Drift-Diffusion model The drift-diffusion model is a fundamental concept in the field of semiconductor physics, semiconductor devices and simulation in electronics, and drift-diffusion models are a powerful tool for simulating the electrical behavior of semiconductor devices. 1. Derivation of the System of Equations: The derivation includes transport equations from semiconductor physics including carrier motion, diffusion coefficient, electric field to model carrier flow under an electric field and carrier diffusion due to concentration gradients. 1.1. Derivation of the carrier transport equations The popular drift-diffusion current equations can be easily derived from the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE). The Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) is a more fundamental equation that describes the behavior of electrons in a semiconductor material. It takes into account the effects of electric fields, diffusion, and scattering on the electron distribution function, which is the probability of finding an electron with a given energy. The BTE can be expressed as: With the use of a relaxation time approximation, the Boltzmann transport equation may be written: (1) The general definition of current density may be written: (2) Where the integral on the right-hand side represents the first moment of the distribution function. This definition of current can be related to (1) after multiplying both sides by v and integrating over v. From the left-hand side, we get: (3) The equilibrium distribution function is symmetric in v, and its integral is zero. Therefore, we have from (1) (4) Integrating by parts we have (5) and we can write (6) where is 〈𝜈 2 〉 the average of the square of the velocity defined as (7) The drift-diffusion equations are derived introducing the mobility 𝑘 𝑇 µ = ∗ and replacing 〈𝜈 2 〉 with its average equilibrium value 𝐵∗ , 𝑒𝜏 𝑚 therefore neglecting thermal effects. The diffusion coefficient 𝐷 = 𝑚 µ𝑘𝐵 𝑇𝑜 𝑒 (Einstein’s relation) is also introduced, and the resulting drift-diffusion current is: (8) (9) where q is used to indicate the absolute value of the electronic charge. Although no direct assumptions on the non-equilibrium distribution function f (v, x) was made in the derivation of (8) and (9), in effect, the choice of equilibrium (thermal) velocity means that the driftdiffusion equations are only valid for very small perturbations of the equilibrium state (low fields). The validity of the drift-diffusion equations is empirically extended by introducing field-dependent mobility µ(E) and diffusion coefficient D(E), obtained from empirical models or detailed calculations. 1.2. Poisson’s equation We begin with two of Maxwell's equations relevant to electrostatics: Gauss's law for electricity: ∇·E=ρ/ε (10) where: E is the electric field vector ρ is the charge density ε is the permittivity of the material Faraday's law of induction (for static fields): ∇×E=0 (10) This equation implies that the electric field is conservative, meaning it can be derived from a scalar potential function, denoted by Φ: E = -∇Φ (11) Combining the Equations: Substituting the expression for E from Faraday's law into Gauss's law, we get: ∇·(-∇Φ) = ρ / ε (12) Expanding the gradient operator, we obtain: -∇²Φ = ρ / ε (13) This is the Laplacian equation, which relates the potential function to the charge density. Poisson's Equation with Material Properties: The permittivity of a semiconductor material is usually not constant and depends on various factors like temperature and doping concentration. To account for this, we can introduce the relative permittivity, ε_r, defined as: εr = ε/ε0 where ε0 is the permittivity of free space. (14) Substituting this into the Laplacian equation, we get: -∇²Φ = ρ / (εr * ε0) (15) This is the Poisson equation in its most common form used for semiconductor materials. It explicitly incorporates the relative permittivity, enabling a more accurate description of the electric field distribution for a given charge density. 1.3. Continuity equations (16) (17) 2. Physical Limitations on Numerical Drift-Diffusion Schemes: The continuity equations are the conservation laws for the charge carriers, which may be easily derived taking the zeroth moment of the time dependent BTE. A numerical scheme which solves the continuity equations should 1. Conserve the total charge inside the device, as well as that entering and leaving. 2. Respect the local positive definite nature of carrier density. Negative density is 3. unphysical. 