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Hebrew/English Vocabulary List & Exercises

vocabulary and texts- 1-70
grammar- 71-94
listening comprehension- 95- 104
short stories- 105-125
basic vocabulary- 126-127
First vocabulary list
friend, friendship
battle ‫קרב‬
fight ‫ מריבה‬,‫ריב‬
choice (x2)
to be a friend; to become (became)
friends; to make (made) friends
fight (fought)
choose (chose)
hurt (hurt) (x3) = injure ‫פצע‬
save (x3) life;
money; on
the computer
ring (x3)
hide (hid); go into hiding
amazing; amazed
win (won) the game
beat the other team
enter the ring
in hiding
wonder = imagine
to be afraid, frighten
since (x2)
instead of
‫ חברות‬,‫חבר‬
,‫ מריבה‬,‫קרב‬
,‫ כאב‬,‫פגע‬
‫מלא קנאה‬
‫ להציל‬,‫לחסוך‬
,‫ טבעת‬,‫זירה‬
‫ נבחרת‬,‫קבוצה‬
‫ בגלל‬,..‫מאז ש‬
‫לסמוך על‬
‫)‪catch (caught‬‬
‫‪Second vocabulary list‬‬
‫לבגוד ב‪..‬‬
‫טיפול‪ ,‬איכפת‬
‫למרות ש‪..‬‬
‫כדי ל‪..‬‬
‫לכן‪ ,‬כל כך‬
‫להיות מודע ל‬
‫‪care about‬‬
‫‪lie or tell (told) a lie‬‬
‫‪according to‬‬
‫‪in order to‬‬
‫)‪so (x2‬‬
‫‪worry, to be worried‬‬
‫‪Phrasal verbs‬‬
‫לרדת מאוטובוס‪,‬‬
‫‪do not enter‬‬
‫!‪go away‬‬
‫לחלק (בחינם)‬
‫לוותר ללחץ‬
‫‪ .1‬נו‪ ,‬עשה לי‬
‫טובה (ציני)‬
‫‪ .2‬יאללה‬
‫לדחות (בזמן)‬
‫לכבות (מכשירי‬
‫התגלה (אמת‬
‫עלומה‪ :‬הקצין‬
‫‪ .1‬היזהר!‬
‫‪ .2‬תצפיתן‬
‫(לשים בגד‬
‫בניגוד ל ‪is‬‬
‫להתגבר על‪,‬‬
‫לעבור את זה‬
‫(גם מפני‬
‫)‪get (got‬‬
‫)‪keep (kept‬‬
‫)‪give (gave‬‬
‫‪visit my‬‬
‫)‪come (came‬‬
‫‪the good‬‬
‫‪2. … with‬‬
‫‪the pace‬‬
‫‪come up‬‬
‫לסבול מצב‬
‫קשה‪ ,‬בד"כ‬
‫"לא אסכים‬
‫יותר ‪to put‬‬
‫‪up with‬‬
‫‪ .1‬להגביר‬
‫(וולום =‬
‫‪ .2‬התגלה‬
‫(דבר שהיה‬
‫מהצד‪ ,‬בלי‬
‫‪look on‬‬
‫‪while / as‬‬
‫‪1. look up‬‬
‫להסתכל ‪to‬‬
‫‪ .2‬לחפש‬
‫להפוך צד‬
‫(גם אוכל‬
‫‪ .1‬להניח‬
‫‪" .2‬לרדת"‬
‫)‪put (put‬‬
‫‪ .1‬לדחות‬
‫‪ .2‬להנמיך‬
Phrasal Verbs:
rely, trust
‫לספור אחד‬
‫ בד"כ‬,‫אחד‬
Fill in the blanks with phrasal verbs.
1. The girls climbed on the tree at the zoo. The zoo worker said to the girls,
"________________________ from that tree!"
2. Ronit invited her friend Lilach to _______________ to her house after school.
3. Father requested his children to walk faster: "___________________, kids!"
4. I invited Shai to come over to my house. When he came to the door, I said,
"______________________ ."
5. The Rosh Yeshiva ________________________ with a great idea how to save money: give only
two meals a day to the students instead of three!
6. I know I can ________________ my friend to help me when I need him.
7. Just before the running competition starts, the audience makes a final
________________________: "four, three, two, one!"
8. I bought two bags of milk and I gave the seller a 100 shekel bill.1 The seller
___________________ nine ten-shekel coins2 and gave them to me.
9. Every morning, Netanel waits at the bus stop for the bus to come. When the bus comes,
Netanel ________________________ the bus. When the bus reaches his work, Netanel
________________________ the bus and goes to work .
10. When he got 35 on the test in computers, Aviram was upset for five days. Dan said, "It's only a
test! You need to _______________________ it!"
11. If an Arab terrorist shoots at you, ________________________ quickly and call the police.
12. The teacher warned the student to stop playing with his cell phone. When the student kept on
playing with his cell phone, the teacher became angry, and said, "________________________
of my class!"
13. The students requested, "Please put off3 the quiz to next week." But the teacher didn't
__________________ ."
14. Every day, people who work for "Israel Today" ____________________ free newspapers at the
Central Bus Station.
15. On the 19th of Iyar, ‫תש"ח‬, in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, the Jewish soldiers held a white
flag,4 and _________________________ to the Arab Legion (the army of Jordan).
16. The student played with his cellphone, and the teacher said "get out!" The student went to his
room, and there he ________________________ playing with his cell phone.
17. The excellent student got another 100 on an English quiz. On the quiz, next to the grade, the
teacher wrote "_________________ the great work!"
18. The Rosh Yeshiva said to the students, "Please ____________________ of the teachers' room!"
19. "Why did you stop running? ________________________ running!"
‫ שטר‬1
‫ מטבעות‬2
)‫ לדחות (בזמן‬3
‫ דגל‬4
20. The bus driver didn't see the little boy crossing the street. So I yelled5 at the driver, "
21. My 5 year-old sister ________________________ to me.
22. I ________________________ at my five year-old sister.
23. On August 24, 1929, while the Arabs attacked Jews in Hebron, the British police just
____________________, instead of saving the Jews.
24. Teachers should not ________________________ with students coming late to the lesson.
25. It is not nice to ________________________ your friends by saying "idiot," "stupid," "ugly."
26. Please _______________ your cigarettes before entering the school building.
27. "The room is dark." "Of course the room is dark. You didn't ______________ the lights!"
28. The seller offered6 me to buy thirty eggs for thirty-five NIS. I ________________________ the
29. Kamel Amin Tabet made friends with Syrian president El-Hafez. President El-Hafez was
surprised when Kamel Amin Tabet ________________________ to be an Israeli spy7 named Eli
30. Larry was a soldier who ran away from the army and hid at home. Larry's parents
__________________ Larry to the military8 police.
31. Please ____________________ the volume -- I can barely9 hear the music.
32. "I can't sleep when the light is turned ________________." "Okay, so __________________
the light."
33. When you grill hamburgers on a fire, you should ___________________ each hamburger often.
-- "Are You a Good Friend" Questionnaire
On my friends’ birthdays, I:
1. don’t do anything for them
2. sometimes do special things for them
3. do a lot of special things for them
I gossip about my friends:
very often
2. only when I'm angry
3. never
When I have a fight with a friend, I:
1. never make up
2. stay angry for a while and then makeup.
3. make up right away
If I have to choose between helping a friend and studying for a
test, I:
1. study
2. can't decide what to do
3. help my friend, since friends are more important to me than
‫ צעקתי‬5
‫ הציע‬6
‫ מרגל‬7
‫ צבאית‬8
‫ בקושי‬9
p.8, 1
Write the names of the three pairs of friends (without reading the stories)
friend #1
friend #2
From the Bible
From a Greek myth
p.11 Using Words 1
Vocabulary First Unit 1 list
Israeli farmers who want to sell their tomatoes (in / at / on) Europe have to
_______________ against European farmers.
Shlomo and his wife are poor (= not rich). In order to ____________ money, they served (=
‫ )הגישו‬hotdogs and hamburgers (in / at / on) their son's wedding (= ‫)חתונה‬.
Knesset Member Aryeh Eldad will be disabled (= handicapped) for the rest of his life, since
policemen ________________ his hand (in / at / on) Amonah.
According to Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu of Tsfat, Yad LeAchim ___________________ 700
Jewish girls from Arab villages (in / at / on) ‫תשס"ח‬.
Israel __________________ Hamas that if they continue shooting rockets, we might send
soldiers into Gaza.
6. Benny didn't feel good, so I was ‫ ______________________ תורן‬him.
7. Tal is not very good at mathematics. So, the mathematics teacher was
___________________ when Tal got 100 on the test.
8. Students, teachers, rabbis, and parents will be in the _____________ at the ‫הכתרה‬.
9. Agudat Efrat tries to ________________ Jewish women to have babies.
10. David, son of Yishai, and Jonathan, son of Shaul, were good _____________ .
11. David escaped from Shaul and hid in the Judean ___________ near Ein Gedi.
12. I can give you coka-cola, R.C., or pepsi. Which drink do you ____________?
13. Jonathan _________________ David: "My father plans to kill you. You must escape and
14. At my cousin's wedding the guests had a _____________________ of chicken or fish.
15. (In / at / on) October 1973, Rabbi Shlomo Goldstein was a ________________ who fought
in the Yom Kippur War.
Vocabulary - first Unit 1 list. Fill in the blanks in any way that is true.
1. In the summer of 2006, our soldiers fought _____________________________.
2. I had to choose between ________________ and _________________________.
3. I tried to convince ___________________ to ____________________________.
4. _____________________ tried to warn me not to ________________________, but I didn't
5. Even though my friend ________________________________________, I didn't feel jealous
of his success.
6. We can save a lot of _____________________________________________ by
7. The police caught the terrorist who was hiding in _______________________.
8. After not seeing ____________________ for a long time, I hugged him when I saw him.
9. Although the phone rang many times, _________________________________.
10. Sapir hopes to compete in ____________________________________________.
11. We were all listening quietly to the ____________ teacher. Then, suddenly,
12. Our team won the ______________________________ game / competition.
13. I have known my friend _____________ since _________________________.
14. If I could make one request of Avigdor, I would ask him to ____________
15. I helped my mother prepare __________________________________________.
First Unit 1 list – complete the sentences
_______________ and I became friends this year. We like to ___________________
My __________________ is a soldier. His job in the army is to __________.
I had to choose between ________________ and _________________, and I chose
_________________ because ______________________________________.
My _____________________ tried to convince me to __________________
Last ________________, I traveled to the ________________ desert.
Last ________________, I hugged ________________ because __________ .
Amazingly, ___________ won the _________________________________.
Last _______________, I competed in ______________________________.
I am not afraid of ______________________________________________.
Instead of coming to the lessons, I often ____________________________.
First Unit 1 list – fill in the blanks with a word from the list
11. _______________ Bezeq is cheaper than Internet Rimon, Shlomo uses Bezeq.
12-14. Binyamin Siman-Tov was an ordinary Intelligence soldier whose job was to watch the
movements of the Egyptian army. Five days before the beginning of the Yom Kippur War, SimanTov said "the Egyptian army is _____________________ for war." Unfortunately, Siman-Tov's
officers did not pay attention to Siman Tov's _______________. So, the Israeli army was not
prepared when, ________________, the Egyptians and Syrians opened fire at 2 p.m. on October 6,
15. King David __________ in the desert near Ein Gedi, so Saul didn't catch David.
16. Does our school have some kind of a __________________ that competes against other
17. Every spring, students from our school call 8th-grade students on the phone and say to them:
"Would you like to ____________ us here at the Yeshiva for Shabbat?"
18. Huck and Jim were hungry because they didn't _________ any fish that morning.
19. In the Yom Kippur War, Avigdor Kahalani ____________________ the Golan by leading a
small number of Israeli tanks to fight against many more Syrian tanks.
20. The battle field where Kahalani _______ became known as "the Valley of Tears."
21. Kay, who wanted to be on the U.S. Olympic team for Tai-Kwan-Do, did not enter the
____________ because her friend was injured, and she didn't want to win unfairly.
22. The teacher felt he could ____________ the students, so he left the room during the test.
23. The terrorist ____________ Shimon Balzam, but, thank G-d, Shimon recovered (= became
healthy again).
24. Yedid said to the mathematics teacher, "I have a _________________: May we learn outside
25. Ori is not very good at history. So, the history teacher was ___________________ when Ori
got 100 on the test.
Vocabulary Exercise for vocabulary list on Horizons p.8-10
Use a dictionary. Write the proper form of the word!
We read a letter in the book "Horizons" which was based on the 1._______________ of David
and Jonathan. Here is a little background information on their story.
Just after David killed Goliath, David and Jonathan 2.______________________ very good
friends. Jonathan expressed his love for David by giving him his clothes and his weapons.
Shaul sent David to lead his soldiers into 3.______________________ against the Phillistines.
David 4.________________ against the Phillistines, and killed many of them.
At the beginning of their relationship, Shaul loved David. But when David killed Goliath, the
women sang "Shaul has killed by the thousands, and David by tens of thousands." When Shaul
heard this, he 5. s______________________ became very 6.__________________ of David. Shaul
took a spear and tried to stab David with it -- but he missed his target. When Shaul saw that G-d
saved David from his spear, Shaul was 7.______________________ of David.
Shaul 8.________________ to kill David at his Rosh Hodesh party. When David didn't turn up
at the party, Shaul asked "Why isn't David here?" Jonathan told his father, "David
9.______________________ to go home instead of coming to the party, so I gave him permission."
Shaul got very angry at Jonathan. Jonathan tried to 10.________________ his father that David
didn't do anything wrong and that there was no justification for wanting to kill him. Shaul
responded by taking a spear and trying to stab his son with it.
Jonathan immediately 11.______________________ David of the danger. David ran away from
Shaul and went into 12.______________________. Shaul and his
13. s______________________ searched for David. David ran away from them, and
14.______________________ from them in many different places. Twice, David had the
opportunity to 15.______________________ Shaul, but he didn't dare touch G-d's
16.______________________ king.
Horizons Unit 1 – Questions
Esther and Kay - page 9
1. Why was the competition between Esther and Kay especially important?
2. Choose the two true statements:
a. Karen knows Esther personally.
b. Kay won the fight by kicking Esther.
c. Tae Kwon Doe is a competitive sport.
d. The crowd was amazed.
e. Esther hurt her elbow.
3. How did Kay hurt her knee?
4. Describe the relationship between Esther and Kay.
5. Why did Esther consider fighting Kay to be "unfair."
6. Esther turned out to be a __________________ friend.
7. How is Karen connected to the text? ______________________________
Damon, Pythias, and Dionysus – page 10
1. Pythias requested that Dionysus let him sell his house. How much time did he ask for to do
this? ______________________________________________________________
2. Whom did Damon trust? __________________________________________
3. How do we see that Damon trusted this person?
4. Why did Dionysus expect that Pythias would not return?
5. Damon wrote the letter to ______________________________.
6. What surprised Dionysus at the story's end?
7. What surprised Damon at the story's end?
More questions on Horizons Unit One Friendship Texts
David and Jonathan, Horizons page 8
1. Why doesn't David inform Samuel of his exact location?
2. Why would David never hurt Saul?
3. Why does David think that Jonathan should be jealous of him?
Esther and Kay - page 9
4. Where is Karen when she writes the letter?
5. What is tae kwon doe?
6. How did Kay win the fight?
7. What chore is Larry supposed to do while Karen is away from home?
Damon, Pythias, and Dionysus – page 10
8. What crime was Pythias convicted of committing?
9. How did Damon know that Pythias would return within five days?
10. Why did Dionysus free Pythias?
Worksheet for Horizons chapter 1 pp. 8-10
Match the following definitions and sentences to a word from the vocabulary list for Horizons
pages 8-10.
Write Answers Here
A fight between two armies.
Ehud doesn't have any cucumbers, so today we will eat
lettuce10 __________________cucumbers.
Netanel tried to ________________ his parents to let him go
to the beach11 in Tel Aviv.
Only about one hundred thousand American Jews have
immigrated to Israel _____ 1948. _____ they are very
comfortable in the US, most of the Jews there don't feel the
need to find a new home.
The people who come to watch an event, such as a sports
competition or the circus or a concert.
You have a _____ of beverage: either coke or pepsi.
"How long will it take you to _____ dinner?" "About two
minutes. I'll just take food out of the refrigerator and heat it
in the microwave."
A man who is in the army.
A place that receives less than two hundred millimeters of
rain per year.
Last week , our air force bombed empty buildings. We didn't
want to kill any terrorists this time – just to give them a
Daniella feels _____ of Tami since Tami was chosen to
represent their school in a television interview.
When two teams play or fight against each other, and in the
end one side wins and the other side loses.
Second Vocabulary List
Complete the sentences in any logical way (words from the second list for Unit 1):
1. According to the Mishna Brura, __________________________________.
2. Although I am only ______ years old, I already __________________________.
3. I don't really care about _________________________________________.
4. I felt betrayed when ________________________________________.
5. I really wanted to be accepted to12 this yeshiva, so _____________
6. I was ___________ years old when I first realized ______________________.
‫ חסה‬10
the sea 11
‫ להתקבל‬12
7. In order to come here, I had to _____________________________________.
8. I know I can trust my friend to ____________________________________.
9. We all felt upset when were heard __________________________________.
10. You don't always have to tell the truth. For example, _____________________
Second Unit 1 list- fill in the blanks in any way that is true
Mordechai Vanunu (the man who became Christian and told newspapers about Israel's
atomic bombs program in Dimona) ________________________ the State of Israel.
Shlomo uses Internet Rimon, _______________________ Bezeq is cheaper.
The Inuit teenagers have to use a snowmobile _______________ go to school.
Yedidya is ______ busy that he often doesn't have enough time to each lunch.
___________________ betrayed ____________________
I don't really care about ___________________________________________.
Sometimes it's OK to lie. For example, ______________________________.
Although this school costs our parents about 2,500 NIS per month,
According to the Talmud, _________________________________________
I ________________________ in order to take part in __________________.
Benny didn't feel good, so _________________________________________.
Michael reads Yediot Aharonot, ___________________ he is a yeshiva student.
Yedidya is rich (he has money) but he is very busy (he lacks time).
____________________ save time, he always drives (in / at / on) road number 6. (You have to pay
money to drive on road number 6, but it's faster).
Although Russia sent uranium to Iran last week (‫ תשס"ח‬,‫)ה' טבת‬, it seems (= ‫ )נדמה‬that most
of the world is not ____________________ about Iran's nuclear (= ‫ )גרעיני‬plans.
The police wanted to know the _________________ about what happened last night.
Vocabulary introduction for Horizons Unit one, second list
Dear Internet Advice Forum,
Last spring, when I was in the eighth grade, I had to choose a high school. Although my
father wanted me to go to the Jerusalem School for Teenage Boys in order to learn a lot of Talmud
and Bible, my mother wanted me to go to the Torah and Science High School. According to her,
Torah and Science is the best high school in the country. She said, "If you care about your future,
you should go to the school where you will get a degree in computer science at the end of 13th
grade. Life is a competition!" The truth is, I worry a lot about my future, so I took my Mom's
advice and went for an interview at the Lev Institute school. My mother told me to prepare for the
interview by brushing my teeth and hair, and wearing a clean shirt.
I was interviewed by a man named Rabbi Motti. He asked me if I ever play with my
cellphone during prayers. The truth is, that I often play with my cellphone during prayers. But I
realized that in order to get in to the Lev Institute school, I had to tell a lie. So, I said, "What, play
with my cellphone during prayers? I can't imagine anyone would do such a thing!"
Rabbi Motti believed me. A week later, the phone rang. It was the school calling to say I
got in to the school. My mother was very happy and she hugged me.
Now I am upset. I feel that I betrayed both Rabbi Motti and the Lord. What should I do?
Do you have any advice for me?
Decide if each statement is true or false according to the letter you read. If it is
false, correct the statement in order to make it true.
T 3.
2. The boy is now in the eighth grade.
T 5.
6. The boy's mother convinced him of her
T 7.
8. The boy is afraid about succeeding in
T 9.
10. Before the interview, the boy's mother
4. The boy's father is more competitive
than his mother.
opinion about which school to go to.
warned him not to lie during the
T 11.
12. The boy decided to go to the Lev
T 13.
14. The writer hid the truth from Rabbi
T 15.
16. The school sent him a letter to inform
T 17.
18. The writer is worried that he hurt Rabbi
T 19.
T 21.
20. The writer is worried that if Rabbi
Motti learns the truth, he will never be
able to trust him again.
22. The writer of the letter is one of the
boys who was chosen to come to the
Torah and Science school
Institute school instead of Netiv Meir.
him that he was accepted.
Motti's feelings.
24. The writer requests advice at the end of
T 23.
the letter.
Alternative texts to "Internet Advice Forum", pp.12 13.
Letter 1 Lost My Best Friend
I'm really upset about the loss of my best friend. We were friends since third grade (I
am now in 9th grade). During this summer vacation, he was murdered by an Arab terrorist. I miss
him very much. What should I do?
asks for advice
tells his feelings
gives details about the
Write the order:
"first" "second"
words from the
A. Re:14 Lost My Best Friend
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Our enemies are trying to destroy
life, so, instead of becoming depressed,15 you must try to turn16 this loss into something positive.
For example, think of some good quality17 that your friend had, and try to copy it in your life. Or
organize your friends to learn all six parts of the Mishna in memory of your lost friend.
B. Re: Lost My Best Friend
I understand that your are very upset about the loss of your friend. However,18 we can't
expect to conquer19 the Land of Israel without losses. The Talmud says that "the Land of Israel is
acquired by suffering." Although it is legitimate to feel sad on a personal level,20 we must
remember that everything that happens is according to the Lord21's plan, and we must look at the
"big picture" of all of the good things that happen in the State of Israel.
In your opinion, which letter (A or B) gives better advice? Why?
sad and angry
‫ הנדון‬14
‫ מדוכא‬15
to turn into = ‫ להמיר ל‬,‫ להפוך ל‬16
‫ תכונת אופי‬17
‫ לכבוש‬19
‫ ברמה האישית‬20
the Lord = G-d
Letter 2 Can I trust again?
I am so angry! I am very weak in computers, since I learned in a Talmud Torah until
eighth grade. Next week we will have a big test in computers. I made plans with Omer to study
together for the test. Then, my best friend told Omer that he shouldn't study with me for the test
since I know very little about computers. When I found out, I couldn't believe it. I told my best
friend I knew he had said bad things about me. He promised never to do anything like that again.
He's my best friend, and I want to believe him. But how can I trust him after he betrayed me like
asks for advice
tells his feelings
gives details about the problem
Write the
from the
A: Re: Can I trust again?
You should try to be more understanding. Although it's true that a person must not say
bad things about another person for no reason, it is okay to say bad things about a person in order to
save somebody from being hurt. Your friend wanted to save Omer from failing the test in
computers. I'm sure that if you were in Omer's place, you would want to know the information that
he got from your friend.
B: Re: Can I trust again?
The most important thing in a friendship is trust. Omer wouldn't have known about your
weakness in computers if your friend hadn't told him. This means your friend told Omer your
secret. If you can't count on your friend to keep your secrets, then he isn't a friend. He betrayed
you, and he could do it again.
In your opinion, which letter (A or B) gives better advice? Why?
Letter 3 Scary Secret
I don't know what to do, and I need your advice. Since the beginning of this school year,
I've noticed22 that my friend plays with his cell phone during prayers -- even the Shma and the
"Eighteen Benedictions"! He won't talk to me about it, but I'm really worried about him. We once
promised never to tell each other's23 secrets, so he'll hate me if I tell anyone.
asks for advice
gives details about the
tells his feelings
Write the order:
"first" "second"
words from the
A: Re: Scary Secret
You promised your friend that he could trust you. The most important thing you can do for
him is to show him that you're still a true friend. You mustn't tell anyone his secret.
B: Re: Scary Secret
Keeping secrets doesn't mean letting24 a friend hurt himself. Saying the Shma is from the Torah;
according to the Rambam, prayer is, too (although the Ramban doesn't agree). We can only imagine the
injury your friend is doing every day to his world-to-come! You must tell a teacher or counselor at
school. Maybe your friend will be angry at first, but in the end he will realize that you told his secret
because you care about him.
In your opinion, which letter (A or B) gives better advice? Why?
Fill in according to "Alternative Texts to 'Internet Advice Forum'"
Letter 1 "Lost my Best
Letter 2 "Can I Trust
Letter 3 "Scary Secret"
the bad
thing that
‫ שמתי לב‬22
‫ אחד של השני‬23
‫ לתת‬,‫ להרשות‬,‫ לאפשר‬24
how the
Questions on "Alternative Texts to 'Internet Advice Forum'"
Questions on Letter 1 "Lost my Best Friend"
1. Complete the sentence: The writer's best friend _________.
a. became upset
b. died
c. got lost
d. transferred to a different school
2. How many examples of ways to "make this loss into something positive" does the author of the
first letter of advice (letter A) give?
3. According to the author of the second letter of advice (letter B), the teenager who lost his friend
should not:
a. think only about the murder
b. feel sad
c. remember his friend
d. suffer
Questions on Letter 2 "Can I Trust Again?"
4,5. Fill in the blanks according to letter 2:
According to the author of the letter, his best friend _____________________ him by
6,7. What is the main difference between the two letters of advice?
The first letter of advice says that the writer should ________________________
________________ his best friend, whereas26 the second letter of advice says that the writer should
_______________________________________ his best friend.
Questions on Letter 3 "Scary Secret"
8. What is the main purpose of Scary Secret's letter?
9. The writer of the second letter of advice (letter B) is _____ the problem discussed in Scary
Secret's letter.
a. angered by b. amazed at c. worried about d. neutral toward
10. Why does the writer of the second letter of advice (letter B) mention the Rambam's opinion
about prayer?
ְ ‫ ֶא‬,‫ ֶרגֶׁש‬25
‫ בעוד ש‬26
Writing task for Horizons Unit One
Write 10 sentences about the following topics:
my friend betrayed me / I betrayed my friend, and then we made up / didn't make up
a time when I was jealous of my friend / he was jealous of me
a time when I tried to convince my friend to do something / stop doing something
somebody joined the (soccer, chess, Bible, etc.) team in order to take part in this competitive
Use at least 10 words from the vocabulary lists for Horizons Unit One, and underline them.
Don't forget: The first word in the sentence is the subject, then the verb, then the rest of the
sentence. Start each sentence with a capital letter. Use commas and periods.
Preparation sheet for Test on Horizons ch. 1
I. Phrasal verbs: Fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions: down, over, up, on, in,
out, off
David was very upset when Shaul gave his fiancee, Meirav, to Adriel from Mehola.
However, when Shaul offered David to marry Meirav's younger sister, Michal, instead, he
quickly got ___________ it, and married her happily.
The army believes that if Arab parents know that their house will be destroyed if one of
their children does a suicide attack, they will turn him ________ to the army before he does the
The children love to come to synagogue on Simhat Torah because the Gabai gives
______ a bag of candy to each child.
Yehoshua sent letters to the kings of Cnaan which said: "You have three choices: you
can either fight against us (in which case we will kill everybody), or you can give ______ (in
which case you will have to draw water and chop wood for us), or you can leave the country."
Yosef's brothers were all very surprised when the Egyptian "Prime Minister" turned
_______ to be their brother, Yosef, whom they had sold into slavery.
II. Fill in the following sentences with the proper form of one of the following verbs (basic tenses):
hurt, convince, fight, like, choose, hide, hope, win, plan, get, keep, give, come, put, understand
6. Lior, a student in our class, ___________ an amazing grade of 120 on the most recent
vocabulary quiz!
7. The Iraqis under Sadam Hussein ____________ against the US army twice in a period of
thirteen years. The Americans ___________ both wars.
8. The road is closed because the army suspects that a terrorist ______________ in one of
the fields next to the road.
9. Yonatan is a student in our class. Yonatan ________________ to finish high school in
three years, then to learn three years in a yeshiva gvoha, then to get a degree in electronics at
Mahon Lev, then to serve in the army for six years, and then to work in a high-tech
10. You must ____________ the gemara on top of the English book -- and not the other way
11. Last night, Reuven had trouble doing the homework for electronics class. This morning,
his friend Gilad explained it to him, and now Reuven ______________ the material.
III. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable modal
A long time ago, Jason _______ lift two hundred and sixty pounds.
For the next quiz, you ______________________ learn the meaning and spelling of nine
hundred and fifty verbs in English.
