwise, to obtain z in powers of a;, j;o.-62»i .-. z = {(d, + ldh(d.+ hd])}-'0 = we = by (3472), (3492) have, putting e'''-"'(t> (t) + e-'"-">x}. (0 then expand by (150). 3569 «2a -f^2// = Ir = a~\ 0, ^os 1UV COS mi/. (3518) ; 531 SYMBOLIC METHODS. = z Treating (h, and cosmy + c?2;,)~^ COS nx cos raij. (t?>^. as constants, (diy — n-) we have, by (3526), putting cos my + A cos ax + B sin a,^, = cos nx = cosnx cosmy ( — m--n^)-' + (ij) cos (xd,,) + s \p (p A and becoming ^ (y) and J5 3570 where = tt (tt r7, + f?^. + ia) (tt - for a^ d.,y by (3496), (y) sin (*f7^), vp (//)• = ^,^+2zh-\---24'+(''- Therefore or '' = ia) z i COS {e'C'^-'^^' (w4+w^). + e-f'"**"^'}, Therefore, by (3510), with x Ca^— (j^i + w) — (m + a^ ?i) = e*, (/ = e^ -^ a^—^m + ny Prop. 3571 of the I.— To transform a linear differential equation form into the symbolical form MD) u^-f,{D)eUi+MD)e^'u^kc. = T where Q a function of is .v, T Multiply the equation by Qf becomes, by (3489), (,, + le' + cr'-' ; a function of 6, x (2), = e^ then the 1st term on the +...)D{D-1) ...{D-n-i-l) and left u. This reduces, by the repeated appUcation of formula (3476) with the notation of (2451), to 3572 aD^"Ui-\-h {D-iy^^ eUi^-c {D-^Y"^ The other terms admit e-'u-^ka. of similar reductions. Conversely, to bring back an equation from the sym(2) to the ordinary form (1), employ formula (3475) so as to transfer e"" to the left of the operative symbol. 3573 bohc form 3574 Ex. : x' {xhi,,-\- 7xu^.+ hu) = = = g''{I) (i»-l) + 6 J> + 5) « = (X»-l)(D + 3)e"tt e-' (D- e-^ + 7D + 5} « (D + 1) (D + 5) u (3476). DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 632 For converse reduction, the steps must be retraced, employing (3475). tlie See also example (3578). 3575 Prop. II. —To solve u+a^<l> (D) e'u+a,<f> U is wliere By a function of tlie (D) ^ equation (D-l) 3576 p"it 0. for this, the equation qi, q.2 ... and q„ are A,. becomes the roots of the equation = q'l.-^ ••• iq,'-qi){q>--q-^ U ?/^ ... 4-^nW„, u,-q4iD)e'u,.= 3578 U. Ex.: + 5x' + G.v') «o. + (4x + 25x' + S6x') = Putting X (l A^Ui-\-A.2Ui given by the solution of the equation is 3577 + Se' + Ge^O The = (qr-qn)' by solution will then be expressed (x' ... Therefore where where u (3491) Putting The e'' first e*, u, i>(-D-l) H + (4 + 25e'' + 3Gc-') term + (2 + 20a; + 3G.r'0 D(( = D (D-1) « + 5 (D-l)(D-2) by applying (347G). or therefore if (1 = this The other terms similarly it ; thus, after rearrangement, = 20e^ with {(D + l)(D + 2)}-', we get if + .V + Cp^)« = e^ p = (i)+l)(D + 2)->e^ « = {3 (l + 3p)-'-2 (1 +2,))'} = 3;/ -22, = (1 + 3p) = (1 + 2p) e^*. and <>'' - 2/ 20.v». + (2 + 20e'' + 36e-^) = 20e^ e'^ + G (D-2)(D-3) e'"« (D + l)(i' + 2)« + 5(D + l)-e'« + GD(i) + l)e'-'« Operating upon u and transforming by (3489), ' e="' .- "' - ; ; SYMBOLIC METHODS. Hence (l + 3p)y = y+S or e'' 533 (D+l)(D + 2)-' e'y = e'' (D + 2) y + 3 (D + 1) e'y = e"> (S-\-2), by (3474), by (3475) (-D + 2) y + Se' (D + 2) y = 5e^ (x + Sx')y, + 2(l + Sx) y = 5x'. therefore or ; that is, (x Similarly + 2x') 2, +2 (1 + 2.v) = Solve these by (3210), and substitute in m 3579 — To transform Prop. III. =U u = put Proof.— By 3580 (8474), because Prop. IV. ?f+(^(i>) tlie (D) equation U— and e'^^v = 5x\ — 2z. v-\-<f>{D^n) e'v into u+(f>{D) e''u z 3y e'^^'-^'tJ = = V, e^^ V. e»> (D + n) e'^v. — To transform the equation e"-' u = t/ v+V'(i>) into e^^'v = F, put P where 3581 HD) ^JD-r) HI>) <l>{B-2r) ... — Proof. Pnt u =f(D)v in the 1st equation, and e'''f{B)v =f{D—r)e'''v (3476). After operating with f'^ (D) it becomes v + <l>(D)f(D-r)f-'(D)e'-^v=f''iD)U, therefore and so (p in inf. Also (D) f(D-r) U =^ f (D) /"' (D) = 4^ (D) by hypothesis V. 3582 To make any elementary factor x(^) ^^ 'Pi^) ^®' come, in the transformed equation, x (-^ i ^^'0' where r is an integer; take ^ (D) xi^ + nr) Xi(-^)- See example (3589). = 3583 To make any factor of (p {D) of the form —^y /^ = disappear in the transformed equation, take '^(-D) xi{D), where Xi(-^)' ^^ ®^^^ case, denotes the remaining factors of <^(X>). See example (3591). . DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 534 3584 III tlie application of Proposition IV., differentiation or integration will be tlie last operation according as ^j- /^7^ lias (3581) its factors, after reduction, in tlie numerator or denominator, and therefore according as \p (D) is formed by algebraically diminishing or increasing tlie several factors of (p (D). However, by first employing Proposition III., the given equation may frequently be so prepared that the final operation with Prop. IV. shall l^e differentiation only. See example For further (1). investigation, see Boole's Dif. Eq., Ch. 17, and Supplement, p. 187. To reduce an equation of the homogeneous class (3531) to a binomial equation of the same order of the form 3585 The general theory of such solutions the given equation be it+q {(i>+«i)(i> + «2) %, w rtg, ... ctn =r e'^'^v, 'V ... is {D+a,)}-\^'Ui =U being in descending order of magnitude. by Prop. Let as follows. ... (1), Putting III., + q{D{D-7i:;^,) ... (Z>-^^7=^J}-^^«^• = e"^'U... (2). To transform these factors, regarded as ^ (D), by Prop. IV. into ^{D)=D{D l)...{D-n l), we convert into + rn (3582), r being an integer. Hence for the j/^^ factor we must have — and therefore D — ai-{-aj, = D— + 1, = rn -\-p — 1 a^ — D-\-rn 3586 D + j; (3) iip If this relation holds for each of the constants equation (1) is which, by (3489), is equivalent to !/„.,. + </'/ being found in terms of x from the 1/ V being 3588 while = „ P, / = ... rt„, reducible to the form u^-q{D{D-l)...(D-n-\-l)]-\"'i,=^ 3587 a^ ^ (^ ij = 1,,.,. Y (4), = X. last equation, and, (3580), the solution will result from (/;-i)(_^>-^)y(/^-"+i) !-...»P,. U and Y are ,; connected by the same relation as u and y. > SYMBOLIC METHODS. 3589 I^x- 1 Putting X Given : = e" ./•>«3., 635 + 1 8a;-«,, + 84to. + 96a + Say'u = {D (D-l)(D-2) + 18D (D-l) + 84D + 96} u + 3e'ho (D + 8) (D + 4) (D + 3) « + Se'' tc = 0, or 0. and employing (3489), this becomes therefore « + 3 {(D + 8}(D + 4)(D + 3)}-^e^^^« Employing Prop. III., therefore (3476) To transform = (1). = e~^"v, + 3 {D (D-4>)(D-5)}-' e''v v this u put = 0, = (2). = (3), by Prop. IV. into y + S{D(D-l)(D-2)}-'e'^y we have P D(P-l)(J-2)(D-3)(J-4)(J}-5) tm = Z)(D-4)(D-3)(I»-3)(D-7)(Z>-8) ... '4,{D) i;= (D-l)(D-2) .-. 2/ ii .„_! wr,_9>) "^' '^ ^ = e-''(D-l)iD-2)7j (4), obtained by differentiation only, performed on the value as obtained by the solution of (3), that equation being equivalent to and the solution of .-. ;/, ^ ... is D(D-l)(D-2)y + -Be''y = 0, or, by (3489), y,, + Sy = 0. however. Prop. IV. were used to pass directly from (1) to (3), we should have <p(D) I)(D-l)(D-2)(D-S)(D-4)(D-b) ... If, ^ '4^(D) (i) + 8)(D + 4)(X» + 3)(D + 5)(D + I)D... (i' + 8)(D + 6)(D + 4)(D + 8)(D + 2)(D + l)' 1 and equation (4) would involve integrations of y as high as — 3590 D'^^y. Note. By the literal application of Rule IV., the right side of 2)}"^ but no such term is equation (3) ought to be F {(!> -1)(Z) required when the original and transformed equations are of the same order, for in such cases the arbitrary constants introduced by the operation upon zero disappear with the terms containing them in the final differentiation The result is the same as if the operation upon zero had not been performed. In the following example, V has to be retained. 3591 — = (x-x')u,,+ (2-l2x')u,-'30xu Ex.2: ; = Multiply by x, transform by (3489), and remove function of B by (3476), thus (1). e"' to the right of each M = u— (J + 4)(J + 3)„,,,_ D^D + l) Transform this (2). by Prop. IV. into v-^±^e-v = V We have ?i == P, ^^ u == (-D + 4) (D + 2) (8). n, 7= {(D+4)(D + 2)}-iO = Ae--' + Be-'' The operation upon zero is (3518). required in this example (see 3590), because (8) DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 536 but only one term of the result need be retained, is of a lower order tliun (2) because only one additional constant is wanted. Hence (3) becomes ; (D + l)v-(D + S) e-% Changing again to x, this equation = (D + 1) (x'-x') v,-4:xh- + A = 0. obtained from this by (3210) will contain two arbitrary consolution of (1) will then be given by The value of The stants. v u= 3592 = -Ae-'\ Ae-'-' becomes Ex. 3 W2«-« : (D + 4)(Z> + 2)r. (h + 1) = 0, x-'u-qho [Boole, p. 424. n being an integer. Multiplying by x" and employing (3489), this becomes u-cf {(D + n)(D-n-l)}-^ e-'u This is changed by Prop. v-q'{D(I)-2n-l)}-'e''v and = 0. III. into = 0, with m = e'-'V, by Prop. IV., into this, or y-q'{D(D-l)}-'e''y = t/,.-5V we then have ^-'^ = (3489). y being found from this by (3524), = e-'-P. — — y = e-'-(D-V)':,y = x-"(xd^-my. Zn 1 JJ F (xd,-m) = x"'F (xd,) x-'\ (3484), x'"-' (xd^^) x'^'^'y, w = X-" X (xd,) x-\x' (a;4) x-' u But, by . ... .'. u-=x-^"''^(x'd,yx-"'*'y or This Vol. may = X-'"' (x'd^y x--"-' (Ae'^ + Be-"') (3525). (See Educ. Times z = x'-. be evaluated by substituting 3593 Ex. 4 n,,-a'u,,-n (n + 1) x'^ u : = 0. solution is derived from that of Example (2), by putting q arbitrary functions of y after the exponentials instead of A and B The and Reprint, XVII., p. 77.) to = X-'"' (xM^y X-""' {e"^"." (y) + e = X-"-' (x'd^y X--" " {0 + ax) + "'" ./) (2/ >//(?/ -4 (y) = ; ad^^, thus } + ax) }, by (3492). [Boole, p. 425. (l+ttd-) u.,,'\-axu,±nUi 3594 To = 0. solve this equation or its symbolical equivalent obtained by (3489), viz., u^.^liJ^=g^e-u = il 3595 Substitute / = [-tt^—^ v/(l + aa;^) J i" the soluticm of u.t^n-n = 0, by (3523-4). — SYMBOLIC METHOBS. 3596 or, the Similarly, to solve the equation same Substitute (3596) 3598 is in its symbolical form, t = • r in the solution of w^, ± ?t*i( = 0. the symbolical form becomes 0, = 2, w be not b(D-n)(D-n-l) + e(D-n) + aD{D-l) + cD+f substitute Oj, aj nd, ' and therefore 2cfe "-^ ^^^' = nd^.. (2). are the roots of the equation h /3i, /3j 20'= c, „+^i|5^1(|5|le-. = Thus 3599 and —7—^dx Pfaff's equation, "^ where [ Jx^(x^ + a) obtainable from (3593) by changing 6 into —0. When Q = If 537 (^na-v)(^na-n-l) +e (^na-n) -{-g = (3), are the roots of a |n/3 (|7i/3-l)+c i"/3+/ = 0. Four cases occur 3600 I. — Oi— Qj and /3i— /Bj If Prop. IV. (3581) to the form v + ^ are odd integers, (2) can be reduced ^^~"'^ ,^^~"^~^^ and then resolved into two equations of the first e'^'v = by 0, order. — II. If any one of the four quantities Oi— /Jj, aj— /Pj, «2 — /3i, fj—Z^a is an even integer, (2) can be reduced by Prop. IV. to an equation of the first order. 3601 3602 III. — If Pi—Ij-j Props. III. and IV., (2) 3603 IV. — If aj-oj and reducible in like manner — The integers Note. may — — aj + uj /jj are both odd integers, then, by /3j reducible to (3595). and is Oi + Qj— /3i— to (3597). may be /Sj are both odd integers, (2) is [Boole, p. 428. either positive or negative, be zero. 3 z and when even DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 538 SOLUTION OF LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY 3604 /o in ao Case I. — Solution (D) u-f, (D) e^' u SERIES. of the linear differential equation = or u-f, {.vcQ f, {.vtQ .v^ u = 0, which fo{D), fi{D) are polynomial expressions of the form and f,{D) = {D-a){D-h){D-c) .... + chD-\-cuD\.:-\-a,D'^ Let </>(!))=/, (D)-f-/o(D), and 3605 3606 ^ («) = 1+ 3607 Proof. 27-) <!> -{-<p (rt Then the let + r) X' + {a + <p{a + r) x'^ + 3r) {a + 2r) {a + r) x^''-{-&c. <^ (rt cp <p solution will be u = A.v'<P{a)+B.v'^{b) + av'^ic) + &c. — Operating with f~^ (D) and writing for ^ (D) p e''", = f-' (D) = Ae"' + Be''' + &c. (3518) by (3515), « = (l-p)"' (Ae''' + Be'"+ ..,) = (l+P + p'+...)AG"' + (l+p-^p'+...)Be'' + &c. u -pu Therefore, Now in each terra substitute formula (3474). Case II. for p" the value in (3491), where A(D) = ... +/,(D) {D-ct){D-h){D-c) c^^'u (a) := 1 where the determined in succession by the formula 3609 /o (m) v,„+f, (m) r„,_: The 3610 = ^.r«*(a) Hero and . . +/. (m) i'„,_, = and v, =1 + /^.f'*(«')-f CV*(c) + &c. — From (1) «= where . &c. are solution will then bo expressed by u Proof. = ... + F, (a + l) x-\-F^ {a + 2) x' + Slc, coefficients F^{a-{-l) or v^, i^2(« + 2) or v^, ^ Let by — Solution of MD) u+MD) e'u+MD) e~'u 3608 D and remove {l + 0.(/J)e"...+0,(D)e'-}-7o-'(^)-O (3), = fr{D) ---fo{D). ...}-' = = Ae"" + Be^' + (3518); {(D-a)(D-h) fo-'(r))0 {l + ^,(D)e"..,+./.„(D)e-j-' = l + F,(D)e« + i^,(X»)e^^+... l'r(D) . . . : SOLUTION OP LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 539 To determine F^, F^, &c., operate upon each side with {l+0 (D) e' + ctc.}, and equate coefficients of powers of e thus formula. (2) is obtained. (3) now becomes (4). {l + F,(D)e' + F,(D)e''+...}(Ae'"^+Be"^+...) ; u= Multiply out; apply (3-i74), and put x for 3611 or, xht2x—(a + h — l) xio^+ahio — qxhi Ex. by (3489), Here = f,(D) {B-a){B-h) ti-qe^'u = A (D) = 0, (D-a)(D-b), (m—a)(m—b) v,„ = therefore F^, F^, &c. vanish, and ^o («) = 1» Therefore (2) becomes F,(a + 2) = F,^a + ^) = qFg we Similarly A a ^-^ The --^M^ (a+4-a)(a + 4-6) 4.2 (a + 4-&)(a + 2-Z>) ^^'^°'' ^?-^"'' I I is — = 20^^^' series ± <^(a *('' + 4) *= *) = = 4-(^;^^' + by the value of * (a). = Similarly with $ (6), B—a, the corres/o(-D) lias r factors each =: of the value of u in equation (4) will produce ^o+"4,log.^^+^2(log.^f coefficients A^, But We (D-aXB-hy When where the '" arrived at more quickly by formula (3607). {!>) ponding part 3615 F^{h + 2), &c., and thence ^(Z^); and, sub- I solution producing the same then Gr 4.2(a-6 + 4)(a-6 + 2) ^2(6-a + 2)^4.2(6-a + 4)(6-a + 2) (»+2) 3614 -.2,„4 qr + 6-2) +2(a4-6-2)"^4.2(a-6 + 4)(a-i + 2) have 3613 q we have ^ 3612 f,(D)=-q. 2(a + 2-5)' find F^(h-\-2), stituting in (3610), _ u- 0, qVin-2, _ (g) = 0. (a + 2-a)(a + 2-Z>) ^ (a) = 1 + 2(a Therefore e". if A-^, ... ... +^._x(logcr)-S are each of the form any one of the quantities F, (a + r) also. = (3608), DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 540 Proof.—/"' (D) now contains a term of the form = e''"(co+Ci0...+c,e'-O The corresponding part of ii {l = [e''' + e^''*'^'F,(D t^'v, say. in (4) is + ^i(D)e''+...} e'"'v + a + l)+c"''"'F,{D + a + 2) + ...]v by (3475). F function by Taylor's theorem in powers of D, operate upon and arrange the result according to powers of 0. Expand each v, In practice, proceed as in the following example. 3616 Ex. a;u2;,-{-u^+cf^u : = 0. Multiplying by z and changing by (3489), this becomes DV + s'e'" u = 0. I>-u = gives u = A + Bd. B as variables, Substitute this value and operate with I), considering A and thus and equate to zero the coefficients of the powers of ; B'A + q'e^'A + Then change D into m, and WB = B'B + q'e'^B 0, e'^J. into a„_r, to m^a„,-^q^a^.i+2'mb^ = ; = 0. obtain the relations m''b„+ q^b^.^ = 0, which determine the constants successively in terms of a^ and l^ (which are arbitrary) in the equation u = ao + aiX^ + atX*+ ...+\ogx (bQ + b2x'' + h^x*+ ...), which thus becomes the solution sought. [J5ooZe, Biff. Eq., p. 439. SOLUTION BY DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 3617 La2)lace^s method. — The solution of the equation ^(^((/,)w+^(c/,)i. = (1) u=C^{e'''^S'^'\cf>t)-'}dt is (2), the limits being determined by /'*i«^'=0 Proof.— Assume = ^(0e^' t* =e e'^Tdf, (3). and substitute in (1), putting c'' (3474), thus {xe^'f (0 Tdt+ [ c"xP (0 Tdt = 0. • This mothod of solution is meruly indicated here, and the reader Ch. xviii., for a comploto investigation. jD//. Hq., f (cZ,) is referred to Boole's — SOLUTION OF DEFINITE INTEGRALS. Integrating the e'^cp first (0 term by parts, this 541 becomes r- je-' [cZ, [<|>(t)T}-^p (t) T^t^O (4), an equation which is satisfied by equating each term to zero. The second term thus produces a value of T by integration by (3209), and this value substituted in the first term, and in the value of u, g-ives the results (3) and (2). 3618 a^u,:,+au^'-q\vu=0* Ex. (1): = c^a,— j^ Here (4) and (8) become <}> (2) u = ;// - (d^) ad^, <p G{e''(f-q')^''dt; a being positive, the limits are t = Joq, (t) = e''' (t' (4). f^-q", ;// - q')^ = and, putting t (0 = Hence at. 0; = qcos we d, find u=z C V"'^sin"-'etZ0 (5). I 3619 The solution in series by (3608) (2) of that article are in this case D(D + a— 1)m— gV^M = Thus, a in (3608) " =0, and I and = 1-a. is as follows. Equations (1) and m (m + a — l)vn—q^Vn-2 = 0. Therefore (3610) becomes = ^{^+2^) + 2.4(a + li(a + 3) +^^- ^^-^-1^+2|g^ + 2.4(3-ai(5-.) Both convergent by (239 series are The results 3620 (5) -^^-} ^'^' ii.). deduced by Boole are these is equivalent to the particular integral represented by the first series of (6). 3621 be, when A second particular integral, by assuming u = 2 — a is positive, u = C^x'-" e'^^'^sin'-^flcZfl e'^'^'^t;, is found to (7). I Jo 3622 When a tt= * The method by important equation. lies between and 2, the complete integral is (7ijV^«"'«sin"-^0(Z9+C2a;^"'[V*'='"«sin^-"^(^6l definite integrals is elucidated by Boole (8). chiefly in the solution of this DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 542 3623 But, a if = l, the solution becomes u= fV*'°«« 3624 If a does not lie = a—2n, and replace the a (7, (xd, {A + Blog(xsm''d)] and between term of (8) fix'st + a-l)(ixd, + a-S) ... (xd, 2, dO (9). a be negative, put tlieu, if by + a-27i + l) [V"^^sin<^'-ic^0 ... (10), the transformation being eflFected by (3580). And 3625 verts a into one. if = = This conx'^'''v. e^'^-''''''v a be positive and > 2, put u a negative quantity, and the case is reduced to the last 2— a, 3626 Ex. wlien r = (2). — To solve by metliod tlie P. D. equation + U2z= ihx+i(2y \/{x'^ tliis (1) + i/)' Eliminating x and y, (1) becomes rU2r Now + l('r + the solution of this equation change x into r, q into id^, A and and '>'^''2z is B = (2). (9) of Example (1), into arbitrary functions of z. number if w^e We thus obtain n= or, [V<=°^^^'^={./)(2) + ;//(2)log(rsiu=e)} dd (3), by (3492), M= ^j j^ + tVcoseJ fZ9+ ;p(2 4-tVcos0) log(rBin-^) c?^ (4). See (3551) for another solution. 3627 and if If it, « be the potential of an attracting mass at an external point, then, since log r = oo when r = ^ (z) must vanish = F {z) ; therefore F(c) = Hence « = — (4) reduces to , <\, I JT" (s) [ dd ; = tt^ (z). -.fiV cos Q \ dO. ParsevaVs Theorem. 3628 and If, for all values of n, A'-\-B'ii-^^G'u-^^ ... = ^p{u) (1), DIFFERENTIAL RESOLVENTS. 543 then AA'+ BB + Proof. and add the + <^ (e'^ 4 results. dO. (e"''^)] = (1), and in it put u Multiply by dd, integrate from e'" and to e''" and tt, EQUATIONS WITH MORE THAN TWO INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. By means 3629 (e^-^) tA (e'-0 27r. D. P. L^^^[<l> —Form the product of equations separately, divide by = ... of Fourier's theorem (2742), the sohition of the equation may be deduced by ti = (1 + f/,) a general method in the form (((((( e'^^'-'^^^'^ xjj {a, b, c) dadbdcdXdiidp, — oo to go and the functhe limits of each integration being tion ^ being arbitrary and different in the two terms arising from the operator {l-\-df). Boole, matique, Ch. Tom. xviii., and more fully in , Cauchy's Exercice di'Anahjse MathS' pp. 53 et 178. I., Poisson's solution of the same equation in the form of a double integral is 3630 7i=(l + dt)\ I ^sin.^4' O'^ + ^^'^siulsinT?, ?/ + /iLsin^cos with the same latitude in the interpretation of /?, z + ht coa ^) d^dr/ xp. [Gregory's Examjyles, p. 504. DIFFERENTIAL RESOLVENTS OF ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS. 3631 Theoeem I. (Boole). — ''If y^, y^ .-.Vn are the n roots of the equation y^-air'-^l and if = () (1), the m^^ power of any one of these roots be represented — DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 644 by and u, if = g\ a then u as a function of B satisfies the differential equation „-(!izix)+i!i-iy"-'Y^_»_i)rz)<»)-i-.e-„ n \ n \n / and the complete integral " Cor. 3632 I.— If n of the m=-l / same and if will n be J •- = o, be > 2, the differential equation /)(»-.) „_i (!i^ i>- ± _iy""'e.»„ = n \ has for y iV ••• its n n I general integral Vn-i being any n — \ roots of (1). " If be changed into —0, and therefore above results are modified as follows D into — D, the : 3633 " CoE. II.— The differential equation has for its complete integral u Vii 2/2 ... = C,y'^-^ C^yl + C^yZ, Vn being the roots of the equation ay'-?/"-^ 3634 . . . +a = (2). " CoK. Ill,— The differential equation „-„(/>-2).»-..[(!i^i>+±)'"-"]-V«„ supposing 7i 2/i>?/2 ••• 2/n-i >2 has for being any its com})lete integral n—\ roots of (2), = 0, BIFFEUENTIAL RESOLVENTS. " Theorem 11. {Ilarley). 3635 ^ — " The differential equation -"^ \ is satisfied n by the n ??i^'' power of n \n I any root if—xif-'^-a u 545 I of the equation = 0, beino; considered as a function of x. 3636 " Cor.— The is satisfied by the differential equation Wi^""^ power ?/'*— ////"-' of any root of the equation + — !) X = 0." (« [Boole, Biff. Eq., Sup. 191—199. See also Boole, Phil. Trans., 1864; Harley, Froc. of the Lit. and Phil. Soc. of Manchester, Vol.11.; Bawson, Proc. of the Bond. Math. Sac, 3637 Vol. 9. 4 A CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. INTRODUCTION. III this branch of pure mathematics a fuuction (,') denoted by %., and (j){x-\-h) consequently by u_^+,,. The If Ax denotes the increment increment h is commonly unity h, and A^^^. the consequent increase in the value of ?;^.5 we have 3701 (/> is . 3702 3703 A«., When Ax = «,+^,,-w,,. diminishes without limit, the value of Ai/, — - 3708 AND FOBMULJE FOB FIB-ST Hence the difference of a rational integral funcconstant. 71th. tion of tlie nth deo'ree is 7;*" DIFFFBENCES. 547 = 1.2.3...7i. 3709 So also 3710 Notation.— Factorial terms are denoted as follows A".r" ^ 3711 3712 x{x-l) Thus =u\r-l {x-m + l) = x^'-\ ... 1 3713 Hence \m, ml, and m^'"^ -...i-m) are equivalent symbols. 3714 According to (2452), x''"' would here be denoted by a;'.'"'. suffix, however, being omitted, it may be understood that the common ence of the factors is always —1. and, if 3718 m<Cn, = 0, since = -ma.^^-"-'\ A^i-^'"^ A.v^-'") 3720 AmI;"^ 3722 : Ac = if A\v^->"^ = c = The differ- constant. (-m)^"^^^-'"-"^ = {u..i-u.-,n^^) "i'"-^^ Ex.: A(ax + by'"'> = am(ax + by"'-^\ ^(ax + hy""> Alogw,=:logh + ^^(, 3724 3726 Art-^- owoo 3728 **^^ = {a — 1) AM^iu/ 7\ A" («ct"+^) ^ cos^ I ' Pr.oOF. — A sin (art; + «'', A'Vr"-'' ?>) • 2/ = logiiH±2_. Alog<-i) = = /o2sm—«\"siii cos V = -am (ax + hy-'"-'^\ {a"' ^ ^ — iya"'-'\ , / , rtci'+64' —^^-r^—^f. n(a-\-'rr)) 2 I ) = sin (ux + a + b) — sin (ax + b) = 2 sm ~ sm \ax-\-b^ — . j That is, A is equivalent to adding ——— 2 sine by ^ 2 sin -. 2 to the angle and multiplying the CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 548 Conversely, tlie same formula holds be changed throughout. 3729 3730 then 3731 good x = sign of n GO = <j> + (0) A(/) (0) .r+ ^^^ .v^'^ + ^^^ = 0, x A"'/'(0) ^'^) + &c. AcV=/^ instead of unity, the same expansion holds If if tlie EXPANSION BY FACTORIALS. denote the value of AX-v) when If (^ if for A"<^(0) we write (A"<^(<(')-r/^")^^o; that is, making after reduction. — Proof. Assume Compute A0 (a;), A^^ (a?) (a')? = aQ + a^x+a^x^-^ + a^x'^'-^&c. &c., and put x=:0 to determine fto, ai, aj, &c. GENERATING FUNCTIONS. 3732 then If (i)(t) he the general term in the expansion of called the generating function of n^. or (p{t) = is 0—t)-'=G(x + l), Ex.: expansion. = 3733 Gu., 3734 GA»,, Proof. for a! + = (l-l)<^W, — -E* l is G».,«=M), <i>{t), G^u^= tbe coefficient of Gh,.,„ ... GA"»,, ... Eu^, 27, A, AND = H.,+1 = jf.,+Ait., E^ + A = 1 — Eu^ (1520), letter d = M. d^. = (1 +A) E' 3736 * The the = (l-l)V(0. and A both follow the laws commutation, and re;petition (1488-90). By Gi',^. in denotes the operation of increasing k by unity, The symbols Proof. t'' Gu^^^—Qu^, &c. THE OPERATIONS 3735 (p{t), '?f.r^'" is A.r = a^.x c-^- or = u^ + (lv^ix+h^2x^''^+ = (l t/..,. of distribution, e^.* :^-^<-^ix^'x 2.3 + '7,,+H.,+ ^jh. + &o.) + &'Cu, = e"'u,. being unity. reserved as a symbol of differentiation only, and the suffix attached to Sec (1187). it indicates the independent variable. FOBMULzE FOB FIRST AND = 6'^^! A Hence 3737 3739 u"' DIFFERENGBS. 549 D = \ogE. and Consistently with (3735) E"^ denotes the diminisliing X by unity For thus ; = u^, Eti^.i Ux+n "2^'^^ 3740 = E~'^n,. u^^^i. = E'^tCj;. w^.i .". terms o/u^ and successive differences. «^.+« = u,-\-n^u, + C — Proof. (i.) By induction, or the symbolic law A2?f,+C 2) (»., A%,+&c. (w, 3) by generating functions, or (ii.) (iii.) by : = Gu,,, (ii.) Expand by (i)'V (0 = [ 1+ j -i) ( I 'V(o- the Binomial theorem, and ajiply (3734). = E««^=(1 + A)«tv «,,„ (iii.) Apply the laws in (3735) by expanding the binomial and operation upon %. Conversely to express 3741 A"Jf^. = /y'u^. in terms of tf,^^^^--nff,,+„_!+ AX- = Proof.— Expand, and apply (3735) as C (71, 2) 7?.,+i, v^^.+c,, u^,,, w.,+«_2 . . . (-1)" &c. u,. (^-l)""a; (3736). Putting before. AX = ^K-nu„-,+ C,,,u,_, 3742 distributing the .»; = 0, ... we also have (-1)" ii,. 3743 A"cv"^ = 3744 A'^O'" = M™-n (7i-l)"^+C(w, 2)(w-2)'« (,t'+?j)'"-« (.v+n-l)'" -\-C (71,2) {.v-\-n-2y"-&c. -C{n,3){n-3y"-^&G. 3745 Ex. : By (3717) A"0" =n Hence a proof ! theorem (285) of obtained. A'%,v,,= 3746 where E operates Proof. 3747 Expand A?(,_,,v ^ Ex. (1): = {EE'^iyu,v„ only upon Uj, + i i\, , i — u^^ i\ if^ and E' only upon = Euj. . E'v^ — n^r^ = i\^,. (EE' — 1 ) ApiMcations of (3746). {~iy{\-EE'Yu,v,. ^''u,v,= the binomial, and operate upon tlie subjects u-^, v^ ; thus u^ v^.. is — , CALCULUS OF FINITE BIFFERENGE8. 550 374:9 Kx. (2) A" a"" sin To expand cfsmx by : = a) | (1 _E? + A') — 1 1 " successive differences of sin sin a"" a; = | ^ + ^^' } ""^ a-. sin x = A" + «A"-'J?A'+(70^2) A"--E-A'H&c. a^sina; = A" a\ sin + /iA"-^ a^ A sin + C 2) A''--a^"- A^ sina; + &c. = n"'! (a — l)''sina' + ?i(a — l)"''«Asina)+6'(ii, 2)(a — l)"'-o^A^sina! + &c. } { '^ .c by (3727), (ii, a? known from wliile A'' sin « is 3750 Ex. (3) To expand A"Mj,?;j, in E = l + ^, E'=l-^^' in (3746), thus : wliicli | (3728). differences of u^ and v^ alone : put A«M^'y^= (A + A' + AA')"m^.v^, must be expanded. A"Ux in differential coefficients of \\. 3751 A«w., = C%+^i^/r'+^2C'?r,-+&c. Proof. — A"»^. Expand by (150) and (125) = (e"-" as if — 1)"?^,. cZ^ (3737). were a quantitative symbol. See also (3701). -r-Yi i^'>^ successive differences of u. g={log(l+A)}"«, 3752 The expansion by (155) and (125) will present a series of ascending differences of u. Pkoof.— 3753 If 3754 e""=:l+A, Ex.:if% G be = i, ^= .-. A^^ J, = log(l + A). 2^'Y~~¥'^^''' a constant, i>{n)C=cl>{A) €=<!>({))€ and <PiE)C = <t>{l)C, Since every term of (1>(D), or of (A) C, operating iipon C, produces 0; and every term of (E) operating upon produces G. (j) IIERSCHEL'S THEOREM. 3757 3758 <p{c') = <l>{E)c^^-^ =ci>0)+ct>(i£)i)j-j-ci>{E)iy^.^+&c. , tNTEEFOLATION. Proof.— Let = = ^ (e^ A,e'-' A^^-A^e* + A,Ee'-' = <^(iJ) e°-^ = = 0(l) by and 0(i;)l ... ... +^„e"* +AnE"e'-^ (E) 1 { 551 + O.f + = (A, + A,E j*^ +&C. ... +A„E„) } (3756). A THEOREM CONJUGATE TO MACLAURIN'S 3759 <l>{f) e"-' (1507). = <l>{D)e'-^ =^{0)+<l>{(QO.t+<j>{(h)0\^-^&G. 3760 = ^ (log i') e°' <p{t)=<l> (log eO PiiooF.— = </.(D)e°-' (3738) =^ (-D) ,/;(D)l:=</)(0) and n being a (3757) (1 + O./+ +&c.|, (3754). positive integer, 3761 " ~ "^ ^At'" 1 2 . Proof.— By . . . (yi+ 1) (3758), putting f/a'"+^ (e') "^ 1.2... («-}-2) "^ ^/ci""^-^ = (e'-l)", (e'-l)"=(i;-l)"0./+(:EJ-l)"0-.-^'-+&c. =:A"0./ + A"0^^ Put t — d^, + &c. and employ (3736) and (3737). INTERPOLATION. Aiyproximate value of u^ in terms of n particidar equi' distant values. 3762 n—1, an integral algebraic function of the degree 0, and vanishes, and therefore by making x If u^ is ^''u,. = writing x for n in (3740), 3763 "... =^ u,-]-.rAu,-\-C,^,A'u, is formula (265). &c., corresponding to «, This 3764 ... +C,,,_iA'-^w,. The given values h, c, are For an application of the formula to the problem example x = 1-54 and u^ = log 72-54. see (267), in whicli u^,, Aii^, A^ii^, ... of interpolation, CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 652 3765 When tlie term to be interpolated is one of a set of equidistant terms, employ (3741). A"?(^; 0, as in (37G2) ; = tliercforc 3766 '^-""«-i+^.,2*^.-2-C\3'^.-3 3767 Ex.: From siuO, sin sin 45°, SO'', ... and + (-1)"'^ = 0. sin 60', to deduce the value of sine \h\ The formula sinO— 4 sin 15° + 6 sin 30°— 4 sin 45" + sin GO^ = -4sinl5°+3-2y2 + iN/3 = 0, sin 15" = 1(6-4/2 + 73) = '2594. gives or from which The true value is "2588 0, the error "0006. ; LAGRANGE'S INTERPOLATION FORxMULA. 3768 wliicli Let ft, b, c, be ...h the values of are ?/.^, r^ x, not equidistant, for then generally values of known ; 3769 "- ^^'-(a-b){a-c) ... {a-k)'^^^'lb-a)(b-c) [b-k) ... '{k-a){k-b){k-c)..: Proof. — Assume i(,„., + B(x--a){x-c) and determine A, B, ... Ji) (x-k) + C(x-a)(x-b)(x-il) C, &c. If the values = A (x — h)(x — c)... (x — by making x of a,b,c, ... Jc = a, h, c, ... (x-Jc) + &c., &c., in turn. are 0,1,2, ... n—l, (3769) reduces to 3770 _ u K^ - u */«-! ^-Gr-l)...(.r~/i+2) 1.2.8... Oi~l) ,rOr-l)...(.r->i+a)Gr-n+l) (;i-2) +.,,"«-^ 3771 a>(,r-l) (.r-»+4)(.t-» + 2)(.r-;^ +l)>,^ , '^^•' ""' . ! MEGBANICAL QUADBATUBE. 553 MECHANICAL QUADRATURE. = The area of a curve whose equation is y in terms of z/.,. n-\-l equidistant ordinates u,Uy, ... n,^, is approximately 3772 nu+!^..+{l^-f)^+il^-.,+,.^^ 4 \6 +iy Proof. — The -— area is = +1^'^ — i- o +-3- -^^N iry- Take the vakic u^-dx. I / ,3 of n.^- in terms of Jo i6(„ 16, ... 3773 from (376o) and integrate. ?«„_! When n = 2, {\ijLv Jo 3775 « = 4, f »,fe = = ^^-^^[h+ik t> l4(«+»,)+64.(».+-0+2t»,_ 4o Jo 3776 n= 6, ) f^,,^/cr Jo In the = ^ {u-\- + "i + '^u+') ('^1+ iU J^2 ''5) +6/rjj which is due to Mr. Weddle, the cotaken as -^-o instead of 1-4-0, its true value. These results are obtained from (3772) by substituting for each A its value from (3742). efficient of last formula, A^u is COTES'S 3777 AND GAUSS'S FORMULA. • These give the area of the curve directly in terms of fixed abscissae. They are obtained by integrating Lagrange's value of (3769-71), and arc fully discussed in articles (2995-7). 4 B //.,. — CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 55-4 LAPLACE'S FORMULA. = ^"ujLv 3778 l^^-t- wi+wo ••• + 1^ the coefficients being those in the expansion of {log (1 ^ Hence, putting ?f j •^1^2 = A^y^., f' and so on , 24 12 Mn + 0}"- + «i A- Wo 72U 5 "^ o^ Adrift , then add together the n equations. ; 3779 Formula (3778) contains A?f,„ ^\„ &c., which cannot be found from 7(o5 ''i ••• ^hr The following formula does not involve differences higher than A?/.„_i. ^\Ar = '-^^-ui+u, 3780 +1^ ... - ^ (Af/,_i- A^^,)- ^ (A-?/„_i-A-/^,)-&c. Proof.— In and put E'hv_, the proof of (3778), change SUMMATION OF 3781 Definition: 3782 Theorem where G is ,., , = iv^.i : into E — -- t^jttk' log(l — Aii log(l + A) (3739) after expansion, and proceed as before. ,. SERIES. = //„4-Mv,+i+'^.+2- + 2//, = A-^m,+ C, ^m., constant for all •• "..•-!• the assigned values of x. ) SUMMATION OF SERIES. — Let 555 = = ^i^, then (p (x) A'^u^, he such that Af (x) <l>(x) Write thus, and add together the values of (a + l)—(j) (a). S?*^, Therefore, by ?> (")> (3781), («)— <^ («) ^"'"o^*a) «a+i> ••• "x-iand ^ (o) is constant with respect to x. Proof. therefore «„ = = Taken between the limits x = = a, x = h — l, — we have notation, 3783 ^iifl or tl-\,. Functions integrable in 3784 3785 Class I. = tih-tu^, = ^-'ih-^-'u„. finite terms : ^.r(-)=lL_. + C\ m+1 the — . CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 556 ir t;]iis function bo presented as «,., and ^l'^ u_, be required, we then the differences A?*,,, A^«u, ... A*«^ 71^= 1, ?t,= 5, «.,= 15, &c. 4, 1, and then, by (3780), the required sum, as in the example re- 3791 first find 1, 4, G, = ; ferred to. 3792 For another example, Here = ^x' 3x' AO^ therefore = 1 + 2^.. +n^ be required. = 6x + 6, AV = 6, ^'0' = 6, A'O' = 6 let S".7;' + 5x + l, = 1, A\c^ expressed in factorials, and the summation First, by (3730), effected by (3784). x^ may now be x^zzz therefore, 3 _ n(n + l) 3793 SlV = 2 (n + lf = (n-l)(n-2) 4 3 = u„ x^, (3783), (n + l) n S(n + l)n(n-l) Otherwise, by (3789), taking a 7(^ (1), then bo x + Sx(x~l)+x(x-l)(x-2); by (3784), '^~2'^ n may A?<„ 0, = A-?t,| 1, = 0, we have = 6, A'«u = 6, -4" _ n\n + lf as above. Therefore y,-i ''' "' 6n(n- l) (n-2) ^ n(n-l) therefore, 6n (n-l)(n-2)(n-S) changing n into ?i + l, _ n'jn-lf 1.2.3 "•" 2 S"'?fjr 4 4 — 3794 Class IV. When the general term of a series rational fraction of the form — ' !