Nepal Terai Bidyarthi Navajagaran Sangh Pulchowk Campus Rules for the MATH HUNT Each team will consist of 2 members. 2. Each team will be given two papers. 3. One paper will contain a map of Pulchowk Campus with each building or place marked by a number. 4. The second paper will include 5 basic or level 1 questions with empty boxes along the side. 5. Upon solving a level 1 question, participants will receive a hint for the location of the corresponding level 2 question. 6. Participants must then run to find the corresponding level 2 question using the map. 7. After solving the level 2 question, they should fill the corresponding box with the answer to the level 2 question. 8. For example, if they find x = 5 for the first level 1 question, they should go to building number 5 on the map to locate the first level 2 question and solve it. 9. After solving all 5 questions, the team should submit their paper. 10. The team that submits first with the maximum number of correct answers will be declared the winner of the game, or in other words, THE MATH HUNTER. 1. 1