George fell in a hole in the floor and sprained his ankle. It wasn't very nice of you not to
warn him about the hole. You ______________________ warned him before he entered the
Jimmy, ______________________ you like to come with me to the kiosk?
Many years ago, when Joel was in basic training, he ____________________ walk 50
kilometers while carrying a full kitbag.
Some Israeli gamblers hope that soon they ______________________ visit the casino in
Jericho, without worrying about their personal safety.
IV. Fill in the blanks with: at in on
____ Jerusalem
____ midnight
____ night
____ noon
____ Sunday
____ the 1960s
____ the afternoon
____ the morning
____ the ninth of Av
____ the summer
____ Tuesday
He lives ____ the ninth floor.
Mr. Ashkenazi is probably ____ Horev right now.
Second Preparation Sheet for end of Horizons chapter one
I. Phrasal verbs: Fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions: down, over, up,
on, in, out, off
At the beginning of the current Intifada, Palestinian police looked _________________
while a mob27 murdered three Israeli soldiers in a police station in Ramalla.
Shaul sent soldiers to David’s house to kill David. Michal, David’s wife (and Shaul’s
daughter), told the soldiers that David was sick in bed. She put a big doll in David’s bed and
covered it with sheets and blankets, and told David to escape through the window. When the
thing in the bed turned _________________ to be a big doll, Shaul was very angry at his
The astronauts sat in their space ship and listened to the man in the control tower make
the final count _________________ before take – off: ten, nine, eight, seven, six ….
The man said to the bus driver, “I want to go to Yagur Junction. Would you please tell
me when to get _________________ the bus.”
The students hoped that the quiz would be during the second lesson, so many of them
asked the teacher to postpone the quiz until the second lesson. Despite their repeated requests,
the teacher did not give _________________ to the pressure, and he gave the quiz during the
first lesson.
The teacher felt he could not longer put _________________ with students coming late
to class, so he decided to punish all students who came late to class.
II. Fill in the following sentences with the proper form of one of the following verbs: hurt,
convince, fight, like, choose, hide, hope, win, plan, get, keep, give, come, put, understand
“Last year, I _________________ English best. However, this year, my favorite subject
is ‫ גאולה וציון‬because it’s very fun and interesting.”
‫ אספסוף‬,‫ המון‬27
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher often says, “Would you please
_________________ me the homework!”
Last spring, you had to make a difficult choice about which school to learn in. You all
_________________ to come here.
The teacher tried to explain the difference between “must not” and “doesn’t have to.”
However, many students in our class did not _________________ the teacher’s explanation.
Today is the ninth of Heshvan, 5764. Amir Peretz, the chairman of the Histadrut labor
union, is planning to start a very big strike tomorrow. He _________________ that the strike
will convince the government to raise the workers’ salaries.
The mathematics teacher and the computers teacher both _________________ us about
two quizzes per month.
III. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable modal
“You should study the material we learned in computers because the computers teacher
said that there _________________ be a surprise quiz today.”
“Zeev, we are giving out food to poor people on Friday morning. _________________
you like to come with us?”
Because of your age, you do not have the right to vote. When you turn eighteen,
however, you _________________ vote.
In 1972, you _________________ travel freely to places like the Cave of Machpela and
Joseph’s Tomb, without feeling threatened.
The rabbi said that I ____________________ stay for the last lesson since I live far away
from the school.
Tom’s doctor says he _________________ eat so much salt because of his high blood
IV. Fill in the blanks with: at in on (p.22)
_________ night.
I met him many years ago _________ a party.
The bagrut exam will be _________ the late spring.
‫ צפת‬is _________ a mountain.
My birthday is _________ Saturday this year.
Third Preparation Sheet for Test on Horizons Unit 1
I. Phrasal verbs: Fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions: down,
over, up, on, in, out, off
1. The 9th-grade students look _________ to the 12th grade students, seeing them as big, strong,
wise men.
2. When Binyamin continued playing with his cell phone during the lesson, the history teacher
became angry and yelled, "Binyamin, get _________!" So, Binyamin stood up and left the
3. Please put ________ the cigarette before entering my house.
II. Fill in the following sentences with the proper form of one of the following verbs
(basic tenses): hurt, convince, fight, like, choose, hide, hope, win, plan, get, keep,
give, come, put, understand
4. On Rosh Hodesh Adar last year, the students said, "In a few days, we
____________________ Purim rabbi."
5. This student _______ gefilte fish so much that he eats it every day.
6. Now I ______________________ the difference between "very" and "very much".
7. A few years ago, we __________ our money in the Israel Discount Bank.
8. I thought I __________ my glasses28 here – but now I can't find them!
III. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable modal
9. Shir and Avner tried to open the door, but they _____________ open it because it was locked.
10. Harel, a 12th-grade student, hasn't yet decided where he wants to learn next year. He
_________ learn in Eilat.
IV. Fill in the blanks with: at in on
11. ____ Iran.
12. ____ January
13. ____ Sunday
24-26 e-mail correspondence on life in Alaska
rise (rose) (x2)
set (set) (x4) sun …, … the table, …the clock / watch, …a goal
movie theatre
running water
hunting; hunter
human being
outdoors / indoors
shopping mall
depressing; depressed
shop , go (went) shopping
freeze (froze)
freezing; frozen
pipe (x2)
appear / disappear
order (x3)
order (x3)
,‫שמש זורחת‬
,‫שמש שוקעת‬
,‫ לכוון‬,‫לערוך‬
‫מים זורמים‬
‫בן אדם‬
‫ בחוץ‬/‫בפנים‬
‫ קניות‬,‫לקנות‬
‫ לקפוא‬,‫קפוא‬
‫לא מבושל‬
‫ מקטרת‬,‫צינור‬
,‫ לצוות‬,‫להזמין‬
Second vocabulary list
30-32 Iditarod Racing in Alaska
lose (lost) (x2)
get (got) lost
crowd (= audience)
‫ ללכת‬,‫לאבד‬
‫ צפוף‬,‫קהל‬
‫ משקפיים‬28
medicine (x2)
rule (x2)
patient / impatient
whether or not
Page 30- phrasal verbs
away care of
1.from doctors
(took) restaur patients
part in
over the
or doing
a hobby
a room
2. date
2. opp.
of land
1. ‫לך‬
get out!
2. go on
a short
‫ למשול‬,‫חוק‬
‫מזג אוויר‬
‫האם כן או לא‬
Introductory Questions to Horizons Unit 2 Vocabulary - First List
Give an example of a hunter from the Bible: _____________________________
__________________'s _____________ disappeared. Did anybody see it?
The sun rose this morning (in / at / on) _____________________________
The climate of Jerusalem is: a. arctic b. dry c. humid d. rain forest e. tropical
A sled-dog team is made up of _________ human being(s) and __________ dog(s).
At my home, we (often / rarely) eat frozen ________________, but we (often / rarely) eat raw
Eating ________________ on29 ________________ is a Jewish tradition.
I believe people should go to shopping malls only in order to ______________
I go to the movie theatre about once ________________
In ________________, people (lived / live) in tents, without electricity or running water.
In Alaska, if you turn off your car’s engine ________________________________,
My favorite outdoor activity is ________________________________
Since there is no sunlight for two months in the middle of the winter in Alaska, some people
become depressed. My advice for avoiding30 depression is ____________________
The sun will set this evening (in / at / on) ________
We didn’t want to eat ________________________________________________ , so we ordered
Worksheet for Horizons Unit 2 pages 25-26
e-mail a. Before you Read.
a. i) good
ii) ‫ובכן‬
use "on" for holidays, even if the holiday lasts for more than one day
‫ הימנעות מ‬30
b. i) ‫ כל כך‬ii) ‫ לכן‬iii) ‫כדי ש‬
c. i) ‫ להפסיד‬ii) ‫לאבד‬
d. drive
e. finger of foot
f. motor
g. opens a lock
h. take place, go on
i. under
j. unusual, irregular
k. very cold
l. weather
After you Read
1. Where does Thule live?
2. Does Thule like living where he lives?
3. How does Thule travel to school?
4. Why didn't Thule go to school today?
5. When the temperature is 40 degrees below zero, what happens to the car if you turn it off?
6. Which is colder: the temperature in your freezer, or 40 degrees below zero?
7. Fill in the blanks according to the third paragraph:
In Alaska, you should wear warm __________________, including a hat and a coat. If you wear
regular shoes, your ____________ might freeze. If you take off your gloves, your
_______________ will freeze quickly.
e-mail b. Before you Read.
as soon as
1. also 2. ‫יותר מדי‬
spring, summer, fall, _____________
scream, shout
things to do
very sad
what you do with time or money
‫ברגע ש‬
Find the opposites: appear dark difficult/hard indoors with
early set easy
late less light more outdoors rise without
After you Read
1. In Alaska, the sun disappears for sixty-five days, from ___________ to ________.
2. When do the teenagers watch TV and play computer games in Alaska? _________
3. In the middle of the winter in Alaska, how many hours of sun are there each day? _
4. In the middle of the summer in Alaska, how many hours of sun are there each day?
5. Which time of year does Nulato like the best? ____________________________
e-mail c. Before you Read.
to call
human beings
that means
a. people
b. give what you have to others
c. not cooked meat
d. 1. to telephone 2. to name
e. the opposite of far
f. to make big
g. travel, journey, voyage
h. truly
i ‫מסורתי‬
j. ‫שפירושו‬
After you Read
1. Do the Eskimos really eat uncooked meat? _______________________
2. Are Eskimos human beings, or are they a kind of sled-dog? __________________
3. Traditionally, why didn't the Eskimos eat fruit? __________________________
4. Traditionally, how did the Eskimos travel over the ice?______________________
5. Traditionally, when did the Eskimos live in igloos? ________________________
Find the opposites: appear dark difficult/hard indoors with
early set easy
late less light more outdoors rise without
Fill in the blanks with phrasal verbs from the table above.
1,2. Sometimes Kendi gets bored with his little village, and he decides to go __________. To
travel to the nearest village, Kendi travels by plane, which takes _________ from the airport in his
3,4,5. If there was water in the pipes, the pipes would explode, like a bomb going ______. So,
there is a delivery of clean water that takes ____________ every week. Kendi's family doesn't
really have to count __________ the water truck, because they can always get water by digging a
hole in the ice.
6,7,8. To know what is going _______________ in other places in the world, Kendi turns ______
the computer and reads news on the internet. When he is finished reading, he turns _______ the
9. When Kendy and his family are hungry, they either go hunting, or order take-________ from the
village restaurant.
10. In the summer, Kendy takes _______ his hat and mittens, and goes outside.
Write the matching words from the vocabulary list for pp. 24 - 26
Write the answers here
"invite" a pizza
a person
extreme sadness
in a stream or river -- not in a lake
6. opposite of sunset
7. person who kills to eat
8. something you do because your grandfather did it and you
hope that your grandchildren will continue doing it
9. the opposite of indoors
10. the way you look
11. uncooked
12. very cold
13. what the weather is usually like in a place
14. long, thin and hollow pieces of metal or concrete through
which water runs indoors
Questions on the e-mails on pp.25-26
The attitude of the writer of letter "a" toward Alaska's cold climate is:
a. cheerful
b. depressed
c. faithful
d. neutral e. upset
Fill in the missing word:
A suitable title for letter "a" would be: Unusual Things that happen in Alaska because of the
Name two reasons why the writer of letter "b" and the people in his town stay indoors
from November to January:
i)_______________________________ ii)_________________________________
Which of the following statements is true according to letter "c":
The Eskimos eat cooked meat only.
The Inuit live in Mexico.
The writer seems proud of being an Inuit.
Traditionally, the Inuit were farmers.
Traditionally, the Inuit were selfish and individualistic people.
Name two things the Inuit lack due to the freezing climate mentioned in letter "d".
i)_______________________________ ii)_________________________________
The writer of letter "d" assumes that his town is _________________ than the town of
the recipient of his letter.
Which letter describes a special Inuit
More questions on Horizons Unit Two Alaska Texts pp.25-26
1. The subject of letter "a" is the connection between ___________________________ and
2. According to letter "a", what might happen to you if you don't wear proper footwear when it's 40 degrees
3. Which of the following is presented in letter "b" lines 4-6?
a. examples of advantages of Alaska in the summer
b. examples of indoor sports
c. examples of the difficulties of living without the sun
d. reasons why some people move to Alaska from the continental U.S.
e. some activities that Alaskans engage in during the winter
4. What is Nulato's favorite time of year?
a. late fall - early winter
c. late summer – early fall
b. late spring - early summer
d. late winter - early spring
5. Fill in the space with one - three words according to letter "c": Nenana likes the word Eskimo
_________________________________________________ the word Inuit.
6. What does the word "running" (line 12) mean in the context of letter "d"?
a. administering b. controlling c. flowing d. functioning
e. hurrying
f. operating g. sprinting
7. Complete the sentence: The purpose of the translations of the words Eskimo and Inuit in letter "c"
lines 1-4 is to explain why
8. Complete the sentence: The countries mentioned in line 5 refer to __________________________
9. According to letter "c", how does the use of igloos today differ from the use of igloos in the past?
10. Complete the sentence: Buying food in stores, speaking English, going to school, watching TV and using
computers are all mentioned in letter "d" lines 1-4 in order to show ______________________________
11. Choose the true statement according to letter "d":
a. Although food is available in stores, Kendi's family gets all of their food from farming and hunting.
b. Although Kendi is proud of how modern people are in his town, he is also proud of the fact that they
to observe Inuit traditions.
c. Kendi is jealous of his "pen pal" who apparently lives in a big, modern city.
d. Kendi thinks that hunting is an example of cruelty to animals.
e. Kendi thinks that the way of life in his town is boring
Vocabulary for Horizons p.25
Write the proper form of the word!
Alaska is a great place to live. All kinds of strange things happen in our cold 1.
c_________________. I'll give you an example. This morning, when I tried to start my
snowmobile, the key broke in two because it was 2. f_________________. When it's cold, people
leave their cars on all the time so the 3. e_________________ don't freeze. If you throw a cup of
hot coffee in the air, it 4. f_________________ before it hits the ground.
We have no running water in our houses. It's so cold that the water would freeze and break the 5.
Maybe our way of life sounds boring to you, but we do a lot of great things. We have lots of sports
and activities. We also keep some of the Eskimo 6. t_______________. For example, we still go
hunting like our grandparents did.
Introductory Questions to Horizons Unit 2 Vocabulary - Second List
1. Our ________________ team tried to take on the 12th graders. ________________ lost the game.
2. I once took part in a ________________ race.
3. My dormitory room (is / isn’t) crowded – ___________ students live in the (huge / tiny) room!
4. My ________________ has a disease called ________________. So he needs to take medicine in the
form of31 (pills / shots32 / ointment33 / syrup / inhaler34 / drops) every ________________ (minutes / hours
/ day)
5. If you go to the (bank / the supermarket / the post office) on Friday morning, you need a lot of patience,
because ________________________________________________
6. I believe that ________________ (is / was) a hero because he ________________
7. You can’t get lost while ________________________________ because you just follow the trail.
8. This school doesn't have many rules. However, one rule that the school does have35 is
9. The weather today is ________________ and ________________
10. I have a real dilemma. I can’t decide whether or not to _______________ ______
Page 31 Before you Read.
opposites: dangerous - difficult – easy – impatient - patient - pull - push - safe
1 against
2 attack
3 complete
4 crowd
5 disease
6 race
7 reach
8 reason
9 trail
a audience
b a competition to see who can go faster
c arrive, get to
d David fought _____________ Goliath.
e finish
f illness, sickness
g Shimshon ______________ the Philistines several times.
h path, road
i answers the question, "Why?"
write the past tense of the following modals and verbs:
can _____________ will ______________ (‫ )עתיד בעבר‬have to ______________
get ______ stand _________ is __________ take _________ become _______
phrasal verbs: get to = __________________ take off = ____________________
‫ בצורת‬31
‫ זריקות‬32
cream 33
‫ משאף‬34
‫ אכן יש לו‬35
After you Read
1. Who was more impatient, Dee Dee or the dogs?
2. Who was watching the race?
3. What is the maximum number of dogs a musher may
4. How many mushers are there on each team?
5. How long is the race (in kilometers)?
6. How long (= how much time) does it take the teams to finish the race?
7. Name three ways mushers might be killed during the race:
i. _____________________________________________________________________________
8. What sickness did the children have in 1925?
9. What did the mushers bring to the sick children in
Vocabulary for Horizons p.31
Write the proper form of the word!
Dee Dee wanted to begin the Iditarod 1.r_________________ . She couldn't wait to begin. Her
dogs were even more 2.i_________________ than she was. All around her, the
3._________________ was holding its breath. Then it was time. The team took off!
The race is very dangerous. In addition to the cold 4._________________, the "mushers"
sometimes fall off a cliff. Occasionally, wild animals 5.a_________________ the "mushers."
So why do they do it? One reason is they want to remember the fact that in 1925 mushers used
dogsleds to bring 6._________________ from Anchorage to children in Nome who were sick with
a 7._________________ called diphtheria.
Questions on Horizons Unit 2 Iditarod sled dog race (p. 31-32)
Questions on page 31
Fill in the blanks (ONE or TWO words in each space):
The mushers take part in the race for several reasons: It gives them a feeling
of_________________________; They want to continue an old Eskimo
__________________________________________________________; They want to
commemorate how dogsleds ________________________________________________ in 1925.
Which of the following two statements are true:
a. In 1925, the children of Nome were healthy.
b. The distance between Anchorage and Nome is 1,770 kilometers.
c. The dogs pull the mushers.
d. The Iditarod is a boring event.
What do the mushers lack during the race? (One answer is enough)
The Iditarod is __________________________________________ than any other race in the
Questions on page 32
Iditarod proponents claim that ____________
a. The dogs are dressed in special snow-suits during the race.
b. The dogs lack adequate rest during the race.
c. The dogs eat well during the race.
Fill in the blanks (ONE word in each space):
The mushers _______________________ the dogs by _______________________ "Good dog!"
The attitude of the writer toward the argument about the race is:
he agrees with the race's proponents
he agrees with the race's critics
he is neutral
he is depressed by the argument
Copy a phrase from the text which supports your answer to question 7.
Fill in the blanks:
Although many people ______________________(ONE word) the race, saying that it is an example
of cruelty to animals, one must admit that _____________________________________________
(no limit on number of words)
Review sheet for Unit 2 (Alaska) vocabulary
First Unit 2 list
Cheese blintzes are a __________________ food of Hungarian Jews.
In Alaska (in / at / on) the summer, when it is hot, the kids turn off their computers and take
off their mittens and go ____________________ to play.
In Alaska, they don't have running water, because if they did, the water in the
__________________ would freeze and then the pipes would blow up.
(In / at / on) February (in / at / on) Alaska, everybody becomes excited when the sun finally
__________________ for the first time in three months.
In the winter in Alaska, you shouldn't turn off your snowmobile, because if you do, the
__________________ might freeze.
Most people call the Alaskans "Eskimos." However, they like to call themselves "Inuit,"
which just means "___________ ______________."
Nobody came to see the film. This is the least crowded ____________________ I have
seen in years!
On Saturday night, we usually pray the evening prayer forty minutes after
Since there is no light for three months from December to February, many people in Alaska
become ____________________(in / at / on) the winter.
Strange things happen in Alaska in the winter because of the cold _________.
The best time to pray the morning prayer is exactly at ___________________.
Second Unit 2 list
One of the ____________ of soccer is: only the goalie may touch the ball with his hands.
The first mushers were heroes who brought ___________________ from Anchorage to
Nome to save children from a terrible disease called diptheria.
Shmuel thinks: "On the one hand, I love rugelach. On the other hand, rugelach is expensive
and not healthy." It is very difficult for Shmuel to decide ____________ ___ ________ to buy
The Iditarod is a dangerous race because a wild moose might attack you, or, if you leave the
trail, you can get __________________ and fall over a cliff.
When there is a line (in / at / on) the check-out counter at the supermarket, you should wait
Elyashiv: Did you hear the ___________________ forecast on the news?
Michael: Yes, they said tomorrow will be cold and it may snow.
Unit 2Phrasal Verbs
On February 22, 1948, British soldiers, who wanted to help the Arabs, put a car bomb (in /
at / on) Ben Yehuda street (in / at / on) Jerusalem. The car bomb went ___________, killing 54
people and injuring 130.
Shmuel wants to be more healthy, so he decided to take ______________ jogging.
In the Babi Yaar valley, near Kiev (the capital of Ukraine), the murder of 33,771 Jews took
__________ (in / at / on) Septermber 30, 1941.
A student from Mrs. Silvert's class wanted to enter our classroom in the middle of the
lesson. The teacher said to the student, "Go _____________!"
Today, reform Judaism is more traditional than it was in the 1950s. In the 1950s, when a
man entered a reform temple, they asked him to take ____ his hat.
Writing task for end of Horizons Unit Two
Write 10 sentences about your neighborhood or settlement.
Here are some ideas what to write about:
location / transportation
history: Bible / ancient / modern
the climate
compare: to other neighborhoods / settlements nearby; compare life today to the early days
population / kinds of people who live there – what kind of jobs they have, are they traditional /
religious / secular
reasons people chose to settle there: ideology, near work in a city, community
institutions: religious (e.g. synagogues), educational (e.g. schools), commercial (e.g. shopping centers)
My version of the exercise: You once read "To Build a Fire" by Jack London, but you
forgot the name of the story and the name of the author. You now want to find the story again so
that your little brother can read it, and you have access to a computerized library of English short
stories that allows you to search the text of all the stories in the library using key words. Make a list
of six key words that may help you find the story.
Divide into pairs. Write three questions. Do not write the answers. Read your partners
questions and answer them on his sheet.
Now, read your partner's answers
46-50 Interview with Olympic swimmer
reach or achieve
train ; training
(dis) ability
(self-) confident
determined (x2)
to be aware
to be able
able / disabled (=
‫ ביטחון‬,‫אמון‬
48 phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs
catch (caught)
up with
‫ לסגור הפער‬,)‫להשיג מי שהוביל (במירוץ‬
)‫ להבין (בעיקר משהו שניסו להסתיר ממנו‬.1
"‫ "לתפוס‬,‫ להיכנס לעניינים‬.2
Jesse Owens -- introduction to Chapter 3 Horizons vocabulary
When Jesse Owens was six years old, a bump36 grew on his leg. It hurt. Jesse was unable to walk.
Since his family could not afford37 the high cost of medical care, Jesse's mother decided she would
take care of him. She massaged Jesse's leg and forced him to walk despite the pain. 38 By the time
Jesse was nine years old, the bump disappeared.
Jesse was very happy to have his health back, and he loved running. However, he didn't run
competitively, and he certainly39 didn't think he had potential to be a great runner.
Several years later, Jesse joined the track team at his high school. Jesse trained hard. He set a goal
for himself of being the best runner at school. He made a "goal chart," on which he marked his
progress40 every night before going to sleep. He gradually improved.41 After a year of training,
Jesse reached his goal: He became the best runner on the team. Jesse was happy to be the best
runner in his school. He had achieved the goal that he set for himself.
One day after practice, the team's coach, Charles Riley, said to Jesse "It's nice to have natural
ability, and to be the best in school. But it's more important to do your best. You can set the world
record if you work up to your potential."
‫ בליטה‬36
afford – have enough money for
‫ למרות הכאב‬38
for sure
‫ סימן את ההתקדמות‬40
‫ השתפר בהדרגה‬41
Jesse was so surprised that his eyes opened wide. He thought, "Me, set a world record?" But,
slowly Coach Riley's words sank in, and Jesse came to believe in his ability to set a new world
At the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936, Jesse Owens won four gold medals and set a new world
1. Who took responsibility for the health of Jesse's leg? (I) ___________________
2. Before he met Coach Riley, Jesse was not aware of ____________________. (II)
3. After joining the high school team, Jesse became determined to ______________
______________. (III)
4. When did Jesse begin to participate in competitive running?
a. after the Olympics
b. at the age of nine c. at the age of six
d. in high school
Which of the following statements is true:
Jesse became disabled when he was attacked by a wild moose while racing in the Iditarod
near Nome, Alaska.
Jesse was no longer disabled when he began running competitively.
Jesse's disability forced his parents to spend a lot of money on medical care.
Jesse's disability made him even more determined to succeed.
When his coach told Jesse that he had the ability to be the world's fastest runner, (IV)
Jesse had as much confidence in his running ability as Coach Riley did.
Jesse had full self - confidence in his ability to be the world's fastest.
Jesse had less confidence in his running ability than Coach Riley did.
Jesse had more self - confidence in his running ability than anybody else on his team.
Which sporting event is mentioned in the text?
Name three goals that people set and succeeded in reaching in the text.
Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns ("‫)"ש‬, modals, words of amount, at-on-in
(1-5) Jesse Owens was one of the greatest runners and jumpers (relative pronoun) ever lived.
Owens, (relative pronoun) family came from Alabama, moved to Cleveland (relative pronoun) he was
nine years old. He started running and jumping (relative pronoun) he was in junior high-school.42 In
high school, he became famous (relative pronoun) he equaled43 the world record of 9.4 seconds in the
100-yard (91 m) sprint.
After high school, Owens went to Ohio State University. In 1935 and 1936, he won
eight NCAA44 competitions. Even though Owens enjoyed athletic success, he (modal) live off-campus
with other African-American athletes. (relative pronoun) he traveled with the team, Owens (modal)
order take-away45 food, or eat ‫" ב‬black-only" restaurants. Similarly, he (modal) stay ‫" ב‬blacks-only"
In 1936, Owens took part in the Summer Olympics, (relative pronoun) took place in Berlin,
Germany. Adolf Hitler ‫ימ"ש‬, (relative pronoun) believed (relative pronoun) Aryans (whites) are better than
negroes, hoped (relative pronoun) German athletes (modal) dominate the games. He expected black athletes,
such as
Owens, to win ‫ מעט‬medals. Before the games began, Hitler said, "‫ אף‬black athlete (modal) beat a
German athlete." Although the Germans won ‫ הרבה‬medals, Hitler was upset (relative pronoun) Owens won four
gold medals, and Hitler shook hands only with the German victors.46 The Olympic committee said, "Hitler
(modal) shake hands
with ‫ כל‬athlete (relative pronoun) wins a medal, or not shake hands with ‫ כלשהו‬athlete."
Later, (relative pronoun) Owens heard ‫מישהו‬
criticizing Hitler for not shaking ‫ שלו‬hand, Owens said, "Hitler
didn't snub47 me—it was FDR48 (relative pronoun) snubbed me. The president didn't even send ‫ לי‬a telegram."
Amazingly, (relative pronoun) he was in Nazi Germany, Owens modal travel with or stay
at the same hotels as whites; but ‫ ב‬the parade in New York City in his honor, Owens (modal) ride
the freight elevator49 at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, (relative pronoun) the reception50 honoring him
took place.
Vocabulary Practice
to achieve
to realize
a. For example: "don't cry over spilled milk"
b. to practice
c. a person who feels he will succeed is ______
d. aim, target
e. a race is a kind of _______
seventh and eight grades
‫ השיג‬,‫ השתווה ל‬43
National College Athletic Association – the main league of university sports competitions in the US.
ignore in a humiliating way
US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
the elevator for things, not people
main idea
to succeed
to train
to be aware
f. to reach a goal
g. text in a newspaper
h. to know
i. opposite of fail
j. most important message
k. handicapped
l. trainer
m. group
n. to understand
Fill in the following with one of the words on the left side above:
In order to succeed, athletes need to have a good 1) ___________ who can teach them the sport and
help them set 2) _____________. They also need to be 3) __________ so they believe that they can
succeed. They also must 4) ____________ hard for many hours every day.
We will read an 5) ____________ about Keren, a 6) ________________ athlete who can't use her
legs. After winning three gold medals at the Paralympics (a
7) _______________________ for handicapped athletes), Keren feels very self8)________________, and she 9)_________________ that disabled people can do almost anything.
Phrasal verbs
catch (caught)
up with
‫ לסגור הפער‬,)‫להשיג מי שהוביל (במירוץ‬
)‫ להבין (בעיקר משהו שניסו להסתיר ממנו‬.1
"‫ "לתפוס‬,‫ להיכנס לעניינים‬.2
Fill in with the proper form of the Phrasal Verbs "catch up with" or "catch on"
1. Although he didn't speak a word of Hebrew when he joined our kindergarten at the beginning of
the year, little Johnny ________________ very nicely and he now understands what is going on
in the kindergarten.