— ' = — —— , where and the degree of the numerator resolve the numerator into is 7/ ^. is a = ax-\-b, not higher than cc+m —2 ; The fraction then separates into a series of fractions with constant numerators which can be summed by by (3730). (3787). 3795 If the factors u.^.... ?/.,.+,„ are not consecutive, introduce the missing ones in the denominator and numerator, and then resolve the fraction as in the foregoing rule. 3796 Fx. : To sum the series --— 1.4 + -— + 2.5 - - 3.0 + to n terms. , SUMMATION OF SERIES. Tbe ..^ncrna —^— = is 0^+^)0^ + ^) _ n (n + l)+2n + 2 557 1 «(n + l)(% + 2)(n + 3) 0i + 2)(« + 3) ^ (ri + l)(u + 2)(« + 3) 2 The sum /!_ \3 of w terms form in (3787) by making n U^f-^ 3 \2.3 ^ (w + 2)(« + 3)/ is 11 ^7t? (ri + l)(^j+2)(7i + 3) + 12n + ll 3Oi + l)(n + 2)0i + 3)" 18 used, the total constant part which gives G f{E) Theorem. 3797 f = 0, by the rule (271), ^ ^ ~ If the therefore, is, J_Ulf^ 2 \2 3 « + 3y G determined is finally =—. a^j> {x) = a^f{aE) <i> {x), being an algebraic function. then the left Proof. — Let a = = f{E)e'''^<l>{x)=f{e")e'^^^<p{_x) (3736) = e'»V(e'' "")«/> C^O e'", (3475) ^a^f{aE)<p{i,). Class V. — If <p be a rational integral function, (x) 3798 The upper limit is understood to be x—1, and a constant be added, (3781-2). Proof.— Sa^^ (3797) (a-) = a- { = = ^-\i^f(x) a (1 (i;-l)-'a^0 (x) = 3799 } (x). w.ere in successive derivatives of ^(x). 2«-^-<^GiO .„ = ^ [ i+^if Oi')+ ^ <^"Gr)+&c. ( = (S^iyV = (l + ^yV. Proof.— By (3757), \P (e^) = (E) e"-^; therefore (see last proof) a^{aE-l)-u\x) (putting ^ = e^) = ft^ (aE-l)"' e"-^*^ (a;) xj^ to a^ (aE-l)-'<p (x) + A)-l "V (x) = j£^l^l+^^y'cp Then expand the binomial. 2a'''^(x) is CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 558 3800 Ex.: AVo require To sum the series 2.1+4.8 + 8.27 + 10.04+ 2^-.f* If ^~"''.r be known for be rational and integral, all (O.f 3.« (3a;'^ { 3801 ^\. to n terms. 2V + 22'.«* = 2^ + 2^ (a;*-2A.«' + 2-A-.i;''-2'AV) = + 2^ x^ - 2 + 0) - 8 + + 1) + 4 = 2^-{2.i!»-0.r + 18.T-20}. integral A^aliies of n, Proof. 2«^.t;^. = {EE' -lyUi^v,^ = (A^' + A')-^ Expand tbe binomial operator, observing (3738). . } and if (3740) and (3730). «,,v^ 3802 ^IX-^x = i^ + ^^y^^v^, = A-" v^u^-n (A-"-^E) v^^u^+ Pkoof. (7„,.> as in (3801), (A-«--J5;-) v^Ahi,,-&c., producing tbe above by (3735) and (3782). Observe that, in (3801) and (3802), two foi'ms ai'e obtainable in each case by expanding the binomial operator from either end of the series. 3803 Ex. The sum know : is To sum the series sin a + 2" = x' sin ax + '^x' sin ax. A~"sinfta3, by (3729) ax 2a;^ sin — (2 sin|n)~-sin , (cc = ; sin2rt Taking + 3^ sin u_^ 3a + = sin ax to terms. a- and v^ = x^, we therefore (3801) gives (2 sin ^a)~' sin — (a + 7r) (2.i! j I ax — I (a + tt) — 3) + (2 (x — 1)" j sin |a)'^sin | a.« — f (a + 7r) | 2. APPEOXIMATE SUMMATION. 3820 The most useful formula 1 Pkoof.— of a;. 2vA^ = ((-"-l)-'»^. is the following (Pif,. E.xpand by , (l.'')3;t) 1 wiMi f/'-'j/'" D in the place AFPBOXIMATE SUMMATION. Ex. 1 3821 : The value of Ex. 2 : %v^' at To sum the (2939) is 1+ series 559 given at once by the formula. — + —... approximately, H - -i-, + -l^-&c. - +2- = - +C + loga;-f 2x r2x' X X Put X = 10 from which x 120a;* to determine the constant C = sum is ^-^-|^ + ^-^,-&c. i+^ + i^ + i^+&c., Ex.3: ' 2 x^ The convergent part 4 2 2x' 12 12 2x^ 20 2x"'' 12' of this series, consisting of the first five terms, is approximation to the sum of A much 2x' 2x^ 2x' x^ 3823 thus "577215, and the required .577215 + log.+ 3822 ; all an the terms. nearer approximation is obtained in this and analogous at a more advanced term. summation formula cases by starting with the 1+i + i + i+^^^i^ ^2035 J^ _L 3^_M.+&e ^2.5'^ ^2.5^ ^2.5* 2.5«^ E.,.: 111 1728 ^ 2035 1728 The converging part now and the convergence at 50 250 2500 1 187500 "^ ''' consists of a far greater number of terms than before, much more rapid. first is 3824 Ex. 4: The series for logr(ie + l) at (2773) can be obtained by the above formula when x is an integer. For, in that case, logT (x + 1) = logl + log2 + log3 and (3820) gives the expansion by making x infinite. 3825 ... +log.<; = log.u in question, the constant Formula (3820) may also be used to find process of summation, and Laplace's formula (3778). thus + S logs;, being determined [ uj.c by the answers the purpose of — CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. 560 2"Uj in a scries of derivatives of u^. Lriwma.— 3826 ...W + l){6''-l]-\ Proof.— Put Vn.i S%j. may now 3827 = 0, = Then (e/-l)-". =—(dt + n) = i\ {dt + n){dt + n — l) i'„.i. be developed. Ex.— To with jLy n-l\ v„ for {Booh, develope 2^*., p. 97) and - (2r + 2) = I - I + I (-l)"A,..i ^..1 ! + 2r{(r + 2)(r+l)J,.2 + 3 Therefore, changing t into f?^., we ('• +(2.1 + 3.1,-1) + !) ^..1 + 2^1, }r. get 2V = |||«.^/.«-|||«.^/.^+j«.c7..-|«.+ ^^'^-&c. 3828 m 2"Uj Let 33" a series of derivatives of Uj_n. cosec'* = 1— 3; C^'k^ -H O^rc* — &c. , then iLoole, p. 98. 3829 2 ^(0)-^(l)+,^(2)_&c. By = iJl-| + ^-&e.(^(0). tins formula, a scries of the given type may often be trans- formed into one much more convergent. p.ooK.-Tbo loft = the expansion of which 3830 -'^-^' ^^ s^^^^ ^m is '^ = = i rTp:*^. 2+^*'(0) the series on the right. ~" "*" "o^ "^ ~T "^^^^ •^"Q^i^iiug ^'^c fi^'st six terms, + &c. Takiug (0) = (0 + 7)-\ + I7 - ^ o 2 2.3 ^o ^ 1,„ 1(1,1, y- Q +&C. = - I y + ^-7-3 + ^--^-^g-^ +'^'' it becomes ^^ 00 1 after six terms converges rapidly by this formula, and more rapidly the formula had been applied to the scries from its commencement. The sum than if PLANE COORDINATE GEOMETRY. SYSTEMS OF COORDINATES. CARTESIAN COORDINATES. In tliis system (Fig. 1)* the position of a point P in a determined by its distances from two fixed straight These distances lines OX, OY, called axes of coordinates. 4001 plane is PM They are the abscissa are measnred parallel to the axes. denoted by //. The denoted by x, and the ordinate or is The abscissa axes may be rectangular or oblique. reckoned positive or negative according to the position of to the right or left of the y axis, and the ordinate // is positive lies above or below the x axis or negative according as- PN ON ,*' P P conformably to the rules (607, '8). These coordinates are called recMngular or ohlique according as the axes of reference are or are not at right 4003 POLAR COORDINATES. 4003 The polar coordinates of P (Fig. 1) are and 9, the inchnation of r to OX, the measured as in Plane Trigonometry (609). vector, 4004 To change rectangular the equations 4005 ,r To change r r, the radius initial line, into polar coordinates, employ y = r sin 6. = r cos 6, polar into rectangular coordinates, employ = \/c^+/, * e = taii-1 nty See the end of the volume. 4 PLANE COORDINATE GEOMETRY. 662 TRILINEAR COORDINATES. P (Fig. 2) arc perpendicular distances from three fixed lines which form the triangle of refeiryiice, ABC, hereafter called the trigon. These coordinates are always connected by the relation 4006 o, |3, The trilinear coordinates of a point y, its aa+by8+cy=2, 4007 4008 or a where a, b, c sill A +y8 sin B-\-y sin C = constant, are the sides of the trigon, and % is twice its area. 4009 If y are the Cartesian coordinates of the point the equations connecting them with the trilinear coordinates are, by (4094), <'«j afty, = = y = a fi oV cos a-f // sin a—p^, ,1' cos )8+// OS cos y-\-y sin y—pz- sill ^—pi, Here « has two significations. On the left, it is the length of the perpendicular from the point in question upon On the right, it is the inclination the side AB of the trigon. of tliat perpendicular to the x axis of Cartesian coordinates. Similarly /3 and y. 4010 4011 The angles a, [3, y are connected with the angles Af B, C by the equations y— 13= a—y = IT— A, 7r^B, a—fi = 'rr-\-C, only two of which are independent. upon 7^1, P-i, l>:i are the perpendiculars from the origin the sides of the triangle ABC. 4012 ARKAL COORDINATES. A, B, C (Fig. 2) be the trigon as before, the areal coordinates a', /3', y' of the point F are If 4013 a-±-!U!!.' B-^-!l£A y=x=£ii^. — SYSTEMS OF GOOBBINATES. Tlie equation connecting the coordinates 563 is now a+/S-fy'-l. 4014 To convert any homogeneous trilinear equation into the corresponding areal equation. 4015 4016 aa Substitute = 2a', = byS Cy 2y8', = 2y'. Also any relation between the coefficients /, m, n in the equation of a right line in trihnears will be adapted to areals Similarly for a, b, c, for /, m, n. by substituting /a, rii{\ a conic (4656), substitute f, g, h, in the general equation of aa\ bh^, cc^ /be, gca, hah. M In either the trilinear or areal systems, a point is deterif the ratios only of the coordinates are known. P Q B, then, with trilinear coThus, if a (^ y mined = : : : : ordinates, 4017 a J— —/>2 = —p: ^; aP-^hQ+cR' and, with areal, a -^ ' ' P P+Q-^R TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. 4019 111 this of a straight line is deter- system the position of a point by an be the trilinear equation of a then, making a, (5, y constant, m, n variable, the equation becomes the tangential mined by coordinates, and the position If equation. straight line and I, + )»/3 + y/y z= EDF (Fig. 3); /o whilst /, m,n are the co(a, /3, y) equation of the point ordinates of some right line passing through that point. Let X, ^, V (Fig. 3) be the perpendiculars from A, B, G upon EDF, and let pi, p^, ih be the perpendiculars from A, B, G upon the opposite sides of the trigon then, by (4624), we ; ; have R\ = 4020 where l2h, RiM = nip,, Rv = np,, B = ^{I^-\-'m^-\-n^ — 27nn cos A — 2nl cos B — 2lm cos C). Hence the equation becomes of the point 4021 V X a /8 ., Y -\-aJ—-\-v^-=0 , where , Jh Pi p, = OA, X or Ih 6, X sin 6^ = ABOG, . i+/x Pi &g., sm 0. =+v Pi and 2AJUJG . sin 6. ^' ^ := 0, P- = p,p,^me. FLANE COORDINATE GEOMETRY. 564 Eormiila (4021 ) sliows tliat, when tlie perpendiculars X, ^, v are taken for tlie coordinates of tlie line, the coefficients become the areal coordinates of the point referred to the same trigon. Any homogeneous 4023 coordinates /, m, n, equation in I, m, n as tangential expressed in terms of X, m, v by substituting for is — — — , , Ih Ih By respectively. (4020). Ih An equation in X,^t, v of a degree higher than the first represents a curve such that X, ^tt, v are always the perpenThe curve must therefore be the diculars upon the tangent. envelope of the line (X, ^t, v). 4024 TWO-POINT INTERCEPT COORDINATES. Let X two = AD, ^i fixed points A, = BE B (Fig. 4) be variable distances from fixed parallel lines, measured along two then 4025 a\-^rhii-^c = {) through which the line DE the equation of a fixed point always passes. This may easily be proved directly, but we shall show that it is a particular case of the system of three- is point tangential coordinates. Let one of the vertices (0) of the trigon in that system be at Then equation (4022) becomes infinity (Fig. 3). X sin // 1 -j. ti 0, , sin Pi = sin COE always. For I' &c., and the equation becomes : p3 0., 1 nni:^ a = A sin COE 0. • . , -I- sin 6*3 P'2 COE Divide by sin 5iEii^D+ 515^^1^ + sin ^3 The only variables are AD and AE. n\ written the form taken by ^/X + ?)^/ -^ sin COE = AD, = 0. P2 Pi may be then X + c'j' Calling these X and ^, the equation + h^-\-c = = when Q, v = 00 and c' vanishes. ONE-POINT INTERCEPT COORDINATES. 4026 (Fig. 5) Tjct ; (I, and h let be the Cartesian coordinates of the point the reciprocals of the intercepts on the axes ^^YSTEMS OF COORDINATES. of any line DOE he ^ passing tlirougli 565 = -j^,, v = -j^. Then, by (4053), f^^+h 4027 = 1 the equation of the point 0, the variables being is This is two of the t„ rj. a case of the system of three-point tangential coordinates in which Equation (4022) vertices (B, G) of the trigon are at infinity. now becomes ^l?]B-^ + sin BOB sin d, + sin COE sin 63 = 0, Pi — -p^^-AD^-lE-^' a^-^-hr] = \. sin which is of the form 0, , sin 0., sin Q^ , r\ TANGENTIAL RECTANGULAR COORDINATES. name has been given to the system last described when the two fixed lines are at right angles (Fig. 6). which are defined as the reciprocals The coordinates S, of the intercepts of the line they determine, have now also the 4028 This r/, following values. 4029 Let X, y be the rectangular coordinates of the pole of the line in question with respect to a circle whose centre is the origin and whose radius is h ; then f=| since x x.OM=y.ON= = 0. and ¥; for The equation of a point a, OS coordinates are OB 4030 = a^^br, = = l, this equation being satisfied , = i, M, N are the poles of y P on NM h, is = 0, whose rectangular by (4053), by the coordinates of all lines passing through that point. In all these systems an equation of a higher degree represents a curve the coordinates of whose tangents satisfy the equation. 4031 in K, V . ANALYTICAL CONICS IN CARTESIAN COORDINATES. LENGTHS AND AREAS. Coordinates of the point dividing in tlie ratio n right line which joins the two points ;/'//, x ij' f^'-i^^^i^. 4032 r, = n-\-n Proof. — (Fig. 7.) = I = x + AG = x-\ f='^, Similavly for '—, (.«'—.<;). ?/. = ^- If« 4034 Lengtli of the line joining the points v the n ^UL±2LJL. n-\-n 4033 »', : xi/, x'y' = y(,r-y)^+(//-//7. Tlie 4035 same with V(^v-^v'y-{-{t/-t/Y-\-2(.v-.v')[f/-i/)i'OS<o. Proof.— By Area J. (Fig. 7), Euc. A I. = and (702). 47, of a triangle in angular points 4036 oblicjuo axes terms of the coordinates of I {.*'i//2-.t\.//i + .*"2;/3-'^V/2 + '^'3.'A— — PudOF. (Fig. H.) By considering the and the sides of the triangle, we have i +://,)(.r,-.'',) + i (!/o + A = (//, its xYi/i, x.^y.,, r^y/g. f/3 ) tliree trapezoids Of, -''•:) -^ (.'/» '^'i.^/^}- formed by i/,, + '/,)0''3--«i). y^, y^ + ' LENGTHS AND AREAS. Area of the triangle contained 1/ = miX-{-Ci, A = J^^ill^ 4037 Proof. — (Fig. Cob. —Area = — Ci Co. =| by the \ axis and the y = + m.2,x (4052) Co, = .Jjlfllf'j^y (.'^'i — ^dl^y The sign a.nd p is lines («5G) found from of the area is not regarded. by the of the triangle contained lines = i|(£i=£5)!+(£j=^' + fe=^ 4 4038 Area 9.) pm^—pm^ 567 (. 4039 _ 4040 ^"*" = — ~ ACiA'i ^"^^ Pkoof.— (Fig. _____^ { Ci }}ii—m (ma — mg) c-i (^% 2 (mi — m.y) {m.2 iBi^--B,C,Y 2B,B, {A,B,-A,B,) — m-^ — + — nis) — nii) ^^^1) ^' i (>>< ] 1 {ni-^ ^^ Square of Determinant (^4iR,ty 2{A,B,-A,B,){A,B,-A,B.^{A,B-A,B,y ABC = AEF+CDE-BED. Employ (4087). 10.) E Area of Polygon of n sides. First in terms of the coordinates of the angidar points 4042 2A = Secondly, (criy.,---.r.,^?/0 when + (<^'2y3-^%?A') + + G*^.yi-^^'i?/J --. the equations to the sides are given, as in (4037). 4043 4044 Proof. Also three values similar to (4039, '40, '41). — By (4367), adding the component triangles. Each expression for the area of a triangle or polygon be adapted to oblique axes by multiplying by sin w. 4047 will 2A=i^l^^^i^^^^+...+i^^^^. CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL GONICS. 568 TEANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES. To transform 4048 Put .i> tlic origin to tlie point Id- y = ij'-^k. = .i'+A, to rectangular axes inclined at an angle B To transform to the original axes. Put 4049 = Qo^e-y' siii^, = as as cos0 and Pkoof. — Consider .!>' .r i/ = + ^) sm(./. //' // t/' a;' cos^+.i' sin^^. Then siii^. .<; (Fig. 11.) = cos (^ -|- 9) and (627, '9). Generally (Fig. 12), let w be the angle between tlie original axes and let the new axes of x and // make angles a and /3 respectively ^vith the old axis of x. ; 4050 Put and .r siu o) = x' sin (w — a) +//' sin (w — ^) y sin w = .v' sin a-\-y' sin ^. — (Fig. !-•) The coordinates of F referred to the old axes being OG = X, PC = y, and referred to the new axes, OM = x, I'M = y', we have, by projecting OCP and 02IP at light angles first to CP and then to OC, Proof. CD = which are equivalent MF- 31E, FN = ML + PK, to the above equations. To change Rectangular coordinates into Polar, hk being the pole 0, a the inclination of the initial line to tlie x axis (Fig. lo), and xy the point P. 4051 Put .V = A + r cos (^+a), THE RIGHT // = k+r sin (^+a). LINE. EQUATIONS OF THE RIGHT LINE. 4052 yy=->/M+c (1), 4053 - + f =1 (2), (I . THE BIGHT 4054 A' 4055 Peoof. — (Fig. = 14.) = Aa'-\-Btj-\-C = Let COS a-\-i/ sin AB PN = be the a lino. coordinates OiV Tlien, in (1),' y. the inclination to the axis therefoi^e mx OB. In (2), a, h are the intercepts OA, OB. pendicular from upon the line a Z AOS. .7;, X = ; 569 LINE. (3). j) (4). Take any point P upon it, m = tanO, where 6 = BAX, — OG, and c is the intercept In (3), = p = OB + LP = X cos a + y sin a ; (4) is the general equation. 4056 p = OS, the per- , CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONIC S. 670 To oblique axes tau 4072 — As in the Proof. Equation of a 4073 4074 4075 4> : = last, , , 7v^ j through line passing »^ {^^ x'y': -^^'1> ^^'s- 8) y — tn.v = y' — wicv' or or +% = .4.2 — From Figure (13), m A.v' being = + By'. tan 0. Condition of parallelism of two lines m= 4076 by a constant. differ Condition of perpendicularity mm=~l The same 1 4081 or Af\ork 4082 or A + : AA^BB = or to oblique axes 4080 : AB=AB. or 7)i', Hence the equations 4078 7 employing (40GG). y-y = Proof. — / , = l ' +'—«<eoscu + COSW (4072) 0. {AB'-^rA'B) cos m = (4070) : {m-\-m') cos 6>4-mm' AA -^BB'= {i. co, . Wl line passing through the points iaii 4083 Proof.— (Fig. 4084 Or 4085 or — IG.) By ,y = Ilii:]li x^y^, avyo = ' ,n. the simihir right-angled triangles = PCA, ABB. ,,M4-'M2ZJMj, (^v-^r,)[ii~!r;) = {.v-.v,){y-n,). Proof. This equation represents a straight line because it is of the first degree; and the coordinates of each of the given points satisfy the equation. : THE BIGHT A line passing tlirougli x'y line (m) : 571 LINE. and perpendicular y-y = - ^i^-^)' m 4087 (4073, '78) Bx—Ay= Bx — Ay or The two (= to a given : 4086 j3 : lines passing through xy' and making an angle tan'M^^o) with a given line {m^) ?rz]L 4088 x—X A joins line Xii/i = p:zl!h. 1 and + m^m.2 I!h±2!h.. 1 — m^tn.2 (4073,70) passing through hh and dividing the line which ??2 ^2//2 ii^ the ratio 1^ and ^ 4089 : = ^jrfiZkl^-) (4073, '32) Coordinates of the point of intersection of two lines Jl=^ = ff^:f|. .^.= 4090 4092 y "^ Length = ^j!n2=££L. = _ 4#=4|A^B^—A.B^ m.2—m^ perpendicular from a point of the ("i*^) x'y' upon a given line = 4094 — ^^' cos a-\-i/' sin a— p. Proof. Let AB (Fig. 14) be the line, and Q the point x'l/'. Then, by upon a parallel line OT, the perpendicular from (4054), a;' cos a + 2/' sin u through Q, and = j) = 08. Otherwise, the same perpendicular 4095 = Aa,'-]-Bi/ -f A/yl' g + jy^ The same with oblique axes (Ax -\-Bi/-\-C) sin (o {Ax'-\-By' _ Qfi 4nqfi ^^ ~ ^^-i_^B'-2ABcos(oy ^/{A-^+B-^- obtained in a similar way from (4065-69). ^^QgQ^ ,gj^ ,94^ : CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 672 Condition of three lines intersecting in one point 4097 CiWJo— rjomi+Ca/Wg— CaWia+Csmi The area 4098 make in — CiWig = 0. 1009 must vanish. — Otherwise. If certain values of the constants the expression /, ??i, n vanish identically, the three lines indicated intersect in one point. —By (4099), Proof. vanish also A make line hj I, and A'x-{-B'i/-\-G' = is or l{A.v-\-By-\-C)-m{A',v-]-B'i/-\-C') = 0, m being any constants. and 4101 = A.v-\-B?/^C= k {A\v-\-B'i/+C'), 4099 4100 and y which make (1) and (2) passing through the point of intersection of the Ax + Biji-C lines for then values of x (3) vanish. k — If the equation of a right line contains a third in the first degree, the line altvays ])asses through a Rule. variable iixed looint. — Proof. For the values of x and y, which satisfy simultaneously the given equations, also satisfy (4099), whatever k may be. See (4604). = 0, the coequation of a line Ax-\-By-^G A, B, G involve x, y\ the coordinates of a point which moves along a fixed right line, then the first hne passes 4102 If in the efficients through some fixed point. — Proof. By means of the equation of the fi.xed line, y' may be eliminated, and X then remains a third variable in the first degree (4101). 4103 To find the point in Avhich the line sects the line joining the points xy, A,v-\-Bij-\-C iovn, — xy; Ax + Bij + G inter- substitute and y4.j'+%' + C for // in (4032). Proof. By (4095), since the segments intercepted are in the ratio of the perpendiculars from xy^ xy upon the lino -4a; + J5y + C THE BIGHT LINE. '/ 573 — CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 574 If be the angle between the (j) yntn 4112 JL tan (^= 4- \/(lr ^ — ab) ^ ^ lines, — 2 or siiio) v/(/r — «^) \ ^.,\ , , according as the axes are rectangular or oblique. —Assume Proof. {ij — m.^a'^{y—m^x) =0, and apply (4088). Equation of the bisectors of the angle ka:^-^a-h)mj-hif 4113 — Let y = Proof. -^^^^ 1 fj.^ The roots of tliis ixx be a bisector (/i = ^^h±J!h_ = -2^, a —b 1— = tan <p : = ^. i//) by (4111) ; ; then, since 2J/ and ^ ?;Ji«2.2 equation are always = (^, + l =I X real. GENERAL METHODS. APPLICABLE TO ALL EQUATIONS OF PLANE CURVES. 4114 Let F(.^^;/) = (i.) ^nd f{.v,ij) = (ii.) be the equations of two curves of any degree. 4115 To find the intercepts Put y = in Similarly, 'put 4116 To x (i.), = on the x and y axes. then x becomes the intercept on the for the intercept on the j axis. find the points of intersection of (i.) and x axis. (ii.). Solve as simultaneous equations. Each pair of values of x and J so obtained gives a point of intersection. Imaginanj values give an hnaginary point. To determine equation (i.) so that the through certain fixed points, x^y^, x^y^ &c. 4117 line may pass Substitute x^j^, Xayg, ^'c. for xj successively, so forming From these equations as many equations as there are points. the constants iii (i.) must be determined in terms of Xi,ji, x.,,y.., The number of arbitrary points cannot exceed number of constants in the equation. 4118 the GENERAL METHODS. 4119 Condition tliat (i.) and (ii.) may 575 touch. At a point of contact tiuo or more points of intersection must coincide, and therefore the equation for x or y, obtained as in (4116), must have tiuo or more equal roots for each point of contact. The contact is said to he of the second order when there are three coincident points; of the third order when there are four, and so on. To find the equation of the tangent at a point x'y' on the curve f(x,y) 0. Form the equation to the secant through two adjacent points 4120 = Xiyi, x,j2 (4083), and determine the limiting value of -^^ '^'^ Xi ivhen the points coincide by means of the equations f (x^, yi) X2 = 0, f(x3,y2)-o. m=^, % (5101). 4121 Otherwise 4122 For the equation tanp^ent into 4123 m of the normal, m m of the (4086). To express the equation terms of change and the constants of the tangent, or normal, in of the curve. From the equation of the tangent or normal, the equation to the equation furnished by the value ofm, eliminate x' y', the coordinates of the point of contact of the tangent. the curve, and THEORY OF POLES AND POLARS. = represent the equation to the Let F(x, y, x, y) tangent of a curve at the point x'y'. Then F{x, y, x, y') 0, the equation obtained by interchanging the constants x',y' with tlie variables ;«, 7/, represents the polar of any fixed point x'y' not on the curve. 4124 = B on the curve, and let the tangents Let Xyiji, x^y^ (Fig. 19) be points A, Consider the equations at those points intersect in x'y'. Fix,.y,,x,y)=Q. ..(}), F(x„y„ x,y) = ... Here (1), (2) are the tangents, and (3) according to the dimensions of x and y. Also (2), is F(x,7j, x',y') = ... (3). some straight line or curve (3) passes through the points CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 576 of contact .^'j//,, r/'o'/o, and raay therefore be called the cicrve of contact-; or, if a right line, the chi)nl of contact of tangents drawn from x\ y\ i.e., the polar. Heuco the coordinates of the points of contact of tangents from an external point ,i"'v/' will be determined b}^ solving (3) and the equation of the curve simultaneously. 4125 4126 Again, let x'y (Figs. 20 and 21) be any point Then, from the equations P not on the curve. F(x,y\x,y)=0...i4), F (x,y,x.„y,) = ...(o), F (x,y, .r,,y,) = ... (G), we see that (4) is some straight line that, if x.j,y^ and x^y^ are any two points upon it, (5) and (6) are the curves of contact of tangents from those points ; ; and that these curves of contact pass through the point x'y'. 4127 If the points x.^j/^, x^y^ are taken at A, B, where (4) intersects the curve, (5) and (6) then become curves touching the given curve at and B, may call these lines the curve tangents and passing through x'y'. A We from x'y'. 4128 Lastly, let xy' in (o) be a point within the given curve (Fig. 22), then the equations F(x,y,x',y')=0...(7), F (x„y,,x,y) = ... (8), F (x,,y„x,y) = ... (9) show that (7) is the locus of a. point, the curve tangents from which have their chord of contact always passing through a fixed point. When x'y' is without the curve, as in Fig. (19), the same definition applies to every part of the hicus (3) from which tangents can be drawn. 4129 If the given curve be of a degree higher than the second, the line of contact of the tangents from a point is a curve, and the line of contact of the curve tangents from a point is a straight line (Figs. 19 and 20). A similar converse relation is exhibited in Figures (21) and (22). If the curve be of the second degree, equations (o) become (4) identical. The line and of contact or the polar is always in this case a straight line, and so is the locus (7). Figures (19) and (20) now become identical, as also (21) and (22). The polar of the point of intersection of two right lines with regard to a conic passes through their poles. 4130 Proof. —As their poles, and Let (1) and (2) be the two lines, point of intersection. in (4124). x'y' their (,t,.Vi), (^VJi) . GENERAL METHODS. 577 which the line joining two given 0. cut by the curve /(x, y) Substitute for x and y, the supposed coordinates of the point of intersection the values To 4131 points xy, find the ratio in = x'y' is i n-\-n n-\-n and determine the ratio n n' from the resulting equation. The real roots of this equation correspond to the real points of : intersection. To form 4132 drawn the equation of all the tangents that can be from a point x'y' to the curve Express the condition for equal roots of the equation in (4131), and consider xy a variable point. To form the equation of the lines drawn from the points of intersection of two curves. 4133 all Substitute 7ix-\-n'x, ny' and eliminate Proof. —Take The intersection. fore the ratio may be n : -\-n'y n x'y' to for x and y in both curves, . any other point xy on the line through xij and a point of ratio n n (4131) is the same for each curve, and there: eliminated. To find the length, r = AP or AP' (Fig. 23), of the segment intercepted between the point A or x'y' and the curve / {x, y) = on a straight line drawn from A at an inclination 9 to the That is, to form the polar equation with axis. x'y' for the pole and the initial line parallel to the x axis. Substitute for X. and y, the assumed coordinates of the point of intersection, the values x = ON or ON', y = PN or P'N', 4134 X that is, X = .r'+r cos^, j =: y'-\-r ^m.6, That is, put the resulting equation. in (4051). The real values of r are the distances of the points of intersection from x'y'. and determine r from a = When an equation has been obtained for determining X the length of a line, important results may frequently be arrived at by applying theorem (406) respecting the sum and product of the roots. 4135 4 E CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONIC S. 578 THE CIRCLE. Equation with the centre for origin. a?^+i/^=r\ 4136 (Fig. 24.) Equations of the tangent at the point or x'y'. =-jr (.r-ciO. ^v^v'+m' = r\ 4137 (4120) y-l/ 4138 Also, by (4124), the polar of 4139 ?/ -V cos any point not on the curve. x'y', = ma^-^r Vl-^ni' 4140 a P m = — ^. ; a-\-i/ siu a (4123) = r, being the inclination to the x axis of the radius to the point '<^'y'- Equation of the circle with the coordinates of the a, h for centre Q. (Fig. 24.) (.,,_«)'^4.(,^_6y^=,.^ 4141 Tangent at x'y', or Polar, = r\ = r, Op -«)(y -«)+(// -6)0/ -ft) 4142 4143 or (cP — a) cos a+ (//— b) sin a a being the inclination of the radius to the point General equation of the circle 4144 4145 Centre {-^g, Equation of the 4146 4147 circle = 0. Eadius -/). — By equating coefficients y{g^-\-f^-c). with (4141). with oblique axes .(••^+ 2d'i/ cos 0) +//" (Fig. 25.) : {.v-aY + 0/-0y-\-'2 {a'-^a){,/-b) cos or x'y'. : .^--|-/+2^>^^•+2^/+c Proof. (4138) <o = r~, — 2((i-\-b cos — 2{b-\-a cos6>)// co) .v -|- cr + 2ab cos (D-\-b- = r~. (7u2) — : f THE GIBGLE. 579 General Equation. 4148 The coordinates of the centre are fcOSCU 4149 4150 = Ptadius = 0. cos (o-{-7f-\-2g\v+2fi/-\-e ci'^+2.r// — o- — \i>'- 2fi>' COS , 2- cos (o-\-f- CO — — c siir <o SlUOt) — By equating Proof. coefficients with (4147). Polar Equation. r'+P-2rl 4151 4152 or r^ — By Proof. r''-^2gr cos tan a 4154 Proof. 4156 points '*'l — By equating P .Co//.,, ^+2/r = ^. being / sin where d. : d+c = 0. = V^+f- circle passing through the three x^y.^. — Eliminate g,f, and c w y 1 <^i III 1 from (4144) by (4117). Equation of the chord joining circle x^ 4158 and r Ih Proof. 4157 (Fig. 2G) coefficients witli (4152). Equation of the rt'i?/i, c\ — 2l cos a r cos 6—21 siu a r sin 6-\-l^—r — 0. (702), the coordinates of General form of the polar equation 4153 = (^-a) cos x^ij-^^ xjj., two points on the + y' = v" ^r = ^r^2+Ih!h+r', (4083, 4136) = rcosi(^,-^.,), &c. 7'sin0i = y^, Grx+^r,) +// (y.+y^) or .rcosi(6'i+6',) rcos^i = + r^i, 7/sini(6'i+6',) CAETESIAN ANALTTIOAL G0NIC8. 580 — = ''^^ may Note. The coordinates x, y of a point on the circle x- -\- yoften be expressed advantageously in this way in terms of 0, a single variable. 4159 4160 = S Let {.v-ay-\-{?j-hy-'r' = Then, if xij be a point P outside the If xy be circle, S becomes tbe square of the tangent from P. a point P' within the circle, S becomes minus the square of the ordinate drawn through P' at right angles to the radius be any circle (Fig. 27). throu2:h P'. CO-AXAL CIRCLES. (See also 984 and 1021.) 4161 be two If = .v'+ir+2g.v +2/// +c = -S circles, the If x = 0, equation to the radical axis is be taken for the radical axis, the equation to any system of coaxal circles (1021) is circle (radius r) of the 4162 ± 82 = .v'-{-f-2K\v and + in Figure (1), — in Figure and h=. 10 a variable. 4164 The polar of xy' for (2). any = ± S\ constant, d = IB k'-r^ Here ii circle of the system passes through the intersection of .vx -\-i/i/ Proof.— Its equation ± S^ = is xx' and .r + = 0. .r' + yTj'-h (x + x')±P = (4121). Then by (4099). 4165 When Jc = ^, then h = ID = ID'. D and D' are Poncelet's limiting points. The polar of D with respect to any of the circles passes through D\ and vice versa, by (41 G4). 4166 4167 Tangents from any point on the radical axis system are equal (41(30, '01). circles of the to all THE GIBGLE. 581 The radical axes of three circles, S^, point called their radical centre. 4168 S^, S.^, meet in a D The reciprocals with respect to the origin or D' of the system of co-axal circles are all confocal conies (4558). 4169 The equation of the circle, centre Q, cutting the = h, .r'+/— 2%— = 0. system of circles orthogonally is, putting IQ, 4170 8'^ This circle passes through The common tangents (x-aY + (y-hy D and to the = r' —Assume (4143) in Pboof. a, h, r, a, Then tana = tana'; therefore two equations. The chords a' and =a also in or tt a', b', + u. 0. r, — a as coinciding Take the difference of contact are {a-a'){ai-a')-\-{b-b'){i/^b')+r(r^r') for exterior tangents, —For these are straight Pkoof. r'\ is ia-a'){^-a) + {b-b){i/-b)-\-r{rzfr') 4172 4173 with circles (x-ay+{y-hy = {a— a) cosa+(6— 6') sina+r=Fj''= 4171 of the two and (See also 1037.) The equation for a in (4143) lines. (1230, 1236) D'. + = 0, = 0, for transverse. and they pass through the points of contact of each pair of tangents respectively, by (4171). lines, The centres of similitude 0, Q are the intersections of the external and transverse tangents respectively. 4174 4175 Coordinates of 0, Coordinates of Q, a'r—ar' r—r 'il±^, r-\-r b'r—br' 7 — r Vr+br r-\-r — By equating coeflBcients in (4172) and (4142), the polar of The six centres of similitude of three circles lie Proof. or Q. 4176 on CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 582 Sec the figure four straight lines called axes of similitude. of (1046). Proof. The coordinates of the three centres of the forms (4174, '75) — will in each case satisfy equation (4083). The equation of the external axis of similitude determinant notation (554), 4177 is, in = 0. (IrA) a3-(l?v/3) y + {nh(h) — By forming the equation of the right line passing through two of the centres of similitude whose coordinates are as in (4174). Peoof. The remaining three axes are found by changing in turn the signs of i\, r^ ; r^, r^ rg, r^. 