Radhey Krishna Pranayam Pranayam Pranayam has been derived from two words Pran and Ayam. It means, to expand the pranic energy of the body. Normally it is understood only as a respiration technique of inhaling and exhaling. It is true that the level of oxygen increases in the body throughpranayam, but the meaning is not limited to this. “Pran” is a life-giving energy which is subtler than oxygen and is present everywhere. In Pranayam, special breathing techniques are used to assimilate that vital force from the atmosphere and enhance it in the body. Our lifestyle deeply effects ourpranic force. Our actions, sleep, diet, thought, senses, etc all have an effect on our pranas. Irregularity and indiscrimination in our lifestyle depletes pranic energy and leads to pranic blockages. That is why people feel the loss of energy from time to time. The depletion of pranicenergy leads to ailments in organs and muscles. The various Pranayam practices help expand this energy and balance the five types of pranas in the body. Pranayam should be practiced after asans. Rules • It is necessary to follow some of the basic rules of pranayam for deriving its benefits, otherwise it can have an adverse effect. Therefore one need to be aware of the rules of practicing pranayam. • Pranayam should be done on empty bowels or at least four hours after meals. It should be practiced where adequate fresh air is available. One can sit in any meditative asan but the spine and neck should be straight. • Remember God’s name along with Pranayam. Say in your mind Ra… during inhalation and Dhey… during exhalation You can remember any Name of God. • Eyes should be closed so that mind does not get diverted. • Keep a slight smile on your face while practicing Pranayam. Let there be no sign of tension in our face. • You should not exhaust yourself while practicing Pranayam or it may effect adversely. Radhey Krishna Yogasan Yogasans are specially designed sets of exercises, involving the controlled expansion and contraction, twisting and turning, bending and straightening of the various limbs of the body. They are practiced with the aim of activating, balancing, healing, and maintaining the various parts of the body Importance Of Radhey Krishna Yogasans Most Yog teachers and practitioners in India and abroad perform Yogasans as a form of physical exercise. Since they do not pay attention to the mind, they are devoid of the experience of the Bliss of Devotion. Whatever benefit is achieved in improvement of physical health, is only short-lived, because of neglecting the mind. The diseases of the mind, such as lust, anger, greed, envy, and illusion, can only be cured through remembrance of the Supreme God. General Precautions Those suffering from hernia and colitis should not perform backward bending Asans. Those suffering from backache or sciatica should not perform forward bending Asans. Those who have high blood pressure or heart ailments should not perform Asans in which excessive effort is required. You should also keep age and physical condition in mind, while selecting Asans sui table for yourself. Similarly, the number of repetitions of the Asans should not be overdone. Repeat them only for as long as the mind enjoys them and remains pleased and enthusiastic. Those who have suffered a fracture in the past should not perform Asans that exert pressure on that bone(s) until the fracture has completely healed. If you feel tired or exhausted, stop the Asans for a while, lie down in a relaxed pose, like Shav Asan, Makar Asan, etc., and while breathing deeply, bring the body back to normal condition. Trikonasan Trikonasan tones the nervous system and alleviates nervous depression. Moreover, it alleviates constipation and improves digestion as there is induction of Jatharagni (i.e. digestive fire) and activates intestinal peristalsis perfectly. MORE DETAILS Konasan Really speaking, this asan give sterling rotational movements to the spine. Another equally good point is it improves the functioning of the kidneys wonderfully. MORE DETAILS Tadasan It stretches and loosens the spine which helps clear the congestion of the spinal nerves. Similarly, it develops physical and mental balance. The stretching of the intestinal system and digestive systems makes them healthier.