2. Folk dancing51 is difficult at the beginning. However, most people who are determined start
_______________________ in a few months.
3. Obviously,52 I didn't want Kim to know that we are planning a surprise birthday party for her -but I'm afraid she _______________________________.
4. Since she can't dive, Keren has to _______________________ the other swimmers after the
beginning of the race.
5. It is difficult for students who move from '‫ הקבצה ב‬to '‫________________ הקבצה א‬
_______________________ the rest of the class.
Find the opposites: dangerous - difficult – easy – impatient - patient - pull – push - safe
Questions on the Text
p.48-49Read the sentences in large print and answer the following questions:
Who is interviewed? ______________________________________________
‫ ריקודי עם‬51
‫ כמובן‬52
What goal did she achieve? _________________________________________
How does she feel about being disabled? ______________________________
p.48-491. How many Gold Medals did Keren win at the Paralympic Games in Sydney, Australia, in 2000?
2. Before she became disabled, did Keren take part in any team sports?
3. About how old was Keren when she lost the use of her legs?
4. Who gave Keren the idea of taking part in swimming races?
5. How does Keren feel about winning?
a. What's important is enjoying swimming b. She doesn't have to win.
c. She must win.
d. Winning is not important at all.
6. Name two things Keren cannot do, that a normal swimmer can:
7. How much time does Keren spend in the water every day?
8. Fill in the blanks according to the text: Keren plans to use her _______________ and name to
raise money in order to build a ________________________________ for handicapped children.
9. Keren believes that taking part in sports can make disabled people feel _________________,
and can also make other people more ___________________ of the successes of handicapped
Find the opposites: afraid – best – bore - confident - depressed - disabled - excite – fail - happy
- have to- mustn't - normal – other – pull - push - self – succeed – worst
Phrasal verbs
up (with)
__________ _________
1-3. Although Keren took _______ competitive swimming at the age of 21, she caught ________
very quickly. She decided to take _________ the leading disabled women swimmers in the world,
and after five years of training, she became the best disabled woman swimmer in the world.
4-5. At the beginning of the race, the other swimmers take ______ more quickly than Keren,
because she can't dive.53 Although she can't dive, Keren swims faster than the other swimmers, so
she usually catches ___________________ them after 25 meters.
jump into the water head-first
6-7. Before entering the water, Keren takes ___________ her necklace and puts _____ goggles54
and a swimming hat. (However, we can see from the picture that she wears earrings while
8-9. In 2000, Keren took ___________ in a competition for handicapped athletes that took
____________ in Australia.
Copy a sentence or phrase from the text that shows Keren is:
athletic __________________________________________________________
competitive __________________________________________________________
disabled __________________________________________________________
proud __________________________________________________________
successful __________________________________________________________
Questions on Keren pp.49-501.
Being disabled makes Keren:
a. depressed
b. make up her mind to win
c. self-confident
d. upset
2. Choose the false statement:
Although Keren participated in many sports as a girl, she didn't swim
Keren became handicapped during her military service
Keren is incapable of using her legs
Keren was quite athletic as a youngster (before she became disabled)
3. In 1995, Keren's goal was: __________________________________________
In 2001, Kerens goals were: 1)_______________________________________
4. Keren believes its important for disabled children to succeed in sports for two reasons
(maximum TWO words in each space):
It gives the children a feeling of _________________________ , and
it makes people more aware of ____________________ of _____________________
5. When Keren spoke to her coach a few days after she started training,
a. she had as much confidence in her swimming ability as her coach did.
b. she had full self - confidence in her ability to be the world's fastest disabled woman swimmer.
c. she had less confidence in her swimming ability than her coach did.
d. she had less self - confidence in her swimming ability than anybody else at Beit Halohem.
6. Which sporting event is mentioned in the text?__________________________
7. Although Keren is not ____________ to use her legs when she _______________, and although many
other handicapped swimmers are capable of _________________, Keren beat them all.
8. How much time does Keren spend training per week?
9. According to the passage on page 50, ordinary Olympic athletes are _______________
determined _________________ disabled athletes who participate in the Paralympics.
special glasses to protect the eyes from the water
10. In the first paragraph on page 50, disabled athletes who participate in the Paralympics are
contrasted with _______________________________
11. According to the passage, the Paralympics have existed for about ________________ years.
12. Give TWO indications of the success of the Paralympics:
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
13. The words "the games" in the third paragraph on page 50 refer to ____________.
Vocabulary on Horizons p.49
Write the proper form of the word!
Keren Leibovitch became 1._________________ when she hurt her back in the army in 1992.
For therapy, she swam. One day in 1995, the coach at Beit Halohem saw her and asked if she
wanted to 2. _________________ for competitive swimming.
After a few days of 3._________________, Keren told her coach that she had set for herself the
goal of winning a gold medal in the 2000 Olympic Games. Her coach laughed at her. But Keren
worked very hard, and at the summer Olympics in Sydney, she 4.___________________ her goal
of winning a gold medal.
Although it's obviously hard for Keren since her legs are paralyzed, she says that being disabled
only makes her more 5._________________ to succeed.
New York is a food lovers' paradise, with some of the most exclusive restaurants and
exotic foods in the world. Ironically, its favorite and most typical fare55 is the humble hot
dog, usually sold from ordinary street carts.
The origins of the name remain a mystery. All we know is that hot dogs first became
popular around 1870 when Charles Feldman, a young German immigrant to the USA, hit on
the idea of selling hot sausages wrapped in a roll from a street cart. It was an instant
success, allowing Feldman to eventually open a restaurant where he soon had thousands of
hot dogs a day sizzling on several dozen grills.
One member of Feldman's kitchen staff, Nathan Handwerker, saw a business
10 opportunity staring him in the face. In 1916 he opened his own hot dog restaurant,
charging only half as much as his former boss. And when a major subway station was
constructed nearby, his success was assured.
Ultimately, however, hot dog restaurants did not oust their lowly ancestors, the street
carts. In fact, over the last century, the latter have popped up on every other street corner
15 in the city. Thus, despite fierce competition by relative newcomers such as hamburgers
and falafel, the hot dog still rules!
1. In lines 1-3, "street carts" are contrasted with ________________________________
kind of food
2. According to line 4, nobody knows how hot dogs got _________________________
Another word or expression for hot dogs mentioned in lines 4-8 is ___________ ______________
According to the passage, hot dogs have been popular for about __________________ years.
Give two reasons for the success of Handwerker's restaurant. (lines 9-13)
6. The words "the latter" (line 14) refer to the ______________________________
7. According to lines 13-16, in New York today hamburgers are ________________ popular than hot
p.53,1Things I can't do because I'm too young
Things an old person whom I know can't
do because he's too old
Complete the sentences
One day, I want to achieve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I think people should be more aware of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'm determined to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
My goal this year is to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'm proud of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I think it's everyone’s responsibility to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I want to be a successful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I would like to take part in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fill in the blanks with the proper form of words from the list
catch up
head start
competition determine
succeed (x2)
Dear Robert,
The Paralympic Games are so exciting! It's just amazing to see
these 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . athletes. We watched some of them in
the 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . while they were 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
with their 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . before the games began. They
have to work very hard (like any other athlete), but I think maybe
5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is even more important to these athletes.
Winning helps them feel more 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maybe that's why they are so 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yesterday we saw the swimming 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One of
the most amazing swimmers was Keren Leibovitch from lsrael. She
started off behind all the other swimmers, but soon she
10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with them - and then she passed them. She
was so fast! They got a 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , but in the end,
Keren won the Gold Medal!
I read an article about Keren. She's a very special person. She was
always 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , even before she became disabled.
But she didn't let anything stop her. I'm sure we'll hear more about her in the future.
See you soon, Andrew
p.53- Before reading. Find the opposites:
active - already – bored - didn't have to - difficult – easy – fail - fulfill - had to –interested - land –
not yet – passive - regular - straight - take off – terrible - turn – unusual - wonderful
p.53- After reading
1. What is unusual about Adi? ________________________________________
2. What is her goal? _________________________________________
3. How does she feel when flying? ______________________________
p.54- Before reading. Match
1. adopt
2. connected
3. famous
4. is able to
5. star
6. to protect
7. to survive
a. take in to your house
b. far-away sun
c. tied to
d. to stay alive even though there is danger
e. can
f. known
g. to keep, guard, defend
p.54- After reading
1. Name one of Erica's goals___________________________________________
2. Name TWO animals mentioned in the article.
1)_________________________ 2)__________________________________
3. How old was Erica when the article was written?
4. What kind of animals does Erica sell?
p.55- Before reading text 3. Match
1. burn
2. in a hurry
3. medical
4. boiling
5. license
a. can
b. very hot water
c. permission from the government to do something
d. hurt by heat
e. what you do with time or money
6. spend (x2)
7. be able to
f. wants to finish fast
g. connected to doctors
p.55- After reading
1. Where did Balamurali live when he was two years old? _____________________
2. Fill in the chart according to the text:
Balamurali finished
3. Complete the sentence according to the text: Balamurali is famous for being the only teenage
doctor in the __________________________.
p.55- Before reading text 4.
1. alone
2. climb
3. fulfill
4. member
5. shy
a. ashamed
b. by yourself
c. "friend" who joined a group
d. go up
e. reach
p.55- After reading
1. Name three things Judy did to prepare for her trip:
a. ____________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________
2. Judy likes staying at Youth Hostels because:
a. they accept grandparents b. they are a great place to meet young travelers
c. they are cheap
d. they are located all over the world
e. they are not expensive
3. . What advice does Judy give to travelers?
Copy a sentence or phrase from the text that shows:
Adi is old __________________________________________________________
Adi is determined _____________________________________________________
Erica is successful_____________________________________________________
Judy is athletic _______________________________________________________
Phrasal verbs- fill in the blanks in the chart and in the sentences
Phrasal verbs
__________ __________ _________ _________
happen; last
1,2. Jane felt sorry for a little white kitten that lived in the garbage, so she decided to take him
_________. Jane named the kitten Kato and brought him ____________ like her own child.
3-5. Jane decided to take __________ cat-training. She bought a book on cat-training, and trained
Kato to do all kinds of tricks. Kato caught ________ quickly. Jane decided that Kato would take
_____________ in cat-trick competition.
6-8. At the competition, Kato took _________ cats that were trained by professionals.
Kato amazed everyone when he put __________ a pair of pants and a little blue sweater. At the end
of his show, Kato took ___________ the pants and sweater.
9,10. Kato and Jane won the gold medal. Jane hopes she and Kato will go ________ to take
________ in the regional cat-trick Olympics next summer in Istanbul.
Vocabulary Exercise for Horizons Unit 3
Loosely based on Daniel chapter 1.
I. Fill in all the blanks with words from the vocabulary list for Horizons Unit 3.
II. Number the sentences in the correct chronological order
NN = Nevuchadnezar, king of Babylon.
a. Amazingly, the trial56 __________________: not only did the four youngsters not become sick, they
looked even healthier than the other students.
b. Daniel was really __________________ not to eat the cooked food, and he didn't give in. After failing to
convince the principal,57 Daniel came up with the idea of asking the waiter to give him a ten-day trial period
during which he and his friends would eat raw alfalfa sprouts58 and drink water, instead of the regular food
and wine.
c. At the end of three years, the __________________ they'd all been training for finally happened: the big
competition in the wisdom of Babylon. 59 Even though many highly intelligent youngsters
__________________ in the competition, Daniel and his three friends turned out to be the best students
in the whole school. They won the competition!
d. Because of his Jewish __________________, and his loyalty to the ways of Torah, Daniel was
determined not to eat the cooked food that was served in the school.
e. Daniel trusted in the Lord, so he was __________________ that he and his friends wouldn’t become sick
despite their poor diet.
f. NN, who was __________________ of the high intelligence and talents of the Jews, ordered one of his
ministers60 to bring bright and healthy (not __________________ ) Jewish children to his school.
g. When Daniel asked the school principal to allow him to change his diet, the principal turned down
Daniel's request, saying, "Your health is my __________________ . NN counts on me to serve you
healthy food. If you don't eat the normal food that we serve in the school, I'm afraid that NN will catch
__________________ to the fact that you're not eating properly,61 and then he will be angry at me."
‫ תקופת ניסיון‬56
)‫ מנהל (של בית ספר‬57
‫ נבטים‬58
‫ חכמת בבל‬59
‫ שרים‬60
‫ כראוי‬61
‫__________________ ‪h. NN established a school, and hired62 a principal and a __________________ to‬‬
‫‪the students in the wisdom of Babylon.‬‬
‫דניאל פרק א‪-‬‬
‫ּומקְׁ צָׁ ת ְְּׁ לןי בן ית הָׁ אלקים וַיְׁ בִּ יאן ם‬
‫א) בִּ ְׁשנַת שָׁ לֹוש לְׁ מַ לְׁ כּות יְׁ הֹויָׁקִּ ים מֶ לְֶך יְׁ הּודָׁ ה בָׁ א נְׁ בּוכ ְַׁדנֶאצַ ר מֶ לְֶך בָׁ בֶ ל יְׁ רּושָׁ ַל ִּם ַויָׁצַ ר ָׁעלֶיהָׁ ב) ַו ִּיֵּן ן ה' ְׁביָׁדֹו אֶ ת יְׁ הֹויָׁקִּ ים מֶ לְֶך יְׁ הּודָׁ ה ִּ‬
‫ּומן הַ פ ְַׁר ְֵּׁ ִּמים‬
‫ּומז ֶַרע הַ ְׁמלּוכָׁ ה ִּ‬
‫אֶ ֶרץ ִּשנְׁ עָׁר בן ית אֱֹלהָׁ יו וְׁ אֶ ת הַ ְּןלִּ ים הן ִּביא בן ית אֹוצַ ר אֱֹלהָׁ יו ג) ַוי ֹּאמֶ ר הַ מֶ לְֶך לְׁ אַ ְׁשפְׁ נַז ַרב סָׁ ִּריסָׁ יו לְׁ הָׁ ִּביא ִּמ ְׁבנןי יִּ ְׁש ָׁראן ל ִּ‬
‫ד) יְׁ ל ִָּׁדים אֲשֶ ר‬
‫ּומ ִּבינןי מַ דָׁ ע ַואֲשֶ ר ְֹּּ חַ בָׁ הֶ ם ַלעֲמֹּ ד ְׁבהן יכַל הַ מֶ לְֶך ּו ֲלל ְַׁמדָׁ ם סן פֶר ּולְׁ שֹון ְּ ְַׁש ִּדים ה) וַיְׁ מַ ן לָׁהֶ ם הַ מֶ לְֶך‬
‫אן ין בָׁ הֶ ם ְָּׁל מאום מּום וְׁ טֹובן י מַ ְׁראֶ ה ּומַ ְׁשְִּּ ילִּ ים ְׁב כָׁל חָׁ כְׁ מָׁ ה וְׁ ְׁיֹּדעןי דַ עַת ְׁ‬
‫ּומקְׁ צָׁ תָׁ ם ַיע ְַׁמדּו לִּ פְׁ נןי הַ מֶ לְֶך ו) וַיְׁ ִּהי בָׁ הֶ ם ִּמ ְׁבנןי יְׁ הּודָׁ ה דָׁ נִּ יןאל ֲחנַנְׁ יָׁה ִּמישָׁ אן ל ַו ֲעז ְַׁריָׁה‬
‫ּומיןין ִּמ ְׁשֵָּׁ יו ּולְׁ ג ְַׁדלָׁם שָׁ נִּ ים שָׁ לֹוש ִּ‬
‫ְׁדבַ ר יֹום ְׁביֹומֹו ִּמ ַפת בַ ג הַ מֶ לְֶך ִּ‬
‫ז) ַויָׁשֶ ם לָׁהֶ ם שַ ר‬
‫יסים שן מֹות ַויָׁשֶ ם לְׁ דָׁ נִּ יןאל בן לְׁ ְׁטשַ אצַ ר וְׁ ַל ֲחנַנְׁ יָׁה שַ ְׁד ַרְך ּולְׁ ִּמישָׁ אן ל מן ישַ ְך וְׁ ַל ֲעז ְַׁריָׁה עֲבן ד נְׁ גֹו ח) ַויָׁשֶ ם דָׁ נִּ יןאל עַל לִּ בֹו אֲשֶ ר ל ֹּא יִּ ְׁתגָׁאַ ל ְׁבפ ְַׁתבַ ג הַ מֶ לְֶך ּובְׁ יןין ִּמ ְׁשֵָּׁ יו וַיְׁ בַ קן ש‬
‫הַ סָׁ ִּר ִּ‬
‫יסים אֲשֶ ר ל ֹּא יִּ ְׁתגָׁאָׁ ל ט) ַויִֵּּן ן הָׁ אלקים אֶ ת דָׁ נִּ יןאל לְׁ חֶ סֶ ד ּולְׁ ַרח ֲִּמים לִּ פְׁ נןי שַ ר הַ סָׁ ִּר ִּ‬
‫ִּמשַ ר הַ סָׁ ִּר ִּ‬
‫יסים לְׁ דָׁ נִּ יןאל י ןָׁרא אֲנִּ י אֶ ת אֲדֹּ נִּ י הַ מֶ לְֶך אֲשֶ ר ִּמנָׁה‬
‫י) ַוי ֹּאמֶ ר שַ ר הַ סָׁ ִּר ִּ‬
‫ֹּאשי לַמֶ ֶל ְך יא) ַוי ֹּאמֶ ר דָׁ נִּ יןאל אֶ ל הַ מֶ לְׁ צַ ר אֲשֶ ר ִּמנָׁה שַ ר הַ סָׁ ִּר ִּ‬
‫אֶ ת מַ ֲאכַלְׁ כֶ ם וְׁ אֶ ת ִּמ ְׁשֵּן יכֶם אֲשֶ ר לָׁמָׁ ה יִּ ְׁראֶ ה אֶ ת פְׁ נןיכֶם זֹּ עֲפִּ ים ִּמן הַ יְׁ ל ִָּׁדים אֲשֶ ר ְְּׁ גִּ ילְׁ כֶ ם וְׁ ִּחי ְַׁבֵֶּ ם אֶ ת ר ִּ‬
‫עַל דָׁ נִּ יןאל ֲחנַנְׁ יָׁה ִּמישָׁ אן ל ַו ֲעז ְַׁריָׁה‬
‫יב) נַס נָׁא אֶ ת עֲבָׁ דֶ יָך י ִָּׁמים עֲשָׁ ָׁרה וְׁ י ְִֵּּׁנּו לָׁנּו ִּמן הַ זןרֹּ עִּ ים וְׁ נ ֹּאכְׁ לָׁה ּומַ יִּ ם וְׁ נִּ ְׁשֵֶּ ה‬
‫יג) וְׁ י ָׁןראּו לְׁ ָׁפ ֶניָך מַ ְׁראן ינּו ּומַ ְׁראן ה הַ יְׁ ל ִָּׁדים הָׁ אֹּ כְׁ לִּ ים אן ת‬
‫ַפ ְׁתבַ ג הַ מֶ לְֶך וְׁ ַכאֲשֶ ר ִֵּּ ְׁראן ה עֲשן ה עִּ ם עֲבָׁ דֶ יָך יד) וַיִּ ְׁשמַ ע לָׁהֶ ם לַדָׁ בָׁ ר הַ זֶה וַיְׁ נַסן ם י ִָּׁמים עֲשָׁ ָׁרה‬
‫ּוב ִּריאן י בָׁ שָׁ ר ִּמן ְָּׁל הַ יְׁ ל ִָּׁדים‬
‫ּומקְׁ צָׁ ת י ִָּׁמים עֲשָׁ ָׁרה נִּ ְׁראָׁ ה מַ ְׁראן יהֶ ם טֹוב ְׁ‬
‫טו) ִּ‬
‫הָׁ אֹּ כְׁ לִּ ים אן ת פ ְַׁתבַ ג הַ מֶ לְֶך טז) וַיְׁ ִּהי הַ מֶ לְׁ צַ ר נֹּ שן א אֶ ת פ ְַׁתבָׁ גָׁם וְׁ יןין ִּמ ְׁשֵּן יהֶ ם וְׁ נֹּ תן ן לָׁהֶ ם ז ְׁןרעֹּ נִּ ים‬
‫יז) וְׁ הַ יְׁ ל ִָּׁדים הָׁ אן לֶה אַ ְׁרבַ עְׁ ֵָּׁ ם נָׁתַ ן לָׁהֶ ם הָׁ אלקים מַ דָׁ ע וְׁ הַ ְׁשְּןל בְׁ ָׁכל סן פֶר‬
‫וְׁ חָׁ כְׁ מָׁ ה וְׁ דָׁ נִּ יןאל הן ִּבין ְׁבכָׁל חָׁ זֹון ַוחֲֹלמֹות‬
‫יסים לִּ פְׁ נןי נְׁ ֻבכ ְַׁדנֶצַ ר‬
‫ח) ּולְׁ ִּמקְׁ צָׁ ת הַ י ִָּׁמים אֲשֶ ר אָׁ מַ ר הַ מֶ לְֶך ַלה ֲִּביאָׁ ם וַיְׁ ִּביאן ם שַ ר הַ סָׁ ִּר ִּ‬
‫ְְּׁ דָׁ נִּ יןאל ֲחנַנְׁ יָׁה ִּמישָׁ אן ל ַו ֲעז ְַׁר ָׁיה ַו ַיע ְַׁמדּו לִּ פְׁ נןי הַ מֶ לְֶך‬
‫יט) וַיְׁ דַ בן ר ִּאֵָּׁ ם הַ מֶ לְֶך וְׁ ל ֹּא נִּ ְׁמצָׁ א ִּמ ְֻּלָׁם‬
‫כ) וְׁ כֹּ ל ְׁדבַ ר חָׁ כְׁ מַ ת בִּ ינָׁה אֲשֶ ר ִּבקן ש מן הֶ ם הַ מֶ לְֶך וַיִּ ְׁמצָׁ אן ם עֶשֶ ר יָׁדֹות עַל ְָּׁל הַ חַ ְׁרט ִֻּמים הָׁ אַ שָׁ פִּ ים אֲשֶ ר בְׁ כָׁל מַ לְׁ כּותֹו‬
‫כֹורש הַ מֶ לְֶך‬
‫כא) וַיְׁ הִּ י דָׁ נִּ יןאל עַד ְׁשנַת אַ חַ ת לְׁ ֶ‬
‫)‪Questions on the Book of Esther (Horizons unit 3‬‬
‫‪I. Answer all of the questions (in English). The answers are either yes / no; the name of a person,‬‬
‫‪place, or nation; a number; or one of the following words:‬‬
‫;‪early; easy; eat; ending; enter; excited; hoped; in; in order to; jealous; lost; ordered‬‬
‫‪reason; realize; request; stands; trained; upset; warn‬‬
‫!‪II. Write the first letters of the answers in the spaces, and discover the message‬‬
‫___ ___ ___‬
‫‪1.How many days passed since the last time the King invited Esther? 4:11‬‬
‫‪2. Who suddenly appears in the palace courtyard when the King isn't able to sleep?6:4‬‬
‫?‪3. Who is the Jewish queen‬‬
‫___ ___ ___ ___‬
‫‪4. We can imagine that Haman felt very ____________ of Mordecai when he led Mordecai through‬‬
‫‪the streets of Shushan on the King's horse. 6:10‬‬
‫‪5. Haman comes to visit the King very __________ in the morning. 6:4‬‬
‫‪6. Mordecai and Esther ____________ the King about Bigtan's dangerous plan. 2:22‬‬
‫?‪7. In what city is Achashverosh's palace‬‬
‫___ ___ ___ ___ ___‬
‫‪8. When Esther enters the King's chamber and the King holds out his golden scepter, the King says,‬‬
‫‪"Esther, what is your _____________________?" 5:3‬‬
‫‪9. When the King remembers Vashti, he feels ___________ about her death. 2:1‬‬
‫‪10. The enemies of the Jews ______________ the war.‬‬
‫‪11. Esther is afraid to ____________ the King's chamber without an invitation. 4:11‬‬
‫‪12. What is the name of Haman's second son? 9:7‬‬
‫___ ___ ___ ___‬
‫‪13. The King __________ his seven eunuchs to bring Vashti before him. 1:10‬‬
‫?‪14. Who was Achashverosh's first queen‬‬
‫‪15. It is very ____________ for Haman to convince the King to agree to his plan to destroy the‬‬
‫‪Jews. 3:10-11‬‬
‫____________ ‪16. When Haman tells his family about the invitation to Esther's banquet, he doesn't‬‬
‫‪that Esther plans to ask the King to kill him. 5:12‬‬
‫___ ___ ___ ___ ___‬
‫‪17. The girls _________ for twelve months before their meeting with the King. 2:12‬‬
‫‪18. Haman _________ the King would honor him with his clothing and horse. 6:8‬‬
‫‪ 62‬העסיק‬
19. The Persians did not _________ at their banquets – they only drank. 1:8
20. Esther invited Haman to her banquet ________________ make the King jealous of Haman, so
he would want to kill him.
21. It's hard to understand the ______________ why Mordecai told Esther to hide the fact that she
was Jewish. 2:10
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
22. Haman became ______________ when the King asked him, "What should be done to the man
whom the King wants to honor?"
23. Does the King accept Haman's offer to pay him ten thousand silver coins? 3:9
24. __________ worries about Mordecai and sends him clothing. 4:4
25. Who is the King's seventh wise-man? 1:14
26. The story takes place __________ Persia.
27. The story has a happy ____________.
28. Esther ____________ while the King sits in his chamber. 5:1-2
Writing task for Horizons Unit Three – Translate the Letter
‫ היועץ‬63‫לכבוד‬
‫אני לא יכול‬
‫להחליט האם ליטול‬
,‫חלק בתחרות התנ"ך‬
.‫או לא‬
‫כדאי לי לקבוע‬
‫לעצמי המטרה של‬
?‫זכייה בתחרות התנ"ך‬
‫יהיה לי קשה להשיג‬
‫מטרה זו מכמה‬
‫ חסר לי בטחון עצמי‬.5
‫ אני לא מאמין שאני‬.6
‫מסוגל להצליח‬
‫ אני מודע שאני‬.7
‫אתחרה מול‬
‫תלמידים שלומדים‬
‫תנ"ך במשך כל‬
Dear ____________________,
educational counselor
‫ לכן אצטרך להשיג‬.8
‫‪ .9‬אני מודאג שהזמן‬
‫שאצטרך לבלות‬
‫באימון אולי‬
‫יתנגש‪ 66‬עם‬
‫האחריות שלי‬
‫להצליח בבי"ס‪.‬‬
‫‪ .10‬יש עוד כמה בעיות‪:‬‬
‫לאחרונה‪ ,‬הייתי קצת‬
‫‪ .11‬בשבוע שעבר‪,‬‬
‫האצבע שלי נשברה‬
‫וזה כואב‪.‬‬
‫‪ .12‬מאידך‪ 67,‬אני מאד‬
‫רוצה להשתתף‬
‫באירוע הגדול‬
‫שמתרחש ביום‬
‫העצמאות‪ ,‬בפני‪ 68‬קהל‬
‫של אלפים‪.‬‬
‫‪ .13‬אני גם רוצה‬
‫להתחיל את‬
‫התחביב של לימוד‬
‫תנ"ך כי‪ ,‬בלי מטרה‬
‫כמו זכיה בתחרות‪,‬‬
‫חסרה לי הנחישות‬
‫ללמוד תנ"ך‪.‬‬
‫‪ .14‬אם אזכה בתחרות‬
‫אהיה הגיבור של בית‬
‫‪ .15‬אני רוצה שחבריי‬
‫יעריצו אותי‪.‬‬
‫‪The educational counselor answers the student's letter. Use twelve of the following words (one‬‬
‫‪word from each line) in his letter:‬‬
‫‪ determination‬או ‪patience‬‬
‫‪ count on‬או ‪ prepare‬או ‪coach‬‬
‫‪more / less‬‬
‫‪win / lose‬‬
‫‪ depressed‬או ‪get over it‬‬
‫‪ give up.‬או ‪ drop out‬או ‪turn out‬‬
‫‪ since‬או ‪instead‬‬
‫‪ so‬או ‪although‬‬
‫‪ in order to‬או ‪according to‬‬
‫‪On the other hand,‬‬
‫‪in front of‬‬
66-68 Landmarks
story (x2)
floor (x2)
(dis) agreement
sign (x2) ,‫שלט‬
‫ קומה‬,‫סיפור‬
‫ סימן‬,‫שלט‬
(dis) agree
design; designer
imaginative ‫יצירתי‬
actual = real
73 - 76 Engineering: skyscrapers, elevators, bridges
‫מה שנותר‬
frame (x2 building
skeleton and picture)
high = tall
chapter 4 phrasal verbs
make a short visit
(usually without
calling first)
1. drop by
2. put small
envelope into
a big box
1. deliver (a package)
2. driver allows
passenger to leave the
3. decrease in the level,
e.g. temperature, grades
leave school
Worksheet for Horizons Unit 4 pages 64-68
Fill in the table about the pictures on page 65
Name of the Landmark
Location of the Landmark
p.66 Before Reading.