4178 ; one of the circles touches the other two, one axis of similitude passes through the points of contact. 4179 If 4180 The angle 6, at which the r (Fig. 29), intersects the radius U is circle Proof : y) whose centre = radius 0, is lih, and given by the equation iJ2-2iJrcos^ 6 F [x, circle = B'- 2.Br cos 6 OQP, = jP(/i, + r- = A'). FT' + /•- ^F (Ji, 1-) + r\ (702) and (4160). 4181 x^ Cor. 1. — If the circles are given + + 2g'oj-{-2f'y-{-c' = y'' the equation for cos 2Rr 4182 CoE. orthogonally 4183 CoR. 2. becomes, since cos 6 — The 0, ;,^-{-y' = 2g'g'-^ by the equations + 2i/x + 2j'y + e = h=—g, k= —/, 2ff'-c-c. 0, (4145) condition that the two circles may solving three such we can cut is 3. —By equations, find the circle cutting three given circles orthogonally (4186). 4184 circles — The condition that four orthogonal the determinant equation CoR. 4. may have circle is a common ^3 g^ Jl 1 TEE FABABOLA. 583 = + + cuts 4185 Cor. 5.— If the circle x- if iax-^2Fy^G three other circles at the same angle Q, we have, by (4081), The resulting deterthree equations to determine G, F, G. minant equation may be written ^v'+if -.V -w -7J 1 -{-2R cosp 4186 The first determinant, put = -11 1 CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 584 is in a constant ratio (a) to its distance directrki). XM (the When e from a fixed = unity, the curve is a parabola. riglit line (See also p. 248, et seq.) Equation of the Parabola with origin of coordinates at the vertex A. 4201 = 4«ci. a = AS, y = FN. !r Here x = AN, Proof.— Geometrically, at (1229). Analytically, from PS'' = if + ix- af = PM" = (x + af. The equations with the f^ S and X respectively r origin at are 4202 = 4^a{a^-\-a), y = 4«(cV-«). t/ Equations (4048) ^ : : : THE PARABOLA. 585 Equation of the parabola with a diameter and tangent for axes of coordinates. f = ^acc, 4211 where 4212 'r- = acoBeG^e = SP; x = PV; y = QV. a Proof.— Geometrically, at (1239). = -VQ'hc equal Otherwise, let VQ V being the point xy, roots of opposite signs of the quadratic (4221), therefore y'^ since ?/^ = 4a x or r^ = (y'"'—4^ax') cosec^ = 4a cosec" d.x, abscissa of P. Equations (4204-10) hold good for these axes, with a written for a in each. For the polar equation of the parabola, see (4336). 4213 4214 Quadratic for n^ which the line joining the parabola i/—4ax : n.2, the ratio of the segments into x^yi, a'o^a is divided by two given points = 0, (4131) Equation of a pair of tangents from any point 4215 {y"-4^a.v'){t/-^tt^') The condition x'y' = W-2« (^4-.^0}' = 0. for equal roots in (4214). Quadratics for the coordinates of the points of contact of tangents from x'y' 4216 aj^^-(y'^-2ax') x-aw" /-2?/y+4a.r' 4217 = 0. = 0. — Proof. Solve simultaneously the equations of the curve and the polar (4205) and (4125). Coordinates of the point of intersection of tangents at and x^y.^ 4218 y=y^. 2 a'=m 4a 4 F Xj^yi : : GAETE8IAN ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 686 Quadratic for m of the tangent m\v 4220 from xy' — my + « = 0. (4206) General polar equation of the parabola, or quadratic the segment intercepted between a point, x]j\ and the to curve on a line drawn from that point at an inclination the X axis (4134), 4221 for r, r' sin2^+2r {ij sin ^-2a cos ^) +?/''— 4ay = 0. Quadratics for the coordinates of the points of intersection 4<ax (4116) Ax + By + G and the parabola y^ = A\v^-2 {2B'a^AC) .v+C = 0. Ai/'-^4<Bai/-\-4^Ca = 0. of the line 4222 4223 Length : of intercepted chord, W{{Bhi'-ACa){A'-^B')}-^A\ 4224 Equation of the secant through x^i/i, x^y^, (4oa4) two points on the parabola 4225 = ^jiVz-^^ax, y{m^-\-m2) = 2a-\-2m-^mo^oc. !/ {yi+y2) 4226 or 4227 4228 The subtangent The subnormal Pkoof.— Put y = in NT = 2x. NG = 2a. (4083) Fig. of (4201) (4205) and (4208). 4229 The tangent PT' 4230 The normal = 4^.v{a-^.v). PG' = ki (a^.v). The perpendicular p from the focus upon the tangent at xy 4231 p = ^/aia^+a) = Vu^- : (4212), (4095) w THE ELLIPSE AND EYPEBBOLA. The part of the 4234 normal intercepted by the curve 4«(l + m^ 4233 4« ^ ^ cos d = 6rt\/o and 9?i = v/2. = -^ = 4a'. Coordinates of rtrt 4237 * =- Coordinates of 4239 its extremities, with the focus for origin 2« cos 6 ^-^j^^i, its (4212) centre '2a «/ = - ^^^em- : y ^=^-|S^' (See also : sin 6 = 2a.oie. THE ELLIPSE AND HYPEEBOLA. 4250 equal to (4221), (4135) _ siu- is of a chord thi^ough the focus 4235 - m')t The minimum normal Length 587 p. ' 233, et seq.) Referring to the definition (4200) when e is less than is an eUii^se ; when greater than unity, an ; unity, the conic hyperhola. Equation of the and ellipse with the origin of coordinates at X SX=p. 4251 Proof. y^-^{.v^py — Bj the definition in (4200). Abscissae of vertices 4252 = e\v\ : XA = ^, (Supply A' XA' in the following figure.) = j^. (4115) 588 OABTESIAN ANALYTICAL 00NIG8. m' ) THE ELLIPSE AND HYPERBOLA. ^3 4273 Proof.— By 7/+ (4200), Def. Ki + GSf = e^(a; QN 6 PiV: 4274 4275 {x .2 ^ «2 :: : + OX)^ X and y in terms of the eccentric angle 4278 (4271) (^, y <^, of the point P. : = h siu y = b tan = acos<t>, X = a sec a^ &c. a. — QGNis the eccentric angle, 4276 689 <ji. <^. (Ell.) (Hyp.) Five forms of the equation of the tangent or polar of the point xy' : 4280 4281 y—ti = oox_,inL— „2 "T 12 (4120) 7-;(<l?— 0?). 1 *• (4123) 4282 4283 4284 4285 •y aft a7C0S(^ ?/sin(^ ^ ^sec(^ ytaii(^ _-^ X COS y-\-y siu y being the inclination of ^. = 1 (Ell (4276) (Hyp.) (4278) \/ d^ cos'^y+ft'^ siu^ y, (4054) & (4372) : . : : CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 690 Five forms of the equation of the normal at x'y' : = g; (---')• 4286 2/-y 4287 ^-^=a'-h\ y ^''''^ ha^-h/ or = a'-b\ oc where h and h are the intercepts »=m.r-i!Lig!=^ 4289 sec j>—hy cosec 4290 «.^' 4291 .*\^-^x2/ where a^iyi is = <^ of the tangent. («23) . = a^—fy'. (4276) (^^^2) {^x^'-Viy'). the extremity of the conjugate diameter. Intercepts of the tangent or polar on the axes -^ 4292 — and (4115), (4281) y 00 Intercepts of the normal 4294 On the X axis, 4296 On the 7/ axis, Focal distances r, 4298 4299 Proof, (4287) _ —5— x ,,2 —" 1^2 or ~ or y r of a point <r?/ {a±cx) in Ell. (ca7±a) in — From = {ae±x)--\-if, r' e^x. — y37.//- on the curve : Hyp. and (4272). Perpendiculars from the foci upon the tangent 4300 p = byj^, p' = byj'-. (4095,4282) THE ELLIPSE AND HYPEBBOLA. 4302 591 CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL C0NIG8. 592 Quadratic for abscissae of points of contact of the tangent from xy' 4312 : cr^ {bV-^aY^)-2aWxiv'-^a' ih^-y^) m Quadratic for 4313 of the tangent from xij = 0. (4282, 4125) : = 0. m' {x'--a^)-2mxy-\-y'-h'' (4282) General polar equation of the ellipse, or quadratic for r, the segment intercepted between the point q/i/ and the curve to on the right line drawn from that point at an inclination the major axis and x axis of coordinates. («' sin^^+i^ cos-^) r^ 4314 +2r (ay sin ^+6V cos^) + {aY+bV-a'b') 4315 Length of 4316 Distance 4317 intercej)ted chord to = = 0. difference of roots. middle point of chord = half sum of roots. Rectangle under segmc7its ^products of roots. — If two chords be drawn to a conic at two constant inclinations to the major axis, the ratio of the rectangles under their segments is invariable. CoE. For, if xij be their point of intersection, the ratio in ques- becomes a^sin^0-j-Z>^ cos-0 constant if B and B' are constant. tion : Locus a^sin-0'-f-^'cos''O^', of centres of parallel chords 4318 a^y sin e-^-h'x cos ^ which is : = (4314) 0. Quadratic for abscissae of points of intersection of the line Ax-\-By-\-G and the ellipse Wx^-\-a"y^—crlr' 0. (411G) = 4319 >iQOA = {A^a'-\-B-}r) x''-{-2ACd\v-\-Chi"-B-a-¥ = 0. _ -ACa''±Bahx/ A'a'-i-n-fr-C' A-a-\-B-b^ 4321 For the ordinates transpose A, B and a, h. THE ELLIPSE AND HYPERBOLA. Length of intercepted chord 693 : Hence the condition that the hne may touch the A'a'-{-B%' 4323 = The chord through two points *^'^* 0\ Xiij^, x^y.i, is ~ P "^ ^? a" "^ ^ b' denoting the points by their eccentric angles chord joining a/3 is or, The coordinates tangents at V (or a/3 — ^^y^'^^^-^y^ ^ V ^ = ^\+^2 QQo "^^^ as above). ^' iVi—y^^ oi\yx-x^y^i ""^y^'^'^^-'y^ The following >1 the a, /3, chord or intersection of of the pole of the x-^y^, x.^y^ Vx-Vy-i 4329 ' ±cos^ + |-sin5+^ = cos^. 4325 4326 ellipse is = ^'(-^^^"-^-J («+^) -a ^^^^ cosi(a-^)" = b ^i^i(^+^) . cosi(a-/8) ^^^^2-^*^1 relations also subsist — «^ sin g sin ^ _ 6^ __ b (sina+sin/S) __ a - - cos a cos ^ (cosa+cosff) 2.V 2y " which are of use in finding the locus of connected by some fixed equation." {x, y) when a, /3 (Wolstenholme's Problems, 4 G p. are 116.) CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL OONIGS. 694 If a, i3, 7, S are tlie eccentric angles of tlie feet of the four normals drawn to an ellipse from a point xy, tlien 4334 a+)8+y+8 = 37r or — Equation (4290) gives the following biquadratic in 5ir. Proof. by/ + 2(ax + a'-h') Let a, h, (406). ^ c, d be the +2 + —r; + ca= — + ab ca -=^ = —1 = tan|a, ahcd from which, since a + y) + sin(y + a) + sin(a + /3) =0; l — (ab + ac + &c.)+ahcd = 0, and, since a + + y + 2 = Stt tani(a+/3-f y + o) = 00, we }^(j), be ^ &c., = tan z = 0. = and (ax-a' + h') z-by Eliminate d from ah + ac + &c. roots. Thus ab + hc z' get sin(/3 .-. /3 or Stt. The points on the curve where it is met by the normals drawn from a fixed point xy' are determined by the intersections of the curve and the hyperbola 4335 a^'cc'y-y'yx = (4287) c'xij. POLAR EQUATIONS OF THE CONIC. The focus S being the pole any conic (Fig. of 4201), the equation of is r(l+ecos^) 4336 = /, being measured from A, the nearest vertex. 1. For the parabola, put e = Proof. — r=SP; d = A8F; l = SL; r = e{8X + SN) (4200) = + er cob l 6. The secant through two points, P, F, on the curve, whose angular coordinates are a+/3 and a— /3 (Fig. 28), is r {ecos^4-seci8cos(a-^)} 4337 = /. a, I'SQ = FSQ = ft. Take (4109) for the equation of PP'. Eliminate r, and r, by (433G), and substitute 2a for e, + d^ and 2/3 for 0,-0,. Geometrically. Let PP' cut the directrix in Z then QSZ is a right angle, by (IIGG). Take C any point in PP' SC = r ASC = 0. Draw CD, CE, CF, CG parallel to SL, SP, SQ, SX, and Dll parallel to XL. Then Proof.— Let ASQ = Analytically. ; ; ; l=SL= SH+HL. BL ^P _ SL _ ^'^ _ SL arr ^^=^^^ = "''°^^- GG=PM-^-lJX-GG' or, .-. IlLz= = r cos (a — 0) sec r sin CSF sec = er cos/(3 + >'sec/3 cos(u— 0). CE = .•. IlL n Z /? /3, THE ELLIPSE AND HYPERBOLA. The equation 595 of tlie tangent at the point a is, conse- quently, 4338 r {e cos A = I. Focal Chord. _ "~ Length 4339 ^+cos (a-^)} 2/ (4336) 1— e^cos^^' Coordinates of the extremities, the centre origin 4340 4342 a^ The meet in the _ _ a(e±cos6) l±ecos6 the / sin 6 ^"Idzecos^* ' lines joining the extremities of two focal chords [By (4337) directrix. Polar equation with vertex for pole 4343 r^ (1 -e^ cos^ 6) : = 21 cos d. Polar equation with the centre for pole r^ («' sin^ or Proof.—By (4200) : = a'b\ r ^/(l-e' cos^ 6) = b. 4344 4345 G being : (4273). e+b' Otlierwise, cos^- 6) by (4314), with x' = y' = 0. CONJUGATE DIAMETERS. dr T A A' Equation of the coordinate axes 4346 : ellipse referred to conjugate diameters for CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL C0NIC8. 596 where 4347 Here a a" = = »'^' h" a-sm'a+6'cos'a' CD, h' = GP, a is the = a- sin' angle —+ DCB, and . 6 cos^ /8 ' /3 the angle jS FOB. Proof. tan a tan —Apply /3 = When 4349 (4050) ^, a = to the equation (4273), putting ^ = -^ and -^ by (4351) h', = and equation (4346) ^-^ir = « = i {(I'+b'). a+/3 tt, becomes ' Let the coordinates of D be x, y, and those of equation of the diameter GP conjugate to GD is P x,y; the : TEE ELLIPSE AND HYPERBOLA. xy 597 The perpendicular from the centre upon the tangent given by at is 7 = -^+^- 4366 The area of the parallelogram PCDL where p = PF, (Fig. of 4307) is = ab = a'h' sin = CP, = A PCD. a' = GD, pa' 4367 (4281,4064) <u, i^ b' Proof.— From (4366), and (4352), and a'=^x' + y'\ Other values of p^ 4369 P'^-i^-^W^r 4371 p^ Proof. — From (4844, = a" sin^ e-\- b' cos^ 0. '67), p^ 4372 = putting r a^ cos' y being the inclination of p^ 4373 = a. y +6' (4371) sin' y, j9. = a" (1 -e' sin' y). Equations to the tangents at x, y D being (^362) P (4372, 4260) and P\ the coordinates of : ocy'-yx 4374 =±ab (4073) m = -^. DETERMINATION OP VARIOUS ANGLES. j)Cd=-^. 4375 tan 4377 where c = ^{a'-h') PCD = - ^, = G8. Fig. p. 595. (4356) (4070, 4352-3) , CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 698 tan 4378 i// be tlie c^ ^p = + /SPr. tan ^P^' figure i.no' y »', (4280) = tP^. 2¥ = —^, tan CPG = (652, 4378) ^. to an ellipse, TOF' = and construction of (1180), OS'+OS"-S^ 2(70H20/S^-4a^ ITOS'. _ Therefore „ are the coordinates of 0, tanPOP' 4386 x axis, Then by (631) and (4379). OP^ OP' are tangents Proof.—By tlie = £+^. = -^ sm ^ ai/ tan SPS' 4382 4383 ^^^^^^ ^^SG, 4336) ^ e inclination of the tangent to ianxlf ^ Proof: If — = 1+gcosg sm [See figure on page 588. 4380 If = = P8T. where If (SPT)^ = 2v£(*!£!+£2:!z^. — Proof. By (4311), taking terms of the second degree for the two parallel through the origin and tan^ from (4112). lines It is may worthy of also be usefully conjugate diameters signification of ^ remark that the substitutions (4276-8) employed when the axes of reference are : though, in that case, the geometrical no longer exists. I aN TV- f'sittI TEE HYPERBOLA. 599 THE HYPERBOLA REFERRED TO THE ASYMPTOTES. .ri/=JK+6^). 4387 Proof.— By (4273) and Here x (4050). = CK, Equations of the tangent at P, {x, 4388 ciy+y?/ 4389 y y = PK. ?/). = i(«'+^')- (4120) = m.v-{- v/m(«^+6'0. (4123) 4390 4391 Intercepts on the axes 4392 Here a CI = 2a?' , CL = 2?/. THE RECTANGULAR HYPERBOLA. ordinary axes h, e = \/2 ; ^'-1/ 4393 4394 = and the equation with the is Tangent = «'• xx'-yy'^a''. (4273) (4281) OABTESIAN ANALYTICAL GONIGS. 600 Equation with tlie asymptotes for axes : = a\ a:y-\-xij = a\ 2ay 4395 Tangent 4396 (4387) (4388) THE GENERAL EQUATION. The general equation 4400 of the second degree is + ^hxij + hf -H 2gx + 2/7/ + c = 0, + hif + cz^+2fyz + 2gzx-{-2hxy = 0, ci9^ 4401 or ax^ The equation will be denoted hj u ov with <\>{x,y) = z l. = 0. THE ELLIPSE AND HYPERBOLA. When the general equation (4400), taken to rectangular axes of coordinates, represents a central conic, the coordinates of the centre, 0' (Fig. 30), are 440^ ^1 - ^^_j^ - y c' ab-h' - C — Proof. By changing the origin to the point xt/ and equating the g and /each to zero (4048). /t^, see (4430). For the case in which ab new = 4404 The transformed equation 4405 where c' is ax^-\-2hjcij-\-hy^-\-c' = aa^''-\-2Lv)/-\'hir+2g.v-^2fi/'-\-c. 4406 =g*<^'+/y+^. ^407 - «ft^+2fyA-^(f-^fA''^-^/^'^ _ A. The X axis 4408 = 0, (4466) inclination B of the principal axis of the conic to the is ffiven by tan 2^ = ^. Proof.— (Fig. 30.) By turning the axes (4049) and equating the new h to zero. in (4404) through the angle 6 , TEE GENERAL EQUATION. now becomes Tlie transformed equation «V+6y+c' = 4409 4410 iu which 4411 a and b' =^{a-\-b+ \/m^+(«-6)^ } b' =i a-\-b' The semi-axes 4414 V--^, Note. (4408), {a-\-b-v'4sh'-\-{a-by} — we have two equations = (i-^b, ab' ab — h\ [See (4418). e=^'(^l-|^). ^^'"^ V-T' If B (4273) (4261) of the foci, see (5008). be the acute angle determined by equation to choose between tion in question, since tan 20 Rule.* — For = aiid excentricity are For the coordinates 4416 0, ti are found from the 4412 601 is 9 and 0-\-^ for the also equal to tan (20 the ellipse, the inclination of the + 7r). major axis + ^7r, X axis of coordinates will be the acute angle 6 or according as h and c' have the same or different signs. hyperbola, read " dfferent or the same.'' to the inclina- — For the Proof. Let the transformed equation (4409) be written in terms of the semi-axes p, 2 thus cfx'^+p'y'^ Now turn jfcf, representing an ellipse. the axes back again through the angle —d, and we get ^ ; {q^ cos^ 6 +f sin^ d) X'- (p'^-c/) sin 2$ xy + {(f Comparing this we have ip'^ — 'i) sin 29 sin20 =— c' p-q^ 2/i, t/^ = p\\ = —g\ = — c'; = ^.^^„. p' c when h and sin^ d-\-p^ cos' 0) with the identical equation (4404), ax^ + 21ixy-\-hi/ Hence — q" have the same sign, p being >q. applies to the hyperbola by changing the sign of * This rule and the demonstration of it are due to Hammersmith. 4 H A ^ is < -J 2 similar investigation g'. Mr. George Heppel, M.A., of ' , CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL C0NIG8. 602 INVARIANTS OF THE CONIC. Transformation of the origin of coordinates alone does not alter the values of a, h, or h, whether the axes, be This is seen in (4404). rectangular or oblique. 4417 When the axes are rectangular, turning each through an angle 9 does not affect the values of ab-h', 4418 When in «+6, ^^-4-/^ or c. the axes are oblique (inclination w), transformation affect the values of the expressions any manner does not 4422 . —^ and , —^^ These theoi'ems may be proved by actual transformation by the formulae For other methods and additional invariants of the conic, see in (4048-50) . (4951). 4424 If the axes of coordinates are oblique, equation (4400) transformed to the centre in the same way, and equations (4402-6) still hold good. If the final equation referred to axes coinciding with those of the conic be is 4425 and shall a\v'-^h'ii'-\-c' the inchnation of the c unaltered, new axis of ,i' we to the old one, have 4426 tan 20= 2/,sm^-„sm2<« 2/t coso)—-a cos2a* 4427 , = 0, _ CT+fe— 2Acos6j+yQ 2 sin- , ' J, — /> _ (i-\-h—2hQO^<o — ^Q 2 0} sin- w = a^-\-'U^-\-2ah cos 2w + 4A {a-\-h) cos a)-{-4^^. Proof. — (4404) now transformed by the substitutions ^ ' where Q putting a' and the // new is in (4050), + 9O°, and equating the new h to zero to determine tan 20. are most readily found from the invariants in (4422). Thus, putting /t and the new w dO\ /3 = = = a 7/ +0 . = — —— a + 6 —~ 2/i cosw - sm equations which determine a and u> ?/. n /w and ab h^ = ah-r-5—— sin u) THE GENERAL EQUATION. The eccentricity of the general conic (4400) 603 is given by the equation __£!_ 4429 _ (a + b-2li cos coy _^ — By (4415), and the invariants in (4422). Proof. THE PARABOLA. When — = Jr ab 0, the general equation (4400) represents a parabola. For X, y' in (4402) then become infinite and the cui^ve has no centre, or the centre may be considered to recede to 4430 infinity. Tui^n the* axes of coordinates at once through an angle % (4049), and in the transformed equation let the new coeffiEquate li to zero; this gives cients be a, 111, h\ 2c/, 2/ c'. (4408) again, tan 26 = — , 2/? -. If 6 be the acute angle deter- this equation, we can decide whether 9 or 9-\-^Tr is the angle between the x axis and the axis of the parabola by the following rule. mined by — The inclination of the axis of the imvahola to KuLE. the X axis of coordinates will be tJie acute angle 9 fh. has the opposite sign to that o/a or b, and 9-\-\Tr if it has the same 4431 sign. — Let that sign Since ah — h^ Proof. 0, a and h have the same sign. be positive, changing signs throughout if it is not. Then, for a point at infinity on the curve, x and y will take the same sign when the inclination is But, since the acute angle 9, and opposite signs when it is O + ^tt. co, the terms of the first degree +00 we must have 2hxij ax^^lif vanishing in comparison. Hence the sign of h determines the angle as stated = = =— , in the rule. 4432 -"<'=V46' Proof.— From the value and from 4434 For (4431). /t^ = of tan 20 above, d a = and h' = ab — lr = 0, and we ensure a+b' = a+b (4412). Also = V^- being the acute angle obtained, ab. Also a'b' •^°«'' = a+ b. that a' and not 6' vanishes by : CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 604 = g COS e+f sin e = 4436 ff 4438 r = .cos^-^si„<»=^-:^i=^*. 4440 But if /i same sign lias tlie - "^^ff^* as a and b, change 6 into (4431) O+Itt. Pkoof.— By (4418, 4432-3). The coordinates 4441 of the vertex are y=--y- ''^-W^' Obtained by changing the origin to the point x'lj and equating to zero The coefficient of x then gives the coefficient of y and the absolute term. the latus rectum of the parabola viz. ; L- - 4443 ^- - 2 ^J>±/V^. (4437) METHOD WITHOUT TRANSFORMATION OF THE AXES. 4445 Let the general equation (4400) be solved as a quadThe result may be exhibited in either of the forms ratic in y. 4446 // 4447 y 4448 1/ 4449 4454 ,. - >> —j, fi = -j, (^ y and Hero v/ = („b c+2fkh-ar-hf,--''lr) {(ib—lr)- 4456 4458 = arJrfi±Vf^ {(^^-pY+iq-f)}^ = a.'+,8± v> (.r-y)(.r-S), a=z where , = aa^+/3± \/ft {x'-1px^rq)^ = aa'4-/3 S ^." _ . bA C'- = ± V{f—q). ;> is the equation to the diameter DD THE GENERAL EQUATION. 605 D and D\ its extremities, (Fig. 31), 7 and g are the absciss93 of the tangents at those points being parallel to the y axis. The OM. The axes may be rectwhen x surd angular or oblique. — = PN = FN When ah — ]r = 0, 4459 1/ = = 4460 where 4462 In this case, p equation (4446) becomes aa +/3 d= J ^q'-2p^v, bg—hf, q=p—bc. ^, is the abscissa of the extremity of the diameter whose equation infinite branches. is = ax-}-^ y and the curve has RULES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE GENERAL EQUATION. First examine the value of ab— h^ and, if this is not zero, calculate the numerical value of c (4407), and j^roceed as in (4400) et seq. If ab— h^ is zero, find the values ofip' and q' The following are the cases that arise. (4459). 4464 ab—h- positive —Locus an ellipse. Particular Gases. 4465 ^= See (4402). 4466 By 4467 By 4468 6A — Locus the point positive —No (4447-54), since q—p^ /i = (4144). xy'. For, by (4404), the conjugate axes vanish. and a = locus. is b then positive. — Locus a circle. In other cases proceed as in (4400-14), ab—h^ negative —Locus an hyperbola. Particular Gases. 4469 A = — Locus two right lines intersecting in the point xy'. By (4447), since g—p^ then vanishes. In this case solve as in (4447). 2 CARTESIAN ANyiLYTICAL CONICS. 606 bA negative 4470 4471 By a-\-b —Locus the conjugate hyperbola. —Locus the rectangular hyperbola. = (4414), since a'= = = — —h'. Locus an hyperbola, with its asymptotes a b parallel to the coordinate axes. The coordinates of the centre 4472 —^ now are — -^, and Transfer the origin to by (4402). the centre, and the equation becomes ''^=T- 4473 In other cases proceed as in (4400-14). 4474 ah —Locus a parabola. — h^ = Particular Gases. 4475 4476 By 4477 ^ By By (4459). = — Locus two parallel right lines. = q = — Locus two coinciding right lines. |/ J)' (4459). = Ji' (4459). and (/ negative —No In other cases proceed as in (4430-43). of a, li, h, (j, f, c are respectively G here. locus The = 0. 2x'^-2xy+y' + 3x-y-l Ex. 1.: Here the values The locus. ah 2, —1, 3 1, --, — h- 1 —— , —1, 4 therefore an ellipse, none of the exceptions (44G5-7) occurring coordinates of the centre, by (4402), are is ' _ kf-bg ah — h' _ _i Hence the equation transformed „' _ f/^'-"/ _ _ ab — k to the centre is 2x'-2xy + y'-^ = 0. Turning the axes of coordinates through an angle (4408), we find the new a and h from a' + 6' = 3, 1 '1 ah' = \; (4412) so that tan29=— ; : THE GENERAL EQUATION. therefore and the The = i (3-^/5), a' final equation becomes 2 b' (3— = v/5) 607 ^ (3+ a;^ + 2 (3+ ^/5) v/5), ?/* = 9. major axis to the original x axis of coordinates the acute angle ^tan"^ ( — 2), by the rule in (4416). inclination of the 12x' + 60xy Ex. (2): The values of a6-7i^ = 0; + 75y'-12x-8y-6 = p' = bg-hf= jj' ta.29 By = ^^ = -|; g=-gsme+/cosg= fore y and sm« = we must take O+^tt the rule (4431), 6' cos e = (4432) -l^. for the angle, instead of 6. There- = -^. %43 =729- 87 (4435). Consequently the transformed equation Q^7 2 ^^^ The coordinates x' of a, h, I b, +"729"+ ^ 729^-^ -^ = ^ ^- computed by (4441), and the 44 87x/29*' + 6xy+9y' + bx + 15y + 6 = g,f, ab is ,64 44 of the vertex are Ex. (3) The values ^, (4460) Proceeding, a parabola. is ^^^J^^ = -/sine-, cos 0= = a+6 = —4, —6, q'=f-bc. -330; does not vanish (4475-7), the locus therefore, by (4430-43), we have Since 0. are respectively 12, 30, 75, —6, a, h, b, g,f, c is c —W = and p 0. — — = bg — kf = 0, are respectively 1, 3, 9, final , , 6, by (4475-7), if there is a locus at all, it consists of two parallel or coinciding lines. Solving the equation therefore as a quadratic in y, we therefore, obtain it in the form (x + oy + 2) (x + Sy + S) = 0, the equation of two parallel right lines. The equation 4478 of the tangent or polar of x'l/ is u,,'<.v-\-Uy,i/-\-u,,z = or u,.a:'-\-Uyt/-]-u.z =0 (4401, 1405) obtained by (4120) in the form = 0, {ax+hy-]-g) a;'+ {Kv^hy+f) y'J^^cc^fy^c = 0, 4479 («.!-'+%'+§•) .r+ (Ay +%'+/) y-\-g^'-^fy+c 4480 or CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 608 4481 or AVlien the curve passes through the origin, the origin is 4482 ga)-\-fy And tlie = 4483 4484 0. (4479) normal at the same point nv-g\i/ tangent at tlie is = 0. Intercepts of the curve on the axes, — — — -/. , a Length 4486 of b normal intercepted between the origin and the chord = ^^ V a-\-h (4483-4) Rigid Line and Gunic with the general Equation. n\ the ratio in which the line joining cut by the curve. Let the equation of the curve (4400) be denoted by ^ (aj, ?/) =0, and the equation of the tangent (4479) by (a3, y, ^') then the quadratic required will be found, ; by the method of (4131), to be Quadratic for n 4487 xy, : is x'lj t// = c-^^', n^^ {x\ y) -i-2mi\f/ The equation 4488 <t> Proof. CoR. 4489 {'V\ y, od\ of the tangents y) i> Gr, //) = y) + n^^ from {^ — The equation of {x, y) = 0. is y')}\ iu (4487). two tangents B.v^-'llliy^r Cy- aul .r'//' (.r, //, a>', — By the couditiou for equal roots Tlie equation of the 4490 (.r, asymptotes of = u tlirougli the origin is (46G5) i). (4400) + 2/mj(, + bill = 0. is : : THE GENERAL EQUATION. The equation = ax^-\-21ixy-\-hif the of eqiii — When the conic Proof. conjugates conic the of 1 is (a+&)(«-r+2/u7/-f 6//-) 4491 - 609 (a + h) (ax' + hif) ax^ + bif = is = = 2ah (x' 2 ((ib-1i^(^-\-if). 1, + ^f) the similar equation (ax'-hf) or is = 0, given by the intersections of the conic and a circle. Transformation of the axes then produces the above by tbe invariants in (4418). 4492 When the coordinate axes are oblique, the equation becomes {a-h){ax'-hif) + 2x (hx + hy) (h-a cos w) + 2ij (ax + hj)(]i-h cos w) = 0. Greneral polar equation 4493 (« cos^ 0-\-2h siu ^ cos e-\-b siir 6) r' + 2 fe cos ^+/siii 6) r-\-c = Polar equation with {x, ij) for the pole 0. (4134) : {a cos' e^~ 2/i siu 6 cos e-\-h sin 6) r4494 +2 {{ax^hy+g) cos^+(%+Act'+/) siu^} r^F{wy) ' = 0. Equation of the hue through xif parallel to the conjugate diameter 4495 Proof. {^—^v){a.v'-^luj^g)^{y-y'){luv'^hy'^f) — By the condition for equal roots = 0. of opposite signs (44'. »4). Equation of the conic with the origin at the extremity of L being the latus rectum. the major axis, 4496 if = L.v-{l-e') Equation when the point ah Ax -\-Iju-\-G 4497 = ^{(•'-")'+0/-'')'5 is (4269, '59) .v\ the focus and the directrix : =''7n§Jf- (^20"'«»^) : : CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 610 INTERCEPT EQUATION OF A CONIC. Tlie equation of a conic passing through four points whose intercepts on oblique axes of coordinates are s, «' and t, t\ is ^+2/..,+ |:-.(± + J.)-,(l + |)+l =0. 4498 Equation of a conic touching oblique axes in the points wliose intercepts are s and t : ^+2/u^//+^-^-^+l = 0, 4499 4500 (^ + |-^iy+nr// = or 0. Comparing with the general equation (4400), we have 4501 'S' = — , = --p^ * f g Perpendicular p from chord of contact wi/, _ AKOP. *^"^ = = 2h-— St 2 ^•^ (4096, 4500) s'+t'-26'tQOS<^' of the tangent at xy' : 4507 2(^+^-l)(i^ + |--l)+.-(.<.'/'+.'» = 4508 The equation (l + lstc)(x^ + y' 4509 Proof. /i (•l-'300), (x + y cosw) — k (y + x cos uj) + hk cos w = same coordinate axes the (^ + f-l) = — From 0- of the director- circle is + 2xy cos w)— The parabola with . c any point on the curve, to the vs'f^l/f^co W2 -~ ^' Equation v ^ putting o.. h= — ~ st 0. as in (4109) V7 + Vf=l(4174), and tliorefbro v = -. St : : : TEE GENERAL EQUATION. Equation of the tangent at 4511 or ,; 611 x', y' » = -Vi?- = ,„.r+_-j-^, (4123) Equation of the normal at xy' 4512 .'/ = »-+(^;^7+;)F. Normal through the 4513 The equations of S Proof.— Diameter t tbrotigh Of, -^^ Coordinates of the focus 6 451 4010 cV = are, =- ^ the figure of (4211). with any axes, by tte property OB = i?Q, iu ' : "^^ y ^ s'-\-f-\-2stGOSto' Equation of the directrix = — . (5009) s'+f+2stcos<o : cV{s-^t GOS(o)-\-1/{t-\-S COS 4518 (4122) n/-^- ^-f St = -l- and l = xVs = yVt. origin two diameters iL_X = 4514 '« 6)) = St COSG). — Proof. Expand (4509), and form the equation of the polar of the focus by (4479) and (4516). When the axes are also rectangular, the latus rectum i>= ^fi-^. 4519 (4095,4516-8) Locus of the centre of the conic which touches the axes at the points sO, 0^ 4520 t,v 4521 tute xy To make = Si/. (4500, 4402) the conic pass through a point xy' in (4500), and determine v. ; substi- CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL GONICS. 612 SIMILAR CONICS. — If two radii, drawn from two fixed Definition. points, maintain a constant ratio and a constant mutual inclination, tliey will describe similar curves. 4522 If the proportional radii be always parallel, the curves are also similarly situated. 4523 If tliere be two conies form (4400), then— The condition situated is of The (2), being with equations of the and similar similarly b — By (4404), changing to polar coordinates, condition of similarity only r : r' = constant. is M!=(^:; — ab h^—ab 4525 or, their and ^a = -^h = t 4524 Pi^OOF. (1) (4418-9) Ir with oblique axes, ^^gg (^^ + 6-2Aeosa))- ^ h^ {u'^b'--2h'Q0f^0iy — ab li- — ab' (4422_3) CIRCLE OF CURVATURE. CONTACT OF CONICS. — When two points common tangent, of intersection of two curves the curves have a contact of coincide on a ihQ first order; when three such points coincide, a contact of To osculate, is to have a conthe second order ; and so on. tact higher than the first. 4527 Def. 4528 The two conies (Fig, ^2) whose equations are = + />/r + a'x' + 21i'xii-\-h'tf + 2g'x = ax^ +2//r*'// 2j/<i! (1), (2), GIBGLE OF GUBVATUBE. 613 touch the y axis at the origin, 0, by (4482). EUminate the 0, the line third terms from (1) and (2), and we obtain x through two coincident points, and = 4529 {ah'-a'h) a'+2 {hh'-h'h) 1/-2 fe -?>» = 0, the equation to LM, the line passing through the two remain(4099) ing points of intersection of (1) and (2). Again, eliminate the last terms from (1) and and we (2), obtain 4530 «- « g") ^'+2 {hg'-h'g') .vy+ (bg'-b'g) 2/ the equation of the two lines OL, 4531 If the points L, coincide, the conies have contact for this is that (4530) must The condition of the first order. have equal roots M OM. therefore ; {ag' - ag) (bg' - b'g) = 4533 = 0, [By (4111) and (4099) - h'g)\ {lig M must If the conies (1) and (2) are to osculate, Vg. Therefore, in (4529), hg' coincide with 0. h'g, the conies have a contact of the If in (4532) hg' 4533 = = third order. CIRCLE OF CURVATURE. (See also 1254 The radius et seq.) of curvatui^e at the origin for tlie conic (Lv^-^2JLVt/-\-by^-\-2gx = 0, the axes of coordinates including an angle w, 4534 Proof. P —The circle = - h siu is (si touching the curve at the origin x^-\-2xy co?,b)-\-if—2rx sin w is = 0, by (4148), and the geometry of the figure, 2rsinw being the intercept on the X axis. The condition of osculating (4533) gives the value of p. p is positive when the convexity of the curve is towards the y axis. Eadius of curvature for a central conic at the extremity P of a semi-diameter a, the conjugate being h'. : CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONICS. 614 4535 = ^^=*l=if!*: = p Proof. a sm<y — Take the equation and , xijf = CF). Transform = (*V:My)!. (5138), or from (4538) and the value of h at (4365). The coordinates point (a in terms of x, y, the coordinates of the point P. 4539 Pkoof.— By figure of (434G) (4367) no Then by (4534). to parallel axes through P. The same -*;. jr j) for P, the of the centre of curvature are i= 4540 P,..00P.