emmit, their to fyle agcuist for Dalt case uhich ws wohe Gqanlli urele ouHlascjan dhat eartuaake wae Gandhian Mouencrnts (Earby Phase) 1419- chanpasan Salyngaha (Mams) slacke Jo 18- Ahmeda bacl Mcl 191Y- khecda Salygraha 1411- Roulat SaByagaha Jalliammala Bogh A-Paelinas) (Main) lasaere Punjab Bo ongs Chanpanan Sabyngaha CNoth Bdhas) }Leades? chanpasan ef denanded e peasanls Bfial] & Metihai Type Name Sudigo, |afpseseut Aatae Nethods of cellivakon from freedon fron nuaking dye fors ecl us acrop planles (wosil Guepeans) wese Bd 4he "Au du Hthe itout coupeualion. pla ufer andl peesonfs le past hol wace coutrac de uele'ch the Mebilikafin Natue f Mouenment " Dufcome feance digo Sn goow to hed fonmer knon as kashia Ton ketha ef his Lanel I34742# (apprex) e kaha iystem 1 asd Loses firaeial be<u "he peasack facel to : due seil ef ferlliy hfteeal age by Genuaus in lgay uouc a. Mhe inweutiov ceman Ldas-l, he shae prte b- Althoug dusing k)osdd eys lidnot plamt e but cintTe aseol wulh pealavts aeielke ualue iw indigo cep ivnited Mk q subla Raikumas Loeal fteasa leaces Prasadl Rajendtra Naran uho oeu! aleng uia siha Auugraha Bikaai Da D2 Mauara Macla-l- HaA Nashari Parchh Nlahoolev peseu JB Krplai mef Peasauts chauupasal. detail Aluy nisoted uillages &aleents heeoreed theia n neues done e pad. fles,s2ores indgo Sstitufional gro to uot fasers " Gandlei adis oel thethe to emoun oin peacefal, |MemorY and appealed -to Leváted andl inqury an enstihule to Gout the appbaled alo He seleeeaud tkally iui was Jhe Geu eheleaders; ould weet peasanti efraieng Gandi & wotnael kd &uotae keep hen to llages wi ageist Social fglt peasantto ed He alo appealuchakilhy iyo tuils uke Auko inguiny a cotttufed "Ulunel ex fnLssuse,Hhe Goud ae a cenission in wlie Mebe Gandi'was elo Outerpart XI Vered nit. their capa SnauirY Conision Aeonwended that jorce eaxt choice peasanti wee fsee to Saygaka chanparan iwstelled toufo ence anong peasanti on Gqandh ueich et non-uiolence stugale bas ed on touth & kleeda eend also cspi'r eol ke peateunt pealett Basdeli CGqujnat) loder eslablisl eis helped chaipasan u s ad spertay Sudians of echis a ancl qendlileadesip peasauli fasted tustug Gandi Stoike 1q1s - Aledabod Nilokersdaaaytg Mee textile will uo of Aledabad ef demeneded: a) CouteLaticn e< Plaque howoues scusel Juelians who oee also adued induslsialisis & poblenes e hearc! theiy uoskes, eman but Gandi mef 4he uosk He cages b} 4uke iu eftke, stop fime 6t unfel . peuceful. RDOsKers Juousands uelich was 4t onenet & efrnatehe death" onfo fast go.on to deided Gandli Git) es, uLoRes, deinand presec "Jo Tsupport faa wLorkens Lwmecla publie altei letrin Dn to mes Igus mat don and t iudushialute unde cempiom agrecd to Case to which Teeoneneled uorks by aint so). deuanded a fibunal Ccowpao uuse) voages(higlherfadhose dayi) Gandhi achei ed the industial uoskes to ceept Kheda Seygeala qujrat aleuanded (tax ou paoduee heuenue land from erenpicu CMplel su Gyurod, t wos calleed Malquai Su Sa Ceubal Sndia, d oai called Logaau Mauuyan Pesicd Cupla Pesicd Tecday lax autlon, - due to CDpfeuilAL afes Seuse dought bt Lounec Gqurai langugakon emo the visct to Yagjuik Sudulal & & Pakel "Gandlu depufed - B peasant of slalementi he TeoTd uillages ef kheda pesante el aclia situafio he asesiug Gandbi afles uot to pay xlasto the cffials te weB gvoup of peasaile cuppealed to hem to remoun iteol & ferm and And loy cousuiig stop & wnouehabila prachse wniy f & situaion the ed Acalit when "he Gow peasants .e eiseula was iseel to tex offeala