4. Respect monotonicity of the solution (i.e. it should not introduce spurious space oscillations). Conservative schemes are usually achieved by subdivision of the computational domain into patches (boxes) surrounding the mesh points. The currents are then defined on the boundaries of these elements, thus enforcing conservation (the current exiting one element side is exactly equal to the current entering the neighboring element through the side in common). For example, on a uniform 2-D grid with mesh size ∆, the electron continuity equation could be discretized in an explicit form as follows (18) This simple approach has certainly practical limitations, but is sufficient to exemplify the idea behind the conservative scheme. With the present convention for positive and negative components, it is easy to see that in the absence of generation-recombination terms, the only contributions to the overall device current arise from the contacts. Remember that, since electrons have negative charge, the particle flux is opposite to the current flux. The actual determination of the current densities appearing in (18) will be discussed later. When the equations are discretized, using finite differences for instance, there are limitations on the choice of mesh size and time step: 1. The mesh size ∆x is limited by the Debye length. 2. The time step is limited by the dielectric relaxation time. A mesh size must be smaller than the Debye length (19) where N is the doping. In GaAs and Si, at room temperature the Debye length is approximately 400 ˚A when N ≈ 1016 cm−3 and decreases to about only 50 ˚A when N ≈ 1018 cm−3. The dielectric relaxation time may be estimated using (20) To see the importance of respecting the limitations related to the dielectric relaxation time, imagine to have a space fluctuation of carrier concentration which is going to relax to equilibrium with a law (21) A finite difference discretization of this equation gives at the firsttime step (22) Clearly, if ∆t > tdr, the value of ∆n(∆t) is negative, which means that the actual concentration is evaluated to be less than the equilibrium value, and it is easy to see that the solution at higher time steps will decay oscillating between positive and negative values of ∆n. An excessively large ∆t may lead, therefore, to nonphysical results. In the case of high mobility, the dielectric relaxation time can be very small. For instance, a sample of GaAs with a mobility of 6, 000 cm2/V-s and doping 1018 cm-3 has approximately tdr ≈ 10-15 s, and in a simulation the time step ∆t should be chosen to be considerably smaller. 3. Numerical methods for solving the Equations Direct numerical methods for device simulation have been limited by the complexity of the equation, which in the complete 3-D timedependent form requires seven independent variables for time, space and momentum. To-date, most semiconductor applications have been based on stochastic solution methods (Monte Carlo), by which a possible history of a single particle is stochastitally simulated. When simulation is carried on for a sufficient time, the history of the particle is a correct representation of the unknown function. 1.4. Newton’s Method Newton’s method is a coupled procedure which solves the equations simultaneously, through a generalization of the NewtonRaphson method for determining the roots of an equation. For example (23) Starting from an initial guess Vo, no, and po, the corrections V, ∆n, and ∆p are calculated from the Jacobian system (24) which is obtained by Taylor expansion. The solutions are then updated according to the scheme (25) where k indicates the iteration number. In practice, a relaxation approach is also applied to avoid excessive variations of the solutions at each iteration step. The system (25) has 3 equations for each mesh point on the grid. On the other hand, convergence is usually fast for the Newton method, provided that the initial condition is reasonably close to the solution, and is in the neighborhood where the solution is unique. There are several viable approaches to alleviate the computational requirements of the Newton’s method. In the Newton-Richardson approach, the Jacobian matrix is updated only when the norm of the error does not decrease according to a preset criterion. In general, the Jacobian matrix is not symmetric positive definite, and fairly expensive solvers are necessary. Iterative schemes have been proposed to solve each step of Newton’s method by reformulating (25) as (25) Since the matrix on the left-hand side is lower triangular, one may solve decoupling into three systems of equations solved in sequence. (26) and the result is used in the next block of equations (27) Similarly, for the third block (28) 1.5. Scharfetter-Gummel approximation To discretize continuity equations, determining currents at midpoints of mesh lines is crucial. Solutions are available only at grid nodes, requiring interpolation for current determination. For consistency with Poisson's equation, linear potential variation between neighboring nodes is assumed, resulting in a constant field along mesh lines. Mid-point fields are obtained using centered finite differences. Estimating carrier density at mid-points involves assuming linear variation through the arithmetic average between neighboring nodes. This approach is accurate for small potential variations and exact when the field between nodes is zero, indicating identical carrier density at both points. In order to illustrate this, let’s consider