-(.ig. with the values of -~, ..o. 33.) = — ~^^ V 5| = t^ = i, PG, and PG' p, where 0^= a^—b\ at (4535) ana lj = ^^^=f^. and (4309). Radius of curvature for the parabola. Taking the diameter and tangent through the point for axes, 4542 By p ' ^=J^= ^^. Si = sin u sm^ (Fig. of 4201) ff (4534), and equation (4211). Coordinates of the centre of curvature at xij (rectangular axes) 4545 ^ Proof. —From = 2a cot 6. and y i/ The evolute — i}:p = y:PG where ^ and p = -|7.= 2a cosec" 0, of a central conic (Fig. 33) 4547 4548 = 3^+2«, : (aa^^-^{bf/)^={fr-Ir)K or c" {a\v^-^by-c'Y-\-27(rhh^\2nf = (r — lr. = 0, PG' = 2acosec0 CONFOCAL CONIC 8. 615 — Proof. Substitute for x, y in the equation of the conic (4273) their values in terms of ^, t} from (4540). Otherwise as in (4958), or by the method of (5157). The curve has cnsps at L, H, M, and K. The evolute Proof. of the parabola : —As in (4548), from the equations (4201) and (4545). CONFOCAL CONICS. ^ + |l=:l 4550 are confocal conies, or the sign of 4551 if a^-a" = ¥-h'\ may be changed. h'''^ For the confocal 4 + 1^=1 and of the general conic, see (5007). Confocal conies intersect, —If if at all, at right angles. are the two conies in (4550), changing the sign of h"" to make the second conic an hyperbola, « «'=0 will be satisfied at their point this proves the tangents at that If' -\-h'') and {hj a' a"^ of intersection Proof. «, «' — — ; = point to be at right angles (4078, 4280). Otherwise geometrically by (1168). conie P on one conic to a confocal angles with the tangent at P. [Proof at (1291) Tangents from a point 4552 make equal 4553 The locus of the pole of the line Ax+By G with h" r= A, is respect to a series of confocal conies in which d^ the right line perpendicular to the given one, — BCA-ACy-\-AB\ Proof. and I?6^= is {S. — The pole of the line for any of the conies being xy —Cy (4292) — 4554 locus = ; also d- — = lr' A. + Eliminate a" ; Aa? = — Cx and W. CoR. If the given line touch one of the conies, the the normal at the point of contact. CARTESIAN ANALYTICAL CONIC S. 616 — The two tangents drawn to an Grai-cs' Theorem. from a point on a confocal ellipse together exceed the intercepted arc by a constant quantity. 4555 ellipse — Let P, P' be consecutive points on the confocal from (Fig. 132.) Proof. which the tangents are drawn. Let fall the perpendiculars FN, P'N'. From The (1291), it follows that /.FP'N = F'FN', and therefore P'jV = P^". increment in the sum of the tangents in passing from P to P' is But this is also the BB' - QQ' + P'N- FN' = BB' - Q Q'. increment in the arc QB, which proves the theorem. M the tangents are drawn from a confocal hyperbola, is as in (Fig. 133), the difference of the tangents PQ, equal to the difference of the arcs QT, BT. 4556 •The proof FB is quite similar to the foregoing. ^t the intersection of two confocal conies, the centre of curvature of eitlier is the pole of its tangent with respect 4557 to the other. Pkoof. — Take -^ + ^ = a- At the point of intersection, loy a' (i.) — a"- = arc see, x"- and -^ a' = ^^ — ^, = 1 (ii.) for confocal conies. ' and y"-= — (where = (r—h'-); c" + h"\ The coordinates of the centre of curvature of x'y' in The polar of this point with x" = ^\ y" = -^(^ (4540-1). respect to we 1 (i.) h' h- (ii.) will be by the values of ^^ + -Kr = x', y', 1- that this Substitute the values of x", y"; and is also the tangent of (i.) at P. A system of coaxal circles (4161), reciprocated witli respect to one of the limiting points 1) or D\ becomes a system of confocal conies. 4558 — B is one common focus of the reciprocal conies, by The origin Pkoof. (4844). The polar of P with respect to any of the circles is the same line, by (41GG). P and its polar (both fixed) reciprocate (4858) into the line at The centre and one infinity and its polar, which is the centre of the conic. focus bcinc: the same for all, the conies are confocal. ANALYTICAL CONICS IN TRILINEAR COORDINATES. THE RIGHT LINE. For a description The square system of coordinates, see (4006). between two points aj3y, a'/3'y is, of this of the distance with the notation of (4008), 4601 4602 ^ = Proof. it is [a cos^ (a-a — Let P, Q easily seen, pg^ = )-hl) cos^ be the points. (i8-/8')^+r By drawiag cosC(y-y)1. the coordinates /?y, fi'y', by (702), that [(/3-/3T+{y-yT + 2(/3-/5')(r-y')cos^]cosec^4 a (a- a') + b(/5-/3') + 0(7-7') =0, (I). Now, by (4007), from which b(f3-i3'y = -a(a-a')(/3-/3')-c(/3-/3')(7-y'), and a similar expression for 0(7 — 7'/. Substitute these values of the square terms in (1), reducing by (702). Coordinates of the point which divides the straight line joining the points afty, a^^'y in the ratio I : 4603 '^±^\ '-^j^, l-\-m l-\-7ri m : '-^^. By (4032). l-{-m = ABC = being the triangle of reference, and a 0, 0, |3 the equations of its sides, the equation of a line passing is through the intersection of the lines 0, (5 7 = 4604 = = /a-myS = or 4 K a-A:.5 = 0. TRILINEAR ANALYTICAL CONIC S. 618 — Proof. For this is the locus of a point whose coordinates a, ft are in the constant ratio vi I or k (4099). When I and m have tlie same sign, the line divides the external angle C of the triangle ABC; when of opposite sign, the internal angle C. : The general equation /a+my8+«7 4605 and it of a straight may be Hne is = 0, referred to as the Une (/, m, ??). is aritj line through the point C, and (la + mft)-^ny Proof: la + mft = is any line through the intersection of the former line and the line 7=0 (4604), and therefore any line whatever according to the values of the arbitrary constants /, m, n. = The same 4606 + (/ Proof. Or, /8+ n sin y) ?/— (/;?!+ >m;>2+ ups) —By substituting the values of if o, ft, ^• y at (4000). = {lA,-{-mA,-]-nA,) .v-i-{lB,+mB,-\-nB,)i/ -\rlC,-\-mC,-\-nC,= Proof. = the equations of the sides of ABC are given in the 0, &c., the hne becomes form Arr-\-B^y-\-Gi 4607 in Cartesian coordinates is a+ m cos ^+?i cosy) cV cos sin a-\-m siu (/ hne straight — By the constants /, (4095), the denominators like 0. \/(AI + II\) being included in »j, v. = = = ^ are the general equations of If '' ^i '" ^K ' is, like the hnos a, /3, y, then it is obvious that lu-\-mv (4604), a line passing through the intersection of u and Vy and represents any straight line whatever. Jn-\-mn^nw 4608 = = To make an equation such geneous in a, /3, as a =p (a constant) liomo- y; multiply by the equation (4007), thus (a;i^-S)n-fb;v3 wliicli is of the same foi'iti as ( + Cjiy = llJOo). 0, S = aa -f^/S + Cy . THE BIGHT The point 4610 /a 619 LINE. of intersection of tlie lines + m/3 + ?iy = and ra-\-m(5-\-ny = determined by the ratios is y /3 — mn mn The values VI of a, (5, — n'l I t {nV — n'l) D = n (mn — m'n) +1) + 1)/3 + [nl' —I'm) D ' — n'l) -f t {Im' — I'm) or by solving the three equations = S, cy (Ini 2> Proof.— By (4017), aa t ' , j^ where and (4017). — m Im y are therefore — m'?i) ^ (mn ei i 4611 nl' ^a + m/3 + ny = 0, I'a + m'ft + n'y = 0. The equation 4612 aa+l)i8+Cy = a sin ^+i8sin or J5+y sin C = represents a straight line at infinity. Proof. — The Za+WjS + ny 4613 = coordinates of its intersection are infinite by (4611). Note: = ar« + B/3 + cy = a quantity not 2, with any other line The equation zero. therefore in itself impossible, and so is a line infinitely The two conceptions are, however, together consistent; the one distant. 0, the ratios involves the other. And if, in the equation Za + m/3 + ?iy n approach the values a fc c, the line it represents recedes to an I (^a-\-hft-{-(.y is = : m : : : unlimited distance from the trigou. 4614 to (4612) in Cartesian coordinates is Cartesian the intercepts on the axes being both infinite. coordinates may therefore be regarded as trilinear with the x and y axes for two sides of the trigon and the other side at an infinite distance. Oa; The equation corresponding + 0?/ + 6^ = 4615 0, The condition that three points lie on the same the determinant equation, aii3i7i, a.,l^zy2, «3/3373 straight line is may tti /3i TRIUNE AB AXALYTICAL 620 CONK'S. — Tlie above is also tlie equation of a straight line Cor. passing tlirough two of the fixed points if the third point be considered variable. 4616 Similarly, the condition that the three following straight lines may pass through the same point, is the determinant equation on the right, 4617 = The condition 4618 is Proof. 4619 two straight of parallehsm of the the determinant equation — By taking tbeliue at 0. I )n n I' m' n a 1) r lines = 0, infiuity (4(jl2j for the third Hue Otherwise the equations of two parallel Hues in (4617). differ by Thus a constant (4076). /a+m)8+«y+A- (aa+byS+ry) = (4007) (/+A-a)a+(m+A'l))/8+(;i + AT)y= or represents any line the value of k. The condition to i)arallel /a + zyz/S-h^/y = by varying of perpendicularitv oP the two lines nn' — {uni' m h) i'osA—(nl'-\-n'l) cos B in (•1618) is 4620 W -\-mm' 4621 or V -\- (l—m vosC—ii -\- — -\- n {n — I cos B) -\-7h cos B—m cos {m—n ^) cos A— I cos C) = 0. Proof. Transform tlie two ccjnations into Cartesians, by (4G06), and apply the teat AA' + BJi' (4078), remembering that = voaift-y) = -eoKJ, &c. (kill). THE When the second line 4622 is AB = m cos " 621 lUailT LINE. or 7 .4 +/ = is cos B. by (4676), that (4620) It also appears, the condition 0, is the condition that to the conic two lines may be conjugate with respect whose tangential equation is tlie /^4-m'+/i' — 2m/j cos 4623 The length A —2nl vosB — 2lm of the perpendicular line la-{-'}}ij3-\-uy = a/ } C= 0. a(i'y' to the : + m ^' + ny la 4624 from a point cos i:--{-)n~-\-n-—'2mn cos __^__^^__ A — 2nl cos ii— 2/m cos C] is equal to the form in (4006), with by the square root of sum of squares of The numerator ~ la' + miy + ny'. The denominator Proof.— By (4095) the perpendicular x', y' in the place of x, y, divided coefficients of x and y. reduces by cos (/3 y) — = —cos J., Equation of 4625 a a ^ )8' y y tlie &c. same perpendicular : QOsC — n cos B m — /icos^— cos C =0. n — cos B — m cos A l—m / I — This is the eliminant of the three conditional Proof. 0, and equation (4621). 0, La->rMi^'-\-Ny' ia + Mj3 + A> 4626 line (/, Equation of a m, n) a line drawn through a'j3'/ parallel to the : a Xm—hn = y Proof. — la-\-mii->rny It = 0, is la' y I)/ eliminant the + mjj' + tiy' 4627 The tangent and m\ n) {V, equations = = = 0, 0. — am of the three conditional equations at (4618). and the equation of the angle between the lines (Z, m, n) is {mn—mn) sin A-\-{nJ!—nl) sini?+ {Im' — l'm) sin (7 — (/m'+Z m)cosC ll'j^r^nwi-\-nn— {mn-\-m'n) GOsA—{nl'-\-nl) cosjB Proof.— By (4071) applied to the transformed equations of the lines, (4606), observing (4007). — : TlilLINEAR ANALYTICAL CONIC S. 622 EQUATIONS OF PARTICULAR LINES and COORDINATE RATIOS OF PARTICULAR POINTS IN THE TRIGON. C Bisectors of the angles A, B, 4628 /B-y = 4629 y-a = 0, {), a-y8 = 0. Centre of inscribed circle (or in-centre)* The coordinates 1:1:1. are obtaiaed from their mutual ratios by the formula (4017). 4630 Bisectors of the angles y^, y+a = /3-y=0, ir — B, tt — C: a+y8 0, = 0. Centre of the escribed circle which touches the side a (or a —1:1:1. ex-circle) 4631 drawn through opposite Bisectors of sides P^inB = y siu C, smC = asluA, y cosec^ — — coseci^ : : = asinA Point of intersection (or mass-centre) 4632 vertices fi : siu B. : cosecC. = 0, by (4G04), as the form of the equation of Proof. Assume inp ny a line through A, and determine the ratio ih n from the value of y /3 0. when a The coordinates of the point of intersection may be found by (4G10), or thus cosec A cosec B, sin B sin A o ft : : = : : ft a therefore 4633 vertices )8cosB 4634 y : : /3 = = : y = : sin = Perpendiculars C : sin cosec A B= : cosec sides to : cosec B B : : cosec G, cosec C. drawn through opposite : = y cosC, y cos Orthocentre: C= a cosyl, secyl : secB : acosA = ficosB. secC. suggested by Professor Hudson, who proposes the following ... mid-circle for inscribed circle, circumscribed circle, circle escribed to the side a, and nine-point circle; also in-centre, circum- centre, a exand in-radiufi, circum-radiits, a excentre, ... viid-ceritre, for the centres of these circles radius, ... mid-radius, for their radii central line, for the line on which the circum-centre, mid-centre, ortho-centre, and mass-oentre lie and central length for the distance between the circum-centre and the urtho-ccntro." * This nomenclature " In-circle, circum-circle, : is a ex-circle ; ; ; : THE BIGHT 623 LINE. If the Cartesian coordinates of A, B, G be x^y^, x^iji, the coordinates of the centre of the inscribed circle are ^ 4635 x^y-i, m+bm+e>h = '±!v±*fi+^3_ — D where the bisector of Proof. By (4032). Find the coordinates of the angle A cuts BC in the I'atio 6 c (VI. 3), and then the coordinates of where the bisector of i? cuts in the ratio b + c a. E : AD : 4636 For the coordinates of the centre of the a change the sign of a in the above values of x and y. The coordinates 4637 ex-circle, of the mass-centre are The coordinates of the orthocentre are obtained from the equations of the perpendiculars from X2y2i ^Hlzi viz., 4638 = {x^—x.^x-\-{y^—y.^y x.,{w^—A\^-\-y^{y^—y.^. Perpendicular bisector of the side a^mA-^^\nB-\-y^m{A—B) 4639 4640 = acos^-y8cos5--^sin(v4-jB) or 4641 0, = 0, or / , rtsiiiBsinCX 2 \ 4642 sm A /« . / ft , sin C sin ^\ 2sinB \ ^ cos^ cos^ sin^ — /3 sinB + ?(y n : : cosC. through the intersection of y and a sin ^1-/3 sin 5 (4G31) 0, and, by (4622), line of the form a : ^ J Centre of circumscribed circle (or cir cum- centre) Proof. — A is AB = —?,\nB cos x4-)- = sill ^1 cos 5= sin (A — B). Otherwise, by (4633) and (4619), a cos J. is any line perpendicular to the value which it AB ; — /? cosB + k = and the constant k has at the centre of A l>. is found by giving a : (3 : 624 T.R 4643 L IXl<!A I Centre of nine-point circle (or mid-cpntre) tlie (B-C) cos A SA L YTK 'AL COXTrS. h' (G-A) cos : cos : (A-B). — By (955) the coordinates are the arithmetic means of the corresponding coordinates of the orthocentre and circum-ceutre. Therefore, by (4(334, '42) and (4017), Proof. ^ a cos A 7 + sin5secJ5-|-sin(7 6ecO sinJ. cos^4 + sini?cosi?-|-sin(7cosC ) reduces to cos (B — C)x constant. sec s'mA which A , sec.l — Ex. 1. In any triangle ABC (Fig. of 955), the mass-centre E, the orthocentre 0, and the circum-centre Q lie on the same straight line ;* for the coordinates of these points given at (4632, '34, '42), substituted in (4615), give for the value of the determinant 4644 cosec A (sec B cos (7— cos B sec G) + &c., which vanishes. Similarly, by the coordinates in (4643), centre iV lies on the same line. Equation of the central — line may it be shown that the mid- : drawn through the orthocentre and mass- Ex. To find the line The coordinates of these points are given at (4632, '34). centre of ^-BC. Substituting in the determinant (4616) and reducing, the equation becomes 2. a sin 2^ (B-C) sin 25 +13 sin sin (C-yl) -|-y sin — Similarly, from (4629, '42), the line Ex. 3. of the inscribed and circumscribed circles is a (cos Ex. 4. 2C (A-B) =0. sin drawn through the centres B— cos 6')+/3 (cos C—co{iA) + y (cos J. — cos B) = 0. — A parallel to ^B drawn through C: a sin A +/3 sin B= 0. a line through a/3, by (4604), and the equation difiVrs only by a constant from y 0, for it may be written For this is = (a sin.l Ex. 5. —A + /^ sinL' poi })endicular to +y BG For a peipeiidicnlar is line through C constant Ic (a sin Thus nate y. /J (3 sin /3 is A + ji cos 7? -h /3 — y cos (7 B + y sin = 0. = + = 0. is (4633) = (1), Hence, by (4619), the C) must be added to (I) so as to elimi- of the form /d sin (" sin drawn through C « cos and a C)—y sin C cos B + a sin A cos (7 {B+C) + « sin .1 cos C = sin Tlif Luutriil \\uv. »i/j -|- /3 sin or 0. = 5 cos C /3 +o cos iSce uut«f tu ;4G29). 0, C = 0. — ANHAEMONIC 625 RATIO. ANHARMONIC RATIO. For the definition, see (1052). ratios of that article are the vakies of the in the three following pencils of four lines respec- The three 4648 ratio h k' : tively a = 0, a-kfi a=0, a = 0, = 0... = 0... a^k'l3 = 0, a-^y8==0, = 0, a+A-/3 = 0, a+k'/S = 0...(iu:} = 0, = 0, /8 a+///3 (i.) (Fig. 34), /3 (ii.) (Fig. 35), /3 (Fig. 36). becomes harmonic when form a harmonic pencil with the hnes a, j3, the first dividing the external and the second the internal angle between a and /3 (Fig. 37). 4649 h = h'. 4650 The anharmonic Hence the lines Similarly, the ratio (i.) a-\-h^, a — l'P anharmonic ratio of four lines whose equations are is (a^i— M2) i^h—fh) the fraction — Let OL be the Hue a = 0, and = 0. fx^—/d^ = difference of perpendiculars from Proof. OB, A 13 and B upon OL, divided by p. These differences &c. i^i, are proportional to the segments AB, CD, Similarly, ^3 AD, BC, and jj — is a common divisor. Homographic pencils of hnes are those which have the same anharmonic ratio. Thus the two pencils 4651 a and — /iiii3, a'— ^ii/3', a —^^2/3, o' — ^i./B', a — ^tg/S, a—f.L.^(i', are homographic pencils. 4 L a — ^ii/3, o'— ^ii/3', TBILINEAE ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 626 THE COMPLETE QUADRILATERAL. 4652 Def. —Any called diagonals, foiii' riglit lines together with the three, of intersection, make a which join the points figure called a complete quadrilateral. be any point in the plane of the trigon ABC. 4653 Let Draw AOa, BOh, GOc, and complete the figure. The equations of the different lines may be written as under, with the aid of ijroposition (4604), the ratios I and dependent upon the position of 0. = 0, = 0, Cc, la —)n^ = 0, )n^-\-iiy — la = ny -\-la —ni^ = 0, la -\-nifi — ny = 0, In; nb. m : n being arbitrary Aa, ))(/B-~iiy AP, mP-\-ny = 0, J3b, ny -la BQ, ny +/a = i), CR, la -\-m^= i); OP, m/i-\-ny {), ca, : PQR, Proof. OQ, ny OR, la la-\-nil3-\-ny = = +/a -2/;/^ = -^m^-'Iny = -2la i), 0, i), 0. — Aa, Bb, Cc are concurrent by addition, he is concurrent with and with Cc and y, by (4G04). AP and OP are each concurrent with be and a. PQB is concurrent with each pair of lines be and a, ca and Similarly for the rest. ft, ah and y. lib and ft, 4654 ing Every pencil AP, BQ, Proof. sum and Git) —By the is of four lines in the above figure (supplya liarmonic pencil. test in (4G4'J), the alternate pairs of equations being tlie other two in every case. Otherwise by projection. Let PQRS be the quadrilateral, with diagonals UP, QS meeting in C. (Supply the lines AC, hC in the figure.) Taking the plane of projection parallel to OA 11, the figure projects into the parallelogram 2jqrs; the points yl,7j pass to infinity, and therefore the lines J L-, ]>C become difl'erence of the : THE GENERAL EQUATION. lines e>27 harmonically divided by the sides of the parallelogram, the centre, and the points at infinity. Theorem (974) may bo proved by taking o, /', y for the lines BC, CA, AB, and Va^-mj^ + ny, la^-m'fl ^ny, Ja + mft + n'y for he, ca, ah, the last form being deduced from the preceding by the concurrence of Aa, Bh, and Cc. 4655 THE GENERAL EQUATION OF A CONIC. The general equation 4656 of tlie second degree is + cf-\-2fl3y-{-2fiya-\-2hal3 = 0. or (o, will be denoted by 7) = aa:'+b/3' This equation /3, <^ n = 0. Equation of the tangent or polar 4657 i(a'Ci-\-u^l3-\-Uyy = or u^^a+u^P' -\-u^y = 0, the two forms being equivalent and the notation being that (1405). 4659 The first equation written in full is of TBILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 628 — Proof. By the methods in (4120). Otherwise by (4678); let a/3y Next let the point where the line cuts 0. be on the curve then <p (a, /3, y) Then the line becomes a tangent and the the curve move up to afty. ratio n n' vanishes; the condition for this gives equation (4G58). = ; : Cor. — The polars of the vertices of the triangle of refer- ence are = 0, 4660 aa-]-hft+oy 4661 /,a+^,;8+/y=:0, o-a4-/;8+fy = 0. The condition that u may break up into two linear two right lines is, by (4469), A = 0, factors representing where 4662 A = abc-\-2fgh-af'-bg—cJr. a (4454) h g THE GENERAL EQUATION. 629 determinant form annexed corresponding to (4GG3), or in full {BC-F') a'^(CA-G') /B'-]-{AB-H')f 4667 + 2 (GH^AF) /8y+2 (HF-BG) ya+2 (FG-CH) ayS = 4668 or A {aa'-^bfi'+cf+2fl3y-^2oya-\-2ha/B) = 0. The result and the given from U Proof. — Eliminate =z )' + 2EAjLt + JIju'^ = the form (4792). I/\^ 4669 The condition line. is and therefore the envelope 0, LM — B^, is 0. of by The coefficients are the first This produces equation (46G7). minors of the reciprocal determinant of A (1G43), and therefore, by (585), are equal to aA, 6A, &c. is, as in (4661), 4670 U may consist of two Hnear factors where D = ABC+2FGH-AF'-BG'-CH' =^\ (1643) becomes the equation of two points, since the Aa+^ij3-|-vy must pass through one or other of two fixed In this case line that D = 0, See (4913). points. 4671 ?7 The coordinates A\+H,.i-\-Gv 4672 of the pole of Xa+/i/3 H\-\-Bfi+Fv : U^:U,: or : AiVJQ ^"''^ A\ + H/ii + Gy — '^^^.io,T!^'Z "' : _^ — V /^ II\ + Bfi are as U,. — Proof. By (4659) we have the equations in the margin, the solution of which gives the ratios of a (3 /. « + vy GX-^F^i+Cv, : + Fp G\ + Ffi + Gy j ^ _ _|_*^ I' ^.^^^ ii A' + + v'y, of the pole of X'a //3 vy may pass through the the condition that Xa ^ijS pole or, in other words, that the two lines may be mutually conjugate, is Hence the tangential equation + i.e., + ; 4674 \U^'+^iU,'-\-vU.' = or XX^;,+itt'C/^ + v'f7.= 0, the two forms being equivalent, and each = 4676 ^xv+i^^i^/+Cvv' + F(^v'+/i'v) + G(vV+v'X) + i/(X^'+XV). The coordinates 4677 where of the centre oq, /3o, yo An+m + Gt m+Bh + Ft : a, tj, C : are the sides of the trigon. are in the ratios Gn-\-Fh + Ct, TRIUNEAB ANALYTICAL 630 —By Proof. aa + bfl + cy since the centre (4-G71), = CONIGS. the pole of the line at infinity is (4612). n' of the segments into Tlie quadratic for the ratio n which the Une joining two given points a/3-y, a'/3'y' is divided by the conic is, with the notation of (4656-7), : 4678 y) n'-\-'2 ((^„a +(/»,/8'+(^y) Proof.— By the method of (4131). <!> {a', p', nn'-{-ct> {a, 0, y) n" = 0. The equation of the pair of tangents at the points where 7 meets the general conic u (4656), is aitl-{-2hujip-\-bui= 0. 4679 Pjjoof. — The point a'/3', where y meets the curve, is found from The tangent at such a point is + 2ha'iy + hiy'- = [y = in (4G56)]. ny + u^jy' = (4658). Eliminate a', au"- /3'. The equation 4680 By (aW) ^ Proof. of a pair of tangents ^ i^Py) = from al3'y is {<t>.ci'+<t>,li'-\-cl>yy7. —By the condition for equal roots of (4678). actual expansion the equation becomes (^]>y2+Glo'-2Flh) cP + iCa' -{-Ay'-2Gya) /3'H(^l/3' + iV -2/fa/5) + 2(-Al3y + nya + Gui3-Fa')tyy' +2(Hl3y-Bya + Fal3-Giy)y'a' + 2 (Gi3y + Fya-Cafi-Ey') u'lY 4681 In which either a', /i', y' or o, /?, y may be = y'- 0. the variables, for the forms are convertible. Otlierwise the equation of the two tangents 4682 ya-ya, 4>(/3y-)8'7, — a/3'-a/3) — ^ is 0. (4665) Proof. By substituting py' /)'y) ^^- f^*'' ^^ P^ "^ (4664), the condition that the line joining "'/j'y' to any point a/Sy on either tangent (see 4616) should touch the conic is fulfilled. The expansion produces the preceding '' equation (4681). The equation 4683 wluM'c of tlie asymptotes (^(a,A7) (/„, /^,„ y,, :ii't' tiie = is <^(ao,A.7o)-A-S coordinates of the centre. (1), THE GENERAL EQUATION. Otherwise equation, in a (aa,+lj;8o+rro) ^(^,^,7) = tlie 631 homogeneous form in a, /3, y, is 4684 k{na-\-hl3+CyY (2), where n, I), t are the sides of the trigon. And, finally, if the tangential equation (4664) be denoted by O (A,^i, v) = 0, the equation of the asymptotes may be presented in the form 4685 a>(a,Ij,r)(^(a,A7) Proof. — the centre ; (i.) The asymptotes therefore, put ("> <t> since the polar a^, jj^, becomes the (aa+l)y8+r7rA (3). are identical with a pair of tangeuts from thus y^ for o', /3', y' in (4680) ; y) f ("o' l\, ra) fi, = = ^•' ('^« + fV' + cry = k'T (4), line at infinity. N'ow, multiplying the three equations in (4672) by a, /3, y respectively, and therefore Jc (Xa + nft + yy), (a, ft, y) and adding, we obtain (j) 0K,/3o,yo) = = A-(ar. + [v3 + cy) = /.-2 (5), the pole of the centre. From (4) and (5), by eliminating A-, equation (1) is produced dividing (4) by (5), we get equation (2). since the line at infinity (4612) Again, taking the values of ^- HKj^^ + ^^^ + ^y = ^ k By the last equation, (2) CoK. — Since is is a, ft, and by y from (4673), we have ^,a therefore ^^o+J^/'o k converted into (3). the centre ; (oo, 1%, y^) + ^/o = *1^^M). A See also (40GG). is on the asymptotes, we have 4686 4687 <^ K, A, 7o) = The semi-axes values of / ^'^ - * i^> ^^ 0- of the general conic (4656) are obtained from the quadratic («+*^> h, tlie TRILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 632 Proof. — The centre being a„/3„y„, and a/3y being a point on the conic, put a — a,^ /• /3—l% = y, y — yo = s. from the centre, we = x, the radius to it have, by (4G02), = r- Also (4656), f (a, ^(x\\ 13, y) Expand and write m, n for The terms in x, y, z become /, U-\-r,:y^nz= Z COS A + 7fb cos B + zh cos C) + x, /3„ + y, y, + z) = 0. aa^ + hl3^ + (jY,„ lia^,+ hi%+j\, = <p (n (1). (a, -a^) +&c. = 2-2 = f/"o +//^o + (4007) (2), y,z)=-<p (a„, /3„, y,) = :s=A-f-<I» (a, i\ c) (4686) The maximum and minimum values of r" and therefore of and we obtain (3). (.<, 3racos^ + 2/"^cosI?-|-s^ccos6' are required, subject to the equations (2) and (3). tei'mined ained multipliers (1862), the quadratic above Coord., Ch. 4, Art. 18 The area 4688 7rri?-2. The the absolute term coefficient of is —4' The conic 4689 method of undefound.— i^erre/'^'s Tril. the ^ TrSalJCA = ±rr\ rfcr.;'-, the area reduces by trigonometry to — SV, and Hence the product of the roots is found. the roots of the quadratic (4687) are Proof.— If will be of the conic (4) By is <'7u- according as ^^ r"'' (a, t, c). will (n,i),C) be an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, (4664) is positive, negative, or zero. — Proof. The squares of the semi-axes have opposite signs in the hypei*Therefore the product of the roots of the quadratic (4687) must for an hypei'bola be negative, and therefore <1» negative in (4688). 4> (a, h, c) makes the curve touch the line at infinity (4664), a property which distinguishes the parabola. bola. = The condition that the general conic (4656) rectangular hyperbola is 4690 r« Proof. + ^*+c= may be a 2/cos^4-2i,'- cosi^+2/i cosC. — Let the asymptotes be /a + mft + ny = I'a 0, + m'(3 + n'y = 0. Forming the product, equating coefficients with (4685), and denoting we get the proportions (a, b, c) by <?>, (j) W a^j _ — a-A ~ _ — b-:l ~ ))im' h(p u.ii' c^ — rA _ ~~ mn' + m'n 2(/^ — bcA) id' 2 (g<p + 11' I — ca A) hii'+l'vt 2 (^hf — ab A) TEE GENERAL EQUATION. 633 We may therefore substitute these denominators in (4620) for the condition The result reduces to the equation of perpendicularity of the asymptotes. above, by (837). For another method, see (5002). The general conic (4656) will become a circle the following relation exists between the coefficients 4691 when : sm'B-2fsmB sinC c sinM+« sin^C— 2^smC siii^ a shr B+b siu^^ — 2/i sin A shiB. b = = PuooF. — Equate sin^C+c (465G) with coefficients of the equation of the conic those of the circle in (4751). The equation 4692 of the pair of lines drawn from a point and the line a(5'y to the points of intersection of the conic |ii/3' is, writing L' for Aa' \a-\- 1^(3 ^vy = L= + (/> + vy , with the notation of (4656-7), V'cl> (a, fi, y) Proof.— By The 4693 - 2LL'((^y + the <^,/3' + <^,y + ^'* (« ) ^'^ V) =^ method of (4133). Director-Gircle of the conic, that of intersection of tangents at right angles, is, the locus in Cartesians, is, C {.v'^-if)-2G.v-2Fij^A^B Proof. ' = 0. — Let the equation of a tangent through xy be mi,—n + (y — inx) =0. = vi, Therefore in the tangential equation (4665) put \ and apply the condition, Product of roots of quadratic in The equation 4694 or, in of the same = — 1, m = —I yu v=:y — mx, (4078). circle in trilinears is iB+G + 2FcosA)a'-\-{C-{-A + 2GcosB)fi' + iA-i-B + 2HcoiiC)y"' + 2 (A cos A- H cosB- G cos G-F)(3y + 2(-HcosA + B cos B-F cos G-G)7a + 2 (-G cos A-F cos B+CcosG-H) aft = 0; the form of (4751), 4695 (aa + fe/3 + cy)(^+^+|^^^^a + &c.) = ^l^Ail (a^y + 6y« + c«/3). 4 M : : TBILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 634 — Proof. The equation of a pair of tangents (4681) through a point o^y in trilinears, when the tangents are at right angles, represents the limiting Therefore the ecination referred to must case of a rectangular hyperljola. have the coefficients of a', /3'", &c. connected by the relation in (4690), which thus becomes the equation of the locus of the point a^y i.e., the ; director-circle. When = in (4G93) is a parabola, C (4G95), by (4430) and (4689), and these equations then represent the directrix. 4696 and ^ {a, h, c) the general conic = m PARTICULAR CONICS. 4697 A tions of whose conic circumscribing the quadrilateral, the equasides are a (Fig. 38) 0, S 0, 0, i3r=0, 7 = — This Proof. is A-/38. a curve of the second degree, and points whei'e a meets /3 and h, and also The circumscribing 4698 = = ay = where y meets it passes through the /3 and d. = d=y8S; + — as or the origin of coordinates lies without or within the quadricircle is a-y , lateral. — Transform (46'>7) into Cartesians (4009) Proof. X and y and put the coefficients of xy equal to zero. 4699 A ; equate coefficients of conic having a and y for tangents and j3 chord of contact = ay Proof. 4700 —Make ^ coincide with ft A conic having two given conic ^S^ S A conic having a given conic 8 4701 k^K in (4698). common common chord Coil. — If UPQ o and /3 with a (Fig. 40) of contact a with a (Fig. 41) S line, chords = ka^. : 4702 for the (Fig. 39) = Aa'. be drawn always parallel to a given rN'ozRP.FQ, by (4317). : . FABTIGULAB CONICS. 635 4703 A conic Laving a common tangent T and a common chord witli the conic S 4704 A conic osculating ^S' at the point xij common chord at one extremity of the / (x at a point x'y' (Fig. 42) where T touches — iG)-\-m (y — ?/) S=T {Lv + 7mj - Iv - my') A 4705 conic having points Avith the conic 8 common common tangents T, T' at (Fig. 44) : = kTT. S 4706 A conic having four coincident S at the point where T touches points with the conic (Fig. 45) : = kTK S S+L^ The conies 4707 : (Fig. 43) = S+M' = 0, 0, S-\-N' = 0, N (Fig 40) having respectively L, M, for common chords of contact with the conic S, will have the six chords of intersection M±N=0, L±M=:0, N±L=0, passing three and three through the same points. (S + iP) - (S + N') Proof.— From By supposing one may be obtained. or more of the conies = (M+N){M-N), to become right The diagonals of the inscribed and quadrilaterals of a conic all pass through the Proof.— (Fig. theorems circumscribed 4709 form a harmonic &c. lines, various same point and pencil. 47.) By (4707), or by taking by (4784). LM=E? and L'W = E'' for the equations of the conic If three conies have a chord common to all, the other three chords common to pairs pass through the same point. 4710 Take 8, S 48.) to all then M, N, Proof.— (Fig. chord common ; + L3I, S + LN for the conies, L being the M—N are the other common chords. TEILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 636 The hyperbola 4711 .vy = (Ocr+0//+j>)- is of the form (4699), and has for a chord of contact at infinity Oxi-Oy+2^ = 0, (i; y being the tangents from the centre. The parabola 4712 y^ = (0^-\-Oy+p) has the tangent at infinity Ox-{-Oy-{-p = .v 0. So the general equation of a parabola Thus the form of (4699). 4713 may be put (a.r+/3^)-^+(2^-.v+2/i/+c)(0^+0^/+l) in = 0. Here ax + fty is the chord of contact, that is, a diameter; 2gx + 2fy + c is the finite tangent at its extremity, and Ox + Oy + 1 the tangent at the other extremity, supposed at infinity. The general conic may be written 4714 {cLv'+2kvy-{-bt/)-\-(2g.v-\-2fy-hc){0x-j-0y-^l) For this is of the 4715 The form ay conies S being at The parabolas infinity, infinity. and are similar. 8 and S-k'' have a contact of the third order at Proof. 0. 