wicl, Blaleel land heueue slupuld be eollecled ouly foo 4lose peasaul who we iw posn to pay Ganli aoliteel te peasands to accept Gov oToles 1919 Raulat Act Satyngreha aqaud TOBagh Massacre (lantesies) was passed ef Rruolat cousouessial nhe du ealy 1914,he assestedl toc could ndes eici any suelian aupieeus ground oYeaus 4eelition euen on wfo rial. rrsial - Aay Sudian Suspicccu reund Byse wo shial 9e seditsn IPC- 1248 : chek tee ue cpposed sape peldicas dndian naticnalil ef all also qenesally buf wwas tie lao iplemmenteel iw Peace tine MehanusadAl:Jnnalh Aesiguad cel. e agaiut protest Su eidablshed Gaudlli 3t Mk coneil .he iupuial frem canmn peeple to obilixe Salle & SalyqzahaSasna Dhesma wtasted wkng St was a slondaxd fraye veligious (All Sabla na Pradl l19 Apsil 6h on stike Sndia A o acal Aueces fal shike fo couteuporay e sfke was led by Aled Do Mukkhdas Asaf Ali Saifudlalin hitebhle Punyab. Hue stoike was led by DrDr saqepal Malik e huusitsas asebleol asuee Bagh to portesl end Satpal woihes cTood. uostly aual wee eelebrating Bisak a haest festial CReligious 4Politiea) cluled Geneal Dyre in eharge cr Kao& Osdes in itsas nded sus40 toDp. witlhlis aleg enue seached ttae e on waueig o fre to oesed 4he ouly gatt, uslich le ren clila (wnoceu cmod wnsty woen & ODO Nkaough in offieial veerd io00. than uore to dealh ef the eleath tol ouly B74 w os inejire the to Connission tenter ndes Geut appceulel incidend. aoid to woueniend e e! Gandlli deeiel edl to cal! qthes bloodsled . & lis tean Drre Gpneal fscteefed "Jue Gouf howeues Sotfree buf also wee praçed by who no culy gef eatfser Housc eldes-twember ef uppes ttouse as ac as boaue ael toards atsacted askon fanous publie& usedl tuedell ple, coumeu peo allDcities w coufuuedl jrab Psaisedl Pyolecfed Achutned ie wick u actinurhes. weyeuth kuck Many melhod inhuuaue iu 4hem uniiated youth, esfed as%ecks, seuerol w euly the td, Gov Not pusnishedt Nef inposanelmasAcTe funieust prolesleutut kilte Y?( was Tagone a and Gpvesmeut e Sulia Act 19L Mantague - chelansford Reform Poovisions /clautee Siguefeanze/A Cntique @Backgrrund / lisunaBan ees Seuesal of Ww-I (4),Sndiaus faeecl sndiau saldieas, iau sale afel iufloatio ucreaseol taatou and eutauent utlicl cTealed uukes! tapped by lone Rule Neague Moumeu & tucknow Pacl ubuty due Gouf had pronised cone to baing ouat hetonal && wJ)-I situation alto yeass l0 cuey aftes 0fos a 'rupo nsi ble eslablish to paric to Gout Cenipelle4 Gouenent'. O sn di tackqrrund, Mendaque (seeaiesy ef slele, sudid ancd chehasfoxdl Copuetnos Genesal) suggesteol Bone L9K wich was evacted by Bnitste sefo Pasiany eut as Gor Act l9 . pouineu he is ed cutarclue lee uould ORiachy at ou e tuoosueed be would ugAlaue Bicanmea! alio &ikh lo gueun lee would CD Sep asale elecforak eoclol also get Riglt to Cast Vele SOme suppleedey uahoy bugel & he size el ucalelectoale unld loe nercased. n dhe Papiees (al thalt e o' dlual Gov al time o tuo tlauseooens (A-B 9 wee tuf) indpendne - Up-cP " B- M pNOP Assane - Peugal Before Goueuor Odisha: Bihas Uuited . Cerfeal Gouernor PoDuiuee Exeuhe Cenil Exeutiue Cewnerl CNouinatn, (reteuecl Aubject Przuinte Bobay- Madras Minislesd| CElecded) Runjab- Siud Noothwesf (trangfee subiect) Proufier Uuion isf, Prouineeal Pouiue lisf Resed Subiecte Ciuanee Poliee Soigakon luion lif Pauoes.. ele thanfened Subjelt Healh Educaton local &elf Gout dhcluay. befene Poreigu Bicamenal o ad ceure Upper House I: Counel efslates tower ouse 2 is Membes l04 eleeferl Nounafef 36 Nouinated Eleled 3 Ten ws- byears