a 1-D mesh where we want to discretize the electron current (29) and its finite centered-difference approximation (30) In the simple approach indicated above, the carrier density ni+1/2 is expressed as (31) In the Scharfetter and Gummel quasi-variational approach the current in the interval [xi; xi+1] is expressed as a truncated expansion about the value at the mid-point xi+½ (32) From (32) we obtain a first order differential equation for Jn which can be solved to provide n(x) in the mesh interval, using as boundary conditions the values of carrier density ni and ni+1. We obtain (33) where g(x, φ ) is the growth function (34) The result in (33) can be used to evaluate n (xi+1/2) for the discretization of the current in (30). It is easy to see that only when Ψ (i + i) - Ψ (i) = 0 we have (35) The continuity equation can be easily discretized on rectangular uniform and nonuniform meshes using the above results for the currents, because the mesh lines are aligned exactly. 4. Generation and recombination: 4.1. The Shockly-Reed-Hall model. The Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) model is a mathematical model that describes the generation and recombination of charge carriers (electrons and holes) in semiconductors. It is based on the assumption that recombination occurs through a two-step process involving a trap level. In the SRH model, a trap level is an energy level in the band gap of a semiconductor material that is located between the conduction band and the valence band. When an electron from the conduction band falls into a trap level, it leaves behind a hole in the valence band. This process is called electron capture. The electron can then either remain in the trap level or be released back into the conduction band. If the electron is released back into the conduction band, it becomes a free electron again. This process is called electron emission. Recombination occurs when an electron from the conduction band falls into a hole in the valence band. This process is called radiative recombination if the energy released is emitted as a photon of light. If the energy is not emitted as light, then it is instead transferred to the lattice of the semiconductor material, which causes the material to heat up. This process is called non-radiative recombination. The Shockley-Reed-Hall model is very often used for the generation-recombination term due to trap levels (36) where Et is the trap energy level involved and τn and τp are the electron and hole lifetimes. Surface rates may be included with a similar formula, in which the lifetimes are substituted by s 1/sn,p where sn,p is the surface recombination velocity. 4.2. Auger recombination The Auger recombination may be accounted for by using the formula (37) where Cn and Cp are appropriate constants. The Auger effect is for instance very relevant in the modeling of highly doped emitter regions in bipolar transistors. The generation process due to impact ionization can be included using the field-dependent rate (38) 5. Time-dependent simulation The time-dependent form of drift-diffusion equations is versatile for both steady-state and transient simulations. Steady-state analysis involves evolving the numerical system from an initial guess until a stationary solution is reached within tolerance limits. While rarely used due to the availability of robust steady-state simulators, it is beginner-friendly for simple applications. Explicit schemes in steady-state analysis avoid matrix solutions but often require extremely small timesteps for stability. Simulating transients necessitates a physically meaningful initial condition, obtainable from a steady-state calculation. Time-dependent numerical approaches are suitable, but careful consideration of boundary conditions is crucial due to displacement current during transients. Neglecting displacement current in a transient simulation implies ideal voltage generators, leading to the shortest switching times. In practical scenarios with external loads and parasitics, switching times may be longer. Neglecting displacement current effects in simulation can be useful for assessing the ultimate speed limits of a device structure. When dealing with unipolar devices, as often used in many microwave applications, it is possible to formulate very simple timedependent drift-diffusion models, which can be solved with straightforward finite difference techniques and are suitable for small student projects. If we can neglect the generation-recombination effects, the 1-D unipolar drift-diffusion model is reduced to the following system of equations (41) (42) The system (41) and (42) can be used for both transient or steady state conditions if the simulation is run ∂n / ∂t = 0. A basic simple algorithm might consist of the following steps 1. Guess the carrier distribution n(x). 2. Solve Poisson’s equation to obtain the field distribution. 3. Compute one iteration of the discretized continuity equation with time step ∆t. v(E) and D(E) are updated according to the local field value. 