8 and S-k{0.v-\-Oij+iy have double contact at 4716 + kl3o, = infinity. —For S and S—(0x + of contact ; 0y-\-Jiy have the line at infinity for a chord and, by (4712), this chord of contact is also a tangent to both 4717 All circles are said to pass through the same two imaginary points at infinity (see 4918) and through two real or imaginary finite points. Proof. — The general equation (x of the circle (4144) may be written + iy)(x-iy) + (2gx + 2fy + c)(0x + 0y + l) = 0; and this is of the form (4G97). Here the lines x±iy intersect Ox + Oy + 1 in two imaginary points which have been called the circular poi)ds at {njinity, and 2(jx + 2fy + c in two finite points F, Q and these points are all situated on the locus x^ + y'^ + 2gx + 2fy + c — 0. ; 4718 infinity. Concentric circles touch in four imaginary points at PARTICULAR CONIC S. 637 — The centre being the origin, equation (4136) maybe written iy {Ox Oi/ + ry\ which, by (4699), shows that the lines a; have each double contact with the {supplementanj) curve at infinity, and the Compare (4711). variation of r does not affect this result. Proof. {x + iij)(x—{y) = The equation 4719 ± + of any conic may be put ^v'+y' = in the form = ey. = are two sides of the trigon intersecting at Here x 0, y right angles in the focus ; y 0, the third side, is the directrix, and e is the eccentricity. = The conic becomes a ey = r, circle when Two imaginary 4720 = and y = oo , so that tangents drawn through the focus by (4699), are, e the radius, (4718). {^v+ii/){a:—ii/) = 0. These tangents are identical with the lines drawn through Hence, if two circular points at infinity (see 4717). tangents be drawn to the conic from each of the circular points at infinity, they will intersect in two imaginary points, and also in two real points which are the foci of the conic. two the All confocal conies, therefore, have four imaginary comtangents, and two opposite vertices of the quadrilateral formed by the tangents are the foci of the conies. mon 4721 If the axes are oblique, equation of the conic becomes this universal form of the The two imaginary tangents through the focus must now be written {cV-\-y{cosQ}-\-i siuco)} 4722 lines {^v+y (cosw— i siuw)} = 0. Any two lines including an angle 9 form, with the drawn from the two circular points at infinity to their point of intersection, a pencil of which the anharmonic ratio is e^('^-2«). — Proof. Take the two lines for sides /3, y of the trigon. The equation of the other pair of lines to the circular points will be obtained by elimin- TBILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 638 between the equations of the ating- a a« viz., The + tv3 + cy = result is (/3 The anharmonic y,ft-\-c-''y is, and « + + (''"y y- (4738) 0. y ) (/3 ; formed by the four lines ft, /S + e'^y, i.), — — n cii'cum-circle, + = + e-'V) = 0. ratio of the pencil by (4G48, and the ^ + -^ + ^ = 2/>y cos ^ /3^ or, in factors, line at infinity e'« p-'« : = — e"« = '"--"'. e'" = ^Tr, the lines are at right angles, and the Cob. If 9 four lines form a harmonic pencil. [Ferrers' TrU. Coords., Ch. VIII. 4723 THE CIRCUMSCRIBING CONIC OF THE TRIGON. The equation 4724 of this conic (Fig. 49) is = Wy-^mya+nap 1 + !± + ^ = or 0. — Proof. The equation is of the second degree, and it is satisfied by simultaneously. It therefore passes through the point aft. a 0, ft Similarly through fty and ya. = = The tangents 4726 ^^ Proof, A, B, and at G are ^+^ = + -;=0, — By writing (4724) in the = is seen, by (4G97), now of a and y, with the curve, the two coincident points. 4729 The tangent, (my' 4730 + *j/3') to a+ {na' + ly') The tangents at A, D, R line of the tangents at "- — A ^ (now ^- G ly ; for the intersection's + na) a'(5'y passes through is, b}^ ^8+ (Ifi'-^ma') y (4G59), = 0. (Fig. 49) meet the opposite line on the right ^ Aj_>:==0. m^n , I The and or polar, of the point a 4731 = 0, be the tangent at ay coincide, sides respectively in P, Q, 0. form mya + ft(Iy + na) ly-\-na 1+^ = 0. By(4G04). passes through (D), the intersection and B. 639 PARTIGULAB GONICS. The diameter 4732 A gents at and B tlirougli the intersection of the tan- is nna—nhl^+{ltl-mh) y = 0. — The coordinates of the point of intersection are I vi —n, by Proof. The a 0. (4726-7), and the coordinates of the centre of AB are b diameter passes through these points, and its equation is given by (4616). : : : The coordinates 4733 /(-/a + >>*t) + /ir) Proof. on the The secant through and the tangent —The = cu, comes when 4735 n{l^ + mh-nt). the point being the intersection of two diameters Otherwise, by (4677). conic, Proof. by a also : —By (4610), like (4732). 4734 of the centre of the conic are as m(/a — mlj + wr) : n'2 {a^ftai), {c^-Ay-^, ^^ny two points at the first point are respectively, a right line, and it is satisfied by a = Oi, &c., and by (4725). The second equation is what the first beFor the tangential equation, see (4893). &c. first is &c., = "i' The conic is a parabola when f^'-^m'h^-{-nH'-2mnht-2nUil-2lmnh 4736 : y(/a) or = 0, + v/0Hl))+y(»a) = O. = 0, — Proof. Substitute the coordinates of the centre (4733) in aa + 6/3 + Cy the equation of the line at infinity (4612). Otherwise, the conic must touch the line at infinity therefore put a, for A, ^i, r in (4893). ; The conic 4737 / and in this is a rectangular hyperbola cos J + m cos B-\-ii case it cos C= when 0, passes through the orthocentre of the triangle. Proof.— By (4690), and the coordinates of the orthocentre (4634). THE CIRCUMSCRIBING CIRCLE OF THE TRICON. 4738 b, C Py siu4 + 7a sinB+afi siuC siu^ , siiiB . sin (7 .. = 0, ' TBILINEAR ANALYTICAL CONICS. 640 — Proof. The values of the ratios I vi n, in (4724), metrically from the equations of the tangents (4726-8). For the coordinates of the centre, see (4642). : : may be found geo- THE INSCRIBED CONIC OF THE TRIGON. 4739 ra'-]-m'P'-\-ny-2m7i/3y-2nlya-2lmalB 4740 or ^{la) — (Fig. = 0. + y (»*« + ^(ny) = 0. The first equation may be written ny (ny-2la-2mi3) + (la-r>i(3y = 0. By (4699) this represents a conic of which the lines y and ny — 2la — mft are the tangents at F and /, and la — m^ the chord of contact. Similarly, it may be written so as to shew that a and /5 touch the conic. Proof. 4741 50.) The three pairs of tangents at i^,/, &C.5 are 2my8+2«y-/a ) and a J and they have the right line 4742 2ny-\-2la-mfi and 13 ) 2la-\-2m^-ny ? and y J -> their three points of intersection P, Q, /a + mjS + ^iy. The coordinates By ZC+wcl : —By putting : ?/ia+/I). = a and ft zero alternately in (4739), the coordinates of the points of contact, at D, /3 = on of the centre of the conic are as nh-\-mC Proof. B (4604). -i^^', + mi ' nh and at E, a ' therefore the equation of the diameter through a Similarly the diameter bisecting ^ C = we find, for ^"^'^ m\ + h bisecting ' DE is, by (4603), ft DF is la + lb 7ib + mc Therefore the point of intersection, or centre, is defined by the ratios given above. Otherwise, by (4677), and the values in (4665), writing for a, h, c,f, g, h the coefficients in (4739). 4743 The secant through ai/3iyi, nj^.^y, any two points on the curve. ^y^/n (\/^o+v/^x) = 0. : 641 PARTICULAR CONICS. Proof. — Put a^fi^yi for afiy, and shew that the expression vanishes by (4740). The tangent 4744 Proof.— Put a^= a^, at tlie point ai/3iyi and divide by ^^(a^fi^yi). &c., in (4743), The equation of the polar must be obtained from (4739) by means of (4659). 4745 The conic 4746 is a parabola a Proof.— Similar * when b c to that of (4736). THE INSCRIBED CIRCLE OF THE TRIGON. 4747 a' cos* A +^2 cos*|-f f cos* ^ -2l3y cos^:|cos2-| -2ya cos^^cos^i _2a/8 cos^^-cos^^. or 4749 The rt-escribed circle (4629) : cos— v'^^+siu— y^+siu— — Proof. At the point of contact where y metrically, r being the radius of the circle, Z + : i(5 : a 4751 have, in (4740), geo- : tt at a(5'y\ eosA -^ +COS The we : The tangent 4750 = 0, \/y. = rcot-^sin^ root— sin5 = ±cos^|J. cos^-B; — B instead of B. inscribed; — for the escribed circle and m= for the = 0. cos^ ya+cos^ V^/8+cos-^ ^y 4748 polar is by (4744), 4^ +COS is I -f = , 0. obtained as in (4745). GENERAL EQUATION OF THE CIRCLE. (/a+?«)8-f «y) (a siu ^+^8 sin 7?+y siu C) \-}i [j^y siu ^+ya siu /^ 4 N + a/3 siu C) — 0. TinLINEAB ANALYTICAL CONIC S. 642 — The second term is the circumscribing circle (4738), and the by (4G()9) therefore the whole represents a circle. By varying k, a system of circles is obtained whose radical axis (4161) is the line la + mft + ny, the circumscribing circle being one of the system. Proof. first is linear 4752 ; If l'a-^'}n'(5-\-n'y be tlie radical axis of a second of circles represented of any two will circles of system by a similar equation, the radical axis tlie two systems defined by Ic and Jc be ^•'(/a^-my8 Proof. + ?iy)-A•(ra+m'^+»^V) = ^ —By eliminating the term /3y sin A + ya sin i? + a/3 To find the coefficient of only the trihnear equation is given. 4753 Rule. — Mahe a, /3, X' sin C. + if in the circle when y the coordwates of a j^oint from wliich the length of the tangent Is hioivn, and divide by the square of that length; or, if the point he within the circle, substitute ^' half the shortest chord through the poinV^ for ^Hhe tangent." — = If S be the equation of the circle, then, for a point not on the curve, S -^ serai-chord, by (4160). Proof. efficient and m= ; m the required cosquare of tangent or THE NINE-POINT CIRCLE. 4754 a' sin 2A +)8-' sill '2n-\-y sin — 2 (/8y 2^ sin/1-fya sill /> + a/3siiir) = il ; PARTICULAR CONICS. Proof. — The 643 equation represents a circle because it may be expressed iu the form (a cos J. 4-/5 cosi) See + y cos C)(a sin J. + /3 sin i? +y sin G)] — 2 (/3y sin A + ya sin B + afi sin C) = Proof of (4751). Now, when a = 0, the equation becomes (/3 sinS — y sin(7)(/3 cos5-y cos G) = 0, BC whicli shews, by (4631, '3), that the circle bisects the foot of the perpendicular from A. 0. and passes through D, The equation of tlie nine-point circle in Cartesian coordinates, with the side BC and perpendicular on it from A for X and y axes respectively, is 4754« x^ where + y--B, sin {B- G) x-E cos (B-G) y = B is 0, the radius of the circum-circle. THE TRIPLICATE-RATIO CIRCLE. 47546 *Let the point S be chosen, so that (Fig. 165) its trilinear coordinates are proportional to the sides of the trigon. Draw lines through S parallel to the sides, then the circle in question passes through the six points of intersection, and the intercepted chords are in the triplicate-ratio of the sides. [The following abbreviations are used, a, h, this article written for the sides of the trigon c, and not a, i\ c, being in ABG-I A = ABC K=a- + b' + c-; \= ^Qrc" + e'er + d-J)-) = = A BFD = DE'F', &c. 6 DFD' = DE'D', ; f^ By = ~; A u> ; i?- hypothesis, = A = X = __1A__ (4007)=^ BF therefore If BF . AS, BS, BF' CS &c. = BD.BD', c y ^ ^ BD' therefore F, F', D, D' are concyclic. produced meet the opposite sides in B)i An _ g sin (1), BC n _ 6sin^C'« aa __ a? Z>/3 6" , I, ^n m, n, ,^. * The theorems of (1 to 36) are for the most part due to Mr. R. Tucker, M.A. original articles will be found in The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. XIX., No. 76, and Vol. xx., Nos. 77 and 78. Other and similar investigations have been made by MM. Lemoine and Taylor and Prof. Neuberg, Mathesis, 1881, 1882, 1884. The TBILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 644 SF' = BD = -;^ = smB v^ = ^. A (1) KsmB Similarly BF' = &c. ^, J^ ... = 7)P^=^.-^ = $,&c Ac A sin 7)D' (3). (4). (7 ^D' = ^D + DI>' = ^^^^^^, FD = y(BD' + BF' -2BD.BF cos B) = ^, Hence DBF and &c by ..(5). (2) and (5) (G). B'B'F' are triangles similar to ABC, and tliey are equal FSF = B'SF = E'SF', &c. (Euc. I. 37.) to each other because = y(BB'- + BF"-2BB.BF' cosB) BF' BF' Hence B'F = =^ (7). = EB'. FB' = ^BB'=^-^\+^ A a ^^^^^BF^±FB^-mi^cr + <f+]^ ^^^"^ 2BF.FB &c & (5 2X ^ (8). 6) = ^ -^ (9). ^ ^ 2\ (^°)- sin -"=V^-£)=ir('««) A COS0 AFE' + BBF' + CEB' = , , cos (/I = a- cos ^ + 6c , J, &c. ^^"^^'^"^^'^ = Or, geometrically, by Euclid + a6c(cr + (h' + c') a' = &c. -1 s (.iij. /x^A = BEF, by (G) ... (12). 37. I. = ^B, by (G) (B = (13). /3Hr)=^(«" + ^/^ + ^y)' + «'PV + ^V + c'«/3 (1-i), circle, p trilinear equation of the T. R. circle The ^-1 A circum-radius) Radius of T. R. or — w), + (r + tr) /r + (a^ + Ir) y' = + ((L= + r)(Z.= -ffr) + cV} ^^ + is {{a- + {(c' h') (cr + r) + hV' ] ^ + cr)(,y + K-) + a'h'} ^... (15). Obtained by substituting the trilinear coordinates of B, E, F, through which points the circle passes, in (4751), to determine the ratios I 7n n and k. The coordinates of B are : ^ g (a^ + ^' Similiuly those of B and F. IJ^) K sin C ac' sin J? ' ' K • : . PARTICULAR CONIC S. G45 THE SEVEN-POINT CIRCLE * A, B, G (Fig. 1G5) DEF, B'E'F', as in the figure, intersecting each other in P, P\ L, M, N. Let Q be the circam-centre then the seven points P, P', L, M, N, Q, S 4754c Let be drawn lines tlirougli parallel to the sides of the triangles ; all lie on the circumference of a circle concentric with the T. R. circle. (IG) The proof depends on Euclid III. 21, and the similar triangles DEF, 2PP^ C(17), B'E'F'. The radius p' of the seven-point circle is P ' obtained from Expand and sm TDD 3p = COS (11), ^ sin 2a; = p' + 8D"^—2pSD cos (B- TDD') TDD' substitute cos + p'= R\ The p'- Qx^N /(V^~ cosi? = —— = -r-j^, = —!— by s]n_B , 2ca ^ by (17) and (13) =— and (5), cosJ. , = —-~ ^^ *^^^^ ^"^ "^^^ - 1 (20).' triliuear equation of the seven-point circle is = a'/8y + iV« + c'a/3 = ^ (5ca-fca/3 + a5y) (aa + a6c(aHiff' + y') or o/3y + Jya-t-ca/3 If the coordinates of P are a^, l\, y^, "i"! The equation of STQ a sin And . 2bo etc ^ = V'cS^' ; (3) the equation of is, /3i/5i and those of P' = a The point S has been * This circle a{, ft'i, y[ (22). ; then (23). yiyi sin (C-yl) + y sin (A-B) (24). = (25). is JL(a'-hV-) + 4-(h'-chi') triangle. -fey) by (4615), (B-C)+f3 PP' = (21), Z)/3 + ^(c'-a'b') c called the It has also this property. Symraedian point of the The line joining the viid- was discovered by M. H. Brocard, and has hoen called " The Brocard Circle," the points r, I" being called the Brocard points. — ; TFILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 646 point of any side to the mid-point of the perpendicular on that through S. Proof.— Let X, Y, Z (Fig. 166) be the feet of the perpendiculars the mid-points of the same, and X', Y', Z' the mid-points of the sides. the trilinear coordinates of X', /S', and x in order are proportional to ; 0, c, h a, h^ c 1, since CX- cos (7, Now This determinant vanishes . cos I? therefore the three points are on the same right line, by (4015). lines X'x, Y'y, Z'z are concurrent appears at once That the three x, y, z by (970), 2Y'x, &c. The Symmeclian point may also be defined as the intersection of the three lines drawn from ^, i?, C to the corresponding vertices of the triangle formed by tangents to the circumcircle at A, B, G. respectively. CX, AY, Let Ba, (7/3, Ay be taken = BZ a point 2, by (976), and this point by similarity of figure is the Symmedian point of the triangle formed by lines through A, B, G parallel to the sides BG, Then Aa, B^, Gy meet in GA, AB. If the sides of that X'Y'Z' be bisected, similar reasoning shews Symmedian point the a, the triangle X'Y'Z', lies of on S^. It can also be shewn that, if A'B'G' be any triangle having those of xiBG and its vertices on SA, SB, 8G, the sides of the two triangles intersect in six points on a circle whose centre lies midway between the circum-centres When A'B'G' shrinks to the point Sy of the same triangles. the circle becomes the T. R. circle. its sides parallel to A is more general theorem respecting the triangle and circle the following Take ABG which any any From BD.BD' which are let DD'EE'FF' CE = BD = pc, Let be the points in order, in = qa, AF - rb | ^^O) CD' = p'b, AE'=qc, BF'=r'a) BF. BF', &c., Euclid III. 35, we can write three equations satisfied p by the values = r' = tac, and from these equations DF=ffc; B'F' BO that and triangle, circle cuts the sides. it q=p'=iah, r = q' = the (27), appears that = aa, BEF and B'E'F' are &c., where both similar to ff --= /(/-.V-/A'-M) ABC. (28), < SELF-CONJUGATE TRIANGLE. Also DF'=tabc, -^^-^ ^ From &mBFD = . therefore tac sin DF' B we =^ = ED' FE' i, 64 (29). . can obtain a cot BED = cot (l> = =F^-^^=^ (30). = (tR The radius of the circle and the coordinates of its centre are t(Kcr-a'-h'-c*) a =E j cos ^+ of the circle al3y 1 _ zbc (. The equation (31), gij^ii^^j.]y ;3 ^nd y (32). ) is + hya + cai3 = t (aa + b[3 + cy) {ahc(l — ta-)+&c.} (33), tabc[a\l-ta')+l3'(l-th')+y'{l-tc')} or When When = a(3y{(l-tb'){l-tc') + ebx~\ +&c = 1 and the circle is the circum-circle tK=l, = tX=— and the circle is the T. R. circle t = 0, <t (T (34). (35). (36). CONIC AND SELF-CONJUGATE TRIANGLE. When the sides of the trigon are the polars of the opposite vertices, the general equation of the conic takes the form /V+m2)82-?iy 4755 Proof. — (Fig. three ways, = /V 51.) = 0. The equation may be written m^^^ {ny-\-m(3){ny—m(3), n^y^ = Hence, by (4699), a or {la BG = in any one of the (ny + la)(ny—la), + im^){la—imf3). is the chord of contact of the tangents ny:hml3(AQ, AS) drawn from A, and ft is the chord of contact of the tangents ny ± la (BR, BP) drawn from B. Hence a, ft are the polars of A, B respectively and therefore y or AB is the polar of G (4130). Also y may be considered to be the chord of contact of the imaginary tangents Za±im/3 ; drawn from G. and j3 with the conic be joined, the equations of the sides of the quadrilateral so formed are 4756 If the points of intersection of a QR, PQ, = 0, = -^la-\-tnl3-{-ny 0, Ia-\-mfi+ny Hence QB, and B'. SP and PQ, BS = 0, la—m3-{-ny = 0. SF, la-\-mfi-ny RS, intersect on the line y in A' TEILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 648 4757 Eacli pencil of four lines in the diagi^am is a liarmonic pencil, bjtlie test in (4649). The 4758 triangle A'B'C also self- conjugate with regard is to the conic. Proof. — The equations of lu-mft Denote these by a, = its 0, GB\ sides Za CA', A'B' are + m/3 = and put a, /8 A'B G thus becomes /3\ y, equation referred to same form as (4755). y 0, = in (4755) in 0. terms of a'^-|-)8'^— 2ft'y^ = 0, The a', /S'. which is of the It is clear that the triangles AQS and BPB, formed pair of tangents and the chord of contact in each case, 4759 by a are also self-conjugate. Taking A'B'G for the 4760 by trigon, and denoting the sides the equations of the sides R8, PQ, QB, quadrilateral become respectively a, /3, y, ny :^la= mfi 0, — Ex. As an example of (4611), we the equations + b/3 + Cy = S + m(3 —ny = ^ — lu+ +ny = 0) aa To -s may of the i ny = 0. find the coordinates of P from ~ ^lm^(amn + hil + dm) = '^mn-i-(amn+bnl + clm) ^7= ^)il^(amn + hnl + clm). C from which SB " < /S obtain the coordinates of Q, B, and S, change the signs of m, n, and I respectively. ON LINES PASSING THROUGH IMAGINARY POINTS. — Lemma I. The right line passing through two conjugate imaginary points is real, and is identical with the line passing through the points obtained by substituting unity for 4761 ^/ —\ in the given coordinates. — Let {a + ia\ b + ib') be one of tlie imaginary points, and therefore the conjugate point. The equation of the line passing through them is, by (4083) and reducing, b'x a'y + a'b ab' 0, which is real. But this is also the line obtained by taking for the coordinates of the points (a + a'j b + b') and (a— a', b b'). Proof. (a — ia, b — ib') — — = — — Lemma II. If P, S and Q, B are two pairs of conjugate imaginary points, the lines BS and QR are real, as has just been sliown, and, tliorefore, also their point of intersection is —— SELF-CONJUGATE TRIANGLE. The real. otlier pairs of lines But the points imaginary. BS PQ, 649 and PR, QS are of intersection of each pair are and are identical with the points which are obtained by 1 in the given coordinates, and substituting unity for \/ drawing the six lines accordingly. real, — Proof. — Let the coordinates of the four points be as under P a + ia, h S a — ia, h The equations of L PB = (h' ,i' — (a — a) y a + ia, jj u—ia, (o—ift'. + a — ah jj L—iM, where +a'iy — a'b', + i3')x—(a—a)^j + afi-ab — aiy = Now the i ± ill = + ifl': Q R and QS, by (4083), are L + iM and (b—p) M= + ih', — ih', +cib'. intersect in the same real point as the lines Unas L :iz iM satisfy both equations values L 0, 0, because the Hence, to determine this point, we have only to take i as simultaneously. unity in the given coordinates. = M= — Lemma III. If P, S are real points, and Q, B sl pair of conjugate imaginary points, the lines PS and QB are both real, by Lemma I., and consequently their point of intersec- BS and PB, QS The remaining pairs of hues PQ, But the their points of intersection are all imaginary. line joining these two imaginary points of intersection is real, tion is real. and and is jdentical for \/ —l with the line obtained by substituting unity in the given coordinates and drawing the six lines accordingly. Proof. — Let the coordinates of the four points be as under P x,ij„ Q a + ia, i8+//3', S x.2y,, B a — ia, ft—ifi'. Since the coordinates of B are obtained from those of Q by merely changing the sign of i, the equations of the four imaginary lines will take the forms PQ PB SQ SB A-iB, A + iB, C-iD, C+iD. PQ and SB be point of intersection of L' iM' be the coordinates of the intersecgot from those lines are pair of this tion of and SQ, for the equations of of and SB by merely changing the sign of i. The points of intersection are therefore conjugate imaginary points, and the line joining them is real, by Lemma I. Also, since that line is obtained by writing 1 for i in the coordinates of those points, it will also be obtained by writing 1 for i in the original coordinates of Q and B and constructing the figure as before. Now let the coordinates of the L+iM, L' + iM', then will L —iM, — PB PQ 4 TBILINEAE ANALYTICAL CONICS. 650 To 4762 find a common pole and polar of two given conies : four real points P, Q, R, S, Then A'B'G construct the complete quadrilateral (4652). (Fig. 51) is a self-conjugate triangle for each conic, by (4758), and therefore each vertex and the opposite side form a common pole and polar to the conies. (i.) If the conies intersect in (ii.) If the conies do not intersect at all in real points, the triangle A'B'G is still real, by Lemma II. (4761), and can be constructed in the manner shown. (iii.) If two of the points (P, S) are real, and two {Q, B) imaginary, then, by Lemma III., the vertex A' and the side B'G are real, and may be constructed, and they form a common pole and polar of the given conies. Returning to the triangle of reference ABG, m(i= ny sm<p; then the chord ny cos 4763 Let la joining two points <^i, <^2 is = la (j>, cosi (<^i+(^2)+»^/3 sini and therefore the tangent 4764 4765 loi Putting V at the point cos ^'-\-mfi sin = L, m' = M, Hence the pole '' 4768 (^o)^ the conic (4755) (1). of a(5'y' is = of \a-\-iJ,p-\-vy — (2). i) (^^- H'-M'i)' The — ny. = Laa+Ml3fi'-\-Nyy' 4767 (<^i is n''=-N, La:'JrMP'-\-Ny' The tangent or polar <(>' = <f> becomes 4766 = ny cosj (<^i+<^2) tangential equation is i+i+i=' and this is the condition that the conic by the four lines \a±fil3±vy = 0. (^)' (1) may be touched SELF-CONJUGATE TRIANGLE. In like manner, 4769 La'^+M)8'^+iVyis tlie 651 condition may tliat (1) (5) pass through the four points ±^\ (a, = ±y'). Xa+^^+vy The locus of the pole of the line respect to such conies is 4770 a — Proof. By (3), if (a, the equation of condition. ^ /3, "^ /8 with r y) be the pole, " =y &c., .-. L= —, in (5), The locus of the pole of the line la-\-mB-\-ny, with /ti^ vy respect to the conies which touch the four hues Xa 4771 ± ± Proof.— By (3), if (a, ft, n tn I =y y) be the pole, « &c., .*. i= -, &c., in equation of condition. (4), the The locus of the centre of the conic case (4770, '1) by taking the line at infinity 4772 5+7 asin J.+j3 sin sin is given in each (7 for the fixed line, since its pole is the centre. Thus the locus 4773 of the centre through the four points (a±/8'±y') a ^ sin ~^ A ^"^ sin Proof. sin C _q y of the centre of the conic M^ La __ = _^ , given by y'~ +^i8~~+ The coordinates 4774 B the conic passing of is := are Ny —Z- — Let the conic cut the side a in the points (0^i7i), A (1) (O/S.^y.^. The bisecting the chord will pass through the centre of the Now + is the conic, and its equation will he ft y (3^ + ^.2 yi + y.2sum of the roots of the quadratic in y8 obtained by eliminating y and a from Similarly and aa 2. a the equations La' + Mft^ + Ny^ 0, 0, hft + Cy The equation of the diameter thi'ough A being for yi + y2 eliminate a and /3. right line from : = found, those through B = = A A : = + and G are symmetrical with it. TEILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 652 The condition that the conic 4775 Proof. — This by is, (4), the condition of i\a The condition that and in L-\-M-\-N i), 4776 is + hft-\-Cy = = (1) (1) may be a parabola is touching the line at infinity 0. may be a rectangular hyperbola this case the curve passes through the centres of the inscribed and escribed circles of the trigon. — Proof. By (4G90), (a, b, c are now L, M, N). a := ±/3 ±y, the four centres in question. (1) is now satisfied by = 4777 Circle referred to a self-conjugate triangle a' sin 2A-\-fi' sin Proof. — The — -, N ^ cos A to the centre is sin 2C = 0. ~- = —~ (4774). the condition of perpendicularity to a by (4622). Therefore Similarly ccosO iicosB c line joining 2B+y' : L G therefore (1) takes the form above. a cos A^ IMPORTANT THEOREMS. CARNOT'S THEOREM. if If J, B, G (Fig. 52) are the angles of a triangle, and the opposite sides intersect a conic in the pairs of points a, a 4778 ; h, h' c, c -, ; then Ac.Ac'.B(i.Ba'.Cb.Ch'= Ah.Ah'.Bc.Bc'.Ca.Ca'. — Let Proof. a, /3, by (4317), Ah Ah' . : y be the semi-diameters parallel to BC, GA, AB then, /3^ y^. Compound this with two simihir Ac ; Ac : = : ratios. 4779 Coil — If the conic touches the sides in Ac\Ba\ Cb' = Ah\ Bc\ Ca\ n, h, r, then THEOREMS. 653 reciprocal of Carnot's theorem is If A, B, G are the sides of a triangle, and if pairs of tangents from the opposite angles are a, a' ; h, h' ; c, c' ; then The 4780 : (Fig. 52) sin (Ac) sin = (Ac) sin (Ba) sin (Ba) sin (Cb) sin {Cb') sin (Ab) sin (Ab') sin (Be) sin where (Ac) signifies the angle (Be) sin (Cm) sin (Ca), between the lines A and c. — Reciprocating the former figure with respect to any origin 0, polars of the vertices A, B, C. Then, AB, AG; and b, h', the polars of the points h, V, will intersect in and touch the reciprocal conic. Similarly, c, c' will intersect in Q. A, h' are perpendicular to OA, Oh', and therefore /.Ah'= Z AOh', and so of the rest. let Proof. A, B, G (i.e., by (4130), Q, B BQ, QP, PB) be the will be the poles of B PASCAL'S THEOREM. The opposite 4781 meet in three points sides of a hexagon inscribed to a conic on the same right line. — Proof. (Fig. 53.) Let a, ft, y, y', ft', a be the consecutive sides of the hexagon, and let u be the diagonal joining the points au and yy'. The equation of the conic is either ay — Jcftu or a'y'—k'ft'u 0, and, since these expressions vanish for all points on the curve, we must have ay — l-ftu Therefore oy — a'y' ay' — k'ft'to for miy values of the coordinates. = li (hft k'ft'). Therefore the lines a, a' and also y, y' meet on tlie line kft — k'ft'; and ft, ft' evidently meet on that line. Otherwise, by projecting a hexagon inscribed in a circle with its opposite The line at sides parallel upon any plane not parallel to that of the circle. = = = — which the pairs of parallel sides meet, becomes a line in which the corresponding sides of a hexagon inscribed in a conic meet at a finite distance (1075 et seq.). infinity, in With the same vertices there are sixty different hexagons inscribable in any conic, and therefore sixty different Pascal lines corresponding to any six points on a conic. 4782 — Proof. Half the number of ways of taking in order five vertices B, G, D, E, F after A is the number of different hexagons that can be drawn, and the demonstration in (4781) applies equally to all. BRIANCHON'S THEOREM. The three diagonals of a hexagon circumscribed to a conic pass through the same point (Fig. 54). 4783 TBILINEAR ANALYTICAL GONIOS. 664 Proof.— Let the three conies /S + L\ S + M\ S + N\ in (4707), become three pairs of right lines, then the three lines become the diagonals of a circumscribing hexagon. Pascal's and Brianchon's theorems may be obtained, the one from the other, by reciprocation (48-40). L—M, M—N, N—L THE CONIC REFERRED TO TWO TANGENTS AND THE CHORD OF CONTACT. Let trigon 4784 4785 ; L L, = M=0, B = 0, (Fig. 55) be the sides of the M being tangents and B the chord of contact. The equation The lines IlL of the conic is AP, BP, and GP = R, LM = R\ (4G99) are respectively iiR= M, irL = M. [By (4604). P on the curve is determined by the value Since the point of ^5 it is convenient to call it the point /n. 4788 ju^Jv The points /i and drawn through =M 4789 — ju (P and Q) are both on the The secant through the points /m/x Proof. — Write L- line G. (ft+fi) ^, /x' (P, P'} is R + M = 0. fi(fi'L — ]i) — (fi'Ii—M), and, by (4604), it passes it ^'. Otherwise, determine the coSimilarly through /j. and and of {.I'L and ^L of f.ili~M, the intei-section ordinates of fx'B—M by (4610), and the equation of the secant by (4616). through the point — The 4790 Cor. are therefore 4791 —U —B tangents at the points These tangents intersect on B. /n and — ^i (P, Q) [Proof by subtraction. — 4792 Theorem. If the equation of a right line contains an indeterminate ^ in the second degree, it may be written as R^. above, and the line must therefore touch the conic LM= 4793 The ])olar of the point (//, M\ B') is LM'-2RR-\-L'M = {). TEE come LM = Rl — 655 Proof. For /i + ju' and ju^', in (4789), put the values of the product of the roots of /li'^L' -2fiB' + 31' (4790). 4794 = sum and Similarly the polar of the point of intersection of aL — B and bB — M is abL-2aR-^M=0. The 4795 line two tangents of GE at joining the vertex G to the intersection /.i, or at —/n and —jn', is and ^t iHLL—M= 0. Otherwise, if two tangents meet on any line through G, the product of their ^u's is equal to — M, ciL drawn a. — Eliminate R from the equations of the two tangents (4790). The chords PQ, FQ and the line GE all intersect in Proof. 4796 the same point on B. Proof.— The equations of FQ', P'Q l^fi'L± d-i-i-i') and, by addition and subtraction, we are, by (4789), E-M = obtain fxfx'L M 0, —M = (4795), or i?- = 0. The lines i^fx'L + (GD) and B intersect on the chord PP' which joins the points jn, ^t/; or The extremities of any chord passing through the intersection of aL-\-M and B have 4797 — the product of their ^'s equal to a. The chord joining the points ^i tan ^, /i cot ^ touches a and chord of contact B. conic having the same tangents L, 4798 M Proof. — The equation of the chord fi^L— fiE (tan and this touches the conic 4799 The tangents on the conic Proof. eliminate by (4789), + coi<p) + M= = jB^ at the points LM = B^ sin^ —Write (l) JyMsin^2^ is, 0, at the point ;ii tan <}), yu, /i by (4792). cot (p intersect 2(j>. the equations of the two tangents, by (4790), and then )u. — 4800 Ex. 1. To find the locus of the vertex of a triangle circumscinbing a fixed conic and having its other vertices on two fixed right lines. Take for the lines CD, B"- for the conic (Fig. 56), aL + M, hL + GE. Let one tangent, DE, touch at the point /x then, by (4796), the others, M LM = ; TEILINEAU ANALYTICAL CONICS. 656 PD, PE, — — will toiicli at the points , /.«, P and the locus of therefore, by (4790), their ^L--B + M. l!^L-~li + M, Eliminate and , r- r- equations will be found to be (^a-\-h)-LM = A^abp-. [Salmon, Art. 272. is — 4801 Ex. 2. To find the envelope of the base of a triangle inscribed in a conic, and whose sides pass through fixed points P, Q. P- for the conic ciL—M, (Fig. 57.) Take the line through P, Q for E for the lines joining P and Q to the vertex G. Let the sides through hL — and Q meet in the point fx on the conic then, by (4797), the other extremi; M LM- ; P ; ties will be at the points —— and + ?0 LM = 4802 Ex. 3. — To inscribe a and therefore, by (4789), the , equation of the base will be a&L + (a line always touches the conic ^ah (a A'-R + /-3'^ = By 0. (4792), this + by B^. \_Ibid. ti-iangle in a conic so that its sides may pass through three fixed points. (See also 4823.) We have to make the base ahL+ (a + h) ixB + in^M (4801) pass through a third fixed point. Let this point be given by cL = P, dB = M. Elimi- = nating L, M, B, we get ab + (a + b) ixc + fx'^cd 0, and since, at the point /u, B, fj}L M, that point must be on the line abL + (a-\-b) cB + cdM. The intersections of this line with the conic give two solutions by two posi- = nL = [^Ibid. tions of the vertex. RELATED CONICS. 4803 A conic having double contact with the conies S and S' (Fig. 58) is where E, F are common chords S-S' = EF. PiioOF. — The equation may be written (fiE +Fy = 4^N or S and of in either of the (fxE - P)- = 8', so that ways 4^. S', There arc three =h F are the chords of contact ^IP, CL. such systems, since there are three pairs of common chords. showing that fxE 4804 C'oR. 1.