Find the opposites:
after – agree – beautiful - before – disagree - easy - famous – hard - important – ordinary - safe –
ugly - unimportant - unknown – unsafe – unusual - with - without
1. as soon as
2. engineer
3. enjoy
4. imagine
5. iron
6. lucky
7. skyscraper
8. structure
9. to sign
10. view
a high tower, a tall building
a kind of metal
a person who designs buildings
have a picture in your thoughts
the moment that
to have a good time
what you see
write your name
p.66 After reading
1. Who didn't want the Eiffel Tower to be built? ______________________________
2. (i) Does the writer of the text think that the Eiffel Tower is beautiful or ugly? ____
(ii) Copy a word or phrase from the text that justifies your answer: _________________
3. What is the Eiffel Tower made of? ______________________________
4. What is the tallest building in Paris? ________________________________
5. What is unusual about the Eiffel Tower? _________________________________
6. Why do tourists go to the top of the Eiffel Tower? __________________________
p.67 Before reading
no wonder
to complete
go up (a tree, stairs)
how fast something travels
it's not surprising; of course; obviously
make contact
to finish
usual, regular
p.67 After reading
1. How long ago was the Empire State Building built? _____________________
2. Name TWO buildings mentioned in the article on page 67. (short answers)
1)_________________________ 2)__________________________________
3. How long did it take to build the Empire State Building?
4. How many elevators does the Empire State Building have?
p.68 Before reading
After reading
no difference
hardened iron
two of them
no doubt
"n" shape
(short answers)
1. Is there any danger that the Sydney Bridge will fall down?____________________
2. Complete the sentence according to the text: In 1920, people in Australia started building
separately two __________________ of one big bridge.
3. When were the two halves of the Sydney Bridge joined together?_____________
Copy a sentence or phrase from the text that shows:
The Eiffel Tower is a big tourist attraction__________________________________
The Empire State Building is very tall _____________________________________
The Sydney Harbour Bridge is a well-known site ____________________________
Phrasal down
1. on the ground
2. collapse
1. from a high place
2. at someone you don't
from a high place
1. from a low place
2. at someone you admire
3. in dictionary or phone-book
start learning (hobby)
watch from the
1. be careful!
2. soldier who
1. food from
2. the garbage
compete against
1-4. At Amona, teenagers tried to take ________ the police. Some students from our school took
_____________ in this "competition." The teenagers climbed up to the roof of a building. From
the top of the building, the teenagers looked ___________ at the police. The police said, "We must
take __________ the teenagers from the roof."
5-6. A policeman on a horse galloped (=ran) towards a teenager, who didn't see the horse. His
friends yelled to him, "Look _______!" But it was too late. They couldn't help him, and could only
look ________ as he was trampled (=run over) by the horse.
7-8. After the police finished taking ______________ the teenagers from the houses, the police
bulldozers attacked the houses. The houses fell ___________________.
Vocabulary on Horizons p.68
Write the proper form of the word!
Since the Eiffel Tower is Paris' most important symbol, it's hard to 1.i_________________ the city
of Paris without the Eiffel Tower. You may be surprised to learn that before it was built, hundreds
of people 2. s_________________ a letter asking the city not to 3.c_________________ the Eiffel
Tower. They wrote, "This 4. s__________________ is unsafe and ugly. Please do not build it."
Fortunately, the city government did not 5.a_________________ with them, and the Tower was
The Eiffel Tower is not an 6.o____________________ skyscraper. Its designer, Gustave Eiffel,
7.d___________________ the Tower with no walls in order to show-off its iron frame.
Worksheet for Beginning of Horizons Unit 4 (p. 66)
Fill in with the proper form of words from the first vocabulary list
Write the answers here
A student in our class claimed that the
Knesset _______________________ in the 1960s.
In David's Tower, you can see ____________
of buildings from many different periods,70 going
back to the Second Temple period.
Tower Bridge in London is an incredible
achievement of _______________________ -- why
doesn't it fall into the Thames River?
The Azrieli Tower is not an ____________
The Eiffel Tower is a ____________ of Paris.
The Empire State Building has about one
hundred ____________.
7,8. The architect who __________ the Sydney
Opera has quite71 a developed
7. ___________________
9,10. Although the Sydney Opera has quite an
unusual _________________, in my opinion, it is an
ugly _____________________.
9. ___________________
8. ___________________
10. ___________________
Questions on pages 66 - 68
1. Going up the Eiffel Tower in its glass elevator can make you feel:
a. determined
b. depressed
c. scared
d. upset
2. In ______________, three hundred residents of (people who live in) Paris asked the city not to
construct the Eiffel Tower. They claimed that the planned Tower was not __________________.
3. Before the Eiffel Tower was constructed, critics of the Tower were not aware of
4. The three hundred critics of the Eiffel Tower were _____ Eiffel's plans to build the Tower.
a. determined to b. amazed by c. worried about d. neutral toward
5. The attitude of the writer toward the argument about the Eiffel Tower is:
a. he agrees with the Tower's proponents
b. he agrees with the Tower's critics
c. he is neutral
d. he is depressed by the argument
6. Copy a phrase from the text which supports your answer to question 5.
7. Choose the true statement:
The Eiffel Tower is taller than the Empire State Building.
The Eiffel Tower was once the tallest building in the world.
The Empire State Building is currently the tallest building in the world.
The Empire State Building was never the tallest building in the world.
8. Fill in the blank (ONE word): The Eiffel Tower lacks _______________.
9. In the second paragraph on page 67, construction of the Empire State Building
is contrasted with ________________________________ .
10. Name a sporting event mentioned on page 67: _________________________
11. According to the passage, the Empire State Building has been standing for about
________________ years.
12. Fill in the blanks (TWO or THREE words): According to the passages on pages 67-68, the
Empire State Building is ____________________________ the Sydney Harbor Bridge..
13. The word "they" in the fourth line of the fourth paragraph on page 68 refers to ________.
‫ די‬71
14. Fill in the blanks (ONE or TWO word in each space): According to page 68, the Sydney Harbor
Bridge _________________ by ___________________ its two halves together.
Vocabulary Exercise for Horizons unit 4 (first half)
1. _________________ on the Sydney Harbor Bridge began in 1920, and was completed in 1932.
2. A high-tech company in Har Hotzvim is looking for a computer __________________ who has at
least five years of experience in designing computer screens.
3. Circle
, square , triangle
are all kinds of ___________________.
4. In 2002, when Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said "There is no difference between Netzarim and Tel
Aviv," nobody _________________ that one year later he would announce his plans for
"disengagement" from Gaza.
5. In the 1880s, 300 Parisians (= people who live in Paris) ________________ a letter asking the city of
Paris not to build the Eiffel Tower.
6. Itamar lives on Kiryat Moshe Street. Itamar's apartment is on the 4th ______________ of his building.
7. On October 23, 1998, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Arafat met at the Wye
Plantation (near Washington, D.C.) and signed an _____________________.
8. Prime Minister Olmert started talking with Syria about the Golan (May, 2008). We all hope that the
Golan will _______________ part of Israel.
9. The _______________ of the State of Israel is a menorah with two olive branches.
10. The Azrieli Towers are not an __________________ skyscraper – they have a very unusual shape.
11. The cover of our book was made by a graphic _____________.
12. You should put the Bible on the table, and not on the __________________.
announce – ‫להודיע‬
apartment – ‫דירה‬
branch – ‫ ענף‬company - ‫חברה‬
cover – ‫ מכסה‬,‫כיסוי‬
complete – finish
disengagement - ‫התנתקות‬
experience – ‫ניסיון‬
Gaza – ‫עזה‬
olive – ‫זית‬
part - ‫חלק‬
Prime Minister – ‫ראש הממשלה‬
screen – ‫מסך‬
table - ‫שולחן‬
Write eight trivia questions which are answered by the texts on pages 66-68. Don't forget
to start with a capital letter and finish with a question mark (?).
p.69,1 -- Make sentences using pairs of words from the list here
Example: "Skyscrapers and towers are both tall buildings."
p.69,2 Complete the sentences in any way that makes sense.
1.I'm afraid of heights so, _____________________________________________
2. ________________ were saved from certain death when ____________________
3. Water expands when _____________________________________________
4. There's a magnificent view from ____________________________________
5. It was a real tragedy when ________________________________________
6. It was a miracle when_____________________________________________
7. The first thing the immigrants saw was________________________________
8. An important symbol of our country is ________________________________
9. It was a frightening experience when _________________________________
10. Fortunately, ___________________________________________________
Vocabulary Enrichment Exercise for Horizons Unit Four
(first list)
Make changes to the following story to incorporate at least ten72 words from the first vocabulary
list for Horizons Unit Four. You may need to use a dictionary in order to know how to use the words
from the list properly.
Cyrus, king of Persia, invited the Jews to return to Israel and re-build the Temple. The Jewish
leaders Sheshbatzar, and later Zrubavel, led 42,000 Jews back to Israel. Even before they started building
the Second Temple, they found the ruins of the altar,73 built a new altar, and started offering sacrifices.74
there are twelve possibilities
‫ מזבח‬73
‫ב‬,‫ עזרא ג‬.‫ להקריב קרבנות‬74
Zrubavel hired Jewish architects to make plans for a building in the form of a rectangle, 60 cubits
(about three levels) high.75 Within two years of their arrival, they had already finished laying the
foundations for the Temple.76
Old men who remembered the beauty and grandeur of the First Temple, hoped and believed that
the Second Temple would be just as beautiful and grand as the First Temple. In fact, the building that
was built by Zrubavel was so small and disappointing,77 that many of the old men who remembered the
First Temple – cried when they saw it.78
When Ahaseurus became king, he did not allow79 any more Jewish construction in the land of
Although the Persian kings Darius and Artachshasta eventually81 allowed the Jews to re-build
Jerusalem, they did not let the Jews establish82 an independent83 country. A poster with a picture of
Shushan, the capital of Persia, was hung on the eastern entrance to the Temple Mount, in order to
indicate84 the Jews' lack of freedom.85
Worksheet for Horizons Unit 4 pages 71-76
p.72 Before You Read
Find the opposites: beautiful – break - construction - danger - depress – destruction – fall find out – fix – go up – hide - long - pull – push – safety – short - start - stop – strong - support –
ugly – weak
a. there are usually four of them on the sides of a room
b. "n" shape
c. what you need to do to your problem
d. type
e. a modern tall tower
‫ג‬,‫ עזרא ו‬75
‫י‬,‫ עזרא ג‬76
‫ מאכזב‬77
‫יב‬,‫ עזרא ג‬78
permit, let 79
‫ו‬,‫ עזרא ד‬80
finally 81
found 82
‫ עצמאי‬83
show, represent 84
‫ג‬,‫ מידות א‬85
f. construction, structure
g. the profession of a person who designs bridges
circle the answer
steel / stone
walls / foundations
servants / engine
4 brake / shape
5 beautiful / strong
6 beam bridge / suspension bridge
Questions on pages 73 - 76
1. In the first paragraph on page 73, steel is contrasted with ___________________ .
2. Choose the true statement: (p.73)
a skyscraper's frame is made of steel and concrete
f.glass walls support a skyscraper's weight
steel is weaker than stone
steel was invented before stone
i. stone is lighter than steel
3. Fill in the blanks (ONE or TWO word in each space): According to page 73, a skyscraper
____________________________ by ___________________________ .
4. The word "it" in the fourth line of the first paragraph on page 74 refers to _________________.
5. Before Elisha Otis proved that his safety brake really works, people were not aware that
elevators can be ______________________________. (p.74)
6. Before Elisha Otis proved that his safety brake really works, many people were _____ riding in
a. determined to b. amazed by c. worried about d. neutral toward
7. Copy a phrase from the text which supports your answer to question 6.
8. Name TWO things that the elevator of King Louis XV of France (1710-1774) lacked (p.74) 1)
________________________. 2) _______________________.
9. Who cut the cable of Elisha Otis' elevator? (p.74) ________________________.
10. Name three kinds of bridges mentioned on page 75.
1) ____________________________. 2) ___________________________.
3) ____________________________.
11. According to the passage on page 75, some arch bridges have stood for about
________________ years.
12. Fill in the blanks (TWO or THREE words): According to the passage on page 75, modern
"M"-shaped bridges can be ____________________________ beam bridges.
13. Fill in the blanks (ONE or TWO word in each space): According to page 75,
suspension bridges ________________________________ by deep foundations.
(bonus question)
Vocabulary on Horizons p.76
Write the proper form of the word!
A long time ago, buildings were constructed of stone. Since stone is a very
1._____________________ material, it was impossible to build very high buildings. The stone
walls could not support the 2.___________________ of a high building.
Steel is much lighter and stronger than stone. After steel was 3.________________, engineers
could design very 4. ______________ buildings.
Many skyscrapers look like they are made of glass because they have glass walls. 5.
____________________, these buildings are supported by a strong
6. ________________ made of steel.
Unit 4 phrasal verbs: Drop by, in, off, out
"You don't have to call first to tell me that you're coming. Any time you're in the
neighborhood, feel free to ______________________."
Although Itamar began the year with very high grades, I'm sorry to say that his grades
________________________ recently.
Instead of waiting in line at the bank to deposit checks into your account, you can simply
_____________ an envelope _________ the "service box."
Once, Jews wanted to work in construction and agriculture for idealistic reasons. Today,
only high-school _______________ work in those professions.86
90-92 Escape from East Berlin
would (x3)
blow (blew) (horn,
wind, nose)
‫לשים במעצר‬
shoot (shot)
94 - 99 Teen Freedom Survey
to conduct a survey
such as
permit = allow = let allowed to
supposed to
rude / polite
‫דרך משהו‬
‫ לנשוב‬,‫לתקוע‬
‫ להרשות‬,‫לאפשר‬
‫אמור להיות‬
‫אמור להיות‬
‫ חסר נימוסים‬,‫מנומס‬
,‫טענה נגד אנשים אחרים‬
Vocabulary Introduction for Horizons Unit Five
Yehoshua sent two spies to collect intelligence87 about Jericho. Before they started their mission,88
Yehoshua gave them the following orders: "Jericho is surrounded by an enormous wall. I would like to know
if there is some way we can get soldiers into the city. Search the area around the city – perhaps you will be
able to find the opening to a hidden tunnel."
The spies entered Jericho and knocked on the door of Rahav's hotel.
Rahav opened the door and asked, "Would you like to stay at my hotel?"
The spies entered the hotel.
A short time after, Jericho's military intelligence learned that Jewish spies had entered89 the city and were
staying at Rahav's hotel. The king sent soldiers to arrest them. The soldiers went to Rahav's hotel, and asked
her, "Where are your guests?"
"Actually, I had two guests," she said. "However, they have already left90 the city and they probably are moving
east back to the Jewish camp. Of course, I didn't suspect them of being enemy spies! Run after them quickly, maybe
you will be able to catch up with them and arrest them."
The soldiers left immediately, hoping they would catch up with the Jewish spies.
Rahav went up to her roof, where the spies were hiding. When they saw it was safe, the spies crawled out
of their hiding place. Rahav whispered to them, "Since I live in the wall, you will be able to escape from the
city easily by climbing through the window and getting down to the ground using a rope."
In the end, the spies didn't find any tunnel (actually, there was no tunnel). So, Yehoshua brought the
wall down by circling the city for seven days and ordering the priests to blow their horns.
Answer the questions according to the text – not according to your knowledge
of the Bible!
What was the purpose of the spies' trip to Jericho? (I)
What is the meaning of the word "would" in the first sentence Rahav says to the spies? (II)
a. a material that comes from trees b. a polite invitation
c. a theoretical situation
d. like "will," but in the past
What piece of military intelligence did the Canaanite army collect? (II)
Why were soldiers sent91 to Rahav's hotel? (II)
What does the phrasal verb "catch up" mean as it is used in this passage? (III)
to learn information that somebody was trying to hide from you
to start learning or doing a new hobby or sport
c. to happen
d. to close the gap
What did the city of Jericho lack? (IV)
Name three methods of passing a wall mentioned in the text.
i.______________________________________ ii._____________________________
secret military information that an army tries to collect about its enemies
mission = operation. E.g. the very famous mission of Sayeret Matkal in July, 1976, to free hostages from Entebbe,
Uganda, was re-named "Operation Yonatan" in memory of Yonatan Netanyahu, the only Israeli soldier who was killed
during the operation.
this is a new tense called "past perfect." If the teacher forgets to explain it, please remind him.
this is the "perfect" tense, which we have already learned.
notice – this is passive
1. "If I was a painter, I would show freedom of speech by a picture of
2. "If I was a painter, I would show freedom from fear by a picture of
3 "If I was a painter, I would show freedom from want by a picture of
4. "If I was a painter, I would show freedom of religion by a picture of
Introduction to Horizons Unit 5 Vocabulary
Fill in the following exercises with the proper form of a word from the first Unit 5 vocabulary list
1. "Mr. Ashkenazi, may I go get a tissue? I need to _______________ my nose."
2. "On Thursday, the counselor promised us that he ___________ bring us cakes for the Sabbath."
3. ____________ = To look for.
4. ____________ = To talk very quietly.
5. Babies have to learn how to _____________ before they learn how to walk.
6,7. For many years, terrorists have smuggled weapons and ammunition from Sinai into the Gaza
Strip __________________________ underground passageways. Now, in the winter of ‫תשס"ז‬, we
are worried about reports that _______________________ are being dug by terrorists in order to
attack settlements near the Gaza Strip.
8,9. In ‫תשס"ב‬, Benny Sella was _____________ by the police, found guilty of serious crimes, and
the judge sentenced him to 15 years in prison. In the winter of ‫תשס"ז‬, the prisoner Benny Sella
______________ from the policemen who brought him to court, and enjoyed several weeks of
"vacation" until his family turned him in to the police.
10. Marwan's sister, who did not want to marry her cousin, was found dead in her bed. The police
__________________ Marwan of murdering his sister.
11. The officer said to the soldiers on the border, "Do not _____________________ at the Egyptian
soldiers under any circumstances. Even if they fire first, you must call me and ask for permission to
return fire."
12. The student asked the English teacher, "When I grow up I want to _____________ garbage. So
why do I have to learn this stupid language?"
13. The 10th grade student Eliyahu Weinberg ______________________________ by the police
immediately after he and his friends tried to block traffic as part of a political demonstration.
after reading the text on p. 90
p.91, Speaking Personally:
Imagine you are in Frank's place: Would you agree to leave?
Write at least five sentences, mentioning some of the following considerations: family, friends,
home, school, freedom of travel, freedom of speech, democracy, the hot air balloon, the Wall,
danger of being caught.
Write in the first person ("I")
"... ,‫ מצד אחד‬.‫"קשה לי להחליט אם אני אוהב את התכנית של הוריי‬
Questions on Horizons 90 – 92 "Over the Wall"
Page 90
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph (lines 1-5)?
a. Frank Strelzyk, a 15 year-old who lived in East Berlin in 1979, was curious to find out his parents' secret.
b. Frank Strelzyk, who lived in East Berlin, was no longer a child in 1979.
c. Mr. and Mrs. Strelzyk, who lived in East Berlin in 1979, had a secret that they discussed daily.
d. What Frank Strelzyk, a 15 year-old who lived in East Berlin in 1979, was doing in the hallway.
2. Choose the missing word: Lines 9-10 ________ the "secret" mentioned in line 4.
a. contradict b. reveal c. illustrate d. refute
3. According to the third paragraph (lines 9-14), the Berlin Wall was ________
_________________ the lack of freedom of speech.
4. What is the main purpose of the fourth paragraph (lines15-18)?
a. To compare between the different means of patrolling the wall used by the army of East
b. To contrast between different famous walls in the world.
c. To emphasize the size of the population of East Berlin.
d. To explain the wall's purpose.
5. The attitude of the writer toward the communist government of E. Germany is ___.
a. antagonistic b. cheerful c. faithful d. neutral e. determined f. imaginative
6. Copy a phrase from the passage that supports your answer to question 5.
7. How old was the youngest person in the balloon? (lines 19-22) ______________
8. Fill in the missing words (ONE or TWO words in each space) according to lines 26-28:
Although Frank was sad about ________________ his friends, he hoped that he and his family
would soon _______________.
9. Complete the sentence: Sewing the balloon and designing the engine are mentioned as ways
________________________________________. (lines 26-32)
10. The word "for," as it is used in line 28, means:
a. during a period of time b. in favor of c. instead of d. meant e. on behalf of f. since
Page 91
1. Fill in the chart:
Frank didn't actually say good-bye to his friends
The wind was blowing to the west
Everyone jumped
Frank saw searchlights below
The balloon descended
2. Complete the sentence according to the passage: Although the East German army used
searchlights in order to catch people trying to escape by air, the Strelzyk family
3. Name TWO things that frightened the Strelzyk family during their escape.
1. _____________________________ 2._____________________________
Page 92
1. Complete the sentence:
A suitable title for this page would be: ______________________________ people tried to cross
the Berlin Wall.
2. Which of the following THREE statements are TRUE according to page 92:
a. About 5,000 people were killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall.
b. When the East German army realized that people were jumping out of their windows into West
Berlin, they immediately closed the homes next to the Wall.
c. The only time people succeeded in escaping by tunnel was 1964.
d. Only one person at a time could be smuggled out in the secret compartment of the Isetta.
e. The text doesn't mention whether or not people in the bus were killed or injured by the shooting.
f. The text doesn't mention whether or not Peter Fletcher was killed or injured by the shooting.
g. The guards didn't catch on to the fact that the American army uniform was fake.
3. The owner of the Isetta switched from ____________________________________ to
4. Fill in the blanks:
What is the difference between the people who entered the tunnel on the first night and the people
who entered the tunnel on the third night? The first group
_________________________________________________, whereas the third group
5. Complete the sentence using ONE word only.
One group of friends fastened a cable from a high place in East Berlin to a lower place on the West
side of the wall by ___________________ a cable attached to an arrow across the Wall.
6. Copy TWO words or phrases from the last paragraph (the paragraph that begins with the word
"All") that are statements of opinion.
1. ____________________________________________________________
p.93, 1
Write the words from the list that are connected to each heading. Don't write a word more than
the Wall
the balloon
p.93, 4
94, 1
past progressive and past perfect
E.g.: It was snowing outside. Heather was home alone. She had just finished dinner and she was
reading a horror story. She felt very afraid, but she couldn't put the book down. Suddenly, she
heard a knock at the window. She was so scared that her heart almost stopped.
Introduction to Horizons Unit 5 second vocabulary list
The Internet Rimon company decided to conduct a survey of its customers in order to find out whether they
are happy with the company's service.
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: Hi, I'm calling from Internet Rimon. We're conducing a survey of our
customers. Would you please92 give me a minute of your time to take part in the survey?
CUSTOMER: Well, okay.
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: How often do you use the internet?
CUSTOMER: About 14 times a day.
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: Where did you hear about our company?
CUSTOMER: Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira came to my school to tell us that we should convince our parents to
switch to Rimon.
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: Are you happy with our service?
CUSTOMER: Well, actually, I have a complaint.
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: What is your complaint?
CUSTOMER: Rimon is supposed to block pornography while allowing maximum surfing freedom. When
I decided to switch to Rimon, I expected Rimon to93 allow me to keep on visiting clean sites that I enjoy
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: Do you mean to say that you feel your surfing options are too limited?
CUSTOMER: Yes, Rimon doesn't always let94 me see all the news sites that I like to visit, such as CNN
and Ynet.
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: But don't you understand, that the sites you mention sometimes contain
immodest pictures?
CUSTOMER: Why are you arguing with me – didn't they teach you that the customer is always right?
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: I'm not arguing with you, I'm just trying to understand what your
complaint is.
CUSTOMER: I have to go now.
COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: Thank you very much95 for taking part in the survey.
CUSTOMER: It was my pleasure.96 Have a great evening.
Match to the underlined words in the story:
1. allow, permit =
2. controlled, not free =
3. disagree, when two people try to
convince each other (without
success) =
4. expected, designed, aimed, should =
5. for example =
6. say bad things about something, to
somebody who is responsible for the
problem and who can improve the
situation =
this is how to make a polite (the opposite of rude) request
"-‫" ולא "ציפיתי שהוא י‬-‫ "ציפיתי אותו ל‬93
allow, permit. Notice that after "let" there is no "to," but after "allow" or "permit" there is "to."
this is an example of polite speech
this is another example of polite speech
7. to ask a set list of questions to a
group of people in order to collect
statistical information =
Match with a word from the vocabulary list for Horizons 94-99 (second unit 5
1. Don't ___________________ about the quality of the food at school. Say "Thank you" and eat.
2. I hate when companies call me on the phone and try to get me to participate in some stupid
3. If the woman in the lunch-room tells you that you may not receive another borekas, don't
______________ with her.
4. Students are expected to bring school supplies, _________________ pens, pencils, and erasers,
to class.
5. The Lev Institute talked with the principal of this school about putting some _____________ on
the celebrations of the month of Adar, so that the youngsters do not disturb the lectures at the Lev
6. The soldier on the border said to his friend, "I can't believe our officer told us that we may not
shoot at the Jordanian soldiers! Even if they fire at us first, we are _______________________ call
the officer and ask for permission to return fire!"
7. The teacher prepared an easy quiz. He _________ most of the students to get 100.
8. These crazy parents ______________ their son to come home whenever he wants.
Page 95
A. Take part in the survey by answering the following questions. Circle the answers that are true
for you.
1. When you are at home (for example, during the summer vacation) do you have a curfew?
Yes, every night
Yes, every week-day night
Yes, some week-day nights
No, never
2. Do you have to do chores, such as taking care of younger brothers or sisters?
Yes, every day
Yes, at least three times a week
Yes, once a week
No, never
3. Do your parents ever punish you?
Yes, at least once a week
Yes, at least once a month
Yes, once every few months
No, never
4. Do you think you should have more freedom?
Yes! I don't want any limits
Yes, I would like more freedom, but agree that teens need some limits.
No, I agree with my parents' limits.
No. I have too much freedom.
B. Now, record the answers of nine other classmates (so that you have a total of ten answers) for
two of the questions. Speak English only!
C. Now, write out four sentences comparing the results of your classmates to the results of Teen
Magazine. Underline less, more, as-as in each sentence.
E.g. The parents of the teens in the magazine punish less than the
parents of my classmates.
E.g. More of my classmates do chores every day than the teens in the
Pages 96-97
Fill in the Table.
Teenager's Name
Word or Phrase that Supports Your
1. Which teen is a
religious Jew?
2. Which teen is an Arab?
3. Which teen's parents are
extremely permissive?
4. Which teen has two
5. Which teen has a
6. Which two teens think
their parents should, at
least sometimes, clean the
kitchen after they make a
7. Which two teens were
punished recently?
8. Which two teens are
expected to help save their
parents' money?
Page 98,1
Fill in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the list at the top of page
1,2. Daniel does not have a ____________________; His parents give him
_____________________ to come home whenever he wants.
3,4,5. Elchanan is ____________________ do several _____________________ at home: ironing
his clothes, taking out the _____________, washing the dishes, and dressing his two-year-old
brother in the morning.
6. Eliyah and I couldn't decide who should use the phone first, so we _____________.
7. High school students rarely say, "I'm really _______________________________ to learn
8. I saw an article last week in the newspaper that said parents should ______________ the amount
of T.V. their children watch.
9. If a student does something really bad at school, the principal says "Go home!" If he does
something really bad at home, his parents say "You are ________________."
10. Religious girls are expected to wear long ___________________, even in the middle of the
11. Shalhevetya's parents ______________ her for talking rudely to her grandmother.
12. Shiri's father won't let her ________________________ until she finishes her homework.
13. Some youngsters think that after they make a ___________________, their parents should
clean the kitchen.
14. The ____________ student entered the class in the middle of the lesson and said loudly, "What's
15. The clothing of small children usually gets dirty every day, so their mothers have to wash a lot
of _________________________.