4. Check for convergence. If convergence is obtained, stop. Otherwise, go back to step (2) A simple discretization scheme could employ an explicit finite difference approach (43) (44) There are of course many other possible explicit and implicit discretizations. Such simple finite difference approaches are in general a compromise which cannot provide at one time an optimal treatment of both advective and diffusive components. Because of spatially varying drift velocity, spurious diffusion and dispersion are present. This could be mitigated by using a nonuniform grid discretization, where the mesh size is locally adapted to achieve vd = ∆x/∆t everywhere, which would involve interpolation to the new grid-points. The discretization for a diffusive process is better behaved with a fully implicit scheme. On the other hand, the fully implicit algorithm for advection is not conservative. From these conflicting requirements, it emerges that it would be beneficial to split the drift and diffusion processes, and apply an optimal solution procedure to each. In analogy with this, the 1-D continuity equation can be solved in two steps, for instance (45) where again a simple explicit upwinding scheme is used for the drift, while a fully implicit scheme is used for the diffusion. 6. The drift-diffusion model in low electric fields Drift refers to the movement of charge carriers under the influence of an electric field. The force exerted on a charge carrier by an electric field is given by the equation: F = qE The drift velocity of a charge carrier is the velocity it acquires due to the electric field. It is given by the equation: vd = μE where: μ is the mobility of the charge carrier The mobility of a charge carrier is a measure of its ability to move in an electric field. It is a material-dependent property that is typically measured in cm²/V·s. Diffusion refers to the movement of charge carriers from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This is caused by the random thermal motion of the charge carriers. The diffusion flux of a charge carrier is given by the equation: Jd = -D∇n or Jd = -D∇p where: • Jd is the diffusion current density • n is the concentration of electrons • p is the concentration of holes • D is the diffusion coefficient of the charge carrier 4.3. Low Electric Field Approximation In the low electric field approximation, the electric field is assumed to be small enough that the mobility of the charge carriers is independent of the electric field. This means that the mobility can be approximated as a constant. Under this approximation, the drift-diffusion equations can be simplified to: • Continuity equation: ∂n/∂t + ∇·(μn∗nE) = 0 or ∂p/∂t + ∇·(μp∗pE) = 0 • Poisson's equation: ∇·E = (n + p)/ε where: These simplified equations are often used to analyze the performance of semiconductor devices, such as diodes and transistors. 7. The drift-diffusion model in high electric fields. When the electric field becomes high enough, the mobility of the charge carriers can no longer be assumed to be constant. This is because the electric field can cause the scattering mechanisms that determine carrier mobility to become saturated. As a result, the drift velocity of the charge carriers begins to saturate, and the diffusion coefficients can also decrease. To account for these effects, the drift-diffusion equations need to be modified. One common approach is to use the Scharfetter-Gummel discretization scheme, which is a numerical method that can accurately capture the behavior of charge carriers in the presence of strong electric fields. In addition to mobility saturation, other effects need to be considered at high electric fields. These include: • Impact ionization: This occurs when an energetic charge carrier collides with a lattice atom and knocks off an electron, creating an electron-hole pair. • Recombination: This occurs when an electron and a hole collide and annihilate each other, releasing energy in the form of phonons or light. • Trapping: This occurs when a charge carrier is temporarily trapped in a lattice defect. This can reduce the mobility of the charge carrier and affect the current flow. The combination of these effects can make it difficult to accurately model charge transport in semiconductors at high electric fields. However, there are a number of advanced numerical techniques that can be used to overcome these challenges. Here are the updated equations for the high electric field case: Continuity equation for electrons: ∂n/∂t + ∇·(μn∗nE) = -Gn + Rn where: • Gn is the generation rate of electrons • Rn is the recombination rate of electrons Continuity equation for holes: ∂n/∂t + ∇·(μp∗nE) = -Gp + Rp where: • Gp is the generation rate of holes • Rp is the recombination rate of holes Poisson's equation: ∇·E = (qn + qp - q)/ε where: • E is the electric field • qn is the charge density of electrons • qp is the charge density of holes • q is the charge of the electron • ε is the permittivity of the semiconductor