^ — A conic touching four given hues the diagonals being J^, F ii:'E'-2ii Here S = AG and (Fig. 59) {AC-\-IJD)-\-F S' = A,B, C, D, : BB, two = i\. pairs of right lines. ANEABMONtO PENCILS. Otherwise, 4805 ii'L'-iM For (L' + L, M, Nhe becomes if sides, the conic tlie 657 diagonals and L±M±N the {U+3P-N')+M' = 0. always touches this M'-Ny-WM' or (L + 3f+N)(M+N-L){N + L-M)iL-\-M-N). [Sahnon, Art. 287.] 4806 Cor. circles G, 2. —A The chords 4807 conic having double contact with of contact ^+C-C' = The equation may 4808 which two C is signifies that the become and ^-C+(7' = 0. also be written sum or difference of the tangents to the circles is constant. drawn from any point on the conic ANHARMONIC PENCILS OF CONICS. The anharmonic ratio of the pencil drawn from any point on a conic through four fixed points upon it is constant. 4809 — Proof. Let the vertices of the quadrilateral in Fig. (38) be denoted by Multiplying the equation of the A, B, C, I), and let P be the fifth point. conic (4697) by the constants AB, CD, BC, DA, we have , AB.CD _ ABa CDy ^ PA PB sin APB PC PD sin CPD PB.PC sin BPG. PD PA sin DPA BC.DA BCfi DAS sin APB. sin CPD sin BPC. sin DPA . . . . . . Compare (1056). If the fifth point be taken for origin in the system (4784, Fig. 55), and if the four lines through it be 4810 L—iJLj^R, L — ix,R, 4 L—fJiJi, p L—jM^R, TBILINEAU ANALYTICAL CONICS. 658 the anliarmonic ratio of tlie pencil is, by (4G50), — CoE. 1. If four lines through any point, taken for the vertex LM, meet the conic in the points ^tj, /n.,, fx-s, /t^, the anharmonic ratio of these points, with any fifth point on the conic, is equal to that of the points —/Hi, i^ a'o, /"s, —l^a which the same lines again meet the conic. 4811 — — — — 4812 CoE. 2. The reciprocal theorem is If from four points upon any right line four tangents be drawn to a conic, the anharmonic ratio of the points of section with any fifth tangent is equal to the corresponding ratio for the other four tangents from the same points. 4813 The anharmonic made by four to a conic segments of any tangent ratio of the fixed tangents is constant. — Proof. Let fx, n^, fj^, yug, fx^ (Fig. 60) anliarmonic ratio of the segments is the lines from to the points of section; HH-Jj—M, fifi^L- M, a pencil homographic LM be the points of contact. same The as that of the pencil of four M, that is, of nn^L—M, iiii.Jj (4651) with that in (481U). — 4814 If P, P' are the polars of a point with respect to the conies 8, S\ then P-\-hP' will be the polar of the same point with respect to the conic S-\-h8'. Hence the polar of a given point with regard to a conic passing through four given points (the intersections of 8 and 8') always passes through a fixed point, by (4101). If Q, Q' are the polars of another point with respect to the same conies, Q-\-hQ is the polar with respect to 8-\-h8'. 4815 Hence the polars of two points with regard to a system of conies through four points form two homographic 4816 pencils (4651). The locus of intersections of corresponding lines of two homographic pencils ha^ang fixed vertices (Fig. 61) is a 4817 conic passing through the vertices and, conversely, conic be given, the pencils will be homographic. ; Proof.— For climinatiiio- A- fnmi P + AT'= 0, if the Q + IQV, we get !'(/= r'Q- CONSTRUCTION OF CONICS. 659 — The locus of the pole of the line joining the Cor. points in (4816) is a conic. 4818 PROOr. —For the pole The 4819 (Fig. 62) of is the intersection of P + hP' two and Q + hQ'. right lines joining corresponding points AA', &c. two homographic systems of points lying on two right lines, envelope a conic. — This Proof. is the reciprocal theorem to (4817) ; or follows from it (4813). If two conies have double contact (Fig. 63), the anharmonic ratio of the points of contact A, B, G, D of any four tangents to the inner conic is the same as that of each set of four points (a, b, c, d) or {a, h\ c', <V) in which the tangents meet the other conic. 4820 — By (4798). The ^'s for the points on the latter conic will be of the points of contact multiplied by tan <p for one set, and cot^) for the other, and therefore the ratio (4810) will be unaltered. Proof. equal to the by 4821 /.t's Conversely, if three chords of a conic aa = , hb', cc be then dd' envelopes a conic having double contact with the given fixed, and a fourth rZc?' moves so that \ahcd\ [ctb'c'd'l, one. For theorems on a right line cut in involution by a conic, see (4824-8). CONSTRUCTION OF CONICS. THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. If a polygon inscribed to a conic (Fig. 64) has all its sides but one passing through fixed points A, B, ... Y, the remaining side az will envelope a conic having double contact 4822 with the given one. Proof. — Let a,h, ...z be the vertices of the polygon, Then, by (4811), a. four successive positions of a, I a, a", a" } = { ^j ^" ^"' ^' > > | = &c. = | 2;, Therefore, by (4821), the side az envelopes a conic, &c. and a, a', a", a'" TBILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 660 4823 Poncelet's construction for inscribing in a conic a its n sides passing through n given points. polygon having + Inscribe three polygons, each 0/ n 1 sides, so that n of may pass through the fixed points, and let the remaining sides he a'z', af'z", ?\1"t:!" , denoted in figure (65) hy AD, CF, EB. Jjet MLN, tlie line joining the intersections of opposite sides of the hexagon (4781), meet the conic in K; then will be a vertex of the required polygon. each K ABCDEF Proof. — iD.KAGIj] = iA.KDFB\, K, P, N, L; therefore the anharmonic vertex on the conic, by (4809) ; i.e., I ratio KAGE = KDFB ] Kaa'a" = \ | be the remaining side of a fourth polygon inscribed by (4811), as where a and z in (4822), aa'a'a" \ = zz'z'z" i | \ Kz'z"z"' \ like the others, . Hence K for \ But, . is any if az we have the point coincide. Lemma. 4824 | passing through each pencil | —A fixed points meets involution (1066). system of conies passing through four any transversal in a system of points in — Let u, u be two conies passing through the four points then in Take the transversal for x axis, and put ?/ will be any other. and each conic, and let their equations thus become ax- 2qx c These determine the points where the transversal 0. 2(7'a)+c' two points given by Jcu' in It will then meet u meets u and u c') 2g'x ax^ 2gx c k (a 0, and these points arc in involution with Proof. ; = u-\-'kitj' + = aV + . + + + V+ + + = + = the former, by (1065). Geometrically (Fig. QQ), [a.AdhA'] therefore { AGBA' ] = = AB'G'A' { } [c.AdbA'] (4809), = A'G'B'A { , } therefore by (1069). — One of the conies of the system resolves Cor. 1. Hence the points B, B\ the two diagonals ac, bd. G, G' are in involution with D, D' where the transversal cuts the diagonals. 4825 itself into , — A transversal meets a conic and two tanCoR. 2. gents in four points in involution, so as to meet the chord of contact in one of the foci of the system. For, in (Fig. 66), if h coincides with c, and a with d, the transversal meets the tangents in G, G', while B, B\ D, B', all (Fig. Ql), one of the foci on the chord of coincide in 4826 F contact. CONSTRUCTION OF CONIC S. 661 — The reciprocal theorem to (4824) is Pairs of tangents from any point to a system of conies touching four fixed hnes, form a system in involution (4850). 4827 4828 tion \x-\-iiiij-\-v:: may be cut in involuthe vanishing of the determinant The condition that by three conies is a. ^1 B, As B. TEILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 662 Otherwise, let a, fl, y be the sides of ABC; la + mft + ny, /x/3 the moving base ah. and a the fixed Hues Oa, Oh Then the equations of the sides will be (Ifi Eliminate /i; then I'u = ; + m) l3 + ny — 0, (I'fi + m) a + n'fiy = 0. Imajj— (ml3 + ny)(l'a+n'y), the conic in + ra'ft + n'y question, by (4697). Given 4831 points on tlie five points, to find geometrically any number of circumscribing conic, and to find the centre. Let A, B, 0, D, E {Fig. 70) be the five points. Draw any meeting CD in P. Draw PQ through the intersection of AB and DE meeting BO in Q; then QE ivill meet PA in F, a sixth point on the curve, as is evident from PascaVs theorem (4781). To find the centre, choose AP in the above construction parallel to CD, and find two diameters, as in (1252). A line through To 4832 find tbe points of contact of a conic with five right lines. ABCDE {Fig. AG and Let intersection of point of contact of Proof. —By 71) BE. AB, and be Join D to the the pentagon. This line unll pass through the so on. (4783), supposing two sides of the hexagon to become one straight line. To 4833 describe a conic, given four points upon it and a tangent. Let b, h' a, a', Then, points. {exterior letters ifAB a tangent, c, the ratio A.& is theorem (4778) gives Since there are tivo values of conies may 4834 To be drawn this in Fig. 52) be the four and GarnoVs Then by (4831). Bc'l Be), two ratio, + (Ac c' coincide, : : as required, describe a conic, given four tangents and a point. a b, V {interior letters in Fig. 52) be the four Then, ifQ be the given point on the curve, the lines tangents. c, c' must coincide in direction, and (4780) gives the ratio -sin2(Ac) sin^ (Be), by ivhlch the direction of a fifth tangent Then by (4832). Tlie two values through Q is- determined. Let a, , : + Ac sin Be) furnish ttvo solutions. Otherwise by (4804), d.elcrmiiiivg ^i by (sin : the given point. tlie coordinates of . CONSTBUCTION OF CONIGS. 4835 To describe a conic, 663 given three points and two tangents. Let A, A', A'' he the points {Fig. 67, supplying obvious Let the two tangents meet AA' in the points C, C. in involution (1066) Find F, F', the foci of the system AA\ Similarly, find Gr, G', the determining the centre by (985). Then, by (4826), the chord foci of a system on the line KK". of contact of the tangents may be any of the lines FG, FG', There are accordingly four solutions, and the F'G, F'G'. construction of (4831) determines the conic. letters). CC To 4836 conic, given a describe two points and three tangents. Let points. AB, BO, CA {Fig. 167) be the tangents, and Draw a transversal through PP' meeting P, P' the the three Find F, a focus of the system PP', QQ' tangents in Q, Q', Q". in involution (1066, 985) ; G a focus for PF, qq',and H/or Cunstruct a triangle luith its sides passing through PP', Q'Q''. N on BC, CA, AB, F, G, H, ami ivith its vertices L, M, by the method of (4823), lohich is equally applicable to a rectiwill be the points of L, M, lineal figure as to a conic. The reason for the construction is contained in contact. N (4826). There will, in general, be four solutions. If the conic be a parabola, the foregoing constructions can be adapted by considering one tangent at infinity always to be given. 4837 To draw a parabola through four given points a, a, b, b' This is problem 4833 with the tangent at infinity. In figure (52), suppose cc to coincide and AB to remove to infinity so as to become the tangent at c, the opposite vertex at infinity of a parabola, and Cc then becomes a diameter of therefore to be perpendicular to the axis. the parabola, and Caruot's theorem (4778) shows that ^4^Ba^^ Ca.Ga Gb.Cb' AV'' Bo'' sin' sin' AGc BGc since the points C, a, a, h, V are all on the axis of the parabola relatively to This result, however, is at once obtained from the infinite distance oi AcB. Cb Gb' being the ratio of the products of the roots equation (4221), Ga.Ca Thus a diameter of the parabola can be drawn of two similar quadratics. through C by the known ratio of the sines of AGc and BCc. Next, describe a circle round three of the given points a, a', b. By the property (1263) and the known direction of the axis, the other point in : . circle cuts the parabola can be found. Five points being known, we can, by Pascal's theorem, as in (4831), which the TEILIKEAR ANALYTICAL CONICS. 664 obtain two parallel cliovds, and tben find P, the extremity of tlieir diameter, by the proportion, square of ordinate cc abscissa (1239). Lastly, draw the diameter and tangent at P, and then, by equality of angles (1224), draw a line from P which passes through the focus. By obtaining in the same way another pair of parallel chords, a second line through the focus is found, thus determining its position. To draw 4838 a parabola when four tangents are given. This is effected by the construction of (4832, Fig. 71). Let AB, BC, AE, be the four tangents, and CD the tangent at infinity. Then any line drawn to C will be parallel to BC, and any line to D will be parallel to ED. ED To draw 4839 a given parabola, tliree points and one tangent. This is effected by the construction of (4835, Fig. 67). Let hC be the must be at C, so that then the centre of involution tangent at oo CF-, determining F. F', another point on CA.CA' CC.CC 0. CO the chord of contact, being found by joining AA" or A' A", FF' will be the diameter through a, since the other point of contact h is at infinity. ; = = = To draw 4840 given one point a parabola, and tliree tangents. the case of (4834), in which one of the given tangents h' is at and the tangent h, must therefore be at infinity, and QB, The ratio found since they all join it to finite points, must be parallel. determines another tangent, and the case is reduced to that of (4838). This is FB infinity. B 4841 To draw a parabola, given two points two and tangents. This is problem (4836). tangent at infinity. F, G, The chords proportionals. AC in that construction to be the be determined as in (4830) by mean Suppose H will NM M is at will become parallel, since LM, to and we have to draw LA'' and the parallel lines from L and may pass through F, G, H in their new positions, so that the vertices L, lie on BC and AB. Otherwise by (4509), the intercepts s and i can readily be found from the two equations furnished by the given points. N N infinity; 4842 To describe a conic touching three right lines and touching a given conic twice. Let AD, CF, EB the given conic. {Fig. 65) he the three lines as they cut Join AB, AF, BC, BE, and determine K hi/ K MLN. will he one point of contact of the two conies, hy (481^2) aiid the proof in (4823), since AD, CF, the Pascal EB, and side " in line the tangent at K are four iJositions of the " remaining The prohlem is thus reduced to that proposition. 665 BECIPEOGAL P0LAE8. (4834), since four tangents and them are To 4843 K the i?oint of contact of one of noio Jcnoivn. describe a conic toucliing eacli of two given conies and passing through a given point or touching a given twice, line. Proceed by (4803), determining ^ hij the last condition. To describe a conic touching the conies S-^-L^, S-\-M'\ ISahmn, Art. 387. S-\-N'^ (4707) and touching S twice. THE METHOD OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. — The polar reciprocal of a curve is the envelope of Def. the polars of all the points on the curve, or it is the locus of the poles of all tangents to the curve, taken in each case with respect to an arbitrary fixed origin and circle of reciprocation. Thus, in figure (72), to the points P, Q, B on one curve correspond the tangents qr, rp, and chord of contact j^q on the reciprocal curve and to the points p, q, r correspond the tangents QB, BP, and chord PQ. The angle between the tangents at P and Q is evidently equal to the angle j^Oq, since Oj), Oq, Or are respectively perpendicular to QB, BP, PQ. 4844 ; Theorem. 4845 from — The distance of Proof.— (Fig. 73.) Take for origin CP the polar of c, pt the polar of C, Then dicular on polar of G. r- and that a point from a line is to its the origin as the distance of the pole of the line the polar of the point is to its distance from the origin. from distance is, - 00. Ot = Oc.OT ) : FT of auxiliary circle, c, cp perpen- Therefore, by subtraction, 0G.0iH=0c.0M) OP 00 — By making CP and centre perpendicular on polar of or :: cp : cO. OO.mt=Oc.MT, 00 .cp =Oc.GP; Q. E. D. constant, Ave see that the reciprocal a conic having its focus at the origin and its directrix the polar of the circle's centre. 4 Q CoE. of a circle is TBILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. GENERAL RULES FOR RECIPROCATING. 4846 ^ point hecoiues the polar of the point, and a rigid line hecoines the pole of the line* 4847 ^ ^^'^e through a fixed point becomes a point on a fixed line. The intersection of two 4848 lines becomes the line ivhich joins their poles. 4849 Lines passing through a fixed point become the same line, the polar of the point. number of points on a fixed 4850 ^ tangents right line intersecting a curve in n points becomes n reciprocal curve passing through a fixed point. to the Tivo lines intersecting on a curve become wliose joining line touches the reciprocal curve. 4851 tivo points 4852 Tivo tangents and the chord of contact become tioo points on the reciprocal curve and the intersection of the tangents at those points. 4853 -4 pole and polar of any curve become respectively a polar and pole of the reciprocal curve; and a point of contact and tangent become respectively a tangent and its point of contact. 4854 4855 4856 The locus of a point becomes the envelope of a line. -4n inscribed figure becomes a circumscribed figure. Four points connected by six lines or a quadrangle become four lines intersecting in six points or a quadrilateral. The angle between tivo lines is equal to the angle subtended at the origin by the corresponding points. (4844) 4857 4858 The origin becomes a line at infinity, the polar of the origin. 4859 Tivo through the origin become two points at polar of the origin. lines injiniiy on the 4860 Tivo tangents through the origin points at infinity on the reciprocal curve. to a curve become two 4861 The points of contact of such tangents become asymptotes of the reciprocal curve. 4862 The angle between the same tangents angle betiveen the asymptotes. is equal to the (4857) * Tliat is, with respect to the circle of reciprociitiou, and so throughout with the exception of (4853). BEGIPBOGAL POLABS. 4863 667 According as the tangents from the origin to a conic are the reciprocal curve is an hyperbola or reat or imaginary, ellipse. if l^i'& origin be tahen on the conic, the reciprocal curve a parabola. 4864 is For, by (4860, 4865 A '1), the asymptotes ai'e parallel and at infinity. trilinear equation is converted by Teciprocation into a tangential equation. Thas ay = hfth a conic passing through four of the intersections of Reciprocating, we get a tangential equation of the same hBB, and this is a conic touching four of the lines which join form AC 0. the points whose tangential equations are A=- Q, JB 0, D 0, (7 See (4907). the lines o, /3, = y, is <). = 4866 = aW The equation same witli the = = of tlie reciprocal of tlie conic ahf-\-l>^ii? and axes origin is where h is the radius of the auxiliary circle whose centre the centre of the conic. — Proof. Let then fcV-2=/ 4867 be the perpendicular on the tangent, p = a2cos^0 + 6-sin2 its is inclination ; (4732). 6l The same when the origin of reciprocation is the point xy\ {aw' -\-yii' -\-W)'^ A;V~'=p= Proof: 4868 The auxiliary ^ + b'^ = a\v'^-{-b\i/\ sm-d—{x' cosd + y' sinO). reciprocal curve of the general conic (4656), the in tribeing x^ y^ or iG^-\-y^ z^ =¥ + circle linears, will replacing -/a^ cos^d + = be symmetrically by — A'^ — Proof. Let i/j be a point on the reciprocal curve, then the polar of i>/, Therefore, by namely, a'^ + i/'/ — 0, must touch the conic, by (4853). for A, /,/, u in tlie tangential equation Jc' (4(365), we must substitute 4, ?/, ^\- + &c. 0. A''' = — = From the reciprocal of a curve with respect to the origin of coordinates, to deduce the reciprocal with respect to an origin xy', substitute in the given reciprocal equation 4869 '*' for a?.z--\-iji/'-{-k'' .V and — , '^'\i.i ^^^ ^• d\v-\-yij-\-k' ; ANALYTICAL GONIGS. 668 Proof. ^. PB = — Let, 7' he the perpuiidicular from the origin on the tangent and The perpendicular iVom — = —-—3! .•. h' Jr p It , cos a —y ' x'y' is a smU, • F — x'cosd — y'sind, = ccx +yy' + .. ^^' . --^ Ih ^ ; Icp cos Rcos •. Jc^ p aV + 2/2/' + ^'' TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. By employing these coordinates, theorems which are merely the reciprocals of those already deduced in trilinears may he proved independently. See (4019) for a description 4870 of this system. The following proposition serves to transform by reciprocation the whole system of trilinear coordinates of points and equations of right lines and curves, into tangential coordinates of right lines and equations of points and curves. THEOREM OF TRANSFORMATION. 4871 Griven the trilinear equation of a conic (4656), the tangential equation of the reciprocal conic in terms of X, fx, v, C upon the the perpendiculars from three fixed points A\ B' being the origin of tangent (Fig. 74) will be as follows, , reciprocation and 4872 0A\ OC =p, OB', ^/, r: — ^^X^ hiL' cv" 2ffiv 2^-v\ 2h\fi jr ff r^ qr rp pq — = = _ ^^ = Prook. Let a be the sides of the original trigon ABC. 0, /3 0, y The poles of these lines will be A', B', C, the vertices of the trigon for the reciprocal curve. Let BS be the polar of a point P on the given conic a, /3, y the perpendiculars from i.e., the trilinear coupon BC, GA, upon BS; ordinates of P. Let X, n, V be the perpendiculars from A', B', Then, i.e., the tangential coordinates of the p6lar of referred to A', B', C. AB P ; C P by of (484.5), a, ^ = ^^„ A=^,, -r = ^. y in (4656) and divide by ft, The angular 4873 A'B'C Substitute those values 0P\ relation between the trigons ABG is JiVCr = TT-A, evil' = iT-B, A'OB' = TT-C, and — TANGENTIAL G00BDINATE8. 4874 If ^BG reciprocation, 4875 Now it be self-conjugate with regard to will coincide with A'B'C. it tlie circle of be the circum-centre (4629) of A'B'G' ABC, and, by (4873), let (Fig. 74), then 669 will be the in-centre of 2B'=n-B, 2C'=7r-C. 2A'='n-A, = = q = r in 0, so Also p (4872), which becomes ^ (X, fi, v) that the conic and its reciprocal are represented by the satiie Consequently any relation in trilinear coordinates equation. have has its interpretation in tangential coordinates. then the following rule We : — Rule. To convert any expression in trllinears into tangentials, consider the origin of the former as the in-centre of the trigon, change a, |3, y into X, ^, v, and interpret the result by the rules for reciprocating (4846-65). If the angles of the 4876 original trigon are involved, change these by (4875) into the angles of the reciprocal trigon, of luhich the origin ivill now be the circum-centre. 4877 ABC, Referring trihnears and tangentials to the same trigon the equation of a point, as shown in (4021), becomes AX+l/x+X.^0; Ih Ih 4878 01^5 by multiplying by Ih -|-2, BOC\^COAiL-^AOBv = The equation of a point can generally from the figure by means (Fig. 3) {). be obtained directly of this formula. EQUATIONS IN TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. direct demonstrations of the following theorems, the reader consult Ferrers' Trilinear Coordinates, Chap. vii. For AB i\ that in the ratio a The point dividing intersection with the internal or external bisector of C, 4879 aXdbV = The point 4881 0- in (4878) Mass-centre, is : Centre of now on the side X+/li+i/ = AB X+^ = is, may the is 0. AB. 0. [For BOC=:COA^AOB. 7 ANALYTICAL CONICS. 670 4882 In-centre, 4883 «- 4884 nX+V+Cv^O. (4878), for a t^ Circum-centre X sin 2 A +/x siu 2B-\-v sin a sin cation (4876), to the trigon ABC ; = J. + ^ sin \ sin 2^' = Z? ^+ /Li sin J5 + »' sin + ^ sin 21/' + of perpendicular J' = (7 sin 26'', A'B'C that ; is, by (4875). from C npon AB, Xtan J[+/u,tan^ = 0. 4886 Orthocentre X tan A +fi tan B-^v tan C = 4887 Inscribed conic of ABG, 4888 Point of contact with AB, MX+Lfi = 4889 0. 2.4, therefore X sin Foot 2C = 0//ie?7t!ise.— By recipro&c. in (4878). is the line at infinity referred + y sin (1 ^B' sin the equation of the pole of that line referred to 4885 By L — aX+b/x+Cv = 0. L— ex-centre, Proof.— For JJOC is r 0. [Proof below. 0. In-circle (4629), = o. 4890 Point of contact witli AB, (d-l)) X + (5-a) = 0. ex-circle, (6—1)) X/A+(d — r) vX—^fxv = 0. 4891 the equaProof. — Since the coordinates of AB of the trigon are (^-a) iiv-\-{^-h) vX+(s;~r) x^ /m ii 0, 0, v, must be satisfied when any two of the coordinates Otherwise by X, vanish, therefore it must be of the form (4887). reciprocating (4724). (Fig. 'S), X S-ci t^-h in n If the circle touches (Fig. of 700), which proves (4890). tion of the inscribed conic /i, V AB D : - = AB BD = : : (4888) is the equation of the point of contact, because the line (0, passes through it and also touches the conic (4887). (4889) is the in-circle by (4887) and (4890) and what precedes. 0, r) [By (487G) applied to (4739, '40). 4892 Circumscribed conic, L-X-+M>'+iVV-2MA>v-2iV2:vX-2LJ7X/i, = 0, (4740) : : TANGENTIAL GOOEPlNATES. 4893 or ^{L\)-\-y/Mii-^^Ny 4894 Tangent at A, 4895 Cir cum- circle 4896 or Mfx, = Nv. to (4747, '8), 4897 Eolation between 4898 Coordinates of tlie — The = = /3 The point = 0. Proof. — By (4876), = = /x y, (4876). m/LL -{- uv for the line la IX = sin^' (4875) coordinates of any right line trilinear cooi'dinates ciprocal conic are o and by cos— tlie line at infinity X 4899 = 0. a^/x+IJv//*+ryv=0. Proof.— By (4876) applied Proof. 671 -{- v. of the origin and centre of the re- It is also self-evident. = will be at infinity when l-^m-i-n origin a = /3=:y 4900 the l + mft + ny = will pass through the + m + n:=0. curve will be touched by the line at infinity when A sum when of the coefficients vanishes. Proof.— By (4876), a = =y /3 for this is the condition that the origin in trilinears, shall be on. the curve. 4901 The equation 4902 or of the centre of the conic (p (X, (a+h-\-g')\+{h+b+f)iM-\-{g^f+c)v ABC (4876) are Proof.— The coordinates of the in-centre of therefore the polar of this point with regard to the conic f This point and polar reciprocate into (4658). 0^ + ^ _1_,^ point, of which the former, being the reciprocal of the in-centre, the line at infinity, and therefore the latter is the centre of <p (X, =0 its equation is as stated. ^t, v) is = 0. a=fi'=y\ is ft, y) a polar and (o, or origin, is u, y), while ANALYTICAL CONICS. 672 4903 (X', /Li, The equation of the two points in which the line v) cuts the conic is <l> (V, im\ y') <f> (X, The coordinates 4904 v) II, = of the ((^^V+<^,,x'+</,,v7-. (4680) asymptotes are found from the equations (l> {\, fjL, = v) and <^a + <^m+<^''= 0. — Proof. These are the conditions that the line curve and also pass through the centre (4901). The equation 4905 of the two (A, /x, j-) should touch the circular points at infinity is a^(X-^)(x-v)+lj^(^-v)(^~x)+cHv-x)(v-ft) — Proof. Put X'= ii'= v' in (4903) to the conic take the in-circle (4889). The general equation 4906 a^ make = the line at infinity, and for of a circle is (x-^)(x-v)+I)'^ {i,-v){i.-\)^e {v-\){v-ix) = {lX-\-mix-^nvy where l\-\-m^i-^nv Proof. put 0. in the = is (1), the equation of the centre. — The general equation of a conic in trilinears may, by (4601), be form + K7-yo)(«-«o)+c(«-"o)(/5-/5o) = {la + mr^ + ny)\ + m/3 + Ky = is the directrix, and ao/3oyo the focus. Now let the a(/3-/3o)(y-yo) where la focus be the in-centre of the trigon, and therefore a„ By this relation and aa 6^ + cy 2, the equation = + a(S-a)(a-/S)(«-y) + &c. (a— /3)(a— y) or cos" |^'1 + &C. = = = /3o=yo= |SS~^ is (709). expressed as (Z'a+w'/3 + 7t'y)-, (ra + m'/i +«'y)'' Reciprocating by (4876), this becomes (\—fx)(X — v) ain- A' -\- &.C. = (Z\+ "'A' +«»')', the constant factor introduced on the right being involved in I, m, n; and sin7i' cos-j^, by (4875). And we know that this is a cii'cle by (4845 Cor.), and that the directrix of the conic reciprocates into the centre of the = circle. Otherwise. —The left side of (1) represents the two circular points at infinity (4905), and, if for the right we take the equation of a point, the whole represents a conic, as in (49(»9), of the form In this case, B'-. AC = A, C, the points of contact of tangents from B, being the circular points, the conic must be a circle with i' = for its centre. TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. 673 Abridged Notation. Let ^ = 0, B = 0, D= = (Fig. 75) be the G 0, tangential equations of the four points of a quadrangle, where A = a^X-\-hiiii-\-Ci^v, B = a.2\-\-biiii-\-C2v, and so on. Then hBD. the equation of the inscribed conic will be AG 4907 = — The equation is of the second degree in \, ju, v; therefore the line (\, /J., J') touches a conic. The coordinates of one line that touches this That is, the line 0. conic are determined by the equations A 0, B joining the two points A, B touches the conic, and so of the rest. Proof. = 4908 If the points B, AG = becomes contact of 4909 and ; coincide (Fig. 76), the equation are the points of = = 0. ABG (Fig. 78), and k^B^ for its equation, let a tangent ef be drawn, eB h m. The equations of the points f and Referring the conic to the trigon taking AG = Ae let / will D and A = 0, G tangents from the point B JiB- = : = : be Proof. eliminate mA + hB = — The A first from mhB + 6' 0, = 0. equation corresponds to (4879). mA + kB = and AG — For the equation of/, Jc^B^-. AB whose equa4910 Let e, h (Fig. 77) be two points on 0. The equation of the tions are mA-\-hB 0, 7iiA-\-kB point jj, in which tangents from e and h intersect, is = = mmA-lr{m-\-m) kB-^C Proof. = 0. — The equation may be put in the form (mA + JcB)(mA + l-B) = 0, because k'^B'^=AG if the line touches the conic. The equation being of the first degree in A, B, G, must represent some point. That is, the relation between A, /.I, V involved in it makes the stivaight line \a-\-i.ip-\-vy pass through a But the equation is satisfied when mA + lcB 0, a relation certain point. which makes the straight line pass through e. Hence a tangent through e Similarly, by '^n'A + A-Jj 0, another passes through a certain fixed point. tangent passes through li and the same fixed point. = = — m = m, then the equation of the point of CoE. Let liB and ml'B-\-G contact of the tangent joining the points ma (4909) (e and/, Fig. 78) will be 4911 + m'A-\-2mkB-\rC 4912 If ill = (). Fig- (78) the trilinear coordinates of the points 4 R ANALYTICAL OONtCS. 674 A, B, G are ii\, y^, z„ x.„ 7/2, ^2, ^h. y.s, ^3, the coordinates of point of contact p of the tangent defined by m will be 'in\ + 2mJcx.2 + ^3, and the tangent at ratios h : m m^T/i j^ and mh : + 2?ri/i;?/2 1, mh^ + 2 » Jj^a + + Va, divides the two tlie z-^, fixed tangents in the by (4909). = (4G65) expresses the When U is about to break up into two factors, the minor axis of the conic diminishes (Fig. 79). Every tangent that can now be drawn to the conic passes very nearly through one end or other of the major axis. Ultimately, when the minor axis vanishes, the condition of the line touching the conic becomes the conIn this dition of its passing through one or other of two fixed points A, B. case, Z7 consists of two factors, which, put equal to zero, are the equations The conic has become a straight line, and this line is of those points. touched at every point by a single tangent. 4913 Note.— The conditiou that Xa+fift 4914 If TJ and equation + i^y V coordinates, hJJ-[-TJ' f7 or $ (A, ^, v) shall touch a certain conic. (Fig. 80) be is two conies in tangential then a conic having for a tangent every tangent common to Z7 and TJ' and kU-\-AB is a conic having in common with U the two pairs of tangents drawn from the points A, B. The conic U' in this case merges into the line AB, or, more strictly, the two points A, B, as explained in (4913). ; hU+AB breaks np into two hJJ^JJ' or represents two points which are the opposite vertices of the quadrilateral formed by the four tangents. 4915 If either factors, it ON THE INTERSECTION OF TWO CONICS. INTRODUCTORY THEOREM. Geometrical meaning' of ^{ — 1).