16. The cowboy said to his nephew, "Go ask the store keeper for 10 cents of gum drops. If he
doesn't give you a big bag, tell me and I'll ___________________ him."
1-5 ‫תקציר של הדקדוק ליחידות‬
should have
was / were able to
-had to
didn't have to
should / ought to98
am / is / are able to
must not
have / has to
will be able to
--will have to
won't have to
doesn't / don’t have to
)‫צריך (כדאי או ראוי מוסרית‬
)‫חייב (ע"פ חוק‬
-‫ עלי ל‬/)‫צריך (מציאותית‬
‫ לא צריך‬/ ‫לא חייב‬
;103‫; מתן רשות‬102‫בקשת רשות נימוסית‬
‫; הזמנה; מצב‬106‫הוראה נימוסית‬/‫בקשה‬
"‫; "עתיד בעבר‬107‫תיאורטי‬/‫מותנה‬
At, on, in
the electric company, the mall, a restaurant, the university
‫ ולא במובן של המבנה‬,‫ בעבודה' במובן הכללי‬/ ‫ כלומר 'נמצא בבית‬:‫מושג‬
home, work, school
a party, a wedding, a meeting, a soccer game
)‫ (אבל לא בתוך בניין סגור ולא על גבי משהו‬:‫מקום מסוים‬
the bus stop, the corner, the cash register
on the roof
floor/story, street, kibbutz/moshav/farm, island :‫וגם‬
Our house is on Maple Street. ‫כתובת ברחוב‬
get on a bus, a plane, a ship :‫בכלי תחבורה גדול‬
/ ‫ בדף‬on the internet/computer ‫במחשב‬
on the phone ‫בטלפון‬
on a trip ‫ לטיול‬on page / the sheet / the test ‫עמוד‬
:‫ בפנים‬,‫ בחדר‬,‫ מקום סגור‬,‫בתוך בניין‬
in the classroom, in the lesson, in his car
throw gum away in the garbage ‫לתוך‬
New York, Kiryat Moshe :‫ משכונה ומעלה‬,‫מקום גדול‬
(night :‫ (וגם‬,‫שעה מדויקת‬
‫ תאריך‬,‫יום בשבוע‬
‫ יום‬,‫כל מה שאינו שעה מדויקת‬
,‫ חודש‬:night ‫ תאריך או‬,‫בשבוע‬
'‫ וכו‬,‫ ערב‬,‫ בוקר‬,‫ מאה‬,‫ שנה‬,‫עונה‬
will need to ‫ או‬will have to ‫ אז משתמשים ב‬,‫ בעתיד‬must ‫ או‬should ‫ אין‬97
ought to = should
will be able to ‫ אז משתמשים ב‬,‫ בעתיד‬can ‫ אין‬99
needed to ‫ או‬had to ‫ אז משתמשים ב‬,‫ בעבר‬must ‫אין‬
‫ = לא צריך‬don't have to & don't need to ‫ לבין‬,‫ = אסור‬must not ‫ יש הבדל גדול בין‬101
May I go to the bathroom?
Yes, you may. 103
He may learn in Mitzpeh next year. 104
It might rain tomorrow.
Would you please open the book to page 114. 106
I would like to visit Metzad = ‫הייתי רוצה לבקר במיצד‬
.‫ מקביל ל"היה" בעברית‬,‫" מציין מצב תיאורטי‬would'" 107
Yesterday, he said that he would come to class today. :‫למשל‬
‫*‪ In -‬הכי שכיח‪ ,‬אחר כך ‪ , on‬מומלץ לזכור את הכללים של ‪ at,on‬וכל השאר זה ‪. in‬‬
‫מילות שאלה‬
‫מי עוד ‪who else-‬‬
‫של מי‪whose-‬‬
‫?‪ .1What kind of cake do you prefer‬מה ‪ .2‬איזה ‪What-‬‬
‫כמה ‪How + adjective-‬‬
‫‪For example‬‬‫באיזה גיל‪ ,‬בן כמה ‪how old-‬‬
‫באיזו תדירות ‪how often-‬‬
‫כמה‪how many / how much-‬‬
‫‪The basic tenses- past, present, future‬‬
‫ראשית‪ ,‬לברר את הזמן של המשפט (ע"י זיהוי תוה"פ אופייניים)‪.‬‬
‫אז‪ ,‬לברר האם זה משפט עם פעולה (הטבלה הראשונה) או ללא פעולה – "שמני" (הטבלה השנייה)‪.‬‬
‫לעתיד מוסיפים את המילה ‪ will‬לצורת המקור‪ ,‬כגון ‪.will walk‬‬
‫משפטים רגילים (עם פעולה)‬
‫‪Past simple‬‬
‫‪present progressive‬‬
‫פעולה שמתרחשת כרגע‪109‬‬
‫‪yesterday, last week, last year‬‬
‫‪now – right now – at the‬‬
‫‪moment – this week, year, etc.‬‬
‫‪I / you / we / they / he / she / it‬‬
‫‪I am walking.‬‬
‫‪present simple‬‬
‫פעולה שחוזרת על עצמה‪,‬‬
‫עובדה קיימת‬
‫ ‪generally - usually – always‬‬‫‪often – sometimes - every‬‬
‫‪day, week, etc.‬‬
‫‪I / you / we / they walk.‬‬
‫‪She / he is walking.‬‬
‫‪He/she/it walks.‬‬
‫‪You / we / they are walking.‬‬
‫אם הפועל מסתיים ב‪:‬‬
‫‪o,ch,ss,sh, x‬‬
‫אז גוף שלישי יחיד יסתיים‬
‫ב ”‪“es‬‬
‫‪She dresses well.‬‬
‫עבר פשוט‬
‫עיצור – תנועה – עיצור‪ :‬אם הדגש‬
‫על התנועה שבאמצע שני‬
‫העיצורים‪ ,‬מכפילים את העיצור‬
‫אם המילה מלעילית‪ ,‬לא מכפילים‪:‬‬
‫תארי הפועל‬
‫אם הפועל מסתיים בעיצור ‪+‬‬
‫‪ ,y‬אז גוף שלישי יחיד יסתיים‬
‫ב "‪."ies‬‬
‫‪He always tries to win.‬‬
‫אם הפועל מסתיים בעיצור ‪ ,y +‬אז‬
‫צורת העבר תסתיים ב "‪."ied‬‬
‫‪Yesterday, we tried to win.‬‬
‫אם הפועל מסתיים בתנועה‬
‫‪ ,y +‬אז גוף שלישי יחיד‬
‫יסתיים ב "‪."ys‬‬
‫‪He often plays soccer.‬‬
‫אם הפועל מסתיים בתנועה ‪,y +‬‬
‫אז צורת העבר תסתיים ב "‪."yed‬‬
‫‪Last Tuesday, we played soccer.‬‬
‫הפועל ‪ ,‬גוף שלישי יחיד הינו‬
‫‪ has‬ולא ‪haves‬‬
‫זכור ‪ -‬יש רשימה ארוכה של יוצאי‬
‫דופן‪ ,‬כגון‪.went, ate, etc. :‬‬
‫‪109‬פעלים של תחושה‪ ,‬מחשבה‪ ,‬חושים או תיאור מצב סטטי כגון‪belong like see hear think hope feel hate :‬‬
‫תמיד ב ‪ ,present simple‬אף על פי שהפעולה מתוארת ע"י תוה"פ האופייני ל‪ .present progressive‬דוגמאות‪:‬‬
‫‪I bought this car, so now it belongs to me.‬‬
‫‪When I was a child, I didn't like goat's cheese, but now I like it.‬‬
‫‪Right now we hear Fred's voice.‬‬
Does he / she / it walk?
Do I / you / we / they walk?
He / she / it does not walk.
I / you / we / they do not
153 '‫ עמ‬Horizons
Did I / you / we / they / he / she /it
Am I walking?
Is he / she walking?
Are you / we / they walking?
I am not walking.
She / he is not walking.
You / we / they are not
I / you / we / they / he / she / it did
not walk.
‫ כעיקרון כותבים את‬,)'‫ וכו‬,‫ איפה‬,‫ כדי ליצור שאלה יותר מורכבת (מתי‬."?‫כל השאלות בטבלאות הנ"ל פירושן "האם‬
.‫" ומוסיפים בהתחלה את מילת השאלה‬,‫התבנית הבסיסית של "האם‬
‫משפטים בלי פעולה‬
present simple
,‫פעולה שחוזרת על עצמה‬
‫עובדה קיימת‬
I am happy.
You are big.
He is smart.
Am I happy?
Are you big?
Is he smart?
I am not happy.
You are not big.
He is not smart.
present progressive
‫פעולה שמתרחשת כרגע‬
Past simple
‫עבר פשוט‬
David was the king.
They were students last year.
‫משפט ללא פעולה וזמן הווה‬
‫ממושך הם תרתי דסתרי‬
Was David the king?
Were they students last year?
Adoniahu was not the king.
They were not students last year.
‫כינויי הגוף‬
me ‫ אותי‬,‫לי‬
‫ מיקום לפני‬,‫שייכות‬
‫הדבר ששייך‬
‫ מיקום בסוף‬,‫שייכות‬
'‫ עצמך וכו‬,‫עצמי‬
Words of Amount
‫לא ספיר‬
a little
‫לא הרבה‬
how much...?
not much
(a few = ‫ מספר‬,‫)כמה‬
how many...?
not many
some -- ‫ במשפט חיובי‬:‫ שימוש‬.‫ כלשהו‬:‫ פירושה‬,‫המילה לא נצרכת בעברית‬
any -- ‫ במשפט שלילי או שאלה‬:‫ שימוש‬.‫ בכלל‬/ ‫ כלשהו‬:‫ פירושה‬,‫המילה לא נצרכת בעברית‬
the -- ‫"ה" הידיעה‬
a / an -- ‫לפני שם עצם ספיר יחיד‬
‫על מה מדובר‬
any -- /‫שאלה‬
no -- ‫בכלל לא‬/‫שלילה גמורה‬
‫בן אדם‬
anybody, anyone
nobody, no one
‫מתאים לשניהם‬
a lot of
not a lot of
every – ‫כל‬
some -- ‫בכלל‬/‫כלשהו‬
some of -- ‫חלק מ‬
somebody, someone
Relative Pronouns - ‫כינויים זוקקים‬
‫כל המילים להלן בטור האמצעי משמשות כ "ש" בעברית‬
1.‫ברירת מחדל‬
2.person (‫)נושא‬
"Word" is a program that allows the computer to write.
Davey is a boy who lives in Kalkilya.
3.person (‫)מושא‬
4. ‫ במיוחד בסוגריים או בין‬,‫מידע אגבי‬
5.thing (‫ אחרי מילת יחס‬-- in, on, by,
to, about)
6.place ("‫" "איפה ש‬,‫)במובן "שבו‬
7.time ("‫" "מתי ש‬,‫(במובן "שבו‬
8.Possession -- ‫שייכות‬
George is a terrorist whom the army arrested on Sunday.
This book, which I bought last Monday, is really
This is the computer on which I wrote the quiz.
Bethlehem is the city where Johnny lives.
Tu Bishvat is the holiday when we plant trees.
She is the teacher whose quizzes are difficult.
who whom whose :‫"ש" שמתייחס לאדם יכול להיות רק אחד משלש‬
4 ‫ כל שאר הכללים גוברים על כלל‬,‫במקרה של התנגשות‬
Comparison of Adjectives
‫מילה קצרה‬
________er than
‫מילה ארוכה‬
)‫ הברות‬2 ‫(מעל‬
more _________
the ______est
‫הכי פחות‬
the least
‫במידה שוה‬
as _______ as
less _____ than
the most
good - better – the best
bad - worse - the worst
‫ מקור ושם הפועל‬-gerund ‫ או שם הפעולה‬infinitive ‫שם הפועל‬
‫ מצבים שבהם מתרגמים את‬4 ‫ יש‬.reading )‫ ואת שם הפועל (קריאה‬to read )‫באופן כללי מתרגמים את המקור (לקרוא‬
:‫המקור כאילו זה שם הפועל‬
‫ בראש משפט‬
in on at by about with without before after for ‫ אחרי מילת יחס כגון‬
:‫ אחרי הפעלים‬
‫הנאה‬/‫ א) העדפה‬:‫קל לזכור רשימת הפעלים הזו כיון שהיא מתחלקת לשני נושאים כללים‬
He wrote his brother a letter, asking for help. :"-‫ "תוך ש‬/ "‫לציין "כש‬
‫ בפעלים החריגים (עיין בספר בטבלה‬.past simple -‫ כמו שמוסיפים ל‬ed ‫בפועל שההטייה שלו בלשון עבר היא רגילה תמיד מוסיפים‬
‫ לגבי המילה שמופיעה לפני הפועל יש הבדל בין‬.‫ שמופיעה בעמודה הימנית בטבלה‬v3 (past participle) ‫) מוסיפים את הצורה‬153 ‫שבעמוד‬
Past simple- was/were- Her hair was brushed/ The cakes were eaten
Present simple- is/are- Her hair is brushed every day
Present progressive- is/are being- Her hair is being brushed right now
Future- will be- Her hair will be brushed soon
‫ עד כאן התקציר‬-*
The Three Basic Tenses - ‫שלשת הזמנים הבסיסיים‬
.)‫ לברר את הזמן של המשפט (ע"י זיהוי תוה"פ אופייניים‬,‫ראשית‬
‫ לברר האם זה משפט עם פעולה (הטבלה הראשונה) או ללא פעולה – "שמני" (הטבלה‬,‫אז‬
)‫משפטים רגילים (עם פעולה‬
present simple
‫פעולה שחוזרת על‬
‫ עובדה קיימת‬,‫עצמה‬
present progressive
‫תארי הפועל‬
generally - usually –
always - often – sometimes
- every day, week, etc.
I / you / we / they walk.
now – right now – at
the moment – this
week, year, etc.
I am walking.
He/she/it walks.
She / he is walking.
‫פעולה שמתרחשת‬
:‫ אם הפועל מסתיים ב‬You / we / they are
o,ch,ss,sh, x
‫אז גוף שלישי יחיד‬
“es” ‫יסתיים ב‬
She dresses well.
‫אם הפועל מסתיים‬
‫ אז גוף‬,y + ‫בעיצור‬
‫שלישי יחיד יסתיים ב‬
Past simple
‫עבר פשוט‬
yesterday, last week, last
I / you / we / they / he /
she / it walked.
‫ אם הדגש‬:‫עיצור – תנועה – עיצור‬
‫על התנועה שבאמצע שני‬
‫ מכפילים את העיצור‬,‫העיצורים‬
:‫ לא מכפילים‬,‫אם המילה מלעילית‬
‫אם הפועל מסתיים בעיצור‬
‫ אז צורת העבר תסתיים‬,y +
."ied" ‫ב‬
Yesterday, we tried to win.
He always tries to win.
belong, like see, hear, :‫ חושים או תיאור מצב סטטי כגון‬,‫ מחשבה‬,‫" פעלים של תחושה‬Stative verbs" 110
think, hope, have, have to, want, feel, hate,
:‫ דוגמאות‬.present progressive‫ אף על פי שהפעולה מתוארת ע"י תוה"פ האופייני ל‬,present simple ‫תמיד ב‬
I bought this car, so now it belongs to me.
When I was a child, I didn't like goat's cheese, but now I like it.
‫אם הפועל מסתיים‬
‫ אז גוף‬,y + ‫בתנועה‬
‫שלישי יחיד יסתיים ב‬
‫אם הפועל מסתיים בתנועה‬
‫ אז צורת העבר‬,y +
."yed" ‫תסתיים ב‬
He often plays soccer.
Last Tuesday, we played
‫ יש רשימה ארוכה של יוצאי‬- ‫זכור‬
went, ate, etc. :‫ כגון‬,‫דופן‬
153 '‫ עמ‬Horizons
‫גוף שלישי יחיד של‬
‫ (ולא‬has ‫ הינו‬have
Does he / she / it
Do I / you / we / they
He / she / it does not
I / you / we / they do
not walk.
Am I walking?
Is he / she walking?
Are you / we / they
I am not walking.
She / he is not
You / we / they are
not walking.
Did I / you / we / they / he
/ she /it
I / you / we / they / he /
she / it did not walk.
‫משפטים בלי פעולה‬
present simple
‫פעולה שחוזרת על‬
‫ עובדה קיימת‬,‫עצמה‬
I am happy.
You are big.
He is smart.
Am I happy?
Are you big?
Is he smart?
I am not happy.
You are not big.
He is not smart.
present progressive
‫פעולה שמתרחשת‬
‫משפט ללא פעולה‬
‫וזמן הווה ממושך הם‬
‫תרתי דסתרי‬
Past simple
‫עבר פשוט‬
David was the king.
They were students last
Was David the king?
Were they students last
Adoniahu was not the
They were not students
last year.
Present Simple Exercises
a smart boy.
I a high school student.
Every month, he fly to Paris.
Johnny play soccer every Saturday.
not want to eat fried food now.
This phone cost
900 shekels.
‫אלנתן הוא בחור פיקח‬
‫אני תלמיד תיכון‬
7. Amichai and Eliraz never come to the lesson without the book and a dictionary.
8. Netanel
not hear
the teacher because of the noise.111
9. Reuven
get much personal attention from his rabbi. ‫ראובן מקבל הרבה 'תשומי' מרבו‬
10. The Har Nof school __________ an excellent school.
11. This __________ a classroom! Please stop talking on your cellphone!
12. Every day, little Usama
press the doorbell,112 his mother open the door, he
the house, and he watch
Translate the missing words in the following sentences:
.‫ אני לא לבן‬.13
.‫ אתה צעיר‬.14
‫ יש להם מכונית‬.15
They _____________ a car.
Present Progressive Exercises.
16. The students
17. Malachi
to Paris right now.
18. We
learn present simple this week.
19. This year, Netanel
school because we
Bava Metzia.
Review of Present Simple and Present Progressive - Conjugate the
verbs in the following sentences:
Now we all try
to convince Sapir to take part in the competition?
‫כולנו מנסים לשכנע את ספיר להשתתף‬
‫פיני קנאי‬
‫אני מפוחד‬
not know Yonatan.
‫אלישע לא מכיר את יונתן‬
the competition (now)? ?..)‫מי מנצח (מוביל) בתחרות (כעת‬
the show amazing?
in the lesson?
?‫איזה תלמידים יושבים בשיעור‬
?‫האם המופע מדהים‬
This year, I
Ori often.
How often
Avraham and Hezki come to the geography lesson?
Kobi and Motti
lunch now.
not hear
what the teacher
now because of the noise
made by the air conditioner.113
Which page
this week in the supplement?
‫ לוחץ על הפעמון‬112
‫ בגלל הרעש של המזגן‬113
Past Simple Exercises.
Pay attention to spelling rules.
1. We try to win the game yesterday.
2. Last night, Tal's mother
him to do his homework.
3. Motti believes that Yigal Amir
not kill
Yitzhak Rabin ‫ז"ל‬.
4. When he was at the restaurant, Nehemia
his meal, paid, and
5. We really
last year's Purim party.
Review of Present Simple, Present Progressive, and Past Simple.
1. Every day, I walk to school. ‫כל יום אני הולך לבי"ס‬
2. He usually eat lunch at 12:45. 12:45‫הוא בד"כ אוכל ארוחת צהריים ב‬
3. We
not miss any classes.
‫אנו לא מחסירים שיעורים‬
4. She
not go to school at all. ‫היא בכלל לא הולכת לבי"ס‬
5. English
an international language.
‫אנגלית היא שפה בינלאומית‬
not an international language. ‫פינית איננה שפה בינלאומית‬
7. You
so organized.
‫אתה כ"כ מאורגן‬
8. Yogev
hear the sound of raindrops. ‫יוגב שומע את קול טפטוף הגשם‬
9. I walk from the Yeshiva to the Old City last week.
10. We eat
lunch together yesterday.
‫הלכתי מהישיבה לעיר העתיקה‬
‫אכלנו ארוחת צהרים ביחד אתמול‬
11. Naama
not walk with us last week.
‫נעמה לא הלכה איתנו בשבוע שעברו‬
12. French ______ an international language. ‫צרפתית היתה שפה בינלאומית‬
13. Swahili and Icelandic _____ not international languages in the 19th century.
14.Drink your milk!
not bring your cellphone to the lesson! ‫אל תביא את הפלאפון לשיעור‬
16. Soon we hear the news ‫בקרוב נשמע את החדשות‬
17,18. Last week, Kim
not bring his book to the lesson, and he forget his dictionary, too.
19. Aharon not sell his house for three million shekels. ... ‫אהרן לא ימכור את ביתו‬
20. Aviv sleep in his room last night, and he not fall out of bed.
Conjugate verbs, fill in blanks, and circle answers in the following story:
5. Yesterday, the students (in – at – on) our class learn the present progressive.
6. It ______ a lot of fun to sit (in – at – on) our chairs and learn.
7. Now we _______ (in – at – on) the classroom again, and we
a review of the
grammar that we
in the first four lessons.
8. Usually, this teacher
much grammar because he
think that grammar ________
9. The students like
learn grammar because it _____ very interesting.
10. If you forget to do these exercises, you
make up116
the work later.
‫ הכריחה‬114
‫ נתן טיפ למלצר‬115
‫ להשלים‬116
11. The teacher
check the homework because he count on the students to do
should have
was / were able to
-had to
didn't have to
should / ought to118
am / is / are able to
must not
have / has to
doesn't / don’t have to
will be able to
--will have to
won't have to
)‫צריך (כדאי או ראוי מוסרית או מתן עצה‬
)‫חייב (ע"פ חוק‬
-‫ עלי ל‬/)‫צריך (מציאותית‬
‫ לא צריך‬/ ‫לא חייב‬
;123‫; מתן רשות‬122‫בקשת רשות נימוסית‬
will need to ‫ או‬will have to ‫ אז משתמשים ב‬,‫ בעתיד‬must ‫ או‬should ‫ אין‬117
ought to = should
will be able to ‫ אז משתמשים ב‬,‫ בעתיד‬can ‫ אין‬119
needed to ‫ או‬had to ‫ אז משתמשים ב‬,‫ בעבר‬must ‫אין‬
‫ = לא צריך‬don't have to & don't need to ‫ לבין‬,‫ = אסור‬must not ‫ יש הבדל גדול בין‬121
May I go to the bathroom?
Yes, you may. 123
He may learn in Mitzpeh next year. 124
‫הוראה נימוסית ; הזמנה; מצב‬/‫בקשה‬
"‫; "עתיד בעבר‬127‫תיאורטי‬/‫מותנה‬
Fill in the blanks with modals including "will"
George ______________ go to his friend’s wedding because he has to work instead.
I hope that you ___________________ speak English well by the year ‫ תש"פ‬.
I’m thirsty – I ____________ drink some water.
I'm too tired129 to finish the homework now – I ___________ wake up130 early tomorrow
Many years ago, Elisha _________________________ swim 10 kilometers, but now he is
old and weak.
Most of the students in our class _____________ read and write English.
Mother, _________ I have another piece of cake?
Next week we _______________ start learning a poem called "Count That Day Lost."
Nadav ___________________ speak English very well.
10. Gerry took the book and said that he _________________ pay me later.
11. Netanel lost his dictionary – he _________________ find it because he needs it for the
12. ______________ you please close the window -- I'm cold!
13. The students _________________ sleep during the lesson.
14. When you left the room, you left the lights on. You ______________________ turned them
15. You __________ eat at least two fruits every day – it's healthy.
16. You __________________ eat a lot of candy – it’s bad for your teeth.
17. If you prepare,132 you ____________ succeed on the next quiz.
18. "_____________ you like to come to my house after school?"
It might rain tomorrow.
Would you please open the book to page 114.
I would like to = ‫הייתי רוצה לבקר במיצד‬
.‫ מקביל ל"היה" בעברית‬,‫" מציין מצב תיאורטי‬would'" 127
visit Metzad
Yesterday, he said that he would come to class today. :‫למשל‬
‫ עייף‬129
wake up – ‫ לקום‬130
turn off – ‫ לכבות‬131
‫ אם תתכונן‬132
19. "What are your plans for next year?" "I haven't decided yet.133 I _________ serve in the
army, and I _____________________ go to a yeshiva."
20,21,22. When you finish eating at the end of dinner, you _____________ _____________
throw away the disposable134 cup and plate – you ___________ leave them on the table and the
________________ throw them away with the disposable tablecloth.135
Review of Basic Tenses, Future, and Modals
Conjugate the verbs and fill in the blanks in the following story:
1,2,3. Yesterday, Sally
in Australia. She _________ excited when we
her at
the airport.
4. Today, Sally
5. Sally
6,7. She
for her trip to the Outback.
to spend two weeks in the Outback.
that the Outback _______ a dangerous place.
8,9,10. When we were at the hotel, I
You must
Sally, "You mustn't
off the main road!
enough food and water!"
11,12. Tomorrow, Sally
her trip in the Outback. As we said, she
_____________(‫ (תהיה‬in the Outback for two weeks.
Fill in the blanks with the most suitable modal
Now, Ariel is an old, fat man. He _______________ lose (= ‫ )לרדת ב‬weight. But when
Ariel was a teenager, he _______________ eat anything he wanted without getting fat.
The tenth-grade students called the English teacher (in / at / on) Thursday and asked,
"_______ we come to your house on Friday night?"
David broke Elyashiv's pencil. David __________________ buy a new pencil for
Jill lost her sunglasses. She ___________________ buy new sunglasses.
Dvir says, "My family lives (in / at / on) a small apartment. If we had a big house, we
_______________ take in (= adopt) a Jewish girl whom Yad Leachim saved from an Arab village."
Hezi lives (in / at / on) Bat Ayin. In order to buy a freezer, Hezi __________________
come to Jerusalem.
Last week, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu of Tsfat promised that his family
_________________ take in (= adopt) a Jewish girl whom Yad Leachim saved from an Arab
village. (Not really).
Michael is a yeshiva student. He ________________________ read Yediot Aharonot.
Now (‫)טבת תשס"ח‬, the train tracks (= ‫ )פסים‬are not yet ready for use. In the future, we
____________________ to ride on the train from Kiryat Moshe to the city center.
Conjugate the verbs in the following sentences:
5. We
the chosen people.
‫אנחנו העם הנבחר‬
not yet – ‫ עדיין לא‬133
‫פעמי‬-‫ חד‬134
)‫ מפת שולחן (חד פעמית‬135
6. In the summer of 2006, we not
8. Saul
the war.
you try to convince Sapir to take part in the competition? ?‫למה ניסית לשכנע את ספיר להשתתף בתחרות‬
‫שאול היה קנאי‬
you afraid?
10. Right now, we
?‫למה היית מפוחד‬
in the lesson.
you know Yonatan?
‫כעת אנו יושבים בשיעור‬
?‫איך אתה מכיר את יונתן‬
More on Modals
1. She _________________ do a four point test if she wants to go to university.
2. Teacher, _________ I go to the bathroom?
3. Most students in our class _____________ read Arabic.
4. You __________________ drink a lot of beer – it’s bad for your health.
5. Many years ago, Bernard _________________________ lift 100 kilos.
6. When he was younger, he ______________________ run very fast.
7. You ____________ do exercise “C” on page 39 for homework.
8. John is a ‫ –גוי‬he __________________________ learn ‫גמרא‬.
9. The students at Horev _________________ wear immodest clothing.
10. You __________ always tell the truth.
11. The bell rang, the class is over. You _________ leave now.
12. She _____________ walk at the age of 10 months.
13. Yaacov _____________ read and write English.
14. You ______________ love everyone.
15. We finished the milk -- we _________________ buy more.
16. We ___________________ learn English during the summer – it’s optional.
17. I ______________ pick up the rock – it’s too heavy.
18. The doctor ____________ see you this morning.
19. The students __________________ hand in a book report next week.
20. You __________ drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
Write nine sentences of advice to a new student in our school, using each modal once.
1. You should_____________________________________________________
2. You can _____________________________________________________
3. You must _____________________________________________________
4. You must not__________________________________________________
5. You have to ___________________________________________________
6. You don't have to _____________________________________________
7. You may _______________________________________________________
8. ___________ might ______________________________________________
9. ____________ will _____________________________________________
Fill in the blanks with modals including "will"
There are several ways to get136 there: we _________________________ drive, walk, or
take the train.
You _________________________ talk on your cellphone while driving.
My gas tank137 is almost empty.138 I ______________________ get some gas.
Many people are worried that a regional139 war _______________________ break out140
In the last lesson, the physics teacher said that we ________ have a quiz today.
