, = 10Jl" 27l" 21r =-=1Orr OJ 0 0 0 r(t + r,) = Sin[10ir(t + , itr )) , = Sin(IO� -0JP ))= sin(l �m) cos(21r) + cos(l0m)sin(2n") = s;�(1om) :. x(t) = x(, + rJ . X(t) is periodic· . x(t)=!OSin�-30) - � • � Prove that x (t) is periodic ,X: 6 i1r X(t + T0 = 1 OSin[l 0.1l"(t + )- 30] ) · l01r = lOSin[lOm + 21r - 30] = I0Sin(I0m-30) = X(t) :. X(t + To)= X(t) :. X(t) is periodic IX(t�=V ° 0 =phase.,5hift =30 r· The sum of N periodic continuous time signals is not necessarily periodic. It is periodic with period T iff the following condition is satisfied� i.e. F = Rational function =ratio of integers , 2 �; � N "he period of the sum signals is given by: I . .•. . 11 2,r l w1ere: T = peno . d of t he sum s1gna 1 =6 {JJ 0 • I ' 1; = period of the first signal in the sum signal . 1P 1: = period of the i signal in the SU(Jl. 11 . . . . . . T =· the ieast co1�·1mo � multiple (l.c.m) of the denomfoator of � 1 gnal . 1 = fundamental frequency of the sum si ·.· fo __ - T l in3t X(t) = trSinO. 6t - 3Cos1. St + 1S 0 EX : For c Find the fundamental frequen y Th� su� of two or mor� Sinusoi�s �ay _or �ay not be p�riodic, depending on the relationships between therr respective penods or frequencies. If the ratio of their periods can be expressed as a rational ,or their frequencies; commensurable , if they have a common measure , that is there is w a number contained in each an integer number of times Thus w is.the largest such number, tt1i= n 1 W & W2 =n 2 W . , where: , n 1. and n2 are integers O 0 0 0 I = fundamental frequency = l ' / 0 To 2,r w 0 =To ·: r. = -1 , f1 1 and r, = · , -.,· f2 , n2 ' . , . n,f. f, =. -Ti = -· :, - = -· =rahona l munber. 0 T,1. f1 11Jo nl The sum of two signals is periodic iff : ;:T. =w 2 =-n,w = n2 - = rational number . n1 W" 11 1 W1 72 :. T1 11 1 = 1;n 2 = r,, = period of the sum of two 0 signals · \ sin� 1 u y b . r n al . . · • Y ou can determme the fundamental frequen�y Of. thesuins1gt corn 01on. . . egre•a faII h t \' na great common d1v1so ig s · m u r of the elements of the s . sion o . · · i v . i d a s 1 t tI iviswn ( G .C.D.) is defined as the largest number tlrn . frequencies of the su1n sig·n�il . I FOR EXAMPLE , 1. ., X(t) = Sin2t + Sin2m, is x(t) periodic ? <J&·zn) have no G.C.D � noL_�r0B 2. X(t) = nSinW-3Cosl3t + l lSi@ , is x(t) periodic? J 1.5 0.6 flx_QJ fix- /'f / :.G.C.D.(9 =iU,. 15x0.1 30x0.1 5x0.3 ?I0x0.3 :. X(t) is period_ ic !'\ 2n ·2,r :\...Li==-sec o w ,, OJ' , &:. =��� ,.,__ _ c_ yo _ _f_t-he_s_u_m_s_ign, - -a-l x-(-t)....,l _ n 'i r:===- fundanieirta_l_fr_�_ue The phasor signals (in time domain): The sinosoidal signal is given by: x(t) = A cos ( cot ± 0 � { e.. '\J r OR �> x(t)=Asin(cQ±) ,,. where: A= peak value of x(t) , maximum value of x(t) or magnitude of x(t) co = frequency in rad / sec. 8 = phase shift in rad. e;:._� 0 Eulers theorem states that the complex exponential ej can be written as Im follows: e O = cos e + j sin e �os0:d�w j sine �"a = Im [ ej e ) o cos e Re A e1 ° = A cos 0 + j A sin 0 A eJ "'1 = cos O)t t j sin rot where : j = ✓ -1 , j 2 = -1 . j we see that ei "'1 js a complex - valued function with real part cos rot and Imaginary part sin rot . If we plot e1 'J) on a complex plane then t is a variable parameter and co is constant then l' will rotate around a unit circle, where: as shown in fig. ( ). 1 11 ) f CX) P (30) - Evaluate f e - a, �� e-at � 2 • 2 6(t - to)dt t • J 8 ( t - (O)dt = CX) '\ i t e- a( +l�> -� i � L. . 8 ( t)dt d [e -a(t+l0) -.�- - 2 .. · dt ] d ( e - a(t +20tt100) _ -·- ) �0 dt 2 · d[ =--e - dt -at 1 e -20a.t e -l00a. ) t-o = _ e -I00a i.[ -at -20at . . . . e . e • . I t=o 2 ==_ dt .'' . , I te �at f-lOOa l e- OOa = - 2at [ e J -111 � u ( t- lO)dt .'. e . _,,, 2 • =- e-lOOa d -e dt (-20a.e -lOat j + e -�·oat (-2a.e -at )l = I = 20ae - at\-20at ( t= lO Or·: J x(t)'5(t- t,)dt = - ; (to) CJ') l . . ut 1 I 1=10 I - = 20ae -20a. _ 2� _ t)J t=0 -IOOa l 10 - t O -1000 / a1 == _ [ -2at e� .] 1=1 0 == 2oae-1001l 1 =IO = 20a.e-•ooo Q .., "so( J p (31) - Evaluate [ . t) + e-(l-1) . j So(t)dt == 5 ....., & ....., .., .., J 6(t)dt e- ,2 • o( t )] l=O dt =5 -<O · J Cos51tt6(t)dt & . 6( t) + Cos5mo( t) + = Cqs. 21tt I 1=0 = Cos 9 = I -<O -<O =5+e+l+0=6+e P (33) - Sketch the following signals , and determine whether the sigm power or energy or. neither . I�- x (t) = A Sin t �� \Jo ) --"-' �? < t < ? b)-x t =A tJ(t+A)-u(t-A)] c)-x(t)=c·• 111 d) - X t = ll (t) e) - x ( t) = t u(t) .1 4X 11,>0 4 a>O