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Taino vs. Kalinago Political Systems: A Comparison

The Political contrast Describe four ways in which the political organization of the Taino was different from the political organization of the Kalinagos. The political organization of the Tainos were different from The Kalinagos. According to Hamilton-Willie there had been a great contrast with the way in which The Tainos did things unlike The Kalinagos. 1.Firstly, the Tainos’ leader was called a Cacique, he was the ruler of each province and village. The Tainos respected their Caciques, listened and complied with rules given to each of them. Now, the Kalinagos leader/chief was called an Ubutu. He was the commander in chief, unlike the Tainos, the Kalinagos disliked taking orders. The Kalinagos had very few law law governing them, as the political system was not structured as that of the Tainos
2.Secondly, the Cacique was given the role of leader through a hereditary position as the position was passed from father to son. The Caciques were called wise and old by each Taino. The kalinagos leader, the Ubutus’ title was chosen through war. Contrastive with the Tainos, the Kalinagos had to go to battle and the bravest had to show that he was a strong soldier and to show that he could hold bodily injuries without showing pain.
3.Thirdly, the Tainos sub-chief was called a Mitayno, they kept gatherings and was responsible for festivities. The Tiubutili , the Kalinagos sub-chief only kept gatherings relating to war.
4.Lastly, the Cacique was assisted in decision making by a council of nobles/mitaynos. He/She consulted with them before making important decisions. Whereas with the Kalinagos, in times of peace all women and men were equal and when an important decision was to be made, they all got together in the carbet to make a decision. 