Drivers _________________________ stop at a red light.
This year, we _________________________ do book reports in English.
You _________________________ brush your teeth at least twice a day.
It's too bad141 you didn't brush your teeth last night! You ______________ brushed your
teeth last night before going to bed.
10-11. The English teacher says, "You _________________________ go to the bathroom in
the middle of the lesson. Just get up quietly, do what you _________________________ do,
and return to the classroom."
Review of the three basic tenses
Aryeh, a student in our class, live in Kiryat Arba.
2. Yitzhak
the ant that walked on the floor.
3,4. I
not know
where Dvir is, but I
to find him
not sleep during the lesson! ‫אל תישן במהלך השיעור‬
6-8. W.H. Auden ________ a famous writer who live 70 years ago. He write a poem
about Jewish refugees.142
9. We
to Itamar's birthday party tomorrow
Lot said to the angels, "_______________________ you like to sleep and wash your feet
in my house?" (Genesis 19:2-3).
Jacob said to Esau, "It's so nice of you to offer to escort (= ‫ )להציע ללוות‬us, but the young
children and young animals ________________________ keep up with your pace ( ‫לעמוד בקצב‬
=)." (Genesis 33:13).
Jacob didn't send Benjamin to Egypt because he was afraid that something terrible
_________________________ happen. (Genesis 42:4).
David said to Hushai: "If you return to Jerusalem and work for Absalom, you
___________________ help me by giving Absalom bad advice (= ‫)עיצה‬. (II Samuel 15:33).
Benjamin wanted more cake, so he asked, "_________ I have another piece of cake?"
Carolyn had a headache this morning. She said, "I'm afraid I _____ be sick."
It's really important for you to learn English now, because in the future you
__________________ communicate with people who don't know Hebrew.
‫ להגיע‬136
‫ מיכל הדלק‬137
‫ ריק‬138
‫ איזורי‬139
break out – ‫ לפרוץ‬140
‫ חבל ש‬141
‫ פליטים‬142
For the 4-point bagrut, it's enough to know the meaning of the words – you
__________________ know how to spell the words.
If Boaz had a million dollars, he ______________ give half of it to ‫מס הכנסה‬.
Last year, we _______________ write an essay every week.
The law of Sodom said, "You _______________ invite guests to a wedding."
At, on, in
the electric company, the mall, a restaurant, the university
‫ ולא במובן של המבנה‬,‫ בעבודה' במובן הכללי‬/ ‫ כלומר 'נמצא בבית‬:‫מושג‬
home, work, school
a party, a wedding, a meeting, a soccer game
)‫ (אבל לא בתוך בניין סגור ולא על גבי משהו‬:‫מקום מסוים‬
the bus stop, the corner, the cash register
on the roof
floor/story, street, kibbutz/moshav/farm, island :‫וגם‬
Our house is on Maple Street. ‫כתובת ברחוב‬
get on a bus, a plane, a ship :‫בכלי תחבורה גדול‬
/ ‫ בדף‬on the internet/computer ‫במחשב‬
on the phone ‫בטלפון‬
on a trip ‫ לטיול‬on page / the sheet / the test ‫עמוד‬
:‫ בפנים‬,‫ בחדר‬,‫ מקום סגור‬,‫בתוך בניין‬
in the classroom, in the lesson, in his car
throw gum away in the garbage ‫לתוך‬
New York, Kiryat Moshe :‫ משכונה ומעלה‬,‫מקום גדול‬
(night :‫ (וגם‬,‫שעה מדויקת‬
‫ תאריך‬,‫יום בשבוע‬
‫ יום‬,‫כל מה שאינו שעה מדויקת‬
,‫ חודש‬:night ‫ תאריך או‬,‫בשבוע‬
'‫ וכו‬,‫ ערב‬,‫ בוקר‬,‫ מאה‬,‫ שנה‬,‫עונה‬
. in ‫ וכל השאר זה‬at,on ‫ מומלץ לזכור את הכללים של‬, on ‫ אחר כך‬,‫ הכי שכיח‬In -*
Fill in the blanks with: at in on
1. ____ 8:52 a.m.
2. ____ the fourth floor of our building
3. ____ December, 1968
4. ____ the evening
5. Eli got 95 ______ the test.
6. ____ the twenty-third of Heshvan, ‫תשס"ד‬
7. Passover is ____ the spring
8. I ride _____ the number 18 bus
9. He works ____ the coca cola company.
10. ____ Iran
11. He sleeps ________ the lesson because he doesn't sleep ____ night.
12. ___ January
13. Avi works _____ a restaurant.
14. ____ Jackson's Island
15. We went _____ a trip to the Golan last summer.
‫מילות שאלה‬
who else- ‫מי עוד‬
whose-‫של מי‬
What- ‫ איזה‬.2 ‫ מה‬.1What kind of cake do you prefer?
How + adjective- ‫כמה‬
For examplehow old- ‫ בן כמה‬,‫באיזה גיל‬
how often- ‫באיזו תדירות‬
how many / how much-‫כמה‬
‫ כששואלים שאלה או שוללים תמיד‬."?‫ פירושן "האם‬76-77 ‫כל השאלות בטבלאות שבעמודים‬
. am/is/are -‫ ו‬do/does/did ‫ ההטייה של הזמן היא במילים‬,‫משתמשים בצורת הבסיס של הפועל‬
‫ כעיקרון כותבים את התבנית הבסיסית של‬,)'‫ וכו‬,‫ איפה‬,‫כדי ליצור שאלה יותר מורכבת (מתי‬
:‫ דוגמאות‬.‫" ומוסיפים בהתחלה את מילת השאלה‬,‫"האם‬
Why does he walk to school?
Where is she sleeping this week?
When did we walk to school?
Why are you happy?
When was he the king?
:which ‫ כותבים את המושא מיד אחרי המילה‬,which ‫בשאלת‬
Which book are you using this year in English?
Which tractate did you learn last year?
:‫ לשאלות של "מי" יש כללים מיוחדים‬,‫על אף האמור לעיל‬
.‫ לכן צריך לכתוב את צורת העבר של הפועל‬.did ‫במפשט עם פעולה בעבר אין‬
Who walked to school yesterday?
Who ate the cookies?
‫ כאילו שזה גוף שלישי יחיד‬who‫ מתייחסים ל‬.do/does ‫ אין‬,‫במשפט עם פעולה בהווה פשוט‬
.)‫" לפועל‬s" ‫(כלומר מוסיפים‬
Who walks to school every day?
Who is walking right now?
Write out the questions about the following sentences:
You were in Jerusalem last Sunday.
1._________________________________________________ (‫ם‬-‫)מתי היית בי‬
Ziv ordered the orange juice.
2.__________________________________________________ (?‫)איזה מיץ הזמין זיו‬
Last year, Yonadav learned Talmud in the Yeshiva.
3.______________________________________________________________ (‫)האם‬
4. ____________________________________________________________ (‫)איפה‬
5.______________________________________________________________ (‫)מתי‬
6._________________________________________________________ )‫)מי‬
7. Yesterday, Jill looked for her sunglasses.
8. Last year, Michael was a yeshiva student.
Yonadav and Shir are drinking milkshakes in the cafeteria now.
9._______________________________________________________ (‫)איפה‬
10.________________________________________________________ (‫)מי‬
The 8th grade class143 is visiting us now.
11._______________________________________ (‫)איזו כיתה מבקרת אותנו כעת‬
They are eating goat's cheese144 because it's healthy.
12._______________________________________ (‫)למה הם אוכלים גבינת עזים‬
Write out the questions in English on each sentence.
1. David broke Elyashiv's pencil.
?‫?___________________________________________________מה שבר דוד‬
?‫?______________________________________________________מי שבר‬
2. Tufik was healthy.
?‫?____________________________________________________מי היה בריא‬
3. Michael is a yeshiva student.
?‫?___________________________________________________מי הוא תלמיד ישיבה‬
4. Jill is looking for her sunglasses.
‫?______________________________________________________מה היא מחפשת‬
Write out the questions in English on each sentence.
Katy planned to make up145 with her friend at school.
‫?______________________________________________________מי תיכנן‬
The seven students were in the biology lesson.
'‫ כיתה ח‬143
‫ גבינת עזים‬144
)‫ להשלים (אחרי מריבה‬145
‫?____________________________________________________מי היה‬
We live without Ilan Ramon.
‫?___________________________________________________מי חי ללא אילן‬
This month, Sally Lightfoot is visiting Australia.
10. ‫?______________________________________________________איפה היא מבקרת‬
‫כינויי הגוף‬
‫ מיקום לפני‬,‫שייכות‬
‫הדבר ששייך‬
me ‫ אותי‬,‫לי‬
‫ מיקום בסוף‬,‫שייכות‬
'‫ עצמך וכו‬,‫עצמי‬
Translate the words in bold
‫המכונה פועלת בעצמה‬
‫הבית שלנו גדול‬
‫קח אותי‬
‫הספר שלי ירוק‬
book is green
‫הספר הזה הוא שלי‬
This book is
.‫ המנוע שלו חזק‬.‫ זה האוטו‬This is the car.
‫הילדים הלכו בעצמם‬
The machine works by _____________________
house is big
engine is strong.
The boys went by
Words of Amount
‫לא ספיר‬
a little
‫לא הרבה‬
how much...?
not much
(a few = ‫ מספר‬,‫)כמה‬
how many...?
not many
‫מתאים לשניהם‬
a lot of
not a lot of
some -- ‫ במשפט חיובי‬:‫ שימוש‬.‫ כלשהו‬:‫ פירושה‬,‫המילה לא נצרכת בעברית‬
any -- ‫ במשפט שלילי או שאלה‬:‫ שימוש‬.‫ בכלל‬/ ‫ כלשהו‬:‫ פירושה‬,‫המילה לא נצרכת בעברית‬
the -- ‫"ה" הידיעה‬
a / an -- ‫לפני שם עצם ספיר יחיד‬
‫על מה מדובר‬
no -- ‫בכלל לא‬/‫שלילה גמורה‬
every – ‫כל‬
some -- ‫בכלל‬/‫כלשהו‬
some of -- ‫חלק מ‬
‫בן אדם‬
any -- /‫שאלה‬
anybody, anyone
nobody, no one
somebody, someone
Are there ____________ students here?
Yes, there are _____________ students here.
‫ ______________כמה‬students are here?
‫______________ הרבה‬
Our class ‫ ___________________________ יותר גדול מ‬the English Speakers' –
they have ‫ ______________ מעט‬students.
We learned ‫ ______________ הרבה‬grammar this year.
Did the E.S. learn _________ grammar this year?
9,10. No – they ________ learn ________________ grammar. ‫הם לא למדו שום דקדוק‬
‫צריכים להיפגש איפה שהוא‬
1. We need to meet ____________________.
‫אני מקווה שאפשר למצוא‬
2. I hope I can find ________________________ who
will come with me to the kiosk.
/ ‫משפט חיובי‬
... ‫יש סוכר‬
3. There is _______________ sugar in the bowl.
4. I saw _________________ of my friends from school
... ‫ראיתי חבריי מביה"ס‬
at the demonstration last night.
‫אוכלים כל יום‬
5. We eat _______ day.
... ‫כולם אוהבים‬
6. _________________ likes gefilte fish.
He is going _______________________.
We have _________ chance of finding him.
‫מקום‬-‫הוא הולך לשום‬
9. __________________________________ to go with
‫אין לנו שום סיכוי למצוא‬
‫אף אחד לא רוצה ללכת‬
‫אין לנו שום סיכוי‬
We don't have _______ chance.
... ‫לא יכולתי למצוא מישהו‬
11. I couldn't find ________________________ to join
‫אין ביטוי נוסף‬
‫של שלילה‬
‫מצטרף לביטוי‬
‫של שלילה‬
12. Is there ____________ sugar left?
13. Does _____________________ want to come with me
to the kiosk?
Relative Pronouns– ‫כינויים זוקקים‬
‫ברירת מחדל‬
‫כל המילים להלן בטור האמצעי משמשות כ "ש" בעברית‬
"Word" is a program that allows the
computer to write.
person (‫)נושא‬
Davey is a boy who lives in Kalkilya.
person (‫)מושא‬
George is a terrorist whom the army arrested
on Sunday.
‫ במיוחד בסוגריים‬,‫מידע אגבי‬
‫או בין פסיקים‬
This book, which I bought last Monday, is
really interesting.
thing (‫ אחרי מילת יחס‬-- in,
on, by, to, about)
This is the computer on which I wrote the
place ("‫" "איפה ש‬,‫)במובן "שבו‬
Bethlehem is the city where Johnny lives.
time ("‫" "מתי ש‬,‫(במובן "שבו‬
Tu Bishvat is the holiday when we plant
Possession -- ‫שייכות‬
She is the teacher whose quizzes are difficult.
who whom whose :‫"ש" שמתייחס לאדם יכול להיות רק אחד משלש‬
4 ‫ כל שאר הכללים גוברים על כלל‬,‫במקרה של התנגשות‬
Fill in the blanks with a relative pronoun1. Iran is a country ________________ beautiful rugs are made.146
2. The Yeshiva about ____________ you are talking is an excellent institution.147
3. The student __________________ just came in the room is late.
4. Our school, ______ is located148 in Jerusalem, is the best school in the country.
5. He is one of the students ______________ parents are very worried about the rats in the
6. The bus on _________________ I rode this morning smelled bad.
7. The hotel _________________ we stayed for a week is fantastic.
8. The Yehuda Market, _______________ I often meet Ravid, isn't so cheap.
9. Johnny, _______________ I have known for years, is a good friend of mine.
10. On Fridays, __________________ I go to the market, I often see Ravid.
11. This is the new book store about _______________ I told you.
12. He is the terrorist ___________ brother was interviewed150 on CNN last night.
13. Hanuka is the holiday _________________ we light candles.
14. ‫ נועם‬is the elementary school151 ________________ Yonatan learned.
15. The chair on ___________ you are sitting was bought by the school in 1960.
16. The subject152 _____________ we're learning.
17. The teacher ________________ lives on the Mount of Olives.
18. The place ______________ we learn.
19. The rabbi ________________ beard is white.
20. The student _______________ I am watching.
21. French fries,153 ________________ I love, are served154 here often.
22. The chair on ___________ I'm sitting.
Translate the following sentences into EnglishHere is _____________________________________ .‫הנה האדם שסיפרתי לך אודותיו‬
_____________________________________________ .‫היא האישה שקראנו עליה בעתון‬
‫ שטיחים יפים מיוצרים‬146
‫ מוסד‬147
‫ ממוקם‬/ ‫ נמצא‬148
‫ העכברים בפנימייה‬149
‫ התראיין‬150
‫ בי"ס יסודי‬151
)‫ מקצוע (נלמד‬/ ‫ נושא‬152
‫ צ'יפס‬153
‫ מוגשים‬154
_______________________________________________ .‫הוא האיש שרכבו פגע ברכבי‬
Comparison of Adjectives
‫מילה קצרה‬
‫מילה ארוכה‬
less _____
‫הכי פחות‬
‫במידה שוה‬
the least
as _______
the most
good - better – the best
bad - worse - the worst
Add whatever is missing to the following sentences1. Dvir is a lawyer. Arieh is in the Mossad. Arieh _________________ adventurous _______ Dvir.
2. The 9th of Av ____________ sad ________ day of the year.
3. Dvir's car drives at 120 km/h. Arieh's car drives at 150 km/h. Dvir's car drives ________ fast ________
Arieh's car.
4. Similac __________ healthy __________ food for babies.
5. Today ________________ exciting __________ day of his life -- he is meeting the Prime Minister.
6. Lior __________________beautiful ____________ Yehiel.
7. Daniel's neighborhood (Kiryat Moshe)__________________ dangerous _______________ Yinon's
neighborhood (the Muslim Quarter of the Old City).
8. Dvir comes to every class and concentrates. Arieh plays basketball during the lesson.
______________ serious student _____________ Dvir.
9. On Independence Day we feel ______________ happy _________ on the 9th of Av.
10. Oranges are _____________ sweet __________ sugar.
11. Yehiel _________________serious __________ student in the class.
12. Didi ________________huge _____________ student in the class.
gerund ‫ או שם הפעולה‬infinitive ‫שם הפועל‬
"‫ כלומר שם הפעולה (למשל "קריאה‬ing‫רשימת הדברים שאחריהם צריך להשתמש בצורה ה‬
:)to read "‫ במקום "לקרוא‬reading
‫ בראש משפט‬
in on at by about with without before after for ‫ אחרי מילת יחס כגון‬
:‫ אחרי הפעלים‬
‫הנאה‬/‫ א) העדפה‬:‫קל לזכור רשימת הפעלים הזו כיון שהיא מתחלקת לשני נושאים כללים‬
‫סיים‬/‫המשך‬/‫ב) התחל‬
He wrote his brother a letter, asking for help. :"-‫ "תוך ש‬/ "‫לציין "כש‬
1. (To convince / convincing) the King (to agree / agreement) to the destruction of the Jews was
much easier than Haman had expected.
2. After (to sober / sobering) up,155 the King missed Vashti.
3. Esther made the King jealous by (to invite / inviting) Haman to the party.
4. Esther was afraid (to enter / entering) the King's room without an invitation.156
5. Haman came (to visit / visiting) the King very early in the morning.
6. Close your mouth when (to eat / eating).
7. My advice for Purim day is: start (to drink / drinking) after you pray minha.
8. Please write the essay (to use / using) a pen.
9. The King ordered Vashti to come to the party (to wear / wearing) her crown.157
10. To be honest,158 I prefer (to teach / teaching) at this school.
‫ בפעלים החריגים (עיין בספר בטבלה‬.past simple -‫ כמו שמוסיפים ל‬ed ‫בפועל שההטייה שלו בלשון עבר היא רגילה תמיד מוסיפים‬
‫ לגבי המילה שמופיעה לפני הפועל יש הבדל בין‬.‫ שמופיעה בעמודה הימנית בטבלה‬v3 (past participle) ‫) מוסיפים את הצורה‬153 ‫שבעמוד‬
Past simple- was/were- Her hair was brushed/ The cakes were eaten
Present simple- is/are- Her hair is brushed every day
Present progressive- is/are being- Her hair is being brushed right now
Future- will be- Her hair will be brushed soon
At this very moment, the girl’s hair (to brush) by her mother.
An agreement (to sign) between Israel and the Palestinian Authority at the Wye
Plantation in 1998.
A calf (to choose) by Abraham, but cakes (to make) by Sarah.
The homework might (to check) by the teacher.
The child’s hair (to brush) every night by her mother.
Who (to brush) the girl’s hair last night?
Question seven (to answer) by Baruch right now.
Criminals should (to catch) and put in prison.
Several presents (to buy) by father for Sarel’s birthday.
_____ the essay (to write) last night?
?‫האם החיבור נכתב אמש‬.
Make three (passive) sentences about each of the following:
Things that are done at a hotel. (present simple)
E.g. People in the swimming pool are watched by the lifeguard.
12. The rooms / the towels / the beds ___________________________________
13. The television / the pool ___________________________________________
14. The food _____________________________________________________
Things that are being done right now in Gaza. (present progressive)
)‫ התפכח (מיינו‬155
‫ ללא הזמנה‬156
‫ כתר‬157
‫ למען האמת‬158
15. Bombs / Kassam rockets ____________________________________________
16. Children_________________________________________________________
17. Tunnels _________________________________________________________
Things that were done by the school administration. (past simple)
18. A teacher / secretary / counselor _________________________________
19. A bathroom / classroom_______________________________________
20. Books / computers / food ____________________________________
21. Our parents' money _______________________________________________
The diary of a 14-month-old toddler
passive, conditions, future-in-past, gerunds, past progressive, words of amount
(1-12) I
early this morning by the sound of my big sister's cellphone alarm
so that
clock. I
Then, my diaper
‫ אחדות‬minutes,
change and I
(13- 22) Usually, I
busy. Since I
so I
me out of my crib. Fortunately,
, and kiss .
to the kitchen for breakfast.
in the evening. But last night, Mommy _________ too
a bath last night, I
take me out of the bath. I
not have
school today) and
wash this morning after breakfast. Mommy
with a towel by my older sister (who
in clean clothes by Mommy. Mommy
home from
the phone while she
(23-28) Right now, I
by my sister who
in the living room. I
on the sofa. I
that a book
that food
prepare by mommy in
the kitchen.
(29- 38) Soon I
stroller by Mommy. She
Finally, I
that it's not working, she
again. After I
cry , I
in my
for about ten minutes to put me to sleep. When she
give up. Then I
pick up and
to bed.
to sleep.
Review Exercise (in the spirit of Purim) with perfect&passive
(1-9) The King had a big banquet ‫ב‬
his palace. Nobody
(to drink / drinking) more ‫מ‬
he wanted. The King asked the Queen, ‫ש‬
her own banquet for women, ‫להופיע‬
front of the guests ‫כדי ל‬
show them her beauty. The Queen told him, "I modal
the advice of the wise-men of Persia. After a while, the
King missed Vashti and felt that he ‫בגד‬
her, ‫אז‬
he ‫נהיה מדוכא‬
(16-23)The King's advisors said to the King, "We
that the King
sad lately. You modal
choose a new queen. This will help you get phrasal
the loss of
Vashti. Let us gather beautiful girls to the palace and we will have a ‫תחרות‬
between them.
Whichever girl the King likes ‫הכי טוב‬
will be the next queen." They succeeded in (to
convince / convincing) the King, and he agreed to the ‫תכנית‬
(24-31)The King's men went out to all parts of the kingdom and gathered ‫הרבה‬
girls for the competition. Ester, a Jewish girl,
by one of the King's men, and she
to the palace. ‫אעפ"ש‬
the people in the palace kept phrasal
(to ask / asking) Ester about her
religion and nationality, she didn't give phrasal
to the pressure. Nobody caught phrasal
to the fact that
she was Jewish.
(32-34) In the palace, the girls ‫התאמנו‬
for their chance
as the next queen.
Their (to train / training) included massages with special spices and practicing belly dancing. The training
lasted for six months.
(35-41) When Ester's turn came, she made no special efforts to prepare herself for her meeting with the King.
It seemed to the other girls ‫ש‬
she was not interested in (to win / winning) the competition.
Everyone ‫נדהמו‬
when Ester turned phrasal
to be the King's favorite. The King thought that
she was ‫יותר יפה מ‬
all the other girls. She ‫זכתה‬
the competition, and all the other girls
‫כמה עניינים דקדוקיים קצרים‬
Close the door!
Don’t close the door!
if, unless, as soon as, after, before, until, by the time, when
: ‫משפטים של תנאי‬
‫ התנאי בהווה פשוט והתוצאה בעתיד‬,‫תנאי ותוצאה המתיחסים לעתיד‬
If you read many books from the library, you will learn a lot of English.
We will call the police unless he turns off the music immediately.
"very big"
.‫ לפני התואר‬,"very" ‫"מאד" שמתאר תואר זה מילה אחת‬
When "very" describes an adjective, it comes before the adjective
"We love him very much"
‫" שבאות בסוף המשפט‬very much" ‫ זה שתי מילים‬,‫ "ממש" שמתאר תוה"פ‬/ "‫"מאד‬
‫ בעתיד‬want, expect ‫כלל מיוחד לפעלים‬
correct – ‫נכון‬
mistake – ‫טעות‬
‫ שם הפועל‬+ ‫ מושא‬+ ‫רוצה‬
‫ עתיד‬+ ‫ נושא‬+ ‫רוצה ש‬
"‫"גלעד רוצה אותי לבוא‬
"‫"גלעד רוצה שאני אבוא‬
"Gilad wants me to come."
"Gilad wants that I will come"
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
He very wants to learn Arabic.
Our class is big very much.
If you will study, you will succeed.
Rick won't come unless you will invite him.
Richard wants that we will visit him.
Translate.‫ אנחנו מאד תחרותיים‬.6
.‫ לא תזכה אלא אם תתחרה‬.7
.‫ היא מאד אוהבת לקרוא‬.8
.‫ הוריו מצפים שהוא יתחרה‬.9
ring __________________________________________ ‫ הטלפון יצלצל כשהמורה ילמד‬.10
The phone _______
Grammar review
I. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable modal
10. Last Tuesday, they said on the radio that it ____________ definitely rain on Wednesday.
11. Absalom asked his father, "__________ I go to Hebron in order to worship G-d159 there, as I
promised I would when I was in Gshur?" (II Samuel 15:7)
12. David said to Hushai: "If you return to Jerusalem and offer your services to Absalom, you
_____________ help me by giving Absalom bad advice. (II Samuel 15:33).
II. Fill in the blanks with: at in on
13. Bob is homeless – he lives _____________ the street.
14. My uncle lives __________ kibbutz Sa'ad.
15. I found this article ________ the internet.
16. Don't bother Mindy right now – she's talking ________ the phone.
III. Relative Pronouns. "‫"ש‬
17. "Night,"160 in ___________ Elie Wiesel writes about his experience in Auschwitz, is a very
depressing book.
18. I remember him __________ he was a teenager
19. This company, _________ sells computers, was owned by Bill Gates.
IV. Comparisons (‫)השוואות‬. Complete the sentences.
20. The visitors didn't want to enter Lot's house. But Lot __________ stubborn161 _________ the
visitors, so finally they accepted his invitation.(Genesis 19:2-3)
21. Laban traveled ___________ fast _________ Jacob, so he caught up with him in the hill
country of Gilad.162 (Genesis 31:23)
'‫ לחברון כדי לעבוד את ה‬159
‫ שם של ספר על השואה‬160
‫ עקשן‬161
‫ אזור הררי של גלעד‬162
22. Finally, Ben Hadad, king of Aram, understood why the Israeli intelligence163 ______ good
__________ the intelligence of Aram. (II Kings 6:23)
23. Daniel's friends ___________ courageous164 ____________ the other Jewish ministers,165
who apparently bowed down to the idol.166 (Daniel 3:18).
V. Translate.
24. s_____________________ = ‫מכיון ש‬
25. _____________________ = ‫מודעות‬
26. e_____________________ = ‫אירוע‬
VI. Complete the sentences with "Words of Amount"
27. CHILD: Do we have _____ milk?
28-30. MOTHER; No, we don't have ______ milk. Please run out to _____ grocery store167 and buy us
__________ milk.
31. CHILD: _____________ milk should I buy?
32. MOTHER: Buy ____________ bags of milk.
33. CHILD: Exactly ____________ bags should I buy?
34-35. MOTHER: Three bags. Oh, and we also need _____________ more eggs. So please buy
__________ eggs.
36. CHILD: Exactly _____________ eggs should I buy?
37-39. MOTHER: A dozen.168 Oh, and also buy _____ package169 of yellow cheese. And _________
cucumbers. And don't forget to give ________________ money to charity.170
‫ מודיעין‬163
‫ אמיצים‬164
‫ שרים‬165
‫ כנראה השתחוו לצלם‬166
‫ מכולת‬167
twelve 168
‫ חבילה‬169
‫ קופת צדקה‬170
Huckleberry Finn
Chapter 1
My name is Huckleberry Finn. I don't live with my mother or my father, but I don't care. I am fourteen
years old and I like living alone. I lived with Mrs. Douglas and Miss Watson for some time. They bought me
new clothes and tried to teach me good manners.171 They read to me the Bible and they didn't let me
smoke. They even tried to send me to school. I couldn't stand it. “Sit straight," they said, or “Try to behave
like a good boy." They got angry at me all the time.
One night I went up to my room and tried to think of something to make me happy. I felt so sad and so
alone. At twelve o'clock midnight I heard a sound outside my room. I sat still and listened. It was my best
friend, Tom Sawyer. I opened the window and climbed out. There was Tom waiting for me.
Tom and I ran on a trail near Mrs. Douglas‘ house. Miss Watson owned a big black slave named Jim. Jim
sat near the kitchen door and we could see him. Jim heard us run past the door, but he didn't see us.
When we were far from the house we found our friends waiting for us. Then Tom showed us a cave he
had found.172 We all crawled into the cave. We made plans to start a group of robbers and call it Tom
Sawyer’s Gang.173 We wrote an oath174 and signed our names in blood. It was almost morning when we
finished. I ran home and climbed into my room through my window. My clothes were dirty and I was very
tired. But now I was finally happy because I expected adventures!175
Chapter 2
Do you remember me, Huckleberry Finn? Do you remember when I spent all night with my friends in the
cave? Well,176 three or four months passed. I went to school most of that time and could spell and read and
write a little. At first I hated school, but then it improved. The longer I went to school, the easier it became
for me. I still lived with Mrs. Douglas, and that wasn't so bad, either. I even got used to177 being clean.