* 4916 In a system of rectangular or oblique i)lanc coordinates, let the operator \/— I prefixed to an ordinate ij denote the turning of the ordinate about its foot as a centre through a right angle in a plane perpendicular to The repetition of this operation will turn the ordinate the plane of xy. * [The fiction of imaginary lines and points is not ineradicable from Geometry. The -\, and, as it appears theory of Quaternions removes all imaginarincss from the symbol that a partial application of that theory presents the subject of Projection in a much clearer light, 1 have here introduced the notion of the multiplication of vectors at right angles to each other.] V ON THE INTERSECTION OF TWO 675 GONICS. through another right angle in the same plane so as to bring it again into the plane o£ xy. The double opei'ation has c onv ert ed y into —y. Bu t the two 1 —y, -s/ 1 .y or (V —lYy operations are indicated algebraically by v which justifies the definition. It may be remarked, in passing, that any operation which, being performed twice in succession upon a quan tity, changes its sign, offers a con- — sistent interpretation of the multiplier v/ . — = — 1. 4917 With this additional operator, borrowed from the Theory of Quaternions, equations of plane curves may be made to represent more Con sider the equation a^ + y^= dr. For values extended loci than formerly For values of of » < a, we have y zk Va'—x^, and a circle is traced out . = . = = — — ±i \/x^ a^, where i v/ 1. The ordinate y \/x' — c^ is turned through a right angle by the vector i, and this part of the locus is consequently an equilateral hyperbola having a common axis with the circle and a common parameter, but having its plane at right angles to Since the foot of each ordinate remains unaltered in posithat of the circle. tion, we may, for convenience, leave the operation indicated by i unperformed and draw the hyperbola in the oi-iginal plane. In such a case, the circle may be called the principal, and the hyperbola the supplementary, curve, after When the coordinate axes are rectangular, the supplementary Poncelet. curve is not altered in any other respect than in that of position by the transformation of all its ordinates through a right angle but, if the coordinate axes are obliqiie, there is likewise a change of figure precisely the same as that which would be produced by setting each ordinate at right angles to its abscissa in the xy plane. In the diagrams, the supplementary curve will be shown by a dotted line, and the unperfoi'med operation indicated by i must always be borne in mind. For, on account of it, there can be no geometrical relations between the principal and supplementary curves excepting those which arise from the This law is in agreement possession of one common axis of coordinates. with the algebraic one which applies to the real and imaginary parts of the a in both curves. al When y vanishes, x equation x^ — (iyy d-bd-b- or the hyperbola b-x'' — a-y' If either the ellipse b^x^ + a-y'^ be taken for the principal curve, the other will be the supplementaiy curve. It is evident that, by taking diflTerent conjugate diameters for coordinate axes, the same conic will have corresponding diflFerent supplementary curves. The phrase, "supplementary conic on the diameter DD," for example, will refer to that diameter which forms the common axis of the principal and supplementary conic in question. x>a, we may write ; = = 4918 = = = = h. d^ and the right line x circle x~ + ythe line intersects the su pplementary right hyperbola in two By increasing b without limit, we o.^. points whose ordinates are ±^' v &' These lie on the get a pair of, so-called, imagiyiary points at infinity. asymptotes of the hyperbola, and the equation of the asymptotes is When Let us now take the & is > a, — (^x + iy)(x-iy) = 0. We can now give The two lines m _ _ a geometrical interpretation to the statements drawn from the focus of the conic b'-x' + a^y- = d'b'' (4/'20). to the " circular points at infinity " make angles of 45° with the, major axis, they touch the conic in its supplementary hyperbola b'^x^—d' {iy)An independent proof of this is as follows. = and d'lt\ — ; ANALYTICAL GONICS. Q1& Draw let a tangent from S (Fig. 81) to the supplementary liypei'bola, and Tiicii y be the coordinates of the point of contact P. a;, ^ = ^, (115^0) by the value Therefore y = _-f^; of x. and >j s/(^^-a^) - ^' Also SN = x-CS= ,^'f = SP makes SN, =A therefore ,.. - y^F^' an angle of 45'^ with CN. The following results are required in the theory of projecand are illustrated in figures (82) to (86). Two ellipses are taken in each case for principal curves, and the supplementary hyperbolas are shown by dotted lines. As the planes tion, of the principal and supplementarj^ curves are really at right angles, the intersections of the solid lines with the dotted are only apparent. The intersections of the solid lines are real points, while the intersections of the dotted lines represent the imaginary points. Two 4919 in (i.) conies in ttvo real (ii.) (iii.) may intersect four real imints (Fig. 82); and two imaginary ])oints (Fig. 83) in four imaginary i^oints (Fig. 84). [When the two hyperbolas in figures (83) and (84) are similar and two of their points of intersection recede to infinity (Figs. 85 and 8G). Hence, and by taking the dotted lines for principal, and the solid for supplementary, curves, we also have the cases] similarly situated, (iv.) infinity in ttvo real finite 2^0 ints and two imaginary points at ; (v.) in tivo imaginary finite points points at infinity ; (vi.) infinity in two and two imaginary imaginary finite points and two real points at ; (vii.) in ttvo real finite points and two real points at infinity. 4920 Given two conies not intersecting, or intersecting in but two points, to draw the two supplementary curves which have a common chord of intersection conjugate to the — TEE METHOD OF PBOJEGTION. 677 diameters upon whicli tliey are described, or in other words, to find tlie imaginary common chord of the conies. p. Poncelet has shewn by geometrical reasoning (Proprietes des Projectlves, The following is a method of deter31) that such a chord must exist. mining its position Let (abcfgh'^xi/iy = and (a'b'c'fg'li''^xyiy = (i.) C (Fig. 89), the coordinate axes being be the equations of the conies G, Then the Suppose PQ to be the common chord sought. rectangular. diameters AB, A'B' conjugate to PQ bisect it in B, and the supplementary curves on those diameters intersect in the points P, Q. Now, let the coordinate axes be turned through an angle B, so that the y axis may become This is parallel to PQ, and therefore also to the tangents at A,B, A', B' accomplished by substituting for x and y, in equations (i.), the values . XG0s9 — y &\nd and 7/ cos + a; sin 0. and Let the transformed equations be denoted by {ABGFGH'^xyiy = {A'B'G'F'G'H''^xyiy = 0, in which the coefficients are all functions of 0, quadequations as a Solving each of these excepting c, which is unaltered. ratic in y, the solutions take the forms y = a,-(; + /3±\//* {x^ — 2]px + q), y = a'x + fV ± \^fJ.' (x- — 2p'x + q) ...(n.), p, q given in (4449-53), if for small letters we and the Thus, a, /3, fi, p, q are obtained in terms of substitute capitals. original coefficients a, h, h,f, g, Ji. aE l^ DN, we have // ON, n being 4 Now, the coordinates of with the values of a, 13, /j., D and jy = a'^ + /3', therefore a^ + ft = = a^ + = = + (iii-)- fi' represents the ordinate of the conic conjugate and For values of x in the diagram > <0B, the factor \/—l appears in this surd, indicating an ordinate of the Hence, equating the values of the or A'B'. supplementary curve on common ordinate PD, we have The surd in equations to the diameter AB (ii.) OM or A'B'. AB I, (e-2p-Uq) = 1^' (e-2p'Uq) (iv.). Eliminating between equations (iii.) and (iv.), we obtain an equation for determining 0; which angle being found, we can at once draw the diameters t, AB, A'B'. THE METHOD OF PROJECTION. — Problem. Given any conic and a right hne in^ its plane and any plane of projection, to find a vertex of projection such that the line may pass to infinity while the conic is projected into a hyperbola or ellipse according as the right and at the line does or does not intersect the given conic same time to give any assigned proportion and direction to the axes of the projected conic. 4921 ; — ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 678 — HCKD BB the right line, in be the given conic, and Let Analysis. Draw Fig. (87) not intersecting, and in Fig. (88) intersecting the conic. to be the Suppose the diameter of the conic conjugate to BB. parallel to OBB, Draw any plane required vertex of projection. in F, and draw the intersecting the given conic in CB and the line in and cutting the former plane in E, F, G and the line plane on the plane parallel be the conical projection of let the curve UK EGGD UK BB OEK to A ; HCKD EGGD OBB. By similar triangles, FF^ ^FG_^aA _ OA HF~HA^^ FK Let a, ft . AK' EF.FG ^ "EF.FK be the semi-diameters of the given conic ^^'' EF.FK ~ ^"^ +1, EF.FG~ ^^'' (^ •- a'' OA^ .^. HA.AK pai'allel to P^'-SA.A UK K ^ and ^' GB ; .^. ^^" a'.OA' Now, since parallel sections of the cone are similar, if the plane of ECKD moves parallel to itself, the ratio on the right remains constant therefore, by ; Fig. (88). parallel to EGGK an ellipse in Fig. (87) and an hyperbola in Let a, h be the semi-diameters of this ellipse or hyperbola and GD, that is, to OA and BB then, by (2), (1193), the section is EG ; ^ = £ Ej^, a^ ct OA- ... OA' = $^HA..AK (3). b-a- ^EA.AK= AB-, where AB in Fig. (88) is the ordinate at A of the a given conic, but in Fig. (87) the ordinate of the conic supplementary to the given one on the diameter conjugate to BB. Therefore But AO'=^AB' (4). Hence AO, AB are parallel and propoi'tional to a and b. And, since AB is given in magnitude and direction, we have two constants at our disposal, namely, the ratio of the semi-conjugate diameters a and b and the angle between them, or, which is the same thing, the eccentricity and the direction of the axes of the ellipse or hyperbola on the plane of projection. 4922 The construction will be as follows : Determine the point A as the intersection of BB ivith the conjugate to it. Choose any j^Iane of inojection, diameter and in a plane through BB, parallel to it, measure AO of the length given by equation (3) or (4), maJiing the angle BAO will he the equal to the required angle hetioeen a and b. vertex of projection^ and any plane IJM.'^ parallel to OBB will serve for the plane of pirojection. HK 4923 = AO AB, the projected curve in Fig. (88) be a right hyperbola. OoR. T.—'If will in every case TBI] — METHOD OF PROJECTION. 679 BAO is a right angle, tlie axes of tlie proIf CoE. 2. jected ellipse or hyperbola are parallel and proportional to AO and AB. Hence, in this case, the eccentricity of the 4924 hyperbola will be e — = OB : OA. = AO = AB and BAO a right angle, the ellipse becomes a circle and the right hyperbola in Cor. 1 has its axes parallel to AO and AB. 4925 Cor. 3. If 4926 To project a conic so may become the centre of the that a given point in projected curve. plane its BB the polar of the given jjoiiit, and conTahe for the line its For, ifV be the given point, and struct as in (4922). polar {Fig. 87 or 88), p the projection ofP ivill have its polar at infinity, and ivill therefore be the centre of the projected ellipse or hyperbola, according as P is within or luithout the BB original conic. To project two intersecting conies into two similar similarly situated hyperbolas of given eccentricity. 4927 and BB {Fig. Take the common chord of the conies for the line 88), and project each conic as in (4922), employing the same and Then, since the point vertex and plane of projection. are the same for each projection, corresand the lines ponding conjugate diameters of the hyperbolas are parallel and A AO AB proportional to AO and AB ; therefore, Sfc. To project two non-intersecting conics into similar and similarly situated ellipses of given eccentricity. 4928 Tahe the common chord of a certain two of the supplementary curves of the conics (4920), in other words, the imaginary common chord of the conics, for tlie line BB, and proceed as in (4927). To project two conics having a common chord of contact into two concentric, similar and similarly situated hyperbolas. Tahe the common chord for the line BB, and construct as in 4929 The common pole of the conics projects into a common (4922). centre and the common tangents into common asymptotes. TBILINEAB ANALYTICAL CONICS. 680 To 4930 project any two conies into concentric conies. common pole and polar of the given conies by (4762), and take the common polar for the line BB in tlte construction of (4922). The common pole projects into a Find common the centre. — Ex. 1. Given two conies having double contact with each other, *xuOX. any chord of one which touches the other is cut harmonically at the point of contact and where it meets the common choi'd of contact of the conies. \_Salmons Conic Sections, Art. 354. AB PQ be the common chord of contact, the other chord touching the inner conic at G and meeting AB produced in D. By (4929), project AB, and therefore the point D, to infinity. The conies become similar and similarly situated hyperbolas, and C becomes the middle point of (1189). The theorem is therefore true in this case. Hence, by a convei'se projection, the more general theorem is inferred. Let PQ — 49oA Ex. 2. Given four points on a conic, the locus of the pole of any fixed line is a conic passing tlirough the fourth harmonic to the point in which this line meets each side of the given quadrilateral. [Ibid., Art. 354. Let the fixed line meet a side AB of the quadrilateral in D, and let be in harmonic ratio. Project the fixed line, and therefore the point D, to infinity. C becomes the middle point of ^ J5 (1055), and the pole of the fixed line becomes the centre of the projected conic. Now, it is known that the locus of the centre is a conic passing through the middle points of the sides of the quadrilateral. Hence, projecting back again, the more genei'al theorem is inferred. AGBD — 4i70o Ex. 3. If a variable ellipse be described touching two given while the supplementary hyperbolas of all three have a common chord AB conjugate to the diameters upon which they are described the locus of the pole of AB with respect to the variable ellipse is an hyperbola whos^e sup})lementary ellipse touches the four lines CA, CB, C'A, C'B, where are the poles of AB with respect to the fixed ellipses. C, (Salmon, Art. 355.) ellipses, ; C Pkoof. —Project AB to infinity and the three ellipses into circles. The the centres 2', c, c of the circles. The locus of p is a hyperbola whose foci are c, c But the lines Ac, Be now touch the supplementary ellipse of this hyperbola (4918). Therefore, projecting back again, we get AC, touching the supplementary ellipse of the conic which is the locus of P. Similarly, AC, touch the same ellipse. poles P, C, C become . BC BC Any two lines at riglit angles project into lines wliicli cut liannonically tlie line joining the two fixed points which are the projections of the circnlar points at infinity. 4934 Proof.— This follows from (4723). — INVARIANTS AND COVAEIANTS. 081 The couverse of tlie above proposition (4931), wbicli is the theorem 356 of Salmon, is not nniversallj true in any real sense. If the lines drawn through a given point to the two circular points at infinity form a harmonic pencil with two other lines through that point, the latter two are not necessarily at right angles, as the theorem assumes. The following example from the same article is an illustration of this Ex.— Any chord BB (Fig. 88) of a conic HCKD is cut harmonically by through P, the pole of the chord, and the tangent at K. any line The ellipse BKB here projects into a right hyperbola B, B project to The harmonic pencil formed by PK and the tangent at K, KB and infinity. KB projects into a harmonic pencil formed by 2^^ fii^d the tangent at h, kh and l-b, where 6, h are the circular points at infinity but j>fc is notat right angles to the tangent at J: of the right hyperbola. The harmonic ratio of the latter pencil can, however, be independently demonstrated, and that of the (Note that h is G in figure 88.) former can then be inferred. If we may suppose the ellipse to project into an imaginary circle havmg points at infinity, the imaginary radius of that circle may be supposed to bo The right hyperbola, however, is at right angles to the imaginary tangent. the real projection which takes the place of the circle in this and all similar and it is only in the case of principal axes that the radius is at instances 4935 in Art. PKAH ; : _ ; I'ight angles to the tangent. INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS. 4936 Let u ={al>cfr/]tjxyzy, u' = {a'h'c'fg'h'Xxyzf notation of (1620). represents two n' for which ku The three values of right lines, are the roots of the cubic equation be two conies as in (4401) witli the + = /.-, AA:-^+0A--+0'A'+A' 4937 4938 where = 0, A = uhc-\-'lfgh—af- — hg--ch\ = Aa'^Bh'-^Cc'^2Ff'-^2Gg-^'lHh', 4939 A = bc-f\ and For the values of A' F=gh-af, &c. (46(;5) and 9' interchange a with a, h with h\ &c. — Proof. The discriminant of ku + u, which must vanish (4661), is evidently the determinant here written, and it is equivalent to the ka+a', kh + h', kg + kh + kh+h\ kf+f + g', ¥+f'^ ^"'+^' • h', g' cubic in question. 4940 A, e, e', and a' are invariants 4 s of the conic ku-\-i('. , ANALYTICAL CONICS. 682 That is, if the axes of coordinates be transformed in any manner, the ratios of the four coefficients in (4937) are unaltered. — Proof. The transfoi-mation is effected by a linear substitution, as in Then hu + u' becomes Icv + v', and (1704). Let «, «' thus become v, v'. represents two right lines, it will k is unaltered. If the equation ku + u' continue to do so after transformation but the condition for this is the vanishing of the cubic in h aud k being constant, the ratios of the coefficients must be unalterable. = ; ; 4941 The equation of the six lines which join the four points of intersection of the conies u and u is Proof.— Eliminate k from (4937) by 4942 The condition that the A-h + «' = conies 0. and ir may touch vf is (&&-9SAy = 4 (©•^-3A0')(0'--3A'0), 4943 or 4A0 3+4A'0^+27A2A'^-18AA'00-0-0^ — Two of the four points (3941) must coincide. Hence two out The cubic (4937) must therefore have two equal roots. Let a, a, ft be the roots then the condition is the result of eliminating a and ft from the equations PuoOF. must of the three pairs of lines in coincide. ; A ('2a +/-5) = A -e, (o- + 2a/3) = G', Aa'/S = -A' (400). The expression (4943) is the last term of the equation whose roots are the squares of the differences of the roots of and when it is positive, the cubic in h has two the cubic in imaginary roots when it is negative, three real roots aud when it vanishes, two equal roots. 4944 /.-, ; ; = Proof.—By (543) or (579). The last term of /(a;) 27F(a) F(ft), a, ft being the roots of 3Ax' + 2ex + e' in (543) is now = 0. When this therefore F (x) has term is positive, f(x) has a real negative root (409), and then two imaginary roots for, if (a &)'•' —c, a & ic, and a and b are both imaginai'y. When the last term of /(;c) is negative, all the roots of — ; / (x) — = = are positive, aud therefore the roots of F (.^) are all real. INVARIANTS OF PARTICULAR CONICS. 4945 A= ^y\wn afjc, u = = aiv^-\- by- bc-^-ca + cz^ + ab, and 0' = n = a^ -{- 1/- -\- a-{-b-{-c, :r A '= 1. , INVARIANTS AND GOVABIANTS. 4946 u= When {abr.fghXxijzy and u'=x'+i/^ + z\ e = A + B-\-C, = 0' A'=l. rt+6+e, = x^ + if - r^ and n = {x - a)- + A = -r\ A' = -^s\ 4947 When 4948 The cubic u u (// -(^f- s\ for k reduces to (k-^l) {s'k'+{r'+s'-a'-fi') k-{-r'} 4949 683 = 0. When = h\e' + aY-a%'' and v' = (->'-«)' + (^-/3)2-r% A = - a'b\ = (rb' a' +/3- - a' - W - r^ 0' = u'^'-\-h'a^-a'¥-r' («'+6^), A' = -rl { 4950 When A = —^m\ 4951 A, } = if-4^mx and u' = {x-a)-^{y-^Y-r\ = —4m (a + m), 0' = P^—4ima—7'\ A'= — u r'. When ?(,= {(^^(^fg^K^^^y^y and ?f' = ^^ + 2rt37/ cos w + ?/, 0=c(..+6)-f-g-+2(/g— c/0cos6>, A'=0, 0' = (• sin^co. Hence the following are invariants of the general conic, the inclination of the coordinate axes being w. abc-\-2f{j:h-af'-bcr^-ch' 4952 c 4953 c shr (a-\-b)-f--^'-\-2 ifg-ch) cos 6) c siu" 4954 ^ A "^^ snroi (3). For these are what (1) ^ .2), 0' 0) "+b--^l"^-o^^ and snvQ) and p. 0' 0) (2) transformed so as to remove /and (4). become when the axes are g. ANALYTICAL CONIC S. 684 If the origin be unaltered, c is invariable, and transformation of the axes will then leave invariable ^^ffA-qf-y- 4956 as appears 4958 = .^j^j . f+ff--^fffcos6) ^ siu" crlr. CO siu"- by subtracting (3) from (1) and (t) (2) from (4). Ex. (i.)— To find the evolute of the conic h'X'-{-ah/ See also (4547). — Denote tlie conic by n, and by u' the hyperbola c"xy -\-lh/o: — ci?x'y which intersects « in the feet of the normals drawn from x'y'. Two of these normals mnst always coincide if x'y' is to be on the evolute. and n' must therefore touch. We have Pkoof. (4335), ti, A = -a'h\ e = 0, e' = -ft-i" (a-x'' 4959 Ex. (ii.) obtained from + bY-cy-h27a'h'o'xhf = — Similarly A'= (aV + ty-c*), Substitute in (4942), and the equation of the evolute the is -2a^h-c\vy. found to be 0. evolute of the parabola is u = y- — 4<mx, u' = + 2 {2m— x") y — imy', = —4<m\ e = 0, e' = -4 (2m— x), A' z= 4my, the equation 27ruy- = 4 (x — 2my. See also (4540). 2a;?/ A producing 4960 Ex. (iii.) — The locus of the centre of a circle of radius E, touching the conic h\'-\-(rif—a-h\ the conic. + R' is called a par all d Ii;V-27^V {r (a'Hi'O + id'-2K-) x' + {2a'-V-) f] + 4a-6- + h') - 2c- (a" - n^lr + 3&*) x- + 2c- {^a'-a-V + V) i/ + (a* - C)^'^ + G60 + {Cm' - Ga'b' + h') y' + {(Sa' - lOcr't^ + (j?>0 2ar}rc' (rr + ^0 + 2c- (3rt'- a-h' + x- - 2r {a'-aV + 3h') { -{(ja'-10aV- + Gb'){b\c' + dY) + {W^-6a*b--6a;'b' + 4b'') xSf + 2 {a--2b') 6V + 2 (&--2a') aV-2 {a'-a'b-^Zb') xSf -2(3a*-a-/r + 6^).^y| [ c' (a" ;o' + E- to Its equation is Z/') + (/rV + aV--a'Z>-j-{(-«-c)' + r} PROor.— Tf the curve and A' in {(:i! + c)- + r} = xhf } i/' 0. the curves in (4940) be made to touch, o/5 will be a point on u at a distance r. Therefore put the values of A, O, 9', equation (4042). Itiahnon, p. 325. pai-allel to — INVARIANTS AND COVABIANTS. When 4961 u 685 (4936) represents two right lines. A' of vanishes, and = 0' 4962 two the condition that the is intersect on u should lines ; = 9 is the condition that the two lines should be conjugate with regard to u. 4963 Proof. — Transform = e = 2(/^-c70, origin xy makes « pass through the For is = 0, A' (4937), c = = into 2xy n' 0, so that the axes x, y are the We now have, by This will not affect the invariants (4940). right lines. in (4671), given by = fg-ch Xx + fxy + if H B : But F. : = 0, =a= becomes y v a; e' fg ; = -c. = ch makes x and y conjugate. then \ v 0, and the pole at the pole, therefore II =. = = 0. The condition that 4964 touch u is, either of the lines in u' should by (4943), 0^ = 4A0' O and with the above values of AB = or 0, 9'. equation of the two tangents to u, when Xa3 +^t^ the chord of contact, is, with the notation of (4665), 4965 The is u^ (X, fjL, v) = {\a;-{-iii/-{-vzf — A. Proof. The conic of double contact with u, ku + (\x + fiy and Q' must now become two right lines. In (4937) A' A-A +6 = = <& (\, i-i, v). Hence eliminate Cor.— Taking the Hne at infinity the equation of the asymptotes (4685). 4966 The invariant 9 4967 (i-) of the conic Whenever an l-u + u' <ix + i'y- (4G99), therefore = 0, = But 0. +v Jc. + bjj + C^, we obtain vanishes inscribed triangle of u is self-con- jugate to u. 4968 (ii-) conjugate to li II in (i.) and e is self- in (4937) u (ii.) Proof.— (i.) u becomes fore a circumscribed triangle of u . 0' vanishes under similar conditions, transposing 4969 and Whenever vanishes f'yz+g'zx+h'xy (4724). axif + hy- + cz"- (47G5), a'=l'=c = (); and/= g = i.e., if u' li is — 0. There- of the form ANALYTICAL CONIGS. 686 (ii.) In this case, /'= 9'= the line x touches u, &c. h'= and vanishes hr if = 4970 If u' ?') be two conies, and if 6'^ = /", = 4A9', &c., i.e., if any triangle inscribed in u' will circumscribe w, and conversely. — = A=-4, Q Proof, Let u x^ + 1/ + z^—2yz — 2zx—2icy and u both referred to the same triangle, (4739) and (4724). therefore 6^ = 4.(f+g + = 4A6', ]i), = 2fyz + 2gzx + 2hzi/, A'=2fg1i', a relation independent of the axes of reference (4940). — 4971 Then Q'^-(f+g + hy, Ex. (i.) The locus of the centre of a circle of I'adius r, circuma'b-, is scribing a triangle which circumscribes the conic h-x-+a-i/ (x"" from 9- = = + - a- - + r-)2 + 4 [ h'x- + ahf - a-lr - r 2/- Z>- 4A9' and the values (ft- + b')} = 0, in (4949). — 4972 The distance between the centres of the inscribed and Ex. (ii.) circumscribed circles of a triangle is thus found, by employing the values of ^/(/-±2jt'), as in (936). e, e', and A in (4947), to be D= 4973 The tion of the tangential equation of the four points of intersec- = 0, two conies u u = is with the meanings U={ABCFGHJ\iivy; 4974 (4GG4) U'= {A'B'C'F'G'H'JXiivf. V = {A"B"C"F"G"H"J\iivY. 4976 A = bc-f\ 4977 &c.; = h'c'-f\ A' &G., as in (4665), and 4978 4979 4980 A" = bc'+b'c-2fr, B"^ca'+c'a-2si^\ C" = ab'-\-a'b-2hh', — F" = gh'-\-<r'h-af-a% G"^hf^h'f-hi>:' -h'^, H"=f<r'-\-fo'-cf/-c'h. Proof. The tangential equation is the condition that Xa + fip + yy may pass through one of the four points of intersection of ?t and «'. The tangential ecjuation of the conic u + Jiit' is obtained by putting a + ha' for a, &c. in U (4GG5), and is U+kV + JrU' =: 0. The tangential equation of the envelope of the system is V" 4UU' (4911). This is the condition that the /i, line (\, v) may pass through the consecutive intersections of the conies obtained by varying A-. Put these conies always intersect in the same four points. The above is thcrefoi'e the tangential equation of the four points. = — INVARIANTS AND COVABIANTS. The equation 4981 conies a, u of the four commou 681 tangents of two is F = (a"h"c"f"^"h" X ^^y)'-> where and a'' = BC'-\-B'C-2FF\ &c., f" = GH-\-G'H-AF'-A'F, &c., as in (4978-81). — Proof. This is the reciprocal of the last theorem. ZJ+^ZJ' is a conic touching the four common tangents of the conies U and TJ'. The trilinear equation formed from this will, by (4007), be u^-^-hT + k'u'iX' 0. The envelope of this system of conies is the equation above, which must therefore = represent the four common tangents. The curve F passes through the points of contact of w and locus represented by (4981). Hence the eight points 4982 with their common tangents lie of contact of the lo with the two conies on the curve F. The reciprocal theorem from equation (4973) is The eight tangents at the intersections of the conies envelope the conic V. 4983 F= 4984 to the the locus of a point from which the tangents u, u' form a harmonic pencil. is two given conies — Putting = we get a quadratic of the form in which the line y is cut by tangents from o', /3', y'. Let the similar quadratic for the second conic be a'cr + 2h'al3 + h'(30. Then, by (1064), ab' + a'b 2hh' is the condition that the four points may be in harmonic relation. This equation will be found to pi'oduce F 0. Proof. ad' + 2]iu^+bl3^' = 0, 7 in (4081), which determines the two points = = = 4985 on The a', )3', actual values of a, h, h, suppressing the accents y\ are CP'-\-Bf-2Ffiy, G^y-^Fya-Ca^-Hy\ Af-\-Cd'-2Gya', and similarly for a, 4986 h', h', with A' w^ritten for A, &c. If the anJictrmonic ratio of the pencil of four tangents Jcuu'. If the be given, the locus of the vertex will be F" given ratio be infinity or zero, the locus becomes the four common tangents in (4981). = ANALYTICAL CONICS. V == 4987 is tlic envelope of a conic evciy tangent of cut harmonically by the two conies u, u' ; i.e., the equation is the condition that Xa+^/S vy should be cut harmonically by the two conies. which is + — Proof. Eliminate y between the line (\, /u, v), and the conies n and m' separately, and let AiC stand and A'a' 2ircily + ]l'ft2Hal^j + Bjy' 21111' produces for the resulting equations. Then, by (10G4), AB' -\-A'1j the equation 0, which, by (4GGG), is the envelope of a conic. = + + = = V= The actual values 4988 and similarly for A\ H', 4989 F'^ = 4AA'?n/ is B', B H, of A, with are respectively for a, &c. a' a covariant (1629) of the conies u, u'. For the four common tangents are independent of the axes of reference. C7=0 4990 V= and are both contravariants (4973) (1814) of u and n\ — For ?7= is the condition that Xo + /j/3 + ry = shall touch the and V = is the condition that the same lino shall be cut harmonically by u and u'; and if all the equations be transformed by a reciprocal substitution (1813, '14), the right line and the conditions I'emain Proof. conic u ; unaltered. Any conic covariant with u and ii' can be expressed in terms of u, u, and F and the tangential equation can be expressed in terms of U, U' and V. 4991 ; 4992 Ex. (1). — The polar reciprocal = Qn is Proof. — Referring n F= The polar of this may thing, 4993 ^, r], u, n' to their = ax- common + bij- + cz\ a(h + c) x' +h ^ with respect to «' (c self -conjugate triangle, = + y- + z-, + c (» + h) z-. ^x + riy + and the It' + a) is of u with respect to u' F. .c'^ if i^z, condition that is the same + caTi^ + abi,'^ = (4664), or, which (bc + ca + ab)(x^ + y^+z^) = P or Gw' = P (4945). touch u Ex. be written is (2). hc£i'^ —The enveloping conic 0//' + 0'// = F. V in (4987) may also INVARIANTS AND COVAlilANTS. Proof. (b — With + c) X'+(c + a) the same assumptions as in Ex. (1), + h) fM-+ (a r- = The 0. V 689 in (-i'.To) triliuear equation is, becomes therefore, by (4667), (c + a) (a + b) X- + {a+b){b + c) if + (i + c) (c + a) £' = U, + ca + ab) {x- + if + z') {a b + c) (ax' + bif + cz") = P. or (be 4994 Ex. hnes -\- — The condition that F may become two right (3). A A' (00' -A A') = is A'= B'= C'= 1 to Ex. (1), be, therefore, in (4981), a" ; the discriminant abc (a + & + c)(&c + To reduce 4995 By | 0. B = ca, C = ab, F= G = H=0, = B + G = a(b+c), &c. Heuce A of F = ahc (b c)(c + a)(a-\-h), A= Proof.— Referring or -{- (4945), ca -{- + a?;) — ate = | the above, by (4945). the two conies u, u to the forms y will be the roots of the cubic o, /3, AF-eF-l-e7.--A' = (1), be found in terms of x, v' and F, by solving //, the three equations + //- + ::'^= n, a,r-f-/3y^ + yr == u and (by and ?:^ cif, will ,1'- 4994), a(i3 4996 to Ex. (1) + y).r+/3(7 + a)/ + y(«+|3)^:-^=:F : Given ;t;- +r+ -2(/ + 2i^ + 3 = To compute be reduced as above. 0; a;- (2). + 2^H4;/ + 2a; + 6 = ; the invariants, wef take a = = and 1 1 therefore and = = The roots of equa6 6, 6'= 11, A'= 6. T. Therefore (2) becomes 5X- + 8r^ + 9ZComputing P also by (4981) with the above values of A, B, &c., we get the symmetry, of three equations as under, introducing z for the sake Therefore (4938, tion (1) are '9) now 1, A 2, 1, = 3. X-+ Y-+ Z-= a;-+ 7/+ 32-+ 2//z+ 22a;, X- + 2r- + 3;;-= xr + ^f+ 6.-'-+ 4(/2+ 2zx, 5X- + 8YH9i^- = 5a!2 + 82/- + 22r + 16!/2 + 10za;, The solution gives X=x + \, Y = -\-l, Z = I, and the equations in the + l)'' + 2 (^ + l)- + 3 = 0. forms required are (x + l)- + (y + iy + l = 0, \j (a; —To 4997 Ex. (2). in a conic u so that two find the envelope of the base of a triangle inscribed of its sides touch 4 T a. ANALYTICAL CONICS. 690 Let « = X- + If -\- z' — 2yz — 2zx — 2xy — 2hkxy, «' = and 2fy3 + 2gzx + 2hxy, X and y being the sides touched by u. Then u + hi' will be a conic touched by the third side z. By finding the invariants, it appears that 9^^ — 4Ae' = 4AA'A;, whence k is determined, and the envelope becomes Compare (4970). The tangential equation 4998 of the two circular points at infinity (4717) is Proof. — This the condition that Xx+fuy + v should pass through either x:^iy c is the general form of such a line. is = of those points, since U= 4999 being the tangential equation of a conic, the discriminant of h U-{- TJ' is — Proof. The discriminant of hJI-^- TJ' is identical in form with (4937), but the capitals and small letters must be interchanged. Let then the discriminant be AA;HeA;H©'A; + A' 0. We have A = A^ (4G70), Similarly 6' 5000 = A'G, = = (BG-F') A' + &c. = A'ai\ + &c. A' = A'\ e If ©, 0' be the invariants of of circular points X^ a parabola, and 9' + = ^t'^ (4998) makes ; it any conic C &c. = G=G = = = is k'^A' (a + b) 5001 The U and the pair + k (a + h) A + ab-h\ A e' {A'B'-m) ab-Jv'; and A' lows from the conditions (4471) and (4474). ; = A0'. then G makes the conic an equilateral hyperbola. Proof.