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0.2 Stitch and Psyduck Races - The Homebrewery

Hemmings are bluish-purple koala-like people. Though
they have no uniform temperament, some have a
reputation for mischief.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and
Constitution Ability scores increase by 1.
Alternatively, or when you gain a level, you may
change this to increase two different ability scores
by 1 or one ability score by 2.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and one other language of your choice.
Age. Hemmings grow rapidly and mature within
days of birth, but live about as long as humans.
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. You are also
considered a Monstrosity for any prerequisite or
effect that requires you to be a Monstrosity.
Size. Most Hemmings are Small, but you may also be
Speed. You have a 35 foot walking speed. You also
have burrowing and climbing speeds equal to your
walking speed. You can burrow through granite and
anything less hard, and your claws enable you to
climb smooth penetrable surfaces.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray.
Proficiencies. You have proficiency in Vehicles (Air)
and Vehicles (Water), or alternatively, you may
replace one or both with a language, simple weapon
or tool proficiency of your choice. If firearms are
available in your game, you may replace one of these
with proficiency in firearms.
Nobody Gets Left Behind Or Forgotten. Select up to 6
other willing creatures you can touch. You can’t
forget each other and you always know where they
are, except by the equivalent of a wish spell. Their
souls can’t be destroyed, restrained or forcefully sent
to another plane while you live. If you or one of the
affected creatures use a 5th level spell slot to cast
revivify, or by any means cast raise dead or
reincarnate on another affected creature, you don’t
need the corpse. A copy of the body is created, and
the caster has a year from the time of death to cast it.
Monstrous Form. As a Bonus Action, you can assume
a monstrous form, which lasts for one minute. While
in your monstrous form, you can add a d4 to all
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability checks
and saving throws you make. In addition, you gain
the ability to cast cause fear without a spell slot, or at
2nd or higher levels with spell slots you have of the
required levels. Your spellcasting ability is any
Ability of your choice other than Constitution.
You may assume a monstrous form once, and regain
this ability at the end of a long or short rest.
Art: Aradesh, DALLE-2. Author: Pond#3981 on Discord.
This document contains Wizards of the Coast product fan content as permitted under the fan content policy. Portions of
materials used here are property of and copyright Wizards of the Coast LLC, which has not approved or endorsed this content.
Webleys are stout, short yellowish people that resemble
both ducks and platypus. They are commonly, but
incorrectly, perceived to be absent-minded.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2. Alternatively, or when you gain a
level, you may change this to increase two different
ability scores by 1 or one other ability score by 2.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and one other language of your choice.
Age. Webleys live about as long as humans, but
whether they ever mature is a mystery. They hatch
just the way they are, but they don’t truly seem
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. You are also
considered a Monstrosity for any prerequisite or
effect that requires you to be a Monstrosity.
Size. Most Webleys are Small, but you may also be
Speed. You have a 30 foot walking speed and 40 foot
swimming speed.
Held Breath. You can hold your breath for up to an
Psionic Spellcasting. You know either mage hand or
message. At 3rd level you learn either dissonant
whispers or detect thoughts; and at 5th, levitate or hold
person. Your spellcasting ability is any Ability of
your choice other than Constitution. You may cast
these levelled spells once each without a spell slot,
and regain all such ability at the end of a long rest.
You may also cast them with any spell slots you
have. When you gain a level you may change your
choices of spells granted by this feature.
Headache Revenge. When you take damage, you gain
one Headache Point. You may use your Bonus Action
to add your Headache Points to either all your attack
rolls until the end of your turn or all your DCs until
the end of your turn. When you use this ability or roll
initiative, your Headache Points reset to 0.
Best Friends. At the end of a long or short rest, you
may select one creature you can touch. You can cast
warding bond on this creature at will until you select
another creature.
This document contains Wizards of the Coast product fan content as permitted under the fan content policy. Portions of
materials used here are property of and copyright Wizards of the Coast LLC, which has not approved or endorsed this content.