Nobody had seen my dad for more than a year. Some people said he was dead, but I didn't believe them.
I was glad178 he wasn‘t around. He drank too much whiskey and hit me all the time. I was scared when he
was around. Then, one winter night I lit my candle and went upstairs to my room and there on my bed sat
how to behave politely
‫ פעולה‬:‫ נראה לי שאין מנוס מלהסביר אותו בקצרה‬,past perfect ‫ בגלל השימוש המאסיבי של הסיפור הזה בזמן‬172172
:‫ שנעשה ע"י‬,past perfect ‫ מצוינת ע"י הזמן‬,‫ כלומר יותר רחוק בעבר מאשר הסיפור שלנו‬,‫שקרתה לפני הסיפור שלנו‬
.had + V3
‫ כנופיה‬173
‫ שבועה‬174
‫ הרפתקאות‬175
‫ ובכן‬176
‫ התרגלתי‬177
At first I was so afraid. Then I looked at him. Dad was almost 50 years old. His hair was long and dirty and
he had a long beard. You could barely179 see his eyes through his hair. His face was white and he looked
very sick. His clothes were torn. His toes appeared through his shoes. He looked terrible.
Then Dad started shouting at me because my clothes were clean and I could read and write. He was
angry that I knew more than he did. Then he took all the money I had and went to town to get some
whiskey to drink. Trouble180 was beginning!
One day in the spring Dad took me up the river and into the forest. There were no houses there, only an
old hut.181 Dad kept me with him all the time. At night he locked the door and put the key under his head.
Sometimes he locked me in the hut and went down the river to the store to buy whiskey to drink. But it
wasn't that terrible, yet. We hunted and fished and had food to eat. My clothes were torn I began to like it
in the forest. I didn't have to wash or eat on a plate or go to school. Dad even let me smoke.
Then Dad started hitting me. Once, he even locked me in the hut for three days. I was so scared. I
thought that I would never get out. That day I decided I had to escape. I couldn't stand it any longer!
Chapter 3
Do you remember how my dad got drunk182 and hit me all the time until I decided I had to escape? Well,
I had good luck. The next morning I went down to the river to catch some fish for breakfast. While I was
fishing, I saw a canoe183 coming down the river. Nobody was in it, so I got in and paddled to shore.184 Then I
hid the canoe in the bushes185 so that nobody else would find it.
At about three o'clock that afternoon Dad locked me in the hut and went into town. I decided it was
time to escape! I took Dad's saw186 and sawed my way out of the hut. I took some meat, coffee and sugar
and put them into the canoe. I also took a bucket,187 a cup, a blanket, a frying-pan,188 a coffee-pot, a fishing
pole189 and an old gun. I hid everything in the canoe.
But I didn't want Dad to think I had run away. He would be so angry. I wanted him to think I was dead. So
here is what I did.
First I fixed the hole in the hut so he wouldn’t see that I had sawed my way out. Then I broke down the
door to the hut. Next, I found a wild pig and cut its throat190 with an axe.191 I let the pig bleed all over the
ground inside and outside the hut, right down to the river. That way everyone would think that robbers had
come into the hut, killed me and thrown my body into the river.
When I finished, I got into the canoe. I decided to hide on Jackson's Island. I knew Jackson's Island very
well. I also knew that nobody ever went there. It was the perfect place for me.
‫ צרות‬180
‫ בקתה‬,‫ צריף‬181
‫ השתכר‬182
‫ סוג של סירה מוארכת וצרה‬183
‫ חתרתי לחוף‬184
‫ שיחים‬185
‫מַ סֹור‬186
‫ דלי‬187
‫ מחבת‬188
‫ ַחכָ ה‬189
‫ גרון‬190
‫ גרזן‬191
It didn't take me long to get to192 the island. I was tired when I got there, so I went to sleep. Early the
next morning I woke up to the sound of “boom!" I heard this sound again and again. Soon I saw what was
happening. People were shooting cannons193 over the water. They were trying to make my “dead" body
come to the top.194 I sat there for a while and watched the cannon smoke and listened to the “booms". The
river looked so pretty, and I was having a great time. I knew they would never find me now.
Well, for three days and three nights I was happy. I walked throughout the island, fishing and hunting
and enjoying life without Dad. Then, on the fourth day, while I was hunting for dinner, I saw a fire in front
of me. Somebody else was on the island!
Chapter 4
As195 I told you last time, there I was on Jackson’s Island alone, or so196 I thought, when I saw a fire in
front of me. Someone else197 was on the island, too!
I approached. A man was lying near the fire, asleep. Suddenly he woke up. I couldn't believe my eyes. It
was Jim, Mrs. Watson's slave. “Hello, Jim,“ I said. Jim sat up and started to scream. “Don't hurt me. Don’t
hurt me," he screamed. "I always liked dead people."
Jim had heard that I was dead. He thought I was a ghost! I explained to him that I wasn't dead, and told
him the story about how I had escaped from my father. Jim told me that he had escaped from Mrs.
Watson's house because he was afraid that Mrs. Watson was going to sell him to somebody else for 800
dollars. Jim was now a runaway198 slave. This was a very serious crime in those days. We decided we would
hide together on Jackson's Island. It was a nice place, and neither of us would be alone.
Together we found a big cave199 cut into the rock. We made this our home. It started raining. It rained
and rained for ten or twelve days, and the river rose higher and higher. When the rain finally stopped, we
paddled the canoe all over the island. One night, when we were at the end of the island, we saw a big
wooden house in front of us. Of course, we were curious, so we went in and looked inside. It was an old
house and we started looking around. There, lying on the floor in front of us, was a dead man. He was shot
in the back!
Jim threw some old clothes over him, because I didn't want to see him.
There were cards200 all over the floor and old whiskey bottles and masks201 made out of black cloth.202
There were two old dirty dresses and a sun hat, too. There was also an old lantern203 and a big knife and
some candles. We took all the things we could find, put them into the canoe, and paddled back to our cave.
Someday we might need these things. With a life like mine, you could never know!
arrive at
‫ תותחים‬193
‫ כנראה ע"פ איזו אמונה תפלה‬194
‫ כפי ש‬195
‫ כך‬196
‫ אחר‬197
‫ מערה‬199
‫ קלפים‬200
‫ מסכות‬201
‫ בד‬202
‫ עששית‬203
Chapter 5
Well,204 Jim and I had a few quiet days together just swimming in the river, fishing and lying in the sun.
But I became bored, and decided to look for someexcitement. I told Jim I wanted to paddle down the river
into town to see what was going on. Jim liked the idea, but he said that I mustn't let anybody recognize me,
so I decided to dress up205 like a girl. I still had the old dress and the sunhat that we had found in the house,
and I put them both on. I even practiced walking like a girl. I was sure that nobody would know who I was.
As soon as206 it was dark, I got into the canoe and paddled over to the town. I saw a light on in a little house
that nobody had lived in for a long time. I looked in the window and saw a woman who was about forty
years old. She was a stranger in the town. I knocked at the door and tried not to forget I was a girl.
The woman told me to come in. I told her my name was Sarah and that I came from another town and
needed a place to rest. She started talking and talking. She told me about Huck Finn and how he was
murdered. I enjoyed every second207 of her story. She told me that some people in the town thought that
Huck had been murdered by a runaway slave named Jim, but other people thought he had been killed by
his dad. But then she told me that there was a prize of three hundred dollars for the person who found Jim,
and that everyone in town was looking for him. This really scared me! She told me she thought that Jim was
hiding on Jackson's Island and that her husband was going over there to look for him that night!
I got so scared that I started shaking.208 The woman looked at me strangely and asked me, again, to tell
her my name. “Mary,” I said. Then I remembered that I had told her my name was Sarah. I was so
nervous!209 I wanted to get out of her house as soon as possible!210 I invented a story, and quickly returned
to the island in order to warn Jim. We put everything we had on a raft211 we had made and, without even a
plan, started traveling down the river again.
‫ ובכן‬204
‫ להתחפש‬205
‫ ברגע ש‬206
‫ רגע‬207
‫ לרעוד‬208
‫ לחוץ‬209
‫ כמה שיותר מהר‬210
‫ רפסודה‬211
Chapter 6
Do you remember how we had to escape from Jackson‘s Island before people came to catch Jim and
make him a slave again? Well, there we were on the raft, trying to escape. It was close to one o'clock in the
morning when we left the island. At least for now we were safe. When daylight came, we hid in the bushes
and watched the rafts and steamboats traveling down the river.
Jim found some wood and built us an Indian tent on the raft. He even made a floor for the Indian tent to
keep all our things dry. We traveled about seven or eight hours each night, at a speed of four miles an hour.
Every night we passed towns, that we could see up in the hills. On the fifth night we passed St. Louis, a big
city. It looked like the whole area was on fire from all those lights! We found food to eat and lived pretty
well212. We even managed213 a few more adventures on the way.
I found a book about kings and queens and read the book to Jim. Jim had never heard of any kings
except for King Solomon214 and he loved hearing about how they dressed and where they lived. Jim was
very smart, but he had never been to school or learned how to read, and there were many things that Jim
didn’t know. He didn’t know, for example, that people in France spoke a different language than people in
America, and he didn't even want to believe me when I told him so.215
We guessed that in three more nights we would be in Cairo. Cairo was a city in the state of Illinois, just
where the Ohio River joins the Mississippi.216 Cairo was the place we were looking for. When we got there,
we could sell the raft, get on a steamboat, travel north on the Ohio River, and Jim would be a free man. You
‫ חיינו די טוב‬212
‫ הספקנו‬213
‫ שלמה המלך‬214
‫ כך‬215
Cairo, Illinois, is located at the southern tip of the state of Illinois, where the Ohio River, which flows south-west,
flows in to the Mississippi, which flows south. The Mississippi river forms the border between the free state of Illinois,
to the east, and the slavery state Missouri, to the west. Tom and Jim used a raft that carried them south. Their plan
was to get off the river Cairo, and then take a steamboat, upstream on the Ohio River, going north-east. It's not clear to
me why they didn't just cross the Mississippi River at the beginning into the free state of Illinois.
see, this little town of Cairo was in a northern state and in the North all men, black or white, were free. Jim
was so excited!
Then fog217 came over the river and we couldn’t see anything in front of us. When the fog cleared218 we
were in a very wide part of the river, with tall thick219 trees on both sides. We couldn’t see a break in the
river or even a light. We talked about Cairo all the time and wondered whether220 we would know it when
we got there.221 Jim said he would know because two big rivers222 joined together there and that would be
our sign. There wasn’t anything to do now except to look out for the town and not pass it without seeing it.
Anyway, Jim said he would know when we got223 there because he would be a free man and would feel
very different.
I began getting nervous.224 Jim was my good friend, but I was breaking the law by helping him become a
free man. I was even a little scared. In addition, poor225 Miss Watson had never done anything to me
except teach me manners and send me to school. And here I was, helping her slave escape to freedom!
Believe me, I was really torn226 in two.
Jim started talking about how he was going to save money and buy back his wife and two children so
they would be free, too. Then he told me I was his best friend! At that point, I decided not to feel bad. Of
course, I was breaking the law, but if I changed my mind,227 I would have to turn him in, and then I would
feel even worse. I decided not to worry any more.
The problem was, we couldn’t find Cairo. We had probably228 passed it that night in the fog. We both
felt terrible. Then, suddenly, right229 in front of us, we saw, a huge steamboat coming our way. It was
coming right at us. It was going very fast. It didn’t stop, even when it saw us right in front of it. Jim and I
jumped into the water just230 when the steamboat hit the raft and smashed231 it into little pieces. I dove as
deep as I could232 so that the steamboat had enough room233 to pass over me. But, when I came back up,I
couldn’t find Jim anywhere!
Chapter 7
‫ ערפל‬217
‫ התבהר‬218
‫ עבה‬,‫ סמיך‬219
‫ תהינו האם‬220
The Mississippi River, which they are now travelling on south, and the Ohio River, which they plan to travel on,
upstream, north-east.
‫ להילחץ‬224
‫ מסכנה‬225
‫ קרוע‬226
‫ שיניתי את דעתי‬227
‫ ייתכן‬228
‫ ממש‬229
‫ בדיוק‬230
‫ ריסק‬231
‫ צללתי הכי עמוק שיכולתי‬232
‫ רווח‬,‫ מקום‬233
As you know. I left the water, safely. I started walking along the river bank234 when I saw a big house right
in front of me. I was going to pass by it, but many dogs jumped out and began barking at me. I knew I
shouldn't move at all.
The family in the house wanted to shoot me. They thought that my name was Shepherdson or something
like that. I told them that my name was George Jackson and that I was only a boy. I told them I was alone
because my father had died and that I had fallen off a steamboat. The family’s name was Grangerford and
they were very nice people. They gave me dry clothes and a good meal and told me I could stay with them
for as long as I wanted. They even had a boy about my age.
I ate and slept and felt very lucky. The problem was that when I woke up I couldn't remember what I had
said my name was. I lay in bed for about an hour trying to remember it, when suddenly I had an idea.
“Can you spell?" I asked the boy.
“Yes." he said.
“I bet235 you can't spell my name,” I said.
“I bet you I can,” he said.
“All right," I said. “Go ahead."
“G-e-o-r-g-e J-a-c-k-s-o-n. There. I did it."
“Well, you did it." I said. “I didn’t think you could." Then I learned what my name was and even how to
spell it, just in case236 somebody asked.
The Grangerfords lived in a beautiful house, the kind you see in the big cities. The family read all kinds of
books and spoke politely to each other. They were very good-looking people, real ladies and gentlemen.
They owned a lot of farms, too, and over a hundred slaves. It was really something!
There was another family in that area named Shepherdson. The problem was that there was a big
feud237 between these two families. A feud means that a man has an argument with another man and kills
him. Then that other man's brother kills him. Then the other brothers go after each other. Then the cousins
begin to help, and after a while everyone is dead and there isn't a feud any longer. It’s kind of slow and
takes a long time.
The feud between these two families had been going on for about thirty years, and nobody even knew
why it had started. But one day, Sophie Grangerford, who was about twenty years old and very pretty, ran
off to marry Harney Shepherdson. The Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons found out about it and started
shooting at each other. Before I knew it, everyone in the Grangerford family was dead, even the little kids. I
couldn't believe it!
Then something lucky happened to me. One of the Grangerford’s slaves told me he had found Jim. Jim
swam to shore that night, too, and the slaves found him and had taken good care of him. Jim and I were
very happy to see each other. It was time to move on again.
Oh, it was wonderful to be back on the raft! We both agreed there was no home like the river. A person
never feels crowded or bored, just free and easy and always comfortable. The days and nights went by
quickly. We sailed at night and hid during the day. We swam and fished and listened to the sounds of
nature all around us. The river was cool and fresh and always smelled so good. We watched the rafts and
‫ שפת הנהר‬,‫ גדה‬234
‫ בוא נתערב ש‬235
‫ במקרה ש‬236
‫ מריבה בין חמולות‬237
steamboats passing by. We never wore any clothes and we put our legs in the water and talked about all
kinds of things.
Oh, it's fun to live on a raft. We had the water below us and the sky up above us, and we lied on our
backs and looked up at the stars. It was like being in heaven!
Chapter 8
One morning I found a canoe and paddled up a small stream to find something for Jim and me to eat.
Suddenly, two men came running toward the canoe as fast as they could run. They shouted to me to save
their lives. They said someone was running after them. Before I knew it, they jumped into the canoe with
me. One of the men was about seventy years old. The other man was about thirty years old. Both men
were dressed in old torn clothes and they both carried big fat bags. Both of them were in trouble. They told
me something about selling bad medicines and telling fake fortunes.238 Then one of the men said he was
the Duke239 of England and the other one said he was the King of France. I knew these two men weren't
kings or dukes. I knew they were just big liars, but I decided not to say anything. If they wanted us to think
they were kings and dukes, I didn't care. I knew from my own father that it is best not to argue with these
kind of people.
The king and duke decided they wanted to travel with me and Jim on our raft. The truth is that they
even had a good idea. They decided to tie Jim with a rope240 and put him in the Indian tent. We would
pretend241 that Jim was a runaway slave and we had caught him and were taking him back to get our prize
money. That way, we could travel during the day as well as at night.
Well, these two characters,242 the king and duke, had all kinds of ideas how to get money without really
working. They pretended243 they were world-famous actors who came from England to perform244 in all the
little towns along the Mississippi river. They put up advertisements for themselves all over one of the
villages. Then they began practicing their lines.
Many people came to their show, and the king and duke made much money. Actually. the show was very
funny and the people almost killed themselves laughing. The problem was that the king and duke finished
the show after only about fifteen minutes and the people in the audience became very angry and wanted
their money back. But the king and the duke managed to245 escape from the angry crowd.
The duke and the king began to think of a new plan for making money when we saw a simple-looking
young man sitting by the shore. The man asked us if any of us were Harvey and William Wilks from
Sheffield, England. Then he told us that a man named Peter Wilks had just died. Before Peter died he sent a
letter to his two brothers in England telling them that he wanted to see them. It turned out Peter Wilks was
a rich man from this part of the country. He left a house and a business and three lovely daughters. Well,
the king and the duke knew what their next “business" was going to be. They were going to pretend that
they were Harvey and William Wilks from England. That way they would get their hands on the house and
‫ הגדת עתידות מזויפות‬238
‫ דוכס‬239
‫ חבל‬240
‫ נעמיד פנים‬241
‫ טיפוסים‬242
‫ העמידו פנים‬243
‫ להופיע בבמה‬,‫ להציג‬244
‫ הצליחו למרות קושי‬,‫ הספיקו‬245
all the money. These were the worst people I had ever met! I didn't want to cooperate with their plan, but I
was scared that if I told on246 them they would do something terrible to Jim.
The next thing I knew, we were visiting the house of their dead “brother“. The three daughters hugged
the king and the duke and everybody cried together. Then the king started talking about his long journey
from England and all the nice people in the town. It was really sickening.247 Finally, one of the girls read the
letter her father had written. Her father gave the house and three thousand dollars to the girls. He gave the
business, land worth about seven thousand dollars, and three thousand dollars in gold to his brothers,
Harvey and William. The duke and the king were such terrible people.248 They even decided to steal the
girls‘ money and sell the house where the girls lived. I didn't know what to do. I just knew I had to help
these poor sweet girls.
I went into the king's room and stole back the money from the place he was hiding it. Then I hid the bag
of money in the dead man's coffin.249 I decided to write the girls a letter telling them where the money was
so that they could get the money that was really theirs. I couldn't tell them face to face because I was afraid
of getting caught and getting Jim into trouble.
After arranging250 everything perfectly, I ran to the river, took the first canoe I saw, and reached the raft.
Jim ran out of the Indian tent. He was so happy to see me. In two seconds we were sailing down the river
and it seemed we were going to be free again.
Then I heard a sound that I knew too well.251 It was another boat and the king and the duke were in it. I
almost started crying. They didn't know I had stolen the money, but they were very angry at me for trying
to run away from them. The worst part was that they began their dishonest business deals252 again. Only
this time they were planning something really bad! Jim and I knew that no matter253 what happened, we
had to get away from them as quickly as possible.254
Chapter 9
I realized I had to get away from the king and the duke as quickly as possible. I ran down to the river to
tell Jim about my plan. But, when I shouted out to Jim, there was no answer at all. The Indian tent was
empty. Jim was gone!255
I sat down and cried. But I couldn't sit still for too long,256 so pretty soon257 I went out to the road to try
to think what to do next. I soon met a young boy and asked him if he had seen a black man dressed in
strange clothing. He told me he had and that Jim was being held258 at a place called Phelps‘ Farm about two
miles away.
‫ הלשנתי‬246
‫ מבחיל‬247
‫ כאלה אנשים נוראיים‬248
‫ ארון‬249
‫ שסידרתי‬250
‫ טוב מדיי‬251
)‫ישרות (רמאות‬-‫ עסקאות בלתי‬252
‫ לא משנה‬253
‫ כמה שיותר מהר‬254
Jim disappeared.
)‫ לא יכולתי לשבת בשקט ליותר מדיי זמן (כנראה הוא היפראקטיבי‬256
‫ די מהר‬257
‫ הוחזק‬258
Of course. I started walking towards Phelps’ Farm immediately. When I got there, the strangest thing
happened to me. An attractive woman about forty-five years old started smiling when she saw me. Then
she hugged me and kissed me and told me how glad259 she was to see me. Obviously.260 she thought I was
somebody else, but I didn’t care. I just had to find out who that somebody else was before he got to the
farm, too.
Well, what a coincidence!261 That “somebody else" turned out to be my good friend Tom Sawyer. This
nice lady thought that I was Tom Sawyer! You see, she was Tom’s Aunt Sally, but she hadn‘t seen Tom for
such a long time262 that she couldn't remember what he looked like. This was great! My only problem was
that I had to find Tom before he arrived, so he wouldn't ruin things for me.263
I soon found Tom walking down the road. We decided I would pretend I was Tom and he would pretend
that he was Tom's brother Sid who had also decided to visit Aunt Sally. It was a great plan! Tom would even
help me rescue264 Jim. We were so excited!
Aunt Sally told Tom and me to sleep in the same room. So, right265 after supper we said we were tired
and went up to bed, and then we climbed out the window again and went into town.
On the way to town, Tom told me how he thought I had been murdered and how my dad had
disappeared. I told Tom all about my adventures on the river. Then we started making plans about how we
were going to free Jim in the most dramatic way possible!
Chapter 10
Tom Sawyer and I found out that Jim was being held in an old hut near the main house. I realized that it
would be easy to free him. We could steal the key, unlock the door to the hut, run down to the river to get
my canoe, and paddle out to my raft which was hidden on Spanish Island. Then Jim and I would sail away,
hiding during the day and traveling at night just the way did in past.
Tom said that this plan was much too simple. Then he told me his plan. Tom's plan would make Jim just
as free as my plan, but it had more style than mine and might even get us all killed. Tom decided we should
dig Jim out. It would be much more of an adventure than simply unlocking the door, and Tom loved
adventures more than anything! Then Tom started to invent all kinds of difficulties and dangers just like in
all the books.
Tom said we needed a rope-ladder266 made from sheets, which he would send to Jim, hidden in a pie
that we had to bake. Jim would have to keep a diary of his life in prison. Of course, Jim couldn't read or
write, but this didn‘t seem to matter267 to Tom. Tom said that Jim could make marks268 on an old shirt and
happy 259
of course 260
‫ איזה צירוף מקרים‬,‫ ובכן‬261
‫ זמן כזה (= כל כך) ארוך‬262
so Aunt Sally wouldn't find out that Huck wasn't really Tom Sawyer
‫ סולם חבלים‬266
this wasn't important
we would pretend it was writing.269 We would even have to make a special pen for Jim to write with, and
Jim would have to write using his own blood, just like all good prisoners do.
So every night we climbed out of the window of our room and went to work on freeing Jim. Tom was
very cheerful.270 He said it was the most fun he ever had in his whole life.
We stole all kinds of things from Aunt Sally, such as a sheet271 to make a rope-ladder, and a shirt for Jim
to write on, and a spoon, and a tin can,272 and candles and all kinds of other things. Tom explained that it
wasn't really stealing, because we were using the things to free a good man from prison. I guess273 Tom
knew what he was talking about because he came from a good family and went to school and church and
all kinds of things like that. But sometimes I thought that Tom went a little too far274 with all his crazy ideas.
After three weeks we were finally ready. The hole was dug and the hut had all the things we needed
including some spiders, rats, frogs and bugs.275 Everything was ready. The shirt was sent to Jim, and every
time a rat bit276 Jim he would get up and make marks in his diary with his own blood using the pens that we
had made him.
Then Tom decided that we had to write warnings that something bad was about to277 happen. When
they read these warnings, Aunt Sally and her husband, Uncle Silas, became so scared! If a door banged,278
Aunt Sally jumped. If you touched her. she screamed! She was even afraid to go to bed at night! Then we
sent them a letter that said that a group of robbers was going to steal their runaway Negro that night.
Tom and I felt good and we took my canoe and went down to the river to go fishing and have lunch.
When we got home, Aunt Sally sent us to bed as soon as we finished eating supper. She didn't even tell us
what the problem was. She never suspected that Tom and I were the ones who were making all the
At eleven thirty that night, we got up and heard all kinds of noises in the living room.279 There were
fifteen farmers there, each with a gun. The time had come to set Jim free!
We climbed out of the window and started running towards the hut where Jim was held. The men came
after us, but they couldn’t see us in the dark and didn’t know who we really were. We entered the hut
through the hole we dug, and left the hut using the hole again: Jim first, me next, and Tom last. This was
the way Tom wanted it to happen. The farmers started shooting, and bullets280 flew all around us. We hid in
the bushes281 for a while282 and then ran down to the river where my canoe was tied.283 We jumped in and
‫ כתיבה‬269
‫ עליז‬270
‫ כגון סדין‬271
‫ קופסת שימורים‬272
‫ אני מנחש = אני מניח‬273
‫ הגזים‬274
‫ צפרדעים וחרקים‬,‫ חולדות‬,‫ עכבישים‬275
‫ נשך את‬276
‫ היחה על סף‬,‫ עמד‬277
‫ נטרקה‬278
‫ סלון‬279
‫ קליעים‬280
‫ שיחים‬281
some time
‫ קשור‬283
paddled towards the raft. When we finally stepped onto the raft I said, “Now, Jim, you’re a free man again,
and I am sure you won't ever be a slave again!" We were all so happy. But Tom was the happiest of all,
because he had been shot and had a real bullet in his leg!
Jim and I decided that we had to bring a doctor out to the raft to see Tom. The doctor was an old man,
very nice and kind-looking. Of course. I couldn’t tell him the truth, so I told him that my brother and I were
hunting on Spanish Island and my brother kicked his gun while he was sleeping and it fired and shot him in
the leg. I told him not to tell anybody what had happened.
The doctor paddled in a canoe to Spanish Island in order to see Tom, and I waited for them on the shore
of the river. Then Uncle Silas suddenly appeared! He said that Aunt Sally was very worried about us, and he
took me home to her. Their house was full of farmers and farmers’ wives and they were all talking and
telling stories about how Jim was freed. They said that it must have taken about284 twelve or even forty
men to dig Jim out and do all the other things we had done. Aunt Sally was so glad285 to see me, and so
worried about Tom, that I felt like the meanest286 boy in the world.
The next morning at breakfast, Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas were so worried that they couldn't eat or drink
anything. Then we all saw something through the window. It was Tom Sawyer lying on a mattress.287 The
old doctor and Jim were with him. Tom looked very sick and was carried straight288 to bed.
When Tom woke up, he felt much better, but then Tom began behaving strangely. Tom started telling
Aunt Sally our whole story. He told her every detail about how we had set Jim free. Tom was so proud and
happy and he just kept on talking more and more.
Then Tom told us that Jim had really been a free man all along! In fact, Jim was as free as any other
person on this earth! Tom told us that Miss Watson had died two months before and had freed Jim in her
will289 before she died. I couldn't believe my ears!
The amazing thing was that Tom had known this since the beginning, but he wanted to free Jim just for
the adventure! It was unbelievable! We had gone to all that trouble290 in order to free a free Negro!
We called Jim and gave him a good meal to eat. Tom gave him forty dollars for being such291 a good
prisoner, and this made Jim very happy. Then Tom told me that my father was dead and that there were six
hundred dollars waiting for me back home in Missouri.292
-‫ בוודאי לקח כ‬284
ָ ‫ הכי ְמ ֻר‬286
‫ מזרון‬287
‫ נישא ישירות‬288
‫ צוואה‬289
‫ עשינו את כל הטרחה הזאת‬290
‫ כזה‬291
‫ המדינה שבה כל הדמויות בסיפור מתגוררים בה‬292
Tom is almost healthy now, and he wears his bullet around his neck. There isn't anything else to write
about, and I am glad about this because if I had known how much trouble it was to write a book, I
wouldn't have written this one. I will never write any more books! I will leave Aunt Sally's house as soon as I
can. I have to get away. I can't stand the thought of “civilization".293 I was there before. It’s not for me.
Yours truly,
Huck Finn
‫ ציביליזציה‬293
Jews in Secret
Part I
This is the story of a little boy whose name was Pedro. He was a little Jewish boy who lived in Spain about
500 years ago.
Pedro's father was a rich Spanish Jew. His name was Don Pedro. His mother's name was Donna Louisa.