— The discriminant of kU+X^ + in^ For, as above, A = A^ Q = A'aA + B'bA = ; (4668) since = 0. A' = B' = The tangential equation of the circular points I, rest fol- is, in trilinear notation (see the note at 5030), X-+/u,-4-»'"— 2/w,v cos Proof + yir = 0, A—2v\ cosB—2\fjL cos C. shows that the perpendicular lot fall from any point whatever upon any line passing through one of the points is infinite. Therefore, by (4624). : A.^' in Cartesians, 5002 The conditions in (4689) and (4090), which make the gcmoi-al conic a parabola or equilateral hyperbola, may be obtained by forming 9 and 9' for the conic and equation (5001) and applying (5000). INVARIANTS AND GOVABIANTS. 5003 If 0'"' = 49, 691 the conic passes througli one the of circular points. 5004 When It in (4984) reduces to \^-\-ix\ that is, to the becomes the locus of interseccircular points at infinity, tion of tangents to n at right angles, and produces the equa- F tions of the director-circle (4693) 5005 The tangential equation 5006 And two factors, if it —_Since and (4694). of a conic confocal with TJ is the left side, by varying k, be resolved into becomes the equation of the foci of the system. + /x^ represents the two circular points at infinity (4998), (4914), is the tangential equation of a conic touched by But these tangents the four imaginary tangents of Z7 from those points. and, for the same reason, in intersect in two pairs in the foci of U (4720) the foci of ]cU+y-+iu-, which must therefore have the same foci. If + X^+fi^ consists of two factors, it represents two points which, by (4913), are the intersections of the pairs of tangents just named, and are Proof. ;^f/'_^\2-(.^2 \^ Q^ jjy ; W therefore the foci. 5007 with u The general Cartesian equation = (4656) of a conic confocal is k'Au+k {C{a^'-^y')-2G.v-2Ft/-{-A+B}+l = 0. Proof.— (5005) must be transformed. Written in full, by (4664), it becomes (kA + 1) X^ + (kB + l) fir + kCi''. Hence, by (4667), the trilinear equation will be {(l-B + l) W-l-F'} a- + &c. = F- (BG-F') a- + kCcr + &c. = k-a^cr + ]cCa' + &c., and so on, finally writing x, y, 1 for ct, /3, (4668) y. TO FIND THE FOCI OF THE GENERAL CONIC (4656). (First Method.) Substitute in kU + XHA^'^ eithrr root of its discriminant becomes re+ k(a + b) A + ab— h^ = (5000), and 5008 k-A' it The factors (XxiH-/iyi-fv)(Xx.2+/iy2H-v). foci are Xiyi and x.^ya, real for one value of k and imaginary solvable into tioo _ for the other. Proof.— By (5006) the two factors represent the two foci, consequently the coordinates of the foci are the coefficients of X, /x, y in those factors. . ANALYTIGAL CONTGS. 692 (^Second MetJiod.') afocuii; then, by (4720), the equation of an x)+i (») y) (^ 0. Therefore substitute, in the tangential or ^-hirj (x-f-iy) iy), i, v (x equation (4665), the coefficients A 1, and equate real and imaginarij parts to zero. The resultirig equations for finding x and y are, with the notation of (4665), 5009 xy ^^cf' 1)6 — = =— + = — = /ti = — iinaginari) tangent through that point is = A[..-6+v/{4/r+(«-6)'^}]. 2{Cn-Ff = ^[h~aJrV \^^^'^{^i-WW = 0, and the coordinates If the conic a parabola, 2(0.r-G)^ 5010 5011 5012 is by of the focus are given (F2_,_ Q') cv (F^+G^) y 5013 Ex. — To = FH-\-l (A-B) G, = GH-i (A-B) F. + 2xy + 2>/ + 2x = find the foci of 2x' 0. By the first method, we have a, h, c, f, g, = 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, = 0, and from which '\ 11 Hi I'atic for k A = — 2. The quad- is = (2^— 3)(2A— 1) = 0, = f or |. hU+X' + = (-/ + + 2At>'-4A) +X' + m' = 0, 2X'-12v\-^i- + 9y' + 6fiy = 0. A, Taking h B, -1, (\ F, 3, 1, /Li' |, or Solving for { G, —2, ^- 3.'- :] thrown into the factors X, this is 2\ + /xy2-3 (2+ v/2) V } Therefore the coordinates of the 2- 72 8 /rA'H4^-A + 3 therefore J v/2-1 5014 2A-/iv/2-3 (2- 2+72 , 8- ' { foci, after I'ationalizing 3-' '^"'^ x/2) y } the fractions, are 72 + 1 -T- Otlierwise, by the second method, equations (5010, '1) become, in 1)2)^ this instance, (3;i; ±2, the sohUion of which pro2, (3/y duces the same values of a; and y. + =± — = 5015 When the axes are oblique, the coordinates x, y of a focus are found from the equations {C (.v+f/ c,oH(o)-F cosco-G]' [Cy-Ff Hiii^o) where I ami J are the invariants = iA(\/i^-4./+2«-/) = \A (y/2_4./^2«+/), (4955) and (4954) respec- INVARIANTS AND GOVAEIANTS. The equations may he solved for tively. x' y = J sin w, 693 = x -\-y cos a> and mhiclh are the rectangular coordinates of the focus with the same origin and x axis. — Proof. Following' the method of (5009), the imaginary tangent thi'ough the focus is, by (4721), £— .r-f- (»? ;(/)(cos w + i sin w). The two equations obtained from the tangential equation are, writing Aa for BG — F", &c. (4668), — —A (a + h — 2h cos w — 2a sin^ w), XY = A (h sinw — a sin w cos w) X = G {x + y cosc») — F cosu — G and Y = (Gy — F) sin X^—Y'-= where ; u). 5016 If the equation of the conic a.v^ -f 2hoci/ + to oblique axes be hif -}- c = , the equations for determining the foci reduce to y {cV-\-y cos a>) _ cv(i/-\-cr acos(o—h cosw) c ~ bcosQ)—h The condition that the line Xa?+^?/ conic u-\-(X'x-{-fiy-\-vzY is 5017 U-\-(l) 5018 {fxv—ii'v, v\' — v\, Xji'—X'/j) + v^ may touch = 0. or {A+u')U=n:\ 20 = \' l\-\- [J^^v U,. — U where ab — h^ (4656, 4936, 74) (4938) (4674) fj,' Proof. Put a + \'^ for a, &c. in from the first through the identity A^ (^/ — /uV, The second form follows of (4664). &c.) = the UU' — lP. F + = u,.,x-{-Uy,y u^,z, the polar of Otherwise, let (4659), then the condition that P' may touch u-\-V"'^ becomes, in terms of the coordinates of the poles, 5019 X, y, z 5020 (1 + "'') "' = (See 4657). ^^,x"^^,.y"^i>,,Z' — Pkoof. If we put ;«^.,, »,,., u,,, from (4659), for \, ^, v in ?7 to obtain the and similar substitutions made in condition of touching, the result is A?^' {(\>^.x" -\-kc). give A (0^,»" + &c.), therefore (50l8) becomes (l4-^'")«' ; = n 5021 The condition that the conies u + {}!x + /t/ + v',<;)^ may touch each other u + {}!'x + /V + v'zf is (A+ r)(A+ V") = (A ± n)^ (49B8-74) ANALYTICAL CONIC 8. 694 Proof. — Make one of the common cbords (X'x + ix'y + v'z) ± (\"x + V + v"z) /u' touch either conic by substituting is (A+ 5022 of the t7')(Z7'± 2Ii-\-TJ") = X' (U'± ± X" for X, &c. in (5018). The result U)-, which reduces to the form above. The condition, in terms of the coordinates of the poles two lines, is found from the last, as in (5019), and is (l+«')(l 5023 + <'") = ll±{<l>...v"+<t>,!/"+<l>..z")V- The Jacobian, J, of three conies it, v, iv, is the locus whose polars with respect to the conies all meet in of a point Its equation is a point. (ha.^-\-h,i/-\-g\z, a2^+hi/+g2^, fh^+fhy-^g^z Jh^v+b,ij-\-f\ z, Jh.v-\-b,i/+f, z, fh.v+b,2/-\-f, z gi^'^-^fi!/+fi -» g2^v+fz!/+c.,z, g;^'-{-fij/+c, z — Proof. The equation is the eliminant of the equations of the three passing thi'ough a point ^r)i, viz., ?t j.^ + ?t^7j + ««4 0, ViX + v^ri -{-i\i^ :=0, 0. See (4657) and (1600). wJ+w^f]-\-^tKi; = polai's = 5024 The equation of a conic passing through five points ai/3iyi, 00/3.270, &c. is the determinant equation annexed ; and the equation of a conic touching five right lines X,/tiVi, X^^iaVo, &c. is the same in form, X, ^, v taking the place of a, /3, -y. a^ B^ y^ fi y y a a /3 «! ^1 yl Ayi «2 ^2 yi ^lyz yi^i ^i^i ctiA ricii y-iO^i o.^^^ a! ^4 y\ ^174 74 a^ ^4^ A75 7n% ttoA as 0:^ r' Ayij a' ^5 75 = 0. — Proof. The determinant is the eliminant of six equations of the type (4656) in the one case and (4665) in the otlier. By (583). 5025 If three conies have a common self -con jugate triangle, their Jacobian is three right lines. — is, Proof. The Jacobian oi by (5023), x,jz = 0. aiX^-\-'b^if-'rc^z-, a^x' + h^^^f + Cf-, a.^x'-^-h.^^i' + c^z^ For the condition tliat three conies may have a common point, Salmons Conic<, 6th edit., Art. 389a, and rroc. Land. ISlalJi. Sec., Vol. p. 404, /. /. Walker, M.A. see iv., mVAUIANTS AND COVARIANTS. A 5026 i(, n, F, Proof. 695 system of two conies has four covariant forms conneeted by the equation •/, -{-Fun {&&'-3AA')-AA''u'-A'Ahi'' -^A'uhi {2AQ'-&')-\-Au''h (2A'0-0'2). Form the Jacobian of u, u\ aud P. This will be the equation of Compare the the common self-conjugate triangle (4992, 5025). — the sides of result with that obtained by the method of (4995). By parity of reasoning, there are four contravariant is the tangential equivalent of */, where forms t/, U' V, and represents the vertices of the self-conjugate triangle. Its and the invariants square is expressed in terms of U, f/', 5027 F r V precisely as J^ is expressed in (5026). The locus of the centre of a conic touches four given lines is a right hue. which always 5028 — Let = 0, = be the tangential equations of two fixed is another then, by (4914), TJ+kTJ' The coordinates of its centre will be conic also touching the four lines. Proof. IT 77' conies, each touching the four lines G±kG;_ ^^^ ^1±M^, by (4402). = ; The point thus seen, by (4032), to is lie G-\-kC G-{-kG on the line joining the centres of the in the ratio hC' 5029 To given lines. '. two fixed conies and to divide that line G. find the locus of the focus of a conic touching four In the equations (5010, '1) for determining the coordinates of the focus, The i-esult in general is a cubic write A-\-kA' for A, &c., and eliminate k. If 2, 2' be parabolas, S + /v2' is a parabola having three tangents in curve. 0'= the locus becomes a circle. If the common with 2 and 2'. If (7 conies be concentric, they touch four sides of a parallelogram, and the locus is a rectangular hyperbola. = Note on Tangential Coordinates. 5030 in mind that a tangential equation in trilinear the variables ai-e the coefficients of o, /3, y in the tangent line la + mlS + nY) will not agree with the equation of the same locus Thus, to convert expressed in the tangential coordinates \ fj., v of (4019). equation (5001), which, for distinctness, will now be written It must be borne notation (that is, when l^-\-m^-Yn' — 'imn cos into tangential coordinates, A—'2nl cos we must B — 2lm substitute, cos C* = by (4023), a\, &/u, c»' for The equation then becomes a-\'"+tV + cV-26ccos^/xv-2cacos5^X-2aOcos(7A^ = 0. Put 2tc COS J. = b^ + c^ — a^, &c., and the result is the equation as presented I, m, n. in (4905). Corrigenda.— In (4678) and (4692) erase the coefficient 2 and in (4680) and (4903) supply the factor 4 on the left of the equation. ; THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. TANGENT AND NORMAL. 5100 Let P on (Fig. 90) be a point tlie AP curve ; FT, PN, ordinate, and normal intercepted by the <k See definitions in (1160). Let /.PTX axis of coordinates. PG, the tangent, = g,, 5101 tant/; 5104 Suh-taiigent by(1403); NT = siuV' = J; Sub-normal i/d\j, cosr^ NG = 5106 PT=i/V'OT^), pr=ciV(l +?/;). 5108 PG = i/x/(i^), PG' Let Arc OP = AP — s. 5110 5113 5114 5115 sin (l) = {d.vy-\-{duy . cos = <^ = dr j:* (ds)\ tanV>^ ^'-""^ lidercei)t6 of Normal s., i/y^. = uVii-\-4)- r-\ r (Fig. 91), n Then, by infinitesimals, lie = r—, = g. AOP = , J _ ^^^^ <^ OPT = e, = ^ ; (je >' dr = x/(n-//a. + ^'""^ (1768) . OG = r~, OG = Vj-. (Fig.«JO) 69' TANGENT AND NORMAL. ^^''''' ^^=^i^^PGN=^h:NPf-'l^-'^- 5116 se Proof.— By = ^/{r'+rl), rOg = s„ sin^ and tan^ = = y/{l+r%y r8,. (5110). EQUATIONS OF THE TANGENT AND NORMAL. of the curve beiug y =f{a') or u equation of the tangent at oij is The equation = 0, the ^-^ = ^(^-.0, 5118 5119 or ft/.,-^ 5120 or ^w,+>;«, = ^m^-i/^ = .r?/,+//«,. = = (}> {.r, y) (4120) (1708) liomogciicous function i'» + f'«-i+ ••• +^o> where v„ is a If (p {a;, y) member of of .« and y of bhe n^^ degree, the constant part forming the right equation (5120) takes the value 5121 — v„_i — 2y„_2— By Euler's theorem (1621) and The equation 5122 of the (p ... — (« — 1)^1 — ^% = 0. (x, y) normal at xij is THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. 698 OY ~p Let be tlie perpendicular from the pole upon the tangent, then 5129 ;> 5131 = r siu(^ = /n'7^, {nr-\-u'^-\ - ^!^^W^ - (5112) (40G4&5119,'20) OS, drawn at right angles to r to meet the tangent, is called the 2^olar sub-tangent. 5133 Polar sub-tangent = r-6,. (5112) RADIUS OF CURYATURE AND E VOLUTE. Let ^, be the centre of curvature for a point xy on the curve, and p the radius of curvature then J/ ; = p^ {.v-$)-^(^-r})ii, = 5134 i.v-iy^{^j-yjy 5135 (1). (2), l+2/l+(//->?)z/2.= Proof. sidering — (2) and (3) are obtained ^, T) x, con- constants. The following 5137 (3). from (1) by differentiating for ^ are different values of p = (1+^^ : ^Ft^^: ^ ^. 5139 5141 = 5144 ^ 5146 PuooFS. J- (>''+/1)^ ^ :!± _ = = y>+/),^ = — For (5137), eliminate x — .sv ^_i^ (^+t<D'^ >•>',,. l and y~n between equations d), 1 W' and (3). (5138) is obtained from the i)rcccding value by substituting for y^. and (2), EABIUS OF GUEVATUEE AND EVOLUTE. 699 The equation of the curve is here supposed to be the values (1708, '9). 0. of the form (x, y) s. For (5139) change the variable to t. For (5140) make t ds (Fig. 92) be equal consecutive elements For (5141-3) let y.,^ = = ; ; PQ=QE = ; of the curve. Draw the normals at P, Q, E, and the tangents at P and Q to be drawn parallel Then, if in T and S. meet the normals at Q and Now will ultimately fall on the normal QO. and equal to QS, the point is equal to the proupon and the difference of the projections of x.,,ds) (x, ds or QS + dsx, that of Projection of jection of TN. ds But cos a. dsx.,,ds (1500); therefore the difference a. sin Similarly pi/2s cos a. ds : p, therefore px.,g FN E N PN PT PT = = = For (5144) (5145) from r to is u by (5146.) ; change (5137) obtained from p r to r and OX = PN = TN = ; by (1768, 6, = rr„ = - ''-^ TN = '9). and (5129) ; or change (5144) = n'^. In Fig. (93), PQ = p, PP' = ds, and PQP' = dx^. consecutive normals PT, P'T' perpendiculars from the origin PN, q for putting p for OT In Fig. (93), let PQ, P'Q be tangents; OT, OT', ON, ON' (5147.) consecutive upon the tangents and normals. PT= : ON, and d^ Z for TPT' Then, = PQP', ; = we have &c., = ^, QN=% and p = PQ = p + QN = p+p,.,. dip Eliminate cos dp = r cos d\p and cos = r, (5148.) q dtf/ (p (p 5149 Def.— The rvolnte of a curve is the locus of its centre Eegarding the evolute as the principal curve, of curvature. the original curve 5150 (p. . is called its involute. The normal of any curve a tangent to is its evolute. Proof.— By differentiating equation (5135) on the hypothesis that ^ and combining the result with (3), we V are variables dependent upon x, and 1. obtain i/^j/j l r> In (Fig. 94), the normal at P of the curve AP touches the evolute at Q. curve. given the of normals the of envelope Otherwise the evolute is the =— If 5151 xij and ^ ^n are the points P, Q, i=f.f+!^.,= .p, jS, = the relations ^ and ns = dr,, then Qs = dp. (5151) and proportion gives (5152). Proof.— Take Qn Qn, ns gives dp in we have , = dk = f- The projection of The evolute and involute are connected by the formulae below, in which r\ /, s in the evolute correspond to r, 2^i s in the involute. 5153 5154 /)±*' = constant; p'' = r'-p'; r' = r'+p'-2pp. THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. 700 — Proof. From Fig. (94), Jp = ±(?s', &c., s being tlie arc RQ measured from a fixed point R. Hence, if a string is wrapped upon a given curve, the (3155, 'G) from Fig. (93). free end describes an involute of the curve. To obtain 5157 tlie equation of the evolute; eliminate x and '6) and the equation of tlie curve. from equations (5135, ij 5158 To obtain the polar equation of the evolute eliminate andp from (5156) and (5157) and the given equation of the ; r curve r = ^(lO- 5159 Ex.— To find the evolute of the catenary y = 2/^=1 (e^-e''^) ^^y'-"'') ; y.,^ =1 = + e"^) = {e^- 2c c -^ (e' ^ ; + Here c' '). so that equations c (5135, '0) become (a;-0 From these + (y-v) we find equation of the curve, ^^-^'~''^ y=^, we =0 x and = ^— j- 1 + t^ + •/{yf—4c-). (2/-v) J = 0. Substituting in the obtain the required equation in i, and rj. INVEESE PROBLEM AND INTRINSIC EQUATION. An inverse question occurs tion of the abscissa, say s = (p when (x) ; the arc is a given functhe equation of the curve in rectangular coordinates will then 5160 «/ The be = J v/(4- 1) d.V. [From (5113). an equation indebe the ordinary equation, taking for origin a point on the curve (Fig. 95), and the tangent at arc OP, and xp the for x axis. Let s inclination of the tangent at P then the intrinsic equation of 5161 intrinsic equation of a curve is pendent of coordinate axes. Let y = <l> {x) = ; the curve is 5162 where = J sec from tan = s x^, is found t/».r^ (Ixfj x^ <l>'{x). ; — ASYMPTOTES. To tion 701 obtain the Cartesian equation from the intrinsic equa- : Let 5163 between s = F(-^) be the intrinsic equation. Eliminate t// and the equations this ,v = f cos xff (Is, y = J sin xft ds. 5165 The intrinsic equation of the evolute obtained from F{\p), is the intrinsic equation of the curve, s = 4^+*'=/, (5154) intrinsic equation of the involute obtained from the equation of the curve, is The 5166 s' a constant. = F(\p), is the same for both curves (Fig. 94), ^ only differing For by ^TT, and s = ^ pd^. cl\l, ASYMPTOTES. — 5167 Def. An asymptote of a curve is a straight line or curve which the former continually approaches but never {Vide 1185). reaches. GENERAL RULES FOR RECTILINEAR ASYMPTOTES. Ascertain if y^ has a limiting value when I. If it has, find the intercept on the x or y axis, that is, X— yxy or xy^ (5104). There toill be a.n asijmptote parallel to the y axis ivhen y^ is infinite, and the x intercept finite, or one parallel to the x axis Rule 5168 X = 00 . y— ivhen y^ is zero 5169 Rule and II. the y intercept finite. — When the equation of the curve consists of n^^, Si'c. degrees, homogeneous functions of x and y, of the m*^, so that it may be written Hf Wi)+*'=- = » ) (^) — THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. 702 put y and expand <pUi+ - ^ix 4-/3/0?' and make x (1) hy X™, &c., ), infinite; then = (^) ({> Divide (1500). hij determines fi. Next, put this value of /n in (1), divide hy x™~\ and malce x =: Should the determines /3. infinite; thus |3f/)' (/i) -j^ (^) last equation he indeterminate, then + gives two values for When n Rule 5170 and /3, <in — 1, is /3 so on. = 0, and luhen n = is >m — 1, = oo /3 . he a rational integral equa- III. If (x, y) discover asymptotes parallel to the axes, equate to zero the coefficients of the highest powers of x and j, if those coefficients contain y or x respectively. To find other asymptotes Suhstitute |itx-|-|3 for y in the tion, </> to — To original equation, and arrange according to powers of :k.. find fx, equate to zero the coefficient of the highest power ofx. To find (3, equate to zero the coefficient of the next power of x, or, if that equation be indeterminate, take the next coefficient in order, and if r^ CO there is tity, = Rule IV. 5171 and so on. where i{0) If the polar equation of the curve he v makes the polar suhtangent v^Q^^q, a finite quanc an asymptote whose equation is r cos {0 — a) = + ^tt = f~^ (00 = a ) the value of B of the curve when ; r is infinite. — 5172 Asymptotic curves. In these tlie difference of corresponding ordinates continually diminishes as x increases. As an example, 5173 Ex. 1. the curves y — To coefficient of Putting y 7/^, = fix + a (1) coefficient of value of /J (1 0, ft =^ = ± (3.c-2a). (^') H — are asymptotic. = (1). 4.c'^ 1/ + i.'x- + 2fiilt + rr)-4x' = +a^-)-4 . <}> gives an asymptote parallel to the = in (2), the coefficient of »' to zero, gives are a^z/S x\ 3 = and y axis. becomes (a + 3x)(x- The {'•i') + S.c)(x^ + f) + Sx = ft, (^ asymptotes of the curve find the (a The = gives V becomes (2). = ± -^. /i - - Hence the equations Substituting this "J ± —~ ; of two and this, equated more asymptotes SINGVLAUITIES OF CURVES. Ex. 2. — To find an asymptote of the curve ^.2 de _ ?• tote r cos is CO d , = and lir, rfl,. = —a. r cos 6 =: a cos 2d. = —a. Here 2d — 2a sin 20 a cos 20 sin dr = When a^ cos 703 cos Hence the equation of the asymp- SINGULARITIES OF CURVES. —A 5174 Concavity and Convexity. curve is reckoned convex or concave towards the axis of x according as yv/gx is positive or negative. POINTS OF INFLEXION. 5175 ^4, 2)oint of Injiexion (Fig. 96) exists where the tangent has a Umiting position, and therefore where mum or minimum vahie. 5176 Hence 7/2,, must vanish and change v/.^. takes a maxi- sign, as in (1832). 5177 Or, more generally, an even number of consecutive derivatives of 7/ ^ (,t) must vanish, and the curve will pass from positive to negative, or from negative to positive, with respect to the axis of re, according as the next derivative is negative or positive. [See (1833). = MULTIPLE POINTS. 5178 ^ exists when multiple jpoint, known also as a node or crunode, If y^. has more than one value, as at B (Fig. 98), {x, y) be the curve, f and (j>y must both vanish, by Then, by (1704), two values of v/,. determining a (1713). double point will be given by the quadratic (}> = ,. J + <^2.^!. 5179 If values of the cubic i>ij;, y,., ^2</3 'Pxy Generally, + <^2,. also vanish; determining a <l>Syyl 5180 2(^..^/.. triple = (1). then, by jw I nt, (1705), will be obtained + ^2y.ryl-^H,^.I/.r-^<l>S. = when all the derivatives of three from (2). (p of an order ; ;; TBIIORY OF PLANE CURVES. 704' than n vanish, the equation for determining be written less may (a + <p + And -^ /^, h + h) = -, Qid^ + hdyYcp h ®-^ = (p„ -^ in the dx ai'e small. z) {x, y) \ terms of higher order which vanish when h and h =— = Then, by (1512), point. n (put = 0. (=;rf,+rf.,)«.^G,.,y) — Let ah be the multiple Proof, /^. limit, CUSPS. 5181 When two 5182 In the branches of a curve have a common tangent at a point, but do not pass through the point, they form a cusj)i termed also a spinode or stationary jJoint. two values of first sjiecies, ^j.^x or ceratoid cusp (Fig. 100), the have opposite signs. 5183 In the second species, or raniphoid cusp (Fig. 101), they have the same sign. CONJUGATE POINTS. A conjugate point, or acnode, is an isolated point whose coordinates satisfy the equation of the curve. A necessary 5184 condition for the existence of a conjugate point (j)y must both vanish. Pkoof. — fore is — For the tangent at such a point There are four species formed by the union of (i.) (ii.) that ^^. and direction, there- indeterminate (1713). 5185 it is may have any is of the trij^le point according as three crunodes, as in (Fig. 102) two crunodes and a cusp, as and two cusps, as (iii.) a crunode (iv.) when only one in (Fig. 103) in (Fig. 104) real tangent exists at the point. — = Ex. The equation if {x-a){,v-h){x-c)^ when a -Ch <ic represents a curve, such as that drawn in (Fig. 07). 5186 * Salmon's JUigher I'lauc Curves, Arts. 39, 40. UN: (.. SINGULARITIES OF GURV^S. = c the curve takes the form in (Fig. 98). But = a, the oval shrinks into a point A (Fig. 99). li a = b = c the point A becomes a cusp, as in (Fig. 100). When if, 705 b instead, h A geometrical method of investigating; singular points. 5187 Describe an elementary circle of radius r round the point X, y on the curve (p {x, y) 0, intersecting the curve in Expand r sin 0. r cos B, k Let h the point x-\-h, y-\-h. ii siny, ^y by (1512), and put ^ {x-\-h, y-\-h) thus obtain cos y. = = = = We K K sin (y + 0)-\-^ Bj «/>,, (<^2,, cos^ d + 2./,.,^ cos sin + = = (p,^ sin- =0 e)-\-— (.')' being put for the rest of the expansion According as the quadratic in tan 0, (^,.r + 2(/),^^ tan + (^2i/ tan- = 0, equal, or imaginary roots ; i.e., according as crunode, i>ly hxi^iy is positive, zero, or negative, xy will be a a cusp, or an acnode. By examining the sign of B, the species of cusp and character of the curvature may be deter- has real, — mined. Figures (105) and (106), according as B and ^2^ liave opposite or like signs, show the nature of a crunode and ; figures (107) — and (108) show a cusp. Proof. At an ordinary point the circle cuts the curve at the two points 7r — y. But, if f^^ and ^^ both vanish, there is a given by 6 —y, 9 Writing A, B, G for <po^, f-,^, (poy, equation (1) now becomes singular point. = = C'cos^^[tan-^0+^tane+||+^ = (i.) If B^>AGy, this G cos^ d (tan d - tan a) (tan 6 - tan /3) + ^= of intersection with the circle are given (Figs. 105 and 106.) and the points and7r + /3. (ii.) When B^ O (2). may be put in the form = AG, we may 0, by 6 = a, ft, tt + o, write equation (1) 27? (7cos'0(tan0-tana)-+^ = 0. If B and G have opposite signs, there is a cusp with a for the inclination of the tangent (Fig. 107). So also, if B and G have the .same sign, the inclinaThe cusps exist in this ca.se tion and direction being v + a (Fig. 108). because B changes its sign when tt is added to 6, B being a homogeneous function of the third degree in sin 6 and cos 0. (iii.) If B^< AG, there are no real points of intersection, and therefore xij is an acnode. 4 X THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. 706 CONTACT OF CURVES. A contact of the n^^^ order exists between two curves successive derivatives, y^., ... y^^ or Tg, ... r^g, correspond. The curves cross at the point if n be even. No curve can pass between them which has a contact of a lower order with either. 5188 when n Ex. — The where x = a, = curve y <p has a contact of the («) with the curve y = (a) (f> at the point n^^ order, + (x — a) ^'(a) -f + ... ^—~- ch" (a). — 5189 Cor. If the curve y =f(x) has n parameters, they may be determined so that the curve shall have a contact of = — iy^' order with y (x). contact of the first order between two curves implies a common tangent, and a contact of the second order a common radius of curvature. the {n (j> A Conic of closest contact with a given curve. Lemma. 5190 —In a central conic tan CPG = 4 -^• S ds (Fig. of 1195), PCT=d, CrT=(p, GP = r, CD = + R:' = a- + b\ .•.rr, = -RR, Proof.— Putting (1211), Also Now ii-;- tan sin CPG </) = a&, by (1194), = -cot^) = - ^ .-. i2r0, (5112) = r But wc R, have, by (i.). r'' p = ^ ah (4538), = a&, by (-5110) — = ^, rdg ab *^ by (i.) (ii.). and (ii.). . .-. -V S ^= ds ^ = tan CPG. ab 5191 To find the conic having a contact of the fourth order with a given curve at a given point P. If be the conic' s centre, the radius r = OP, and the angle v between r and the normal arc found from the equations , tail v= 1 (/p o -f, as and these determine the conic. vosp r = 1 p (h as ENVELOPES. 707 — P the point of Proof. In Fig. 93, let be the centre of the conic and contact. The five disposable constants of the general equation of a conic will be determined by the following five data two coordinates of 0, a common point P, a common tangent at P, and the same radius of curvature PQ. PP', we have, in Since V POT, cW POP', dx^ TOT', and ds passing from to P', di' ds cos v, d^P-dO. Now rdd : = = P = therefore ' lemma. -~- = = P'OT—POT = — and tan v = — ; ^'^ ^°' P ^ = = has been found in the '^' The squares of the semi-axes of the roots of the equation same conic are the {Q+b'Sacy.v'-Oa' {lS+2b'-3ac){9-\-b'-3ac) .v+7'29a' = 0, a, h, c being written for p, pg, p^g. 9(e^-2y 1-e' from _ ~ The eccentricity is found (18+26^-3ae)^ 9-\-b'-3ac ' Also the equation of the conic referred to the tangent and normal at the point is = Aa'+2Bay-{-Cif where A = ^, B = -^, op c = ^ + ^-Pf. p p Ed. Times, Math. Reprint, Vol. Wolstenholme will be found. 2i/, vp xxr., p. 87, 6 where the demonstrations by Prof. ENVELOPES. 5192 An envelope of a curve is the locus of the ultimate intersections of the different curves of the same species, got by varying continuously a parameter of the curve ; and the envelope touches 5193 meter Rule. all —If the intersecting curves so obtained. F (x, envelope betiveen the equations a, the F (a?, ?/, a) y, a) is the = = be a curve having the paracurve obtained by eliminating a and d^F (.i', y, a) = 0. THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. 708 Proof. tion of — Let a change to a + F (x, a) y, = and F F(x,y, a + h)-F(x, The coordinates h. (:c, a + h) y, _ y, a) h =0 _ ^^ (IF (x, y, a) ^^^^' ^^' of the point of intersec- satisfy the equation (1404) da = be the equation of a curve connected by n — 1 equations, then, by varying the parameters, a series of intersecting curves may be obtained. The envelope of these curves will be found by differentiating all the equations with respect to 5194 F{Xi If y, a,h,c, liavhig n parameters a, a, h, c, &c., ...) b, c, ... and eliminating da, dh, and a^b, ... ... — Ol95 Ex. In (2) of (5135), we have the equation of the normal of a curve at a given point xy ^, >/ being the variable coordinates, and x, y the By differ(x, y) 0. parameters connected by the equation of the curve entiating for X and y, (5136) is found, and the elimination as directed in (5157) produces the equation of the evolute which, by (5194), is the envelope ; = F of the curve. INTEGRALS OF OUHVES AND AREAS. FORMULA FOR THE LENGTH OF AN ARC 5196 s=^ds= [v/(l+Z/i-) d^^' S. = J \/l+iI% (5113) 5200 = j v/K+2/?) dt = Jy(r+r^) cW (5116) 5201 = (5111) fv/(>'^^;+l) dr = 5203 Legendre's formula, 5 5204 The whole contour r J'!'' = j>^H- \ .,. . pd"*^. of a closed curve /»2Tr = \ pdxf/. Jo — Pkoof. In figure (93), let P, P' be an element Js of the curve PT^ P'T' tangents, and 07', 07'' the perpendiculars upon them from the origin Then ch + P'T'-PT TL, i.e., ds + dg pd^ therefore s + q. ; = PT = = lpd\p. all But qdij/ round the curve, tion, or dq = 0. = —dp; = ; ; OT=p q s p^ + jjfdi}/. Also, in integrating taken for every point vanishes in the summa- therefore P'T'—PT Therefore = I (?*• = I pd\p. . INVEBSE CURVES. 709 FORMULA FOR PLANE AREAS. = t)e tlie equation of a curve, the area 1^ (,^) y bounded by the curve, two ordinates (x a, x h), and the x 5205 If = = axis, is, as in (1902). A = rV {^^) dx- With polar coordinates the area included between two 5206 radii (0 = a, B = ^) Proof. and the curve is — From figure (91) and the elemental area OPP'. 5209 The area bounded by two circles of two curves = <^ (r), B = ^ (r) (Fig. 109). = rdrdd 4> Here r{Tp{T) r \ {^j^ (r) - radii «, h, <!> and the (r)} dr. Ja (r) — ^{r)}dr is the elemental area between the dotted circumferences. 5211 and The area bounded by two its e volute ^ Proof. radii of curvature, the curve, (Fig. 110). = \\p^dy\i = l\pds. —From figure (93) and the elemental area QPP' INVERSE CURVES. The following results may be added to those given in Arts. (1000-15). be corresponding radii of a curve and its F s, s' corresponding arcs, and ^, (p' the angles between the radius and tangents, then 5212 Let r, r inverse, so that rr' = = —r -—7 ds Proof. — Let PQ ; r and be the element of <f) ai-c ds, = <f>'. P'Q' the element els', and the origin. Then OP. OP' therefore PQ : = P'Q' OQ.OQ', therefore OPQ, OQ'P' are similar OP OQ' = r r' also z OPQ = OQ'P'. :: : : ; triangles; THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. 710 5214 K p, p be the radii of curvature, PEDAL CURVES. 711 PEDAL CURVES. The locus of tlie foot of the perpendicular from the upon the tangent is called ^ jpeclal curve. The pedal of Rethe pedal curve is called the second pedal, and so on. versing the order, the envelope of the right lines drawn from 5220 origin each point of a curve at right angles to the radius vector called t\ie first negative jpedal, The pedal and the 5221 is and so on. reciprocal polar are inverse curves (1000, 4844.) AREA OF A PEDAL CURVE. 5222 Let C, P, Q be the respective areas of a closed curve, the pedal of the curve, and the pedal of the evolute ; then P-Q=C, P+Q = i jVv/t/f, 2P = C+iJ Proof. — With (93) and the notation of (5204), we have, by (5206), = therefore P + Q = U + P=i Q = il r'dxff. figure f q'dxP p-dij;, Ci'' ; 5') ^'Z' 5 I '•'#• = A, we get Also, taking two consecutive positions of the triangle OPT SG + SQ-^P. Therefore, integrating all round, OP'T' =hA = OPT- [^clA = = G+Q-P. — 5225 Steiner^s Theorem. If P be the area of the pedal of a closed curve when the pole is the origin, and P' the area of the pedal when the pole is the point xy, P'-P = a=\ where ]3 ^{j,^J^^f)^ax-hy, cos Odd h=\ and 9 being the inclination of Proof. — (Fig. 111.) j9. LM be a tangent, the point xy, perpendiculars Draw SN perpendicular to OM, and let ON = p^ Let »S' OM = p and SB = 2/. then p' = [/-# = ^{(p-piy- i = P+ ^ And g Pld^ 2^&m9d6; Jo Jo OS^- \p -^ (x cos #=i + 7/ = twice the area of the J /f?^+ f J sin 0) circle p;^^/'- clB, m^^^ J by (4094), and dd whose diameter is OS. = #. . THEORY OF PLANE CURVES. 712 5226 Cor. 1. — If P' be given, the locus of .ri/ is a circle whose equation is (5225), and the centre of this circle is the same for all values of P', the coordinates of the centre being —a andJ —b TT TT 5227 let Q8 — Let Q be the fixed centre