They lived in a beautiful house and they had many servants. Don Pedro should have been very happy but he
was not. He was very sad. All the Jews who lived in Spain at that time were sad because it was very hard to
be a Jew.
Many of them pretended not to be Jewish. They had to go to a church instead of to the synagogue. They
could not celebrate the Jewish holidays any more. They could not send their children to Jewish schools.
They could not even have Jewish teachers give them lessons.
Do you think that these Spanish Jews forgot that they were Jews? Do you think that they did not tell their
children that they were Jews? No! They were Jews in secret. They were called Marranos.
This is what Don Pedro did. In the evenings the servants went home. Donna Louisa closed the curtains.294
Don Pedro locked the door. Then little Pedro and his brother and sister gathered around the big table in the
dining room. Don Pedro went to a secret closet.295 He took out some Hebrew books. First he taught the
children Hebrew. Then he taught them some prayers. After that, in a whisper, Donna Louisa told them some
Bible stories.
If there was a knock on the door, they quickly put the books away. They had to be careful. They could not
take any chances. It might be another Spanish Jew, who was their friend. But, it might be an enemy. He
might have come to see if Don Pedro was still trying to be a Jew.
One evening Don Pedro called little Pedro to him. "Pedro," he said, "if you will be a brave boy, you can help
the Jews of our city who must say their prayers in secret."
"Tell me what to do, Father," said Pedro. "I am ready."
"Aren't you afraid?" asked Don Pedro.
"No," said Pedro bravely, "I am not afraid."
"Tonight," said Don Pedro, "It is Yom Kippur. All the Jews are going to the secret synagogue. We want to
sing Kol Nidre, we want to ask G-d to forgive us. All year long we make promises that we cannot keep. We
promise to give up296 our Jewish religion,297 but we do not mean it. We have to say it, otherwise298 we will
be put in prison or killed. Tonight we will say our prayers. That will help us remain Jews, even if we are
Jews in secret."
"What should I do?" asked Pedro.
‫ וילונות‬294
‫ ארון‬295
‫ לוותר על‬296
‫ דת‬297
‫ אחרת‬298
"The synagogue is in a cellar.299 Over the cellar is a little window. You must play outside. Watch carefully.
If soldiers come by, drop some stones on the window. That will warn us. We can escape through another
door. As soon as you drop the stones, go home as quickly as you can."
Part II
On the afternoon before Yom Kippur, Pedro and his father walked quickly to the synagogue. They did not
talk on the way. They reached the cellar and Don Pedro showed little Pedro the window. It was covered
with a dark cloth300 so the light would not shine through. Don Pedro went to the synagogue door. He
knocked three times. It opened a bit. He went inside.
Pedro stayed outside. He played with his ball. In his pocket were some small stones. Sometimes a man
went down to the cellar. He knocked three times. "That is another Jew," thought Pedro. "I am watching for
An hour passed. The street was dark. Pedro began to get tired and cold. Suddenly he heard a noise. Some
men were coming near. They stopped and looked around. "I wonder if this is the place," their leader said.
"There's a boy," said another. "Let's ask him."
"Here, boy!" shouted the leader. "Have you seen any men going into any of these cellars tonight?"
"Men?" said Pedro. "I did not see any here. I saw some men walking down the street but they disappeared.
Whom are you looking for, your Excellency?"301
"Never mind,302 boy," answered the man. "If they are not here we will find them somewhere else. Come on,
They started to walk away. Pedro was afraid as he watched them. They were not soldiers. But he was sure
they were enemies of the secret Jews. What should he do? The men reached the corner and looked back at
him. Perhaps they did not believe him. He took the stones from his pocket and threw them against the
window. He heard a voice from the cellar. "Go home, Pedro." He started to walk away. He was afraid to
run. The men were coming closer.
"Where are you going, boy?" shouted someone. It was the leader of the Spanish nobles.303
"I am going home," he answered.
"Where do you live?"
Pedro pointed down the street. "In that house on the corner."
"I think I will come with you," said the man. "I am not sure I believe you."
‫ מרתף‬299
‫ בד כהה‬300
‫ הוד מעלתו‬301
It's not important 302
‫ אצילים‬303
"Very well, your Excellency," said Pedro. "We have never had such a fine304 visitor before. You are
"Do not bother the boy," said one of the other men. "Let us go back to the cellar."
The leader stood still for a minute. "All right," he said. He turned to Pedro. "Go home boy," he ordered. "It
is too late for you to be out playing."
"Thank you, Excellency," said Pedro. He began to run. He looked back. The nobles could not be seen.
They must have gone down into the cellar.
"I hope that father and the other men escaped," thought Pedro. He passed the doorway of a large house.
There was his father hiding in the doorway. "We can go home together. Tell me what happened," said Don
Pedro. Pedro told him about the men.
"You were very brave" said Don Pedro. "You saved our lives. Those were Spanish noblemen.305 Someone
probably told them about the secret synagogue. Now we must find a new place. When the next holiday
comes, we will pray again together. As long as306 there are brave young Jews like you, we will not give up
our religion."
‫ חשוב‬/ ‫ כל כך משובח‬304
nobles = noblemen 305
‫ כל עוד‬306
battle – part of a war
excited – ‫מתרגש‬
granny – grandmother
machine – ‫מכונה‬
public meeting – ‫אסיפה ציבורית‬
engineer - ‫מהנדס‬
fiddlesticks – nonsense
laugh - ‫לצחוק‬
neighbor – person who lives near
Town Hall - ‫עירייה‬
The Battle of Newton Road
This is the story of a road, and a battle. It is the story of Newton Road. Newton Road is in an English town.
Granny Robson lives there. She lives in a small house, but she is happy. She likes her house, and she likes
Newton Road. She likes her neighbors, and her neighbors like her. Newton Road is a happy road.
"We're not rich," the people in Newton Road say. "Rich people don't live in small houses. We have small
houses, but we aren't poor. Our neighbors are our friends, and we're happy. With friends you can't be poor."
Newton Road – a happy road. But this is the story of the battle of Newton Road.
Granny Robson is walking on Newton Road. She sees her neighbors, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs.
Brown is small and fat. Mrs. Johnson is tall and thin. They are talking. "Hello" Granny Robson says. They
say hello to her.
"Are you going to Mr. Morgan's shop?" Mrs. Brown asks.
"Yes, I'm going there now," Granny Robson says.
"Look in the window," Mrs. Johnson says. She is excited. "Go to the shop and look in the window."
"What is it?" Granny Robson asks. "What's happening?"
"Go and see," Mrs. Brown says.
Granny Robson is excited too. What do Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Johnson mean?
Granny Robson goes to Mr. Morgan's shop. It is on the corner. Morgan's Corner Shop it says over the door.
People are looking in the shop window. They are excited.
"Hello," Granny Robson says. "What's happening?"
"What's happening!" the people say. "Look! Look at this!"
Granny Robson looks and sees this:
To the people of Newton Road:
Public Meeting, Saturday, 1st March
10.00 a.m.
Please come to this public meeting.
It is important.
Come to the Town Hall.
This is your meeting, come!
"Public meeting!" Granny Robson says.
"In the Town Hall!" the people say. "An important meeting!"
Mr. Morgan comes to the door of his shop. "Mr. Morgan," Granny Robson says. "What is this public
meeting? What's happening?"
"I don't know, Granny Robson," Mr. Morgan says. "The man from the Town Hall is going to explain."
"Are you going to the public meeting?" Granny Robson asks the people.
"Yes. The man from the Town Hall is going to explain!"
"But what is he going to explain?" Granny Robson says. She isn't very happy. She doesn't like public
meetings. "Public meetings," she says, "mean trouble."
That evening Granny Robson has two visitors, her grandson and her granddaughter. The grandson, Stephen is
fifteen years old. Catherine, the granddaughter, is thirteen years old.
"Hello, Granny," they say.
"Hello, Stephen. Hello, Catherine," Granny Robson says. "Come in."
Granny Robson tells Stephen and Catherine about the pubic meeting. "It's on Saturday," she says.
"Are you going to the public meeting, Granny?" they ask.
"What's happening?"
"I don't know. But come to tea on Sunday. On Sunday I will be able to tell you."
Saturday comes, and the people of Newton Road go to the Town Hall . The man from the Town Hall speaks.
"Good morning," he says. "My name is Wood. I'm a civil engineer."
"A civil what?" Granny Robson says.
"A civil engineer," Mr. Wood says. "Civil engineers make roads and houses."
"Fiddlesticks!"307 Granny Robson says. "Civil engineers make trouble."
"I have good news for you" Mr. Wood says, "very good news. You want new houses, and you can have
"New houses!" the people say. "Wonderful!"
Granny Robson doesn't say "wonderful."
"Are they going to be in Newton Road?" she asks.
"No" Mr. Wood says, "not in Newton Road . But that isn't important. The new houses are important."
Granny Robson looks at Mr. Wood .
"Fiddlesticks!" she says. "New houses aren't important. Friends and neighbors are important. I don't want a
new house. I'm happy in my old house. I'm going to stay in Newton Road."
"Yes, Granny Robson . We're happy in Newton Road too," Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Johnson say.
"And we're going to stay in Newton Road " the people say.
"I'm sorry," Mr. Wood says, "but I'm going to knock down the houses in Newton Road . I’m going to build a
new road there."
"Knock down our houses!" the people say.
"Yes," Mr. Wood says. "I'm sorry. But you're going to be very happy in your new houses."
"Fiddlesticks!" Granny Robson says.
It is Saturday afternoon. The people of Newton Road are in Mr. Morgan's shop. They are meeting there.
"What are we going to do?" they ask.
"We're going to stay here," Granny Robson says. "Mr. Wood can't build a new road here. He can't knock
down our houses. We can knock down Mr. Wood."
The people laugh, but Granny Robson doesn't laugh.
"I mean it," she says. "This is a battle – the battle of Newton Road."
"A battle!" the people say. "Yes – this is a battle."
"And we're going to win," Granny Robson says.
The people are happy. They go to their houses.
"These are good houses," they say. "We're going to stay here. We're going to win the battle of Newton Road
It is Sunday. Stephen and Catherine are visiting their grandmother. Granny Robson says: "You can be my
"Yes, we're going to have a battle." And Granny Robson explains. She tells them of the meeting. She tells
them of the battle.
"The battle of Newton Road !" Stephen says.
"And Granny is the general!" Catherine says.
"Yes, I'm the general," Granny Robson says.
"And we are your soldiers" Stephen and Catherine say.
"Good," Granny Robson says." We're going to win the battle.
"Yes, general," they say to Granny Robson. "We're going to win." They are happy.
But Mr. Wood , the civil engineer, is a general too. On Monday he comes to Newton Road and talks to the
people. He goes to Mrs. Brown's house and talks to her.
"Your house is old, Mrs. Brown," he says. "But you can have a new house. The new houses are clean and
good. Come with me. Come and look at them."
Mrs. Brown goes with Mr. Wood . She sees the new houses.
"Yes they are very nice," she says. "My house in Newton Road isn't very nice!"
"Newton Road is very old," Mr. Wood says. "It isn't a very good road. I'm going to build a new road – and
you can have a new house."
They go back to Newton Road , but Mrs. Brown thinks of the new house.
Mr. Wood says goodbye to Mrs. Brown. He goes to Mrs. Johnson's house and talks to her.
"Good morning, Mrs. Johnson," he says. "You have a nice garden."
"I like a garden," Mrs. Johnson says. "I like flowers."
"It's a very nice garden," Mr. Wood says, "but it's very small. The new houses have big gardens. You can
have a new house and a wonderful garden. Come and see."
Mrs. Johnson goes with Mr. Wood and sees the new houses.
"Yes, they have big gardens," she says. "I like my house in Newton Road, but I want a big garden."
They go back to Newton Road , but Mrs. Johnson thinks of the big garden.
Mr. Wood says goodbye to Mrs. Johnson. He goes to the shop on the corner and talks to Mr. Morgan.
"Good morning, Mr. Morgan," he says. "You have a good shop here."
"Yes, it is a good shop."
"You can have a new shop."
"But I don't want a new shop."
"A shop near the station," Mr. Wood says.
"A shop near the station!" Mr. Morgan says.
"Yes," Mr. Wood says. "Think of it. Think of the people."
"I am thinking of it," Mr. Morgan says. "A new shop, near the station!"
Mr. Wood is happy. He thinks: "I'm winning the battle of Newton Road."
On Tuesday the people of Newton Road meet in Mr. Morgan's shop.
"Mr. Wood isn't a bad man," Mrs. Brown says. "He makes new roads, and he builds new houses. The new
houses are good and clean."
"The new houses have big gardens," Mrs. Johnson says. "In a big garden you can have wonderful flowers."
"He's building a shop near the station," Mr. Morgan says. "Think of it. A shop near the station!"
"Fiddlesticks!" Granny Robson says. "The people in the town want new roads, but I don't want them. I don't
want a new house. I don't want a big garden. I want my friends. You can have a shop near the station, Mr.
Morgan, but can you have a shop near your friends? Think of that."
Granny Robson goes to her house. Her grandson, Stephen, and her granddaughter, Catherine, visit her.
"The people want the new houses," Granny Robson says. "We can't win this battle."
"Yes, we can," Stephen says. "Our friends can help. They can be your soldiers."
Stephen and Catherine talk to their friends. "It's a battle," they say. "Mr. Wood wants to knock down the
houses. Our grandmother wants to stay in Newton Road."
"Yes," their friends say, "we can help. We can be your grandmother's soldiers."
The children go to Granny Robson 's house. "Look, Granny," Stephen says. "Your soldiers are here."
Granny Robson 's neighbors see the children.
"Yes, Granny," the neighbors say, "friends are important. We are your soldiers, too."
April comes and May comes. May goes and June comes. The people stay in Newton Road .
"I can wait," Mr. Wood says.
June goes and July comes. July goes and August comes. Now Mr. Wood isn't very happy. "I can't wait," he
"But we can wait," the people in Newton Road say.
"No," Mr. Wood says. "It's August. I'm going to build the new road. You want a battle. You can have a
"This means trouble," Granny Robson says to Stephen and Catherine.
"Good," Catherine says.
"Good?" Granny says.
"Yes," Catherine says. "It's August. We don't go to school in August. We can come here, and our friends
can come too."
Stephen and Catherine talk to their friends. "Come to Newton Road" they say. "Come to the battle."
Stephen and Catherine talk to the people of Newton Road, too. "We're going to help you," they say. "We're
going to win the battle of Newton Road."
"Yes," Mr. Brown says. "We're going to win."
"Yes," Mrs. Johnson says. "Newton Road is our road."
"Yes," Mr. Morgan says. "We're going to stay here."
On Monday, Mr. Wood comes to Newton Road . His men are with him. The men have yellow machines.
The machines are big. They can knock down houses.
"I'm going to build the new road," Mr. Wood says.
Granny Robson talks to Mr. Wood.
"Fiddlesticks!" she says. "You can't come here with the machines. Look!"
The people of Newton Road are sitting in the road. Stephen and Catherine and their friends are sitting with
Mr. Wood isn't happy. "Wait," he says to his men. Mr. Wood goes to the gas company. He talks to a man
there. He goes to the electric company and talks to a man there. He goes to the water company. "Yes, I can
help you," the man at the water company says.
In the afternoon, Mr. Wood comes to Newton Road . "You can stay here," he says to the people.
"Wonderful," the people say. But Granny Robson waits.
"Yes, you can stay here," Mr. Wood says. But you can't have gas in your houses. You can't have electricity,
and you can't have water. I'm sorry," Mr. Wood says. "But you wanted the battle. I don't want it. Battles
aren't good."
"No gas in our houses!" Mrs. Brown says.
"No electricity!" Mrs. Johnson says.
"No water!" Mr. Morgan says.
"What are we going to do?" they ask Granny Robson .
Granny Robson thinks. "Wait here," she says. "I'm going to telephone." Granny Robson goes to a
telephone. She talks to a newspaper man.
"Yes, my newspaper can help you," the man says.
"Good news," Granny Robson says to Mrs. Brown. "The newspaper is going to help us. But the children can
help too. They have gas and electricity in their houses, and they have water. They can take our food to their
houses and cook it."
"Yes," the children say, "we can cook the food."
The man from the newspaper comes to Newton Road . He talks to Granny Robson. He talks to Mrs. Brown,
Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Morgan. He talks to the children.
"This is a good story," he says. "I can help you."
"Granny Robson is a good general" the people of Newton Road say. "We're winning this battle."
It is Saturday morning. Stephen and Catherine are excited. "Granny – look!" they say.
They have a newspaper. Granny Robson looks at it.
"The Battle of Newton Road," the newspaper says. "Granny Robson and her soldiers, old people and
children in a battle."
"Our photographs are in the newspaper, Granny," Stephen says. "Look, we're famous."
People read the newspaper and come to Newton Road . "You can win the battle of Newton Road " they say
to Granny Robson . "We're going to help you."
People help Granny Robson and her neighbors. Stephen, Catherine, and their friends help them too. They
cook food and come to Newton Road with it. The children and the people of Newton Road sit in front of the
The people in the town talk of the battle. Some people say "Granny Robson and her friends are right.
Friends and neighbors are important. Newton Road is their road. They are going to win the battle."
But some people say "Mr. Wood is right. We want new roads in this town. The old roads are bad. New
roads are very important. Mr. Wood can build a new road. He can give new houses to the people of Newton
Road . He is going to win the battle."
And some people say "Granny Robson is right, but Mr. Wood is right, too. What are they going to do?"
Now it is September. Mr. Wood is in the Town Hall. He has a room there. He is sitting in his room and
thinking of Granny Robson . He thinks of her friends and neighbors. "Yes, she is right. They are important.
I don't want a battle," he thinks.
Granny Robson is sitting in her house. She is thinking, too. She thinks "Mr. Wood is not a bad man. He is
a civil engineer, and civil engineers build roads. New roads are important. The people want new roads. I'm
old. I want friends and neighbors, but I don't want a battle. Battles aren't good."
"It's a big battle," Catherine says to Stephen.
"And Granny can't win it," Stephen says.
"The people are tired. They don't want a battle" says Catherine.
"It's September, we have to go back to school. We can't help Granny. What are we going to do?"
"I have an idea," Catherine says. "Let's go to Town Hall."
" Town Hall! But Mr. Wood is there!"
"Yes, we're going to talk to Mr. Wood," Catherine says. The children go to Town Hall.
Mr. Wood says "Come in." Stephen and Catherine talk to Mr. Wood. Catherine explains her idea.
"Yes, that's a good idea," Mr. Wood says. "I can do that."
"Wonderful!" Catherine says.
In the afternoon Stephen and Catherine go to Newton Road . The people are happy there.
"We have gas in our houses," they say. "We have electricity and water. We're winning the battle."
"What's happening? What is Mr. Wood doing?" Granny Robson asks.
"He isn't a bad man" Catherine says. "He doesn't want a battle."
"He's coming to visit Newton Road . Stephen says. "He wants a public meeting."
"A public meeting ?" Granny Robson asks.
"Yes, but not in Town Hall. In Mr. Morgan's shop."
Stephen and Catherine go to Mr. Morgan's shop.
"Yes, we can have the public meeting here," Mr. Morgan says. "We can have the public meeting on
Saturday." He writes on a paper:
"Public meeting, Saturday at 10 o'clock, in this shop." He puts the paper in his shop window.
It is Saturday. The people of Newton Road go to Mr. Morgan's shop. Mr. Wood comes.
"People of Newton Road , you are right. Friends and neighbors are important. You want your friends, and
you can have them. I don't want a battle."
"What's he saying?" thinks Granny Robson . "Can we stay in Newton Road ?"
"You can have your friends and your neighbors too. We are building new houses in a new road. The road
has a shop on the corner. Mr. Morgan can have the shop, and you can have the houses. You can stay with
your friends. It can be your road."
"Our road?" the people say.
"Robson road!" Mr. Wood says.
"Robson road! Yes, good idea!" the people say.
"Fiddlesticks!" says Granny Robson, "It isn't a good idea."
"But nice clean houses are a good idea" Mrs. Brown says.
"And big gardens are a nice idea," Mrs. Johnson says.
"And we can stay with our friends" Mr. Morgan says.
"Yes, I know," Granny Robson says. "But 'Robson Road' isn't a good idea. We can stay with our friends in
Newton Road . The new Newton Road ."
Mr. Wood smiles. "All right," he says. "It can be the new Newton Road."
The people of Newton Road smile. "The new Newton Road" they say. "Good idea!"
Newton Road – the new Newton Road – is a happy road. Granny Robson lives there. Mrs. Brown and Mrs.
Johnson live there. Mr. Morgan has a shop on the corner. The people are happy. They have new houses,
but they have their old friends and neighbors.
They meet in the road and in Mr. Morgan's shop and they talk.
"My new house is clean and good," Mrs. Brown says.
"I have a big garden with wonderful flowers," Mrs. Johnson says.
"I have my corner shop," Mr. Morgan says.
"I have my friends and neighbors," Granny Robson says.
Stephen and Catherine visit their grandmother.
Mr. Wood visits Granny Robson too. He is their friend now.
"Your new house is good," Mr. Wood says.
"Fiddlesticks!" Granny Robson says. "It isn't good."
"My new road is good" Mr. Wood says.
"Fiddlesticks!" Granny Robson says. "It isn't good."
Stephen and Catherine laugh.
"What's this?" Granny Robson asks
"It's going to be a new battle," Stephen says.
"A new battle of Newton Road ," Catherine says.
"A new battle?" Granny Robson thinks for a minute. "No," she says, and laughs, "Battles are not good.
"Fiddlesticks to battles!"308
"Fiddlesticks to battles!" Mr. Wood says, and he laughs too.
battles are nonsense = it's not good to fight
‫אותו‪ ,‬לו‪him-‬‬
‫בית (כמושג מופשט)‪home-‬‬
‫בית (מבנה פיזי)‪house-‬‬
‫כמה‪-‬מילת תואר‪,how +‬איך‪how-‬‬
‫הינו‪ ,‬הוא‪is-‬‬
‫זה‪it's-it is-‬‬
‫מילת שייכות (של חפץ)‪9. its-‬‬
‫זה (חפץ דומם)‪it-‬‬
‫סוג‪ ,‬נחמד‪kind-‬‬
‫אדמה‪ ,‬לנחות‪land-‬‬
‫יותר מאוחר‪later-‬‬
‫שמאל‪ ,‬עזב‪left-‬‬
‫מכתבים ‪,‬אותיות‪letters-‬‬
‫לאפשר‪10. let-‬‬
‫כמו‪ ,‬לאהוב‪like-‬‬
‫קטן‪ ,‬קצת‪little-‬‬
‫להסתכל‪ ,‬מראה‪look-‬‬
‫ייתכן ש‪ ,‬בקשת רשות‪may-‬‬
‫מתכוון ל ‪,‬פירוש הדבר‪11. means-‬‬
‫אותי‪ ,‬לי‪me-‬‬
‫אולי‪ ,‬עוצמה‪might-‬‬
‫מייל (‪1.62‬קילומטר)‪mile-‬‬
‫לפספס‪ ,‬להתגעגע‪miss-‬‬
‫הכי הרבה‪most-‬‬
‫להזיז‪ ,‬להעביר‪move-‬‬
‫קרוב‪12. near-‬‬
‫אף פעם‪never-‬‬
‫שינוי‪ ,‬עודף‪change-‬‬
‫יכול היה‪ ,‬האם תוכל?‪could-‬‬
‫אל תעשה‪don't-do not-‬‬
‫למטה‪5. down-‬‬
‫לעשות‪ ,‬האם תוכל (מילת שאלה)‪do-‬‬
‫כל אחד מ‪each-‬‬
‫אדמה‪ ,‬כדור הארץ‪earth-‬‬
‫סוף‪ ,‬לסיים‪end-‬‬
‫אפילו‪ ,‬בשווה‪even-‬‬
‫כל אחד מ‪every-‬‬
‫אבא‪6. father-‬‬
‫מעט‪ ,‬כמה‪few-‬‬
‫הבא‪ ,‬עוקב‪following-‬‬
‫ל‪ ,‬בשביל‪for-‬‬
‫קיבל‪7. got-‬‬
‫מצויין‪ ,‬אדיר‪great-‬‬
‫היה לי‪ ,‬לך‪ ,‬לו‪had-‬‬
‫יש לו‪ ,‬לה‪has-‬‬
‫יש לי‪ ,‬לנו‪ ,‬להם‪ ,‬לך‪have-‬‬
‫עזרה‪ ,‬לעזור‪help-‬‬
‫הוא‪8. he-‬‬
‫לפני שם עצם יחיד ללא ה הידיעה ‪1. a-‬‬
‫המתחיל בעיצור‬
‫בערך ‪,‬אודות‪ ,‬בקשר ל‪about-‬‬
‫יחד עם‪ ,‬במהלך‪along-‬‬
‫חיות‪2. animals-‬‬
‫עוד‪ ,‬בנוסף ל‪another-‬‬
‫כל שהוא‪any-‬‬
‫לפני שם עצם יחיד ללא ה הידיעה ‪an-‬‬
‫המתחילה בתנועה‬
‫הינם‪ ,‬הננו‪are-‬‬
‫מילת השוואה‪ ,‬כמו (זה כמו זה)‪as-‬‬
‫רחוק מ‪away-‬‬
‫אחורה‪ ,‬בחזרה‪ ,‬גב‪back-‬‬
‫התחיל‪3. began-‬‬
‫ילד‪ ,‬בן זכר‪boy-‬‬
‫על ידי‪by-‬‬
‫קרא‪ ,‬התקשר‪called-‬‬
‫לסחוב‪ ,‬להחזיק‪4. carry-‬‬
‫עבודה‪ ,‬לעבוד‪work-‬‬
‫יהיה יכול‪would-‬‬
‫מדינה‪ ,‬מצב‪state-‬‬
‫עדיין‪ ,‬לא זז‪still-‬‬
‫כגון‪ ,‬כמו‪,such as-‬כל כך‪such-‬‬
‫השוואה (יותר מ‪ ,‬פחות מ)‪than-‬‬
‫ש‪17. that-‬‬
‫אותם‪ ,‬להם‪them-‬‬
‫שם‪ ,‬ישנם‪there-‬‬
‫נגמר‪ ,‬עובר דרך‪through-‬‬
‫זמן‪18. time-‬‬
‫גם‪ ,‬יותר מדיי (כשצמוד לתואר)‪too-‬‬
‫עד ש‪until-‬‬
‫אותנו‪ ,‬לנו‪us-‬‬
‫ללכת‪19. walk-‬‬
‫היה‪ ,‬היתה‪ ,‬הייתי‪was-‬‬
‫להסתכל‪ ,‬שעון‪watch-‬‬
‫טוב‪ ,‬ובכן‪ ,‬באר‪well-‬‬
‫הלך‪ ,‬עבר של ‪went- go‬‬
‫היו ‪,‬היינו‪ ,‬הייתם‪were-‬‬
‫מתי‪ ,‬מתי ש‪when-‬‬
‫ש‪ ,‬איזה?‪which-‬‬
‫בזמן ש‪while-‬‬
‫לבן‪20. white-‬‬
‫לשון עתיד‪will-‬‬
‫לא (שלילה של משהו)‪not-‬‬
‫כבוי‪ ,‬מחוץ ל‪off-‬‬
‫לעיתים קרובות‪often-‬‬
‫ישן‪ ,‬מבוגר‪old-‬‬
‫פעם אחת‪once-‬‬
‫אחד‪13. one-‬‬
‫שלי בעצמי ‪,‬להיות בעלים על‪own-‬‬
‫מקום‪14. place-‬‬
‫צמח‪ ,‬לשתול‪plant-‬‬
‫נקודה‪ ,‬להצביע‪point-‬‬
‫נכון‪ ,‬ימין‪right-‬‬
‫לרוץ‪ ,‬להריץ‪run-‬‬
‫אותו דבר‪same-‬‬
‫בית ספר‪school-‬‬
‫ים‪15. sea-‬‬
‫שני‪ ,‬שנייה‪second-‬‬
‫היה נדמה ש‪seemed-‬‬
‫סט ‪,‬לערוך‪ ,‬שמש שוקעת‪set-‬‬
‫ראוי ש‪should-‬‬
‫חלק מ‪ ,‬כמה‪some-‬‬
‫בקרוב‪16. soon-‬‬
‫רעש‪ ,‬נשמע‪sound-‬‬
‫אז‪ ,‬לכן‪so-‬‬